God: Fact Or Fiction? - Weighing The Evidence

Founders Compared #5: Post-Death Scene B (Session 13)

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: GFF

Program Code: GFF000014S

00:01 ♪ ♪ Subodh K. Pandit, M.D.
00:55 Welcome back again friend. This is our last session Number 13.
01:01 It's actually a continuation of the previous one for we've come
01:05 to the final one. I wonder what you're thinking about what we've
01:09 done so far. I hope you continue to keep your mind clear and open
01:14 and accept whatever information that really is credible. So
01:18 we're going to continue the previous section the previous
01:23 topic and this topic now is If the Resurrection story is true,
01:28 do we have some evidence available to weigh out and
01:31 evaluate? There are three. Number one: The after effects.
01:36 Number two: Eye witnesses and number three: Deathbed
01:40 confessions. The after effects: Two things: The changes in the
01:46 disciples and the fact of the Christian church. The change in
01:49 the disciples: "Perhaps the transformation of the disciples
01:53 of Jesus is the greatest evidence of all for the
01:57 Resurrection." says Stott. And Anderson continues to speak on
02:01 the same topic: "A little band of defeated cowards cowering
02:05 in an upper room one day and a few days later transformed into
02:09 a company that no persecution could silence." What is the
02:13 explanation? Rosscup says: "They were willing to face arrest,
02:17 imprisonment, beatings and horrible deaths and not one of
02:22 them...recanted of his belief that Christ had risen." "Think
02:25 of the psychological absurdity of...attempting to attribute
02:29 this dramatic to nothing more convincing than a miserable
02:34 fabrication they were trying to foist upon the world. That
02:37 simply wouldn't make sense." So why would it not make sense?
02:42 Think. If you and I were told to do it, would you and I do that?
02:48 Would we go around telling people that somebody rose up
02:50 from the dead. So we buried our friend the other day in the
02:55 graveyard two days ago. Should we now go around and start
02:59 telling the people actually the person is not down there. The
03:03 person is alive. Have you ever tried to do that. Think of how
03:08 unnerving that is to try to tell somebody else that somebody rose
03:12 up from the dead. No it is not easy to do that at all. So how
03:18 come these disciples did that? Something happened. That is why
03:23 they changed from being so frightened just a little while
03:27 earlier to being so bold that nothing could silence them.
03:31 We have to give an explanation that makes sense. And we can't
03:36 give just an ordinary explanation saying that they
03:39 just chose to do it. No, nobody chooses to do that. Nobody
03:43 chooses to be persecuted. The fact is they were all persecuted
03:48 for saying that. Nobody chooses to be chased here and there for
03:52 just a statement they were making. You and I wouldn't do
03:56 that. That's why it does not make sense to say that they just
03:59 bluffed their way through. How about then the presence of the
04:03 presence of the Christian church? When did it really start
04:05 Here's how they chose number 12 of the disciples because one of
04:14 them had left. Judas had left the group and now they were 11.
04:19 They wanted to make it 12. So they were going to cast lots to
04:23 choose who it would be. But they had to have criteria as to who
04:27 they will put into that list and here is what they said:
04:30 Therefore all these men who have accompanied us all the time the
04:33 time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us beginning from
04:38 the baptism of John to that day when He was taken up from us,
04:41 one of these must become witness with us of his Resurrection."
04:47 That is the start of the Christian church. The group that
04:53 really started it, that group had to be able to do one thing.
04:58 Be a witness to the Resurrection If you want to talk about Jesus
05:04 and how nice he was well that's the other club you join. If you
05:08 want to talk about the fact that he did miracles of healing or
05:12 helping the poor, of coming to see then you join that club.
05:17 If you want to talk about the teachings of Jesus then join the
05:19 other club. But if you want to join this club which must start
05:22 the Christian church then there's only one single
05:26 criterion: You should have been there all the time. You should
05:30 be able to say that I saw him before and after the death of
05:34 him and so I am a witness of his resurrection. The witness of the
05:39 resurrection was the starting point of the Christian church.
05:42 "Christianity stands or falls with the truth of the
05:46 Resurrection. Once disprove it and you have disposed of
05:48 Christianity." Morris said: "The Resurrection gave significance
05:53 to all that they did." And Josh McDowell, he said: "The
05:57 institution of the (Christian) Church,...is a historical
06:00 phenomenon explained only by Jesus' resurrection." Why?
