House Calls

Living By Faith, Pt. 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL120003

00:01 Hello friends, grab your Bible and a friend
00:03 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House calls.
00:21 Well, welcome to another edition of House calls.
00:24 If you're returning, welcome back.
00:26 If this is your first time, lock it in.
00:29 Don't turn away because John and I really want you to stay.
00:32 This is a Bible program that's solid.
00:36 If we make mistakes that's our human side
00:38 but we try our best to keep it in the Bible.
00:40 So welcome to this program.
00:42 Get your Bibles, get your friends,
00:43 hit the record button because this guy sitting next to me
00:46 wants to share with you what God has to say,
00:49 and through him today to you.
00:52 Hey, and then we both,
00:53 you know, we're enjoying-- we enjoy always the dialog.
00:56 The Lord always blesses here
00:58 and He communicates through both of us.
01:00 I can see as it goes back and forth, His will. So--
01:03 And we're not just guys that like to read it by,
01:06 we're good friends. We share the same name.
01:08 We share lot of the same passion for the word of God
01:11 and we kind of think a like a lot of ways.
01:13 So forgive us for that.
01:16 If we say things that just don't seem to differ
01:18 from either one it is because we have so much in common.
01:21 Here you go. But one thing we do not rely
01:23 on is ourselves when we begin the program.
01:25 So we always begin with prayer.
01:27 And so bow your heads as John leads us
01:29 before the Lord in prayer. Let's do that.
01:31 Our Father in heaven we depend upon You each and everyday.
01:33 And for daily life it's important to have You there
01:36 always leading and guiding us.
01:38 And even more so for a program like this.
01:40 So we pray for the outpouring of Your Holy Spirit
01:42 upon us today.
01:44 Lead us through the pages of Your word Lord
01:46 and may we glorify Your name in Jesus name, amen.
01:51 Amen. And friends, what we're gonna do today,
01:53 we're gonna invite you to send your questions and comments
01:56 and, you know, many of you have done that
01:58 and we appreciate that very much
01:59 because the first part of our program is about you.
02:02 What your questions are? What you want to know.
02:04 What the Bible says about whatever questions you submit.
02:08 So if you have any questions to send to us send those to
02:10 That's our e-mail address,
02:13 We download them
02:16 and we get our chance as we will do in the first part
02:19 of this program to answer your questions.
02:21 If you still don't have internet, which is probably
02:24 a small percentage of individuals
02:27 who don't have it at home, send those to P.O. Box 220,
02:31 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
02:34 That's 3ABN's address.
02:35 Attention House calls, and we do get those mails
02:38 and we do answer those.
02:39 But, John, what question do you have for us today?
02:42 Well, I've got a question from Kathy
02:43 here to start us off with this morning.
02:45 And she says here that she and her co-worker,
02:48 who is not a Christian, but is searching for truth,
02:51 were studying the Bible, and they across two passages
02:55 involving what appeared to be the same story.
02:58 And they're wondering, you know, is there a discrepancy here.
03:00 Can we clarify what the difference
03:02 is in these two passages?
03:04 And so, we'll look at both of them.
03:06 The first one is Second Samuel 24:1.
03:09 Okay. And the second one is First Chronicles 21:1.
03:15 And so we look at Second Samuel 24:1 first.
03:19 And this is in regard to a-- story where David, King David,
03:24 went out to take a census for Israel
03:28 to see how many fighters, how many military troops he had,
03:32 which was not against God's will--Oh,
03:34 which was against God's will.
03:35 God didn't not instruct him to do that.
03:37 So he was doing this out of faith,
03:40 not led by God and God was not pleased with this.
03:43 So each one of these texts, help to establish
03:47 at the beginning of the story what was going on here.
03:51 And they do say things or appear
03:53 to say something quite different.
03:54 So let's look at those.
03:55 All right. Number one--Which one you're going through first?
03:57 I'm gonna do Second Samuel 24:1.
03:59 Okay, I'm right there.
04:00 Where it says, "Again the anger of the Lord
04:02 was aroused against Israel.
04:04 And he moved David against them to say,
04:08 go, number Israel and Judah.
04:11 Okay? Okay.
04:12 So now let's turn over to First Chronicles 21:1.
04:19 And read that text which says,
04:22 "Now Satan stood up against Israel
04:24 and moved David to number Israel.
04:27 So on one hand it looks like the Lord
04:30 is moving David to number Israel;
04:35 on the other hand, it looks like
04:36 Satan is moving David to number Israel.
04:40 And so how we reconcile these things
04:42 because we know that the-- Bible doesn't contradict itself
04:45 but sometimes they're these apparent contradictions
04:48 that need clarification.
04:50 And so we'll look at that here for just a minute or two.
04:53 Number one--let's look at the verse here in,
04:56 in the one we're at.
04:57 First Chronicles 21:1, if there's anybody
05:01 to tempt and this is where you--
05:03 Okay, First Chronicles-- First Chronicles 21:1.
05:05 Okay, I got it. If there is anybody doing the tempting,
05:06 we know by other scripture that God tempts no one.
05:10 So Satan is doing the tempting here.
05:12 It says Satan stood up against Israel and
05:15 he is gonna oppose Israel and he tempted
05:17 David or moved upon David to number Israel
05:20 to take a census against God's will.
05:22 Right. That's clear from that passage.
05:25 Now when we go to Second Samuel 24:1, it says,
05:29 that the anger of the Lord was aroused against Israel
05:32 and he moved David against them to say,
05:34 go number Israel and Judah.
05:36 I think probably there's a-- little bit of a--there's more
05:42 that we need to read into this passage than we do the other.
05:45 The other is very clear because we know it is in harmony
05:47 with other scripture that says Satan is doing the tempting.
05:50 Right. But here's one of the principles
05:52 that you will find through scriptures
05:53 that's kind of important to understand as you're reading.
05:57 Sometimes the Bible speaks of and the writers speak of God
06:01 doing something which He actually is allowing.
06:06 In other words, when God allows something to happen,
06:08 the Bible writer may indicate
06:09 at times that He actually does it.
06:13 So you have to kind of bring this together
06:15 when you're reading some of the passages especially
06:17 with regard to things like.
06:19 Well, one story that comes to mind John is, Pharaoh.
06:23 It says God hardened Pharaoh's heart.
06:25 Right. Well, did God really solidify or harden
06:28 Pharaoh's heart against what He was trying
06:30 to reach Pharaoh with? No.
06:31 It seems like its contradictory there.
06:33 But it's not. In fact, God was trying to appeal
06:36 to Pharaoh to repent, to let his people go.
06:40 He didn't harden his heart and force him to say,
06:44 out of his own freewill, no God,
06:46 I'm not going to-- gonna do that.
