House Calls

True Revival, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang, John Stanton


Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL130022

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend and sit back
00:03 as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of "House Calls."
00:22 Welcome, to the place. This is the place, that's right.
00:26 We have a Bible and you have questions, this is the place.
00:29 And my name is John
00:31 and to my right is another derivative of me.
00:34 His name is also John.
00:35 He is borrowing this name for the program.
00:38 Not actually, how are you doing, John Stanton?
00:41 Yeah, I'm doing good. You're doing good?
00:43 I'm doing good.
00:44 You're relaxing in the Pacific Northwest?
00:46 Yes, yes, we're doing very good up there
00:48 and enjoying how God is using us. Good.
00:51 As we all should be enjoying how God is using us.
00:54 That's right. And it's a blessing everyday.
00:56 And it's especially fun to have this time to get away
00:58 and to do this program.
00:59 That's right. It is truly enjoyable.
01:02 This is what happens
01:03 when New York and California comes together.
01:05 We both have the same beginnings,
01:07 we both start of the same name,
01:09 and here we are on the same program
01:11 for the glory of the Lord.
01:13 You know what you need to do?
01:14 You need certain equipment for this program.
01:15 A Bible, a pen, a family and a friend
01:20 and we'll tell you what else you need.
01:22 But for the next hour we're going to really enjoy
01:24 walking through the Bible together.
01:26 Thank you, for tuning in.
01:27 If you're joining us from the church,
01:29 praise the Lord that you've got into together in a group.
01:31 If you buy yourself recorded because later on
01:34 you're gonna want to share with someone
01:36 what we talk about on this program.
01:37 Bible questions as well as the Bible topic.
01:40 Before we do anything though we always like to pray
01:42 and I know that you know who is gonna pray.
01:46 Let's go, let's go and pray.
01:48 Father in heaven, we come before You again
01:49 asking for a special blessing today.
01:53 A blessing upon this program, upon all that we, we say and do.
01:57 And as we study Your word,
01:58 Lord we know it brings a blessing.
02:00 That's right.
02:01 But we, we are confident that You will send Your spirit Lord
02:04 to make sure that You rightly divide the word of truth
02:07 and that, it may be powerful and strengthening
02:10 to the lives of those who hear.
02:12 In Jesus name we pray, amen.
02:14 Amen. You know you have questions,
02:17 I have a question, many of you have questions.
02:21 I get all kinds of questions.
02:23 But if you have anything that's going around in your head
02:25 and you want to go ahead and send that to us.
02:28 If you're driving in your car please,
02:30 don't try to send us a question right now.
02:32 But if you have an email that you like to sent to us
02:34 send it to this following addressing,
02:36 That's,
02:40 that's the portal to sending us questions
02:44 and we've got questions I tell you,
02:46 we have to go through that list
02:48 and periodically sort through it.
02:50 And John, you know what even the advertisers
02:53 have now found our email. Yes.
02:55 And we're starting to filter through that too.
02:57 So try to be concise into the point
03:00 and we surely do appreciate everything you do.
03:03 But John tends to get the chance to start out with the question.
03:06 And today we're not gonna break the trend.
03:08 So John, what do you have for us?
03:10 We have got a question here from Charlie, from Charlie.
03:14 Looks like that he writes from Pennsylvania
03:17 and he has a question.
03:18 He says-- first of all he thoroughly
03:22 enjoys our program.
03:23 And then we need to increase it to two times per week.
03:26 And we'll thank you for supporting the program.
03:30 We appreciate all of that. And especially, your prayers.
03:34 And anyway so he wants some,
03:36 some help with something that he is being doing.
03:38 He said, he recently went online to a Catholic forum to enquire
03:41 why they follow certain practices.
03:44 And so anyway they asked that he when he asked questions
03:47 he connects it into their catechism
03:50 and so he tries to do that.
03:52 But he is asking us and asking us for answers
03:56 from the Bible to a couple of issues.
03:58 And he says here, I wanted to know
04:01 why they have statues of Mary, Paul, Peter et cetera
04:05 when it goes against the Ten Commandments.
04:07 No graven images.
04:09 They say they do not worship the statues
04:12 but they're there to help us
04:14 to get closer to God and remind us.
04:18 Also, they insist the second commandment
04:20 is kept in their list of commandments.
04:22 I thought they were eliminated. They had eliminated the second.
04:25 By the way it's the old translation
04:28 that they use to use they eliminated
04:29 the second commandment.
04:30 When you look at the Bible that they have currently
04:33 that they use most often it is as written saying
04:36 and in one of the modern translations or even King James,
04:39 New King James version.
04:40 So, it is not eliminated from those,
04:43 from that new one or at least the one they've used
04:46 most prevalently here over the few years.
04:50 I wanted to know, and this is their part.
04:52 I wanted to know why they pray to the saints,
04:55 Mary and Paul, et cetera.
04:58 They told me that prayer is not worship
05:00 and that they're simply asking the saints
05:02 to intercede for them only.
05:07 I see further they want me to prove to them
05:11 their prayer equals worship because they dispute that.
05:15 So this is on the forum that this, that Charlie is on.
05:19 So he needs our help and so hopefully
05:21 we can provide a few passages-- if you--things
05:25 from the word of God in regard to that.
05:27 You know, the first issue he mentioned here
05:29 was the issue of graven images.
05:31 So why not we go there to the second commandment
05:35 and we'll find that in Exodus Chapter 20.
05:40 Okay.
05:41 Exodus Chapter 20 and I'm gonna
05:42 read verse 4 through 6.
05:50 "You shall not make for yourself a carved image,
05:54 any likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
05:57 or that is in the earth beneath,
06:00 or that is in the water under the earth.
06:03 You shall not bow down to them nor serve them,
06:06 for I the Lord your God am a jealous God,
06:09 visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children
06:12 to the third and the fourth generation of those
06:14 who hate me but showing mercy to thousands to those
06:18 who love me and keep my commandments."
06:21 All right. So the issue here
06:23 that the commandments specifically says,
06:25 "You shall not make" number one
06:27 "make yourself a carved image or graven image.
06:32 Any likeness of anything that is in heaven above
06:34 or that is in the earth beneath."
06:36 And the second thing is the qualifier here.
06:39 It says "You shall not bow down to them or serve them."
06:43 This translation, this is specifically say,
06:45 "You shall not bow down and worship them."
06:47 But I know that some translations
06:48 I believe do use the word 'worship' there.
06:52 But the question then is, is it okay to allow
06:58 a carved or graven image to be used for--
07:01 for religious purposes.
07:06 And secondly is it okay to bow down
07:08 before those graven images.
07:10 And according to this commandment
07:12 from what I understand little reading here, it is not.
07:14 Right its not.
07:16 To make a carved image that represents anything
07:19 and then to bow down
07:21 before even outside of the active worship.
