Country Wisdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000023S

00:00 (calm music)
00:13 - Hey, welcome everybody to Talking Donkey International
00:16 and our new television series, Country Wisdom.
00:18 - Lets' set the tone for this new series of ours.
00:22 It's found in Proverbs four.
00:24 Let your eyes look directly forward
00:27 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:30 Ponder the path of your feet
00:33 and then all your ways will be sure.
00:36 - Join us now for Country Wisdom.
00:43 - I love people's stories.
00:44 I think it was why I was an English major,
00:46 so I could read stories and Taylor's is
00:50 one of the most interesting ones that I've heard.
00:53 I love the way that God was with him every step,
00:57 even though he didn't see God,
00:59 he didn't even think he wanted God for a while.
01:02 This second part of his interview, you're not going
01:05 to want to miss.
01:08 - It is amazing, when you look step by step
01:10 at the things he did.
01:11 It's like he's running so far from God,
01:14 but God continually pursues him,
01:16 continually works, speaks to him
01:18 in ways that we would never think of.
01:21 - And it's right there, the moment Taylor turns.
01:23 - Yeah, exactly, so folks, join us right now
01:26 for the second half, the second part
01:28 of another exciting testimony of Taylor Cantrell.
01:39 - I went sophomore year, having done that
01:43 and got a couple more friends that I would smoke with
01:47 or that I would have a beer with,
01:48 or they were getting drunk on weekends
01:51 and I would be around and happen to get drunk too.
01:53 Then junior year was when
01:58 it became much more available
02:02 to do anything and I mean literally anything.
02:06 We lived in the central valley of California
02:09 Bay area is an hour away.
02:13 You can take an hour drive and go see
02:16 the worst drug dealer imaginable
02:19 and get anything you imagine.
02:21 But, what we were doing in our junior year,
02:26 was a ton of smoking weed.
02:29 A ton, I mean every day before school,
02:32 skip a class to smoke and then after school
02:36 until we've decided we didn't want to hang out
02:38 with each other any more.
02:40 And looking back at that, it's like I cannot imagine
02:47 quantifying the number of hours I wasted
02:49 on people that I can't even either
02:51 remember their names anymore or wouldn't care to.
02:55 - I used to, after I got away from drugs,
02:57 I used to call grass the do nothing drug,
03:00 because you don't care to do anything in life,
03:02 just chill.
03:03 - Right, absolutely right.
03:05 So, there is usually one moment
03:11 that is going to be the flip of the switch
03:13 for somebody that's either going to send them way further
03:14 into the drugs or be the catalyst to,
03:17 okay, I need to stop.
03:19 And thankfully, I decided to stop when we had a moment
03:24 of we had gone to San Francisco for just a trip
03:27 with five, six friends and it happened to be
03:32 on April 20th.
03:33 If those of you who don't know,
03:35 four-20 is the date and everybody goes
03:38 and smokes as much weed as they possibly can on this day,
03:42 just because.
03:43 And we decided to celebrate said holiday in San Francisco,
03:48 so we drove out to San Francisco,
03:51 smoking while we're driving the whole way out.
03:54 We get there, we smoke some more.
03:56 We go to the place where everybody's going
03:58 to meet up and smoke and it's called Hippy Hill.
04:02 There's thousands of people that meet on this hill
04:06 to all smoke at the same time, four-20.
04:09 We went out for this trip and
04:15 as I've explained it, it's pretty intense.
04:18 But we decided that it wasn't quite enough,
04:21 so we should try to find som psychedelic mushrooms.
04:25 My friend and I, we went and decided it's San Francisco.
04:28 How hard could it be to find psychedelic mushrooms?
04:32 And honestly, not.
04:34 Not very hard at all.
04:35 - You just stop passers by?
04:39 On Haight and Ashbury, yeah.
04:41 - That's where all the big commuters used to be,
04:44 all the big dealers.
04:45 - I've heard of Haight Ashbury.
