House Calls

Relationships God's Way, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. John Lomacang (Host), Pr. John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL090012

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:05 together on this addition of House Calls.
00:23 Welcome to the best hour in the world
00:25 at least I believe that, this is House Calls
00:28 and thank you for tuning in.
00:29 I'm happy and I know that John is happy
00:32 and it's good to not be here by myself.
00:34 How are you doing John?
00:35 Hey it's great to be here,
00:36 with this wonderful hour of programming
00:39 where we can just study the Bible,
00:40 isn't that great? You know, if I don't believe
00:42 and if we were not convinced that this is
00:44 the best hour right now we wouldn't
00:46 be sitting here. That's right.
00:47 We would be somewhere where it is the best hour.
00:49 That's right. And so friends you wanna tune
00:50 in by hitting that record button,
00:53 invite your family and friends to sit down
00:55 because when we get into the Bible we always
00:57 believe that the spirit of God has something
00:59 important to tell you and that's why we are
01:02 sitting here asking the Lord to flow through us
01:04 but before we do anything else
01:06 we are gonna go to the Lord in prayer.
01:07 So John, would you do it for us?
01:09 Let's bow our heads. Father in heaven,
01:11 it's so good again to be able to come
01:13 before you and opening your word,
01:15 the word that you given to each and
01:17 everyone of us to live by.
01:18 And so Father we just pray that you would
01:20 be here to inhabit us to inhabit your people
01:23 that as our hearts are opened to receive
01:25 that word from you Lord that we can
01:27 receive it with understanding
01:28 with knowledge and wisdom we thank you
01:31 Lord for spending this special time with us
01:33 send your spirit and guide us in
01:35 Jesus name, amen, amen.
01:37 Well friends, as you know this program
01:39 is not only fun to do but what makes it
01:42 fun is your questions? It's amazing what
01:44 sometimes people ask us, but don't let that
01:46 discourage you. If you have any questions
01:49 just send to us during this program or even
01:50 afterwards send them to,
01:54 that's housecalls
01:57 And enhance our program by the things
01:59 that may across your plate or maybe in the
02:01 back of your mind and there is never
02:03 a dumb question. Remember that if
02:05 it's about God's word, it's always a question
02:07 that needs to be answered.
02:08 And so today we're gonna begin with the
02:11 first question, what do you have for us John?
02:13 John, I've got a question from David
02:14 and it's a question that also has been
02:17 asked quite a few times and we're even answered
02:20 it once before. Alright. But it says,
02:22 the subject heading says does God promote
02:25 idol worship? Well we know that,
02:28 the answer to that a quick answer is no.
02:30 Right. But the question gets
02:32 into what some people will call it an apparent
02:35 contradiction, but it's not really at all
02:36 as we study a little deeper.
02:39 He says here in Exodus 20 verse 4
02:41 God says that we should not make any
02:43 graven images. Then God and by the way
02:46 that's the second commandment,
02:47 then God contradicts himself supposedly
02:51 and demands that the children of Israel
02:53 make graven images of Cherubims.
02:55 In First Kings 7:36 and Second Chronicles 3
02:58 verse 7. Why did God want the children of
03:01 Israel to violate his command in Exodus
03:04 20 verse 4. First of all, the God that I serve,
03:09 John the God that you serve doesn't
03:11 contradict himself. Right. In fact Jesus
03:13 is the same yesterday, today and forever.
03:15 What He says He cannot lie, He cannot
03:17 go back on His word, well, and He won't
03:19 go back on His word. So if He is giving
03:22 a command, that command will stand
03:23 fast forever. And the second commandment,
03:26 and let's read that, found in Exodus 20:4.
03:30 The Second Commandment
03:31 is a command not to make any graven images.
03:35 But there is more to that command
03:37 and we need to read a little bit further
03:39 to understand the full import of what
03:41 is being said here. So lets read verse 4
03:44 of Exodus chapter 20, Ye shalt not make
03:47 for yourself a carved image, any likeness
03:50 of any thing that is in heaven above,
03:52 or that is in the earth beneath,
03:54 or that is in the water under the earth.
03:56 Ye shalt not bow down to them, nor serve them:
03:59 for I the Lord your God am a jealous God,
04:02 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the
04:04 children to the third and the fourth
04:06 generations of those who hate me.
04:08 Right. Now upon reading that command,
04:13 we can make some assumptions,
04:16 we can arrive at some conclusions,
04:18 we can do a lot without going through
04:21 the rest of the Bible but I think that the
04:23 rest of the Bible is there,
04:25 what the people did, how God responded,
04:28 how God worked out the principle here
04:31 in the practices of his people to find out
04:35 what he was meaning here.
04:36 And the first thing that jumps out of me
04:38 here with this specific command,
04:40 the second commandment is that the word there,
04:45 'carved images' translated as carved
04:48 images in the King James, in the
04:50 New King James version is translated
04:52 many other times in other translations
04:54 as idols. Don't make any idols and so that
04:58 concept here is an idol or an image,
05:02 something carved for the sake of worship.
05:05 And it goes on to tell us exactly that
05:07 verse 5 talks about not bowing down to them,
05:10 not serving them, not worshiping them.
05:12 That was the issue that God had when
05:15 He said don't make any idols, right,
05:18 because He didn't want them worshiping them
05:19 or bowing down to them. Now if you read the
05:23 couple of scriptures that are referenced
05:24 to here First Kings 7:36 and Second Chronicles
05:27 3 verse 7 specifically Second Chronicles
05:30 talks about Solomon's Temple being built
05:32 and how there were some carvings there
05:34 made in that temple carvings of cherubim
05:36 and other things. Those carvings
05:39 were not made for the principle of worship.
05:42 People weren't bowing down to them,
05:43 they weren't worshiping them as other Gods.
05:45 So there was no command broken
05:49 in the creation or the adorning of the
05:55 house of worship with these things. Right.
05:57 And the reason these things are there
05:58 John is because there were reminders of those
06:02 who were there, of the presence of those
06:05 who were with them to a great degree
06:09 as we know the angels that the cherubim
06:12 that are covering the Ten Commandments.
06:14 The cherubim that were carved in there
06:16 were reminders of that most holy place,
06:19 and the holiness of God's presence that was there.
06:21 Right. But they weren't a reminder when they
06:24 saw them to bow down and worship them.
06:26 And clearly in these texts, both of the
06:28 contexts of these scriptures where these,
06:31 some of them were actually things carved
06:35 not so much carved but they were created
06:37 or cut out of gold and they were actually
06:40 sewn into some of the curtains and the tents,
06:43 the movable tent and then of course in
06:45 Solomon's Temple there were actually
06:46 part of the carvings of the temple itself.
06:48 But those things in no way were ever endorsed,
06:53 were worshiped so to speak.
06:55 We do see in every case where God was
06:59 calling their worship an abomination to Him.
07:01 Right. We saw in the pictures of the high
07:04 places in the idols that were kept in the tents
07:06 that were from the people that were
07:08 surrounding them and the other nations
07:10 those were carved idols and images
07:12 but they were worshiping as Gods.