07:22 But to bow down before and pray before it
07:25 and even use anything carved or graven
07:28 in the active prayer is contradictory,
07:31 contradictory to the command here in God's word
07:36 the second commandment.
07:37 And so I don't know they may, it may be that they want
07:41 to talk a little around that to try and say
07:43 that they don't do it
07:44 but in fact, this is exactly what happens.
07:48 And I don't know the form nature on Charlie
07:51 is going to obviously be
07:52 defensive of the practices of the Catholic Church.
07:56 And that is reasonable to assume and reasonable to expect
08:00 because obviously they establish that form.
08:03 And they're gonna answer that question
08:04 in the best way they know.
08:05 They're not going to say well, you got us.
08:09 We're doing it oops.
08:10 They're gonna explain that and we all,
08:13 you know, in every area of our lives
08:16 we can tend to rationalize things
08:17 that we want to do rather than
08:19 just following the word of God.
08:20 But God does call for us as Disciples of Christ
08:23 to follow His word and reading of His word
08:26 the second commandment specifically says
08:27 "don't make a carved image and don't bow down before it."
08:31 And that's exactly what happens there.
08:33 So anyway I know, you know, if you have anything way
08:36 in on that specifically, John. Go ahead.
08:40 Well, I'm looking actually
08:43 at the Convert's Catechism of the Catholic,
08:45 of the Catholic Church, the 1995 edition commissioned
08:48 by Pope John Paul II.
08:51 And lot of times we are in desires of making a statement
08:58 but sometimes it's always good to find out
09:01 from the actual writing themselves,
09:04 what the approach is.
09:07 Well, first of all, one of the things
09:08 we do know from the practicing
09:10 and I just want to say this for the record.
09:12 Majority of my family is catholic,
09:14 99% of them are catholic.
09:18 And Catholicism is replete with saints, with images.
09:25 You know, at the entrance of many Catholic Churches
09:28 is the statue of Mary and in her hand a replica
09:32 or as it is said "Baby Jesus."
09:37 And I have pictures of priests and popes
09:43 and usually when people traditionally or entering
09:47 a Catholic Church did stop at the statue.
09:50 They don't call it worshipping, they call it venerating.
09:56 And when you look at this term venerating to me
09:59 as I looked at and read through the definitions
10:03 that are often put here.
10:06 Let me go ahead and read, read this here.
10:12 I want to go ahead just hit it on the here.
10:13 Okay, it says, "The divine injection included
10:19 the prohibition of every representation of God
10:23 by the hand of man.
10:24 Since you saw no form and the day of Lord spoke to you."
10:28 It says, "It is absolutely transcendent the God
10:33 who reveals Himself to Israel.
10:35 'He is in all' but at the same time
10:37 he is greater than all his works.
10:38 Nevertheless, already the Old Testament,
10:40 God ordained or permitted the making of images
10:43 that pointed symbolically towards salvation
10:46 by the incarnate word."
10:48 So it was with the bronze serpent
10:49 in the Ark of the Covenant the cherubim.
10:51 And so what is, what is being done here is,
10:54 there seems to be an attempt to justify sins.
10:57 The Lord says, look at the bronze serpent and live.
11:01 The Ark of the Covenant,
11:03 the cherubim's that were on the mercy seat
11:06 these weren't images of worship,
11:09 that's what this commandment prohibits the images of worship
11:12 bowing down to them or even use the word venerating.
11:17 And so I would say clearly one of the reasons
11:21 why this commandment is often minimized
11:23 is when you have a religion that replete with images.
11:28 Then there will be some,
11:29 there would some justification as to,
11:32 yes we do have permission to bow down to these images.
11:35 Yes we do have permission to worship to these images.
11:38 But as far beyond just bowing down to these images
11:41 is acknowledging that these images have power.
11:46 Let me give you an example and once again use this
11:49 in the context of my family being Catholic.
11:51 When we bow down, when they bow down
11:53 to Mary or pray to Mary, that's the very thing
11:56 that is being prohibited by these commandments.
11:59 You know, when you say, "Holy Mary mother of God.
12:01 Pray for sinners now and at the hour of their death."
12:04 Well, who you are praying to.
12:06 A person that doesn't exist.
12:08 But the, but the suggestion is being made
12:10 that she does exist through the replication of this image.
12:15 So that's being prohibited by God's word.
12:18 That is prohibited in the second commandment.
12:21 Not making any graven images. Not bowing down to them.
12:25 Not serving them and not even venerating them.
12:29 From what I understand too in the word of God
12:31 I can't remember what they exactly they call it
12:33 but they destroyed an image that was used
12:35 before was that the bronze serpent
12:37 that was used before.
12:39 They destroyed it because later on people started
12:41 to venerate it in the scriptures Israel.
12:44 And so they specifically went after that image
12:47 to destroy--what's it? It starts with 'N'.
12:50 May be I should not bother about that.
12:51 But anyway there is a specific thing that was,
12:53 that was part of the experience of the Israelites
12:58 in the wilderness.
12:59 But as it went forward it was destroyed
13:02 because the people in the temple services later on started
13:04 to treat it as Holy and to "venerate that thing".
13:09 So, even the Bible has said to eliminate that,
13:12 eliminated that because the practice led to false worship.
13:16 And something that should not have been
13:19 part of the worship experience. And anyway--
13:24 And one of the things that was really
13:27 prohibited by the Lord and Isaiah the prophet
13:29 just really spoke against it. He spoke about
13:34 images having eyes but they cannot see,
13:36 having ears but they cannot hear,
13:38 having hands but they cannot touch.
13:42 This was strictly prohibited in the Bible.
13:44 So when the Bible says "not to make any graven images
13:48 or any likeness of anything in the heaven above
13:50 for that is in the earth beneath."
13:51 The Bible really does mean that.
13:54 We have to prohibit ourselves from walking in that path
13:58 and participating in these kinds of practices.
14:02 I want to put another word in here
14:05 and see what I come up with. We have a question,
14:07 that's very interesting question.
14:08 You know, what's happen nowadays,
14:10 this is so indicative of where we are headed
14:12 as world is concerned. What about the use of herbs?
14:18 Right now John we know in the State of California,
14:21 in the State of Colorado and I think some other states
14:25 in our nation are legalizing the use of marijuana.
14:31 And all kinds of justifications are being added to that.
14:35 But the question is, if God says
14:38 that we can use seed bearing plants.
14:40 What about marijuana and cocaine
14:43 they are both seed bearing or derived
14:45 from a seed bearing plant?
14:47 Both have medicinal use, both have medicinal uses too.
14:51 Can you give me the Bibles stance?
14:55 Well, let me show you where the Bible
14:56 talked about these herbs bearing seeds
14:58 and put in the context of exactly
15:01 what the Lord suggested these were to be used for.
15:04 One of the first places we find in Geneis Chapter 1
15:08 and I'm gonna look at two particular places,
15:10 Genesis 1:11 and then Genesis 1:29, 30.
15:17 Genesis 1:11, 12 and Genesis 1:29, 30.
