3ABN Homecoming

Divine Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC190011S

00:49 Good morning and Happy Sabbath!
00:52 Good morning! Welcome to Fall Camp Meeting.
00:54 We've been blessed already, haven't we?
00:56 Amen! And it's a full house here today, isn't it?
00:59 It is! That's for sure. Psalm 118:24 says,
01:03 you can repeat it after me, "This is the day
01:05 which the Lord has made.
01:08 We will rejoice and be glad in it. "
01:12 What a blessing to serve a living God, isn't it?
01:14 Amen! He's coming very soon.
01:16 It's a blessing to be with each one of you. You are our family!
01:19 And Camp Meeting... we're already at Sabbath.
01:21 It's hard to believe. It's kind of sad, isn't it?
01:23 I know. This is our final day of Camp Meeting.
01:26 But I want to make a quick announcement since you all
01:29 are here right now. And for those of you who are listening
01:33 at home: we are not having a Spring Camp Meeting, Pr. John,
01:37 next year, 2020. BUT that is due to the fact
01:41 that we have General Conference in Indianapolis.
01:44 It's the end of June and there's no way we can put
01:47 two big events like that back-to-back together.
01:50 However, we are having a Winter Camp Meeting
01:54 and we want to invite all of you.
01:56 It's not going to be here, so that means you will want
01:58 to come. We're going to sunny California.
02:02 We will be in the Campus Hill SDA Church
02:06 in Loma Linda, California, February 13 through 15.
02:11 So we'll be giving you more details on that as we come along
02:14 but make sure you mark your calendars. If you live on the
02:17 West Coast... I know there's people here at Camp Meeting
02:19 who flew in from California
02:21 and who flew in from the West Coast, and we'll be much closer
02:24 to your neck of the woods. And some people
02:27 are saying they might even fly from Maryland
02:29 to the West Coast, so we invite you to our Winter Camp Meeting.
02:32 Yeah, that's right. I've had some people even say
02:33 they're thinking of flying, driving, from here locally
02:36 all the way out there. It's going to be a great time.
02:38 We're going to bring some speakers from here,
02:40 and we're still figuring out all the details
02:42 but make sure you mark that on your calendar.
02:44 I'm saying Valentine weekend, right? February. Yeah!
02:47 You can have a date with 3ABN. You can have a date
02:49 at Camp Meeting. All right... that's great.
02:52 So we are going to sing an opening song. Pastor,
02:55 what is that song? In a Little While We're Going Home.
02:58 That doesn't mean the sermon is ending yet, but...
02:59 That's right. That means spiritually we're going to be
03:02 going home soon, so let's raise our voices right now.
03:04 Yeah, let's do that then we'll have a prayer after we sing.
03:06 Praise God!
03:48 What else are we going to do?
04:06 Raise that chorus. Together:
04:45 Together. When?
05:06 There's one more thing:
05:26 When?
05:54 AMEN! Pastor, pray for us, please.
05:57 Let's bow our heads. Loving Father in heaven,
05:59 thank you for the promise that it won't be long:
06:02 "He that shall come will come and will not tarry. "
06:06 Father, while we're waiting for that glorious visitation
06:10 we pray that you will pour into us today Your Holy Spirit
06:13 on Your people that are waiting to hear from heaven.
06:16 Father, give them spiritual ears.
06:20 And on Your manservant that you have allowed to come
06:22 and to occupy the place where he will become a conduit
06:26 between earth and heaven.
06:28 Give him wisdom and understanding.
06:30 Open his ears to hear and his mouth to speak.
06:33 And may all the glory and the honor be reflected back to You
06:37 and may You be praised and exalted.
06:39 In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Amen!
06:43 Thank you so much, Pastor John.
06:45 What a privilege to know that soon we are going home.
06:48 This world is not our home and in just a little while
06:51 the heavens will open and we will see Jesus
06:55 return for each one of us.
06:57 I want to invite a special couple that we met
06:59 maybe a month or two ago - this is Dan and Denise Henderson -
07:03 to come on out. We were doing a 3ABN Rally
07:06 in Gentry, Arkansas, in May. I think it was May... yes.
07:11 So it was just a couple months ago. Yeah... come.
07:14 Why don't you come over here? Perfect.
07:17 This is live television. That's right! So we were doing a 3ABN
07:20 Rally in Gentry, AR. Don't get nervous; don't get nervous.
07:22 There's millions of people tuning in right now... it's OK.
07:24 Yes, you're welcome. Just want to make you feel a little more
07:27 comfortable. Just the four of us. Just the four of us.
07:31 So we met them in Gentry, AR, and heard just a little bit of
07:34 their testimony. And then they came to Fall Camp Meeting
07:38 and this is their very first Camp Meeting here at 3ABN.
07:42 And 3ABN played an integral role in your own spiritual journey.
07:47 So take us back a couple years ago.
07:49 Well it actually went back to probably around 2013.
07:54 We were in Kentucky at the time. We'd been living there
07:57 for about 20 years. Our son, who is a pastor
08:01 in another denomination, moved back to our home area
08:04 in Springfield, MO, and we chose to come back
08:08 to help him with our grandkids and to help with our aging
08:10 parents. In doing so we did not realize it would
08:14 only be a couple of years before he left.
08:16 So it was very discouraging when that happened.
08:19 And also - at the very same time -
08:22 that year, about 2015, I suffered what they call
08:26 a widow-maker heart attack.
08:28 Wow! Had two stents put in.
08:31 Was in rehab for a while.
08:33 Was very discouraged, and was just wondering, you know,
08:36 what you're prone to do: "Why me? "
08:39 But on the other hand, we chose to buy my wife's
08:44 childhood home where she lived and grew up.
08:47 We needed the Internet, and we had not had TV in our home
08:52 for quite a while. We'd kind of given up on
08:54 secular TV. But it happened to come with a cable package.
08:57 So I was flipping through the channels one evening
09:00 and... Hmm... flipping through the channels? Yeah.
09:03 Happened... That sounds divine!
09:05 Happened upon this 3ABN thing
09:08 and I thought: "What's 3ABN? "
09:10 And it happened to be Pastor Doug Batchelor.
09:13 Pastor Doug Batchelor. Wow! Amen!
09:16 As I recall, it may have been the sermon on the Sabbath
09:21 that kind of originally caught my attention.
09:23 But it was just like a hook. I mean, it was... Things just
09:27 started clicking in my mind and: "Why haven't I heard this? "
09:31 I grew up in a church that was very God-fearing and Bible-based
09:35 and we learned all of the things that you should learn
09:38 about Jesus and Jonah, the ark and everything.
09:41 But we hadn't heard some of these things and
09:44 why not the connection with the Sabbath.
09:47 We thought we were keeping the Sabbath
09:49 by going on Sunday. So in essence we started
09:53 learning, and as Pastor Ryan was saying this morning
09:56 it was like trying to drink from a fire hydrant.
09:59 I mean, things just started coming through
10:01 and all of a sudden we were hearing Pastor Doug
10:05 talk about living in a cave?
10:08 So our interest kept being peaked.
10:12 And before you know it, I am diagnosed with aggressive
10:15 prostate cancer. Wow! And we have a surgery
10:20 that resulted in a stroke very shortly after.
10:23 Wow! So in a year and a half I suffered a heart attack,
10:26 cancer, and a stroke. Hmm!
10:29 And so again I go back into this mindset: "Lord, why...
10:32 why is all this happening to me? "
10:34 And all of a sudden it dawned on me: with all of these other
10:37 pieces fitting together that I had discovered 3ABN.
10:40 Wow! That I was getting all this additional light
10:45 that otherwise I might have never had.
10:48 And I was so very thankful for that.
10:51 Yes. So Denise, so tell us your reaction.
10:55 Was this a team thing when you see 3ABN?
10:57 Like: "Oh, I like this, honey? "
11:02 It is live TV. So we wasn't quite real sure
11:08 honestly. I have to be transparent because
11:10 it's like: "I don't understand this. It's not a cult, is it? "
11:15 I mean, honestly... because you think you
11:20 it's OK. And as pieces started coming together
11:26 it was... turned our world upside down. Amen!
11:30 I wish we had more time for your testimony, but the
11:34 short version is that when were you all baptized
11:37 or joined the Seventh-day Adventist church?
11:39 I was re-baptized January 2018.
11:44 I came by confession. I already had a re-baptized.
11:49 Amen! I appreciate the Adventist message.
11:51 There's more light... there's more light that we need to shine
11:55 for Christ. And what about your cancer today?
11:57 Cancer free! Amen!
12:00 Thank you both so much for sharing. Thank you.
12:06 3ABN is a lifeline and that's thanks to you.
12:10 Isn't that encouraging?
12:11 That's why we like to bring testimonies up
12:13 like we try and do each Camp Meeting.
12:16 Does something to you, doesn't it?
12:18 You give your donations no matter how big, how small...
12:21 It's making a difference! Man... that's powerful.
12:24 Brings tears to my eyes right now thinking about that.
12:26 What an opportunity we have! Jesus is coming soon.
12:29 Seeing lives being changed.
12:30 They're flipping the channels. It's divine appointment, right?
12:33 And someone's life is being changed.
12:35 Just a great big thank you to each one of you
12:37 and you that are viewing and listening on the radio:
12:39 thank you. We have Grandma!
12:41 We call her Grandma Tena.
12:43 This is my Grandma... Grandma Tena.
12:45 I love you. We love you, too.
12:49 Tell us why you support the ministry of 3ABN.
12:53 She's a long-time supporter... She and Grandpa before he
12:57 passed... before he passed.
12:59 Well, I tell you: it was several years ago when I saw
13:01 when my husband and I saw it on 3ABN
13:04 Mollie, Camille, and Shelley talking about
13:08 women's finances and what we should do
13:10 and we heard about 3ABN, what they're doing
13:14 so we just... right away we just said: "This is what
13:17 we want to do. " And so we have been giving
13:20 for quite a few years. And we can't out give God
13:24 for what He has done for us. And when we hear about this
13:27 where it's going all over the world
13:31 where people are hearing about this!
13:33 Not just here but all over the world, and people that are
13:36 coming in to know Jesus that's what we want to do.
13:39 Actually what I want to tell you that I'm just a little farm girl
13:42 planting seeds for Jesus. Amen!
13:46 And I want to just continue doing it as long as I'm here.
13:50 Amen! And I know my husband George would be very delighted
13:53 to be by my side. Today would have been our 56th
13:57 wedding anniversary, so I'm just happy that I can be here.
14:02 We look forward to Jesus' soon return. I do!
14:05 And that's why we want to hurry up and hasten this gospel
14:09 and get out there. And so it takes funds to do this
14:13 and so your gifts will be... You just can't know what
14:18 the Lord has for you to do. Amen! Thank you, Grandma.
14:21 We love you. You are part of the 3ABN family
14:24 and you are a farm girl - yes - who is planting seeds for Jesus.
14:28 Yes. And I still have a few more to plant
14:30 so I'd better get going.
14:32 Thank you!
14:36 What we want to do... What we want to do right now actually
14:39 is take up our offering. Right now I think many of you
14:41 had a little white envelope that was on your seat.
14:44 And we just want to thank you in advance
14:47 for whatever you're able to give, whatever the Holy Spirit
14:51 impresses you to give today we want to say thank you.
14:54 And again, as money goes into the offering bucket
14:57 lives are being changed for eternity.
15:00 Let's pray, and then we'll have the deacons come forward,
15:03 the ushers. Father in heaven,
15:05 Lord, we're so grateful.
15:07 Thank you for the many, many years
15:09 that people have... our family have donated through the years
15:15 and Lord, it's made a difference in the world.
15:18 Lord, again today we just saw a small sample
15:21 of lives being changed for eternity.
15:24 Thank you, God for the sacrifice that many people
15:27 have made to spread the gospel around the world.
15:30 Thank you for multiplying the funds
15:31 that will come in today. Thank you that You are coming soon,
15:34 and may we be found faithful to that end. In Jesus' name
15:37 we pray, Amen.
19:05 Thank you so much, Tim.
19:07 Great is His faithfulness to us!
19:10 The Lord's mercies... Lamentations 3 says:
19:12 "The Lord's mercies are new every morning;
19:15 His compassions do not fail. "
19:18 I'm so thankful for the mercy and the grace
19:21 and the faithfulness of God.
19:23 That is what our message is on this morning:
19:26 He has been faithful to me.
19:29 Our speaker of the hour really needs no introduction.
19:32 He's my boss: Danny Shelton,
19:35 the president and CEO of Three Angels' Broadcasting Network.
19:40 You all know who he is, and I'm sure you all
19:44 have watched him for years, but I want to tell you just
19:46 a moment what he means to me.
19:48 He is a man of God;
19:51 a man of integrity and character.
19:56 He has vision. Without his vision
20:00 millions of people around the world would
20:02 have not even found the truth in God's world.
20:07 Without his vision, 3ABN would not have existed.
20:12 And I know that God called him for such a time as this.
20:16 He possesses great wisdom and he has incredible faith
20:21 to walk out what God has called him to do.
20:26 So I'm looking forward to what God is going to do
20:28 in and through him today for the message.
20:32 But before he comes, his daughter,
20:34 Melody Shelton-Firestone will be ministering in music
20:38 with Lisa on the piano. And the song they will bring
20:41 for us is Once and For All.
20:44 After they sing and we hear that music
20:47 the next voice we will hear is that of Mr. Danny Shelton.
21:05 God, I give You what I can today:
21:09 these scattered ashes that I hid away.
21:15 I lay it all
21:19 at Your feet.
21:26 From the corner of my deepest shame:
21:31 the empty places where I've worn Your name...
21:35 show me the love...
21:39 I say "I believe. "
21:44 Oh help me to lay it down.
21:50 Oh, Lord, I lay it down.
21:57 Oh, let this be
22:03 where I die.
22:08 My Lord, with Thee
22:14 crucify.
22:19 Be lifted high
22:24 and my kingdom fall
22:29 once and for all...
22:34 once and for all.
22:41 There is vict'ry in my Savior's laws
22:47 and in the crimson flowing from the cross.
22:51 Pour over me...
22:55 pour over me.
23:00 Oh let this be
23:05 where I die.
23:09 My Lord, with Thee
23:14 crucify.
23:19 Be lifted high
23:24 and my kingdoms fall
23:29 once and for all...
23:35 once and for all.
23:40 Oh Lord, I lay it down
23:45 Oh Lord, I lay it down
23:51 Help me to lay it down
23:57 Oh Lord, I lay it
24:00 down.
24:04 Oh, let this be
24:10 where I die.
24:15 My Lord, with Thee
24:20 crucify.
24:26 Be lifted high
24:30 as my kingdoms fall
24:36 once and for all...
24:42 once and for all...
24:48 once and for all...
24:54 once and
24:58 for all. Amen!
25:07 Amen! Thank you, Melody.
25:09 Good morning... Happy Sabbath!
25:10 Good morning. I'm back to my normal
25:15 good morning; happy Sabbath.
25:17 A few weeks ago we were in Chicago -
25:19 south side of Chicago at a black church -
25:22 and I always love it 'cause I can get up and say
25:24 "Good afternoon. "
25:26 Preachers don't get up till after twelve, right?
25:29 So it was good afternoon. That way you just
25:31 feel at home. You know nobody's in a hurry.
25:33 So we're here. So hopefully today we're not
25:35 in too big a hurry. How many are happy today?
25:37 Amen!
25:38 All right. Excited about living in the closing moments
25:41 of earth's history? Amen. I know I am.
