Final Empire

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: FE

Program Code: FE000004S

00:00 [gentle music]
00:04 [dramatic music]
00:14 [dramatic music continues]
00:24 [dramatic music continues]
00:35 - The end of the 1700s was a remarkably tumultuous time.
00:40 The ideas that have been fomenting
00:41 for more than a hundred years were starting to take root.
00:46 The French, eager to form a republic
00:48 with a written constitution launched a bloody revolution
00:52 that ended with not just a rejection of monarchy,
00:55 but also the rejection of the Christian faith.
00:59 Members of the clergy were exiled by the tens of thousands
01:02 and many were actually put to death.
01:05 Churches were seized and converted into temples of reason,
01:08 including Notre Dame in Paris.
01:10 Women were dressed as pagan goddesses
01:13 and paraded through the streets as the goddess of reason.
01:18 It was a godless revolution and it ended very badly,
01:28 but across the sea in the New World,
01:30 another revolution had taken place
01:32 and it had a completely different flavor.
01:34 In fact, it was anything but godless.
01:37 The founders of the American Republic felt very strongly
01:40 that the birth of this nation had been guided by God himself
01:44 and looking back at everything that happened,
01:46 it's very easy to see why someone might think that.
01:49 Just look at the long string of historical events
01:52 that all had to fall into place at exactly the right time.
01:59 We began this study with the fall of Jerusalem to Saladin
02:02 and the fall of Constantinople to the Turks.
02:06 That prompted Christopher Columbus
02:08 to examine Bible prophecy
02:10 and that gave him the overwhelming sense
02:13 that God was sending him westward over the ocean
02:16 to hasten the coming of Christ.
02:18 Then at about the same time,
02:20 the printing press was invented,
02:22 which spurred the wide distribution
02:24 of new ideas all across Europe.
02:27 The Bible became available in the common language
02:29 of the people which drove thousands
02:31 to study the scriptures for themselves.
02:35 That in turn drove English dissenters
02:37 to flee to the Netherlands where they came in contact
02:40 with Jews who were fleeing the inquisition
02:43 and that opened up a whole new realm of political thought,
02:48 the notion that God had given the Israelites
02:51 an ideal form of government.
02:54 Then a mysterious wind suddenly drives the Mayflower
02:57 off course to a place
02:58 where the pilgrims would not be impeded
03:01 by the colonial governments of the old world
03:04 or be influenced by other settlers.
03:08 It all seems too convenient
03:11 and when the Continental Army took up arms
03:13 against the British in the 1770s,
03:15 somehow they managed to defeat the most feared,
03:18 most disciplined military force in the world
03:21 against all conceivable odds.
03:24 Consider the words of George Washington at his inauguration
03:26 on April 30th, 1789.
03:29 Looking back on everything that had happened,
03:32 he recognized that none of it was a coincidence.
03:37 - [George] No people can be bound to acknowledge
03:40 and adore the invisible hand
03:42 by which conducts the affairs of men
03:44 more than those of the United States.
03:49 Every step by which they have advanced to the character
03:52 of an independent nation seems to have been distinguished
03:55 by some token of providential agency.
04:00 - [Shawn] At the Constitutional Convention of 1787,
04:03 Benjamin Franklin expressed the same sense of awe.
04:08 - [Benjamin] I have lived, sir, a long time
04:11 and the longer I live,
04:13 the more convincing proofs I see of this truth
04:17 that God governs in the affairs of men
04:22 and if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground
04:24 without his notice,
04:26 is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?
04:34 - Every time George Washington's
04:36 Continental Army was cornered,
04:38 doomed to failure in the face
04:39 of much more powerful red coats,
04:42 something would always happen
04:43 to turn the tide in their favor.
04:45 For example, consider what happened in Boston,
04:48 March of 1776.
04:53 [dramatic music]
05:03 [dramatic music continues]
05:14 Both Washington and the British
05:16 knew the strategic importance of Dorchester Heights
05:19 because from this position, you could clearly see
05:22 and possibly control the city and outer harbor.
05:26 Both sides considered
05:27 taking control of this strategic location,
05:30 but neither had done so until Washington hatched a plan.
05:35 On the night of March four,
05:36 Brigadier General John Thomas with 2000 of his men
05:39 quietly marched to the top of Dorchester Heights
05:42 undercover of darkness.
05:44 Without attracting any attention,
05:46 they managed to move prefabricated fortifications
05:50 and cannons into place above the city.
05:53 Unbelievably by four in the morning,
05:56 they had built a defensive position.
05:59 When the British woke up the next morning,
06:00 they were horrified to see Washington's men
06:03 commanding the hills above the city.
