3ABN Australia Homecoming

Faith and Acceptance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCAU

Program Code: HCAU200006S

00:11 And this is the record
00:13 that God hath given to us eternal life
00:16 and this life is in His Son.
00:20 Welcome to 3ABN Australia Homecoming.
00:30 Thank you for joining us
00:32 for this nearly halfway
00:35 of the 3ABN Australia Homecoming, 2020.
00:40 And today we will be looking at Chapter 6
00:43 of the book, Steps to Christ,
00:46 a beautiful book to help you in preparing for eternity.
00:51 And I want to thank those of you
00:53 who are here as our audience, we really appreciate you.
00:56 It's wonderful to have you with us today.
00:59 Our speaker for this hour is Pastor Justin Torossian.
01:06 And he's going to be speaking on Chapter 6
01:09 "Faith and Acceptance."
01:12 And I'm looking forward to hearing
01:14 what he is going to say
01:16 because, excuse me, I've got an itchy nose.
01:19 The lady who wrote the book that we're looking at
01:23 is his, was his great, great, great grandmother.
01:26 So this book is very important to him.
01:30 But we're just going to review
01:32 what Pastor Abel Iorgulescu preached on.
01:36 On Chapter 5 consecration, his summary is one,
01:41 "What is the greatest battle that was ever fought?
01:44 Consecrating your heart to God.
01:47 Why?
01:48 Because we are sinners with a tendency to rebel,
01:53 to run away from God."
01:55 Number two,
01:56 "According to Joel 3:14
01:59 multitudes are in the valley of decision,
02:04 choosing to surrender to God or to reject Him."
02:08 Three,
02:10 "But even when we choose to turn away from God,
02:12 He doesn't give up on us, but pursues us."
02:16 Four,
02:17 "We cannot change our hearts,
02:19 but we can allow God to do the transformation."
02:23 Five,
02:24 "Many people are in the valley of decision today,
02:27 and God is inviting us to come to Him
02:30 just as we are,
02:31 with our broken lives,
02:32 with our sin polluted hearts
02:35 and surrender completely to Him."
02:37 And number six,
02:39 "When we do this, we will experience the peace,
02:43 joy and assurance of salvation in Jesus Christ."
02:48 That's a wonderful chapter that he did on consecration.
02:51 Read the book and find out for yourselves,
02:54 Steps to Christ.
02:55 And our music is by Diane Hope, a very special girl,
03:01 dear to my heart.
03:02 And she's going to be singing a song called,
03:05 "Everywhere I go."
03:07 Thank you, Diane.
03:33 This is my journey
03:37 like Israel of old
03:44 I travel through the wilderness
03:49 So far away from home
03:55 Though dangers surround me
03:59 Though the night is long
04:04 The Lord is my light My beacon and guide
04:09 My strength and my song
04:14 And I will be strong
04:18 I will walk unafraid
04:23 With the Lord as my companion
04:28 Every step along the way
04:33 Then come what may I'll live
04:35 with courage in my heart
04:39 Because I know He is with me
04:46 everywhere I go
05:07 This is my journey
05:10 Like Israel of old
05:18 I need not wander lost Nor seek
05:22 to find my way alone
05:28 His presence before me
05:32 Is all that I require
05:37 The Lord is my light My beacon and guide
05:42 My pillar of fire
05:47 And I will be strong
05:51 I will walk unafraid
05:56 With the Lord as my companion
06:01 Every step along the way
06:06 Then come what may I'll live
06:09 with courage in my heart
06:12 Because I know He is with me
06:19 everywhere I go
06:28 This is my journey
06:33 And nothing will I fear
06:38 The Lord my God Will safely pilot me
06:44 And keep my pathway sure
06:48 My Help and my guardian
06:52 To the journey's end
06:57 The Lord is my light My beacon and guide
07:02 My Savior and Friend
07:06 And I will be strong
07:11 I will walk unafraid
07:16 With the Lord as my companion
07:21 Every step along the way
07:24 Then come what may I'll live
07:27 with courage in my heart
07:31 Because I know
07:36 He is the Lord of heaven and earth
07:41 He is the perfect light of truth
07:45 And He is with me
07:49 everywhere I go
08:09 Amen.
08:10 Praise the Lord that He is with us
08:12 everywhere that we go.
08:13 Amen?
08:15 What a beautiful song.
08:16 Thank you so much for that, Diane.
08:17 It has been a wonderful time at 3ABN camp meeting,
08:21 or rather 3ABN Homecoming thus far, hasn't it?
08:24 And praise the Lord and we pray that
08:28 even in the midst of COVID,
08:29 as you have joined us here today,
08:31 that you'll be uplifted, enriched and blessed.
08:34 And that you'll find yourself walking more closely to Christ
08:39 than ever before.
08:41 Just as we prepare to get into the message,
08:44 I just want to say that,
08:45 you know, it's really a privilege
08:46 to preach the Word of God.
08:48 And I wanted to mention that
08:51 the Bible calls the Word of God,
08:54 yeah, the Bible calls itself the Word of God,
08:56 a double-edged sword in Hebrews 4:12.
08:59 It says that the Word of God is living and powerful,
09:02 sharper than a two-edged sword.
09:04 And I believe that one of the reasons
09:06 that it's called a double-edged sword
09:07 or compared to a double-edged sword
09:08 is because it cuts not only the hearers of the Word,
09:12 but also the one who delivers the Word.
09:14 And every sermon really is a sermon to self
09:18 and one that God has preached to you,
09:20 as you prepared it to share with others.
09:25 This is a beautiful little book.
09:27 Every year I reread this book from cover to cover,
09:30 just a page a day as a part of your devotions
09:33 and you'll get through it in less than half of the year.
09:35 And every year that I reread it,
09:37 I'm drawn closer to Christ.
09:40 And I see new things in it that stand out to me
09:43 that I didn't notice the year before.
09:45 And that is because it's so full
09:47 of beautiful Bible principles
09:48 that are timeless
09:50 and become more relevant
09:51 as our lives go on
09:52 and the days of our lives passed by.
09:56 As your conscience has been made alive
09:58 by the Holy Spirit,
10:00 you have seen something of the evil of sin
10:04 of its power,
10:05 its guilt, and you look upon it with hatred.
10:08 You feel that sin has separated you
10:11 from your God,
10:12 and that you're in bondage to the power of evil.
10:16 The more you struggle to escape like quicksand,
10:18 the more you realize your helplessness.
