House Calls

Mark Of The Beast, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL100027

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word
00:05 together on this edition of House Calls.
00:22 Welcome to another edition of House Calls program
00:24 as you can tell both Johns are in the house. Right.
00:28 This is the house to be in,
00:30 the place where we make a call on your life today
00:33 and also the Lord makes the call on your life.
00:35 Now, we are not just sharing the Bible
00:37 we are actually challenging you to follow it for
00:40 yourself. So, get your Bibles, get your pens,
00:43 get your papers hit the record button
00:45 if you have the chance or the opportunity
00:47 or the ability to do that and follow along this
00:50 program as we continue answering your questions
00:52 and also edging our way through the understanding
00:56 of the topic of the mark of the Beast
00:58 and my good friend is here. What's your name sir.
01:00 I am Pastor John Stanton. Good to have you here John,
01:04 good to be here. Shall we pray?
01:06 I think we should do that. Alright.
01:07 Dear Father in heaven, what a blessing it is to
01:09 come before you here today and ask you to lead
01:13 us through the word. Lord, this word is given
01:16 by you to us so that we may understand
01:18 what you are asking of us Lord as Christians
01:22 to follow you in all your ways to lead
01:26 and guide us safely through that narrow path
01:29 that leads to salvation and we pray Lord that
01:31 as we understand or seek to understand
01:33 what is going to happen soon in the last days
01:37 the time of trouble we pray that you would make
01:39 it clear. Make it very, very clear to both us
01:42 and to those who are listening to your word
01:44 here today in Jesus name. Amen, Amen.
01:49 And as you know friends this will make this program
01:51 exciting with your questions. That's right
01:54 your Bible questions and some of you are
01:56 so faithful in sending them in we do really
01:59 appreciate what you do to make this program
02:02 interesting and challenging, we also accept
02:04 and encourage you to send comments in.
02:07 Sometimes let us know if something needs to
02:09 be further clarified or if you have an additional
02:12 question pertaining to something that
02:14 we have talked about in one of our topics,
02:15 but none the less if you want to send us
02:17 any comments or questions the email that you
02:19 need is,
02:23 that's and send it to
02:27 that information and we will get to those questions
02:29 and try our best to make it clear
02:32 and we will use the word of God to answer
02:34 those Bible verses and answer those Bible questions.
02:37 I think you have a question for us.
02:39 What do you have for us John? I do,
02:40 I do it's a question from Frank.
02:44 If we shall all stand before the judgment seat
02:47 of Christ what are we to understand by this verse.
02:51 Okay, John 5:24, I'm a little puzzled,
02:55 but I wanna make sure I catch your answer here,
02:57 so lets take a look at John 5:24 because we know
03:01 that Jesus does say or Paul does say that we will
03:05 all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
03:07 that is a fact, that's, that's also established,
03:10 but what is meant by this verse John 5:24.
03:12 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word
03:17 and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life,
03:21 and shall not come into judgment,
03:23 but is passed from death into life.
03:26 Okay, alright, so what is meant by this verse
03:29 if you have been following along with any of the
03:33 recent programs we've done, we talked a little bit
03:35 about the judgment and how,
03:37 and the different aspects of the judgment
03:40 and there are two predominant phases
03:43 to that judgment. There is one prior to Christ return
03:47 and that is called the investigative judgment.
03:49 It compares to a trial were prior to the judgment
03:54 of the jury that the court is in session and it
03:57 investigates the evidence of one's life and so
04:02 that investigation comes as part of the judgment
04:06 and it's called the pre-advent judgment prior
04:09 to the return of Christ and we know that
04:11 because when Jesus comes his reward is with him.
04:13 He will give his reward to his saints.
04:16 Then there is the judgment that comes after that,
04:20 after that judgment which is after the thousand years
04:24 and that is the executive phase of the judgment.
04:27 The sentencing and the carrying out of the
04:30 punishment, that part of the judgment is done
04:32 after the thousand years. Now, if we look at this
04:35 verse what he is actually saying.
04:37 Jesus is saying is that those who hear his word
04:42 and believes in Him has everlasting life,
04:45 and they shall not come into judgment.
04:47 That is under sentencing, under the punishment
04:50 phase because they passed from death to life,
04:53 so there is a judgment for everyone,
04:57 but for those who are in Christ they come enter
05:00 their not guilty plea by the blood of the lamb.
05:03 Christ then by his merit steps in their behalf.
05:07 Intercedes for them and when that investigation
05:10 happens into their life the sins that they have
05:12 committed are covered by the blood of Christ.
05:15 There is no penalty that needs to be carried out
05:18 for those sins, because they do not appear
05:20 what appears is the merits of Christ
05:23 and those merits in his behalf take him from
05:28 death the penalty of sin into life because there is
05:32 no penalty because there is no sin that is seen there,
05:35 so that's what is being described here John.
05:38 Okay and something else I would like to add
05:40 to that the word judgment there comes from the
05:43 Greek word which we get the word krisis, KRISIS.
05:49 Ever other place in the New Testament that
05:51 word is in the King James Version.
05:54 It is translated word you will not come into
05:59 Condemnation. In the New King James Version is you
06:02 will not come into judgment. So, that
06:05 sometimes where the misconception or where
06:09 the misunderstanding may come into play.
06:11 Everyone of us will come into judgment,
06:14 but not everyone of us will come into Condemnation.
06:16 Condemnation, that's right. And so you find,
06:18 when you look at the word and I will go ahead
06:20 and bring it up here in front of me.
06:22 The word Condemnation here in the context of,
06:27 for example look at John 5 in verse 22,
06:31 and I am reading this from the King James Version
06:35 it says. For the Father judgeth no man,
06:38 but he hath committed all judgment onto the Son.
06:42 And then verse 24. Verily, verily,
06:44 I say unto you, He that heareth my word,
06:46 and believeth on him that sent me,
06:48 hath everlasting life, and shall not come into
06:51 condemnation; but is passed from death to life.
06:55 And so you get there the word judgment means
06:57 he won't be condemned. If you believe in the Lord,
07:00 you won't be condemned. Not just judged
07:02 and in the same sense the word judgment
07:05 and Condemnation are the same.
07:07 In another words you would not be under the
07:08 wrath of God's judgment. Right.
07:10 When you believe and have everlasting life
07:14 when you have given your life to the Lord.
07:16 You have passed from death, you don't have
07:19 to deal with all that. Right.
07:21 You are now standing in the place of eternal life.
07:23 Right, so that's what it means right there.