25:44 And what an incredible time to be alive!
25:47 It really is! Today my little...
25:50 I don't call it a sermon. I'm not a preacher
25:52 nor the son of a preacher but I'm a talker.
25:55 So I'm a speaker, but today my little talk
25:58 will be entitled He's Been Faithful To Me.
26:01 Has God been faithful to you? Amen.
26:04 All right... has He been faithful to you?
26:06 Let me hear it. Amen... all right.
26:08 Now, we don't have to worry... Ellen White says we don't
26:11 have to worry about the future. Why?
26:14 'Cause all we have to do is look back to the past.
26:16 We'll find that when we go through those valleys
26:19 of the shadow of death that's usually brought on by
26:21 our self. It's never been because God wasn't faithful.
26:24 You remember the footprints in the sand.
26:27 You know, the guy: "Why is there one? "
26:28 "Well that's when I carried you. "
26:30 That's exactly why I'm encouraged about today.
26:35 I'm encouraged about being a Christian,
26:36 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
26:38 in the closing moments of earth's history
26:40 because God has been faithful.
26:42 What God assigns you to do He will finish.
26:46 Say "Amen" to that? What God assigns you to do
26:50 He will finish it. Now,
26:52 Jesus wants us all, and I call it the "Go ye" movement...
26:56 Every one of us there's a movement going on
26:58 and God has called us to it and it's called the "Go ye. "
27:01 The "Go ye, " right? You've heard me say it many times.
27:04 Matthew 28:18-20.
27:06 "All power is given Me in heaven and earth.
27:08 Go ye therefore. "
27:10 So each and every one of us
27:12 should be part of the "Go ye" team.
27:14 The trouble is that when we commit, submit and commit
27:18 our lives to God and we become part of the "Go ye" team
27:22 all of a sudden if I can use this term -
27:24 don't anybody get upset - but all "hell" breaks loose.
27:27 Right? I'm talking about spiritually. The devil...
27:30 it breaks loose because it's like we're not even
27:34 on the board. He doesn't even know who we are
27:36 till we start doing something for Jesus.
27:39 When you take a stand for the Lord
27:41 you can be assured that the devil is angry about it.
27:45 I hadn't intended to tell this but it reminds me: way back
27:49 in probably the late 70's or early 80's
27:53 that... I was a carpenter by trade for many years.
27:56 And Melody just sang. By the way, thank you Melody
27:59 for the beautiful song and Lisa for playing it.
28:02 And back when Melody was a little girl
28:04 and her mother and we traveled and sang.
28:08 Well there was a beginning to that where we'd always sang
28:10 since Melody was very young
28:12 but when she was about 9 years old we said:
28:15 "You know what? Let's get a P.A. system
28:17 and we'll start travelling in churches
28:20 and doing music. " Now up to that point
28:23 everything seemed to be going fine to me.
28:26 Right? I mean I was a Christian.
28:28 I mentioned it before. I was a Seventh-day Adventist.
28:30 So much so I kept the Sabbath so good
28:34 that Kenny and I... Well, I shouldn't bring him in.
28:36 Let me take it back to me. Sorry, Kenny. I've already
28:38 blown your cover... my cover, too.
28:40 But Kenny and I used to have a fast pitch softball team.
28:43 We loved fast pitch softball.
28:45 We would play fast pitch... We'd play over 100 games
28:48 a year. Well now, double-headers at night
28:51 after night and weekends. But we wouldn't play on Sabbath.
28:54 We were too good of Christians for that.
28:56 I always say "If sundown was at 8 o'clock
28:59 on Friday night we would pull ourselves out of the game
29:02 at 7:59 PM "
29:04 'cause we wanted to keep the Sabbath, right?
29:07 So then the next night... If our team won,
29:09 we got to play on Saturday night.
29:11 So the game may start at 7:00 PM
29:14 so we'd get dressed in our ball suits, go out to the ball
29:16 diamond, sit in our cars, and wait till 8:01 PM.
29:21 And then we'd call time out and put ourselves back in the game.
29:24 I mean, we could do that. It was our team.
29:25 It was called Shelton Construction, right?
29:27 So when you have that and you're paying the bills
29:32 and buying the ball suits and the balls and all of that
29:34 and the bats, hey, you can put yourselves in when you choose.
29:36 But we did that thinking we wanted to keep the Sabbath
29:40 and be a witness to those around us.
29:42 Well, we were!
29:45 We were, right?
29:47 Somebody got it.
29:49 Somebody got it... we were, but not a good witness, were we?
29:52 Not a good witness.
29:54 But when you start working for the Lord
29:57 all of a sudden you get into the devil's "shot. "
30:01 In his firing range.
30:03 So Melody was 9 years old
30:06 so we said: "Let's get a little P.A. system.
30:09 We'll start travelling around. "
30:11 Rhonda and Lisa were little so we said: "We'll just take
30:13 everybody and we'll call it the Danny Shelton family
30:17 singers. So we'll go to churches, Sunday churches...
30:19 any kind of church that will have us and we'll sing. "
30:22 Bought a P.A. system for the first time.
30:24 Found a guy in Creal Springs. A nice guy, pastor
30:27 of a Church of God. I saw him somewhere
30:30 and he says: "Hey, I know you guys sing. Would you come
30:32 to my church? " I said: "We'd love to. "
30:34 So we get ready. We're going to go like the very next week
30:38 or week after to his church.
30:40 Well, everything's going good. Our first singing.
30:43 We're going to do something for the Lord as a family.
30:46 We're going to get out and do some music.
30:48 And then Melody comes home from school one day
30:50 and her face is starting to swell a little bit
30:53 and by the end of the day or so her eyes were almost shut.
30:56 She was all swollen. She had these marks all over her.
31:00 She looked in the mirror, and I remember, you know,
31:03 when you're the daddy and you've got your little 9-year-old
31:05 daughter at that time... I think she was nine then...
31:07 And she was like: "Daddy, I look like a monster. "
31:10 She got poison ivy and it was spreading all over her.
31:13 So of course we took her to the doctor.
31:15 And the doctor said: "There's really nothing
31:17 you can do about that right now.
31:19 We can't do anything about it.
31:21 I can... But we can give her shots if she's allergic
31:25 for future, but right now we just give her what we can.
31:28 Give her stuff to ease, this. " But I said: "Well how long
31:31 will this take? " He said: "Oh, maybe a couple weeks
31:34 and she'll start gettin' better. " And I'm like
31:36 to myself: "Well, we can't do that.
31:37 This Sunday we're singing for our very first time. "
31:40 Now, that was my introduction to what the devil...
31:43 I suddenly got in his range.
31:45 Right? Because we were... instead of playing ball...
31:47 Not that ball is bad. Still like to play ball
31:50 when we get a chance but not make it our lifeline.
31:52 So here... what are we going to do?
31:55 I don't know what to do.
31:56 So I think of this little lady in our church:
31:59 Jewell Vineyard is her name.
32:01 And Jewell Vineyard has been resting in Jesus
32:03 for many years. She was probably in her 80's, and this would be
32:06 like 1979 or 1980... somewhere in there.
32:10 And I knew that Ms. Vineyard... that when anybody got sick
32:14 in the church they always would call Ms. Vineyard
32:16 and have her pray. They always seemed like
32:19 God just was on her side. No matter what she did
32:22 things just happened when Sr. Vineyard prayed.
32:26 And I'd heard about it; been around her.
32:28 Wonderful lady. I mean grandmotherly, motherly.
32:31 She had all of these. So sweet all the time.
32:34 So I called her. "Sr. Vineyard,
32:36 Melody has poison ivy. " This is probably I don't know
32:40 maybe if it's Tuesday or Wednesday, and we're to sing
32:43 this Sunday. "Melody's got poison ivy
32:45 and her face is all swollen. Her eyes are almost swollen shut.
32:49 She's in a lot of pain. Could you pray for her? "
32:52 "Oh, certainly, " she said. I said: "Oh, great. " I said:
32:55 "We'll bring her out to you. " "Oh, no, I'll come to you. "
32:59 Wow! She's going to drive? I said: "No, Ms. Vineyard,
33:02 don't worry, we'll... " "No, no, no. I'll come to you"
33:04 she said. So she drives out to our house.
33:07 So she has us get in a little circle and we hold hands.
33:12 I don't know if we held Melody's hands.
33:13 Afraid we'd get it or not... I don't remember.
33:16 Probably we did. I think we loved her enough
33:18 we went ahead and held her hand.
33:20 And so... but I remember that Sr. Vineyard prayed for her.
33:24 Now I wanted one of these prayers like: "Lord,
33:27 we need a miracle. Do something, please!
33:31 We're going to sing for You and PLEASE do something. "
33:34 I really wanted it. She's simply like:
33:36 "Well, dear Lord, You know the situation.
33:39 The family's supposed to sing
33:41 and the devil is trying to stop that
33:43 so we ask you to heal Melody. "
33:45 And it was very short, very sweet. "Amen. "
33:49 So she got up, and I'm looking at Melody.
33:51 She looks just like she did when we started the prayer.
33:54 'Cause I'm kind of an impatient guy and I wanted
33:57 like instant... you know, instant healing.
33:59 Like I wanted to be able to say: "Praise the Lord! "
34:02 So she gets up - Ms. Vineyard - and says: "Well, thanks. "
34:04 She's so sweet and so nice and so I said: "Well thank you
34:07 Sr. Vineyard" and she walks out.
34:09 And I said: "Well, I'm really glad she prayed
34:11 but that's not helping us 'cause we need to pray
34:14 this... we need to sing this Sunday. "
34:16 So: "Lord, You know the situation.
34:19 We leave it in Your hands. "
34:21 So I have to go to town and get some stuff.
34:23 So about an hour and a half later
34:25 I come home. Melody's at the front door. She said:
34:28 "Daddy, Daddy! Come here quick, look. "
34:30 And I'm telling you... She's here; where are you Melody?
34:33 I saw her sitting out there.
34:34 Am I right? You can testify to this story.
34:37 She says: "Daddy, look. " The poison ivy
34:40 from the top of her head was starting to clear up
34:42 and you could see it go down.
34:45 Literally go down.
34:49 By that Sunday she may have had a little on her arms
34:52 or whatever but we were in perfect shape
34:54 and we were able to do our first singing together
34:57 as a family. Now... God is faithful, isn't He?
35:00 Amen! When He's assigned you a task
35:03 He's going to give you the resources and He's going to
35:05 give you everything needed to accomplish that.
35:08 How do I know that? Philippians 4:19 says:
35:11 "For my God shall supply... " part of your needs?
35:13 ALL! "all of your needs. " "I can do
35:16 all things through Christ who strengthens me. "
35:19 So what happens is, the little scenario, the little...
35:22 If I can put this all in a nutshell, we're all
35:24 frail human agents. We're all in need of a Savior.
35:27 So when we submit and commit our lives to Jesus
35:30 He says: "Go ye therefore...
35:32 Tell what I have done for you. "
35:34 So Ellen White says... in a quote she says:
35:37 "Our greatest asset is our own personal testimony
35:40 of what God has done for us. "
35:42 Isn't that great? You don't have to... I'll refrain from
35:47 saying "go to the cemetery" but go to the seminary.
35:49 You don't have to do any of that type of stuff.
35:51 You can just simply submit and commit your life
35:54 to Jesus, and now you're already a witness
35:57 because all you have to do is go tell what God did for you.
36:00 Look what He... I was in this tr...
36:02 "I had all these habits, I had all of these things
36:04 in my life, and God took that away and gave me peace.
36:07 Gave me peace of mind. "
36:09 Isn't that incredible that we can serve a God?
36:12 So He equips us so when we go out
36:14 we can be assured that God equips you.
36:17 So as I said already when we DO go out
36:19 the devil... you get in his line of sight
36:22 and so one thing after another happens.
36:26 A few weeks after singing I just bought a car
36:29 and I was driving down the road.
36:33 Never been in a wreck before and somebody ran a stop sign
36:36 and hit my car and totaled out my car basically.
36:41 Now I had had the car and didn't get insurance yet
36:44 it was so new. So now I'm trying to raise...
36:46 A young guy trying to raise a family but I don't have
36:48 insurance and I don't have a car.
36:50 So that's not a good way to get to churches to sing, right?
36:54 So I'm struggling. A few weeks later I'm playing basketball
36:57 and I fall. I'd like to say "somebody tripped me. "
37:01 I probably fell. But I don't want you to think
37:04 I'm that uncoordinated but I probably did.
37:06 And so I broke the navicular bone in my wrist.
37:10 So I go to the doctor; they put on a cast
37:12 and I say: "How long is this going to be on?
37:15 Three or four weeks? "
37:16 Now I'm a carpenter. I need both hands.
37:19 "Oh, it'll probably be... " he said: "I don't know:
37:22 four to six months. "
37:23 Now he's an Asian doctor and he speaks with an accent
37:26 and I said: "You mean four to six weeks? "
37:28 I'm trying to help him.
37:30 He says: "No... I mean four to six months. "
37:33 And I said: "Wow. " And he said: "This cast will stay on
37:36 about 6 weeks then we'll probably have to put on
37:38 another one. " All of a sudden
37:40 what in the world is going wrong?
37:42 Melody has this problem; I have a car wreck;
37:44 now I've got a broken wrist
37:48 and I'm trying to still make a living
37:50 all because I decided to do what Jesus asked me to do.
37:54 Now what do you do at that point? Do you quit?
37:56 No! Or do you go forward?
37:59 You go forward. You have to learn to trust God.
38:02 You see, what I've learned over the years
38:04 I've had people say: "Oh, you have so much faith. "
38:06 And I say: "I don't have faith.
38:08 I'm doing as the Bible says 'the faith of Jesus. ' "
38:11 I'm trusting in the faith of Jesus, the way He commissioned
38:14 us to go somewhere that He knew
38:16 by His grace and by His power we could accomplish
38:20 what He asked us to do.
38:21 And I'm so thankful for that: that God is faithful.
38:25 I'm going to continue to say that. Pretty soon
38:27 I want you to say God is faithful to me.
38:30 Why don't we just say it now together?
38:31 God is faithful to me.
38:34 God is faithful to me.
38:36 Right? It's important that we know that
38:39 because so many times we're looking at other people
38:42 and we're saying: "Man, everything just seems to go
38:44 their way. Just everything works out for them
38:46 but what about me? "
38:48 You know? That's what we're all about today.
38:50 They have the "me" movement... I forget what it is
38:52 but some of you know, but every- thing's about "What about me? "
38:55 You know, and so we in this case
38:58 "Yes, Jesus died for me. "
39:02 He died for you, right?
39:04 He died for all of us that not one should perish
39:07 but all have everlasting life.
39:10 Somebody say "Amen" to that? Amen!
39:12 So now He says: "OK, go ye into all the world. "
39:15 Dr. Thompson used to say: "When the Lord said that
39:17 He counted His resources in advance
39:20 and found that He's not wanting. "
39:22 So it's not a big deal, but we make it a big deal
39:25 because we allow ourselves to be distracted
39:28 from the simple task of telling people what Jesus had done
39:32 for us and that there is a heaven waiting for us
39:35 and there is a mansion with our names on it
39:37 already waiting for us.
39:40 We like to say heaven... We wrote a song that says
39:42 "Heaven is not heaven till God's children are home. "
39:45 So the Lord wants to come back.
39:48 We're not waiting on Him as I said last night.
39:50 He's waiting on us to perfect His character
39:53 within our life. He wants to come back
39:55 for a purified bride and a purified church.
