Country Wisdom

The Problem with Guilt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000020S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:05 - Yes, stay right there.
00:08 Stay right there I will be right back.
00:13 Hey, welcome, everybody to A Talking Donkey International
00:16 in our new television series "Country Wisdom."
00:19 - Let's set the tone for this new series of ours,
00:22 it's found in Proverbs 4.
00:24 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:27 "and your gaze be straight before you.
00:30 "Ponder the path of your feet and then all your ways
00:34 "will be sure."
00:36 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom."
00:38 (gentle music)
00:48 - I have to tell you, Jim, I love your garden.
00:50 This is so impressive, at least to me.
00:53 I mean, our garden is maybe a 10th the size
00:57 and I was impressed with it.
00:59 Steve doesn't let me up there very often
01:01 because I have a black thumb.
01:04 - He does the green at all.
01:05 - Yeah, in fact, you probably shouldn't let me
01:06 out here very long or things will just start wilting.
01:09 But you have done a great job.
01:12 - You know, Janice, I'm gonna tell you
01:13 it isn't me, it's God.
01:15 Because seriously, you know, I don't do anything
01:19 that a lot of gardeners do but I mean,
01:21 God brings the sunshine, He brings the rain,
01:24 you know, the water, even the fertilizer from the animals,
01:28 you know, in a roundabout way he brings,
01:29 He created it all.
01:31 - [Janice] Hadn't thought about it that way.
01:32 - Yeah, and when I get out here in the garden,
01:35 I get so excited thinking about God created all this,
01:39 all the different, I mean,
01:41 the different things are phenomenal, you know, from squash
01:44 to beans to Jerusalem-- - You obviously like squash.
01:48 I don't know that many varieties even grew.
01:51 - I got a little carried away because my wife planted
01:54 a lot of different starts and so I had them all I use them.
02:00 But you know, I think about right there in the beginning,
02:03 God created everything.
02:04 In a matter of fact, can I read you something?
02:06 - Sure.
02:07 - Headed here I think in Genesis 1,
02:09 very beginning of the Bible.
02:11 Nothing before that inspires the word for us.
02:13 Matter of fact, I think about, you know,
02:16 you've got the first two chapters tell us where we were,
02:19 the last two chapters tell us where we're gonna be
02:22 and everything in between tells us how to get back there.
02:25 Because there was a problem and interesting problem.
02:29 See, God created all this beauty.
02:32 Each day He did He'd say, it's good.
02:34 It's good, and He got down to the bottom
02:36 and He said he is very good.
02:38 And not just good from the hand of the Creator,
02:40 but very good.
02:43 Then He takes this garden that He's created and this world
02:47 and then He puts in verse eight of chapter two,
02:49 "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden,
02:52 "and there he put a man."
02:54 He created a special man.
02:58 Right back in the start, God said,
02:59 let us make man in our image after our likeness.
03:03 So the God had all three the Father, the Son, Holy Spirit,
03:06 God together, talked this all out and then decided
03:09 what it would take to represent them,
03:10 a very special creation, a very special being,
03:14 but He put man in the garden and He said,
03:17 is not good the man should be alone.
03:19 - Oh, it still isn't,
03:20 - Still isn't, still I can guarantee is still isn't.
03:23 And He caused asleep to fall upon man
03:26 and while he was asleep, He took a rib from his side
03:29 to create a woman not from his head, not from the foot
03:33 to be under the foot, but from the side,
03:35 they were to be helpmates together.
03:37 And that's what it took to represent God
03:40 as a man and a woman.
03:42 Each a man and a woman have their own very special traits.
03:46 You and I do a marriage program too,
03:50 man is not like a woman, a woman is not like a man,
03:52 regardless of what people say today.
03:54 - No, in fact, often have said to you things
03:57 I'll be talking about something I'll go,
03:59 well, I don't know, maybe it's different for you
04:00 being a guy but women, you know, tend this way
04:05 because I understand women.
04:09 I don't understand men so much but I know that together
04:13 we're whole lot healthier than apart.
