House Calls

First Great Error, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang (Host), John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL120021

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend, and sit back
00:03 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Welcome again, friends,
00:23 to a special edition of "House Calls."
00:25 We're continuing on the era number one
00:28 or era number one talking about the Bible Sabbath.
00:33 And to my right is my good friend Pastor John Stanton.
00:35 Good to have you here, John. Good to be here again.
00:38 You know, I tell you, this program,
00:39 we have taken the time to specifically focus
00:42 on an issue that has been, to a great degree--
00:45 I think that's an understatement,
00:47 it has been grossly misrepresented
00:50 in the Christian world.
00:52 This is not so much a concern
00:53 about what's being said in the world.
00:54 If you're not a follower of Christ,
00:56 well, just honoring the Sabbath is not gonna make
00:59 a difference one way or the other.
01:00 You know, there are people that are great vegetarians
01:04 and they are vegans,
01:05 but they don't even accept Jesus at all.
01:07 You know, they just got a good diet.
01:09 So this is not about a message to those who don't know,
01:13 but to those who do know and are being taught arbitrarily
01:16 or being taught intentionally I should say,
01:19 from pulpits all around the world
01:21 that the Sabbath doesn't matter.
01:22 We've talked about and made some indent
01:25 on this topics thus far, John,
01:27 and so we're gonna go ahead
01:28 and transition now into what the Bible says
01:30 in the New Testament establishing the factors
01:33 of the last days and the significance of it
01:37 in the exercise of our worship in these last days.
01:41 Yeah, and I think the best place to start will be the cross
01:45 and Luke portrays very clearly in his transition
01:48 of the preparation day to the Sabbath,
01:53 to the Resurrection Day and then we go
01:56 right from there into the period of the church.
01:58 Very good. And we do that.
02:00 But let's start with prayer as we always do.
02:01 So bow your heads with us
02:03 as we seek the Lord in prayer. That's right.
02:05 Gracious Father in heaven, You are so good to us.
02:08 We don't deserve it.
02:09 But again, we come before You
02:11 because we are in such great need of Your blessing.
02:14 And today, Lord, it's nothing new.
02:17 We're asking for Your Holy Spirit.
02:18 We're asking for Your presence here during this program.
02:22 Reach our heart, touch our heart
02:23 with what You want us to know and teach us--
02:27 guide us through the helper,
02:29 the Holy Spirit who will come to guide us
02:31 into that truth that we desire for our lives.
02:34 Lord, we give You our lives, we give You our hearts
02:36 and we wanna honor and glorify You in Jesus name.
02:39 Amen. Amen.
02:41 John, I'm so glad you've chosen to catapult into that--
02:46 Now friends, as we go to Luke 23:54-56
02:51 and Luke 24:1 may be verse 2.
02:54 What are we gonna be looking at is, in fact, a yearly event
02:59 that occurs in every Christian faith,
03:03 the honoring of the resurrection of Christ.
03:06 Now, the big argument today, John,
03:07 I'm smiling now because this is a praise to the Lord text.
03:10 This is a hallelujah, thank you, Jesus, text.
03:14 When Christians get to the place where they say, Easter--
03:19 Well, we know, I'm not gonna talk about
03:21 the pagan aspects of it,
03:22 that's not the purpose of my statement here.
03:24 When Christians get to the place
03:25 where they honor the resurrection of Christ
03:29 in many faiths, in the Christian world,
03:33 they look to--it's called holy week in the Catholic Church
03:37 and the majority of my family is Catholic.
03:40 They look to holy week and then they come to Ash Wednesday,
03:46 Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
03:52 Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday,
03:57 which in some-- it's also called Palm Sunday.
04:01 Sometimes, Easter Sunday is called Palm Sunday.
04:04 You know, your Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday,
04:06 Good Friday, Easter Sunday, sorry.
04:08 And so you have clearly these observances
04:11 that mark out the clear explanations
04:15 that these verses, we're going to read,
04:18 have brought to the forefront.
04:20 So we're gonna read this verses and
04:21 we're gonna stop along the way and explain clearly
04:24 where we are in the exercise of Good Friday,
04:28 Easter Sunday, all right?
04:30 It also answers the question, how do we know
04:33 the seventh day is Saturday. Right.
04:36 Still today. Right.
04:37 How do we know that it's Saturday?
04:40 Maybe it's all shifted because you know
04:41 the calendars have changed. Right.
04:43 The calendars have changed with the adjustment
04:47 or the adopting of a different system. Right.
04:50 But the weekly cycle itself has not changed.
04:54 It is never changed the cycle of Sunday,
04:56 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
04:59 Right. They even named the days.
05:01 It used to be day one, day two, day three,
05:03 but now it's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
05:06 and that part has never changed.
05:07 Just the date, the number of the date
05:10 has changed and shifted.
05:12 And so since this time, since the crucifixion of Christ
05:16 and His resurrection, nothing has changed.
05:19 It is still in the order as presented here
05:23 in the scriptures, from Luke 23.
05:26 And I'm gonna start with verse 53, or 52.
05:33 And this is Joseph and it said,
05:35 "This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus."
05:39 Jesus had been crucified.
05:40 He had died and they're asking for His body.
05:43 "Then he took it down, wrapped it in linen
05:46 and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of a rock,
05:50 where no one had ever lain before."
05:52 That day was, John? The preparation. That's right.
05:57 And the Sabbath drew near.
06:00 So it is not the Sabbath yet, it's the preparation day,
06:03 that preparation day is commonly
06:05 also known as Friday. That's right.
06:09 And that's when Jesus was crucified.
06:11 Now there is some confusion,
06:13 we don't have time to talk about this.
06:14 Some say, well may be he wasn't crucified on Friday,
06:16 maybe it was earlier in the week.
06:18 The crucifixion clearly here established
06:20 was on the preparation day, the day has always been Friday.
06:23 History will tell you that.
06:25 Verse 55, "And the women who had come
06:28 with him from Galilee followed after,
06:30 and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid.
06:33 Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrance oil."
06:36 And they did, what, John?
06:38 And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment.
06:42 There you go. According to the, what?
06:45 Commandment. Commandment.
06:47 So the disciples are commandment keepers? Right.
06:50 They're also Sabbath keepers
06:52 because they did what Jesus asked them to do,
06:54 that is from Sabbath to Sabbath to observe God's--
06:57 to remember and observe God's Holy Day.
07:00 Now notice this, verse 1 of Chapter 25 or 24.
07:07 "Now on the first day of the week,
07:09 very early in the morning, they,
07:11 and certain other women with them,
07:12 came to the tomb bringing the spices
07:14 which they had prepared,
07:16 but they found the stone rolled away from the tomb,
07:20 then they went in and did not find
07:22 the body of the Lord Jesus."
07:23 John, what had happened? He rose. He rose.
07:26 He rose from the grave. From His--His tomb.
07:31 And today He is still risen.
07:34 And clearly, John, we see established here
07:36 a sequence of days on where these events happened,
07:42 preparation day, crucifixion, the Sabbath,
07:45 Christ resting in the grave,
07:47 His--He in being dead following the crucifixion.
