3ABN Homecoming

God of Love, God of Justice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC210006S

00:01 Three Angels Broadcasting Network
00:02 is pleased to bring you something better,
00:06 a faith inspiring picture of a loving God
00:08 from the Book of Hebrews.
00:11 Welcome to 3ABN's Virtual Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:16 Welcome back to 3ABN Fall Homecoming Camp Meeting.
00:19 And I tell you what a blessing
00:21 we've had already here at camp meeting.
00:22 It's amazing.
00:23 It's already Friday afternoon,
00:25 and we've already been filled up, haven't we?
00:27 I can see you and hear you saying your amens
00:30 and taking notes there at home.
00:32 Thank you for being a part of our 3ABN family.
00:35 Of course, we miss you being here.
00:37 But praise the Lord, we can do this virtually
00:39 and still join and you can join with us
00:41 here in Thompsonville/West Frankfort, Illinois.
00:44 Praise God for technology
00:45 that the gospel can still go out
00:47 around the world.
00:48 I have the privilege right now of introducing
00:52 the love of my life.
00:53 And that's Jill Morikone.
00:55 Of course, my wife, we just passed our anniversary,
00:59 we've been married 19 years,
01:01 which to some of you that even been married 60 years
01:04 or 50 years, you're like, Oh, you're just the baby.
01:07 But I have to say
01:08 what an incredible blessing Jill is to me.
01:10 And those 19 years have just absolutely flown by.
01:14 You know, she's been my friend for 25 years.
01:18 We knew each other back in school.
01:20 And I was talking to her the other day, and I said, wow,
01:22 you know, sweetie, I've known you
01:24 more than half my life.
01:26 I'm only in my 40s.
01:27 And so I said, "Well,
01:29 this is an incredible blessing."
01:30 So I just praise the Lord that we can minister together
01:33 with you at the Ministry of 3ABN.
01:36 You know, Jill is a woman of detail.
01:39 And a list lady, as many of you say
01:41 because you watched Sabbath School panel,
01:43 and she loves lists.
01:44 She's a woman of detail.
01:46 She's a woman who cares for others.
01:48 And I have to say she cares for me,
01:50 I'm so blessed by.
01:53 She's also a woman that stands for what is right,
01:56 and a woman of the Word and she loved to share.
01:59 She loves to share and to teach the Word of God.
02:03 The message that she's bringing to us today
02:05 is entitled God of love, God of justice.
02:09 Now, the music today is going to be
02:10 at the end of her message.
02:11 And that's going to be brought by Ryan and Tim.
02:15 But at this time, I want to welcome Jill here
02:16 to the platform.
02:21 Thank you so much, sweetheart.
02:22 What a privilege to have your husband introduce you,
02:25 that's really special.
02:27 I feel like I need to say Happy Sabbath
02:29 because I'm standing here in the Worship Center stage.
02:32 But we are in the middle of camp meeting,
02:34 and it's Friday afternoon.
02:35 What an incredible camp meeting it's been already.
02:39 We're so glad that you have joined us at home
02:42 and glad for our family that's here in the audience.
02:46 That's such a blessing
02:47 to open up the Word of God, to fellowship together
02:50 as we look at this entire theme of camp meeting
02:52 something better.
02:54 As Greg mentioned, the theme of my message for this hour
02:59 is God of love, God of justice.
03:03 How do you reconcile a loving God
03:07 who also brings judgment?
03:10 You know, to be honest with you.
03:12 This is a subject that I have sometimes tried to avoid
03:15 when I was growing up.
03:17 And even in my 20s and probably 30s,
03:19 I avoided some of those verses in the Word of God
03:22 that appeared that God was harsh,
03:24 or God was unloving.
03:26 But yet 2 Timothy 3:16 tells us,
03:28 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God
03:31 and all scripture is inspired."
03:34 So what do we do with those verses
03:37 in the Word of God that we struggle with?
03:39 How do we handle that?
03:41 What do we do with that?
03:42 He's a God of love.
03:44 He is clearly the God who raises the dead,
03:46 who heals the sick, who sets the captives free.
03:49 He enables the lame to walk
03:51 and the blind to see and the deaf to hear.
03:53 He forgives our sins,
03:56 He redeems our life from destruction.
03:58 He breaks the chains of sin and addiction.
04:02 He's the God who forgives, who heals, who cleanses,
04:06 who sanctifies, who loves us, who accepts us
04:11 no matter what we've done,
04:12 no matter where we've been,
04:14 He's the God who accepts us.
04:16 He cherishes us and He redeems us.
04:19 But at the same time, He's the God of justice.
04:22 How do we reconcile the God of love on this side
04:27 with a God of justice over here?
04:30 How can He be the God who delivered the Israelites?
04:33 That's love, is it not?
04:35 That is the God of love.
04:36 But how did He deliver them?
04:38 By destroying the entire Egyptian army
04:42 in the Red Sea.
04:44 That's a God of justice.
04:45 How can He be the God that ordered the destruction
04:50 of all the Canaanite nations
04:52 when the children of Israel went
04:54 to inhabit the Promised Land?
04:57 How can He be the God who would cast the wicked
05:01 into the lake of fire at the end of time
05:04 not to be burned eternally,
05:06 but they will be in fire and will be burned up.
05:11 How do we reconcile this God of love
05:15 with a God who brings justice?
05:18 And sometimes it's not even the God who brings justice.
05:21 Sometimes it's the God who allows
05:24 bad things to happen in this world.
05:27 God is sovereign, is He not?
05:29 And if He is sovereign, what does that mean?
05:32 That means He's in control of everything.
05:34 That means if you are sick, He can heal you.
05:36 Praise the Lord for that.
05:38 But does that mean everyone's healed?
05:40 No.
05:41 So what do we do with that?
05:43 Does that mean that He can redeem us?
05:46 Absolutely.
05:47 Does that mean that some people tonight
05:50 will go to bed hungry?
05:52 Yes.
05:53 Could He provide food?
05:54 He provided food through the ravens for Elijah,
05:56 did He not?
05:58 God can provide food, but yet sometimes
06:03 He chooses not to
06:05 and some people go to bed hungry.
06:07 So how do we reconcile that?
06:08 Our opening scripture is 1 John 4:8,
06:12 you know, the scripture open it up at home,
06:14 1 John 4:8,
06:17 "He who does not love does not know God,
06:21 for God, He's love."
06:25 Everything we study today
06:26 will be looked at through that scripture,
06:28 through the lens of a God of love.
06:31 We're going to look at a God of justice,
06:34 a God of judgment through the lens of a God of love.
06:37 Let's pray.
06:39 Holy Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus.
06:41 This is Your time.
06:43 We are Your children.