04:47 - Yeah, so we were literally on Haight Street
04:49 when this happened.
04:51 We were walking past, just walking by bunches of people
04:53 and my friend taps me and he points at this person,
04:56 who's probably homeless, sitting on his cardboard thing
04:59 with a sign.
05:01 He's got neon green dreads, mixed in
05:05 with neon orange dreads and he just looked
05:09 like a road reflector sitting there.
05:11 And it it couldn't have been more obvious to us
05:14 that it's like, that's our guy.
05:15 And we asked him and he was our guy
05:19 and so he said, "Yeah, sure,
05:20 "just come along, come down with me over here."
05:23 And there's a group of five or six of us,
05:25 following this one guy.
05:26 So fine, let's go and where he leads us,
05:30 is down to the end of Haight Street.
05:32 Those who might watch this, may actually know
05:35 what I'm talking about, but at the end of Haight Street,
05:38 there's a McDonald's.
05:39 You cross the street and go into the park.
05:41 Buena Vista Park I think, is what it's called.
05:44 But, when you first walk through that entrance to the park,
05:48 he says, "Oh, okay, now step into my office,"
05:50 which was, let's go off into the woods over here
05:53 for like a little bit.
05:54 And so all of us walked over there
05:56 and he said, okay, now wait here.
06:01 And we can still see the gate.
06:02 We can still see people at the McDonald's and every thing.
06:05 - And the other buddies that
06:06 are gonna show up with the guns.
06:07 - Right that's what we were kind of worried about.
06:09 But what turned out, is this guy that we had asked,
06:13 knew who to ask.
06:15 So he just took us to a place that was fine enough
06:18 to wait around for five, ten minutes.
06:21 And we see him walk off to this spot
06:24 where there's a bunch of tents in the woods.
06:26 And there's kind of questionable characters walking around,
06:33 including a guy that's wearing football pads
06:36 with nine inch nails sticking through them,
06:40 all the way out, like it's a suit of armor.
06:44 - Okay.
06:45 - And this guy is very much not here with us
06:50 at the time.
06:51 He's walking around with a big knife,
06:54 chucking it into this stump, pulling it out.
06:58 Chucking it into this stump and pulling it out
07:00 and he's repeatedly screaming, "Why don't people
07:02 "believe in magic anymore?"
07:06 This guy is not here.
07:10 Our guy goes and talks to him
07:13 and they have a conversation.
07:15 (cross talking)
07:19 So, we get what we came to get from him
07:23 and we go to the hill and we go and do our thing.
07:28 When I took the magic mushrooms,
07:33 it was about 20 minutes before anything happened,
07:35 but we're on top of the hill.
07:37 - You saw what they had done for the guy
07:39 with the knife and the nine inch nails
07:41 and you still wanted to try it?
07:44 - Because our rationale is that's what happens
07:48 when you do it too much.
07:52 - Does the phrase young and dumb come to mind?
07:57 - Yeah, so we go and take part in the Hippy Hill celebration
08:03 and I would say there's at least 2000 people on the hill.
08:08 And this is 2009.
08:12 This would be 2009 when it happened and we celebrate.
08:18 I eat the magic mushrooms.
08:20 20 minutes go by and I start to kind of feel
08:23 the physical effects of them
08:25 and the night just devolved from there,
08:31 where I don't remember everything that happened.
08:33 There's still the story of what happened
08:36 among everybody and the story remains the same,
08:38 so I believe the accounts of four other people
08:41 that were there with me.
08:43 But what I was told had happened was,
08:48 we started to feel them and then we left the hill
08:51 and we were going up to-
08:53 Oh no, so it wasn't Buena Vista Park where Hippy Hill is,
08:56 we were going up to Buena Vista Park after this.
08:59 And when you go up to Buena Vista Park,
09:03 it's a good uphill section and when you get to the top,
09:04 there's a nice view of the whole city.
09:06 We had stopped at the bottom of the hill,
09:08 going up to the staircase and just sat down.
