3ABN Homecoming

Overcoming Legalism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC220013S

00:00 [MUSIC]
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00:27 >> Well, friends. Welcome to 3 ABN Fall Camp meeting 2022.
00:32 John Moment came. We have been having a lest I'm since can't
00:36 meeting started on Thursday. Can we all say into that?
00:39 I mean, the messages have been biblical and how a pact and
00:42 we've enjoyed so much having you join us. If you've been
00:45 joining us via satellite or whatever EDM weather, video or
00:49 audio, we just thank you for rain for us as we go forward
00:53 today. We have a wonderful message. Kelley Quinn is our
00:55 speaker for this afternoon and she's going to talk about
00:58 overcoming Legalism. What a topic.
01:01 She is, the development manager and producer of 3ABN, she has
01:04 so many hats, but she's going to bless us today. But before
01:07 she does, Tim Part is going to be playing a song and sing a
01:11 song title
01:13 who you say I am and right after 10 part in the next voice
01:18 that you'll hear will be that of Shelley Quinn.
01:21 [MUSIC]
01:26 [MUSIC]
01:31 >> Mind that the highest would be me.
01:40 I was lost, but he brought me here all his fuel.
01:47 >> Well, he is.
01:50 >> We?
01:54 >> Whom both said yeah, it's very.
01:58 >> We see.
02:02 >> I much of God. Yes.
02:07 >> Yeah.
02:12 >> Free at last he has read and so mean he's grains runs team.
02:20 >> While I was a slave to sin this law school, he is the guy
02:30 mean to whom does said yeah, it's free.
02:37 >> We's be.
02:42 >> I'm much this.
02:50 >> And I bought the house.
02:54 >> The news of a school or mean?
02:58 >> I'm a oh God. Yes, yeah.
03:06 >> I am so and not force a kid.
03:12 You say I ab you are for me. Not a good guy. I you say yeah.
03:23 I am so and not for sale again. I am Tuesday. I
03:31 act for me. I'm not against B.
03:35 [MUSIC]
03:37 >> I.
03:39 [MUSIC]
03:45 >> And those said Stream East 3, D.
03:53 >> I'm an old of God.
03:57 >> Yes, yeah.
04:02 >> My fall. The house.
04:06 >> There's a school me.
04:10 >> I much of God.
04:14 [MUSIC]
04:19 [MUSIC]
04:24 [MUSIC]
04:30 >> When he can,
04:33 it's so good to have him at the piano right now.
04:38 I want to tell you all, first of all, Happy Sabbath
04:42 this morning. I was praying and I was going.
04:45 >> Happy. Sad, both. Lord. Haha.
04:49 >> You know, right? I don't know that I've ever wish the
04:52 Nord happy Shavit before, but it is so good to see your
04:57 smiling faces, although it at least 7 people are still eating
05:02 too much. Yeah, we didn't have enough time for lunch did with.
05:09 I just want to tell you before it began.
05:13 I grew up
05:15 and Sunday keeping New Testament Church.
05:21 I was a leak a list
05:25 today. We're going to talk about over coming legal us.
05:30 And for those we want to welcome everyone who's
05:33 watching. Please don't tune out
05:35 because you may be surprised doesn't matter what the
05:39 nomination you are and what your faces.
05:42 Many of us would leak a list
05:45 without realizing it.
05:47 So what we're going to do today is talk about what is legal.
05:53 Listen,
05:54 how does it
05:56 in? So it
05:58 Holmes gods plan of salvation
06:02 and how do we for come
06:06 like this?
06:07 Let's pray.
06:10 Heavenly father, we come before he said
06:14 and we come in the name of Jesus.
06:17 We come boldly before your throne of Grace.
06:20 >> Nord your word is a live and active. It is sharper than to
06:27 wage sword. It does cern's the thought the attitudes of our
06:32 heart
06:33 and right now
06:35 in the name of Jesus.
06:38 I ask you,
06:40 Lord, I don't want to preach.
06:44 We're all in the same boat.
06:47 Laurent anoint me
06:50 by the power of your holy spirit.
06:53 To teach word make this clear
06:57 because father, some of us
07:00 have fallen off the path
07:03 and we have become leak was show us our on righteousness.
07:10 Take your word and cut it out of our hearts. I pray
07:16 when we want to glorify you.
07:20 We want to live
07:23 your plan of Salvation.
07:26 Thank you, father for the answer to the prayer. Faith
07:30 anoint our years now in the name of Jesus.
07:35 Give us
07:37 the power of your spirit
07:40 to walk out your work in Jesus name. Amen.
07:46 >> If you will, I invite you to turn to east. See she runs
07:51 chapter 2 stations. Chapter 2.