07:51 Sunday, the first day of the week very early
07:53 in the morning being resurrected from the tomb. That's right.
07:58 And that has not changed.
08:00 In fact, I would suggest to you they--
08:04 well, maybe we're too early to talk about this,
08:06 but the very church that claims the authority
08:08 to have changed that Sabbath to Resurrection Day,
08:12 which we now mostly Christian world observes as the Sabbath.
08:16 They believe it is the Sabbath, as Resurrection Day,
08:18 claims do it on the authority of the resurrection.
08:22 And by virtue of the fact that,
08:24 that resurrection happened on the first day of the week
08:27 which is why we observe or most Christians observe
08:29 the first day of the week in church worship
08:32 and other things that we've now been doing
08:35 as a matter of tradition in the Christian church for now,
08:38 how many centuries? Since early 300 or 4th century. Right.
08:43 Really, 4th century A.D.
08:45 So that's--anyway that's kind of an ushering
08:48 into now what we're seeing as the,
08:51 or what the Bible is gonna describe now
08:53 through the book of Acts as the church era,
08:56 the era of the church under the new covenant.
08:59 And we want to see, John, here whether or not
09:01 the Sabbath was changed at this time or not. Okay.
09:06 Because this is the allegation. This is what is being taught.
09:11 That as the resurrection happened,
09:14 that is when the Sabbath was changed to Sunday
09:16 and that's why we see the disciples
09:19 and others observing the Sabbath
09:21 on this first day of the week in the book of Acts.
09:23 We've got to find out if that's true.
09:25 Okay, well, now--let me begin with the words of Jesus
09:27 because this is a very wonderful place to start.
09:29 I would take the word of Jesus probably, sorry--
09:33 I would take the word of Jesus
09:34 unequivocally over anyone else's word.
09:37 I mean, that's what we have to get to the place and do.
09:40 We have to say, okay, I know what the pastor said,
09:42 but Jesus says, I know what my church says,
09:46 but Jesus says, that's what we have to do
09:48 and that is missing in Christianity nowadays.
09:52 We are honoring people with mega degrees and giga,
09:55 mega churches like as though there are some,
09:58 they are the new God. That is not God's intent.
10:03 God is to be worshipped.
10:05 When John was about to bow before the angel
10:07 in Revelation 19, the angel says
10:09 "Don't do this, I am of your fellow servant
10:11 and your brethren, worship God" and what's missing today,
10:14 is God's word has been so minimized with the word
10:17 "but" and then they go on to explain something
10:20 that's not supported by God's word.
10:22 But when you read the words of Jesus in reference
10:24 to destruction that was going to come to Jerusalem
10:29 39 years after He made this statement. That's right.
10:32 You'll find that Jesus by His own words acknowledged
10:38 that the Sabbath would still be in place after His death,
10:42 after His resurrection, and after His ascension.
10:46 And as the Christians of the early church
10:50 were coming together for worship.
10:51 Right, the reason why they continued worshipping
10:53 on the Sabbath is because it wasn't an issue.
10:56 But before we're done in the program,
10:58 we hope to try to get to it.
10:59 If not maybe we might think of stretching this.
11:01 But here's my point,
11:03 Jesus by His own words made it very clear
11:06 that long after I'm gone,
11:07 I'm back in heaven preparing a place for you,
11:10 be careful that when destruction comes to you in Jerusalem,
11:14 it doesn't happen on the Sabbath.
11:15 Here's His words, Matthew 24 and let's start with verse 17.
11:23 We're gonna talk about the abomination of desolation
11:26 in verse 15, but let's go ahead and read,
11:29 when destruction comes.
11:30 Verse 16. Matthew 24:16 down to verse 20.
11:35 "Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,
11:39 let him who is on the housetop not come down
11:43 to take anything out of his house."
11:44 In other words, just get.
11:46 Get out of there. Get out of there.
11:48 "And let him who is in the field"
11:50 verse 18 "not go back to get his clothes.
11:54 But woe to those who are pregnant
11:56 and those who are nursing babies in those days."
11:58 This is gonna be tough.
12:00 And then He says in verse 20,
12:01 the words that admit by Jesus' own words,
12:04 He confirmed the continued existence of the Sabbath
12:08 long after His death, and resurrection, and ascension.
12:11 "And pray that your flight
12:13 may not be in winter or on the Sabbath."
12:19 Capitalize Sabbath there. Jesus is saying
12:23 when destruction comes to Jerusalem,
12:26 I pray that it doesn't happened on the Sabbath.
12:29 And, John, tell me, why?
12:30 What would the Christians be doing on the Sabbath?
12:34 They'll be worshipping in the synagogue or in a church.
12:37 And they all know exactly where to find them,
12:40 to destroy them, to take their lives.
12:43 And when you read about the destruction of Jerusalem,
12:46 Josephus, the historian in A.D.--
12:48 talks about the destruction in A.D.70.
12:50 This statement was made in A.D. 31.
12:54 So 39 years after Jesus ascended to heaven,
12:57 He, Jesus, is saying, there'll still be--
12:59 the Sabbath will still be in place. Right.
13:01 And He was not talking about a new Sabbath.
13:05 This is the transition now we have to make.
13:07 We have to confirm here that there was no transition
13:10 between what Jesus said, and what the disciples did.
13:14 We talked about that, we touched on that briefly,
13:16 but now we're gonna go
13:17 to some of the passages in the New Testament.
13:19 After John makes his point,
13:21 'cause I know you want to reiterate something.
13:22 We're gonna go to some passages in the New Testament,
13:25 specifically in the book of Acts,
13:26 to show that these disciples
13:28 knew clearly what Jesus meant.
13:30 And by the way, we began the program
13:32 with that very text in Luke 23:54-56
13:35 and Luke 24:1 showing that when Jesus was in the tomb,
13:40 the women that were gonna anoint His body,
13:42 they didn't do so, on the Sabbath
13:44 because they rested, according to the commandment.
13:46 They rested according to the commandment,
13:48 the fourth commandment. Jesus even rested at His death.
13:54 He was in the tomb on the Sabbath day.
13:58 So now, let's go to a couple of passages
13:59 in the New Testament. What do you wanna say before we...?
14:02 No, let's just go to several of them. All right.
14:04 We're gonna read from Acts 13, Acts 17, Acts 18. Acts 6--
14:10 Several things, that are clearly indicators,
14:14 the day that both Jews and Gentiles
14:18 came together for worship.
14:20 That's right. Okay, which one?
14:21 Spend time observing God Sabbath day.
14:23 Let's start with the first one, go for it.
14:25 So the first one, I want to kind of give you
14:27 every instance. Right.
14:28 Let's look at most of these here.
14:30 Acts 13:42 and 44. All right.
14:34 Verse 42 says, "So when the Jews went out of the synagogue,
14:37 the Gentiles begged that these words
14:39 might be preached to them the next Sabbath."
14:43 And then verse 44 says, "On the next Sabbath
14:45 almost the whole city came together
14:47 to hear the word of God." This is now the Sabbath.
14:50 That's right. All right?
14:52 Now, why do we know this isn't Sunday?
14:54 Because the Sabbath is a different word
14:57 than the first day of the week. That's right.
