Country Wisdom

Setting You Free

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: CW

Program Code: CW000054S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:03 - Welcome everyone.
00:05 We're excited to share some country wisdom with you.
00:07 - King Solomon had a thing or two to say
00:09 about the path to wisdom.
00:11 In Proverbs 4, he wrote,
00:13 "Let your eyes look directly forward
00:16 and your gaze be straight before you.
00:19 Keep straight the path of your feet,
00:21 and all your ways will be sure."
00:23 - Join us now for "Country Wisdom."
00:31 (ambient music)
00:40 It's sure a beautiful day out here, isn't it?
00:42 - Oh man, this is great.
00:43 I could just, I wish we brought a picnic here.
00:45 I could just stay out here.
00:47 We've got lovely cloud cover. Beautiful.
00:50 - Makes me kind of think of the Sea of Galilee,
00:52 you know, I mean-
00:52 - A little bit smaller.
00:54 - We've, yeah, a little bit smaller.
00:55 (Janice laughing)
00:56 We filmed on the Sea of Galilee.
00:58 - Oh, I'm jealous.
00:59 - I even had the privilege of filming one of the boats,
01:02 or kind of like the boats that the disciples used.
01:05 - [Janice] How did they compare - size?
01:07 - [Jim] This is tiny of course,
01:09 you think about 12 disciples and Jesus fitting in one
01:11 and you know, they had room to knock around a little bit.
01:14 But there's a, it really brings to mind something about,
01:19 you know, Jesus, they'd worked hard all day.
01:21 They'd been doing a lot, and they're tired.
01:23 They're really tired.
01:25 Jesus, he's God, but he's man also,
01:27 and he wants to relax.
01:30 So he comes down to the shore.
01:31 He said, "Let's get in the boat and go to the other side."
01:40 Now it came to pass on a certain day
01:41 that he went into a ship with his disciples,
01:44 and he said to them,
01:45 "Let's go over to the other side."
01:48 And I think about- - [Janice] Do we have any idea
01:50 how far that was?
01:53 - [Jim] Well, I mean, you can see the other side, but-
01:55 - [Janice] Having never been there,
01:56 I don't know if you can -
01:58 - [Jim] You can see the other side,
01:59 but it's quite a ways over.
02:00 It's a big, I mean, it's big enough that, matter of fact,
02:05 they went out there, and pretty soon the wind came up.
02:08 And the wind, I mean, it just whips,
02:10 and comes off of those mountains
02:12 and those hills and begins to churn everything up.
02:16 And it was so big, matter of fact,
02:18 that we're told the boat was beginning to fill with water.
02:21 - [Janice] So waves were coming up over.
02:23 - [Jim] Waves were coming in.
02:24 And you've got seasoned fishermen that are, they're bailing.
02:29 I mean, all these guys now,
02:30 all 12 are bailing and they're getting scared.
02:34 Seasoned fishermen, been out here all their lives.
02:37 - [Janice] They were probably pretty tough.
02:39 That had to have been one big storm.
02:41 - [Jim] Yeah. One major storm.
02:43 It, it's filling up so much,
02:45 it actually says that they're,
02:47 they're in peril of the boat to sink. So.
02:50 - [Janice] And they're way too far out to swim to shore.
02:52 - [Jim] Oh, yeah, yeah.
02:54 - [Janice] If they even knew how to swim.
02:55 - [Jim] And I'm sure they did. And I mean.
02:57 - [Janice] Well, a lot of English sailors throughout history
02:59 were out on ships and had no idea how to swim.
03:02 - Yeah, that's true. That's true.
03:04 But these fishermen, you know,
03:05 they're out in the water a lot with their nets
03:06 and everything else, but they, they're out there.
03:09 The boat looks like it's going to sink.
03:11 I mean, these guys are full,
03:13 full water waves are coming over the top of them
03:16 and they're panicked.
03:17 - I was just thinking, I would be in full blown panic mode.
