3ABN Australia Homecoming

Rejoicing in the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCAU

Program Code: HCAU200013S

00:11 And this is the record
00:13 that God hath given to us eternal life
00:16 and this life is in His Son.
00:20 Welcome to 3ABN Australia Homecoming.
00:31 Rosemary, here we are already at the end of our program 3ABN
00:36 Australia Homecoming 2020, Preparing for Eternity.
00:41 Going through this book Steps to Christ.
00:43 That's right.
00:45 I'm John Malkiewycz.
00:46 And this is my wife Rosemary,
00:47 and we just want to thank all the speakers
00:50 who took part in presenting 13 chapters
00:53 from the book Steps to Christ.
00:55 It's been a very special journey
00:57 and I'm sure you've been blessed.
00:58 We want to do something special.
01:00 And I said this just before I came on, Rosemary,
01:03 we've got a 100 Steps to Christ books
01:06 and a 100 Great Controversy books
01:08 that we would like to give to anyone,
01:11 particularly in Australia, probably only in Australia.
01:15 If you buy the complete set of the DVD of this series,
01:19 Preparing for Eternity,
01:21 we're going to send you one of those,
01:22 or both of those for free.
01:24 Both books?
01:25 Both books. That's right.
01:26 Not the series, but the books?
01:28 But the books, that's right.
01:30 The books.
01:31 Well, today we've got Marty Thomson,
01:34 pastor of the Kempsey Seventh-day Adventist Church,
01:37 and he is going to be speaking to us on chapter 13
01:41 from the book Steps to Christ,
01:43 rejoicing in the Lord.
01:45 Now this is a topic for Marty.
01:47 I really think this fits him well.
01:50 And I also think its fits the closing of the series too.
01:53 It does.
01:54 It's a beautiful close, the last chapter in the book,
01:57 but last program, we had Blair Lemke
02:01 from the North New South Wales Conference
02:03 and he was doing Chapter 12,
02:06 talking to us on what to do with doubt.
02:09 What a huge topic that is.
02:10 And he has summarized his talk
02:15 with the following words.
02:17 One, God never asks us to believe
02:21 without giving sufficient evidence
02:23 for our faith.
02:24 How true?
02:26 Two, the real cause of doubt and skepticism,
02:29 in most cases, is the love of sin.
02:33 Three, God has never removed the possibility of doubt.
02:38 Those who wish to doubt will have opportunity.
02:42 Those who really desire the truth
02:44 will find abundant evidence for their faith.
02:48 Four, in order to overcome doubt
02:51 and arrive at truth,
02:52 we must have a sincere desire to know the truth
02:57 and a willingness of heart to obey it.
03:00 Number five, most people are in darkness and doubt
03:03 because they do not do what they know.
03:08 And number six, walk in the light
03:11 that has been revealed to you
03:13 and God will reveal more light to you.
03:17 And how true is that?
03:18 I think that's wonderful summary.
03:20 You know, we have a special item
03:21 by Kevin and Jennifer Petrie,
03:23 and I want to thank them for taking time
03:25 out of their busy life.
03:28 And they will be singing, This My Anchor.
03:31 So sit back and enjoy.
03:34 Before we listen to Marty.
03:35 Before we listened to Marty.
03:37 Thank you.
03:58 This my anchor
04:01 Firm, secure
04:04 My soul is fastened
04:08 Ever sure
04:11 I've found in
04:14 Waters deep
04:18 There's a hand
04:19 That safely keeps
04:24 We have this heart
04:26 That ties the soul
04:31 To the endless
04:34 Flowing well
04:37 From the waters
04:40 Of his side
04:43 There I find healing
04:46 And there I hide
04:59 He has promised
05:03 He'll be
05:06 A priest whose blood will
05:09 Cover me
05:13 In his promise
05:16 Strong and true
05:19 There is covenant
05:22 Renew
05:25 We have this heart
05:27 That ties the soul
05:32 To the endless
05:35 Flowing well
05:38 From the waters
05:42 Of his side
05:45 There I find healing
05:47 And there I hide
05:53 Through the well
05:54 There is a river wide
06:00 Where I see my Savior's
06:03 Wounded side
06:06 There our high priest
06:08 Who will lay for me
06:12 Sacrificed for me
06:18 This my anchor,
06:22 Firm, secure
06:25 My soul is fastened
06:29 Ever sure
06:32 I've found in
06:35 Waters deep
06:38 There is a hand
06:40 That safely keeps
06:45 There is a hand
06:47 That safely keeps
07:11 Well, thank you, Kevin and Jennifer,
07:13 for that beautiful song.
07:15 We have an amazing hope in Jesus, don't we?
07:18 An anchor firm and secure
07:21 that even the storms of life can't shake.
07:25 Well, this is our final message
07:28 in this series on Steps on Christ.
07:30 We're looking at rejoicing in the Lord.
07:33 Why don't we pray before we go into the message this morning?
07:37 Let's bow our heads and pray.
07:41 Our loving Father in heaven, we want to thank You so much.
07:44 We thank You so much for Your love for us.
07:47 And we thank You so much
07:49 for Your amazing word, this amazing truth.
07:52 Father, we have been studying this message
07:57 revealed in the book Steps to Christ.
08:00 And, Lord, as we come to the final message today,
08:02 we pray that once again,
08:04 that the Holy Spirit would guide our thoughts
08:07 and lead us to a closer relationship with Christ
08:11 is our prayer in Jesus' name.
08:13 Amen.
08:16 Well, a few years ago,
08:18 my friends and I were traveling to the Middle East
08:21 and we had a two day stopover in China.
08:25 Now, if you only had a couple of days in China,
08:28 what iconic structure would you want to see?
08:32 You'd want to see the Great Wall of China, right?
08:35 Well, that's what we did.
08:36 We went to see the Great Wall of China.
08:39 We arrived in Shanghai
08:41 to begin with and the temperature was a cool
08:43 minus five degrees Celsius.
08:45 Now keep in mind,
08:47 we were actually traveling to the Middle East.