06:06 As one soldier told a London newspaper.
06:11 - [Soldier] This morning at daybreak,
06:13 we discovered two red redoubts
06:14 on the hills of Dorchester Point
06:16 and two smaller works on their flanks.
06:20 They were all raised during the night with an expedition
06:22 equal to that of the genie
06:24 belonging to Aladdin's wonderful lamp.
06:27 From these hills, they command the whole town
06:30 so that we must drive them from their post
06:33 or desert the place.
06:37 - They knew they had no choice but to react,
06:40 so General William Howe gathered thousands of his men
06:43 to retake the heights
06:44 and his plan was to do it in darkness
06:47 like Washington had done.
06:49 There was no question they could easily drive the Americans
06:51 from this new position,
06:53 but that night, the night of March five,
06:55 clear weather suddenly gave rise to a horrible storm.
06:59 One of Washington's men
07:00 actually described it as a hurricane.
07:03 In the harbor, the winds became fierce enough
07:05 to pull up the anchors of ships
07:07 and two of them were blown ashore,
07:09 making it impossible to deliver troops by a boat.
07:13 Freezing rain and sleet started to coat the hill with ice,
07:16 making it impossible for General Howe's men
07:19 to reach the fortifications.
07:21 Now the Americans had all the time in the world
07:24 to strengthen their new position and by the next day,
07:27 General Howe was convinced
07:29 that taking the heights was futile.
07:35 Now, if that was the only story we had,
07:38 you might chalk it up to coincidence,
07:40 but time and time again, something would happen.
07:43 The weather would change or something else
07:45 to bring victory to the ragtag patriots,
07:48 who by all rights should have lost.
07:51 A deep fog that settled on Manhattan,
07:53 making it possible for George Washington
07:55 to suddenly evacuate 9,000 men without being detected
07:59 or a servant
08:01 determined to betray the American general suddenly arrested
08:04 by British mercenaries who didn't speak English
08:07 so that his message was never delivered.
08:10 There was no reason for the colonies to win
08:14 and yet they did
08:16 and the people who were there became convinced
08:19 that God had won the republic for them
08:21 and they knew the ideas that gave birth to the nation
08:25 had also come from God.
08:28 Now it's true.
08:29 They had also consulted the great writings of the past
08:32 and had studied a number of other republics,
08:35 but the ideas that worked,
08:37 the ideas that stuck were the ideas they got from the Bible.
08:42 Noah Webster, his history of America wrote this.
08:48 - [Noah] The brief exposition
08:49 of the Constitution of the United States
08:52 will unfold to young persons the principles
08:55 of Republican government,
08:57 and it is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens
09:02 should early understand that the genuine source
09:05 of correct Republican principles is the Bible.
09:09 [dramatic music]
09:22 - It wasn't just the Revolutionary War
09:24 that seemed miraculous to these folks.
09:26 The constitutional convention here in Philadelphia
09:29 was another miracle,
09:30 pulling together the aspirations of 13 colonies
09:34 into a single vision.
09:36 As hot as the weather was
09:38 when the delegates gathered here in Independence Hall,
09:40 the tempers of the men gathered inside
09:43 was often even hotter.
09:45 Half a year later, in Federalist Paper 37,
09:48 James Madison expressed his shock
09:51 that it had actually all come together.
09:56 - [James] The real wonder is that so many difficulties
09:59 should have been surmounted and surmounted
10:02 with an unanimity almost as unprecedented
10:04 as it must have been unexpected.
10:07 It is impossible for any man of candor
10:10 to reflect on this circumstance
10:12 without partaking of the astonishment.
10:15 It is impossible for the man of pious reflection
10:18 not to receive in it a finger of that almighty hand,
10:21 which has been so frequently and signaling extended
10:25 to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution.
10:33 - So just how hot was the debate?
10:36 Well, hot enough that it almost all fell apart.
10:40 One of the most contentious issues
10:41 had to do with state representation at the federal level.
10:45 They couldn't decide.
10:46 Would each state get an equal number of delegates
10:49 or would it be based on population?
10:52 That debate almost scuttled the whole exercise,
10:55 but then on June 28th,
10:57 Ben Franklin suddenly stood up
10:59 and quoting the Bible by memory
11:00 something like 10 times in a few minutes,
11:03 he made an impassioned plea to the chair, George Washington,
11:07 that they stop and appeal to God to help them.
11:10 [dramatic music]
11:16 - [Ben] In the situation of this assembly
11:19 groping as it were in the dark,
11:21 to find political truth and scarce able to distinguish it
11:25 when presented to us, how has it happened, sir,
11:28 that we have not here the two once thought of
11:30 humbly applying to the father of lights
11:33 to illuminate our understandings.
