Health for a Lifetime

Time Management And Stress

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Skip MacCarty, Don Mackintosh


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000102

00:47 Hello and welcome to "Health for a Lifetime"
00:49 I'm your host Don Mackintosh
00:51 We're glad that you've taken time out of your
00:52 busy schedule to be with us,
00:54 and also Dr. MacCarty, we're glad that you're here.
00:57 We're going to talk about time management
00:58 as it relates to stress today,
01:01 and I understand that, really, stress is your specialty...
01:04 As we were talking, you let me know that
01:06 you are a fellow of "The Institute of Stress"
01:09 and you also were the opening speaker for the
01:11 Eleventh Congress on Stress in Hawaii, I think in the year 2000
01:14 And so we're just glad that you are bringing your
01:16 bringing your rich experience to us today.
01:19 Tell me, how is it that we relate to stress?
01:23 What is a model we can use to help us understand it?
01:25 I have a seminar I do, Don, and we talk about the
01:28 "stress tank" - I got this model out of Australia...
01:31 And "stress tank" - basically you think of your life as a tank
01:35 and stresses are being poured
01:37 into this tank every day of our lives,
01:39 and if the tank fills up to the overflow point,
01:41 various kinds of harm can happen...
01:43 It can be physical illness and mental problems,
01:48 accident proneness, etcetera.
01:49 Fortunately, there is a pressure relief valve on the stress tank
01:53 and the pressure relief valve can prevent our
01:55 stress tanks from rising to the overflow point,
01:57 and there are 7 keys keeping that relief valve opened,
02:01 and there are also ways we can close the
02:03 pressure relief valve thinking we are helping things.
02:05 Smoking, alcohol - gives short-term relief
02:08 can actually close the pressure relief tank,
02:10 and then there are things we can
02:12 do to create a larger stress tank.
02:13 In our seminar, we unpack all those things,
02:16 and there are 7 keys to managing stress.
02:20 Those 7 keys... Prayer, relaxation, exercise,
02:26 those are the keys? Those are the keys.
02:27 And time management is one of those keys,
02:30 and to have the pressure relief valve fully opened,
02:33 you keep all those 7 keys active in your life.
02:36 They all look very important but how important
02:38 would you say, if you're looking just at the component
02:40 of time management - how important is that?
02:42 Well, I have a stress pyramid that I have developed,
02:45 and the stress pyramid puts the 7 keys in a hierarchal order...
02:51 And the bottom 4 on that stress pyramid, they go from the least
02:55 important to the most important at the top.
02:58 So exercise, healthy eating, that's foundational.
03:01 Relaxation and then management/organization,
03:03 that's probably where you have time management, is that correct
03:06 Time management and organization
03:07 that's where time management comes in.
03:09 Those are foundational elements,
03:11 and time management is quite important
03:12 for stress management.
03:14 It's at the bottom at that pyramid or pretty near it.
03:17 What is the goal of time management - would you say?
03:20 The goal of time management is to be able to have the
03:24 things in our lives, Don, that we feel are
03:27 the MOST important and to be able to accomplish them.
03:32 We all have things we think are very important in our lives,
03:34 but there are so many areas of our lives that are
03:38 pulling at us that we can get into that time management
03:41 helps us to focus on THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS,
03:43 and be able to accomplish those.
03:45 Okay, talking about that... What then would be
03:47 FIRST STEP in time management?
03:49 That's the Determine Your Goals
03:52 Determine your goals - talk to me about that a little bit.
03:54 How do you do that - how do you determine your goals?
03:56 I mean, I have so many things
03:57 I want to accomplish... that sometimes, you know
03:59 ...this is going to be helpful to me,
04:01 and I'm sure it's going to be helpful to those listening.
04:02 Well, it simply means writing down your goals,
04:06 and GOAL - to define a goal, a goal is something that you
04:11 want to achieve - it's important to you.
04:13 That is desirable for you and it should be desirable;
04:19 it should be reachable - something you can accomplish,
04:22 and it should be measurable,
04:23 so you can know when you've reached it;
04:25 you know when the ball has got in the hoop so-to-speak.
04:28 And the goals can be...
04:30 Some people think of time management
04:33 and they often think - Oh you're talking about
04:36 just the workplace here.
04:37 No... we're talking about personal goals, family goals,
04:41 occupational goals - it's life-enriching dreams
04:47 that you want to accomplish.
04:49 And those change, probably from time-to-time.
04:52 They change from time-to-time.
04:53 Yes they do, you accomplish goals,
04:54 and others come up to the top.
