House Calls

Answer Recent Sabbath Questions

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang, John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL110005

00:01 Hello, friends.
00:03 Grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:04 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:21 Hello and welcome back to another edition
00:24 of the House Calls program that you love so much
00:26 and that we enjoy bringing into your home
00:29 and into your heart.
00:30 My name is John Lomacang and to my right is John Stanton,
00:32 always good to have you here John.
00:33 It's good to be here again.
00:35 It's kind like a larger version of me,
00:37 he is 6' 9½'', he refuses to accept 6' 10",
00:40 but he is never barefoot.
00:42 But we are glad that you've chosen,
00:43 would like to encourage you right now
00:44 to hit the record button and get your Bibles,
00:46 your pens sit down for very thoughtful hour
00:49 as we walk through the Bible together
00:51 with your participation and invite your family
00:54 and friends if you are at home to join this program with you
00:57 and share with your church members,
00:59 and those in your community.
01:00 But as you know this is a very important program,
01:03 so we always ask God's blessing on it
01:05 before we open His word.
01:06 John pray for us.
01:08 Let's pray. Dear Father in heaven,
01:11 thank you so much for meeting us here today.
01:14 We invite your Holy Spirit, your presence to be with us
01:17 and that you would fill us with understanding with knowledge,
01:21 with wisdom as to how do we apply your word as well.
01:24 We just thank you for these programs,
01:25 this opportunity to share Your word.
01:27 And we pray that it will never return to you void
01:30 as You have promised,
01:31 but it will accomplish
01:33 that which we have sent it forward to accomplish.
01:36 In Jesus name we pray, amen.
01:40 And also as, you know, we have lot of Bible questions
01:43 and courtesy of those who send those questions to us.
01:47 And so if something comes up during the program
01:49 or even before the program is done that comes to your mind.
01:52 You can send those questions and comments
01:54 to that's
01:59 and we will get your questions and comments.
02:01 We will hopefully download them
02:03 and for those of you who still like to send mail
02:06 through the mail the slower process,
02:08 send those to the 3ABN address PO Box 220,
02:11 West Frankfort, IL 62896.
02:15 However, you know, the program
02:16 is always divided into two segments.
02:18 And we are gonna begin this program today
02:20 if you are tuning over the first time with Bible questions.
02:23 And so John, what do you have for us this morning?
02:27 Yeah, I have got a question here that comes from Mika, Mika.
02:31 And she says let's see, I'm not sure
02:34 if you got my question that I send earlier,
02:38 but essential it was that God gave Adam two gifts at creation,
02:44 okay, marriage and the Sabbath.
02:48 Now when God makes everything new again,
02:50 will He restore the Sabbath and marriage
02:53 the way Adam and Eve had it.
02:56 Good question, and this question really is centered
03:00 on the comment that was made,
03:03 I'm trying to find the verse here,
03:05 the comment that Jesus made that instead of having marriage
03:08 as we know it today.
03:10 That we will be more like the angels serving God.
03:14 I like to approach it more from the practical aspect
03:17 as well here today too.
03:19 And John, maybe you can find that verse and all,
03:21 have you bring that up here,
03:22 but clearly we know that God has in store for us
03:27 in the new earth, many other things that we lost at the fall.
03:33 That's right. The Sabbath is already restored.
03:36 We will see a continuation of that Sabbath
03:38 which we find that continuation alluded to there
03:42 in Isaiah Chapter 66 that we will come to worship God
03:45 from Sabbath to Sabbath.
03:47 But, I believe also there will not be a nullification
03:50 of marriages that have already occurred.
03:53 In fact by no means God when He instituted marriage
03:56 at the very beginning He said that Adam and Eve
03:58 should be fruitful and multiply the race.
04:01 So one of the foundational aspects of marriage
04:05 is to propagate the human race.
04:08 But, the true relationship of marriage is the oneness
04:11 that man and wife have as they come together.
04:15 And in fact that is the one thing John
04:17 that we find a creation that God gave us a gift
04:20 that was very much like Himself. That's right.
04:22 The relationship between man and wife is similar
04:25 to the relationship that the God had has. That's right.
04:27 In the relationship aspect at least of that unity,
04:33 but here is one of the things about marriage.
04:35 If marriage then has a foundational aspect
04:37 of propagating human race, raising families,
04:40 growing the race on this earth,
04:42 at some point practically speaking
04:44 that's got to stop, true.
04:45 This world is only so big.
04:47 Now, we don't know exactly how many will be
04:50 in the new earth that have accepted Jesus
04:53 and will be brought with Him into the New Jerusalem
04:56 at His second coming.
04:58 But you can probably I would,
05:01 I'm only guessing because this is just my opinion now,
05:03 this is the area where you get into the opinion part.
05:06 I would estimate that it's going to be enough
05:09 to populate the new earth, true.
05:12 So in that respect God doesn't need to establish
05:15 new marriages to continue to repopulated
05:17 or further populate the new earth.
05:21 So, the issue really is relationships
05:24 and if you talking about relationships
05:25 that are currently establish,
05:27 there maybe very well enough already.
05:30 So these are things I say are my opinion
05:32 because I don't know what God's total plan is.
05:35 But He does say there that it won't be marriage
05:37 as we know it today, okay.
05:39 Now what aspect we are talking about,
05:41 what that involves, I don't know,
05:42 I can only provide my opinion,
05:44 but there seems to be something in that text
05:48 that is telling us that God has another kind of plan
05:51 going forward that will further the relationship
05:54 between man and women, husband and wife
05:56 that have already been married and probably with those
05:58 that have not yet been married.
06:01 I don't know what that plan is, the Bible is telling on that,
06:03 but that's about the best
06:04 I can extrapolate here from the word.
06:07 Well here is this text in Matthew Chapter 22 verse 29.
06:11 Actually if you go back start with verse 25.
06:14 I want you to look at the issue over marriage,
06:17 what's gonna happen in the resurrection,
06:19 this is the story that really sets the stage to help us
06:22 see the picture much larger.
06:24 Matter of fact I will start with Matthew 22 verse 23.
06:29 "The same day the Sadducees,
06:32 who say there is no resurrection came to Him,
06:35 that is to Jesus and asked Him," saying,
06:38 "Teacher, Moses said that if a man dies,
06:41 having no children, his brother shall marry his wife
06:44 and raise up offspring for his brother.
06:47 Now there were with us seven brothers.
06:50 The first died after he had married,
06:53 and having no offspring, left his wife to his brother.
06:57 Likewise the second also, and the third, even to the seventh.
07:01 Last of all the woman died also.
