Digital Disconnect

Media Manipulation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: DID

Program Code: DID210007S

00:18 Welcome to Digital Disconnect.
00:20 This is episode 7: Media Manipulation.
00:25 This will be eye opening. I've been very much looking forward
00:28 to this particular session. My name is Scott Ritsema.
00:31 It's a privilege to be your host to take you through this
00:34 information that will challenge us, that will stretch us,
00:37 that will inspire us.
00:39 And, in fact, for inspiration we want to seek the Most High God.
00:42 Would you pray with me as we begin?
00:44 Father in heaven, we thank you so much
00:46 for the privilege of serving You and seeking You.
00:49 We want to know You, and we know we will know You
00:52 when we search for You with all our hearts.
00:54 So we pray that You'd remove the media from our lives
00:57 that is distracting our quest for more of Jesus.
01:01 And may we have Your Holy Spirit speak to our hearts
01:04 during this episode. In Jesus' name, Amen.
01:08 I want to begin with a couple of the big names -
01:11 the biggest names - in big tech.
01:14 The inventor of the iPhone, the iPad: Steve Jobs
01:19 and the guy who gave us Microsoft: Bill Gates.
01:22 Now something very interesting came out a number of years ago
01:25 when an interviewer inquired about how they do tech
01:29 in their home with their young people.
01:32 When they had young people. Steve Jobs, of course, has...
01:34 has since passed away, but what came out of that interview
01:37 was particularly interesting to those who are questioning
01:42 "What should we do with our media in our home? "
01:44 Well, first of all Steve Jobs was asked
01:46 "What do your kids think of the iPad?
01:48 Oh it's the new device every- body's getting so excited about
01:50 doing the games on there! "
01:52 He says: "Well actually my young people haven't
01:54 touched one. " It was about to hit the store shelves.
01:57 The Jobs family definitely had access to them.
02:00 And they asked him: "What do your kids think of it? "
02:02 He says: "My kids don't use it.
02:04 They use very little media in the home. "
02:06 And the journalist was like: "I thought the Jobs family
02:08 would have touch screen walls! " I mean this is the founder
02:11 and CEO of Apple. So... not so.
02:15 Largely tech free for those kids.
02:17 Bill Gates: their children were limited to 45 minutes
02:21 of Internet use per day
02:22 and that was meant for productive edifying purposes
02:26 not for entertainment purposes. Very interesting!
02:30 The current CEO as of this taping of Apple
02:35 his name is Tim Cook
02:37 and he was asked about social media.
02:40 Now he doesn't have children but he does have a nephew
02:43 he said that he cares about. He said: "Really, I'd love to
02:46 see my nephew totally off of social media altogether. "
02:49 Then you go to other people like Alex Constantinople.
02:53 Not a name you probably know but she's the CEO of a
02:56 Silicon Valley company called the Outcast Agency...
03:00 a tech firm there.
03:02 And she's got little children in the home
03:04 and her little children have zero screen time
03:08 for up to age 5. For her older children
03:11 she caps it at 30 minutes a day and tries to keep a handle
03:14 on that. I know even that can be hard if we're addicted
03:17 to a low dose of video games.
03:19 But she's got strong standards in that home.
03:22 There was an author of a book called Irresistible.
03:25 His name was Adam Alter, and he interviewed
03:27 a number of video game industry insiders
03:30 and video game designers.
03:33 These guys were saying: "You know what? I won't even
03:36 use the video games myself 'cause I know they're designed
03:39 to be addictive and I make them that way.
03:41 And that game and that game I won't touch it
03:43 'cause I know I'll get addicted. "
03:45 Very interesting how the insiders have a different
03:49 perspective on this than the rest of us.
03:51 Maybe... What do they know that we don't know?
03:54 Well a lot of them know it... it's not just these few names.
03:56 There was a New York Times exposé
03:59 and another one out of the UK Telegraph where they looked into
04:02 how about the mid-level engineers and the people who are
04:05 making the apps and the devices.
04:07 You know, the people working at Google and Yahoo!
04:10 and Facebook and all of these Silicon Valley tech firms.
04:14 And what they found when they interviewed a number of these
04:16 families - these parents - is they had super strict
04:20 and strong standards for their little children's media use.
