3ABN Homecoming

Power to Boldly Proclaim

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HC

Program Code: HC230012S

00:01 >> Just 50 days after Jesus resurrection with his teachings
00:05 in Ascension still echoing in their hearts. Believers from
00:09 everywhere gathered in Jerusalem
00:11 as the cost on the United Nations in this pivotal moment,
00:17 define fire was
00:19 through their faith movement. Wasn't night forever. Change
00:22 the course of his join us as we explore the use of you shall
00:27 receive power.
00:29 [MUSIC]
00:31 >> Hello and welcome back to 3. A B in fall camp meeting.
00:34 How many of you been having a good time and the Lord? All
00:37 right. Look at all the hands going up. And if you are,
00:41 didn't go up, assume you didn't have one. So we should raise
00:44 your leg up or whatever. But I don't know about you,
00:47 but I've been blessed. We say around have to have my socks
00:50 blastoff. And so we appreciate you and those have a home.
00:54 Thank you for joining us. Thank you for your love and
00:56 your prayers and financial support of 3ABN as we continue
01:01 to take this great gospel of the kingdom and to all the
01:03 world, it's a privilege today for the introduction because I
01:08 get to introduce my brother. Can I probably shouldn't say
01:11 zone or because they look younger but a little older
01:14 brother, Kenny and Kenny is a person you get what you say is
01:19 what you get. He loves people. He loves the Lord and his wife.
01:23 Kristin Ministry, behold the lamb ministries. Many of the
01:27 events and those of you hear you from a brother can.
01:30 So I told for the audience at home and told the folks here if
01:34 they're sleeping, they won't be the time candidates through
01:36 because he he will keep you awake. But east quick with the
01:40 2 edge sword to the Bible. Quick with answers. And because
01:43 of his love for Jesus and his love for evangelism, he
01:47 continues year after year after year. No matter what he's going
01:51 forward, telling the world that Jesus is coming very soon and
01:55 how we can get on that railroad train to heaven with him.
01:59 So it's a privilege today to introduce my brother, Kevin
02:03 Shelton. And I think Chris may come out with them as well.
02:06 And that before that, I think 3 young ladies are coming out
02:10 here with Tim Parton. So I sought him first. And so look
02:16 at these little beauties days there. My name is Jerry Lee
02:19 Anne, a beautiful wife, Yvonne and my daughter, beautiful
02:23 daughter Melody. And you are going to be saying and put
02:26 together. He is here.
02:30 [MUSIC]
02:35 [MUSIC]
02:40 [MUSIC]
02:44 >> I sense an ahl's movie. All of the home is spooked.
02:54 [MUSIC]
02:56 I see you. Is men
03:02 Christie own your own thing too?
03:08 [MUSIC]
03:13 [MUSIC]
03:15 I mean, all the one of the
03:27 >> this day.
03:30 >> Stu.
03:32 >> He is he?
03:36 [MUSIC]
03:38 Yeah, he is.
03:43 [MUSIC]
03:48 [MUSIC]
03:52 [MUSIC]
03:55 Yes.
04:00 We use the 2.
04:04 >> It is 7, 0, C.
04:07 [MUSIC]
04:11 Are you learning
04:13 [MUSIC]
04:19 and touch too?
04:20 >> U 2.
04:24 He is saying too.
04:29 [MUSIC]
04:33 >> I say to its own, he's the shadow. Can you know the
04:45 we gave out of time strong and lasting?
04:55 >> It.
04:58 >> It is
05:00 to ease that seem to get food to day
05:18 [MUSIC]
05:21 >> we see.
05:25 [MUSIC]
05:27 Yeah, he is seeing.
05:32 [MUSIC]
05:37 [MUSIC]
05:41 >> We S
05:47 [MUSIC]
05:51 is he has an O C D and for all
06:00 what's your name?
06:02 >> We canned tuna and
06:09 >> we knew.
06:13 >> And he was saying.
06:21 [MUSIC]
06:25 >> Touch too.
06:27 >> The EU to to be.
06:36 >> Is.
06:41 [MUSIC]
06:46 [MUSIC]
06:49 >> Everything is all about. Thank you guys so much. This is
06:53 definitely a family affair. 2 nieces and a sister-in-law on
06:57 brother to him. Yeah, he is.
07:01 Listen close. We don't need to be here. I'm not. And I miss
07:07 right. That's why we're she and I hope you've been praying that
07:11 the Holy Spirit will walk in and amongst a sea
07:16 power
07:18 to proclaim. Wait a minute,
07:20 I've got a look. What is the title of yours? Said it power
07:24 to boldly proclaimed powers to Boley Pro Bowl. All right.
07:29 Howard, to boldly proclaim I know throughout this whole.
07:32 Yeah, yeah. This helmet cam, 80 people have been convicted yet
07:37 has been converted. I mean, even in our house this morning,
07:40 there are a couple of saying we want the holy spirit to take
07:43 complete control of our minds and our hearts. He leads us
07:48 into all truth. He reveals Christ who has without him.
07:52 We're not saying we have no power. So we're going to pray.
07:57 Pray once again and that you will receive that power to
08:01 Boley Proto. And thank you so early. Email us, if you like,
08:05 we're going to be on up here.
08:08 Most gracious, heavenly father,
08:11 as we have mentioned, time and time again as the prophecy has
08:15 been given to us in. That's one verse aimed that we shall
08:19 receive power when the Holy Spirit is poured out amongst
08:23 us. And we ask right now
08:26 that we will be hid behind the costs of Calvary that you will
08:30 give pass to Kenny that Howard, to boldly proclaim what you
08:36 have laid up on his heart. And we've heard it through all
08:39 of your other speakers throughout this this camp
08:43 meeting and it has been so inspiring. It is stirred are
08:46 hard to that's brought us to tears. Hopefully it is brought
08:50 us to our needs because we must be doers of the word and not
08:56 hearers only and this is our prayer in Jesus name.
09:00 >> We came in and and thank you.
09:06 >> Praise the Lord is good to be with you. You know, can't
09:10 meeting is a wonderful time, isn't it?
