House Calls

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: HCL

Program Code: HCL150008A

00:01 Hello, friends, grab your Bible and a friend,
00:02 and sit back as we explore God's word together
00:05 on this edition of House Calls.
00:21 Friends, welcome, welcome to House Calls,
00:23 the most politically non-correct
00:27 Bible program on the planet.
00:29 Isn't that right, John?
00:31 It's not about politics, it's about God's word.
00:35 And if you want it undiluted,
00:37 one that will counter-act the counterfeit,
00:40 keep the dial set right there, lock us in for week to week,
00:44 and you will hear as God word's says it.
00:47 Good to have you here, John. Good to be here.
00:49 It's not July 4, but we have red, white, blue going on here.
00:52 We do, it's a, it's a good thing.
00:54 It's a good thing.
00:55 You know we always have great topics here we cover,
00:57 we are in the middle of a topic about repentance
01:01 and this is part two on it.
01:02 And it's a dynamic topic and you don't want to miss it,
01:05 so get your friends and family members together.
01:07 We're gonna have prayer in a moment.
01:08 And before we go to our Bible question
01:10 and all of that, those things that you sent to us,
01:12 we're gonna ask the Lord to bless in our time together.
01:15 So John... Let's do that.
01:16 Pray for us.
01:17 Dear Father in heaven, we invite your spirit here
01:19 to be with us as we open your word.
01:22 Guide and direct our thoughts in everything we do
01:24 and say may be to your honor and glory,
01:26 and may be to the understanding of those
01:28 that are searching for you.
01:29 In Jesus' name. Amen.
01:31 Amen.
01:33 You know friends, from week to week
01:35 we get Bible question we get the...
01:39 We get the computer ones.
01:40 We get the, sometimes we get the snail mail.
01:42 If you don't have internet
01:46 and you're watching the program,
01:47 you can send your questions to PO box 220,
01:51 West Frankfort, Illinois, 62896.
01:54 Attention House Call.
01:56 By the way, address it on the top to 3ABN,
01:58 bottom attention House Calls.
01:59 We'll be glad to...
02:01 Also if you have any, also if you have Bible question
02:03 you can send those to
02:08 That's, and that's where we download it
02:12 and share with you from God's word
02:15 what the answers are.
02:16 So, John, why don't you dive in head first
02:19 into the Bible question and lets us know
02:21 what we have today for our audience.
02:24 This is a fairly long question,
02:25 so I'm just gonna abbreviate this one.
02:26 Go for it. But Dennis is writing in...
02:28 and he says he appreciates our programming
02:31 and things that are very essential
02:33 for spiritual health and well-being.
02:35 But he has a little bit of a challenge here
02:36 with some of the things that we have said,
02:39 and one of those specifically is in regard to stating,
02:43 what he says a politically correct point.
02:46 That's interestingly fitting
02:48 that you opened our program here with this.
02:50 But he says, "It seems to be
02:54 that as you have expressed on 3ABN
02:56 that God's people reside in virtually every denomination
03:02 that may be little politically correct
03:04 but also can be dangerous to say."
03:07 And he writes some other things too here,
03:08 and I think we need to be very careful
03:10 first of all not to be judging, okay?
03:12 Because God does not ask us to judge,
03:13 but he does ask us to live according to the Word of God.
03:17 And so when we made this statement,
03:19 so this is kind of a clarifying statement.
03:20 When we have said that God has people
03:23 throughout all of Christendom,
03:25 in other words many denominations,
03:28 and even those that are not Christian,
03:29 he has people that he's working on hearts drawing to him,
03:33 that are really talking about
03:34 an extension of a verse that Jesus,
03:38 where Jesus states in John 10:16
03:42 that "Other sheep I have which are not of this fold."
03:47 So here he's talking about,
03:49 you know, he's with his disciples,
03:51 they're not just the 12, it's an extended discipleship.
03:54 It's extended followers and he's saying there are some
03:57 that are not of this fold, that are not of just us here
04:01 that are following me.
04:03 But here's the, here's what where we need to,
04:05 kind of, qualify that statement because he goes on, he says,
04:08 "Them also I must bring and they will hear my voice
04:14 and there will be one flock and one shepherd."
04:18 So when we make this statement
04:19 that God's people are in everywhere,
04:21 we're not saying that God wants to leave them everywhere.
04:24 Jesus wants his people as his world body of believers
04:30 to be one, to be unified
04:32 and that means to be unified within a,
04:36 the Christian faith in its purest form
04:38 according to the Word of God, okay.
04:41 Now I'm the Seventh-day Adventist minister,
04:42 I believe that Seventh-day Adventist Church
04:44 has those truths, which is why
04:46 a part of my message is the Three Angles messages,
04:49 which is also repeated with that other fourth,
04:50 the other angle that comes down in Revelation 18, saying,
04:54 "Come out of for my people."
04:56 So there's a recognition there in that message
04:58 that God's people are still out there
05:01 in many denomination, in many face,
05:04 but the goal of God's people,
05:07 the ones that are given special truths,
05:10 truths that are aligned with God's word.
05:12 Part of that is preaching, and teaching, and calling them
05:16 out of these false systems of religion,
05:18 false systems of error into God's flocks.
05:23 Right.
05:25 And that's when he will have done his work.
05:27 This is God doing his work through his church,
05:28 calling people into one flock,
05:31 having one shepherd and then he will come.
05:34 And also that is really what it,
05:36 the last day events are really all about.
05:38 They're about gathering the flock into one.
05:40 And so the message we have is a unique message.
05:43 It's not a message that doesn't mater where you are.
05:45 God loves you, its okay.
05:47 It's, no, God loves you and he want what's best for you
05:49 but there is a truth that we want you to come in to,
05:52 he's preparing his people who are waiting
05:54 for the second coming to come into
05:56 and that's part of the message that we have,
05:58 that is called the Everlasting Gospel.
06:00 That is right, and in the Everlasting Gospel,
06:02 John, you segue perfectly, the Everlasting Gospel
06:06 is to be preached to every nation, every kindred,
06:10 every tongue, every people.
06:12 Why do that if God doesn't want people from every nation,
06:16 every kindred, every tongue, every people
06:18 to come to the response of this massage?
06:20 And this gospel of the kingdom, Matthew 24:14,
06:23 "Shall be preached in all the world."
06:26 Why would God do that?
06:28 Why would he want us to do that?
06:29 Why would the Lord say to the disciples,
06:32 "Oh, go ye therefore,
06:34 and make disciples of all nations."
06:36 If there were not people in all nations
06:39 that would be eventually a part of this fold.
06:42 Why would he say, "I send you forth
06:44 as lambs among wolves," if they are not, he says,
06:47 "Go into the highways and hedges,
06:49 and compel all men every where."
06:51 The supper is ready.
06:55 See, the whole message of the gospel is to gathering.
06:58 The Bible says, first, the message is in two ways,
07:01 "Come unto me all you..."
07:02 We respond to the call of the Spirit to God.
07:05 That's goal, go make disciples of all nations
07:07 and the Lord sent his disciples all over.
07:12 When the day of Pentecost had come,
07:15 when you read that, the day of Pentecost in Acts 2,
07:19 the response of the preaching of the gospel was,
07:21 "How do we hear these Galileans
07:24 speak in the language from which we were born?"
07:28 And then the question was all these people from Arabia,
07:31 and Phanphelia, and Crete, and all these different nations
07:36 gathered in Jerusalem, they heard the gospel
07:39 and they were told to repent, and then you have Phillip
07:42 who was one of the New Testament Apostles
07:45 who were sent to, to the Ethiopian unit
07:48 to let him understand what Isaiah 53 was all about.