15:00 These are two different days
15:01 as we're just seeing Luke describe.
15:03 Dr. Luke, who wrote the book of Luke
15:05 which we just read from also, wrote the book of Acts.
15:08 He didn't just mess up in his language.
15:10 He was consistent.
15:12 He says this is the Sabbath, another day,
15:15 the first day of the week, is a different day.
15:18 And the Sabbath was the day that Jews and Gentiles
15:20 came together to worship the Lord and to praise His name.
15:25 And so we see the first instance of that here in Acts 13, John.
15:30 So there you go, Acts 13:42 and 44.
15:34 So right away we find the Jews and the Gentiles, Sabbath.
15:38 Paul and Barnabas preaching on the Sabbath, clearly.
15:42 Now, let's look at the next reference.
15:43 Here we go to the Acts 17, Acts 17 Verse 2.
15:49 And look at verse 2.
15:51 And this one is significant because this is where
15:53 Thessalonica where they began to turn the world upside down.
15:57 And when you look at this, it is very significant.
16:00 Then we're gonna go to the passages
16:01 that are commonly referred to as the text that holds the change.
16:07 But we'll see that it's completely contrary,
16:10 there is no change.
16:12 Okay, Acts 17:1 and 2,
16:15 "Now when they had passed through
16:18 Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica,
16:26 where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
16:29 Then Paul, as his custom was went into them,
16:35 and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the scriptures.
16:42 Now explaining and demonstrating
16:46 that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead
16:50 and saying, 'this Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.'
16:56 And some of them were persuaded
16:59 and a great multitude of the devout Greeks
17:04 and not a Jew of the leading woman joined Paul and Silas."
17:10 Not a few, yeah.
17:12 Not a few, that means who accepted the fact?
17:15 The Greeks so for the-- Lots of them. Lots of them.
17:17 Not few, but many.
17:18 So the Greeks accepted Christ,
17:20 but where did the Greeks hear this message?
17:23 On the Sabbath day.
17:24 And that's-- that of course parallels Acts 13
17:27 which we just read where he was--
17:30 Paul was persuading both Jews and Greeks, Jews and Gentiles.
17:34 That's right. On the Sabbath.
17:36 And this clearly here is repeating that
17:38 it was Paul's custom as well as it was Jesus' custom
17:40 when He was on this earth.
17:42 Now let's go to Acts 18.
17:45 We actually didn't go to one
17:47 but we'll go back to that in a moment.
17:49 Acts 18:4, read that one for us, John.
17:51 "And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath,
17:54 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks." Okay.
17:58 So we have a connection with both--
18:00 worship of both of them going on.
18:02 There's no separate day.
18:03 And when He says, he persuaded,
18:06 he reasoned with them every Sabbath
18:07 and persuaded both Jews and Greeks.
18:09 In this particular instance, Paul was reasoning,
18:13 and when he says every Sabbath,
18:14 he was there for a year and a half.
18:18 How many days? That's verse 11.
18:19 We know that from verse 11.
18:21 A year and a half he was there.
18:23 A year and six months.
18:25 Now, how many-- how many months is that?
18:27 That's 18 months, isn't it? Yeah.
18:28 Okay. How many Sabbaths is that? 18?
18:31 How many Sabbaths is that?
18:32 I think its 72 or 78 Sabbath.
18:36 78 Sabbaths in a row.
18:39 Now, if I had changed something,
18:43 I would have been really upset with Paul,
18:45 that he would have been sending the wrong message.
18:48 If God intended to change,
18:49 if Jesus had nailed the Sabbath to the cross.
18:52 I would have said this guy is not representing me.
18:54 I would not have his works recorded.
18:56 Matter of fact, I would refer to him
18:58 not as an apostle to the Gentiles,
19:00 but an apostate apostle.
19:02 Yet by his very actions, a year and six months,
19:05 78 weeks in a row, 78 Sabbaths in a row,
19:09 he preached to Jews and Greeks.
19:13 You know, John, I see no evidence of a change there.
19:15 So that's clearly not any place you can go to to suggest
19:20 that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. That's right.
19:22 'Cause there is a consistency here of meeting every Sabbath.
19:24 That's right, and you know what's amazing
19:26 about this book it's called the Acts of the Apostles.
19:29 There are shortened-- shortened to Acts.
19:32 This is what they did?
19:34 This is what they did? So if I'm an apostle,
19:36 if I'm carrying a message as a preacher,
19:39 I should be following what the apostles did.
19:42 So this idea of the Apostles' Creed,
19:43 it's all in the life of the apostles.
19:45 This is what they did.
19:47 They're not doing anything out of harmony
19:48 with what Jesus established from the very beginning,
19:51 Old Testament, the life of Christ,
19:53 He did the same thing.
19:54 He said it was gonna exist
19:56 long after He had ascended to heaven.
19:57 So that's why they're continuing to honor the Sabbath.
20:00 Now let's go to another reference Acts 16:13.
20:03 I'd like you to read that one for me.
20:05 It says, "On the Sabbath day we went out of the city
20:08 to the river side, where prayer was customarily made;
20:11 and we sat down and spoke to the women who met there."
20:15 Okay, the reason why they did it by the river side is
20:17 because they were not enough men to begin
20:19 a physical church building, but they continued worshipping,
20:22 so they went down by the river side.
20:25 But, once again, no evidence there
20:27 that there was any change in the Sabbath.
20:29 We're seeing consistently, over and over
20:32 the New Testament Church.
20:34 Get this, friends, the New Testament Church.
20:38 We are the New Testament Church.
20:39 The New Testament Christian did not change the day
20:45 from the seventh day Sabbath to the first day.
20:49 Any change yet, John? No, no change.
20:51 Okay, so now what I wanna do, is now I'm gonna dive
20:54 into the fray and bring up the favorite text
20:58 in the book of Acts that is often sided
21:02 as the change coming into play. Okay.
21:04 All right? Let's go Acts 20:7.
21:06 We're gonna look at all these texts.
21:08 Acts 20:7 and I'd like you to read that one for us, John.
21:11 I'm gonna look up something else here
21:12 while you're reading Acts 20:7.
21:14 And this is particularly very significant, read Acts 20:7.
21:19 Okay, it says, verse 7,
21:20 "Now on the first day of the week,
21:22 when the disciples came together to break bread,
21:25 Paul, ready to depart the next day,
21:27 spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.
21:31 There were many lamps in the upper room
21:34 where they were gathered together."
21:36 So one of the interesting things about this text,
21:38 is that it shows that the disciples
21:40 and those that were worshipping together,
21:43 gathered during an evening. Right.
21:46 This is where many lamps were burning.
21:49 This is where the message continued until midnight
21:51 that Paul was preaching
21:53 and they were gathered together in the evening.
21:55 Now, here's the one of the interesting things
21:56 about this is that we-- here it commonly taught
21:59 that on the first day of the week,
22:01 look there's a gathering of the people together.
22:02 And they're breaking bread.
22:04 And they're breaking bread. So clearly there's a change.