06:48 So but one of the things you find here is the writer
06:51 is indicating that God is the one that did the hardening
06:54 of Pharaoh's heart when actuality,
06:56 Pharaoh hardens heart against God's voice
06:59 through the temptation of Satan,
07:01 but God allowed that temptation by Satan
07:04 to come to Pharaoh in a way that hardened his heart.
07:06 Right. Okay? So in God allowing to do what the Bible
07:09 writer speaks of it as God hardening Pharaoh's heart.
07:12 And the same thing is going on here.
07:14 The anger of the Lord is aroused not to cause David
07:17 to number Israel but because David numbered Israel
07:22 and listened to the temptation of Satan, the enemy.
07:25 And so God allowed Satan to tempt David,
07:30 Satan did. David then did the sin and
07:33 God's anger was aroused from that.
07:35 That's what we know from both passages
07:37 as we read the story.
07:38 Okay. Okay. It can be tricky some times
07:41 because we're reading the Bible in English.
07:44 And all the nuances of the original language
07:47 aren't really seen but one thing we do know
07:48 is that some times the-- Bible writers' speak of God
07:51 doing something that He is-- actually allowing Satan to do.
07:55 So you have to read that to be--to make sure
07:58 you get the proper interpretation.
08:00 What I like about that story and something
08:02 I'd like to add to that is when we think of the many dimensions
08:10 through which the Bible speaks,
08:12 when you think of the one I saw here first when we go back
08:15 to Second Chronicles, was it or First Chronicles? Okay.
08:20 Now Satan stood up against Israel
08:23 and moved David to number Israel.
08:25 And the context here in Second Samuel,
08:28 again the anger of the Lord was aroused against Israel
08:31 and he moved David against them to say
08:34 go number Israel and Judah.
08:37 This is almost similar in my mind
08:39 to the conversation that Satan had with the Lord over Job.
08:46 He gave him permission to-- accomplish--to accomplish
08:53 through the rebellion of the children of Israel.
08:57 That which would not have been accomplished any other way.
09:00 And so when the children of Israel rebelled,
09:04 they put themselves now on Satan's
09:05 ground and that's where you find space
09:09 for First Chronicles Chapter 21 verse 1.
09:13 Now Satan comes in and-- he begins to manifest himself
09:18 in a way that he could not,
09:19 had Israel not been obedient to God--
09:23 or had Israel been obedient to God.
09:25 Yeah. You also see stories like Job where God
09:28 clearly is allowing Satan to do things beyond
09:31 what normally he would allow Satan to do.
09:34 And when--in Job's experience even though
09:37 he was close to God and wanted--
09:39 and had that relationship with him, at times,
09:42 he spoke of God doing this to him.
09:45 But who was actually doing those things to Job? Satan was.
09:49 That's right. But Job was resolved in his own,
09:53 he resolved in his own heart that even if God slayed him,
09:56 killed him, he would still trust in him.
09:59 So even from Job's perspective,
10:01 he saw to a degree God doing these things to him,
10:05 but really the language there behind that is that Job
10:09 was experiencing something that God
10:11 allowed to happen to him.
10:13 So you know, I think,
10:15 we kind of see some of these things today.
10:17 Don't we John, I mean, people say well,
10:19 you know, why is God doing this to me.
10:21 You know, all these things, you know, these,
10:23 even with people that die prematurely
10:25 from an accident or something.
10:26 You know, where it didn't seem like
10:28 they should have had to go through,
10:29 they'll say, well, God took him.
10:32 You know, God isn't doing these things.
10:34 God allows these things to happen.
10:36 And that's the way I think that we always should be couching
10:39 these things because to a degree we can be giving God
10:42 a bad character name, if we actually talk about
10:47 these things in terms of God, you know, hurting people
10:51 or allowing a disaster or-- causing a disaster to happen,
10:55 well things like that.
10:57 When we couch it in a way that takes away
10:59 the love of God that he has for us,
11:01 it's really not doing God's service into really
11:03 what's happening in this whole great controversy
11:06 that's going on behind the scenes, that we can see.
11:08 One of the other ways you could see that also is,
11:11 now the sun--the sun hardens
11:16 hardens clay, but it also melts butter.
11:19 So in the presence of Lord,
11:22 you have two kinds of individuals.
11:24 Those who are drawn by his loving kindness,
11:27 those who are repelled because of their rebellion.
11:31 So what do we say that the sun made the butter melt
11:35 and made the clay hard.
11:37 The reactions that we get is not because the sun
11:40 has changed its nature, but because in each of those
11:45 two different properties is the nature to bring that result.
11:52 So rebellion brings with it a natural result
11:55 and you find here.
11:56 The food of rebellion is it opens the door for Satan
11:59 to work and that's why I feel,
12:01 that's my interpretation of why a First Chronicles
12:04 is there saying Satan moved
12:07 and I think you began properly by speaking of how Pharaoh
12:11 is hardened because of God's righteousness
12:15 and those who refuse to be righteous their hearts
12:18 will be hardened against the leading of the Lord.
12:23 I have a question here.
12:25 What happened to the people who rose as a result
12:29 of the earthquake at Jesus his death?
12:32 Some how I have the belief that they ascended to heaven
12:36 when Jesus went to heaven.
12:38 If that is so, when did their judgment take place?
12:43 Okay, lot of--lot of components in that question.
12:47 First let's go to Matthew, Chapter 27.
12:52 Matthew, Chapter 27.
12:57 And I want to--I'm looking at some other text
13:01 here at the same time John
13:02 and I wanna have you read Matthew 27,
13:07 verse 52. Well, I'm here now.
13:13 Okay, there I am. Matthew 27
13:18 and start with from verse 51.
13:24 Okay. And down to 53.
13:28 This is at the Cross where Christ has now died.
13:32 And it says. Then, behold, the veil of the temple
13:34 was torn in two from top to bottom;
13:37 and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,
13:39 and the graves were opened;
13:41 and many bodies of the saints
13:43 who had fallen asleep were raised;
13:45 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection,
13:49 they went into the holy city and appeared to many.
13:53 Okay. And now what you find here is, this many people
13:59 don't understand or know that this is a fulfillment
14:02 of a prophecy that was written by Isaiah.
14:06 I'm going to go to Isaiah, chapter 26, verse 19.
14:14 Isaiah 26, verse 19.
14:18 And read that prophecy there.
14:21 Okay, here we are.
14:28 Your dead shall live,
14:31 together with my dead body they shall arise.
14:36 Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust,
14:41 for your dew is like the dew of herbs,
14:43 and the earth shall cast out her dead.
14:47 You find here when it says,
14:49 together with my dead body shall they arise.
14:52 The prophecy here is when Christ rose the saints
14:57 that were chosen by him to be witness his rose
15:00 and they went in and they witnessed
15:02 to the resurrection of Christ.