07:56 >> Megan, Liz is an insidious seeing
08:04 it is something that can creep in and cut grass without us
08:10 even realizing it.
08:12 And what Legalism does
08:15 is
08:17 it makes a spirit really sick.
08:21 It's a lack of faith in the plan of God.
08:26 >> So let's look at 80 feet shuns chapter 2 versus 8,
08:31 9, We've got to understand God's plan
08:35 before we can even be fine. Legal. Listen.
08:39 Ephesians 2, 8, says for by
08:43 Grace you have been saved through face
08:48 that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not of works
08:55 lest any should boost.
08:59 You know what justice is
09:02 justice is to get what you deserve.
09:07 Would you agree with that?
09:10 You know what? Mercy use
09:12 mercy is not to get what you do, sir.
09:19 But race is to get what you absolutely
09:27 to serve.
09:28 Salvation originated in the heart of God. God, the father,
09:34 son and holy Spirit, all acting
09:38 in the plan to save humanity.
09:42 Salvation flows out from God. A loon in the most tender
09:49 and self sacrificing a lot.
09:54 God is rich in mercy. He is rich in kindness. And his plan
10:01 is not just to save us from the penalty you, Sam,
10:07 but to also save us from the power of sand and eventually
10:14 hallelujah to save us from the presence of scent
10:20 to display his in measurable rich is the measurable riches
10:27 of his grace.
10:28 Salvation is God's gift.
10:35 We are not saved by grace alone.
10:43 Does that make sense? There were not saved by grace alone
10:47 are all would be saved.
10:50 We're not saved by face alone
10:55 because
10:57 that would do away with grace.
10:59 We are saved
11:01 by Grace
11:03 plus the face of Jesus Christ.
11:07 We have to look too
11:11 author and finisher the perfect or of our faith
11:19 humanity. Listen to what I'm going to say
11:23 has no part in some patients.
11:29 There is absolutely nothing
11:33 that you and I can do to merit
11:35 the gift salvation. It is wrong to say that God does his part
11:41 to say this
11:42 and we do our part.
11:44 That is incorrect and you'll understand when we get through
11:47 this.
11:49 But the promise of South Bay, Shannon is conditional.
11:55 It requires belief
11:58 it requires acceptance, which means we confess our sins.
12:03 We repent.
12:05 We yield in submission to God. When we think about salvation,
12:12 it naturally requires
12:16 that we hear
12:18 his word. His truth
12:21 saith comes by
12:23 and hearing by me,
12:26 word of God. I'm a nut. Try not to get on a hobby horse here.
12:31 But let me say yes,
12:34 we travel.
12:36 This generation is in trouble.
12:40 You know why? We're no longer readers.
12:44 We've got the more we use technology, the more we develop
12:50 the attention span of a hummingbird.
12:53 Everybody wants a 10 minute miss which they want us story.
12:58 They want you to give some sweet little story with a
13:01 spiritual principle.
13:03 Someone told me, well, she says taught pair both all the time.
13:08 Do you think the sermon on the Mount was a parable house?
13:12 A pretty deep theology.
13:14 The Paul teach parables
13:17 Peter teach parables. Did anybody else teach in parables?
13:22 See, we're getting to the point
13:26 for a specially our young people.
13:29 I don't want to be topped the Bible.
13:33 They want to hear is sweet little spiritual principle,
13:38 a sweet little story that touches their heart. We've got
13:43 to return to reading. I loved what town
13:47 Pastor Phipps Whitley Phipps was saying
13:51 we need books
13:55 now. I'm just you might think I'm saying this because I just
13:58 finished my book.
14:00 250 pages have got to cut it down. Now
14:06 we know it's all Bible. It's all about God's everlasting
14:10 covenant.
14:12 It's all about righteousness spike today.
14:15 But you know what you're saying? Nobody is going to read
14:17 a 250 page book.
14:20 >> Whoa, we're in trouble.
14:24 We're in trouble because nobody wants to read it anymore.
14:31 >> We
14:32 leave.
14:35 >> And receive
14:37 Jesus Christ.
14:40 We come into covenant relationship with got be
14:43 leaving in Jesus
14:47 means to be living
14:51 in Jesus.
14:54 So let's look at the Fusion's to can
14:58 by grace for saved through faith.
15:00 >> Not of works less any man should boost for. We are Hughes
15:05 workmanship. You are God's work of art.
15:09 We are. His workmanship
15:12 created in Christ Jesus.
15:16 We've got to be in Christ Jesus
15:20 to do good works, which got prepared before hand
15:25 that we should walk in them.
15:28 What am I saying? What is Paul saying?
15:31 He is saying the face of Jesus cannot be said and it from good
15:35 works. Amir profession of faith is not going to save us.