07:14 That's right. And that is the principle really
07:18 that is being taught here in the
07:19 Second Commandment. You know some have
07:21 said well why do you have pictures on
07:23 your wall of Jesus. You know what,
07:25 those are reminders of the fact that God
07:29 is with us but we don't bow down to them,
07:31 we don't worship them as some sacred artifact
07:33 or article. At least that we as a
07:36 Seventh-day Adventist church those in this
07:38 church do not. Now we know that there are
07:39 some denominations that do you have carved
07:42 images that they do bow down before
07:44 and they do worship in front of them that
07:46 is something that I believe the Second
07:48 Command does speak against.
07:51 But with regard to this denomination
07:54 the Seventh-day Adventist Church myself
07:56 is a Pastor John I know you, we don't have
07:58 idol worship going on within our
08:00 church services. Right. And we don't believe
08:01 in anywhere in the Bible that it endorses that.
08:04 No, we don't. As a matter of fact you
08:06 find also in scripture one, when the children
08:09 of Israel were traveling through the wilderness,
08:12 the Lord told them to hold up a brazen serpent,
08:16 right. And when they look to the serpent
08:18 they will live, now you would think,
08:21 is the Lord saying them to worship that serpent,
08:23 He is saying by obedience look to it,
08:26 well as that serpent, the Lord know in that
08:29 particular context that serpent was a
08:31 representation of the God who heals.
08:33 Yes. And but then you also find that the
08:36 Bible speaks of Satan as the serpent of old
08:39 called the devil and Satan.
08:41 And one of the reasons, and this is my own,
08:44 this is my own deduction I have
08:46 no proof for this yet but I believe
08:48 that one of the reasons why Satan
08:49 chose to inhabit the serpent is because
08:55 he wanted to use a symbol that would be
08:57 associated before sin to the power of God.
09:01 So why would God use that serpent to
09:03 say look to it, this brazen serpent look
09:05 to it and you will be healed.
09:07 But getting back to the context of image
09:10 worship or not, God knows the hearts of
09:14 men and he knows that we are prone to
09:17 put things before him. So when it talked about
09:20 graven images, it really meant carved images
09:23 and Isaiah talked about, they have eyes
09:25 but they cannot see, they've ears but they
09:26 cannot hear, they've hands but they cannot touch.
09:28 Right. So the Lord was in essence trying to root
09:30 out false worship and putting nothing between
09:33 man and God. And so but know the God does
09:36 not support idolatry. Matter of fact we call
09:39 it Solomon's temple but it was intended
09:41 to be the Lord's temple, one of the
09:43 most ornate most beautifully designed,
09:46 most luxurious temples ever built in antiquity.
09:50 That's right. But it was to represent
09:52 that supreme and the dignity of God
09:54 and the majesty of his Kingship and John not
09:57 too long ago I came back from England
09:59 and I went to the houses of Parliament
10:01 and Buckingham Palace, and if you see the
10:04 ornate beauty that is a representation
10:08 of these monarchs and Kings,
10:10 you think do we put together anything
10:13 more beautiful than that to represent God
10:15 and the answer is yes. But do we worship it?
10:18 The answer is no. Right. And the other thing
10:21 we got to be careful of too is, do not give
10:23 something any kind of thought that
10:26 it's infused with the holiness of God itself.
10:29 That's right. You know one of the things that
10:31 I can think of is that you know some that
10:34 hold very sacred and dear, whether it be
10:37 some Marian apparition or what some picture
10:40 on a wall or something that appears to some.
10:42 You know they give it almost a level of
10:45 sacredness or holiness, the artifact itself
10:48 or whatever it is that was carved
10:50 or now is on the wall. And they come there
10:53 to worship it, as if that thing there has
10:56 some kind of substance that might impart
10:59 to them a blessing. That's right.
11:02 And so that is something that we have to be
11:04 very careful, we don't do thinking that
11:06 somehow these things are holy and that
11:09 they are going to impart to us some
11:11 spiritual benefit. That's right.
11:13 I appreciate that John because
11:14 you know a lot of times people think
11:16 of worshiping God and worshiping relics
11:21 as the same thing. We're not to bow
11:24 down to relics, we're not to put them
11:25 in place of God or to look to them as though
11:28 they are God, right, it's very important.
11:30 Thank you for bringing that out.
11:32 I have a question here let me go to it here,
11:34 I've my multiple windows on my computer.
11:38 Thank you so much for the email by the way
11:40 and I'm glad this person sent this email.
11:44 It may sound like to some of you that the
11:46 person is nitpicking but they're not,
11:48 but I think the point that is going to come
11:51 out as a result of this email opens a few other
11:54 doors of understanding. I'm writing because
11:57 John Lomacang went beyond truth
11:59 when he said only Jesus has immortality.
12:03 The Father and the Holy Spirit have immortality
12:08 and the angels also have continual immortality.
12:11 Okay. Now watch this, the reference
12:16 I was making there was man does not
12:18 have immortality when it comes to putting
12:21 on immortality, it's something we're going
12:23 to put on when Jesus comes.
12:25 But I want to read if you passages that
12:27 when I said only Jesus has immortality
12:30 I can't assume that people will associate
12:33 the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit together.
12:36 That's something that clearly is my association.
12:39 Yeah. Because the Bible doesn't use the word
12:41 Jesus there but we do know that Jesus
12:43 has immortality. And let me read the
12:46 passage for you that this reference came from,
12:50 First Timothy 6 verse 15 and verse 16
12:54 and the Bible says which in times he will
12:57 show who was the blessed and only
13:00 potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
13:05 who only has immortality.
13:08 Dwelling in the light which no man can
13:11 approach unto whom no man hath seen
13:15 nor can see, to him be honor and power
13:18 everlasting. Now that reference
13:20 John is referring to not only Jesus but that's
13:23 referring to the Father, because no man hath
13:25 seen the Father. Right. But have men seen Jesus.
13:28 Sure. Okay. In this references referring
13:31 to the Father as the only potentate,
13:33 the King of Kings and Lord of Lords,
13:36 who no man has seen nor can see.
13:41 And when Jesus appeared on the earth
13:43 He says if you have seen me you have
13:45 seen the Father. Right. But now what I want
13:48 to show you is the same description
13:50 that is associated with the Father is associated
13:53 with the Son. Listen to this, King of Kings
13:56 and Lord of Lords, now this is Revelation 17
13:58 verse 14 and 15 speaking about the Lamb,
14:01 the Lamb is Jesus. These shall make war
14:05 with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them:
14:07 for He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
14:11 So the Father is referred to as King of Kings
14:13 and Lord of Lords who only has immortality,
14:16 right. The Son is referred to as
14:17 King of Kings and Lord of Lords who
14:20 only has immortality. So when I make the
14:23 reference only Jesus has immortality
14:25 I'm not separating him from the Father.
14:27 Right. Okay. That's the one point
14:29 I want to make but if I made it appears
14:32 though I was separating him I do apologize
14:35 but yes the assumption is clear when you speak
14:38 of divinity the Father,
14:39 the Son and the Holy Spirit have immortality.
