Country Wisdom

Peace In Sorrow

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000028S

00:00 (mellow music)
00:04 - Welcome, everyone.
00:05 We're excited to share some Country Wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say
00:09 about the path to wisdom.
00:11 In Proverbs 4, he wrote,
00:13 let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet,
00:21 and all your ways will be sure.
00:23 - Join us now for Country Wisdom.
00:26 (mellow music)
00:46 We are in a world of sin.
00:47 We are in a world of sorrow.
00:49 This wasn't God's plan.
00:50 This is not the way it was supposed to turn out
00:53 or the way it was supposed to happen.
00:56 A third of God's family left heaven.
00:59 The God of the universe lost his own children,
01:02 but he's got a plan.
01:03 It is not always going to be this way.
01:05 Matter of fact, I believe it's going to wrap up soon.
01:08 Let me read you a verse.
01:09 Couple of verses actually in Revelation 21.
01:11 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:
01:13 for the first were passed away.
01:15 And verse four, and God shall wipe away all tears
01:18 from their eyes.
01:19 There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, no crying,
01:22 neither shall there be any more pain:
01:24 for the former things are passed away.
01:27 That's what God has in store,
01:29 but in the meantime, we are still down here on this earth,
01:32 and we have a story today that hopefully can help you
01:35 or a family member.
01:37 - Dori, you have a story that
01:40 I'm so thankful that you're willing to share
01:43 because people need to hear it,
01:44 but it's not a story you ever wanted to tell,
01:48 a story that you ever wanted to be put in a position
01:50 of having to tell.
01:52 - No, it wasn't.
01:56 Alright, so I'll just say this.
02:01 I lost my son December 12th of '20.
02:05 So how many? Nine months ago.
02:08 And, but I didn't lose him the day he died.
02:12 I lost him, I was in the process of losing him
02:16 years before that, because.
02:20 - When did that start?
02:23 - When did it start?
02:24 It actually started, it actually probably started
02:27 when his father kind of abandoned his children.
02:33 And he was eight years old.
02:35 And according to all that I've studied,
02:37 eight is a worst time for a boy
02:39 to be abandoned by his father.
02:41 And it just shows you also that broken homes,
02:44 what broken homes do to children.
02:47 So his dad was a pharmacist. I'll just say this.
02:51 And he ended up getting into drugs,
02:55 and he's already passed away.
02:59 He passed away when he was 51, about seven years ago.
03:02 But he ended up, so it broke up our family.
03:09 And then I ended up taking care of the kids myself,
03:12 actually when Christopher was eight,
03:15 and I have two daughters.
03:16 They were four and a one-week-old.
03:21 And I raised them by myself in essence
03:26 with the help of God, and friends,
03:27 and family, and stuff, but.
03:29 - So you have a faith in God.
03:31 - Absolutely have faith in God.
03:32 I've always had a desire to know God.
03:37 I've always had a love for him and a desire to know him
03:41 since I can remember actually.
03:48 But I will say this.
03:49 When all that happened,
03:51 I have to share the story 'cause it's really cool.
03:54 It was, and you can take it out if you need to.
03:56 But when my third baby was born
04:00 it was when I was having a lot of hard times
04:02 with my marriage and everything.
04:06 And he had gone already,
04:08 and it was about a month after she was born.
04:10 It was just me and the kids,
04:11 and I went out on my porch.
04:14 And I had two books.
04:16 I had like a chapter book and I had the Bible,
04:18 and I told God, I read the chapter book.
04:20 I think it was a Mark Finley book actually.
04:22 It was a chapter.
04:23 And as soon as that finished,
04:25 I was gonna open up the Bible and read it,
04:28 but my baby started crying.
04:30 She was only like a month old.
04:31 And I told God, I was like,
04:32 I talked to him in my mind a lot.
04:34 I was like, oh Lord, I was gonna read your word.
04:37 I probably should have read it first,
04:39 but Brianna's crying and I need to tend to her.
04:42 She probably needs to be fed.
04:44 And so I was walking.