15:40 Got plan of salvation is to make us like she says
15:44 and I love psalm 85 13. It says righteousness goes before him
15:51 and makes his pathway.
15:53 I await of that. We should walk in. See when we are in Christ.
15:59 We understand what God has done for us.
16:04 We will have in our hearts a loyal key for the Lord loyalty
16:11 that is motivated by love and we will walk in what Paul calls
16:18 obedience to the face.
16:22 That means for complying.
16:25 >> With the good works that got prepared in advance for us to
16:28 follow Christ lives in our hearts. How
16:33 he lives in our hearts by faith. That's what the fee
16:36 shuns. 3.17 says when the Holy Spirit is in our hearts Christ
16:43 lives in our hearts by faith. He works through us. The work
16:49 of
16:50 >> safe is a spirit empowered work
16:55 in Christ. Jesus, we obey
16:58 by Grace. Did you know that
17:02 Philippians 2.13 says he works in us keeping the spirit
17:09 she says
17:11 works in us to will and to do his good pleasure.
17:17 You can't do it on your own.
17:19 You have to have the holy spirit to do this.
17:25 What we're doing is counting on God
17:30 to do this work in our heart. Yes, we have to cooperate,
17:35 but he promises he will complete that work 80 again in
17:39 us.
17:40 Isn't that beautiful? Now invite you to turn to James
17:46 Chapter 2,
17:48 James, Chapter 2.
17:51 And let me just say this.
17:54 There are not works of face in your life.
18:00 The genuine face does not exist.
18:04 James, chapter to you did you know, James is the first book
18:10 that was written of the New Testament.
18:12 And I believe
18:15 that what he is doing here, people have learned salvation
18:20 by grace through faith.
18:22 But maybe people were getting a little bit too far to the left
18:28 about to fall off the path. So James, to say, hey, I it
18:32 it's
18:33 salvation by grace through faith. But listen to what he
18:37 says. That's also James to 17.
18:41 That's also faith by itself. If it does not have works is
18:47 what, Dan, you know, some people go to an evangelistic
18:52 meeting and they hear the word of God and make it all excited.
18:57 They accept Jesus Christ
19:00 and then the devil comes some parks. That word
19:03 SA's without works is dead. It's stillborn.
19:09 That faith was warning you but it still board. He says some
19:14 will say you have faith. I have works.
19:17 James says show me your works. Are your faith without your
19:21 works? I will show you my fate by my works. You believe that
19:26 there is one God
19:29 you do? Well, even the demons believe and tremble. See,
19:35 it's not about mental ascension
19:39 face by grace through faith is to enter into a relationship
19:45 with Christ. But the you know, foolish man that faith without
19:49 works is take. It was not Abraham. Our father justified
19:54 works by works. When he offered, I see kids, some of
19:58 the Alton BC
20:00 faith was working together with his works
20:04 and by works
20:06 was made her pick
20:08 and the scripture was fulfilled, which sense that
20:13 he's going to, quote, Genesis, 15, 6
20:16 Abraham believed God. And it was a counted to him for
20:23 righteousness.
20:25 And he was called
20:27 the friend, got
20:29 God's ever lasting Kevin it his plant. So the nation has always
20:38 been righteousness
20:41 by faith.
20:44 Did you hear what I stand
20:46 from the very beginning when Adam in a God created Adam and
20:51 Eve in his image,
20:56 put his moral code of love in their heart
21:00 and he gave them the gift of free will. Why did God keep us
21:05 free will
21:06 because it
21:08 he want is for the sake of love. I heard someone say love
21:13 it is for the sake of love, God and smoking for us to choose
21:19 him.
21:21 He wants us to choose to love him for it. He had not given us
21:26 free will if we had just been programmed.
21:31 Yes, an ally.
21:33 Thank you. Know, I I love. You know, I'd
21:38 >> would have been nothing more but robots, Hans
21:42 with out free will.
21:45 But you know what happened?
21:49 >> I want to get ahead of myself.
21:51 Yeah. You
21:53 what happened to it?
21:58 Even made a mistake
22:01 when she engaged in a conversation with the devil.
22:06 Do you hear what I'm saying?
22:10 She saw that.
22:12 Yeah. Sling Serpent would snake back in.
22:18 He didn't become a snake that slithered in the dust until God
22:22 curse to. But she saw this dazzling serpent in a tree.
22:27 A serpent wasn't unusual to her.
22:30 What was different?
22:32 This one was a massacre. It was say using the circuit
22:36 has a medium masquerading as an angel of light
22:41 and he began to talk to her.
22:44 What
22:46 talking serpent. That raises my curiosity
22:50 and she engaged in conversation with the devil.
22:54 Can I tell you something?
22:56 Don't in cage in a conversation with the devil
23:00 when someone is speaking to you in a way that is up hosting
23:05 God's word.