15:05 Um, the--the suggestion here as you ask the question
15:08 is when we read Revelation chapter four and five
15:10 and the Bible speaks of the 24 elders and the Bible
15:14 speaks of the 24 elders in the context
15:16 of being around the throne.
15:18 One of the questions he had here is.
15:20 When was their judgment?
15:22 The bible doesn't give any indication
15:24 as to when their judgment was.
15:25 In other words, I understand what you mean.
15:28 When were they judged and deemed worthy
15:31 of being resurrected and taken to heaven.
15:36 I would actually answer that question though.
15:38 Anyone who dies, probation
15:41 for that individual on their life is closed.
15:43 Right. So it is settled what their destiny is at that time.
15:47 True. So as far as pre-advent judgment
15:50 that's complete upon death.
15:52 True. Because the Bible says it is a pointer unto men,
15:55 once they die and after that the judgment.
15:57 And so he's speaking about the judgment
15:59 that he refers to as beginning in 1844 thereafter.
16:03 Right, right, yeah. Well, and speaking of that I mean,
16:07 even then they knew that was coming.
16:10 I mean, the same. You'd have the same argument
16:11 for Moses or Elijah, you know, how where they judged
16:15 before they were taken to heaven.
16:17 Well, it was all spoken of in terms of a pre-advent
16:21 judgment that would occur in the future beginning 1844
16:25 and so we know that, that judgment judges both the dead
16:28 and the living and it doesn't excuse just because Christ
16:31 has taken someone to heaven before that time period
16:35 that their judgment or their name doesn't come up
16:37 in that judgment, but it does establish here and God
16:42 has established here by taking those early or in advance
16:45 of that judgment that he is in fact
16:48 making a decision about their destiny.
16:50 And so that's why I say that in many respects
16:54 they are judged early.
16:56 And so--so you clearly see here that the inference
17:00 here is that they were raised to life never to die again.
17:05 So what happened to them and we tend to believe
17:08 and this is--there are evidences in the Bible
17:11 that can give you this--that can bring you to this conclusion.
17:15 One of the best ones is in Revelation
17:17 when it speaks about the 24 elders, the 24 elders.
17:21 The Bible never speaks of angels as elders.
17:23 It never speaks of divine beings as elders.
17:25 Elders is always a term used in reference to humanity.
17:28 And so Ephesians 4 it says, When He ascended on high,
17:32 He led captivity captive.
17:35 And so when you look at Revelation here,
17:38 Revelation Chapter 4 and 5, I'm turning there and my Bible
17:45 is very well worn and I'm looking at yours too,
17:47 John, and its very well worn. That's a good thing--
17:50 falls opens in the good places.
17:52 Its does and that's a good thing.
17:54 Somebody wants to have the bible is falling apart
17:55 belongs to a person is not.
17:58 But Revelation chapter 4 and verse 1 says,
18:04 and after these things I looked, and, behold,
18:07 a door standing opened in heaven,
18:09 and the first voice which I heard was like the trumpet
18:12 speaking with me; saying, come up here,
18:15 and I will show you things
18:16 which must take place after this.
18:17 He says, immediately I was in the spirit:
18:20 and one of the things he saw is spoken of in verse 4.
18:23 Around the throne were twenty-four thrones,
18:26 and all the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting,
18:30 clothed with white robes;
18:33 and they had crowns of gold on their head.
18:37 And when you, when you ask the question.
18:41 Who are these elders and where are they,
18:44 and how do they get there?
18:46 The Bible continues to make reference to them in verse 10.
18:50 The twenty-four elders fall down and worship
18:52 him who sat on the throne and worship him who lives
18:55 for ever and ever. And cast their crowns before
18:57 the throne saying you're worthy.
18:59 And so you clearly see here elders they could not be around
19:04 the throne of God had they not been from
19:06 the representatives of earth.
19:08 So when you tie in that, the resurrection of the saints
19:10 at the time of the resurrection of Christ,
19:12 what happened to them?
19:13 The only key we can connect to here is that,
19:17 they were a part of those who ascended to heaven
19:20 at the time of the resurrection of Christ.
19:22 And the reason you're looking for Revelation 5 verse 9.
19:26 The song they sang includes with their status.
19:32 It says, you are worthy to take the scroll
19:34 and you open its seals, for you were slain,
19:36 and have redeemed us.
19:37 Right. So these 24 elders are redeemed by Christ.
19:42 That's right. And so they have to come from this earth
19:45 and the only evidence is the only stories
19:47 we have of those taken to heaven,
19:49 outside of those that were resurrected
19:52 with Christ or Enoch, Moses, and Elijah.
19:55 Right, that's it. And that's only three.
19:58 So for twenty-four elders we can presume probably
20:04 justifiably that they came from this resurrection.
20:07 That's right. They were--they were some of the first fruits,
20:12 Jesus being the first fruit
20:13 but they were some of the first fruit,
20:15 and when you look at this Old Testament concept
20:17 the wave sheath, the first fruits.
20:20 The first fruits concept in the Bible always speaks
20:23 of a small cluster that represents
20:26 a larger cluster to follow.
20:28 Those who proceed us, those who will be a part
20:32 of the judgment and then the judgment,
20:34 the reason why they are elders
20:36 is because we are going to be judged by our peers
20:39 as is the case in the course of earth.
20:42 We could not be judged by angels
20:44 because they are not our peers and so in the reciting judgment
20:49 that's spoken of as the twenty-four elders
20:51 sitting on 24 thrones.
20:54 It fits perfectly that they are from our peers.
20:57 Thus those who were raised at the resurrection
21:00 of Christ represent and fit into Good. Okay. Good.
21:06 I have another question here.
21:08 This one is from Mugera
21:13 and she is asking about the teaching on tongues.
21:18 Oh. Good one. And she says here good afternoon.
21:21 May I know what speaking in tongues is?
21:24 And the relevant verses.
21:26 My colleagues quote First Corinthians 14
21:30 and they end up not knowing
21:32 what the scripture is referring to.
21:34 So this is conflict between what she reads
21:36 in first Corinthians 14 in her mind and then what she reads
21:40 elsewhere about speaking in tongues.
21:42 Okay. And so the most important thing
21:46 to do when you begin your study on tongues
21:49 is read how it-- how it was used.
21:53 Read the story about how tongues
21:56 came into effect as a ministry.
22:00 Right. What God actually did when he bestowed
22:01 the gift of tongues upon the disciples
22:03 and to do that you go to Acts chapter 2.
22:06 And we're speaking here in regard to the Bible
22:09 speaking in regard to Acts or--in regard to the day
22:12 of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and it says in verse 4.
22:17 That is, they had gathered together in one accord verse 1
22:21 and then in verse 4 says they were filled with a Holy Spirit
22:24 and began to speak with other tongues,
22:26 as the Spirit gave them utterance.