03:20 - [Jim] Yeah.
03:21 - You know how they say we have a, a fight or flight?
03:23 They've added another F because it describes me.
03:28 You don't really, seriously, Jim,
03:30 you do not ever want me around in an emergency
03:32 because I'll be no good to anyone.
03:35 I don't panic.
03:36 Not externally anyway.
03:39 I'm not one who's gonna be screaming or getting in the way.
03:43 I'm very calm.
03:44 But I stand there and pretty much it's like
03:47 somebody needs to do something.
03:49 I, it's not gonna be me,
03:50 but it's like somebody needs to do something here.
03:53 I freeze. That's the third F. Flight -
03:58 Fight, flight or freeze.
03:59 - [Jim] Freeze.
04:00 - I'm the freeze.
04:01 - [Jim] You fit in the freeze category.
04:02 - Ah, you got it.
04:04 - Yeah. You know, you, you think about this,
04:07 Jesus stood on the shore and said, "Let's get in the boat."
04:10 They get in the boat and what happens?
04:12 - [Janice] Huge storm.
04:13 - Major storm.
04:14 And like these guys are going,
04:16 - You would think if Jesus were with you,
04:18 everything would be smooth.
04:20 - [Jim] Yeah. That, that's exactly it.
04:22 And that's what, unfortunately, you know,
04:23 I think a lot of people think.
04:24 Well, you, you become a Christian, you know,
04:27 everything's roses. You know, not necessarily. You know?
04:31 - And as soon as things aren't roses,
04:33 they think God has abandoned them
04:35 or God isn't real after all, how could he do this to them?
04:39 - [Jim] Yeah.
04:40 - I, I'm guilty. There are times,
04:42 and I've had a pretty good life.
04:43 I've not had the kinds of storms, you know.
04:47 well there are, there are storms that are physical,
04:49 like out on the Sea of Galilee,
04:51 but we've all had storms in our own lives.
04:53 - [Jim] Oh yeah.
04:54 - And when I look back on mine, I,
04:56 I've had a fairly blessed life.
04:59 But still, there are times where my first thought is,
05:02 why is God letting this happen?
05:04 Where is He?
05:05 - Yeah, exactly. God, I'm your child,
05:07 and why is all this garbage happening in my life?
05:08 - Why are you doing this to me?
05:09 - Yeah. Yeah.
05:11 So when that happens to you,
05:13 and you probably have a story or two, I'm guessing.
05:15 (Janice chuckles)
05:17 - Well, one that comes to mind,
05:19 when we were in the process of adopting,
05:23 it's very different.
05:24 When I had the boys, you had a due date.
05:27 You knew when this was all gonna be over.
05:30 With the adoption process, you don't.
05:33 It's like being pregnant, but with no due date.
05:36 And we had applied originally to, to China.
05:42 Wanted an infant.
05:44 And at least twice, and I think it was actually three times,
05:48 we got phone calls saying,
05:51 "Hey, it looks like we've got a baby for you."
05:54 Well, as soon as they say that, I'm out buying baby clothes,
05:57 it's like, it's happening.
05:59 And then, something would go wrong.
06:01 I remember in one case,
06:04 Steve and I had been open to medical problems
06:07 and other couples aren't. You've got some
06:09 who don't wanna deal with any medical issues,
06:12 but we thought, he's a physician.
06:14 We know all kinds of other doctors.
06:17 We would be in a very good position
06:19 to handle anything medical.
06:21 And in this case, her eyes were crossed,
06:25 which is like hardly even a problem. That's so easy to fix.
06:29 And we were number one on the list of a prospective parents
06:35 who were willing to take any medical issues.
06:37 So they called us, it was like,
06:38 "Oh, this is gonna be wonderful.
06:40 I've forgotten how many outfits,
06:42 little pink outfits I had waiting."
06:45 Then they called back, it was just a day or two later,
06:48 and they said another couple
06:50 who had not been open to any medical issues,
06:53 heard about her somehow, and said,
06:56 "Oh, well crossed eyes, you know.
