Country Wisdom

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000042S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:01 (footsteps thudding)
00:03 - Welcome everyone.
00:05 We're excited to share some country wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say about
00:10 the path to wisdom.
00:11 In Proverbs four, he wrote,
00:13 let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet,
00:21 and all your ways will be sure.
00:23 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom."
00:26 (gentle music)
00:35 I've been talking with Marty Miller on the phone
00:37 for a couple months now, perhaps.
00:40 Really begin enjoying our conversation.
00:42 I could tell he's a man that, you know,
00:44 wants to stick to a plan.
00:45 Well, his plan perhaps used to be a little bit different.
00:48 We're gonna talk to him about that today.
00:50 He loves men's ministry.
00:52 He loves to point men toward Christ
00:54 and working for Christ in a godly manner.
00:57 So Marty, thank you for being with us today.
00:59 Appreciate it.
01:00 - Well, thanks for having me.
01:01 You bet ya--
01:02 Now. - In my own garage.
01:03 - I was gonna say, you know, it's like
01:05 Tim the Tool Time here, you know, where he would watch.
01:05 - I feel a little out of place.
01:07 Like I've been invited into the man cave.
01:10 - Woo woo woo
01:11 (All laugh)
01:13 - You're welcome though.
01:14 - Why did we end up in your garage?
01:15 I mean, maybe we can get to that in a
01:17 roundabout way - Sure
01:19 - But yeah, let's hold that up.
01:21 Let's keep people in suspense for a little bit.
01:23 - Sure.
01:24 - Tell me about your personal life.
01:25 I understand you have kind of an interesting testimony.
01:28 - Yeah, I think everybody's got a story and I think
01:30 that really, as I've gotten older, it's become clear.
01:35 When you're young, you're trying to figure things out,
01:37 trying to find your way, trying to discover who you are.
01:41 And there's a lot of wasted effort.
01:45 There's a lot of, you know, misguided efforts.
01:51 And anyway, my story really starts out in Nebraska
01:54 of all things.
01:56 I was born out in the corn fields in Nebraska
01:58 and moved to Florida when I was a little guy
02:01 and right away my mom, she was very intuitive.
02:05 She was a teacher and my dad he was a teacher as well.
02:09 And we moved to the Orlando area.
02:11 This is Pre-Disney.
02:12 And so what ended up happening when we moved there,
02:15 it was pretty much orange groves, swamps, sand roads.
02:19 - Gators.
02:21 - Exactly.
02:21 - I was just thinking that.
02:22 - And so I would go out in the backyard
02:25 and out into the back woods and I'd come back with turtles,
02:31 lizards, snakes.
02:32 And my mom was very tolerant of that
02:35 and actually encouraged it.
02:37 And so right away, they realized that I had this,
02:41 what Howard Gardner calls the nature intelligence.
02:45 And I just had this love of nature.
02:48 And so that really was kind of my heart with God
02:54 in a very early way, connecting with the creator
02:57 of all that there is on this earth.
02:59 And I just found my connection and my identity
03:03 in the outdoors and in nature.
03:06 And that really has defined much of my life.
03:09 - You really did find that God's second book is nature.
03:12 - Oh yeah, exactly.
03:14 I've actually been a, you know, college professor
03:19 and high school science teacher for many years
03:21 and put a lot of lectures together
03:25 and one of my presentations, I say, you know,
03:27 "God created nature and that's his book of pictures."
03:32 And there's so many lessons there
03:34 that it's just really profound.
03:36 And that's been one of my joys as well is just
03:39 seeing what God has to say, looking at scripture.
03:42 But it's playing out in a real physical way in nature.
03:46 - We may take him on a rabbit trail here,
03:47 but I've gotta ask as a teacher who's seen
03:50 all these things and loves all these things.
03:52 So many people don't believe at all that there's a creator.
03:55 - Yeah.
03:57 - And that this all this just happened.
03:58 What would you say to those people?