04:23 Kind of like the Alex Constantinople I mentioned
04:25 of Outcast Agency.
04:27 It's, you know: "No screen time for our toddlers at all. "
04:30 In fact, they have nannies that have to sign a contract
04:33 that: "You will not be on your phone. You will not give
04:35 a device to my children. They'll be in the sandbox.
04:37 They'll have their hands in Play-Doh. They're going to be
04:40 doing real things and we're not going to be engaging
04:43 in that sort of tech-based babysitting. "
04:46 There's a school called Waldorf
04:50 in Silicon Valley: the Waldorf School of the Peninsula.
04:53 And they have a policy of zero ed tech...
04:59 educational technology... zero media until middle school.
05:02 It's kind of like the one that was quoted in a previous session
05:05 where they said: "We eliminate it till high school
05:07 to give them the moral foun- dation of freedom of choice
05:10 so they don't become so dependent on and addicted to
05:13 technology... to the media. "
05:16 Well guess what? This school - the Waldorf School of the
05:18 Peninsula - is the most sought after private school
05:22 among these Silicon Valley insiders.
05:24 So they want their kids at the tech-free school
05:26 while the tech is being made and delivered to our kids.
05:31 And we are the consumers of and funders of this big industry.
05:35 You might call it the Silicon Valley disconnected childhood.
05:39 What do they know that we don't know?
05:42 They know about the digital disconnect.
05:43 They know very well about it.
05:45 Sherry Turkle on the East Coast has seen the same thing
05:48 among the Massachusetts technology insiders.
05:51 Here's a quote from her. She says:
06:11 So the article that was put out in the New York Times
06:15 was called:
06:47 In fact, if you've been with us through the first sessions
06:50 of Digital Disconnect you know that the risks
06:52 for maldevelopment and addiction
06:55 don't just seem high but they are certain
06:57 and they are verified and validated by the research.
07:00 One Silicon Valley mother inter- viewed in that particular piece
07:03 came out and she was asked: "How do you do media
07:06 with your children? " "Well, we've eliminated it
07:08 entirely for the 5 and 3-year-old
07:11 and for the children in the family we will gather together
07:15 to watch a program every once in a while together. "
07:18 And that's a good thing, you know.
07:20 The interactive screen time as we've seen...
07:22 You remember when we were in the earlier sessions and we were
07:24 talking about the child brain.
07:28 How video games and interactive screen time
07:30 and then playing on the iPads: that is more hyper stimulating
07:33 than watching a nature-paced informational, spiritual
07:39 good video together as a family. Maybe
07:41 there's children watching this right now,
07:43 although maybe I need to slow down. Maybe I'm not nature
07:45 paced. Sometimes I get a little excited.
07:47 You get the idea, though, when these mothers are
07:49 like: "We'll watch something together
07:51 but we're not giving the kid the iPad. " And they go in this room
07:53 and the 11-year-old has a Smart- phone & a social media account
07:56 and the 13-year-old plays 5 hrs. of video games a day.
07:58 And the 5-year-old is addicted to the iPad and doesn't know
08:01 a magazine works. Because they know how to use the iPad
08:04 but not the paper. That's not the world of the techies
08:07 in our society that are building these platforms.
08:10 Now I want to quote again a former Facebook executive.
08:13 When it comes to the agenda here, he came out and said it:
08:23 This session is called Media Manipulation
08:27 and his quote right there sums it up.
08:29 That could be the subtitle of this session, of this episode.
08:33 You don't realize it, but if you were exposed to all of this
08:37 wordly media and the machinations and manipulations
08:41 of big tech to the greater extent that we expose ourselves
08:45 to that we are being manipulated.
08:48 There was a man named James Williams. He created
08:50 one of the most important advertising metrics
08:54 in the history of the Internet.
08:55 And one day he was working at Google and he was looking at
08:57 the charts and graphs of all of the web activity
09:00 and how they were re-directing people this way and that
09:02 and he said: "See that data point right there?
09:04 That represents a million people
09:07 that in the last 24 hours we caused to do something
09:10 that they wouldn't have otherwise done. And it wasn't
09:12 actually in their best interest. "
09:13 He started to have pangs of conscience
09:15 like some of the other people I was sharing with you
09:17 in the session about This is your Brain on Media
09:20 when we talked about addiction. And they said: "We're getting
09:22 people addicted to these things. " Well others in the
09:24 inside of... the insiders in this community
09:27 are having conscience about not just addiction
09:30 but about manipulation.