09:12 And if we can just remember the title,
09:15 the message, maybe we can remember what we're supposed to
09:17 speak about.
09:20 I like it power to boldly proclaim just a delight to be
09:25 here to like to be able to meet with God's people here and
09:28 certainly around the world. It's just it's an awesome,
09:30 awesome thing to realize we're living in the last days of
09:34 Earth's history. Jesus is soon to come and I don't know about
09:37 you, but I need an extra shot of the Holy Spirit.
09:40 We need some more power in my heart and in my life. And,
09:44 you know, one that probably the favorite passage I had found a
09:48 Reddit is a trial and coming in to know a little bit better as
09:52 I go and to experience it. And my wife mentioned her
09:56 prayers, acts chapter one verse 8. So you can look it up if you
09:59 want to or jot it down.
10:02 >> It, you know, it's it's only it's a promise. And it's also a
10:05 prophecy.
10:06 >> Got so he's going to do something. He's going to give
10:09 us the gift of the Holy Spirit power in our hearts and in our
10:13 lives, which is essential.
10:15 I'm finding out, you know, for my salvation
10:19 how desperately we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
10:22 You know, are we really experiencing it in our own
10:24 personal life?
10:26 You know, I don't really understand really what that
10:28 really means or maybe it's something maybe we need to be
10:30 learning more about asking an inviting in. So we can be a
10:35 witness that we need to be because we live in that time of
10:39 the and there's no doubt about it in my mind because the holy
10:42 Spirit is given. We realized very simple put. But the holy
10:45 spirit is given. It's essential because it leads us into lot.
10:49 All truth. The Holy Spirit we realized convicts of Sam and
10:55 the Holy Spirit gives us power to gain victory. Heard that in
10:58 the previous messages. Victory over sand in our life.
11:02 How wonderful that the Holy Spirit is giving a gift to us
11:06 acts chapter one, verse 8, our reader for those. Maybe you've
11:09 never read it or I know no one here. You read it many times.
11:13 But there might be someone who has not read this passage of
11:16 Scripture
11:17 says that you shall receive power acts. Chapter one verse 8
11:21 receive power after the Holy Ghost Dry nose. Come up on you
11:27 when I was young, I forgot you always said when the Holy
11:30 Spirit will come upon you because I didn't think you can
11:32 say holy ghost.
11:37 Only ce certain. People can say that.
11:41 I'm just fun. And you know, and I found out one of the same,
11:44 OK,
11:46 you should receive power after the Holy Ghost is come up on
11:48 you and you should be no 2 witnesses, both in Jerusalem
11:52 and in Judea and Samara. And 2 of the most most parts of
11:56 the Earth
11:59 powers promised to those who are willing to number one,
12:03 except
12:04 and then to present the message that the Holy Spirit gives
12:08 them.
12:09 She I believe with all my heart and soul. Casey, thank you.
12:12 It might be a little bit prejudiced. Maybe I am. But you
12:15 know, Holy Spirit power. Thanks. I'm full of mayor.
12:18 Put it back on.
12:20 Try to
12:21 the Holy Spirit power that's promised to us. But week we
12:26 have to give
12:27 the message the way the Holy Spirit impresses us to get it.
12:31 That makes sense.
12:32 You can just give it the way you want to give it or how you
12:34 feel some time. But how the holy Spirit gives it to you.
12:38 We are to give it to the world. And that may not be acceptable
12:42 to a lot of post,
12:44 I believe with all my heart and every generation
12:47 got his said, his servants, number one to encourage and to
12:51 strengthen and also may use this to Warren
12:55 say we live in a time we can just overlook what's happening
12:57 in the world today.
12:59 We've got to take it into consideration of what's taking
13:01 place. That tells us the coming of Jesus is near and how maybe
13:05 changes need to take place in our lives. So certainly it
13:08 encourages and strengthens. And also there's a warning that
13:12 is given and that his people now notice the warning and some
13:16 people get a little tight, not only by to get tight,
13:19 you know, because you say a warning in the world. A warning
13:22 to the world and a warning to the church,
13:25 churches, synagogues, people
13:27 and not a 1, 0, is here. I'm sure we'll say, well,
13:29 we don't need any warnings. You know, you do. You need more
13:32 holy spirit power just like I do. We want that. We're praying
13:35 for that.
13:37 And so we are to give the message is the Holy Spirit
13:40 impresses us to give it. Not the way someone says you
13:44 are to give it. Obama make that clear
13:47 the way the holy Spirit impresses you because we're all
13:50 different.
13:52 And so as the Holy Spirit gives it, that's what we give us some
13:55 time. That's a challenge.
13:57 That's a challenge to a lot of folks because they think you
13:59 should give it the way they get it
14:03 again. We're not all the same. We give it as a holy Spirit
14:05 impresses us. You say, well, how do I know if you if you are
14:09 impressed by the power of the Holy spirit to give a message,
14:12 you're thinking about it during the day. You're praying about
14:15 it during the day. You dream about it at night. You go to
14:17 bed with it. You go wake up with, are you still with me?
14:20 You wake up with these things and you just you've got to give
14:23 it to somebody.
14:24 You've got to let it out.
14:26 And and then the way that God said to give it.
14:31 And again, it's a challenge and it may be disturbing or
14:34 distasteful some time to some people
14:37 and what I mean by that.
14:39 But it's a part of it.
14:41 I don't think we can overlook this part of a desire. Bay just
14:44 says something like this. 806. Very interesting comment.
14:48 It says that you heard so many times. You see I'm getting
14:51 tired of hearing. You don't get tired, says simply call stand
14:55 by its right name. When the Holy Ghost is come on, you
14:59 receive power, you're going to call San bias.
15:02 Good advice, right? Name now than it might be distasteful
15:05 some time. And you'd really don't want to have to do that.
15:08 3 testimonies to 60 says Sudan must Nicole San
15:14 same thing rights and must be call Sen
15:17 and again, some time it's difficult for some to do that.
15:20 And then it goes on to tell us that inequality inequity must
15:24 be properly dealt with
15:27 the sooner you deal with it, the sooner it can be eradicated
15:30 or maybe pushed out the door where it belongs, doesn't
15:33 belong among God's people.