08:49 So we didn't pack thinking
08:52 that we were going to need a lot of warm clothing.
08:55 As we were getting ready to go to Beijing,
08:58 where we would then go and see the Great Wall of China.
09:01 We looked and we discovered
09:02 that the temperature would drop to minus 15 in Beijing.
09:08 I was starting to feel a little bit concerned.
09:10 I'm not very good with the cold,
09:12 but my friends assured me.
09:14 They said, look,
09:16 once the temperature drops below zero,
09:18 it's pretty much all the same from there.
09:21 Well, that statement soon proved to be very false.
09:27 And when we arrived in Beijing
09:29 and we were, here we were standing
09:31 on the Great Wall of China finally.
09:33 It should have been an amazing experience
09:37 and yet I couldn't help,
09:39 but just feel very sorry for myself,
09:41 because all I could think about was how cold it was.
09:45 And you know, it's interesting,
09:46 the more I thought about how cold it was,
09:48 the more I expressed and said, oh, it's so cold.
09:51 The colder I felt.
09:54 Friends when the cold winds of life,
09:56 blow through, how do we cope?
10:02 Where can we find warmth in our hearts,
10:04 joy in our souls, and peace in our minds amidst
10:09 the cold negativity
10:12 around which is so prevalent in our world today?
10:15 With our Bible study this morning,
10:17 looking at rejoicing in the Lord
10:18 is going to highlight five points for us.
10:20 We're going to find out where is our source of joy
10:23 to begin with.
10:24 We secondly going to look at
10:26 how our focus actually
10:27 influences and determines our feelings.
10:30 Thirdly, we're going to look at the importance of remembering
10:32 how God has worked in the past.
10:34 Fourth, we're going to look at the fact that we can rejoice
10:39 when we trust that I patiently trust
10:43 that God is working things together for our good.
10:46 And finally, we look at the eternal rewards
10:48 of praising God in the midst of trial.
10:50 Take your Bible and let's turn to the Book of John.
10:54 The Book of John Chapter 15,
10:57 and we're going to look at verse 9.
11:01 This is on the night of Jesus betrayal.
11:05 John 15:9.
11:09 And Jesus speaks these words in the night of His betrayal.
11:14 To the disciples He says, as the Father has loved Me,
11:18 I also have loved you.
11:23 Abide in My love.
11:25 On that very night, that Judas is about to betray Jesus,
11:29 on the very night that Jesus
11:31 knows that His disciples are about to fail him.
11:34 He knows that His disciples are about to forsake Him.
11:38 He speaks to them of His love.
11:40 He says abide in My love.
11:43 And what is going to happen when you abide in Jesus' love.
11:46 Let's notice verse 11, just two verses later.
11:50 "These things I have spoken to you, Jesus says,
11:53 that My joy may remain in you
11:57 and that your joy may be full."
12:00 Wow.
12:02 Doesn't that sound awesome,
12:03 having the full joy of Jesus in your heart?
12:06 Here is the source of joy for the Christian,
12:08 it's found in Jesus.
12:10 When you abide in Jesus, when you remain in His love
12:15 then, and when you dwell in His presence, you have joy.
12:19 That's why the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 16:11,
12:22 "In your presence is fullness of joy."
12:26 Seeking joy and peace outside of Jesus is like
12:29 seeking for a destination that doesn't even exist.
12:33 Our world today seems flooded in a sea of sadness.
12:36 Would you agree?
12:38 Millions upon millions of people
12:40 suffer from depression and anxiety.
12:43 Others are weighed down by very heavy burdens of grief.
12:48 Each of them long to have peace of mind,
12:53 mindfulness,
12:55 which is the practice of being present
12:59 is being increasingly popular in our world today
13:02 as an approach to alleviating stress.
13:06 However, for the Christian,
13:08 we know that experiencing joy and contentment
13:13 goes beyond just noticing what's around us
13:15 and what's within us.
13:16 We have to look above us to Christ
13:19 to find true joy and true happiness.
13:22 I'm reminded of the words of Spurgeon, Charles Spurgeon.
13:25 He said these very fascinating words.
13:27 He said, "When I looked at Jesus,
13:29 the dove of peace flew into my heart.
13:32 But when I looked at the dove it flew away."
13:35 Many today want peace without Christ.
13:40 Have you ever tried that?
13:42 Have you ever tried
13:44 to find peace in something else other than,
13:46 I'm just glad that some of us are honest.
13:48 We've tried to find peace in other things,
13:51 but we find ourselves still lacking.
13:54 There are so many ways
13:56 that we may try to obtain peace and fulfillment
13:59 and joy in our lives, but they're all dead end roads.
14:02 True peace, true contentment,
14:05 true fulfillment is found in Jesus Christ.
14:08 So what's happening in your life at the moment?
14:11 Are you facing financial hardship?
14:13 Are you facing troubles in your family?
14:17 Do you feel lonely
14:18 with all this COVID-19 that's happening?
14:22 What about stress?
14:25 What are your stress levels like?
14:27 Are you feeling burnt out and overwhelmed?
14:30 Well, there are so many things in life that can threaten
14:33 to take away our joy and our peace.
14:37 And when you face these trials, what do you do to cope?
14:41 Well, the Australian Psychological Association
14:44 in their stress and wellbeing report
14:47 showed that the vast majority of us,
14:49 actually, 85% of Australians,
14:52 what do we do with stress to cope?
14:54 We actually go to the TV.
14:56 We go to some form of entertainment or media
15:00 in order to cope.
15:02 And yet with all the media that we have at our fingertips,
15:07 our stress levels continue to climb.
15:10 Could it be that all of these things around us
15:14 are actually distracting us and diverting our attention
15:17 from the one who can in indeed revive true peace,
15:21 deep within our hearts?
15:24 And so Jesus is our source of peace.
15:29 There are times in life
15:30 when our circumstances will appear bleak.
15:33 And Jesus doesn't paint an unrealistic picture for us.
