Country Wisdom

From Pain to Happiness

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000027S

00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Welcome everyone, we're excited to share
00:05 some country wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say about the path
00:10 to wisdom in Proverbs 4, he wrote;
00:13 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight, before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet
00:21 and all your ways will be sure.
00:23 - Join us now for country wisdom.
00:26 (upbeat music)
00:34 (bright music) (ball dribbling)
00:43 (ring clanging) (upbeat music)
00:55 You know, in the book of John chapter 1,
00:57 it's speaking of Jesus,
00:58 He was in the world, and the world was made by him.
01:02 The world knew him not.
01:04 He came unto his own and his own received him not.
01:08 I think about you Phillip.
01:10 God made you, you had not a clue.
01:12 You have a very interesting life,
01:14 please share with us today's (indistinct).
01:16 - Oh yeah, so, I grew up in Indianapolis, Indiana.
01:21 I'm the youngest of eight children
01:24 and I have six brothers and one sister.
01:27 And the only girl, is right above me in age.
01:30 So growing up, we were very close and I grew up
01:34 in a typical inner city neighborhood,
01:37 predominantly black neighborhood.
01:40 And we had good times growing up, you know, we'd play,
01:44 we invent things, but on the other end,
01:47 the neighborhood had it's troubles; violence, crime, drugs,
01:53 you name it.
01:54 And so for me, a way of escape was sports.
01:59 And at a very young age, I played basketball
02:01 and fell in love with the game.
02:03 I played since about second grade up into college.
02:07 - You were obviously built for basketball
02:09 because you're how tall?
02:11 - Yeah, I'm six foot seven.
02:12 - Yeah, there's a basketball player.
02:14 - Yeah, am glad he's sitting down actually but,
02:15 (Janice laughing)
02:16 but that's why we're out here at the park today, right?
02:18 With the basketball court
02:20 and the Reedy to go into the background.
02:21 - Yeah, unfortunately, but yeah I was actually the smallest
02:26 of the siblings then one summer, I just shot up very tall.
02:30 And so around high school, when I was playing basketball,
02:35 I began to see that although I grew up in this big family,
02:41 a lot of my brothers were not present during my games.
02:45 And that affected me a great deal.
02:47 The reason being is many of them were in and out
02:51 of the system, the prison system,
02:53 and unfortunately could not be there.
02:55 So I'm in this big family and I felt
02:59 kind of alone in a sense.
03:01 And so as basketball was my way of escape,
03:03 it slowly was escaping me and my heart
03:06 because I began to lose the love of basketball.
03:13 And so I'm floating through high school, I graduate.
03:15 (upbeat music)
03:16 I get recruited to go to college and I played two years
03:19 in college basketball.
03:20 - So you're good enough that you are recruited.
03:22 - So I was good enough, but I didn't have that confidence
03:25 or that edge to excel me further than that.
03:32 And I think as a result of it, was my depression,
03:33 fell into a deep depression.
03:36 And so two years into playing basketball in college,
03:42 I began to feel this sense of need or longing
03:46 for a relationship with my brothers, us brothers, family.
03:50 And at the same time, my parents, financially,
03:54 there was a burden that I wanted them to prosper
03:58 and be financially stable and their relationship
04:00 with my brothers.
04:02 So after college, I began to lose sight
04:07 on what I wanted and, and all I wanted was
04:10 for my family to be close and for them
04:14 to have that financial stability.
04:19 Now that I'm a young man, many of my brothers
04:21 are out of prison, they're home.
04:24 And so I go back home from college and I start building
04:29 that relationship that I wanted.
04:32 And unfortunately, some of the values that I had,
04:35 I began to lose and I began to associate
04:39 with some of their ideas.
04:41 And of course, well, my brothers are criminal minded
04:45 and as a result of wanting money and this relationship,
04:52 I began to drink heavily, I began to smoke heavily.
04:58 My health was deteriorating at a young age, I'm about--
05:01 - Drinking, drinking does not help depression.
05:05 - Of course, yeah. - That would make
05:06 that condition even worse.
05:07 - Yeah, and it did.
05:09 I fell in more depression, my health was getting bad.
05:13 I'm about 22 at the time
05:16 and I'm not playing basketball anymore.
05:22 And my brothers, I began to get involved more with them.