15:36 But we have to call it by its right name cent and a half.
15:40 I believe this is all my heart. We need
15:44 a converted ministry
15:46 need converted ministers and evangelist and church members.
15:51 We need to be converted
15:54 if not the church. If you didn't have a good leader and
15:57 your church, your church is going to come sickly
16:00 and it's going to spirit's lead. I there's no doubt about
16:02 it.
16:03 And so that shot, you know, I say with pastors and the
16:06 elders, the converted by the grace of God go to him a
16:08 national power from on high.
16:11 So when we can't overlook this causing buys right name as much
16:14 as you here because we're asking
16:16 power to boldly proclaim
16:21 May I just make this the comment that we will never
16:24 received that power to boldly proclaim until we dealt with
16:27 this an issue.
16:29 So we're ready to receive the spear of the living God.
16:35 So it's very important that we look at this part. We talk
16:38 about it
16:40 because we want to Bobo. He proclaim the message.
16:44 But the problem has developed and we see many problems,
16:48 unknown partner on live from not trying to point fingers at
16:51 anyone
16:53 but problem develop there. Some people who they like or
16:57 they desire was hurt, smooth things to be spoken.
17:02 But what I like that sometime, you know, the smooth things we
17:05 like smoothies.
17:15 And then that will soon like smoothies consistently.
17:19 When the real pure you've read unvarnished truth comes by.
17:24 You don't. It's not acceptable. You don't want to hear it.
17:28 I don't know about you, but I work with would just a little
17:30 bit. You know, some time we get the board, we sand a little
17:32 bit. And then what we said that we put some varnish.
17:36 Are you still with me? We'll put some Barneys on it. So when
17:39 you run your hand across that would you don't get some
17:42 splinters.
17:47 But here we're talking about the true some time
17:49 has some splinters.
17:54 It will sticky some time.
17:57 It might hurt just a little bit.
18:00 But the good news a change is coming.
18:04 The changes coming
18:06 because too often been the movement for a long time.
18:09 Not ever want to some people that will be in critical when
18:11 you call standbys right name sometime. You say your critical
18:15 may keep your mouth shut the clear side so much because you
18:18 call stand by its right name. It either is according to God's
18:21 will or it's not his words. Not
18:24 so. We look at him with a boy. What are you talking about
18:27 here? The changes coming
18:30 to the time when people were listening. They want to listen.
18:35 The power of the Holy Spirit is going to be unleashed upon
18:38 God's people who want it.
18:41 And then a change is going to take place in their life,
18:46 especially those who want to give
18:49 this last warning message to the world.
18:52 You have to want to give it.
18:54 You have to be in love with it. You have to want to have to
18:57 love Jesus.
18:58 Sam doing the work that Jesus is commission me to do.
19:03 I love the book of great controversy. Anybody here like
19:05 that book too. You can read that just, you know, some of
19:08 you do review.
19:13 Don't be ashamed of it. It's a good book.
19:16 We're all might laugh at it. But you know what?
19:19 It's a good book. We need to be reading it.
19:23 It gives some insight 606, is God is moving up on his people
19:26 to be like that.
19:28 I think some of you sense that I sis that God is moving in a
19:32 different way and always truth and always gone. But it is
19:36 affecting people and some people just standing up and
19:38 saying, hey,
19:40 what about me
19:42 where Michael spend eternity?
19:44 What about this truth that I've or what about this stuff that I
19:46 built myself, a washing 3ABN, what about it?
19:52 And so we see God's moving up on his people.
19:56 But he's moving on us to present these Bible truce that
19:59 you have learned or heard maybe all your life
20:03 and that they have been reluctant
20:06 to give in the past.
20:08 I don't know. Maybe you never
20:10 then that way.
20:11 But there's been times in my life and growing up in a little
20:14 reluctant to say certain things around certain people. You
20:18 follow me in certain circles
20:20 because on Friday would like it. They would understand that
20:24 they didn't want to hear it. But the spirit of God is going
20:26 to move up on his people here in these last days to give that
20:30 message regardless of what takes place
20:33 regards of who loves or who doesn't,
20:35 it's going to rise above the wife or the children that has
20:38 been or whatever is going to be. We're going to take our
20:41 stand.
20:44 We wouldn't say
20:46 sometimes I was silent because the message I wanted to give
20:49 that I believed was unpopular.
20:53 People voted on it that vote me out.
20:57 So I thought, well, kind of hold or peace.
21:00 But now I've noticed this certain truce
21:03 appear to that more strongly to some mines.
21:08 Then other truce
21:09 get truthful, still truth. But some crews appear to feel
21:13 more strongly to you that other troops.
21:18 I see that myself.
21:20 I want to hear of the things some time. Ah, well, I want to
21:23 hear more pressure true sometime. I want to hear more
21:26 watch. You know what, as signs of the coming of Jesus and how
21:29 I can be ready. And that's what this campaign is to have to get
21:32 ready for the coming of Jesus, how to get our lives, right?
21:36 You know, if you just come to be entertained, shame on you.
21:42 Come for the power of the holy spirit to bring conviction on
21:45 our life.
21:47 And so the people of God and the Holy Spirit poured out is
21:50 going to declare some things that God's given notice this.
21:54 They're going to even
21:56 they're going to even exposed the man a thing and they're
21:59 going to expose babble on. Are you still with me? Someone
22:02 said recently, well, here we go. Talk about the sins of
22:06 Babylon. Again, talk about the 3 Angels message. Again,
22:08 let me tell you by the grace of God, I'm going to always talk
22:11 about the 3 angels message.
22:13 >> I'm going to talk about they said, quote, he's been working
22:16 this and this just been more time on the Gospel. Let me tell
22:19 you this, I believe with all my heart, right? The 3 Angels
22:22 message is that gospel message for the last days.
22:26 3 Angels message is the gospel message for the last days.
22:30 That may explain a little bit about that one
22:34 because it will prepare a people to meet Jesus Gospel.
22:38 Oh, I like that a little boy.
