Evolution Impossible

Evidence for the Existence of An Intervening God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: EI

Program Code: EI190013S

00:37 Welcome back to, Evolution Impossible.
00:39 I am Dr. Sven string.
00:40 We've been considering so much evidence
00:43 that shows that evolution really is impossible.
00:46 But is there and alternative to evolution,
00:49 or are we left in scientific limbo with nowhere else to turn?
00:53 Joining me for this very important question
00:55 is Harley Southwell.
00:57 ~ Thank you for being with us.
00:58 Tim Turner, good to have you back in the studio.
01:00 And Morgan Vincent, nice to have you as well.
01:03 And last, but definitely not least, we have Dr. John Ashton.
01:08 And Dr. John Ashton has been doing research
01:11 in this area for almost 50 years.
01:13 And we're really fortunate that he has written all of this
01:16 research up in his book, Evolution Impossible.
01:20 In his own personal experience, Dr. Ashton has discovered
01:23 that while evolution is impossible,
01:25 there is a God who exists and who is able
01:28 to intervene in our lives.
01:30 Now that's a really exciting thought.
01:32 So Let's explore the evidence.
01:33 Now, John, you mentioned a few times that evolution
01:36 cannot explain consciousness.
01:39 Can you explain what you mean by that?
01:41 Well, as I've alluded to another time, we talk about our brain.
01:47 Our brain has mass, and it stores information
01:50 and has certain processes in it.
01:52 But our thoughts or our will are non-material.
01:56 We can't weigh our thoughts.
01:57 We can put our brain on a balance, weigh it,
01:59 we can squash then it into...
02:01 Well, somebody else could. We'd be dead.
02:03 ...squash it into a... ~ Not so fun.
02:05 ...squash it into a measuring cylinder and measure its volume.
02:08 But our thoughts we can't.
02:10 And this is fascinating. This is who we really are.
02:14 You know, inside this frame is a little boy, John, sort of thing.
02:19 And that's my thoughts, that's who I am.
02:22 Who I am is really non-material.
02:25 This body is just a transducer that converts my thoughts
02:29 into physical actions so I can operate in this physical world.
02:34 But who I really am is non-material.
02:36 And it fascinate me that the God who created us
02:39 also describes Himself as non-material;
02:42 as spiritual.
02:44 And so, it's through our mind that we communicate with God.
02:47 And hence, you know, prayer.
02:48 And also, God can impress our minds
02:51 and so forth as well and communicate with people.
02:54 And the Bible is a history of people who
02:57 God communicated with.
02:59 And this is, you know, this has fascinated me.
03:01 And there's so much evidence for this.
03:03 So turning to our panel here, you know, if the God of
03:07 the Bible exists; He's a God of love, and He's powerful as well,
03:12 what would He be capable and interested to do?
03:16 Well one thing I heard once that was really, really beautiful
03:19 was that God exists, and He looks like Jesus.
03:23 You know, and that is a personal friendly Person
03:26 who wants to invest in us and to see us grow.
03:30 And that's something I think I've discovered in my own life.
03:32 You know, I journeyed through deciding whether I was going to
03:35 believe evolution or creation.
03:37 In the end, when I saw the evidence pointing towards
03:40 creation, I accepted that God was real and that
03:42 the story in the Bible is true, and this God believes in me
03:46 and loves me, and wanted the best in me.
03:48 And then that faith that's reciprocated back to God
03:52 helped transform my life and has grown me into,
03:55 and is continuing to grow me into the person I am today.
03:58 And that's just, I find that to be a beautiful thing;
04:02 that there is a God who's capable of taking a person
04:07 and transforming them, and making them useful
04:10 and beautiful and believing in them.
04:13 ~ What about you, Tim?
04:14 What would God be capable of or interested in doing?
04:17 Yeah, what I think about just from a scientific perspective,
04:21 the universe had a beginning.
04:23 Everyone agrees that that's the case.