07:26 Yeah in Condemnation you see more specific word
07:28 for the phase of the judgment that is executive
07:30 is that carrying out of a sentence so.
07:32 Very good, very good. I have a question here
07:36 from a person. I like this. This is the lengthy
07:39 question, but you made your point,
07:41 but I am gonna read it because there are some
07:43 that may think along the line and by the way
07:45 if we cover questions that may,
07:47 that may come across something that you
07:49 believe denominationally bare with us
07:51 because we don't want to be offensive to
07:53 anybody of any particular denomination.
07:55 We want you to know what the Bible teaches.
07:57 So, in some sense we may see this is
07:59 what is taught, but if that what's you believe
08:03 don't take it personally or just examine
08:05 if you see what the Bible has to say about it.
08:07 Hello Pastor, I am watching House Calls
08:11 and he mention the date and Pastor Lomacang
08:14 was talking about Peter at the House of Cornelius
08:16 its in Acts chapter 10. Pastor Lomacang also
08:19 mentioned how Peter wouldn't allow Cornelius
08:22 to worship at his feet. Quite contrary to the
08:26 papacy this person writes. If I may, I would like
08:31 to address from scripture John 1 verse 35 to 42
08:35 John the Baptist teaches Andrew that Jesus is the
08:39 Messiah. Andrew goes to his brother Simon Peter
08:43 and tells him. He's met the Messiah.
08:47 Andrew introduces Peter to Jesus and Jesus
08:50 calls Peter Cephas. Now, verse 42 interpret Cephas
08:54 as a stone. The stone there is Petros.
08:59 Now, Peter knows that Jesus is the Messiah
09:02 and that Jesus calls him Cephas meaning a stone
09:05 or a Petros. This is how he winds up.
09:09 If this is the first time Peter makes the statement
09:11 that Jesus is the Christ the son of the living God.
09:14 Jesus clearly addresses the 12 and revealed
09:17 one of them was the devil. All of the 12 disciples of
09:22 Christ know that Jesus is the Christ and Peter is
09:25 a stone from the previous experience,
09:28 but in verse 20 Jesus clearly tells the 12
09:31 not to talk about Jesus being the Christ.
09:36 Let me see where he's headed.
09:38 This means Jesus wasn't talking about Peter,
09:41 but about himself as far as building the church,
09:45 otherwise Peter was free to talk about himself
09:49 if he was really the rock to build God's church on.
09:53 Please respond back if you believe me to be in error.
09:57 Joe, you've hit it right on the head if you go
10:00 to First Corinthians, go there with us.
10:02 First Corinthians chapter 10,
10:04 Peter was not understanding himself
10:07 to be the foundation on which the church was built,
10:10 because if Peter was the foundation then the
10:13 church was in trouble because Peter denied Jesus.
10:15 So, how could you build the church on a
10:17 faulty foundation. First Corinthians chapter 10
10:22 verse 4. It says And all drink the same
10:25 spiritual drink for they drank from that rock
10:29 or that spiritual rock that followed them
10:32 and that Rock was Christ. So, Peter is a stone,
10:36 Jesus is a rock. There is the difference all together.
10:39 Cephas has compared to Petra.
10:42 When Jesus is on this rock he means Petra
10:46 that you the stone Cephas.
10:49 So, the difference is Jesus is the foundation
10:51 and the Book of Acts makes it clear no other
10:55 foundation can anyone lay then that which is laid
10:59 which is Christ Jesus. So, your point is very
11:01 well taken. Peter is not the first Pope.
11:04 Peter is not the first Pope by any means
11:07 and Peter is not connected to the rise of the Papacy.
11:11 He was simply one of the 12 disciples later
11:15 known as also one of the 12 Apostles.
11:17 He does not claim to be the authority of the church
11:20 and the Lord gave the disciples authority,
11:23 but the Lord did not build the church on any
11:26 of the disciples. Peter's own words here
11:29 from First Peter chapter 2 okay verse 4.
11:33 Coming to him as to a living stone,
11:38 rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God
11:40 and precious. You also as living stones
11:44 are being built up a spiritual house a holy
11:47 priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices
11:50 acceptable to God through Christ Jesus
11:52 and then we know that also through other things
11:54 he is the chief corner stone.
11:57 That's right, so then with comparing that with
11:59 the scripture you just read from First Corinthians 10
12:02 we find that Jesus is the rock.
12:04 He is also the chief cornerstone,
12:07 but we are the living stones that are part
12:09 of his church, his building. That's right.
12:12 So what, it makes sense that God would refer to
12:14 Peter as the stone. Right. This in fact
12:16 that's what someone wants to define him as.
12:20 Right, but they doesn't define him as the rock of
12:21 the church. That's right. He have to have a
12:23 huge leap even leap over Peter's own words to
12:27 get to that conclusion. And well put John
12:32 I mean very, very well put you have to
12:34 really stretch to try to come to the conclusion
12:36 that Peter is the rock upon which the church is built.
12:39 The problem with that is if you check lately
12:43 Peter's dead. Jesus is the living stone,
12:48 Jesus is the stone that the builders rejected.
12:51 Jesus is the rock and when as Matthew says
12:55 we build on the rock. The winds are going to blow,
12:58 the waves are going to beat with all the fury
13:00 on the rock, but when on the house,
13:03 but when it is established on the rock it will
13:05 not fall. So, unlike that many can believe
13:11 that Peter is the first Pope, but Bible doesn't
13:13 support that. And so hopefully you
13:15 will consult scripture to see that the rock is Christ.
13:20 No other foundation can anyone lay than
13:23 that which is laid which is Christ Jesus.
13:25 What else do you have for us?.
13:27 I have a question here from,
13:29 I was hoping to get a name here but I don't
13:32 see one. Alright. So anyway let me just
13:36 read the question for you here.
13:38 It doesn't really give much information about
13:39 the person who is writing it. Alright.
13:41 It says that many foretell that this is
13:43 the end of times. The final days of the world,
13:46 has not judgment passed not only from Israel,
13:51 but also to the world, verily Jesus told Peter
13:55 to forgive a man not seven times,
13:58 but 70 time seven, how long shall salvation
14:01 in Condemnation be withheld.
14:03 Therefore wise of the King of Kings Jesus
14:06 Christ has not come is it because all Prophecy
14:10 has not been fulfilled. So, and the point
14:14 he makes the connection he makes here is
14:15 in fact that Israel was given as a Nation
14:18 as God's people a period of probation.