07:52 Then he took the gospel back to Ethiopia
07:54 and historically Ethiopia is the second largest
07:56 and Ethiopia is the second largest country on Earth,
08:00 or the second place on the Earth
08:02 where the Sabbath was honored the longest.
08:04 Why? New Testament impact.
08:06 So the gospel is all about
08:07 people being all over the world.
08:10 And so, when we start getting this exclusive attitude
08:12 that we're the only ones we become pharisaical
08:16 and that was the problem with the Pharisees.
08:18 They thought that
08:19 and that's why they said to Jesus says,
08:21 "Why are you hanging out with publicans, tax collectors,
08:28 sinners, harlots,"
08:30 and Jesus says Luke 10:16,
08:37 "The son of man has come to seek
08:39 and to save that which was..."
08:41 Luke 19:10 sorry,
08:43 "The son of man has come to seek
08:45 and to save that which was lost."
08:47 Luke 19:10.
08:48 And so let's look at this, what's the benefit of it.
08:51 Listen to this, Jeremiah 23.
08:54 Jeremiah 23, listen to this, verse 1-3
08:59 "Woe to the shepherds who destroy
09:02 and scatter the sheep of my pasture,
09:06 says the Lord.
09:08 Therefore thus says the Lord, the Lord God of Israel
09:12 against the shepherds who feed my people.
09:16 You have scattered my flock,
09:19 driven them away," that's why he says,
09:21 other sheep I have that are not of this fold.
09:23 "You've scattered my flock,
09:24 driven them away and not attended to them.
09:27 Behold I will attend to you for the evil of your doing,
09:30 says the Lord."
09:32 And then verse 3,
09:34 "I will gather the remnant
09:35 of my flock out of all countries
09:39 where I have driven them
09:40 and bring them back to their folds
09:45 and they shall be fruitful in the trees.
09:48 I will set up shepherds over them who'll feed them.
09:51 They shall fear no more, nor be dismayed,
09:54 nor shall they be lacking says the Lord."
09:57 And so you find when he says,
09:58 "Other sheep that I have that are not of this fold,"
10:00 he said they're out there, go get them.
10:01 That's right. That's the gospel message.
10:03 The other thing too is that the devil counteracts
10:05 this Everlasting Gospel going out
10:08 to all people throughout all phase,
10:10 throughout all denominations to bring them into one fold.
10:13 The devil counteracts that by sending his own ministers,
10:17 his own gospel workers, his own preachers
10:20 into the same realm to gather them into his fold.
10:25 That's rights.
10:26 See the devil copies every thing that God does.
10:30 And he know God is calling people into one fold,
10:32 he's calling his people into his one fold.
10:34 He's got a gathering like God has a gathering
10:37 and so, you know, just because
10:39 we're in the Christian church this goes,
10:41 you know, if the opposite just because you're in a church
10:43 that calls itself Christian doesn't mean that
10:44 you're in the right fold.
10:47 So you have to make sure that your group,
10:50 your church is aligned way scripture
10:53 and that's the only way to tell whether or not
10:55 the minister, the preacher, the pastor and the leaders
10:58 are of the ones of the truth,
11:01 sharing the everlasting gospel, or the ones in error
11:03 where the devil has send out to divide and to concurred.
11:07 So anyway don't wan to relate to that too much
11:10 but I think it is important to know both sides of this,
11:13 that God has people every where
11:14 but at the same time he's calling them
11:16 into one fold preparing them for his return.
11:20 When you said that it reminded me
11:21 and I went to 2 Corinthian 11:4,
11:24 "For if he who comes preaches another Jesus
11:30 whom we have not preached,
11:32 or if you receive a different spirit
11:35 which you have not received, or a different gospel
11:39 which you have not accepted you may well put up with it."
11:44 He says, "For I consider that I am not all,
11:47 I am not at all inferior to the most eminent apostles,"
11:52 and then he goes down and warns the Corinthian
11:55 about what will happen
11:57 and he say, speaking about those who have
11:59 a deceptive message, like you said,
12:01 just because it's labeled Christian
12:02 doesn't mean it's the truth.
12:04 Right.
12:05 Here's what he said in 2 Corinthian 11:13,
12:07 "For such are false apostles, deceitful workers,
12:12 transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ,
12:15 and no wonder for Satan himself
12:19 also transform himself into an angel of light,"
12:22 and verse 15,
12:24 "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers..."
12:27 you just said...
12:28 His ministers, yeah.
12:30 Ministers, "If his ministers also transform themselves
12:33 into ministers of righteousness
12:36 whose end will be according to their works."
12:40 So there are people that look like
12:42 ministers of righteousness, Satan is the one
12:44 that helps them get that appearance.
12:46 They are transformed, he transforms himself,
12:49 they transform themselves, they look the part
12:52 but they don't preach the message.
12:53 It even says if you go on I'm not sure
12:55 it's that passage right there but it talks about
12:57 how even those in these churches
13:00 where these ministers are preaching
13:01 that they have itching ears.
13:04 They're actually setting up for themselves ministers,
13:06 they want to hear something smooth
13:08 and so when we preach
13:10 something like this program does,
13:11 it's no wonder that we would have those
13:13 that are very opposed to what we share.
13:16 Here is, we're talking about straight truth
13:17 and they do that with several things.
13:19 There's a movement out there that has gotten so large
13:22 and so wide spread throughout denominations
13:24 that it is really making them
13:26 incapable of discerning truth from the error
13:27 and that is this higher criticism of the Word of God
13:31 where everything is allegorical,
13:32 it's a story form,
13:33 it's not really that it happened
13:35 but here's the lesson behind it,
13:36 or my opinion is this.
13:38 We don't read the plain scriptures any more.
13:41 I was just talking to somebody who said, you know,
13:44 you really believe that
13:45 God really created the world in six days?
13:48 You know, how much of Christianity
13:50 has labeled this, you know, they kind of combine,
13:53 or accepted a form of evolution by calling it Theistic,
14:00 see, they labeled it, Theistic evolution.
14:03 The Bible doesn't accept Theistic evolution.
14:05 The Bible says creation in six days
14:07 and on the seventh you rested.
14:08 Right.
14:10 That's what it says, that's what it means.
14:11 It's not a story about something else
14:13 so be careful how your preachers
14:15 are teaching these kinds of thing
14:17 because it makes it very difficult
14:20 to discern right from wrong
14:21 if you take the Bible in that way.
14:23 That's right, theistic evolution
14:24 another terminology that is,
14:26 kind of, like opening a poisoned tap
14:29 to a big vat of clean water.
14:31 Just keeping dripping it, dripping it,
14:33 dripping it, dripping it and after a while it
14:34 just pollutes the entire thing and that's what the devil does.
14:37 He gradually pollutes the truth by these little tiny drops
14:40 and you'll say what's the big deal,
14:42 you still have a ton of clean water.
14:44 All it takes is one drop of poison
14:47 in many gallons of waters to say
14:49 it's all unfit to be swallowed
14:52 and that's what happens in the Bible,
14:53 you know, the one you were referring
14:54 to was in 2 Timothy 4 verse,
14:57 "Preach the word and be ready in season
14:58 for the time will come
15:00 and they will not endure sound doctrines
15:01 but according to their own desires
15:04 they're heart turn to teachers having itching ears
15:06 and they'll turn away from the truth to fables."