04:17 - Yeah.
04:18 I think about the various names of God in the Bible.
04:20 And you got, you know, the Mighty God,
04:23 the Everlasting Father.
04:24 And then you've got to Jesus He calls,
04:26 oh how often I would have gathered you
04:29 as a mother hen gathers her chicks.
04:31 There He is El Shaddai, the Mighty breasted one
04:34 who would take all of the little chicks
04:36 under his wings in great protection.
04:38 That's a woman, that's a woman, the others, the man.
04:42 You know, and people today the devil wants to destroy
04:45 all of it, he wants to totally annihilate the semblance
04:49 of what God was really planning; husband and wife,
04:52 man and woman, the home, all of that.
04:55 - He wants to twist and destroy every good gift
04:58 God has given us.
05:00 - And He saw this garden, he got totally mad, totally upset,
05:03 and he comes down, he possesses basically
05:06 the most beautiful serpent in the garden at that time,
05:09 apparently it flew up on a tree.
05:11 - I have to tell you the thought of flying snakes.
05:14 - But this was a beautiful one.
05:16 And on top of that talked in human voice, and it began--
05:19 - [Janice] That would get your attention.
05:21 - Yeah, well, you bet.
05:22 It begins wandering in the garden,
05:23 that day she's taking care of something
05:25 but she forgets a couple of things.
05:27 One, God said, don't leave the side of your mate
05:30 and she just kind of inadvertently wandered away.
05:33 And when she realized that, she should have run back
05:35 and gotten together because there was what
05:37 with that partnership. - Strength in numbers
05:39 - Strength in that partnership, yeah.
05:41 And so anyway, she's wandering out there
05:44 and she sees the tree of knowledge of good and evil
05:47 in the midst of this beautiful garden.
05:49 And that should have been another key because God said,
05:52 don't go over that tree, don't mess around that tree.
05:55 - They were not supposed to go near.
05:56 - Here's this beautiful voice and pretty soon,
05:59 we don't have time to go into the whole story
06:00 but basically, the devil tricked her.
06:02 She ate of the fruit because the devil is no, no,
06:06 God's wrong, you won't really die.
06:08 And she runs back to Adam, she takes that fruit
06:10 back to Adam too, and Adam, well, he falls,
06:15 he accepts the fruit too, and leads the entire human race
06:18 into a whole new situation.
06:20 And what can I say?
06:23 They felt guilty.
06:25 Now, what does guilt do?
06:26 What does it look like?
06:29 - Well, they went and hid from God, the next time He came.
06:32 They used to look forward to it,
06:33 used to like when you have company coming
06:35 that you haven't seen in a while, and you love these people,
06:39 you don't even stay inside, you go and run out to greet them
06:42 in the driveway.
06:44 - Yeah.
06:45 - They heard, saw God, and they went the other way.
06:48 And all that it changed was them.
06:50 - They had spent so much time with God,
06:52 we don't know how long, could have been, you know,
06:54 maybe who knows years. - It doesn't say.
06:56 - Spent that time with God but yet they ran away from Him
06:59 the second they heard Him this time
07:00 because they felt guilty.
07:02 Guilt creates fear.
07:05 And the devil loves fear because he can operate with fear,
07:08 he can twist you inside now with that fear and that guilt.
07:12 And you know, the sad situation about all this is,
07:16 is they continue to blame God, God it's all your fault, God.
07:21 And well, I've got a little note
07:24 I wanted to talk to you about to here.
07:27 It says, after sin, of course, they ran and hid
07:30 and they blamed God.
07:31 Then after sin, weed showed up in the garden.
07:35 - Everything changed. - Everything changed
07:37 after sin, they began fighting, had family fights,
07:41 after sin, brother killed brother,
07:45 after sin as time went on, they lived for almost 900 years
07:49 so they had a little time to think about all this
07:51 but I can imagine they continued to watch and see
07:54 the actions that they had caused.