14:20 We saw that it's 490 years that ended in
14:24 34 A.D. then the message was passed onto
14:29 the Gentiles through the disciples through Paul
14:33 and now at the end of time all the
14:36 inhabitants of the world will be finally closing
14:39 their probationary time at the end where with
14:42 after that Christ will come and will finish,
14:44 put an end to all things. So, he makes the
14:47 right connection there absolutely.
14:49 The question is what is the reason
14:52 why he hasn't come yet. And the first verse
14:54 that we have to go to is found in,
15:00 let me find it here it is I believe Second Peter
15:05 if I am correct. Second Peter 3.
15:12 Okay I am there Second Peter verse 9.
15:16 Okay, Second Peter 3 verse 9.
15:21 It says the Lord is not slack concerning his promise,
15:25 as some count slackness; but his longsuffering
15:29 toward us, not willing that any should perish,
15:32 but that all should come to repentance,
15:34 so what Peter is saying and in the next verse
15:39 of course described as the second coming of the
15:40 Lord the day of Christ, but what the Peter
15:43 seems to be suggesting here is that Jesus is patient,
15:46 he is long suffering, he is waiting for this
15:49 message of the Gospel to be preached to all
15:51 the world, so that no one need be perished,
15:55 but that all can come to an saving knowledge
15:58 of Jesus Christ and enter into the Kingdom of God
16:01 when he comes, so we can take as many as
16:03 he can with him. Now, this is contrary to lot
16:05 of the thoughts about God. Some many believe
16:08 that God is like standing by just waiting for you
16:10 to catch you to do something wrong,
16:12 but the Bible paints a far different picture than
16:14 that basically the Bible is very clear that he is
16:16 loving, he is kind, he is patient and that he is
16:19 warning everyone that he possibly can to be
16:22 part of the kingdom of God.
16:24 So, he is doing everything if he can to get
16:26 you in not to keep you out and so this is
16:29 what the delay or this apparent tearing time
16:33 that we're enduring right now,
16:36 this is what it's all about. Its waiting for the
16:38 everlasting Gospel to reach all the world
16:40 then the end will come that's from Matthew 24 verse 14.
16:44 When you point this out it puts Jesus
16:48 in the light of one who is not in a hurry,
16:52 but one who really wants to glean.
16:55 I think of the vineyard and if you've ever seen
16:58 vineyards before John you're a Californian
17:00 and I lived in California for a quite bit of time to
17:03 work in a vineyard is a lot of work
17:05 and the vineyards of the world are the place
17:10 where the harvest is all prepared.
17:12 The Lord doesn't wanna just,
17:14 he doesn't want to ride a motorcycle through
17:16 the vineyard. He just grabs stuff off of the vines.
17:19 He wants us to go through that vineyard
17:21 all the precious fruit and he is not willing
17:25 as the vinedresser would be as the person
17:28 who owns the vineyard. He is not willing that
17:30 any of us just fall to the ground and rot.
17:33 And so God is patient, you know we want the
17:36 world, we want all the suffering
17:38 and the heartache and the disasters to wind up
17:41 and just be done, but like a precious vinedresser,
17:44 like a person who looks at the vineyard
17:46 every morning with great anticipation of the harvest.
17:49 The Lord is looking at every grape,
17:51 every stock is precious and I like that text
17:54 and so when I hear that he is not willing
17:56 that any should perish. I think that
17:58 when I called my brother in the Virgin Islands in the
18:00 Saint Thomas. He has a mango tree in his yard
18:03 and my wife went out and bought a mango
18:06 and he said what's wrong with you.
18:08 I have this tree filled with mango and they're just
18:11 falling to the ground. Don't spend money they are
18:15 right in my yard. In the very same way there
18:19 is not a whole lot that we need to do.
18:20 We don't have to go to great levels extent to
18:23 find precious souls some of them are right in our
18:26 yards and the Lord in essence is saying
18:28 I don't want anybody to perish,
18:30 but I do want them to come to repentance
18:32 and so that willingness is the reason
18:34 why the Lord hasn't yet comeback.
18:36 He wants us to be saved. And thank you for that John.
18:40 And sometime I mean there will be an end
18:42 and probation will close for humanity,
18:44 but it doesn't close until everyone has a chance
18:46 to make their decision. See that's the issue.
18:49 God is giving the time for everyone to make a
18:51 decision to take a stand on God's side for a stand
18:55 with the enemy, which is one of the reasons
18:57 why we're talking about the mark of the beast,
18:59 there's a study here. Very powerful topic.
19:02 Do you wanna end our questions early
19:04 and cover more of the mark of the Beast?
19:05 I think we should we got a little bit to cover
19:06 in this last program on this topic.
19:08 Yeah I think we should and so we gonna wind up
19:10 our question point right now and transition over
19:13 into our topic for today and but thank you
19:16 for your questions, everyone of them is important
19:18 everyone is special to us. If you have any further
19:21 questions do you like to submit to us on
19:23 any topic that comes to your mind send
19:25 those questions to
19:28 that's
19:33 I think org means organization.
19:35 It does, hopefully it also means organized.
19:37 We want to be organized, so I thank you for
19:40 those questions for John. Lets talk back into the
19:42 topic of the mark of the Beast.
19:43 We have laid some foundation talking about
19:46 Revelation chapter 13 and I believe now go back
19:50 to that I believe we paused at around verse 11 or 12.
19:55 We just started getting into the second beast
19:58 from the land in verse 11. Okay and then
20:00 we gonna break that down and before we get
20:02 back into that and continue on with our topic.
20:05 I like to mention something to you just a
20:07 couple of things maybe. First of all we are talking
20:10 about Rome and the Church of Rome.
20:12 We've identified that as the first beast
20:14 the sea beast here in Revelation 13.
20:16 You know this beast clearly is a persecuting power
20:19 and a power that speaks blasphemies,
20:22 great things it says they have an authority
20:24 for an extended period of time and so forth and
20:27 so on, Daniel 7 also describes the beast in
20:29 the same way. I wanna make sure that people
20:33 understand that we are not talking about people
20:35 in individuals were talking about a system a system
20:39 that the devil's going to use to attack the Saints
20:43 to disseminate lies and false teachings in the
20:46 world. So, this isn't about the people
20:49 and I will tell you I mean if, if I was a
20:53 Roman Catholic. I'll initially be a little bit
20:57 offended. Yeah and there is a nothing wrong with
20:59 that I absolutely understand that to hear wait
21:03 a minute you are calling my church the beast,
21:06 but I wanna add this. This is an individual,
21:10 this isn't a people thing and the test of the mark
21:12 has been has not come yet, but has,
21:15 so God's people are everywhere.