15:37 In John 16:33,
15:41 the final verse in John Chapter 16,
15:43 Jesus says these words.
15:45 He says, "These things,
15:46 I have spoken to you that in Me,"
15:47 there it is again, "in Me, you may have peace."
15:52 In the world you'll have what?
15:54 "You'll have tribulation, but be of good cheer
15:56 because I have overcome the world."
16:00 Jesus tells us.
16:01 Jesus states very plainly that we will face trouble
16:05 in this world.
16:07 But if you believe in Christ,
16:09 even though you endure trouble,
16:15 you can still rejoice and have peace in Jesus.
16:17 We're prone to discouragement.
16:20 You know, one of the stories that stands out to me
16:23 is that of John the Baptist,
16:24 the elder cousin of Jesus,
16:26 this mighty man of faith,
16:29 a prophetic voice that heralded the way for Jesus.
16:34 This man whom Jesus said
16:36 was the greatest of all prophets.
16:39 This man even experienced incredible moments
16:43 in his life of doubt and discouragement.
16:46 In fact, he even came to question
16:48 the very identity of Jesus Himself.
16:51 Notice with me in Matthew Chapter 11,
16:53 what the Bible tells us in verse 2 and 3.
16:56 "And when John had heard in prison
16:58 about the works of Christ,
17:00 he sent two of his disciples and said to him,
17:04 'Are you the Coming One, or do we look for another?'"
17:09 When we are in the midst of doubt and discouragement,
17:13 one thing that I noticed from John's experiences
17:15 that he asks a question, he doesn't make a statement.
17:18 He asks a question, he doesn't make a statement.
17:21 Because in that question,
17:23 there is still the element of faith, isn't there?
17:24 Are you the Coming One?
17:25 I'm sure that you were, but I just need some,
17:29 something to strengthen my faith right now.
17:32 John did, his faith,
17:34 his joy revived as the words and the story
17:39 and the works of Jesus were reported back to him.
17:41 But I don't want to skip over this story too quickly.
17:44 We need to see two very important points
17:47 that emerge from John the Baptist experience.
17:50 A man of courage, a man of great faith
17:53 who experienced doubt and discouragement in his life.
17:56 Firstly, if someone like John
18:00 the Baptist could experience discouragement,
18:04 all of us can.
18:07 We're all prone to discouragement and doubt,
18:10 and it shows us how much we need Jesus, doesn't it?
18:14 We need Him so much to strengthen us day by day
18:18 and to keep our faith firm and strong.
18:21 Secondly, in the book, Desire of Ages,
18:24 Ellen White makes it very crystal clear
18:27 that those doubts in the mind of John the Baptist
18:30 did not originate in his own thinking.
18:33 It was in fact, his own disciples
18:36 that actually expressed those doubts to John.
18:40 Are you sure that Jesus is the Messiah, John?
18:42 And those seeds of doubt sown by his own disciples,
18:46 those who were closest to him bore the fruit,
18:50 the bitter fruit of discouragement
18:53 in John's life.
18:54 How careful we must be
18:57 to only speak words of encouragement and faith,
19:01 even if we may recover
19:03 from the words of discouragement
19:05 that we may have spoken someone else
19:06 who has heard those words may not recover.
19:09 They may not recover.
19:11 Notice this incredible statement
19:14 found in this book that's being promoted
19:17 and that you must absolutely read,
19:19 Steps to Christ.
19:21 We find this statement in the final chapter.
19:23 "Make it a rule never
19:27 to utter one word of doubt and discouragement."
19:31 Wow. How about that?
19:33 "You can do much to brighten the lives of others
19:36 and strengthen their efforts by words of hope
19:38 and holy cheer."
19:40 Even if you don't feel like it,
19:42 speak words of hope and holy cheer.
19:44 And that leads us to our second point,
19:45 that our focus determines our feelings.
19:49 In this same book, Ellen White in the final chapter describes
19:53 a very interesting experience.
19:55 She begins by saying these words.
19:58 She says, "Many walking upon,
20:02 along the path of life, do this.
20:04 They dwell upon their mistakes
20:07 and failures and disappointments,
20:09 and their hearts are filled with grief and discouragement
20:13 because they're dwelling upon those negative aspects."
20:15 She says that many people do this.
20:17 And then she describes an experience where a lady,
20:20 she was in Europe,
20:21 and a lady wrote to her seeking some word of encouragement
20:24 from Ellen White.
20:26 That very night
20:27 after Ellen White had read the letter.
20:29 She had an incredible dream.
20:31 In the dream she was in a beautiful garden
20:34 and a guide was conducting her through this beautiful garden.
20:37 She was amazed at the beautiful flowers,
20:40 the colors and the sweet smelling fragrances.
20:44 Then suddenly this other lady who had written to her
20:48 also appeared in the dream.
20:50 But instead of noticing all the beauty of the garden,
20:52 you can see where this is going, can't you?
20:54 Instead of noticing all the beauty of the garden,
20:56 she goes like, look at these awful thorns and thistles.
21:00 Isn't it terrible that they're ruining this beautiful garden?
21:05 The dream tells us a very powerful lesson.
21:09 What we choose to focus on is going to determine
21:13 our emotions, our feelings, how we feel.
21:17 If we choose to focus
21:20 on the beauty that surrounds us,
21:21 our hearts will be filled with joy.
21:22 But if we focus on the negative aspects of life,
21:25 our hearts will be filled with discouragement and grief.
21:28 The Apostle Paul wrote these words
21:31 in Philippians Chapter 4.
21:33 These are incredible words written by the Apostle Paul.
21:37 Philippians 4:6, "Be anxious for," how much?
21:41 "For nothing, but in," how much?
21:44 "Everything by prayer and supplication
21:48 with thanksgiving,
21:50 let your requests be made known to God."
21:53 Rather than dwelling upon the problems and the trials
21:57 and the discouragements and the failures,
21:59 we had to take those things to God in prayer.
22:03 We have to take those things to God in prayer.
22:05 And when we take our worries to God in prayer,
22:07 with thankful hearts, what's the result?
