Country Wisdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000035S

00:00 (bright music)
00:03 - Welcome everyone.
00:05 We're excited to share some country wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say
00:09 about the path to wisdom.
00:11 In Proverbs four, he wrote,
00:13 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet
00:21 and all your ways will be sure."
00:23 - Join us now for Country Wisdom.
00:26 (bright music)
00:35 I've just gotta share with you directly.
00:37 I heard this young lady doing a sermon a while back,
00:41 the psychopath within.
00:43 Going what? The psychopath within.
00:46 So I looked around for a setting, a location.
00:48 I found this old broken down barn, broken down fences,
00:51 and it seemed Janice really apropos
00:53 to the first part of your story.
00:55 I've gotta hear.
00:57 - I like the young lady part.
00:58 You can introduce me like that anytime you want.
01:01 - Everyone, the emphasis.
01:02 - Not that they're gonna buy that.
01:06 Yes, it was a book I read that I was basing that on
01:10 and actually I think it was, "The Psychopath Inside."
01:13 A man who studied the brains.
01:16 He literally was studying the brains of serial killers
01:20 and doing MRI scans, seeing how they thought,
01:23 what was going on, recognizing areas of their brains
01:27 that did not light up the way normal people's brains do,
01:33 non serial killers.
01:35 And one day he was going through all of these
01:37 and he found one,
01:39 he got to where he could just see a brain scan and he knew
01:41 that's one of his test subjects
01:42 versus all of the control subjects.
01:44 People he worked with.
01:46 - Lighting up the synapses weren't fir
01:47 you can test the synapsis and nothing going across.
01:51 - And he saw one and he went,
01:53 "That's one of the psychopaths," but it wasn't labeled.
01:56 And he's really getting on his assistant going,
01:59 "Find out who's this is, it doesn't have a name on it."
02:02 Well, it to turned out it was his.
02:04 And he's going, "I'm not a serial killer."
02:07 But he began looking at ways of thinking
02:11 at his relationships and recognizing the tendencies he had
02:14 and then saying, "Well, if my brain is programmed
02:18 where I could just as easily
02:20 have been one of the psychopaths that I'm studying,
02:24 why am I not?"
02:26 And he realized part of it is the home he was raised in.
02:31 He was raised in a stable home.
02:33 He's going, "What if I hadn't had that stability?
02:37 Would I have ended up like them?"
02:39 And he was looking at the areas of your life
02:41 that can counteract the brain that you were born with.
02:46 And I've recognized that I knew my mother very well,
02:53 as you might imagine.
02:55 I grew up with her and I was programmed to be like her.
03:00 I'm sure in utero, it was happening
03:03 because she was always anxious.
03:05 She had anxiety and depression and she treated it all
03:09 with prescription drugs.
03:11 She had multiple doctors
03:13 who didn't know that the others existed
03:15 and always had a cupboard full of tranquilizers
03:22 and pain pills.
03:23 And she just functioned like that.
03:25 - So everybody's writing scripts for her
03:27 on the same thing then.
03:29 - Yes.
03:30 And I was raised with that kind of thinking in the home,
03:36 but none of it showed outside the home.
03:38 I was a proper little liar
03:41 because you would never have talked about the whaling fight
03:47 that had happened the night before.
03:48 She and my dad would really get into it.
03:52 I've got a little scar up, thankfully, my bangs cover it.
03:56 Where in one fight, she had her hurled an egg beater
04:00 at my dad and her aim was off a little bit and it hit me.
04:04 I think I was about four.
04:07 The only good thing is that my scalp is split open, blood,
04:11 it was scalp bleeds.
04:12 But it ended the fight because they had to take me to the ER
04:15 and get stitches.
04:16 And by the time that was all over,
04:18 I think they'd forgotten what they were fighting about.
04:20 I remember one night, it was a Saturday night,
04:23 because I believe we were watching "Lawrence Welk."
04:26 That was my dad's favorite show when I was little girl.
04:30 And my mom just walked in and announced
04:32 that she had taken a whole bottle of whatever it was,
04:35 meprobamate, something like that.
04:37 And she just stood there, looking at my dad and said,
04:39 "What are you gonna do about?"