21:17 God's people in the Roman Catholic Church.
21:19 God's people are in all these parts and dominations.
21:21 God's people are in every religion here
21:25 they are scattered everywhere,
21:26 but God is now in this last days gathering
21:28 his people. He is bringing them together
21:31 and as Revelation says in Revelation 14
21:34 and in three angels messages and in the Revelation 18,
21:37 he will call them out when Babylon falls.
21:41 He is calling his people out, so this message is
21:43 coming to our people come out of her.
21:45 That's right. Not to remain in her because the system
21:50 has been corrupted not God's people.
21:53 God's people are still God's people,
21:55 but he is calling them out. So, that's what we
21:58 are coming from here today.
21:59 The other thing too I would add is that
22:01 the devil's doing a really good job these days
22:03 John of, getting us to forget what it means
22:06 to be a Protestant to get forget what the
22:09 reformation was really about. If you look at these
22:12 reformers Swingley and Martin Luther who began
22:17 the Reformation and Hus and Jerome and
22:19 those who experienced the persecution of the
22:24 Roman Catholic Church. The inquisition periods
22:26 and what it was a part of they had no problem
22:29 in calling the Roman Church the beast. Right,
22:34 and they were the first to identify it as the
22:36 beast the Seventh-day Adventist Church is
22:38 simply taking up the reformation and going
22:40 forward with it. Right. We are not inventing.
22:42 We are not reinventing the wheel.
22:43 This is something that one of our friends here
22:46 that helps us tape the program is one of the
22:50 guys behind the camera, he mentioned that
22:52 Matthew Henry in his commentary speaks pretty
22:54 strongly about the Pope when he talks about
22:57 the beast. Right, so, this stuff has been
23:00 around for a long time. What we are saying is the
23:03 devil's doing a very good job to hide it from
23:05 the people. So, that people don't know about it
23:07 and friends if you don't House Calls know us now,
23:11 we will expose, we will bring to the forefront
23:13 Gods' truth and that's what we wanna do here today
23:16 with the mark of the beast. And you know one of the
23:19 reasons why we come to that conclusion is pretty
23:22 much one of the same reasons why the
23:23 reformers came to that conclusion.
23:25 The Bible outlines earmarks.
23:27 If you were to go through a bill of lading
23:29 you would match up all the numbers you understand
23:32 that this is the package you are waiting for.
23:34 You have tracking numbers, you have exist signs.
23:38 All of those indicators point inequitably without
23:41 a shadow of a doubt that the power that's talked about
23:44 as this final great power that will reign over the
23:47 earth is the power of Rome.
23:49 Daniel began by outlining the four great kingdoms
23:52 of the world. Babylon, Medo-Persia,
23:54 Greece and Rome and Rome did not disappear
23:57 until God establish his kingdom.
23:59 So Rome existed as a people, as a pagan
24:03 power first and when Jesus was on the earth
24:06 when his disciples were functioning
24:08 when the Jews all the New Testament was
24:10 written during the time of the reign of Rome.
24:12 Not the reign of Greece and so you find that
24:15 Rome has a very lush history from pagan Rome
24:19 to Papal Rome and today we have now this
24:23 Religio-Political power many Governments look
24:26 at the Papacy in the sense of a political power,
24:29 but also in the largest spiritual power.
24:34 So, Religio-Political together in the Bible makes
24:37 that clear. So, when we talk about the systems
24:40 and John made a very, you did a very good,
24:42 and I am glad that you thought about the people
24:44 in that sense, because people will hear
24:46 this things and say you know they really
24:48 don't like Catholics. Well, let me give you a hint.
24:51 My family is probably 97 percent Catholic
24:55 and I love all of my family, but the one thing I am
24:59 not gonna to cut corners on is allow them
25:01 to continually be duped by things that are
25:04 not true. So, we have to expose the system
25:07 that's not telling the truth to sincere individuals
25:10 who love the Lord with all their heart.
25:12 They have got to come out of these systems
25:14 of darkness in order to understand the truths
25:16 of God's word. But who is behind it all what ever
25:20 denomination teaches what ever is not in the
25:22 Bible Satan is behind it all. That's why the dragon
25:25 gave him his power, his seat and his great
25:29 authority and that dragon is Satan himself.
25:31 And the Satan works through Pagan Rome
25:33 which then became Papal Rome and Daniel 7
25:39 and Daniel 8 identified this the little horn power
25:41 came up and became prominent from the
25:44 4th beast and began to then speak to the blasphemies
25:47 and everything that he did and persecute.
25:49 The same in that same way Satan is hiding
25:54 behind this second Beast power beginning in
25:58 Revelation 11 we've identified that power already
26:00 that land beast as United States.
26:03 Satan is lying dormant or is kind behind
26:06 this and he's going to them bring that to the
26:08 forefront to join powers or forces with the
26:13 Papal power to bring about a last day persecution,
26:18 a time of trouble that Jesus describes as the
26:21 great tribulation, a time such as never was since
26:24 there ever has been a nation. And that's what
26:28 we are getting to here John and notice here one
26:31 last thing before we get into it.
26:32 The Papal powers authority was broken for a time.
26:38 It had 1260 years where it was strong
26:41 and powerful and persecuted and it had the
26:43 authority, that Papal Power was broken
26:45 and it has not to this day yet fully healed.
26:49 That's right. And so at a point in the near future
26:53 we will find that it does fully heal which is
26:55 when it does join forces with the United States
26:58 and begins to persecute again. Right.
27:01 So, we're talking about these events
27:03 we go forward now. These united power is
27:05 that initiate instigate again persecution on the earth.
27:10 As a matter of fact understand John well
27:13 and I understand exactly he and I think quite a
27:15 bit alike. When he said he hasn't fully healed
27:18 and the Bible talked about the deadly wound
27:20 being healed. A wound when the wound was
27:23 healing something stays there for a long period of
27:25 time. It's a scar and I thought how outfitting
27:29 it was that in the 1980s I received the newspaper
27:33 article where with the Papacy where the Pope
27:35 was on the cover of a New York Daily News Magazine
27:40 and the daily news newspaper and it said time
27:43 to heal the scars. You see and the call was
27:47 to all protestant churches Lutherans, Anglicans,
27:51 Presbyterians, all to come back together under
27:54 one head. So, when we talk about this coalescing
27:57 together the Satan working his.
28:00 He is looking for unity, but he is looking for
28:03 unity under error. God is looking for unity under
28:06 light. There is a difference all together,
28:08 so the question is do want unity,
28:10 yes that's a good thing, but you got to make sure
28:13 and unify under the right power.