15:23 Here's Genesis 1:11. "Then God said,
15:27 'Let the earth bring forth grass,
15:30 the herb that yields seed,
15:34 and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind,
15:37 whose seed is in itself, on the earth,' and it was so.
15:40 And the earth brought forth grass,
15:42 the herb that yields seed according to its kind,
15:46 and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself
15:50 according to its kind. And God saw that it was good."
15:53 But then question was, what did God design
15:57 these herbs to be used for? Let's look at here.
16:01 Verse 29 "And God said,
16:03 See, I have given you every herb that yields seed
16:08 which is on the face of all the earth,
16:10 and every tree whose fruit yields seed,
16:13 to you it shall be for food."
16:17 When you look at the original diet
16:18 and lot of times and this is also illustrates.
16:21 Let me read verse 30 and just expand even further.
16:24 "Also, to every beast of the earth,
16:26 to every bird of the air, and to everything
16:28 that creeps on the earth, in which there is life,
16:31 I have given every green herb for food and it was so."
16:37 So you have the fruit,
16:39 you have the grains you have the nuts.
16:43 These categorizations were in Genesis 1:29, 30.
16:47 These categorizations were for food.
16:50 But now when you look at this
16:51 and let me use it great example.
16:55 I'm partly away from marijuana and cocaine
16:57 for a brief moment.
16:58 Because I know growing up in the generation
17:00 that I grew up in the 80s generation,
17:02 80s early 90s generation like be the little younger than
17:06 I am really actually.
17:08 But I remember the early generations
17:11 when marijuana was something that
17:13 you get thrown in jail instantly for.
17:15 Now marijuana is seen as medicinal
17:17 in some of its respects and truly it does have
17:19 some medicinal qualities.
17:21 But for the most part the use of marijuana
17:24 never came into existence for medicinal purposes
17:27 but for the purpose of another way of gaining
17:31 a high the way that was use back in,
17:33 back in the day.
17:34 I don't know-- had you ever used marijuana?
17:36 I think you'd mentioned something like that growing up.
17:37 Yep, growing up.
17:38 The Lord delivered you from that.
17:40 Now I never used it but I was in a condition
17:43 once I down in the south I was invited to go down there.
17:47 There were some friends
17:49 and I was sitting in the car in South Carolina
17:51 and the windows were closed on the car.
17:54 And all of my friends were smoking marijuana
17:56 and they were trying to get me to smoke it.
17:58 And here I'm sitting in a smoke filled car,
18:02 smoke filled car and I'm saying I'm not,
18:08 I'm not going to, I refused. I'm not gonna take a puff.
18:13 I refused and I'm sitting in a cloud of marijuana.
18:17 And so as I, as I fast forward today,
18:21 I was being inundated by of second hand
18:24 smoke of the marijuana.
18:26 I was not necessarily smoking it directly as pulling it in.
18:29 But if you're in a cloud and you're breathing
18:32 which I was for that 20 minutes we were in that car
18:35 I was surely inhaling all of that.
18:38 When God spoke about the herbs that are being used
18:42 they're medicinal uses for these things
18:44 but not in the way that is being used today.
18:48 Cocaine they're certain drugs that have
18:53 some of these medicinal qualities in it
18:55 but it's not being used to injecting in a persons vein
18:59 or to snort out of a person's nose the way
19:01 that it's being used in our society today.
19:03 So as, as we look at the way it's used in society today
19:06 this is not the prescription that God has given to it
19:09 anymore than he is caused people to use hops or barley
19:16 for the purpose of making beer and intoxicating a person.
19:20 So what I'm saying here?
19:21 The very thing that God has created
19:23 for the purpose of strength and using medicinal purposes
19:26 is being distorted by humanity to be made,
19:29 to give a person a high and intoxication or to,
19:32 or to inebriate an individual there by
19:36 the misuse of the of the seeds that bear herbs of the,
19:40 of the plants that produce barley and hops that are,
19:44 that have a good quality.
19:46 If I had barley bread that's a good thing
19:48 but if I'm using barley to make beer
19:50 which is used very much today that's the inappropriate use
19:53 of what God is created for medicinal purposes
19:56 and for healthy reasons.
19:58 So, I don't see that God is putting is His stamp
20:01 or support on the use of marijuana or cocaine
20:05 the way that is being used in society today.
20:08 Because, in fact, not only, is it, not only is it,
20:11 breaking down the strength of the human body
20:13 but its used for the purpose of intoxication
20:16 and the regardless of how many individuals says that,
20:21 hey I use this for medicinal purposes.
20:23 So I don't know, do you have thoughts on that, John?
20:25 Well the other thing, the other thing that's done
20:27 as it's just broken down and boiled down
20:29 or whatever cooked down a very condensed form.
20:31 All right.
20:32 And we understand the Bible always says,
20:35 especially when you're used to-- use of good things
20:38 they should be in moderation.
20:40 I mean, you can't break something down
20:42 to its condensed form beyond even these drugs.
20:44 Anything that is innately healthy to make it
20:49 have a negative effect on the body.
20:52 And in many respects when you start smoking
20:53 and putting in things that are very condensed
20:56 it goes beyond medicinal to a high that affects the brain
20:59 and begins to destroy cells.
21:02 And that is in essence not taking care of the body.
21:05 And we call the treat of body
21:07 is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
21:09 And that altering of the mind doesn't allow us,
21:12 doesn't allow the spirit to take control of the mind and to use.
21:16 And for us to be able to, to commune with him
21:19 and to function in our life the way
21:21 that he would have us to.
21:23 Now Daniel the prophet used this the way the God intended.
21:25 When Daniel was in the province of Babylon
21:28 he asked for fruits, grains, and nuts.
21:30 He used the herb bearing plants.
21:33 He used that for food and it made him wiser and healthier
21:37 and his mind was clear.
21:38 But he did not use it in the context of today
21:40 or where it was used as marijuana or cocaine.
21:43 He did not use that to depreciate the quality
21:46 and the strength of the human body
21:47 the body that God said that we should not defile.
21:50 That's were modern society today has taken it off
21:53 into a different tangent all together rather than
21:56 barley bread they use to make beer
21:59 and rather than grape juice it's used to make,
22:03 it's used to ferment and cause that to be
22:06 a large industry of alcohol and list goes on and on.
22:11 You know, you lived in Upper Valley didn't you?
22:12 You lived in above an Upper Valley.
22:13 That's where I grew up. Yeah.
22:15 You lived right there in England right above in Upper Valley
22:17 and we lived in Fairfield closed not too far from Napa.
22:20 A complete wine industry there.
22:23 I will tell you one example that illustrates
22:25 the difference between the way the God intends
22:27 what to be used and the way the man has used it.
22:29 My wife and I had some family members we took,
22:33 they wanted to go to the Napa Valley
22:35 and look at the all the wineries.
22:36 I was the designated drivers because I don't drink alcohol.