04:25 But I guess, according to Richard Dawkins
04:28 it came from nothing.
04:29 And then he goes on to define what "nothing" actually is.
04:31 Which is kind of funny.
04:33 But according to the Bible, God was the one
04:36 who created everything.
04:37 And so, if you can create an entire universe,
04:42 not to mention setting up all the laws of physics,
04:45 creating information in DNA, the magnitude of His intelligence
04:51 must be completely off the scale, and His power as well.
04:53 I guess, why would He do that?
04:56 I think the Bible has some really cool answers about that.
04:59 And it's for His pleasure.
05:00 He just, He loves being relational.
05:03 And like Harley said, it's something that He's craving,
05:08 that interrelational, I guess, space.
05:11 And so I think, yeah, if He's like that, then that's awesome.
05:17 ~ What about you, Morgan?
05:19 Yeah, similar to what Harley alluded to, that God
05:22 orchestrates times and events, seasons, situations.
05:27 And not just one in our life, but multiple,
05:30 and many at different times in our lives
05:32 to get our attention.
05:35 I like to think of God as someone who pursues.
05:38 ~ Like the hound of heaven.
05:40 Yeah, He's the one who takes the first step.
05:44 One of my favorite words at the moment is the word, prevenient;
05:48 which comes from two words that combine to basically mean that
05:51 God is the one who takes that first step.
05:54 And when I look at my own life and hear stories of
05:57 other people's lives, we can see how God
06:00 takes that first step in terms of
06:02 relationship with us, with humans.
06:04 And so, it's a fascinating thing to think of God
06:07 being the one and wanting to be the one
06:12 who enters into that relationship with us.
06:15 So much so that even though someone can reject Him,
06:18 can slight Him, put Him away for decade after decade,
06:22 after decade, God will still pursue them.
06:25 God will still be the one to want to dwell with them.
06:29 And we see that absolutely personified
06:32 in the life of Christ.
06:33 As both Tim and Harley mentioned as well.
06:36 Thank you very much, Morgan. It's really amazing.
06:38 And Morgan mentioned the concept of times and seasons.
06:42 And that brought me back to your fascination with
06:45 the philosophy of time, which we have talked about before.
06:49 But in relation to God, the whole concept of time is
06:53 very fascinating, particularly with regards to prophecy.
06:55 And that's one of the key evidences that you raised
06:58 to bring to our attention in the book.
07:00 Can you give us one of the best examples of a prophecy
07:06 which allows us to see what God can do in our lives?
07:10 Wow, well there are lots of prophecies in the Bible.
07:14 Of course, you know, there are many prophecies.
07:16 I think perhaps one of the most outstanding ones
07:19 relates to the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
07:23 Because Nebuchadnezzar is, you know, a very famous
07:26 historical figure.
07:28 ~ King of Babylon.
07:30 Well yes, founded the Babylonian empire,
07:32 he built the hanging gardens of Babylon for his wife,
07:36 which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
07:39 according to Herodotus.
07:41 And so, it's very interesting that the Bible recounts
07:45 Daniel, one of the Hebrew captives after Nebuchadnezzar
07:50 conquered Jerusalem, that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream.
07:54 And in this dream he dreamt about an image.
07:58 Well, he had a dream and he couldn't remember what
08:01 the dream was, but he knew it was a very significant dream.
08:04 And he asked his wise men, you know, what did the dream mean.
08:06 And they said, "Well, tell us what you dreamt
08:08 and we'll tell you what it means."
08:10 But Nebuchadnezzar was a pretty clever guy,
08:12 and he said, "Well if I tell you what the dream was,
08:17 you can make up anything.
08:18 Well, I can't remember it anyway, so you know,
08:21 you tell me what I dreamt and then I'll know you can
08:24 tell me what the meaning is."
08:26 And of course, Daniel was one of the wise men at the time,
08:29 and he prayed and God revealed to him what the dream was.