22:29 So here do we find a--we see
22:31 a couple of principles here. We can look at.Number one
22:32 the Spirit is--imparting the gift of tongues.
22:36 Right. So to be able to speak in tongues,
22:40 the Spirit has to be, has to fill the individual
22:43 and give them the ability to speak.
22:45 Right. Secondly, as you go on little bit further
22:49 it defines what this gift of tongues really is, verse 6.
22:55 And when the sound occurred,
22:56 the multitude came together,
22:57 and were confused, because everyone heard
22:59 them speak in his own language. That's right. Okay.
23:03 Then they were all amazed and marveled,
23:06 saying to one another, look,
23:08 are not all these who speak Galileans?
23:11 And how is it that we hear
23:12 each in our own language, in which we were born?
23:16 And then it goes to the-- different subculture groups,
23:19 ethnic groups--All the-- languages represented here.
23:21 That at that day, So--
23:23 And then verse 11.
23:24 The verse 11 it says,
23:25 we hear them speaking in our own tongues.
23:28 And that is then synonymous with languages
23:30 the wonderful works of God.
23:33 So on Pentecost we you had this large number of group,
23:38 these groups, these different language speaking groups
23:42 and the disciples here who speak only one maybe
23:46 a few of them two languages, there's gonna be a barrier
23:50 with being able to get the gospel of Christ
23:52 and his resurrection out to the world and thus launching
23:58 the period of the early church and of course God's church
24:01 throughout the world.
24:03 Well, the way to overcome that is the Holy Spirit
24:06 filled the disciples and gave them the ability to speak
24:08 the languages of these other groups even though
24:11 they had never learned them.
24:13 So this is a supernatural phenomenon
24:15 that these other groups were experiencing here.
24:18 They knew it was supernatural because they realized
24:20 these people don't know our language
24:22 but here they're speaking it.
24:23 And that is the true underlying nature of the gift of tongues.
24:30 It is bestowed upon individual to break down a barrier,
24:33 a language barrier between two groups or two people
24:37 for the purpose of sharing the gospel with the other.
24:40 That's the reason.
24:41 You know, there is a term called glossolalia.
24:43 I looked that up in wikipedia and it's really amazing
24:46 how they point out this exercise because
24:49 there is a movement that belief, very widespread,
24:56 that believes that somehow there is a heavenly language.
24:59 There is a language of angels.
25:02 There's a language of the-- Spirit that somehow is created
25:09 to keep Satan in the dark and so they say well,
25:13 this is evidenced then that when you're able to speak
25:17 in this unintelligible language, this language
25:21 that cannot be deciphered by humanity
25:23 that now you have been exalted to the place
25:26 where you can communicate with God
25:28 and nobody knows actually what's happening.
25:30 Nobody knows this being said.
25:33 The danger there is when you look at the Bible
25:35 that doesn't give that support at all.
25:37 As a matter of fact, what you just read
25:39 made it very clear that, what was so miraculous
25:43 about the day of Pentecost is the men that began to speak
25:46 in other languages were all Galileans.
25:49 And the people that heard them speak
25:52 in the language of Cappadocia, and Pontus,
25:56 and Asian, and Egypt, and Rome and the people
26:00 that heard them speaking all these different languages said,
26:03 aren't these men Galileans?
26:06 How's it that we hear them speak
26:07 in our own language, our own tongue?
26:10 So they were not speaking something
26:12 that was unintelligible.
26:13 They were not speaking some hidden language.
26:15 They were speaking a language that actually
26:17 according to First Corinthians 14,
26:19 whenever this language, whenever this ability is given,
26:23 whenever God gives a--an English person
26:26 the ability to speak in German, there should be
26:29 a German interpreter so that the person who has this ability
26:35 now can be verified that his message
26:39 is not something unintelligible because God
26:41 is not the author of confusion.
26:43 Nowadays, the way that people see this gift to
26:46 exercise is somebody would just be preaching
26:49 and all of a sudden, in the middle of sermons, I mean,
26:53 not to belittle anybody at all, but they will say something
26:56 that is totally unintelligible
27:00 and then they'll say, the Spirit did that.
27:02 Well, the question must be ask is the spirit
27:05 the one who brings in confusion because in 99.9%
27:10 of those cases where I've seen this exercise,
27:12 there is no interpreter, and-- secondly, and most importantly,
27:16 the interpretation is possible because that is a language
27:21 that does exist. That's what was communicated in the Bible.
27:25 Right. You can interpret it because it's a language
27:27 that exists on the earth.
27:29 Why would God give this language?
27:31 And when you look at Old Testament, Bible writers,
27:33 not one of them needed an odd language
27:36 to communicate to God and the majority
27:38 of the Bible is Old Testament.
27:40 The only thing that caused the gift of tongues
27:43 to be necessary was when one side
27:47 could not speak the language of another and God provided
27:50 the gift of tongues as miraculous gift
27:52 to be able to establish communication. Right.
27:54 And sometimes when you have multiple languages
27:56 to represent it, you need--
27:57 the interpreter is there of course
27:59 to provide that interpretation.
28:00 And those rules are regularly broken, frequently broken
28:05 in most of instances that, that I've seen
28:07 and I'm sure that you've seen too.
28:09 But I think probably the confusion comes
28:12 from First Corinthians 14.
28:14 That's what she brings up here
28:16 and its First Corinthians 14.
28:17 I want to read that text and provide an explanation for.
28:20 Sure, okay, let's go to it.
28:21 First Corinthians 14, starting with verse 1 says.
28:25 Pursue love and desire spiritual gift.
28:28 So we should desire the gifts
28:29 of the Spirit that He gives to us.
28:31 But especially that you may prophesy.
28:34 For he who speaks in a tongue
28:37 does not speak to man, but to God.
28:40 For no one understands him; however,
28:43 in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
28:45 And then it says.
28:47 But He who prophesy speaks edification and exhortation
28:51 and comfort to man, he who speaks in a tongue
28:54 edifies himself for he who prophesies, edifies the church.
28:59 And then another words.
29:01 Well, let's read one more 'cause it's important.
29:03 I wish you all spoke with tongues
29:05 but even more that you prophesied
29:07 for he who prophesies is greater than
29:08 he who speaks in tongues why, unless indeed he interprets
29:12 that the church may receive edification.
29:15 So the gift of tongues there was some confusion
29:19 they had coming to the church, the early church
29:20 with the gift of tongues already
29:22 and they were misusing it.
29:24 So Paul's writing on this issue and he's saying
29:26 that if you begin to speak in tongues in languages
29:31 that aren't represented of the people
29:32 there what good does it do them.
29:34 No, it doesn't do them-- Because they don't hear any edification.
29:37 They don't hear any prophesy.
29:38 They don't hear anything from the word
29:39 that makes any sense unless you have an interpreter.
29:42 Don't speak in a language that the group
29:44 that you're speaking to doesn't know.