10:21 Your motives are impure, your heart is unclean.
10:25 You see that your life has been filled
10:27 with selfishness and sin.
10:29 You longed to be cleansed, to be forgiven, to be set free.
10:34 What can you do to attain this?
10:37 It's peace that you need.
10:39 It's heaven's forgiveness and peace and love in the soul.
10:43 Money cannot buy it.
10:45 Intellect cannot acquire it, skill cannot attain it.
10:49 You can never hope by your own efforts to gain it.
10:53 But God offers it to you as a free gift
10:58 without money and without price.
11:01 It is yours,
11:03 if you will, but reach out your hands
11:05 and grasp it.
11:07 Father in heaven as we dive into Your Word together today,
11:11 as we spend this time studying,
11:13 we pray that You will bless us with a clearer picture
11:17 of Your great gift of salvation.
11:20 And the assurance, the blessed assurance
11:22 that You want to grant to each and every one of us.
11:26 May Christ be lifted up, Lord, that all will be drawn to Him.
11:30 We ask in His precious name, amen.
11:33 There, I was driving down Highway 99 in California,
11:37 Central Valley.
11:39 And I was listening to a radio station
11:41 called family Christian radio.
11:43 It was a radio station with beautiful music,
11:46 but very bad theology.
11:49 And the reason that I say that
11:50 is because the founder of that radio station and ministry
11:54 predicted at least four different times
11:56 the date that Christ would return.
11:59 And, of course, each time
12:00 Jesus didn't return at that time,
12:02 and he, oh, well, I misunderstood this,
12:04 and then he'd set another date.
12:06 In addition to that,
12:07 the leaders of this ministry
12:09 actually believe something that is often called,
12:13 "Once saved, always saved."
12:15 It's this idea that once you accept Christ,
12:20 at one point in your life,
12:21 you are saved no matter what you do after that point.
12:24 And as I was listening to this radio station,
12:26 I wasn't particularly paying attention
12:28 because it was between songs,
12:30 and I was listening to it for the music.
12:32 But there came a voice
12:34 that kind of caught my attention.
12:37 The radio commentator said,
12:39 "So if you would like your free copy of,
12:42 I hope God saves me, call 1800,
12:45 " da-da-da."
12:47 And I thought,
12:48 "Did I just hear that right?
12:49 I hope God saves me?"
12:51 Friends, do we have to just hope that God saves us?
12:55 Or can we have true peace and confident assurance
12:59 that we are in a saving relationship with Christ,
13:02 and that if He were to come back right now,
13:04 we would be able to go home to heaven with Him.
13:07 This is the question
13:08 that we will be answering in our message together.
13:12 And, friends, we're going to see
13:13 what the Bible has to say about assurance,
13:16 what the Bible truly teaches about assurance,
13:19 and praise God that it's more than just something
13:21 that we can hope for.
13:23 It's something that we can have confidence of
13:25 not because we're confident in ourselves,
13:27 but because we're confident in Jesus Christ,
13:30 our Lord, and our soon coming Savior.
13:33 Now, there are extremes
13:35 when it comes to the path and the road of salvation.
13:39 There are extremes to the left and to the right,
13:42 there are ditches
13:43 that the devil would like to get us caught into.
13:45 And there are many different ditches
13:47 that the devil would have us,
13:48 you know, to be distracted and stuck in,
13:50 rather than on our heavenward way.
13:53 But there are really two major ones
13:55 when it comes to the topic of salvation.
13:58 And the first is, as I mentioned,
14:00 this idea that once we accept Jesus
14:02 by the expression of our mouth,
14:05 and if we mean it with our heart,
14:06 once we accept Him as our personal Savior,
14:09 then no matter what we do,
14:10 after that small point of faith,
14:13 no matter what our life entails,
14:15 we cannot turn our back on God, we will be saved.
14:19 Once saved, always saved,
14:21 no matter what terrible things you might do in your life,
14:24 and even if you tried turning your back on God.
14:27 In the other ditch,
14:28 on the other side of the road of salvation,
14:30 there is this idea
14:32 that you will never be ready for heaven
14:35 that no matter what happens in your life,
14:38 you can't have assurance because you're just too bad.
14:41 You've messed up too bad,
14:43 you've gone too far
14:44 and you are beyond God's ability to save you.
14:47 And so these are the two ditches
14:50 in the on the sides I should say
14:52 of the road of salvation on our heavenward way.
14:57 Now, we can avoid both of these ditches
15:01 by having faith in Christ
15:02 as He invites us to in His Word,
15:05 and have confident assurance of our salvation.
15:09 Once again, not because of confidence in self,
15:11 but because of confidence in our Savior.
15:14 Now, as this chapter, Chapter 6 of Steps to Christ rolls on,
15:19 we come across the following quotation.
15:22 And this is really beautiful.
15:23 It says this,
15:25 "From this simple Bible account of how Jesus healed the sick,
15:29 we may learn something of how to believe in Him
15:32 for the forgiveness of sins.
15:34 Let us turn to the story of the paralytic at Bethesda."
15:40 And so, friends, we're going to do just that,
15:41 we're going to launch off the diving board
15:44 of Steps to Christ
15:45 into this story from John Chapter 5.
15:48 And after we've gathered some gems
15:50 from the pool of Bethesda,
15:52 we're going to come back to this powerful chapter
15:54 from Steps to Christ
15:56 and to talk a bit more about assurance of salvation.
15:59 And what the Bible teaches about this very important
16:02 yet often misunderstood topic.
16:06 John Chapter 5,
16:08 the Bible says there in verse 1 that Jesus was in Jerusalem,
16:13 He just arrived, it says,
16:15 "After this, there was a feast of the Jews
16:16 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem."
16:20 Verse 2, reading on,
16:21 "Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool,
16:24 which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda,
16:27 having five porches."
16:29 Interestingly enough, a little side note,
16:31 for years different people
16:33 that were critics of the Bible said,
16:35 "Oh, the Bible is not true,
16:36 because we've never found anything
16:38 that had five porches in Jerusalem.
16:40 So it must not be true, the Bible must be wrong."
16:43 But not too long ago, they unearthed these porches,
16:47 they had seen two of the five porches.
16:49 But they didn't realize that
16:51 the other five were actually there,
16:52 they just hadn't dug them up.
16:53 And so archaeology once again demonstrated the Bible
16:56 as being true.