15:08 We're living in that time, John that's why...
15:10 Truth to fables, wow.
15:12 From truth to fables so that's why we are doing
15:15 the work of an evangelist.
15:17 That's why we are proclaiming it undiluted.
15:19 That's why I said this in the most politically
15:22 non correct Bible study you're gonna to get.
15:24 We're not tip-toeing to the tulips,
15:26 nor meandering in the maze of mediocrity,
15:28 nor pondering at the pool of popularity,
15:31 nor negotiating at the table of the enemy, okay?
15:35 That's not what we're doing here.
15:36 Anyway I have another question here.
15:37 Yes go. Let's go on.
15:40 Hi, Pastor Lomacang, I would like to know
15:41 what is born again?
15:44 If we don't have a spirit
15:45 and we are only body plus breathe,
15:49 when I was saved at the blank church at age 15,
15:53 I was told that I was born spiritually dead
15:57 and when I received Christ that my spirit was reborn.
16:01 Can you explain more, what is to be born again?
16:05 Thank you, David.
16:06 I appreciate your question, David.
16:08 There are couple of question in there,
16:09 one is presupposing that we have a body
16:12 and we have a spirit, you see.
16:16 That is, that is Neo-Platonism,
16:19 it's a big phrase but look it up.
16:21 Neo-Platonism, the idea that the body,
16:24 the spirit and the soul are separate entities,
16:28 that when you are born again
16:30 that now all of a sudden your spirit has a chance.
16:34 That's, that's not scriptural.
16:36 Let's go to John 3
16:38 and look at this in the proper context.
16:39 And well, some might say,
16:41 "Well, the Bible says body, soul and the spirit."
16:43 Exactly.
16:44 But the key there is the word the way you share that,
16:46 the way you said that.
16:47 These are not separate entities...
16:49 Right, not separate at all.
16:51 These are depended upon each other for life.
16:52 They're parts that make up man kind
16:55 and that's the key.
16:57 And by the way, the body and the soul
16:59 are in fact in concert with each other
17:02 because there's no separate soul
17:05 and there's no separate body.
17:07 The body with the spirit equals the living soul.
17:11 The body plus the spirit of God that was breathed
17:14 into the nostrils of man, Genesis 27:9.
17:19 Genesis 7.
17:21 Genesis 27.
17:27 No, no, Genesis 3:7
17:29 Yeah 2:7
17:31 Genesis 2:7. 2:7. Yes.
17:33 You know, what I was thinking, I was thinking of Job 27:3
17:39 which is, "All the while my breathe is in me
17:40 and the spirit of God is in my nostrils,"
17:42 I was getting my Job text merged with my Genesis text.
17:46 But yeah, Genesis 2:7, is the body receiving
17:51 the breathe of God and becoming a living soul.
17:54 Not separating the two.
17:55 Let's go ahead and go to John 3
17:57 and let's look at this whole thing about
17:59 being born again.
18:00 Now John 3:3,
18:06 Jesus speaking to Nicodemus
18:08 the one of the most famous stories in the Bible
18:11 where, you know, for God so loved the world is here.
18:13 "Jesus answered and said to him,"
18:15 that's Nicodemus, "most assuredly I say to you,
18:19 unless one is born again,
18:21 he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
18:24 Nicodemus said to him," verse 4,
18:26 "How can a man be born when he is old?
18:28 Can he enter a second time
18:29 into his mother's womb and be born?"
18:32 He knew he couldn't.
18:34 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you,
18:37 unless one is born of water and the spirit,
18:42 he cannot enter the Kingdom of God".
18:45 And this in not talking about a separate birth from the body,
18:50 this was talking about the fact that
18:52 being born of the water and of the spirit.
18:55 When you receive Christ something happens
18:58 that you're not able to do prior to that.
19:01 This birth that is talked about,
19:04 and I think that what your Pastor
19:07 may have meant in a...
19:08 I'm not trying to qualify his statement
19:10 but if I were to put this together in the proper sense,
19:14 we are all dead in sin
19:18 until we are born of the spirit.
19:22 We're all dead in sin until we're born of the spirit.
19:25 Go with me to Romans 6 and John, I want you to read
19:27 Romans 6:11-13.
19:31 This is really the process of being born again,
19:35 is we die to who we are
19:40 and we live, and Jesus lives in us to,
19:44 to now develop in us that spirit and that life
19:51 that is connected to Christ.
19:52 John, Romans 6, start with verse 10.
19:59 Okay, for the...
20:00 This is speaking about Jesus, by the way, first of all.
20:02 Yes, "For the death that he died,
20:04 as he died to sin and once for all,
20:07 but the life that he lives, he lives to God".
20:09 That's speaking about Jesus. Now...
20:11 "Likewise you also reckon yourselves
20:13 to be dead indeed to sin
20:16 but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
20:19 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body
20:22 that you should obey its lusts.
20:24 And do not present your members
20:25 as instruments of unrighteousness to sin
20:28 but presents yourselves to God as being alive from the dead,
20:31 and your members as instruments of righteousness to God."
20:34 Exactly and then ending right there
20:37 so what's happening is when you come to Christ
20:40 when you go back further in Romans 6
20:43 what dies is that old man of sin.
20:45 You see, we are born bound to a nature
20:49 that if we stay there will condemn us to eternal death
20:53 so in order to be delivered from death,
20:56 you know, the Bible says in Romans 6:23,
20:58 "The wages of sin is death
20:59 but the gift of God is eternal life
21:01 through Jesus Christ our Lord."
21:03 So we're all bound from birth, we're all set for death.
21:06 That's just where we're headed.
21:08 Jesus interrupts that and says, "You have to be born again,
21:11 you have to be born of the water
21:12 and of the spirit."
21:14 Now what does it mean to be born of the spirit?
21:16 You know, when we are...
21:18 Let me go head and go now to Romans 8.
21:22 Romans 8, what does it mean to be born of the water
21:26 and of that spirit?
21:28 Okay, let's, Romans 8:1, John, start there.
21:32 "There is therefore now no condemnation
21:34 to those who are in Christ Jesus
21:36 who do not walk according to the flesh
21:37 but according to the spirit."
21:39 Okay.
21:40 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
21:42 has made me free from the law of sin and death.
21:46 For what the law could not do,
21:47 in that it was weak through the flesh,
21:49 God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
21:52 on account of sin he condemns sin in the flesh
21:55 that the righteous requirement of the law
21:57 might be fulfilled in us,
21:58 who do not walk according to the flesh
22:00 but according to the Spirit."
22:01 Okay so what's, what's happening now
22:03 when it says walking according to the flesh
22:05 that means if we follow our natural tendencies
22:09 as what, as what the Bible says,
22:11 let me go to John 1 and hear it in a moment.
22:12 If we follow our natural tendencies
22:14 we are geared to be wicked.
22:17 The Heart, Jeremiah 17:9. Yes.
22:21 "The heart is deceitful above all things
22:24 and desperately wicked."
22:26 That ain't even slightly wicked it's so desperately wicked,
22:29 you'll not even know what you're gonna say
22:31 until somebody step on your little toe.
22:33 Oliver Henry Wright says, with the word flesh, he says,
22:36 "Take off the 'H' now read it backwards,"
22:42 with the word flesh take off the 'H'
22:44 and now read it backwards.
22:46 Self, wow.
22:47 He says, "Every where you put flesh substitute it with self."
22:51 Wow. I love that... That's a good one.
22:53 Else, S-E-L-F.