22:06 Well, number one, the first problem is,
22:08 this is the first day of the week
22:09 and it's in opposition to the Sabbath
22:11 that they met inconsistently or consistently
22:14 throughout, up to this point. That's right.
22:18 But keep in mind here,
22:19 there's one thing that often people forget,
22:22 to this day-- during this day
22:25 the custom of the Jews as a nation,
22:28 and as a people, and had been for many years,
22:31 was that the day began at evening. That's right.
22:36 So where the sunset that was
22:39 the beginning of the next day. Correct.
22:41 So the beginning of the first day of the week
22:44 was actually in our day, Saturday night. Okay.
22:48 So the Sabbath, which is why the Jews to this day,
22:52 we, as well, observe the seventh day of the week
22:56 from Friday sun down 'cause that's the beginning
22:58 of the seventh day to Saturday sun down. That's right.
23:00 Then on Saturday sun down is the first day
23:02 of the week till Sunday sun down. That's right.
23:04 So this here is a meeting that's taking place
23:07 in vernacular today on Saturday night. Right.
23:11 What were they doing on Saturday night?
23:13 Well, if you do some research, John, I was looking online.
23:15 There was a custom that the Jews
23:19 had where they would get together
23:20 and we call it vespers, having a vesper program.
23:23 But they had vespers as well.
23:25 They got together regularly to close out the Sabbath.
23:28 They'd been observing the Sabbath all day,
23:30 they'd spent time together, the evening now
23:32 had come and they were having Sabbath vespers.
23:34 This was simply saying that as they spent
23:36 the whole day together on the seventh day,
23:38 as the evening came about, they had this vesper program
23:42 and Paul preached during this vesper program
23:44 until midnight. All right.
23:46 That is what's happening here.
23:48 There is no endorsement of a Sunday worship service
23:52 or a first day of the week, except that it's at evening,
23:55 on Saturday night worship service here.
23:57 So we easily can dismiss this text from being--
24:00 providing any kind of support for a change
24:03 of the observance of Sabbath to Sunday.
24:05 And the other thing that is amazing here
24:06 that we cannot afford to not mention is,
24:10 there's almost the suggestion that by doing something
24:12 you change what God has done.
24:15 There's a suggestion here by--
24:17 let's just say, now we met on Sunday.
24:20 And matter of fact, we give--we have
24:22 a Bible study training class on Sunday morning,
24:25 and we met three Sundays in a row,
24:27 would that action say to the community,
24:30 now the Seventh-day Adventist Church
24:33 is honoring the first day of the week?
24:35 Absolutely, not. That's the same instance here.
24:38 Paul was gathering together--
24:39 He was about to take a 16 to 20 city tour all throughout Asia.
24:46 He was gonna go from one location
24:48 to the other, eventually, ending up in Rome,
24:50 where in the duration, in the process of this journey,
24:54 he was arrested and eventually ended up to Rome
24:56 and appealed to Caesar.
24:57 You find that in Acts 27.
24:58 But he was simply giving his farewell sermon
25:03 to the Christians at Troas
25:06 and when Eutychus fell from the window
25:10 because he preached so long and so late in the evening.
25:12 I don't feel bad, I preach sometimes up to an hour
25:15 and may be a little bit after that.
25:16 But Paul preached and even after Eutychus was
25:19 brought back to life he continued preaching.
25:21 He was biding them farewell as he was gonna begin a long tour.
25:25 But here's what the-here's what the inference,
25:27 here's what the suggestions are when people read this text.
25:30 They said see, they were breaking bread
25:32 on the first day of the week.
25:35 That's what this text is used to say.
25:37 But, friends, what they don't tell you
25:39 is what Acts 2:46 says. Go there with me.
25:43 Showing you once again
25:44 that the actions of man cannot remove,
25:47 nor abricate, nor alter the command of God.
25:51 Here it is, Acts 2:46. Notice what it says.
25:56 "So continuing" what is the next word, John? Daily.
25:59 "Daily with one accord in the temple,
26:03 and breaking bread from house to house,
26:07 they ate their food
26:08 with gladness and simplicity of heart."
26:12 Verse 47 "Praising God
26:14 and having favor with all the people.
26:16 And the Lord added to the church."
26:18 How frequently, John? Daily.
26:21 Those who were being saved, this was evangelism.
26:25 This what, this is exactly what this was--
26:27 house to house temple evangelism.
26:30 Everyday people were being saved.
26:32 Well, how're they gonna be saved everyday?
26:34 By breaking bread in the temple and from house to house.
26:37 These people are serious about
26:39 getting the message out. That's right.
26:40 That's what this is saying.
26:42 The breaking of bread was not an action to abricate,
26:44 nullify or void the fourth commandment.
26:49 So we have no evidences thus far.
26:50 But let's go to another text now.
26:52 This is text number 1.
26:54 Acts 20:7. When you read-- when you listen
26:56 to a sermon by very popular preacher,
26:59 take note, all those popular preachers
27:03 deceive their congregation with this text.
27:05 And they use this text and say,
27:07 in this verse to Christians transfer the legalistic Sabbath
27:12 from the Jews to the first day of the week
27:15 after the resurrection of Christ.
27:19 Lie. Not true. And here's what--
27:21 This is not a transference of the Sabbath.
27:23 We want to say this.
27:25 We want to be respectful,
27:26 but we want to be defensive of the truth. Exactly.
27:29 This is where we're being defensive
27:30 of the truth not to be disrespectful.
27:33 We say this because it is my belief that many of them
27:37 actually do understand that there was a--
27:40 there was no change. How'd they know that?
27:42 And the Sabbath is Sunday.
27:44 The real issue is that if they were to change,
27:47 they would lose most of their congregation
27:49 and they would lose the financial benefits
27:51 that come from pastoring the church.
27:53 It's a sad reality, but it's true. It is true.
27:55 We've had preachers that told us that.
27:56 And I'm respectfully stating the truth,
27:59 because most of the time, on this subject,
28:02 it is a rationalization of the practice,
28:04 not an actual search to put the church
28:07 in harmony with God's word. Right.
28:09 And this is where we're standing up and saying,
28:11 you know, we're living in the last days
28:12 and this is becoming-- it's going to become the issue.
28:16 The bifurcating, separating issue between
28:19 God's faithful people and those who are observing
28:23 a man made setup, a tradition. That's right.
28:25 If that's the case, we must get this message out
28:28 which is why we're doing this special series,
28:31 a sharing series here on the Sabbath.
28:33 And of course the second great era
28:35 which is coming up on the immortality of the soul.
28:40 So anyway, I just wanted to say that because--I'm glad you did.
28:43 We keep harping on this,
28:44 but we're trying not to do this disrespectfully.
28:46 We're trying to do this with respect,
28:48 but there's also sometimes the truth does have
28:50 that two edge sword, it does cut.
28:52 And, you know what, we want to agitate,
28:54 and the word I'm using there agitate is intentional.
28:57 We want to agitate the mind because, you know what,
29:00 so many Christians don't think,
29:02 they just do what the pastor says.
29:04 They don't read their Bibles.
29:05 They sit in church like this
29:07 and they listen to these classically,
29:09 wonderfully put together oratorial displays.