39:57 But we, folks, get distracted.
40:00 So when we get into ministry all we have to do
40:03 is go forward by faith.
40:05 And here's what I learned: my faith doesn't begin...
40:08 now think about this... my faith doesn't begin
40:11 till my sight ends.
40:14 All right? My faith doesn't begin
40:17 till my sight ends.
40:18 That's why when I go to churches and I travel
40:22 to a lot of churches over the years...
40:24 And I'll ask sometimes the pastor, ask people:
40:26 "When's the last time you had an evangelistic series? "
40:30 "When's the last time? " You think about your church.
40:32 Don't out loud. "When's the last time you had
40:35 an evangelistic series? "
40:36 Sometimes they'll say: "Oh, we had one
40:38 three or four years ago or five. "
40:40 "What have you been doing meantime? "
40:42 It's OK to come and praise the Lord and be happy
40:44 and see each other every week
40:47 but we should be all about evangelism. Amen!
40:50 Evangelism, evangelism, evangelism.
40:53 You see, Christianity and evangelism
40:56 go together. We can't call ourselves a Christian
40:58 and not be involved in evangelism.
41:01 We can't be in evangelism and not be a Christian.
41:06 I almost wrote a song this morning, then I realized that
41:09 it's probably already been written. But mine was going to
41:12 say: "Christianity and evangelism go together.
41:15 Any time and any weather Christianity and evangelism
41:20 go together. " Any of you ever heard that?
41:24 Soup and sandwich; soup and sandwich...
41:27 any time or weather
41:30 you can't have one without the other.
41:33 Anybody here ever? You're old enough...
41:36 Some of you are old enough. I can look at you.
41:38 How many have heard that commercial?
41:39 Thanks for being honest, OK.
41:41 All right. Campbell's soup, right?
41:44 Well, that's it: Christianity and evangelism
41:47 go together. Any time, any weather.
41:49 Right? You can't have one without the other.
41:53 Now is that going to stick in your mind?
41:54 If nothing else I say today
41:56 hopefully that sticks in your mind.
41:58 When you say "I'm a Christian. " OK, what are you doing about it?
42:01 Are you trying to work your way into heaven?
42:03 No, but Jesus says "Go. "
42:05 If Jesus says "Go, " tell the world.
42:08 He says "teach all nations. " Right?
42:11 So all nations. When we go
42:13 the blessing is on the "Go. "
42:16 The blessing is on the "Go. "
42:19 Any time, any weather Christianity and evangelism
42:22 go together. I want you to remember that.
42:25 Forget Campbell's soup.
42:26 You can wait till the winter and it's cold, then you can
42:28 think about that. Right now
42:30 if we're a Christian we should have a mind of evangelism.
42:33 Should be on our minds all the time, right?
42:36 And if we're in evangelism, we need to stop and
42:39 say: "You know, I really need to become a Christian first. "
42:41 Because we have a lot of folk out there
42:44 who are working in ministry
42:46 but they're not necessarily Christians.
42:48 I used to travel and sing years ago
42:51 with my brother Tommy and Melody's mother
42:54 who was killed in the automobile accident in 1982.
42:57 We used to travel and sing with a lot of gospel quartets.
43:01 Like southern gospel music. We'd travel around
43:04 and I was amazed that these folk openly
43:07 would tell you after the services
43:09 they're not really Christians.
43:11 Some of them had bars.
43:14 I went in one of them's bus... very famous group.
43:16 They had their wine rack and offered me if I wanted
43:18 any drink or what have you.
43:20 And they had signs up that said things
43:22 that I won't be able to repeat to you now.
43:24 So one day a guy asked me... They were there for a night
43:27 and they were doing 2 or 3 nights of singing.
43:29 Said: "Hey, why don't you go with me?
43:30 We'll go bowling tomorrow. I like to bowl. Is there
43:32 any place? " I said: "Sure. " I took him bowling
43:34 and every time he didn't get a strike
43:36 he would say some string of curse words.
43:38 And he was smoking a cigar. Back then you could
43:40 smoke in the bowling alley.
43:43 And so finally I said to him...
43:45 I won't give his name but I said to him -
43:47 he was very well known - I said:
43:50 "I don't get it. Last night I heard you
43:52 up front. You were crying; you were giving a testimony.
43:55 Tears running down your eyes.
43:57 And today away from that
44:00 you know, the smoking, the cursing,
44:03 all of these things.
44:05 How can you do that? " And he said:
44:07 "Oh, I never said I'm a Christian. "
44:09 He said: "I'd love to be singing country music.
44:13 I just haven't made it yet and I want to make a living
44:15 in music so I do gospel music. "
44:18 See, Christianity and evangelism go together.
44:21 Evangelism and Christianity go together
44:24 any time, any weather. You can't have one without the other.
44:27 Right? That's not exactly all the verses to the song, but
44:31 we'll put that much together.
44:33 So what happens? So what happens?
44:37 We're doing what God told us to do
44:43 and all of a sudden the devil... we get in his radar
44:47 and one thing after another after another.
44:51 And I've found over the years
44:54 that the more the devil does
44:56 if I'm not discouraged and I go forward
45:00 God will open doors that I couldn't possibly do.
45:03 As I said earlier, our sight... our faith doesn't even begin
45:08 till our sight ends.
45:10 And that's very important for us to know it.
45:12 When I ask the people: "Why haven't you had evangelistic
45:16 series for 4 or 5 years? "
45:18 number one reason: "Well, we just don't have any money. "
45:22 Now think about it. You're a church
45:24 that's here to be a beacon on a hill
45:27 and if you have money for anything, what should it be?
45:31 Evangelism! I mean, that doesn't take a rocket scientist,
45:34 right? to figure that out.
45:36 But they say: "Well, we just don't have the money. "
45:39 You know, it may cost $10,000.
45:41 Might cost $15,000.
45:43 Well I've said to people: "Boy, I notice you've got
45:46 a beautiful gymnasium. " "Well, that's for the church school. "
45:49 "Well, that's great. You've got a beautiful church,
45:53 a beautiful lawn. " "Oh yeah, we want to have a nice
45:56 church, we want to have all these things. "
45:58 "Well who do we want that for? "
46:00 Who do we want it for?
46:03 They don't have that in India and Africa and many of the
46:05 places I've been. They're not worried about building a,
46:08 you know, great facilities. They're worried about
46:11 winning souls for the kingdom of God. Amen.
46:14 So nothing wrong with having a great facility.
46:17 I praise God for this facility.
46:19 Thank you by the way. You all paid for it... I didn't.
46:21 So I tried to help a little, but we all did it together, right?
46:24 It's a great facility; it's a great thing to have
46:27 but it's not our focus.
46:28 The focus is evangelism.
46:31 So... is to take the undiluted three angels' messages
46:34 one that would counteract the counterfeit
46:37 into all the world. Amen!
46:39 But time and time again
46:41 as I go forward the devil tries to stop.
46:45 He hates 3ABN. The devil hates you, too.
46:49 But he hates the ministry of 3ABN as you just heard
46:51 some testimonies earlier. How many of you?
46:54 Anybody out here came to the Lord or joined the church
46:57 from watching 3ABN? Let me see your hands.
46:59 All right... raise them high.
47:01 All right! Quite a few all over. Thank you.
47:03 Many of them. Some of our speakers!
47:06 Shelley Quinn's back there. Ryan Day's back there.
47:08 Others and many of you.
47:10 Everywhere we go we see that. The devil hates it.
47:13 So what does he try to do?
47:15 He tries to get us discouraged.
47:17 So I'm going to go back and I'm just going to re-live
47:20 a little bit of the past if that's OK with you.
47:22 Because I want to look back. When I get discouraged
47:25 I want to look back and remember God's been faithful to me.
47:28 Amen! When you get discouraged,
47:31 you're tempted to get discouraged,
47:33 you want to look back and recall the times
47:36 God has been faithful to you. Amen!
47:38 You're here today; He's blessed you.
47:40 Now it's not a matter... Somebody said: "Well,
47:42 you know, I lost this person to death and I lost this... "
47:46 That's not the worst thing that can happen to us.
47:48 Being separated from God for eternity
47:51 is the worst thing that can happen to us.
47:53 Right now death is just a sleep.
47:55 There are many folk who are asleep resting
47:57 that's going to spend eternity with Jesus.
47:59 This time on this earth: that's just a fleeting moment,
48:02 you know, compared to eternity.
48:04 The worst thing that can happen to us? We can be distracted
48:08 from the Bible, from the Word of God
48:11 and our commitment to God, and we can end up living
48:14 for the devil instead of for the Lord.
48:17 Right? Somebody say "Amen? "
48:19 Amen! So what are we going to do?
48:22 We're working in ministry
48:24 and I thought when we started 3ABN
48:27 everybody would be happy about it.
48:29 Boy... was I young and naive.
48:33 No... I did. Wouldn't you think so?
48:35 We never had... Adventist church never had a television station.
48:38 There was not one television station in the entire world
48:42 when 3ABN started that 24/7 was giving the Bible message
48:49 three angels' messages.
48:51 Not one. So, when I'd go tell people
48:54 you'd think they'd be excited about it.
48:56 So many naysayers. "Oh no, you can't do that. "
48:59 "What's your background? " And you tell them.
49:00 "Oh, that'll never work. Why that's too big...
49:02 Why don't you do something else? "
49:05 But I knew what the Lord had impressed. My family knew
49:08 so we continued to go forward.
49:09 God began to open every door.
49:11 Guess what happens? Your faith begins to grow!
49:14 And all of a sudden it's like: "All right. Whatever it is
49:16 we don't care... God is there before us. "
49:19 "God is there before us. "
49:21 He said and John quoted it last night. I think I wrote it down
49:24 here. It's a great scripture.
49:26 He said, Philippians 1:6 says: "Being confident of this very
49:29 thing: that He who has begun a good work in you
49:32 will... " Do what? "complete it until the day of Jesus. "
49:35 So when God calls you to do a good work
49:37 He couldn't call you to do anything but a good work.
49:40 Right? So when God calls you to do a good work
49:43 He's going to complete it.
49:45 All we have to... He'll complete it in spite of us
49:48 as long as we rely on Him.
49:50 He allows us to make mistakes.
49:52 He knows we're frail human agents.
49:54 He lived on this earth, but He died
49:56 and gave His life so that we now when we fail
49:59 and when we falter, we can go to Him
50:01 and ask Him to forgive us. He takes it to the Father
50:04 and says: "I know what they're going through; I've been there.
50:07 And they're sorry... they're repentant.
50:09 Please forgive them of their sins. "
50:12 We are literally... our sins are... How does the Bible
50:16 say it? "from the east to the west, " right? Forgotten!
50:21 The Lord forgives and forgets. We forgive but we don't forget.
50:25 "I forgive you, but don't you ever do that again. "
50:29 "I forgive you, but I still remember what you did to me
50:32 back in 1985, " right?
50:33 I mean, that's the human nature.
50:35 Jesus forgives and forgets.
50:38 And so now when we serve Him and we go forward
50:42 and we try to become Christ-like
50:44 we're knowing that whatever He sets us to do
50:48 that when we do it if we stick to the Word of God
50:51 it's going to finish and it's going to be good.
50:54 Not for our honor and our glory but it's going to be good.
50:57 'Cause He says it's a "good work" - right?
51:01 And little is much when God is in it.
51:04 So when we start all we have to do is say...
51:06 I didn't look to the end "Well where is 3ABN going to be? "
51:10 If I'd have known that it'd cost 15 million a year plus
51:13 whatever and all this stuff and I'm a carpenter
51:16 and have no money I would say: "I'm sorry, Lord. I'm not
51:19 the right guy for that. "
51:21 Are there things that you wouldn't have done
51:23 if you knew in advance? Right?
51:26 Am I the only one?
51:27 No. There's many things that you've done.
51:29 But now we know we can be confident
51:32 of this: that what God starts...
51:35 the good work He starts He's going to finish.
51:37 It's easy for me to decide 3ABN is good work.
51:40 You know why? 'Cause it's not about me.
51:42 It's not about you.
51:44 It's about saving souls for the kingdom of God
51:47 and doing what God asks us to do.
51:49 So... "no-brainer" in my mind
51:51 that 3ABN... I'm not saying all of us individuals...
51:55 but the mission of 3ABN is a good mission.
51:59 So therefore we can go do what we need to do.
52:01 But the devil never quits... never quits. I remember
52:05 one time back a number of years.
52:08 I don't know if it's 15, 16 years ago.
52:11 In fact, if Johnny Dinzey... Johnny Dinzey, are you around?
52:15 I'd ask somebody. If he's around maybe he could come out.
52:17 Oh there he is! Thank you. They found you.
52:20 I was thinking about this this morning.
52:23 I said: "Well maybe I'll let Johnny Dinzey. "
52:25 What I want to tell you about is don't be discouraged
52:28 because of finances, any other reason.
52:30 When you're in ministry like this, it's a constant.
52:32 Right now we are as of this date...
52:36 What is it? September 28th of 2019?
52:39 We are running over a million dollars behind
52:42 the last two years.
52:44 That's no fun... and we have, you know,
52:47 we don't have money in the bank that we can just spend
52:49 money or get money from there.
52:51 And that's a tough thing.
52:54 We're looking at... and it could get worse
52:57 by the end of the year... it could get better.
52:58 What do we do? We go forward.
53:01 So I recounted the past and said:
53:03 "He's been good to me; God's been good to you. "
53:06 When I say me... us. God's been good to all of us.
53:09 3ABN. Your money those of you... Your prayers and financial
53:12 support. What are we going to do?
53:15 What we do is you don't allow that...
53:17 like the little churches that say: "We can't have evangelistic
53:19 series because we don't have enough money. "
53:22 That's no excuse. If you go for- ward God will supply that money.
53:26 Amen! See, they're not allowing their faith
53:30 'cause if you see the future you're not really going out
53:33 by faith anyway if you think you know the future.
53:35 So all you have to do is weigh what it says.
53:38 We're supposed to witness to those around us
53:41 so let's do it. So the church? Let's have an evangelistic
53:44 series every year... at least one.
53:46 Right? And people will come because God's Word does not
53:51 return void. And if we go forward
53:53 people hear that, they're going to walk in this church.
53:55 Several of you... Anybody here that comes to THIS
53:58 church because you heard, watch 3ABN television or radio?
54:01 Any hands? OK... there's some back here
54:04 in the back. Numbers of people have just walked in -
54:06 thank you - have walked in to this church
54:09 saying: "We listen to 3ABN on the radio. "
54:12 "We watch it. " Well Johnny, I want to go to your...
54:16 Tell us, 'cause you reminded me this morning.
54:19 I asked you about it. I had been talking
54:22 and I had made a statement. I guess you were aware
54:25 that I made a statement towards the end of the year
54:28 we were three-quarter million dollars behind?
54:30 All right. Tell me what happened. Tell the folks.
54:33 Well it was for many, many years
54:36 the idea of a Spanish channel was in my mind.
54:39 Nobody knew it but Idalia.
54:43 That started in 1993, but it was in the year 2000
54:47 that you said something in a 3ABN day of prayer
54:51 that caught my attention and I took it as a personal
54:54 invitation. 'Cause this is what you said... something like this:
54:56 "If you have an idea to help further the gospel
55:00 to reach the world, come and talk to me. "
55:02 "I've learned a few things throughout the years
55:05 and I may be able to help you. "
55:06 I said: "That's what I needed to hear! "
55:08 So I started doing research. How many Spanish people
55:11 are there here in the US? I was shocked!