22:39 We went to one of the wineries and,
22:42 you know, we drink Martinelli's
22:43 which is grape juice, sparkling cider.
22:46 No, 'zero alcohol' in it.
22:49 And one of the winery said, "Hey we have nonalcoholic wines.
22:55 We have nonalcoholic beverages.
22:57 So you could try something too.
23:00 We have peach and we have grape.
23:02 And we said, oh, nonalcoholic it must be like Martinelli.
23:08 It wasn't. It wasn't.
23:10 It was five percent alcohol.
23:12 No, point five percent. Point five percent. Yeah.
23:16 Was this anyway, anyway I want the way home.
23:18 Anything lesser than the percent they can take,
23:19 they can call nonalcoholic.
23:21 Anyway on the way home I'm driving home
23:25 and I'm just I'm thought and to feel like.
23:29 Okay, I you know and we bought a bottle
23:32 to take home with us because wow!
23:35 Peach nonalcoholic.
23:37 And I said honey, did you check that label?
23:40 And we checked it. And it does have alcohol in it.
23:43 And I thought I could tell right away.
23:45 It began alter the way my body felt.
23:49 Alter my and my body was just totally--
23:52 we don't, you know we don't drink alcohol
23:54 and we don't smoke anything like that.
23:56 So the, so the introduction evident to my system.
23:58 The body is hypersensitive to it.
23:59 Immediately impact to the way my mortar skills operate.
24:02 I said let's go to-- what's that little restaurant
24:06 down there they have burgers and all?
24:09 They sell root beer. Any way. You mean in Fairfield?
24:12 No down in the Napa Valley area.
24:14 Anyway we stopped over there until
24:17 the flex--kind of wore off. Yeah.
24:19 And so we could drive home safely.
24:21 Anything that alters the way the body functions
24:23 outside of the natural use that God intended
24:26 should not be introduced into the body.
24:27 And I think that's the safest way to determine
24:30 whether or not God intends for those things
24:32 that are created on the earth to be--
24:35 Another way tobacco is another thing.
24:37 People will say, well what's the purpose of the tobacco?
24:38 Somebody will say we're obviously
24:40 God intended for us to smoke it.
24:42 God did not intend for us to smoke tobacco
24:45 which is the leading cause of cancer
24:47 in the at least in this nation.
24:49 The leading cause of lung cancer.
24:51 The smoking and the introduction
24:53 into our bodies of that poisonous herb.
24:55 So the body is the temple of the Lord no matter
24:58 how you look at that.
25:00 John, I have one question, it's a little quicker one.
25:02 Sure. But before I do on the first remember
25:05 I mentioned that there was something
25:06 that they had to destroy the bronze serpent.
25:07 I found the text. So I want to give that.
25:10 It's 2 Kings 18:4.
25:13 Speaking of, you know, the destroying by Hezekiah
25:19 destroying in impersonated temple
25:20 from these idol kinds of things.
25:22 And it says in verse 4 "He removed the high places
25:25 and broke the sacred pillars, cut down the wooden images
25:28 and broke in pieces the bronze serpent
25:31 that Moses had made, for until those days
25:34 the children of Israel burned incense to it,
25:36 and called it Nehushtan." Wow.
25:39 So they took the bronze serpent
25:41 and they began to burn incense to it
25:43 and called it Nehushtan.
25:45 They began to although they wouldn't say it
25:48 was worship they would disagree--
25:50 we're not worshipping but they were doing things
25:52 to venerate that serpent which definitely was against
25:56 the second commandment because, the king had it destroyed it.
25:58 That's right.
26:00 So anyway that will provide at least some of the source
26:02 where well, I was well, I was trying to go before it
26:04 but I couldn't come up with the text by the way.
26:06 Okay, the last, last question we have here is from Am,
26:10 and she says "Dear John and John,
26:12 my husband and I don't see anything wrong
26:13 with eating good chicken or fish.
26:16 Even Jesus hate fish and lab.
26:18 Is it necessary to only eat vegan style to church
26:22 or only to eat vegan style
26:24 at the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
26:26 The word of God makes it pretty clear
26:28 that these foods are okay.
26:30 Please comment on this thank you."
26:33 And from Long Island. Long Island.
26:37 Yeah, just a brief comment on this.
26:40 Eating meat from clean animals is not a sin.
26:43 That's right.
26:44 But the Bible doesn't-- in no where calls that sinful.
26:48 The Bible does counsel us to eat a healthful diet.
26:53 And what you found through our histories
26:55 especially going back to Israel's times
26:58 that diet was not heavily based on meat.
27:01 Their animals were their livelihood.
27:03 It was their income. It was their source of wealth.
27:06 And they didn't just eat animals all the time.
27:08 They ate fruits, nuts and grains and other things
27:11 that came from the earth.
27:13 And so what we are saying is with the society
27:15 there is gone so far into meat eating
27:18 and dependence upon meat
27:19 we need to bring it back to balance to God's plan
27:22 from His word which is primarily a plant based diet.
27:26 Fruits, nuts, grains, herbs vegetables things like that.
27:30 That is healthy.
27:32 But it doesn't mean that we go to extremes to say
27:36 that its sin beyond those things
27:38 to eat meat from clean animals.
27:40 And so that is something that isn't found in God's word
27:43 which I think sometimes people go to extremes
27:46 and imply that in fact, it is.
27:49 And they do it disservice I think to the health message
27:52 and the truth behind that health message
27:54 which is brining us back from heavy meat based
27:58 into a diet that is, that is balanced
28:03 and for the most part is centered on fruits,
28:06 nuts, grains plant based to provide the health
28:09 and nourishment for the body.
28:11 And the common sense thing is,
28:13 you know, why eat primarily foods from animals
28:17 that are eating the stuff to get the nutrition.
28:20 Why not go to the stuff the actual fruits, nuts, grains
28:23 and plant based stuff to get the nutrition ourselves
28:26 it makes sense to do that.
28:28 And so primarily we do.
28:30 Interesting in regard to Seventh-day Adventist Church
28:33 and I'm gonna make this statement
28:34 because in some respects
28:36 I think some go to extremes in this area
28:38 and do like I said a disservice to our health message.
28:41 I already made a comment to somebody
28:43 that wrote in a letter and she was writing about
28:45 Seventh-day Adventist and vegetarianism
28:47 and she says this. And I'm quoting actually.
28:49 She says, "All adventurous are vegetarian."
28:54 But then she said these words.
28:57 "Some abstain from eating flesh,"
29:00 from eating meat of any kind
29:03 "others eat it only on rare occasions."
29:06 So she qualified even Adventist
29:08 that once in a while ate meat as vegetarians.
29:12 So we need to be careful as we approach this subject.
29:16 There is to be a balance creating an environment
29:20 around diet that creates division in the church
29:22 and hard feelings and other things only divides the church.
29:26 We need to give latitude for some that may include
29:29 clean animals and meat in their diet
29:33 and leave God as the arbiter the one to dictate
29:37 conscience to those.