09:32 He said... James Williams said:
09:34 "We've created the largest and most centralized
09:37 and most standardized form of attention control in history. "
09:42 Think about that from a prophetic standpoint.
09:46 The largest and most central- ized and most standardized
09:48 form of attention control in history
09:51 has been created by the Googles and by the Facebooks
09:54 and the social media platforms of this world.
09:56 So if the devil can co-opt that
10:00 and control that according to his agenda
10:02 and direct that into the deceptions he seeks to direct
10:05 you get a "whole world wonders after the beast" scenario
10:08 in short time, don't you?
10:10 There was another whistle- blower like James Williams.
10:12 His name was Tristan Harris,
10:14 and he was working for one of these big tech companies
10:17 and also felt horrible about what he was doing.
10:29 Now when he came out and made this sort of whistleblower
10:33 moment he said: "You know, I learned that
10:36 the "persuasive technology laboratory" at Stanford -
10:39 those are the people that are churning out the media
10:43 manipulators of our time - he said: "We were taught
10:45 how to covertly affect people's choices
10:50 in ways that they are not cognizant of.
10:52 So we're not appealing to the reason. It's not persuasion.
10:55 It's called the "persuasive technology lab"
11:00 but it's covert methods.
11:01 That reminds me of the serpent. "He was more subtle than
11:04 any of the beasts of the field. "
11:06 He used trickery; he used manipulative methods
11:09 to capture Eve into the sin. And she made the choice.
11:13 But there are hypnotic things happening that we'll talk about
11:16 in a second. There are manipulative things
11:17 that we're not even aware of. "Covert methods" he said
11:21 "we're taught. " And that was what they openly taught
11:23 at the "persuasive... " Now we believe in persuasion.
11:25 I'm doing some persuasion. I hope people will find
11:28 the happiest most joyful Christian life
11:30 by finding the most balanced use of good quality media
11:33 and a whole abundance of non- media real how-to-be-human-
11:37 again type of stuff in our relationships
11:40 and in our lives as led by God.
11:43 So we want to persuade. We do evangelism.
11:45 We share the gospel; we share Bible truth.
11:48 Evidence from the Word of God of the validity of prophecy
11:50 and of Jesus Christ as the Messiah.
11:52 Persuasion is good. Manipulation and covert methods
11:55 you cross a line there somewhere and he felt terrible about it.
11:58 He says: "All of us are jacked into this system.
12:01 Our minds can be hijacked. We are not in control
12:05 of our own thoughts. " And he says: "There are a handful
12:08 of designers working at a handful of companies
12:11 that are steering the choices of a billion people in our world
12:14 today. " Just one little silly example
12:17 he points out is something that you might not have even realized
12:20 was messing with you, and it's a color scheme.
12:23 He says: "Facebook used to have blue-themed everything
12:28 in their early days. And their engineers and their designers
12:31 and their people who are watching our engagement on it
12:34 were saying: 'We're not getting enough engagement.
12:36 How do we up the ante? What's the next level here? ' "
12:38 Well, what they said was: "We need to add the color red
12:41 to the notifications. Where 'you've got messages'
12:44 where 'you've got notifications' it needs to be red. "
12:46 Tristan Harris explained... He studied this at Stanford
12:49 in the "persuasion technology laboratory. " He says: "Red
12:51 is used as a trigger color as an alarm signal like
12:55 stop signs, like fire alarms and red light at the stoplight
12:59 and it gives people a little anxiety alarm in the amygdala
13:02 of their brain like 'I've got to solve this, '
13:04 'I've got messages; I've gotta get that taken care of. "
13:06 Just a little thing you might think. It's not a big deal.
13:09 But how many more things are being used?
13:11 Beyond our comprehension and awareness
13:13 the more we immerse ourselves in the digital world that is run
13:17 in the digital creation run by this big tech
13:22 behind-the shadows type of group.
13:24 By the way, when I say "behind-the-shadows"
13:26 this goes back 100 years. I want to take you to
13:29 before there ever was a YouTube, Facebook, Google
13:33 monolith there was something called
13:36 the early advertising industry in the 1920s and Hollywood.
