Global Mission Snapshots

Experiences in Israel, France / Experiences in West Africa

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Gary Krause (Host), Greg Whitsett, Clifmond Shameerudeen


Series Code: GMS

Program Code: GMS000047

00:01 Pastor Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference
00:03 of Seventh-day Adventist
00:04 remembering his time as a missionary
00:07 and one of the longest serving
00:08 Adventist volunteers in the world.
00:11 All that and more coming up next
00:13 on Global Mission Snapshots.
00:26 Just before He went up to heaven,
00:29 Jesus gave us a command. He gave us a mission.
00:34 Jesus said, "Go, go unto all the world,
00:39 telling them of His love."
00:42 This is our mission. This is our Global Mission.
00:51 Hello, I am Gary Krause
00:52 and welcome to Global Mission Snapshots.
00:55 Every year the Seventh-day Adventist church
00:57 sends out thousands of cross cultural missionaries
01:01 and volunteer missionaries
01:02 to work in countries all over the globe.
01:05 On today's program we'll be meeting missionaries
01:08 and former missionaries who will share their experiences
01:12 and some of the lessons they learned
01:13 while serving God far from their homes.
01:17 We'll also talk with Pastor Ted Wilson,
01:20 the president of the General Conference
01:22 of Seventh-day Adventist
01:23 about his experiences in West Africa and Euro-Asia.
01:28 We'll also talk with Dr. Richard Elofer
01:30 who grew up in Morocco, served in Israel
01:33 and now lives in France.
01:35 And we will meet an American medical missionary
01:37 who not only serves in Thailand
01:40 but had to pass his medical boards
01:42 in the Thai language.
01:45 But first let's meet Helen Hall,
01:47 perhaps the church's longest serving volunteer.
02:12 If you have just a roof over your head
02:14 and enough space, you can work
02:17 and the kids come home.
02:28 I get a great deal of pleasure when I see kids.
02:30 We've come from a family
02:31 where no one's ever been to school
02:34 and that they are the first ones to go through the grade six,
02:37 then they are the first ones to finish year twelve
02:39 and then they are the first ones to go to college.
02:44 Adventist volunteer services
02:46 or AVS is an opportunity for people
02:49 to serve in a mission setting globally.
02:51 This can include a huge variety of jobs.
02:56 Helen Hall is an AVS worker, originally from Australia,
03:01 now working in an Adventist school in Asia.
03:04 She runs the school that ranges from grades one to twelve.
03:07 Her dedication and passion to the job
03:10 has allowed hundreds of children to graduate
03:12 and move on to opportunities
03:14 they might never have had otherwise.
03:17 (Speaking in foreign language)
03:24 The mission at this school is for students
03:26 to receive a quality Adventist education,
03:29 both academically and spiritually.
03:32 But most of the students here are not Christians,
03:35 making it hard to reach them spiritually.
03:38 It's very difficult for Buddhist to become a Christian.
03:42 And if they do it too quickly
03:45 then it causes big problems in their family
03:49 but if they wait and go little more slowly
03:51 then they can get by.
03:54 Helen's experience has taught her what works
03:57 and what doesn't work in reaching the students.
03:59 She has had quite a bit of success
04:01 in teaching her students about Jesus.
04:06 Well, in a normal day
04:07 we try to get everybody worship by 8:30 or 8:20
04:11 and then we just go through the classes.
04:21 We've got a lot of teachers here
04:23 who when they came to us the students,
04:25 none of them were from Christian homes.
04:28 And they are wonderful workers now.
04:33 After students graduate
04:34 they will usually go on to university.
04:37 After university graduation
04:39 some students agreed to come back to the school
04:41 and work for a certain number of years.
04:44 This is how Helen is guaranteed workers
04:46 to keep the school running.
04:58 She teaches right along with the other teachers.
05:01 Students pay close attentions to the valuable lesson
05:04 she gives in a variety of topics including sciences,
05:08 English, math and the Bible.
05:25 Attu is a graduate from Helen's school.
05:28 He now works in villages telling people about Jesus.
05:32 Attu has helped start multiple churches in these villages.
05:36 The villagers love hearing stories from the Bible.