07:57 In matter of fact, in the very beginning,
08:00 the first leaf that fell from the tree that died,
08:03 that probably caused Adam more guilt
08:08 than anything you can imagine
08:09 because they never seen anything like that happen.
08:11 - And they knew it was their fault.
08:13 - Knew it was their fault.
08:14 And then can you imagine when son killed son.
08:17 I can't even begin to imagine those conversations
08:20 between husband and wife.
08:21 Even though God had come in to save them
08:24 and gave a whole plan of salvation,
08:28 it was still gonna be some heavy burden upon them you know.
08:32 It's just, I don't know, they just felt absolute guilt.
08:37 - And guilt ruins everything.
08:38 - Guilt ruins everything, yeah.
08:41 Hi, I'm Jim Ayer.
08:42 My good friend Terry Cantrell and I
08:44 have traveled the world together
08:45 filming from Egypt to Zanzibar, from Costa Rica to Brazil,
08:49 India and beyond.
08:51 For years, we've captured stories
08:52 that uplift the God of heaven,
08:54 stories that touch and change lives.
08:56 Now on a new adventure and you're invited,
08:59 we started Talking Donkey International.
09:01 Talking Donkey as a media ministry dedicated
09:04 to sharing Jesus Christ in a unique and powerful way,
09:08 out of the ordinary, just like a talking donkey.
09:11 Like us, I'm guessing you're tired
09:13 of the same old cookie cutter programs
09:15 that line the Christian airwaves.
09:17 The gospel is exciting, it's time to jump out of the mold
09:21 and let the donkey talk.
09:22 When that happens, people will pay attention.
09:25 It's way out of the ordinary and we're inviting you
09:27 to become a part of this exciting
09:29 and innovative outreach to the world.
09:31 People are tired of watching the same old thing,
09:34 become a financial partner with us today and together,
09:37 we will change Christian TV for ever.
09:40 Give the donkey a voice.
09:42 (birds singing)
09:46 - Are we there yet?
09:49 - A little bit to, we can take a break up here for a second.
09:51 - I'm going to need it.
09:54 - You're getting tired.
09:56 - This pack, with every step is getting heavier.
09:58 I swear every 100 feet, it gains 10 pounds.
10:01 - What would you put in it?
10:02 - I don't know food,
10:05 I can't go anywhere without snacks, water.
10:09 - Well, that shouldn't be that heavy, yeah.
10:11 - You should feel this thing though.
10:14 Or at least feel what it feels like on your shoulders.
10:18 - Oh, what are you having that thing?
10:21 - I told you some food and water.
10:26 - Mine is totally light though.
10:29 - Well, you can check it if you want
10:30 but I know I only put in what I needed.
10:34 - You can have a seat, I will help you down.
10:36 - I can do it.
10:38 - Your own hips and your old knees.
10:40 - Oh, who's talking?
10:43 - Yeah, well, yeah, I am but I've just got to see
10:46 what's in this backpack but since it's yours,
10:48 I'm gonna let you deal with it.
10:51 - You can look through,
10:52 I'm just happy to be sitting for once.
10:54 - Just dig out, I wanna see what's in this bag.
10:57 - There.
10:58 - Rocks, seriously?
11:02 - I did not put these in, you did this.
11:04 - No, no, no, no, no.
11:05 - Why would I pack rocks?
11:08 - Wasn't me, you know.
11:09 - Some of them are so big.
11:12 - Really, it's kind of like, you do that I thought,
11:16 that's a perfect illustration of the way the devil is.
11:19 You know, the devil takes sin in our lives,
11:21 he drops that guilt in, just one rock at a time,
11:26 one piece at a time and we never think about it.
11:30 Because it usually is so small.
11:32 I mean, yeah, you got some big ones in there,
11:34 you got some big sins, don't you?
11:36 - We're not getting into that.
11:38 But you know, it reminds me back in the day
11:41 when I used to do a whole lot more camping and backpacking,
11:45 Steve and I had gone on a trip
11:47 with my brother and sister-in- law.