13:40 1920's... we're going back over 100 years now...
13:42 there was a man called Edward Bernays.
13:44 He's the founder of modern propaganda.
13:47 He was a nephew of Sigmund Freud so they were experts on
13:50 the human psyche. He was interested in the mass mind
13:54 or what he called in this quote you're about to see
13:56 he called it "the group mind. "
13:58 Now listen to what he says. He says:
14:13 Well that's a chilling statement right there, isn't it?
14:16 A hundred years ago you had psychological social engineering
14:21 experts who had crafted a science of controlling
14:25 the group mind already in the 1920's.
14:27 I can tell you all the history of how they did that
14:29 and how standardization crept in and swept over society
14:35 and how the fashion industry and Hollywood and popular
14:37 culture emerged out of the Edward Bernays mind manipulation
14:42 genius... Evil genius if you ask me.
14:45 Here's the next quote he shares. He says:
14:58 I want to just pause right there. Hold on... hold on.
15:00 Did he just say "in a democratic society
15:04 it is important to manipulate the masses?
15:09 Their habits and their opinions? "
15:10 Huh... interesting.
15:29 Again, a very chilling statement from his book
15:33 Propaganda... aptly titled.
15:35 He said it is a: " feature of a free society
15:40 to have a power elite manipulat- ing the minds of the masses. "
15:44 Now that's not my idea of freedom. I believe in
15:46 a God who says: "Where the Spirit of the Lord is
15:50 there is freedom. "
15:52 And He says: "Choose ye this day whom you shall serve. "
15:56 And: "Come now let us reason together. "
15:58 But power-hungry elites throughout history
16:03 as motivated by Satan's principles of coercion
16:07 and of control rather than freedom and choice
16:12 which God is about...
16:14 That's why we're in this mess in the great controversy, right?
16:17 Because you had free will in the universe and you had
16:19 a holy angel choose and invent evil
16:22 and that created this destruc- tion and darkness that we see
16:25 all around us, that's going to be ending soon by God's grace
16:28 and by our action, frankly, as inspired by God
16:31 if we will finish the work. But Satan's principles
16:34 are always to control and manipulate.
16:36 And so tyrants throughout history usually use coercive
16:40 boot-in-the-face types of violent domination.
16:44 In a democratic society though Edward Bernays says:
16:47 "You can't necessarily use those. We've gotta use
16:49 the manipulation of their mind.
16:51 We're going to form their habits, form their tastes,
16:53 suggest their ideas. And thus so doing we are the ones
16:57 that pull the wires that control the public mind. "
17:00 That's another quote of his that's not on the graphics.
17:03 But in his book Propaganda he said: "We are the ones
17:05 that pull the wires that control the public mind. "
17:08 Now this gets to a hypnotic level as I mentioned.
17:11 I have a quote here from Signs of the Times, a publication
17:14 from 1884. And it says... it's making a prediction:
17:19 "Through the channel of mesmerism Satan comes
17:22 more directly to the people of this generation" -
17:25 19th century -
17:26 "and works with that power... " mesmerism -
17:29 "which is to characterize his efforts
17:31 near the close of time."
17:33 Here we are right now in the last days.
17:36 Satan's predicted to be engaged in some sort of
17:40 use of mesmerism, hypnotism,
17:42 to captivate the minds of the masses.
17:45 So you think Edward Bernays and his ilk would've loved to use
17:49 techniques like total mind manipulation
17:52 through hypnotic control? You can count on that!
17:55 In fact, I have another quotation here
17:57 on how modern hypnosis takes place. 'Cause you know
18:01 you've got the flinging of the watch and the old-style hypnosis
18:03 but if we're looking at the digital age
18:07 in the last days how will hypnosis take place?
18:11 Well Dr. Steven Freitag, who's a certified neuro technical
18:14 specialist and psychologist and a hypnotic specialist,
18:17 he understands these things from the field of hypnosis.
18:20 This is supposedly a science.
18:22 Spiritualism as we just read. But he says that "light and
18:26 sound do the work for deep relaxation in a fraction of time
18:30 of traditional methods by using specific frequencies
18:33 of audio and visual input. So you get a frequency
18:36 of flashing of light, maybe a repetitive
18:40 image - type of image - on the screen appearing in a
18:44 rapid frequency could actually alter the brain wave function
18:50 of the human mind. In fact, this has been studied.