29:46 I mean, if I would have walked
29:47 into the middle of a Korean speaking church
29:52 and that's all the language that they knew
29:53 and I started to preach in my sermon in English,
29:57 everybody would sit there saying,
29:59 this doesn't do me any good, unless what happened,
30:02 an interpreter was there
30:03 to reinterpret it in a Korean dialog.
30:07 Let me--let me inject something here
30:10 and where do you hear tongues being exercised
30:12 nowadays among believers or unbelievers.
30:17 Where do you hear it exercised,
30:18 among believers or unbelievers?
30:19 Well, you hear it exercised among unbelievers?
30:21 Oh, no. Well, do you mean in the church today?
30:23 The church. You hear that by believers.
30:25 Believers, yeah. But that's not what the Bible says.
30:28 'Cause the Lord, the Lord
30:29 says in First Corinthians 14, verse 22.
30:31 Tongues are a sign not to those who believe.
30:35 Right. But what's being taught today is,
30:37 if you are a believer, tongues
30:39 is a sign that the Holy Spirit is there.
30:41 That's not--that's completely opposite
30:44 to what the Bible teaches.
30:45 Tongues is not a sign to the believer.
30:48 Tongues is a sign to the unbeliever and to whom.
30:52 Let's get back to the story now.
30:53 To whom were the disciples being sent?
30:56 To the unbelievers.
30:59 That's right. That's what the purpose of the sign,
31:01 the purpose of the tongues that they received
31:04 were to take this gospel to the unbelievers
31:07 and when they got to the unbelievers,
31:09 and the unbelievers heard them speaking this language,
31:12 they said wait a minute,
31:13 there's no way that these Galileans
31:16 could've done this and look at how the unbelievers
31:18 try to come to grips with this.
31:19 They said wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
31:21 That they have to be drunk.
31:23 These are the unbelievers trying to find the way
31:25 to come to grips with explaining
31:27 why they are doing this--
31:28 But 3,000 yet saw the miracle and were converted.
31:30 Right. And so when they come to grips with it,
31:33 they had to come to grips with the reality
31:34 that wait a minute, wait a minute, they are not drunk.
31:38 This is what the prophet Joel spoke about and Peter
31:41 made it very, very clear, and when these unbelievers.
31:43 Clearly, they were unbelievers because the result
31:45 of that were they said okay
31:47 then what must we do to be saved.
31:50 Yeah. So it was for unbelievers.
31:51 It's not for believers.
31:52 But today, it's been flipped up side down
31:55 and you go to churches where the congregation
31:57 is full and there's an atmosphere of frenzy
32:00 that ensues in some cases.
32:02 I don't want to say it's always in the context
32:03 of frenzy but somebody will be preaching and somebody
32:06 will say something and boom right away,
32:08 oh, you know, they say something and somebody,
32:11 oh, he's in the Spirit, he's in tongues.
32:13 That's not what the Bible suggested.
32:15 You know, I looked at several translations.
32:18 Right. Of this verse 2 here, 'cause it says,
32:21 you know, he who speaks in a tongue
32:23 does not speak to men but to God.
32:24 Right. That's--that's very misunderstood today.
32:27 Let me give you my interpretation,
32:29 my translation of this. Sure.
32:30 If people don't know the language you're speaking,
32:34 your only audience is God.
32:37 It will be a mystery to everyone else.
32:39 And by the way that's in the right context
32:42 because you know the Corinthian Church
32:43 was a multicultured church.
32:46 That's right. And so people wanted to speak
32:49 in their language of comfort.
32:51 You know our church today, we have Spanish
32:56 and we have English in our local church.
32:58 So sometimes when we have a special event,
33:00 we have interpreters so they use these ear--ears sets
33:04 so that as I'm preaching, it's being interpreted.
33:06 Those who understand a different language
33:08 are hearing it in their language.
33:10 But what happened here on the day of Pentecost
33:13 making very, very clear what you just said.
33:15 It is not needed when you speak English
33:18 and I speak English.
33:19 It is not needed.
33:21 And the last thing and most important,
33:24 tongues is not evidence that you're saved,
33:27 as some people may say the exercise of this gift
33:31 is not evidence that you're saved as often the case.
33:35 Because this gift is only given as it is necessary.
33:38 Because it's a gift for ministry.
33:40 Right. Has nothing to do with being given
33:42 a gift because you're saved.
33:44 The Spirit gives it to whomever He desires.
33:46 We don't pray for a gift that we don't need.
33:49 In fact, if you look at verse 11
33:50 in the same chapter it says, therefore,
33:53 if I do not know the meaning of the language,
33:56 I should be a foreigner to him who speaks
33:58 and he who speaks will be a foreigner to me.
34:00 This you're speaking in a tongue in the way
34:03 that it was being misused back then was causing barriers
34:06 between the speaker and the individuals.
34:08 You know what, John, it's doing the same thing today.
34:10 When someone speaks the gibberish
34:12 that's coming out saying it's of God
34:14 and it's these other tongues.
34:15 What's happening is the people that are listening
34:17 they don't know what that person just said.
34:19 No, they don't.
34:20 The person that even spoke
34:22 it doesn't know what they just said.
34:25 True. So if no one knows what was just said
34:28 what good does that do anybody.
34:29 It's not edifying the church in anyway.
34:32 And that's why Paul says I'd rather have you prophesy
34:36 'cause when you prophesy, you're speaking the truth
34:38 from God's word and it glorifies God
34:40 and edifies the church in that it help grow
34:43 spiritually strong believers.
34:44 And what if Paul had the ability to do,
34:46 Paul says, I thank God, I speak with tongues
34:49 more than you all.
34:51 Paul had the ability to speak in many different languages--
34:54 And he traveled so much--
34:55 He traveled so--he spoken many different languages,
34:59 but he said that's not what you need,
35:01 what you need to be able to do is prophesy
35:03 so that church will be edified.
35:05 Because I came in speaking in a language
35:06 that was not represented in the congregation,
35:08 its better that I speak five words that somebody
35:11 may understand than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue.
35:15 And so brethren, the bottom-line
35:17 is what's happening in the Christian churches
35:18 today is not what God ordained on the day of Pentecost.
35:23 It is not the intended use for the gift of tongues,
35:26 which in fact simply for the-- gift of different languages.
35:28 That's all it is. Yep. All right.
35:30 Well, we took a little extra time--Yeah--
35:32 With answering questions today. It was important.
35:34 Yeah. I think so too. So, so if you have any questions
35:37 you like to send to us, any further questions,
35:39 or any further clarification about something
35:41 we addressed today,
35:42 send those questions to
35:45 That's and we do appreciate everything
35:49 you do for the furtherance of the gospel
35:52 here at House calls as well as at 3ABN in general.
35:56 Thank you very much.