04:56 So looking a little more closely at that and defining that,
05:01 what are some of the practical steps
05:03 we could take in setting those goals - defining them?
05:06 Well, I've been impressed by 3 steps that Alan Lakein
05:11 in an excellent book called...
05:12 "How to Gain Control and Your Life" has suggested,
05:14 and I went through these in 1990.
05:17 The first step is simply - List goals you would like to
05:20 accomplish during your lifetime.
05:21 You just take a piece of paper, and you only allow yourself
05:23 like 5 minutes to do this.
05:25 List ALL the things you'd like to accomplish in your lifetime.
05:27 You just have this long list of things,
05:29 then you put it aside for a while.
05:31 And #2 is - you take another sheet of paper and you list
05:34 all the things you'd like to accomplish in the next 3-5 years
05:37 And then you do only allow yourself just maybe
05:42 5 minutes maximum for that.
05:43 Put it aside and then your last one is
05:45 if you knew you were going to die in the next 6 months,
05:47 what would you for sure NOT want to leave undone?
05:51 That's a powerful question!
05:52 A very powerful question, and you write all the
05:54 things down you don't want to leave undone
05:56 if you're going to die in the next 6 months.
05:58 Then you have these 3 lists now...
06:01 You put them aside for a day or so and then you
06:03 come back to them later, and once you kind of ascertain
06:07 that those are the things really that -
06:09 "yes, that's what I'd like to accomplish in my lifetime;
06:11 that's what I'd like to accomplish in the next 3-5 years
06:14 ...that's what I want to be sure
06:15 to not leave undone in the next 6 months"
06:17 Then you've got at least a set
06:18 of goals you can start working with.
06:21 I don't suggest, Don, that you do this out of your own head,
06:26 you do it prayerfully.
06:28 Spiritual people think...
06:29 Well, time management, it's not spiritual enough,
06:32 but it is - you make it a prayerful experience...
06:35 And once you get those lists,
06:37 you say - "God is this really the list that would honor you?"
06:41 These things being accomplished in my life,
06:42 is this what You want me to do?"
06:45 And you get kind of a sense of satisfaction... Yes that's
06:49 That's where I need to go, that's where I'm headed. Yeah
06:51 So like David said - "I want a temple to be built for the Lord"
06:55 He got it all together, he didn't execute it, per se,
06:59 but Solomon did and he had planned it,
07:01 and came as a result of what God had put in his mind.
07:04 And the thing is, Don, that came out of his experience
07:07 with God.
07:08 All the wonderful things he accomplished in his life,
07:10 but the dream that he had was to build that temple.
07:14 That became his #1 goal;
07:17 toward the end of his life it became his passion -
07:20 was to be able to get all those materials together
07:21 for the building of that temple,
07:23 and that came out of his experience with God.
07:25 Our top priority goals really do grow out of our relationships
07:29 and especially for spiritual people,
07:32 their relationship with God.
07:33 So out of your devotional experience,
07:36 really, this can happen. It can - it can
07:39 After you've set these goals, then what do you do next?
07:42 #2 on the list, Don, is to then prioritize the goals.
07:48 Prioritize them - you have all these goals,
07:50 and what you have to do is,
07:52 first of all, you take the goals on your personal list,
07:56 and you just start writing down if you could ONLY
07:58 accomplish one of them.
07:59 Let's say I have 20 things on my personal list
08:02 of lifetime goals or whatever...
08:04 and I can only accomplish one of those,
08:05 what would I want to be sure and have accomplished...
08:10 And if God will say it - "Okay, I will let you
08:11 accomplish 2 of them"
08:12 What would the second one be?
08:14 And again, you make this a prayerful experience,
08:16 and you work right on down to #20
08:18 And then you do the same thing with family goals,
08:20 with occupational goals and you'd do the same thing
08:23 for your lifetime goals, your 3-5 year goals,
08:28 and your next 6 months.
08:30 And have you done this? Yes I have
08:32 And do you have, like in a book, with you at all times?
08:34 I carry a sheet of priorities around with me,
08:39 my top priorities.
08:40 I've got to tell you... I've known you now
08:41 for quite a few years and I KNOW this is true
08:44 because ever since I've met you,
08:46 I can remember, I think it was a big gray book
08:49 when I first met you... Yes
08:50 You had it there and you made this presentation
08:53 not exactly like this - you've thought about it
08:55 a lot since then, but you made that presentation to me,
08:57 and I got to tell you as well that for ME,
08:59 for the last 10 years now almost
09:02 because of that, I've had a calendar that has 5 years in it,
09:06 and it really has given, really, a great peace to me.