23:07 Don't engage in that conversation. Don't go there.
23:12 When you read something online that inviting you to a site
23:18 when when things pop up on your computer,
23:22 don't engage in that conversation with the devil
23:26 because he'll talk into something that you don't want
23:28 to do.
23:29 But the point is
23:37 Eve was to see what she thought. What she was doing was
23:41 right.
23:43 Adam was not the seat.
23:45 That's what Paul wrote to Timothy
23:49 made a conscious choice.
23:51 But here's what I want to tell you. God had created a perfect
23:57 spear of righteousness. He had set them in this beautiful
24:01 guard.
24:03 And as soon as Sen
24:06 penetrated their righteous hearts, we don't know how long
24:10 they've lived in the guard. Did you know there's 2000 years
24:14 of history
24:15 in just the first 11 chapters of Genesis 2000 years?
24:23 So we don't know how long they were there. But what happened
24:28 is don't miss this point. As soon as sin
24:34 penetrated their heart,
24:37 they lost the spiritual virginity
24:41 and there was nothing
24:44 they could do
24:46 to recover it.
24:49 >> Their nature was passed down to us. The fallen nature was
24:53 passed down to us. There is absolutely nothing
24:59 we can do
25:00 to recover.
25:02 So God had this plan that of righteousness pipe and they're
25:07 in Genesis 3.15, as soon as seen in the world.
25:13 Hate hosts a nominal put in A T between you and the woman
25:17 between her seat in your city pace, you're going to bruise
25:21 his heel, but he's going to crush your head. That was the
25:25 announcement,
25:27 the Everlasting Covenant.
25:29 And then he ratifies this covenant in the form of edition
25:35 with Abraham in Genesis Chapter 15 and it says Aybar him
25:43 believed cots message and it was a counted. It was imputed.
25:49 It was credited to him has tried to snus
25:55 the kiss. Wow.
25:58 Abrahams. The father of all. Isn't that what the New
26:00 Testament says?
26:02 So righteousness by Faith is God's Plan.
26:06 Genesis. 17, one,
26:08 a couple of chapters some time has passed by.
26:12 >> We don't know exactly how many years pass by between
26:15 Doona says 15 in Genesis 17. But you know what? God comes
26:19 and says to this man has been saved by righteousness by
26:23 Faith,
26:24 Genesis, 17, one, he says walk before me and people like us.
26:35 You main righteousness by faith includes obedience. Absolutely.
26:42 Abraham was the friend of God because he followed caught in
26:46 obedience to the face. Good works can never produce
26:52 salvation, but they are the evidence of salvation.
26:58 Good works are not the route
27:02 of salvation. They are though fruit of salvation. And Jesus
27:08 said in John 15, 5 when he says on the vine your the branches,
27:13 he said if you are abiding in me, what's going to happen?
27:19 You're gonna produce much fruit. So let me just hit this
27:25 before. We just tell you what Legalism is. Let me tell you
27:31 what Legalism is not
27:35 obedience is not legal. Listen,
27:40 obedience is love.
27:44 Obedience is our loyal t
27:48 to our God. Obedience is the highest IX freshen of worship
27:56 for God. Jesus said in John 14, 15, if you love me,
28:03 my commandments, but we usually stop there
28:09 between John 14, 15 and the next for 16.
28:13 There is. And and
28:18 so he's saying if you love me, keep my commandments and
28:24 I will pray the father and he will get you another help or
28:29 that he may abide with you for ever. In other words, if you
28:33 love me
28:36 and keep my commandments effects, your attitude
28:40 for that reason,
28:42 I'm going to ask the father to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
28:46 You've got to have an attitude of acceptance and obedience
28:52 acts by 32 says that God gives the holy spirit
28:57 to those who obey him.
29:04 The Bible says
29:06 when Jesus was perfect, it
29:09 he became the author of Eternal Salvation, says Hey, Bruce,
29:14 5, 9,
29:16 Jesus became a the author
29:20 of the Turtle Salvation
29:23 to all those who pay him.
29:27 C
29:28 there's this argument even in our church,
29:34 I'm saved by grace
29:37 through face.
29:39 I don't have to worry about beatings. What
29:43 you remember.
29:46 Who are the sons of Thunder?
29:50 >> John and his brother, James.
29:54 So here's John, the son of Thunder.
29:59 Once he understood what she says head
30:02 done for him, he became known as the possible love. And
30:08 when's the last time you read First, John,
30:11 I love first shot. If you read first, John, you understand
30:17 that
30:18 love in a way that you may not otherwise understand it.
30:22 And I want to encourage everyone if you haven't read
30:25 first job for a while read, let me just give you a few quick.