07:04 Therefore, in the resurrection,
07:05 whose wife of the seven will she be?
07:09 For they all had her."
07:12 And the Lord responded in verse 29,
07:14 "You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures
07:18 nor the power of God."
07:19 For in the resurrection they neither marry
07:21 nor are given in marriage,
07:23 but are like angels of God in heaven."
07:26 And so the issue here was,
07:29 I see it is when this time comes,
07:31 it really wouldn't be an issue,
07:33 because the connections are not going to be necessarily
07:36 because you marry that person,
07:38 or you didn't marry that person.
07:40 Everybody is gonna have the right
07:41 standing in the side of God.
07:43 And this is one of those questions John however,
07:46 that doesn't give us enough information to say that,
07:48 God is gonna nullify marriages. That's right.
07:51 It doesn't say that on this particular issue
07:55 I believe Lord is saying to the Pharisees
07:57 who ask the question,
07:59 it's not gonna be an issue in the resurrection.
08:01 And so if you have anything further
08:03 or find anything more that could connect
08:05 to this question, let us know.
08:07 But right now it saying to me God is not gonna say well
08:09 from this point on marriage is not even necessary,
08:12 that is in the new earth.
08:14 I don't see it that way.
08:15 I love my wife, John loves his wife and... hey.
08:18 I say well now the Lord is coming,
08:21 we are no longer a husband and wife.
08:23 I don't think that's what God is saying here.
08:25 But, anyhow, let's go to another question.
08:29 One from Pamela, says I have been studying
08:32 the Bible for some time,
08:34 but in my church I have not been able to find
08:37 and I don't hear the things
08:39 that you present on 3ABN/House Calls, why is that?
08:44 Ask the question why is that.
08:47 Well, a number of reasons.
08:50 Well, the first I would site is denominationalism,
08:54 a denominationalism is often preferred
08:57 or considered before what the Bible says.
09:01 I heard a story John once of a pastor
09:03 who had his Bible highlighted quite a bit
09:07 and when we highlight our Bible that means
09:09 that's we are gonna talk about,
09:10 or we've talked about something
09:11 that we highlight a particular point.
09:13 Well, his members said to him,
09:15 your Bible is really highlighted quite a bit in yellow,
09:19 you have done lot of study.
09:21 And then his response was,
09:22 no I haven't necessarily study that,
09:24 but when I went to the seminary the things
09:26 that are highlighted in my Bible,
09:27 they told me not to preach about, can you imagine that?
09:31 It's almost a reverse when you highlighted
09:32 it's what you are knowledgeable about.
09:35 Right, and so in a nutshell,
09:38 if I would to respond to this question very quickly.
09:41 It comes down to your position
09:44 in your position is based on not so much
09:47 what a denomination says, that's a very difficult one
09:50 because in many cases denominational leaders
09:53 demand obedience to their leadership.
09:57 But go with me, I want to show you a few texts
10:00 in the Bible to give you encouragement.
10:04 First of all, 1 Timothy Chapter 4.
10:09 I want you to see verse 16,
10:14 1 Timothy Chapter 4 verse 16.
10:18 It says, Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine.
10:23 Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself
10:28 and those who hear you.
10:30 Notice what it says, take heed to yourself,
10:33 and to the doctrine.
10:34 The first thing that God says, it's between you and Him.
10:37 If the Bible says that's what he wants you to believe.
10:40 Now that may also mean that you may have to break away
10:44 from the denomination that you are primarily connected to.
10:47 But, lets go to 2 Timothy, I want you to see another one.
10:51 Second Timothy and we are gonna
10:54 look at Chapter 2 and verse 15.
11:03 In the King James Version,
11:05 it starts this verse with the word study,
11:08 but here it says in verse 15 of chapter 2,
11:13 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
11:17 not necessarily to your pastor or to your leader,
11:20 but to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
11:25 rightly dividing the word of truth.
11:30 So, when you study the word of God
11:33 you are primarily responsible for yourself
11:36 to follow what God has revealed in His word.
11:38 And here is the reason why is Timothy sites this
11:41 in 2 Timothy chapter 4 and beginning with verse 2,
11:45 2 Timothy chapter 4 and beginning with verse 2.
11:48 He says Preach the word! First line of responsibility,
11:52 in other words believe the word, study the word.
11:55 Be ready in season and out of season.
11:57 Convince, rebuke, exhort,
12:00 with all longsuffering and teaching.
12:02 In another word there is doctrine
12:04 and this is what's happening in the churches today.
12:06 For the time will come
12:08 when they will not endure sound doctrine,
12:12 but according to their own desire,
12:14 because they have itching ears,
12:16 they will heap up for themselves teachers in verse 4 and 5.
12:22 And they will turn their ears away from the truth,
12:25 and be turned aside to fables.
12:27 But here is the personal responsibility verse 5.
12:30 But you be watchful in all things,
12:32 endure afflictions and do the work of an evangelist,
12:36 fulfill your ministry.
12:38 So, when I look at that picture John,
12:41 the reason why a lot of people are not able to discover
12:44 what we share in 3ABN
12:45 is because the first one was denominationalism.
12:48 Years ago, there was a game,
12:52 I forgot what the game was,
12:54 but when you play the game you wore red glasses.
12:59 In order to find the answer you have to wear red glasses.
13:02 Because by wearing the red glasses
13:07 it made the red disappear.
13:10 And through the red the answer could be seen,
13:14 because the answer was in different color.
13:17 Sometimes we are in the same way conditioned by our church.
13:21 They give us red glasses to see, or sorry,
13:25 they don't allow us to wear glasses
13:27 that will be able to see through the things
13:30 they teach us to what God is saying to us.
13:33 So let me encourage you since you have been hearing on 3ABN
13:37 and on House Calls what God has been allowing you to hear.
13:41 If you measured up with the word
13:43 and it's there study to show yourself approved to God.
13:46 Follow the word for yourself,
13:48 because, you know, what the Bible says about the blind,
13:50 leading the blind they both fall into the pit.
13:53 You can never go wrong when you stand
13:54 before Christ at the end of time
13:56 and say that I did what I did according to your word,
13:59 because the response will always be well done,
14:03 good and faithful servant.
14:05 And so the message here is that the word of God
14:08 is the standard of our faith, our practice,
14:11 our doctrine everything not necessarily
14:14 what the church teaches.
14:16 Yet the church should teach what is in the word.
14:20 So there is both that have to come together here.
14:22 Now John, one of the other things
14:23 that you didn't mention that,
14:25 I think also plays a part although you alluded
14:27 to with denominationalism.