05:27 And I got into the street life, began to sell drugs
05:32 and do drugs and at this time, one of my brothers
05:38 who I was with named Michael, we were heading to a bar
05:45 and typical night, we're drinking and I'm drinking heavily.
05:50 I don't even know all I drunk, but I left this place
05:53 in the worst shape in my life.
05:57 And as we're getting in the vehicle,
06:00 there's a car next to mine, as they were leaving
06:03 they exchanged some words to me.
06:07 - So, they're looking for a fight?
06:09 - I don't if looking for a fight,
06:10 I don't know if it was, I don't know what their mind
06:14 didn't know them, didn't see them in the bar,
06:17 but they said something and it bothered me.
06:20 And it was very harsh.
06:22 (upbeat music)
06:23 And so I was like, what did you say?
06:25 And they're driving off, still talking
06:27 as they're driving away.
06:29 (upbeat music)
06:30 So I go into my vehicle in my drunken state,
06:33 I'm looking for my firearm, I grabbed my firearm
06:36 and I walk around my vehicle.
06:38 As they're leaving out, I get some to the grass.
06:43 And I was saying, what did you say?
06:45 And at that time I pointed the gun.
06:50 And then my drunken state, as I pointed the gun
06:54 at the car, something happened where my arm
06:58 went up in the air and when my arm went up in the air,
07:02 I shot twice.
07:03 (gunshots firing)
07:04 - You are implying that, you weren't planning
07:06 on necessarily raising your arm?
07:08 - I don't know what I was planning on, I thought
07:10 I was gonna scare them, or I'm just in this drunk mess,
07:14 I'm angry in my life.
07:16 (upbeat music)
07:18 And I guess I wanted to take it out on something,
07:22 but by God's grace, I didn't, I'm glad I didn't.
07:25 - You shot in the air, instead of at them.
07:26 - I shot in the air, which is not good,
07:29 thankfully, no one was hurt.
07:32 And when I shot in the air, I immediately regretted it.
07:37 And then in my drunken state, I'm going back to my vehicle.
07:41 And I'm trying to leave, I'm out of there.
07:44 And a cop comes behind us and pulls me over, I'm driving,
07:47 and my brother's in the passenger seat, passed out drunk.
07:51 And here I am.
07:53 - And there was the cops.
07:54 - There was the cops.
07:58 - Hey Janice, how are you doing?
07:59 (upbeat music)
08:00 - Hey, you wrote another book.
08:01 - I did, had a burden on my heart and God helped me
08:04 get it done.
08:05 (upbeat music)
08:06 - So, The Plan of Love, what's it about?
08:09 - Well, it's really about God in eternity,
08:12 saw everything that was going to happen here
08:14 in his amazing love, he says, " I'm gonna take care
08:18 of the problems, I'm gonna take care of the situation
08:20 by giving my own life."
08:21 (upbeat music)
08:23 He did all that, but we've been lied to so much,
08:25 We don't see what God has planned for us,
08:27 what God is doing for us.
08:29 Matter of fact, the angel came down to Mary and said,
08:32 " You shall call his name Jesus, for he shall save
08:35 his people from their sins."
08:37 Notice it wasn't in, but from.
08:39 - Where can people get the book?
08:41 - Hey, I'm glad you asked.
08:43 Folks if you'd like your own personal copy,
08:45 Log on to
08:47 and now please if you would, send us a donation
08:49 of $12. - Or more.
08:51 - Or more, and we'll get you the book and I'll be happy
08:54 to sign it for you too, thank you so much.
09:00 (gunshots firing) (upbeat music)
09:02 Then Philip, after you ripped off two shots, what happened?
09:06 - What would happen next is, I surrendered
09:09 and the cops showed up. - The cops showed up.
09:13 - They got behind my vehicle and I'm driving,
09:16 my brother's in the passenger seat.
09:19 And I just had so much regret immediately,
09:21 like, what did I do?
09:22 And I see the lights behind me and they tell us
09:25 to get out the vehicle.
09:28 And my brother's a drunk, I'm drunk.
09:30 And I managed to get out, we walked backwards.
09:33 - What'd you do with the gun?
09:34 - The gun was in, there was a gun on the side of me.
09:41 And then those other guns were in the glove compartment.
09:42 - Oh, you had multiple guns.
09:43 - I had multiple guns.
09:45 - And your brother, is he ever had any scraps with the law?
09:48 - Yeah, he has a past history with the law
09:52 and he's been incarcerated before.