08:32 And he told Nebuchadnezzar, and Nebuchadnezzar said,
08:35 "Wow, that's it. I remember that's what I dreamt.
08:37 What does it mean?"
08:39 And essentially, it was a vision of his empire and the
08:42 succeeding empires of the world.
08:44 That his empire would be followed by the Persian empire,
08:47 that would be followed by the Greek empire,
08:49 that would be followed by the Roman empire.
08:51 And then that essentially would disintegrate
08:53 into strong and weak kingdoms.
08:54 Now essentially that's exactly what happened.
08:57 You know, after Nebuchadnezzar died, his grandson,
09:01 I think it was Nabonidus who was the king,
09:05 and while his son Belshazzar was in Babylon,
09:08 Cyrus' general Gobryas came and marched in
09:12 and took Babylon in 539 BC.
09:15 And then we had the Persian empire, of course, followed in.
09:19 Cyrus and Darius, and so forth.
09:21 And then we had Alexander the great came in.
09:24 ~ Marched over. - Yes.
09:25 And defeated Darius in 331 BC.
09:29 And then we go on, and of course then the Greek
09:32 empire was divided up, and then subsequently
09:35 conquered by the Roman empire.
09:37 Which then degenerated into the states of Europe.
09:41 Some strong and some weak.
09:42 Some went on and some broke up.
09:44 The fascinating thing is, of course, that a rock
09:47 hit the bottom of the statue, and filled
09:49 and became the whole world.
09:51 And of course, that represented that one day God will destroy
09:53 the world and recreate it again.
09:55 So that part of the prophecy hasn't happened yet,
09:58 but all the other bits did.
10:00 ~ So what time period are we looking at here
10:02 from when Nebuchadnezzar had the dream, all the way to
10:06 the end of that fulfillment of that prophecy?
10:10 What sort of time frame are we looking at?
10:12 Well of course, Nebuchadnezzar was about 600 BC when he
10:16 first conquered Jerusalem, first took Jerusalem.
10:19 And of course, well we know Europe is still there now.
10:22 So it comes right through to the second coming.
10:24 So it spans the last part of the history of time.
10:27 But some of the details and things that fascinated me,
10:31 for example, Belshazzar was not recognized
10:35 in any of the secular historical records until recently,
10:39 and yet it was written in the Bible.
10:40 So the critics said, "Oh yeah, it's another made up story."
10:43 But then they discovered all these cuneiform tablets
10:46 that recognized that Belshazzar was the co-regent
10:50 with his father and was actually the king of Babylon at the time
10:52 while his father was actually fighting a
10:55 diversionary action with Cyrus.
10:56 ~ So archaeological evidence is supporting the biblical account.
11:00 Yes, and also the Bible talks about how Belshazzar was,
11:04 you know, all like in a drunken revelry feast
11:07 that they used to have.
11:08 The Bible talks about that.
11:10 And it's interesting, Xenophon, a later Greek historian,
11:15 records that, yes, that was actually the case of what was
11:18 happening when Gobryas took in, and that Belshazzar
11:21 was slain next to his throne.
11:23 So we had later, you know, all this confirmation
11:26 and corroboration of the historical accuracy.
11:28 And there's so many of the other prophecies that are like that.
11:32 And what about you guys?
11:34 Have any of the prophecies in the Bible really
11:37 impressed or inspired you?
11:38 Or have you ever seen the effect of this particular
11:41 prophecy in your own life or work or ministry?
11:45 ~ Yeah, I guess for me some of the most powerful prophecies,
11:49 I guess, are in relation to Jesus.
11:50 Like, you have the ones in Isaiah are hundreds of
11:53 years before Jesus was even there.
11:55 You have the ones in Psalms, it's like over three hundred
11:56 different prophecies that Jesus fulfills
11:58 every single one of them.
11:59 And I think just the surety of that.
12:03 Like, you talk about the probability of how the universe
12:05 could come into existence by itself, or life forming.