29:13 They don't do anything. Itching--Itching ears,
29:14 what's that verse.
29:15 Yeah, they gather to themselves
29:17 teachers, having itching ears.
29:18 Paul talked about that in the last days,
29:20 there'll be teachers that will gather to themselves.
29:22 They will gather teachers that have itching years.
29:24 They'll turn away from the truth and be turned to fables.
29:26 And the itching ears, there is they want to have their ways,
29:30 their ears scratched.
29:31 So they feel good about what they practice already,
29:34 not to learn the truth,
29:35 but that someone would endorse and support their lifestyle.
29:38 And that's unfortunate that the truth
29:39 offends sometime because if you are Christians--
29:42 I heard a preacher just recently say,
29:44 the truth is so important to the people of God.
29:46 We've got to honor the truth and in the very same sermon
29:48 he's teaching the Sabbath was changed
29:49 to the first day of the week.
29:51 And I am thinking, apply that principle to yourself.
29:54 But now, let's go to the next passage and, John,
29:57 I want you to read here in the book of 1 Corinthians 16.
30:03 First Corinthians 16, I want you to look together
30:05 with me at verse 1 and read that for us.
30:10 "Now concerning the collection for the saints as I have
30:14 given orders to the churches of Galatia, so you must do also.
30:19 On the first of the week that each one of you
30:21 lay something aside storing up as He may prosper.
30:27 That there may be no collection when I come."
30:29 Okay, now, this passage in fact
30:33 is speaking about the famine
30:38 that had gripped the church.
30:41 And in order for the relief to come to those
30:46 who were effected by famine.
30:49 This was what I may refer to as a Red Cross,
30:53 or Salvation Army attempt.
30:55 Special call to give.
30:56 A special call to give.
30:58 But what I want you to notice
30:59 is this collection did not take place in a church.
31:03 There's no church gathering here.
31:05 The gathering was what the people
31:07 did at their own homes,
31:09 that there be no gathering when I come.
31:11 Otherwise you'll be pulling things together
31:13 while I am standing at the doorway.
31:15 Get this again.
31:16 On the first day of the week Acts 16, verse 2.
31:20 Let each one of you lay something aside.
31:24 Lay it aside, clothing, food,
31:27 canned food whatever. Store it up.
31:29 Storing up as He may prosper
31:34 that there be no collections when I come.
31:40 Now, when you come to church, but when I come to your house.
31:44 But this text has been twisted.
31:46 When Christians gathered together in the church,
31:48 they had a collection on the first day of the week.
31:50 That's not what this says.
31:51 And if you go on further,
31:53 you will notice that as they continue this collection.
31:57 And look at verse 3.
31:58 "And when I come whomever you appoint by your letters
32:03 I will sent to bear you a gift to," where?
32:06 "Jerusalem." The Christians in Jerusalem were
32:09 experiencing a famine and they were getting all they could,
32:13 all the goods they could
32:14 to relieve the suffering of those in Jerusalem.
32:17 So you go on further and you see the story.
32:19 "But if it is fitting" verse 4 "that I go also,
32:22 they will go with me." And then conclusions down here.
32:25 "Now I will come to you when I pass through Macedonia
32:28 for I am passing through Macedonia."
32:30 And so He is continuing going from city to city
32:32 to gather food, to gather provision
32:35 for those who are under famine
32:38 and in under dourest in Jerusalem.
32:40 Now, we need to answer though
32:41 why this was to begin on the first day of the week,
32:44 because there is a principle here.
32:46 They had been gathering together on the seventh day of the week.
32:50 And this is the very next day-- the first day of the week.
32:52 This is when the collection or the gathering should begin.
32:55 That's right Start thinking--
32:57 here's the principle, start thinking about your offerings
32:59 and your gifts before you get to church.
33:01 Start thinking about your offerings and gifts
33:03 for the next Sabbath when you come together to worship
33:06 on the very day after you've spent
33:09 the last Sabbath at your church.
33:11 Sometimes I think, John, as pastors we wonder
33:13 with our giving in congregations
33:15 that it's just like whatever is in your pocket.
33:19 Oh, what do I have? Right.
33:21 And they pull out and throw it in the envelope.
33:22 Paul is saying here, I want you to think about it
33:24 as early as possible which should be the first day,
33:26 the day after you've gathered together
33:28 for your next offering. That's right.
33:31 So the principle here it clearly follows
33:33 that they've all ready come together to observe.
33:36 Now, individually they are setting something aside,
33:38 storing it up beginning the first day of the week on.
33:41 Right. So these two passages the most popular ones Acts 20: 7
33:47 and First Corinthians 16:1 down to verse 4
33:52 You could read the rest of the story
33:54 because the collection continued.
33:55 They were relieving the suffering,
33:57 point--bread was broken,
34:00 bread was broken by the Christians everyday.
34:03 Acts 2:46 is a supplement to Acts 21:7 showing,
34:07 you that breaking of bread
34:09 was not a first day, new Sabbath,
34:11 new day of worship activity.
34:14 Not at all supported by scripture.
34:16 First Corinthians 16 was a collection
34:18 for the saints that were in hardship in Jerusalem.
34:22 They were going from house to house collecting.
34:24 This was not a collection taken up in church
34:27 on the first day of the week.
34:28 This first day of the week collecting
34:30 was taken up from house to house.
34:32 They were collecting from house to house.
34:35 Read the story that, they'll be no collecting
34:37 when I come to your house, not when you come to church.
34:41 So these are out of window. Yeah.
34:43 Now let's-- look in third--third one
34:45 you want to transition by saying something.
34:46 No, go ahead, we see we have a lot to cover.
34:48 We've lot to cover. Twenty minutes left.
34:49 So going fast. So We need to move on
34:52 because we got to cover Colossians 2.
34:54 We got to cover Ephesians 2. Okay.
34:57 Romans 14. And by the way--
34:59 by the way I want to point this out.
35:00 We did that in a former program
35:02 when we talked about the two laws contrasted.
35:05 So but, we all just include a little portion of that
35:08 in this program because it fits here.
35:09 Revelation 1:10. It's the third text that's often referred to.
35:13 And by the way some of your chain references--
35:15 reference Bibles do the job on you
35:17 because the chain references are not inspired references.
35:20 These are chained references
35:21 often put in by the commentators,
35:23 by the people who put these Bibles together.
35:26 You'll notice in your Bible at Revelation 1:10
35:29 the chain reference points you to Acts 20:7
35:32 when you read the phrase the Lord's Day.
35:34 That's the classic way that Satan has used people
35:38 to drive your mind opposite
35:39 to what God's word actually says.
35:41 I'm being frank about it. Read out Revelation 1:10.
35:45 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day,
35:47 and I heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet."
35:50 Now, I head the preacher say again.
35:54 Revelation 1:10, they gathered on the Lord's day
35:57 the first day of the week.
35:59 You will find no scriptural support
36:00 for that at all, none whatsoever.
36:03 And once again, I reiterate,
36:05 man cannot change in the course of human history
36:09 what God never changed, what Jesus never changed,
36:12 and what the disciples had no authority to change.
36:15 So who changed it? God didn't,
36:17 Jesus wouldn't, the apostles couldn't.