09:54 - So he's got real problems to just being with you.
09:56 - Just being with me, yes.
09:58 And so I was the legit person, I was the one
10:00 who did everything right and was a law abiding,
10:04 so I'm driving, but now he's in the situation
10:07 that I put him in.
10:08 (upbeat music)
10:09 And so I had so much regret and we just surrendered
10:12 and we walked backwards.
10:14 They put our hands behind our back and handcuffed us
10:19 and took us to jail.
10:21 - They have guns drawn and everything?
10:22 - They had guns drawn, they made commands.
10:25 And they were waiting for other police to show up
10:30 and other things they were doing and they arrested us
10:34 and took us to jail.
10:37 - Next step, now your jail booking.
10:39 - Yeah, booking and so in the process of booking
10:43 it's standard that they take your vital signs
10:46 and everything and so as the nurse was taking
10:50 my blood pressure, I believe she told me
10:52 that my blood pressure was like 200/160.
10:55 Like, it was hypertension to the max.
10:58 - You were about to have a stroke.
10:59 - I could have had a stroke and the face she made
11:01 when she saw the readings, she was concerned,
11:04 and she went and talked to her other nurses.
11:06 And for the my time there in jail,
11:10 they were monitoring me almost every day.
11:14 And so thankfully, as I was in that process
11:18 and no longer drinking, no longer smoking cigars,
11:22 no longer eating bad food, my health began to increase.
11:26 - Just in that short time.
11:27 - Just in that short time.
11:29 - You mean that-- - So you got
11:30 healthier in jail.
11:31 - I got healthier in jail.
11:32 (Janice chuckling)
11:33 - Amazing, how God built a human body to repair.
11:35 - Exactly, exactly and I thank God for his grace
11:38 and at that time, I'm sobering up,
11:41 my mind is becoming clearer, but then I began
11:45 to be the real, seeing the reality that this is not a dream.
11:52 This is not something that is when I was drunk,
11:54 this is real.
11:56 - And you've got a bad road ahead of you.
11:57 - And I'm in this situation and I don't know
11:59 what's gonna happen, never been in this situation.
12:03 And I was just in a place of, I was at the bottom and so.
12:08 - What happened to your brother?
12:09 Where's he through all this?
12:11 - Well, my brother, well, later on like six months later,
12:17 we go to court, I go to court first and then he went
12:20 after me, but I got sentenced to prison.
12:24 And I don't really know what happened to him,
12:27 but I think he did get a few, a little bit of time,
12:31 but he was on house arrest.
12:33 But like I said, I told the people that he had nothing
12:36 to do with it, and the guns were mine and it was my doing.
12:41 And then I just wanted to make sure that he was okay.
12:43 (upbeat music)
12:44 - Because, you've mentioned to me, really,
12:45 you and I are talking just briefly,
12:47 like he was already a what, a two time felon or something,
12:49 he would have been a three-time loser.
12:50 - Yeah, he would have been a three time.
12:52 - Because of you. - Because of me.
12:53 So I had all this guilt and this weight on my shoulders,
12:56 on my heart and last thing I wanted to do
12:59 is bring any of my family or anybody in to something I did.
13:04 So I began to tell the truth and tell them,
13:07 hey, this is me, this is my fault
13:09 but unfortunately they were still trying
13:12 to get him a third strike or as a violent felon
13:18 or whatever the term was and thankfully
13:21 he didn't get sentenced for that,
13:23 but he did do some time just being with me that night.
13:29 - Then what was that process now, you finally get to court,
13:31 you're sentenced what happened next?
13:33 - So I get sentenced, and in this process
13:35 of being shipped from jail, there's a process
13:39 where it's called RDC, where you go to find out
13:43 where you're gonna serve your time.
13:45 And so, I'm in this place for about two and a half weeks.
13:49 And during this two and a half weeks,
13:51 it's where something interesting happened.
13:55 So when I go first into this cell
13:57 and the cell is only like six by eight, I'm 6'7.
14:00 - I was gonna say tiny cell for you.
14:02 - And then I'm there alone, there's two bunks.
14:05 And when I heard those bars close behind me,
14:11 this is real, this is it, I'm about to go
14:14 through this process.
14:15 I don't know what's about to happen,
14:18 but as I'm pretty much crying at this point,
14:22 and I'm pretty much just in a very deep despair,
14:27 something impressed me to go to the bunk,
14:29 the top bunk of the cell, and I lifted up the mattress.