11:37 In the beginning of the contest with Britain,
11:40 when we were sensible of danger,
11:43 we had daily prayers in this room for the divine protection.
11:49 Our prayers so were heard and they were graciously answered.
11:53 All of us who are engaged in the struggle must have observed
11:57 frequent instances of a super intending providence
12:01 in our favor.
12:03 To that kind providence,
12:05 we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace
12:09 on the means of establishing our future national felicity
12:14 and have we now forgotten a powerful friend
12:18 or do we now imagine that we no longer need its assistance.
12:24 I have lived, sir, a long time, and the longer I live,
12:28 the more convincing proofs I see of this truth
12:32 that God governs in the affairs of men.
12:39 - The men who met that summer in Independence Hall
12:41 were students of the Bible and they had a keen sense
12:45 that God had brought them to this point
12:47 to the birth of a new republic
12:49 where people could live free
12:50 and worship God however they saw fit or for that matter,
12:54 not worship God at all.
12:57 There would be no king running the church
12:59 and there would be no state religion
13:00 compelling anyone to worship against conscience.
13:04 Not that all of the founding fathers
13:06 were what you and I might consider born again,
13:08 Bible believing Christians,
13:10 at least in the modern sense.
13:12 Some of them were skeptical
13:14 that all of the Bible was inspired,
13:17 but even those skeptics had to admit something had happened,
13:20 something special in the birth of America.
13:24 There was just no other way to explain it.
13:25 Someone had obviously intervened.
13:28 Even Thomas Payne, the notorious critic of the Bible,
13:31 still recognized its superior moral principles,
13:35 even appealing to the story of Israel's request for a king
13:39 to convince people that they should reject the idea
13:42 of a monarchy.
13:45 - [Thomas] As the exalting one man so greatly above the rest
13:49 cannot be justified on the equal rights of nature,
13:52 so neither can it be defended on the authority of scripture
13:57 for the will of the Almighty as declared by Gideon
14:00 and the prophet Samuel
14:02 expressly disapproves of government by kings.
14:07 - What was the difference between the French Revolution
14:10 and its American counterpart?
14:11 Well, to a large extent it was the Bible.
14:15 The fact is that the American people
14:16 were remarkably literate
14:18 compared to the European counterparts
14:20 and it was a literacy
14:22 that essentially grew out of their love for the scriptures.
14:25 The great French observer and fan of American democracy,
14:28 Alexis de Tocqueville, wrote that--
14:30 - [Alexis] Even the most humble American wears the dress
14:33 and he speaks a language of cities.
14:37 He's acquainted with the past, curious of the future,
14:40 and ready for argument upon the present.
14:43 He is in short,
14:44 a highly civilized being who consents for a time
14:48 to inhabit the backwoods
14:50 and who penetrates into the wilds of the New World
14:53 with the Bible, an ax, and a file of newspapers.
14:58 - This was the secret of America's greatness.
15:01 She was a free nation built on Christian principles,
15:05 not a theocracy like the old world
15:07 or even some of the failed experiments in New England,
15:10 but a nation that was modeled on the concept
15:12 of the Hebrew Republic
15:14 where men and women would be directly answerable
15:16 to God himself.
15:18 You didn't have to address your prayers
15:19 through a state church
15:21 and you didn't have to worship the way the king demanded
15:24 because you were free to enter into a relationship with God
15:28 the way you believed it should happen.
15:31 [gentle music]
15:41 [gentle music continues]
15:47 That's what we mean when we say
15:49 that America is a Christian nation
15:51 or at least that's what we used to mean.
15:54 Unfortunately, some of us have forgotten our roots
15:56 and we're tempted to think
15:57 that maybe if we just seize the reigns of government,
16:00 we can force people to be good.
16:02 But it's tragically flawed thinking,
16:04 the kind of thinking that made the old world a mess.
16:08 In 1785, James Madison underscored that point.
16:12 [gentle music]
16:22 [gentle music continues]
16:26 - [James] Torrents of blood
16:28 have been spilt in the old world
16:30 by vain attempts of the secular arm
16:32 to extinguish religious discord
16:35 by prescribing all difference in religious opinion.
16:39 Time has at length revealed the true remedy.
16:44 Every relaxation of narrow and rigorous policy
16:47 wherever it has been tried
16:49 has been found to assuage the disease.
16:56 - In other words,
16:57 if the church marries the state
16:59 like it did after Constantine,
17:01 people will die if they don't have the right opinion.
17:04 What solves that said Madison
17:06 is to remove Caesar from the church
17:08 and let people decide for themselves
17:10 how they wanna worship.