06:46 And we ask right now
06:48 for the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.
06:51 I pray that Your Word,
06:53 your character would come alive.
06:57 And You would speak to us just now.
07:00 And God, could You speak through me?
07:03 And I thank You in the precious,
07:05 in the holy name of Jesus.
07:07 Amen.
07:09 It was a Monday night.
07:10 I don't know about you what you do on Monday night,
07:14 maybe you have Monday Night Football,
07:15 but for many years, in my life,
07:18 at least five years, Monday night was jail night.
07:21 That meant we went to the woman
07:23 and there are several women here
07:24 who have participated in jail night.
07:26 That meant that we went to our local county,
07:30 we went to the jail, and we gave Bible studies
07:32 to the women there in jail.
07:35 And I'll never forget this particular night,
07:37 we were having studying,
07:38 I noticed a girl I had never seen before.
07:41 And I said, "Oh, what's your name?
07:42 We're so glad you came to the study."
07:44 And she said, "My name is Crystal."
07:46 Now that's not her real name.
07:47 We just called her that, my name is Crystal.
07:50 She said, "I don't have any use for God."
07:53 And I thought, wow,
07:54 but you're in a Bible study, right?
07:55 What are you doing in a Bible study?
07:57 Praise the Lord. She's in a Bible study.
07:59 And so I said, that's okay.
08:01 We're just glad you came tonight.
08:03 And so we went around and shared prayer requests.
08:05 And she said, "I don't want to talk to God.
08:07 I don't have any use for God.
08:09 I'm not giving any prayer requests."
08:10 And we said, "That's okay.
08:11 We're just glad you're here.
08:13 And then it came time for prayer.
08:15 And in jail, we always stand and hold hands
08:17 with a woman in a circle.
08:19 And she kind of stood back.
08:21 I don't want to, I don't want to pray.
08:22 And one of the girls said, "Come on, Crystal,
08:24 if you are coming to Bible study,
08:27 you got to pray."
08:28 So she came reluctantly and held hands,
08:31 and we prayed.
08:32 And then we began the study
08:34 and the study that particular night was on forgiveness,
08:36 and the forgiveness that Jesus extends to us
08:39 and the forgiveness we can extend to others.
08:41 And as we were having the study,
08:43 I kept praying in my mind,
08:44 God, what is the source of Crystal's angst with You?
08:47 Why is Crystal upset with you?
08:50 God, can You break through to her heart.
08:53 And about halfway through the study,
08:55 the breakthrough occurred.
08:56 One of the women there said,
08:59 "You all know that I have cancer.
09:01 I believe that I developed cancer,
09:04 because of a resentment
09:06 that I held on to for many years."
09:09 And I thought, "Oh, wow."
09:11 True, our emotions can affect our health.
09:13 There's truth in that.
09:15 But we also know we live in a world of sin, do we not?
09:17 And that many times the things that happened to us
09:20 have nothing to do with even choices we made
09:22 and it's just the result of the world of sin we live in.
09:24 And I didn't know how the girls in the jail
09:26 Bible study would take that particular thought.
09:30 And instantly Crystal spoke up.
09:32 And she said, "What sort of a resentment
09:34 does an eight year old child hold on to."
09:37 And I said, "What do you mean?"
09:40 And she said, "My eight year old son died
09:41 six months ago."
09:43 Cancer.
09:44 You cannot tell me that was his fault.
09:47 And instantly it was like wow, God,
09:50 that is the source of her angst with God.
09:52 That is why she struggled with God.
09:55 And I said, "Crystal, tell me,
09:56 do you believe that God caused him to develop answer."
10:00 And she said, "No, I don't.
10:02 But He could have stopped it, and He didn't."
10:07 We're back again to the sovereignty of God,
10:11 this God of love, this God of justice.
10:14 How do we reconcile the two?
10:17 Turn with me to the Book of Deuteronomy,
10:19 I'm going to give you five keys coming up,
10:21 as Greg mentioned, you know, I like lists.
10:24 But that's coming a little bit later.
10:26 We're going to look first at how some of these verses
10:30 that are sometimes heavy,
10:31 and sometimes difficult to read,
10:34 but where we see the justice of God.
10:36 We're going to the Book of Deuteronomy.
10:38 Now Deuteronomy is an incredible book,
10:40 and you see a great deal of God's love in this book.
10:43 We actually just finished it with our Sabbath School panel.
10:46 We're going to be studying it for fourth quarter.
10:49 And we did the entire study on that.
10:51 And Deuteronomy, of course,
10:52 is the retelling of the Covenant,
10:55 the reaffirmation of the Covenant.
10:57 The children of Israel have been 40 years
11:00 wandering in the wilderness as a result of the sin
11:05 that they committed years earlier.
11:07 And so they're just about there at the borders
11:09 of the Promised Land at the cusp,
11:10 the very cusp as it were,
11:12 and they're just ready to enter the Promised Land.
11:16 And in Deuteronomy 32,
11:17 Moses is talking right at the end of his life,
11:20 talking to these people
11:21 that he led for all these years,
11:22 talking to these people that he loves.
11:25 Deuteronomy 32:39, and he reminds them,
11:30 first of all, of what God has done for them.
11:32 And then he tells them,
11:34 this is what's going to happen to you if you are abstinent.
11:37 If you turn your back on God, if you do your own thing,
11:41 and if you worship other idols, judgment will come upon you.
11:46 Deuteronomy 32:39, "Now see that I, even I, am He,
11:51 there is no God besides Me,
11:53 I am God, overall, I am sovereign."
11:57 I kill, did you catch that word?
11:59 God kills.
12:01 "I kill and I make alive,
12:04 I wound and I heal,
12:09 nor is there any who can deliver Me
12:11 from My hand."
12:15 Let's go to another scripture.
12:16 This one's in Exodus, Exodus Chapter 22.
12:19 This is, of course,
12:20 part of the Sinaitic covenant that's given.
12:22 And the heart of that, of course,
12:23 is God's Ten Commandment law of love found in Exodus 20.
12:27 But we're going to Exodus 22:22-24.
12:32 "You shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child.
12:35 If you afflict them in any way, and if they cry at all to Me,
12:40 I will hear their cry."
12:41 And what's He going to do?
12:43 Verse 24, "My wrath will become hot,
12:46 I will kill you with the sword,
12:49 and your wives will be widows, and your children,
12:54 they're going to be fatherless."
12:56 So what you have experienced
12:58 if you inflict punishment on those people,
13:02 I'm going to give you your medicine.
13:06 Let's look at the Book of Isaiah.
13:07 We're going to look at two different passages
13:09 and then we'll jump into our five keys.