16:58 Now, back to verse 2, it says,
17:01 "There is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool,"
17:04 some translations, the King James says
17:06 the sheep market
17:08 that word gate or market
17:09 is actually put into and supplied,
17:12 because it's not in the original Greek,
17:14 but it would have been likely
17:16 the place that people would have brought their sheep
17:18 no doubt through a gate, an entranceway.
17:21 And probably the place as well
17:22 where the Jewish leaders would set up their shop
17:25 to tell people, oh, that sheep.
17:27 You're not going to sacrifice that, are you?
17:29 No, no, no, that's not good enough,
17:31 buy one of ours and we'll take that one.
17:33 And then they would take that good sheep
17:35 from the people they taken advantage of,
17:37 and then they would sell it for even more money.
17:39 And so this is the point that they had come to,
17:42 and it could have been this location
17:44 where they would do some of this work.
17:47 But the reason that I'm pausing to reflect upon this verse
17:50 is because often when we read the Bible,
17:53 we miss key points,
17:55 because we think as we read, oh, well, that's interesting,
17:58 but there's no significance or real deep meaning there.
18:02 But when God mentioned something in His Word,
18:04 it's significant.
18:06 Yes, some passages have points
18:07 that are less significant than others.
18:09 But when it says that this was by the Sheep Gate
18:13 the pool that was by the sheep gate,
18:14 it was significant.
18:16 Names of places often have significance
18:19 in line and in connection with the story.
18:21 For example, in Acts Chapter 9,
18:23 the Bible tells us that Paul,
18:25 he had been blinded by seeing Jesus
18:27 on the road to Damascus.
18:28 He'd been instructed by Jesus to go into the city
18:32 and then God spoke to this prophet Ananias
18:35 and told him,
18:36 "Listen, go into this city,
18:38 and go to a road called Straight.
18:41 And you will find that Saul is there,
18:44 and I want you to lay your hands on him."
18:47 It was no coincidence
18:48 that God of all the places that Saul could have stayed,
18:51 Saul who became Paul, by the way,
18:53 the greatest missionary of the New Testament.
18:56 It's no coincidence
18:58 that of all the places he could have gone,
18:59 this street was called Straight.
19:02 It was that street called Straight
19:03 where God was straightening out Paul's theology.
19:07 He was straightening out Paul's misunderstandings.
19:10 And for two days, the Bible tells us
19:12 He didn't eat or drink.
19:13 He actually was so just agonizing in his soul
19:16 because he'd been persecuting the people of God.
19:19 And he thought that he was serving God
19:21 by persecuting them.
19:22 He didn't realize that he was wrong this entire time.
19:25 And the Holy Spirit was working on his heart and his mind,
19:29 bringing back the pictures of Stephen
19:32 losing his life
19:34 looking up into heaven
19:35 and seeing the heavens open and seeing a vision of Jesus.
19:39 God was bringing these pictures back to Saul's mind
19:41 and he was setting him on the straight and narrow way.
19:45 Friends, there was no coincidence.
19:46 And there's no coincidence that
19:47 this was at a place called the Sheep Gate
19:50 and that, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit,
19:52 John penned this detail into the Gospel of John
19:56 as we read in John 5:2.
19:58 The significance, well,
20:01 the Bible says in just a few chapters,
20:02 Jesus Himself in John 10 says,
20:05 "I am the good shepherd.
20:07 And he also says, I am the door of the sheep."
20:11 Jesus was going to this place,
20:13 and there was going to be a man
20:15 who would hear His voice
20:16 and recognize that it was Him calling.
20:19 He was one of Christ's faithful sheep.
20:21 He just hadn't met Jesus yet.
20:23 And so the story is being set up,
20:25 that there were many sheep
20:26 and this man was one of God's faithful followers.
20:29 He just had not yet met Jesus, the Messiah.
20:32 Verse 3,
20:34 "In these lay a great multitude of sick people,
20:36 by this pool of Bethesda,
20:38 the blind, the lame, the paralyzed,
20:40 waiting for the moving of the water."
20:43 Verse 4,
20:44 "For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool
20:46 and stirred up the water,
20:47 and then whoever stepped in first,
20:50 after the stirring of the water,
20:51 was made well of whatever disease he had."
20:55 Now, this was a superstition of the day.
20:58 This was not the reality.
20:59 God doesn't work in this way.
21:01 He doesn't work in a way that some people would be healed
21:04 if they were the strongest and the fastest,
21:06 survival of the fittest in a sense.
21:08 And other people were trampled to death,
21:10 as people were trying to rush to the pool.
21:12 That's not the way God works.
21:14 This was a superstitious belief in the day
21:16 that people would be healed
21:18 if they were the first one to get into the water
21:21 after it was moving,
21:22 and there was the movement of the water.
21:26 Verse 5,
21:28 and by the way, in verse 4,
21:29 we just read that the people had put their faith,
21:32 their confidence, their assurance in this water.
21:36 That was where their hope was in the moving of this water.
21:40 Verse 5,
21:41 "Now a certain man was there who had an infirmity 38 years."
21:46 You know, 38 years is a long time.
21:49 I'm 34 years old.
21:51 And, you know, I know 38 is longer than I've lived,
21:56 obviously, and some of you listening today may think,
21:59 well, you know,
22:00 I'm 85 so 38 years is not all that long
22:04 compared to my life span.
22:05 But listen, even if you're 100 years old,
22:07 38 years is still more than one-third of your lifetime.
22:11 That's a long time.
22:12 And it's likely that this man was one of the worst cases
22:15 around the pool of Bethesda.
22:17 Here, he was sick, crippled for 38 years.
22:22 Verse 6,
22:23 "When Jesus saw him lying there,
22:25 He knew that he already had been in that condition
22:27 for a long time,
22:28 and He said to him,
22:30 "Do you want to be made well?"
22:33 What do you think this man's first thought was?
22:35 Of course, I want to be made well.
22:37 Why do you think I'm here?
22:38 The whole reason
22:40 that I'm camping out in this spot
22:41 is because I want to be made well.
22:42 This was a question
22:44 that Jesus already knew the answer to.
22:47 Why do you think
22:48 He asked this man this question?
22:50 He already knew,
22:52 of course, he wanted to be well.
22:53 But this man's expression
22:56 that he wanted to be made well.
22:58 This man's speaking out and crying out for help,
23:01 is what Jesus wanted to hear so that He could answer
23:04 and work a miracle in healing him.
