Health for a Lifetime

Best Choice

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Zeno Charles - Marcel, Don Mackintosh


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000072

00:44 Hello and welcome to Health for a Lifetime.
00:46 I'm your host Don Mackintosh.
00:47 And today we're delighted you're with us.
00:49 I'm also delighted that Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel
00:52 from the Lifestyle Center of America with us.
00:54 Welcome, Doctor!
00:55 Thank you very much.
00:57 What an interesting name - Zeno Charles Marcel - is that French?
01:01 That is a French origin name.
01:03 The first name, Zeno, is actually Greek.
01:06 It's Greek, ok, what does it mean?
01:08 Well, it means a sign or a symbol.
01:11 A sign, it's a good sign that you're here today because
01:14 the doctor is in!
01:15 Tell us a just little bit about what you do, what you've done,
01:19 what the Lifestyle Center of America is.
01:21 Well, the Lifestyle Center of America is a residential
01:24 lifestyle program.
01:25 People who have chronic illnesses such as diabetes,
01:29 high blood pressure, heart disease, can come and actually
01:34 learn how to live so that they don't have to depend on
01:37 medications and so on.
01:39 Now not everybody can be taken off their medications but if
01:42 they can reduce the amount of medications that they have to
01:45 rely on and actually learn how to live better, feel stronger,
01:50 be more energetic, think better, do better in life totally.
01:54 If you're interested in the Lifestyle Center and what
01:58 Dr. Marcel has to say today and you want to get in touch
02:01 with him, maybe you have an internet right now and you can
02:03 get in touch and check things out while you're watching
02:06 here's a website for you: www. lifestyle center. org
02:11 all one word, lifestyle center. org
02:14 So I'll give that to you again so it's pretty easy to remember.
02:17 Today we want to talk about the best choices we can make.
02:24 And so we're going to entitle today's program:
02:26 Best Choice, isn't that right?
02:29 You actually are working, I think, on a series of books
02:33 with this same acronym as the title "Best Choice. "
02:37 What are the best choices we can make?
02:39 Well, if you look at it as an acronym, then each letter
02:44 stands for a different aspect of what we would call
02:46 total health.
02:47 And total health for anybody really involves the physical
02:52 dimension - the body, thinking, and emotions or mind and also
02:56 the spiritual dimensions.
02:59 So mind, body, and spirit.
03:00 So the total health involves all of this.
03:02 Working with the total health and helping people to regain
03:06 total health then we have this acronym.
03:09 I have worked on this little acronym so people can remember
03:13 the components.
03:14 The "B" stands for Balanced Nutrition.
03:17 And maybe we can talk about each one in a little while.
03:20 But the "B" stands for Balanced Nutrition.
03:22 Yes, and maybe if you're watching at home and you want to
03:25 jot down... just jot that acronym down.
03:30 Get your paper and pencil and just write down "Best Choice. "
03:35 And then just write down these tid bits as we go along.
03:39 But before we do that, you're a specialist in
03:42 internal medicine, is that correct?
03:44 Which just simply means what?
03:46 It means that I work with all kinds of chronic diseases
03:50 and acute diseases that does not involve surgery.
03:55 Ok, so you know a lot about all the internal organs and whatever
04:00 is happening there, that's really been your focus of study.
04:03 That's correct.
04:04 I'm also a sub specialist, if you will, in geriatrics.
04:08 And my practice, actually, focuses on a cluster of disease
04:13 that we call syndrome X.
04:14 Syndrome X - the so called deadly quartet.
04:16 That's correct.
04:18 Hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease
04:21 and obesity.
04:22 Ok, we're glad that you're here.
04:25 Let's go to the "Best Choice" and start working through that.
04:27 And you were starting with "B" for Balanced Nutrition.
04:30 Balanced Nutrition.
04:31 I'll just go ahead and list the things out.
04:33 "B" is for Balanced Nutrition.
04:35 "E" is for Exercise.
04:38 Everybody knows about that one even though not every one wants
04:41 to do it.
04:42 "S" is for Simple, Natural Remedies First.
04:48 Starting with the first things first we use simple,
04:51 natural remedies.
04:52 "T" is for Trust in the Creator God.