22:55 Thank you elder Wright.
22:57 He's always right. He does a good job.
22:59 No matter what, he's always Wright, W-R-I-G-H-T.
23:04 But that's, that's what happens so you cannot walk
23:07 according to the spirit unless Jesus is in you.
23:11 You see the spirit comes and 1 Corinthians 6:19
23:15 and 20 says, read that, read that for us,
23:18 why you going...
23:19 I was going somewhere else but where do you want to go?
23:21 1 Corinthians 6, speaking about the spirit of God.
23:25 The spirit of God comes into you,
23:27 you are born of the water, that's the baptism.
23:30 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 20.
23:33 "For do you not know that your body is a temple
23:35 of the Holy Spirit, who is in you,
23:37 whom you have from God and you are not your own
23:40 for you were bought at a price.
23:41 Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit
23:44 which are God's."
23:45 Okay so there you are, the spirit is in you now
23:48 but that spirit's not coming in
23:50 while this body is dedicated to the old way of life.
23:53 So what happens now the Lord comes
23:55 and takes that old nature, spiritually speaking
23:58 and kills it, born of the water,
24:01 drowns it but you come out
24:04 to walk in the newness of life and I'll just go ahead
24:05 and read the process here in Romans 6.
24:07 So this is something,
24:09 and keep in mind, process I died daily.
24:12 This is something that has to happen all the time.
24:14 That's right. This isn't a one time event.
24:16 You know, he's talking to me like Nicodemus about conversion
24:19 and yes that conversion begins at a point in time
24:21 but it continues throughout your life.
24:23 You have to be converted every day.
24:25 That's right.
24:26 And that means letting self go
24:28 which is your own spirit and letting differing,
24:32 yielding to the Spirit of God
24:33 which is the Holy Spirit working in you
24:36 and that is the converted walk and life in Christ.
24:40 I'm glad you said that.
24:42 It's the converted walk rather than conversion everyday.
24:44 It's continuing to submit to the conversion
24:46 because what we are to be, whoa.
24:49 I'm just so excited about
24:50 what I'm about to say right now.
24:52 What we are to be, what we going to be,
24:54 we are becoming.
24:56 Yes.
24:57 1 John, 1 John 3:1 and 2, read that for me John,
25:01 he's turning to all the text that I want him to turn to
25:03 but I have one right here
25:04 that I don't want to turn away from.
25:06 Now he just said, the converted,
25:08 the day by day I died daily,
25:10 you have to die daily, you know why?
25:12 Because this is a process going on.
25:14 Let's took at the construction site.
25:15 Let's go ahead and say I went ahead
25:17 and signed a contract with some builders
25:19 that they're gonna build me a new house
25:21 and they say, "John all we ask of you is sign the contract.
25:25 We'll do the work and when we're done
25:26 you'll be shocked about what we could do."
25:29 But I come back and say,
25:30 "Well, I don't like the color paint, I don't..."
25:31 He said look, "You hired us to do the job.
25:34 We promised what we began, we're gonna finish
25:37 but you got to keep your hands off the job.
25:39 We do this, this is what we do for a living
25:41 but I can't see how it's gonna...
25:42 That's not..."
25:44 "You can't, of course you can't see this.
25:45 You're not a builder."
25:46 So we're trying to interrupt a process
25:48 that Jesus has started through the in-dwelling spirit
25:50 and because we can't see how it's gonna work
25:52 we put our hands in the process
25:53 and he says, "Let me tell you something.
25:56 I'm dealing with an extreme make over here,
25:58 would you please let me tear down all the junk you had,
26:01 empty all those old selves and when I'm done
26:04 you're gonna say when that bus is moved, huh.
26:07 Unbelievable.
26:08 So you can't see what it's gonna be,
26:09 now go ahead John.
26:11 But what you need to know is while you can't see
26:12 what's gonna happen you need to know
26:15 that we are still on this contract,
26:17 we still have an agreement, you are...
26:19 I'm your father, you're my son,
26:20 we are still under this contract
26:22 just let me do my job
26:23 and you'll be shocked when I am done."
26:24 Go ahead and see it, read it.
26:26 "Behold, what manner of love
26:27 the Father hath bestowed upon us,
26:29 that we should be called children of God."
26:30 Exactly.
26:32 "Therefore the world does not know us
26:33 because it did not know him."
26:34 Okay, now the next one.
26:36 "Beloved, now we are the children of God
26:38 and it has not been reviled yet what we shall be."
26:41 Okay stop, don't go yet.
26:42 It has not yet been reviled what we're gonna look like.
26:45 Right. Go ahead.
26:47 "But we know that, when he is reviled,
26:50 we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is."
26:54 Isn't that an amen? Yes.
26:56 So it doesn't yet...
26:57 This whole new birth process of being born again...
27:00 See baptism is just a contract
27:03 and when baptism is taking you off of death row,
27:07 saving you from certain death
27:10 daily it saving you from the power of sin
27:15 that, that one time transaction when you baptize,
27:18 saving you from the penalty of sin.
27:21 You're taken off of death row you're not gonna die anymore
27:23 but the Lord has to every days say
27:25 John you got to die today again,
27:27 you got to die today again, you got to die today again
27:29 because as long as you're willing to die
27:31 you'll be safe from the power of sin
27:34 and if you're safe from the power of sin
27:36 I can keep working inside of you.
27:38 But the moment you let that power of sin
27:40 take over again it's gonna rain in your mortal body.
27:44 So I'm gonna try and put the rap around this.
27:46 Go ahead.
27:48 John 14, in this passage it's about the transitioning
27:53 of Christ in his work,
27:54 in his mission to the disciples.
27:56 That's right.
27:57 He's meeting with him in the upper room
27:58 it's right before his crucifixion
28:00 he's saying the work that I started
28:01 you're gonna finish and then he says in verse 16,
28:07 "I will pray the Father
28:08 and he will give you another helper".
28:10 I like the New King James Version,
28:12 the best of the translation
28:13 because in context Jesus is saying I'm giving
28:16 someone who will help you do this.
28:17 That's right.
28:19 Okay, now just a comforter, right.
28:21 But he's gonna help you.
28:23 He's gonna be the one that enables you to do this
28:26 and it says, "He may abide with you forever,
28:28 the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive,
28:30 because it neither sees him nor knows him
28:32 but you know him," listen to this,
28:34 "for he dwells with you, and will be in you."
28:36 That's right.
28:38 Now these are powerful words, listen to this next statement.
28:40 Jesus then brings it back to himself.
28:42 "I will not leave you orphans, I will come to you."
28:45 That's right, I may sense in a while
28:46 that it's gonna be me.
28:48 "I will come to you."
28:49 The holy spirit moving in... That's right.
28:51 Brings Christ into your life. That's right.
28:54 When you hear Christians say I have Christ in me
28:57 it means the Holy Spirit is empowered
29:00 and is motivating in me and helping me
29:02 do everything that God has asked me to do in my life.
29:06 And so I asked the question, John.
29:08 If someone's not converted,
29:10 if they're in only the conviction state
29:12 so there's no conversion,
29:14 there's no Holy Spirit moving in,
29:15 can Christ dwell in you?
29:17 No. No, you can't, it can't be.
29:19 So I like what CA Murray says, he says,
29:21 "We need a lot more converts
29:23 in the church instead of convicts"
29:25 That's a powerful statement.