30:28 He's here first on 5, 3, This is the love of God. John says
30:34 that we keep his commandments. His commandments are not
30:38 burdened. So why not? Because he's working in you, too,
30:42 willing to do is could Pletcher.
30:44 And in first, John to 3, 6, he says
30:48 by this, we know that we know him if we keep his
30:51 commandments, hey, who says I know him
30:55 and does not keep his commandments
30:58 is a liar
31:00 and the truth is not in him. But who ever keeps its word?
31:05 Truly, the love of God is perfected in hand
31:10 by this. We know
31:12 we're in him. He who says he abides in him. Watt also
31:17 to walk is to swap. That's what it means to be in Christ is
31:24 that you are going to follow in his what steps on the path of
31:30 righteousness.
31:34 What is legal? Listen,
31:38 did you know that there's no Hebrew word
31:41 in the Bible
31:43 for legal list.
31:44 There is no Greek word in the Bible for lead to us.
31:50 Did you know that Legalism didn't exist in the Old
31:54 Testament?
31:57 You know, one legalism got started
32:00 now a kind during the 400 years. They call it the inner
32:04 test. The middle period between now high and math. There were
32:08 400 years
32:11 of silence. God bless him, speaking through profit.
32:15 And that is when the sick of the series sees
32:19 came up and the fears sees war, progress. See set
32:24 kind of thinking about how when not
32:29 Danny was speaking this morning.
32:32 There's seas. We're a pretty poor SC 6 and they can't making
32:38 oral traditions.
32:40 They actually were counterfeit to got S-word
32:45 and they were a little list. The group most of your scribes
32:50 were Ferris sees it. Ferris sees were in control of the
32:54 Senate Gox. Now any time you get somebody when the pendulum
33:00 swings, I'll go to my right side. I have a wounded arm
33:04 here. So when the pendulum swings that far,
33:10 you've got the momentum that's going.
33:13 So the fair seas rise up
33:16 and they've got all of these oral traditions that made the
33:21 word of God of no effect and what happens just sheer
33:25 momentum of that swing. The pendulum comes back this other
33:31 direction and during the same time period not long after its
33:35 terror seas. Rice's
33:38 that said, you see he's now the sad to see East
33:43 only believed in the first 5 books of the Bible, the books
33:47 of Moses. But the sad to see where politically politically
33:54 correct
33:55 the said, you see these
33:58 we're liberals.
34:00 It's interesting. They believed the 5 books of Moses, but
34:04 they're kind of you girls.
34:06 So you've got these 2 opposing forces and this is Woodley
34:10 cooler summer rose. What is legal is if there's no word in
34:15 the Bible for we've got to define what we need.
34:19 LIGO U.S.
34:21 is trying to burn or merit salvation by our works. It is
34:27 trying to secure right standing with God by our deeds trying to
34:34 earn got favor by works.
34:39 May go. Listen.
34:42 Depends on self righteousness,
34:48 not
34:49 on Christ. Righteousness.
34:53 Repeat that after be legal is it depends on what
34:57 self righteousness
35:01 rather than on Christ righteousness.
35:05 So
35:08 Legalism is the foundation of all fall religions.
35:14 Legal list are not Christian.
35:25 I think that we need to look at some of the symptoms of legal
35:29 listen. So we can do is self diagnosis.
35:32 I want to give you 3 that I used to suffer from
35:38 quite a bit and I'm not going to say that they do crop up.
35:42 Okay. Shun light.
35:45 Here is a symptom of legal is
35:49 the lack true joy because you're constantly focused
35:54 on what you need to do for God
35:56 rather than what God has done for you.
36:00 Oh, that was me.
36:02 I was a good little Sunday school school teacher all
36:06 through my high school. I did everything I could
36:11 God's favor.
36:13 I was taught if you were. It was interesting. We didn't
36:17 study revelation. We're kind of forbidden to study revelation.
36:22 But my mother often quoted that
36:25 the scripture from revelation that
36:28 Jesus told to lay to see and if you're lukewarm when a bomb it.
36:33 Yeah, one now.
36:35 And so
36:36 I lacked a true joy. That's legal. Is
36:41 you lack. He's
36:43 because you feel God is never happy with you.
36:47 That's legal.
36:50 Getting close to home for some of us, isn't it?
36:53 I know people
36:56 and there's a lady of ministering to for probably 20
37:00 years and about once every 3 months she calls me and says
37:04 >> was not going to be ready for Christ's return and use on
37:09 never.
37:11 >> I've talked to her about if you are in Christ, you can have
37:15 assurance salvation. That's what first, John, 5.10, to 12
37:19 since the summit.
37:20 This is the testimony. If you're in Christ your Saint
37:25 now, of course, you want to make sure you're in crops.