04:41 Basically it was up to him to prove,
04:44 did he love her enough to actually save her life?
04:48 And that wasn't the only time.
04:51 On a date in high school one time,
04:54 I'm pathologically punctual.
04:56 So when I told my mom I'll be home at 11,
04:58 she knew I would be home at 11 and I'm certain she timed it.
05:03 So when I came in, the first thing I did
05:05 was go back to her bedroom to tell her I was home.
05:09 And I had to come out and get my boyfriend
05:11 to carry my semiconscious mother to the hospital,
05:15 to have her stomach pumped because she had tried once again.
05:20 And at that time, my dad was dying of cancer.
05:24 I think I was a sophomore when he was diagnosed
05:27 and we had moved my grandmother in with us
05:30 because she was losing her mind.
05:32 My mom keeps trying to kill herself.
05:34 My dad's dying, but nobody outside the family
05:39 would've known what kind of chaos was going inside the home.
05:43 There was no stability there.
05:45 As a little girl, when I would walk home from school,
05:48 there was a certain corner, from Acacia Street onto Central,
05:53 where I could look down and I could see my house
05:56 and my stomach would nod up because it was,
05:59 which mother was gonna meet me at the door that day.
06:02 Was it gonna be a good day
06:04 or would it be one of her bad days?
06:05 - So there's trauma in your heart and mind
06:07 every single day of your life?
06:09 - Right, school was a refuge.
06:11 You look back on your life.
06:13 And I realize God always had a particular teacher
06:17 or the parents of friends, someone that I always had,
06:23 that was that bit of stability.
06:27 I always volunteered for things at school and at church.
06:32 I think a lot of that was to escape home.
06:36 - Wow, many of us can't even imagine that kinda home
06:40 and probably most can, unfortunately.
06:42 Today's most can.
06:43 - I think more than we would know.
06:45 - I had a good life that way, but this is amazing.
06:50 How long did this keep on?
06:54 - Well, dad died in my senior year of high school.
06:58 Mom at that point, not long after
07:00 she sold the home, I'd grown up in,
07:04 moved into something smaller with my grandmother
07:06 who was still with us.
07:08 But at least I was off and independent at that point.
07:11 - You've got all these pills around.
07:13 You've got a terrible life.
07:14 Did you ever think of them? - Oh yes.
07:18 The genetic curse on my mother's side,
07:20 'cause not only my mom but her father also had issues
07:24 with depression and anxiety.
07:27 And I know from stories, so I know it came from her side.
07:32 I was a teenager and I was in my mother's dressing room.
07:38 When you're a teenager,
07:40 things that nowadays you might just go,
07:43 that's not even gonna bother you next week.
07:45 I think I hadn't done well on a test
07:47 and there was a boy that I was desperately in love with
07:50 who wouldn't even look at me that day,
07:52 something along those lines.
07:54 But I remember distinctly standing in front of the cupboard
07:59 where she kept all of her Darvan and meprobamate
08:02 and a number of other things, all kinds of bottles.
08:07 She got them wholesale using my dad's medical license.
08:13 - So she was a felon also in reality.
08:16 - Things were looser back then.
08:19 But I was standing there trying to figure out,
08:22 I was wondering, well, how much, what combination,
08:25 what would it take to just make the pain go away?
08:29 And I think a lot of people,
08:31 there's been a horrible rise in suicide
08:34 and a lot of those poor people, they're not thinking,
08:39 I'm going to kill and show everyone.
08:42 It's in that moment, you can't see beyond the blackness
08:45 that you're enveloped in.
08:47 And I just wanted the pain to go away.
08:51 And to this day, I don't know why I shut the doors.
08:57 Now I'm pretty sure it was my angel.
09:00 I don't recall consciously deciding,
09:02 "No Janice, you can't do that."
09:05 But I didn't.
09:07 Nowadays you have so many teen suicides
09:11 and I realize how easily I could have been one.
09:15 But there was always a thread,
09:16 sometimes no more than a thread of the Lord being there.
09:23 Now I don't have a Damascus road conversion experience.
09:25 In fact, I think one of the first times I was ever asked
09:29 to give my testimony.