28:15 The Lord is saying here is the way walking in it
28:17 and the devil is saying this doesn't really
28:19 matter so he is modifying it and people
28:21 are going for that darkness,
28:22 but they're all just talking about unity
28:25 and here that I see your head going.
28:26 That the power which is almost in,
28:27 that's powers unified. Okay, great that's a
28:31 good point. I am not trying to make a
28:32 direct comparison here but I am saying
28:34 you can't unify under error. Right.
28:36 Unity is not unity. it doesn't make something right.
28:39 Unity is a simply as unity, but unifying under
28:42 the cause of truth when the Lord prayed
28:44 that we may be one it doesn't mean you throw
28:46 out the truth to accomplish that unity
28:48 and a lot of people are nowadays are saying
28:49 while your denominational belief don't really matter.
28:51 Yes they do matter if they are based on the word
28:54 of God I am not gonna throw it out just
28:55 because you want me to be one with you.
28:57 We have to be one with God's word right.
28:59 When an airplane pilot whether its American
29:02 Airlines or Untied Airlines or whatever the
29:04 airlines maybe when they take off from Saint Louis
29:06 and fly to New York. Hey get this
29:08 we fly the same coordinates,
29:10 because there is a way that gets there.
29:13 Now, you may go the long way around,
29:14 but you still have to follow the same.
29:16 You, you, you still arrive at the same city
29:19 and in the very same way when you use the
29:21 word of God. You fly the same coordinates.
29:24 The word of God is one word,
29:26 so when we talk about this power here
29:28 in Revelation Chapter 13 going down
29:31 I believe we were down to verse 13.
29:35 I want you to notice something here
29:37 because the Bible gives a broader picture here
29:42 and this is something that is included in the picture
29:44 now that helps us to see that yes there has gonna
29:46 be one day a coalition, sorry there is
29:49 already a coalition between the United States
29:51 and the Papacy, but in the pulling together
29:53 of this religious power united with a political
29:55 power, but there is a, there is another
29:58 picture that God is giving us and here that
30:00 sometimes we miss and I don't want you to miss it.
30:04 Because I am gonna point out a certain word,
30:07 it's a short word, but its repetitiously repeated
30:10 all throughout the second beast of Revelation chapter
30:12 13. Lets look at that together and I will give
30:15 a particular emphasis. Start with verse 11.
30:19 Then I saw another beast coming out of the earth
30:21 and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke as a
30:25 dragon and verse 12 and he exercised
30:29 all the authority of the first beast in its presence,
30:32 and cause the earth and those who dwelling
30:34 to worship the first beast, whose deadly
30:35 wound was healed and he performs great signs
30:39 so that he even makes fire come down from heaven
30:43 on earth in the sight of men and he deceives those
30:46 who dwell on the earth by the means of
30:48 all signs which he was granted to do on the side
30:51 of the Beast. Telling those who dwell on the earth
30:54 to make an image to the beast who is wounded
30:56 by the sword and lived. He was granted power to
31:00 give breath to the image of the Beast that the
31:02 image of the Beast should both speak and cause
31:05 as many as would not worship the image of the
31:07 Beast to be killed and he caused all both small
31:11 and great, rich and poor free and bound to receive
31:14 a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads
31:17 and notice he, he, he, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
31:23 eight times the word he shows up.
31:27 Now, let me open the egg here and start to
31:30 fry it for you, not only does this describe
31:34 the rising of the Untied States, but specifically
31:37 who is the one performing signs
31:40 and great wonders. Who is the one bringing fire
31:45 down from heaven on earth in the sign of men.
31:47 What's the power behind it. Who is the one
31:49 deceiving those who dwell on the earth.
31:51 Who is the one that's giving power
31:54 and life to the image of the Beast.
31:57 It is not just the legislative powers,
31:59 but as one specifically who has been doing that
32:02 throughout eons and who was that John Satan
32:06 himself. Satan himself is the power described here
32:10 and I used to think and you made a point a moment ago
32:12 and I wanna bring this quotation up as you make
32:14 some comments to give me time to look for it,
32:16 but for many, many years before the
32:19 Adventist Church had became into existence
32:21 the reformers understood and saw the place
32:23 that the Papacy played in history clearly outlining
32:26 him as the power that's linked to the first piece
32:30 of Revelation and then they saw the role
32:31 that the United States is playing as it pertains
32:34 to the second Beast, but they also connected
32:37 that there is a dark power behind it
32:39 who is the one who continues to deceive
32:42 and the one who performs great signs and wonders.
32:45 What do you say about that?
32:46 Yes, it absolutely is in fact elsewhere
32:49 if you look at other scripture you will find
32:52 that Satan is going to be doing this kind of
32:54 work in the last days to deceive, he is a liar,
32:59 he is the father of lies. He is the authority,
33:01 he is the one behind all deception,
33:03 so when he finally gets to this end time, now,
33:06 it almost brings to mind these stories that
33:10 you know, you read as a teenager,
33:12 of course this will be understood that
33:14 it wasn't really a great, but you know kind of
33:17 material to read, but you think about like the mob
33:21 and the mob boss. You know and the fact,
33:24 you know when the real important thing needs
33:26 to be done when this is critical,
33:28 when it's absolutely life or death to the organization
33:31 whose gonna take care of the business himself.
33:34 The boss himself, right, so when this comes down
33:38 to it when all of a sudden done at the very end
33:41 the one that rises forward that is essentially part
33:44 of the work itself that is not only doing the work,
33:46 that comes to the forefront that is Satan himself
33:49 and let me add this, because the controversy.
33:53 The great controversy is between Christ
33:55 and Satan when it talks about the Antichrist
34:02 appearing, that Antichrist that appears at the end
34:05 in the last days the false Christ that Jesus refers
34:08 to in Matthew 24 but ultimately the Antichrist
34:11 when he appears that is Satan himself personating
34:14 Christ. He will come, he will show up,
34:18 he will say I am Jesus returned and that is
34:23 what is being described here.
34:25 As well as being described or describing the role
34:30 of the United States in the last days of history
34:33 to link and join and use its power to enforce the
34:36 image of the first Beast the sea Beast so its both
34:39 there, both applications are valid,
34:42 but we can't dismiss the fact that Satan himself
34:45 is showing up to perform signs and miracles
34:47 to personate Christ to show that he is Christ.