04:46 I turned to walk to my sliding glass door,
04:49 and I said, you know what? I am gonna read your word,
04:51 but I'm just gonna hold it out.
04:52 I'm gonna point,
04:54 and whatever my finger lands on, that's what I'm gonna read.
04:57 And it was the book of Malachi.
05:01 And I had never read Malachi.
05:02 And I was like-
05:03 - [Janice] It's not one of the biggies.
05:03 - I was like, I literally said,
05:05 what good can come out of Malachi?
05:07 (Dori laughs)
05:08 And it was Malakai 3:10.
05:09 It was in the Good News Bible.
05:11 And it said, put me to the test and you will see,
05:12 I will open the windows of heaven
05:14 and pour out upon you in abundance all kinds of good things.
05:17 And I just looked up to him and I said,
05:18 you're such a good God.
05:22 So even though I was, it was hard,
05:25 I knew that God was in charge.
05:28 But I thought life would get easier,
05:30 but that was like the,
05:31 that was one of my very first big, big sorrows
05:39 was the breakup of our marriage and stuff, and-
05:42 - But you didn't quit believing in God because of it.
05:44 - I did not quit believing in God.
05:46 I pursued him more.
05:48 And, but then I will tell you,
05:52 my life and my family's have been full of trials,
05:57 full of trials, like one after another,
06:00 after another, after another, after another.
06:03 And they were big, big trials.
06:05 And I was just like, this doesn't feel,
06:09 this doesn't feel good, Lord.
06:12 And I thought that James, when he said,
06:14 count up joy when you face trials of many kinds,
06:16 I was like, he is insane.
06:20 But I realize now that the trials either do two things.
06:26 You either can decide to choose God,
06:29 or you can be bitter.
06:31 And I chose to choose God and to go his route.
06:35 And-
06:36 - When you choose the other, when you choose to be bitter,
06:38 it's not like those trials go away.
06:40 It's just that now you're all, you're bitter and alone.
06:44 - Yeah.
06:45 - Instead of having God, holding his hand through it.
06:48 - Yeah. It was hard.
06:51 I mean, it was like, I mean,
06:52 I thought that was like the worst thing that could happen
06:54 was the breakup of our family,
06:57 but it got harder.
06:59 And so then Christopher,
07:02 because he didn't have a father,
07:06 his father wasn't really in his life then.
07:09 And he had learning disabilities.
07:10 Even though he was brilliant,
07:12 he had learning disability.
07:14 He was diagnosed with bipolar,
07:17 or manic depression, and other things.
07:20 And I'm like, how can you diagnose a teenager with that
07:23 because they're teenagers?
07:24 But yet he was diagnosed with that.
07:28 And I think it's just really hard in this day and age
07:32 that we live, all the media,
07:34 everything that bombards our children,
07:36 it's really hard on them.
07:38 I can't imagine what it's like to be a kid right now.
07:41 - It definitely is worse than it was 10 years ago even.
07:45 - Oh, absolutely.
07:46 And I really think that we need to be praying for them,
07:49 like with such intensity.
07:52 But Christopher ended up being hurt by things.
07:58 I'll just say it that way. He ended up being hurt by things,
08:00 and then he reacted to it by trying to
08:05 do whatever he could to avoid the pain.
08:08 So he started doing pills, anything like Coricidin, pills.
08:14 And then he did things that he didn't want,
08:19 he felt bad about doing.
08:21 And so he was cutting on himself some.
08:22 I remember like calling the ambulance several times
08:25 'cause he was just cutting on himself.
08:34 - It's no secret that the world is in a major mess.
08:38 We are in a major mess.
08:40 Even if you have escaped many of life's difficulties,
08:43 most homes still struggle with daily living.
08:47 So the question arises,
08:50 is there hope for the future, for your future?
08:54 I wanna tell you, there absolutely is hope.
08:57 And that's why I'm asking you to order this free pamphlet.
09:01 Is There Hope for the Future?
09:04 You will be happy you did.
09:06 It will change your life.