04:55 Ok, so that takes care of "Best. "
04:57 You're a Christian physician.
04:58 Yes sir.
04:59 Ok, great.
05:00 I know from where we come and hopefully we can get to where
05:05 we're going.
05:06 The "Choice" word: the "C" stands for cleanliness.
05:11 A simple concept but actually a very important - cleanliness.
05:15 "H" is for Hibernation - that is sleep and rest and things
05:19 like that and also for hydration.
05:21 When I sleep I don't know if I come close to hibernation.
05:24 But I like it when I wake up and it feels like I've been
05:27 hibernating.
05:28 You know, get refreshed.
05:30 The "O" is for Outdoor Activities.
05:36 So having a part of your life that you spend outdoor in the
05:39 fresh air, the sunshine, clean environment.
05:42 "I" is for Inner Peace.
05:45 We move from outdoor activities to inner peace.
05:48 We want to have peace and tranquility on the inside.
05:50 Stress reduction and things like that.
05:53 "C," the second "C" is for Connectedness or Community.
06:00 Now we are social beings and therefore to have this part of
06:04 our life actually enhances the way we were made.
06:08 "E" is for Elimination of Harmful Substances.
06:12 Ok, so we want to go back now and look more
06:14 specifically at these.
06:15 Let's look at "Balanced Nutrition. "
06:17 What does it mean to balance?
06:20 Do I have to have as many French fries in this hand as I have
06:23 hamburgers in this hand?
06:25 What are talking about?
06:26 We are talking about the best choice.
06:28 And what the best choice is about often times is leaving off
06:32 even things that might seem to be good and choosing what is
06:36 better and then leaving the things that are better and going
06:38 to what is best.
06:39 Sometimes we get side tracked by what we might say is ok to eat
06:43 or ok to deal with.
06:45 But there's another side to this as well.
06:48 Many people with the interest in getting a healthy diet, etc.
06:52 move from a position of what we call health reform - you know
06:55 reforming the health - to health deform.
06:59 They go to an extreme that was not intended.
07:02 I'm a product of the 60's and 70's.
07:06 During that time there were people who were saying,
07:09 "I'm going to be eating healthy and what-not. "
07:10 And what they ended up doing was just eating sprouts.
07:13 You know a whole diet of sprouts.
07:15 That is not a balanced diet.
07:18 Basically we're looking at a wide variety of fruits, grains,
07:23 vegetables, legumes, or beans and peas, and nuts.
07:28 This actually constitutes the best choice that anybody can
07:32 have for a balanced diet.
07:33 Now some people say that because you've eaten too many
07:37 carbohydrates and different things that they try and say,
07:41 "Well, you need to go off that for a while and go to a totally
07:45 or a very high protein diet to get your balance back and you
07:50 can be in a so called zone where you're balanced. "
07:55 What is your comment on that?
07:58 Well, there's lots of theories going about, lots of books
08:01 and money being made by people writing about these things.
08:05 The truth be told, people do get some benefit from going on these
08:10 various kinds of diets, there's no question about that.
08:13 On the other hand though we ought to look at what is
08:16 actually the best choice that somebody can make.
08:18 The way our bodies were meant to operate we need a fairly large
08:26 amount of the currency of the body.
08:28 The currency of the body is nothing but carbohydrates.
08:32 That's the primary currency that the body needs.
08:34 So when you say carbohydrate someone is probably is thinking
08:38 "I don't know what a carburetor is, I don't know what
08:40 carbohydrate is. "
08:41 What exactly is carbohydrate?
08:43 That's a chemical designation for a particular kind of
08:48 constituent in food.
08:50 It's what you would find in things you might call sweets
08:54 or sugars.
08:55 It's also what you would find in the starches - like potatoes,
08:59 and rice, and pasta, and things like that.
09:01 So it's those complex carbohydrates, that with the
09:06 fiber and everything?
09:07 Exactly.
09:08 And then the simple ones are basically sugars, honey, things
09:11 like that.
09:13 So we need to have... how much of our diet needs
09:16 to come from carbohydrates?
09:17 Probably about 55 to 65 percent of our diet should come from
09:21 carbohydrates.
09:22 And that carbohydrate should be what we call fiber rich,
09:26 as close to the way it comes on the tree as possible.