09:32 I did what I do too often.
09:33 I said yes and then panicked later,
09:36 because I'm thinking, what can I say?
09:38 What kind of testimony?
09:39 What do I have?
09:40 I even called my daughter and I said,
09:42 "I have to give my testimony tomorrow morning.
09:44 What am I gonna say?
09:45 I'm so vanilla.
09:46 Our family is just so vanilla."
09:48 And she laughed.
09:50 Our daughter is Ethiopian.
09:52 You gotta keep this visual in mind.
09:54 And she said, "Vanilla?"
09:57 She goes, "Mom, at the very least,
09:59 our family is chocolate ripple."
10:01 (both laughing)
10:05 Maybe we're not as bland as I think.
10:08 - But I've heard you say many times
10:09 that I don't have much of a testimony.
10:12 And I'm sitting here listening to this,
10:13 that you had trauma.
10:15 I mean your old, early life, it was just one mix of trauma.
10:20 - It was, but at the time, that's what I knew.
10:24 It's not until you really look at other families and you go,
10:27 oh, in other families, mom doesn't disappear
10:31 for a few weeks.
10:32 And later you find out, usually from my sister,
10:35 I don't know how Bonnie always knew what was happening.
10:37 She was older than I was.
10:39 And it was kind of, well, sooner or later,
10:41 Bonnie will tell me what's going on.
10:43 And you would find out now we would call it rehab.
10:47 But back then it was, dad would put mom in a sanitarium,
10:51 is what they called it, to dry out.
10:54 And then when she came home for a while,
10:57 it would be wonderful.
10:58 My mother was intelligent.
11:00 She was, you think I have a sense of humor,
11:03 my mom could be hysterical.
11:05 She was so witty.
11:07 And she would be a real person for a long time.
11:11 But then she didn't have the anchor of the Lord.
11:16 She could quote scripture better than I can ever hope to.
11:20 I'm always going, what's that text about this?
11:24 And then finally someone will save me
11:25 and say, "That's this."
11:28 I can't remember what those texts are.
11:31 Mom could quote it, but it never went beyond her head.
11:36 She never actually knew God.
11:40 And I might not be able to remember my favorite text.
11:44 I can quote it, but I can't remember what book and chapter,
11:48 but I can't get out of bed in the morning
11:51 without the Lord there.
11:53 That is the solid foundation.
11:56 The rest of the world can be shaking and falling apart,
11:59 but there's a part of the world, right under my feet
12:01 that isn't moving.
12:03 - So this lady who really didn't have much of a testimony
12:07 and your words, really does have an amazing testimony of God
12:13 leading in your life
12:14 and saving you probably from suicide too.
12:16 - Yes.
12:17 It's just been so incremental that you don't notice.
12:24 It's not like Paul.
12:25 I mean, you don't get more dramatic than Paul
12:28 getting knocked off his donkey.
12:30 He's blinded and yet he knows somehow
12:32 that's God talking to me.
12:34 And he is not the same person afterwards.
12:38 I don't have a moment that I can go back to
12:41 and say, "Here, this is when I was converted."
12:44 It's been that gradual process
12:46 where you actually have to look back and you have to say
12:50 anyone who knew me when I was an adolescent,
12:55 they would never have predicted,
12:58 Janice is gonna grow up to be a pillar of the church,
13:01 to be someone that other people
13:03 would actually want to listen to, happily married,
13:07 knowing the Lord.
13:08 That's where she's headed.
13:09 - So somewhere there was a psychopath inside,
13:13 but God began altering your DNA.
13:16 - He certainly did.
13:18 - I couldn't help, but think of Jeremiah chapter 29:11.
13:22 Lord says, "For I know the thoughts
13:24 that I think towards you, saith the Lord,
13:27 thoughts of peace, and not of evil,
13:29 to give you an expected end."
13:32 God has an expected end for you.
13:34 He has expected end for everybody, doesn't he?
13:36 - Yes, he does.
13:37 - I just praise God that you're here with me today.
13:39 And God began working on you in amazing ways.
13:43 We're gonna hear more of that part of it in the moment.