55:14 The census was coming out, and I said: "Well wait a minute.
55:17 It'd still be on satellite. It's gotta reach more people
55:19 than just the US. " I was overwhelmed
55:23 over 350 million people spoke Spanish
55:26 as their first native language.
55:29 And it was the second language in the world
55:32 as far as number of native language speakers...
55:35 but English was third.
55:36 But when you count people that learn a second language
55:40 English is #2 and Mandarin is #1 by far.
55:44 Chinese people.
55:46 So I was amazed when I thought I had all the information
55:50 I said: "I'm going to go and talk to Mollie,
55:52 Danny's secretary. " I said: "Mollie, I'd like to
55:55 talk to Danny about... " And she said: "OK. "
55:59 She wrote my name down, and she said: "What do you
56:02 want to talk to him about? " I didn't want to say it
56:04 right then. I said: "About Spanish programming. "
56:07 She says: "OK... you are #17. "
56:11 I said: "You mean 17 people need to talk to Danny? "
56:15 "Yes! You're #17.
56:17 I'll let you know when he's ready. "
56:18 Well it was about 3 weeks later.
56:22 He was traveling and doing other things.
56:24 I was tired... I had to get some sleep.
56:27 He was in different places and then he finally... 3 weeks later
56:31 I get the call. I was in Pastoral Ministries then.
56:34 "Danny is ready to talk to you; come down. "
56:38 I was so happy! Grabbed my folder with information.
56:41 Did a very quick prayer.
56:43 And then when I got to the stairs that go down
56:46 to go down the stairs the thought came to my mind:
56:50 "Oh, wait a minute. Last week I heard we were
56:52 about a half a million or more down in offerings.
56:56 This may be the worst time to present this idea. "
56:58 So I went back to my office. Knelt and prayed
57:02 and I said: "Lord, You know this has been a burden in my heart
57:05 for many years. If it's Your will for this
57:07 to happen, impress Danny.
57:09 If it's not Your will, let me know
57:11 and give me peace about this. "
57:13 I let it go... I had peace. Went downstairs
57:16 and started presenting point by point. And then
57:21 you said something that... "You know what we've learned"
57:24 because I was sharing about the millions of people
57:26 all of these places. You said: "You know what we've learned
57:28 throughout the years is in Russia when we started doing
57:31 our English programming to Russia it made a great impact
57:35 in Russia. BUT when we started doing Russian programming
57:39 the people... the numbers increased by thousands
57:43 that wanted Bible studies and Bibles. "
57:46 And I said: "That was the very next point! "
57:48 And so then you said: "Where are we going with all this? "
57:52 And I said: "I believe we need a Spanish channel. "
57:57 And this is what Danny did:
57:58 he blinked and he said: "Let's do it! "
58:05 I didn't prepare myself.
58:10 I didn't prepare myself for a "yea" or a "nay. "
58:13 I just heard that and I said: "Did he just say yes? "
58:18 And then you said: "Pray. We're still over half a million
58:23 dollars behind in offerings. " Three quarters...
58:29 I was shocked; I didn't know what to say.
58:31 I said: "We'll pray. " When I stepped out of there,
58:33 Danny, I said to myself: "This man still believes! "
58:38 Because I looked at it this way: if these
58:41 car manufacturers are about to go bankrupt
58:44 and you come and say: "Hey, let's build another plant
58:47 over there in Bucharest or something like that"
58:49 they'd say: "Are you out of your mind? We're about to go
58:51 bankrupt here... we need to close down things. "
58:54 But you said: "Let's do it. "
58:57 And I said: "This man still believes in God. "
59:00 Danny, about a month later... And I'll stop here.
59:02 About a month later I'm going through the lobby
59:05 and Leonard Westphal was there
59:07 and I greeted him and I asked: "How are you doing? "
59:10 "Oh I'm doing great... I'm doing great. "
59:12 He says: "I have a fantastic report. Fantastic!
59:15 Fantastic! " He used to like to repeat things like that.
59:18 And I'll leave it there because it's amazing what God has done.
59:22 I'll finish it. Thank you, Johnny.
59:24 So
59:28 Johnny could remember the story better than me
59:31 so that's why I wanted him to tell it.
59:32 Now we're not lifting up people but he said I blinked.
59:36 You'll be shocked how many things can go through your mind
59:39 in a blink. A lot of things can go through your mind
59:44 in a blink. I mean like really quickly.
59:47 But my first thought was: "We can't... " It was actually
59:51 3/4 million dollars behind. "We just can't do that. "
59:56 But I guess before the blink ended
59:59 it's "Go ye in faith. " In other words,
01:00:01 the reason maybe we don't have what we need
01:00:03 is because we need to center more on evangelism,
01:00:05 go forward. So we stepped forward.
01:00:08 Well then when he was talking about Leonard, what happened was
01:00:12 I had gone on the air and I had talked about it.
01:00:15 And I didn't say: "Oh, we have to have this. "
01:00:17 I just told the folks this - it's what I'm going to tell you
01:00:19 today... those of you watching, those of you here...
01:00:21 that I said to the folk on the air. We were doing
01:00:24 a rally somewhere and I said:
01:00:26 "Right now we're about 3/4 million dollars... "
01:00:29 This was November what have you...
01:00:31 "that we have to have above and beyond everything else
01:00:33 that we need to keep us going and growing
01:00:37 3/4 million dollars by the end of the year. "
01:00:39 And we get no other money. We're independent as far as
01:00:45 legal. We're our own 501C3.
01:00:47 So when the church takes up offerings for church ministries
01:00:51 3ABN's not included in that.
01:00:53 A lot of people think we are.
01:00:54 But rightfully so we shouldn't. We're not part of the
01:00:57 officially the denomination but we support the church
01:01:00 and the work of the church.
01:01:02 We always have. So when I made an appeal
01:01:05 I just said to the folk: "We're 3/4 million dollars down
01:01:09 but I will tell you come January I'll come on the air
01:01:11 and tell you how God blessed
01:01:13 and how He made up that because God is faithful. "
01:01:16 Amen! God is faithful.
01:01:18 So what happened was there was a lady in Oregon.
01:01:21 She was 97 years old.
01:01:24 And she had called Leonard. She had a will
01:01:29 or a trust with 3ABN that when she went to sleep
01:01:32 the money would go to 3ABN. But she said:
01:01:35 "I'm impressed that I should give it now. "
01:01:37 It was $865,000
01:01:40 and we needed $750,000, right?
01:01:43 $865,000. But she said: "I'll do it on one condition:
01:01:46 that Danny Shelton comes out to visit me at my house. "
01:01:50 Now I didn't care if she lived in Timbuktu.
01:01:53 I didn't care. She could have been in the far sides of the
01:01:56 jungles in the Amazon. She could have been in China.
01:01:58 I was going one way or the other. Ride a bike,
01:02:02 fly, boat, whatever... Swim.
01:02:04 I was going to be there, right? for that kind of money.
01:02:06 So I said: "OK. " So thank- fully she just lived in Oregon.
01:02:11 We can take planes out there.
01:02:12 So I went out. I looked up the address.
01:02:15 Didn't have a GPS then. Looked up an address
01:02:18 and I kept driving by. There were beautiful homes over here
01:02:21 and nice... Then I'd come by and there was a street with only
01:02:24 like two houses, but they really were really poor-conditioned
01:02:28 houses. So I said: "Well this can't be the right
01:02:30 address. " There was nothing on the mailbox.
01:02:32 I said: "It can't be. " So I drove around town.
01:02:35 Maybe there's another side across the highway
01:02:38 to this street. No, it's a short little street.
01:02:40 It ends right here. So finally I didn't know what to do.
01:02:42 I said: "Well I'll just see if anybody's home
01:02:45 at this little house. " So I knocked on the door.
01:02:47 and I heard this voice. Said: "Oh, Danny! Come on around. "
01:02:51 The lady's gettin' ready to give $865,000
01:02:55 and she lives in a house that probably you and I wouldn't
01:02:59 live in, but she had her priorities right.
01:03:03 Amen! She said: "I know I'm not long for this world. "
01:03:07 And she didn't want to waste any money. She said:
01:03:10 "I'm going to give this money to make sure it goes to
01:03:12 the Lord's work. I want it to go to 3ABN. "
01:03:14 So I went and visited with her for a while.
01:03:16 Listened to her story. Incredible story.
01:03:19 God blessed that, and I learned from that.
01:03:22 Every time that happens I learn.
01:03:23 Then it took my mind back to several years before.
01:03:27 We were just beginning in ministry, and this may have been
01:03:29 in the early 90's... a few years.
01:03:31 And so I got a call. I don't know if it was Mollie then
01:03:35 or who it was that gave me the call. But they said:
01:03:37 "You know, there are some people that have some money
01:03:40 they want to give to 3ABN
01:03:43 but they want Danny to come out and pick it up.
01:03:45 They want to meet him; they've watched him.
01:03:47 They're going to be giving quite a bit of money
01:03:48 and so they want him to pick it up. "
01:03:51 So, well... some people may think $1,000
01:03:54 is a lot of money. It would cost me more than that to fly.
01:03:56 So you have to be, you know, try to use some tact
01:03:59 in how to find out so I said:
01:04:00 "Well see if we can find out how much it is. "
01:04:02 And they said: "Well it's cash money. We don't
01:04:05 have it in the bank. It's cash. We want you to pick it up. "
01:04:07 So I said: "OK... find out how much it is. "
01:04:10 Came back and said: "It's $50,000 in cash. "
01:04:12 An older couple... they both have cancer.
01:04:15 They were x-ray technicians and their health was really bad.
01:04:19 They felt like they only had less than a year to live
01:04:21 but they wanted this $50,000 to go.
01:04:24 So Harold Follett, who lived... at the time was
01:04:28 on 3ABN's board out in Oregon...
01:04:30 he was coming to a board meeting in the next couple days
01:04:33 and I said: "Well, we can save some time and money. "
01:04:35 So I called them and said: "Would you mind if Harold
01:04:38 came and picked up the money? " They said: "We don't really know
01:04:40 him. " But I said: "Well, he'll introduce himself.
01:04:43 He'll make sure. " So they said: "Sure. "
01:04:46 So Harold came by, and his story when came to us
01:04:51 is: I walked in the house. They made sure I was who I was.
01:04:54 And they called me. I said: "Yes this is Harold. Talk to him. "
01:04:57 So Harold said: "We talked a while and they didn't mention
01:05:00 money. But what I walked into was a little camper
01:05:04 pulled behind a car. It was about 6-7 feet wide
01:05:07 and 12 feet long.
01:05:09 That's what they lived in.
01:05:10 Their mattress was a little 6" mattress.
01:05:13 When you opened the door they had to roll the mattress up
01:05:16 so you could come in. " They said: "We sold our house.
01:05:19 We want to make sure everything we have is going to ministries.
01:05:22 3ABN's a part of that.
01:05:24 We're just now getting ready. We don't need this.
01:05:26 We're not going to take it with us to heaven.
01:05:28 We don't need a nice house so we're making sure
01:05:30 this money goes. " So Harold says they talked about it
01:05:33 but they never said "Here's the $50,000 cash. "
01:05:36 So said in front of him there was a Kleenex box, and the lady
01:05:41 said: "Here Harold... have a Kleenex. "
01:05:43 What am I? You know...
01:05:46 Maybe something's running or I've left food or something here
01:05:49 so you can guess yourself... I don't know.
01:05:52 They never told me but said: "Here Harold, have a Kleenex. "
01:05:55 "Oh, no, thanks... " he said: "I don't need one. "
01:05:57 She picks up the box and says: "Harold, please!
01:05:59 Have a Kleenex. "
01:06:01 "OK. " He said: "I pick it out,
01:06:03 pull out the top Kleenex and when I do
01:06:05 I look inside I see green. "
01:06:08 She said: "Now take the top off. "
01:06:10 He said: "I took the top off
01:06:12 and there was $5,000 banded together like $100 bills. "
01:06:17 $5,000 in the Kleenex box. She went to the cabinet,
01:06:20 and brought 9 more Kleenex boxes.
01:06:22 Right? And said: "You want to have another Kleenex? "
01:06:26 He said: "Absolutely! Sure! "
01:06:28 So he's picking this up. $50,000... Kleenex, right?
01:06:34 So he brings it home.
01:06:36 We count the money and there's like $50,565.
01:06:40 So I call them to thank them and I said: "I want to let you know
01:06:44 that you made a mistake.
01:06:46 There's an extra $560 some dollars here
01:06:50 and let us know what you want us to do with it.
01:06:53 We'll send it back. " "Oh, no, we won't do that, but
01:06:56 you still never came out here. " She said: "We really wanted to
01:07:00 meet you personally. We've watched you for years.
01:07:02 We've supported you. " She said: "Listen, if I have
01:07:05 a few more Kleenex boxes would you come and see me? "
01:07:10 This was Sunday. I said: "I'll be gettin' my flight
01:07:13 tonight. By tomorrow or Tuesday the first flight I get
01:07:16 I'll be out there. " So I flew out to Oregon.
01:07:20 Went to the little camper just as Harold had said.
01:07:23 They rolled up their mat. We went in and we talked
01:07:25 a while. We prayed with them.
01:07:27 They told me what 3ABN had meant to them
01:07:29 and to people in their area. And they said: "We're just
01:07:32 waiting on Jesus to come and we want you to have it. "
01:07:36 So she said: "By the way, Danny, would you...
01:07:39 you want a Kleenex? " I said: "Absolutely! "
01:07:41 So I grabbed a Kleenex and I was looking around for other boxes.
01:07:45 Right? I didn't say anything. I used... I have
01:07:48 some filter but I was like "I wonder. I only see one...
01:07:51 Maybe there's some more. "
01:07:52 There's $5,000 in there. So she went and brought back
01:07:55 nine more boxes. Ten times five is how much?
01:07:59 $50,000... right? Another $50,000 they gave us.
01:08:04 Now at that time, you know, the airlines you could do
01:08:07 whatever. I just wore a big belt and put money.
01:08:09 So I had $50,000 in cash going through the airport.
01:08:13 Came home. God is faithful, right?
01:08:16 He's been faithful to me. Can you say that?
01:08:19 He's been faithful to me. He's been faithful to me.
01:08:21 He's been faithful to me. 1991, Romania: the opportunity
01:08:25 for Romania came up. So the doors of Communism
01:08:29 have fallen. Ceausescu has been literally
01:08:32 killed... literally he and his family were killed
01:08:36 and suddenly Romania is opening up.
01:08:38 So we get an invitation to go to Romania.
01:08:41 And I said: "Let's build a studio. "
01:08:44 There's a man there named Joseph Palhegyi.
01:08:46 Adventist who had lived through Communism. A young man.
01:08:50 He said: "We'd love to do a studio. "
01:08:52 And so Gonsolo Santos who was our electrician
01:08:55 here and an engineer we went to Romania
01:08:58 and decided that we wanted to see about building a studio
01:09:02 that we could put Adventist programming in this Communist
01:09:07 country for 73 years at that time.
01:09:10 And so what an incredible opportunity
01:09:13 to go forward. So we spent $250,000
01:09:17 that we really didn't have. But by faith I said:
01:09:19 "We've gotta do this! Let's build a studio
01:09:22 in Romania. This is amazing. They'll produce
01:09:25 Romanian programming in their own language.
01:09:27 We'll be able to get it on the air.