13:11 We're going to Isaiah 66 first,
13:13 then we're going to Isaiah Chapter 13.
13:15 Isaiah 66 shows judgments
13:19 against those who have pushed back against God,
13:22 against those who have wandered in their own way.
13:25 And specifically, this is judgment against
13:27 the house of Israel, against the house of Judah.
13:30 So you could say,
13:32 these are judgments against God's chosen people.
13:36 Isaiah 66:16, "For by fire,
13:42 and by His sword, that's God,
13:45 the Lord will judge all flesh,
13:48 and a slain of the Lord shall be many."
13:51 So they are judged, why are they judged?
13:55 Why is the Lord gonna judge all flesh?
13:56 And why will the slain of the Lord be many?
14:01 Verse 6, we're in Isaiah 66, jump back to verse 6,
14:04 "The sound of noise from the city!
14:06 A voice from the temple!
14:07 The voice of the Lord, who fully repays His enemies!"
14:12 They're judged,
14:13 because they fought against God.
14:16 Verse 3, jump back to Isaiah 66.
14:19 Just a couple of verses back, verse 3,
14:21 "He who kills a bull is as if he slays a man,
14:26 He who sacrifices a lamb, as if he breaks a dog's neck."
14:28 Now wait a minute,
14:30 what in the world is Isaiah talking about here?
14:32 Of course, the sacrificial system
14:34 was godly, was it not?
14:36 It was instituted, the children of Israel did it
14:38 with a tabernacle service in the wilderness,
14:41 and they carry this forward into the temple,
14:44 they word this is how they worshiped God.
14:46 So Isaiah is talking, God is talking to His people,
14:51 and the manner in which they worship Him.
14:52 They're supposed to slay the lamb
14:55 that was part of their worship service.
14:58 Symbolic, of course, of Jesus the Lamb of God
15:01 who would come and take away the sin of the world.
15:03 And yet, they're sacrificing a lamb,
15:06 but it's not in a godly sense, is it?
15:09 It's as if they're breaking a dog's neck.
15:11 They're offering a grain offering.
15:13 They were supposed to offer grain offerings,
15:15 but it's as if they're offering swine's blood.
15:20 They are burning incense,
15:22 they're supposed to burn incense,
15:23 but it's as if they're blessing an idol or idolatry,
15:28 just as they have chosen their own ways,
15:30 and their soul delights in their abomination.
15:33 So what is he saying?
15:34 The children of Israel have walked in hypocrisy.
15:37 They have walked in legalism.
15:39 They knew what they were supposed to do,
15:41 but their heart was far from God.
15:44 And because of that
15:45 God was bringing judgment upon them,
15:47 because they fought against God,
15:49 because they walked in hypocrisy
15:51 because they walked in legalism.
15:52 Look at verse 4, "I will choose their delusions,
15:56 I will bring their fears on them,
15:57 because when I called, nobody answer."
16:01 That's really sad.
16:02 "When I spoke, they did not hear,
16:06 but they did evil before My eyes,
16:08 and chose that in which I do not delight."
16:11 God said, "They refuse to listen to me,
16:13 and they have openly rebelled against Me."
16:16 And so judgment is coming upon the house of God.
16:20 Now turn back to Isaiah 13.
16:22 This is not judgment on the house of God.
16:23 This is not judgment for the children of Israel.
16:26 This is judgment on a heathen nation,
16:28 judgment on the Babylonian nation.
16:31 In Isaiah 13, we see this judgment,
16:34 this prophecy of coming judgment against
16:38 the kingdom of Babylon.
16:40 Now, at this time in Isaiah 13,
16:42 Babylon was not even a threat to Judah,
16:45 the threat to Judah at that time
16:47 would have been Assyria.
16:48 That was the major political world power.
16:51 But yet, this is a prophecy looking forward
16:53 because Babylon would rise on the stage.
16:56 And eventually Babylon would take
16:58 the children of Israel captive,
17:00 and bring them to Babylon.
17:02 So we're in Isaiah 13, pick it up in verse 4,
17:07 second half of verse 4,
17:09 "The Lord of hosts musters the army for battle."
17:12 That tells us that God's a warrior.
17:14 Verse 5, "They come from a far country
17:16 from the end of heaven,
17:18 the Lord and His weapons of indignation
17:20 to destroy the whole land."
17:23 God is a warrior, and He's bringing destruction.
17:26 Is this hard for you to hear?
17:28 This has been, these verses in the Word of God
17:31 have been difficult for me to read,
17:34 difficult for me to understand,
17:36 difficult for me to digest.
17:39 It doesn't stop there.
17:41 Verse 6, "Wail, for the day of the Lord is at hand,
17:44 it will come as destruction from."
17:45 whom? "From the Almighty.
17:49 Therefore all hands will be limp,
17:51 every man's heart will melt, they will be afraid."
17:53 So the wicked are afraid, why?
17:55 Because of the coming judgment of God.
17:57 Jump down to verse 9, "Behold, the day of the Lord comes,
18:00 cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger,
18:04 to lay the land desolate,
18:06 He will destroy its sinners from it."
18:10 Now comes the hardest verses of all for me
18:12 in this chapter is verses 15, and 16.
18:17 Everyone who is found, not one person,
18:20 not two people, not 10, not a 100, not a 1000.
18:24 "Everyone who is found will be thrust through,"
18:29 meaning, they're going to be killed,
18:32 "and everyone who is captured will fall by the sword."
18:37 Verse 16, "Their children also will be dashed to pieces
18:42 before their eyes,
18:43 their houses be plundered and their wives ravished."
18:46 That word ravished in Hebrew means
18:48 to be lain with or violated,
18:51 in other words, they're going to be raped.
18:52 So what is God saying?
18:54 I'm coming.
18:55 What?
18:57 I will thrust everyone through, I'm going to kill everyone,
19:00 not just one or two, everyone.
19:04 Their kids, I'm going to cut in pieces
19:08 and rape the woman.
19:10 Now I don't know about you,
19:11 but we say in today's society, do we not?
19:14 When there is a war, and soldiers go in,
19:17 and they hurt the villagers.
19:19 What do people say?
19:21 There's an outcry, is there not?
19:22 There is a public outcry
19:24 that innocent civilians were hurt,
19:26 and especially if children are hurt,
19:29 or if women are hurt, we have a public outcry.
19:34 And yet this is in the Word of God.
19:36 And God is the one bringing this judgment.
19:40 How in the world are we to reconcile a God of love,
19:44 a God of peace, a God who came and died for you and I
19:49 that we could spend eternity with Him?
19:51 How do we reconcile that God who says
19:53 I don't care what you've done, I can forgive you.
19:55 I don't care where you've been, I will cleanse you.
19:58 I don't care.