22:10 Verse 7, and the peace of God, isn't that what you want?
22:13 "The peace of God is what I want,
22:15 which surpasses all understanding
22:17 will guard your hearts and minds
22:19 through Christ Jesus.?
22:20 Amen.
22:22 Isn't this good news?
22:24 And so we take these things to God in prayer,
22:28 but our prayer must be more than requests.
22:31 It must also include thanksgiving.
22:35 It must also include thanksgiving
22:37 because it's, as we express gratitude and thankfulness
22:39 for what God has done in our lives,
22:41 then that actually more than half solves the problem.
22:44 It actually more than half solves the problem.
22:47 Being gracious and thankful has incredible power
22:50 to increase our joy and to decrease our sorrow
22:54 because it's putting our focus in the right place.
22:57 You know, a study was conducted where participants were asked
23:02 to write down three things they were grateful
23:04 for every night before they went to bed
23:06 and why they are grateful for those things.
23:08 After just one week,
23:10 those participants experienced, you know, they were happier.
23:16 They felt better.
23:19 They continued the same practice for six months
23:22 and their levels of happiness and joy continued
23:25 to grow exponentially.
23:28 This was not just some sort of,
23:29 you know, that was a fun exercise,
23:32 but it kept getting better the longer
23:35 that they practiced being thankful.
23:36 Friends, if that can work
23:38 for a group of randomly selected people,
23:41 how much more can it work for you as a Christian?
23:45 You know, there's no one on earth
23:47 who has more to be thankful for than a Christian.
23:50 We can be thankful for what Jesus has done for us.
23:54 When we look away from ourselves and to Christ,
23:57 we find amazing strength,
24:00 but perhaps just maybe
24:03 we're like those Israelites of old,
24:06 who in the days of Ezra and Nehemiah,
24:09 they heard the law of God,
24:11 they'd been kept in captivity for decades.
24:15 They'd seen God now working powerfully in their midst.
24:19 They'd seen Nehemiah lead the team
24:21 and the walls of the city had been rebuilt,
24:25 and now thousands were returning
24:27 to the homeland to Jerusalem
24:29 and they were coming together to praise God.
24:32 And to hear the words of the Lord,
24:36 and yet in this day that should have been a day of rejoicing.
24:40 It's very interesting,
24:42 as they hear the words of God's law being read,
24:46 instead of discerning in that amazing truth
24:49 and amazing, the amazing goodness of God,
24:52 what they saw
24:54 was it more clearly revealed their own defects,
24:57 it more clearly revealed their own shortcomings.
24:59 And that's where their focus,
25:01 that's what they began to focus on.
25:04 On a day of rejoicing, they began to mourn.
25:07 And so what did Ezra have to say to the people?
25:10 He said, do not sorrow, Nehemiah 8:10.
25:13 He said, "Do not sorry for the joy of the Lord
25:16 is your strength."
25:18 The joy of the Lord is your strength.
25:21 Friends, listening today, do not sorrow,
25:23 for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
25:25 Though you may be sinful, God's grace covers you.
25:29 The joy of the Lord is your strength.
25:32 Though you may feel weak, Jesus can strengthen you.
25:35 The joy of the Lord is your strength.
25:37 Though you may feel alone,
25:39 do not fear for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
25:42 He is with you to strengthen you
25:44 through whatever trial you may face.
25:47 You know, when my wife and I were preparing
25:48 to have our first child,
25:50 we've got two by the way.
25:52 Two and counting, we went to the prenatal classes
25:57 at our local Kempsey hospital
26:00 and the midwife gave us a very important insight.
26:05 She said that a woman who is very anxious
26:08 and very stressed and very fearful in labor
26:11 will actually experience more pain
26:13 than if she is calm and happy and at peace.
26:19 It's an incredible insight.
26:21 Though we may go through immense sores and heartaches,
26:25 we can still be happy in Jesus.
26:28 And when we are, it will help to soothe
26:30 the pain that we go through.
26:33 You know the promise about praying with thanksgiving
26:35 and experiencing God's peace is followed by this verse
26:39 back in Philippians Chapter 4, it's followed by this verse,
26:43 Philippians 4:8.
26:45 And I'm sure you know, it.
26:46 It says, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true,
26:50 whatever things are noble, whatever things are just,
26:54 whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely,
26:57 whatever things are of good report.
26:58 If there is any praiser, if there's any virtue,
27:02 if there is anything praiseworthy,
27:03 meditate on these things,
27:07 make that your focus."
27:09 What we choose to think about directly impacts
27:12 how we feel.
27:14 Dr. William James regarded by some as the father
27:17 of American psychology once said that
27:19 our greatest weapon
27:21 against stress is our ability
27:25 to choose one thought over another.
27:28 The same principle applies to all unwanted feelings.
27:32 Your greatest defense is your ability through Christ
27:35 to shift your focus,
27:38 to choose to focus on the things that are good,
27:42 that are true, and that are found
27:45 in the Word of God.
27:47 The world around us is absorbed in worldly pursuits,
27:51 in worldly thoughts.
27:54 And Jesus said this in Matthew Chapter 6,
27:56 he told us this in Matthew 6:32.
28:00 He says, "But after all these thingsâ |"
28:02 What are all these things?
28:04 Things like food, things like clothing,
28:06 material things, things like houses and cars and money.
28:11 All of these possessions,
28:12 they absorb the minds of secular people.
28:16 And that's where a lot of grief and discouragement comes
28:20 from when we focus on those things
28:22 that are so temporary, and that can be
28:23 taken away from us so quickly.
28:26 But Jesus assures us.
28:28 He assures us that your heavenly Father
28:31 knows that you need all these things.
28:35 God is your Father.
28:37 He loves you as His child.
28:38 He's not going to leave you without.
28:41 He is going to provide for you,
28:43 even in the face of a time of trouble
28:46 in which every earthly support will be cut off.
28:48 The Bible tells us your bread and your water will be sure.
28:52 God is an amazing God.