11:50 And we had Collin, our oldest, and he was maybe two,
11:56 he had to been less than three because Lauren
11:57 hadn't been born yet.
11:59 And Collin was adorable.
12:01 Oh, he was the most, you're talking this blond,
12:04 blue eyed Gerber baby toddler.
12:07 And I remember he had this little corduroy Oshkosh jacket,
12:12 and it had a hood on it.
12:14 Well, we're going down this trail
12:16 and the hood is of course hanging down his back.
12:20 My brother kept picking up little rocks
12:22 and slipping them into that hood.
12:26 Well, Collin, you know, as we go on,
12:28 he's not noticing it 'cause you don't notice a little rock.
12:32 One of those big ones, he would have noticed,
12:35 you know, would have knocked him backwards.
12:38 But by the end of that trail,
12:39 that poor kid is trying to stay upright
12:43 and practically staggering and I felt so guilty
12:46 because I was laughing, which was bad.
12:49 But it reminds me of so often, it's not some huge thing
12:56 that we've done that is just weighing on our minds,
12:58 it's a buildup, it's a little nagging sin that grows
13:04 and pretty soon you don't realize
13:07 how much weight you're carrying.
13:08 Just like, - That weight is called guilt.
13:10 - Yeah, Collin didn't realize how much weight
13:12 he was carrying because it came on very slowly.
13:15 It would be nice if you know, God just hit you upside
13:19 the head with a rock, you'd notice that.
13:22 Satan just weighs us down slowly
13:25 and we don't realize what's happening sometimes.
13:28 If you don't get rid of those little sins,
13:30 while they're still pebbles,
13:32 you end up with the boulder in your backpack
13:35 that's really holding you down.
13:37 - That's such a good example.
13:39 I think of my dad, my dad did not speak to his sister
13:43 for 20 years because she'd done something
13:46 and that was it, he just cut her off.
13:49 And I thought, how could you even do that,
13:51 you know, to a family member but boy, that's the way,
13:53 you know, you do my dad wrong and that was it.
13:58 My dad became a Christian, he accepted the Lord
14:01 later in life like 75 years old.
14:04 And every once in a while I'd mention something to him dad,
14:09 you should call your sister.
14:13 - Did he feel guilty about the fact he'd cut her off?
14:15 - He would never say a word.
14:17 One day my mom calls said, your dad called his sister
14:24 and it was so cool that I finally said dad,
14:27 I understand you called Aunt Margret.
14:31 Yeah, I did.
14:32 So how do you feel, dad?
14:33 He said, really good.
14:36 You know, that's what sin does, that's what the guilt does,
14:38 it weighs you down.
14:39 He'd had that with him for 20 years
14:41 and it changed his whole life.
14:43 - Carrying a boulder around
14:44 that he didn't need to be carrying.
14:46 - Yeah, exactly, a huge boulder.
14:49 - It changes us.
14:50 We might think we're punishing someone in fact,
14:53 but it's not, it's punishing us.
14:55 We talked about Adam and Eve in the garden
14:58 and what changed that one evening when God came to visit,
15:01 they had always looked forward to it,
15:03 this time they're hiding.
15:05 The change was in their own heads.
15:07 That's why guilt separates us from God
15:10 because now we're afraid, now we're running from Him.
15:13 We're trying to hide, we're trying to cover up.
15:16 And once you finally admit, here's what I did,
15:21 you know, then there's no more,
15:23 nothing between you and God anymore.
15:25 - That's right.
15:27 You know, I thought we were alone on this mountain
15:28 but there's hackers all over the place.
15:29 I've got to see what's in my pack.
15:31 - Oh, yeah, you're making fun of--
15:33 - Well because certainly, you know--
15:34 - Here's another one.
15:36 - Rocks all over the place.
15:38 Well, this was kind of, you know,
15:40 I thought you were the only one--
15:41 - All right,
15:42 now the truth is out. - That guilt and sin.
15:43 Right, but man, oh, man, oh, man, this horrible.
15:50 But, you know, really, that's an example too
15:52 because every single one of us,
15:54 there isn't anybody that's immune from it, even Christians.