19:59 I love you.
20:01 Would you come home to Me?
20:02 How do we reconcile this God with a God I just read about
20:07 in Isaiah Chapter 13?
20:09 That seems harsh, does it not?
20:13 Everything in the Word of God, everything in our lives.
20:18 Today especially, we're going to look at
20:21 through the lens of 1 John 4:8.
20:24 God is love.
20:25 God does not do love, God is love.
20:30 So how do we reconcile this God of love
20:34 with a God who brings judgment?
20:38 I want to give you five keys
20:39 to understanding the character of God.
20:42 If we look at, if we truly understand,
20:45 experience, and know, these five keys,
20:49 they make a tremendous difference
20:51 in how we look at not just our God of love,
20:53 but this God of justice.
20:56 These five keys have been transformational
21:00 in my own life in experiencing who our God is.
21:05 I'm going to give you the keys
21:06 and then we'll go back and unpack them all.
21:08 Key number one, love is holy.
21:13 Love is holy.
21:14 Key number two, love is jealous.
21:18 Now we don't even like to think
21:20 of that word in connotation with God,
21:21 but we'll discuss it, love is jealous.
21:24 Key number three, love is disciplinary.
21:29 Key number four, love is fair.
21:33 And key number five, love is redemptive.
21:37 So let's go back to key number one.
21:38 This is love is holy.
21:40 I believe God's judgment can only truly be understood
21:44 when we catch a glimpse and a picture of the purity
21:48 and holiness of our God,
21:50 which we have no idea truly of His purity and His holiness,
21:55 and the dissonance or the disconnect
21:58 between God's purity on this side
22:02 and my sin on this side.
22:04 My ugliness on this side, the disconnect between the two.
22:09 You know, sin cannot exist in the presence of a holy God.
22:12 Remember Adam and Eve
22:14 in the beginning in the Garden of Eden,
22:15 what did they do?
22:16 Every evening, they walked and they talked with God.
22:20 He came to them as their maker
22:22 and they communed every evening.
22:24 But what happened in Genesis Chapter 3?
22:26 Eve reached out, and she was fascinated
22:29 and deceived by the serpent.
22:31 And she took that forbidden fruit,
22:34 the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
22:35 she's not supposed to eat.
22:37 And Adam ate it as well.
22:39 And as soon as that happened,
22:40 you can read about it in Genesis Chapter 3.
22:42 As soon as that happened, they were afraid.
22:45 Sin brought a chasm
22:46 between God and His holiness and His purity on this side,
22:50 and you and I, and our junk on this side.
22:53 And in Genesis 3:8, the Word of God says,
22:57 "They heard the sound of the Lord God,
22:59 walking in the garden in the cool of the day."
23:02 Now this is their favorite time.
23:03 God came every evening to meet with them.
23:05 God came to teach them, God came to talk with them.
23:09 And yet what did they do?
23:10 Adam and his wife hid themselves
23:14 from the presence of the Lord God
23:15 among the trees of the garden.
23:16 You see sin, it brings fear and guilt.
23:18 Sin brings separation from God.
23:21 Just the sound of His voice,
23:24 and they turned and they ran away.
23:27 You know, if you look at the Book of Revelation
23:29 Chapter 6,
23:30 this is, of course, the sixth seal.
23:32 This is right before the second coming of Jesus.
23:36 And what did the wicked say?
23:37 In Revelation 6, you can look it up,
23:39 it's in verse 16 and 17.
23:40 "The wicked cry out to the rocks," what?
23:43 Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him,
23:48 who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb,
23:51 for the great day of His wrath has come,
23:54 and who is able to stand."
23:55 Now the righteous aren't saying that, are they?
23:57 They're saying, lo, this is our God.
23:59 God, we've waited for you, and You have come to save us,
24:02 You have come to set us free.
24:04 You have come to redeem us
24:05 from this world that we live in,
24:07 but the wicked are terrified.
24:09 Why?
24:10 Because love, love is holy.
24:13 And sin cannot exist in the presence of a holy God.
24:18 How can the righteous even stand in that time?
24:21 You see, that question ends Revelation Chapter 6,
24:25 who's gonna stand?
24:26 God who can stand, fall on us and hide us, who's gonna stand?
24:29 Revelation Chapter 7 tells us who can stand
24:32 and those are the ones who are sealed with God's name,
24:36 sealed with God's character,
24:39 and we see a little description of them
24:40 in Revelation Chapter 14,
24:42 we call them 144,000.
24:44 Revelation 14:1,
24:46 "I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion,
24:49 with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand,
24:51 having the Father's name written in their foreheads."
24:55 Jump down to verse 4.
24:57 "These are ones they're not defiled with woman,
24:59 for they are virgins.
25:01 They're pure.
25:02 They are ones who follow the Lamb everywhere he goes.
25:05 These are the ones who walk and talk with Jesus."
25:08 Verse 5, "In their mouth is found no deceit,
25:13 for they are without fault before the throne of God."
25:19 Those are the ones who can stand.
25:20 David says it in Psalm 24,
25:22 "Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord,
25:24 who shall stand in his holy place,
25:28 He that has clean hands, and a pure heart,
25:31 he who has not lifted up his soul
25:34 to vanity or to an idol, or sworn deceitfully."
25:39 Love is holy.
25:40 God's judgment can only truly be understood
25:43 if we begin to catch a glimpse of the holiness
25:47 and the purity of our God.
25:50 And the disconnect or dissonance that creates
25:53 with sin over here on this side.
25:55 Key number two, love is jealous.
26:00 God's judgment can only truly be understood
26:06 when we understand the jealousy of our God for us,
26:09 and how He doesn't like anything in our hearts
26:12 that would be between us and God.
26:14 Now, wait a minute, you say God jealous?
26:16 I thought jealousy was an evil emotion,
26:18 is that not right?
26:20 We're taught, right?
26:21 Okay, don't be jealous of so and so.
26:24 There are two different types of jealousy
26:26 and we'll look at that.
26:27 Let's read first, the second commandment.
26:29 This is in Exodus 20.
26:30 This is where God actually talks about
26:32 that being a jealous God.
26:34 We're in Exodus 20:5,
26:36 this is the middle of the second commandment.
26:38 "You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them."
26:41 Meaning idols, don't worship other idols.
26:43 Why?
26:45 "For I, the Lord your God am... What's that word?
26:48 Jealous God, that's right, a jealous God,
26:52 visiting the iniquity of the fathers
26:54 upon the children to the third and fourth generation
26:55 of those who hate me.
26:57 I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.
27:00 Seriously, God, You're jealous.
27:03 Now in Hebrew, the word is qana.