06:58 That's, that's no big deal."
07:01 They were higher up on the, they were above us on the list.
07:04 We happened to be the first ones open to medical.
07:07 They weren't, but they changed their mind and said,
07:10 "Oh, we'll take that."
07:11 So they had to call us back and say,
07:13 "No, she's not yours after all."
07:14 - And that was a pretty big blow for you.
07:16 - Oh my goodness.
07:17 And I was just literally devastated.
07:21 It's like, God, why do you keep letting this happen?
07:24 You know, you get our hopes up. And then,
07:26 "Oh, sorry. Just kidding."
07:29 And the emotions that you go through
07:32 was a storm inside me
07:34 that I'm sure equaled that storm on Galilee.
07:38 And who am I blaming?
07:41 God. - [Jim] God. Yeah.
07:42 - It's like, how could you let this happen?
07:44 Why do you keep letting our hopes get ruined?
07:47 And I could not understand, but just two weeks later,
07:53 they called us about Aaliyah, completely different country.
07:55 She wasn't a baby.
07:57 They were talking so fast,
07:59 trying to get me to not hang up and say,
08:01 "Sorry, no, you say she's four?
08:03 We said infant, if you look, check the paperwork, infant."
08:07 And the whole time, I'm saying, "Sure, yes, yes."
08:11 You know. "Well, she's, you know, from Ethiopia, not China."
08:14 No problem. "Well, she's four years old, we think."
08:18 No problem. You know, I mean, two weeks before that,
08:22 when I am, you know,
08:23 curled up in a fetal position on the couch,
08:26 sobbing and going, "Why, why is this happening?"
08:29 And thinking my life is just over,
08:32 God knew already. It's like, you know,
08:35 if you'll just wait a minute?
08:37 'Cause really, what's two weeks?
08:39 That's, that's a minute in His,
08:41 "If you'll just wait a minute, I've got your daughter."
08:45 You know? I just couldn't see that far.
08:48 But, you know, it's like those,
08:50 those Google maps that are up above
08:52 when you're on the highway,
08:54 and to you, it looks like traffic is just gridlock.
08:57 He's up there going, "Oh, no, no.
08:58 Just around the corner. It it's clear sailing."
09:01 - [Jim] Yeah. Yeah.
09:04 (inspirational music)
09:06 - I have a little pamphlet here
09:07 called "Hope in Troubled Times."
09:10 I don't know about you,
09:12 but the times we're living in seem pretty troubled to me.
09:16 If I didn't have the hope Jesus gives me,
09:19 I couldn't get out of bed some mornings.
09:22 "Hope in Troubled Times" is meant for that kind of morning.
09:26 Inside its pages, you'll find promises of hope
09:29 straight from the Bible.
09:31 Go to
09:34 and request offer number 129, "Hope In Troubled Times."
09:45 - I can remember a story with my wife.
09:49 We had a real house problem in a situation,
09:52 and she desperately wanted to get in a house.
09:55 And we looked and looked and we finally found.
09:58 - Isn't house-hunting fun?
09:59 - Yeah, house. We finally found this little bitty house.
10:02 I mean, it was a wreck.
10:03 It, it was an absolute dump. But, you know, we'd.
10:05 - But you could afford it.
10:06 - Yeah, we could afford it.
10:07 And we, we'd fixed up stuff, so no problem.
10:09 So we put an offer in on this house,
10:11 and all of a sudden somebody came in
10:13 and just bought it right out from under us.
10:15 Janine was just devastated.
10:17 It's like, "I'll never have -"
10:19 I mean, I'm telling tales.
10:20 - Cause she had her heart set on that house.
10:21 - Telling tales outta school now on her, you know.
10:22 But yeah, she had her heart set on it.
10:23 She just knew she was gonna finally have a house
10:26 and just devastated.
10:27 "I'll never have a house in my whole life.