12:08 And just the probability of one Man fulfilling all three hundred
12:12 prophecies is just astounding.
12:13 And so, you kind of... Like, being able to see the...
12:16 God has provided us enough information to say,
12:19 okay, well I'm pretty sure that was who He said He was.
12:25 One thing kind of in the similar area, but
12:28 not necessarily prophecy, but something we can look back at
12:31 is the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
12:35 It's something that, you know, is a historical
12:38 verifiable fact that Jesus Christ lived and died.
12:41 And there's argument over whether He resurrected or not,
12:43 but the evidence that is seeming to mount, and mount, and mount
12:45 is very clear that there is evidence that He did resurrect.
12:49 You know, the different...
12:50 You know, He appeared to so many people.
12:52 There's the records of it being written down
12:55 by the apostles so soon after His death.
12:58 As well as there definitely was an empty tomb,
13:01 because that's what Jesus' enemies acknowledged,
13:05 that the tomb was empty.
13:06 And they made a story saying that all these Roman soldiers
13:09 were asleep, which is a very impossible story for these
13:13 Roman soldiers whose life depended on them staying awake.
13:15 And they're highly trained elite soldiers to fall asleep.
13:17 But they recognize that the tomb was empty,
13:20 so they had a make up this story to explain it.
13:22 And how would they have known it was the
13:23 disciples if they were asleep?
13:25 Exactly.
13:26 So there's just all this evidence for the
13:29 resurrection of Jesus Christ.
13:31 Which, I mean, if you were to found a religion, you know...
13:34 Like, there's been a number of men over history who have
13:37 founded religions, you know.
13:38 But Jesus founded His religion based on the fact that
13:41 He was going to die and resurrect.
13:43 That is such an unlikely, astronomically unlikely
13:47 thing to happen in just a materialistic world.
13:49 But Jesus did found His religion upon that,
13:52 and everyone around Him proclaimed, "He's risen."
13:55 And everyone was like, well there's proof for it.
13:56 And so, Christianity just exploded so rapidly.
13:59 And Jesus actually predicted His own resurrection
14:02 while He was still doing His public ministry.
14:05 So what you're pointing out is that there's supernatural
14:09 miracles and supernatural prophecy as well.
14:12 And John, I guess the question I have in mind is this:
14:15 I mean, you know, I go on the Bureau of Meteorology
14:19 and I look up the weather report, and I can get about
14:23 seven days in advance, and sometimes
14:25 they get it pretty wrong.
14:26 Which is a bit sad.
14:29 But you know, predicting two and a half thousand years
14:34 in advance, hundreds of years, seems like
14:38 a bit of a long stretch.
14:39 So how could God actually predict these things
14:44 so far in advance?
14:45 What power does God have?
14:47 What's the nature of God for Him to be able to do this?
14:52 Okay, well that's a fairly deep, you know, question to get into.
14:57 And I guess a number of people have argued with,
15:00 well, is there free will, and so forth?
15:04 You know, some of my own thoughts on this is that
15:06 God does help influence us and helps us make choices.
15:10 He doesn't force us to make choices, but He can change
15:13 circumstances so that, you know, we make choices over time.
15:16 And He knows the future.
15:18 Also, there's been different models portrayed that,
15:21 we often hear God can see the beginning and the end.
15:24 And they've been in some of the philosophical journals.
15:27 For example, let's say, well, if you imagine you had a
15:30 plain sheet of paper, and we're living in this
15:32 two dimensional space, and we're like little ants
15:36 crawling around on this space.
15:38 But you've got a pin going through your piece of paper.
15:42 And this has the future on this side and the past on this side.
15:46 And God is out here, and He sees the whole lot.
15:49 But we only see this little bit here.
15:52 But He can see the whole lot.
15:53 So I mean, these are just, you know, primitive models
15:56 to sort of try and explain that God is outside time.
15:59 ~ Transcends time.
16:00 You know, the whole concept of time and choice.