05:39 Most of them are hearing
05:40 the name of Jesus for the first time.
05:52 Attu knows that God has blessed him
05:54 with the opportunity to do this.
05:57 He gained a strong grasp on the Bible
05:59 while at Helen's school
06:00 and is now passing on his knowledge to others.
06:03 He is just one of many graduates
06:05 using what they have learned in school for God's glory.
06:14 Despite all the success from this school,
06:16 the challenges are big.
06:19 In addition to religious barriers,
06:21 things such as financial resources,
06:23 shortage of education materials
06:25 and even lack of space are constant challenges.
06:28 But when these challenges surface,
06:30 Helen looks to someone
06:31 she knows can pull through the situation.
06:35 When you get discourage the Lord sends us
06:37 some blessing or something
06:39 and then you know that He's still with us.
06:42 No man has got wisdom enough to know what to do.
06:45 Only God can know and God is just how we should go.
06:50 As you can see the work of an AVS worker
06:53 has the power to change lives.
06:56 They can teach people about Jesus
06:58 and set them on the right path.
07:01 Helen is just one of many AVS workers around the world
07:05 facing the challenge of mission daily.
07:08 Please pray for these workers.
07:10 And thank you for supporting the mission
07:13 of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
07:27 My guest is Dr. Richard Elofer
07:29 who is the director of the World
07:32 Jewish Adventist Friendship Center.
07:35 Previously Richard juggled this role
07:37 with the role of president
07:39 of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Israel,
07:42 but we are delighted that he is now
07:43 full time focusing on this ministry
07:45 and he is living in France.
07:46 And I am thankful that you could join us today, Richard.
07:49 You have a lot of experience in leading out in this work
07:53 but I am interested, Richard,
07:54 to go back, back, back to how this all happen.
07:58 Where were you born? What were the beginnings?
08:01 I was born in a Jewish family,
08:04 Orthodox Jewish family in Morocco,
08:07 Casablanca and many years ago, of course.
08:13 Not, not so long ago. No.
08:16 And then I was during the 21 years of my life
08:23 practicing Judaism. Yeah.
08:26 Now you moved to France
08:28 when you were young man. Yes.
08:29 I was about eight when we moved to France.
08:32 In fact it was not very easy
08:34 for Jews to live in Muslim countries
08:38 and that's why my parents and my brothers,
08:42 we had to leave Morocco.
08:44 And of course because Morocco was a French protectorate
08:49 and was French speaking country
08:53 it was easier for us to immigrate to France.
08:57 And we have done that in the middle of the '60s.
09:01 And you started working
09:02 in some area of business or finance. Yes.
09:05 My first job, yes, was business on accounting and finance.
09:12 In fact my father was all of his life in business
09:17 and he wanted to give me his business after him
09:20 because he told that I was gifted for that
09:25 and that's why he oriented me to be trained at school,
09:30 universities in accounting and finance.
09:34 And suddenly I change my orientation
09:38 when I discovered who is Jesus.
09:41 And he was not very happy for that.
09:43 No, I am sure.
09:44 Now there was a young woman
09:46 involved in the mix here too, right. What happened there?
09:50 Then of course I married this young woman.
09:54 And she was the one who introduced you to--
09:57 Not really her because she was very young
10:00 and she was not yet involved on committed to the Lord.
10:05 In fact it was her parents
10:07 because I was a friend of her brother.
10:13 And one day I went to his home to play guitar
10:17 and to have a fun time with other friends.
10:22 And then he introduced me to his parents as a Jew.
10:27 And his parents were Adventists as they were very interested
10:32 but they didn't say to me that they were Adventists.
10:37 They just say, "Oh, you are Jew that is very nice.
10:41 We are spiritual Jews."
10:43 And I've never heard about spiritual Jews,
10:47 I didn't know what was that.
10:49 And they start to shares their as a common point,
10:52 in fact that they keep Sabbath, they eat kosher food etcetera.
10:58 And I was really intrigued by this family
11:04 and progressively
11:06 but it took me about five years to go further
11:11 and to accept Jesus as the Messiah.
11:14 Because this wasn't just some sort of intellectual decision,
11:17 I am going to switch here.