09:30 So complex.
09:32 But not the honey and the sugars?
09:35 There might be a place for a little bit of honey in the diet
09:39 a little bit of sweetness in the diet in the sense of the
09:43 natural sweetness.
09:44 You know fruits are naturally sweet and to have fruit in the
09:47 diet to sweeten the food that's more than reasonable.
09:51 That's actually very good.
09:53 Any health food store you go into has a section of all
09:57 kinds of different things.
09:58 But one section that they have that's a huge section is all of
10:01 these vitamin pills and mineral pills.
10:04 Do we need those?
10:07 For the most part if one is eating a balanced diet
10:10 they don't need to take all these things.
10:13 What's interesting we have the ability to take any kind of food
10:20 and break it down to its constituent parts.
10:23 The problem is even when we break it out to its constituent
10:27 parts, to put it back together and have it grow,
10:30 we can't do that.
10:31 So there is something that is beyond our reach when it comes
10:36 to what has been packaged in foods.
10:38 And that's a very important issue.
10:39 Whole foods that grows on a tree is different from even somebody
10:46 working with it in the laboratory and trying to put
10:49 all those constituents together.
10:50 Therefore, when we take things out of the food and give it as
10:54 supplements we're actually not fully receiving all the benefit
10:58 of what would have been obtained from having it in the food
11:00 in the first place.
11:02 So instead of having those parts and pieces, get the whole thing
11:06 The whole thing, that's right, that's the best choice.
11:09 We better move on because I know balance with nutrition, we could
11:12 talk about that all day, but...
11:15 "E" - Exercise, what about that?
11:19 Exercise is a relatively modern concept.
11:25 In the days when people used to go out and work and work hard
11:29 when they came in the evening they didn't say, "Honey, I'm
11:33 home, let me just relax for a little bit and then I'm going
11:37 to the gym and work out. "
11:38 No, you came in and you've already worked out.
11:40 But the kind of work that people did that was physically
11:45 active is what provided them with a large degree of health
11:50 benefits of just their work.
11:51 Basically what we're looking at, if we were to look at exercise,
11:55 is if the work entails aerobic activities, such as what we've
12:01 considered, running, walking, swimming, things like that...
12:03 We won't consider what we're doing work.
12:05 Oh, what we're doing sitting down here, no, this is not
12:07 work at all. - laughter -
12:09 We're not physically active, it's just our mouths are working
12:12 and our brains are working a little bit.
12:13 Even if we talked as fast as we could, it would not be work.
12:17 I wouldn't consider it so. - laughter -
12:19 Ok, so they have to get out and exercise.
12:22 Get out and exercise.
12:23 Get out and be active.
12:24 And from my point of view, a combination of flexibility,
12:28 strength training, and aerobic activity is what really
12:32 constitutes a good exercise regiment.
12:35 What do you do personally?
12:36 I know you talk about it but what do you do personally?
12:38 Personally, I walk.
12:39 I like to walk.
12:41 Mind you the way I like to walk is not just to get out there
12:45 and walk.
12:46 I actually take things with me.
12:49 I'm the kind of person if I can get two things done at the same
12:52 time I enjoy that.
12:54 Now some people they would walk and at the time that
12:56 they're walking they would meditate, they look at things,
13:00 I tend not to derive the most benefit
13:03 from doing things that way.
13:04 You're reading a book, you're listening to a tape, you're
13:06 doing different things?
13:08 Yes, that kind of stuff.
13:09 And actually my favorite thing to do when I'm walking is
13:12 actually go through my mail.
13:13 Because I become very efficient in tossing things - laughter -
13:18 when I'm walking.
13:19 You go down the street where there's a lot of waste baskets.
13:20 Ok, so exercise, how often a week and for how long?
13:25 About five times a week if one could work into their schedule
13:32 to have about an hour or so of physical activity a day.
13:36 five times a week, six times a week, that would work out well.
13:39 And at the Lifestyle Center, I've actually been able to visit
13:42 there once, they have beautiful trails and different things.
13:45 That's what they do when they come there, right?
13:48 We have outdoor activity on outdoor trails.
13:51 We also have indoor activities for when the weather
13:53 is inclement.