01:09:29 Jesus said: 'Go ye into all the world. ' "
01:09:31 We were happy about it.
01:09:33 Now this is in the fall of the year.
01:09:35 Around the first of December my treasurer says to me:
01:09:40 "You know what? We're about $250,000 short
01:09:46 and I think that money we spent for Romania
01:09:49 if we had that we could have come out in the black. "
01:09:52 'Cause every year you want to come out in the black.
01:09:53 Yvonne always liked that for some reason
01:09:55 when I say "come out in the black" and it's positive.
01:09:57 She's always: "All right! In the black! I like that. "
01:10:01 So some of you got it and the rest of you don't need to.
01:10:06 If you didn't get it it's OK.
01:10:11 that we were going to be in the red
01:10:15 at this point was what we call, they call financially.
01:10:18 I'm not a financial person but I've learned a little bit
01:10:20 over the years. So we were going to be in debt basically.
01:10:23 "If something doesn't happen, we really need a miracle. "
01:10:26 So we began to pray about it as we always do.
01:10:29 So we prayed about it and said: "Lord, my first thought
01:10:32 was 'Wow! that $250,000... ' No, You said 'Go yet into all
01:10:36 the world. ' " In Romania I was standing on terra firma.
01:10:39 I knew this was part of the world.
01:10:41 Psalm 2:8: "Ask of Me and I will give you the heathen
01:10:44 for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth
01:10:46 for thy possession. "
01:10:48 There we are: an opportunity. Historic event
01:10:51 to be there and to get Adventist programming
01:10:55 in a Communist country for all those years.
01:10:57 "No, I'm not sorry we did it but, Lord,
01:11:00 we really need help. " So a few days later
01:11:04 somebody says to me, secretary says: "Hey, we got a
01:11:07 call. There's a doctor who wants to talk to you. "
01:11:09 And I try to take calls as much as I can.
01:11:11 And I said: "OK. " And she said: "He's from Washington state. "
01:11:14 And so I said: "OK. "
01:11:16 So I'm going to take you back just a little bit now
01:11:19 and then I'll come back to this.
01:11:21 But my Uncle Olin... have any of you watched 3ABN long enough
01:11:25 you ever heard Uncle Olin sing? Let me see your hands.
01:11:28 Ah, look at this. All right. See all those hands?
01:11:30 Uncle Olin... Yeah, I loved him with all my heart.
01:11:34 Uncle... he was my dad's brother.
01:11:36 Raised 12 kids... all in the church.
01:11:38 Had a used tire business, 6th-grade education.
01:11:40 Put the kids all through college, through academies
01:11:44 and colleges. Very dedicated to the Lord.
01:11:46 My dad sang country music for years before they
01:11:50 became Adventist Christians and in the nightclubs
01:11:52 and that type of stuff. And Uncle Olin didn't.
01:11:55 He never played out anywhere. My dad was more Eddy Arnold,
01:11:59 Jimmy... what was? Jim Reeves type.
01:12:03 Uncle Olin was: "Life is like a mountain railroad... "
01:12:08 "a windin' through... " Whatever he felt like coming in.
01:12:11 He didn't care about the beat or the rhythm.
01:12:13 Just whatever. "this world of woe. "
01:12:15 And he'd always want me to sing with him. I couldn't!
01:12:19 Something... the rhythm in me says I have to go on the beat.
01:12:23 But he didn't... and it was OK.
01:12:24 And then he'd put a French harp on a cord around his neck
01:12:28 and he'd do "Who, who, who. " He'd sing a little bit
01:12:30 and he'd blow on the French harp
01:12:32 and then he would come in whenever.
01:12:34 Tammy, my sister Tammy, and my cousin LeRay
01:12:37 they could stay right with him.
01:12:39 And I'm not good enough to do that. I could not.
01:12:41 I have to sing on time... I can't do it.
01:12:43 They could sing with him. But Uncle Olin... Somebody...
01:12:45 I love Uncle Olin. He sang on tune.
01:12:48 He only sang at the West Frankfort church or his house.
01:12:52 So what happens is a guy I'll never forget is Randy Merser.
01:12:57 A guy that was going to the church at the time and he said
01:12:59 at the West Frankfort church right in front of Uncle Olin
01:13:03 'cause 3ABN had been on the air three or four years.
01:13:06 He said: "Danny, I just love Uncle Olin's
01:13:09 music. Why don't you have him on 3ABN? "
01:13:12 And I start looking real fishy, right?
01:13:15 How am I going to deal with that?
01:13:18 You know, I love Uncle Olin but now he's not television
01:13:21 material - I think - to be singing. And I knew
01:13:24 and was banking on the fact he wouldn't want to sing on TV.
01:13:28 So he said it again. I tried to ignore it.
01:13:30 He said: Uncle Olin, you ought to sing on 3ABN. "
01:13:34 Uncle Olin said: "Well, I'm not a professional. "
01:13:37 He always said "profassional. "
01:13:39 "I'm not a profassional and I never sing up front
01:13:43 except at home, and you know I can't... " He's 75 years old;
01:13:47 his family is raised. His wife had passed away
01:13:49 a couple years before.
01:13:51 "I really don't... I'm not that good. "
01:13:55 And I'm like: "OK. Uncle Olin, that's all right. "
01:13:59 "I don't have to say anything
01:14:00 Danny says, but if Danny ever needs me
01:14:03 I'll be there... I'll sing. "
01:14:06 So I said: "Well, OK. "
01:14:08 I figured conversation over, right?
01:14:14 About a week later I get a phone call.
01:14:18 When I was a little boy my name was Danny
01:14:20 so they called me Daniel Boone so Boone stuck.
01:14:23 "Boone, Uncle O. " We called him Uncle O
01:14:26 instead of Olin. Uncle O... affectionate.
01:14:29 Love Uncle Olin.
01:14:30 He said: "Boone? Uncle O. "
01:14:33 I said: "Big O... how're you doin'? "
01:14:35 He said: "Well, I got to thinkin' the other night
01:14:38 what we talked about at church. " And he said:
01:14:41 "I felt like my ministry was over.
01:14:43 I raised all the kids and Mildred being gone
01:14:46 and everything and being... " I think it was 75-6 years old.
01:14:51 "But you know what? I think if you can use me
01:14:54 I'll be happy to come and sing. "
01:14:57 What're you going to do? I loved the guy.
01:14:58 I said: "Well Uncle Olin, why don't you come out?
01:15:00 You've got a great testimony of how you paid tithe
01:15:02 when you didn't have money and how you were able
01:15:05 to put all these kids with a 6th-grade education.
01:15:07 Come out and do testimony. " "I'll just bring my guitar
01:15:10 and we'll sing a song or two, " he said.
01:15:12 I said: "OK... let's do it. "
01:15:13 A song or two. I said: "OK, we'll do a song or two. "
01:15:16 Uncle Olin... Now he knew these songs.
01:15:19 He sang them 40 years. He could sing What A Friend
01:15:21 We Have In Jesus. Put the song book open,
01:15:23 put his spectacles on. He dressed like Doc on Gunsmoke.
01:15:27 Anybody ever watch Gunsmoke? It's OK...
01:15:30 you can raise your hand.
01:15:31 Yvonne and I watch Gunsmoke. She loves Gunsmoke, right?
01:15:35 Don't ask me how from New York
01:15:37 she loves Gunsmoke, but she does
01:15:39 so sometimes we watch it.
01:15:41 So he looks like Doc Adams on Gunsmoke.
01:15:44 Wears the little tie and all of that.
01:15:46 Came out; we did the interview.
01:15:48 He did two songs. Reads the words.
01:15:51 Never looked at the camera reading it. Plays his harmonica
01:15:54 a bit. When he's ready jumps in, starts singing again
01:15:56 with his guitar.
01:15:59 When that program airs our phones light up.
01:16:03 "Where has he been all this time? "
01:16:07 "We love Uncle Olin! " We had him back
01:16:09 and did five more programs... twenty-two songs!
01:16:13 And he was the most sought-after singer
01:16:15 on 3ABN. Now I'm telling you the truth.
01:16:18 People loved Uncle Olin.
01:16:20 They saw his sincerity; they loved the music.
01:16:23 What they grew up on. So many people they loved...
01:16:26 I learned a lot from that.
01:16:28 I really did. See, it's not about us.
01:16:30 It's not about how good you sing,
01:16:32 but the offering you bring is yourself...
01:16:35 what God has given you.
01:16:36 And he brought an offering that was legitimate.
01:16:39 It was sincere, it was real and people loved it.
01:16:43 So now back to the phone call.
01:16:47 So they say: "This doctor wants to talk to you
01:16:50 from Washington state. " I say: "OK. "
01:16:52 "Hello. " He gives his name.
01:16:54 I don't think he would mind me giving his name
01:16:56 but I'll just call him Bob.
01:16:58 So Dr. Bob, he says: "The other night I was listening
01:17:03 to 3ABN. " I'm like: "Well great, praise the Lord. "
01:17:06 "And I listened to your Uncle Olin sing. "
01:17:08 I'm: "Ooh-oh. "
01:17:11 He said... he's a sophisticated doctor, right?
01:17:14 Eye doctor and all this, so...
01:17:16 He said: "I listened to your Uncle Olin
01:17:18 and it reminded me of what I read in the Spirit of Prophecy
01:17:21 that men in the last days will come from the plow.
01:17:25 God will use anybody willing to be used.
01:17:27 And at 3ABN you don't have to be a superstar;
01:17:31 you don't have to be a big name.
01:17:32 I've been watching it lately and you have common people
01:17:35 on who have common testimonies.
01:17:38 And that song was sung I think was my wife's mother's
01:17:42 funeral some time ago. I'd never heard it.
01:17:45 And the other night I heard: 'Life is like a
01:17:48 mountain railroad. ' " He said: "I love it so much
01:17:50 that the Lord has impressed me to give you a donation. "
01:17:53 I said: "Well great! Praise the Lord! "
01:17:55 "Well how much do you need? "
01:17:57 Well my mind was like - calculating sound -
01:18:00 but I said...
01:18:02 Well, I don't want to scare him off. I'd never met the guy.
01:18:06 I'd say $250,000 is a lot of money.
01:18:10 So I said to him: "Well, Dr. Bob,
01:18:13 the Lord has impressed you to give a gift.
01:18:15 Why don't you think about it and pray about it over the weekend
01:18:18 and since He told you to give a gift He'll tell you
01:18:21 how much to give. " "Well that's interesting.
01:18:24 I've never had anybody tell me that" he said.
01:18:26 "You don't want to give me a figure? " I said: "No, sir.
01:18:28 The Lord is dealing with you. Whatever He gives
01:18:31 that's exactly what we need. "
01:18:34 Monday morning Dr. Bob's on the phone.
01:18:38 Dr. Bob said: "Danny, I prayed about it
01:18:40 and the first time ever I've ever done this
01:18:44 the Lord gave me a specific amount. "
01:18:47 And I said: "Great! "
01:18:49 And he said: "So I put it in the mail this morning. "
01:18:51 And I said: "Well praise the Lord! Thank you. "
01:18:53 I'm being real cool and calm, right? But my mind's like:
01:18:56 "Oh, man! " So I'm like: "Well thank you; I appreciate it. "
01:19:00 He said: "Well don't you want to know how much it is? "
01:19:02 I said: "I'm dying to know. I just didn't want to, you know,
01:19:04 to press you. " He said: "Well it's already in the mail.
01:19:07 I can't change my mind. We've already got it in the mail. "
01:19:10 So he said: "The Lord impressed me to give you
01:19:13 $250,000. " Now come on, somebody...
01:19:18 Somebody give God the praise.
01:19:21 He's been faithful to me.
01:19:22 Say it with me: He's been faithful to me.
01:19:25 And I'm talking about you. I can say it for me;
01:19:28 you say it for you, right? He's been faithful to me.
01:19:32 God is faithful to you.
01:19:33 He loves blessing His people.
01:19:36 He loves giving you what you need to get the gospel
01:19:39 to the world. So now go up several more years.
01:19:43 I know my time is running short here.
01:19:45 Several more years. We're at Forest Lake Academy.
01:19:47 We're down to the end of the year.
01:19:50 Again the figure we're down: almost $750,000.
01:19:56 This is a long story, so I'm going to make it short as I can
01:19:59 and you still get the picture.
01:20:01 So we're down this time again: $750,000.
01:20:05 So in my testimony I say: "You know what?
01:20:07 We're down but we're not going to be discouraged,
01:20:10 Ryan. We're going to go forward. "
01:20:12 I said: "By January I'm going to get on the air
01:20:15 and tell you... " So Christianity has to be practical
01:20:19 and has to be real for me to tell everybody:
01:20:21 "Oh, God will supply your needs" and then me get discouraged.
01:20:24 That's not any good, right?
01:20:26 So I said: "I'm going to tell you January
01:20:29 you call me or I'll get on the air and I'll tell you
01:20:31 how God bailed us out of this $750,000.
01:20:36 And I knew God would.
01:20:38 Right? By now I know if we're faithful,
01:20:41 we keep to the message, right?
01:20:44 That's what it's all about. The messenger is not important.
01:20:48 It's the message that's important.
01:20:49 So if we give the message
01:20:52 God will honor that in spite of us.
01:20:54 So I come home from Forest Lake Academy
01:20:57 where we had the live program.
01:20:59 So here we are at maybe first of December.
01:21:02 I'm not sure of the date. So we're here
01:21:05 and I get a phone call.
01:21:07 Mollie Sue says... I went home for lunch
01:21:10 and Mollie Sue sittin' over here.
01:21:12 With my hand up, Mollie, I'm tellin' the truth now,
01:21:14 right? There we go. So Mollie Sue
01:21:16 she didn't even hear what I said; I hadn't said it yet
01:21:18 and she said "Yes" so that's good.
01:21:21 That's loyalty. Thank you, Mollie.
01:21:23 No, she knows the story. That's why her hand goes up.
01:21:26 So she said: "There's two people just called
01:21:29 wanting to talk to you. "
01:21:30 One of them is from California
01:21:32 and the other one is from Grand Junction, Colorado. "
01:21:36 And she said: "They both said they had some money
01:21:39 they want to donate, but they want you to call them. "
01:21:42 So I said: "OK. "
01:21:43 So this one has to be quick.
01:21:45 If you haven't heard the whole story, it's worth listening to
01:21:48 some time. But I called the lady
01:21:51 and she said: "Oh Danny, I'm so glad.
01:21:53 I heard you at Forest Lake the other night... "
01:21:56 and she said: "saying you were down 3/4 of a million dollars. "
01:21:59 And she said: "I was so excited
01:22:01 about that. Now I can't give $750,000
01:22:04 but... " she said... "I want to help
01:22:06 and I've got some money but it's cash.
01:22:08 And I'm living by myself and I want you to come
01:22:12 and pick it up. " I said: "You can't put it in the bank? "
01:22:14 "No, I took it out of a bank" she said "over the last
01:22:17 several years 'cause I didn't want everybody knowing where
01:22:20 my money and my business so I'd take out some at a time.
01:22:23 I've got it in my closet
01:22:25 and... " she said... "I have a great big box.
01:22:27 Looks like an orange box with a lid.
01:22:29 And it's all in there. I've got it in stacks of $50,000
01:22:32 with aluminum foil 'cause I don't want the government
01:22:34 flying over and shooting things
01:22:36 and finding out how much money I have in the house" she said.
01:22:40 I said: "OK... that's fine with me. "
01:22:42 Right? What do I know about it?