29:39 And they're of course those that are feeling like
29:41 vegan is strict-- vegan is the way to go
29:43 I respect that and in fact that mostly practice that.
29:48 But we need to leave it up to God with them
29:50 and even for their own conscience
29:51 and it's something that we need to love
29:53 and respect each other about.
29:54 You know, being predominantly vegetarian
29:58 and I'll say that because nowadays
29:59 we have this vegan and vegetarian,
30:01 two categorizations.
30:03 We're more vegan now than vegetarian
30:05 because my wife has learned
30:07 we have omitted many things from our diet.
30:10 Like, cheese and we don't drink milk.
30:12 We use butter still.
30:14 We rather, use butter than margarine,
30:15 you know for the obvious reasons.
30:17 We rather use real sweeteners rather than fake sweeteners.
30:22 But what one of the things here and this is the things--
30:25 years ago this came to my attention
30:28 and really opened my eyes to a reality about diet.
30:32 You see and when you look at the sanctuary
30:33 the sanctuary is a beautiful.
30:35 The beautiful object lesson
30:39 of which direction our lives are moving.
30:42 You have the most holy place at one end
30:44 then you'll go away from the most holy place-
30:46 if the Holy place then you have the courtyard,
30:49 then you have the altar of burnt offerings.
30:53 If you were to, if you were to encapsulate
30:56 the whole sanctuary services.
30:58 Let's go to the outer court
31:00 you have all five food groups represented there.
31:05 You have the altar burn offerings
31:06 which includes the meats.
31:07 You have fruits, grains, vegetable, nuts and meat.
31:11 But when you leave the outer court
31:13 and go to the holy place.
31:14 You'll only have fruits, grains, vegetables and nuts.
31:18 But when you leave the holy place
31:19 and go into the most holy place.
31:20 There are no more vegetables.
31:22 You just have fruits, grains and nuts.
31:24 And I thought to myself.
31:25 Wow, how amazingly interesting that is.
31:29 It is said, and it's said to me that one of the reasons
31:30 why being mindful of what is in my diet
31:35 is it tells me which way I'm going.
31:36 I'm going more toward the most holy diet
31:39 which in fact, is the optimum diet.
31:41 If you thought of yourself as a car
31:45 they will put in that manual one of the reasons
31:47 why we chose not to buy a high end vehicles
31:50 because they required, you know-- High octane.
31:52 High octane but if a person bought a Mercedes
31:55 or person bought an Infinity they required that,
31:58 that's what they would put.
31:59 They would not put low grade.
32:02 And there's some cars that require mid grade.
32:04 I think you were talking about that.
32:05 Cars are required mid grade you put that.
32:07 It's amazing how we are more interested
32:10 in the smooth running of our vehicles.
32:14 And a question was asked in news about over two months ago
32:17 on the commercial and my wife said
32:18 "see John you've just talked about that."
32:20 They said, "Okay you're car or your health
32:23 which one is better?"
32:25 And most of the people said
32:26 "my car runs better than my body does."
32:29 So here it is.
32:30 If God has given us the optimum health
32:32 and it's amazing that a couple of things came up
32:34 in our program today about health.
32:36 You know, herbs, marijuana, cocaine,
32:39 vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts, meat, shell fish.
32:43 All these things came into our plethora of questions today.
32:47 If you really want to be optimum in health
32:49 I'm optimum in health I believe
32:53 don't take any medication neither John.
32:56 He looks great for 70, he doesn't he?
32:59 Actually he is not 70. I just said that.
33:02 I'm only 65. No, he is not 65 either.
33:06 But the point is God wants us all to be healthy.
33:10 And He wants our minds to be clear.
33:12 He wants our bodies to be fit.
33:13 And if we're going to busy with the gospel,
33:16 carrying the gospel how can you not look the part of a gospel.
33:21 You got to look the part of the gospel
33:23 if the gospel is going to be received
33:25 from others when you proclaim it.
33:27 You have to be an advertisement
33:30 of what you're proclaiming. That's right.
33:31 And I think the healthiest
33:33 the healthiest lifestyle you choose will give Glory to God.
33:36 1 Corinthians 10:31 is I think is beautiful.
33:39 And it encapsulates all these things
33:40 about what goes in the body.
33:42 Whether you eat, whether you aware for eat
33:45 or drink or whatever do, do all to the glory of God
33:49 and that's the principle that we like to wind
33:50 in this part of the program upon.
33:53 Thank you for your questions and your comments.
33:54 We spent a little extra time today
33:56 because it was necessary to do so.
33:59 But if you have anymore questions or comments
34:00 you like to send to us, you can send those
34:02 to this following email to
34:06 That's
34:10 And if you don't have a computer, send us a letter.
34:13 You can send those to P.O. Box 220,
34:17 West Frankfort Illinois 62896.
34:22 That's where those letters will be sent.
34:25 And we appreciate it very much what you do for the program.
34:28 John, take us back into our topic
34:29 as we close that on something that was really important.
34:33 Go ahead and introduce it to us.
34:34 Oh, we were talking about
34:35 the different components of revival,
34:37 true revival in a church.
34:40 We have been praying as a church
34:42 for revival and reformation.
34:44 And if our church wants to experience that
34:46 there are certain things that revival and reformation
34:49 what it looks like
34:50 when the Holy Spirit comes upon His people.
34:52 And I think to talk about some of these things
34:55 that we're going on during shortly after Pentecost
34:58 and comparing them with
34:59 what will happen with the church in the last days
35:02 during the outpouring of the latter rain
35:03 I think it provides us some keys to what it look for us
35:06 to whether or not revivals happening in our church
35:08 and our own lives. Okay.
35:09 And so we've gone through already
35:11 I think about five points that we've covered
35:15 and just a quick review of those five points.
35:18 And number one, revival began in the church.
35:21 When God is about to bestow
35:23 spiritual blessing upon the people.
35:25 It says method first to awake,
35:27 awaken the people out of their spiritual slumber
35:29 to recognize their need. That's right.
35:31 Number two, there is no emphasis on dreams,
35:33 visions, emotions, hearing voices,
35:35 signs, nothing like that.
35:38 It was, it was as much about the intellect
35:40 and the connection with God.
35:42 The way we read his word and study as it is
35:47 that's what the emphasis lies not just on the emotions.
35:50 Number three, it began with an emphasis
35:52 on the grace of God
35:53 as bestowed by the work of the Holy Spirit
35:55 and dependence upon that grace.
35:57 Number four, it was the work of God.
36:00 Now there was a marked change in the lives of the people
36:03 both their pursuits and their appearance. That's right.
36:06 And then number five, prayer became precious to them.
36:09 To every revival prayer is a key component
36:12 and the people desire to come before the Lord.
36:15 Not just individually but corporate prayer is essential
36:18 to move upon the heart of God and allow him.
36:21 You know, moving upon Him
36:22 to pour out His spirit on His people.