06:05 Listen to this: Jesus died a criminal, condemned by 1) the
06:10 highest religious authority, 2) [by] the highest civil
06:13 authority [at that time in the world Rome] and 3) the greatest
06:17 moral authority described in the Torah. The cause for the origin
06:21 and rise of Christianity must be able to account for and
06:26 overcome all three facts. Only a factual, scrutinized account
06:31 of the resurrection can possibly account for all [these] three,
06:35 [so much so]...that a sharp, questioning Jew would choose to
06:39 follow him... by dropping the whole lifelong traditions,
06:44 dropping their loyalty to the Sanhedrin, dropping their
06:47 loyalty to the Torah and choose to follow this person? And the
06:52 first few thousand followers were all Jews. So when we look
06:58 at the circumstances in which these people began to follow him
07:04 that is an indication on the positive the side that something
07:08 dramatic had happened and the only thing that we can think of
07:13 at that time is the fact that somebody bodily rose up from the
07:16 grave and he said so. Number two: Eye witnesses: Do you know
07:22 that the New Testament, and you saw that earlier, is the only
07:27 ancient writing in which the authors were actual eye
07:33 witnesses. Almost all the other historical pieces that we have
07:37 of literature of the ancient days, are written by somebody
07:40 who got the report from somebody else. And only a portion maybe
07:45 of it would have been what they themselves saw. Nobody ever
07:49 wrote a complete story in which they themselves were the eye
07:53 witnesses except for this one story, the gospel regarding
07:58 Jesus Christ. That's the only writings in which there are eye
08:02 witnesses. Look at the words: "Those who were from the
08:05 beginning were eye witnesses" "...But were eye witnesses of
08:09 His majesty" "He who has seen has testified" And look at
08:12 1 John 1:1 that says: "That which we have heard, which we
08:17 have seen with our... eyes, which we have looked upon and
08:21 our hands have handled..." That is what we are writing down.
08:26 "The very kind of evidence which modern science - an even
08:29 psychologists, are so insistent upon for determining the reality
08:33 of any object under consideration is the kind of
08:37 evidence that we have presented to us in the Gospels regarding
08:40 the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, namely, the things that
08:44 are seen with the human eye, touched with the human hand and
08:48 heard by the human ear. This is what we call empirical evidence"
08:53 An eye witness who states today in a court of law that he saw
08:58 such and such is to be believed at least with everyone who is a
09:04 rational thinker. How about the third one? Deathbed confessions.
09:09 A deathbed confession of an eye witness is one of the strongest
09:14 forms of evidence to be tabled in a court of law today. If it
09:19 is written down, it would amount to a sworn affidavit. If two or
09:23 three such confessions can be found, they would amount to
09:27 nearly unassailable testimony [in a court of law]. Few judges
09:32 [or] juries in the world will overturn multiple deathbed
09:36 confessions stating the same detail. Why do we accept that?
09:40 Because at the point of death most people, even hardened
09:45 criminals, kind of soften up and they say all right, I agree, I
09:51 will tell you what I see and what happened. For example,
09:55 suppose we go to a deathbed of an individual who is dying and
10:01 we say, look you were there, say 20 years ago. You were there so
10:07 could you tell us really what happened. And he sighs, he's
10:11 about to die so he says, Look I cannot hold it anymore. For
10:16 long I've held it as a huge burden on my chest. I knew that
10:20 the wrong person was in jail. But I could not bring myself to
10:24 tell the truth. Now I am dying. I will tell you the truth. It
10:29 was so and so. And the fact is Mr. So and So was also there.
10:36 And so they realize, Oh Mr. So and So is also in the same town.
10:39 We rush over to the other end of town and we say, Sir, do you
10:44 know what happened at that day? And he is also on his deathbed.
10:50 And he says the same thing. I had a huge burden, a load of
10:55 guilt on my mind because I knew the wrong person was in jail.
10:59 But now since I'm dying, I'll tell you. So and so
11:03 and he states the
11:04 same person's name. And just suppose we went to the third one
11:08 and he is also dying and he says the same name. Do you know, I
11:12 don't think there would be any jury or judge in the world that
11:16 will overturn this kind of deathbed confession of the same
11:22 matter. So if three or four are there, it almost settles the
11:26 matter. How many do we have here? Number one: Peter was
11:31 crucified upside down. Two: James was stoned to death.