14:29 Is that for hundreds of years during the reformation,
14:34 this was a period of time
14:36 where Protestant Churches were protesting,
14:39 that's where they got their name,
14:40 the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.
14:42 Very good point.
14:43 And have been coming out of,
14:45 coming away from the Roman Catholic Church
14:48 which always has taught and still today does teach
14:51 that it is the mother church,
14:52 its movement is primarily to bring back those churches
14:56 that protested and moved away from
14:58 her back into her auspices, right.
15:02 And so today what you find is that over time,
15:06 these denominations especially the ones
15:08 that are well established over the last few hundred years
15:11 have come out to a degree but not all the way, true.
15:15 And so there are things within their church
15:18 that they still hold that is from that old system,
15:22 that isn't exactly accurate according to the word
15:25 and you find that within the church,
15:28 the Seventh-day Adventist Church
15:29 which 3ABN obviously is aligned with.
15:33 You find that it had in over 160 years ago,
15:37 come out fully from that further protesting
15:41 some of the teachings of Roman Catholic Church
15:43 to establish its doctrines on Sola scriptura.
15:47 Sola scriptura is the Bible and the Bible only, right,
15:51 as a rule of your faith and practice.
15:54 And so what we teach here may not be in harmony
15:56 with many of the other denominations
15:58 although much of it is, because they did protest
16:01 and did accurately then begin to teach
16:04 certain aspects of the gospel, true.
16:05 But, its full essence the restoration of the Sabbath
16:10 and understanding of the sanctuary message
16:11 what Christ is doing is our high priest
16:13 in the heavenly sanctuary now.
16:15 What happens when you die?
16:16 How that pertains to Last Days Prophecy?
16:19 Those things they did not understand
16:21 and I believe God didn't intend to give any church,
16:24 His church until the very last days,
16:27 so that kind of gives the whole picture,
16:29 a rounded picture of what's happening
16:31 in what you are hearing on this network from others.
16:36 There is another text in Acts Chapter 17 verse 11.
16:39 Speaking about when the apostles preached,
16:43 there was a people call the Thessalonikins
16:48 and it talks about how whenever they heard a message
16:52 they went back to the scriptures to check it out
16:55 to see if what was being said lines up with the scriptures.
16:59 And that's what we ought to do.
17:01 It says here, these were more fair-minded
17:04 than those in Thessalonica.
17:07 In that they received the word with all readiness,
17:10 and searched the scriptures daily to find out
17:14 whether these things were so.
17:16 So, you begin to see when you hear something
17:19 check it out by the Bible.
17:20 And as much as you may love your pastor or your leader,
17:22 say well if it's not the Bible, I'm not going to follow it,
17:26 because my responsibility is to make sure that
17:29 I get to my destination.
17:30 But thank you so much for your question.
17:32 You have another one for us?
17:33 Yeah, John there is this question is from Tasian.
17:39 And he asks here, he says he recently
17:41 had a discussion with some people from another religion
17:44 and they said that Elijah didn't go to heaven
17:49 and that is the case because of what is said
17:52 in John 3:13, can you explain?
17:55 So let me read John 3:13,
17:57 then I'll read another passage here
17:58 as well from Matthew Chapter 17.
18:03 In John 3:13 says, No one has ascended
18:06 into heaven but He who came down from heaven
18:09 that is the Son of Man who is in heaven.
18:14 Remember these texts, you can't take out of place,
18:16 you got to find the context and what we need to do
18:19 is back up a few verses to find out what is the topic here,
18:22 what is being addressed?
18:25 It says here that in verse 9
18:27 Nicodemus who was talking with Jesus,
18:31 answered Jesus and said to him how can these things be
18:33 about the new birth experience, the man must be born again.
18:37 Jesus answered and said to him,
18:39 "Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?
18:42 Most assuredly, I say to you,
18:44 We speak what We know and testify what We have seen,
18:49 and you do not receive Our witness.
18:51 And our is capitalize there that's speaking
18:53 of the God had in his witness.
18:56 I have told you earthly things and you do not believe,
18:59 how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
19:03 No one has ascended to heaven
19:05 but He who came down from heaven
19:07 that is the Son of Man who is in heaven.
19:10 And so what's it's saying there in response to Nicodemus is
19:14 that Nicodemus has not ascended to heaven,
19:17 learn things and then come back.
19:18 No one else has that experience.
19:20 The subject here is not about to people
19:23 has anybody gone to heaven, right.
19:26 That that's not the subject,
19:27 the subject is has anybody that is currently on earth,
19:32 have they been to heaven learn things
19:33 and come back and can teach these things.
19:36 And clearly Nicodemus can't
19:37 because he has never been to heaven,
19:38 he doesn't know the things of heaven,
19:40 but has Jesus been to heaven, yes He has.
19:43 And that's why he says He is the son of the God is here,
19:46 He has seen things in heaven,
19:48 He knows things first hand and can teach them
19:51 according to the truth that His Father
19:54 and Him understand, right.
19:56 So that's the topic here.
19:58 Now, let me read another verse for you
20:00 that specifically does say that,
20:04 that Elijah was in fact in heaven.
20:08 And I'm reading from Matthew Chapter 17
20:11 in regard to the transfiguration,
20:13 that is when Christ was glorified
20:15 while He was on earth in front of His disciples,
20:17 James and John and Peter as well.
20:22 And it says in verse 1, Now after six days
20:24 Jesus took Peter, James, and John, his brother
20:27 led them up on a high mountain by themselves.
20:30 And He was transfigured before them,
20:32 His face shone like the sun,
20:33 and His clothes became as white as the light.
20:36 This is the first time they had ever seen Jesus glorify,
20:39 I mean shine with glory as evidence
20:42 that he was the son of God.
20:44 And is says in verse 3,
20:45 And behold, Moses and Elijah
20:47 appeared to them, talking with Him.
20:51 And so what they saw was as Jesus was transfigured
20:55 and in another words He was even elevated
20:57 in front of them in glory the two that appeared to Him
21:00 talking and conversing with Him in glory,
21:04 don't miss that point were Moses and Elijah.
21:07 They also had been glorified. That's right.
21:11 Okay, so their glorified bodies,
21:13 the only way you get that is if you have been to heaven,
21:15 that where they came from, that's where they were from
21:18 and they were in the conversation with Christ
21:20 to encourage Him about His ministry going forward.
21:23 So we find clearly in this passage
21:25 that Elijah did come from heaven to speak with Christ
21:28 during his transfiguration.
21:30 So the statement that Elijah
21:32 didn't go to heaven cannot be true.
21:34 And here is the proved text to show that
21:36 he did go, 2 Kings 2 verse 11.