27:05 And it's used only six times in the Old Testament,
27:08 and every time that word jealous is used,
27:11 it means jealous.
27:14 But it also always refers to God.
27:16 Wait a minute.
27:17 So this word jealous refers to God.
27:20 You mean God can be jealous.
27:23 There's a difference between godly jealousy
27:25 on this side, and a sinful jealousy,
27:28 which to be honest, is the kind I possess over here
27:31 on this side.
27:33 Godly jealousy is jealous for.
27:37 Sinful jealousy is jealous of.
27:41 I don't know about you,
27:42 but I've been jealous of things.
27:44 Have you ever been jealous of someone else's home?
27:46 Oh, wow, they got a really nice home.
27:48 But it doesn't belong to me.
27:50 It's not my home,
27:51 but I'm still jealous of this home.
27:54 What about I'm jealous of someone's position,
27:56 or I'm jealous of someone's title.
27:59 Or I'm jealous of someone's money,
28:01 or maybe someone's spouse.
28:03 These are all things that we're jealous of wishing
28:07 we could have it.
28:09 But in reality, it doesn't belong to us, does it?
28:11 It was never ours in the first place.
28:13 This is coveting something that does not belong to us,
28:17 that is sinful jealousy jealous of.
28:20 But the godly jealousy over here on this side
28:22 is jealous for.
28:25 This is a godly jealousy. Why?
28:27 Because God already owns us.
28:29 We belong to Him.
28:31 He's not coveting something that does not belong to Him.
28:35 He owns us.
28:38 God wants nothing to supersede the place in our hearts
28:43 that He shouldn't have.
28:47 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul talks about it,
28:49 references it to marriage and Christ in the church.
28:52 He says, "I'm jealous over you with godly jealousy."
28:55 There's that word again godly jealousy, seriously.
28:57 "For I am betrothed,
28:59 I have betrothed you to one husband,
29:01 so that to Christ,
29:03 I might present you as a pure virgin."
29:05 In other words, if you're married to someone,
29:07 you feel this over your spouse.
29:08 Now it can turn sinful of course.
29:10 But it could also be wow, I belong to this person.
29:13 Praise the Lord, what a gift.
29:15 So God says what?
29:16 In the beginning, I made you.
29:19 And then I bought you back.
29:22 I redeemed you.
29:25 You see we're really twice bought.
29:27 He created us in the beginning,
29:28 He stooped and formed Adam from the dust of the ground.
29:32 And then He breathed into his nostrils
29:34 the breath of life.
29:36 And Adam became a living person.
29:38 He created him and yet Adam chose to walk away.
29:41 Adam chose to do his own thing.
29:43 Adam said, "God, I'm not going to serve you.
29:46 I'm not going to follow You.
29:48 I'm choosing to eat of the forbidden tree
29:52 where I know I should not be doing that."
29:54 And yet God said, "I still love you.
29:56 I still want you.
29:58 I will buy you back."
30:00 It's like the story of the little boy
30:02 who built a boat and he loved his boat.
30:04 It was a sailboat.
30:06 And he took it out in the water and he would watch it
30:09 and he loved to sail it.
30:10 And then one day his boat disappeared.
30:12 It got caught in the reeds, and he couldn't find it.
30:14 And he was so upset because he had made the boat.
30:17 He created it himself.
30:19 And he said, "Well, where's my boat?"
30:21 And then he trudged up the little street
30:23 and he looked in the shop window,
30:25 and guess what?
30:26 There was his boat, and he ran in.
30:29 And then he said to the shop owner,
30:30 "But that's my boat.
30:31 You have my boat?
30:33 How did you come with my boat?
30:34 I made that boat, that is my boat."
30:36 And the shop owner said, "I don't know,
30:38 Sonny, but it's my boat now.
30:41 If you want this boat, you got to buy it."
30:44 And so the little boy saved up his nickels
30:46 and dimes and quarters doing all kinds of little odd jobs
30:48 until he had enough money.
30:51 And he went back to the shop owner
30:53 and he purchased back the boat
30:54 that was really his in the beginning.
30:57 And he said to its little boat
30:59 as he took it down to the lake, you're mine.
31:02 You're twice mine.
31:04 First, I made you.
31:06 Second, I bought you.
31:09 You belong to me.
31:11 You see, you and I,
31:12 we belong to the Lord Jesus Christ
31:14 if we have accepted Him into our heart,
31:17 if we said yes, God, I want you as Lord of my life.
31:21 What?
31:22 We belong to Him, we belong to Him by creation.
31:25 Yes, Isaiah 43:1, "Thus says the Lord who created you,
31:29 'O, Israel, He who formed you.'
31:32 Fear not, for I am, I have redeemed you.'"
31:36 You see that, He made us in the beginning,
31:38 then He redeemed us.
31:40 I've called you by name.
31:42 You are mine.
31:45 You're mine shows ownership.
31:47 God is jealous over us, of us
31:51 with a godly jealousy because He loves us.
31:57 Key number one, love is holy.
31:59 Key number two, love is jealous.
32:01 Key number three, love is disciplinary.
32:05 You see God's judgment can only really truly be understood
32:10 when we look at it in the light
32:12 of the redemptive judgment from a parent
32:15 who loves their child and wants to save them.
32:20 If you look at the Book of Hebrews, I love this.
32:22 In Hebrews Chapter 12,
32:23 we see this picture of God as a parent
32:27 reaching out in love to us as His children, what?
32:31 Because He wants to hurt us?
32:32 Because He wants to punish us?
32:33 No, because He loves us.
32:36 And He wants to make us
32:38 just a little more into the image of Jesus,
32:41 as Ryan talked about in our previous message.
32:45 Hebrews 12:5,
32:49 "My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord,
32:53 Do not be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him."
32:57 I don't know about you, but I get discouraged.
32:58 Wow, God really?
33:00 Seriously?
33:01 Did this have to happen too?
33:03 This happened here?
33:04 What in the world do you think
33:06 you are doing right now in my life?
33:10 Do not despise the chasing of the Lord
33:12 and don't be discouraged when you're rebuked by Him.
33:14 Verse 6,
33:15 "For whom the Lord loves
33:16 He chastens,
33:21 and scourges every son whom He receives."
33:24 Now that word scourges is used
33:26 seven times in the New Testament
33:27 and the Greek word is used.
33:29 And every time it's used for Jesus,
33:31 when He was scourged,
33:32 and flogged, and whipped by the Romans
33:34 right before His crucifixion.
33:36 And it's also used for Jesus' disciples
33:39 when they were persecuted,
33:41 or flogged, or whipped right before
33:46 when they were being persecuted for righteousness sake.