34:50 And that's just it's an amazing thing to see
34:52 that John sometimes we can get so caught up
34:56 I think with our mind thinking about
35:00 what the Papacy is doing. What the Church
35:05 of Rome is doing, what the Pope is doing
35:07 and all these things that the Seventh-day Adventists
35:09 and as Christians who have been teaching this
35:10 for quite sometime. We forget that the great
35:13 controversy is between Christ and Satan.
35:15 It is Satan who will appear, it is Satan doing these
35:18 things through these agencies that he has
35:20 and so we can't lose sight of that.
35:23 You know there is another passage of scripture
35:25 that also eludes to not only the seat of the Papacy,
35:30 but to Satan himself and that's in
35:32 Second Thessalonians in chapter 2 right,
35:35 and you can't deny Second Thessalonians Chapter 2
35:37 and its connection with Isaiah chapter 14
35:42 and what the goal of Satan himself.
35:44 As a matter of fact let me read this quotation
35:46 and this is something that many Seventh-day
35:49 Adventist Christians probably haven't heard before,
35:51 but you know we talk about how the reformers.
35:54 We say reformers, we mean the Protestant
35:57 Reformation before Ellen White was even born
36:02 this teaching of the Papacy representing
36:06 the first beast and the Untied States representing
36:09 the second beast was in existence,
36:11 but Ellen White even added an additional touch
36:14 to that, because if you notice this book from the
36:17 book last day events and some of you have
36:19 that compilation page 167. It says Satan will come
36:23 into deceive if possible the very elect.
36:25 He claims to be Christ and he is coming
36:28 and pretending to be the great medical missionary.
36:31 Get this, he will cause fire to come down
36:36 from heaven in the sight of men to prove that
36:39 he is God, so not only does Ellen White support
36:42 the view, but she gives an additional fulfilling
36:44 picture and so when people say Ellen White
36:47 doesn't support dual interpretations,
36:49 of course she does. Because she fully supports
36:52 and stands behind the view that the United States
36:54 does represent the second Beast of Revelation,
36:56 but she also makes it clear that the one who is
37:00 causing the fire to come down from heaven
37:01 when the Bible says he, she says he will cause
37:04 speaking of Satan. He will cause fire to come down
37:07 from heaven in the sight of men to prove that
37:09 he is God, because remember in the days of Ezekiel,
37:13 Elijah sorry. When Elijah prayed God responded
37:18 by fire. See so that power is something
37:21 that's in the hand of God. And the people when they
37:23 saw that had Satan standing by,
37:25 he's observing all these things.
37:27 The people saw the fire come down from heaven
37:29 and they said the Lord. He is God, the Lord,
37:32 he is God. Okay, and Satan said wait a minute,
37:36 do you mean if I duplicate that they'll call me God.
37:41 Okay, so he takes that example puts in his back
37:45 pocket and says the end of time I am going
37:48 to call fire down from the heaven and people will
37:50 say that I am God. Let me read this passage to
37:53 you part of it from the Second Thessalonians.
37:55 Alright. Verse 1 of chapter 2. Now, brethren,
38:01 concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ
38:03 and our gathering together to Him, we ask you,
38:05 not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled,
38:07 either by spirit or by word or by letter,
38:09 as if from us, is though the day of Christ had come.
38:12 Let no one deceive you by any means;
38:15 for that Day will not come unless the falling
38:16 away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed,
38:18 the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts
38:21 himself above all that is called God
38:23 or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God
38:26 in the temple of God, showing himself that
38:27 he is God. Now, yes the elusion here is to the seat
38:33 of the papacy, but, but the fullest application
38:38 scripture to scripture is Isaiah chapter 14.
38:42 he said I would sit upon the mount of the congregation.
38:45 Yes. I will be like the most high and that's a
38:49 very good parallel that you draw there because Isaiah,
38:51 Paul and something we cannot miss here.
38:56 You must conclude that the Vatican in Rome
39:01 is not where God is going to sit. Right.
39:04 So, when it says he sits in the seat of God claiming
39:07 to be God that's not in Rome that's the seat
39:10 of the Beast, that's not the seat of God.
39:13 So, in the same sense when you look at
39:16 Matthew chapter 24. Matthew brings in an
39:18 additional part of the picture.
39:20 He says if they say here is the Christ or there,
39:23 do not believe it for his lighting shines from the
39:25 East to the West so will the coming of the son of
39:27 man be, Satan will come appearing to be the Christ.
39:31 He will come claiming to be that Christ,
39:33 but he is not going to be the Christ,
39:37 he just gonna take on the persona,
39:39 his gonna personate him. Right.
39:41 Now, lets get back on track, sure,
39:44 because the program is about the Mark of the Beast
39:47 and we have about 15 minutes to break it down.
39:50 Oh yeah and we are to that point by the way
39:53 because you just finished reading that this
39:57 second Beast in verse 14 says that he deceives those
40:03 that dwell on the earth by the signs which he was
40:06 granted to do inside of the Beast.
40:07 Telling those now who dwell on the earth to make
40:11 an image to the Beast who was wounded by the sword
40:14 and lived. He was granted power to give breath
40:17 to the image of the Beast that the image of the
40:20 image of Beast should both speak in another words
40:22 with authority and cause as many as would not worship
40:26 the image of the Beast to be killed.
40:28 And there we have both persecution and then
40:31 of course the mark, which is in verse 16 he causes
40:34 all both small and great, rich and poor,
40:36 free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand,
40:40 or on their foreheads that no one may buy
40:43 or sell except the one who has the mark
40:45 or the name of the Beast for number of his name.
40:49 We want to compare now what is this passage
40:55 alluding to. What is it connecting to in scripture
40:58 that reveals the image and the mark,
41:02 because this is key because evidently what it is it's
41:06 tied to worship and what ever it is we also as
41:10 followers of Christ we wanna make sure that
41:12 we're not worshiping. We're not following,
41:15 we are not joining with, and so this is key.
41:18 A key part which is why our whole program is
41:20 on the mark of the Beast, lets now connect it. Okay.
41:23 Worship, one of the things you have to keep in mind
41:25 its gonna, it's all gonna boil down to worship,
41:29 but something that you will see come out in very,
41:35 very clearly is that there is an image,
41:38 then there is a beast. The image is coordinated
41:43 with the Beast or associated with the Beast
41:46 because it is the image of the Beast.
41:49 When the word there talks about image in the Bible
41:52 its synonymous to a reflection,
41:55 because we didn't have photo copy machines.