29:26 I had been coining that, I had been repeating that
29:28 so many of us are convicts, we're convicted to the Sabbath,
29:31 convicted of die, convicted of the state of dead,
29:33 convicted of the 2,300 days,
29:35 convicted of the right teaching of what happens when you die,
29:38 who are not converted.
29:40 Yeah.
29:41 So don't get doctrinal conviction
29:43 mixed with spiritual conversion.
29:45 Last text, Romans 8:10 and this is the death
29:49 that the Pastor may have been talking to you about
29:51 and if Christ is in you the body is dead
29:54 because of sin but the spirit is alive
29:59 because of righteousness.
30:01 This whole body is gonna be traded one day.
30:05 It's mortal flesh
30:07 but because of the spirit of God
30:08 living in your life,
30:09 he's able to hold that body and check.
30:12 So you don't do what you want to do
30:14 and the only way that you could daily
30:16 hold that body and check is Galatians 2:20,
30:19 "I have been crucified with Christ.
30:23 Nevertheless I live, it is no longer I who live
30:27 but Christ who lives in me and the life
30:31 which I now live in the flesh," this moral body,
30:34 "I live by faith in the Son of God
30:36 who loved me and gave himself for me."
30:41 Don't fit it.
30:42 Just allow the construction process
30:44 to continue every day, read the construction plan,
30:47 God's word, familiarize yourself
30:50 with the builder, Jesus,
30:52 he's gonna finish and put a corner stone in there
30:55 and then you'll be just like him when you're done.
30:57 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord for...
30:58 when he's done, we'll be just like him.
31:01 Albright, let's transition, John.
31:02 Any questions you have send those questions
31:04 to this following address ,
31:09 that's .
31:12 We thank you for those questions,
31:14 we've been getting some good questions
31:16 and praise the Lord for those good questions,
31:20 and thank you for your participation,
31:22 we can't do this program without you.
31:24 Now John, let's dive back into our topic.
31:27 We started on repentance and there are so many doors
31:31 there in the topic of Repentance.
31:32 Yeah.
31:34 Let's go ahead and...
31:35 Well, we talked about the need for repentance,
31:36 how that's the key part of saving us from our sins
31:39 and the promise that the Lord will do that if we repent.
31:43 So there's, there is a part that we play
31:46 in the salvation process and that part is to repent.
31:49 That's right.
31:50 But there are things that go with that repentance,
31:52 there are parts of that repentance
31:54 and that's what we're looking at
31:55 in these seven aspects.
31:56 The first one was the examination,
31:58 which is the examination of self, what's in us,
32:01 Lord search my heart
32:02 see if there's any wicked way in me,
32:04 reveal all those things to me,
32:05 and number two was condemnation,
32:07 in other words recognizing that we are condemned,
32:10 we are judged and in fact
32:12 we didn't read one verse that we added to that one too.
32:15 Why don't you read that one?
32:16 you have...
32:17 1 John 3:20 and 21, setting it up,
32:21 this condemnation we wrestle as we talked about that word,
32:24 condemnation, because you know,
32:26 it almost sounds like to be a Christian
32:28 you need to just say, "I'm a bad person,
32:29 I'm a horrible person, I'm a terrible person,
32:31 I just have to flog myself and beat myself
32:33 till I'm gushing with blood
32:35 and the worse I feel, the better I am.
32:37 That's not what we're talking about.
32:38 We're talking about recognizing and accepting your condition.
32:41 You know, if you have a toothache
32:43 and your tooth keeps aching you say,
32:45 "I'm okay, I'm aright, " "Hey you need help?"
32:50 "No, I'll be just fine."
32:52 Before you know it's gonna be abscess
32:53 and then you're gonna need a root canal,
32:54 and maybe if you ignore that, your teeth starting falling.
32:57 Hey, have you seen that recent YouTube thing
33:00 with the Girl with the nail on her head?
33:02 No.
33:04 I have to show it to you later.
33:05 You know, the adage is that the men
33:08 don't listen to their wives,
33:09 they want to fix their wives problem,
33:10 but they're just not good listeners,
33:12 you know, some woman just want to be listened to.
33:14 Well, she's talking to her husband
33:16 and she's got a nail sticking out of her head
33:18 and he's trying to help her remove the nail to reveal that,
33:21 this is why she has headaches,
33:22 this is why she's having a problem
33:24 but she keeps stopping him.
33:26 It's not about the nail and then it goes hard,
33:29 but it's obvious, it's the nail on her head.
33:31 I'll show it to you afterward but...
33:33 And you know what? That's what I like.
33:35 It's so true. It's the nail in my head.
33:37 It is. Nail head.
33:38 That's a thought to think about.
33:40 But I love this verse.
33:41 This verse was really good and I'm glad you added that
33:43 to this piece of...
33:44 Because it really clarifies
33:46 why we stuck with the word condemnation.
33:48 Here it is, 1 John 3:20 and 21, "For if our hearts,
33:54 if our heart condemns us
33:57 God is greater than our heart and knows all things.
34:02 Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us,
34:06 we have confidence towards God."
34:08 Now I want to, I want to add another text to this.
34:11 Hebrews 10:16,
34:13 "How could your heart condemn you
34:15 unless there's something that the Lord placed there,
34:20 that lets you know your condition."
34:22 Hebrews 10:16, go there.
34:24 "How could your heart condemn you?
34:27 Unless the Lord placed something there,
34:29 to help you..."
34:31 10:16 you said? Hebrews 10:16.
34:32 Okay.
34:35 "This is the covenant that I will make with them
34:37 in the last days in these days, says the Lord,
34:40 I will put my laws in their hearts,
34:42 and in their minds I will write them".
34:43 Amah.
34:45 So how could your heart condemn you
34:46 except when you look in there and you say
34:48 "Lord, why did you do that?
34:50 What is that?" "That's my law, look at it."
34:53 "Do I have to?" "Yes, look at it."
34:56 And you look at it, "Thou shall not steal,
35:00 " look at it "Thou shall not..."
35:02 "Alright, I got the point."
35:05 "If you didn't put that in my heart
35:06 I wouldn't feel bad right now, I know I need you."
35:08 Yeah.
35:09 But if you look at your heart and you said
35:10 "Thou shall not steal."
35:12 "But I don't steal." But thank you, what?
35:13 I looked at the Lord and by your grace
35:15 I don't do those things.
35:16 Oh. I've confidence now.
35:18 This is why we say
35:20 as preachers there are two kinds of guilt's, right?
35:21 Exactly.
35:23 The one kind of guilt is the good kind
35:24 and drives us or causes us to look to Christ,
35:28 the bad kind of guilt is the kind
35:30 that is this constant woes me and...
35:32 Yeah.
35:33 And not really recognizing that Christ righteousness,
35:36 which is the second part of this verse.
35:38 We have confidence for God.
35:40 We need to move beyond that guilt once it does its work
35:43 and so this is what we're saying with condemnation
35:46 guilt's had it's affect, it's done its work,
35:47 we stand conduct, we accept judgment
35:50 and now we move to number three.
35:52 And you know, John, in friends, I know that, you know this.
35:56 When we try to justify our unrighteous activity,
36:02 we ignore what our heart is saying to us,
36:07 we ignore what the spirit is prompting us
36:11 about our own condition, and when people,
36:13 they, you could see it sometimes,
36:14 I don't know why you think I have a problem.
36:16 I don't have a problem, you have a problem,
36:17 what do you mean you have a problem?
36:19 Well, I'm telling you that you're, I said the other day,
36:22 and this will come up in one of my sermons, hiding,
36:25 being willingly ignorant about your condition
36:28 is like hiding garbage in your house.