33:50 This is the only time it's used for you and I,
33:52 not referring to Jesus, not referring to His disciples,
33:55 but by extension, His disciples,
33:57 you can say down through the stream of time
33:59 to us here today.
34:03 Do all things really work together for good?
34:06 I was at a funeral.
34:07 And Greg and I were at a funeral
34:08 just a couple weeks ago.
34:10 Young woman, beautiful, died of COVID.
34:14 Whoo!
34:15 Painful.
34:17 And you know the scripture they used in that service.
34:21 Now you can pick any scripture in the Word of God,
34:24 you'd want maybe 1 Thessalonians 4, right?
34:27 The Lord Himself would descend from heaven with a shout,
34:29 with the voice of the archangel,
34:30 with a trump of God.
34:31 Comfort one another with these words, right?
34:33 Maybe we'd want, eye has not seen neither ear heard,
34:36 nor is entered into the heart of man the things
34:38 that God has reserved for those who love Him.
34:41 Maybe that would be what you would want.
34:43 But the scripture they chose,
34:45 the scripture the husband chose for this funeral
34:47 that touched me more than anything else
34:49 in the entire funeral.
34:51 It was Romans 8:28.
34:53 And we know that all things work together for good,
34:57 that doesn't mean all things were good.
34:59 That does not mean that death of this woman,
35:01 young children, untimely death.
35:03 That does not mean God wanted it to happen.
35:05 It does not mean God caused it to happen.
35:07 And clearly it does not mean it was good.
35:11 But it can work together for good to those who love God,
35:16 to those who are the called according to His purpose.
35:21 I can't even begin to really understand that.
35:25 I don't know about you, I'm just being honest with you.
35:27 There's times when I say, wow, God, I'm still learning.
35:32 I'm still growing.
35:34 I'm still trying to understand this.
35:37 Psalm 119:67, "Before I was afflicted,
35:41 I went astray, but now I keep Your word."
35:47 Another words, what is David the Psalmist saying?
35:50 The affliction enabled me to keep God's word better.
35:55 Did you catch that?
35:56 That means trials.
35:58 That means the discipline that we experienced
36:01 that is seemingly harsh sometimes,
36:04 seemingly judgmental sometimes,
36:07 God is working it in our lives
36:10 to make us that much more like Jesus,
36:14 to enable us to walk with Him and to experience His Word.
36:20 You know, in Nehemiah Chapter 9,
36:21 we see this incredible picture.
36:24 I'm going to turn there, Nehemiah Chapter 9,
36:26 of the love of God,
36:28 and combined with the judgment of God.
36:32 It's amazing to me as we look at this in Nehemiah Chapter 9,
36:35 it happens three times
36:37 in a matter of just a few verses,
36:39 and I call it the five cycle of disobedience.
36:42 So over here, we have disobedience.
36:44 The children of Israel do their own thing.
36:46 They walk away from God, they bow down to other idols,
36:50 they do what they want.
36:52 That's number one.
36:54 And the second step of the cycle,
36:57 judgment comes.
36:59 Judgment from God, and God sends it.
37:02 And the Word of God is very clear about that,
37:04 if you read Nehemiah Chapter 9, but it doesn't stop there.
37:07 Step number three is repentance.
37:11 And repentance is also a gift from God.
37:14 Romans 2:4 says, "It is the goodness of God
37:16 that leads you and I to repentance."
37:19 So it's not even them trying to repent.
37:21 It's God wooing, God drawing,
37:24 God bringing them back to Himself.
37:26 That's the third step in the cycle
37:29 is repentance, that's from God.
37:30 Then we see mercy, and that is from God.
37:33 And then number five is deliverance,
37:35 and that comes from God as well.
37:37 So if we go all the way back over here,
37:38 we start with and we can see this.
37:42 I'm in Nehemiah 9:26, "They were disobedient.
37:45 There's the disobedience.
37:46 They rebelled against you.
37:48 They cast your law behind their backs.
37:50 They killed your prophets who testified against you."
37:52 That's pretty hard.
37:54 "All of those things they did."
37:55 And then what did God do?
37:56 God sent judgment.
37:59 They repented,
38:03 God sent mercy.
38:06 And He delivered them.
38:08 And then what happens?
38:09 You think, wow, they would have learned something, right?
38:11 Wow, God, when I walk away from you,
38:13 it's doesn't go so well.
38:15 And You are so merciful, and You're so forgiving,
38:17 and You love me.
38:19 Wow, God, I don't want to walk away again.
38:20 But what they do?
38:22 They went right back into sin, did they not?
38:24 And they disobeyed again.
38:26 It says, verse 28, "After they had rest,
38:31 again, they did evil before you."
38:33 So for a while they walked in obedience,
38:35 for a while they did what God had asked.
38:37 And then after they had rest,
38:39 again, they stepped into disobedience.
38:41 Again, God sent judgment.
38:44 Again, the people repented.
38:47 God forgave and had mercy and what happened?
38:50 He delivered again.
38:51 Now you think that would be it.
38:53 But that's not it, three times.
38:56 And Nehemiah Chapter 9,
38:57 detailing the history of the children of Israel,
39:00 they stepped out again.
39:02 Verse 30, "For many years, You had patients with them,
39:05 testified against them
39:07 by Your Spirit and Your prophets,
39:08 but they would not listen.
39:10 And then judgment came again."
39:12 This is the Babylonian captivity
39:14 that was a serious judgment.
39:15 My friend always says,
39:17 God uses the gentlest means possible to get our attention.
39:23 Meaning, if it just takes a tap on the shoulder,
39:25 oh, yes, God, I want to turn to you.
39:27 Instantly, we're walking with Him again.
39:29 But in the case of the children of Israel,
39:31 it took 70 years in Babylonian captivity.
39:35 Then they turned back to Him.
39:38 Then they sought His face.
39:40 You see, love is disciplinary.
39:42 God's judgment can only truly be understood
39:45 in light of the redemptive judgment of a parent
39:48 who loves their child and wants to save them.
39:50 Key number four, love.
39:53 Love is fair.
39:55 God's judgment can only truly be understood
39:59 in light of His law, in light of His fairness.
40:03 You know, Romans Chapter 7.
40:05 If you read Romans Chapter 7, it's this whole dichotomy,
40:09 the things I want to do.
40:11 I don't do them, and the things I hate,
40:14 those are the things I do.
40:15 This is the struggle of the person
40:18 who's seeking to follow God.
40:19 But yet the carnal nature is pulling us away from God.
40:23 In the middle of Romans 7,
40:24 there's this incredible statement
40:26 by Paul saying, Okay, it's not God's fault,
40:29 because the law is holy.
40:30 Romans 7:12, "The law is holy, and the commandment holy,
40:36 and just, and good."
40:38 You see, there's nothing wrong with the law of God.