21:39 Then it happened, as they continued on and talked,
21:42 that suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire,
21:47 and separated the two of them,
21:49 that is Elijah from Elisha.
21:51 And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
21:57 So clearly the Bible tells you he went to heaven,
21:59 so for people to say that.
22:01 John 3:13 is evidence that he didn't go,
22:04 you got to delete 2 Kings 2 verse 11 from the Bible.
22:08 It doesn't even allude to the fact that he went.
22:10 It says clearly and Elijah went up
22:13 by a whirlwind into heaven.
22:17 Can you get clearer than that?
22:19 No, that's! All right...
22:20 Very specific. Very, very specific.
22:22 Let me highlight something here
22:24 and share this another question with you.
22:28 All right, Mike, thank you Mike for the question.
22:31 I don't know if that's the Mike
22:32 we know or another Mike.
22:33 You said that the second coming will be seen by all,
22:37 how is that possible when the rapture
22:39 is going to take place first?
22:42 Well... Good question.
22:46 the answer is there will be no rapture,
22:48 that's the real answer,
22:49 but there will be no rapture first.
22:52 I sense specifically a secrete rapture.
22:54 And that's the real contest of it,
22:56 because people think that there is something
22:59 called dispensationalism that is responsible for a lot of,
23:05 out of the way teachings in the Bible.
23:07 Go with me to Revelation Chapter 4
23:09 and I want to show you something
23:10 because many evangelical churches
23:14 and they teach that from Revelation Chapter 4.
23:19 The church is no longer on earth,
23:21 but I want you to see this because it tells you clearly
23:26 who the appeal is made to
23:30 and who is invited to go up, notice this.
23:34 After these things I looked, who looked? John looked.
23:37 And behold, a door standing open in heaven.
23:41 And the first voice which I heard,
23:43 singular was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying,
23:48 "Come up here, and I will show you things
23:50 which must take place after this."
23:53 I, I, I John is saying this was an invitation
23:56 to me that go up, and he did go up.
23:59 Notice how he went up, verse 2.
24:03 Immediately I was in the Spirit,
24:05 that is in vision, and behold, a throne set in heaven,
24:09 and one sat on the throne.
24:13 So, John was in heaven in vision,
24:16 he was not physically there.
24:18 So, when people use this verse John to say
24:20 that we are going to heaven
24:21 and after that the seven-year tribulation,
24:24 or the seven-year tribulation begins,
24:27 they are in essence saying from Revelation Chapter 4,
24:31 when they are gone from verse 5 to 22 has to occur.
24:36 In other words, when they leave the earth
24:38 18 Chapters of Revelation are gonna begin
24:41 to unfold in the next seven years.
24:44 And that's not what the Bible teaches,
24:45 so one of the reasons why you would confuse
24:49 about this passages that the secret rapture was operating,
24:52 so that you didn't see really clearly
24:54 what God was trying to show you.
24:56 But, let's go ahead and show you that
24:59 there is going to be a visible coming of Jesus.
25:01 First of all, let's start with Acts chapter 1 and verse 11,
25:04 Acts chapter 1 and verse 11.
25:06 And if you get to there John before me
25:08 I'm already there, but if you get there
25:11 you go and read it because some,
25:13 I don't want you to sit there and,
25:15 sit there completely silent
25:18 when I know that you would love to read that text.
25:20 Oh, I will speak up, believe me.
25:22 Verse 11 of Chapter 1 of Acts.
25:25 All right it says, who also said,
25:29 "Men of Galilee, why do you stand here
25:31 gazing up to heaven?
25:33 This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven,
25:36 will so come in like manner
25:39 as you saw Him go into heaven."
25:41 Okay, so right away you see that the coming
25:43 of the Lord is going be something
25:45 that's gonna be visible Revelation 1:7,
25:47 let me add to that. Behold, He comes with clouds,
25:52 and every eye will see Him,
25:53 and they also which pierced Him.
25:55 And all the earth shall wail because of Him.
25:58 In another words, all the tribes of the earth
26:00 will mourn because of Him they are wail.
26:02 They would be weeping and wailing
26:03 because they will see finally that the one
26:06 they have rejected is now returning.
26:08 But, let me encourage you,
26:10 that's the topic that you wanna study in great extent.
26:14 Let the Bible speak for itself.
26:16 Here are some of the passages that you want to read,
26:18 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 to 18
26:21 talks about the dead in Christ and those who are alive.
26:24 And 1 Corinthians chapter 15,
26:27 it's all about the resurrection
26:29 and the coming of the Lord.
26:30 So you want to read those two passes in their entirety,
26:33 so that you can see the coming of Lord
26:35 is gonna be an event witness by everyone,
26:37 not just by a select.
26:39 Revelation 19. Revelation 19, shows
26:42 the entire event unfolding Jesus coming
26:45 on a white horse like a leading general,
26:48 that's the picture John has given to us.
26:50 But all the angels in heaven following Him
26:53 on their horses too.
26:55 So you see they are coming to battle
26:57 and the battle there is the Battle
26:59 of the Great Day of God Almighty,
27:00 the battle of Armageddon.
27:02 Begins there and ends at the end of 1000 years.
27:05 John I want to throw something in really quick too
27:06 because any false teaching we know is not of God,
27:10 it's the devils behind it. That's right.
27:11 The devil has a counterfeit for everything.
27:14 And the reason why he has got this secret
27:17 rapture counterfeit is primarily this.
27:19 And it's taken me a while to work out in my mind,
27:22 but I try to share this often as I can,
27:25 for those who will hear.
27:27 The Bible is pretty clear
27:28 that there will be an antichrist that comes.
27:30 That's right. We believe that
27:31 is the personation of Christ by Satan himself, okay.
27:35 And so he will appear as Christ
27:38 as though Christ has comeback
27:40 and will deceive those on the earth
27:42 by the miracles he performs too,
27:44 try to establish or prove that He is Christ.
27:48 And he doesn't want people to know that
27:50 and so what he has established here is a secret rapture
27:53 which means that everybody that is involved
27:57 or just part of the church will be taken up to heaven
27:59 and not have to experience the tribulation period
28:01 during which, in the middle of it,
28:03 of which the antichrist will come.
28:06 And most of that teaching isn't that
28:07 Satan is the antichrist, but it is some human being
28:10 that will step forward to oppose Christ.
28:13 But nonetheless however, you see that,
28:15 it has the secret rapture happening
28:18 before the antichrist appearance
28:20 and then at the end of the seven years
28:22 of visible return of Christ.
28:23 So, it's separates the return of Jesus from a secret
28:26 part at the beginning to a visible at the end.