23:07 Verse 7,
23:08 "The sick man answered Him,
23:10 "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool
23:12 when the water is stirred up,
23:14 but while I am coming, another steps down before me."
23:18 You know, this man's answer speaks volumes.
23:21 What did he mention?
23:23 He said, "Sir, I have no men to put me into the" what?
23:27 "Pool when the water is stirred."
23:29 This man was focusing on his problems,
23:31 and he was focusing on people
23:33 and the things of this world that seemed to promise
23:37 healing and success.
23:39 He had his hope in this water,
23:41 but his hope was in the wrong water.
23:44 A few chapters later, in John Chapter 7,
23:46 Jesus says this in verse 37, at this feast,
23:48 this great feast, He said, "On the last day,"
23:51 it says,
23:52 "He cried out, saying,
23:54 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
23:57 He who believes in Me."
23:59 As the scriptures has said, have said,
24:01 "Out of His heart
24:02 will flow rivers of living water."
24:06 It goes on verse 39,
24:07 "But this He spoke concerning the spirits
24:09 whom those believing in Him would receive."
24:13 Jesus said very clearly, He said,
24:15 "Let anyone who thirst
24:17 the things of this world have left you dehydrated
24:19 and empty, come to Me,
24:21 and I will give you the water
24:22 that leads to everlasting life."
24:25 Jesus is saying in this verse,
24:26 a few chapters after our story,
24:28 that He is the true source of water.
24:31 He's the true source of living water
24:33 that can bring health and healing and blessing.
24:36 Think about it.
24:38 Where did the Israelites get their water from
24:40 in the Old Testament
24:41 when they were wandering through the wilderness
24:43 for those 40 years?
24:45 Where they get their water?
24:46 Feel free to answer.
24:49 That's right.
24:50 They got their water from the rock.
24:52 Now, 1 Corinthians 10:4 tells us
24:54 that rock was Christ.
24:57 That rock pointed forward to Christ,
24:59 and that was Christ.
25:01 Christ is the rock of our salvation.
25:03 So, friends, Jesus is the only source of the water
25:07 that can bring healing
25:09 and that can bring eternal life into our lives.
25:12 And that water is the Holy Spirit.
25:15 But due to superstition,
25:18 this man and so many others
25:19 had put their faith in the wrong place,
25:22 they were looking for the moving
25:24 of the wrong water,
25:26 because the source of living water was moving
25:30 in their midst, you follow?
25:32 Jesus was moving in their midst.
25:34 And friends, Jesus can be moving
25:36 and blessing all around us.
25:38 And we can be missing it.
25:40 If we are not in tune with His Spirit,
25:42 if we are not surrendered to Him,
25:44 we can miss it when He is moving
25:46 all around us.
25:47 Friends, if we are focusing our time,
25:50 our energy, our money
25:52 on the do it yourself solutions of this world,
25:55 they will leave us nothing but empty and hopeless.
25:59 But Christ is the one who can provide the waters
26:02 that satisfy our souls.
26:04 He is the one that can provide the waters of life.
26:08 Verse 8,
26:09 "Jesus said to him,
26:11 'Arise, take up your bed and walk."
26:14 You know, Jesus could have healed him instantly,
26:16 don't you think?
26:18 Christ could have instantly healed this man.
26:19 Why didn't He?
26:21 Why did He choose to tell the man,
26:23 "Arise, take up your bed and walk?"
26:26 Very interesting that Jesus decides to do this.
26:29 And why would He give him a command
26:31 that was physically impossible?
26:34 I want to suggest to you today
26:36 that Jesus did this very intentionally.
26:38 Jesus did this,
26:40 so that the man would recognize very clearly
26:43 that this was a complete miracle of God.
26:46 Secondly, the other reason was
26:48 because Jesus gave this man an opportunity
26:50 to express his faith in Him by obeying His word,
26:55 through obedience to Him
26:56 and to try to do through trying to do
26:59 what He commanded.
27:01 Now, this man could have been like,
27:03 listen, Jesus, well, He didn't know
27:04 who was Jesus at the time,
27:05 as we'll see later on in the story.
27:08 But this man could have said to the Lord,
27:13 "What do you mean?
27:15 How do you expect me to get up
27:16 and rise and take my mat and walk?
27:18 If I could do that, I wouldn't be lying here.
27:20 Listen, you can just heal me,
27:22 and then I'll get up and then I will walk."
27:25 But this man didn't do that.
27:27 This man went to get up
27:29 with the little energy that he had
27:31 with whatever he could do, he did do.
27:34 And as he did this,
27:36 as he responded to the compassion
27:39 in Jesus eyes,
27:41 and the authority in His voice,
27:43 as this man tried,
27:45 as he did, his limbs started to feel again
27:50 as he hadn't felt them in years.
27:52 And instantly, the Bible says,
27:54 this man stood up,
27:57 and he picked up his mat, and he began to walk.
28:00 He stepped out in faith,
28:02 so to speak, he stepped up in faith.
28:04 And this man when he tried to get up
28:06 as an expression of his faith in Christ,
28:09 as he moved in faith,
28:11 God moved with a miracle.
28:13 And, friends, when we move in faith,
28:16 God will move with miracles.
28:17 Amen?
28:19 This is how God operates.
28:20 But He doesn't leave us completely out of the equation.
28:24 He allows us
28:25 and He leaves us the opportunity
28:27 to respond to Him as an expression of faith,
28:30 and to step out and do
28:32 what He has said, for us to do.
28:34 Friends, our faith can enable God
28:37 to do the impossible.
28:39 And we serve a God
28:41 who is in the business of doing the impossible,
28:44 nothing is impossible for Him.
28:46 Verse 9, immediately He was made well,
28:48 he took up his bed and he walked.
28:51 This, the Bible says there in verse 9,
28:55 this is one of the seven times,
28:58 one of the seven healing miracles
29:00 that Jesus worked on a Sabbath.
29:02 The gospels record seven times
29:04 where Jesus worked healing miracles
29:06 on the Sabbath.
29:08 And this was one of the seven.
29:10 Just reading quickly through the rest of the story,
29:11 verses 10 to 13.
29:13 "The Jews therefore said to him who was cured,
29:15 'It is the Sabbath,
29:16 it is not lawful for you to carry your bed.'"
29:19 That is according to their own rules.
29:21 There's nowhere in God's Word that says,
29:22 "Don't carry your bed on the Sabbath."