04:00 - Well, I would just invite them to take a second look,
04:04 especially looking deeply.
04:07 I think the deep questions of life are really important
04:09 to wrestle with.
04:11 I think today's world people are so distracted
04:13 that they don't even contemplate some
04:15 of the deeper questions and the meaning of life, you know,
04:17 why am I here?
04:18 Where am I going?
04:20 And that's part of the problem.
04:22 But also I think that the popular educational systems
04:27 of the day, all of the science publications,
04:31 I mean, evolution is the only thing there is.
04:33 And so it's really been an indoctrination
04:37 that has given no other options.
04:38 And a lot of times when I talk to somebody, I just say,
04:42 "Have you really considered the cell?"
04:45 Let's just look at the cell and how can you get one cell?
04:50 The more time has gone on the more we know about the cell
04:54 and the inner workings,
04:56 (throat clears)
04:57 and most of them have had such a glossed over presentation.
05:02 They don't even question it.
05:03 So anyway, there's no way to convince somebody
05:06 of something that they want to believe.
05:08 And so in the end I find that arguments are very
05:14 non-productive.
05:15 It's mainly sharing your story and sharing
05:19 something you've learned from nature.
05:22 They will come to the end of themselves someday.
05:24 - So let's continue with your story and I appreciate you
05:27 going out there.
05:28 Because I think it's so important.
05:29 - Yeah.
05:30 Yeah.
05:31 So anyway, yeah, as a child, I...
05:34 Again, a lot of your identity as I've mentored
05:37 a lot of young men over the years.
05:41 I have discovered that most people don't really know
05:43 themselves and they have to go back to their childhood
05:46 to really extract who they really are.
05:48 'Cause it's been covered up.
05:49 So when I go back to my childhood, I happened
05:52 to go to a school that was very special in Orlando.
05:57 It was called The Open Air School.
05:59 And it was actually started by a woman
06:02 that came out of Germany before Hitler and everything.
06:06 And she came over and started a kindergarten program,
06:09 which was new in America.
06:11 And she was all about the outdoors, you know,
06:14 and just embracing nature.
06:16 So her daughter actually was my teacher,
06:18 her name was Mrs Achenbach.
06:20 And Mrs. Achenbach would take us out every day.
06:24 And during that time she would have us stop,
06:29 close our eyes, listen,
06:33 look, not talk
06:35 to learn to be still.
06:37 And she called me eagle eyes because I would see things
06:39 that most kids didn't.
06:42 And so that became my affirmation.
06:45 And that's kind of what I've discovered
06:47 as one of my love languages was affirmation.
06:49 You know, it's like when I'm told
06:51 that I'm doing something well, I want that, you know.
06:55 And so she would tell me, you know, you're eagle eyes,
06:57 you can see things, nobody else can.
07:00 And so early on that became a joy to me
07:03 in a way that really propelled me
07:05 through the rest of my life.
07:08 - Kind of amazing, isn't it?
07:10 Don't you wish you could be there sometimes,
07:11 you know, in some of that as a bird watcher
07:13 the way you are a little bit.
07:15 - I'm far too myopic for anyone to call me eagle eyes.
07:17 (All laugh)
07:21 - There's a...
07:22 One of my favorite authors kind of looking
07:24 at that time of creation of Adam and Eve makes a statement.
07:29 It's kind of interesting to me said,
07:31 "Adam and Eve withdrew from plant and animal
07:33 "the secrets of their existence."
07:35 And I think in a way you were kind of doing that.
07:37 - Yeah, probably a little bit.
07:39 And in a very simple way, I just love nature.
07:43 And so basically during those early years,
07:47 that was really an imprint on me.
07:49 And then we happened to move back to Lincoln Nebraska,
07:55 and my dad took a year out of his teaching.
07:56 He was a physical education teacher
07:58 and he worked on a masters degree
07:59 at the University of Nebraska.
08:02 And during that time was when I had my first exposure
08:06 to something that a young boy should not
08:08 and that was pornography.