14:42 But let me also add a point here,
14:45 the only continual immortality that
14:48 the angels have is because is granted
14:50 to them by the Father. They don't have
14:51 inherent immortality, they were not
14:54 created immortally. If they were then
14:57 the Lord will never be able to destroy the devil
14:59 and his angels because he cannot destroy
15:00 that which has immortality.
15:02 Right. Okay. Good point, good point.
15:05 This question here, it's from,
15:08 it doesn't actually have a name but it's regarding
15:12 the several times the command or at least
15:16 the teaching in The Epistle of John
15:20 and it's in reference to those who show
15:23 love but aren't Christian.
15:26 And they are saying here regarding
15:30 the verse that love is born of God
15:33 and those who love know God,
15:36 a lot of people show that they are not
15:39 Christians so what does this verse mean
15:42 because they show love yet they
15:44 don't follow Christ. Okay, okay.
15:47 And so let's go to the chapter the book
15:51 that we're talking about here First John,
15:53 okay, beginning with chapter 4 and we'll start
15:57 with verse 7. It's not the first reference
16:02 I'll give several other references to at least,
16:04 okay, something close to that with in this book.
16:09 Verse 7, Beloved, let us love one another,
16:12 for love is of God; and everyone who
16:15 loves is born of God, and knows God.
16:19 Okay. There are some other references here,
16:22 let me give you couple others just you can
16:24 take these down if you want First John 3:9,
16:27 First John 5:1, 5:4 and 5:18,
16:30 all of them have some variation
16:32 of that teaching. So another question
16:35 is what does it mean by love,
16:38 because if I were just to leave this text,
16:40 read this text isolated I would say that
16:43 anyone that is showing love in anyway
16:47 is born of God and knows God.
16:50 But we do know that there are many
16:52 who do not believe in God,
16:54 who shows love that are not born
16:56 of God as well. And so what is this mean?
16:59 Well let me say this, this verse is not
17:01 intended to be an all encompassing qualifier
17:05 for those who are believers in God.
17:08 Another words it's not saying that because
17:10 you show love that therefore you
17:14 are a believer in God, you are a follower of
17:15 Christ all those things,
17:16 all it says is that those who love God
17:20 are born of God and know God.
17:22 So the question I have got to ask
17:23 is what kind of love is it speaking of.
17:27 I think in the reference of in the
17:28 terms of talking of God those that know
17:31 him and that follow him is talking about
17:34 a Godly love. Well what kind of Godly love,
17:37 what kind of love does God have?
17:38 He has unconditional love.
17:40 He loves us no matter what.
17:43 He has love that He is patient that is not angry,
17:49 that does not get quickly provoked.
17:54 You know you read in First Corinthians 13,
17:58 a whole chapter about love exactly
17:59 what a Godly kind of love is.
18:02 Now when you're looking at others
18:04 love it's hard to know
18:07 what their motive is, but I'll tell you there's
18:09 a lot of love out there that is not
18:11 motivated by Godly love.
18:14 Some of those would be infatuation.
18:16 Some people in fact if you read most
18:18 magazines today that are those
18:20 you kind of pass byes,
18:21 you are leaving paying for your groceries,
18:24 you know so and so love so and so and you
18:26 say wait a minute didn't they just about
18:28 six months ago, weren't they loving
18:29 so and so or someone else.
18:31 And so that infatuation really is put forth there,
18:35 thrown out there as love.
18:37 Well in fact it's really not love.
18:40 Also many times when people show love
18:42 it's based upon a condition.
18:44 A condition that someone loves them
18:46 or at least likes them or cares for them
18:48 but immediately if you have somebody
18:50 that is not that, maybe gets into an
18:55 argument with someone or is in
18:57 complete opposite views,
18:59 you see there're some politics these days
19:00 John when you have those who say we
19:03 should just love everybody.
19:04 Well what they really mean is love everybody
19:06 that believes like you do. Right.
19:08 Because they hate those that maybe
19:10 don't believe in the same political kind of
19:15 arguments or political platform or maybe
19:18 the same president that they're endorsing
19:21 and in fact you got people out there
19:22 with hate signs because they don't follow
19:24 or believe in the same candidate that
19:26 someone else does. I'm starting to ramble
19:29 but the point is here that what kind of
19:31 love are they talking about?
19:33 And also in fact that this is not a one time
19:35 qualifier of all those just because you
19:39 show love that you are a follower
19:41 or that you are born of God because
19:42 there are several of the verses that actually
19:45 say that there are other things that you
19:47 will show and reveal if you love God,
19:49 like if you love me finish it with me,
19:51 keep my commandments.
19:53 Well this verse doesn't say that but yet that
19:56 other verse would then add to what is love,
19:59 the keeping of the commandments.
20:00 So you have to add these scriptures
20:02 and build on that and that's why we have
20:04 the Bible to show us the entire view,
20:06 the entire picture of Christian love
20:09 and those that are born again Christians,
20:11 born again followers of God and what they
20:13 do in principle and what they
20:15 do in action in their lives.
20:17 And you know John I'm glad you brought
20:19 that up because a lot of times
20:20 in the English language we use words that are
20:23 limited in English that are broad in Greek.
20:30 For example I'm not gonna go down
20:32 this path but the word hell has more than
20:35 one meaning in the Greek and Hebrew,
20:38 but in the English language we say love,
20:40 you know I love your hair,
20:41 I love your car, I love, I love the Lord.
20:44 And you think that, well do you love
20:45 the Lord as much as you love your hair,
20:46 or do you love your hair as much as you
20:47 love the Lord, no. But an example of this
20:50 love when the person ask the question about love,
20:55 read the beginning part of that is,
21:00 lot of people show love that are not Christians.
21:02 Okay here it is. Yeah. Okay I got that part.
21:04 So, so it's possible to show love when
21:07 you're not Christian. Let me give you a classic
21:09 example in scripture in John chapter 21
21:13 there was an exchange between Peter and Jesus.
21:16 And some people wonder why did Jesus keep
21:19 asking Peter this question.
21:20 Let me go ahead and read it.
21:22 He said to him the second time Simon,
21:26 son of Jonah, do you love me?
21:29 And he said unto him Lord you know that
21:31 I love you. Now Jesus asked him
21:35 and this is where the grief comes,
21:36 Simon son of Jonah do you agape me?
21:40 That's right. And Peter said Lord I follow you.
21:45 And then he said, then feed my sheep.
21:48 And he said unto him the third time,
21:50 Simon, son of Jonah follow thou me?
21:54 Yeah, he changed it. Exactly.
21:55 Peter said, Lord, you know I phileo thou you,
21:59 in other words, the Lord was saying
22:01 do you love me unconditionally and Peter
22:02 said Lord I'm not that yet there
22:04 and that you have to keep the context here.
22:06 Peter not long before that has denied his Lord.
22:09 Right, he cursed and sword that he did not
22:11 know and haven't association with him.
22:13 And deliberately he was being very
22:14 careful not to be presumptuous
22:16 about his own power to love God.
22:18 He knew, he was weak and so he wasn't
22:20 willing to say I'm with you agape you know,
22:24 phileo was about what he can do.