36:21 So the question is, who did. All right. That's true.
36:24 In fact I did some looking up here real quick
36:26 while we were talking about some other things.
36:28 You find the change happened in the 4th century,
36:31 atleast the beginning of the change. Right.
36:33 Ah, history will tell you
36:34 and you don't have to go too far
36:35 to actually look into this. Right.
36:37 But history will tell you that there was a time
36:39 where the Jews really fell out of favor in Rome.
36:41 Rome wanted to really separate
36:44 from any appearance whatsoever of the Jews.
36:47 They call it Judaizing. Yes.
36:48 And Constantine, who's in power now
36:51 starts to see that the Christians--
36:54 you know what, there is something maybe
36:56 that I can agree with within Christianity,
36:58 but it was more from a sense of establishing his own power
37:02 and his ability throughout the kingdom the empire
37:05 that he was overseeing as emperor of Rome.
37:09 But what we have here is to separate now
37:12 from an appearance of Judaism which they also believed
37:16 was ritualistic,
37:19 very legalistic, burdensome.
37:26 They felt that if we could just change the day
37:29 and in fact what they did was they changed the day to the day
37:32 that we aleady as pagans worship. That is right.
37:36 Which is Sunday, look up the official
37:39 that the major day of the worship for pagans.
37:41 Pagans worship the ultimate God,
37:43 their supreme God is the Sun God.
37:45 It is Sunday in honor of him.
37:48 That is the day they were used to worshipping.
37:50 So they want to transition what was a very Jewish thing
37:53 they perceived to a pagan thing that they already observed.
37:56 And in doing so, it brought favor with the people
38:01 who then, when Constantine proclaimed himself Christian.
38:03 They assigned to Christianity itself.
38:05 That's how paganism began to merge in with Christianity.
38:09 In fact, and I have the very edict issued--Okay.
38:12 By Constantine himself in 321 A.D. Here's what it says.
38:17 "On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and people
38:21 residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed.
38:26 In the country however persons engaged in agriculture
38:29 may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits because it often
38:32 happens that another day is not suitable for grain-sowing
38:35 or vine planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment
38:38 for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.
38:41 So here on the venerable day of the Sun that the magistrates
38:44 and the people reside in the cities rest."
38:47 You have here the first sign of legislated day of worship.
38:53 That's right, and it's called,
38:54 and I wanna say what John just said.
38:56 The venerable day of the Sun,
38:59 you wanna catch that "sun-day" worship.
39:03 Now we know the names of the days
39:05 were not assigned in the Bible.
39:06 But if you look throughout various cultures,
39:09 various language groups around the world,
39:11 you'll find the word for Sabbath is closely associated
39:15 with the original word in the Bible
39:17 and the Hebrew, Shabbat. That's right.
39:20 And you'll find clearly that it's, you know, Sabbatismos,
39:26 Sabbath you will find in the Syriac language.
39:29 They when the first of the week is called Sunday
39:32 in our language, but they call it one day into the Sabbath,
39:36 two day into the Sabbath, three days into the Sabbath,
39:39 four days into the Sabbath, five days into the Sabbath.
39:41 When they got to Friday they called it eve of the Sabbath.
39:45 And then when the Sabbath came they called it Shabbat--
39:49 Sabath, the day of the Sabbath.
39:53 That was in the Syriac language, in the Persian language.
39:56 So when the Sabbath ended, right after the Sabbath
39:59 they called it one day, two day, three day, four day, five day
40:02 when they got to the sixth day
40:03 they called it eve of the Sabbath.
40:06 And when you go throughout all human history
40:07 you will be hard pressed to find any of the day
40:11 established as a day of worship other than that.
40:13 I wanna also read another quotation
40:15 because what we're pointing out here and, John,
40:17 very, very good point you made here.
40:19 The change was not done by God, by Jesus,
40:22 by the disciples or the apostles.
40:24 It wasn't done by the New Testament Christian Church,
40:26 it was done by Rome.
40:27 Pagan Rome, now Papal Rome partnered into bringing
40:32 into the Christian fellowship by persecution
40:36 and by the from 303 to 313 A.D.
40:41 Roman emperor Diocletian did all he could
40:43 to wipe out the Christian church.
40:45 But 321 A.D. Roman Emperor Constantine established
40:50 under his Christianity a new day of worship.
40:53 The venerable day of the Sun now being given to the Christians
40:58 and they began by feasting
40:59 and merry-making making of a light day.
41:02 And they made the Sabbath look like a burden
41:03 they called the Judaizing to make it look like
41:06 the Jews were the ones that were doing everything
41:09 that was burdensome and evil.
41:10 And that was the next counsel in 364 saying that Christians
41:14 must not Judaize by resting on the Sabbath
41:16 but must not work on that day or must to work,
41:19 excuse me, on that day. That's right.
41:21 So encouraging them to work. That's right.
41:23 On the Sabbath, but honoring the Lord's Day
41:26 which they said was now Sunday.
41:28 You know, John, I wish we had time to do this
41:29 and maybe you could check back with us on this,
41:31 but I have an entire presentation of the movement
41:34 of the first day, Sunday worship being pushed.
41:37 As in Croatia, and Germany, and England,
41:40 and various parts of the world,
41:41 the first day is it being established in a law setting.
41:46 What's the word legislatively being established as a day being
41:49 honored and recognized as a holy day.
41:52 And the Pope, this present Pope is saying, we must honor Sunday,
41:55 it is a matter of our salvation.
41:57 We must give our soul at Sunday give Sunday its soul.
42:00 Its amazing quotations, I don't have time to put it here,
42:02 but I do have all the information.
42:04 But here's another question,
42:06 speaking about the change of the day.
42:08 And by the way, as I read this I recognize that my family.
42:12 I once again, I say this ton of times,
42:14 but some of you may miss it.
42:15 My family is predominantly Catholic,
42:18 so I am not beating anybody up.
42:19 I love my family to the nth degree every single one of them.
42:23 But I cannot stand by and watch their hearts and their lives
42:27 be intentionally deceived by what their church admit
42:32 has no scriptural authority,
42:34 but rest solely on the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.
42:37 Yeah. That's what happened during the Dark Ages.
42:39 Let me go ahead and read this.
42:41 Notice the following section from a Catholic catechism.
42:44 And I will give you the reference
42:46 right here as we are done.
42:48 Matter of fact what we're going to do at this program is take
42:49 this and put in just this as the DVD
42:50 and add these quotation and scriptures to it and make it
42:53 available to the public, that's yet to come.
42:55 Have you any other way of proving that the church has
42:59 power to institute festivals of precept?
43:03 Answer, from the Catholic Church.
43:06 Had she not such power she could not have done that
43:10 in which all modern religionists agree with her.
43:16 That's churches, modern churches.
43:18 She could not have substituted the observance
43:21 of Sunday the first day of the week.
43:25 For the observance of Saturday the seventh day and get this.
43:30 A change for which there is no scriptural authority
43:36 and I am gonna just say this because
43:37 I am planning to do that--to do this.
43:40 You will see on the screen as we put the slides in later on.