28:28 That's right. But, there is only one
28:30 coming of Christ, that's why it's called
28:31 the second coming. If you want to read
28:33 about the third coming of Christ it's with His saints
28:36 after the 1000 years are finished not after seven.
28:39 And that's found in Revelation chapter 20 and 21.
28:43 So, here is the deal.
28:45 If people are now thinking John
28:48 that the secret rapture will have occur
28:51 before the antichrist comes,
28:54 then when Satan appears as Christ?
28:57 When the antichrist appears they will say
29:00 this has to be Jesus
29:02 because the secret rapture hasn't happened yet.
29:07 We are still here, were not in heaven yet,
29:09 so this can't be antichrist, that's suppose to happen
29:11 in the seven years after the church goes to heaven
29:14 as the church is ruptured.
29:15 So there is this complacency to say,
29:17 well, this must be Jesus, we had it wrong,
29:19 it's not secret, He is coming back
29:20 visibly to take us home.
29:23 So this must be Him, this cant be the antichrist,
29:26 but in fact, it's Satan impersonating Christ himself.
29:29 That's right and matter of fact personating,
29:32 we often use the word impersonating,
29:34 but he in fact is trying to replace anti means
29:38 in place of not only against but in place of.
29:41 And so really study the Bible to see
29:43 what it says in the big picture.
29:45 Jesus is not wanting to sneak up and say,
29:47 ssshhh, let's leave, don't tell anyone,
29:50 I will back in seven years that's a dispensational view
29:54 that was established during the dark ages
29:56 by the Church of Rome.
29:57 All right, well, thank you
29:58 for your questions and comments.
29:59 We have covered at least four or five
30:02 questions in this half hour period.
30:04 But if you any further questions to send to us,
30:07 you can send those questions to,
30:11 that's
30:14 and when we go to that website we will download
30:16 those questions and try our best to respond to them.
30:19 Thank you so much for your participation.
30:23 Now, today we are going to be covering a topic
30:25 that's pretty interesting, John.
30:26 I want you to go and set the stage for this topic
30:29 and draw our audience in as it were.
30:33 Yeah, it's a single topic program.
30:35 Sometimes we do a series,
30:36 we just finish the series of four programs
30:39 on the same topic.
30:40 This is just one program covering one topic.
30:43 So we don't have a long time to cover it,
30:45 but it needs to be covered because it is pretty
30:47 current at least as far as an issue coming
30:50 to the forefront that you need to know about.
30:55 There is a book that recently came out
30:56 or kind of a small booklet that came out
31:00 about the great calendar controversy.
31:03 It involves a teaching, it's advocating the position
31:07 that perhaps the Seventh-day Adventist Church
31:09 in its history has not being consistent
31:12 with following the Jewish lunisolar calendar,
31:16 which is the calendar they believe most coincides
31:21 with the Mosaic system, the Mosaic calendar.
31:25 Involving a 30 year, excuse me a 30 day monthly cycle
31:30 which we find used in the establishment of prophecy.
31:33 Prophecy when it's speaking of a month is 30 days.
31:36 It recognizes that Mosaic calendar,
31:39 the moon calendar, that's where the lunar
31:42 pertaining to the moon comes from.
31:44 And so they are saying well with regard to the Sabbath,
31:47 that it's not the seventh day
31:49 according to Gregorian calendar
31:52 which we follow today, which is a solar calendar,
31:55 but it involves a luni or lunar calendar,
31:59 the calendar of 30 days and it resets every months
32:02 that seven day cycle.
32:04 And so what they are bringing upon the church
32:07 or at least some who have gotten the book.
32:10 The argument they are bringing before them
32:11 is that every month the seven day cycle gets reset.
32:18 And so the Sabbath day isn't on Saturday
32:22 or from Friday night to Saturday sundown,
32:25 but it changes from month to month.
32:29 And this is really confusing many,
32:31 we are getting lot of questions about it.
32:33 I know pastors are having to deal with this issue
32:35 and it's also making it very difficult,
32:38 especially looking at our Adventist history
32:40 to determine, if you accept this model
32:43 to determine what day the Sabbath is.
32:45 Now one of the things that jumps out of me here
32:47 on this issue John is that,
32:50 the Lord has clearly brought to the forefront,
32:52 the issue of the Sabbath, the fourth commandment
32:54 which says, the seventh day is the Sabbath
32:56 of the Lord thy God.
32:58 And points to the creation week,
33:01 as the first establishment of His Sabbath
33:05 that man keeps in honor and glorifying Him.
33:10 So, as we look at that, that is come to the forefront,
33:14 we also know that there is going to be a counterfeit
33:16 from the enemy himself to try and confuse the issue.
33:20 And one of the ways it confuses the issue
33:22 is he set up a counterfeit Sabbath,
33:24 which we believe is Sunday worship.
33:27 And that is a day, Sunday is in honor of the sun,
33:31 its pagan and its origin and that pagans
33:34 prior to a Constantine and his proclamation
33:38 that he was Christian, were worshipping
33:40 the sun on that day, was a high day for them.
33:44 And it's a transition that history shows us
33:46 as Christianity adopted many of the pagans system
33:52 as it came in that Sunday was a logical
33:55 transference of a day of festivity,
33:58 a day to honor instead of now the sun to honor
34:01 their new God which is Jesus Christ.
34:04 And so we find through our history then that
34:06 the devil did a very good job of hiding
34:08 the true Sabbath and instituting
34:11 Sunday in its place.
34:12 But now he has got another approach.
34:14 All right. He says okay,
34:15 I've got now a lot of the world looking at Sunday
34:19 and worshiping on Sunday.
34:20 In fact, most of the Christian world doesn't understand,
34:22 doesn't remember as the fourth commandment says,
34:25 the seventh-day Sabbath. But I don't have the church,
34:30 God's church sufficiently confused
34:33 on the subject of the Sabbath,
34:35 what can I do to come in and to create
34:37 some form of confusion about the Sabbath.
34:39 Okay. And so he seems to be
34:41 taking this kind of approach where in
34:44 he is saying it's not a solar calendar,
34:47 it's not a seven day perpetual repeating
34:49 which seems to be indicated in the language
34:54 as we do good exegesis from the text,
34:58 a perpetual week after week Sabbath.
35:02 This book is suggesting that we tie it
35:04 to the lunar calendar
35:06 and reset the seven days every month.
35:09 So, I would like to cover a few things today, John.
35:12 There are some arguments
35:13 that the Bible clearly does bring,
35:15 that tells us that we are on solid ground already.