22:26 And in the same sense John we meet people
22:28 that are not going to throw themselves
22:30 in front of a car for us. Right.
22:32 Plus you know I love John,
22:33 may I really love him. You know throw
22:35 yourself under the car for me, no. Okay.
22:38 You get my point? Yeah. Or are you can gonna
22:40 take the bullet for me? Well see that's why
22:42 the Bible says greater agape has no man
22:45 than this and he lays down his
22:47 life for his friend. That's right.
22:49 And so in that sense people are able to be
22:51 socially and you have the word agape
22:53 and agape also, which agape
22:56 unconditional but agape oh,
22:58 is a social and moral love which in essence
23:01 because all of us, because there's a
23:03 measure of faith in all of us,
23:05 some people a very loving.
23:07 Now when you get this God is not loving only,
23:11 God is love therefore he emits love all the time.
23:16 God is always love you know. It means all kinds
23:18 of love, that's right, as well it is different
23:20 types we're talking about.
23:21 So God is able but what God is not
23:23 is not eros love, there is another kind of love.
23:27 The Greeks talked about eros love,
23:28 right, which is that carnal,
23:30 that sensual love. You see that's
23:33 what God is not although he has given
23:35 us qualities to be in the context of a wife
23:39 and husband to express a physical love
23:41 that is given to us by God for the
23:43 confines of marriage. Right. But God is agape.
23:48 And I've met a lot of people that are loving,
23:50 and you know people will, social people,
23:53 we talked about this a few days ago,
23:54 you would walk into a club or into a bar
23:57 specifically or a pub if you're in England
24:00 and a guy could be sitting there that never
24:03 knows you and he would say come
24:04 and have a drink with me and I'll pay for it.
24:05 And I read, all of a sudden everybody
24:07 who's sharing this drink with you just get
24:09 into this loving atmosphere where they
24:12 you see him so accepted and he feels loved.
24:15 Remember that old commercial,
24:16 I love you man. It's another one.
24:21 It's crazy. But that's, that's an empty love.
24:22 Yeah it is. It's not, there's
24:23 no meaning behind it. Yeah, I'm not,
24:24 I'm not running in front of a tiger for you,
24:26 you know I love you and I'll be at your
24:27 funeral but I'm not.
24:29 Actually you know, the other thing here
24:30 too is that those who actually do
24:32 experience a real life, I throw myself in front
24:35 of the bus or take the bullet for your love
24:37 maybe with your family members
24:39 or with spouse are receiving the benefit
24:41 of God's love, whether they're
24:42 believers in him or not.
24:44 They know God in that they
24:47 experience God's love, you see what I'm saying.
24:50 That's right. So if it weren't for
24:51 God who originated love they wouldn't
24:53 have that love for others.
24:54 Now they may, they refuse to acknowledge it,
24:57 okay. But at the same time they
25:00 experience that love. So, again you got to be
25:03 careful not to read one text make a huge
25:06 qualifier that says okay if you just
25:08 love then they know God and they are saved.
25:10 That's right. Because there are lots of other
25:12 things that go to that relationship
25:14 we have with God, that loving
25:15 relationship that aren't part of just this verse,
25:18 that's right. So, thank you so much.
25:21 And the key element is this,
25:23 greater love has no man than this,
25:26 than that he laid down his life for his friends,
25:29 John 15:13 and the only one that
25:31 expressed that was, for God so loved the
25:33 world that he gave his only begotten
25:35 son and so that's the expressive love
25:37 unconditional , in that while we were
25:41 yet sinners Christ died for us.
25:43 And so, so many more texts that Paul
25:45 the Apostle used that very word agape
25:47 and agape oh and. I have another
25:49 question here let me go to it now.
25:52 Okay, here we are. Can someone help
25:55 me sort this out? Thank you so much,
25:57 I like the way they put that.
25:58 We'll try to sort this out.
25:59 Revelation chapter 21 John saw the new
26:01 heaven and a new earth come down to earth.
26:04 John saw the new earth. He didn't see the new
26:07 heaven come down to earth,
26:08 John saw the new heaven and the new earth.
26:11 But he saw the New Jerusalem
26:14 come down to earth, that's the first part.
26:16 So I don't know if you made a mistake
26:17 there in typing that. By chapter 22 of
26:22 Revelation the devil and evil ones have been
26:25 destroyed then in verse 14 Jesus speaks to John,
26:30 talks about the ones who washed their robes,
26:33 having a right to the tree of life.
26:35 Then in verse 15 he says those outside
26:40 the city are like snarling dogs practicing sorcery,
26:44 murder and etc. If the earth has been
26:48 cleansed then made new in chapter 21
26:50 why are they're defile the evil ones outside
26:53 of the holy city in a sense in that state,
26:56 as it states in chapter 22.
26:59 Well the good news is they're not
27:00 outside the city, that's the good news.
27:03 The word there without or outside means
27:06 in the Greek those are the ones that are
27:07 excluded that's what it means.
27:10 So the King James Version does a
27:11 very good job here, I'm reading the
27:13 New King James version we chooses the word
27:15 outside the city. But the King James Version
27:18 uses the word without,
27:20 meaning they will never enter in.
27:22 Because the Bible says nothing shall
27:24 enter in that defiles.
27:26 So when the Lord is talking about dogs
27:28 and sorcerers and whore mongers,
27:30 those practicing sorcery and idolatry,
27:32 he is saying this is the sort that is excluded
27:35 from the New Jerusalem but they're not
27:37 outside of the city practicing these things.
27:39 The only time they're outside of the city
27:41 is in Revelation 20 just before fire
27:44 comes down from God out of heaven
27:45 and devours them, you see. So in that
27:49 context is when they're outside of the city
27:52 but after they're devoured,
27:54 after the fire is gone out and the new heavens
27:56 and the new earth are created there's nobody
27:58 outside of that city, because the Bible
27:59 makes it very clear in First Peter,
28:02 we look forward to a new heaven
28:04 and a new earth in which righteousness dwells,
28:08 only righteousness. So hopefully we were
28:10 able to put some contexts and they were a lot of
28:13 comparisons in the Bible.
28:14 You know dogs and sorcerers and what,
28:16 the righteous. The New Jerusalem
28:19 those outside the New Jerusalem.
28:20 And you have to be careful too as you reading
28:22 through the book of Revelation.
28:24 It's not strictly chronological on
28:26 every single aspect, so what you're looking
28:28 for when you see some of these things are
28:30 markers that will take you back to the point
28:31 that is really taking you back too.
28:35 For instance, one of the things that you know
28:38 it's frequently you get caught up with,
28:42 well here's an example, you're reading a book
28:45 and you're start to go through this book
28:46 and it reduces about two or three characters
28:48 and you go the story going on
28:50 and all of a sudden you get a chapter 4
28:52 there's another character. And the book backed up,
28:55 and it is telling you some information about this
28:57 new character and other things in their history,
28:59 in their life and it starts to put things
29:01 in the context of bringing that character
29:02 into the character of what it's already
29:04 introduced the four that have already
29:05 commanded the book. That's right.