35:57 Now, John, take us into our topic.
35:59 We were talking about faith.
36:01 I tell you we really had a good time in that topic
36:03 and I think today we're gonna continue
36:05 enjoying what the Bible says about faith.
36:07 Yeah. A faith is really the foundation
36:09 of everything we do as Christians
36:12 as this is the Christian-- Foundation of our faith.
36:15 That's the foundation of our faith.
36:16 In fact it's called, when you're in the faith,
36:20 the faith that's a different use of the term
36:22 than the active faith that we exercise as Christians
36:25 but the faith is Christianity.
36:28 And so as we walk in Christ, we do that by faith
36:32 and there're so many aspects as to how important
36:35 faith is in our daily walk and we begin to talk about
36:38 those things and I think we kind of left off,
36:40 you know, last program speaking in regard
36:42 to the role of the Holy Spirit.
36:45 You know, Holy Spirit comes into our life
36:47 and helps to--helps us to do those things than which God
36:52 wants us to do through the exercising
36:54 or the active--activating the muscles of our faith.
37:01 We also looked at the text from Ephesians 2:8-10,
37:04 which it says for by grace you have been saved through faith.
37:07 Grace is reaching down, extending the hand of God
37:10 down toward us to give us what we need
37:13 whether it'd be salvation or strength to get through
37:15 a new day or help in time of need,
37:18 but faith is that activating agent
37:19 that causes that to happen.
37:21 So we exercise that faith and trust in Him,
37:24 He responds by pouring out His grace upon us.
37:27 So how, we're going into some of practicalities now.
37:30 And then last couple of programs on faith
37:32 and how we see faith used in the Bible
37:35 and how we can apply
37:36 that to our daily lives, exercising our faith.
37:39 And one of things I'd like to began
37:41 by saying is one of the-- problems we have in our world
37:44 today is there's so much fear existing.
37:47 Yeah. So much in trepidation people are.
37:50 Christians more specifically are becoming paralyzed
37:56 in many cases by what they see happening around
37:58 them and whenever you are filled with fear,
38:01 one of the natural responses to that is you tend
38:05 to wanna control even more your surroundings.
38:08 You know, the more I can-- control my surroundings,
38:12 the less fear I would have.
38:14 And the Bible points out why we are filled
38:16 with so much fear.
38:18 And--so why don't you take us
38:19 to that passage and use that as a segment into our.
38:23 Let me share this text with you to kind of give you
38:25 what Jesus did say will happen at the end of time.
38:28 If you look at just real quickly at Luke chapter 21.
38:32 Okay, Luke 21, yes. Right around verse 34.
38:39 Actually, its not 34. I'm sorry its 25.
38:43 And Jesus says, and there will be signs in the sun,
38:47 in the moon, and in the stars,
38:48 and on the earth distress of nations with perplexity,
38:53 the sea and the waves roaring,
38:55 men's hearts feeling them from what?
38:58 From fear. From fear. And-- the expectation of those things,
39:02 which are coming on the earth
39:03 for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.
39:05 That's right. Now if you haven't seen this verse here,
39:09 these couple of verses worked out in fulfillment over
39:12 the last decade, you've been sleeping in a coma
39:15 because we have seen all of these things happening.
39:19 We've seen these signs going on especially
39:21 with regard to the earth shaking, and the sea over,
39:25 you know, roaring and coming upon the earth,
39:29 absolutely, and peoples-- people who are fearful
39:32 at the expectation of what they see coming upon the earth,
39:35 there's great fear out there today.
39:36 So when you say that we're not saying just something,
39:40 you know, don't think in terms of just America.
39:42 We've had our share, I mean, tornadoes
39:44 those of you who are living in the Tornado Alley,
39:46 over the last couple of years we've seen
39:48 a multiplicity of growth in not only in severity
39:53 of tornadoes but the numbers of tornadoes.
39:55 And, and this sun flare that happened not too long ago,
39:59 there is this feeling of oh, what if the sun flare
40:04 really extends itself out far beyond the normal range.
40:09 You could just wipe out communication on earth
40:12 in some degree and far greater than we've ever known
40:15 before and it could take three to five or ten years
40:17 to restore certain parts of the United States.
40:19 So there is this fear that's being nurtured in society
40:23 today and people are really as this text says,
40:26 men's hearts are failing them because they have lost
40:28 their anchor and the Bible tells
40:30 us exactly what that anchor is.
40:32 You know one another things I heard recently
40:34 on that flare, the solar flare.
40:36 The scientists said that they--that we're getting
40:38 into a very active period of the sun.
40:40 That sun is doing a lot more this year lately.
40:42 And the last one that came out,
40:44 remember they said it was gonna hit about a certain time.
40:46 But the next morning we woke up, and the news said,
40:49 we are very fortunate.
40:50 It didn't actually hit us dead on.
40:52 It moved and kind of went to the side of us.
40:55 We experienced some of the stuff but not to the tune
40:58 that we thought was possible scientists said.
41:01 And it brought up to my mind a text
41:04 from Revelation chapter 7 where it says,
41:08 and I saw four angels holding back the four winds,
41:12 so that the things do not strike the earth
41:15 in advance of the sealing of the saints
41:17 getting the saints prepared
41:19 for what is coming upon the earth.
41:21 And so what we're finding now is the earth
41:23 isn't infected to its fullest at this point.
41:26 No, not at all. God is protecting this earth
41:28 from its full impact, but one day
41:31 God is going to allow these things to strike the earth
41:34 and the series of event that causes earth
41:38 to wake up and take note that the world
41:41 is indeed coming to an end.
41:43 Right. That is when as we're talking about John,
41:45 as we turn to our topic that is when we need faith.
41:50 And the words that we spoke of here this last program
41:54 with--we started off with in fact,
41:56 when Jesus comes will He really find faith on the earth?
42:00 He says those words because that's what's needed
42:03 in these tough times
42:05 in preparation for Christ's return.
42:07 Right. And people are trying to do everything
42:08 they possible could do to avert the next crisis.
42:10 I mean we saw this terrible tragedy
42:13 down in New Orleans when,
42:14 you know, I forgot what the hurricane was.
42:17 It's just been a few years ago where the devastation
42:20 was just phenomenal where the water waves
42:22 were over inundated, and then we had a year past
42:26 or so go where they had 600 tornadoes in one month
42:31 just devastating and wiping out
42:33 so much of the south Midwest area and just continuing
42:37 all the way to some of the-- northern states and the east,
42:41 and then we have the seasonal changes where the weather
42:44 is a lot warmer than it's supposed to be and people
42:47 are wondering while we enjoy warm weather,
42:49 we're still saying what is going on?
42:52 What's happening around us?
42:53 What actually is gripping our planet?
42:55 What's the meaning of all of this?
42:57 And so even now, you know, the terrible tsunami
43:02 that ensued there in Japan after the earthquakes.