36:25 So we have another seven and the 12 to cover here.
36:28 And hopefully we can get that done in the next 20 minutes.
36:30 Okay, I think we can do that.
36:32 So the next one then which is number six,
36:36 is obedience to God's commandments was important
36:39 or became very important
36:41 to those that were seeking revival.
36:43 And in the last days there will be new discoveries
36:46 not only in these commandments
36:47 but in the true meaning of the Sabbath I believe.
36:51 And what it means to our relationship with the Lord
36:53 it will be honored as a people as they begin to rest in Jesus
36:58 and His finished work
37:00 as well as those work of recreation. Okay.
37:03 Now one of the interesting things you'll find
37:05 and one of the texts I brought up here
37:07 for this one is Deuteronomy Chapter 5.
37:11 And if you, if you read this passage
37:15 which again as I repeating-- actually Deuteronomy 6
37:18 is a repeating of the-- no, I'm sorry,
37:20 it's chapter 5, repeating of the Ten Commandments.
37:23 Look at the fourth commandment
37:25 and it reads a little different that it does in Exodus.
37:28 And notice what the emphasis is on
37:30 for the fourth commandment
37:31 and we'll start with Deuteronomy 5:15.
37:35 "And remember" well, let's see
37:37 first of all it says "Observe the Sabbath day."
37:39 Which is verse 12, "to keep it Holy,
37:41 as the Lord your God commanded you."
37:44 And then reads very similarly
37:45 to the passage in the book of Exodus.
37:48 But look at verse 15, "And remember
37:52 that you were a slave in the land of Egypt,
37:55 and the Lord your God brought you out from there
37:58 by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm,
38:01 therefore the Lord your God
38:03 commanded you to keep the Sabbath day."
38:06 Jesus is connecting here the Sabbath
38:12 with deliverance and recreation.
38:17 In other words his work of redemption.
38:20 So the Sabbath isn't just about creation
38:23 originally it's a more a memorial creation
38:25 we know that it is. Right.
38:26 But it's not alone about that, it is also about our trust
38:30 and confidence in the God our re-creator.
38:34 Recreating us into His image.
38:36 So as we look for revival and reformation
38:40 becoming a new creation in Christ
38:42 the Sabbath becomes meaningful in that capacity
38:45 in the fact that on this day
38:47 He can commune with us regenerate our hearts
38:50 and make us more like Him. Okay I got it.
38:54 So in that way there is a new insight.
38:57 And this is just for some recent studies
38:59 that I have been doing always wondering
39:00 why this edition was in Deuteronomy
39:03 to the fourth commandment.
39:04 I believe He is connecting this with this work of regeneration.
39:08 Recreation, of His image in the lives of His people.
39:13 You can't disconnect that from that
39:14 because when you are regenerated,
39:17 when the commandments of God are
39:19 taking center stage in your life
39:21 you can't say that commandments of God
39:23 are taking center stage in my life
39:25 but the Sabbath is omitted from that.
39:27 I like the way that David, the Psalmist,
39:30 Psalm 40:8 I like the way that David wrote it here.
39:33 It says, "I delight to do Your will, O my God,
39:37 And Your law is within my heart."
39:40 Your law is within my heart.
39:42 When we have a delight to do God's will
39:44 His law finds a place in our practice.
39:47 And we don't, we don't edit the law of God to say,
39:52 "I delight to do a will, your law is within my heart
39:55 but these are the ones that I put there,
39:57 these are the ones that I omitted."
39:59 You'll find in the continual revival of the people of God,
40:03 Old Testament and New Testament
40:05 the law of God was at the center.
40:07 David, I mean not the David the Paul the apostle
40:09 if you go to Romans 7:7.
40:11 Romans, Paul brings this out very carefully.
40:15 He says in Romans Chapter 7 here it is.
40:18 He talks about how beautiful
40:21 the commandments of God really are.
40:23 He says again Romans 7.
40:27 It sounds just like David-- in Roman in Psalms 40:8.
40:31 David said "I delight to deal will
40:33 your law is within my heart."
40:35 Paul says in Romans 7:22.
40:37 "I delight in the law of God according to the inward man."
40:42 See so the delight is there.
40:43 Delight, delight, it's a delightful thing to me.
40:46 It amazes me when Christian say,
40:48 "hey we just had a revival and reformation."
40:50 I remember in my younger days I use to--
40:55 there was church across the street
40:56 of my house in New York City
40:58 and whenever they gathered in that church
41:00 I'd become a missionary.
41:02 I know some people might just not like this idea
41:06 but I would make that my particular day.
41:09 And I go put fliers on all the cars right under there,
41:13 under there windshield wipers.
41:15 And one day I was really encouraged
41:18 because I saw the title of the sermon
41:20 that was preached that day was the Ten Commandments.
41:23 So I didn't have to wrestle over
41:26 which flier to put on the window.
41:28 So I put on there, you know,
41:30 one that included the Sabbath in that.
41:33 And one as I sat on my steps
41:36 we call it stoops in New York City.
41:37 I sat out side of the house and waited to see
41:41 and what the reaction was going to be.
41:43 And all of these came outside,
41:44 they were all taken off these fliers
41:46 and looking at them and kind of one,
41:48 did you get one that I got.
41:49 Yeah, I got one.
41:50 And it was amazing to me
41:51 how they all just looked at this in the very real way.
41:55 And then I had a chance about a week later
41:58 to meet the pastor because he found out about it.
42:01 And I sat in his office and I was surprised,
42:04 he said well, tell me what's behind you
42:07 putting these fliers on the cars?
42:08 I said, well, I think that Christians--
42:10 I noticed you sermon was about the Ten Commandments
42:13 so therefore I thought was perfect.
42:14 He is preaching about the Ten Commandments.
42:16 Surely, he will be very supportive
42:18 of the Sabbath command and but he wasn't.
42:21 And I thought you have a revival series going on,
42:25 one of those sermons is about the Ten Commandments
42:27 but you don't favor the Sabbath go figure.
42:30 And I thought this doesn't match.
42:33 David and Paul wouldn't fit into his arena
42:35 because they said they delight according to the law of God.
42:40 But not everybody delights.
42:41 So the point that John made here
42:43 obedience to God's commandments
42:44 will take center stage
42:46 if that is a part of revival and reformation.
42:48 You cannot exclude that and say you're being revived.
42:52 Yeah. It's not possible.
42:53 Yeah, yeah. You can't do it.
42:56 All right number seven.
42:59 Number seven, people studied
43:02 and cherished the Bible with a new found love.
43:06 Every opportunity for religious instruction was prized
43:09 and fellowship with the people of God
43:11 involved serious conversation.
43:13 They came together for serious Bible study.
43:16 In fact, I think the commentary in regard
43:20 to the Berean's is very kind of the key here.
43:23 Where it says that they were more noble
43:26 in that they studied the word of God how often?
43:29 Everyday.