28:54 He is our Father
28:55 and He will provide for our needs.
28:57 And so Jesus points out where our focus ought to be.
29:01 In verse 33 He says this, "But seek first,
29:05 the kingdom of God and His righteousness
29:08 and all these things will be added to you."
29:10 One of my favorite promises in all Scripture, by faith,
29:14 we had to seek first, focus wholeheartedly
29:18 and invest ourselves entirely in Christ and in His work.
29:24 Don't waste another moment, letting your mind be absorbed
29:27 in the things of this world.
29:30 Jesus says, put Me first,
29:31 make Me the unmatched priority of your life
29:35 and watch Me bring joy to your heart
29:37 and to your soul.
29:39 Jesus promises that.
29:41 And so then it's essential as we come to our third point.
29:45 To recognize the importance of remembering
29:47 how God has blessed us in the past,
29:51 how God has blessed us in the past.
29:53 How have you seen God working in your life?
29:56 How did you come to know Christ
29:58 and His love for you?
30:00 What have been some of your mountaintop experiences?
30:04 You know when we recount God's blessings
30:06 in our life and praise Him for them,
30:09 our faith is strengthened
30:10 and so is the faith of those around us.
30:12 What is the Psalmist write in Psalms 77,
30:15 in Psalms 77:11, a beautiful verse.
30:20 Psalms 77:11.
30:22 I'm just, let's just turn there.
30:24 The Psalmist writes,
30:26 "I will remember the works of the Lord.
30:30 Surely I will remember your wonders of old."
30:34 God calls us to remember because we're prone to forget.
30:40 You know, the history of the Israelite nation
30:43 is one of constant forgetfulness
30:44 of how God blessed them in the past, is it not?
30:47 And failing to do so they often repeated the same errors,
30:50 the same mistakes of previous generations
30:53 that had gone before them.
30:55 One of the most profound inspired quotations
30:57 reads like this.
30:59 We have nothing to fear for the future,
31:02 except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us.
31:08 And so how crucial it is for us to remember
31:10 what God has done in our lives.
31:13 Well, friends, it takes time to pause and reflect
31:17 in order to remember what God has done in the past.
31:19 If we're so busy that
31:21 we don't have time to stop and reflect,
31:23 we won't remember, but as God provided us
31:28 a sanctuary in time for us to pause and reflect
31:31 and remember His blessings.
31:32 Absolutely, He has.
31:35 The fourth commandment says these words.
31:37 Remember the Sabbath day.
31:39 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,
31:41 six days you shall labor and do all your work.
31:43 But the seventh day, the blessed day
31:46 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
31:47 In it you shall do no work.
31:49 Take a full 24 hour break.
31:52 And remember what God has done in your life
31:56 far from a legalistic requirement,
31:57 the Sabbath calls us to pause and remember Jesus.
32:01 Remember His works in creation
32:04 that you are not some accident
32:05 that you are molded and shaped by God who loves you.
32:08 Remember His work in redemption.
32:11 Remember how His grace has worked in your life.
32:14 How at times when you've been so broken
32:16 and feeling so helplessly lost,
32:18 you've been reminded of God's unconditional love for you.
32:21 Remember His promise to come soon
32:25 and to take us home, as you remember,
32:28 joy will fill your heart.
32:30 But, of course, it's not enough to simply remember,
32:33 we must express our faith.
32:36 The Psalmist goes on to say in verse 12, Psalm 77:12,
32:40 "I will also meditate on all your work
32:42 and talk of your deeds."
32:45 Talk of your deeds.
32:46 We've got to put expression to our faith.
32:49 When you remember God's amazing blessings
32:52 in your life, tell others.
32:53 There's a thousand ways to do this.
32:56 A mentor of mine, what he does is every morning
32:59 he does a Facebook post of what he read
33:02 in the Bible that morning.
33:04 Thousands of people can access that post
33:07 and can see it and be encouraged.
33:09 And I know it gives him a faith lift as well.
33:13 Something I like to do is write TP
33:18 next to certain Bible verses.
33:20 Just in the margin TP
33:23 and it simply means tested and proven.
33:27 And what it means is that that verse
33:28 was tested and proven in my life.
33:30 I saw how God's Word was fulfilled faithfully.
33:33 And I write the date and I write a short description
33:36 of what was happening in my life at that time.
33:38 So whenever I come across that verse again in Scripture,
33:41 it takes me back to that time when I remember God working
33:45 powerfully in my life.
33:47 And as you can imagine, that gives me a significant
33:49 bout of joy.
33:52 Friends, let's come to the fourth point.
33:54 Remembering that God is working for our good.
33:58 Remembering that God is working for our good.
34:01 God is so compassionate, isn't He?
34:02 He's so loving.
34:04 He is so kind.
34:05 The Bible tells us in Lamentations 3:33,
34:08 "For He does not afflict willingly,"
34:12 that means it's not from His heart.
34:13 It's not in His heart to reflect,
34:15 "nor grieve the children of men."
34:17 It is not in the heart of the compassionate Savior
34:20 to inflict pain and to grieve our souls.
34:25 And yet God is still able to work through the pain,
34:29 to work things out for good,
34:31 even when we can't see how that was possible.
34:36 Most often it requires patient trust
34:39 on our part because that good doesn't often,
34:44 it's not often apparent to us straight away.
34:46 Usually we have to wait quite a while in order to see it.
34:49 And I recently heard a story.
34:51 It was actually just last night.
34:52 I heard story of a lady in Albania
34:56 who had come to know Christ.
34:58 There was a Seventh-day Adventist
34:59 working there in Albania.
35:01 And he had shown this, this lady the scriptures,
35:04 and she had fallen in love with Jesus
35:06 and she wanted to get baptized.
35:08 But then communism took a hold of Albania.
35:11 As the Soviet Union was growing
35:15 and it became impossible for her to be baptized.
35:18 More than this, her spiritual mental
35:20 was imprisoned and he actually died.
35:22 And so here she was, she felt alone.