09:11 And when you turn around and you're sitting
09:13 on the bench of this staircase, you can see San Francisco.
09:16 And what I was experiencing, was a complete
09:21 melt of my reality.
09:23 I wasn't experiencing things in three dimensions.
09:26 I was experiencing them in two dimensions.
09:30 So everything literally looked like it was just a drawing
09:35 and I could just basically reach out
09:38 and pick things out of the world if I wanted to.
09:41 So I was not there.
09:44 That's one thing that I remember.
09:47 And then the next thing that I remember,
09:49 is sprinting as fast as I can,
09:53 and I must have been doing it for a while,
09:55 because I feel, like I'm tired.
09:57 And I looked around and I don't have my friends
09:59 anywhere near me.
10:00 So I must be running from someone or something
10:04 and I'm still not entirely there.
10:08 I'm still coming in and out of completely aware
10:13 and back in mushrooms and completely aware
10:15 and back in mushrooms, because it's,
10:17 the trip is not over.
10:19 And I don't fully have them out of my system.
10:22 But I'm sprinting and sprinting and sprinting
10:25 and all I can think is, I need to hide
10:27 because I can't run anymore.
10:29 And I jump into the bushes
10:31 and I'm underneath the bushes.
10:33 I mean like all the way in.
10:37 30 seconds later, three officers ran past.
10:42 - So they were what was chasing you?
10:45 - Yeah.
10:48 - So this is-
10:49 we probably don't have time to really
10:51 continue the saga too far,
10:52 but was this kind of one of your last times in life
10:55 to do this kinda stuff?
10:56 - Oh of course.
10:57 What had happened, was officers had pulled up
11:01 and seen us all hanging out and smoking
11:04 and they tried to stop us.
11:05 And I'm out of it and I took off running.
11:09 And so they're obviously like,
11:10 we need to chase him, but I made it out
11:17 of that situation when I probably shouldn't have.
11:19 And that was a little bit of like,
11:22 you got lucky this time.
11:25 And that was enough of a kicker
11:27 where my brain says, "You've had your fun.
11:32 "Knock it off."
11:33 - Don't do that again.
11:35 - Just out of curiosity, do you think
11:36 it was your brain or God?
11:37 - Absolutely God.
11:39 It was absolutely God.
11:40 Because, honestly when I had that moment of
11:44 "You've had your fun, knock it off."
11:46 It felt like something my seventh grade teacher
11:48 would have settled.
11:50 (everybody laughs)
11:52 - You know, and I absolutely could see in that moment
11:56 where I was headed, what I was doing
11:59 and thinking it is absolutely possible
12:04 for me to decide in my own head,
12:06 there's nothing wrong with this
12:08 and just keep going.
12:10 Because I absolutely felt that in my heart
12:14 where I was like,
12:16 I felt the devil telling me, if you enjoy it,
12:20 what's wrong with it?
12:23 And that enough, because of how I was raised
12:27 and the people that have kind of said,
12:29 it's not always gonna be "Hi, I'm the devil."
12:34 You know.
12:36 Because I heard that red flag go off in my head,
12:39 I was immediately able to about face
12:42 and it was like a knee jerk reaction,
12:44 where I was like, no, that's the devil.
12:46 No, absolutely not.
12:51 - My grandmother was number 11 in a family of 13 girls
12:57 and she sometimes felt lost in the crowd.
12:59 Do you ever feel that way?
13:01 With nearly eight billion people in the world,
13:04 it's easy to wonder if anyone even notices you're alive.
13:08 But there is someone who notices.
13:12 The Bible says God calls us by name.
13:15 He knows you, knows your name.
13:19 You're his child.
13:21 If you'd like proof, go to
13:25 and request offer number 130 for this free pamphlet.
13:31 There's not another you.
13:34 - Now, you're definitely a chip off the old block.
13:37 Film and media, everything are in your blood.
13:40 You've become a successful drone pilot
13:42 and hopefully more so.