10:29 It's just life is over." And honey, it's just a house.
10:32 And it's just a house.
10:33 And easier for the husband to say, maybe.
10:35 But you know, in not too long a time,
10:38 God brought us an amazing house.
10:40 Just an amazing house.
10:41 But it was down the road a little bit, you know,
10:44 And I think about the disciples.
10:45 - Because he could see the road.
10:47 - Yeah. I think about the disciples.
10:48 They're, they're bailing, and all of a sudden,
10:51 they see Jesus in the bow of the boat.
10:52 He is sound asleep.
10:55 You gotta think about this.
10:56 The boat is filling up with water.
10:58 The waves are crashing over.
10:59 - I'm sure they were yelling at each other.
11:01 - [Jim] Oh, yeah.
11:02 - Hey, grab that rope.
11:03 You know, gimme another bucket, whatever.
11:05 It had to have been noisy.
11:06 - Yeah, the lightning flashes over, you know,
11:07 they see him there, sound asleep.
11:08 And Peter, you know, Matthew, Peter runs over.
11:11 "Lord, wake up! Don't you care? We're going to die."
11:16 It's just, imagine those words,
11:18 "Lord, don't you care?"
11:19 - Why do our brains - or our emotions, I should say,
11:22 for me, it's like, I'm total limbic system
11:24 when I'm in a crisis.
11:27 And it just feels like we always go to that thought.
11:31 God obviously doesn't care about me.
11:32 - Yeah. Yeah.
11:34 It, we all find ourselves
11:37 in that kind of situation a lot of the time
11:38 because it's a, it's a trust issue. You know?
11:41 But Jesus stood up, got up, holds his hands up.
11:45 You know, I, it'd be almost fun
11:47 to try and do this in here and stand up.
11:48 - Please don't! I do not wanna end up in the pond.
11:51 - But he held his hands up and says, "Peace be still."
11:54 And billions and billions of gallons of water
11:57 on the Sea of Galilee just smoothed out like a mirror.
12:00 Probably something like this.
12:01 - Oh, if you look at it right now,
12:02 the breeze stopped and it's just glass.
12:04 - It had been a raging storm.
12:06 And they're going like, whoa.
12:08 You know, there were other boats in proximity.
12:10 And they all come around close all of a sudden and they say,
12:13 "What manner of man is this?
12:15 Even the winds and the waves obey him."
12:18 - Wouldn't you have loved to have been there?
12:20 I don't think I would enjoy being in the storm.
12:22 - I was gonna say, I'm not sure I would've enjoyed
12:24 being in the storm, you know?
12:25 - But to see him, and I'm sure he was not concerned,
12:28 they are literally doing this stationary panic, you know,
12:32 and he just stands up.
12:35 They didn't use the word 'chill,' but it was probably like,
12:37 "Guys, you know, what are you worried about? I've got this."
12:41 - Well, matter of fact, he says,
12:42 you know, "you of little faith." Little faith.
12:46 They spend all that time with Jesus.
12:48 They watch all the miracles,
12:49 all the incredible things going on,
12:51 and they blow it.
12:52 - And they're sure he's gonna let him die
12:54 out on the middle of the lake.
12:55 - That, you wonder how they thought and felt afterwards.
12:57 "Lord, don't you care?"
13:00 You know, say that to our Lord.
13:01 You know, Don't you care?
13:02 - Well, Peter had a number of things
13:04 that he felt guilty about ever saying.
13:06 - Oh yeah, yeah.
13:08 When you think Jesus is on his way to the cross,
13:11 because he cares so much.
13:14 And you know, they've gotta accuse him of, don't you care?
13:17 - Because we have blinders.
13:19 Like I said, that analogy I said about being,
13:21 when you're in the middle of a traffic jam,
13:23 all you can see are the two or three cars ahead of you.
13:26 And it seems like this is gonna last forever.
13:28 They stretch forever.
13:30 But God has the Google Earth perspective
13:33 and he knows that, no. No, it clears up. Right, Right out.