29:24 Verse 11,
29:25 "He answered them, 'He who made me well said,
29:27 'Take up your bed and walk.'
29:29 They asked him,
29:30 'Who is the man who said to you,
29:32 'Take up your bed and walk'?' "
29:33 In other words,
29:35 who dare contradict our authority?
29:37 Who is this who would be so bold
29:39 as to do such a thing?
29:42 Verse 13,
29:43 "But the one who was healed did not know who it was,
29:46 for Jesus had withdrawn,
29:48 a multitude being in that place."
29:51 Friends, this man did not know yet
29:54 who Jesus was,
29:55 but he had had an experience with Him.
29:57 He had had a personal miraculous experience
30:01 with Christ.
30:02 He had been healed by Him,
30:04 because he had followed His command
30:06 and stepped out in faith.
30:07 And now he was healed.
30:09 And, friends, the reason we're going through
30:11 this story together,
30:12 the reason we're examining it is
30:14 not just, is not just because it's an amazing story
30:17 about physical healing and a physical miracle,
30:19 but rather because it has lessons for us today
30:22 about salvation.
30:24 The same way that God worked for this man
30:26 in healing his physical ailments,
30:28 He works for us today when it comes to our salvation.
30:33 God wants to heal us
30:34 from the deadly sickness of sin.
30:37 He purifies us
30:39 from our filthiness of character.
30:40 He accredits everything in Jesus perfect life to us.
30:44 And as He does this,
30:46 we're transformed, we're justified,
30:48 and it's just as if I'd never sinned,
30:51 that's an easy way to remember the word justified,
30:52 what it means?
30:54 It's just as if I'd never sinned.
30:56 And, friends,
30:58 this is never something that God does
31:00 automatically against our will.
31:03 Rather, He offers this
31:05 as a free gift of salvation to us
31:07 if we accept Him into our hearts by faith.
31:11 And this is something that we do daily
31:14 after we've done it for the first time.
31:16 Now back to the topic of assurance
31:18 and the assurance of salvation.
31:20 And we're going to get to some gems
31:22 from this little book.
31:23 This is one of the best books ever written.
31:26 Outside of the Bible,
31:27 it is one of the very best
31:29 and it's the reason for that is because it's full of Bible,
31:31 not only Bible principles, but Bible verses,
31:34 you can't find a single page without Bible references,
31:37 Bible quotes, and Bible verses
31:39 and helping bring those verses to clarity
31:43 when it comes to the journey that we have with Jesus
31:46 and the journey of our salvation.
31:49 Now remember, how many ditches,
31:51 how many main ditches are there on the road of salvation?
31:54 How many? Two.
31:56 Two, that's right.
31:57 We've got on one side
31:58 this idea of once saved, always saved.
32:01 On the other side, we've got this idea
32:02 that we'll never be ready
32:04 and we can't ever know with any kind of confidence
32:06 that we are in a saving relationship
32:08 with Jesus,
32:09 and we will be saved when He returns.
32:12 Now, once saved, always saved, this idea.
32:15 The Bible is full of examples of people
32:18 who sadly were walking with God,
32:21 and then turned their back on Him
32:23 and ended up being lost.
32:25 And just before we look at just a few,
32:28 Hebrews 3:12,
32:29 in this chapter,
32:31 the Apostle Paul pens these words.
32:32 He says,
32:34 "Beware brethren,
32:35 lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief,
32:38 in departing from the living God."
32:42 So Paul warns saying,
32:43 "We can't depart from the living God."
32:46 We see this in a number of illustrations
32:48 and examples of people in the Old Testament,
32:49 the New Testament,
32:51 one from the Old Testament is King Saul.
32:53 Was King Saul in God's favor, yes or no?
32:56 Yes, he was.
32:57 Did he end up turning his back on God
32:59 and being lost?
33:01 Yes or no?
33:02 Sadly, yes, he did.
33:03 How about Judas?
33:05 Judas was literally walking with Jesus,
33:07 he was journeying with Jesus, he was one of the disciples.
33:10 But sadly, because of his greed,
33:12 he sold Jesus and betrayed Him,
33:14 and then ended his own life.
33:17 Judas is another example of this.
33:19 So what do Christians who believe
33:21 in once saved always saved
33:23 believe about these examples from the Bible?
33:26 You know what they say?
33:27 They say,
33:29 "Oh, well,
33:30 these people were never really saved
33:32 in the first place."
33:35 They were never really saved in the first place.
33:36 It was all just it looked like they were saved,
33:38 but they were not.
33:40 And, friends, you can see why
33:41 this idea of once saved always saved.
33:44 It sounds good
33:45 and it sounds like it provides assurance.
33:47 But it never offers assurance to people,
33:50 that they are safe.
33:52 Because think about it,
33:53 you could get to the end of your life.
33:55 And you could think,
33:56 man, I could get to the last days of my life
33:58 and turn my back on God.
33:59 And it means my current experience
34:00 with Him is fake.
34:02 But rather than this, friend,
34:04 the Bible teaches that we can be walking with God,
34:07 but it's a walk in progress.
34:09 Amen?
34:10 It's a walk in progress, we walk with Him every day,
34:13 we journey with Him, we continue to choose Him,
34:16 and we enter into a saving relationship
34:18 with Him.
34:19 And we, by His grace, and with His help,
34:21 never turn back to the ways of the world.
34:26 Now, on the other side of this,
34:28 as mentioned,
34:30 is the teaching
34:31 that we'll never be ready for heaven.
34:34 Now the question comes,
34:35 does the Bible actually teach that
34:37 we can have assurance of our salvation?
34:39 That's a really important question.
34:41 We'll just look at a few verses together,
34:42 two primarily.
34:44 Luke 10:20,
34:45 Jesus had just sent out the disciples,
34:48 and they came back
34:49 and they had experienced miracles.
34:51 The demons were subjected to them
34:52 in Jesus name,
34:54 and they were healing the sick.
34:55 And as they came back, Jesus says this.
34:59 He says in Luke 10:20,
35:00 "Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this,
35:03 that the spirits are subject to you,
35:05 but rather rejoice
35:06 because your names are written in heaven."
35:11 Question,
35:13 could the disciples rejoice if they weren't sure
35:16 if their names were written in heaven,
35:18 yes or no?
35:19 No,
35:21 but Jesus told them
35:22 your names are written in heaven.