36:31 You know what, my wife and I, this came to me,
36:33 we went away once and we forgot just in hurry
36:37 to take the garbage out
36:38 and we were not gone for just four days.
36:40 We went to Nash field and came back.
36:41 When we came back, you ever had that?
36:43 You open the front door and you go, "Ooh."
36:45 What was that?
36:47 What is that?
36:48 Oh. I forgot.
36:49 Remember we threw the stuff off from the fridge
36:51 and forgot it in the garbage can.
36:53 The garbage can is like, you know,
36:55 45 feet away from us but it seems that
36:58 it's at the front door waiting for us
36:59 to open and say "Got you."
37:01 That's how sin is, if you try to hide sin,
37:05 it will not only meet you at the door,
37:08 but it'll grab your nostrils and say,
37:10 "I told you stop ignoring me and here I am.
37:13 Now I stink, "
37:14 and that's why you have people with stink attitudes.
37:17 And their behavior stinks,
37:22 because they don't examine themselves
37:25 so they are condemned
37:26 because they try to justify their actions.
37:29 And by the way, as you go to the next point
37:30 of this verse.
37:33 The ones that refuse to be self examined,
37:36 the one that refuse to allow the Lord
37:38 to reveal to them their condition,
37:39 they'll be, they'll be...
37:42 What's the word here?
37:43 They'll fell condemned also,
37:45 but their condemnation is to judgment.
37:47 They'll be the ones running to the rocks in the mountains
37:49 and say hide us from the lamb who sits on the throne,
37:52 Revelation 6 Those are the ones that'll say,
37:55 "Okay, I'm guilty but it's too late then."
37:58 So acknowledge your guilt now and run to the savior
38:01 who is the only one that can remedy your condition
38:04 but if you hide it, your heart is gonna condemn you
38:07 and you'll be self destructing.
38:08 Yeah.
38:10 Albright number three, so we had examination,
38:12 we have condemnation and now number three is contrition.
38:15 Okay.
38:16 Albright contrition, sorrow for sin,
38:20 don't want to continue this way,
38:22 want to move beyond it, don't want that life
38:25 and really this isn't just asking for forgiveness
38:27 from God but apologizing to him.
38:30 And I think sometimes...
38:32 Coming clean with it.
38:33 Yeah, well, but I like the word apologize.
38:35 I think sometimes we don't say to God, "I'm sorry."
38:41 I apologize how I've neglected our relationship,
38:45 or I have not listened to your spirit
38:48 but I got angry anyway.
38:49 I hurt our relationship,
38:51 I apologize, I'm sorry for that.
38:53 I think apologies...
38:55 What is an apology without sorrow?
38:57 It's nothing.
38:58 You know, go tell your brother you're sorry, you hit him.
39:01 Do I have to? Tell him you're sorry.
39:03 "I'm sorry."
39:04 Does that really do anything? No.
39:07 I'm so glad, you mention, because in my counseling
39:10 what I say to people,
39:11 I say apologize to him, apologize to her.
39:16 They begin with apology but sorrow is something
39:18 that is bound by God working on your heart,
39:21 and then you come back later with a humble spirits and say,
39:23 you know, "I am so sorry."
39:26 And they hear that, but if you say "say sorry,
39:29 " "I'm sorry," "I'm sorry too, aright?
39:31 We fine? Good. Now let's get out of here."
39:33 That's not sorrow, that's...
39:34 apology is the legal recognition that,
39:37 I did something wrong.
39:38 That's a legal recognition. Sorrow is Godly produced.
39:41 It's not produced by the instantaneous moment
39:43 that I got caught
39:45 and when people say to the judge,
39:47 "Okay, your honor, I'm sorry.
39:49 Can I go now?"
39:50 What?
39:52 You're doing some time,
39:53 that's not the attitude of a person that's sorrowful.
39:55 You know, that's why they always give the criminal
39:57 a chance to say something to the family.
39:59 Well, and I say this is well, if sorrow is not,
40:02 is not there in your heart,
40:04 and after recognizing, examine yourself,
40:05 and recognizing that you're condemned.
40:08 If sorrow is not there ask God for it,
40:10 ask God to help that sorrow
40:15 drive you further and further into a level of repentance
40:18 that result in forgiveness.
40:20 Right.
40:22 'Cause if you don't have sorrow,
40:23 forgiveness doesn't occur.
40:25 it doesn't because you don't
40:27 even feel bad for your activity, you just...
40:29 "Okay, aright.
40:31 So I'm keeping the sad but what else
40:33 do you want me to do?"
40:34 You need to get rid of that bad behavior.
40:36 Yeah.
40:37 You need to acknowledge that the way you're living
40:39 is not a witness to the Lord being in your life.
40:42 One of the worse advertisements to the world is the Christian
40:45 who professes Christ but don't live that way.
40:47 You know, and so this contrition,
40:50 but read some of these texts I think these texts
40:51 you put here are beautiful.
40:53 Yeah, Psalm 34:18,
40:54 "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart
40:58 and save such as have a contrite spirit."
41:00 That's right.
41:01 The contrite spirit is like, "You're right, I am...
41:05 Lord I confess, I did it." Yeah.
41:10 And that's why this one is the next one.
41:11 Yeah.
41:13 Psalm 51:17, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit.
41:16 A broken and a contrite heart,
41:19 these, Oh God, You will not despise."
41:21 That's right.
41:22 Humble heart, humble,
41:23 when you deal with things in a humble way,
41:27 "Cast me not away from thy presence Oh Lord
41:30 and take not thy Holy Spirit from me.
41:33 Restore to me, the joy of my salvation."
41:36 See David prayed that prayer 'cause he knew that
41:39 and the Lord, you know, the Lord forgave him
41:42 because he had a contrite spirit.
41:45 And when you come before the Lord that way,
41:48 contrition, sorrow for sin not just, "I'm sorrow,
41:52 sorry I got caught."
41:54 Which is what most of it is.
41:55 Yes, sorry I mean I didn't know what came over me.
41:59 That's fake.
42:01 We will pause this there.
42:03 You don't have to read the whole thing,
42:04 but 2 Corinthians.
42:05 Oh yeah. This is really...
42:07 2 Corinthians 7:9 to 11.
42:08 2 Corinthians 7:9 to 11, "Now I rejoice,
42:13 not that you were made sorrow
42:15 but that your sorrows led to repentance."
42:18 Beautiful text.
42:20 "For you were made sorrow in a Godly manner,
42:23 that you might suffer loss from us in nothing,
42:27 " you know people that lose everything
42:29 don't have a Godly sorrow.
42:31 The judge says, "I'm giving you one more chance,
42:34 you could either plea bargain,
42:37 but you got to acknowledge you did this,
42:38 or you could go ahead and go to trial
42:40 but if you lose you're getting 30 years.
42:42 You could try to justify your actions
42:44 which we know you're guilty of.
42:46 But you can plea bargain, I'm sorry..."
42:48 Throw yourself on the mercy of the court.
42:50 You know, always say people that are guilty
42:52 don't need justice they need mercy,
42:54 people that are innocent need justice.
42:57 But it goes on to say,
42:59 "For Godly sorrow produces repentance
43:01 leading to salvation.
43:04 Not to be regretted,
43:06 but the sorrow of the world produces death."
43:09 That's what we just talked about.
43:11 "For observe this very thing
43:13 that you sorrowed in a Godly manner.
43:16 What diligence it produced in you?
43:18 What clearing of yourselves?