14:35 - What were you looking for?
14:36 - I don't know, I just felt impressed to do it.
14:39 And I'm looking up underneath the mattress
14:43 and I see all of these books underneath there to read,
14:47 what else are you gonna do, right?
14:49 But one book that stood out to me was a Bible.
14:53 - Oh, wow.
14:54 - And for the very first time, I began to think,
14:56 wow, you know what, I've never read the Bible.
15:00 - Even though you grew up in a Christian home?
15:01 - Even though I grew up in a Christian home,
15:02 I've never read the Bible for myself.
15:05 And so I saw a new King James Version Bible.
15:08 I began to pick it up and read it and keep in mind
15:12 I'm in here for 23 hours of the day, minus going out
15:16 to eat dinner and shower and sleeping.
15:19 - You have nothing to do, but read.
15:21 - Nothing to do but read, and as I'm reading it,
15:24 something begins to happen in my heart.
15:26 And when I thought that this was the end of my life,
15:31 that there was no hope for me, God is saying,
15:34 no, this is not the end, but a new beginning.
15:38 And I began studying it every single day.
15:42 And I started in Genesis and I kept reading
15:44 all through the Bible and I saw in this beautiful storyline
15:48 of God wanting the best for his people.
15:52 And he's wanting to bless them and he's wanting
15:55 to be in their life and he's wanting to dwell with them.
15:58 And I said, wow, what a great God.
16:00 But one thing I noticed with the Israelites
16:02 in the Old Testament where they kept disobeying God,
16:07 and I was thinking I said, why are they so disobedient?
16:10 All God wants to do is bless them and then.
16:14 - It hit you.
16:15 - It hit me, well, what about me?
16:19 Look where I am and so here at the bottom
16:23 in the pitting rock bottom, only place I could do
16:27 was look up.
16:28 And I thank God, for his grace,
16:30 that he was not gonna leave me alone,
16:33 but he will be with me through this process.
16:36 And for these two and a half weeks,
16:37 I had so much peace and the guilt and the shame
16:41 that I brought on my life and my family
16:44 and putting my brother through that was all gone.
16:48 It was as if God is in control.
16:50 - Some people are gonna really have a hard time
16:52 as a change of heart.
16:53 How could, what happened?
16:54 You know I mean you're in a prison cell
16:56 and you're reading it, how could that ever change anybody?
16:58 But you're a living testimony to.
17:01 - Living testimony.
17:02 - Yes, they can.
17:03 - And, the Bible says in Jeremiah 13:23,
17:07 "Can an Ethiopian change his skin
17:10 or a leopard change his spots?
17:12 So how can you do good, who are accustomed to do evil?"
17:18 And here I am, my life is showing what changed me
17:21 from being that to where I am now, only by the grace of God.
17:25 - But you've still got to live it out, you're still going
17:26 through the process now.
17:28 - Exactly, I'm still going through the process.
17:29 So, something began to happen to my heart and naturally,
17:35 I wanted to study more and I wanted to spend my life
17:38 doing what God wanted.
17:40 So when I got shipped to the place
17:42 where I was incarcerated finally,
17:45 again, I began to read the Bible, learning how to pray
17:48 and trying to walk in the truth that I've been reading.
17:51 And something interesting happened during my process,
17:55 there was a person next to me, a bunkie,
17:58 and he was an older fellow, he was about 60.
18:00 And I think he only had
18:02 maybe like a middle school education and he gives me
18:04 this book, he said, "hey, this is a great book,
18:06 you have to read this book."
18:08 And I'm like, " What book?"
18:10 And he shows me the book and it says,
18:12 What Your Fifth Grader Should Know About.
18:14 (laughing)
18:15 And I'm like.
18:16 - A fifth grader? - In my mind, I'm like,
18:17 I've been to college, you know?
18:20 And I put the book on my bunk, I go down
18:22 and play pool and recreation.
18:24 Something is telling me, hey, go read that book.
18:26 And I go up there and I read the book because the one thing
18:29 I was asking God is what happened the last 2000 years.
18:32 What, why so many denominations?
18:35 And I go up and read the book and I get to the book
18:39 part about history.
18:40 And it starts talking a little bit about The Reformation,
18:44 never heard of The Reformation never heard
18:45 of Martin Luther and all these Protestant leaders, founders.