35:25 She felt, no doubt she would have felt
35:27 very discouraged by all of this,
35:29 but she held on to her faith
35:32 and you know what she did?
35:34 She actually took the Bible
35:35 and she read it from cover to cover,
35:37 not something that maybe everyone will do,
35:39 but she actually did it every year.
35:42 Every single year, she took the Bible
35:44 and read it from cover to cover every single year.
35:47 She also tithed.
35:49 She tithed even though she didn't have a place
35:51 to send her tithes, she just kept it
35:53 in a safe place at her home.
35:55 Well, as you can imagine,
35:57 as her relatives who didn't share her convictions
36:00 found out about this, they started to ridicule her,
36:02 use the money for something else.
36:04 You could get this, you could get that.
36:07 And the years went by and the decades went by
36:10 and she kept reading, kept reading her Bible
36:12 and she kept doing a faithful tithe.
36:14 And she kept looking forward to the day
36:16 when she would finally be able to get baptized.
36:21 And you know what?
36:22 She almost gave in.
36:23 She almost decided to just use the tithe
36:27 to buy something else.
36:28 But she went and she prayed.
36:30 And then she came back to her family members
36:32 who were putting the pressure on her.
36:33 And she said, look, God hasn't given me permission.
36:35 I'm sorry.
36:38 In the early 1990s,
36:40 when communism in Albania fell,
36:44 this lady was the first to be baptized
36:46 as a Seventh-day Adventist
36:47 after the fall of communism in Albania.
36:50 She had waited, get this,
36:52 50 years to be baptized.
36:56 She'd read the Bible through 50 times
36:58 in those 50 years.
37:00 She had tithed faithfully for 50 years
37:04 and this time of great disappointment
37:08 as she had held on to faith,
37:09 it just made the victory all the more sweet.
37:12 It just made the victory all the more sweet
37:14 as she had held on to faith.
37:15 Others heard about her story and they matched
37:18 the tithe that she had saved up.
37:20 And a huge sum of money was able to be put towards the work
37:25 in Albania as many others came to know Christ.
37:28 Yes, you know,
37:29 the Bible is also full of stories
37:32 of God working things out for good
37:34 when it seemed impossible.
37:35 It seemed impossible.
37:37 Think of the story of Job.
37:39 It didn't happen straight away,
37:41 but he patiently trusted to the place where he said,
37:44 even though he slay me, I'll still trust him.
37:47 Think of Daniel in Babylon,
37:49 a captive taken away from his home land
37:52 and stripped of his parents, of his place of worship.
37:57 And yet he trusted in the Lord and God used him to reveal
38:00 some of the most mighty truths
38:02 that are important for us in our day,
38:04 which we're living in today.
38:06 Think of Esther
38:07 and think particularly the story of Joseph.
38:10 His brothers sold him into slavery, and yet,
38:12 eventually it worked out for good, didn't it?
38:14 Then Potiphar's wife falsely accused him
38:16 and yet eventually worked out for good.
38:19 Then he gets thrown into prison.
38:20 Things seem to be getting worse, not better,
38:22 but eventually it worked out for good.
38:26 And Joseph certainly recognized this
38:29 as he came to the end of his, as Jacob,
38:32 his father died at the end of the Book of Genesis.,
38:36 His brothers were afraid of him
38:37 because of what they had done to him.
38:39 They thought Joseph's a powerful man,
38:40 he's going to take revenge on us.
38:43 But Joseph speaks to them these remarkable words
38:46 found in Genesis 50:20.
38:49 "But as for you," speaking to his brothers,
38:51 "you meant evil against me,
38:54 but God meant it for good,
38:57 in order to bring it as it is this day
38:59 to save many people alive."
39:00 Joseph rose above the pitfall of bitterness and revenge
39:04 that many fall into today.
39:09 In fact, he could not only,
39:11 he not only went and didn't go into the pitfall.
39:13 He could actually give glory to God
39:15 and love those who had mistreated him.
39:19 Why?
39:20 Because he recognized that God had been able to work
39:22 through that situation for a good purpose.
39:25 There is a truly powerful lesson right here
39:28 in Joseph's experience that we cannot afford to miss.
39:32 Think about it,
39:34 whatever trials come our way and by whomever they come.
39:39 If we see in that difficulty
39:41 an opportunity to grow in Christ,
39:45 then it completely changes the way that we respond.
39:48 In Christ's Object Lessons, page 61,
39:51 we read this remarkable statement.
39:55 Through conflict this spiritual life
39:59 is strengthened.
40:00 Trials well born will develop steadfastness of character
40:05 and precious spiritual graces.
40:09 Some say that the difference between coal and diamond
40:11 is time and pressure,
40:13 but that's not always true of people, is it?
40:15 Trials in and of themselves don't make us a better people.
40:19 It's what we do with them that matters.
40:21 Trials can make us bitter or they can make us better.
40:25 But it depends on how we respond.
40:27 If Joseph had cherished vengeful,
40:29 bitter thoughts towards his brothers,
40:31 for what they had done to him,
40:32 he would have become spiritually dwarfed.
40:37 If he had allowed the devil's doubts,
40:39 God's forgotten about you.
40:40 God doesn't love you to dominate his thinking,
40:42 he would have declined in spirituality.
40:47 If Joseph had vented his story
40:49 criticizing and condemning his brothers
40:51 for their wrongs, his character would have
40:53 become critical and hostile itself.
40:56 Friends, you cannot have the joy of Jesus in your heart
40:58 and the same time cherish a critical bitter thoughts
41:01 for someone for whom Christ died.
41:03 It's impossible.
41:05 You may not condone their behavior,
41:07 but if you have experienced the grace of Christ
41:08 in your own life, you will not allow any place
41:11 for malice and envy in your heart.
41:14 Can somebody say amen to that?
41:16 In fact, it is in these very trials that we can come
41:19 to understand more of the love of Christ.
41:21 You see, when I'm struggling to forgive someone,
41:24 I look to Jesus and I see that He freely forgives me
41:26 and I'm humbled.