08:10 And so my cousin who happened to be pretty much my age,
08:14 who was out in the back, my grandfather's back 40.
08:17 He was a guy, my grandfather was
08:20 that would take down these old army barracks,
08:23 military base that was going down.
08:25 He contracted to salvage all the materials
08:28 and he had this wood all stacked up in the back.
08:30 And anyway, my cousin, found this stack of pornography.
08:35 And I was 10 years old, very, very young.
08:38 And of course, "You gotta see this."
08:41 And so I go back there and of course,
08:44 I'd never seen anything like that.
08:46 And I was in shock, of course, and yet we being boys,
08:52 it was like, you feel something and you go,
08:54 "I know this is bad but this is interesting."
08:57 You know, this really attracts me.
09:00 And here's the interesting thing.
09:02 I think that God created for us to enjoy beauty.
09:08 And yet Satan takes everything that is good and perverts it.
09:13 Whether it's food, whether it's sex,
09:16 some of these core things of life and his plan
09:19 is to pervert them and hijack them.
09:22 So the earlier he can plant seeds, the better off it is.
09:29 And so long story short, that was my first exposure to it.
09:31 Of course, that was back in the day
09:33 that there wasn't much access, but the seeds were planted.
09:38 And as any man knows, 'cause I counsel with many, many men.
09:43 This is, and you read in the Bible.
09:45 I mean, this is the stumbling block
09:46 of all stumbling blocks for men.
09:49 And so that was the seed that was planted
09:53 early on pre-puberty.
09:56 - There's a, and I won't mention,
09:58 but an international men's group that Barna,
10:02 I think did a study on not too long ago.
10:04 And these are all the high quality top men, you know,
10:07 that are professing God out there.
10:09 And at that time, this is an older study,
10:11 I'm sure it's more now.
10:12 - Yeah.
10:13 - 40% of those men were hooked on pornography.
10:16 - Yeah.
10:17 - It is probably the worst thing that's happened
10:19 in the world.
10:20 - Yeah.
10:21 - At this point in time and so--
10:22 - And it used to be that you had to go looking for it.
10:24 - Right.
10:26 - And now it comes right to you, right into your home.
10:27 It's there in your hand, on your phone.
10:29 - Exactly.
10:30 - So, so many people who would never
10:33 have gone out seeking that kind of thing,
10:36 it comes to them and gets them in a...
10:39 It's just much easier to snag people.
10:42 - Right.
10:43 Right.
10:44 It's the perfect thing for addiction
10:46 because you're in isolation,
10:48 it's anonymous and it costs nothing.
10:52 All of these doors just open wide to our young men
10:56 and women.
10:58 It's both in today's world.
11:00 - Well, I wanna get into what happened to you,
11:04 how you got away from that but you told me
11:06 you have an office that's air conditioned.
11:08 Do you mind if we head down there
11:09 and we'll talk down there about it?
11:11 - Sure.
11:12 - All right, sounds good.
11:13 Yep.
11:15 - I felt like Satan was constantly nipping
11:18 at my heels and I just couldn't catch my breath.
11:20 I was grieving.
11:22 I felt scared, confused, anxious, and depressed.
11:26 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart.
11:31 I didn't know what to do, but I knew who had the answers.
11:35 Can you relate?
11:37 This amazing study guide changed my life.
11:41 Are you ready for a dramatic change in your life?
11:44 This 12 week study guide, will guide you on your journey
11:48 of transformation.
11:50 This study is packed with powerful content
11:53 to lead you on an encounter with Jesus.
11:56 Jesus will use this study as a tool to change your life.
12:00 As he did mine.
12:02 Order your copy today, to experience your transformation.
12:06 Log on to
12:12 - Marty I'm so glad you had the idea actually
12:14 of the man cave down here.
12:16 It's really great, it's cooler.
12:18 - And I have to admit that I was actually wrong
12:21 about something.