41:59 They didn't have scanners in the days of Christ,
42:02 but what they did have was reflection,
42:04 so this image reflects the desires, the thoughts,
42:09 the practices and even the standard of worship
42:12 that the Beast stands for, so when you think
42:16 of Satan you think of the power that he has
42:21 established. There is something that has
42:25 you served the greatest authority that can be
42:29 ever appointed to an individual that is to
42:34 establish, to establish a memorial to their authority.
42:38 And it is set up to allow the people to recognize
42:43 that authority. That's right. And so when you say
42:47 memorial it definitely has to be something
42:49 that is established that people will visibly honor
42:53 to recognize the authority of this Beast power
42:56 and of Satan himself. And if you turn one chapter
43:01 over, alright where we going now, to Revelation 14
43:04 okay lets go there, you will find in the First Angel's
43:07 message here the word that we are talking about.
43:10 Its all about worship. It is all about worship,
43:14 its true worship or false worship and so here
43:17 we have in verse 6. I saw another angel flying
43:22 in the midst of heaven having the everlasting
43:24 Gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth,
43:27 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.
43:31 Notice this is a worldwide message.
43:33 Its appealing to everyone saying with a loud voice,
43:37 fear God and give glory to him for the hour of
43:42 his judgment has come and worship him
43:45 who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs
43:49 of water. Now, there we find the issue of worship.
43:54 Worship God, fear God and worship him
43:57 who made heaven and earth, the sea
43:59 and springs of water. Now, there aren't many
44:02 theologians out there that would not connect
44:04 this passage. This verse to an issue that is
44:10 referred to frequently in the Old Testament
44:12 and it begins. And it's primarily connected
44:16 with especially the commandments of God
44:18 and we find the commandments of God
44:20 coming up here a few verses later anyway verse
44:22 12 here the patience of the Saints,
44:24 here are those who keep the commandments of God
44:27 and the faith of Jesus, so what in the
44:29 commandments John, point to the act of worship
44:33 and a recognition that God is the creator of heavens
44:38 and earth. There is only one commandment.
44:41 Okay, there is only one commandment that
44:44 points to God is the creator. A call to worship,
44:48 a moral's established for worship of him as
44:50 the true creator and the true God who made
44:53 heaven and earth and lets turn to Exodus chapter 20,
44:56 okay and find this in the 4th commandment,
44:59 alright, this is what we're heading.
45:02 Exodus 20, verse 8, why don't you pick that up John.
45:05 Okay the Bible says remember the Sabbath
45:09 day to keep it holy. I know this by heart in the
45:12 King James Version six days shalt thou labor
45:15 and do all thy work But the seventh day is the
45:19 sabbath of the Lord thy God.
45:21 Remember now I am not gonna run past that
45:23 because the question is, and a lot of people get
45:25 side tracked on this and I want you to pause,
45:27 take a deep breath because I am going to say
45:29 something that I don't want you to miss.
45:32 Ready. Here we go. Let me ask you a question.
45:36 Who is your God? Think about that before you
45:42 rush to answer, because if you say that your God
45:45 is the God who created heaven and earth,
45:49 the sea and all that is in them then you have to
45:53 come to the conclusion that the Bible draws
45:56 and I am gonna read the text again for the seventh day
45:59 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
46:06 The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
46:12 You don't reverse that and say Sunday is my day,
46:16 no the Sabbath is the Lord's day and
46:20 if he is your Lord he's already picked the day.
46:24 Yeah. Now you get the deception,
46:26 Satan says you can love the Lord,
46:29 but you can also pick the day.
46:31 See and the Lord says no if you love me
46:33 I have already chosen the day. That's right.
46:35 I've only blessed one, so you can't say you
46:39 serve me, but you're given me a different day,
46:42 it's like saying John happy birthday
46:46 and you send me a birthday card on August 1st.
46:50 Its not my birthday, yes it is well all that
46:55 really matters is I have sent you a birthday card,
46:56 so happy birthday anyway. Well in the human sense
46:59 we can make exception, but when it comes to
47:01 a memorial, when it comes to my driver's license,
47:05 when it comes to amendment, now that's permitted,
47:08 when it comes to my drivers license
47:11 and official document, when it comes to passport
47:13 an official document, when it comes to my birth
47:15 certificate an official document I can't pick
47:17 anything. They say when where you born.
47:20 July 30th. Okay that's was gonna be on your passport.
47:24 Your birth certificate, your drivers license.
47:26 God is official, he is the official head of heaven
47:31 and earth, so you can't change an official document.
47:35 Especially one that was established at the end
47:38 of the creation week. We're talking about creation
47:41 by creator here on the Seventh day he rested
47:44 from all his work which he had done. Right.
47:48 Exactly. And that's the day that he established
47:51 and sanctified and made holy and blessed that
47:56 is the day from prior to the Jews,
47:58 prior to Israel that is his day and that's why
48:02 it refers to it being the Lord's day.
48:04 In fact Isaiah says in the Isaiah 58.
48:06 God is speaking and he says if you remove your
48:10 foot from the Sabbath from doing your own things on
48:12 my holy day. The Sabbath the Seventh Day Sabbath
48:17 is always referred to as God's holy day even
48:19 Jesus himself in Mark 2:27, 28 said that he created,
48:24 he established that day. Alright for man not that
48:29 man was established for the Sabbath,
48:32 but the day for man to observe and to connect
48:35 with his God, creator.
48:37 Okay, so now lets hit the nail on the head God
48:39 established the Seventh Day Sabbath blessed it
48:42 Jesus honored it, the disciples honored it.
48:43 It was never changed by God, wasn't changed by Jesus,
48:47 was not change by any of his apostles and so
48:50 no man can change what God never changed.
48:53 Who changed it? Lets ask them the question.
48:56 Lets ask the question and let see if this power
49:00 that's identified, this Papal power has any boost
49:03 at all that they changed it. Now, listen to this here,
49:07 here is the question. What does the Papacy say is
49:11 her symbol or mark of authority? Get this
49:14 and this is found in the Catholic Catechism
49:18 and I hate to say my family don't really read that
49:23 and I am surprised but I have discovered that most
49:26 Catholic Christians don't read the Catechism
49:29 and they don't read the Bible, so if you tell them
49:32 they say I never knew that, but listen to what
49:34 your church says. Have you any other way of
49:39 proving that the church has power to institute festivals
49:43 or precepts? That's the question, that's the
49:46 question that we ask them and here is what the
49:49 Roman Catholic Church says. Had she not such power,
49:54 she could not have done that in which all modern
49:59 religionists agree with her. She could not have
50:04 substituted the observance of Sunday.