35:19 This is confusing the issue, not only that,
35:22 it's not presenting to us or to the people
35:28 who are reading it a real good biblical background
35:32 and a compelling argument even
35:34 for any kind of a switch to a lunar
35:36 or lunisolar calendar,
35:39 predominately the Jewish calendar,
35:41 which is the 30 day cycle of months.
35:44 Before you're going to that let me,
35:46 let me also add this, because a lot of times
35:49 you said this but, sometimes in repetition people get it.
35:52 Right now we are under what's called
35:54 the Gregorian calendar.
35:56 Pope Gregory, the XIII and the reason
36:00 for the changes, there was a Julian calendar.
36:03 Now, neither of the calendars changed
36:05 the order of the days of the week.
36:06 That's right. Now, some of you
36:09 that may watch this program in Europe
36:10 or in countries where they have Monday
36:13 as the first day on their calendar.
36:16 That's considered not a not a standard calendar,
36:21 but a business calendar.
36:23 And so be very, very careful
36:24 that you think of that as a standardized calendar
36:27 that somehow has adapted to some weekly,
36:30 daily order change.
36:32 In fact, the first day the week
36:34 as described in the Bible,
36:35 has always been tied to the day
36:37 that Christ has risen from the grave.
36:39 That's right. So that's established clearly.
36:41 And then we have Easter as that nail on the ground
36:45 that lets us know whenever Easter comes around,
36:48 you cannot call Easter the Sabbath,
36:50 because if you follow the Bible.
36:52 We will talk about that in just a moment.
36:53 We follow the Bible you see that the resurrection day
36:56 comes after the Sabbath, the preparation day
36:59 comes before the Sabbath.
37:00 But, here is this let me just read to this very quickly.
37:03 Before 1582, the Julian calendar had been in effect,
37:07 instituted by Julius Ceasar about 46 B.C.
37:10 and named after him. But the Julian calendar
37:14 had calculated the length of the year as 365
37:19 and a quarter days, which was incorrect
37:23 as the length of the year was actually
37:26 eleven minutes less than 365 days and a quarter,
37:32 365 and a quarter days.
37:34 Those eleven minutes accumulated,
37:38 and by 1582 the numbering of the calendar
37:44 was ten days out of harmony with the solar system.
37:50 Pope Gregory fixed the problem by simply dropping
37:52 those ten days out of the numbering of the calendar.
37:56 It was Thursday, October 4, 1582,
38:01 and the next day, Friday, should have been October 5.
38:07 But Gregory made it October 15 instead,
38:10 and reason he did that just on that
38:13 in that year of 1582 was to close up the gap
38:16 that had been created by the Julian calendar,
38:19 but it didn't change the order of the days.
38:22 So, now let's look at this calendar for example.
38:24 And the other prominent reason too,
38:25 let me just add this, is to keep the seasons.
38:27 Right. If you keep slipping
38:28 like this pretty soon fall could end up being summer.
38:33 You know, it keeps backing up,
38:35 and so this fix helped us to keep
38:37 and maintain our seasons.
38:39 And so that was the correction that needed to be made,
38:42 but here is the other thing that he did.
38:45 In instituting the Julian calendar and then following
38:49 that kept the particular cycle they way
38:52 it should have been 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
38:55 all the way down to 30 or 31 days
38:57 depending on the length of the month.
38:59 But, the thing that I think is being emphasized
39:02 by this question is, has somewhere along the way
39:05 because of these alterations,
39:07 has the Sabbath been lost.
39:10 And the answer is obviously not.
39:11 That's true, but I think the other,
39:13 the predominant issue here too though
39:15 is should we be following a strict 30 day lunar calendar,
39:20 the Mosaic calendar,
39:21 not the Gregorian calendar at all.
39:24 Because the Gregorian calendar they allege is pagan,
39:27 therefore if it's especially tied to popery,
39:31 therefore, it should not be followed by Christians.
39:35 And so that it's two fold, it has the seven day cycle
39:39 as it changed and should we be tying it
39:42 even to our solar calendar,
39:45 predominately solar calendar,
39:47 the Gregorian calendar that keeps
39:49 in line with our seasons. Right.
39:50 Let me read something, this is an excellent quote.
39:54 The greatest care should be exercised concerning
39:56 those who claim to receive revelations from God.
39:59 There needs to be much close watching
40:02 and much praying.
40:03 Those who are acting a part in the great work
40:06 for these last days need to counseled together
40:10 in regard to every new thing that shall be introduced,
40:13 for no one man's mind is to be left to judge of,
40:18 or to place before the public, important matters
40:21 which have in relation to the cause of God.
40:25 There is danger of excess in that which is lawful,
40:29 and that which is not lawful
40:30 will surely lead into false paths.
40:33 If there is not careful, earnest, sensible work,
40:36 solid as a rock,
40:37 in the advancement of every idea and principle,
40:39 and in every representation given,
40:41 souls will be ruined.
40:43 And these little things that come out, John
40:45 and you have seen tons of them.
40:47 And we've got all these branches of,
40:49 you know, they are tied into Adventism
40:51 and, you know, Lutherans go to this,
40:54 even a Baptist go through this too.
40:55 This isn't just an Adventist issue,
40:58 but people can be carried away by these things
41:00 and they can end up having their souls ruined.
41:03 Right, they can.
41:04 And so I say, you know,
41:06 God will hold accountable anybody who propagates
41:10 or pushes an idea without first coming together
41:13 with a brethren to see
41:14 if there is any legitimate light in that idea.
41:17 This is one of those ideas this is not been brought
41:19 before the brethren, has not been discussed adequately
41:21 nor do I find good application
41:24 or acts of Jesus from the word,
41:26 which is the pulling out of it's, of the text,
41:28 what it says, and we'll cover some of those issues
41:31 that show that there is no light in this shift
41:34 to a lunisolar calendar with regard
41:37 to a shifting Sabbath from month to month.
41:40 Now I guess the idea is luni,
41:46 you know, we're talking about lunisolar,
41:47 luni, luni. It's a luni idea in the sense that
41:51 it's looking for some new platform
41:55 on which to build the loss
41:58 or the replacement of the Sabbath.
42:00 But, I want you to see something because,
42:02 here is a very reliable landmark.
42:05 Go with me to Luke Chapter 23,
42:08 Luke Chapter 23, because, you know,
42:09 we like to use the Bible here,
42:11 it's the central focus.
42:13 When you use the Bible, you begin to see
42:15 if Bible establishes an unequivocal platform
42:18 that the Sabbath in its order of days
42:21 has not been changed.
42:23 By the way you also have an entire nation of Jews
42:26 although the majority of them don't accept Jesus,
42:30 they haven't loss sight of the continual
42:33 cycle of the Sabbath.