15:57 You know, as Christians, we can hang on to the tiniest thing
16:01 I mean, you could almost say that Adam and Eve
16:04 in the garden, you know, they were kind of Christians,
16:06 they knew Jesus, right?
16:08 - Obviously. - They spent time
16:09 communicating with Him in the garden but all of a sudden,
16:12 when the devil comes in and starts dropping
16:14 that guilt on them, they hid from God,
16:18 I can't even imagine that, you know, you hide from God
16:19 but that's what all that sin does.
16:22 - I just thought when I was a girl,
16:24 I shared a bedroom with my sister.
16:26 And I may have been the kind of sister
16:28 who occasionally got in her sister's closet,
16:31 you know, maybe that's just a girl thing
16:33 but Bonnie always had better clothes,
16:36 I got the hand me downs, right?
16:38 And there was one time where I was just trying something on
16:42 when she wasn't home and I snagged it.
16:47 Now, it was very small but of course,
16:50 my sister was the sort who someday was gonna notice it.
16:53 But I put it back.
16:55 Now, it might have been weeks before she went
16:58 to get that particular sweater out,
17:01 but I knew the snag was there
17:04 and it changed my attitude toward her.
17:07 Every time Bonnie was around, I was kind of on edge
17:09 like has she found it.
17:11 - She hadn't changed. - She was oblivious.
17:12 - She hadn't changed. - She had no idea
17:13 that there was a little snag on that sweater.
17:15 She maybe wouldn't have even noticed it later
17:18 or would have thought, oh my goodness, I snagged my sweater.
17:21 I might have been able to get away with it.
17:23 But it was eating away in me and changing my attitude
17:27 so that when she came in, there was that fear.
17:31 I understand how Adam and Eve felt
17:34 when they heard God's voice because it was the guilt.
17:38 There was nothing on her end.
17:39 If she walked in a room and said, hey, Janice,
17:42 I was just like, what, what, no what did I do?
17:44 You know, because I knew I had done something.
17:48 And she probably would have been shocked.
17:50 And you know, I don't honestly remember
17:52 if I ever confessed it or not, maybe that's why
17:55 the Lord just brought it to my head.
17:56 - And the devil uses a magnifying glass.
17:58 - Oh, yeah, some little thing grows and grows and grows.
18:02 Like, you can stick a little pebble in this backpack
18:05 and it wouldn't have bothered me.
18:07 But they grow because if you don't take care of sin
18:13 by handing it over to God, it just gets worse and worse.
18:15 - I got something my pack that actually somebody say,
18:18 well, that's heavy, but no, it actually lightens the load.
18:23 It lightens the load, you know, Word of God.
18:25 God can come in and take all that garbage in your life,
18:28 take all that guilt and get rid of it.
18:32 That's what Jesus does. - And oh,
18:33 don't you feel lighter like your dad.
18:35 Once he had made that phone call
18:37 which probably loomed so large in his own head.
18:41 He might have been worried she's gonna hate me now.
18:44 - Yeah.
18:45 - I'm sure Adam and Eve thought
18:46 God hated them at that point, that He was the one
18:50 who didn't wanna talk to them, didn't wanna to see them.
18:53 I've had people who've said, oh,
18:56 you don't know what I've done, I've done too much,
18:57 I can't even talk to God.
18:59 God, you know, wouldn't want anything to do with me.
19:03 And the opposite is true, He's just waiting for you
19:07 to turn around and say, can you help me with this?
19:12 - Yeah.
19:14 - Jeremiah 17:9, tells us that our hearts
19:18 are hopelessly deceitful and sick.
19:21 We're all in desperate need of a heart transplant.
19:25 The good news is that a new heart is available,
19:28 free of charge with no waiting list.
19:31 You can have it here and now simply for the asking.
19:35 This little pamphlet, "A Gift for You,"
19:38 is our free gift to you about God's free gift to all of us,
19:44 the gift of a new heart.