29:06 And then when it gets you up to speed
29:08 it takes you forward, all of them,
29:09 then all of a us, sex a new character.
29:12 Oh! Let's get some background.
29:14 Revelation reads much that way where
29:16 it continues to go back and say here I got
29:18 more detail for you, I got more information
29:20 for you here's the more information about
29:22 this character or so such and such.
29:24 So you've got to take the context
29:26 when it does that the markers that tell you
29:28 where it's going back, that's right,
29:30 to pick up where you are going forward.
29:32 I'll tell you, in Revelation seminars
29:34 that I do, I'm invited to a church, I do what,
29:37 this is one thing I covered every single time.
29:40 Right, the continually unfolding picture.
29:41 Right. Because it is honestly like a book
29:44 and it introduces a new character or new details,
29:47 it will back up and take you back to stuff,
29:49 that is already covered in the context
29:51 of time but it will add to the picture,
29:54 so that the story itself builds through out.
29:58 And so you've got to be careful because
29:59 you're reading something after another part,
30:01 it doesn't mean it comes after.
30:03 Right. It's just means it's giving you more
30:04 details and wants you to go back
30:07 and understand more fully what its already covered.
30:10 That's right. I am so glad you brought that up,
30:12 because Revelation is so beautiful book,
30:15 one of the examples I've heard people
30:16 talk about the Fourth Angels Message. No.
30:19 There are only Three Angels Messages.
30:21 But you find them in Revelations chapter 14
30:24 when it talks about these messages verse 6
30:26 down to verse 10, it says the First Angel
30:29 with a loud voice, the second angel
30:30 just proclaimed that Babylon is fallen,
30:32 the Third Angel was a loud voice.
30:34 Well the question is why is a Second Angel
30:36 no proclaiming this with a loud voice because
30:38 the Babylon coalition is not yet
30:40 reached its fruition, right, it's complete
30:42 coalition has him coolest yet. Right.
30:46 Well when it gets to the fulfillment
30:47 of it is in Revelation 18 when that angel goes
30:50 back to that same second message
30:53 and says an angel coming down with a loud voice
30:56 saying Babylon is fallen,
30:57 is fallen and then addition to that is come
31:00 out of from my people. Right. You see,
31:03 it seems like a Fourth Angel emphasizing
31:05 the second message allover again but
31:07 expanding honor and adding one last dimension
31:10 of now that you see this, here's what you need
31:12 to do adding the dimension to it.
31:14 Thank you for bringing that point out.
31:15 Continually unfolding revelation which brings
31:18 us to the end of our questions for this
31:20 program but I know that there are other
31:22 questions that have risen in your mind
31:23 and we always appreciate your viewpoint,
31:26 but send those questions to
31:27, that's
31:30 And we do appreciate
31:36 your participation greatly you make
31:38 this program enhanced. That's right.
31:41 We're gonna dive back into and try to wind up
31:44 as best we can on this segment about
31:46 relationships but friends you know there
31:48 is no way that we could cover every
31:50 aspect of relationships so we're gonna try to
31:52 touch on those things that could enhance
31:54 your relationship and also talk about
31:56 some of the pitfalls that you can avoid
31:59 when things get hot and fleered in a relationship.
32:04 John I heard somebody once say my wife
32:06 and I never argue, I always am concerned
32:08 about relationships like that. Yeah.
32:11 You know we have never disagreed.
32:14 Well that means one person has a brain that's
32:16 functioning and the other brain
32:17 has been put on lockdown.
32:19 That's not the definition of a happy home.
32:21 We never disagree. Well there's something
32:24 long there with homes that don't
32:26 have disagreements. We can disagree but
32:29 let's not be disagreeable.
32:31 But some people have not created the atmosphere
32:33 which people feel free to disagree
32:36 and so when I talked about,
32:38 one of the prior programs of being
32:41 active and being assertive,
32:43 that simply means you know you
32:45 talked about this, if we're in hot argument
32:49 or the context here, we're not waiting till
32:52 the other person even finishes his
32:54 or her point, we're just waiting till
32:55 they shut up, so we could say
32:56 what they're gonna say. Right.
32:58 But a lot of times we don't answer
32:59 the question or the comment based on
33:01 what we understand them to say.
33:03 So I teach people how to actively listen,
33:05 now they don't go through like Robots
33:07 through the rest of their lives
33:08 doing this exercise, yeah, but often say
33:11 if a person says something we could
33:12 respond by saying to them or asking them
33:14 a question am I hearing you say,
33:17 am I understanding you correctly to say this,
33:20 and when they say that's what I'm saying
33:21 then you could answer the question.
33:23 But most of us are like loaded bullets
33:25 when you're done shooting I'm gonna shoot back.
33:28 And see indications of big key. That is so true.
33:30 And it think that's exactly where we left
33:32 off our last program and when we're talking
33:34 about in the context of relationships specifically
33:36 the marriage relationship.
33:38 And I would like to add here too that although
33:40 we've been talking about marriage
33:43 and how to have a better marriage relationship.
33:45 A lot of what we're talking about is our
33:48 general relationship any relationship principles,
33:52 principles. Yeah. And so don't think that
33:55 well if you're not married that you can't learn
33:57 from these things we absolutely can,
33:59 big part of all of our relationships
34:01 they would be that much more approved.
34:04 You know since we are kind of going back
34:06 and forth here at times I can remember
34:08 when I first got to a church that I pastored,
34:13 I remember that there was a couple family
34:19 groups that wouldn't really communicate.
34:21 They did not want,
34:23 they didn't even like each other,
34:24 let alone want to talk to each other.
34:26 And this happened in the place of you
34:28 and I if both pastored too.
34:30 And it was so difficult because it was years
34:35 of build up of disrespect of no communication,
34:39 or miscommunication and all these kinds of things.
34:42 And I began to learn how important
34:45 it was to understand relationships and how
34:51 things work and the principles of
34:53 relationships, because it allow me
34:55 to do some introspection,
34:57 some actually looking at myself and how I view
35:00 my relationship how I work in my relationship,
35:03 shall in my, in our relationship.