09:08 Go to today
09:13 and order offer 105.
09:16 Is There Hope for the Future?
09:20 - Scientists tell us that humans have four basic needs
09:23 for survival, food, water, air, and shelter.
09:29 But beyond mere survival,
09:30 we also need to know that someone cares about us.
09:34 And there is someone who cares, someone who is always there.
09:39 This little track, Someone Cares About You,
09:42 is full of Bible verses that will help you know
09:45 just how much God cares for you.
09:48 It's absolutely free.
09:50 Just go to
09:53 and request offer number 123.
09:56 Someone cares about you.
10:00 (mellow music)
10:03 - So when he was like 13 years old,
10:08 I even put him in actually Advent Home
10:10 because he was just trying to numb his pain
10:13 however he could.
10:15 And so I, like I said, I just,
10:21 tried to tackle whatever was going on at that time.
10:24 He required a lot of attention, a lot of energy.
10:28 And I focused on him a lot,
10:30 even probably to the demise of my two other children,
10:36 but they've been, they're great.
10:38 And so he ended up, long story short,
10:42 he ended up becoming addicted to opiates,
10:47 and he ended up doing IV stuff,
10:50 and he did things that he would never have done
10:53 in his right mind, or,
10:55 'cause he was a very tender hearted, kind hearted boy.
10:59 He had so many wonderful qualities,
11:02 but addiction, I honestly think it's demon possession.
11:08 I really do because it changes the person
11:12 to who they would not even wanna be.
11:15 And anyways, so I lost him over years,
11:21 and I tried to, I prayed to God like,
11:24 and I said, please don't let him,
11:26 please don't let him become homeless, and hungry, and cold,
11:29 please don't let him go to jail, and be beaten, and raped.
11:34 And then I saw a story on YouTube
11:37 of a girl that went through something horrific.
11:42 I mean her life went from,
11:44 I'll just say, it went from horrible to finding God.
11:48 And God was telling me at that time,
11:50 I was in the bathtub seeking him,
11:52 but I listening, and he was telling me at that time,
11:57 you don't know what Christopher needs to be in my kingdom.
12:01 I do.
12:02 So I let go of him at that moment.
12:05 I said, then do whatever it takes to save him
12:08 for your kingdom.
12:09 This is a blink.
12:10 Life here is a blink.
12:13 Do whatever it takes to save him for your kingdom.
12:16 And that is my prayer.
12:18 Now for my girls, do whatever it takes
12:20 to save them for your kingdom
12:22 because they don't have an addiction,
12:25 but I think all our children,
12:27 we need to like fully submit them to God,
12:30 commit them to God, submit them to God,
12:33 and let him do his work,
12:35 because life here is nothing
12:38 compared to what God wants for us.
12:41 And we can even have a little bit of heaven here on earth,
12:43 just knowing God and his love.
12:46 - You literally loved him enough to let go
12:49 and stop being the mom you thought you ought to be.
12:52 That's right.
12:54 And I didn't even care what people thought.
12:55 The people like, what they think of him or me.
12:59 I know that I prayed for him,
13:02 and I probably had hundreds of people praying for him.
13:05 I interceded for him.
13:07 They interceded for him.
13:09 And I told God, do not,
13:11 please do not take him before he's yours
13:14 or before you've given him every opportunity to be yours.
13:17 And I know beyond a shadow of doubt that God did that.
13:20 God did not take my son before that.
13:23 And I know that God is just and fair,
13:27 and he's the only one that can judge period.
13:31 Nobody can judge anybody
13:32 because we don't know their genetics,
13:35 we don't know their experiences,
13:37 we don't know what happened to them, we don't know.
13:40 We might think we do, but we don't.
13:42 Only God does.
13:44 And he knows the hearts.
13:45 - Through this progression of time,
13:47 what was your relationship like with your son,
13:50 or was there any?
13:51 - Oh, my relationship, he was my first born.
13:54 He was born one day shy of being 14 weeks early.
13:57 He weighed less than two and a half pounds.
13:59 I adored him.