13:44 We don't have time to go into a lot of that today,
13:46 but you were helping your dad film
13:49 a world-wide television, I think live production.
13:53 And kinda what happened there?
13:55 I understand something happened.
13:57 - What we were filming, was a thirty day conference,
14:03 where a pastor, Shawn Boonstra, came to talk about
14:07 the book of Revelation.
14:09 At length, in depth month long of meetings.
14:13 - Where were you filming?
14:14 - In Minneapolis at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
14:16 His event is called Revelation speaks peace,
14:19 and we set up to have 3000 people show up
14:26 and most of the time, that building was full.
14:29 We had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds
14:32 of people that were coming night upon night,
14:34 saying that I want to hear this story.
14:36 And my job was to run a camera.
14:38 And it's something that I've done
14:39 since I was seven years old.
14:41 Live broadcast video.
14:42 I've run a camera.
14:44 It's second nature to me now.
14:46 So, running a camera for Shawn is great,
14:50 because he's very active.
14:51 He'll walk back and forth.
14:52 It gives you something to do.
14:53 You're not just sitting there,
14:55 you know, falling asleep.
14:57 But the cool part is, being engaged
15:00 while running camera for him,
15:02 was also keeping me listening because -
15:04 - [Janice] You had to pay attention to him.
15:06 - Yeah, I could hear when he was about
15:08 to change what he would say or he would start to move
15:10 somewhere else.
15:11 But I was paying attention to the points too
15:12 and I was hearing so many things that had never-
15:16 I'd heard the cursory terms,
15:19 like the woman and the dragon
15:21 and the multiple headed beast and the horns
15:25 and everything like that
15:27 and then we talked for a full night
15:30 on just what the horns meant.
15:32 And then the next night, was we're gonna talk about
15:34 just what the dragon is.
15:36 So it was, let's actually break this down
15:41 other that it just being a story that sounds like it
15:43 might as well have come out of Greek Mythology, you know.
15:47 And having him break down this story
15:50 that has always been so unattainable,
15:55 because it's so not in our language.
15:57 - A lot of people think you can't understand Revelation.
16:00 Why bother?
16:02 - Right. And that's exactly what prompted
16:05 that series, is why bother?
16:07 Because it's the last book of the Bible.
16:10 It's there for a reason.
16:11 And going through these meetings,
16:14 I mean, I've been raised Seventh Day Adventists.
16:16 I don't remember what year this happened,
16:19 I think it was 2014.
16:21 So this is three, four years after I graduated high school.
16:27 And I had done pretty much every drug imaginable
16:31 that didn't involve a needle
16:33 up until that point.
16:36 And so, being invited to come run camera
16:39 for a month long meetings,
16:42 it being church meetings,
16:44 that was not the draw.
16:45 It was hey, there's a month straight of work for you.
16:48 Would you like to come out?
16:50 Yes, yes I would.
16:52 And so I came out just looking to kind of
16:54 get myself financially stable again.
16:56 Just to have this chunk of money to put away
16:58 and be able to have a little to live off.
17:01 - And it looks good on your resume.
17:02 - Right, and so I ended up coming out.
17:05 It's another video job with dad.
17:08 It's just, you know, back to the normal.
17:09 I know how to do this, but weeks go on into the meetings.
17:14 Two weeks plus, and then it's like every night
17:20 when you run camera for a sermon,
17:24 you're not running on up to the thing to run the camera,
17:28 because most of the time it's pretty drawl.
17:31 If I'm honest, but there were times
17:35 that I felt myself like, okay, is it time to go yet?
17:39 - You were wanting him to get started on another...
17:41 - Yeah, because I remembered the previous night,
17:44 having left off with, "Okay. And?"
17:50 And so I-
17:51 - So you really were interested.
17:53 - Yeah, and the fact that he took Revelation seriously
17:58 and made it digestible, was so meaningful
18:05 when there's been so many people
18:07 that probably could have done the exact same thing he did,
18:11 but didn't take the time to
18:13 or didn't invest that knowledge
18:17 that they had into me or into other people.