37:30 Here's another
37:32 symptom
37:35 is religion for you. Perform a religion.
37:41 In other words, you've got a case of the do Morse.
37:44 Oh, my goodness. That was me.
37:47 Whoa, I need to pray, but I need to read my hope not what's
37:54 wrong with me. How can you put up with me?
38:00 Say it shouldn't be.
38:02 I need to pray more.
38:05 We should be saying we understand God's plan. I love
38:10 tip, right?
38:11 It shouldn't be. I need to study more. He's
38:15 >> all. Are you working as life to be your word and spirit and
38:19 love? I love to reach Europe right now.
38:26 >> God has helped me through this
38:29 and I'm not going to say and am I the only one
38:34 after I I spent 10 weeks at the feet of the Lord
38:38 writing every morning I would pray
38:42 have wrote for 14 hours a day writing this book. It's
38:46 and that sale. You want to show me things that are fenced in
38:49 and hit him and he can.
38:52 I mean, I'm we're not doing something like that. I never
38:55 trust what I've already study. I come back and I BC studying
38:59 and the pride had stood and he showing me things that we like.
39:04 This is due in court
39:06 as much as that's tended to have never seen it before.
39:09 Did you know you can't exhaust God's word
39:13 a while before you begin studying? Always ask for the
39:17 guidance of the Holy Spirit. Their spiritual words, their
39:21 spirit, really the start, but ask to see things that are
39:24 fenced in him. Couple show you if you show an interest,
39:28 he's going to show you which you know what happened 10
39:32 weeks, 14 hours a day, not one day off in 10 weeks, ice at the
39:38 feet of the Lord.
39:39 And guess what happened when I finished?
39:44 He's so funny. I decided I need a couple of days break.
39:50 Remember what David Shinn was saying about idle time and not
39:53 having purpose.
39:55 >> By my second day of a break, it's like, Oh, what's wrong
40:00 with me, Lord.
40:03 And then I realized,
40:05 wow, I was under spiritual attack.
40:09 It was kind of one of these allied you moments where you
40:12 just had godhead you up on the mountain. Everything was
40:16 excited. And now all of a sudden
40:19 I was under spiritual attack.
40:22 So I don't mean to say the symptoms.
40:25 >> Guaranteed that your and make a list. I don't consider
40:28 myself a leak a list,
40:30 but we have to be careful.
40:33 Let me tell you some more.
40:36 If I haven't stepped on toes yet, we might
40:42 make a list often feel superior
40:46 because of their Bible. Not right.
40:50 Legal list
40:52 pride
40:54 in what they do.
40:57 One of the meanest spirit to people that I've ever met a
41:00 number of years ago,
41:05 a tacky person,
41:08 somebody you really had to pray to love heavy. You know,
41:11 some people are easy to love up. Would you agree?
41:14 And then you've got puts people in your packet, you're really
41:17 happening, pray to him up. And I was praying hard to look
41:20 this person.
41:22 And you know what this person said,
41:24 I'm ready to be translated it.
41:28 I'm a vegan
41:30 I pay my tie.
41:35 The ghost
41:38 make a list and we've got to ask yourself,
41:43 are we adding human rules to God's divine plan and then
41:47 treating our human rules as divine?
41:52 You know, sometimes
41:55 and let me say this to parents, grandparents, please listen to
42:00 this rules without relationship result in rebellion.
42:06 If you
42:08 don't make the Sabbath joy for your children,
42:13 if you make the Sabbath list, if you can't do this, you can't
42:16 do that and it just can can can can Cain.
42:20 They're not learning that this is a special day set apart for
42:25 relationship building with a little word and the church.
42:28 We got to protect it.
42:32 Our children
42:35 from rules
42:37 without relationship.
42:39 The Ferris sees. We're passionate about their manmade
42:43 traditions. They developed all of these oral traditions.
42:47 What they did, they weren't. They weren't found in
42:49 scripture. They went far beyond scripture and sometimes we can
42:53 do that as well. And they pushed non essential standards.
42:58 It
42:59 on people in made religion miserable.
43:04 Growing up.
43:07 We were taught
43:09 you could not have a skirt.
43:12 That was more than a half inch above the knee
43:16 and then measured it.
43:19 If you had a skirt half inch above the knee are going to be
43:22 sent home
43:23 from church.
43:29 We could wear short. I still can't wear shorts. That was
43:32 that was something that was so drummed into my head that it
43:36 was to send wear shorts. I bought a pair of shorts,
43:39 warm one day and
43:41 felt like a center all day long. So if it's not,
43:44 it's not of safe. It is a sin rights. So anyway, I can't were
43:50 short.
43:53 Let me ask you this.
43:55 Do we use
43:57 the 10 commandment law of love
44:01 in the wrong way
44:03 rather than seeing God's 10 Commandments as his moral code
44:09 of love
44:10 for relationship the building.