18:53 And so that was a plan that I believe God put in my heart
18:57 to go and search more.
18:59 So I began to search more and more and more.
19:01 - So you spent about a year.
19:03 - About a year. - Studying and praying.
19:04 - Yeah. - And growing,
19:06 you were growing?
19:07 - Yes, yes.
19:09 - What happened, when you got out?
19:13 I mean, what did you do then?
19:15 - Yes, good point, when I got out,
19:18 still I began to try to honor God with my life.
19:22 And when I got out, the lady who's now my wife,
19:29 she was with me through the process of my incarceration.
19:32 I didn't know her when I committed the crime,
19:35 but I met her after that and she stuck with me.
19:39 - I gotta stop you just right, you met her
19:41 after you've been jailed?
19:43 - Yes, so I was in jail and I bonded out 30 days later.
19:48 - Okay, bonded out as in somebody paid or you got bail or.
19:50 - Yeah, I got bail and I bonded out
19:52 and that's when I met her.
19:55 And though when I went to the court
19:56 and was sentenced she's stayed with me.
19:59 - And she was looking for a fun-loving, gun-toting guy and--
20:02 - Yeah, that was me. - Okay.
20:04 - So, she found what she was looking for,
20:07 but when I got out, she found a different person.
20:09 - You were not the same guy.
20:10 - Not the guy that I was with.
20:11 - No, not at all.
20:12 And so, she was wrestling with this new me and she thought
20:17 some of the things that I was doing was a little weird,
20:19 she'd come home, she'd find me reading
20:21 the Bible, find me praying.
20:23 - Honey, let's go party, no, no, no.
20:25 - Yeah, let's go drink and I'm like, no.
20:28 And so something began to happen in her life as well.
20:32 But during this process, I began to get evicted
20:35 on our lifestyle, I'm living with her, she's now pregnant.
20:39 And I began saying, hey, we're not living right,
20:43 I wanna honor God, he blessed me so much
20:46 and if you go along with this, you'll be blessed too.
20:50 And so we decided to get married.
20:54 At the process of that, I was looking for employment
20:57 and I wanna get on my feet.
20:58 - Having been in jail that probably didn't help.
21:01 - No, it didn't help at all.
21:03 But I kept trusting in God.
21:04 - But you're just getting all of this,
21:06 all this conviction and direction out of the Bible,
21:09 - Out of the Bible.
21:10 And so, and at the process that God is showing me
21:14 these things and my life is being blessed by it.
21:19 I said, Lord, where do I go from here?
21:22 Because I know I need to fellowship,
21:25 but there's so many churches, where do I go?
21:29 And he's began to direct me.
21:30 So I'm praying what happened still last 2000 years,
21:34 why there's so many denominations?
21:37 And then I, one day I was leaving an interview for a job
21:42 and I'm catching the bus, I wasn't too familiar
21:44 with the bus system.
21:46 - You're still in Indianapolis.
21:47 - Yes, still in Indianapolis and I had to transfer
21:50 from one bus to another.
21:53 And when I got off the bus, I saw across the street,
21:59 as the bus passed me, I saw the church and it said,
22:02 Glendale Seventh-Day Adventist church.
22:05 And so I go home, I tell my wife,
22:07 "Hey, I believe I found a church."
22:10 And we go to the church.
22:12 We go that following weekend.
22:15 There was a gentleman who came to the door
22:18 and we introduced ourselves.
22:20 And it was her that he said, "Hey, I detect an accent,
22:25 where are you from?"
22:26 "Oh, I'm from Costa Rica."
22:27 And he said," Oh really, my wife's from Costa Rica."
22:29 And so that was something that God used
22:31 to get her in the church.
22:33 And so when we was introduced to this church,
22:35 we were just loved by the people.
22:37 We saw it was so diverse.
22:39 We was hearing the word of God
22:40 and it was a beautiful thing to experience.
22:44 - So God led you through step by step by step.
22:46 - By step.
22:48 - You're with us here today and I know there's a glow
22:50 in your heart and in your life and we've been talking
22:52 with you and your sweetheart wife.
22:55 Are you happier now than you were in previous times?
22:58 - Oh, very much so.
23:00 - Would you change anything?
23:03 - You know when you think about that experience,
23:04 you wish you didn't do it, of course.
23:06 But what happened in the midst of that and an outcome of it?
23:10 I would not change it.