17:12 So the question should be asked if Bible prophecy
17:15 saw all those world empires from Babylon to Rome
17:19 and it saw the rise of religious intolerance
17:22 in Western Europe,
17:23 what about the United States of America?
17:26 I mean, if this was God's plan,
17:28 if God had his hand on the rise of this republic,
17:32 shouldn't you be able to find that in prophecy?
17:34 The answer is yes.
17:39 If you remember, Daniel Two and Daniel Seven
17:42 showed us the history of the world in advance.
17:44 In Daniel Two,
17:46 God used a statue to represent four world empires
17:49 and the toes pointed forward
17:51 to the dissolution of the Western Roman empire,
17:54 the nations of Western Europe.
17:56 Then in Daniel Seven, we find the same thing,
17:59 but this time God uses animals rising up out of the sea
18:04 to make the point.
18:06 To the Jewish way of thinking,
18:07 Israel was an island in the middle of a gentile sea,
18:11 so these animals were gentile empires
18:13 rising up among the nations of the earth,
18:15 a winged lion for Babylon,
18:17 a bear for the Meads and Persians and so on.
18:20 So what careful students of Bible prophecy have noticed
18:23 is that you have another animal rising up out of the sea
18:26 in Revelation 13
18:29 and this time it's one beast with all the body parts
18:33 of the beast from Daniel Seven.
18:35 It's almost the same thing.
18:39 "Then I stood on the sand of the sea
18:41 "and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea
18:43 "having seven heads and 10 horns and on his horns,
18:46 "10 crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name.
18:51 "Now the beast, which I saw was like a leopard.
18:54 "His feet were like the feet of a bear
18:56 "and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.
18:58 The dragon gave him his power, his throne,
19:02 "and great authority."
19:05 So if you remember diligent students in the Middle Ages
19:08 figured out that the little horn in Daniel Seven
19:11 was an embarrassing prediction of us
19:13 and our horrible behavior in the Dark Ages.
19:15 There's just no way around it.
19:18 Revelation 13 describes the very same thing,
19:20 except that it was written 600 years later
19:23 when most of those kingdoms had passed, but it's all there,
19:27 including the 10 horns
19:28 which represent the nations of Europe,
19:30 right down to the crowns they wear.
19:32 This is a marriage of church and state
19:35 and if you read the rest of the chapter,
19:36 you get this horrible description of compulsory worship.
19:40 It fits what we did to a T,
19:42 including the persecution we conducted
19:44 against so-called heretics
19:47 and you'll notice it's not Jesus
19:48 that inspired us to do that, it was the dragon.
19:52 Now go back one chapter and you'll find that same dragon
19:55 persecuting God's people described as a woman
19:58 in Revelation Chapter 12.
20:02 "So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood
20:05 "after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away
20:08 "by the flood,
20:10 "but the earth helped the woman
20:12 "and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood,
20:15 which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
20:19 So what just happened?
20:21 The earth opened up to help this woman
20:22 escape the attacks of the dragon,
20:25 which is exactly what happened
20:27 when Columbus felt so compelled to sail west
20:29 and discover a whole new world.
20:31 The earth literally opened up and gave us a place to go,
20:35 and that's the good news.
20:37 Study these chapters carefully.
20:39 Go back and read what our forefathers in the Christian faith
20:41 said about this and it's obvious the birth of America
20:45 really was guided by God himself.
20:48 Forget all those sensationalistic books about Bible prophecy
20:51 on the shelves of most modern stores and go back and read
20:55 what Christians said about these chapters
20:57 for the first 1800 years of the church's existence
21:01 and you'll see it.
21:02 So that's the good news.
21:04 This really was God's idea,
21:07 but unfortunately there is more to the story
21:10 and every Christian needs to see this.
21:12 Have a look at Revelation 13 verse 11.
21:17 "Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth.
21:20 Now remember,
21:21 that's the very place the woman went to escape persecution.
21:24 So that means the second beast appears in the New World
21:28 "and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon
21:31 "and he exercises all the authority
21:33 "of the first beast in his presence
21:35 "and causes the earth and those who dwell in it
21:38 "to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed."
21:44 This second beast has two horns like a lamb,
21:47 and while the first beast has crowns on his horns,
21:50 this beast has none.
21:51 There are no crowns because there is no king
21:55 and he looks like a lamb,
21:56 which is very important because 27 times
21:59 in the Book of Revelation, Jesus is called the lamb,
22:02 which means that this power is Christ-like, lamb-like.
22:06 Have a careful look at Daniel seven in Revelation 13
22:10 and you'll notice
22:11 that animals are always used to represent nations.