43:30 Everyday to see if the things they were hearing were true.
43:33 That's what in Acts 17:11.
43:35 And so that's a key part of revival
43:38 and that there is a renewed desire
43:40 and hunger for the word of God
43:42 coming together and in seriousness,
43:44 studying it and applying to their lives.
43:47 And they did this daily, you know, Acts 2:46,
43:50 "So continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
43:54 and breaking bread from house to house,
43:56 they ate their food with gladness
43:59 and simplicity of heart."
44:01 Whenever revival takes place the word of God
44:04 has to be a part of that revival.
44:06 You cannot sustain a revival on music.
44:08 I love music. I'm musician.
44:10 I love to sing. I like to do concerts.
44:12 But you cannot sustain the revival on music.
44:15 It won't last. It won't last.
44:18 Because it maintains a particular curve
44:20 but you'll notice what the world does.
44:23 The world has a revival,
44:25 the world gets revival meetings. Yeah.
44:28 But it is all musical based.
44:30 Concerts you know music on the radio,
44:33 music on television, music videos,
44:35 you just-- we're inundated by music.
44:39 But Paul did not give the injection to sing the word,
44:42 Paul was, was given as the injection to preach the word.
44:47 So the word has to be a center part
44:49 of our serious conversion and step in revival.
44:55 If the word is excluded,
44:57 it cannot truly represent the revival of the word.
45:00 It has to include the word of God.
45:02 Isn't that right John? Absolutely.
45:04 Okay. Absolutely.
45:05 What else you have there? All right the next--
45:06 Anything else on this one? No nothing on this one.
45:09 I think it's pretty much self explanatory almost. All right.
45:13 The next one is there is unity in the church.
45:15 Differences of opinion are laid aside
45:17 for the sake of the mission of God's church. Okay.
45:21 Here's that passage from Philippians 2:1-3.
45:26 "Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ,
45:29 if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit,
45:34 if any affection and mercy,
45:36 fulfill my joy by being like-minded,
45:40 having the same love,
45:41 being of one accord and one mind.
45:45 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit,
45:47 but in lowliness of mind let each
45:49 esteem others better than themselves."
45:53 So this is coming to together and being like minded.
45:55 Now that it doesn't mean to be same minded
45:57 in every single thought or opinion. Duplicate.
46:01 But it meant on the key issues that we are one.
46:05 And there are issues where we have
46:06 some differences of opinion.
46:08 That will lead us aside for the unity of the church
46:10 and the mission of spreading the gospel
46:13 of the kingdom of God.
46:15 When the lord blessed the church Ephesians 4.
46:18 This was a key element.
46:20 The unity, I'm always,
46:23 I'm always offset by the statement
46:26 when people say I don't like organized religion. Yeah.
46:31 Then I thought okay then
46:32 what's the opposite of organized religion?
46:36 Disorganized religion.
46:39 You don't get reports saying
46:41 this month's disorganization report.
46:43 No this month's organization report.
46:46 You know, we wanted organized government right now.
46:49 We're upset that there are government
46:50 appears to be disorganized.
46:52 Everything that is organized has an element of strength to it.
46:56 There is no such thing as being disunity and strength.
47:01 Just a match. That's right.
47:02 So when the Lord talks about the unity
47:05 of the strength of the New Testament church
47:06 Paul emphasizes clearly Ephesians 4.
47:09 Look at what all the components that God gave
47:12 and when John talks about--
47:13 we're talking about revival here.
47:15 What I see in this passage I'm going to read
47:17 is everybody that has a call on his or her life
47:22 must be involved in the unity of the movement of the church.
47:26 Everybody called to hold the position
47:29 to occupy a position.
47:31 He must occupy that position
47:33 with one particular primary goal in mind
47:35 maintaining unity.
47:37 Because if each person pushes his or her agenda
47:40 then the unity is lost
47:41 and the primary goal of the church falls apart.
47:44 That's right. But look at verse 11.
47:46 Do you have it, John? Yes.
47:48 Okay, start with verse 11 for us.
47:50 "And He Himself gave some to be apostles,
47:52 some prophets, some evangelists,
47:54 and some pastors and teachers,"
47:55 Okay now just before we go pass that.
47:57 Look at all the people that are involved in revival.
47:59 This is the apostles today we'll call those people
48:03 that go door to door carrying the message
48:05 or specifically that they're canvassing the neighborhood.
48:08 They have got the message to get to the community.
48:10 The other one, prophet's, evangelists, pastors, teachers.
48:14 And what are they doing?
48:15 "For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry,
48:18 for the edifying of the body of Christ,
48:20 till we all come to the unity of the faith
48:23 and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
48:25 to a perfect man,
48:26 to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."
48:29 Right, and then what does it prevent?
48:31 This is something that you talked about.
48:33 What does, what is the proper function
48:35 of all these offices and the church prevent
48:39 from happening in the church? Verse 14.
48:43 "That we should no longer be children,
48:44 tossed to and fro and carried about
48:46 with every wind of doctrine, but the trickery of men,
48:49 in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
48:52 but, speaking the truth in love,
48:54 may grow up in all things into Him
48:56 who is the head Christ". That's right.
48:58 So what it also does when it comes to revival,
49:00 what you want to do.
49:01 The reason why it's so important to be unified
49:03 is because you prevent fraction.
49:06 You prevent fracturing that we should no longer be children.
49:11 People start to grow up.
49:12 We say to some individuals
49:15 how long have you been in Christian
49:16 and you're behaving so childish.
49:21 What's that word, childish?
49:23 You're behaving childish.
49:24 You're holding on to attitudes.
49:26 And well, you know I want to have my way.
49:28 We lay aside childish things.
49:31 We should no longer be children.
49:33 If we're no longer children we're not tossed back and forth
49:36 and carried about with every wind of doctrine.
49:38 We've got a stable foundation
49:40 and for there to be unity
49:41 there will be a stable foundation
49:43 and then man can't deceive us.
49:45 But the truth goes forth in love
49:46 and we grow up and finally one day we attain
49:50 to the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ.
49:53 That is we aim and our goal is to be more or like Jesus.
49:58 And revival does that.
49:59 Brings about the unity, lays aside the differences
50:02 that all of us are--harping on and brings about a formula
50:07 where we don't fall apart, we're no longer children,
50:10 we're unified in our teachings and we're all growing.
50:13 John, there're messages today
50:14 and people today who are championing a message
50:17 that is slightly different
50:19 than what's some of us may have heard before.
50:22 And it's dividing a church.
50:25 And they call it for instance,
50:27 they will call it the shaking.
50:31 And if you don't accept their message
50:32 their brand of truth you're being shaken out. Yeah.
50:36 And it's a message of disunity. They don't see it that way.
50:39 But what is happening is disunifying the church.
50:42 And it's not a message from the Lord.
50:44 True revival always centers around bringing people together.
50:48 You know, it may include some being revived
50:50 and others not being revived but they doesn't--it's not a,
50:54 it's not a separation or division
50:56 of the message itself. Right.