22:41 It Liza people to write to be purified their hearts and their
22:44 souls to be ready for the coming of Jesus.
22:48 Even when you take 3 angels message, you see how important
22:52 the health message is.
22:54 It's an important part of the work. There's no doubt about
22:57 it.
22:59 You realize people talk about the latter rain. We talked
23:01 about a lot here in the meetings. The latter rain is
23:03 giving during this time of outpouring of the holy spirit
23:07 rises. Poured out at a time just before Jesus comes
23:10 difficulties in the world. The Jesus wants to quit this
23:14 people to make it through these times lie.
23:19 And it also calls for right to get a 7th day Sabbath to be
23:23 magnified to the world.
23:26 I'm not ashamed about that. I'm happy about that. That's
23:29 one of God's Commandments and praise God for that
23:34 and notice that all people who are live as it were living this
23:38 day and time will be tested by the truce of the 3 angels
23:42 messages outright say that are set to vote.
23:46 That's going to be the test. You're going to have to pass
23:48 it. I'm going to have to pass that test.
23:51 Oh, boy,
23:54 I was reading. I think it was enough
23:57 spiritual gifts.
24:01 Take 2.99. I think it was to spiritual gifts and he said
24:05 something like this. It says
24:07 the 3 angels message and the truth that we have to get to
24:09 the world must be allowed to cut.
24:13 >> You know, when a warm because
24:16 we don't want to be heard.
24:17 >> We want nicely and must be allowed to cut notice this and
24:22 preach fearlessly
24:26 so many times we've had and I think I've been there are a lot
24:29 of cowards preaching
24:32 on. And if you're a coward and you're going get upset, if
24:35 you're not, you're not say, OK, praise, God grow,
24:41 told to get steps on, right? You know,
24:44 it is true that we are cowards. Spiritual cowers if we will not
24:48 tell the truth is got gives. That is the power of the Holy
24:51 spirit. We are cowards
24:53 and I've done this impression that a cow or going into the
24:55 kingdom of God, it's okay to go that far.
25:00 We want to make sure we understand that
25:03 must be allowed to cut
25:05 and it must be preach carelessly. So someone preaches
25:08 apparently when the power of the Holy Spirit living God
25:10 against a touch men, women, they're going to say things
25:13 that ordinarily they would have said before
25:16 because I'm a tech, there's consequences to presenting the
25:19 truth as it is in Jesus,
25:21 you can be a soft power, soft pusher and we wait for
25:25 retirement and try to get out of town.
25:29 I don't know about you. I want to preach the truth and make it
25:31 to get out town. All right. But to happen,
25:36 God has given up to your cause, given ministers the message of
25:40 truth to proclaim. So I'm not just picking on the ministers
25:43 today. It's not trying to say that, but there's a problem.
25:46 If God has given us the message to give and said, let's say you
25:49 good preacher, he's given the message for the day.
25:53 >> What we do, what was true?
25:56 >> I read this I thought was very interest. 6 testimonies
25:58 for 25
26:00 should the churches are to receive every in every possible
26:04 way the truth and then communicate them to the world
26:07 3ABN communicate it to the world would give these
26:10 beautiful truce and give it to the world where they want to
26:12 hear or I don't well, they accept or where they don't.
26:15 We want them all to but
26:17 were to give that message out and no assists watched a
26:21 problem here.
26:24 6 testimony said here is our great San that's got me in my
26:29 track.
26:31 Here's our great sin we talking about here. Why
26:36 it goes on says what?
26:38 Well can we expect
26:40 but deterioration in religious life when the people listen to
26:45 Sherman after Sharman
26:47 and just put the instruction and don't put instruction into
26:51 practice.
26:52 So we come to camp meeting and we just listened sermon after
26:54 Sherman after storm after storm. And we refused to put it
26:58 into practice in our life. You're wasting your time is OK,
27:02 I'm wasting my time. If I hear the truth and then I won't let
27:04 it come in and change my heart and change my life. That's what
27:08 truth does.
27:09 A man you can get here 3, then you can get it right. And and
27:12 your turkey should get in your church
27:15 almost if you don't get their go somewhere else. I will say
27:18 that
27:20 I'm not a troublemaker,
27:23 but I do want you to think
27:27 I go out. I want to hear truth,
27:31 unvarnished as or who is going to
27:34 give this message
27:38 who's qualified to give this message
27:42 and when you give it, you do it without apology.
27:45 I do apologize for 3 angels message. I don't apologize for
27:48 one doctor and the truth of God's word. I just won't do it.
27:52 I like to take in consideration those who have not heard it
27:55 and try to explain to them nice and easy as it were. But I do
27:59 apologize for truth. You can't.
28:03 That means you're apologizing for Jesus and that right.
28:05 You know, you will do that. I know
28:07 who's going to give it great controversy. 606. Is this the
28:10 son who will give this message? It said Man of faith and
28:13 prayer.
28:15 I'm looking got looking for a man with faith and prayer
28:20 to be able to move out for him and do great things and they're
28:23 going to be constrained to go forth with holy zeal due notice
28:28 that that's power that we're talking about in this camp
28:31 meeting.
28:34 Holy zeal proclaiming notice that that which God gives them
28:37 what we've been talking about, who's qualified. I don't feel
28:41 qualified ever to give a message
28:43 given for years, not feel unqualified.
28:48 It will feel like I have anything to give Article
28:49 Cleveland got every time
28:51 I got I don't have anything to give. And every time for what,
28:54 30 to 8.40, years he's been saying to me getting I know you
28:57 don't and you never will. But I do.
29:01 Is that OK? So when you look at yourself in their own gago have
29:04 anything to say what I know you don't.
29:07 And when you think you do have something, you need to go back
29:09 to the cause and spend a little more time and come out humble
29:12 like we should base nothing no matter what kind S make God's
29:16 going to some great because given the heart
29:19 you're telling the truth,
29:22 qualify what qualifies? You qualifies me. It's not the
29:26 institutions of higher learning is okay to have that amount.
29:30 The mocking that.