43:05 The news said, well, what they're going to do
43:08 at that sea wall, they're gonna build
43:10 that sea wall twice as high than it was.
43:14 But I'm thinking to myself can you stop water
43:18 moving at 200 miles an hour?
43:21 What wall is gonna stop that?
43:23 Yeah, absolutely. A sea wall of massive 1,000s
43:28 of tons of water just hitting a wall.
43:31 50 foot high wall is not gonna stop that.
43:33 It's gonna topple it over like a pin on a bowling alley.
43:37 And so men are trying in every respect.
43:39 But I want to begin with this text--well,
43:41 not begin but go to this text in Matthew 8
43:43 because this text points out the reason why it occurs,
43:47 but it also gives us another handle
43:48 to let us see how we can re-- how we can recover our faith.
43:53 Yeah. And carry as we read this text--carry in your mind
43:56 this idea of the winds of strife coming upon the world
44:01 and notice what the disciples
44:02 are going through here in this story.
44:04 I think it's fitting to read verse 23 of Matthew 8.
44:09 Now when he got into a boat, his disciples
44:12 followed him and suddenly a great tempest
44:15 throws on the sea, so that the boat was covered
44:19 with the waves but he was asleep.
44:22 Then his disciples came to him and awoke him saying,
44:25 Lord, save us, we are perishing.
44:28 That's how people feel today.
44:30 But look at the reality. Verse 26, John.
44:34 But he said to them, why are you so fearful,
44:40 oh you have little faith?
44:43 Then he arose and rebuked the wind and the sea.
44:46 And there was a great calm.
44:49 And the men marveled saying who can this be,
44:51 that even the winds and the sea obey him.
44:56 It's so funny about this is his disciples are saying that.
44:59 Christians are being surprised by the ability of God
45:05 and they're focusing so much more on the winds blowing,
45:09 the seas, and the waves roaring.
45:11 But we must remember that Jesus can calm those
45:14 and bring a great calm into our lives.
45:18 The key here is not that the disciples
45:22 didn't have any faith, because we've already read
45:26 we've all been given a measure of faith--
45:29 That's right. Everybody's got some faith to work with.
45:31 The issue is that the disciples had not been relying on faith
45:36 to grow in their trust with God--or trust in God.
45:41 And so when you don't practice your faith
45:44 it's like a muscle that's not used, John.
45:47 You know, what is the word? Atrophy.
45:49 You know, when a muscle is not used,
45:51 it goes through this periods of atrophy
45:54 where it just loses its strength.
45:56 It becomes very weak-- Breaks down.
45:58 To a point where you can't even hardly walk,
46:01 or use some of these muscles
46:02 and there're some dreadful diseases out there.
46:04 We had a young, man far too young,
46:07 die here recently up in Sandpoint
46:10 where I pastor right now and he had ALS,
46:12 Lou Gehrig's disease, and he just wasted away,
46:16 because his muscles were not usable.
46:18 He couldn't use his muscles.
46:21 And we find the same thing happening with faith.
46:24 Satan wants to cripple your faith,
46:26 the faith that God has given you.
46:27 Right. But if you exercise that faith,
46:30 if you put it and trust in God and let him workout
46:34 your life for you, then when the trouble really comes,
46:37 then the first place you go is back to God, right?
46:40 That's right. How many times do we find that when we're thrown
46:43 into a situation that is seems hopeless
46:46 and we instead of going to God, we go to despair
46:50 and we just it's almost like we find every solution
46:53 but God for the problem.
46:56 When God wants to teach us
46:57 that the first place you go, is to him.
47:00 And let him workout these struggles.
47:01 And that's essentially what Christ was saying.
47:03 You have little faith.
47:05 You're not exercising the-- faith that you've been given.
47:08 It's just--it's little at this point.
47:09 And you need to grow this faith.
47:11 You got to grow up. And the disciples ask that,
47:13 Lord, increase our faith
47:16 and we do need an increase in our faith.
47:19 Why? Because increase in our faith strengthens
47:23 our constitution to say that we can trust Jesus.
47:26 We can trust the Lord with our situations,
47:29 with our properties, with our families.
47:31 And even though it doesn't workout exactly
47:33 the way you'd like it to immediately know
47:35 that the Lord is working it out in His way and in His time.
47:38 I was--this subject--similar subject came up in
47:42 the message that I preached here recently
47:45 and I was talking to the congregation.
47:48 I said, you know, when you are thrown
47:50 into the middle of a trial, we read in James chapter 1
47:55 that trials are to produce in us patience.
47:59 True. And that is a patient trust in God.
48:02 Now when you're thrown in the middle of a trial
48:04 and you just lose it and you try every other
48:07 which way to solve this problem and you're complaining
48:09 about it on top of that and you just
48:11 fall to pieces with this, God--obviously,
48:15 God is trying to teach you something in the trial,
48:17 but you're not learning.
48:19 And what does God do then after that experience
48:23 where you haven't learnt to grow your faith?
48:25 What is the next agenda item on the list?
48:29 Another trial.
48:31 And so the reason why some people have trial,
48:33 after trial, after trial is because they haven't learnt
48:36 from the first trial.
48:38 And I'm not saying this in every case but sometimes
48:41 when we're going through an experience like this,
48:42 we need to stop and think about,
48:43 why we're going through it.
48:45 And that maybe God wants us to learn
48:48 and he wants to strengthen our faith
48:50 in the midst of this trial so that when other things
48:53 come in life later on, that we will come back to him
48:56 and exercise that faith and he can deliver us from a trial.
49:00 But until we grow in the midst of a trial,
49:03 He has no other choice because He loves us to continue
49:06 to allow us to experience trials
49:07 and hope that we might turn to Him.
49:09 And these trials come not because God
49:12 wants them to come, but because He sees
49:14 that through them, our faith in Him will be strengthened.
49:20 You know, you could turn to so many different sources
49:23 in difficult times until you realize wait a minute,
49:26 the only reliable one is Christ.
49:29 Yes. The only sustaining one is Christ.
49:32 I want to go to Mark 11. I want you to see this. Okay.
49:35 Mark 11. Look at Mark 11 here.
49:37 I'm gonna look at verse 22 to 24 and this is talking
49:41 about the power of faith, the power of faith.
49:44 All right. I think verse 20 is a good place to start.
49:48 Okay. Now in the morning, as they pass by,
49:51 they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.
49:54 And Peter remembering said to him,
49:57 "Rabbi, look, the fig tree which you have
50:00 cursed has withered away."
50:02 So Jesus answered and said to him, have faith in God.
50:07 Why because he is looking at the tree. Right.
50:09 But notice what else. For surely I say to you,
50:14 whoever says to this mountain, this is tremendous faith,
50:18 be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt,
50:22 the opposite of fear or faith is doubt.