12:22 I know,
12:23 - Would you kind of restate - You've never heard
12:24 that before, right.
12:26 (All laugh)
12:27 Because up in the garage with all those tools,
12:28 I thought I was in the man cave.
12:30 This is the man cave.
12:32 - It's true Axes and knives, and well,
12:34 I don't see the knives.
12:35 He's probably got those outta the desk.
12:36 - Yeah.
12:39 - But Marty kind of, you know, we don't wanna leave people
12:41 hanging you had a problem and you're gonna tell us
12:44 how on earth you got out of that?
12:46 - Well, you know, like I was saying,
12:48 this is something that seeds are planted early,
12:51 they germinate, they sometimes go dormant,
12:55 but the roots are still there.
12:57 And you know, when you start having to face yourself,
13:00 you come...
13:01 For me, work was an addiction, kind of the workaholic.
13:07 I kind of came to the end of myself in that career path
13:10 of education after about 30 years.
13:13 And at the same time I was struggling through
13:15 this issue in my life.
13:18 And what I was also dealing with was having young men
13:21 coming to me saying, "I need help."
13:24 And so it was like, let's do this, you know,
13:27 I need to address this in my life.
13:29 And I hear these young men needing
13:31 to address it in their life.
13:33 And so you in a naive way, think, you know,
13:36 let's just deal with this.
13:37 But it's a long journey that God uses to heal.
13:42 I've heard it said this way.
13:44 "God heals rarely through a lightning bolt.
13:47 "It's mostly more like a river, it's over time
13:50 "and it's more gentle."
13:52 He wants a relationship with us.
13:54 And so I have learned to actually appreciate that,
13:58 'cause it makes me depend on him.
14:01 And so that's the beauty of it is ultimately
14:04 he wants our heart.
14:06 - You are a Christian.
14:08 - [Marty] Oh yeah.
14:09 - 30 years you had this problem.
14:11 You're teaching, you're instructing others
14:14 in the ways of God.
14:15 - [Marty] Yeah.
14:16 - But how does that work?
14:18 - Well, it's a very common situation actually
14:24 in the American landscape about half the pastors
14:27 are struggling in some way with sexual sin.
14:30 - [Jim] One half.
14:31 - Yeah.
14:32 And of course surveys are all over the place,
14:34 but that's what I've seen pretty consistently.
14:37 And much higher than that for the guys in the pew.
14:40 And there's a lot of pressure for those of us
14:44 that are in Christian leadership,
14:47 pastors and teachers to do things that are right.
14:50 So we can't be real.
14:51 We can't actually talk about it, but that is a trap.
14:58 - You're supposed to be an example.
14:58 - Exactly.
14:59 - So you can't admit, "Oh, by the way,
15:00 "I've got the same problems you do.
15:01 "I struggle with the same thing."
15:02 - I'll pray for you.
15:03 - Yes.
15:04 - But it takes-- - And I also think,
15:06 as I was saying upstairs, that it used to be you had
15:10 to more actively go and seek,
15:12 - [Marty] Right.
15:13 - Sexual sin.
15:14 - [Marty] Right.
15:15 - And now it's just the whole culture.
15:16 - [Marty] Exactly.
15:17 - You're just steeped in it.
15:18 You can't turn on your computer, your phone,
15:19 your television.
15:21 - [Marty] Right.
15:22 - When you said 50% of pastors are dealing with this,
15:26 my first thought was yeah, and the other 50%
15:28 don't have computers.
15:31 - Well, you know, we don't meddle too much,
15:34 but you know, it's...
15:36 Surveys are only good as the responses, you know,
15:38 and it could be higher, but we know it's a problem.
15:41 And that's what really matters.
15:43 Now, I wanna just do a real interesting jump
15:47 into the axes behind me here, okay?
15:50 They're not there for just--
15:51 - [Janice] Oh oh.
15:52 - They're not just there for no reason, okay?
15:55 One of my favorite texts is from Proverbs 27:17.