16:04 You know, there's evidence that humans have known the future,
16:07 certainly through premonitions and dreams,
16:10 and this sort of thing.
16:11 ~ And so what you're saying is, not only in the Bible
16:14 do we have, you know, prophecies and dreams
16:17 like Nebuchadnezzar had,
16:18 but also more recently there's been dreams.
16:22 Could you maybe share with us some stories
16:23 of people who have had dreams?
16:25 Well, it's a real life scenario.
16:27 I mean, earlier on we talked Professor Werner Gitt.
16:29 Now his story is really interesting.
16:32 He grew up in east Germany, which is very close
16:36 to the Russian border, and was born in 1937,
16:38 so it was before the war.
16:40 When the war broke out he was only a little boy.
16:42 And of course, towards the end of the war,
16:45 as the Russian soldiers came in, the people had to flee.
16:49 And his mother was captured by the Russians,
16:52 taken to the Ukraine where she died.
16:55 His older brother was taken away and never heard of again.
17:00 But Werner and a couple of aunties were actually,
17:08 he was quite sick at the time, they tried to flee, but
17:11 they were actually captured and held,
17:13 and then later expelled to a town on the island of Wyk,
17:18 I think, in the North Sea.
17:20 After the war they were put there to be dealt with
17:22 until everything was sorted out.
17:23 Now meanwhile, his dad had been captured
17:26 and was in an allied prisoner of war camp.
17:28 And he had no idea where his family was;
17:33 where his children were, where his family were.
17:34 Had no idea what happened to his wife, or anything.
17:36 But one night he had a dream.
17:39 And in that dream, he dreamt that he
17:41 visited a particular uncle.
17:43 And he asked this uncle...
17:47 His uncle was saying to him,
17:49 "Oh, you should come and visit us."
17:50 This is the dad that dreamt this dream
17:52 in the prisoner of war camp.
17:54 And in his dream, he asked his uncle, "Where do you live?"
17:56 His uncle told him an address.
17:57 And so he woke up straight away and he wrote the address down.
18:02 And he decided to write to that address.
18:05 And at that address was an uncle
18:09 that he hadn't had contact with for years.
18:12 He'd moved there, and everything was topsy-turvy after the war,
18:15 but he knew where his son was.
18:18 And he put him in contact.
18:20 And his son was the sole, Werner was the sole survivor
18:23 of his dad's family.
18:25 But that's just one of many dreams.
18:28 I mean, I can remember having a really
18:30 powerful premonition myself.
18:32 I was a tutor for the first year med students in chemistry
18:39 at the University of Tasmania.
18:41 And I used to give some Bible studies.
18:43 And one night traveling home, I was eager to get home,
18:45 it was a rainy night, coming into Hobart
18:48 as I'm driving down the hill towards the city,
18:52 I was strongly impressed to slow down.
18:54 Slow down.
18:56 And I thought to myself, "I'm only doing 60
18:59 kilometers an hour."
19:00 But it was, slow down, slow down.
19:03 So I slowed down just a little bit.
19:06 But I saw this green light ahead, and I thought,
19:08 I want to get through the green light.
19:10 And I was trying to balance, I'm slowing down
19:12 but I want to get that green light.
19:13 And it was on a blind intersection corner
19:16 where there was an office block on the corner.
19:18 And just as I came into that light,
19:21 a blue Datsun sports car came through at high speed.
19:24 And I hit him. I was in a 56 Chevy.
19:27 And I hit him and I spun him around.
19:30 But a fraction of a second faster, he would have
19:34 slammed into the side of me and killed me.
19:36 If I had properly slowed down as God was prompting me,
19:40 my Chevy wouldn't have hit him and I wouldn't have had
19:42 this big dang mudguard on the front.
19:44 But praise the Lord, I wasn't killed.
19:46 Listen to God. That's the lesson.
19:47 And I did a study among our research group
19:51 when I wrote on this topic of evidence that people
19:56 had seen the future.