13:37 Just beyond what you can see.
13:38 - I like that. The Google Earth.
13:40 (Jim laughing)
13:41 He really does. He's the creator of Google Earth.
13:43 Right? He can.
13:45 - And yet, over and over, the amazing thing isn't that
13:50 there are times where I have faith,
13:52 there are times where I literally thought to myself,
13:55 oh wow, you just did that okay.
13:57 You, you didn't panic right then.
14:00 But the amazing thing is that no matter how often I panic
14:03 or how badly I'm panicking
14:05 that he hasn't gotten out of the boat and said,
14:07 "Okay, you know, you still don't trust me.
14:10 You're, you're how old and you're doing this again?
14:14 I've had it."
14:15 And he doesn't do that.
14:16 - That's what this walk is all about
14:18 here on the Earth, right?
14:19 It, it's all about learning each day,
14:21 step by step to trust Him.
14:22 Learning each day that He is in the boat with us.
14:25 And an amazing thing is, what was that text I read?
14:31 Let's get in the boat and do what?
14:33 - Go to the other side.
14:34 - Go to the other side.
14:35 - He didn't say what might be in between.
14:37 - Yeah. He didn't say what was gonna be in between,
14:39 but you're gonna get to the other side. And I think -
14:42 - As long as you're in the same boat He's in.
14:43 - Speaking of that,
14:44 we probably ought row a little bit to shore here, but -
14:45 - [Janice] You want me to paddle?
14:46 - Yeah, go ahead and paddle a little bit.
14:48 But which end of of the paddle do you use?
14:51 - [Janice] No, I know which end.
14:53 (Jim laughing)
14:54 It's, I, I don't know, left and right.
14:55 And I have to always stop and actually think,
14:57 okay, which way do I paddle. This way, right?
14:59 - Yeah. There you go. There you go.
15:01 But you know, you think about that is,
15:04 is Jesus knew before they got in the boat,
15:08 there was gonna be a massive storm.
15:09 Never said a word to him about it.
15:11 He chides them.
15:13 - [Janice] That's always where you put your (inaudible.)
15:14 - Yeah. He chides them a little later about their faith
15:17 and the situation because they didn't have faith
15:20 while they were in the storm.
15:23 Kind of an interesting scenario
15:25 that he was testing them
15:27 really to see if they would trust him.
15:30 If they would trust him. Because as we grow and trust,
15:35 we grow in, in the things that He can do in and through us.
15:40 You know, when we begin to trust Him,
15:41 the Holy Spirit comes into our life.
15:43 He gives us really - hit the edge -
15:46 He gives us power and He gives us strength
15:49 to walk a little further, do a little bit more.
15:53 But you know, these guys, it says,
15:54 it says the boat immediately was at the shore.
15:59 From that storm out there, that raging storm,
16:02 they're at the shore now.
16:04 And the guys get outta the boat.
16:06 Gonna be a little tougher for us
16:07 getting outta the boat here, maybe.
16:08 - This is the best spot you could pick?
16:11 - Yeah, this is the best spot I could pick.
16:13 But they get out the boat
16:14 and they begin walking up the shore,
16:15 and something major happened.
16:19 - I felt like Satan was constantly nipping at my heels
16:22 and I just couldn't catch my breath.
16:24 I was grieving.
16:26 I felt scared, confused, anxious, and depressed.
16:30 My life was literally turned upside down and falling apart.
16:35 I didn't know what to do, but I knew who had the answers.
16:39 Can you relate?
16:41 This amazing study guide changed my life.
16:44 In 12 weeks, I caught my breath, my faith grew stronger,
16:48 my confusion turned to clarity,
16:51 my anxiety lessened, my depression eased.
16:55 I let myself be held in the arms of Jesus,
16:58 and he calmed my aching heart.
17:02 Are you ready for a dramatic change in your life?
17:05 This 12 week study guide
17:07 will guide you on your journey of transformation.