13:45 - Yes, because I can tell you one person
13:47 who for certain made that change in me.
13:52 - Hey Janice, how are you doing?
13:54 - Hey, you were wrote another book.
13:56 - I did, I had a burden on my heart
13:58 and God helped me get it done.
14:00 - So, "The Plan of Love," what's it about?
14:04 - Well, it's really about God and eternity.
14:06 Saw everything that was going to happen here.
14:09 And his amazing love He says,
14:11 "I'm gonna take care of the problems.
14:13 I'm gonna take care of the situation by giving my own life."
14:17 He did all that, but we've been lied to so much.
14:20 We don't see what God has planned for us,
14:22 what God is doing for us.
14:24 Matter of fact, the angel came down to Mary and said,
14:27 "You shall call his name Jesus
14:29 for he shall save his people from their sin."
14:32 Notice it wasn't in, but from.
14:34 - Where can people get the book?
14:36 - Hey, I'm glad you asked.
14:37 Folks if you'd like your own personal copy,
14:39 log on to
14:42 And please, if you would send us a donation of $12-
14:45 - Or more. - Or more.
14:47 And we'll get you the book
14:48 and I'll be happy to sign it for you too.
14:50 Thank you so much.
14:54 Janice I love the continuation of those verses
14:57 in Jeremiah 29.
14:58 "Then shall ye call upon me, says the Lord,
15:01 ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.
15:04 Ye shall seek me and find me, when you search for me
15:07 with all of your heart.
15:09 And I will be found of you."
15:13 - I love that too, because I don't even know
15:20 at what point I began really seeking him with all my heart.
15:23 I know how important he is now.
15:26 And I know that one person that he put in my life,
15:29 because he often is guiding you not with,
15:35 angelic heavenly angels, but people in your life
15:39 that I think he puts there on purpose
15:42 if you'll open your eyes and notice them.
15:44 And after one of the worst times in my life,
15:48 when my dad finally died of cancer on April Fool's Day,
15:54 you would think now what?
15:56 And I was thinking that too.
15:58 And purely out of desperation,
16:00 I applied to work at a Christian summer camp.
16:03 Mind you, I did not like kids.
16:06 I had never babysat in my life.
16:08 I never wanted children.
16:10 And so to go and work at a summer camp,
16:12 which is kind of filled with kids,
16:15 but I knew that I could get a scholarship
16:17 and I needed that scholarship.
16:19 So I applied to work there
16:21 and Steve was the boy's director, assistant director,
16:26 something like that.
16:27 He did all the scheduling.
16:29 And if you had any discipline problems with your cabin,
16:32 or if any staff needed a talking to, it was Steve.
16:36 And so I had gone in, when I got the job and I had said,
16:42 Look, I will be a counselor if you get really desperate,
16:45 but otherwise I'll do anything else.
16:48 I would work in the kitchen, I'd do maintenance.
16:50 But they discovered fairly quickly that I like people.
16:54 I've got good people skills
16:55 and a good command of the English language,
16:59 sounded really nice on the phone.
17:01 - English major. - Yes.
17:03 And so I often worked in the office
17:06 and his desk was in the same room.
17:09 Well, he was always so responsible, so businesslike,
17:12 focused on what needed to be done.
17:15 And I thought he's a really nice guy,
17:17 but he's kind of buttoned down.
17:20 And he thought she's a really nice girl really smart.
17:25 - Wait, wait, wait for the younger audience,
17:26 you've gotta explain button down.
17:29 - Collars that always had little buttons
17:31 to keep the collar down and in place.
17:34 And Steve was always- - Prim and proper.
17:37 - Yes, proper, yes.
17:39 Business like responsible, Uber responsible.
17:43 And he recognized that I'm intelligent.
17:47 I'm fun to be around,
17:49 but literally too crazy to ever really date.
17:52 That's not what he was looking for.
17:54 He was headed to medical school.
17:56 He didn't even want a relationship.
17:58 - This was the psychopath inside.
18:00 - Well, he was getting little glimpses of her, yes.
18:04 But over months, not only working together all summer,
18:08 but we went to the same college.
18:11 He was a senior chemistry major.