42:34 Then you have story of the Ethiopian unique
42:36 and by the way, out of many other countries
42:38 in Africa, Ethiopia is one of the places
42:40 where the Sabbath has been kept
42:42 the longest on that continent.
42:45 Because of the Ethiopian unique
42:47 after the day of Pentecost going back to his country,
42:50 he was met a long the way by Philip,
42:53 the lover of horses.
42:54 He explained to him the scriptures baptized him
42:57 and sent him back with this message.
42:58 And in Ethiopia it's called quamies day,
43:03 the day of the child, the day of the baby.
43:05 And it's amazing how the Bible established that
43:09 many, many, centuries ago,
43:11 but is still being observed today.
43:12 But here is the landmark that continually
43:15 is the consistent place to begin.
43:18 Luke chapter 23 verse 51,
43:25 He had not consented to their counsel and deed.
43:29 For He was from Arimathea, a city of the Jews,
43:32 who himself was also waiting for the kingdom of God.
43:37 This man went to Pilate
43:38 and asked for the body of Jesus.
43:39 That is after Jesus died on the cross.
43:43 Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen
43:45 and laid it in a tomb that was never,
43:47 that was hewn out of the rock,
43:49 where no one had ever lain before.
43:53 That day was the Preparation and the Sabbath drew near.
43:58 In other words for the Sabbath
43:59 to have any relevance here,
44:00 he was coming on the hills for the Preparation Day
44:03 and John something I learned this is pretty interesting.
44:06 In the Jewish economy they began to prepare
44:10 for the Sabbath in the middle of the week,
44:13 so by the time that Sabbath eve came,
44:17 the Preparation Day they were ready,
44:19 they were very, very ready.
44:21 And the Sabbath drew near, and it says in verse 55,
44:25 And the women who had come with Him,
44:28 that's with Jesus from Galilee followed after,
44:31 and they observed the tomb and how His body was laid.
44:35 And then verse 56, Then they returned
44:38 and prepared spices and fragrant oils
44:40 and rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
44:44 So that you have Preparation Day,
44:46 then you have the Sabbath, two days mentioned.
44:49 Now John, read verse 1 of Chapter 24.
44:53 Now on the first day of the week,
44:55 very early in the morning,
44:56 they, and certain other women with them,
44:58 came to the tomb bringing
45:00 the spices which they had prepared.
45:02 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.
45:05 Then they went in and did not find the body
45:07 of the Lord Jesus.
45:08 Okay, so you notice here Preparation Day,
45:12 Sabbath in the middle and then we have,
45:16 the Day of Resurrection, three particular days.
45:20 So today ever year when Easter is observed,
45:24 every year when some churches call it holy week,
45:28 well, the Bible doesn't call the week holy, Jesus is holy.
45:32 The Sabbath day is holy, there is no holy week,
45:35 it's been ceremonially in and so pretentiously added to,
45:40 you served from the things that are really holy,
45:44 and add to something that God never made holy.
45:46 But you find Bible evidence to support the fact that,
45:49 there is no loss in the cycle.
45:51 There is no loss in the order of the days,
45:53 it still falls where God intent for it to fall
45:56 on the Sabbath day.
45:57 Now as we explore some reasoning here,
46:01 some arguments against this theory
46:03 that we should be following a lunisolar calendar,
46:06 the Mosaic calendar of old for our Sabbath day calculation.
46:12 Let's kind of go methodically through this here,
46:15 find some scriptural evidence or take a look at scripture,
46:18 also take a look at some common sense arguments
46:21 that would go against this as well.
46:23 To establish that what the Seventh-day Adventist church
46:27 has done, Seventh-day Baptist had done.
46:29 Many have done in honoring the Seventh-day Sabbath
46:32 in honoring the weekly cycle is absolutely correct.
46:35 It's correct as it is, God had no reason
46:38 and has no reason to change that whatsoever.
46:41 All right. So first of all,
46:44 one the assumptions made is that the Sabbath
46:48 has the commandment itself has imbedded within it,
46:51 a connection to the lunar or lunisolar calendar.
46:57 But someone how there is a connection
46:58 to the 30 day cycle of the moon.
47:01 Let's take a look at that here Ezekiel,
47:04 excuse me Exodus Chapter 20, verse 8 through 11.
47:10 And let's just read this passage here
47:12 and you can see for yourself whether or not
47:14 there is any connection in here
47:17 with the lunar calendar.
47:23 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
47:25 six days, six what?
47:28 Days. Six days you shall labor
47:30 and do all your work, but the seventh day
47:33 is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
47:35 Who is the one that instituted the Sabbath
47:38 from the very beginning?
47:39 God. God did it at creation week.
47:42 In it you shall do no work,
47:43 you, nor your son, nor your daughter,
47:45 nor your male servant, nor your female servant,
47:47 nor your cattle, nor your stranger
47:49 who is within your gates.
47:50 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth,
47:56 the sea, and all that is in them,
47:58 and rested the seventh day.
48:00 Therefore, the Lord blessed
48:01 the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
48:03 Now the last time I looked at what a day was,
48:07 it totaled one cycle rotating of the earth,
48:15 and then connected with as far as that cycle
48:18 throughout the year a full rotation around the sun.
48:23 A day is never been considered
48:25 or connected to the moon,
48:31 it is connected to the solar system.
48:34 That's true. In fact when you are looking
48:36 at how, in six days the Lord made
48:37 the heavens and the earth and the sea,
48:39 we are talking about creation week.
48:43 You are seeing a system that God put into place
48:47 and that the week itself has no tie to whatsoever.
48:53 In fact, with not only the moon,
48:56 but as far as the week is concerned
48:57 not even with the sun.
49:01 Now here is what I'm saying by this even though
49:02 the day has a connection with the sun
49:04 and rotation of the earth, rotation
49:05 and also the yearly solar system going
49:13 around the moon for year.
49:14 You don't have that tie with a week.
49:19 No! A week is a week because God said it was a week.
49:23 So there is no ti to a cycle here
49:25 when it comes to your seven days.
49:28 But there is noting that happens
49:29 in the heavens every seven days.
49:32 The only evidence you have...
49:34 I think you emphasizes, we've to reiterate
49:36 that you have the new moon, the half moon,
49:38 the three-quarter moon, the full moon.
49:40 And those are events that occur every month,
49:44 then you have the seasons fall, winter,
49:49 spring, summer and fall.
49:51 Those happen on a yearly basis.
49:53 Then you have the months, 30 day cycles,
49:57 every 30 days you have another month.
49:59 Not in today's system,
50:00 but that's the Mosaic calendar.