17:11 This study is packed with powerful content
17:14 to lead you on an encounter with Jesus.
17:17 Jesus will use this study
17:19 as a tool to change your life as he did mine.
17:23 Order your copy today to experience your transformation.
17:27 Log on to
17:32 - Can you imagine how relieved they were
17:34 to get out of the boat, away from that storm,
17:36 and back on solid ground?
17:38 - But you know, now they ran into another storm,
17:40 and they look and they turn around.
17:42 - They did. They hightailed it back.
17:47 - The disciples get back to the boat,
17:49 they turn around, and Jesus isn't with them.
17:53 - I wonder what they were thinking in that moment.
17:55 Like, did that guy get him?
17:59 You know, what, should we have stayed?
18:01 I wonder if feelings of guilt and panic and -
18:05 - Yeah. I mean, but they look around,
18:06 and there's Jesus up the hill, at the graveyard.
18:10 - He hadn't run in terror like they did.
18:11 - He hadn't run.
18:14 This story actually takes place.
18:16 We can find it in Mark chapter five.
18:18 People wanna follow along at some time
18:20 or go back and read the story, it's amazing.
18:22 Because basically, situation disciples, you know,
18:26 see Jesus up there with this crazy man
18:28 who virtually chased them back to the boats
18:30 because he came running and yelling and screaming.
18:33 - That's why they turned tail.
18:34 And he wasn't just an ordinary man running at them.
18:37 - Oh no.
18:38 - He had been obviously living outside of town
18:41 for some time. He had chains, they'd actually -
18:44 - Living outside of town. Yeah.
18:45 In the graveyard. Yeah.
18:47 - But he had chains that he'd broken through.
18:50 This was someone who, in his, in his craze,
18:55 that he had actually pulled up chains.
18:57 I don't know how you do that.
18:59 - It's because you're possessed.
19:01 Matter of fact, we can kind of look at this story.
19:04 And he called out to Jesus,
19:05 but he didn't even have his own voice because,
19:08 says "What have we to do with you, Jesus?"
19:11 - We, The plural.
19:12 - The plural, Yeah.
19:13 They're demons speaking out of this man.
19:15 Now, people may not understand there's a real conflict,
19:19 there's a real war going on between good and evil,
19:22 but it's real. I mean, it, it's scary.
19:24 I've been in some countries that, that, I mean, boy,
19:28 it's right out in front of your face. Good and evil.
19:31 No use to go into it today, but, but suffice it to say,
19:34 when they're talking about this man being possessed,
19:37 it was for real.
19:39 This guy is out there, he's taking rocks,
19:41 he's cutting himself, he's piercing himself,
19:43 doing all these things. You know, he's bleeding everywhere,
19:47 running holes through himself.
19:49 Matter of fact,
19:50 it's kind of interesting because
19:51 the devil really wants to deface humanity.
19:54 They wants to, they want deface the image of God.
19:57 All the demons and the devil.
20:00 And I remember one time we were in one country,
20:03 Maasai warriors, Maasai witch doctor.
20:06 He found Jesus Christ.
20:08 And as I'm talking with him and his wife,
20:10 wife is sitting right there, sweet thing.
20:12 and all the other Maasai,
20:14 they've got all these big piercings and holes
20:17 and through their noses and everything and with the rings.
20:20 And I said, "Well, what happened to all of that?"
20:22 He said, oh, he said, "As soon as we accepted Christ,
20:24 we took all that off. We got rid of all that."
20:28 Why? Because they wanted to become like Jesus.
20:31 They wanted that, that likeness of Christ.
20:34 - This man who was living out amongst the tombs.
20:38 I wondered back then, did the disciples,
20:40 were people weirded out by cemeteries?
20:43 The way - obviously we're out, there are tombs around us.
20:46 It's a cemetery, clearly different
20:48 from what theirs probably looked like.
20:51 There are some people who wouldn't be caught dead,
20:54 you know, or.