35:05 And it helped me to realize as a Christian
35:07 this is essential, it's an essential
35:11 outflow from my relationship with
35:13 God. And that in many respects and maybe
35:18 you can weigh in on this John, the way
35:19 I treat others can often be similar to the
35:23 way I treat God. Oh, yeah. That some times
35:29 it goes back to my inability to trust
35:31 somebody else, it goes back to my inability
35:33 to trust God. Simple example. If I am so
35:41 used to taking the reigns, doing the
35:43 driving in my relationship with
35:45 God, making the decisions on what happens,
35:47 what I do, where I go, you know I'm not
35:52 asking God Lord just use me, send me where
35:54 you want me to go but I'm saying I'm gonna
35:56 do this now please be with me of I'm used
35:58 to taking the reigns and always being
35:59 in-charge and maybe even it times where
36:02 God is allowing me to go through a trial,
36:04 I have, I struggle to hold on to my faith
36:07 because. Lord, why aren't you doing something
36:09 and I have my way in which he should do
36:11 something and he is not doing it so I get
36:12 a little upset about that. If that's my,
36:16 my relationship with God, I'm gonna act
36:19 out that exactly in my relationships with
36:22 others. Right. I'm not gonna trust, I'm gonna
36:25 insert I'm gonna be sure that I'm driving
36:27 things, I'm in control and things are you know
36:31 such and such. So I can find as
36:34 I look at relationship and how I should
36:36 according to the Bible being my relationships
36:39 with others I need to ultimately let that full
36:43 back up to God and say Lord I'm mean
36:45 shouldn't we all knew this, Lord how am I
36:47 hurting our relationship. How is my relationship
36:50 with you not being as good as it should be
36:53 because I know I do things that I shouldn't
36:56 do Lord pleas teach me to have a better
36:57 relationship. So that from that I can have
37:00 better relationships all here with my friends,
37:03 family and loved ones. And how we,
37:05 how we interact with God develops and shapes
37:09 us for how we interact with others. If we
37:12 just don't trust God, there's no way that if
37:14 you just trust a perfect God, who loves you
37:18 perfectly. How you are gonna trust an imperfect
37:21 person. Right. So when it comes to Proverbs
37:26 3 verse 5 and 6 that exercise of faith,
37:28 you know trust in the Lord your God with
37:31 all your heart and lean not on your own
37:33 understanding in all your ways acknowledge
37:34 him and he will direct your pads. Some times
37:37 we have to trust other people when we on the
37:39 right relationship with him we could say well
37:41 they won't do anything to destroy the path
37:43 that we are on. Right. And, they love me,
37:46 they love me. You have to believe that,
37:48 they've telling you I love you believe they
37:50 love you. I've had a couple sit before me
37:53 and I said okay right now you guys are really
37:55 upset let me just ask one question and
37:58 it's impossible John. I mean the percentages
38:01 are 99 percent higher that the responses has
38:04 been yes. Do you love your husband?
38:06 Do you love your wife? And this is a gigantic
38:10 pause? And they kind of, on that note they
38:12 are kind of turn and look at each other.
38:13 And you know it's impossible to look
38:15 at each other in the eye and remember
38:18 that person that you have committed your
38:20 life to to say, no I don't love her, no
38:22 I don't love him. They backed down and they
38:25 say yes I do love my wife, yes I do love
38:28 my husband whatever reason they say that
38:30 whether it's to look good in front of the
38:31 councilor, look good in front of the pastor they
38:34 don't usually resort to the other statement,
38:36 no I don't love my husband, no I don't love
38:38 my wife. When you begin there then I will say
38:41 okay if you love that person and that person
38:44 you believe loves you then you've got to
38:47 give them room to develop trust. There are
38:50 some people that shadow each other all the
38:52 time because they have no trust, those
38:55 kinds of relationships are relationships
38:57 that are going to be injured, they're
39:00 gonna be breaking apart slowly but surely
39:02 and so we've said people one of the things
39:05 if you don't have this in a relationship this
39:07 is what it needs to be restored trust.
39:10 Trust needs to be restored but only as you
39:13 both stay before the Lord and live that life
39:16 in harmony, can you even have that kind
39:18 of trust. That's indicative of the
39:20 relationship that God wants us to have. Right.
39:22 He was a, he was a principle but also a
39:25 Bible text. Now for those of you agree this
39:30 doesn't apply to you, if you've never had an
39:33 argument or never had a disagreement this does
39:35 not apply to you, but for the normal people
39:37 this applies to you. Proverbs 15 and verse
39:42 1 and I'm reading this from the New King James
39:44 Version, let me go ahead and bring up another
39:47 translation here so I could a comparison very
39:48 quickly but it just, it says primarily the
39:52 same way. A soft answer turns away
39:58 wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
40:03 Let me give you a couple of examples.
40:09 Do you think I have a problem?
40:11 Well yes. That's quite different then, yes.
40:16 You got my point. Do you ready to box,
40:19 you can see the arena, you can see the crowd
40:20 saying hit him, hit her. Hit him, hit her,
40:22 You see, right away or do you think that we can
40:26 make her do this problem?
40:28 Maybe, by God's grace as compared to no,
40:33 I mean just adamant. Or when a person,
40:36 let's use a positive word do you love me?
40:39 Well of course I do. Right. Even with positive
40:43 it won't Well of course I do. Right.
40:44 But if you say do you love me?
40:46 Honey, I love you with all my heart.
40:48 I want to store account together.
40:50 Difference all together. But those harsh words
40:52 and there are certain loaded words.
40:55 Let me, let me give you a chance to register and
40:56 so I don't take up all the time here but there
40:58 are certain loaded words I wanted to teach our
41:00 viewers and listeners. No go ahead, go through
41:02 those I don't have. A loaded word whenever
41:05 you have a disagreement do not use the word you.
41:09 Yeah. Here we go. Very good point.
41:12 What's the problem? You are the problem.
41:16 Well you now go to the dentist now and ask,
41:19 let the dentist ask you, what's the problem?
41:22 I have a toothache. You have a toothache,
41:26 you are not a toothache. Because the only way
41:29 the dentist will get rid of a toothache if you
41:30 are the toothache is to extract you.
41:33 And that's a mafia terminology.
41:36 Yeah. Extracting that way. So remember,
41:39 let's use the inclusive word we have a problem.
41:43 You know what that says? We need to find a way
41:45 for us to solve our dilemma or our problem,
41:49 our circumstance and that requires two people
41:51 participating that's one of the verse I will
41:53 give you some more in just a few minutes here.
41:55 No that's a very good point in fact when I was
41:58 working for Incorporate America for Insurance
42:04 company, I went through a lot of leadership
42:06 training at that time, preparing to be a better
42:10 leader of the teams, we are organizing the teams.
42:14 One of the things they taught us was to not use
42:17 the word you in any confrontation.
42:19 There's a conflict avoid the word you at all.
42:22 Just don't use the word you. That's right.
42:26 you know talk about the issue, this has become an
42:29 issue because it is. Not you mess this up
42:32 because it only inflates the matter,
42:34 causes people to be defensive as well.
42:36 If you are in relationship where one is not a
42:39 Christian the other one is not a Christian,
42:40 you are a Christian. You have to very careful
42:44 because you operating not on equal ground.
42:47 I'm not saying as far as you better than there
42:49 was something, I'm just saying you're not the
42:51 plane field is different. Okay. You approach
42:55 the relationship for moral grounds they may not.
42:59 And so the better that you can act or respond
43:02 or communicate in this respect will really help
43:06 and how they respond back to you. That's right.
43:09 Because if they are not walking with the Lord,
43:11 they are not practicing the principles that you
43:13 are practicing, so make sure that you're using
43:17 those kinds of the, kind of language and
43:19 the kind of things that would engear you to
43:21 eachother or help correct the problem not that
43:24 they are the problem. And some people don't
43:26 respond, some people react. Yeah.
43:29 While those words are neighbors,
43:32 it doesn't really help to react but it does help
43:36 to respond, the word respond denotes in some
43:40 sense respond under control, respond kindly,
43:44 respond with the knowledge that your
43:49 next statement is going to either hurt that
43:51 person or help the situation begin to be
43:54 resolve or help the hurt to begin to be healed.