19:58 Because the future is random or chaotic
20:01 from a human perspective.
20:02 And so, how can anyone know the future?
20:05 And there are many cases where people,
20:07 particularly Christians, have had powerful premonitions
20:10 that have protected them.
20:11 And even among the staff, we had about 100 staff,
20:15 and I think out of 100 staff there were 5 people
20:18 who had had powerful premonitions
20:20 that warned them of danger.
20:23 ~ I have a question in regards to this.
20:25 I was reading recently about a magician by the
20:27 name of James Randi who created a competition, basically.
20:32 He was an atheist and he created a competition
20:35 for anyone who claimed to be a diviner, or a psychic,
20:39 or you know, a telekinetic, or have some other kind of,
20:43 you know, clairvoyance, supernatural power, or whatnot.
20:45 He created a challenge for them that if they could prove
20:49 under scientific verifiable testable conditions
20:53 that they had a supernatural gift then he would give them
20:55 a certain amount of money.
20:56 It eventually grew to be around about, I believe, $100,000.
21:00 It might have been a million, if I remember correctly.
21:02 But over a period of 50 years and thousands of applicants
21:07 that came through, not a single one them was able
21:08 to demonstrate a supernatural power,
21:10 a supernatural gift.
21:11 And it kind of like seems that, like, when we try and prove
21:15 supernatural things in science, we can't verify it and test it.
21:19 And also, I guess, coming back to evolution,
21:21 you know, we've remarked on how it's impossible
21:24 to be tested and verified in a laboratory
21:27 setting, and so forth.
21:28 So if we have these two, you know, different things
21:31 that can neither be verified, where should we go?
21:35 Well I think we have the testimony in Christian
21:37 literature of so many Christians who have testified
21:41 to God's leading in their life, powerful changes in their life.
21:46 Werner Gitt's story is just one of, you know,
21:49 thousands, hundreds of thousands probably, of examples.
21:52 And people know and experience in themselves,
21:55 and I do too, similar to you, that God has changed them.
21:58 When I accepted God, my whole attitude
22:02 to life began to change, and God began to change me.
22:06 And you realize, that's a real experience that happens.
22:09 And I guess, God has warned these people.
22:11 So there are so many stories of miracles of people
22:14 surviving under different conditions.
22:16 You know, we think of that soldier in the second world war
22:20 that rescued all those people.
22:23 ~ Desmond Doss. - Desmond Doss.
22:25 They made the film about him, Hacksaw Ridge.
22:27 You know, he made all those trips up there.
22:29 People are being shot all around him, but he wasn't shot.
22:31 Now people say, "Well hang on,
22:33 there are good people that die too."
22:35 But you know, it seems that God, at certain times,
22:39 when God has miraculously protected people.
22:43 You know, I think of the story of Harriet Tubman
22:46 that led all those slaves to freedom.
22:48 You know, an uneducated woman.
22:50 But she said she heard the voice from God,
22:52 God would tell her to go this way or back that way.
22:55 And she made all those journeys and she was never caught,
22:58 and took all those people to freedom.
23:00 So it seems that when there's a purpose,
23:03 that there are times when God intervenes and blesses
23:07 His people, He protects them.
23:09 I mean, my wife and I have had, you know, answer to pray
23:12 just this past week while on holiday, sort of thing.
23:15 I've had so many personal answers to prayer.
23:18 I'm writing that in a book at the moment,
23:20 I'm up to about 60,000 words, of experiences myself.
23:24 Of course, there's many other Christians that have
23:25 written these books, particularly out in the
23:28 mission field where there have been no resources, you know.
23:30 And I think of, say, Mary Slessor.
23:33 Here was this young Scottish woman who went to the
23:36 Congo in the 1800's, walked barefoot into the jungles,
23:39 and converted the cannibals.
23:42 You know, so we can see the power of God is working
23:45 where it's working the power of good.