50:58 Okay. So anyway keep going.
51:02 All right, I like this next one.
51:03 Go ahead read the next one.
51:05 Okay there was a focus on the need for regeneration
51:08 that's being born again.
51:10 Along with it, there was additional emphasis
51:15 on the need for a life changing
51:18 or life changes specifically reformation.
51:21 Wow, Ezekiel 37 was the one that I want to. Okay.
51:25 Ezekiel 37 and one of my favorite's stories.
51:29 I did a sermon number of years ago entitled
51:32 "I have got a bone to pick with you."
51:34 And it fits right into the story here
51:36 because the valley of dry bones.
51:38 You see this needs the light the emphasis
51:40 for a life changing and reformation
51:42 and regeneration and being born again.
51:44 All of the components are found in this story of Ezekiel 37.
51:50 Start John, are you turning there. I'm there.
51:52 Start by reading verse 1 to 3
51:54 and I'm going to go ahead and turn it there.
51:55 "The hand of the Lord came upon me
51:57 and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord,
51:59 and set me down in the midst of the valley,
52:01 and it was full of bones.
52:03 Then He caused me to pass by them all around,
52:06 and behold, there was very many in the open valley,
52:09 and indeed they were very dry.
52:13 And He said to me, 'Son of man, can these bones live?'
52:17 So I answered 'Oh, Lord God you know.'"
52:21 Sometimes pastors-- look at the congregation
52:23 Lord says can they revive.
52:25 And we say, oh, Lord only you know.
52:28 That was the wisest evangelistic response ever.
52:31 He did not say I know they could live.
52:33 He said Lord, you know because only God knows
52:35 the internal condition of the hearts.
52:37 But look what God promised to do.
52:38 Look what the covenant that God made with Ezekiel here
52:42 as he called as he responded over God called to him to do.
52:45 He said "Again He said to me, 'Prophesy to these bones,
52:50 and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord!"
52:54 In other words, no matter how dry the congregation may appear
52:58 we got to keep preaching the gospel
52:59 isn't' that right, John. That's right.
53:00 And you're involved in personal ministries
53:02 and evangelism in my your conference,
53:03 isn't that correct. Yeah.
53:04 So you go and you'll say to the pastors
53:06 I know it may appears though its hopeless
53:09 I know what you're saying about how
53:11 evangelistic series don't happen very well.
53:13 But just keep on preaching the word.
53:15 Isn't that right? That's right.
53:17 But look at the next verses. Read that for us.
53:18 Look at that what God promises to do.
53:20 Start with verse 5.
53:21 "Thus says the Lord God to these bones,
53:24 'Surely I will cause breath to enter into you,
53:27 and you shall live.
53:29 I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you,
53:33 cover you with skin and put breath in you;
53:36 and you shall live.
53:37 Then you shall know that I am the Lord.'"
53:40 Okay I will. I will.
53:41 God makes a covenant there again.
53:43 When we involve ourselves in preaching the word.
53:46 God says "Okay I may do my part.
53:48 You preach to these dry bones
53:49 and here is what I'm going to do.
53:50 I will allow breath to come into them.
53:53 I will give them new skin
53:55 and when you break down the sinew."
53:57 Sinew is muscle it restores the strength of the church.
54:00 Revival strengthens the church.
54:03 The other thing I'll cover you with skin.
54:06 A new righteousness.
54:07 Skin the covering is always an indication
54:09 of the righteousness of Christ.
54:11 The other one is, breathe.
54:13 Well, the breath is always indicative of the Holy Spirit.
54:15 Breathing into us.
54:16 He breathes down on them and said
54:18 receive you the Holy Spirit
54:19 that's what Jesus did to His disciples.
54:21 The Holy Spirit now is infused in our lives.
54:23 And then what happens in only then shall you live.
54:27 Notice the context the components there.
54:30 What should we put on that? The Lord did it.
54:33 The Lord initiated this revival and they responded
54:37 and these thing took place in their lives.
54:40 Life changes that took place were generated
54:43 were initiated by God and came from the Lord.
54:45 We cannot just conjure up
54:49 a renewed love for God and for His work.
54:52 He has to put that in us.
54:53 That's why verse 12 and then verse 14,
54:56 notice what it says.
54:58 "Therefore prophesy and say to them,
54:59 'Thus says the Lord God, Behold, O My people,
55:02 I will open your graves
55:03 and cause you to come up from your graves,
55:06 and bring you into the land of Israel.
55:08 Then you shall know that I am the Lord,
55:11 when I have opened your graves, O My people,
55:14 and brought you up from your graves.'"
55:16 And then the final promise.
55:17 "I will put My Spirit in you, and you shall live,
55:21 and I will place you in your own land.
55:24 Then you shall know that I, the Lord,
55:27 have spoken it and performed it, says the Lord.'"
55:30 Look at that God promises to do. Yeah.
55:32 This is a powerful story of revival and reformation.
55:35 The focus on regeneration being born again,
55:37 change lives and, and reformation.
55:41 That's what I said.
55:42 Regeneration reformation born again and change lives.
55:45 Amen. All included there.
55:47 We have a minute to do three.
55:50 Go for it. Here we go.
55:51 Revival also preceded, provided a death wound to sin.
55:56 The desire to please self when amusement disappeared
55:59 the youth especially
56:00 were transformed by the love of Jesus.
56:04 Number 11, the fruit of the spirit
56:06 was seen in the lives of the believers,
56:08 love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
56:10 faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
56:13 And then number 12, the most important evidence
56:15 of true revival was a new felt love for lost people.
56:19 And a desire to share the gospel with others
56:21 both personally and corporately.
56:23 Now I want to end on that one.
56:25 Because, here is, I think this is the litmus test
56:28 for whether or not revival has truly occurred.
56:31 And that is our desire and our new found love for last people.
56:36 If we don't have our love, that moves us to reach out
56:39 and to save other people who are lost.
56:42 Then there is no revival that is taking place of the heart.
56:46 I love Romans 5:5.
56:48 The Holy Spirit was poured into our heart
56:50 and it says He brought love.
56:52 He brings love is poured into our heart
56:53 through the Holy Spirit.
56:55 So if you don't have love for lost people
56:57 you need to pray for the Holy Spirit
56:58 to revive your soul
57:00 and then be confident that when that love comes
57:03 you must respond to that love get out there
57:04 and work for their salvation. Wow.
57:07 Sin shall not have dominion over us
57:10 and be as a reviving in every particular even--
57:13 well we go to get away from our own self love
57:16 and begin to love those that may have strayed away,
57:19 that may have walked away, that may have turned away,
57:20 that may be discouraged.
57:22 When revival happens it doesn't happen
57:24 just for the sake of the local body
57:26 but for all of those connected to their family.
57:28 May the Lord revive you and bring you
57:30 to that relationship with Him and may that happen today.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2014-12-17