18:52 This has been known for some time by the way. What I'm
18:54 telling you about here from Dr. Steven Freitag
18:57 and how theatrical-style TV can actually produce
19:00 a hypnotic state in the brain
19:02 is not a new and novel theory.
19:05 But it has been known for quite some time that the brain
19:07 functions in waves. Beta waves are the ones
19:10 that are engaged right now. Your frontal lobe is thinking.
19:12 High frequency Beta waves are what are a signal of
19:16 a critically thinking mind. But the lower brain waves are
19:21 for sleep and deep sleep and then there's an intermediary
19:24 phase called alpha. The alpha waves
19:27 when those are taking over either you're just heading into
19:30 sleep and falling asleep or somebody is engaged in
19:32 New Age meditation and they're trying to self-hypnotize
19:36 into an alpha trance.
19:37 And so that would be indicative of a hypnotic state.
19:40 Somebody in a hypnotic state has high alpha indications
19:44 in their brain wave signature.
19:46 So I want to share a quote with you about what
19:48 Dr. Thomas Mulholland found about this. He found that:
19:58 Now this is theatrical- style entertainment TV again.
20:01 This is not your viewing and informational program.
20:03 The type of programming is producing alpha waves.
20:16 He goes on and says:
20:33 So that's a serious eye opener that this has been manipulating
20:37 the masses to a great degree. And that kind of explains
20:41 things you know like: "Well why have people gone so crazy
20:44 in the last few decades in the generation when we started
20:47 to get Hollywood taking over our society
20:50 and our social norms? " Is it just the messages
20:52 or are there methods embedded in the messages
20:56 that really sink the messages deeper
20:59 into the subconscious perceptions of society?
21:02 Are we having a puppet master thing like Edward Bernays
21:05 bragged they were doing back in the '20s
21:07 with modern high-tech overlays?
21:10 Well, if you ask Mark J. Ryan:
21:12 he's another professional hypno- tist and this guy is up there.
21:16 I mean, he knows the methods that are being used
21:18 and has a hypnotist practice, OK?
21:22 So I don't endorse Mark J. Ryan. I look to him as a...
21:25 a source to tell us what's going on, though,
21:28 with Hollywood and hypnosis.
21:30 He put out a video and you can see this on Media on the Brain.
21:34 I'm not going to show the whole clip of Mark J. Ryan
21:36 explaining for 8 minutes you know what's going on in the
21:38 Hollywood industry. But in Media on the Brain, it's in disc 2,
21:42 you'll see Mark J. Ryan.
21:44 But I'll give you the skinny, OK?
21:46 He comes on: "I just got back from watching the best movie
21:49 I've ever seen. It's called Inception. "
21:52 This is a movie that came out many years ago.
21:54 And he says: "The reason this movie was so good is
21:56 because they did a really good job of hypnotizing all of the
21:59 viewers. " And you've got my attention now Mark J. Ryan.
22:02 You're telling me that the film makers of this like put
22:04 hypnotic methods into movie making?
22:07 He says: "Yeah, in fact all Hollywood studios are doing
22:10 this same thing but most of it is nefarious
22:12 but I really liked this movie because it was healing
22:15 your inner child and all of this hypnotherapy mumbo jumbo. "
22:19 Not to be critical of the man. He's a child of God
22:22 and we want to win that soul. But these are Satan's methods
22:25 we know and people may be well intentioned.
22:28 And I'm thankful to Mark J. Ryan that he's exposing it
22:31 'cause he's like: "most of it out there is nefarious. "
22:34 He says: "I don't even watch TV and movies.
22:35 I maybe watched 2 or 3 hours the last 2 or 3 years
22:38 and the commercials especially are specifically
22:42 technically designed for hypnotic induction
22:45 and for subconscious programming. "
22:47 Like wow! That was an eye-opening statement.
22:49 He said all Hollywood studios are doing the same thing
22:52 that they did in that movie Inception that he loved so much.
22:55 And they are "indeed nefarious" was his word.
22:59 So the Bible says: "See to it that no one takes you captive
23:03 through hollow and deceptive philosophy. "
23:06 Colossians 2 verse 8: "Don't be taken captive. "
23:09 The devil's out there seeking whom he may devour.