35:24 Similarly, 1 John 5:13,
35:27 "These things I have written to you
35:28 who believe in the name of the Son of God,
35:31 that you may know that you have eternal life,
35:34 and that you may continue to believe
35:36 in the name of the Son of God."
35:39 John doesn't say, I've written these things,
35:40 so that you can think or hope that you have eternal life,
35:44 he says, so that you may know that you have eternal life.
35:47 Friends, the Bible teaches that,
35:49 that there is an assurance of peace
35:51 that comes through a confidence,
35:54 not in ourselves,
35:55 but because of our Savior,
35:57 who we are connected to.
35:58 Does that make sense?
36:00 This is a beautiful teaching of the Bible.
36:02 And we can't have peace and true assurance
36:07 until and unless we understand this.
36:10 Now, friends, once again,
36:14 this is not because of our confidence in self,
36:16 but because of our confidence in Christ.
36:19 And, you know, if Satan doesn't have us in one ditch,
36:21 he'll try getting us in the other.
36:24 And dare I say
36:26 that more people
36:27 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church
36:29 are in this ditch rather than that one,
36:32 rather than the once saved, always saved,
36:33 we tend to be in the ditch of man,
36:36 I'll never make it to heaven.
36:38 I can never know and have peace and assurance.
36:42 And don't get me wrong,
36:43 there is a thing called false assurance
36:45 where we feel like we're okay,
36:46 but we're actually living in sin.
36:48 And that's a very dangerous thing.
36:50 But the opposite extreme once again,
36:52 is that we can never have peace and assurance
36:55 and be sure that
36:57 we are in a saving relationship with Jesus
36:59 that will lead to our eternal salvation
37:02 if we continue journeying with Him.
37:05 The devil points to us
37:07 and he says, you know, you're too messed up.
37:10 Your life is too much of a mess,
37:11 you're not good enough to be there,
37:13 you're not good enough to make it into heaven
37:15 and, friends, you know, that's true.
37:17 You and I are not good enough to make it into heaven,
37:21 because of our righteousness.
37:23 But praise God that Christ is good enough.
37:26 And Christ accredits everything in His account to us
37:30 when we accept Him into our hearts,
37:32 and into our lives by faith.
37:35 When we have confessed and forsaken our sins,
37:38 we can close our ear to the enemy,
37:41 when he throws these accusations at us,
37:44 and we can turn our eyes to the promises of God.
37:48 Isaiah 41:9-10.
37:50 God says,
37:52 "You are My servant,
37:53 I have chosen you and have not cast you away.
37:55 Fear not, for I'm with you,
37:57 be not dismayed, for I am your God.
38:00 I will help you, yes, I will strengthen you,
38:02 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
38:06 Friend, beautiful promises,
38:08 that there are in the Word of God
38:10 and they are for you.
38:11 Jeremiah 31:3,
38:12 "The Lord has appeared of old to me saying,
38:14 'Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love.
38:18 Therefore, with loving kindness,
38:19 I have drawn you."
38:21 Philippians 1:6,
38:23 "Being confident of this very thing
38:24 that he who has begun a good work in you
38:27 will be faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
38:32 Now there must be at least one person
38:34 listening right now
38:35 who thinks, you know, those promises are nice,
38:37 but they don't apply to me.
38:39 I'm too messed up.
38:41 I've gone beyond the reach of God's help,
38:44 the reach of God's salvation.
38:45 Friends, listen to this,
38:47 Steps to Christ, page 52 and 53.
38:50 "Put away the suspicion
38:52 that God's promises are not meant for you.
38:54 They are for every repentant transgressor.
38:58 Strength and grace
38:59 have been provided through Christ
39:01 to be brought by ministering angels
39:02 to every believing soul.
39:04 None are so sinful,"
39:05 how many?
39:07 "None are so sinful
39:08 that they cannot find strength, purity
39:11 and righteousness in Jesus, who died for them.
39:14 He is waiting to strip them of their garments
39:16 stained and polluted with sin,
39:18 and to put upon them
39:19 the white robes of righteousness,
39:21 He bids them live and not die."
39:24 Friends, these are beautiful promises.
39:27 And this is saying basically,
39:28 every one of those Bible promises
39:30 is for you.
39:31 If you have repented of your sins,
39:33 every promise from the Word of God
39:36 is a promise for you.
39:37 You can take it to the bank,
39:39 and know that you can cash in on that promise
39:42 because it comes from a God who cannot lie.
39:44 And He has made this promise to you.
39:48 The Bible has this principle.
39:51 And I like to call it the divine paradox.
39:54 And the divine paradox,
39:55 it's this principle that
39:57 the closer we come to Jesus,
39:59 the more we recognize our own imperfections
40:02 and weaknesses,
40:04 our character flaws.
40:05 It's kind of like when,
40:06 you know, Charisa would come visit me
40:08 while we were dating.
40:09 Inevitably, the day before I'd go to pick her up
40:12 at the airport,
40:14 I'd be in my kitchen and think,
40:16 I hadn't seen that spot.
40:17 And I get down and start to clean it off,
40:20 and then I'd see another one and be like,
40:21 oh, there's another one over there.
40:24 And then walking through my house,
40:26 I had kind of been oblivious to that stack of papers there,
40:28 you know, I should tidy these things up.
40:30 When someone with a higher standard
40:32 of cleanliness
40:34 is coming into your home and your personal space,
40:37 all of a sudden,
40:38 you start seeing all the imperfections
40:40 and the messiness of your home.
40:43 And it's the same with Jesus
40:45 when it comes to our characters.
40:46 When we draw closer to Christ, the closer we come to Him,
40:50 and see His perfect character,
40:52 the more we see our own imperfections,
40:55 our own weaknesses, our character flaws,
40:57 and our faults.
40:59 And this is the divine paradox, as it were.
41:02 But this is a healthy thing,
41:05 because we should recognize
41:06 our imperfections and our weaknesses,
41:08 the more that we see Christ's perfection
41:10 and His holiness.
41:12 However,
41:13 the devil will inevitably try discouraging us
41:16 by trying to get us to focus our eyes
41:18 and leave our eyes on ourselves,
41:20 rather than focusing our eyes on Christ, our Savior.
41:25 Moving to another beautiful quote,
41:28 "Do not be misled by Satan's devices.
41:30 Many who are really conscientious,
41:33 who desire to live for God,
41:35 he too often leads to dwell
41:37 on their own faults and weaknesses,
41:39 and thus by separating them from Christ
41:41 he hopes to gain the victory.