41:28 You know, when I'm struggling to be kind to someone
41:30 who's hurt me, I look to Jesus
41:32 and His loving-kindness to me
41:33 is so unconditional that it just humbles me again.
41:37 And you know,
41:38 when the conflict reveals more of my faults and defects,
41:42 and then I look to Jesus, I just bow.
41:44 And I say, oh, Lord, how great thou art
41:46 for loving a sinner like me.
41:49 Friends, it's so important that we praise God,
41:51 even in an, especially in the midst of trials,
41:55 because there's an eternal reward.
41:57 And this might surprise you as we come to the final point.
42:01 In one of my all-time favorite stories of Scripture,
42:04 Paul and Silas go to Philippi,
42:07 they're preaching the gospel.
42:09 And after some initial success,
42:11 they then find themselves in very deep water.
42:14 They're seized by an angry mob,
42:15 dragged through the marketplace,
42:18 falsely condemned by the magistrates
42:20 and they're beaten with a scourge
42:23 and then they're thrown into the inner prison.
42:26 You know, the scourge
42:28 that they were beaten with was a Roman scourge,
42:30 typically is made of three level lashings.
42:33 But the Romans used to insert bits of bone
42:35 and metal into that lashing
42:37 to inflict incredible suffering.
42:39 It would literally rip open the backs,
42:42 the skin of the person being beaten.
42:45 The Roman prisons typically had an outer prison
42:47 and an inner prison.
42:49 The outer prison allowed light and air to flow through.
42:54 However, the inner prison was cold, dark, and like a dungeon,
42:58 virtually no natural light penetrated
43:00 into those gloomy prison cells.
43:02 And so here's the picture.
43:04 Paul and Silas, they've been dragged through the marketplace
43:07 falsely accused beaten so that their backs
43:11 are literally just ripped open and bleeding.
43:14 They're in the inner prison where there is cold,
43:17 it is dark, it is gloomy.
43:20 Friends, after going through all of that,
43:24 you wouldn't blame them for feeling discouraged,
43:25 would you?
43:28 You wouldn't blame them for expressing some concerns
43:33 and some doubts and some discouragement.
43:35 Notice what the Bible tells us that they do in Acts 16:25,
43:41 "But at midnight Paul and Silas were doing" what?
43:44 "Praying and singing hymns to God
43:49 and the prisoners were listening to them."
43:51 That is incredible.
43:53 That is inspiring.
43:57 That is awesome.
43:58 And do you notice
44:00 what the final part of that verse says.
44:01 The prisoners were listening to them.
44:04 They were not used to hearing
44:06 this kind of thing from that cell.
44:07 They were used to hearing people shrieking
44:10 and swearing and cursing,
44:13 and yet we see here
44:15 that they are actually singing hymns and praising
44:19 God and these prisoners were listening to them.
44:21 And guess what? So was the jailer.
44:24 And he drifts off into this sleep.
44:26 And as the story goes on,
44:28 an earthquake strikes the prison cell,
44:29 the doors fling open,
44:31 the jailer suddenly wakes up.
44:34 He sees the prison doors open.
44:35 He thinks all the prisoners have escaped
44:39 and anticipating his fate from his superiors,
44:43 he takes out his sword and he is about to kill himself
44:46 when a kind but urgent voice calls out to him
44:49 from the darkness.
44:50 Do yourself no harm, for we're all here.
44:55 Trembling this man calls for a light.
44:58 He wants to see the faces of these men
45:01 who cold, tortured and imprisoned
45:05 could still rejoice.
45:08 And when he comes before them
45:10 and he sees in their faces a peace
45:12 and a joy that he's never known.
45:14 He asks them that question says,
45:16 what must I do to be saved?
45:20 Something different about you.
45:22 The way that you went through that.
45:24 I want what you've got.
45:26 I want to know Jesus.
45:27 What greater joy could there be
45:30 than seeing a soul come to know Christ.
45:33 Jesus tells us that heaven erupts into joyful chorus
45:38 when one sinner turns to know Jesus,
45:40 he tells us that.
45:42 There is joy and salvation.
45:44 Now here's a question for you.
45:46 What was it that drew the jailer's,
45:48 that drew that jailer to know Christ?
45:51 Was it Paul's incredible preaching?
45:54 Was it his vast intellect
45:56 and knowledge of the scriptures?
45:58 Was it a miracle that he had performed?
46:01 It was none of those things. No.
46:03 It was simply the fact that he was willing to praise God
46:07 in the midst of his trial.
46:10 Friends, the greatest witness that you and I can give
46:12 is to praise God in the midst of our trials.
46:15 It's the greatest witness that you and I can give.
46:18 We read this incredible statement in the book,
46:21 actually, The Apostles written by Ellen White.
46:23 She says that Paul's, zeal and devotion,
46:27 and above all, his willingness to suffer for Christ's sake,
46:31 exerted a deep and lasting influence upon the converts.
46:34 Friends, it's not our zeal.
46:36 It's not our devotion.
46:37 It's not our knowledge
46:39 or our influence or our talents or our education
46:41 that has the greatest impact on reaching souls for Christ.
46:45 It's our willingness to suffer for the cause of Christ.
46:48 It's our willingness
46:50 to praise God in the midst of trials.
46:53 And so here's another thought.
46:55 The degree of suffering you endure for Christ on earth
46:59 will be proportional to the blessing
47:01 that you receive with Christ in heaven.
47:04 And what is that heavenly blessing?
47:07 That heavenly blessing,
47:09 the significant part of that is that
47:11 there are people there who have been won to Christ.
47:15 And they were won to Christ significantly
47:18 because they saw you praising God
47:21 in the midst of a trial.
47:22 They saw your faith
47:24 and they said I want what you've got.
47:26 I can see that you've got joy in the midst of this pain.
47:28 How do you do that?
47:30 I need Jesus too.
47:32 And so they're drawn to know Jesus.
47:34 Notice these words of Jesus from the Sermon
47:38 on the Mount in 5:11.