14:01 I loved him to pieces.
14:03 I didn't drink one drop of caffeine.
14:05 I was so careful.
14:08 And he was so funny.
14:11 We, he talked to me more than my two girls together.
14:14 He told me things I didn't even wanna hear.
14:17 But as the addiction increased,
14:21 the relationship became less close,
14:27 because he ended up stealing, and taking my checkbook,
14:30 and just stuff that he wouldn't do.
14:33 And, but, and we would argue because he's strong-willed,
14:36 and I guess I'm pretty strong-willed too maybe.
14:38 - Maybe. (Jim laughs)
14:40 - And so we would argue and yell at each other even,
14:45 but then we would like always apologize.
14:48 I always just remember always apologizing.
14:51 And he was like so good about apologizing too.
14:55 So he was a terrific kid other than that addiction part.
15:01 He was an awesome kid.
15:06 I miss him.
15:08 I miss him.
15:10 - It's still pretty raw.
15:11 - Yeah.
15:12 And it's actually,
15:15 I find that it's actually harder right now.
15:17 I think because God, in his love and kindness knew
15:22 that for me to deal with his death,
15:28 I just, all I could see was like
15:29 so much of the things that he did so hurtful.
15:34 I know that Christopher is no longer suffering.
15:35 He's no longer in pain,
15:36 and he's no longer able to hurt anybody else.
15:41 And I think addiction, especially drug addiction,
15:46 makes people do things that they would not normally do
15:48 because it costs money.
15:50 It costs a lot of money.
15:52 And so he's no longer suffering,
15:55 and he's not hurting anyone else.
15:57 And that gives me comfort too.
16:00 - If you don't mind,
16:02 could you kinda lead us on to where and when, what happened?
16:07 - In this-
16:08 - A year ago, where were the two of you?
16:09 - So he was in and out of jail,
16:12 and I thought the first time he went in jail
16:15 that would scare him, and he would never wanna go,
16:17 but he was so gregarious.
16:20 He made friends wherever he went.
16:22 And he was quite smart too.
16:23 So he knew, and you can get drugs in jail,
16:27 I mean, just as easily or maybe even easier than,
16:30 I mean, where he was at.
16:32 I mean, it was so easy to get.
16:35 - How did you know all of that?
16:36 Did he share that with you? - He told me.
16:38 - He told you, okay.
16:39 - He told me.
16:40 - So he's breaking your heart more at the same time
16:41 as he's sharing with mom.
16:43 - Well, he's telling me,
16:44 which I love that he could tell me things.
16:47 I love that part because he felt close enough
16:49 to be able to tell me.
16:51 And I love that. I miss that tremendously.
16:55 But of course I was like, it hurt me that he was
17:00 doing things that harmed him and harmed others.
17:04 But so he ended up being in and out of jail.
17:09 And then he ended up coming home,
17:16 and I actually moved away for a short time.
17:18 So I was living where he was living,
17:20 which was his grandma's house.
17:22 And I was able to spend the last week and half with him.
17:27 And I feel honored to do that,
17:30 and I even left a job,
17:31 and I'm pretty sure I was there for only one month,
17:33 and I'm pretty sure that the reason why,
17:36 'cause I was like, why?
17:37 'Cause I felt like God called me
17:38 to this place in North Carolina.
17:40 And I'm like, why? Why am I back here?
17:42 I think it was just for this one week with Chris,
17:45 and this was one of the reasons.
17:47 And so I was able to pray.
17:50 I prayed with them during that week and half twice.
17:53 And I asked him, I said, Christopher.
17:56 I said, I don't even know,
17:57 because his girlfriend had a ouija board
18:00 and stuff like that.
18:01 And I said, I don't even know if you believe in God.
18:04 And he looked straight at me and he said,
18:07 of course I do, Mom.
18:08 You're you're my mother. You raised me.
18:11 And so that gave me some hope.
18:13 And then there was a time, I think it was a Tuesday.
18:17 They found him on a Saturday, on a Sabbath.
18:21 But the Tuesday before,
18:24 I remember going, his room was open.