43:43 You will see this reference actually show up
43:45 so you can trace it yourself.
43:46 You know, John, what I want to say to those listening
43:48 and watching the program.
43:50 We're not making this up.
43:52 No, this is factual. This is history.
43:55 I mean this is just as real as the nose on your face.
43:58 If you got the face, you got a nose.
44:01 You know, if you got a head, you got ears and eyes.
44:03 Now, this is just real
44:05 as the anatomical structure that we all possess.
44:08 If we were making this up we could be trouble makers,
44:10 but what we are trying to do is undo all the lies
44:12 and deception that Satan has taken
44:14 thousands of years to classically put together.
44:18 And, John, I want to say at this particular point.
44:20 I want to show how God knew. You wanna bring anything out
44:23 before we go to the next reference.
44:24 No, I just, you know, there's so many things
44:26 that references and quotes we could bring
44:28 you from Rome herself. Right.
44:31 In regard to the change and she is unabashedly
44:35 very clear, the change was not scriptural,
44:38 the change was a response what was a result of our authority.
44:43 In fact she says, Sunday is the mark of our authority.
44:46 Right. The church is above the Bible and this transference
44:50 of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.
44:53 That comes from the Catholic record Lenin Ontario,
44:56 September 01, 1923. Right.
44:58 So even you're talking about 20th centuries they're saying
45:01 Sunday is the mark of our authority.
45:02 It's by virtue of the change shows that
45:05 we the church have authority of the Bible.
45:08 And elsewhere she actually says this.
45:12 And this is Rome.
45:13 "If Protestants would follow the Bible,
45:15 they should worship on--worship God on the Sabbath day.
45:19 In keeping Sunday
45:20 they're following a law of the Catholic Church."
45:24 You know, if our language here at all
45:28 sounds a little bit in protest. It is.
45:31 Because we are Protestants. Right.
45:33 We are still protesting the authority
45:37 that Rome claims. Right.
45:39 And that authority and its mark is Sabbath to Sunday,
45:44 The transference they claim to have made. That's right.
45:47 And so if that's their authority, of course we're going
45:50 to go after that in protest. That's right.
45:53 We are protesting that this is wrong
45:56 and Protestants there are many Protestant churches
45:58 that still call themselves Protestants,
45:59 but they are not anymore. No.
46:01 They're no longer protesting. The word is, yeah.
46:03 We want to say as Seventh-day Adventist ministries
46:05 we continue to protest.
46:06 We're continuing to remain Protestants
46:08 and true to our faith that when we see error we will reveal it.
46:12 That's right, the Protestant reformation was for that
46:14 very purpose when Martin Luther stood up there
46:17 and defended his faith
46:19 he, being a former monk of the Catholic Church,
46:24 found his hope in the Bible, that just shall live by faith
46:28 and he defended in his 95 thesis.
46:30 The 95 reasons why he reject the dogma
46:33 and the authority of the Roman Church.
46:36 And he stood up firmly to establish the foundation
46:39 on a thus saith the Lord, but today the Christian Church
46:41 has departed from what the word of God has said.
46:44 And tradition, and convenience, and financial motivation,
46:49 and modern conformity has watered down what God's word
46:54 has not removed as our obligation to serving
46:58 and worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ.
47:00 Matter of fact we talk about this and its amazing John that
47:03 end prophecy and we want to point this out.
47:06 This is kind of where we wanted to connect.
47:07 We gonna wind up around this and then bring a text out
47:10 a very powerful text at the very end.
47:12 But in prophecy the Lord knew. See God is sovereign, He knows.
47:16 Remember, the commandment was
47:18 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
47:21 Right, so He knew somebody is gonna try to change it.
47:24 He as a matter of fact even pointed out
47:25 that it would be Rome.
47:27 There are only four kingdoms in human--in biblical prophecy.
47:31 Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
47:35 Rome was the fourth kingdom.
47:37 And in the book of Daniel the Lord said clearly.
47:39 Daniel 7:23, he says the fourth beast this is the fourth kingdom
47:47 because it makes it very clear.
47:48 This four beast or four kingdoms
47:50 that will arise out of the earth.
47:51 "The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom on the earth
47:55 which shall be different from all other kingdoms,
47:58 shall devour the whole earth,
48:00 trample it and break it in pieces."
48:02 And the Roman power has done that today.
48:04 When you look at the Roman power when you look at
48:06 Roman Catholicism round the world.
48:08 The roman leader the Pontiff, the Pope is seen
48:10 as a political and religious leader.
48:13 He is different from all the others.
48:14 He is not just political like Babylon, Medo-Persia
48:17 and Greece was but he is religious. That's right.
48:20 But what did he do? Verse 25,
48:23 "He shall speak pompous words against the most high."
48:26 Don't have time to talk about all that right now--
48:28 shall persecute the saints of the most high.
48:30 That was the Dark Ages for 1260 years.
48:32 More than 50 million Christians that
48:34 did not fall in line with Rome's dictates.
48:37 But this is something that God predicted he would do.
48:41 Verse 25, "He shall intend or think
48:44 to change times and laws."
48:47 And Rome has made that attempt, they changed laws.
48:50 The commandment that forbids image worship is removed
48:55 because they worship images and the commandment
48:57 that points at the Sabbath has moved it up
48:59 to the third and not the fourth commandments.
49:03 And the tenth commandment is split into two.
49:06 And all that the fourth commandment
49:08 says is remember to keep the Sabbath holy.
49:11 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
49:13 It removes what day it is.
49:15 It takes out if you look at that.
49:17 Go get a copy of the Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine,
49:20 you'll see this is what it simply says,
49:21 remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
49:24 It doesn't tell you what day it is because
49:25 they by their own authority admit the change.
49:29 And, John, what amazed to me.
49:30 I will turn this back over to you before we wind up.
49:34 Comments from churches of other authorities and denominations.
49:37 You have the Pentecostals, Presbyterians,
49:40 a Moody Bible institute, the Methodists, the Lutherans,
49:42 the Episcopals, the Congregationalists,
49:44 the church of Christ, the Catholic Church
49:45 and the Baptist church in their manuals
49:48 all admit that they know.
49:50 Their leadership, their manuals all admit that we recognize that
49:53 there is no scriptural authority
49:54 for the honor of the first day of the week.
49:57 So whose authority are we honoring?
50:00 When we refused to honor God's authority and choose tradition
50:05 and convenience over what God says.
50:09 Whose authority are we honoring?
50:10 Well, there's only two authorities.
50:12 So I don't--I would not want to be politically correct.
50:17 But if you are not into God's authority
50:18 you're under an another authority--
50:20 That's right. And that's the enemies.
50:21 And now, we're not saying because
50:23 we have referred to this before too. Exactly
50:25 The last messages the Three Angels messages
50:27 from Revelation 14.
50:28 We've read from that is going to grow
50:30 to a point where Revelation 18.
50:32 You see another angel joining them who says
50:35 come out of her my people. That's right.
50:39 So we're talking about systems here,
50:41 we're not talking about people. Very important.
50:43 We're not talking about Catholics.
50:45 We're talking about the system of Rome. That's right.