11:34 Three: Matthew was killed with a sword. Four: James the son of
11:37 Alpheus was crucified. Five: James the son of Zebedee was
11:40 killed by the sword. Six: Thaddaeus was shot through with
11:43 arrows. Seven: Bartholomew was crucified. Eight: Andrew was
11:47 crucified. Nine: Phillip was crucified. 10: Simon the Zealot
11:50 was crucified. 11: Thomas was killed with the spear. Paul
11:54 number 12, was beheaded. And not a single one ever recanted of
12:02 his belief that Jesus had risen up from the grave, not a single
12:06 one. Just think about it. They were not killed at one time with
12:09 one sweep. No, they were killed one and then a
12:13 few months later the
12:14 other one and then a few months later the other and a few months
12:15 later the other. They could have told them look, look what
12:18 happened to other guy, we killed him. Now you tell the truth.
12:20 How easy would it have been, my friend, to tell the truth and go
12:26 home. Why would you die for a lie? How reasonable is that?
12:31 You and I wouldn't do that. And so we should not thrust a lie
12:36 onto those people who died for what they truly believed. Now
12:40 you can die you know for what you were, you know,
12:44 deceived to believe.
12:45 You can die for a delusion that you had. But you cannot die for
12:51 something that you know. Here we are saying, for example, that
12:54 disciples knew that they had buried Jesus in maybe Peter's
12:57 backyard. How will they now be so bold to tell a lie and also
13:03 to die for it? If you and I were there, at least me, I would have
13:07 told them, Hey don't kill me, go the body is there. He didn't
13:11 rise up. But not one of them did that. Every one of them said You
13:15 do whatever you want. I'm going to say he rose up from the dead.
13:20 We'll beat you up. He rose up. We'll spit on your face. He rose
13:26 up. We'll lash you. He rose. We'll put you in jail. He rose.
13:31 We'll kill you. He rose up from the dead. I cannot go against my
13:38 own conscience. I saw him alive. Before and after putting into
13:44 the tomb. I saw him myself. How can I say anything but the truth
13:48 of the matter. He rose up from the dead! And all of them died
13:53 one after the other saying the same thing. My friends, deathbed
13:57 confessions are strong. We must not reduce the strength of those
14:03 statements. And if we are honest inquirers, remember what we said
14:07 We would give credit where credit is due. It is due here
14:12 for the simple reason that they died for it. Nobody dies for
14:17 known falsehood. So now let's look at those others. Not just
14:22 you and me who looked at the story, and see what they say.
14:27 Look at the word evidence as I go through the next few quotes.
14:32 I've bolded them so it'll be easy for you. Watch this.
14:36 Westcott said: "Indeed taking all the evidence together it is
14:42 not too much to say that there is no historic incident better
14:47 or more variously supported than the resurrection of Christ."
14:51 Henry Morris said: "By all rules of evidence His bodily
14:56 resurrection from the grave can be adjudged the best proved fact
15:01 of all history." Of all ancient history. How about Thomas Arnold
15:07 The chairman of the Department of Modern History in Oxford
15:10 University said this. "Thousands and tens of thousands of persons
15:14 have gone through it piece by piece as carefully as every
15:18 judge summing up a most important case. I have myself
15:22 done it many times over, not to persuade others but to satisfy
15:25 myself...and I know of no one fact in the history of mankind
15:30 which is proved by better and fuller evidence of every sort
15:35 to the understanding of a fair inquirer, than that Christ died
15:39 and rose again from the dead." Arnold Toynbee wrote a big
15:45 compendium on history. He called it the Study of History. He
15:49 devoted 80 pages to anyone who would call themselves savior.