29:31 But if you want to be qualified in the service of God, the Holy
29:35 Spirit qualifies. You
29:37 and interesting how we always on you all times. All he does a
29:41 good job. She does a good job. Let's get them.
29:44 That's OK, too. But I'm saying
29:46 I want the holy spirit to be involved. Don't you
29:53 learned this? God will use whom he will.
29:56 Whether you wanted to or not.
29:58 What do you approve or not?
30:00 Whether you like him or you don't like merapi's or do more
30:03 to suit. He had on muscle Watt.
30:06 I don't like the way. Look, I don't want to wait off. What
30:08 did you come to a charge for to see how you've dressed or how
30:11 he's going to act?
30:12 I thought we judge about what are you speaking right? Is the
30:15 truth.
30:17 And you can say I don't like his face, but I like the truth,
30:20 OK?
30:23 He's going to use those who are willing and want to get this
30:27 message to the world. Those who make himself available on how
30:31 many of us get up
30:33 again. We're talking about power here.
30:36 Get up in the morning. Say God, use me today.
30:39 Use me to touch somebody.
30:41 Usually right. Holy spirit power to make them work.
30:44 When you want to talk about Jesus, they can't move us.
30:47 Almost be careful. Almost like a paralyzed.
30:51 They're going to that captivated by what you're
30:53 saying. They may not want to hear but the spirit of God so
30:56 strong that are compelled to listen. That's when the real
30:59 spirit of God is being poured out.
31:02 You can tell
31:05 God makes it plain.
31:07 He said, are you feel with the real burden of love for shoals,
31:12 a burden to warn the world of what soon to take place?
31:17 A lot almost overwhelming surprise to many.
31:22 I just wonder, you know,
31:24 if now is the time to be wide awake
31:27 in the service of God.
31:29 I wonder if we should be read. We wide awake.
31:32 If we are there. What are we doing? Not that works or save.
31:35 You were talking about what are we doing? What energizes us
31:39 for? We spending our time and energy armies.
31:44 I believe with all my heart in dummy is making right now.
31:48 The most powerful movies ever ever made in the history of
31:51 this world.
31:53 He wants to be in charge of this last great conflict.
31:58 He feels like he has to be in charge
32:01 and then I read my bible and it seems almost all praise God we
32:04 can read more insane. Got still on the throne. That Rice still
32:08 there. He's still in control. But the Bible said the enemy,
32:11 the season. That right, the whole world, almost the whole
32:14 world to me. He has an almost all on his side
32:18 except those in all the Bible. Then a phys keep the
32:21 Commandments. Got this morning, Jesus.
32:24 But then he says I need to be in control.
32:29 And when he says being a control, he's talk about waging
32:32 a war against Sabbath keepers,
32:36 say now some of us might be a little timid about that.
32:38 We will. We will be careful now. We don't saying about 7,
32:41 keep or whatever, you know,
32:44 in that part of our job
32:49 because we are required to do, though, saying sometimes a
32:51 little bit touchy,
32:54 like exposing the sense of babbling and babbling simply is
32:57 the apostate churches off today. They're symbolized by
33:01 that one
33:03 who claim to papal doctrines. Are you still with me?
33:07 We're no worse. Little boom will be careful. Now
33:12 the Holy Spirit will give you power right to say the things
33:15 that need to be said.
33:17 How are people going to know how they're going to learn?
33:19 If you never say it,
33:21 if you hide around, you will be accountable for and I will be
33:24 accountable for that.
33:26 That's what battle in the U.S. those churches. That's all the
33:28 churches. If they clean the papal doctrines and teachings,
33:32 you get that
33:33 and traditions of man,
33:36 we don't need traditions. A man in the 7th Day Adventist
33:38 Church. We've got the Bible. We got the truth of God's word.
33:42 Let's use that. Lets stand on that.
33:46 Faust doctors have to be exposed.
33:49 You know, the Bible talks about false doctors, their doctors of
33:52 devils.
33:53 And that right now, what says
33:55 what's the first time a day for one doctors of devils. That
33:58 means what they're cleaning to what the devil teaches.
34:02 You don't want to cling to that. I don't want to cling to
34:04 that,
34:05 but we have to expose those same because any all start
34:08 people that don't know
34:12 when the message is given with no apology.
34:16 I believe this that people will be stern
34:19 when your heart is changing. My heart is changed to not be
34:22 apologetic as it were for the message of God has given us 3
34:25 angels message and that's all of it
34:27 exposing that man of sand.
34:30 We're told to do it over and over and over.
34:33 It's going to stir up
34:36 the people. We talk about that many times. I've said before
34:40 when you stir the pot sometime there's a good role when it
34:43 comes mama's good.
34:46 Are you still with me
34:48 sometime when you start to pop there's or stink that comes
34:50 out.
34:52 Not true
34:55 because it doesn't matter what's in the pot arena.
34:58 Smells good. People don't like that says thanks.
35:02 You have to be prepared for that. And I have to be prepared
35:05 for that.
35:06 So who's going to give this message that's going to stir
35:10 the pot? Even an ad that isn't a were you not? We will rise up
35:13 and give the and diluted truth of the 3 angels message.
35:17 Not water down. Not apologize for it. Not make excuses for
35:21 not be embarrassed over it.
35:23 Just give it the way. God says to give it the power of the
35:26 holy spirit. That's when the real holy spirit living got
35:28 comes out, poured out in the latter rain experience. You and
35:31 I will do that if we accept it
35:34 with such power that people who hear the message for the very
35:37 first time will accept it.
35:41 You're waiting on that time. I want to see that time.
35:44 And so we need to be men and women of faith and prayer.
35:47 There's no doubt about it.
35:49 I can tell you this right now the devil is going to do all he
35:52 can. He's going to try and not allow anything.
35:56 I just and his way,
35:58 including you and me.
36:01 He's going to do all we can to take you down.
36:04 We have to claim to Jesus Christ. We know that John said
36:07 the last days he saw a lot of stuff. You man, the Bible talk
36:10 about John Revelation and in Chapter 16, he talks about John
36:15 said I saw
36:16 and some timely read then say, well, let's just some kind of
36:19 fiction. This is true. John said I saw
36:22 what did he see and vision. He saw the events that were
36:26 taking place just before Jesus comes
36:30 events, things that are happening.