18:27 The TV was blaring,
18:28 and I went into his room.
18:30 I turned off the TV,
18:32 and I just felt impressed to like pray over Christopher.
18:37 I just got on my knees, and I rebuked Satan,
18:40 and told him he had no rights to my kids.
18:43 He was dedicated to God as a child.
18:47 He was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
18:50 And then I asked God to make himself known to him.
18:54 And I know he did.
18:56 And then what happened was we found out that,
19:04 I got a call.
19:05 I was at my daughter's house spending the night there,
19:09 and we got a call from their grandmother
19:13 where I was staying at.
19:15 And she said the police were there.
19:18 And I knew that wasn't good news.
19:20 And so I rushed over there,
19:26 and I remember it's only like five minutes away or so,
19:30 but I remember driving like a maniac,
19:33 and I was like, Lord, I know that this is not good news.
19:36 And I think that she had told me that he was dead.
19:39 She's like, Chris is dead.
19:41 And I'm like, I know he's dead,
19:43 but I'm gonna intercede for him one more time.
19:46 Be with my child and do whatever.
19:49 I'm just gonna intercede.
19:50 I don't even know if that's possible,
19:53 but just save my son.
19:56 And so then when we got there,
19:58 there were two policemen there,
20:01 and they told us that he had gone to a narcotic party
20:10 in a hotel and paranoia ensued,
20:15 and somebody shot him in the head.
20:18 And God has given me forgiveness.
20:30 I'm not, I don't hate the guy that killed him,
20:36 which is amazing.
20:38 And I had a little problem with his girlfriend
20:44 'cause she introduced him to it,
20:45 but I try to pray for her now.
20:49 And God just has given me peace
20:55 that he's a good God, even though I have sorrow.
20:57 And I know that it's God's kingdom, right?
20:59 He gets to choose who live there anyways.
21:01 (Dori laughs)
21:02 So I'm like, you have full whatever.
21:07 And so I just want people to know that you can have peace
21:12 even though you have sadness,
21:13 and that I know what it's like to be a mother
21:17 of the child that has addiction,
21:19 and that it's a very, very, very hard place to be,
21:24 extremely.
21:26 - You're not alone, as we all know.
21:28 - No.
21:30 - It is so common nowadays, so much more common.
21:33 It's incredible that in a situation like this,
21:36 having such issues with your son, watching him,
21:40 as you said, you began to lose him when he was 13,
21:44 and to lose him in little bits all along,
21:47 and then completely lose him,
21:49 and sit here not even a year later and say,
21:54 even in spite of all the sorrow, you have peace.
21:58 - I do.
21:59 - That's difficult to understand.
22:00 - It's only from God.
22:02 It's truly only from God,
22:03 in the fact that I'm not bitter
22:05 to the person that killed him.
22:07 That is only from God.
22:08 I don't know how, I mean, I don't see how.
22:13 It has to be from God.
22:15 - Have you seen that person since?
22:18 - I mean, I've seen pictures of him,
22:21 but he's in jail, but no.
22:24 - And how old is your son?
22:26 - He was 29.
22:27 - 29.
22:28 So from 13 to 29, a lot of years of struggle,
22:33 and a lot of years of heartache.
22:36 When you first came,
22:37 and you and I were talking before we sat down,
22:40 you said you just wanted people to know,
22:43 and you listed a whole bunch of things.
22:46 You've got a heart that wants to help others.
22:47 Do you mind just sharing some of those things with us?
22:50 - Yeah, I want people to know that there is a God in heaven
22:54 that loves them dearly, knows everything about them,
22:58 and just like a parent, like I loved.
23:00 Christopher taught me that,
23:02 that the things that he did,
23:06 there wasn't something he did that I thought,
23:08 I don't know if I can, like,
23:10 I don't know if I can love him.
23:12 And I loved him no matter what.
23:15 I loved him with such intensity.
23:17 And I know that God loves us more,
23:21 and he loves every person that's listening today.
23:23 He is like, he loves them so much.