13:55 And also we tend to do a little bit more indoors simply because
13:59 in the controlled environment that we have, we're able to
14:02 measure things better indoors.
14:05 Sure, and then some people who come there are probably very,
14:06 very sick and they are just starting to exercise
14:11 and they want to be close to home.
14:12 Right.
14:14 But it's beautiful.
14:15 I've been there and it's on top a nice little mountain.
14:16 It's beautiful place.
14:18 I really like it there
14:20 "S" - Simple Natural Remedies
14:24 If we start off looking at first things first most people
14:28 who take care of the dietary habits and take care of the
14:33 physical activity or exercise, most people actually don't need
14:36 to take very much more.
14:37 You know what, we need to take a break.
14:40 We'll come back and simply look at Simple Remedies
14:43 when we come back.
14:46 Have you found yourself wishing that you could
14:48 shed a few pounds?
14:49 Have you been on a diet for most of your life?
14:51 But not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
14:54 If you've answered yes to any of these questions, then we
14:58 have a solution for you that works.
15:00 Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
15:03 have written a marvelous booklet called,
15:05 Reversing Obesity Naturally, and we'd like to send it to you
15:08 free of charge.
15:10 Here's a medically sound approach successfully used
15:13 by thousands who are able to eat more
15:15 and loose weight permanently
15:17 without feeling guilty or hungry through lifestyle medicine.
15:20 Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN
15:24 and in this booklet they present a sensible approach to eating,
15:27 nutrition, and lifestyle changes that can help you prevent
15:31 heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.
15:33 Call or write today for your free copy:
15:47 Welcome back
15:48 We're glad that you've joined us.
15:49 I'm talking today with Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel.
15:52 And we're talking about the best choices that you can make
15:55 concerning your health.
15:56 We're going to talk a little bit more about where we left off
15:59 which was Simple Remedies first - try those first.
16:02 But I just want to give that web page again if you would like
16:05 more information about the Lifestyle Center of America.
16:08 You can go on the internet at www. lifestyle center. org
16:18 and it's a great web page.
16:19 It has all the information you need about time, schedules,
16:22 prices, location, personnel, everything you might need to
16:26 make that decision.
16:27 Dr. Marcel, we're talking now about Simple Natural Remedies.
16:34 Well, where we left off we were talking about if someone is
16:39 actually doing first things first - that is, they're eating
16:42 right, exercising, they're physically active, most people
16:47 won't need to do very much more to keep their health
16:51 or regain their health.
16:52 However, when you do come down with some conditional illness or
16:57 disease or whatever, particularly the chronic
16:59 illnesses, using the simple, natural remedies first
17:03 make the most sense.
17:05 So what are they?
17:07 Such as using herbs, using water therapy, changing the lifestyle,
17:14 of course that's first, and then looking at the use of
17:18 supplements and minerals and things like that.
17:23 And then on to medications, or surgery, or whatever.
17:29 So walk, water, all those different things first.
17:34 Now you said minerals and different things, and herbs.
17:42 What are some of the things that you use there at the lifestyle
17:47 center or do you?
17:48 We do and it all depends on what the person's condition might be.
17:51 Goo Goo Lipid?
17:53 - laughter - What's Goo Goo Lipid? - laughter
17:57 Have you never heard about that?
17:58 No, I don't know.
17:59 Lowering lipids and different things.
18:01 Oh yes, we have...
18:02 Some people respond very nicely.
18:05 If the lifestyle alone is not what's taking care of things
18:09 then we might use Guar or Psyllium or a combination
18:12 of the two and we get very good results.
18:15 So you know all those different things there if need be but you
18:20 start off simple and then get more in depth.
18:22 Ok, you have "Trust in God. "
18:24 What is science telling us about that?
18:26 We know that's something that is common in a lot of
18:29 religions, but what's the scientific evidence of that now?
18:33 Let me give you one little tid bit.
18:34 What has been shown in scientific studies, documented,
18:39 is that people who utilize their trust in the Divine, they do
18:44 better with regard to if they have a disease whether they
18:48 will do well with that disease and actually people avoiding
18:52 diseases.
18:54 So whichever way one would like to look at it,
18:57 trusting in God, having a growing relationship with God
19:01 actually is a health measure.