43:21 What indignation?
43:22 What fear? What the eminent desire?
43:24 What zeal?
43:26 What vindication?"
43:27 I love how that he expresses all those things
43:29 that come with repentance, it's just great.
43:31 in all things, you proved yourself
43:34 to be clear in this matter, that's beautiful.
43:38 That's like man you went to this trail
43:40 and man you came out, you hung in there,
43:43 you answered the questions, you were honest, you were open.
43:46 Fest up?
43:47 You fest up,
43:48 we're gonna give you second chance
43:50 and that's a, that's a...
43:51 that's a whole text, you don't need to show them that text.
43:53 No. That's a whole text.
43:55 That's what we're talking about the contrition.
43:56 When a person is really honestly sorrow,
43:58 people accept that.
44:00 You know, people care sometimes less
44:02 about your ability and more about your attitude
44:05 about things and that's just beautiful there.
44:07 That's the great one, John.
44:08 That's a Praise the Lord, he lead you to,
44:10 I told you I'm gonna preach this sermon.
44:12 But I'm not gonna tell you where.
44:14 Aright, the next one,
44:16 number four, after contrition, confession.
44:19 Confession, no excuses,
44:22 taking full accountability for your sin, okay?
44:25 Confess it to God, let him know.
44:28 Be specific, okay,
44:30 these are some of the things that we need to do,
44:31 not just generalized I mean...
44:33 Yeah, I'm a sinner.
44:35 It is healthy to go in and say I did this wrong yesterday
44:39 and I confess that.
44:41 Please, forgive me.
44:42 You know, John, as you read these texts.
44:43 That's why when the police are examining you they said,
44:46 "yesterday at 11:45 PM, where were you?"
44:50 Well, you know, I got up in the morning,
44:52 brushed my teeth.
44:53 "Sir, we're not talking about the morning,
44:55 we're not talking about brushing your teeth
44:56 unless you brush your teeth late at night.
44:57 Where were you at 11:45 PM yesterday?"
45:00 "Well, you know I had lunch..."
45:01 "sir, you're avoiding the...
45:03 Where were you at 11:45 PM last night,
45:06 when the crime was committed?"
45:08 "I was home, sleeping."
45:10 "Do you have any proof of that?
45:12 Was anyone there?" "No. I'm single."
45:15 And they thought, "yeah, he's evading us."
45:17 See this is what he's talking about.
45:19 Go ahead, read that text, Psalm 22:5, that's powerful.
45:22 "I acknowledged my sin to you
45:24 and my inequity I have not hidden.
45:26 I said I will confess my transgressions to the Lord
45:29 and you forgave the inequity of my sin."
45:33 Why would you? Why couldn't he hide it?
45:35 There's nothing hidden to God,
45:38 you're talking about radar detectives
45:39 and night vision God has it all.
45:43 But you know what, John,
45:44 what I love about this topic is we're walking people
45:47 through the very basic elementary things
45:49 of what Christianity is.
45:51 So often we think Christianity is
45:53 why your denomination teaches
45:54 compared to my denomination teaches.
45:56 The Lord can always bring you to an understanding
45:58 of the truth, but you have to first understand who am I?
46:01 That's right. Who am I?
46:03 What position am I in?
46:05 What difference is this gonna make in my life?
46:07 So if I acknowledge and I'm specific,
46:09 I ask, to I asked him to break the bonds of sin
46:12 that keeps me from and I've discovered, John,
46:14 and I know you've 'cause you've talked about your past
46:16 and you were grown up and you dabbled in drugs
46:19 and in my life I dabbled in a lot of things,
46:22 and just to be general and broad about it,
46:25 but what we asked Lord to do is
46:26 to break the bonds that hold us.
46:28 Yeah. Break the bonds of wickedness.
46:30 Yeah.
46:31 Break down the strong holds, snap the chain,
46:34 disconnect us from the old man of sin and it really works.
46:38 But the other one is really good, James 5:16.
46:40 Yeah.
46:41 "Confess your trespasses to one another
46:43 and pray for one another that you may be healed.
46:46 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man
46:48 avails much."
46:49 I like that and we're not talking about every little sin,
46:53 confess it to each other, these are things
46:55 when you have wronged somebody else.
46:56 Right.
46:58 You need to go confess that to the person you've wronged
46:59 as well as to God.
47:01 That's right.
47:02 Cause God wants to heal a relationship
47:03 not only between him and you
47:05 but between that person and you as well.
47:06 And what's important about this is sometimes
47:08 we dishonor somebody in public
47:12 and we go ask God for forgiveness,
47:14 God says you know what,
47:16 if you have awe between you and your brother,
47:19 you go leave your sacrifice at the alter.
47:21 Go fix that thing and then come back.
47:23 Don't be trying to make any private confession
47:26 of a public embarrassing situation,
47:28 fix that thing and there are some people that probably
47:31 need to apologize for the way that they hurt people publicly.
47:35 I've seen people do that publicly.
47:37 They'll hurt someone publicly and they'll go and say,
47:40 "Well, I asked God to forgive me."
47:41 They just need to get over it. Yeah.
47:42 I don't even know, that's why it says...
47:44 That attitude. It's terrible.
47:46 That attitude is just like it's an unrepentant heart.
47:50 That's why he says confess your trespass
47:53 to one another.
47:55 Why? That you may be healed.
47:58 That relationship can be mended again.
48:01 We won't speak of who of course
48:03 but you and I were involved
48:04 in a reconciliation process years ago.
48:06 Yeah.
48:07 And I remember, coming to the wife of,
48:09 the husband and wife on one side of this thing,
48:12 and this was at church, we pulled her aside.
48:14 And I think you asked her the question,
48:17 "Will you get together
48:18 to help finish up this reconciliation process
48:21 'cause your husband has, will you?"
48:22 She said, "No." Right.
48:25 "Don't you understand that this,
48:27 not only separates you from him and that family,
48:29 but between you and God?"
48:31 "I don't care." Right.
48:32 I mean, she was flippant,
48:34 she just wouldn't even consider it
48:37 and sometimes we get so defiant
48:39 that self is risen up so much
48:41 we can't even find an avenue to repent
48:44 or even have a remote sorrow for sin.
48:46 And that's so dangerous,
48:48 we don't know ourselves as we should.
48:50 We need to get back to the beginning
48:51 and do some self examination when that happens, right?
48:54 And you know what, it's about pride,
48:55 pride could kill you,
48:57 you know there are six things
48:58 that God hates the seventh is pride, pride will kill you.
49:02 It will build your, you would,
49:04 pride will make you build your own gallows
49:07 and make you hang yourself
49:09 and laugh at you while you're climbing up there,
49:10 putting the rope around your neck.
49:12 But if you stop somewhere along the way,
49:14 that pride could be put the pride to death
49:17 so that you could live.
49:18 And this whole thing about self justification,
49:21 self, I put self abdication that's self sacrifice.
49:24 Self, defeat self rather than allow self to defeat you.
49:30 And it's really the whole thing about,
49:33 I've hear people say, "I don't deserve this."
49:38 Let me tell you, you deserve death.
49:40 We all deserve death.
49:42 So we have to understand the community of Christianity
49:45 requires that we handle each other with such care.
49:48 Confess your trespasses to one another
49:50 as far as it is possible with you be at peace.
49:53 In this session, John,
49:55 this session one confession is huge.
49:58 Cause churches have been spilt, families have been spilt,
50:01 our communities have been destroy
50:03 because people say,
50:05 look you got to fix between you and that's fine,
50:08 You got I'm talking to many more.