15:59 And everybody's probably heard of this text
16:02 and it's, as iron sharpens iron,
16:05 so does one man sharpen the countenance of his friends.
16:09 That's one translation, the Old King James,
16:11 but basically the idea of we need a brotherhood.
16:16 We need others in our lives to bring us
16:19 to a better sharper place.
16:22 Now with me, it was these young men coming to me saying,
16:26 "I need help and I'm going"...
16:28 So it can work both directions.
16:29 A young man can come to an older man and say
16:33 that they need help.
16:34 But in an a roundabout way, it's a way for an older man
16:37 to say, "You know what, I need to step it up here too."
16:41 And as I've thought about my name, my birth name,
16:45 Marty
16:46 Miller,
16:48 and I've dissected what the meaning of the name is
16:51 any name that starts with M-A-R is Mars,
16:54 which is warrior.
16:56 So I'm a warrior, Mars, Marty
16:59 and Miller is a grain grinder.
17:01 So I'm a warrior grain grinder.
17:02 And I thought to myself, "How strange is that?"
17:05 You know.
17:06 But immediately my mind went to the Bible character.
17:09 That was a warrior grain grinder.
17:10 And who's that?
17:11 - Gideon.
17:12 - Gideon.
17:13 And so Gideon, the age the Lord came to him and said,
17:16 "You mighty man of valor," and he's hiding out grinding.
17:18 - I was thinking, how much of a warrior?
17:20 He was not a warrior grain grinder at that moment.
17:22 - No, he was very scared, basically.
17:27 He was living in fear and in isolation
17:32 and God calls him up.
17:33 And so the first thing that he asked him to do
17:36 after he did the fleece thing, we know the story.
17:38 But the first thing he did was he went
17:40 to the grove of trees where the altar of Baal was.
17:45 And he took down those idols and all--
17:48 - At night when nobody could see.
17:50 - Yes, at night when nobody...
17:52 But here's the key thing is that all of the idolatry
17:56 of the day, it was always laced with sexual imorality.
18:01 And so I believe that that is the lesson for me
18:04 and every other man, is that if he is going
18:07 to use you as a mighty man, as a warrior,
18:12 you're gonna have to deal with your stuff.
18:14 And it's not a matter of, you know,
18:16 if you're going to, it's when.
18:19 And it's better now than later,
18:21 because I've had so many men in this office
18:24 that have marriages that have been destroyed
18:26 because of this.
18:27 And so when I have unpacked a name Gideon,
18:31 it's fascinating to know that his name
18:34 actually means hewer and destroyer and woodsman.
18:40 And the axes to me are a reminder
18:43 that every man needs to destroy whatever altar,
18:48 excuse me, idol that's in his life
18:50 and without doing that, he's not going to be effective.
18:54 And so that was my story about saying,
18:58 "I'm taking ownership of this."
19:01 And I'm transitioning from being a grain grinder,
19:03 which is somebody that's, you know,
19:06 teaching, words, basically.
19:09 You think about words like grain, like seed
19:11 and grinding it up and I'm giving to my students
19:13 and saying, "Go do something with this."
19:16 But he says, "No, in your later years,
19:19 "you're gonna be a warrior."
19:22 And so that's been a really huge transition,
19:27 but it's a...
19:31 I can't say enough for those of us that are older.
19:34 It's like, it's not time to lay down.
19:37 It just fade into the sunset.
19:40 It's time to take up your sword.
19:43 We've gotta go into the promised land.
19:46 And just like the Israelites of old,
19:48 they fell into sexual sin at the front end
19:50 and at the back end.
19:52 The enemy is after this church with every man and woman.
19:57 And we can't take it lightly.
20:00 - And there's a lot of viewers that, you know,
20:02 they're not in your classes, they're not
20:03 in your men's group.
20:04 - [Marty] Right.
20:06 - What would you say to them?
20:07 How does that actually work?
20:08 Give us some, if you would, give us some really solid
20:11 basics for the folks out there to grab onto.