20:54 (Jim laughing)
20:56 - Okay.
20:56 - Pardon the pun.
20:58 Who, you couldn't drag them into a cemetery
21:00 unless maybe it was broad daylight
21:02 and a lot of people were with them.
21:03 They have these ideas about, "Oh, I don't want to go there."
21:08 Would the disciples have had that same feeling?
21:11 - Oh, I'm sure there were some of this superstition
21:13 and some of this old thing hanging on.
21:15 You know, Jesus hadn't been able
21:16 to train them out of everything yet.
21:19 - And I've always wondered why was that man there?
21:22 What led him in his life
21:24 that he ended up living out in the tombs,
21:26 having people trying to contain him
21:29 so that he wouldn't either hurt himself or hurt them.
21:32 - Basically, I think you can say
21:33 he wanted no restraints in life.
21:35 I mean, when they chained him out there
21:37 to get him out of town
21:38 and try and keep him someplace away from it,
21:40 you know, he broke every restraint.
21:42 Well, I think that's a,
21:43 a good way to say that's the way he wanted his life.
21:45 No restraints, no borders, no walls, no restrictions.
21:49 - I have sometimes, you know,
21:51 you've probably had this experience too.
21:52 You're at the county fair
21:55 or you're walking down the street
21:56 and you see someone who has clearly had a hard life.
22:00 You can tell the look in their eye,
22:03 or the blank look in their eye,
22:05 it's like they're not all there.
22:06 They're either on something,
22:08 or they've lost a chunk of their mind.
22:10 - Oh yeah.
22:11 - And yet my tendency is the other side of the street
22:16 because I don't know how to approach them.
22:18 There is a little fear of people who are like that.
22:21 - When I was kind of in the old style and the old things,
22:24 one of my favorite songs was,
22:26 it was a song by Steppenwolf that was
22:28 "Walking Around With Tombstones In Your Eyes."
22:31 You know? - [Janice] Okay.
22:32 - That, that really is descriptive, I think,
22:34 of what was going on with this man.
22:37 And he continues on and these,
22:40 these demons basically have a conversation with Jesus
22:43 and they start conversing
22:44 and the disciples are there to,
22:46 to see everything going on.
22:49 And Jesus said, "Get out of this man."
22:51 "Well, why don't you send us to the swine?"
22:54 I'm not certain exactly why he allowed that to happen,
22:57 that, well, there's probably a few reasons.
22:59 But finally he says, "Go ahead." And there's -
23:01 - I'm surprised that there were people with,
23:03 'cause pigs were anathema.
23:06 You wonder why there were pig farmers in the area.
23:09 - They probably weren't from Israel.
23:11 You know, they probably weren't part of the group, you know?
23:13 But, but, so here's thousands of pigs up there.
23:17 All these spirits go in the pigs,
23:18 they all run off the cliff.
23:20 And every one of 'em die.
23:22 Now that's a pretty interesting thing
23:24 because pretty soon all those pigs
23:26 begin floating over to Israel side, you know,
23:29 and they began hearing about this story of what happened,
23:32 what Jesus did.
23:34 Now it's pretty cool because in verse 15,
23:38 the people come out now that Jesus -
23:40 - And they were thrilled that he had helped this poor man.
23:42 - Oh, not at all. Not at all.
23:44 Because he just killed all their pigs,
23:46 and they were mad at him.
23:48 The interesting thing in verse 15, they came to Jesus
23:51 and see him that was possessed of the devil,
23:55 and had a legion in him, a legion of demons,
23:58 a couple thousand demons in him.
24:00 And he was clothed and sitting there in his right mind.
24:04 - But they could tell
24:05 that's the guy that we've been staying away from,
24:07 that we've been trying to keep out here
24:09 so he wouldn't come into town.
24:11 - They they knew that. But think about this now, clothed.
24:14 The man was naked.
24:16 - You're right.
24:17 - Where'd he get the clothes?