19:04 Now of course it has other benefits but it's also a
19:06 health measure.
19:07 Recently the New England Journal of Medicine
19:09 came out with an article that was kind of casting a negative
19:13 reflection on that.
19:14 I think it was kind of a backlash because that same
19:16 journal and others have come out with very positive things.
19:19 There seems to be sort of a "wishy, washy" approach to
19:24 spiritual issues but not at the Lifestyle Center.
19:27 Not at the Lifestyle Center.
19:29 You know, part of the issue is that scientists really have a
19:36 difficult time trying to think of how we can incorporate
19:40 this or whether we should incorporate this whether the
19:43 rank and file physician across the country should be meddling
19:48 in spiritual and religious things when it comes
19:51 to dealing with patients.
19:52 And I think part of the negativity, if you will, that
19:55 we find in literature has more to do with whether people
19:59 should, you know whether clinicians should or should not,
20:01 as opposed to whether people, that is patients, individuals,
20:08 the rank and file person, whether they should practice
20:10 religious practices and whether that produces a healthy benefit
20:14 or not.
20:15 Yes, and I think it's a good thing to think about.
20:19 You don't want to be conscripting someone in a
20:21 certain way or whatever, but you got to be who you are
20:24 and you got to share with people the strength that you've
20:27 received yourself with others as well.
20:31 Ok, "Choice," we need to look at that now
20:33 And we have "Cleanliness. "
20:35 Cleanliness, they say, is next to Godliness, but what is it
20:37 as a physician that you talk to about, as you're talking
20:41 to people about cleanliness?
20:42 What's important about that?
20:43 You might be surprised that such simple things as taking a bath,
20:47 or washing your face, and brushing your teeth, and
20:50 cleaning your body properly, these things might seem very
20:55 simple but they can go a long way, because many people
20:59 actually never learned or didn't learn properly, or become sloppy
21:04 as time goes on and they really don't take care of themselves.
21:07 A little bit of cleanliness in this sense, personal hygiene,
21:13 actually can go a long way in preventing a lot of infectious
21:16 disease and chronic...
21:17 Are you including dental cleanliness?
21:20 Yes, sir.
21:21 Dental cleanliness is very important.
21:24 We've made lots of strides in the dental field by just having
21:30 people brush and floss.
21:31 I've heard that there's a connection between
21:33 heart disease or diabetes, insulin resistance, and how
21:37 people take care of their teeth.
21:38 That's correct.
21:39 There's some evidence that there's an increase risk
21:42 of having a heart attack by not brushing your teeth and
21:47 not flossing your teeth well enough and it may be related
21:50 to an inflammatory response that develops because of some
21:53 of the bacteria that we carry in our mouth.
21:55 So if you can brush your teeth while you're watching the
21:57 program today, you might want to do that.
21:59 We're talking with Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel
22:01 from the Lifestyle Center of America.
22:03 We're looking at the Best Choice.
22:05 This is the acronym.
22:06 We move next now to Hibernation and Hydration.
22:11 Well, Hibernation - it's just a catchy word to let people be
22:16 aware that we need rest.
22:18 We need rest every day.
22:21 We need rest every week.
22:23 We need rest because the body functions best
22:26 when it has adequate rest.
22:27 How long should we hibernate?
22:28 Well, if we were to look at it from a daily standpoint,
22:32 we need to get a least 7 to 8 hours of sleep, quality sleep,
22:37 per 24 hours.
22:38 Before 12:00 at night or after?
22:41 It works better if a significant proportion of that occurs before
22:45 midnight.
22:46 And that has to do in large part to the cycle of hormones that
22:51 we have in our Circadian rhythm.
22:53 So by getting some sleep before midnight, actually getting
22:58 ample sleep before midnight, that actually allows the body to
23:00 do a lot of the repair work that it needs to do.
23:03 You have children, does this go along with your
23:05 hibernation principles?
23:08 Yes, they do, but they're children, so the parents, we,
23:12 my wife and I, we have to set the standard
23:14 and the tone for them.
23:15 "Hydration. "
23:17 Hydration - many people in the United States are actually
23:19 under-hydrated.
23:21 We don't drink enough water.
23:23 Water is the key word, good, clean, fresh water.