19:45 Go to
19:48 and request Offer Number 125, "A Gift for You."
19:56 - Unfortunately unlike the garden of Eden,
19:58 in our gardens today, we got weeds, big weeds.
20:01 I mean, this is one of the small weeds,
20:03 I've got some in here that I can't even pull out
20:05 because they'll actually pull the plant out with it.
20:07 - The roots have gotten too deep.
20:09 - Roots have gotten too big, too deep, yeah.
20:11 But God gave us those weeds, right?
20:15 - Well, you know, I hadn't thought about it
20:17 until you were mentioning that.
20:19 But God actually had a blessing in that,
20:23 they had to work harder.
20:25 And I know people think of that as a curse
20:27 and if you're out here in the hot sun and you're sweating
20:30 and you have weeds that are weeding that day,
20:33 it does feel like a curse.
20:35 But having to work a little harder,
20:39 it's actually good for us in a lot of ways.
20:41 It kept them out of more trouble.
20:43 - You remember what the saying is today?
20:45 Idleness is the devil's workshop.
20:47 - Oh, yeah, the same grandmother I did.
20:49 (both laughing)
20:51 She loved saying that.
20:52 Anytime she caught me on the couch with a book,
20:55 which was fairly often, she would find something
20:57 for me to do.
20:58 - But the devil knows it's true, don't he?
21:01 - In fact, if you want more evidence about idleness
21:05 is not what God intended for us
21:06 and that it leads to bad things,
21:10 the moment the lockdown hit--
21:12 - For the pandemic.
21:14 - Right. - Yeah.
21:15 - And all of a sudden you had more people idle
21:18 than ever before, and what's been the result?
21:24 If you look at, as it progressed, rise in suicide rates
21:29 because it's messing with people's emotions,
21:32 rise in domestic violence.
21:34 There were women mostly but people who are now trapped
21:39 with an abusive spouse,
21:43 children who are trapped with an abuser, no place to turn.
21:46 - In matter of fact, I heard a stat that there are 25% less
21:50 reports of abuse of children.
21:52 Why is that?
21:54 They're not going to school and schools
21:55 are normally the place that reports it.
21:56 So much more is going unnoticed.
21:59 - Because nobody's, you know, nobody's around to see.
22:02 And more anger, alcohol, oh, the rise in alcoholism
22:07 and drug abuse has just skyrocketed as well.
22:10 Because people can't deal with that kind of thing,
22:13 with enforced idleness.
22:15 It happens to people who lose their jobs,
22:18 even if it's not their fault, you know,
22:19 their company down sized, it just completely throws you.
22:22 - I just was thinking, here's the big thing, the devil says,
22:25 you're not worthwhile, you're worth nothing.
22:27 You know, you're sitting there, you're idle,
22:29 you don't have your job, you don't have whatever he says,
22:31 you're not worth anything.
22:33 You may as well just go ahead and end it,
22:34 you may as well bury your sorrows.
22:36 - And we reap the results.
22:38 But all of that leads to even more guilt
22:41 because then you hate yourself even more.
22:44 And getting rid of guilt, facing it, turning it over to God,
22:50 well, let me read you something
22:51 if you wanna know. - That's a big key.
22:53 That's a big key, turn it over to God.
22:55 - A lot of people don't even like admitting guilt.
23:00 You probably never read an interview with a celebrity
23:04 but I've heard people say, well, yeah, you know,
23:08 I was in and out of rehab and I have 14, you know,
23:12 broken relationships behind me.
23:13 But you know, I don't regret any of it
23:15 'because it made me who I am, it made me stronger.
23:18 I think he might as well say I do it all again
23:20 and I don't care who I hurt because I like where it got me.
23:24 - You leave a trail of sorrow behind you.
23:26 - It's still not dealing with that guilt the way David did.
23:30 And when he had, here he wrote,
23:34 "How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven,
23:37 "whose sin is covered.
23:39 "How blessed is the man to whom the Lord
23:41 "does not impute in iniquity, and in whose spirit
23:45 "there is no deceit.