36:34 Remember what he saw.
36:36 He saw how armies gathering together to battle a window out
36:40 of embattled arm again and then the wars today wars, rumors of
36:43 war. He saw these things taking place.
36:46 He saw men's hearts failing them for fear of what is taking
36:49 place. I look around and looking to the news. They your
36:52 heart almost face
36:54 what's taking place. Surely we can't be that far gone
36:59 as we look at based on God's word,
37:02 he saw the earth moved out of its place
37:07 along with the air thing. He saw the earth moved right
37:10 over his place. He saw mountains, EU member. They
37:13 moved into the sea.
37:16 >> He saw the Vols of God's wrath being poured out upon man
37:19 that was famine, earthquake and passed. It was and things are
37:22 going on in the world. All Mott. But the good news God
37:26 will equip his men and women. Why those who give the message
37:28 for the last day,
37:30 he's going to give them power of the holy spirit with such
37:33 conviction
37:35 with such power
37:38 that people will be compelled to listen.
37:41 Oh, how wonderful that want to promise.
37:44 And when they hear it for the first time, they will decide
37:46 right then and right there.
37:51 >> The Bible from the beginning of the end, just always
37:54 encourages us to just be obedient to what got us at his
37:57 word.
37:59 But I can tell you this, some of you say I want to be a
38:01 conscientious, you know, cause usually a big hit to God's
38:05 word,
38:09 every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. But notice,
38:12 you know,
38:14 obedience, conti edges obedience to the word of God
38:18 will be retreated, treat it as re billion
38:21 the force over. You have to look at the life of Christ said
38:24 that's not true.
38:27 Are you ready for that? You have that kind of experience
38:29 with Christ
38:30 for every year. Felicia port will be cut off with the world
38:33 will turn against you and probably most people in the
38:35 church.
38:38 Can you live with that moment that he turned against United
38:40 Kids turn against you? Can you live with that?
38:44 Great controversy. 607, says
38:47 you say how can this really be
38:49 as restraining spirit of the living? God,
38:52 she'll be withdrawn from an
38:55 thank you again. And they shall be under their control
38:59 of Satan. Maybe a little too active. But it's okay. Just
39:02 keep coming out.
39:07 One of his knees exercise. All right.
39:10 How can this really be? Think about it
39:13 as a restraining power of the Holy Spirit is withdrawn to we
39:16 believe that. Can you sense that now? Can you see they can
39:20 use is the holy spirit living got bro? You I know you can
39:24 because management of the black electorate, they're crazy.
39:29 Things are happening. You just can't explain what's going on.
39:33 It says as the Holy Spirit is being withdrawn from an Satan
39:36 controls man.
39:38 So he's out controlling those who have not made a decided
39:41 decision for Jesus Christ or pray. You made that decision
39:44 for Jesus Christ.
39:47 You made that decision. If you're not the enemy will get
39:49 you. He will get me
39:53 and notice the anime hates the divine
39:57 precepts.
39:58 He takes the law of God. He hates you and notice that
40:02 last part of those interesting a great controversy. 607.
40:05 It says when we see this happen tells us Jesus is coming.
40:09 It says here there will be strange developments.
40:14 Are you not seeing strange developments in this world
40:16 we're living in. Oh, my strange developments will be taking
40:20 place. Strange events will be taking place. Shock. He things
40:25 will be taking place. Unbelievable things will be
40:28 taking place. Man's conduct will be unbelievable. Is that
40:32 not?
40:34 I mean, you take a camera and go to New York or some of these
40:36 other cities and just watch people to steal, steal, steal.
40:40 No one stops them.
40:45 >> FOX, I do that. I think I'll take my calculator not to get
40:47 was under $1000 and then was going bother you?
40:54 >> Strange development. Shocking things on believable
40:58 things.
40:59 I mean, really the value of human life is an all-time low.
41:04 Morals are at all-time wall.
41:09 The conduct, no doubt about it.
41:13 The brother mention some other. When you think about the same
41:15 sex marriage and transgenders and all this right here,
41:18 strange events are taking place.
41:21 If you're looking something stranger than that, too.
41:26 Certainly a wake us up.
41:28 There's hundreds of other shocking things that are taking
41:31 place in the world.
41:34 But notice what God will do for those who love him,
41:38 those who trust him
41:40 and you're looking for more power in your life to be that
41:43 witness that you need to be that you want to be
41:47 great controversy 6, 0, 8, 9, says God's spirit moving up on
41:52 their hearts has constrained them to speak.
41:55 Maybe you're a little bit bashful. Maybe you thought you
41:58 didn't have anything to say that when the spirit of the
42:00 living God, you've been trailed God help me to be a witness.
42:03 Wherever I go in my life when I say what to operate some time
42:06 art in. But don't say a thing might be better off.
42:09 Just let me be a witness.
42:11 Some combine, you know, just been quite would be a witness,
42:17 but the spirit of God constrains them to go
42:20 notice this. They're stimulated.
42:23 They plugged into the source.
42:26 Holy zeal, holy spirit, power and divine impulses are working
42:30 inside of them that they can't be quiet.
42:33 So my point a gun at somebody's got a horse whip out there.
42:36 You still get the client.
42:41 All is going to come
42:43 as that in parts of the Holy Spirit strongly moves up on the
42:46 people of God in these last night. Remember, maybe you
42:49 haven't experienced somewhat like that. Now you will.
42:52 If you're praying
42:54 you will be God's witness.
42:56 I look at my life sometimes I want to pour a witness.
42:59 What a pathetic mask.
43:01 God says. Come on. I like, but that misses.
43:05 You can straighten you out
43:07 how wonderful that is. That's good news
43:11 that strong impulse comes in and you start moving out
43:15 and notice they enter a work
43:18 because that to me is that power that's boldly proclaimed
43:22 is running inside your veins. Now,
43:25 the performance of our duties. So you're here you you're in
43:30 the service of Jesus Christ,
43:32 you're working for him.