18:13 I was a freshman English major,
18:15 literally opposite sides of the campus.
18:17 And yet weirdly we kept running into each other.
18:21 And sometimes God has to put something in front of you
18:25 and keep saying "Here, here.
18:28 Did you notice what I'm trying to give you here?"
18:31 And you finally stop and think,
18:33 he's not like anyone I've ever dated before,
18:38 but that's not such a bad thing.
18:40 And he had these qualities.
18:43 There was no one that didn't respect Steve,
18:46 that didn't recognize he's a good guy,
18:49 a genuinely good guy.
18:51 And an actual adult male.
18:56 - Was God trying to drop an anchor in your life, is that?
18:58 - I think so.
18:59 I have no idea why God inflicted me on him.
19:03 That would be another story.
19:04 And his mother trust me was horrified
19:07 when he brought me home.
19:09 But somehow it has worked.
19:11 And he is just a perfect partner for me.
19:17 He kind of keeps me from bouncing all over
19:21 and from getting way out of line.
19:25 He is a dedicated Christian.
19:29 When I walk into the kitchen in the mornings,
19:32 every morning there he is with his Bible.
19:35 I am hit or miss with that
19:38 because I don't have the discipline he has,
19:40 but he generally doesn't walk out of the house
19:43 without having spent some time with the Lord.
19:45 And that's how he has put up with me
19:46 a lot of these many years.
19:49 But he's also provide the guidance.
19:53 He has literally given me the stability,
19:57 the anchor to let me bloom.
20:01 And my mom didn't have that.
20:03 Maybe if she had had a better partner,
20:06 someone who was connected to the Lord.
20:08 My dad, the only time I know that he said the word, God,
20:13 it was followed by expletive that you shouldn't repeat.
20:20 I didn't grow up with my parents taking me to church.
20:24 It was my grandmother who lived next door.
20:27 So never underestimate the power of a godly grandmother.
20:32 But at this point in my life, when I met him,
20:34 my grandmother, we had had to move her in with us
20:37 because she kept accidentally setting her house on fire.
20:42 So God put this godly man right in my path.
20:48 And I eventually wised up and paid attention.
20:50 - So, He really used Steve to begin speaking to you,
20:54 to draw you out of that old mindset,
20:57 that old direction in life.
20:58 - Right, right.
20:59 When you are partnering with someone who has genuine faith,
21:05 it can't help but rub off.
21:07 And I had faith, but it was tiny.
21:11 It was there, but it needed to be breathed on,
21:15 give it some oxygen.
21:19 And that's one thing that he has provided
21:20 for the whole family too,
21:22 because our kids feel the same way.
21:26 One of our sons one and time said,
21:29 "When dad prays, you actually know he means it.
21:33 He's not just going through the motions."
21:35 So he is had that effect on the kids too,
21:38 of growing up with a godly father.
21:41 - Now you came out of what I would call
21:43 really kind of a living hell in your life.
21:49 Tell me though what it was like in this growing process.
21:51 How did you see changes in your life
21:54 and how did God really come into your life
21:57 to where you are today?
21:59 - Well, another big life changing experience
22:02 was having our first child, Colin.
22:07 - Remember I said I didn't like kids.
22:09 I never babysat, I didn't want children.
22:11 I was terrified because I knew that children ruin your life.
22:15 And I knew it because my mother was always telling us that.
22:19 She could have been something,
22:20 but she got married and had children.
22:24 I don't know how many times she flat out told me
22:27 I was no daughter of hers
22:29 because I wasn't meeting her expectations.
22:34 And I was terrified.
22:35 And after Colin, I had a period of,
22:39 you hear about postpartum blues, it was postpartum black.
22:43 In fact, Steve, when I finally admitted to him
22:47 that I'm not doing as well as you think I'm doing,
22:51 he was in his surgery residency.
22:53 He was hardly ever home.
22:54 And when he was, I'm a good enough actress, I could fake it
22:57 for the 12 hours, he might be home.
23:01 And finally, when I realized the suicidal thoughts
23:05 were seeming to make sense,
23:08 they were starting to sound reasonable.
23:10 And I thought I can't do that to the baby though.