11:19 This is a cultural decision
11:22 with the big impact on your family relations, right? Yeah.
11:26 Yeah, it was a very difficult point in fact
11:29 because when we are Jews, we are practicing or not,
11:34 I was in a practicing family, Orthodox Jews
11:37 but in addition of that there is a long history of our family.
11:43 There is a culture of course.
11:47 And you know my family was originally from Spain.
11:51 They were--they went from one country to another one
11:55 just not to convert to Christianity
11:59 because with the inquisition on all these stuff
12:03 it was really difficult for my family.
12:05 And suddenly my father sees that his son has accepted Jesus
12:10 and that was very difficult for him.
12:13 Yeah, I'm sure.
12:15 So, Richard, many years have gone past since then
12:18 and now you are engaged full time in this ministry.
12:21 What are the goals of this center?
12:24 The goal of this center is to help Jews to discover
12:28 who is Jesus and also to provide them a place
12:34 where they can worship God within their culture. Yes.
12:39 That is for us very important because myself and many Jews
12:44 who have been in the church, we have suffered that
12:48 we were not really inside of our culture in this church.
12:53 And today with this ministry we feel much more comfortable.
12:58 Yeah. Wonderful.
12:59 Richard, for viewers who want to learn more
13:01 about the center and its work,
13:03 how can they find that out?
13:04 They can come to our website
13:07 Good.
13:13 And they can find all information,
13:15 they can send email, they can-- yes.
13:18 Wonderful. Thank you very much.
13:21 Please pray for Richard and his ministry.
13:24 And don't forget, you can go to
13:27 Among the many things that Richard does is
13:29 he produces a weekly newsletter which is very informative
13:33 and it's very helpful too for your devotional, devotion
13:37 because it gives some sort of Jewish background
13:39 and history and context for the study of the scripture.
13:43 And please pray for all of our
13:44 Global Mission centers around the world.
13:47 Different ministries reaching to different people groups
13:50 and sometimes this can be very challenging work,
13:52 very lonely, sometimes discouraging us,
13:55 very encouraging to them to know that you are praying.
14:43 Okay.
14:44 It's my pleasure to introduce our guest,
14:47 Pastor Ted Wilson who is the president
14:49 of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist.
14:51 Welcome to our program, Elder Wilson.
14:53 Thank you, Gary.
14:54 When we think about mission, it's easy to think about it
14:57 in terms of what somebody else is doing.
14:59 You kind of almost born into it,
15:01 you're born in the United States but you grew up in Egypt.
15:04 Tell me about that experience?
15:07 Well, my parents went to Egypt long before I was born
15:14 and then they took a furlough
15:15 to return back to the United States
15:18 and 10 days after they got back I was born.
15:20 Good timing. So, yeah.
15:21 So I wasn't born on the boat.
15:23 But then I was, when I was about six months old
15:25 they went back to Egypt
15:26 and all my earliest memories of life are basically Egypt
15:32 and the Middle East Mediterranean area,
15:35 now that's just kind of like home. Right.
15:38 And had the privilege of going back there just very recently.
15:42 And in the last few years gone back twice to Egypt,
15:47 to Cairo and have visited in the Middle East.
15:51 And you know, there's just something about being home.
15:54 You know where you belong in a sense.
15:57 And the people of the Middle East
15:58 are just wonderful people,
16:00 so many very sincere, hardworking, loving people.
16:06 And they are searching for truth
16:09 and that's what we are all about
16:11 as far as being "missionaries" wherever we go.
16:15 And that was just a great opportunity
16:17 to grow up in a place like Egypt
16:19 and to experience a different culture,
16:21 different language, different setting
16:24 and just to be able to understand people better.
16:28 And just feel a part of this world scene.
16:32 Now you were six months old when you went there,
16:35 you had brothers and sisters?
16:37 I have a younger sister
16:39 and she was born in Egypt on an island
16:42 in the middle of the Nile. Okay.
16:44 There's a hospital there.
16:46 And yeah, so she's-- she's a real Egyptian.
16:49 Now that--that was a pretty big step for a young pastor
16:54 and his wife to take a six month old baby to Egypt, right?