23:47 And there are so many stories like that
23:49 where I think they all add up that there is
23:51 an intervening God that we can come to and we can trust,
23:54 while we don't necessarily have specifically
23:58 our answers to prayer necessary at the time.
24:01 What I've learned is that we can trust that God
24:04 had our good in the long term.
24:06 And I can see that now of prayers that I have prayed
24:10 over ten years ago in particular personal matters,
24:14 and now I can see why God didn't answer the prayers.
24:17 And I remember praying and saying, "God, I can see
24:20 You're not answering my prayer, You're blocking my path.
24:23 Each time I make a move, You're blocking it."
24:25 And now ten years later I can see why,
24:29 and all the extra good that has come out of it
24:33 because I didn't pursue that particular path at that time.
24:37 But I couldn't see it at the time.
24:39 I thought that I was right. I was pursuing the best path.
24:43 And certainly, this whole concept of the supernatural,
24:46 but also the limits of science in terms of
24:49 being able to test it.
24:50 Tim, do you have any questions in that area for John?
24:54 I did, actually, but it probably comes from my own experience.
24:56 So when I was a little dagger, I had a, actually still got
25:01 a genetic blood disorder.
25:03 And they had to do an operation when I was little.
25:06 And my hemoglobin levels were really low,
25:10 and they are not able to operate when the levels are so low.
25:13 And so, my dad got his Bible out and sort of, you know,
25:17 you anoint the kid, get the elders of the church
25:18 together, and stuff.
25:20 My hemoglobin levels almost doubled
25:23 overnight, which is medically unheard of.
25:25 And so they were able to do the operation.
25:27 And after things like that where I'm lying in a hospital bed
25:32 and there's pain all through my abdomen,
25:33 and I look at my mom and say, "Pray," and she prays.
25:36 The pain disappears and goes away.
25:38 I'm kind of wondering, what does science do
25:41 to personal experiences?
25:42 Like, do they...
25:44 I know that in some areas of science,
25:46 they will validate someone's experience as this is something
25:49 that's actually, you know, we can test this.
25:51 This happened and is repeatable. That sort of thing.
25:53 But what do they do when they have supernatural experiences
25:56 in the human realm?
25:58 Well, some of those have been recorded in books,
26:01 and there have been studies, but they don't have an answer.
26:04 That's the problem.
26:06 Do you think that's because the supernatural
26:09 is not able to be put into a test tube?
26:14 ~ Well that's right. We can't force God.
26:17 That's the bottom line. We have to trust.
26:21 And you know, it's incredible to reflect
26:24 on how God can work in our lives.
26:26 He is a God who really does want to intervene
26:30 and show us that He exists.
26:32 This is the last episode in our journey, Evolution Impossible.
26:36 However, your exploration of this fascinating
26:40 topic can continue.
26:42 If you haven't already, we invite you to get a copy
26:45 of Dr. John Ashton's book, Evolution Impossible,
26:48 and delve deeper into the origin of life itself.
26:52 It could change your life forever.
26:55 But even more importantly, we would like you to
26:58 continue this journey with God Himself.
27:01 The last book in the Bible called, Revelation,
27:03 paints an amazing picture that God will recreate
27:07 this world to be a new world; a place where there's no more
27:11 pain, or suffering, or death.
27:14 We want you to be with us in the new earth.
27:17 And I'd like to invite you to join with me as I pray with you
27:21 as you consider this decision for eternity.
27:25 Father in heaven, we've been on this journey of
27:28 exploring evolution together.
27:30 We have discovered that all of the evidence
27:32 points to the reality that You created life and this world
27:36 just like the Bible says.
27:38 Please be with every person who has been
27:40 watching this program.
27:41 May Your Holy Spirit speak powerfully to our hearts.
27:44 May we know that You sent Your only Son, Jesus,
27:47 to die on the cross for us personally so we can
27:50 accept the free gift to a restored relationship with You.
27:53 - In Jesus name, amen. - Amen.


Revised 2020-04-18