01:22:44 I don't know everything. So I said: "Well that's great! "
01:22:48 Wonderful lady; she loves 3ABN. She told me all the programs
01:22:52 she liked, what she'd been doing. Been an Adventist
01:22:54 for many many years. So she said: "I'll tell you what?
01:22:57 Would you come out this week and get it? " she said.
01:22:59 "I want to give it to you. " So I said: "Well I hate to ask you
01:23:02 this but I need to know 'cause it's a long way to California
01:23:06 and... " I said... "I can't travel with that kind of money.
01:23:10 I'd have to get a plane to take me out there.
01:23:13 If it's cash, I don't know what to do, "
01:23:16 I said. "I've never faced this with that much money. "
01:23:19 So she said: "Well... " So I said: "So how much is it
01:23:23 total? " She said: "Well, it's 6CMs. "
01:23:27 I said: "Excuse me? "
01:23:29 She said: "It's 6CMs. "
01:23:31 And I said: "Well, you'll have to help me with that one. "
01:23:34 And she said: "Well, didn't you go to school? "
01:23:39 I said: "Yeah, I did. I didn't go a long time.
01:23:43 I just made it through twelve grades is all, but... "
01:23:46 I said... "I did to go school some. "
01:23:48 She said: "Well didn't you ever study Roman numerals? "
01:23:51 I said: "Well I did some, yeah. "
01:23:54 She said: "Well, when you figure it out call me back. "
01:24:00 So now what are you going to do? Right?
01:24:03 So I'm racking my brain: 6CM.
01:24:06 So I said: "I know! C's 100, right?
01:24:09 M's a thousand, right? "
01:24:12 Some of you look at me like you never went to school.
01:24:16 Yvonne... Yvonne's a life-long student. She...
01:24:20 I know she knows. She knows.
01:24:23 So I don't know. So I'm thinking
01:24:25 that she... 'cause big money can be... it's to who it is.
01:24:28 "Is she talking about $6,000?
01:24:31 Would she be talking about $60,000?
01:24:33 Is she talking about $600,000? "
01:24:36 I don't know, so I call her back.
01:24:39 I say to her: "I think I figured it out. "
01:24:44 "Can I tell you how much it is? "
01:24:45 "No... 'cause I don't want anybody hearing. That's why
01:24:48 I said 6CM. People listen on the phone, " she said.
01:24:52 I said: "But we're at a cross- roads 'cause I don't know how to
01:24:57 come out and deal with this if you don't tell me how much
01:25:00 it is. " She said: "Well, I'll tell you what:
01:25:01 if you'll come out I'll make it 7CM's. "
01:25:06 Ooh! I'm like: "OK. " So we're going figure out.
01:25:08 We're going to get out there. So I know it's probably going to be
01:25:10 at least $70,000 so I said: "That's worth it. "
01:25:12 Well the other person that called three minutes after her
01:25:16 that Mollie told me, I called that person and the lady said:
01:25:18 "My husband is not a Christian.
01:25:21 Hasn't been for years. His health is bad.
01:25:23 He probably doesn't have long to live. "
01:25:25 But she said: "You're the only" take this with a grain of salt,
01:25:29 it's not lifting up people, I'm just telling you:
01:25:31 "You're the only person on television that he will watch
01:25:34 that he feels like he trusts
01:25:36 but he still doesn't know. But he says if you'll come out
01:25:38 here personally he has $40,000 of gold he'll give you. "
01:25:42 "Not in the bank but $40,000 of gold coins. "
01:25:46 So I said: "OK. " So I called the Marion Airport.
01:25:49 I want to get a little plane to take me out there.
01:25:51 and I get big Dave Everett. He's about 6'5" or 6'6"
01:25:54 and 260 lbs. My brother-in-law. He's not mean but he just looks
01:25:58 mean: Bruce. And so I said: "We need to get a plane
01:26:01 big enough we can fly out there. " So I called the Marion
01:26:05 Airport and get this. I said: "Now how many stops will this
01:26:10 make and where are you going? " I told them:
01:26:13 "Up in the Oroville, California, area. "
01:26:15 They said: "Well, we can't go all the way non-stop
01:26:18 but we'll have to stop in let's see: a place called
01:26:21 Grand Junction. "
01:26:24 My hand's up now.
01:26:26 Grand Junction. Where did I tell you the call came from?
01:26:28 Grand Junction; Oroville.
01:26:30 Grand Junction. "Now we could have stopped at Denver
01:26:33 but it's better if we stop at Grand Junction. "
01:26:35 I said: "We want to stop in Grand Junction. "
01:26:36 So we go out; we see the lady.
01:26:41 Go to her house. She picks us up.
01:26:44 She's late 80's. Picks us up.
01:26:47 And what happens is she takes us to her house.
01:26:50 Guess what it is. It's a mobile home.
01:26:52 Now I've just come all the way from Illinois, right?
01:26:55 I'm going to a mobile home.
01:26:57 Nice lady but now, is she telling me she's got
01:27:00 all this money? So finally we get there in the car.
01:27:04 She said: "Well, wait till we get to the house. "
01:27:06 So we go to the house. "Oh, I love 3ABN! "
01:27:09 She starts talking. I'm starting to sweat
01:27:12 'cause now wait a minute. I've just rented this plane.
01:27:14 We've gone all the way out here
01:27:15 and I don't know yet how much money she's got.
01:27:18 So finally I say: "I'm sorry to say this:
01:27:22 can we figure out how much money you've got now? "
01:27:24 "Oh, yeah, " she said... "well come in the closet
01:27:25 and take this... pick up this cover. It's a big box. "
01:27:30 And there was all these stacks of money...
01:27:34 all these stacks of money:
01:27:36 $50,000 in each one.
01:27:39 There was $700,000.
01:27:43 $700,000.
01:27:45 Now we needed how much money?
01:27:48 $750,000.
01:27:50 $700,000. She said: "Well yeah, that's simple.
01:27:53 CMs. C's 100; M's 1,000.
01:27:55 You should have figured that out. "
01:27:56 $700,000... dumb me.
01:27:59 So I said: "OK... my bad. "
01:28:02 So we get the money and then she says...
01:28:05 Oh, there's a little safe. It wasn't this big.
01:28:07 We're leaving, she says: "Oh, by the way, take this...
01:28:10 take this safe with you. You want it? "
01:28:13 I said: "Oh, no, that's OK. " What am I going to do
01:28:15 with a little safe? Got no money to put in it.
01:28:17 She said: "Well I think you'll want it. "
01:28:20 I said: "Really? " She said: "Yeah, there's a little bit of
01:28:22 something in there, too: there's $40,000 of gold coins. "
01:28:27 So now we're just $10,000 short.
01:28:30 The Lord said He'll "supply all your needs. "
01:28:32 So I'm: "OK, where's that other $10,000? "
01:28:33 Right? So $740,000.
01:28:36 Now when we leave... now is when I've gotta hurry this story up:
01:28:39 so as we get ready to leave
01:28:40 she said: "Bring the biggest case you can. "
01:28:44 So by faith I got the biggest suitcase I could get
01:28:47 and so it literally filled it up.
01:28:50 And then we had another little box. Filled it up
01:28:53 with all of this money: $700,000 plus the coins.
01:28:57 As we're leaving she says: "Whew!
01:29:00 I've never been so glad to get rid of something
01:29:02 in all my life! "
01:29:05 And I'm like: "How could anybody say that? "
01:29:07 I've never seen that kind of money in my life.
01:29:09 Looked pretty good right then. You know, that was great!
01:29:12 We know what our needs are: $750,000
01:29:15 we believe is our need. So mercy! Here it is!
01:29:18 So we go out to... Things change.
01:29:22 People change when they've got money.
01:29:25 People change when they've got money.
01:29:28 Now, can be for the good or for the better
01:29:30 but people change 'cause I know; I went through it.
01:29:33 I never had money. I had money right now...
01:29:34 at least for the time being, right?
01:29:36 I had $740,000 with me and Big David and Bruce.
01:29:40 So we go out to the airplane and it's got a little
01:29:44 hatch in the back, you lift it up. I've got this big case
01:29:46 and the pilot says: "Here, put this in the back of the plane. "
01:29:51 I said: "No, no... it's coming up with me. "
01:29:54 He said: "You don't want that big case up here
01:29:56 with you. " I said: "Yes I do! "
01:29:58 "No, honestly... it'd be better. Is it real heavy? "
01:30:01 "It's not that heavy. "
01:30:03 "So there's hardly room for you three guys. "
01:30:05 I said: "It's OK... we'll sit together if we have to.
01:30:08 We're not... I'm not separating myself. "
01:30:11 The reason I'm not... The reason I wouldn't put it in the back
01:30:14 end: I saw the hinges. And it was a little door about this big
01:30:18 that opened up bigger.
01:30:19 Reminded me of my friend in town, Mike Adkins,
01:30:22 who is a singer. And Mike said he went to...
01:30:24 to a funeral.
01:30:27 And at the funeral... I guess grandma had died
01:30:30 or grandpa had died and grandma was a...
01:30:32 you know, grieving. And so during the funeral
01:30:36 he said she got up, and he was singing Amazing Grace
01:30:39 how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
01:30:41 Grandma went over and she said: "Oh, Henry. "
01:30:44 She leaned over the casket
01:30:45 the casket hinge came loose and fell on her.
01:30:50 Did that twice, and I said: "Wait a minute.
01:30:52 Who would think about a casket hinge not working?
01:30:54 If that casket hinge doesn't work, what if that airplane
01:30:57 hinge didn't work and now that money
01:31:00 $700,000 flies out in the Rockies somewhere?
01:31:05 No way to get it. That's staying with me.
01:31:07 We're all going to make it or we're all going to go down.
01:31:09 It's going to be one or the other. "
01:31:11 So now we ended up going back. We stopped in...
01:31:14 in Grand Junction on the way back.
01:31:16 Met the man; prayed with him and helped lead him to Jesus.
01:31:19 He wanted... I didn't do much but he wanted to
01:31:21 be there anyway. He gave us $40,000.
01:31:24 So we get home and finally make it back
01:31:27 but my attitude's changing because when she said
01:31:30 "I'll come and get you the next morning. "
01:31:31 We stayed all night at the hotel.
01:31:33 So to the guys with me I said: "I've got to go visit
01:31:35 this lady and her husband. "
01:31:37 I said: "Stay in the room. "
01:31:38 They said: "Well, we're going to go eat breakfast. "
01:31:40 I said: "No you're not! You're going to stay right here
01:31:42 in the room. We are not leaving that money
01:31:44 in that room. " So I said: "I'll stay here while you
01:31:47 go and then when I leave do not leave this room. "
01:31:50 So all of a sudden I'm acting different.
01:31:52 I've got some money there and I'm just totally changing.
01:31:55 So finally we get the money. We come home;
01:31:57 let those guys out. It's about 4 o'clock on Friday.
01:32:01 The bank over here in Galatia... Neal Patterson was the president
01:32:04 at the time - a friend of ours - and so
01:32:07 I called Neal and I said... 'cause I'm thinking
01:32:10 "Man! I've got now about $780,000 cash! "
01:32:15 So I'm going to drive... It's ten or eleven miles
01:32:18 and I'm going to drive over there and what if I had a wreck
01:32:22 and this money flew out? People wouldn't be trying
01:32:25 to help me. They'd be grabbin' the money and running.
01:32:28 Right? "Oh, he'll be all right. "
01:32:31 I'll be bleeding all over... "Oh, he'll be OK. "
01:32:33 "Call an ambulance, somebody. "
01:32:36 You know how people do, right?
01:32:38 Over money people do crazy... So
01:32:40 my mind's working playing tricks on me.
01:32:42 So I call Neal and I say: "Hey Neal. "
01:32:46 I said: "I need you guys to have people stay late
01:32:50 because I've got money that we're going to have to count. "
01:32:54 "It's not a check? " "No... it's cash. "
01:32:56 "Well how much is it? " He knew about the other Kleenex money.
01:33:00 He'd handled that before.
01:33:01 So he said: "How much is it? "
01:33:02 I said: "It's a lot more. " He said: "Well how much?
01:33:04 Can you give me an idea? "
01:33:06 I said: 'Yeah... 7 CM's. "
01:33:12 He said... he said: "How much? "
01:33:16 I said: "You don't know what 7 CM's is? "
01:33:19 He said: "No. " I said: "You're a bank president?
01:33:21 Did you go? " I said: "Did you go to school? "
01:33:26 "Yeah, I went to school. "
01:33:27 I said: "Then you figure it out and let me know.
01:33:29 Just have people there. I'll be... "
01:33:32 I was afraid somebody's listening on my cell phone.
01:33:35 Right? They may have radar, helicopters maybe comin' over.
01:33:39 My mind's going wild on me, right?
01:33:42 So I'm driving over to Galatia like this.
01:33:46 "Oh, what if I run off the road? There's a little curve. "
01:33:49 I'm concentrating on it nearly wrecking myself.
01:33:52 So I get over there. And so the bank's a little bank.
01:33:56 I'm sure it's never been robbed in its history.
01:33:59 And I get out and I lock the car
01:34:00 and I'm looking at the car and I'm looking in the window
01:34:02 of the bank. It's a small bank, right?
01:34:06 I am. I'm telling you: you change when you get that...
01:34:09 So I'm looking over here; I look over here
01:34:12 and I'm thinking... So I peek in the door but I'm still
01:34:16 looking at the car out there. And so I said: "That's not
01:34:19 going to work. I need to bring this big suitcase.
01:34:22 No, what if somebody's in there robbing the bank? "
01:34:25 So finally I say: "Can you ask Neal to come out here,
01:34:28 please? " So Neal comes out and he says:
01:34:30 "Danny, what's going on? " I said: "Neal,
01:34:32 I've got a lot of money here. " "How much is it? "
01:34:34 I said: "We'll talk when we go inside. "
01:34:36 So we go. He says: "Are you kidding? " I said: "No! "
01:34:39 "You grab the safe and the other; I'll grab the suitcase. "
01:34:43 So I'm rolling it in like: whistling.
01:34:46 You know, this is nothing. I'm just Kleenexes or whatever.
01:34:49 It's not money. So I'm really thinking crazy stuff
01:34:53 like: "Oh, man! What a responsibility. "
01:34:55 So I go in. They count for almost 5 hours
01:34:58 to make sure all of this is right.
01:35:00 Finally he gives me a receipt
01:35:02 and I promise you I said to him:
01:35:05 "I have never been so glad to get rid of anything
01:35:07 in my life! " That's with my hand up.
01:35:11 That's true. Never been so glad to get rid of anything
01:35:14 in my life. I could go on and on.
01:35:16 Our time is about gone but I promise you...
01:35:19 I wrote down several things but I want to talk about
01:35:22 the blessings of God. Now we're talking about money
01:35:25 and finances, but souls. The reason He does all this
01:35:28 is for souls We went to Green Bay, WI.
01:35:31 This is as short as I can make it.
01:35:33 After a service a couple came up
01:35:35 and said: "We have to talk to you. " We've interviewed them
01:35:37 and I only asked the crew yesterday 'cause I wanted to
01:35:40 play it today, but we'll get it and re-play it
01:35:43 another time. Interviewed a couple who said:
01:35:45 "We went on vacation. " The guy said: "I'm not a Christian.
01:35:48 My wife wasn't a Christian. We came back and our cable
01:35:51 had been shut off, so the only channel I could get
01:35:53 on at night there at midnight was channel 57
01:35:57 I think up in Green Bay which is 3ABN.