44:15 And that's what they are. It's a relationship building.
44:19 The first 4 are actually their boundaries around his right.
44:25 His are created. But it's what he expects from us when we're
44:29 in covenant relationship with him.
44:32 And the last 6 are for humans. You know, when God says
44:39 we've we've got this all wrong. And I think it's because we've
44:44 all watched Charlton Heston
44:46 in the 10 Commandments.
44:49 And so people think that God came down and said
44:54 show
44:56 more any gods before me. That's not the way God did it.
45:03 The 10 Commandments in the Greek. Well, in Hebrew, it's
45:07 tense. 10 words in the Greek. It's tense aims and the 10
45:12 Commandments were written
45:16 in an in parity for and that's why our our English translators
45:20 are the ones that are calling the 10 Commandments. But it was
45:23 just 10 teachings of God of what it was like to live in
45:27 relationship with him. Basically what God was saying
45:31 is when you're in covenant relationship with me, you know,
45:35 could have any gods before me. You're not going to make him
45:39 eat just back down to that. You are not going to take my
45:43 name and they can.
45:45 >> Oh, you're going to be so excited to spend the Sabbath.
45:48 >> With me
45:51 and you know what? You will honor your mother and father.
45:56 You will not.
45:57 >> Murder. You will not commit adultery. You a lot still.
46:01 You're not going to be a false testimony. You're not going to
46:04 come in you,
46:07 but.
46:08 >> Because that's what living in cup and that relationship
46:11 with me is all about.
46:15 It occurred to me.
46:19 Sometimes we
46:21 canned
46:24 emphasize strict adherence to the 10 Commandments
46:29 without any concern for developing the fruited spirit.
46:33 That's legal
46:36 lead the list. Think more about sharing rules,
46:40 then sharing Christ.
46:45 Think about that.
46:47 Make a list. Think more about sharing rules, ensuring Christ
46:51 and they usually are intolerant of those who disagree. And
46:56 Mike, good to see that my time. So here's what we want to say.
47:01 And I've got to add this. They do scenes are legal list.
47:09 Why they? The sands thought they were rich and in need of
47:13 nothing. They are counting on self-righteousness instead of
47:19 the righteousness of Christ. What is wrong with legal?
47:23 Listen. Trying to secure righteousness by faith opposes
47:28 salvation by grace. That is God's plan.
47:31 Self-righteousness is no righteousness in the eyes of
47:36 the Lord.
47:38 If you turn real quickly cause, we're going to have to go
47:41 quick.
47:42 Matthew. 23, I want to show you what she's thought of. Lee can
47:48 listen
47:49 Laika let's may up here right to send spiritual. But Legalism
47:55 fails to accomplish God's purpose because it's in our
47:58 performance instead of an inward change. Matthew? 23,
48:05 27 here is Jesus stinging indictment of the lead to us.
48:09 Woe to you, scribes and pharisees hypocrites here like
48:13 whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful, outwardly.
48:18 But inside, you are full of debt, Vince Bones and all
48:22 uncleanness even so you also
48:26 here, outwardly right, just to you.
48:29 But inside, you're full up pop, Percy and lawlessness. Look at
48:34 first 15, Matthew. 23, 50 was you scribes and pharisees.
48:40 You hypocrite. You. Travel landed seed when one proselyte
48:44 and when he is one you making
48:46 twice as much the son of hail
48:50 as yourself.
48:52 That's the legal list, destiny. They're headed toward Hill
48:57 Matthew. 23, 23
49:00 Wally, you scribes in various cities
49:03 hypocrites. He pay tithe of men in Addison. Couldn't you have
49:08 neglected the weightier matters of the law,
49:11 justice and mercy and Fay. These you ought to have done.
49:17 He's affirming tithing without leaving the mothers
49:21 and that he says Blind guides used to write it in that and
49:26 swallow Campbell.
49:28 That now was the smallest of unclean animals.
49:33 And the camel was the largest of unclean animals,
49:39 but the lid can list.
49:41 So it tick you loosely concerned with ceremonial
49:46 purity
49:48 that they would strain their drinks through a cough
49:52 so that they would inadvertently swallow.
49:56 And now
49:58 in Jesus is saying
50:00 in your heart
50:03 is a camel
50:05 of corruption.
50:07 So he goes home and hid. Here's the worst one. Matthew.
50:12 23, 33
50:15 serpents rooted vipers.
50:19 How can you escape
50:22 the condemnation of h***?
50:25 Where is the legal is headed?
50:30 Boy, that's a wake-up call. Is it not? They are outside the
50:34 will of God. They're not trusting God for salvation.
50:39 They are headed for half.