50:10 I'm going to that church.
50:11 She's gonna that church. I'm moving to this country.
50:14 I know people that move across the world
50:16 just so not to deal with that situation
50:18 but In fact their hearts are still at odds
50:22 with their walk with Christ.
50:23 And the Lord Is saying,
50:24 "Hey, you just need to buy a ticket
50:26 and go back and fix that
50:27 because you isn't going into heaven
50:29 as long as you think that, that situation is on resolve
50:31 and your happy with that and like a resolution."
50:33 that's why verse this one, this next one Is great
50:36 about the whole thing about confession.
50:40 You're talking about the next versus?
50:42 Yeah, I John 1:9,10, "If we confess our sins,
50:45 he Is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
50:49 and he cleanse us all from unrighteousness.
50:52 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar.
50:56 And his word Is not In us."
50:57 And you know what?
50:59 The other thing about...
51:00 That's powerful, that confessing and the Lords,
51:04 the Lord says, "Did you do It?"
51:05 "Yeah." "Okay."
51:06 Confess, I'll forgive you, I'll cleanse you.
51:11 But then you have the flip side of that,
51:13 he who covers his sin will not prosper.
51:16 Proverbs 28:13, "He who covers his sin
51:20 will not prosper but whoever confesses
51:22 and forsakes them will have mercy."
51:25 Some people cover their sins, I will say that, you know,
51:29 when I put this In the bright context,
51:31 you see, being cleansed Is not a default.
51:35 The Lord Is the cleanser
51:37 but being cleansed Is not a default,
51:39 It Is Imparted to us on contingent basis
51:43 If we confess our sins,
51:46 he Is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse.
51:50 You know, working...
51:52 You can't wash your car in a garage,
51:53 you got to take it to a car wash.
51:55 I mean you could wash it in your garage technically,
51:57 but this, the pardoning grace of Christ
52:00 is when you come to him.
52:02 And the forgiveness and cleansing
52:03 are really two parts of this process
52:06 because both are involved in the healing.
52:10 Forgiveness is the, the not holding it against you part,
52:14 cleansing is helping to remove even sometimes the inclination
52:20 that is so strong in someone for that sin.
52:24 So our hearts also need to be cleansed from the attachment
52:27 we have to the sins that easily be set us.
52:29 Right? That's right.
52:30 And so they're cleansing,
52:31 I want the cleansing up my heart
52:33 so I'm not feeling like I keep go,
52:35 wanting to go back to that sin so much
52:37 and we've all fought these battles,
52:38 they're in there with us.
52:39 But he needs to forgive and cleanse us.
52:42 Both are important. That's right.
52:43 It's very powerful,
52:44 that's good and you know
52:46 the whole thing about the confessing part,
52:47 confessing not only to the Lord for what is between you and him
52:51 but to one and another
52:52 and so that relationships can be stronger.
52:54 And anytime we see, anytime we think
52:56 that we are better than the other person,
52:59 it stops blocking the process of,
53:01 and this next step is very important to...
53:04 So the next step number five is submission, okay?
53:08 Submission, and this I put there pursuing God's will.
53:11 It's more to that but when we submit
53:13 what we're really doing is differing.
53:15 We're putting down self or dying to self
53:19 and we're pursuing what God's plan for our life is
53:23 so when during our will to God.
53:25 Now we're all very strong willed.
53:28 Now there is an element of the survival of the fittest,
53:31 right, in us.
53:32 I mean that's an evolutionary term
53:34 but there is an element that wants to survive,
53:36 self wants to be alive and well,
53:38 that's the sin that's in us that's causing that
53:41 but surrendering to God,
53:43 let him take the reigns of your life
53:45 that is what submission is about
53:48 and submission doesn't have a good connotation
53:50 to many people.
53:52 But this submission is really a willing surrender to someone
53:56 who knows us best and loves us the most,
54:00 and that's important
54:02 'cause you can submit to someone like that.
54:03 Right, you can do that.
54:05 You really can and just a quick text.
54:08 "Seek the Lord while he may be found,
54:11 call upon him while he is near, " Isaiah 55:6.
54:14 James 4:8, "Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.
54:18 Cleanse your hands, you sinners,
54:20 and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
54:23 And if we and so submission is so widely important because...
54:27 We could spend a ton of time on that
54:28 but we want to move on to number six.
54:30 Yeah.
54:32 Do you want to finish all these?
54:33 We got three minutes. I'm not sure, there's two more.
54:37 You can finish up in one more program.
54:38 We could do that.
54:40 Then we'll do that because there's another element
54:41 I'd like to finish which isn't here.
54:43 Okay.
54:44 And then it would really take us out.
54:46 So I think we could probably finish this part of it
54:49 which is submission by reading this text
54:52 from 1 Peter 5:6-10.
54:53 Go ahead, read that.
54:55 "Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God,
54:58 that He may exalt you in due time,
55:01 casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
55:05 Be sober, be vigilant;
55:07 because your adversary the devil walks around
55:09 like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.
55:13 Resist him, steadfast in the faith,
55:16 knowing that the same sufferings
55:17 are experience by your brotherhood in the world.
55:20 But may the God of all grace,
55:21 who called us to His eternal glory
55:23 by the Christ Jesus,
55:25 after you have suffered a while,
55:26 perfect, establish, strength, and settle you."
55:29 So notice the train of blessings
55:31 that come after humbling ourselves
55:33 before the Lord.
55:34 And that's the description of submission.
55:36 Submission is the act of humbling ourselves.
55:42 Submitting ourselves to God, but then there's another one,
55:45 Ephesians 5:21, "Submitting to one another
55:48 in the fear of God."
55:49 Oh, that's good. I'm gonna put that one down.
55:50 "Submitting to one another in the fear of God,
55:52 " Ephesians 5:21.
55:54 We don't like to submit to one another.
55:57 You know, and then Paul also says
55:59 "Submit to those who are in authority.
56:01 Know those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord
56:05 and admonish them for their work sake.
56:08 See, so when we submit to one another
56:10 in the fear of God, we're saying "God.
56:14 Close your eyes, I ain't saying that I'm not apologizing."
56:17 Now, God used to make...
56:19 "Okay, I hear you Lord,
56:20 " you know, John, I'm really sorry.
56:22 Yeah.
56:23 I understand that you are in authority,
56:26 I'll submit to your leadership.
56:28 And, you know, leadership,
56:29 that was the problem in the Israelites.
56:32 They wouldn't submit to Moses, they wouldn't submit to Aaron.
56:34 You go to every prophet
56:36 that God called to lead the people.
56:37 And then Steven said "Which one of the prophets
56:41 that God has sent to you that you haven't even stoned?"
56:44 Why is it so important to submit?
56:46 1 Peter 5:5, I'll just give this last part
56:50 "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
56:53 Submit yourselves to the elders."
56:56 James 4:7, "Submit to God.
56:58 Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
57:01 Yeah.
57:04 This year's, I think we have two or three more
57:06 that we'll cover in our next one.
57:08 But this is, like you said, it's very practical.
57:11 This is the basic Christianity
57:13 and this is what we want
57:15 in this to help people understand
57:16 that surrounds this subject of repentance.
57:19 And Ellen White says "All who submit
57:21 to the power of the spirit of God,
57:24 all who submit to God, the spirit will consume sin."
57:28 May the Lord consume the sin in your life
57:31 that you may be all that he desires you to be.
57:33 God bless you.


Revised 2016-07-21