23:47 "When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away
23:52 "through my groaning all day long.
23:55 "For day and night, your hand was heavy upon me.
23:59 "My vitality was drained away as the fever heat of summer."
24:04 But when he acknowledged his sin,
24:07 and he didn't hide his iniquity, he says,
24:10 "I will confess my transgression to the Lord."
24:13 - You can just feel-- - That heaviness.
24:15 - Flourishing through this as he confesses the murderer,
24:19 the adulterer, the one who killed maybe even a friend,
24:23 all of these things, you can just feel how
24:25 it's all lifting off of him.
24:26 - In spite of the fact he still had consequences,
24:30 he didn't feel that weight.
24:32 He felt better, he was free.
24:34 - Yeah, amen.
24:40 - You know, we can't take any kind of comfort and think,
24:44 well, compared to David, you know,
24:45 I've never murdered anyone, I haven't lied to that extent,
24:50 I haven't committed adultery, but we all are guilty
24:55 because even the little tiniest sin, it harbors, you know,
25:01 it finds a place in your heart, in your psyche,
25:03 it starts separating you from people that you love
25:06 because you're hiding that
25:09 and it starts getting heavier and heavier.
25:11 And God wants to be able to take that away
25:14 just like he took David's guilt away.
25:16 - You know, I have got good news for you.
25:17 And you already know this news, Romans 5:8,
25:21 "But God demonstrated His own love toward us,
25:24 "in that while we were yet sinners, He died for us."
25:28 He died for us.
25:30 - He didn't wait until we had cleaned up our guilt
25:31 and confessed everything and fixed everything ourselves.
25:35 - Yeah, He didn't wait for King David
25:39 to get the act together and then come to him
25:41 and said, you're forgiven.
25:42 He came to him first that hey, you got to clean up
25:45 your act here, I'll help you do it.
25:47 - And he did. - Yeah, here's another one.
25:49 Psalms 103:12, "As far as the east is from the west,
25:56 "so far has He removed our transgressions from us."
25:59 That's where David, when you read that text in Psalms,
26:02 that's where David could get that feeling of, oh,
26:05 it feels so good. - The weight off of him.
26:07 - Yeah.
26:08 When Janine and I, when we gave our lives to God,
26:11 I can remember flushing stuff down the toilet,
26:14 I thought, you know, flushing the drugs down the toilet.
26:17 And it was like this huge weight was lifted off of me,
26:19 a weight that I wasn't even aware I had.
26:22 - Until you got rid of it.
26:23 - Until I got rid of it, util God got rid of it really.
26:28 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins,
26:32 "He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins
26:36 "and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
26:39 Now, you know I've experienced that,
26:41 you've experienced that, what I wonder folks,
26:46 have you experienced it?
26:47 Have you experience that change that comes into your life
26:50 when you allow God to cleanse you
26:52 and wash you with his blood, to take care of the guilt
26:55 and the sin that plagues you because as Janice just said,
27:00 sin is in every one of us, the guilt is in every one of us.
27:04 But when we accept God, when we allow Him to change us,
27:08 well, you talk about a change.
27:11 Right, they're serious changes.
27:13 - Oh, yes, you're not the same.
27:15 Once you unload that backpack full of rocks
27:18 that you've been carrying around,
27:21 you're free to do other things.
27:23 - Good analogy, perfect analogy, folks.
27:25 Take the backpack off.
27:27 Experience God and what He'll do in your life.
27:30 Believe me, it is life changing, it's exciting
27:33 and like King David, you can begin rejoicing
27:36 for what God is doing in your life.
27:38 Try it, I mean, we're in terrible times, horrible times,
27:41 they might get worse.
27:42 They probably will according to Scripture,
27:45 but God will be with you, He'll take care of you.
27:47 Whatever is going on in your life.
27:50 Give Him a try it today.
27:52 (gentle music)
27:56 Hey, thanks for joining us for "Country Wisdom."
27:58 - See you next time.
28:00 (gentle music)


Revised 2021-05-24