01:35:59 But he said: "I have a pornography magazine
01:36:03 that I circulate and my wife is a madam
01:36:06 and has a lot of prostitutes. "
01:36:08 And so he said: "I was watching TV because
01:36:12 that's what I do. I turn it on and... " he said...
01:36:15 "I listened for a bit and I went to turn it off
01:36:18 and a grey-haired preacher said to me:
01:36:20 'Jesus loves you.
01:36:23 He died for you; made a plan of salvation for you. ' "
01:36:26 And he said: "That preacher was John Carter. "
01:36:30 And he said: "I just was spellbound, and before
01:36:33 I realized it I literally dropped to my knees
01:36:36 and I asked Jesus to come into my life. "
01:36:39 Amen! He said: "I woke my wife up
01:36:41 and I went to tell her and she said: 'What? ' "
01:36:44 You know: "What? " He said: "I've just become a Christian.
01:36:46 "I just got saved, " he said!
01:36:48 "I'm a Christian, " and he said: "I don't know how long it takes
01:36:52 that you need to be a Christian before you can cast out demons
01:36:54 but my wife had some so I was trying. "
01:36:57 He said: "I was trying to cast them out of her. "
01:36:59 So he said: "Finally - it took several weeks -
01:37:02 but they were both in church. We've never been to an Adventist
01:37:04 church in our life, but thank the Lord for 3ABN
01:37:08 because we heard the gospel. "
01:37:10 We were in Grants Pass, OR.
01:37:14 Grants Pass. I was there; E.T. Everett was there.
01:37:16 We had a little group of us doing some music and other stuff
01:37:19 in the evening. And then what happens is
01:37:22 there's a couple sitting right on the front row.
01:37:25 Both of them had dark black hair.
01:37:27 And it was a man and a woman; looked like they were in their
01:37:29 50's and just tears down their... The whole night
01:37:33 literally the whole evening just crying.
01:37:35 So after it was over I was shaking hands.
01:37:37 I said: "E.T., go talk to those folks
01:37:39 and see what's happening in their lives. "
01:37:41 She says to E.T. Everett
01:37:43 "I've been raised in a family of Satanists
01:37:47 and Satan worshipers. "
01:37:49 And she said: "My health has gotten really bad.
01:37:51 My husband, we're Satanists. We have an 11-year-old boy.
01:37:54 We've raised him that way. My folks were Satanists
01:37:57 and my health is really bad.
01:37:59 I've got sugar diabetes; I've got heart problems.
01:38:01 I'm 60 pounds overweight and the doctor said
01:38:04 I have to lose weight. " So she said: "I was sitting in the
01:38:06 doctor's office and somebody said to another patient: 'Have
01:38:10 you watched 3ABN? They've got some good health programs. ' "
01:38:13 So she thought: "I'll go home and watch 3ABN. " She didn't.
01:38:16 She said: "The next week I went back.
01:38:18 Different people in the office and waiting room
01:38:21 and somebody said: "Have you watched 3ABN?
01:38:23 Boy, it's really helped me! I've lost weight. "
01:38:24 So she said: "I went home 'cause the doctor said
01:38:27 'If you don't change, you don't have long to live.
01:38:30 You have to make some drastic changes. ' "
01:38:32 So she said: "I go home and finally I say: 'Well, I've gotta
01:38:34 look up this channel. ' "
01:38:36 And she said: "I turned on the television. "
01:38:38 I'm just going to tell you what she told E.T.
01:38:40 and she told me... E.T. told me.
01:38:42 She said: "I changed the channel
01:38:45 and when I did, somebody was sitting there reading a Bible. "
01:38:49 And she said: "In a matter of seconds
01:38:52 I fell prostrate on my face
01:38:54 and I asked Jesus to come into my life.
01:38:58 The last thing I'd ever intended
01:39:00 but I met Jesus face to face
01:39:02 through somebody reading a Bible. "
01:39:05 So she said: "That's been six months ago.
01:39:07 I've lost nearly 60 pounds. "
01:39:08 She said: "My health is better, and... "
01:39:11 she said: "I'm so glad it happened. I had intended
01:39:13 before I died to kill my husband and my son
01:39:16 because I didn't want them to ever be Christians
01:39:19 to turn out. I wanted them to go to hell with me.
01:39:21 But praise the Lord, this is the first time we've ever been
01:39:24 in a Christian church - an Adventist church -
01:39:27 was when we were there. We watch you on 3ABN
01:39:29 all the time. " That's what, folks: when you give
01:39:32 to 3ABN, that's what's happening around the world.
01:39:35 And we have story after story after story
01:39:38 the same way like that. I don't have time to do it today
01:39:41 but I just want you to know that God is faithful.
01:39:47 God is faithful, and today we do not want to leave
01:39:51 this facility - I know we're going a little bit long here
01:39:54 but we'll be through in a few minutes -
01:39:56 but I want Yvonne to come and sing. Then after Yvonne sings
01:39:59 I'm going to give you a great, great announcement.
01:40:03 I mean, this is one of the greatest things
01:40:06 that I can't wait to share with you.
01:40:08 So right after Yvonne sings...
01:40:10 Don't be thinkin' about it while she's singing
01:40:12 'cause... I'm just kidding.
01:40:15 And she's going to do this song. She really didn't know the song
01:40:19 but I asked her "Would you sing this? "
01:40:21 because it really... It's written by Carol Cymbala
01:40:26 of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. We were able to meet
01:40:29 Jim and Carol and they had us to lunch
01:40:32 and met them. Wonderful people!
01:40:34 And Carol wrote this song. It's an absolutely incredible
01:40:38 song. Says: "He's been faithful to me. "
01:40:41 And Yvonne said: "It's really not... I don't know it
01:40:43 but I'll do the best I can. " So we're praying for you
01:40:46 and I know the Lord will bless. And I want you
01:40:48 to think about your life, your relationship with Jesus
01:40:51 as she sings He's Been Faithful to Me.
01:41:02 In my moments
01:41:06 of fear, through every pain
01:41:12 every tear
01:41:15 there's a God
01:41:18 who's been faithful to me.
01:41:25 When my strength
01:41:30 was all gone
01:41:32 and my heart
01:41:35 had no song
01:41:37 still in love
01:41:42 He's been faithful
01:41:45 to me.
01:41:50 Every word He's promised
01:41:55 is true.
01:41:58 What I thought was impossible
01:42:05 I've seen my God do!
01:42:12 He's been faithful...
01:42:18 faithful to me.
01:42:24 Looking back
01:42:27 His love and mercy
01:42:30 I see.
01:42:35 Though in my heart I have questioned
01:42:40 and failed to believe
01:42:44 but He's been faithful...
01:42:48 faithful to me.
01:42:59 When my heart
01:43:04 looked away,
01:43:06 the many times I couldn't pray
01:43:11 still my God
01:43:14 has proved faithful to me.
01:43:20 The days are spent
01:43:23 so selfishly
01:43:26 reaching out for what pleased me.
01:43:31 And even then
01:43:34 God was faithful to me.
01:43:41 Every time I come back
01:43:46 to Him
01:43:49 He is waiting
01:43:53 with open arms
01:43:56 and I see once again
01:44:02 He's been faithful...
01:44:08 so faithful to me!
01:44:14 Looking back
01:44:17 His love and mercy
01:44:20 I see.
01:44:24 Though in my heart
01:44:28 I have questioned
01:44:30 even failed to believe
01:44:35 yet He's been faithful...
01:44:39 faithful! Oh, in my heart
01:44:44 I have questioned
01:44:47 even failed
01:44:50 to believe
01:44:55 yet God's been faithful...
01:45:00 so faithful
01:45:05 to
01:45:08 me.
01:45:18 Amen!
01:45:20 You can stay here.
01:45:22 God is faithful, isn't He? I'm going to ask
01:45:24 Pastor Doug if he'll come up.
01:45:28 Karen if you want to come up too. If not, feel free to sit.
01:45:32 John, Angie, Kenny, Chris.
01:45:36 Have any other pastors out here?
01:45:40 If you're a pastor and you want to come up here and join us...
01:45:46 Oh, yeah, sure... J.D., Shelley.
01:45:51 Mollie Sue... you're a pastor.
01:45:54 Ryan Day... you're a pastor.
01:45:57 Come on up here.
01:46:03 Greg and Jill Morikone.
01:46:05 I'd like for them to come out.
01:46:09 OK. Terry Gene... you're a pastor.
01:46:13 You want to come up?
01:46:18 I've got a great announcement.
01:46:20 I don't want to make it without Greg and Jill.
01:46:22 They're right there. Where are they? Oh, sorry. I'm looking
01:46:25 back here. No excuse... I'm blind in my right eye
01:46:28 not my left... I just didn't see you.
01:46:30 Come on over here.
01:46:32 I want to talk just for a moment
01:46:34 then we want to have some special prayer.
01:46:36 We want to pray for you, and we want you to pray for us.
01:46:41 And 20 years ago yesterday
01:46:44 I believe God brought you, right?
01:46:47 That's correct. Greg, to 3ABN. That's correct.
01:46:50 I drove my little white car onto the campus of 3ABN
01:46:53 20 years ago yesterday.
01:46:56 It was a Sunday or Monday. And I went to work
01:46:59 on Monday morning not really knowing how to run a camera
01:47:02 or anything like that... but God is faithful.
01:47:04 God is faithful. So 20 years later, we'll fast forward,
01:47:09 you're vice president. You're a production manager.
01:47:14 You wear numerous hats.
01:47:16 But about what? 3 years after Greg, was that? Or less?
01:47:19 How long have you been here now, Jill?
01:47:21 Seventeen years. Seventeen years.
01:47:24 Absolutely incredible people.
01:47:27 What you see on the outside they're even more beautiful
01:47:29 on the inside. Their commitment to God
01:47:32 and to the three angels' messages
01:47:34 is amazing. Their business skills and their senses
01:47:38 and their love for people is absolutely incredible.
01:47:44 Yvonne and I talk about it all the time.
01:47:46 I mean... And I'm not saying this to uplift them
01:47:49 but I'm so thankful you guys have dedicated your time,
01:47:53 your talents, your gifts, your abilities to God.
01:47:56 They work too hard 'cause Jill's sending me texts
01:47:59 at 10:30, 11 at night.
01:48:00 6:30, 7 in the morning Greg's over doing production,
01:48:04 he's getting ready for things like this
01:48:06 and his crew working literally day and night.
01:48:09 And y'all are young enough you can do that right now.
01:48:11 When I remember I was 40
01:48:14 and I was goin' all the time
01:48:16 and somebody said to me: "You're going to have to slow down
01:48:19 'cause if you don't you're going to burn your candle out. "
01:48:22 When you're 40 years old, you're at the top of your game,
01:48:25 right? As they say. You've got health enough
01:48:28 that you're still in great health. You've been around
01:48:30 long enough you've got a little bit of wisdom.
01:48:32 So I said - not on purpose but almost arrogantly -
01:48:36 "Hey, I'd rather have my candle lit at both ends
01:48:40 and burn out too soon than not have it ever been lit. "
01:48:45 Well, that's OK for a while.
01:48:47 But as you get older you realize
01:48:49 there are times you need to slow down.
01:48:52 So I've asked Greg and the Board asked him
01:48:55 and Jill's the COO, she's operating officer
01:48:59 and wears numerous hats.
01:49:01 Incredible as a team.
01:49:03 I've never seen anything like it. So I've asked
01:49:05 Greg to come and help. The Board said: "Greg,
01:49:09 we need help. " I need help with day-to-day operations.
01:49:11 Now y'all've been doing it anyway for some time.
01:49:15 But I want to... My life is 3ABN.
01:49:19 It always will be.
01:49:20 So I'm not resigning lest anybody say:
01:49:22 "Danny's quitting... Danny's resigning. "
01:49:25 I couldn't. I just gave them a talk about never quitting,
01:49:27 right? That's right... don't quit. Never give up.
01:49:29 So... but what I want to do as our Board has asked
01:49:32 Greg if he would take over the responsibilities
01:49:36 of the day-to-day 3ABN and become the president of 3ABN
01:49:41 and I can go back...
01:49:50 All right. Love you guys.
01:49:53 I love you guys. Have a tremendous amount of respect...
01:49:56 And they told me I have to stay around and help
01:49:59 not that I'm that much help. He's a lot of help!
01:50:02 He's a lot of fun to be around as well.
01:50:03 He's a great encouragement. Yeah, we're so thankful
01:50:05 you're not retiring and leaving and this is not it.
01:50:07 Yeah, for sure. I want to just say a few words
01:50:10 if I can. It's an emotional day for me.
01:50:14 3ABN has meant a lot to my family through the years.
01:50:17 Remember those giant dishes, those 10' dishes, right?
01:50:20 So I remember years ago I was a young man
01:50:23 and my mom and dad couldn't afford it so we got a used
01:50:26 big dish, 10' dish. I helped my dad with a post-hole digger.
01:50:29 We dug the hole; put the 10' dish in.
01:50:31 We were so excited 'cause in rural West Virginia
01:50:33 down in a holler we got 3ABN!
01:50:36 Wow! It was amazing right in our own living room.
01:50:38 We saw the projects such as 3ABN Russia.
01:50:42 And my sister and I would grow strawberries
01:50:46 and send the money to 3ABN.
01:50:49 Amen! I remember we got a little cassette tape.
01:50:52 That's when cassette tapes were kind of in, I guess.
01:50:54 A cassette tape of Gerilynn, your niece, it was
01:50:57 I got as a little gift, and then when the building across the
01:51:00 street was being built - 1995? 1996? -
01:51:04 we sent a little more money in. We grew watermelons.
01:51:08 It's an emotional day for me.
01:51:13 All right. Take your time.
01:51:28 I'm not qualified.
01:51:30 Praise the Lord; He'll qualify you.
01:51:34 Yeah, But God provides all that we need, and He is faithful.
01:51:38 He's been faithful to me... faithful to Jill and myself.
01:51:41 And we are blessed to be a part of the ministry of 3ABN
01:51:44 and we're partnering with each one of you.
01:51:46 Mr. Danny, Dr. Yvonne: it's a special day.
01:51:49 We have nothing to give but ourselves.
01:51:53 But God is faithful, and I'm so encouraged by that.
01:51:56 And I'm looking forward to the future.
01:51:57 God has great plans for the ministry of 3ABN.
01:52:00 All God asks us to do like you said for many years
01:52:03 "What do you have in your hand? " "God, it's just me
01:52:06 so do what You can" and make ourselves available.
01:52:08 I appreciate the whole team that we have to work with.
01:52:11 I appreciate each one of you, those that are joining
01:52:13 through the airwaves: what a blessing to be partnering
01:52:16 with you. And thank you, Mr. Danny, for still being here
01:52:18 by our side working together. Looking forward to the future.
01:52:20 Yeah, it's part of my life. I've been over 1/2 of my life...
01:52:24 I'm 68... this November it's 35 years.
01:52:28 It's over half my life, so Yvonne and I aren't going
01:52:31 anywhere. We're still here... Praise the Lord for that!
01:52:34 assisting you with whatever we can do.
01:52:36 But it's too big a job for any one person.
01:52:39 For those of you that say: "Well the times of the knights
01:52:43 in shining armor are gone" I have to give you hopefully
01:52:47 this little story about Greg and Jill.
01:52:49 I said to them a few weeks... well, a few months ago...