20:14 - Right.
20:15 Well, most men from what I understand,
20:17 what I not understand, what I've observed
20:20 over and over in my own life is that guys go
20:23 from a experience in life where they're with a bunch
20:26 of friends and going through school,
20:29 they get married to the love of their life,
20:31 many of them, they have a family,
20:33 the career crush is going on and whatever issues
20:38 are in the background, because now they're in isolation,
20:43 start blowing up.
20:44 Whether it's alcohol, sex, you name it.
20:47 You pick your flavor.
20:48 Whatever's there is gonna blow up on him.
20:51 And so most of the time, every, almost every man I know
20:57 that gets into a deep, rock solid
21:01 relationship with God has had to come
21:03 to the end of themselves.
21:05 They have to come to a point of brokenness
21:07 to really understand the love of God.
21:11 'Cause as long as you play the game
21:13 that I'm doing good.
21:15 And I'm fine.
21:17 And just putting masks up, God will never get through.
21:23 - I've never seen...
21:24 I want you to keep going on that trail.
21:26 I just wanna say, I've ever seen
21:27 the devil give us something that actually is good
21:31 for any length of time.
21:32 - No, no, no.
21:34 It always comes back to bite you.
21:36 - Big time.
21:37 - [Marty] Yeah.
21:38 - I've seen so many, so many guys
21:39 destroys the family, destroys the church,
21:42 destroys everything.
21:43 - [Marty] Right.
21:44 - Their whole life.
21:45 - Whether it's gambling, drinking, pornography,
21:47 it's always a lot of fun at the beginning.
21:49 - Yeah.
21:50 You know, in some ways you can't drink everywhere,
21:52 you know, but pornography, you can hide it everywhere,
21:54 you know, and that's easy.
21:56 - And what I'll say to women sometimes
21:58 that are trying to understand their husband
22:01 is that, you know, if you like chocolate, right.
22:04 And most women--
22:05 - Oh.
22:06 (Jim laughs)
22:07 - Boy, he has me pegged out.
22:08 - He got you really good.
22:08 (Janice laughs)
22:09 - And what if you had chocolate in your purse,
22:10 on your nightstand, in your glove box,
22:14 everywhere was chocolate.
22:16 You might have a snack once in a while.
22:19 And I'm not making any excuses,
22:21 but that's the kind of world most men
22:23 are facing in today's world.
22:26 - Well, that's what I meant about,
22:27 it's harder nowadays than it was for my father
22:30 or certainly my grandfather.
22:32 - [Marty] Absolutely.
22:33 - Because you are surrounded with the temptation.
22:35 - [Marty] Right.
22:36 Right.
22:37 - Yeah.
22:38 - So I really just kind of wrapping things up
22:42 is to just say that, you know,
22:44 I know that, back to the small group experience
22:48 this is many men, how they come.
22:52 This is an axe head,
22:53 I found this in the woods.
22:55 - [Jim] It's pretty rusty.
22:56 - Very rusty, very dull, it has no handle.
23:00 And yet this has the potential of being restored,
23:03 doesn't it?
23:04 I can take this, I can Polish it up.
23:06 I can sharpen it.
23:07 I can put a handle on it.
23:09 And it will be just as good as ever, right?
23:12 And that's what God wants to do in every one of our lives.
23:14 But we cannot have that happen in isolation.
23:17 God created us to be in community.
23:20 And you look at the nature in the animal kingdom,
23:23 males alone,
23:26 most men, alone,
23:27 even the guys that might go golfing together,
23:29 and do things together.
23:32 Shallow, shallow relationships.
23:35 We need honest conversations.
23:37 We need allies that are fighting the same battle with us
23:40 in a small group.
23:42 Where we're real, where hard questions are being asked.
23:45 But one of the first questions I ask guys
23:47 is if it's iron sharpens iron, you don't add anything
23:53 until you've removed.
23:54 So if I'm gonna wanna sharpen this blade,
23:57 it's all about, I gotta get rid of the dull.