50:24 And does not doubt in his heart,
50:27 but believes that those things which he says will come
50:31 to pass he will have whatever he says.
50:34 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask
50:37 ask when you pray believe
50:38 that you will receive them and you will have them.
50:41 So he is saying the tree will wither.
50:44 Those--they're experiences in our lives
50:46 where things will wither, things that we have
50:49 put our trust in will fade away.
50:51 But the Lord says wait a minute.
50:52 But if you have faith, that's not an issue.
50:55 Because whatever obstacles before you don't look
50:58 to the thing that you thought could solve that situation,
51:01 but look to the faith that God has given to you.
51:04 Look to the Lord through the door of faith.
51:07 Talking about the word believe there though in that passage,
51:10 because it seems like that's kind of the key focus
51:14 of exercising their faith here is that he says,
51:17 believe that you receive them.
51:20 I mean, is he talking about belief there is a God?
51:24 And God exists, He will watch over me,
51:26 or is he saying believe about this specific
51:29 thing that God will provide it.
51:31 He's saying believe about this specific thing that God
51:33 will provide it.
51:35 Why that's so widely important here is that,
51:37 when we kneel down and pray,
51:39 or when we are driving in our car in prayer,
51:41 and when we stand and pray, however, you pray,
51:44 prayer is saying to God I'm speaking
51:48 to you because I believe that you can do this.
51:51 But to walk away from that prayer and worry
51:55 is to do opposite to what this verse says.
51:59 Because he doubts and-- he doubts in his heart.
52:01 Go with me now to James, James,
52:05 James yes, James chapter 1. I think I know we're heading.
52:10 Okay, matter of fact I may have you read it.
52:11 I read the last two.
52:12 May I have you read this one?
52:14 James 1 starting with verse 6 and down to verse--oh,
52:21 verse 6 and yeah, verse 6 and 7.
52:24 How about if you start above and then come down to verse 6--
52:27 Go for it. Let's go with verse 2.
52:29 Brethren counted all joy when you fall into various trials.
52:33 Now that's something that's a challenge
52:35 for everybody unless--
52:36 We don't have poise when we have trials.
52:37 Counted in joy. Knowing here's why you counted
52:41 it joy by the way, knowing that the testing of your faith
52:44 produces patience.
52:46 But let patience have its perfect work,
52:49 that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.
52:54 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God
52:57 who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
53:00 and it will be given to him.
53:02 But let him ask in faith with no doubting,
53:06 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
53:09 driven and tossed by the wind.
53:12 And verse 7. For let not that man suppose
53:14 that he will receive anything from the Lord.
53:17 Wow. If your faith is being tested
53:19 and you don't ask in faith, then it's like a person
53:23 who is double minded.
53:25 When the person ask and then he doubts,
53:28 is like saying, I know you can do it,
53:30 but not sure kyou can do it. Yeah.
53:35 Whatever happened to that passage in the Bible
53:38 that reads as follows where God says is there anything
53:42 too hard for me. I mean, John--
53:45 All things were possible, all the promises.
53:46 I got beside myself in a sermon once and I said to people
53:50 be careful, I mean, don't mind me I'm just really beginning
53:54 to look at the God outside of this world.
53:56 I'm beginning to look outside of an unknown
53:58 and untouched worlds that, astronomers are beginning
54:02 to say there are many, many, many, many, many,
54:04 many worlds outside of ours, many galaxies,
54:06 many constellations, many solar systems and if God
54:10 could put all that together, how difficult is it for God
54:13 to provide something that I have as far as a temple
54:16 need is concerned. Is it difficult?
54:19 It's absolutely not difficult at all.
54:21 You know, we fear often, John.
54:22 I think we fear mostly that God
54:25 will not answer our problems in the way that we want Him
54:29 to answer them.
54:32 See I think sometimes when we are exercising our faith,
54:37 we begin to be concerned.
54:39 I think, someone said, well, I don't doubt God can do it.
54:41 I think sometimes the problem is that we're doubting God
54:44 will do it the way we think it should be done.
54:47 And there in it lies the problem.
54:49 When you ask God to accomplish something
54:52 to change a situation, to work in a situation
54:54 for the good of all, that's your motive,
54:59 not in a way that I would like to see it worked out.
55:03 Because when we say Lord I die daily,
55:05 I'm dying to self.
55:07 We're saying not my will, but your will be done.
55:10 So when you pray knowing God will do something
55:13 or can't do something, know that He will but leave
55:17 the decision as to how up to Him.
55:19 Yeah. You have to, I mean, you really can't--you can't take
55:22 it to yourself.
55:23 As a matter of fact, I want to give another text
55:25 before our program winds down because what happens is God
55:28 makes promises to us, but if those promises
55:29 are not mixed with faith, if you're listening to the gospel
55:32 and the faith that God wants you to have is not included,
55:35 then it's of no value whatsoever.
55:37 Look at Hebrews 4, Hebrews 4, verse 1 and 2.
55:44 It says as follows.
55:47 Therefore since a promise remains of entering his rest,
55:51 let us fear, lest any of you seem to have come short of it.
55:56 And look at what happened. For indeed,
55:58 the gospel was preached, to us as well as to them,
56:01 but the words which they heard did not profit them.
56:05 And what's the reason, John, read the rest of it.
56:07 Not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.
56:10 Ahh. What was missing? Faith. Next verse says.
56:16 For we who have believed do enter that rest. Okay.
56:20 So important part--important aspect of faith
56:25 is truly believing that God will do it.
56:27 And resting.
56:29 And they didn't the promise land because their walk
56:32 with God was not a faith walk. Yeah.
56:34 It was continual. We're hungry.
56:36 We're thirsty. The Egyptians are following us.
56:39 We're gonna die in the wilderness.
56:41 The giants are too big in the land,
56:42 can't over come it. The Giants are big. I mean, come on.
56:44 Does this sound like a lot a Christian today?
56:45 Yeah, absolutely. It sounds like a lot because
56:48 I think we're so focused on what we want and how we want
56:51 something to workout and-- even sometimes forgetting
56:55 that God is there to provide everything for us,
56:57 that we're just--one of the biggest things
57:00 I find here today is the biggest enemy
57:02 to the church and to our lives is the world.
57:05 Right. The worlds come in and we're losing faith
57:07 and trust in the God that can't do anything for us.
57:11 That's why Jesus says, He has overcome the world.
57:13 What has overcome the world even our faith.
57:17 And so those of you who are watching and listening
57:19 to the program, you know, really pray for the Lord
57:21 to strengthen your faith.
57:22 Disciples ask that question as a follower of Christ
57:25 it is not unjust to ask that question
57:27 because when the Lord comes into your life,
57:29 he will give you a faith that will not fail you.
57:32 God bless you, and have a great day in Christ.


Revised 2014-12-17