16:58 Well, I mean it all depends,
17:00 you know, when you are a missionary,
17:02 the three rules of being a missionary
17:04 are adapt, adapt and adapt.
17:07 So you are just ready to do that kind of thing.
17:10 And when we, when we went to West Africa to work,
17:15 my wife and our two children,
17:17 we had two little daughters like three
17:22 and eight months or so.
17:24 And then another daughter came along.
17:26 And they grew up in that place
17:28 and they consider that to be home,
17:30 Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, Ivory Coast in West Africa.
17:34 So these experiences are just--
17:36 experiences are just so enriching.
17:38 And they helped to build the fabric
17:41 of helping people to look
17:43 to a bigger vision of what the world is all about.
17:47 So in a sense the Middle East has kept
17:50 a special part in your life,
17:52 in your heart, right? Absolutely.
17:55 So more recently the General Conference
17:57 has re-arrange the territory
17:59 the way the church is operating in the Middle East.
18:02 Can you tell me about that?
18:03 Well the territory from the far western part of North Africa,
18:11 Morocco, all the way across to Iran
18:14 which is part of the Middle East,
18:16 not Arabic speaking, they speak Farsi there,
18:19 but up to Turkey where they speak Turkish of course
18:23 but yet highly Muslim area and down to Sudan.
18:28 That unit, that portion of the world
18:31 has about 500 million people.
18:35 As far as Seventh-day Adventist presence,
18:38 we have perhaps at best about 1,500
18:43 or perhaps 2,000 within that area.
18:46 And so we felt it was very important that
18:50 we pull that whole area together,
18:52 parts of it had been assigned
18:54 to different regional jurisdictions.
18:58 But rather we should pull that together
18:59 and really focus on it as a world perspective
19:04 and challenge for the entire world church.
19:08 We need to pray for our members there
19:11 and for the people of the Middle East,
19:13 wonderful people as I said.
19:15 But people who need to know
19:16 of the truth as it is in Jesus. Yeah.
19:19 Growing up in a place such as Cairo
19:23 where you got the vast amounts of people,
19:26 just millions of people.
19:27 How did that shape your understanding of mission?
19:31 Well, I suppose in a variety of ways.
19:34 First of all you get used to thousands of people around you
19:37 and heavy traffic and interesting culture
19:41 and all of that kind of thing.
19:44 I would say one of the biggest things
19:46 that had helped in my life was to realize
19:51 that there are cultures and settings
19:55 that are perhaps different,
19:58 but actually growing up by just related to it.
20:01 But they are different from other cultures
20:05 but in reality if you are kind,
20:07 if you are genuinely interested in people
20:11 that all of that transcends culture and differences.
20:15 And so being Christ like is something
20:19 that can cut across any barrier that you might meet.
20:23 And I think in getting a world perspective
20:27 because I think that's one of the greatest things
20:29 that my parents provided for me growing up,
20:33 a world perspective.
20:35 I think that tremendously enriched my life
20:38 and I am forever grateful to the Lord
20:41 and to my parents for having grown up
20:43 in a different culture than let's say my home culture.
20:47 And being able to just associate with people
20:50 and understand that, you know,
20:54 God can work in many different areas and He does.
20:58 And it's also the source of your favorite food,
21:00 I understand. Absolutely.
21:02 My number one food is Middle Eastern food,
21:05 second is Indian food and then the rest. Okay.
21:11 Elder Wilson, thank you so much for joining us today. Yeah.
21:14 And viewers at home,
21:15 please remember the territories of the world
21:18 where the name of Jesus isn't heard so much,
21:21 many parts of the world
21:22 where people haven't even ever heard the name.
21:25 Pray for our missionary serving, pray for our church members
21:29 and pray for people that they will come to know the love
21:31 and the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
21:40 My name is Nick Walters
21:42 and I am a missionary physician here at Bangkok,
21:45 Adventist hospital which is also known as mission hospital
21:48 or in the Thai language (speaking in Thai).
21:52 I've been a missionary for,
21:54 this is my 28th year of mission service.
21:57 To work here in Thailand,
21:59 I needed to get a medical license
22:01 because I am working here as a medical doctor.
22:03 The medical exams in Thailand are in the Thai language.