50:07 The first day of the week for the observance of
50:12 Saturday the seventh day and get this in their own
50:16 words. A change for which there is no scriptural
50:22 authority. Now John, I am not getting loud,
50:25 but I am saying it in an emphasis because the
50:28 Papacy, the Pope, Romans themselves say hey guys
50:32 its not in scripture. So, lets go now when
50:35 it says all modern religionist. They're talking about
50:38 every other denomination that honors that day honors
50:40 them. Yeah that's right about the protestants
50:43 who are no longer protesting.
50:45 They are not protesting and you know the
50:48 Catechism continues question which is the Sabbath day
50:51 answer Saturday is the Sabbath day.
50:55 Question why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday,
50:58 answer we observe Sunday instead of Saturday
51:01 because the Catholic church transferred the solemnity
51:05 from Saturday to Sunday, and then it goes forth,
51:10 here is another statement from the church itself.
51:13 The church is above the Bible and this transference
51:16 of Sabbath observance from Saturday to Sunday
51:19 is proved positive of that fact. So the very fact that
51:25 it claims the authority to make the change
51:27 and did make that change in the fourth century
51:33 is the authority which it claims now to be the
51:37 mother church. The church with the authority to
51:39 govern all doctrines and rules of conduct with regard
51:43 to God's. with regard to Christianity today,
51:47 it also provides the same insight as to why it calls
51:51 itself and refers to itself as the mother church,
51:53 the same reason it is reaching out in a
51:56 ecumenical movements to pull back in those
51:59 churches that have protested in times passed
52:02 to re-assimilate them back into the church.
52:05 This movement is growing. It is happening today
52:08 folks right before our eyes and we as protestants
52:11 are forgetting our heritage that we protest,
52:15 we stand on the word of God and the word alone
52:17 and that word is clearly revealing the God's day
52:21 is the Seventh Day. That is the Sabbath Day
52:26 and any other day that is set up instead of that day
52:30 to worship on to keep holy is a false day of worship.
52:34 Its is a worship led or driven by this Beast power
52:37 and will one day rise to the top and be that test
52:42 between whether or not you are loyal to God
52:45 or you are loyal to what the Beast has set up
52:49 through the power of the authority of Satan.
52:52 The Beast has set up for its day of worship Saturday
52:55 versus Sunday the seventh day of the week versus
52:57 the first day of the week and my friends,
52:59 brothers and sisters I rather at the end of time
53:02 when Jesus appears and I have to give an
53:04 account for my actions, I rather stand and say
53:07 Lord I stood by your word. Your word said do this
53:12 and I did it rather than, but my Pastor said
53:16 or but my Church believes, but they told me
53:20 because if you read Revelation it says very clearly
53:23 that this power deceives those on the earth into
53:28 thinking that they're doing what is right,
53:30 but they do what is wrong. Brothers and sisters,
53:33 you've got to catch this the warning is very clear,
53:36 read the word, study it. As a matter of fact you know
53:40 we have really narrowed this topic down instead
53:45 of covering all the specifics, because we wanted to
53:47 get down to the mark. When the Lord,
53:50 when Revelation says that this Beast power is
53:54 going to force men to receive a mark in their
53:56 right hand or in their forehead.
53:58 It means by their work and by their belief system.
54:03 But when you receive the seal of God is just by
54:07 your acceptance of what is truth already in the
54:10 forehead, excuse me. So you see clearly it all
54:14 comes down to who you believe as your authority
54:17 not what's most convenient for you and hear me
54:21 say that again its not what's most convenient
54:24 for your schedule, but it's who you believe is
54:26 your authority. You know when a person has a
54:28 wedding we change our schedule to be at
54:30 their wedding, if that person is special to us
54:32 we say when is the wedding, they say well
54:33 Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Tuesday evening at 7,
54:37 that's when I play basketball. I'll tell you what,
54:39 I'll cancel basketball this weekend I'll be at your
54:40 wedding. Most important event, the wedding.
54:44 The wedding that's coming the most important event
54:46 we've got to make our schedule fit into God's
54:49 schedule, not make God's schedule fit into
54:52 our schedule and that's why the Sabbath is not
54:54 something that's. Its not negotiable anymore than
54:58 any of the other commandments are negotiable.
55:00 That's why it begins with the phrase remember the
55:03 Sabbath day to keep it holy, not to choice a day
55:06 and try to make it holy and by the way in 1995
55:10 one of the boldest statements made in modern
55:12 days about the importance of the Sabbath
55:14 was made by the Saint Catherine Catholic church in
55:18 Algonac, Michigan May 21, 1995 listen to this.
55:24 It says people who think that the scripture
55:30 should be the sole authority should logically
55:33 become Seventh-day Adventist and keep Saturday holy.
55:41 I didn't read the entire quotation because the
55:42 time does not allow me to but they began.
55:46 We did not put that out. We didn't put that out
55:48 you can go on the Internet and put Saint
55:50 Catherine Catholic Church May 21st 1995
55:54 and you see the quotation yourself about
55:56 they are saying one of the boldest things
55:58 they did was change the Sabbath to Sunday,
56:02 but they said they did that based on their own
56:04 authority. It's a mark of their authority.
56:06 It's a mark of their authority, but they say
56:08 if you believe the Bible is your authority,
56:10 if your believe the Bible is your sole authority
56:12 then you should honor the Bible Sabbath
56:15 and they said and become Seventh-day Adventist.
56:18 I want to read something to close it out. Yes.
56:21 The Israel had what they called the Shama
56:24 that they would read and they would quote within the
56:26 family and the family unit. Okay, and here it is
56:29 quoted in Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4
56:32 these are the words of Moses encouraging the people,
56:37 hear O Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one.
56:41 You shall love of the Lord your God with all your heart
56:44 with all your soul and with all your strength.
56:46 The words which I command you today shall be in your
56:48 heart. You shall teach them diligently to your
56:52 children walk and talk of them when you sit in your
56:55 house. When you walk by the way, when lie down,
56:58 and when you rise up and then notice these words John.
57:00 And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand
57:05 and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
57:08 That's right. That Shama. And there it is the seal
57:12 of God on the forehead frontlets between your eyes.
57:14 Well, friends Jesus said it best remember the
57:17 Sabbath day to keep it holy, if you love me keep my
57:19 commandments and friends it all comes down to that,
57:21 do you love the Lord or do you love man's tradition
57:24 above the Bible. Here at House Calls we love the Lord
57:26 and we believe you do to, so make your decision be
57:29 a follower of the truth and of Jesus.
57:32 May God bless you until we see you again.


Revised 2014-12-17