43:34 We need to quit looking around where it might be and say,
43:36 well, I'm working for song. So we're working for Jesus.
43:40 He's first in that right? You working for him
43:43 and we need to go about his duty first.
43:48 And here's what they do. What you do. You read it many
43:50 times they go and they do without calculating
43:54 what their words might do against them.
43:58 They just give that straight. The consequences of speaking
44:02 the word just as the Holy Spirit gives him now get the
44:05 big problem is that when you're when you're one who believes
44:07 like you to stand by her side side, I don't do that.
44:11 Be careful what you say.
44:14 That's some time it hit. We think will maybe there might
44:17 be a little bit right. But you know what you've been impressed
44:20 with, you know, what you've been reading and what you've
44:22 been studying, you know what the mission of the church is
44:26 and because we falling a little short doesn't mean we need to
44:29 stay short.
44:37 But they say what the Lord has impressed him to do
44:41 because they never stop to think what it might cost.
44:45 And they say it
44:50 because you see in the world that we're living in,
44:53 a lot of people have warned of grants. Can I say that taking
44:57 shots and doing different things? You know, the COVID
44:59 thing
45:00 and they've lost their jobs.
45:03 The been brutally
45:05 just disappear.
45:09 They didn't
45:10 count the cost.
45:11 They felt
45:13 that's their opinion. They felt
45:15 that this should be said what? And they just did it cost
45:21 and presenting the truth may cost you and me. But you know,
45:24 it's not going to cost us. Heavens going to have is going
45:27 to be our home.
45:30 But notice what some said.
45:33 What controversy brings out after they said exactly what
45:36 the Holy Spirit wanted them to say.
45:38 Oh, and they see what's taking place. They said had we
45:41 foreseen
45:43 Wright had we for seen if we knew the consequences
45:47 of our wars, we would have helped our peace.
45:51 Don't try to counter what it might cost you
45:54 to do what the holy spirit impressions you to do. Just do
45:57 it.
45:59 And God's impression my mind over and over a fight your
46:01 battles for you can't just let me do it.
46:04 Every time you try to fight your own battles, you lose,
46:06 you make a mess of things
46:08 but off item for you just present and do want to ask you
46:11 to do
46:15 so. Remember, the message we have more giving today is that
46:18 we cared by the Holy Spirit power, which such member force
46:23 and conviction.
46:25 Many who hear lot for the first time is going to go. They're
46:27 going to stand up on the other hand, how sad it is.
46:32 Some of us who heard almost all of our life,
46:37 some people here first time in the takeoff run, let's get a
46:40 new pair of tennis shoes. You know, they just really
46:42 start going with it. Some of her daughter live. We've got
46:45 may be tired a little bit. And we don't run with the
46:47 message the way we're supposed to,
46:50 because that's what the Bible said. Want you here to run with
46:53 it.
46:54 But what we're doing, we're still seated.
46:56 Why are we still see that when on time is so short and the
47:00 world needs to hear what we have to offer, what the spirit
47:03 of God has to offer.
47:06 There's still a great work to be done.
47:10 >> Some seem to be waiting for some big event to take place.
47:13 You read that
47:15 as soon as this big event happens and I'm going
47:18 shift in the second burn a robber and then on,
47:23 you know what I always say, Whistling Dixie.
47:28 >> You're just waiting for some big and then you'll get with
47:30 the program. You realize when you're waiting for this big
47:33 event as well, if they're not, I want to jump off of this
47:35 thing. If there's not some big events taking place right now,
47:39 what what will it take?
47:42 You know, in profits, something's going to take
47:44 place. You see what I mean? If it would help, I would jump
47:47 off. But out, they all want
47:52 just how important is got to the host gets our attention
47:57 right now. What? Boy, you know,
48:00 weddings this big event
48:01 and then we're really going to get with the program.
48:05 But remember all the time we wait, we're losing valuable
48:08 experience that we could be gaining right now to help us to
48:11 the time of trouble.
48:12 We're losing every time we're losing every time you don't go
48:15 to church because you're too lazy because you you're sleepy
48:17 head
48:18 that okay
48:21 at the back of him,
48:25 we're too tired.
48:27 If you're too tired, quit working so long on the other
48:29 day sun and keep the Sabbath the way you're supposed to.
48:32 There's no case. So little that sufian right now. I'm just
48:35 simply said if those be some of our reasons, that's not the
48:38 kind of got make us, you know, prepare the way for him.
48:40 And it's going to be way we're going to miss him
48:43 Friday's for preparation. You know that
48:47 we need to move forward by the grace of God
48:52 manuscript. 35 in 18, 91 just 8 minutes left. If you can't
48:56 stand much, Maurice did for 8 minutes more.
49:01 We're not just why just say we're not to wait for some big
49:03 lot event knows what the Mantrip says. Here we are not
49:08 to wait for some big event. Notice today is the day how
49:12 many times you told your neighbor, but today's the day
49:13 of salvation.
49:16 How many times you grab your children starts a shaky moment.
49:19 Love them until in 2 days. Today's the day of salvation is
49:22 not right. Today's the day for Watt
49:25 today is a day that I give myself to God. That's the day.
49:29 Every day you wake up. Today is the day that I give myself to
49:32 God.
49:34 I pray that you're you're praying that I get myself to
49:37 God today. I want to do that. Why so? I can be used and I can
49:41 be fit this world to repopulate. Haven't
49:45 fun. Lar. Today is the day
49:49 I work. A work is like that of John the Baptist. You know
49:52 what?
49:53 But let's remember, we read it. We read it all her life and yet
49:56 was like somebody else to do it. Let's let prison ministries
49:59 do you know, misled the health ministry. Do. Let's let
50:01 everybody else do it. No,
50:04 no excuse for you or for me.
50:06 Let the pastor do it. No,
50:09 everybody
50:10 get involved. Our work is like that of John the Baptist.
50:13 What was it? He call Manute Bol is a real message. He called on
50:17 to repent and be baptized.