24:19 I like to think that Jesus took off his outer garment,
24:22 and he clothed this man with his own garment.
24:24 - The way he covers us.
24:26 - Exactly.
24:27 - Covers up all our ugly parts.
24:29 - Yeah, we're bleeding, we're pierced, we're horrible.
24:31 We're, got all this garbage.
24:33 And he takes his righteousness and wraps it around us.
24:37 - Well, and even if we don't have
24:39 any outward signs of the ugliness in us,
24:42 we all have it in here
24:44 if we haven't given over every ounce of it
24:47 to the Lord already.
24:48 But he literally covers us with his robe of righteousness.
24:51 - He does.
24:52 - And there he probably did it literally.
24:54 - Yeah. And basically, I think the Bible turns out is,
24:57 you know, justification.
24:59 He became justified in Jesus Christ.
25:02 You know, no longer the sinner that he was,
25:04 but a saint in Jesus Christ now
25:06 because God changed him.
25:08 The other exciting thing about this
25:10 is he's now in his right mind.
25:15 He had 2000 demons dwelling in him.
25:17 He wanted nothing to do with God,
25:19 except there finally, someplace down
25:21 in the little hollow of his heart,
25:23 he saw Jesus, knew that he was the Creator.
25:26 He wanted that. He couldn't even speak.
25:29 But Jesus read the intent of his heart.
25:30 Matter of fact, as you know,
25:32 Jesus came all the way across the Sea of Galilee
25:34 because he had an appointment with this guy.
25:36 - A divine appointment.
25:37 - Yeah. Divine appointment.
25:39 He knew exactly what this man was hungering for.
25:43 And he had the cure. He had the answer.
25:46 And you think about that, Jesus, he knows our address.
25:51 You know, He knows where we live.
25:53 - And he'll meet us wherever we are.
25:55 Even if we are living outside of town in a,
25:57 in a cemetery because nobody wants us around.
26:01 - Yeah.
26:02 - We've burned every bridge in our life.
26:04 We have no relationships left.
26:05 - Exactly.
26:07 - And we can't even articulate what we need anymore.
26:10 But he'll arrange an appointment.
26:12 - He will.
26:13 You know, folks, Jesus knows your address.
26:17 He knows all of our addresses.
26:19 He knows our heart. He knows our life.
26:20 And he has a divine appointment with you.
26:24 He knows exactly what you're hungering for.
26:27 You may be having tons of troubles.
26:29 You may be just up to your neck in sin.
26:33 God doesn't care.
26:36 God will take you and he'll change your life, won't He?
26:39 He'll do that.
26:40 - Oh. And you don't even have to be able
26:42 to articulate it yet,
26:43 because he knows what's in your heart.
26:45 You might not even recognize, "God, I need you."
26:49 It hasn't been a conscious spoken thought.
26:52 - Yeah.
26:53 - And he's there.
26:53 - It says, and he found him.
26:54 He was in his right mind or to get that mind.
26:57 It was the mind of Jesus Christ.
26:59 Jesus wrapped him with his righteousness
27:01 and then he gave him his own mind.
27:04 This man now is completely whole on the inside
27:07 and on the outside.
27:08 My friend, choose Jesus today.
27:10 Call out to him.
27:11 He knows your address, and he'll come right now to you.
27:18 - I have a little pamphlet here
27:19 called "Hope in Troubled Times."
27:22 I don't know about you,
27:23 but the times we're living in seem pretty troubled to me.
27:27 If I didn't have the hope Jesus gives me,
27:30 I couldn't get out of bed some mornings.
27:34 "Hope in Troubled Times" is meant for that kind of morning.
27:38 Inside its pages, you'll find promises of hope
27:41 straight from the Bible.
27:43 Go to
27:46 and request offer number 129, "Hope in Troubled Times."
27:58 - Thank you for watching.
27:59 Join us again for another exciting country wisdom.
28:01 - See you next time.
28:03 (calming guitar music)


Revised 2022-10-13