43:58 So some times we are so much into,
44:00 another word here well another context that was
44:02 self preservation some people,
44:04 some people wanna win it all cause.
44:06 I always say remember that the winning comes when
44:09 you win the person but you can win the argument
44:13 and lose the person. You can be absolutely right
44:16 and end up absolutely alone. That's right.
44:19 So don't always determined to be right.
44:21 I saw an example on a program about,
44:27 Oh! I forgot the title of it but it was about a
44:30 woman who was about to get married and she was
44:33 so determined to make sure that everybody who
44:36 offended her instantly apologized.
44:39 You know never force a person to say I'm sorry.
44:45 Because sorrow is something that comes
44:46 out of a Godly, out of a heart that's been
44:49 softened by the presence of the Holy Spirit the
44:52 sorrow comes, I referred to the Godly sorrow not,
44:55 I'm sorry. Even with your kids to force them to
44:58 go over their neighbor, cause they threw rocks
44:59 through the windows to say you're sorry.
45:01 I would approach it more of is don't you feel bad
45:05 that they had to go through these things to
45:07 repair their thing, they don't have enough
45:08 money, help them see the consequences.
45:09 I want to see this, see what they do,
45:11 what the damage they've done and then out of that
45:13 sorrow say do you think we should go back and
45:15 maybe say we're sorry, they feel like maybe we
45:17 should, yeah, you know you can always led them
45:19 into wanting to say I'm sorry. Right.
45:21 But don't force them. You're right.
45:23 And then I say that I have teachers have lead
45:27 their children that are you know getting in this
45:29 little squabble say I apologize, apology is an
45:34 acknowledgment of the wrong you've done,
45:35 but the sorrow comes after.
45:38 And I've seen couples that have apologized for
45:39 actions they've taken, decisions they've made,
45:42 things they've done but later on about a week
45:45 later they will come to each other in tears and
45:47 that's where the sorrow comes then.
45:49 Because they've had time to think about it,
45:51 they've had time to mow it over and begin to see,
45:54 mull it over and begin to see exactly what the
45:56 gravity of the situation is.
45:58 And it makes a difference altogether on how we
46:01 make it through or how we not make it through a
46:02 relationship. That's right.
46:05 A couple of Bible texts here,
46:09 let's look at one of the things here and by
46:13 the way John sometimes we can
46:14 even overdo good things.
46:17 Now how would you feel if you're spouse or
46:22 even a good friend all day long followed you
46:26 around saying I apologize, I apologize everybody
46:29 apologize and every time you saw them,
46:31 I'm sorry. Remember that,
46:33 all of us have had a friend that I'm sorry,
46:35 every time something happened, I'm sorry.
46:38 Well, a good friend of ours, he would resort to
46:42 that word, like if somebody did you
46:43 something like he say Oh! I'm sorry, listen
46:45 would you stop saying I'm sorry, Oh! I'm sorry.
46:48 He's so used to doing that, yeah,
46:50 and we laughed about it, but it became a part of
46:53 his persona. Couldn't get away from that but so,
46:56 he was a sorry individual. Good one.
47:00 No pun intended here. But, let's look at
47:05 First Corinthians 9 and verse 25 we wanna talk
47:07 about being temperate, 9 verse what,
47:12 First Corinthians 9 and verse 25 read for us,
47:15 even things that are good need to be done in a
47:18 temperate way. Everyone who compete for the prize
47:22 is temperate in all things.
47:23 Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown;
47:26 but we do it for an imperishable crown.
47:28 Okay. So when you, when you get to the place of
47:32 even doing good things in relationships,
47:37 sometimes you wanna so impress a person that you
47:40 just want to continue to do all these
47:41 impressionable things to them and the thing that
47:46 was initially a gift now becomes just a common
47:49 occurrence. I'll use an example,
47:52 to people that sometimes try to
47:56 use gifts to soften something that
47:59 they've done. Sometimes it's not a wise thing
48:03 always to, here's an example,
48:06 I've had a couple sit before me once and the
48:09 husband says I don't know why she is always
48:11 complaining, anything she wants I give it to her,
48:13 she wants a house I bought it for her,
48:15 she want a brand new car I bought it for her,
48:16 I always bring flowers home.
48:20 He is putting all the, he is putting all the
48:22 weight on all the things he's done.
48:24 Now would somebody want a brand new house?
48:27 Of course. Would somebody want a brand new car,
48:29 surely. Would a woman love to get flowers, great,
48:32 but if you think those good things are going to
48:35 offset all the things that you've done to injure
48:37 me you have another thing coming so we have
48:40 to be temperate. So when those flowers do show
48:42 up, they show up for the right reason not for the
48:45 repetitious covering up of a person's inability
48:49 to control themselves. Right. So be temperate
48:51 in all things. You know the other thing,
48:53 this I think you're going to this verse I was
48:57 thinking of something a little earlier,
48:58 I was wondering how I would bring it into the
49:01 picture of relationship so I think a lot of
49:02 people need to hear it. And you bring up this
49:04 verse and so now it's like the context of God to
49:07 share it. When Rochelle and I,
49:09 we weren't married when I first met her I was
49:12 very interested in her, wanted to date her.
49:16 I remember we spent some time driving back and
49:19 forth I would drive to work and she would go
49:22 with me because the place that I worked was the
49:24 place that she was doing the you know we learned
49:27 how to teach on site, I can't remember what
49:29 you call it, but it's like before you become a
49:31 teacher you're actually go and observe teachers
49:34 and you actually begin to teach a little bit.
49:36 Anyway so she would go, something like that,
49:38 no it's something different. Okay.
49:39 Maybe she would go and do that and then we
49:41 go home and we had all this time in the car to
49:43 get to know each other. And we stop off and we
49:45 eat dinner on the way home and stuff and we were
49:47 getting to know each other's friends,
49:48 well it came to a point where I wanted to grow
49:52 that from her friendship into a dating.
49:54 I wanted to let her know that I really cared for
49:56 her more than just as friends and I would like
49:58 to date her. And remember we had the talk
50:02 you know, and everybody is worried about the
50:07 person that are interested in saying I would like
50:09 to just be friends. I mean come on,
50:11 you've had these before back in the past we used
50:13 to date, you hated that, because if you like
50:17 someone you didn't want to hear they just want
50:18 to be friends. So, we had this talk and that's
50:21 what she told me, she said I just you know
50:23 I'm just looking for friendships right now.
50:26 You know what, a lot of guys and here's who I'm
50:28 speaking to you guys for a second,
50:30 let me talk to the guys, okay.
50:31 We don't respond the way we should.
50:35 We get desperate and we try to do something to
50:38 convince them to like us, by gifts is one thing
50:42 you mentioned, by going to the next step,
50:46 the next level to try and show that we should be
50:48 worthy or worthy of being liked for more,
50:51 whatever it maybe and I know going through
50:54 college and high school, you know I made
50:58 mistakes like that as well. You know trying to
50:59 do better so they would somehow like me,
51:02 you know. But I approached it
51:04 differently with Rochelle. I did something she's
51:06 never had happened before in the history of
51:08 anybody wanting to date here, okay.