47:41 Matthew 5:11, Jesus says
47:43 "Blessed are you, blessed are you
47:46 when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil
47:50 against you falsely for My name's sake."
47:52 Jesus, what are You saying?
47:53 Blessed. Yes. Rejoice.
47:55 He says, and be exceedingly glad,
47:57 for great is your reward in heaven.
48:01 If you're faithful through that trial,
48:03 it is going to touch someone's life.
48:06 It's going to draw them to know Jesus,
48:08 whatever trial you're facing right now,
48:10 or that you will face in the future.
48:12 Christ longs for each of us to be encouraged
48:16 by the truth that your suffering is not in vain.
48:19 Your heartache is not without hope
48:23 through Jesus and with Jesus,
48:24 you can rejoice through the trial encouraged
48:27 by the thought that someone somewhere
48:29 is going to be drawn to Jesus through all of this.
48:32 Friends, the greatest example of this is Jesus Himself.
48:35 As He hung there on that cross,
48:38 as His heart was being crushed
48:40 under the weight of the world's sin upon Him.
48:43 The Bible tells us these amazing words,
48:45 recorded in Hebrews 12:2
48:48 says that "Jesus,
48:50 for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross."
48:55 That joy and that hope
48:58 that uplifting thought that enabled Jesus
49:00 to suffer the cruelty of the cross
49:02 was that one day you and I could be saved.
49:05 That joy that strengthened the heart of Jesus
49:08 in the midst of the greatest trial
49:12 was that one day that we would be with Him
49:14 safe and secure,
49:16 free from sorrow and pain for all of eternity.
49:21 That joy that's so deeply encouraged Christ on Calvary
49:25 was that although His people would also go through
49:28 heartaches, troubles and trials,
49:30 that we could look to Jesus and find faith and courage
49:35 and hope in Jesus to not only cope,
49:39 but to actually emerge through that trial
49:41 with our faith in Christ stronger than ever before.
49:45 So let's highlight the key points in this message.
49:47 Firstly, Jesus is the source of our joy.
49:52 Any other attempt to find joy that's out of Jesus
49:57 is a dead end road.
50:00 When we focus on that,
50:01 which is true and that is good,
50:03 it lifts our hearts.
50:05 And when we make Jesus our primary focus,
50:08 He promises to bless us
50:11 and to provide all of our needs.
50:13 And that would include joy in our hearts.
50:16 When we remember God's blessings in the past,
50:19 and we remember those mountaintop experiences,
50:22 it gives us significant bout of joy to us,
50:24 especially when we're facing difficult times.
50:28 Also, when we patiently endure,
50:30 we patiently trust and believe
50:34 that God is actually working things out
50:35 for our ultimate good.
50:38 And finally, when we realize
50:40 that there is an eternal reward for praising God
50:42 in the midst of trials, the eternal reward
50:44 is that someone's going to know Jesus through this.
50:46 Someone's hearts is going to be touched through this.
50:50 And I just want to highlight, again, this quote
50:53 from the book Steps to Christ, this very challenging quote,
50:56 but very powerful quote, which says what.
50:58 Make it a rule never to utter
51:02 one word of doubt or discouragement.
51:05 Who's willing to give that a go?
51:07 You can do much to brighten the lives of others
51:11 and strengthen their efforts by words
51:12 of hope and holy cheer.
51:14 I urge you to do that, friends.
51:16 Ask Jesus to enable you to do that.
51:21 And so I'd like to finish this message with a story.
51:24 The story is told of a young man
51:26 who established a very successful legal practice.
51:29 He was also a devout Christian.
51:31 He began to invest in real estate.
51:33 He bought prime real estate along a beautiful shoreline.
51:37 Things were looking so-so good
51:40 when tragedy struck and his son, his boy
51:42 perished and died.
51:44 It wasn't long after that this incredible fire
51:48 ripped through that beautiful shoreline,
51:50 where he had just invested all of this money
51:52 and his fortune evaporated overnight.
51:57 But, friends, the worst was yet to come.
52:00 He, him and his wife and his four daughters,
52:03 they decided to travel overseas to help a Christian effort,
52:07 a Christian mission,
52:08 which was taking place overseas.
52:10 His last minute business developments
52:12 meant that he couldn't travel with his wife
52:15 and four daughters.
52:16 So they went ahead of him.
52:17 He was going to come a few days later.
52:21 And so his wife and four daughters
52:22 boarded the ship
52:23 and they're traveling over their way
52:25 overseas to help with this Christian mission effort.
52:28 When a freak accident took place
52:31 and the ship struck another ship
52:34 and it sank in just 12 minutes time.
52:40 Finally, when the survivors, there was a few survivors,
52:43 when they made it overseas, a message was sent back
52:47 to the father, to the husband.
52:49 This message from his wife saved alone.
52:55 This heartbroken father immediately left to join
52:58 his wife.
52:59 And it is said that as he approached that area of ocean
53:02 where a ship sank and his four daughters perished
53:06 that Horatio's Spafford penned these words,
53:09 I'm sure you know them,
53:10 when peace like a river attendeth my way.
53:14 When sorrows like sea billows roll,
53:17 whatever my lot thou has taught me to say
53:21 it is well, it is well
53:24 with my soul.
53:26 Friends, the only way
53:29 that we can say that it is well with our soul
53:34 is to have Jesus in our hearts.
53:36 Won't you reach out to Him right now?
53:39 Let's pray as we close this message.
53:42 Our loving Father,
53:44 You were the one who can fill our hearts with joy
53:47 and with peace and with hope.
53:51 Father, we thank You
53:53 for all that You've done for our lives.
53:54 Most of all, for what You have done by sending Jesus.
53:59 We thank You for His life and His love.
54:02 And so, Father, it's our prayer today,
54:05 our sincere prayer that Jesus
54:07 would take full hold of our hearts
54:09 and full hold of our lives
54:11 that we'll be safe and secure in His love.
54:14 We pray all this in Jesus' precious name.
54:17 Amen.


Revised 2021-06-10