50:44 What is the root of legal? Listen, let me ask you this
50:48 question.
50:50 Do you stand
50:52 in all of God?
50:56 I mean,
50:57 really
50:59 are you amazed at what God has done to safety?
51:05 If you all understand if you don't understand God's plan of
51:10 righteousness pipes, you will be a legal list.
51:14 And there was a day that I would have stood up here and
51:17 say illegal is the route is pride.
51:20 I would say the route is not understanding
51:24 God's plan of salvation
51:27 righteousness by faith.
51:31 Did you know the Bible tells us that before said never entered
51:35 the world.
51:37 God had this plan of righteousness by fate.
51:41 Revelation 13, a lamb who was slain from the foundation of
51:46 the world to see
51:48 God, father, son and spirit
51:52 made a covenant that in heaven
51:56 when Adam and Eve sand
51:58 it wasn't their destiny to seeing
52:01 but it is for knowledge. God knew what was going to
52:04 happen. He had this plan.
52:07 He knew the wages of San is death,
52:12 but he was going to give us
52:15 the gift of life through Christ Jesus eternal life.
52:20 So what happened it
52:22 once they got together and they beside one of them is going to
52:27 come to Earth
52:29 to say this.
52:32 Our creator guy in the beginning was the word the word
52:35 was with God, the workplace Scott and he created all things
52:39 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
52:42 >> The fee shunts to 6 through 8 says that.
52:46 >> He was God. He was in the form of God. He didn't think it
52:51 robbery to hold Ong to that because he was caught yet.
52:57 He humbled himself.
53:01 He humbled himself. Did you know that scholars
53:06 don't call it
53:07 the humbling of Christ, but the humiliation
53:11 and really his name wasn't Jesus Christ in heaven.
53:16 He is the second person of the Godhead second, not in a store.
53:20 It second not in rank second in 4 revelation, we call a second.
53:27 It was our creator God who came to Earth
53:34 who hobbled himself, not just to the lower level of angels,
53:37 which right now are above us,
53:40 but he humbled himself
53:42 to become human
53:44 to become like us in every way to suffer the temptation.
53:50 I for us.
53:54 >> That he
53:56 >> might become sin for us. Not that he was simple, but
53:59 second, Corinthians 5.21,
54:03 so that we might become the righteousness of God in him.
54:07 So in the last 3 minutes, I don't know where I got off,
54:11 but I'd sure not getting through this sermon. Let's look
54:15 at
54:17 how we overcome legalism
54:20 to overcome legal miss him.
54:25 I know it's in here somewhere. See how much I'm having to
54:27 skip.
54:29 >> Turn to Matthew Chapter a pain.
54:33 >> To overcome legal is and we've got to understand God's
54:36 plan of salvation.
54:38 We've got to understand. We've lost Humana team lost
54:43 their spiritual Virginia, D there's nothing that we could
54:46 do nothing
54:48 to save ourselves. We have to soon render to yield to God.
54:53 And Jesus says in Matthew 18 assuredly I say to you unless
54:58 you are converted and become like will children,
55:03 you will by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven. How clear is
55:08 that?
55:10 What is the condition to enter into the kingdom of heaven?
55:14 Unless you are kind verdict, that means to turn to God
55:19 return to got
55:20 and be calm like little children.
55:23 You will by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore,
55:28 whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in
55:32 the Kingdom of heaven. What he say, God's plan of salvation
55:38 has always been trust me from Genesis forward. It has always
55:45 been total dependence upon him. If we don't depend on our
55:50 heavenly Father, Jesus is we're not going to enter the Kingdom
55:55 of heaven.
55:56 He's explaining that conversion happens as we humble ourselves
56:01 like a little child who recognizes their great need of
56:05 a loving parent, knowing that we're helpless to save
56:08 ourselves. We have no spiritual resources of our own.
56:13 So we just acknowledge our vulnerability and run into the
56:18 safety of his loving embrace
56:22 and living covenant relationship with him requires
56:26 how why trust
56:29 enhanced presence? And in his pro edition, it's a life of
56:35 dependence and grace. But we got
56:40 let our hearts be open in teachable to learn his lessons
56:45 of righteousness by fate.
56:50 It's hard for us to be dependent,
56:53 isn't it?
56:55 We've learned to be independent
56:59 our coach or
57:01 makes us prideful
57:04 to be independent.
57:06 But God's plan of salvation
57:09 is that you
57:11 depend totally upon him
57:13 for the gift of righteousness. He will work in you, too,
57:17 willing to do his good pleasure. He will complete the
57:21 good work.
57:23 He has begun in knots.
57:25 >> When our time so gaunt,
57:27 we love you and we pray
57:30 what you will reign in life to price ranges.
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Revised 2023-03-07