18:21 Because it's like I'm 23 years old
18:25 before I hear what Revelation really means.
18:30 And I was raised in the church.
18:33 That feels wrong.
18:35 And so, finally getting that substance
18:41 that I was looking for and I wasn't even in church.
18:45 It was like, okay, God I kind of get
18:50 what you're trying to tell me here
18:53 because I've spent so much of my life in church buildings
18:57 thinking that this is the only place
18:59 where you can sing the songs and feel the feelings.
19:02 No, not at all, because most of the time,
19:06 people have been my church
19:13 and way more so than any building ever has.
19:17 It's, you know, there's probably a handful of people
19:21 that I can name, that it's like I could never once
19:25 have ever entered a church building
19:27 and have those five people in my life
19:29 and I would still be the same belief that I am today.
19:33 Because seeing what belief does to somebody
19:39 when they are true about it and intentional about it,
19:41 is incredibly powerful.
19:45 It's not the, you know,
19:46 have you heard about our Lord and Savior, you know
19:49 - It's what you see in their lives
19:52 and seeing how much they care about you
19:54 and about other people.
19:56 - And so they'll-
19:57 It's not, "Have you heard about our Lord and Savior?"
20:01 It's them coming directly into my life,
20:04 looking into my eyes and saying, "Have you heard
20:05 "about my Lord and Savior?"
20:10 Because,
20:15 feeling the personal touch, made it real.
20:22 It's not just, come sit in the pew
20:25 and read page 47 of the hymnal
20:27 and then Jesus is gonna love you.
20:31 It's right now, where you are,
20:36 Jesus loves you.
20:39 And I spent so much of my life never experiencing that
20:46 and Shawn's meetings, the Revelation speaks peace,
20:53 taking something that where, if I asked the questions
20:57 that he was answering to other people,
21:00 would have been like, leave me alone.
21:01 I don't have time to talk about that right now.
21:04 Somebody intentionally taking that time
21:07 and laying it all out like it's a buffet menu,
21:11 it was like thank you for allowing me into
21:18 the depth of faith that you have.
21:21 Because how am I suppose to ever get where you are
21:24 if I don't understand what you understand.
21:28 - So at that moment, at those meetings,
21:30 God became very real to you.
21:33 - Absolutely.
21:35 - Tonight, before I get into my topic,
21:37 I've got something pretty special planned.
21:41 Tonight, before I speak,
21:44 we've got somebody in the waters of baptism.
21:46 There it is.
21:49 This is Taylor.
21:50 You might recognize Taylor, because Taylor is usually
21:53 operating one of the TV cameras.
21:57 Now he's been on the other end of the camera every night
22:00 and he and I have been studying and praying together
22:04 and he has been away for a while and he's coming home
22:08 to Jesus Christ.
22:10 We love you, Taylor.
22:10 Welcome home.
22:12 Because you love Jesus, it's our privileged now
22:15 to baptize you in the name of the Father,
22:18 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
22:23 (applause)
22:25 Buried with Jesus and rising to new life in Him.
22:29 (applause)
22:34 Welcome home, man.
22:36 Welcome home.
22:42 - Has He stayed real since then?
22:46 - I've felt God moving in my life
22:49 so many times since then,
22:53 where, you know, I'm working for Tesla
22:59 and I'm a forklift driver and I'm making $18 and hour
23:01 and I work 70 hours a week,
23:03 but I still can't afford to live in the town that I live in.
23:06 And we scramble and we do everything we can
23:09 and it just doesn't work
23:11 ad we finally say God, where do you want us to go?
23:14 What do you want me to do?
23:19 Hey, there's a job offer in Eugene.
23:23 Hey, your wife got a job offer in Eugene.
23:26 We go up there, we get the jobs
23:30 and as we're leaving, I get a call
23:32 and get offered a better job.
23:36 We move up there, our daughter is born there.