50:47 And there are many Catholics, and Protestants,
50:50 and Presbyterians, and Baptists
50:51 and all these that are God's people today.
50:54 We're talking to you and part of the message
50:56 is from God's work come out of her my people. That's right.
51:01 You know, someone would say while you would just
51:02 want to me join my-- join your church.
51:04 Yeah, we want you to come into the truth.
51:07 That's right. And follow God with all your heart.
51:09 I mean, our honest plea to you we're not sharing this
51:12 information just to say that we're right and you're wrong.
51:14 That's not the case we are trying to share
51:16 what the Bible says, so that you can hear
51:17 and respond to God's call
51:19 to come out of the false system Babylon,
51:22 in fact we did a whole recent two programs
51:27 on spiritual Babylon. That's right.
51:29 And that is the system that the message
51:31 is going to all God's people in that system
51:33 that is still there to come out
51:35 just as it was during Babylon where the Israelites,
51:39 the southern kingdom, the nation of Judah were taken in captive
51:44 by Nebuchadnezzar and his army,
51:46 and were held captive for seventy years plus.
51:50 And then God called them out and back to Jerusalem to rebuild
51:54 what was set at waste.
51:56 Now, spiritually that's happening.
51:58 The waste places are going to be rebuilt as God's people
52:01 are coming out of Babylon and then before Christ return
52:04 God will restore that remnant, that people that come together
52:08 to worship Him. That's right.
52:09 And it will be on the foundation that last test is going
52:12 to be on whether or not you will honor God's commandments
52:17 and you will see that in Revelation throughout.
52:19 That the saints are the ones that keep the commandments
52:22 of God that the devil wars against those who keep
52:25 the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus.
52:29 Over and over again it's against that people,
52:31 the commandment keeping of God.
52:33 You know, I want to make this before I wind these points,
52:35 so we have to condense them but I want you to do the research.
52:37 Do your homework--do your homework.
52:41 There the ceremonial Sabbaths were nailed to the cross.
52:45 Colossians 2:15, Colossians 2:16, Ephesians 2:15,
52:50 the ceremonial Sabbaths and you will find the reference
52:53 to the ceremonial Sabbath
52:54 in Leviticus 23 from verse 4 on down.
52:58 Which was the Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread,
53:01 the Feast of First Fruits, the Feast of Pentecost,
53:03 the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement,
53:05 the Feast of Tabernacles.
53:06 These were all the appointed the table --
53:09 all these were appointed feast pointing to Christ.
53:12 And when He came He nailed those Sabbaths to the cross,
53:17 small ceremonial Sabbaths.
53:19 But religious leaders bunched them together and nailed
53:23 the whole thing to the cross. Yeah.
53:24 That's not what the Bible does, because remember
53:26 the Bible Sabbath, the weekly Sabbath
53:28 was established before sin entered the world.
53:31 There was no need to get rid of something
53:32 that was perfect anymore than
53:34 there is a need to get rid of marriage.
53:35 Not only that, God refers
53:37 to the seventh day Sabbath as His day. That's right.
53:40 And He refers to the Sabbaths that are these
53:42 ceremonial Sabbaths as belonging to the people.
53:44 That's right. They're the ones that Sabbaths
53:46 that belonged to the people his day,
53:49 the only day he has is the seventh day.
53:52 So you can't bunch those together because
53:54 one belongs to him, one belongs to the people,
53:57 and we find that consistently throughout
53:59 the Old Testament as well.
54:00 And here is the condemnation to leaders today.
54:02 Ezekiel 20:26, "Her priests have violated my law,
54:08 and have profaned mine holy things,
54:10 they have put no difference between the holy
54:13 and the profane, neither have they showed difference
54:16 between the unclean and the clean,
54:18 and they have hid their eyes from my sabbaths,
54:21 and I am profaned among them.
54:23 Among the leaders, the people God wants to rescue them.
54:26 But any leader that teaches
54:28 that God's Sabbath is nailed to the cross.
54:29 Ezekiel 22:26 says, "God has profaned among them."
54:33 He is not speaking through those who say that he did away
54:36 with something that he did not do away with.
54:39 In Exodus, in Isaiah 66:23, 22 and 23 it says
54:44 "For as the new heavens and the new earth which
54:46 I will make shall remain before me it says the Lord.
54:49 So shall your dissidence and your name remain
54:52 and it shall come to past that from one new moon to another
54:55 and from one Sabbath to another all flesh shall come
54:59 and worship before me it says the Lord."
55:01 John, the Sabbath will be kept in heaven.
55:03 Now get this creation, it was kept.
55:06 Old Testament, it was kept. It was kept by Jesus.
55:08 It was kept by the disciples. It was kept by the apostles.
55:11 It was kept by the New Testament Church.
55:12 It was kept by Christians who were persecuted by Rome.
55:15 It's been kept by God's true people today on the earth.
55:18 It will be kept in the new heavens.
55:20 Why is that the Christians are being taught
55:22 that it doesn't matter today.
55:24 And I want you to read this last text, Acts 5:29.
55:27 This is the deciding issue right here.
55:30 When man says one thing and God says another.
55:34 I want to have, John, read this text.
55:36 Very powerful passage.
55:37 Its not legalistic, it does matter.
55:40 It's not for the Jews alone.
55:41 It's a sing of God's love for us and our love for Him.
55:45 The Sabbath is the Lord's Day.
55:46 It was not changed by any earthly power
55:48 nor by any heavenly power.
55:50 What must we do, John, when we are lapped between
55:52 what our pastors say and what God's word says.
55:56 It's says, "Then Peter and the other apostles answered
55:58 and said, we ought to obey God rather than men."
56:04 So now let's go back to the haulage.
56:05 We have to obey God rather than man.
56:07 So what did the Lord say what did God the Creator,
56:11 our Redeemer, our soon coming King,
56:14 the one who shredded His blood to save us,
56:16 the one whose body was broken.
56:17 What did he say in reference to the Sabbath?
56:20 Remember, the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
56:25 Brothers and sisters does it matter?
56:28 If truth matters, if the Lord you love matters.
56:32 If the word of God matters, if your salvation matters,
56:36 let us not make any exception on the fourth.
56:40 When we chose not to make any exception on the other nine,
56:43 they're all one. All one in Christ.
56:45 We ought to obey God rather than man.
56:50 When the world says forget. When the church says forget.
56:54 Remember, God says remember.
56:56 You know, and God ultimately says that keeping of the Sabbath
57:01 and the keeping of His law comes from a love within our heart.
57:05 If you love Me.
57:06 That's why the law is written on our heart,
57:08 that's why He says, if you love Me keep My commandments.
57:11 Everything is motivated by love.
57:12 Not just I know the truth you don't know the truth
57:14 and so I am gonna do this. That's right.
57:16 It is a motivation it comes from love.
57:18 And that's what we want to have God do in your life.
57:21 And so friends we hope that we've agitated you to some
57:23 degree to look for truth and make your allegiance to God
57:26 and not to men because here at House Calls,
57:28 we believe that the word of God
57:30 is upper most in our walk with Christ.
57:32 God bless you as you continue walking with Him.


Revised 2014-12-17