22:14 So what we have is a Christ-like nation
22:17 rising up in the very place
22:19 where the persecuted people of Western Europe
22:21 went to find a brand new life of freedom
22:24 and it has no crowns because it has no king.
22:28 [gentle music]
22:38 [gentle music continues]
22:43 This is a prediction of our nation, the American republic,
22:47 which appeared right on time
22:50 exactly when and where Bible prophecy said it would,
22:55 but the disturbing part comes next.
22:58 At some point,
22:59 this new nation opens its mouth and speaks like a dragon,
23:03 so it starts to drift away from its Christ-like roots.
23:07 In fact, it steers the whole world back to the first beast,
23:11 this unholy alliance we used to have
23:14 when we marry church to state.
23:17 So what does that mean?
23:20 Well, it means that you and I
23:21 need to have our eyes wide open.
23:23 The liberties we enjoy right now,
23:25 we can't afford to take those for granted.
23:28 We can never forget, when America was born,
23:30 These ideas about liberty were revolutionary and new.
23:34 The world had never seen them.
23:36 Other nations since have copied them,
23:38 importing many of the best ideas,
23:40 So we kindA take this way of life for granted
23:43 all over the world and if we're honest,
23:45 we'd have to admit we haven't always gotten liberty, right.
23:49 It's to our shame, for example,
23:50 that it took another 70 years
23:52 to answer the question of slavery,
23:54 even though faithful Christians did appeal to the founders
23:58 to do the right thing right at the beginning.
24:01 But never throw out the baby with the bathwater.
24:03 Never forget that what you and I enjoy
24:06 is an historical anomaly.
24:08 It's only been here for a little more than 200 years
24:12 and if we want it to last,
24:14 we have to pay attention because at some point,
24:17 the world does drift back to what we used to have.
24:22 Now, of course, the Bible also says
24:25 that all human government is destined to fail
24:27 because it all falls way short of the glory of God.
24:31 The prophecies of Daniel in Revelation make it crystal clear
24:35 that our only hope all ultimately is the kingdom of Christ.
24:39 That's the whole point of Bible prophecy.
24:42 The governments we build, the empires we praise,
24:45 they all end up on the trash heap of history
24:48 the day Jesus comes to claim his inheritance
24:51 as the son of man.
24:53 This is the moment the whole universe is waiting for.
24:59 "Then the seventh angels sounded
25:00 "and there were loud voices in heaven saying,
25:03 "the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms
25:05 "of our Lord and of his Christ
25:08 "and he shall reign forever and ever."
25:12 So yes, it's going to fail.
25:15 It's all going to pass away, but right now, in the meantime,
25:20 we've got something so precious
25:22 that we can't afford to lose sight of where it came from
25:26 and what an incredible gift it is.
25:29 This is the closest we'll get
25:31 on this side of the second coming
25:33 to what God has always wanted for us.
25:36 Is it perfect?
25:37 No, not by a long shot,
25:40 but it is a gift from God nonetheless.
25:44 [dramatic music]
25:54 [dramatic music continues]
25:58 There's a story from the notes of Dr. James McHenry,
26:01 one of the youngest delegates present that day.
26:04 As Benjamin Franklin exited the building,
26:06 a lady approached him,
26:07 eager to find out what had just happened.
26:09 "Well, doctor, she demanded, what have we got?
26:12 "A republic or a monarchy?"
26:15 There should have been little doubt, I suppose,
26:17 but Benjamin Franklin answered her,
26:19 "a republic, madam," he said,
26:21 "if you can keep it."
26:24 [dramatic music continues]
26:34 [dramatic music continues]
26:44 [dramatic music continues]
26:49 And that's the challenge more than 200 years later,
26:53 to keep this gift from God, to cherish it and defend it,
26:56 to refuse to ever let go of this.
26:59 In due time, the Bible says we will lose it.
27:02 Our liberties will be sold for the sake of expediency
27:05 or globalism or some other crisis.
27:09 At some point,
27:10 it is going to happen right before Christ returns,
27:13 but in the meantime,
27:14 you and I should refuse to be the generation
27:18 that ever gives this up.
27:20 [dramatic music continues]
27:30 [dramatic music continues]
27:40 [dramatic music continues]
27:50 [dramatic music continues]
28:00 [dramatic music continues]
28:07 - [Narrator] This has been a broadcast
28:08 of the Voice of Prophecy.
28:10 To learn more about how you can get a DVD copy
28:13 of "Final Empire" for yourself,
28:15 please visit
28:19 or call toll free [844] 822-2943.
28:25 [dramatic music continues]


Revised 2023-11-22