40:40 God's law is perfect.
40:43 Romans 6:23, "The wages of sin is death.
40:47 But the gift of God is eternal life,
40:51 through Christ Jesus, our Lord."
40:53 You see, we all should have died
40:54 when Adam and Eve partook of that fruit,
40:56 we all should have died.
40:57 We all deserve to be punished.
41:01 If God is holy, if His law is perfect,
41:05 if His standard is perfection,
41:08 we surely do not meet that standard.
41:13 But yet, Jesus came to be our substitute
41:18 and stand in our place.
41:19 We'll get to that,
41:21 because that's really key number five,
41:22 so we won't step into that right now.
41:23 But the point right now is God is not only fair,
41:26 in His upholding of His holy law,
41:29 and the punishment for those who break the law.
41:32 But He's also fair in His dealing with others.
41:35 He's fair in His bringing His Son
41:38 as the perfect substitute
41:40 to fulfill the claims of the law.
41:43 He's fair in how He deals with other people,
41:45 and how He brings justice and judgment
41:48 to those who don't follow Him.
41:52 You know, I don't know about you,
41:53 but it's very interesting.
41:55 Human nature is very fascinating to me.
41:56 And it seems as if we as humans are never bothered by judgment,
42:01 as long as it's against someone else.
42:03 You ever notice that?
42:05 It's when the judgment comes against me,
42:07 that sometimes I have more of an issue with it.
42:09 You ever noticed that we plead with God to right our wrongs?
42:12 We plead with God to rescue our families.
42:15 We plead with God to deliver.
42:18 Roman says, "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay."
42:21 And sometimes we say
42:22 God, why haven't You executed vengeance?
42:24 Why haven't You stepped forward?
42:26 Why haven't You done something, God?
42:29 And yet when God does arise, when God does execute judgment,
42:34 when justice comes, what do we say?
42:37 Why is He so harsh?
42:39 Why does He bring judgment?
42:43 You know, it's very interesting
42:45 to step into the role of employer
42:47 instead of employee.
42:49 And it's been a big learning experience
42:51 for me here at 3ABN the last several years.
42:54 And one of the things I found very fascinating
42:57 is this whole conundrum of justice and human nature.
43:00 As an example,
43:02 we had to terminate an employee one time.
43:04 And before the termination,
43:06 I cannot tell you how many people came forward and said,
43:09 you know what so and so does?
43:10 Can you believe why are they still working here?
43:12 Why don't you all do something?
43:13 You need to really execute justice
43:17 and judgment in this situation?
43:19 Why are you allowing these things to happen?
43:22 And so administratively, we looked and we prayed,
43:24 and we consider and there's a lot of things
43:26 that go on behind the scenes.
43:27 You can't talk to anybody about.
43:29 You can't tell anyone about,
43:30 but we knew that things were happening.
43:32 And eventually, unfortunately,
43:34 it led to the person's termination.
43:36 At the very end, when that happened,
43:38 you know what the same employees then,
43:40 the same ones who had come and said,
43:41 why don't you do some?
43:42 What's wrong with you all?
43:44 Why do you allow that to happen?
43:45 You know what they said?
43:47 Why did you terminate so and so?
43:49 What is wrong with you?
43:51 Why don't you exercise mercy?
43:53 You see, it's that age old question
43:57 that we want, for whatever reason, justice,
44:00 but we want it on other people.
44:02 We don't really want justice to come against us.
44:05 You know, the martyrs,
44:07 this is the fifth seal in Revelation Chapter 6.
44:10 They're crying out under the altar,
44:12 and what do they cry out?
44:13 They say how long oh, Lord,
44:16 how long and tell her mistreatment
44:18 and tell her abuse and tell her torture,
44:21 and tell our death is vindicated?
44:23 How long until these wrongs are writing?
44:26 Psalm 73, David said the same thing.
44:29 He said, "Why are the wicked unpunished?
44:33 Why do the righteous suffer?
44:36 Why do the wicked seemingly escape?"
44:39 We ask again, God, how long?
44:42 Are you fair?
44:44 And yet when God does arise, we get mad.
44:47 Why are You being so harsh?
44:50 You know, we cry today, how long God,
44:51 how long until you release those in slavery?
44:55 How long until You rescue
44:56 those who are abused and neglected?
44:58 How long until You recover hurting families?
45:01 How long until You feed the starving children?
45:04 How long until You free persecuted Christians?
45:07 How long until You fight
45:08 for those who are trafficked and abused?
45:11 How long God until You rise up
45:13 and vindicate Your name?
45:15 How long?
45:17 Love, key number four, is fair.
45:20 God's judgment can only truly be understood
45:23 in light of His law and His fairness.
45:26 Key number five, love is redemptive.
45:29 God's judgment can only truly be understood
45:32 in light of His redemption.
45:34 You see, Jesus took my sin on the cross.
45:36 Jesus took your sin on the cross.
45:39 1 Peter 2:24,
45:40 "He Himself God bore our sins in his own body,
45:46 on the tree, that we having died to sins
45:49 might live for righteousness,
45:52 by His wounds, we were healed."
45:55 In 2 Corinthians 5:21, all over again.
45:57 I love the scripture.
45:59 "God made Him, God made Jesus
46:01 who knew no sin to be sin for us,
46:05 that we might become the righteousness
46:07 of God in Him."
46:08 In other words, Jesus on the cross took my sin.
46:12 He took my punishment.
46:13 He took what we deserved, because why?
46:16 Love is fair, and love is holy.
46:20 He took my punishment, and He credited to my account,
46:24 His righteousness, in which I had no share.
46:29 How do you reconcile a loving God,
46:32 allowing His only Son to die a wicked death?
46:37 Because He is holy, because He is fair,
46:41 because the demands of the law,
46:44 it must be met,
46:45 because the wages of sin is death.
46:49 But the gift of God is eternal life
46:52 through Christ Jesus, our Lord,
46:54 because He's redemptive.
46:56 He's not willing that any should perish,
46:58 but He wants all to come back to Him
47:03 for repentance.
47:05 Christ was treated as we deserve,
47:08 that we may be treated as He deserves.
47:10 He was condemned for our sin in which He had no share,
47:15 that we might be justified by His righteousness
47:18 in which we had no share.
47:20 He suffered the death which was ours,
47:22 that we might receive the life which was His.
47:25 By His stripes, we are healed.
47:29 How do we reconcile this God of love on this side
47:32 with a God of justice over here?
47:35 The five keys in my experience
47:37 to understanding the character of God
47:39 is that love is holy.
47:42 Love is jealous.
47:44 Love is disciplinary.
47:47 Love is fair and love is redemptive.