23:11 - But the amazing thing is that God, you can totally mess up
23:16 your life and God doesn't say, well, you did it
23:20 to yourself and walk away.
23:22 - This is not the felon that's standing here,
23:25 You know, this is a child of God, different person, right?
23:28 - By God's grace.
23:29 - You know, what is there in your life
23:34 that you'd like to share with others?
23:37 Why should they maybe take your journey?
23:39 Maybe there's somebody even in jail,
23:40 who gets to watch this program.
23:42 What would you tell them?
23:44 - You know, being in jail, there's many things
23:46 you can spend your time doing.
23:48 But the best thing that you can do is study God's word,
23:52 get closer to him.
23:54 And not only will he bless you in your time there,
23:57 but he'll work things out in your life
23:59 that you would never imagine.
24:01 And I like that verse that says,
24:02 seek ye the Lord while he's here call on him,
24:06 while he's near.
24:08 And so I would encourage that person while you have the time
24:12 seek God's face, why wait?
24:15 He has so much in store for you.
24:17 - You two in your marriage and before have gone
24:20 through some really interesting times, I imagine.
24:23 - Yeah.
24:25 - For those couples out there, what would you tell them?
24:26 How does God enter into what he's done for the two of you?
24:30 - The way he blessed us is beyond words.
24:34 And I think the best thing that we can do is have Christ
24:37 in the center of our marriage.
24:39 And I wanna encourage that couple to have Christ
24:41 in the center of your relationship.
24:43 He knows things that we don't know,
24:46 and he will give you desires that you will never desire,
24:49 but it will bless your life tremendously.
24:52 - This a little different, but I'd like you to look
24:53 right into that camera and tell people what God means to you
24:57 and how just from the depth of your heart.
25:02 - What God means to me is that
25:05 no matter where you come from, no matter what you've done,
25:10 God is a God of mercy and of love.
25:15 And he will do things in your life
25:16 that you will never imagine.
25:19 The best thing that you can do is give your heart to him.
25:22 He created you and he has redeemed you
25:25 by the blood of Jesus.
25:27 And so honor him with your life and call on him right now,
25:33 in your time of need.
25:35 And he will bless you in a tremendous way.
25:42 - Hey Janice, how are you doing?
25:44 - Hey, you wrote another book.
25:45 - I did had a burden on my heart and God helped me
25:48 get it done.
25:49 (upbeat music)
25:50 - So, The Plan Of Love, what's it about?
25:53 - Well, it's really about God in eternity
25:56 saw everything that was going to happen here,
25:58 in his amazing love he says, I'm gonna take care
26:02 of the problems I'm gonna take care of the situation
26:04 by giving my own life.
26:06 He did all that, but we've been lied to so much.
26:09 We don't see what God has planned for us,
26:11 what God is doing for us.
26:13 Matter of fact, the angel came down to Mary and said,
26:17 "You shall call his name, Jesus, for he shall save
26:19 his people from their sins.
26:21 Notice it wasn't in, but from.
26:23 - Where can people get the book?
26:25 - Hey, I'm glad you asked, folks if you'd like
26:27 your own personal copy,
26:28 log on to
26:31 And now please, if you would, send us a donation of $12
26:34 - Or more. - Or more,
26:36 and we'll get you the book and I'll be happy to sign it
26:38 for you too, thank you so much.
26:42 (bright upbeat music)
26:54 - [Voiceover] Introducing, Talking Donkey International
26:56 God, once used a donkey to spread his word,
26:59 but he'd rather use all of us.
27:02 Our experience team has preached,
27:04 taught and filmed in countries around the globe.
27:07 In partnership with you, our mission is to share
27:09 the lifesaving love and hope found only in Jesus Christ
27:13 with everyone in this lost and dying world.
27:16 Your financial partnership with Talking Donkey will enable
27:19 this exciting ministry to proclaim
27:21 that Jesus is coming soon.
27:24 It's time to prepare quality programming created to attract
27:27 and reach viewers of the world.
27:29 Together, we can carry the final advent message
27:32 to the individuals of planet earth and hasten the return
27:36 of our Lord.
27:37 Please pray for and support the successful mission
27:40 of Talking Donkey International.
27:44 (upbeat music)
27:48 - Thank you for watching.
27:49 Join us again for another exciting country wisdom.
27:51 - See you next time.
27:52 (upbeat music)


Revised 2023-03-01