23:27 Now the use of water, going back to cleanliness, we should use it
23:31 outside to clean the body.
23:32 Water on the inside actually helps to clean the body as well
23:36 but it can actually do more than that.
23:38 It helps the chemical reactions in the body occur in a much
23:42 better fashion.
23:44 It also reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
23:46 That was done in some research out in California at
23:50 Loma Linda University.
23:51 There is benefit to drinking water.
23:56 So water on the outside actually decreases the risk
23:58 of heart disease?
23:59 No, water on the inside.
24:00 Because of the fluid it causes and less breakdown of the cells?
24:05 We don't have the full mechanism but that is a
24:09 relationship that has been documented and presented in
24:12 scientific papers.
24:13 Ok, Outdoor Activities.
24:15 Outdoor Activities - that's fresh air and sunshine.
24:18 These are invigorating and health enhancing.
24:23 The fresh air, for instance, the negative ions in the fresh air
24:26 actually enhances a sense of well-being, improves the immune
24:30 system, and the immune system's response to infections, and
24:35 keeping things away, getting some air during the time that
24:38 you're asleep for instance, having the window just cracked
24:42 a little bit so that air, not a draft, just some clean air.
24:46 That allows you to actually get better respiratory function and
24:50 actually improves your rest.
24:51 I've heard that the air right after a thunder storm
24:53 is the best, is that true?
24:54 Yes, it has the most negative ions.
24:55 It even smells better!
24:57 If it's negative, it's positive for you.
24:59 That's right.
25:00 Inner Peace.
25:02 Inner Peace - You know stress is something that's everybody's
25:06 experience with stress, right?
25:08 The only people who we say don't have stress are
25:09 those who are dead. - laughter -
25:12 So that's not a good place to be either.
25:13 But inner peace is conducting one's self, and developing
25:18 the sense of who you are, where you are, where you're going,
25:22 so that you don't have to be stressed out by the things that
25:26 impact us and impinge on us all day long, all week long,
25:30 all year long.
25:32 So to be able to cultivate a sense of inner peace actually is
25:36 health enhancing and it settles the individual then they become
25:41 more responsive to things in their environment
25:44 rather than being just reactive to the things
25:46 in their environment.
25:47 We've got two more letters and about two minutes.
25:50 And that being Connectedness and
25:53 Elimination of Harmful Substances.
25:55 I think that the issue of Connectedness is one that
25:58 we're seeing more and more in scientific papers of people
26:02 belonging, being involved in society as a family.
26:05 This is very important for the development of children and
26:08 actually for the well being of everyone.
26:11 With regard to Elimination of Harmful Substances, I think that
26:14 should speak for itself.
26:15 There are things that we engage in that around in society that
26:20 really we shouldn't be doing.
26:22 We should get this out of our habits and remove them such as
26:28 tobacco, alcohol, various kinds of drugs.
26:31 These are not things that were meant to be a part of...
26:34 I was sitting on a plane once with a young man who looked like
26:37 he had been under the influence of every substance known to man.
26:40 I was telling him about health principles and he told me,
26:44 "Well, my four food groups are alcohol, tobacco... "
26:47 and he went on.
26:48 It was sad.
26:49 In avoiding those harmful substances.
26:53 You know as a Christian physician, we have about a
26:56 minute left, and that Inner Peace can't be something
27:00 that's manufactured or connectedness can't be either.
27:04 How have you found inner peace and what would you say
27:08 spiritually as a physician, to people as we close?
27:12 I would say that start off with some of the basics we've been
27:16 dealing with since childhood.
27:18 Which is open the Word of God.
27:20 Read for yourself.
27:22 Understand for yourself what God says about you.
27:26 I have learned to get my cues from what God says about me.
27:32 What He says directly.
27:33 I read the Bible as letters to me, they were to other
27:38 people too, but they are letters to me.
27:40 I take it very personally.
27:41 We've been talking with Dr. Zeno Charles-Marcel
27:44 at the Lifestyle Center of America.
27:45 If you'd like more information contact them at their website.
27:49 Or call us here at 3ABN and we'll give you that information.
27:52 We hope today's program has helped you and
27:54 that as a result you will have health
27:56 that lasts for a lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17