15:54 Savior of the world, savior of your nation, savior of your
15:58 community, savior of your family savior of your friend. If you
16:02 called yourself a savior and he knew about it, he studied you
16:05 out and this is what he said at the end of his study. "When
16:09 we first set out on this quest we found ourselves moving in the
16:13 midst of a mighty marching host. ...In the last stage of all, our
16:17 motley host of would-be saviors, human and divine, has dwindled
16:21 to a single company of none but gods. At the final ordeal of
16:25 death, few, even of these would- be savior-gods, have dared to
16:30 put their title to the test by plunging into the icy river [of
16:33 death]. And now as we stand and gaze with our eyes fixed upon
16:39 the farther shore, a single figure rises from the flood [of
16:43 death], and straightway fills the whole horizon. There is the
16:48 Savior." "The bones of Abraham and Muhammad and Buddha and
16:54 Confucius and Lao Tzu and Zoroaster are still here on
16:58 earth. Jesus' tomb is empty. It is the concrete, factual,
17:03 empirical proof that: Life has hope and meaning; love is
17:07 stronger than death; goodness and power are ultimately allies,
17:11 [and] not enemies; life [and not death] wins in the end; God has
17:16 touched us right here where we are and has defeated our last
17:20 enemy; we are not cosmic orphans." [Kreeft and Tacelli]
17:24 How about this Lord Chief Justice, England? "The claims of
17:28 of Jesus Christ, namely His resurrection has led me as
17:33 often as I have tried to examine the evidence to believe it as a
17:39 fact beyond dispute." These are the words of Lord Caldecote,
17:44 Chief Justice of England. Here's another one. "I know pretty well
17:49 what evidence is; and I tell you such evidence as that for the
17:54 Resurrection has never broken down yet." Wilbur Smith. The
17:58 words of Lord Lyndhurst, three time High Chancellor of England.
18:01 These are not people who just wondered and just took a blind
18:05 shot at what the story might have been. These people are
18:09 people who went into the details of the story, studied them out,
18:14 weighed them out. That's what they said. And here's another
18:17 one: "On that greatest point we are not merely asked to have
18:23 faith. In its favor as living truth there exists such
18:28 overwhelming evidence, [the words again overwhelming
18:33 evidence], positive and negative factual and circumstantial, that
18:36 no intelligent jury in the world could fail to bring in a verdict
18:41 that the resurrection story is true." [Lord Darling]. Did you
18:47 see all the times when they said that it was evidence? It was not
18:52 blind belief. They've looked for those evidences. It was
18:57 something that gripped them because it was evidentiary
19:00 it was evidence-based fact. And that's what they claimed. That's
19:05 what they said from their study. So we also when we looked. We
19:10 looked at the pros and we looked at the cons. We looked at what
19:13 the other alternative theories might be and we looked also for
19:18 evidences that could have given us the real true story. That is
19:23 what we mean by saying that we are actually inquirers. As
19:28 inquirers we will look at both sides, we'll look at all the
19:31 evidence and we'll give credit where credit is due. A thorough
19:36 going scientist may doubt the story of the resurrection, but
19:42 will have no grounds to deny it. There's a difference between
19:47 doubt and denial. Ordinarily we would still doubt. We're not
19:52 very, very, exactly very sure, but here's what we can do with
19:55 our doubt. We can take our doubt and ask whether the evidence
20:01 clears the doubt or establishes it. In other words, what is the
20:06 weight of evidence. That is how we started out our whole trip
20:12 together, my friends. Our journey, the last 13 sessions,
20:16 we started by saying that we will look for evidence, not
20:21 opinion. We will look for reason, we will look for logic,
20:25 and when we do that through the whole series we've come to a
20:30 place where even something that is as unbelievable as a
20:35 resurrection, a bodily resurrection, can have a certain
20:40 amount of evidence and if that evidence is the weight of
20:45 evidence, then you and I should give it the credit that it is
20:49 due. A fair inquirer will find enough evidence to make a
20:54 reasonable claim that the resurrection story is true.
20:57 It is the evidence that compels the fair and honest inquirer. So
21:02 we go back to Socrates who said: "Go where the argument leads."
21:09 Go where the evidence leads. Don't pull the evidence and the
21:15 argument to where you think it should go. Have I challenged you
21:20 to think critically and to look at reports or claims or theories
21:28 as an inquirer? So that we look at both sides so that we are
21:34 sure that we are finally done our study that the correct side
21:39 has the weight of evidence. That side wins the discussion. We
21:45 have shown it and so now we've come to the last question that
21:49 we were asking in our series when I said we will go to the
21:53 para religious factors. These are not the doctrinal matters. But
21:57 can you see on this point if the resurrection story is true it is
22:05 a stand we can take as a doctrine, as a belief, as a
22:10 philosophy that somebody rose up from the grave and therefore
22:13 that individual, whoever rose up, has a credential that nobody
22:18 else on earth has. So now we've finished these topics. Let's
22:24 look at the summary of the conclusions of our study now of
22:28 these religions. Here is the summary: Number one: The New
22:32 Testament is the best documented ancient writing in the world.