01:52:52 We've talked about it. Those of you on the air
01:52:55 you've heard me say they've been if we can use the term
01:52:58 "grooming" for years to take over the day-to-day operations,
01:53:02 and for them to be, either one. So I talked to them, I said:
01:53:06 "Either one of you are quali- fied; you could be president.
01:53:08 You have the commitment; you have everything you need.
01:53:11 You're brilliant in mind. I mean, dedicated...
01:53:16 unbelievably so. Never worry about compromising
01:53:19 the message - the undiluted three angels' messages. "
01:53:23 Not these two. They're nicer than I am
01:53:25 and they won't get in your face like I do
01:53:27 but they still will stand their ground
01:53:29 and you're not going to... I'm a little more emotional
01:53:31 you know and go right at stuff. But they are solid!
01:53:35 So I said to them: "Either one of you could be president.
01:53:38 You're both qualified; you both do a great job. "
01:53:42 And I can't believe in a position like this we can have
01:53:45 two people - a husband and wife - that either one
01:53:48 3ABN's going to flourish.
01:53:50 So I said: "I'll let you two decide. "
01:53:53 Greg said: "Well, then I guess I should be president. "
01:53:59 Well that could mean several things.
01:54:01 If you stop you say: "Well, maybe it's just the husband
01:54:04 thinking 'Well, I should be the head. ' "
01:54:06 You know, maybe: "I'm the man; I should... "
01:54:10 and he finished the sentence. He said: "Well,
01:54:12 based on everything I guess I should be president
01:54:16 and here's why. "
01:54:17 He said: "I see the darts that people have been throwing
01:54:21 at you in this position and the ministry
01:54:23 for so many years. I cannot let my wife
01:54:26 take those darts. I'm going to stand...
01:54:29 I'm going to stand in front of her. "
01:54:36 He said: "It's my job to shield her from all the attacks
01:54:41 that are coming this way. " And Greg, that's a
01:54:45 great thing for you to say.
01:54:47 And I've asked Doug Batchelor to come and maybe say
01:54:51 a special prayer. And we want to kind of get around these folk
01:54:53 and lay hands on them because the times...
01:54:56 You really have no idea the things that people can do
01:55:00 and say. They can write books about you;
01:55:02 they can tell all kinds of lies.
01:55:04 And it's a shame that people in churches
01:55:06 when they hear something will say: "Oh, I didn't know
01:55:09 he was that bad. That's terrible! "
01:55:11 Instead of saying: "Wait. What are you saying?
01:55:15 Is this gossip? Is it true? "
01:55:17 It's OK... people should be held accountable.
01:55:19 But we seem to have - many of us - itching ears.
01:55:22 We just want to hear gossip. We jump on any one thing.
01:55:25 You can't imagine. Doug knows the controversy
01:55:28 that goes on around you at Amazing Facts.
01:55:31 Everybody up here has been that.
01:55:33 If you've not been in this position,
01:55:35 I can tell you it's no fun. But you know what?
01:55:38 I'll say this till the day I die:
01:55:40 "If I could do anything I wanted to do in my whole life,
01:55:44 be anywhere that I wanted to be,
01:55:46 I'd be right here doing what I'm doing right now. "
01:55:48 It's all been worth it.
01:55:50 Everything's been worth it. First moment of eternity
01:55:53 we'll look up and say: "Lo! This is our God
01:55:55 whom we have waited for. He has come to save us. "
01:55:58 And so I'm so thankful, but thank you for carrying
01:56:02 the load that you've been carrying anyway.
01:56:04 But I just wanted to make it official.
01:56:06 And Jill carries tremendous responsibility.
01:56:10 Greg can help more. They each have gifts
01:56:12 as Greg said, each other, that's just a hand and glove fit
01:56:16 and is so beautiful. So thank both of you.
01:56:18 I love you with all my heart. Yvonne does, too.
01:56:20 We love you, too. We didn't do this for any other reason
01:56:23 that we feel that it's time. And we're still here
01:56:27 as we said. Going nowhere unless you want us to.
01:56:29 No! No! We don't want them to go anywhere! I will
01:56:31 admit now last week it was... I never really thought about it
01:56:35 but I did buy a little used bass boat.
01:56:37 So I may be gone a little bit, you know, fishing once in a
01:56:40 while. But other than that, I'll be here. I've got my cell phone.
01:56:42 Amen... that's good. OK... Pastor Doug.
01:56:45 Absolutely. Father in heaven, we're
01:56:48 very thankful for just this reminder
01:56:52 of the truth that You are faithful.
01:56:55 And Lord, we look back and we see
01:56:58 in our lives just how many times You've been so patient
01:57:02 and loving, faithful. You provided
01:57:04 through the history of this ministry
01:57:07 we've seen just miracle after miracle
01:57:09 all the way to this very day.
01:57:11 And we have faith You will continue to provide
01:57:14 and to bless. And Lord, this is a very important moment.
01:57:17 Um-hmm. It harkens back to times in the Word
01:57:20 where living leaders conferred and transferred blessing
01:57:24 on others who were to take up the mantle
01:57:27 as Moses with Joshua.
01:57:30 As David with Solomon.
01:57:32 As Elijah with Elisha.
01:57:34 And for each of them, You then equipped the new leader
01:57:38 with special gifts that would be unique
01:57:41 to their personality and the needs of the day.
01:57:44 Right now we pray that You will look down, Lord,
01:57:47 from heaven and in a special way
01:57:50 bless both Greg and Jill
01:57:53 with the special power of Your Spirit.
01:57:56 As Samuel poured the oil on David Your Spirit came upon him.
01:58:00 Right now, Lord, we pray that that Spirit will once again
01:58:03 fall. As You gave a double por- tion of Elijah's mighty spirit
01:58:07 to Elisha, do that again.
01:58:10 The needs, the requirements,
01:58:14 the demands are very great
01:58:16 but we know that with all things You are able.
01:58:20 And so we pray that You'll continue to bless.
01:58:22 We ask Your blessing on Danny, Yvonne, the whole team
01:58:26 and continue to give them strength, life, and wisdom
01:58:29 as they help shepherd and guide.
01:58:31 And just empower every part of the ministry
01:58:34 that it may proclaim the good news
01:58:37 and there'll be a great harvest in Your kingdom.
01:58:39 We thank you, Lord, for the Sabbath
01:58:41 and we just give ourselves all to You afresh.
01:58:44 And we look to You with joy 'cause we know that You are on
01:58:46 the throne and You are leading and You are faithful.
01:58:49 And it's in Christ's name we pray, Amen. Amen.
01:58:53 We're hoping... My hope and prayer is each and every
01:58:56 one of you will show tremendous support.
01:58:59 And we're going to ask you to do something. We want you
01:59:01 to be a part of the miracle that we're going to share in January
01:59:04 for the million dollars that we're down.
01:59:06 We know God will do it but we're asking each of you
01:59:08 do your part and help do this. It's not our ministry.
01:59:11 It's all of our ministries.
01:59:13 And so it's yours as well as ours.
01:59:15 But Doug, before we close here I just want you...
01:59:18 Would you give them? If anybody would be in a position
01:59:22 that's been through it could give some advice to
01:59:24 Greg and Jill, you and Karen, what would you say to them
01:59:28 in just a few minutes? Put on the armor of God!
01:59:34 That's good. Yeah, I just... I'd say: "You know, God
01:59:39 will never... what do they say? The will of God will never
01:59:42 lead you where the grace of God will not keep you. "
01:59:45 That's good. As long as you know you're walking in His will
01:59:47 He'll provide everything you need for ministry.
01:59:49 And I know you know that. Amen!
01:59:51 All right. Bro. John... a word for them?
01:59:54 Yes. Danny, you've been saying it all morning.
01:59:57 I want to give you your first box of tissues.
02:00:05 Fifty thousand dollars.
02:00:07 You keep pulling the paper out! I wanted to help
02:00:12 but all I had was some little heart medicine.
02:00:14 Angie... sweetheart.
02:00:18 They're doin' their own thing those two.
02:00:22 They're sisters. Greg, I...
02:00:28 Greg, when he was my head elder,
02:00:31 even though he had great responsibilities at 3ABN
02:00:34 he was always on the cutting edge:
02:00:38 "Pastor, don't forget this. " "There's somebody here today.
02:00:41 Here's their name. Don't forget that. "
02:00:44 And I've watched Greg grow. I've looked back at some of the
02:00:46 video tapes. I remember when I used to call Jill Julie.
02:00:50 I just could not remember her name.
02:00:53 But we have watched you both grow
02:00:55 in such a way that we are praising God.
02:00:59 There are tears in our hearts and tears of joy
02:01:02 because we look back, Danny, and we see that this day
02:01:06 is not coincidental. But God saw you both
02:01:10 as young people. God saw Danny's journey
02:01:14 and He said: "I've gotta put two people in this position
02:01:17 that I know I can trust, that I know are faithful. "
02:01:21 And I'm amazed. I don't know how Jill does it.
02:01:25 I don't know where she gets the brain power,
02:01:28 but I've seen Jill in the toughest of moments
02:01:31 maintain... We call her "the steel magnolia. "
02:01:37 Because don't let her exterior fool you.
02:01:40 The steel butterfly.
02:01:42 And Greg I know as a husband a man of great wisdom
02:01:45 and integrity who protects his wife.
02:01:48 Who is faithful to the Lord. We know that the future is bright.
02:01:51 As Pastor Doug says we also say:
02:01:54 don't ever wake up without put- ting on the whole armor of God.
02:01:58 Amen! Thank you, Pastor. Kenny?
02:02:00 God a little word of wisdom? We've got just 2 or 3 minutes
02:02:03 here before our time goes out.
02:02:05 You got any wisdom for them? We're always praying for
02:02:08 wisdom, you know, and wisdom comes from God.
02:02:11 And we're thrilled with the announcement.
02:02:13 We know that God's going to use you in a very very special way.
02:02:16 Only advice I could give - Chris may have something else -
02:02:18 you know: turn your eyes upon Jesus.
02:02:21 Oh, thank you. Continue to look to Jesus: the Author
02:02:23 and Finisher of your faith. The thing the devil hates most
02:02:26 is those who stay close to Christ.
02:02:28 And when you stay close to Christ, the enemy can't stand
02:02:30 Christ and so he goes away.
02:02:32 So stay close to Him; keep your eyes on Him.
02:02:34 Lift up the truth always.
02:02:37 Lift up the truth; never compromise what is truth.
02:02:40 God has given you a mission. 3ABN is to lift that mission
02:02:43 of giving the three angels' messages to the world.
02:02:45 Stay true to that vision. Stay true to God.
02:02:49 Amen! This is what this station is raised for:
02:02:51 Danny mentioned beautifully today: win souls to the kingdom.
02:02:54 Keep doing the same work. God will bless you for it.
02:02:57 Mollie Sue? Love you, my friend.
02:02:59 Mollie and Hal were young pastors when I first met them.
02:03:01 Charismatic pastors.
02:03:03 Had a large church, one of the largest in southern Illinois
02:03:06 about 2,000. They joined us here and joined the Adventist church.
02:03:10 Mollie, so you and Hal have been through it.
02:03:12 You've been through the good and the bad.
02:03:14 Any advice here? We've got a couple minutes here before we
02:03:17 go off the air? Well, I've watched these two
02:03:20 as the others have said, grow.
02:03:22 And it has been such an encouragement to me
02:03:26 to see them stay... What is it? True...
02:03:30 true to the pole... as the needle to the pole.
02:03:32 Their integrity runs deep.
02:03:36 And what you see is what you get. We were always
02:03:39 able to say that about Danny. "Honey, what you see
02:03:42 is what you get. " Which is... sorry...
02:03:48 No, integrity. I think that's the word in this ministry
02:03:53 is people that have integrity.
02:03:54 And you know what integrity is?
02:03:56 Doin' right 'cause it's right to do right.
02:03:58 And that's what I see in Greg and Jill.
02:04:00 They don't have to second-think it.
02:04:02 They don't have to say: "Now what should we do in this
02:04:04 situation? " They will do right because it's right to do right
02:04:08 because that's what's in them.
02:04:09 J.D. Thank you, Mollie.
02:04:11 You know, we have no children.
02:04:14 Shelley and I have no children
02:04:16 but if I was, speaking for both of us,
02:04:20 if we had children these would be our children.
02:04:23 Amen! Honored to have you as parents.
02:04:29 You know, it just brings joy into our heart
02:04:33 to know that on our scorecard
02:04:37 you are prepared. With the power that Jesus is going to give you,
02:04:44 thank you - we'll be able to continue to go forward
02:04:47 and finish this race. Amen!
02:04:51 These two people are so humble.
02:04:55 And you know, humility is total dependence upon God.
02:04:59 So that's what I would tell you is the only way you can be
02:05:02 for this is to stay dependent and protect your marriage.
02:05:08 Protect your marriage 'cause we know the devil will come
02:05:11 against you. But pray for them.
02:05:13 They're precious young people and I'm so excited and so proud.
02:05:18 We've got 2 minutes on the clock. Greg and Jill,
02:05:20 it's your time.
02:05:25 It's an emotional day.
02:05:27 God called Danny 35 years ago
02:05:30 to build a television station that would reach the world
02:05:34 with the undiluted three angels' messages,
02:05:36 one that would counteract the counterfeit.
02:05:39 For 35 years he has remained faithful to that vision.
02:05:45 We are all here because God called him.
02:05:48 And I am so grateful that you are here
02:05:52 and so grateful that our heavenly Father is faithful.
02:05:55 In the midst of our inadequacies,
02:05:59 in the midst of us just being Greg and Jill,
02:06:01 God can still use each one of us and I'm so grateful for that.
02:06:06 I think of the scripture that says what? "Not by might
02:06:09 nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts. "
02:06:13 So we're looking forward going forward because
02:06:16 God's going to do great things.
02:06:17 Yes! We appreciate Danny and his leadership
02:06:19 through all the years. He's not going anywhere like he said.
02:06:22 The responsibility is great
02:06:24 but God is greater, right? That's right!
02:06:26 So we look forward with great hope to the future.
02:06:29 Amen! The future is bright, and I'm so excited
02:06:32 with the plans and initiatives
02:06:34 that we're talking about with our executive team
02:06:36 and from the 3ABN Board of Directors.
02:06:38 New avenues and ways to spread the gospel
02:06:42 because that's what it's all about.
02:06:44 I want to go home. I don't know about you
02:06:46 but we want to go home.
02:06:48 Jesus is coming back for a purified bride
02:06:51 and a purified people
02:06:53 and He says: "I want you to come home and be with Me. "
02:06:57 And not just us but our challenge,
02:07:00 our mission, is to spread this message
02:07:04 in our neighborhood, in our community, and to the world.
02:07:07 So so grateful that you are here
02:07:10 partnering with the ministry of 3ABN to spread the gospel.
02:07:13 And we're so thankful for you at home
02:07:15 that you have joined hands with us
02:07:18 to spread that gospel message.
02:07:20 You know, in closing let's just actually stand for prayer
02:07:22 and we'll go off the air as we pray and thank the Lord
02:07:24 for what He is doing and for His faithfulness to each one of us.
02:07:27 Father in heaven, we thank you for today.
02:07:29 Thank you for Your faithfulness.
02:07:31 Thank you for the inspiring message that Mr. Danny has
02:07:34 brought to us. I thank you for the people
02:07:35 that are here and their faithfulness to You.
02:07:38 Lord, thank you for 3ABN and as the message goes out
02:07:41 may many more souls be won to Your kingdom.
02:07:44 In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


Revised 2020-03-02