47:50 Now, I told you, there are five keys,
47:52 but in actuality, there's six.
47:54 There is one more key to this puzzle
47:57 that to me is probably the most important key of all,
48:00 and that is this, love is present.
48:04 Hebrews 13:5, He says, "I'll never leave you.
48:09 I'll never forsake you."
48:12 This key doesn't help us understand
48:14 God's judgment at all.
48:15 You know what it does?
48:17 It helps you and I walk through it.
48:20 It helps us when life is hard,
48:24 when the valley is deep,
48:26 when the journey is long, it helps us
48:30 because God walks with us in the midst of the fire,
48:36 in the midst of the valley,
48:38 in the midst of the difficulty,
48:40 God, He's with us.
48:44 I remember, probably 16 years ago,
48:48 it's a long time ago.
48:49 Greg told you at the beginning, we've been married 19 years.
48:53 So it's probably about 16 years ago,
48:54 we were just at the beginning of our infertility journey.
49:00 We just found out
49:01 that we could not have children.
49:03 And I'll never forget it.
49:05 It was Mother's Day Sabbath here,
49:08 right here on the stage at the Thompsonville Church.
49:12 And I was over there playing the piano.
49:15 And it was the time they honored the mothers.
49:18 And you know how it goes, who's been a mom the longest?
49:22 Who has the most kids?
49:25 Who's the oldest mother?
49:28 Who's the newest mother?
49:31 And I'll never forget,
49:32 Greg and I had just found out the news
49:34 that we could not have children.
49:36 And I was playing the piano.
49:38 And the mothers were coming up from all over the church
49:40 to pick up roses right here at the front at the altar.
49:45 And I thought, God, they'll never be me.
49:49 What happened to that dream?
49:50 What happened to what I wanted?
49:52 What happened to what we wanted?
49:54 What happened to the desire of our heart?
49:56 I thought you said you give us the desire of our heart.
49:58 God, you could work a miracle, but You chose not to.
50:01 So why?
50:02 I thought You were sovereign God.
50:04 And I remember,
50:06 I put my head down and shook my hair over my face.
50:08 So nobody at church would see I was crying,
50:11 because I didn't want them to know.
50:13 Sometimes when we're in pain, it's like we hide.
50:15 We don't want people to see our pain.
50:17 We don't want people to know our pain.
50:20 And so I put my head down and all of a sudden,
50:23 I felt a touch on my shoulder.
50:25 And a little girl about 10 years old, said,
50:29 "Miss Jill, my mom wanted you to have this rose."
50:33 And she laid it right there on the piano.
50:36 And I thought of my friend.
50:38 She's here today, sitting in the church.
50:42 And I thought of her love for me
50:46 at a painful time in my own life.
50:50 And it reminded me that
50:52 sometimes God's ways are past finding out.
50:56 Yes, when we look at this God of love,
50:58 and we look at the God of justice or God of judgment,
51:01 we can say love is holy.
51:02 And that helps a piece of the understanding.
51:06 We can say love is jealous.
51:07 And maybe that gives us another piece of the understanding.
51:10 We can say love is disciplinary and yes,
51:13 God, I do want that and need that in my life.
51:15 We can say love is fair.
51:17 We can say it's redemptive.
51:18 But when you get right down to the nitty-gritty,
51:22 that doesn't help my heart at all.
51:24 But what does help me is to know that my God,
51:28 the God of the universe, the God who can do anything,
51:32 and for whatever reason
51:34 in this situation has chosen not to
51:37 and I may not fully understand that until eternity.
51:41 But yet my God is present.
51:44 Are you walking through a valley right now?
51:46 Are you walking through a hard time in your life?
51:51 You might say, "I don't need answers, Jill.
51:53 I don't need solutions.
51:55 But I need to know someone's beside me.
51:57 I need to know someone's in my corner.
52:00 I need to know someone is walking with me
52:02 through this pain."
52:05 Love is present.
52:08 God Himself is walking with you.
52:12 He will never leave you, He will never forsake you.
52:15 What storm are you in right now in your life?
52:20 You may be in the dark of midnight
52:22 where you can't even find His face.
52:25 The storm could be howling around you
52:28 and there'd be no hiding place,
52:30 but, yeah, He wants to keep you safe
52:33 until the storm passes by.
52:51 In the dark of the midnight
52:56 Have I oft hid my face
53:02 While the storm howls above me
53:07 And there's no hiding place
53:13 'Mid the crash of the thunder
53:19 Precious Lord, hear my cry
53:25 Keep me safe
53:28 Till the storm
53:32 Passes by
53:38 Till the storm
53:41 Passes over
53:44 Till the thunder sounds no more
53:49 Till the clouds roll forever
53:55 From the sky
54:00 Hold me fast, let me stand
54:05 In the hollow of Thy hand
54:10 Keep me safe
54:13 Till the storm passes by
54:25 Many times Satan whispered
54:31 There is no use to try
54:36 For there's no end of sorrow
54:41 There's no hope by and by
54:47 But I know Thou art with me
54:52 And tomorrow I'll rise
54:57 Where the storms
55:00 Never darken
55:04 The skies
55:09 Till the storm passes over
55:14 Till the thunder sounds no more
55:19 Till the clouds roll forever
55:25 From the sky
55:30 Hold me fast, let me stand
55:35 In the hollow of Thy hand
55:41 Keep me safe
55:44 Till the storm
55:47 Passes by
55:52 Keep me safe
55:57 Till the storm
56:01 Passes by
56:11 Amen.
56:12 Thank you so much, Ryan and Tim.
56:15 Are you in the storm?
56:16 Are you walking through a storm?
56:19 Are you walking through a time in your life
56:21 where it seems God has left you
56:24 or it seems all you are experiencing
56:28 is the justice of God,
56:29 is the judgment of God and you say,
56:32 God, but where are you?
56:34 I can't find you.
56:36 I can't feel Your face.
56:38 I want to know You are there.
56:41 That is the time, my brothers and sisters,
56:44 where we open up the Word of God,
56:47 where our Christian life is not dependent
56:50 on how we feel.
56:51 It's dependent on the authority of the Word of God.
56:54 If God says you are forgiven, you are forgiven in Jesus.
56:58 If God says He can bring you peace,
57:01 He will bring you peace.
57:03 If God says He can anoint you, He will anoint you.
57:06 If God says when you are weak, I will be made strong.
57:11 He will give you strength
57:13 no matter what you're going through,
57:15 no matter what you are experiencing,
57:17 He is right by your side because love, love is present.
57:22 Holy Father, we're grateful
57:23 that in the midst of our trials and experiences,
57:26 You are present, be present in our lives today.
57:30 Amen.


Revised 2021-11-19