22:37 It is solidly historical in nature. The gaps are the
22:41 closest. It has the greatest manuscript evidence and the
22:45 authors were right there. We saw the top feature of the writing.
22:50 The endorsement that one author gave to the other when he said
22:55 the Lord gave me the information The Lord also gave him the
23:00 information, maybe 500 even a thousand years earlier.
23:03 Therefore the Lord was the ultimate writer of the book and
23:07 if the Lord lived for 1400 years well that's absolutely
23:11 impossible for a human to do. So it is beyond human capability.
23:15 Number three about the Bible: It is the only book that has an
23:21 open test for authenticity. It fulfills its own test
23:27 wonderfully, clearly. What was the test? Predictive prophecy.
23:32 It made predictions before it took place and those predictions
23:38 came true. Do you remember what Pierre Simon Laplace said?
23:41 If there's an intellect that could do it then that intellect
23:45 knows everything in the universe and we found that maybe that was
23:51 the intellect. He who lives in the heavens is that intellect
23:55 who knows everything so he can predict the future. And we saw
23:59 how clearly the predictions came true. What was the statistical
24:05 possibility of having those number of predictions come true?
24:08 Way beyond what we have as the total number of chance in the
24:14 universe. And therefore, we can give it the credit where it is
24:18 due. So look at the consistency of what we are seeing. The New
24:23 Testament is the best attested historical literature, its
24:27 feature is beyond human capability and it is the only
24:31 literature that says yes you can test me and tested by predictive
24:36 prophecy. Number four: Jesus dared to make the highest claim,
24:41 Son of God. He did not just bring the truth, the way and the
24:43 life; He claimed to be the truth and the way and the life.
24:46 And Jesus, the only one whose life record matched His teaching
24:51 perfectly. The only one with the right to say, "Follow Me."
24:54 Look at the consistency. He says I am God. From there the Lamb of
25:00 God he came to be human. Therefore, he brought the
25:02 message in himself and if he brought the message in himself
25:04 then he lived according to the message and we saw that was true
25:07 Number seven: He was the only founder to be born in abject
25:11 poverty, and worse illegitimate! Number eight: Jesus had, by far,
25:16 the shortest period of ministry. And number nine: The only
25:19 founder who died a shameful, violent death of a condemned
25:22 criminal. These three pull him down to the lowest point
25:26 possible. But here comes the 10th: The only one to go into
25:30 the domain of death - the most feared enemy of human kind -
25:34 break those bands, and come back as a conqueror over death. Why
25:40 did he do that? He said why he did it. He said if I live you
25:44 also will live. In other words, he did that so that he could
25:49 tell us that he has a power stronger than death and it us
25:53 that he has conquered it and because he conquered it we also
25:57 can have the hope of conquering death. So the final conclusion
26:01 of what we've been doing all this while: We find that Jesus
26:06 and the Bible are matchless in their claims. In other words,
26:12 you pit the claims of Jesus and the Bible against the claims of
26:16 any other founder and their writings and we'll find that
26:20 they are simply matchless. Number two: They do have the
26:25 highest credibility compared to any other claim on the face of
26:29 this earth. And therefore they provide to mankind, remember
26:34 for what we were looking, that RED marble! What is the meaning
26:37 of the red marble? It was THE ONLY WAY!
26:43 We've come to the end, my friends. Reflect on what we have
26:47 done and may God bring you to the point in which you can see
26:51 and have your life worth living. So I now for the present
26:55 bid you adieu.
26:56 If you have enjoyed this presentation with Dr. Subodh
27:02 Pandit and wish to watch more of this unique 13 part series for
27:07 free online visit the website GodFactOrFiction.com. That's
27:12 GodFactOrFiction.com. If you would like to order this
27:16 fascinating series on DVD it is now available from White Horse
27:19 Media...
27:27 Dr. Subodh Pandit has written two eye-opening books entitled
27:31 Come Search With Me: Does God Really Exist? and Come Search
27:35 With Me: The Weight of Evidence which further explore the topics
27:39 of evolution, theism, atheism and religion.
27:43 ♪ ♪


Revised 2021-09-14