22:08 To learn an entirely new language
22:10 with completely different grammar
22:12 and tones was a bit of a challenge,
22:14 not just a bit of a challenge it was an incredible challenge.
22:18 And the Lord worked things out
22:21 in a miraculous way for me to be able to come to Thailand,
22:26 to be able to study Thai
22:28 and to finally be able to take the exam and pass it.
22:32 (Speaking in foreign language)
22:39 To put an effort into learning an entire newly language
22:43 and to take an exam,
22:44 a medical examination in a written language
22:47 that doesn't use English characters is,
22:51 is a big risk
22:52 because I could have ended up
22:54 wasting two years of my life doing this.
22:58 So part of it was the struggle with wanting to know
23:03 what God's will was for me.
23:06 To trust that God would
23:08 somehow work this crazy thing that I was doing,
23:11 somehow work it out
23:12 so that way it would be to glorify His name.
23:17 And it turned out very positive for me
23:21 and it definitely glorifies His name
23:23 because I was able to pass the boards in the Thai language.
23:27 If you'd have ever seen me
23:28 in my Spanish class in high school,
23:31 you might have wondered
23:32 how is this ever possible for Nick Walters to do this.
23:36 But anyway, the Lord did worked it out.
23:39 But many people think of Thailand,
23:41 oh, that's a tourist destination,
23:43 how come you went there as a missionary.
23:45 Isn't that like paradise to go there first?
23:48 Well, there are some challenges,
23:52 but the ways that I've been able to help in at the hospital here
23:57 because I have a personal feeling that people,
24:00 Jesus' example of healing people physically
24:03 and mentally and spiritually is very important.
24:06 And I can tell you living and working in a busy country,
24:11 especially a busy city, a capital city of Bangkok,
24:14 Thailand, there's a lot of stress here.
24:17 There are a lot of people who suffer physical illness
24:20 because of mental and spiritual problems as well.
24:23 And so because of that I try very hard
24:27 to help with their healing not just the physical healing
24:30 but the mental and spiritual
24:32 by bringing those aspects into their life
24:35 that they may not have even known they had a problem with
24:38 and to show them that there are solutions for their problems.
24:42 In fact this has been one of the most fascinating things
24:45 that I've been able to so.
24:47 My Thai patients will come to me
24:49 and when I say with them,
24:51 you know, I think that we need to pray together
24:53 because I think you will feel better after we pray together.
24:56 They say, yes.
24:57 I have never had anyone refuse
24:59 and that's been a wonderful experience
25:01 working here in Thailand as people are willing to
25:04 and more than happy to hear about this,
25:08 this God that loves them.
25:33 My wife and I have at least once a month
25:35 tried to have a Bible study at our hospital.
25:38 It's a little more than a Bible study.
25:39 We feel like they're almost like our children.
25:42 And so it's been,
25:44 it's been a wonderful experience to share Christianity
25:48 and also support the Christianity
25:51 of our Christian students
25:52 but also share it to our Buddhist students as well.
26:03 Our Adventist church is growing in Thailand.
26:05 If our members throughout the world
26:08 could pray for our members
26:11 or people who are struggling
26:12 to become members of our church here in Thailand
26:15 because for a Thai person
26:16 to chose to become a Christian is a challenge.
26:35 Former South African President
26:37 Nelson Mandela is quoted his saying,
26:39 "If you talk to a man in the language he understands,
26:42 that goes to his head.
26:44 If you talk to him in his own language,
26:47 that goes to his heart."
26:48 Well, if you're watching this program chances are
26:51 you believe in and care about mission.
26:54 Recently the Seventh-day Adventist Church
26:55 started a new mission magazine called Mission 360.
26:59 It's a beautiful new magazine and if you live in North America
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27:40 Well, that's it for today's program
27:42 and thanks for spending time with us today.
27:45 I hope you've been inspired by what you've seen
27:47 and by what you've heard.
27:48 Thank you for your continuing prayers
27:51 and support for global mission around the world.
27:54 For Global Mission, I am Gary Krause
27:56 and I hope you can join us next time
27:58 right here on Global Mission Snapshots.


Revised 2014-12-17