50:20 That's what this church is calling. We should be repent,
50:23 right? Oh, boy, and prepare for a lot for the coming of Jesus
50:27 Christ.
50:29 That's our message we should be doing that
50:32 Scott's message of his last church. It's the same recant.
50:36 Don't gain victory in our life over soon.
50:39 Prepared to stand in the day of God.
50:42 I wonder how many was really preparing. Just ask yourself
50:45 and not try to judge any by don't know your personal life.
50:48 How many of us really preparing to make a let me just make
50:51 something just a little bold statement here. And just let's
50:54 chew on for just a second.
50:57 It came from the review and Herald article is written in
51:00 18, 90 Amina. Remember true. This truth doesn't matter.
51:03 How long ago was written.
51:05 I read the Book of Genesis is Truth. It has to change.
51:08 It doesn't change.
51:11 So our work is that of what really repentance and victory
51:15 and preparing for the coming of Jesus and notices. Unless the
51:18 article said unless
51:20 our moral image of God damage of God is saying and man,
51:25 he can never entered the city of God as a conquer unless a
51:29 lot
51:30 the mall image of God is seen in us. We will never enter the
51:34 city of God as a conquer. That means I won't make it and
51:37 I look in the mayor not see a bone short. Oh, God, help me
51:41 the what I need to pay. I don't need to be impatient. I don't
51:44 need to be hasty. Not only to speak things. I shouldn't speak
51:49 the one on the debate this year said yeah, but I had forgotten
51:53 all had this temper all my life as it was about time. You got
51:56 rid of it.
51:57 It's not OK
51:59 because we've had some all my life because we've nursed it.
52:02 All right. We've added to it, you know, cultivated 10,
52:05 they water might be or edit. Ariba, God will give us victory
52:08 over those things. I've got a dirty mouth. What you need to
52:11 wash after darting out.
52:14 Now we know during this going on in heaven, you know that.
52:16 Come on now
52:18 the moral image of God must be seen. Jesus must be seen,
52:22 not you? Not me. That's my hope.
52:25 But he can live inside of me. Other people can see Jesus
52:28 because they see me. It's not good.
52:31 They've got must see Jesus.
52:34 How can I stand false before the throne of God?
52:37 That's what he says and that we can trust and follow us without
52:41 unblemished without blame. Oh, wow. So we're going to do
52:45 then stand in the day have gone.
52:47 Jude, 24 talks about that.
52:49 The papers, you know, for the throne of God, faultless
52:55 and justification, would you say they're one and the same
52:58 Parton and justification?
53:01 I help you
53:04 harden and justification really is which they won the same
53:07 Woodley.
53:09 So we look at that. They're one the same through faith and
53:12 remember the believe or if you're a believer today,
53:14 I'm a believer, right?
53:16 I was wants a child, Sam.
53:21 And now because of Jesus Christ, I've become a child of
53:25 God.
53:26 Then a nice conduct myself.
53:29 I'm a child of God. The notice
53:31 the center, then it's made with before I receive forgiveness of
53:35 sands because someone stepped up to the plate. My my my
53:41 substitute, my surety stood up in my place and said, Kenny
53:46 out, take your place and you're never going make it your own
53:50 and hope you see yourself as such. I see myself as a Jesus
53:53 said and he looked amazing not died for you. I want to spend
53:57 eternity with you and I can't figure out why you want to
54:04 think about it.
54:07 He says I offer you eternal life and not too long. I was
54:09 talking about you've maybe read some work. Jesus said he can't
54:12 make piece of paper and he said here is an insurance policy
54:17 not like and gives you.
54:19 But it says eternal life on it.
54:22 We accept this free gift.
54:25 When I've done at the centre in except a crisis. My Lord is my
54:29 savior
54:30 and I stand right that pardoned and justified and I have his
54:33 robe of righteousness on. I can tell you my brothers and
54:36 my sisters at that point, the role of Christ righteousness.
54:40 I stand before almost before the throne of God at that time.
54:44 Come on. Now. You sounded weak.
54:47 You're not convinced
54:50 the mom said we confess our sins. What is he
54:52 faithful? And just to forgive us all our sins. And at that
54:55 moment, if you have to believe that you must believe it,
54:58 you stand all of us. The role of Christ righteousness.
55:02 That's beautiful news stays God.
55:05 Oh, wow. Testimony is the minister says this quickly as
55:09 we close 64, it says the statement, some people as you
55:12 get so tied, don't get type type. People can't go to
55:15 heaven.
55:16 It says this. The church the church needs to be converted.
55:20 Now want to says Saint not member, if you get high is
55:23 because you need to be converted.
55:26 If you agree with that because we look at all of our live no
55:29 matter where you're living right now. I need more
55:31 conversion. I needed every day of my life, right? I need a
55:34 fresh every day. There's nothing wrong with that.
55:37 That means us
55:38 reach goes on. Said the church members need to know from
55:42 experience. Mama you here.
55:44 So.
55:52 >> Church members need to know from experience what the Holy
55:56 Spirit will do for them. And I need to know from
55:58 experience not to forget her out there.
56:00 >> The Lord is good. I got, you know, the way I'm sorry after
56:06 this camp meeting, if we don't make it to heaven, it's our own
56:09 fault. It's our own fault. God has been calling through
56:14 all of the speakers through all the messages and we have to
56:17 walk that hour and we have to receive that power and our
56:22 hearts and our minds and a live that power.
56:25 >> Just calls us up. And you've got 36 seconds. Maybe I'll get
56:28 out of it. I was thinking maybe you want to pray, but I want to
56:32 pray. We'll just try to pray together. Church, ok?
56:36 >> Most gracious, heavenly father, once again, we come
56:39 before your throne.
56:41 Father were weaker vacillating. And
56:44 but we're so thankful we're so grateful for that. Roll the
56:48 right. Just this that was brought up yet again. Where
56:51 would we be without father? Chloral us hide behind the
56:57 cross of counter ISIS hiatus from the sun's. Make us
57:01 help us give us that street that we need that power.
57:05 Yes, to change our priorities and spend more time with you
57:10 and in Christ's name. We pray. Amen.
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Revised 2023-12-16