50:01 Right, and so every month
50:02 you have the continuation of each of those
50:06 quarter seasons of the year.
50:08 But when it comes to seven days
50:12 archaeologically and scientifically,
50:14 the only place that they can find a seven week
50:16 is in God's words, you see.
50:19 Astrologically, astrologically.
50:21 Astrologically speaking, the only place
50:24 that you can find evidence of the reoccurrence
50:28 of the seven day week is in God's word.
50:31 Yet now this is the event connected to creation.
50:36 Now here is something that's really mind-boggling to me.
50:41 Atheists who deny the existence of God
50:46 honor a seven day week.
50:48 But, what evidence do they have for a seven day week.
50:51 What evidence does the world have for a seven day week
50:54 outside of the word of God.
50:56 The authority of God's word, so that says
50:59 the authority of God's word rules our lives
51:02 in every particular. So listen to this
51:05 for a moment just to give you a little bit of trivia.
51:08 There are 365 days a year, 61,320 hours
51:15 or 3 million 679,200 seconds.
51:21 And so when one that time period is done
51:25 boom, it starts all over again.
51:26 But as far as the replacing off
51:33 or removing the landmarks that show us
51:36 from week to week the Sabbath continues to exist.
51:38 There is nothing in history that has been able
51:40 to effectively accomplish that.
51:42 That's right, now another issue here too
51:45 that you find is that the lunisolar calendar
51:49 and that is the Hebrew calendar used,
51:51 or sometimes refer to the Mosaic calendar
51:54 is tied to the system of festivals.
51:58 That's right. Types and shadows
51:59 which prefigured the ministry of Christ Himself.
52:03 It was a plan of salvation instituted by God
52:06 after the fall, after the fall
52:10 to show the world, the message of the Messiah
52:15 who was to come to accomplish or fulfill all these things.
52:18 And so when you are talking about that calendar,
52:20 you are really looking into a shadow of things to come,
52:24 the types of things to come
52:26 and the seventh day Sabbath,
52:27 the commandments themselves are never tied to shadows.
52:33 In fact, we find them existing before the falls,
52:35 not part of teaching the plan of salvation,
52:38 the seventh day Sabbath.
52:39 It's a memorial of creation week prior to the fall.
52:42 So even the Sabbath itself cannot tie to the system
52:47 of festivals and rights and ceremonies
52:51 that were part of the lunar system.
52:55 And that system was kept on a 30 day cycle
52:59 to keep the Jewish, a system itself
53:03 to keep that in sink and in place from year to year.
53:07 They need consistency month to month.
53:09 They also establish it for their prophetic reckoning too.
53:12 They use the lunar calendar, the 30 day cycle,
53:14 which we still can use today, but that's in prophecy.
53:17 It's not in the Sabbath itself
53:20 tied to the commandments, so the fourth commandment.
53:22 And you talk about the Jewish calendar
53:24 and the Jewish calendar is two fold,
53:28 they have a civil calendar and a sacred calendar.
53:34 Let me share with you, you probably,
53:37 these are not necessarily important to you,
53:39 but depending on which calendar is being used
53:43 for that is determined by a particular event,
53:46 so when it comes to the Yom Kippur,
53:49 when it comes to the Day of Atonement,
53:52 these events are govern by their sacred calendar.
53:57 So you have something else about the Jewish calendar.
54:00 You have four watches in it,
54:01 four watches of the day, four watches of night,
54:04 a total of eight watches.
54:05 And if you think about how long each of those watches
54:08 are three hours per watch.
54:12 When you use that, you begin to see the Bible
54:15 has established a particular timeframe.
54:17 One of the examples just to show you how that works.
54:19 Let's look at the first watch of the day.
54:22 Go with me to the book of Acts.
54:24 Something that you can use and you begin to see,
54:28 you begin to see... Matter of fact
54:33 I'm going to Acts Chapter 1, okay.
54:39 And we begin to see clearly here,
54:42 when the Lord was crucified,
54:47 then the day of Pentecost came
54:49 and when the day of Pentecost came,
54:52 there was an assumption that the disciples were drunk,
54:55 but they were not drunk.
54:57 Notice what it says and in verse in Acts Chapter 2.
55:04 And, what verse am I looking for here John?
55:09 Okay, all right here it is, verse 13,
55:18 Others mocking said, "They are full of new wine."
55:20 But Peter, standing up with the eleven,
55:23 raised his voice and said, "Men of Judea
55:28 and all who dwell in Jerusalem,
55:30 let this be known to you, and heed my words.
55:35 Verse 15, For these are not drunk,
55:36 as you suppose, since it is only
55:38 the third hour of the day.
55:42 Third hour of the day, many of us think
55:44 the day begins at midnight, but he said
55:46 the third hour of the day, that's the key element,
55:49 it was only 9:00 AM in the morning,
55:51 that was the ending of the first watch.
55:53 And then when Jesus died,
55:55 Jesus died between the second and third watch,
55:57 meaning between noon and 3:00 PM in the afternoon.
56:01 And when you put that word watch in the Bible,
56:03 you begin to see that is not only given
56:05 by a 24 hour day, but is broken down watch,
56:08 by watch, by watch, by watch,
56:10 for what purpose? To accurately track time,
56:13 so that we don't get off course,
56:15 and somewhere along the way
56:17 being to loose track of time.
56:19 God has always had a seven day cycle
56:21 from the very beginning of creation,
56:23 the Jews recognize this to this day.
56:25 They have not missed a weekly seven the Sabbath
56:29 since the very beginning.
56:32 And so we see that they have clearly established
56:36 the perpetuity of this repeating seven day cycle
56:41 which points to the week or culminates
56:42 in the Sabbath on the seventh day.
56:44 And that has not changed,
56:46 if we are to make all these different,
56:47 have to make these different calculations,
56:49 resetting the Sabbath every month
56:51 according to lunar calendar,
56:52 who knows what day the Sabbath would be.
56:55 But, God is not complicated like that,
56:57 He simply said the seventh day is the Sabbath.
57:02 And that's the way it's always been to have
57:04 someone come up with this big argument
57:06 that is gonna change all that,
57:07 I'm sorry but it's falling very short.
57:10 And so friends, we are living in a day and age
57:12 where we still believe the Bible is valid
57:14 and many arguments has one point
57:16 and one said many anvil,
57:19 the anvil of God has warned out many hammers
57:22 and attempts to relinquish the relevance of God's word.
57:25 But here House Calls and 3ABN we believe
57:27 that God's word remains relevant.
57:29 So, continue trusting the Lord,
57:31 continue studying His word until we see you again.
57:34 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17