23:12 The Bible says in II Corinthians 10
23:14 "Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Jesus
23:17 Christ. " We want to be masters of our own choices
23:21 by the power and influence of the Holy Spirit
23:24 not allowing ourselves to be taken captive
23:27 through these hypnotic manip- ulative methods that Hollywood
23:29 is bringing to the masses Edward Bernays style.
23:32 And the music industry is doing the same thing.
23:34 I want to share a quote with you from a top-notch
23:37 music therapy specialist, Ph.D., from Phillips University.
23:41 She says that:
23:55 And she wasn't the first one to say this actually.
23:57 She is saying it from the clinical standpoint,
24:00 from the research standpoint, from the scientific standpoint.
24:03 But somehow the musicians themselves
24:06 when the rock music industry was getting underway
24:08 were fully aware of what they were doing.
24:11 Listen to what Jimi Hendrix, the famous musician,
24:14 stated in an interview. He said:
24:27 Wow! That's pretty... that's pretty eye-opening stuff!
24:30 He said at another time:
24:32 "We make our music so loose and hard hitting
24:35 that it hits your soul hard enough to make it open. "
24:39 So he says: "We make our music so that it hypnotizes people
24:43 and opens their soul and we can preach into the subconscious
24:47 what we want to say. " I know this is pretty intense
24:49 information... hard to believe.
24:51 I wouldn't have concluded that myself just by looking at it.
24:54 You might have had suspicions but when they admit it
24:57 and frankly brag about it
24:59 I can't help but ask:
25:00 "What really is going on here in the music industry? "
25:03 Well there's another musicologist and neurologist,
25:07 a brain science expert, named Dr. Richard Pelligrino.
25:10 and he says the same thing is going on. He says:
25:32 So this is a major method that Satan can use.
25:35 Now music, of course, is a gift of God!
25:37 Beautiful music does uplift the emotions
25:40 and enhance the frontal lobe. That's the great thing about
25:42 sacred music: it does good things to the brain.
25:45 But this worldly rock music
25:47 bypasses the frontal lobe and does those things
25:50 that these researchers and musicians are saying.
25:52 In fact, they've looked at Christian rock and worldly music
25:56 with Christian lyrics to it just to show
25:58 is it the lyrics that are actually causing these changes
26:01 in the brain. This is Dr. Newberg and Waldman,
26:04 their studies at University of Pennsylvania.
26:05 What they found was when people are engaged in that
26:08 charismatic-style worship with the rock music
26:11 blasting in the ears and they're engaged in that
26:13 ecstatic feeling the prefrontal cortex is shut down.
26:16 And that's not something we want. We're wanting to be
26:19 "Come now let us reason together. "
26:21 We're wanting to be in the position of receiving
26:24 the seal of God.
26:26 There's another statement from a musician that I found to be
26:28 particularly helpful because people ask
26:31 "OK, what is this about rock music? What is rock music? "
26:34 Well it's heavily rhythmic. Rhythm is not bad
26:38 but what he says here:
26:50 So for eons... for thousands of years...
26:52 in pagan tribal settings all over the world
26:55 multiple rhythmic elements - voodoo-style music -
26:58 has been altering people's minds into a spiritual pagan worship.
27:02 And that's the basis of modern rock music and hip hop.
27:05 And you know it when you hear the heavily excessively rhythmic
27:08 music that's one pit.
27:09 On the balance beam is beautiful sacred uplifting music
27:13 to God that has a rhythmic element: harmony, melody,
27:16 and it's full and beautiful. In the New Age community
27:19 you have rhythmless music. You walk into that health food store
27:23 that's a little New Age leaning. Very nice people but
27:25 the music is like bing-bong, bing bong, whowwwww...
27:31 tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet.
27:32 I'm like: "Honey, can we grab the almond milk
27:34 and get out of here? " It's a little creepy to me
27:36 but... you know... self-hypnosis.
27:38 New Age, alpha trance... that's the kind of music that's used.
27:41 Rhythmless. Do you want to seek Jesus
27:43 and have the victory and take every thought captive,
27:45 music, good media, avoiding the Hollywood captive...
27:48 captive taking that is taking this generation by storm?


Revised 2021-06-02