41:43 We should not make self the center
41:44 and indulge anxiety and fear
41:47 as to whether we shall be saved.
41:49 All this turns the soul away from the source of strength.
41:53 Commit the keeping of your soul to God
41:55 and trust in Him...
41:57 He is able to keep that
41:59 which you have committed to Him."
42:02 Friends, in the beautiful words of Martin Luther,
42:04 when I look at myself, I don't see how I can be saved.
42:08 But when I look at Jesus, I don't see how I can be lost.
42:12 This is the key.
42:13 We must focus our eyes and turn our eyes upon Jesus
42:18 to look full in His wonderful face.
42:20 And as we see more of our imperfections,
42:22 we surrender them to Him.
42:24 He lives out His life in us, He transforms us,
42:27 He removes those things
42:29 that are keeping us from a closer walk with Him.
42:32 And He uses us
42:34 in a sense to reflect His character
42:36 to a dying world.
42:39 You know, another trap that the devil sets for us
42:44 when we are on our heavenward way.
42:47 Another trap that he sets for us
42:49 is bringing up past sins.
42:51 You know, I realized some time ago
42:53 that this was some number of years back now.
42:56 But I realized that I was confessing sins
43:00 that I had already confessed to God
43:03 and forsaken.
43:04 They were a thing of the past.
43:05 But for some reason, I continue to confess this sin.
43:08 And one day,
43:09 it was as if God spoke to me and said,
43:11 "Justin, I already forgave you for that.
43:13 What are you talking about?
43:15 I've already forgiven you for that.
43:17 I'm not going back to it.
43:19 Why are you digging into your memory
43:20 and doing that?
43:22 It's gone."
43:23 I heard the story of a boy
43:25 who was learning to drive at the age of 16.
43:28 In America, you can get your license,
43:29 your permit at 15 and a half,
43:31 and he was learning to drive,
43:32 and him and his dad were driving
43:33 as his dad was teaching him.
43:35 And as they pulled out of the driveway,
43:36 the neighbor's cat
43:38 ran straight in front of the car.
43:40 They ran over the poor cat and killed the neighbor's cat.
43:43 In tears, he picked up the cat
43:45 and they went together to the neighbor's door,
43:47 they rang the doorbell.
43:49 And with broken hearts,
43:50 they told them the story
43:51 of how they had accidentally killed their cat.
43:54 And they said,
43:55 "Oh, listen, look, we know it was an accident.
43:57 These types of things happen, we forgive you."
43:59 They said, "Okay, thank you. Thank you so much."
44:01 And he and his father went home.
44:04 The family took the cat in the back that day,
44:05 they buried the cat,
44:07 had a little funeral service for it
44:09 and then the next evening
44:11 there was a knock on their door,
44:12 just as the sun was starting to set.
44:15 And they opened the door.
44:18 And here was this boy
44:21 with the cat covered in dirt dug up out of the ground.
44:24 And he was saying,
44:25 "Oh, look, I'm so sorry.
44:27 I'm so sorry for killing your cat."
44:28 And they said,
44:30 "It's okay.
44:32 Yeah, look, we forgive you. It's fine. It's fine."
44:34 And they took the cat they buried it again.
44:36 And boy went home
44:39 and conscious clean went to sleep.
44:41 But the next day, guess what happens?
44:44 Knock at the door again.
44:46 And the boy was there with that dirty buried cat.
44:50 And this time the neighbor said,
44:51 "Leave it buried. Leave it alone.
44:55 We've forgiven you.
44:56 We've moved on, leave the thing buried."
44:58 And, friends, the Bible tells us
44:59 in Micah 7:19,
45:01 that God buries our sins
45:03 in the deepest end of the ocean.
45:05 We shouldn't go fishing for them. Amen?
45:07 When we've confessed and forsaken those sins,
45:09 we can trust that they are gone.
45:12 And when the devil knocks at the door of our hearts
45:14 to tempt or discourage us
45:16 and point us back to those sins,
45:17 don't answer the door, send Jesus to the door.
45:20 And when Satan sees Jesus coming at to the door,
45:23 "Oh, I've got the wrong house,"
45:25 and he'll be out of there.
45:27 He'll flee at the presence of Jesus Christ.
45:30 Friends, remember,
45:31 it doesn't matter if you feel forgiven.
45:34 It doesn't matter if you feel saved.
45:36 It takes faith, not feeling.
45:39 Don't wait until you feel you have been made whole.
45:42 Like that crippled man
45:44 who was healed saying,
45:45 I believe it.
45:47 It is so not because I feel it,
45:49 but because God has promised.
45:52 Friends, remember that, that's a line worth memorizing,
45:54 by the way, and it's out of here.
45:56 I believe it is so not because I feel it,
45:59 but because God has promised.
46:01 It was through faith that this man stood up,
46:05 not because he felt like he could,
46:07 but through faith in the one who had told him.
46:10 Friends, when we receive Christ by faith,
46:12 we can then believe and accept that
46:14 our salvation is a reality
46:17 that we can have assurance of.
46:19 You know, it's an eternal life assurance policy.
46:23 Forget insurance, we've got God's assurance.
46:26 Amen?
46:28 And that is a beautiful promise.
46:30 A final quote from Steps to Christ
46:32 as we wrap up.
46:37 Page 64 of this beautiful book,
46:40 "There are those
46:41 who have known the pardoning love of Christ,
46:43 and who really desire to be children of God,
46:46 yet they realize that their character is imperfect,
46:49 their life faulty,
46:50 and they are ready to doubt
46:52 whether their hearts have been renewed
46:53 by the Holy Spirit.
46:55 To such I would say, Do not draw back in despair.
46:59 We shall often have to bow down and weep at the feet of Jesus,
47:03 because of our shortcomings and mistakes,
47:05 but we are not to be discouraged.
47:07 Even if we are overcome by the enemy,
47:10 we are not cast off,
47:11 not forsaken and rejected of God.
47:13 No, Christ is at the right hand of God,
47:17 who also makes intercession for us.
47:19 And if you will, but yield yourself to Him,
47:22 He that hath begun a good work in you
47:25 will carry it forward to the day of Jesus Christ."
47:29 Friends, this is a beautiful promise.
47:32 Yes, you may trip, you may stumble, you may fall.
47:35 But the Bible says in Proverbs 27,
47:37 it's not that the righteous man never trips and falls
47:40 and the wicked falls.