23:14 I didn't love the baby.
23:16 I was going through emotions like a robot
23:19 as if you'd handed me an infant and said,
23:21 "Here, could you take care of this for a while?
23:23 But I was so afraid of Colin
23:26 because I thought he's gonna grow up and hate me
23:30 the way I hate my mother.
23:32 My brother, my sister and I,
23:34 we all got to the point where we just cut mom off.
23:37 Absolutely no relationship.
23:38 And I was terrified that-
23:41 How could I possibly be a mom what I didn't know how to be?
23:46 But I also hadn't reckoned with the love God gives you.
23:51 And I think that is when I really began to experience
23:54 what God feels for me.
23:56 And boy does that make a difference?
23:59 - Wow, so that was really kind of a time in your life
24:03 when God then impacted your life.
24:07 - When you realize, I began to know
24:10 that Steve would do anything for me
24:13 and with Colin, it was like,
24:14 well, I know I'd do anything for him.
24:17 Once I got over the depression, it was like,
24:20 nobody could take that baby from me now.
24:22 I would give my life.
24:23 And you realize that is how God looks at me.
24:28 - Wow.
24:30 Janice. I just really appreciate you sharing this story.
24:32 I know probably a little tough for you.
24:34 I can see it in your face.
24:37 - You kept saying, "We need to do your story."
24:39 And I kept saying, "No, no we don't."
24:42 - Well, thank you so much.
24:43 - Thank you.
24:47 (lighting thudding)
24:59 There's a storm coming.
25:02 That means any minute now
25:05 my grandchildren will start appearing,
25:08 the little ones first,
25:10 but the older ones won't be far behind,
25:12 all of them scrambling for the safety of grandma's lap.
25:19 They know their grandmother isn't afraid of any storm.
25:23 And soon one of them is bound to ask to hear it again.
25:26 The story of the great storm.
25:30 How God decided to rid his world of evil,
25:34 how he decided to send the rain,
25:38 and how he asked Grandpa Noah to build a boat.
25:42 (upbeat music)
25:51 - Hey Janice, how are you doing?
25:53 - Hey, you wrote another book.
25:54 - I did, I had a burden on my heart
25:56 and God helped me get it done.
25:58 - So, "The Plan of Love," what's it about?
26:02 - Well, it's really about God in eternity
26:05 saw everything that was going to happen here.
26:07 And his amazing love he says,
26:10 "I'm gonna take care of the problems.
26:11 I'm gonna take care of the situation by giving my own life."
26:15 He did all that, but we've been lied to so much.
26:18 We don't see what God has planned for us,
26:20 what God is doing for us.
26:23 Matter of fact, the angel came down to marry and said,
26:26 "You shall call his name Jesus
26:27 for he shall save his people from their sin."
26:30 Notice it wasn't in, but from.
26:32 - Where can people get the book?
26:34 - Hey, I'm glad you asked,
26:36 Folks, if you'd like your own personal copy,
26:38 log on to
26:40 And please, if you would send us a donation of 12 dollars-
26:43 - Or more. - Or more.
26:45 And we'll get you the book
26:46 and I'll be happy to sign it for you too.
26:48 Thank you so much.
26:52 (gentle music)
26:56 It's exciting to me because I look at what God did
26:59 for this young woman who heard a cry to him,
27:03 He came man answered the call.
27:05 - He certainly did.
27:06 He always answers your call. - He does.
27:08 - Even if you're barely calling,
27:11 it's just a little squeak inside.
27:13 And I know that there's someone out there.
27:15 You might be one who is calling out because you recognize
27:19 maybe you've never felt loved.
27:21 Maybe you don't feel like you are lovable.
27:24 And certainly you don't know how to genuinely love.
27:28 That was me.
27:29 And the best decision I ever made was to ask God to come in
27:34 and begin to change that, to fill those holes,
27:37 to start repairing the brokenness inside
27:40 so that I had something to actually give.
27:44 Make that decision today if you haven't already.
27:47 (gentle music)
27:58 - Thank you for watching.
27:59 Join us again for another exciting Country Wisdom.
28:01 - See you next time.


Revised 2022-02-10