23:42 Like, there's been so many little moments
23:46 where I feel the, you can go one of two ways
23:53 and this is God saying, "This is the fork in the path
23:55 "and you are the one that's deciding
23:57 "where you're gonna walk."
23:59 And thankfully, for the past few years,
24:03 I've felt myself intentionally saying,
24:06 "This is that moment.
24:07 "What are you gonna do?"
24:09 And trying my hardest to make the best decision.
24:14 - Taylor, we've only got a second or two left,
24:16 but I wanted to bring out, because God has been leading you
24:19 to start your own drone company
24:21 and you're an incredible pilot,
24:24 because like I say on first hand,
24:25 you've flown for us on various film projects
24:28 and I've never seen anybody as good.
24:31 What's the name of your company
24:32 and how can people get in touch with you?
24:36 - My drone company is called Archer Aero
24:38 because my son's name is Archer.
24:42 I came into his life when he was a year and a half old
24:44 and he showed me what it means to be a dad
24:48 and he opened up my life in a whole new way,
24:50 which is kind of what I want to do with drone video.
24:54 So I want to open up people's eyes to something
24:56 entirely new that you will never ever ever
24:59 have the chance to see unless I give it to you.
25:03 And that's how I feel about my son,
25:05 I would never ever, ever, ever have had the chance to see
25:09 what kind of life is possible without
25:11 that part of my life.
25:13 So Archer Arrow, and it's almost like a triple entendre
25:17 because it's my son's name, it's the archer's arrow,
25:22 as like, we are gonna shoot our shot.
25:26 We are going to be intentional about what
25:29 we want to hit and we're gonna hit it.
25:31 And then the aero is spelled A-E-R-O,
25:35 so Archer Aeronautics,
25:37 so that's the triple entendre.
25:40 It's my son, it's the archer's arrow
25:42 and it's aeronautical.
25:43 - We're gonna put your contact info
25:44 at the end of this video,
25:46 because I believe people, if they want anything
25:47 done with drones, they need to contact you.
25:50 They'll be happy with it.
25:54 - My grandmother was number 11 in a family of 13 girls
26:00 and she sometimes felt lost in the crowd.
26:02 Do you ever feel that way?
26:05 With nearly eight billion people in the world,
26:07 it's easy to wonder if anyone even notices you're alive.
26:12 But there is someone who notices.
26:15 The Bible says God calls us by name.
26:18 He knows you, knows your name.
26:22 You're his child.
26:24 If you'd like proof, go to
26:29 and request offer number 130 for this free pamphlet.
26:34 There's not another you.
26:38 - What an exciting testimony.
26:40 - Oh, I could have stayed up there for hours longer,
26:42 just listening to him.
26:43 I'm suer he's got more stories.
26:44 - Oh, I know he does.
26:46 You know, it is exciting,
26:47 everything that God did to bring him to himself.
26:52 - You know, what was that phrase, that saying
26:54 you told me earlier about no matter how far
26:57 you've gone away form God.
26:58 - Oh yeah, no matter how far you've gone from God,
27:00 it's only one step to get back to God.
27:03 - That was it, because I remember thinking,
27:05 I've never thought of myself as ever
27:07 getting that far off the path,
27:09 but I had to make that same decision at some point, to turn.
27:14 - Yeah, folks, I urge you today to turn.
27:16 Take that one single step back to God.
27:19 It's just that simple and He's that close.
27:21 I urge you right now choose Him.
27:24 Whatever's going on in your life.
27:26 You might feel like Janice, oh I'm pretty good.
27:30 Or like Taylor, it doesn't matter.
27:32 You're just one single step from God.
27:34 Get on your knees right now and say
27:35 God, help me.
27:37 I want to serve you today an guess what,
27:40 God will make that move to you
27:42 and save you and change your life.
27:45 Please, do it right now.
27:47 (calm music)
27:54 Thanks for joining us for Country Wisdom.
27:56 - See you next time.
27:58 (calm music)


Revised 2021-06-11