24:00 And so God's design is, that he wants to remove the dull.
24:06 All of the stuff that's sticking to us,
24:09 making us ineffective.
24:12 - I felt like Satan was constantly nipping at my heels
24:15 and I just couldn't catch my breath.
24:18 I was grieving.
24:19 I felt scared, confused, anxious and depressed.
24:23 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart.
24:28 I didn't know what to do, but I knew who had the answers.
24:32 Can you relate?
24:34 This amazing study guide changed my life.
24:37 In 12 weeks, I caught my breath.
24:40 My faith grew stronger.
24:41 My confusion turned to clarity, my anxiety lessened,
24:46 my depression eased.
24:48 I let myself be held in the arms of Jesus
24:51 and he calmed my aching heart.
24:55 Are you ready for a dramatic change in your life?
24:58 This 12 week study guide will guide you on your journey
25:02 of transformation.
25:04 This study is packed with powerful content
25:07 to lead you on an encounter with Jesus.
25:10 Jesus will use this study as a tool to change your life.
25:15 As he did mine.
25:16 Order your copy today to experience your transformation.
25:21 log onto
25:27 - I used to be a drug dealer, an alcoholic,
25:29 and a thief along with far too many other things to mention.
25:33 You know, I kidded myself that I was great.
25:35 Life was great.
25:36 But knowing there was a massive void in my life.
25:40 I'd like to offer you a pamphlet called breaking addictions.
25:43 You know, addictions come in all types shapes and sizes,
25:46 but you don't need to be chained to them any longer.
25:50 Go to
25:52 and order your free copy today.
25:54 Request offer 101, breaking addictions.
25:58 Remember it's completely free.
26:01 Marty, we've only got a minute or so left,
26:03 but we started out in the man cave.
26:05 And I don't wanna leave that because we said
26:07 we'd explain it.
26:08 - Yep.
26:09 Well, one of the first times that I had a young men's group
26:12 was actually in my garage up there.
26:14 We sat in, you know, camp chairs
26:17 and we went through 12 weeks of two hours
26:22 every once a week in the evening.
26:25 - [Janice] What made you pick the garage rather
26:26 than the living room with comfy couches?
26:28 - Well, it's just, I felt led to be in that environment.
26:33 I think guys get that.
26:34 It's a place where--
26:36 - [Janice] They're more comfortable?
26:37 - It represents what's really going on.
26:40 We did a retreat a few years ago.
26:42 We call it broken beauty.
26:43 It's because God is all about taking brokenness
26:47 and making it into something beautiful.
26:49 In fact, better than what it would've been.
26:53 You've ever seen a car that's been restored better than new.
26:56 That's what he wants to do with us.
26:59 - You came up, I asked you for a title for this episode,
27:01 you came up with a title that I thought was brilliant.
27:04 Would you tell us what that title was as we wrap?
27:06 - Yeah.
27:07 Well, it's just, The End of Myself.
27:09 And I really believe, and I've already alluded to this,
27:12 that God and his love for us, he allows us freedom
27:18 to do as we choose.
27:19 But in the end we discover
27:22 that all the freedom in the world without him
27:25 leads to destruction.
27:26 And you come to the end of yourself,
27:28 you're able to face yourself in a way
27:31 that you wouldn't if you were kept on a short leash
27:34 and controlled.
27:36 And so men to come
27:39 to the end of themselves is actually the beginning
27:45 of coming to know God.
27:46 - And the coming of happiness too.
27:48 - Yes.
27:49 - Marty, thank you so much, man.
27:50 Appreciate it.
27:51 - You're welcome.
27:52 Glad to be here.
27:53 - Thanks for allowing me in the man cave.
27:54 - Yeah.
27:55 (gentle music)
28:01 - Thank you for watching.
28:02 Join us again for another exciting, "Country Wisdom."
28:04 - See you next time.
28:06 (gentle music)


Revised 2022-04-08