47:41 No, it's that the righteous gets up again.
47:44 They take the hand of Jesus,
47:46 get back up and keep on our heavenward way.
47:50 Friends, if we commit
47:51 the keeping of our lives to God,
47:54 we can have this beautiful, beautiful gift of assurance.
48:00 And this is something
48:02 that we can be eternally grateful to him for.
48:07 You know, there was a time
48:09 where Martin Luther a young Catholic monk.
48:14 And by the way,
48:16 the Protestant Reformation was predominantly led
48:18 by former Catholic teachers and monks and priests
48:22 because they were the ones who had access to the Bible
48:25 in the Dark Ages.
48:27 Martin Luther had given his life to the Lord
48:30 in serving Him.
48:32 One day he was climbing
48:34 the supposedly a staircase from Pilate
48:37 that had miraculously been transferred to Rome.
48:40 That was the story at least,
48:42 he was climbing it on his knees as a form of penance,
48:45 in order to receive a level of forgiveness of sin.
48:50 And as Martin Luther was climbing
48:51 this long staircase on his knees,
48:54 the verse thundered into his mind,
48:57 the just shall live by faith from Habakkuk 2.
49:01 The righteous, the just shall live,
49:04 not by working out their salvation,
49:06 but by faith.
49:07 This was the beginning of a change
49:10 in Martin Luther's life.
49:12 He reached out and it was him
49:14 who God used in the Protestant Reformation,
49:17 to highlight the beautiful truth, again,
49:21 of salvation by grace through faith,
49:23 not by works, but by grace through faith.
49:27 One night, Martin Luther had a dream.
49:30 And this dream felt so real, it was as if he was there.
49:33 He saw the devil there, Satan was there
49:36 and he had his hand,
49:38 his arm up on the top of this scroll.
49:41 And there was this long scroll with fine details
49:45 of Martin Luther's sins listed on them.
49:48 And the devil said,
49:49 "Martin Luther, are these your sins?"
49:52 And he said, "Yes."
49:54 But he saw that
49:55 there was something behind the devil's arm.
49:58 This light that was emanating
49:59 from the top of the scroll and he said,
50:01 "Yes, but move your hand."
50:03 The devil said,
50:04 "No. Martin Luther, aren't these your sins?"
50:08 And he said, "Yes, but move your hand."
50:11 And Satan said,
50:12 "No. Aren't these your sins, Martin Luther?"
50:16 And he said,
50:17 "Yes, but in the name of Jesus move your hand."
50:20 And the devil at the name of Jesus fled away.
50:23 And Martin Luther saw emblazoned in words of light
50:26 across the top of that scroll.
50:28 The blood of Jesus Christ
50:30 cleanses Martin Luther from all of his sins.
50:34 Friends, the blood of Jesus Christ
50:37 cleanses us from all our sins.
50:40 If we have surrendered everything we have
50:42 and everything we are to Him,
50:45 we can have the calm and blessed assurance
50:48 that we are in a saving relationship with Him.
50:51 And that, no matter what happens
50:54 if we hold on to His hand in this life,
50:56 He will walk us through until His second coming
50:59 when He physically comes back
51:01 to take us in the clouds of heaven,
51:03 to a place of eternal life,
51:06 and recreating the earth even a place
51:08 where we can dwell
51:10 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
51:14 Friends, praise God,
51:15 that it doesn't matter how we might feel.
51:19 It matters if we have faith in God's Word.
51:23 Amen?
51:24 Feelings are something that God has given us.
51:26 But feelings can come and go.
51:28 God gave us our emotions.
51:30 And with this gift of faith,
51:32 this gift of our assurance
51:34 can come feelings of joy and peace and they will.
51:38 But feelings again, they come and go.
51:40 And in the times that we don't feel saved,
51:42 in the times that we don't feel forgiven,
51:44 we can know that we are because God has said so.
51:48 And what a blessed promise and blessed assurance this is.
51:53 Friend, today for those here
51:55 and those who are watching from home,
51:58 or wherever you might be.
52:00 If you have fear about your salvation,
52:04 you fall most likely into one of two groups.
52:07 First, if you're in the first group,
52:10 and you have fear about your salvation,
52:13 that's a healthy fear,
52:15 because maybe you have not surrendered
52:17 everything in your life to the Lord.
52:19 Maybe you've not yet accepted Jesus
52:21 as your personal Savior.
52:23 And if that's you,
52:25 then there's reason to fear
52:26 because outside of Christ, there is no hope of salvation.
52:30 We are not good enough,
52:32 no matter how perfect we attempt to be,
52:35 we cannot make it.
52:37 And, friend, if that's you today,
52:40 either you've not accepted
52:41 Christ as your personal Savior,
52:43 and you want to do so for the first time.
52:45 Or if there are things in your life,
52:48 that you've not yet surrendered to God,
52:49 and you want to do so.
52:51 I want to invite you to do that just now.
52:54 And if that's you, as a physical token,
52:56 I want to invite you to raise your hand to say,
52:57 "Lord, I want there to be nothing
52:59 between you and I.
53:01 Lord, I'm accepting You fully into my life.
53:03 I'm giving you these sins
53:05 and the hang ups and get rid of them, Lord,
53:07 that there be nothing between my soul and my Savior.
53:11 Praise the Lord.
53:13 If that's not you,
53:15 but you still have fear in regards to your salvation,
53:19 it may be because
53:21 you're going based upon your feelings.
53:24 And maybe because
53:26 as you've given your life to Christ,
53:29 your eyes are on you, instead of on Him.
53:33 You don't have peace, you don't have full assurance
53:36 that you're in a saving relationship with Him that
53:38 that eternal life is a reality for you,
53:42 because your eyes are on you.
53:43 You see the high and holy standard
53:45 of Jesus' perfection
53:47 and you recognize your own imperfections,
53:49 and you're scared
53:51 because your eyes are on you instead of on Him.
53:54 Friend, Christ speaks to you today.
53:56 He says,
53:57 "I have loved you with an everlasting love.
53:59 Therefore with loving kindness,
54:01 I have drawn you."
54:02 If that's you, my friend, you want to say,
54:05 Lord, I trust You fully with my salvation.
54:08 I wanna invite to raise your hand,
54:09 wherever are you.
54:11 Amen. Amen.
54:12 Raise your hands to say,
54:13 "Lord, we trust You."


Revised 2021-04-02