23:26 He loves, I wanna say he loves you so much.
23:30 And he wants to know you,
23:32 and he doesn't wanna live without you.
23:36 And if we just would, if we would just seek him,
23:40 and all you have to do is repent
23:42 and say, I'm sorry for my sins.
23:45 I don't, I choose you.
23:46 That's what I tell him everyday.
23:47 I'm like, I'm not perfect.
23:50 I have my flaws,
23:51 but I'm like, I choose you.
23:52 I want you in my life.
23:55 I want your spirit.
23:56 But I'm a leopard. I can't change myself.
23:59 You're gonna have to change me
24:01 because I desire things that are not good,
24:04 but I don't want to.
24:05 I want to do your will.
24:06 I want to be bold for you.
24:08 I want to, I want to,
24:11 I want everyone to know that you love them.
24:15 And I, that's what I want.
24:17 I want everyone to know that they are deeply, deeply loved
24:19 by a God who is bigger than anything,
24:23 and that he is coming soon.
24:25 He is coming really, really soon.
24:29 I believe with all my heart that we will see him come.
24:34 - Counsel for moms and dads, anything special for them?
24:38 I mean, some are probably going through
24:40 what you are right now.
24:42 Others, maybe are getting close.
24:43 What would you say?
24:45 - I would say, get on your knees and pray,
24:48 'cause this battle is not against flesh and blood,
24:51 but against principalities and things of darkness.
24:54 This is a spiritual battle.
24:57 You're more powerful on your knees than anything else.
24:59 But I would also say, catch it early on.
25:03 When you catch it early on,
25:09 I don't know.
25:10 'Cause I think do the tough love thing early on,
25:12 but I'm not positive.
25:13 I don't know. It's so hard to know because I-
25:17 - Even as I started out, even God the Father
25:20 couldn't totally stop some of the children
25:23 from leaving the glories of heaven and his side.
25:25 - And that's when I realized that I was kind of playing God
25:29 with Christopher,
25:30 because I was like thinking that
25:34 I could persuade him to come back.
25:35 And I was like, God is perfect,
25:37 and then Satan chose to leave.
25:40 So, but I would say the most powerful thing,
25:46 the most, is get on your knees and pray.
25:48 I believe that it allows God,
25:51 because God's such a gentleman, I think of Satan as mafia.
25:54 And he's gonna kick you when you're down,
25:56 and hit you, and kick you, and punch you, and everything.
25:59 And I think of God as a perfect gentleman.
26:00 He's just at the door knocking.
26:02 Just let me in.
26:04 And so you come to him and like, I'm letting you in.
26:06 Now he tells his angels, go sick 'em.
26:08 That's exactly how I see it.
26:10 It gives God permission to do in the spiritual realm,
26:14 what needs to be done.
26:18 - Dori, we just can't thank you enough for coming today
26:20 and the courage to share.
26:21 - Being willing to tell a story like that,
26:23 because there are other hurting parents out there
26:27 who maybe haven't lost their child yet,
26:30 but feel like, in many ways, they have.
26:33 And to throw out that little lifeline of hope
26:36 and remind them that God loves their child
26:40 more than they do.
26:41 - Absolutely.
26:41 - So thank you for coming today.
26:43 Appreciate it a lot.
26:44 - Thank you for having me and letting me share.
26:46 I appreciate it.
26:49 (mellow music)
27:02 - Scientists tell us that humans have four basic needs
27:06 for survival, food, water, air, and shelter.
27:11 But beyond mere survival,
27:13 we also need to know that someone cares about us.
27:16 And there is someone who cares, someone who is always there.
27:21 This little track, Someone Cares About You,
27:24 is full of Bible verses that will help you know
27:27 just how much God cares for you.
27:30 It's absolutely free.
27:32 Just go to
27:36 and request offer number 123.
27:39 Someone Cares About You.
27:48 - Thank you for watching.
27:49 Join us again for another exciting Country Wisdom.
27:51 - See you next time.
27:52 (mellow music)


Revised 2023-02-23