51:10 Now, I'm all yours. Yeah, here's what I said.
51:14 I said you know what I really can appreciate
51:17 the honesty. But I want to tell you one of the
51:20 reasons my motive for us going out and doing
51:22 this together is my motive is something deeper.
51:25 I'm looking for someone to spend my life with,
51:27 someone I'm really, that would be really
51:28 interesting me. So I have lots of friends
51:31 already, I really appreciate but
51:33 I think this is, this relationship is probably
51:36 as far as gonna go, it's over.
51:37 We can be friends but the time I'm spending with
51:39 you isn't helping me, right, because I like you,
51:42 it's doing more damage at this point because
51:44 you're not interested let's just call it
51:46 quits here. She never had that happen before
51:48 ever. You know the old saying,
51:51 if you love it set it free.
51:53 There was a lot of truth to that.
51:55 Sometimes you just have to let it go.
51:57 Guys don't force it, if they're gonna like you,
52:01 they're gonna like you for who you are,
52:02 that's right, don't beg,
52:04 come on please won't you, can I show you how I'm
52:07 better then you're thinking I'm and won't you
52:09 just and you know what four days it took,
52:12 Rochelle called me saying, can we go out to
52:14 dinner. So I gave another couple weeks,
52:16 it look like maybe it was heading the right
52:17 direction, we had the talk again and guess what
52:19 happened, she said, I will, I told you I just
52:21 want to be friends I said and I told you I've got
52:24 plenty of friends. Right. Well took only a couple
52:27 of days that time, then from that point on
52:30 we realized as we were getting to know each other
52:32 or continuing our relationship that it
52:33 was going somewhere. But I just, I want to say
52:37 this to the guys, even the gals out there don't
52:39 be desperate. God doesn't want us to be
52:42 desperate, even God as He woos us He doesn't
52:46 resort to those kinds of tactics, right.
52:48 He lets us make decisions and if our decision is
52:50 no, the Bible tells us that God will give us the
52:53 freedom to choose no and He will allow us to
52:56 actually walk away and fall away and not follow
53:00 Him. That's just He honors that from your choice.
53:03 We have to do that in our own relationships as
53:05 well, don't you think? It makes a difference in,
53:09 I think what you're talking about here the
53:10 difference between perception and reality.
53:13 Sometimes people think that we can just go on in
53:16 this fantasy of just spending time together and
53:20 things are going to naturally happen,
53:22 what I like to term this as is we must let our,
53:25 we must let our expectations and
53:29 our goals be known in order for us to be,
53:31 begin to move toward those goals.
53:33 Lot of times people say well so are you guys
53:36 dating, and. Does she know you like you?
53:39 Should not know. You like her.
53:40 Watches, you are standing here and
53:41 Rochelle standing there and this is the context
53:43 of before you got married and your friend will
53:44 come, are you guys dating?
53:45 Yes. The other one says no. Yeah. And then you
53:48 switch it, ah no, yes. And the person says
53:52 which is it, you dating or not.
53:53 Yeah. And you both want to feel comfortable
53:56 but you want the other person to feel
53:57 comfortable. So who is this, this is my friend.
54:00 Yeah. You know. It's my girlfriend,
54:01 I mean she is a girl and she is my friend.
54:03 Oh! Because I'm not your girlfriend,
54:05 well you're a girl and you're my friend, yeah,
54:06 but you know what I mean.
54:08 You know they beat around the bush and a lot
54:10 of times what happens is we don't know how to
54:12 manage our expectations we talk about that in
54:14 counseling. One of the things that there are some
54:18 misunderstandings about relationships and this
54:21 is across the board John whether you're married
54:24 or whether you're not married,
54:27 time will resolve all my problems.
54:31 Well that's not true. If you think that time
54:33 is gonna resolve all your problems,
54:35 don't go to the dentist just let that tooth go
54:37 away eventually. Time is the helper,
54:39 but it doesn't resolve. No, you've got to know
54:41 and understand, you've go to know.
54:45 Another is if I have to ask it's not as
54:48 meaningful, some people say, I will say to
54:50 couples you know if you don't know if the other
54:52 person, if the husband doesn't know what the
54:54 wife is expecting, if the wife doesn't know
54:56 what the husband is expecting don't believe in
55:00 telepathy, we don't believe in mind reading.
55:02 Right. Some times, talk about it.
55:04 Talk about what your desires are,
55:06 or talk about what your wishes are and the other
55:09 thing about another one is happily ever after,
55:11 what on earth does that mean?
55:15 And they got married and they lived happily
55:17 ever after. That's Disney world,
55:19 that's not real life. Yeah. You got to build on
55:21 that happiness, what does happiness interpret
55:23 financially, relationally, spiritually children,
55:28 parenting, what does happiness really mean?
55:30 So you got to work on some of those things.
55:31 You know in talking about those things before
55:32 you are married are so key to a successful
55:35 marriage and being united in your marriage.
55:38 I mean I can't tell you how many times that you
55:40 find that people get married and then they
55:42 start to get to know each other.
55:43 Right. That's when things get disastrous to find
55:46 out know what your goals are what your
55:48 desire are, your dreams are before you married.
55:51 Because when you marry a person a lot of times
55:53 when people are thinking about marriage,
55:55 they think about marriage because right now they
55:56 are attracted to each other, right,
55:58 she looks great, he is handsome,
56:00 they got a great income we can make a great
56:02 life together we have a lot of common interests
56:03 but man is like going to store and buying a gift
56:07 because you like the box, right, rather than
56:10 the content. You got to know what's on
56:11 the inside. If you have no idea what's on the
56:13 inside through counseling, through relational
56:16 therapy or whatever you want to get understand
56:18 what's in the background before
56:19 you can understand what's gonna come to the
56:20 forefront later on. And is, you know after
56:23 twenty or so years of marriage counseling people
56:25 have come up with these unrealistic expectations.
56:29 Well I need to give you text before we end this
56:30 program here this is gonna make the difference
56:32 and you know John, Philippians 4:8
56:34 is the one, turn to that and read that for our
56:37 audience those who are listening and watching
56:39 this program, Philippians 4:8, you know we'd love
56:42 to do an entire seminar on counseling but go
56:45 ahead and hit us with that one.
56:46 Finally brethren, whatever things are true,
56:48 whatever things are noble, whatever things are
56:50 just, whatever things are pure,
56:52 whatever things are lovely,
56:54 whatever things are of good report,
56:56 if there is any virtue, if there is anything
56:58 praise worthy meditate on these things.
57:02 Right. It makes a difference because
57:03 you don't know everything about
57:05 everything you don't know that time is gonna
57:07 change it, things are not gonna change
57:09 necessarily when you have a baby,
57:11 when you get a better job you got to work on your
57:13 relationship but let the mindset that is there
57:16 by Christ abiding in your life,
57:17 be the principal lovely, pure, honest all these
57:21 things make a difference in your life.
57:23 And I say that God has an ideal relationship but
57:26 until you seek Him you will never know what that
57:28 is, so do the first thing, seek the Lord today.
57:32 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17