09:11 I think it is a stress-reliever in a sense
09:14 because I know where I'm going to be...
09:15 You know of course, God can preempt anything,
09:18 family situations can preempt anything,
09:20 but it really does - I'll just add my testimony to it.
09:25 You know, in the aftermath of the World Trade Towers incident,
09:28 one of the firemen that lost his life,
09:31 I think it was the chaplain of the fireman that lost his life
09:36 when he was administering last rites to one of the other
09:39 firemen there, he used to make the statement,
09:42 ..."That if you want to make God laugh,
09:45 tell Him what you're going to do tomorrow"
09:47 That's a good statement!
09:49 And I think there's something to that,
09:51 and at the end of this whole goal -setting process,
09:54 then we submit ALL our plans to God to be carried out
09:58 or given up as His providence will indicate.
10:00 It doesn't mean the goal-setting process isn't important.
10:03 It find it VITALLY important.
10:04 It has been so important to me over my life...
10:07 When I was giving a presentation on time management
10:13 to a group from around the country who had come in
10:15 for a family life seminar and I was doing one of the
10:17 workshops there and several years later,
10:20 I was doing my stress management seminar in San Diego,
10:22 and a lady came up to me in that seminar,
10:24 and she said, "You know, I was in that 2 or 3 years ago
10:27 when you did that time management seminar,
10:29 I was in that and ever since then, it's changed my life.
10:32 So I know these are very powerful principles,
10:34 so you determine your priorities.
10:36 Now I remember once, we were at a retreat together...
10:38 You may not remember this but this was many years ago,
10:41 and at that particular retreat, someone shared with me
10:44 the importance of prayer in this whole process,
10:47 and then you have as well.
10:49 You have a special prayer that you say...
10:51 I mean one of the prayers that I say every day is...
10:53 "What is coming between me and you Lord"
10:55 "What is coming between me and someone else"
10:57 "What do you want me to do about that?"
10:58 "What do you want to replace that with?"
11:00 "And what do you want me to do right now?"
11:01 It helps me set those priorities for that day.
11:04 But you have a special prayer as well that you share...
11:06 That's worked very well for me and that prayer is simply this -
11:09 "Lord, crowd the bad out of my life with the good"
11:14 "And then crowd the good out of my life with the best"
11:17 That's a great prayer.
11:19 It has been so powerful in my personal walk with God,
11:23 and in my professional life and in my family life as well...
11:26 Because what happens is, Don, God gives you more and more
11:30 important and top priorities and they become passions to you.
11:39 How do you determine a top priority...
11:40 Well again, it's a matter of saying...
11:41 If you could only accomplish ONE thing on your list,
11:44 what would you want it to be?
11:45 And then if you could accomplish a second one,
11:46 what would you want it to be, and so forth,
11:47 right on down the list -
11:49 that's how you determine your top priorities.
11:52 We want to talk a little bit more about those
11:54 top priorities when we come back.
11:56 We want to talk about how it is that you can accomplish
12:01 or once you prioritize these goals, what do you do?
12:04 And we want to talk more specifically about that.
12:07 I hope that you can join us when we come back.
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13:14 Welcome back, we've been talking with Dr. Skip MacCarty
13:17 We've been talking about time management
13:19 as it relates to stress.
13:20 We talked about how we needed to have goals,
13:22 and we needed to set priorities.
13:24 Anything else you'd like to say about that?
13:26 Well Don, sometimes we have - like at my work right now,
13:29 I work with Pastor Dwight Nelson at the Pioneer Memorial Church
13:31 I'm one of the associate pastors there.
13:33 I have 20 different ministries I'm responsible for.
13:36 Well I know I can't give equal time to all those 20 ministries,
13:38 so I sat down and I prioritized them from 1 to 20,
13:42 in terms of what I thought I could contribute
13:44 and in terms of the ministry of the church,
13:46 and give the most value to the
13:48 ministry of the church with my time there...
13:50 And then when I got those done,
13:52 I sat down with Pastor Dwight Nelson,
13:53 and I showed him this list of 20 and I said,
13:57 "Pastor Dwight, these 4 or 5 at the top are about all I can
14:01 REALLY invest my time in to make the biggest difference,
14:04 and I think this is it... What do you think?"
14:06 He looked at it and he tended to agree with me;
14:09 maybe there was a little shuffling around
14:10 of those 4 or 5.
14:11 And then I know when I go out of there,
14:13 because I have not only my own list of priorities,
14:16 but with my employer as well, and then I know
14:19 I have the freedom then to invest my time,
14:21 my major time for the church in those areas.
14:23 So you don't feel like you're "Harry Smatter" a little bit
14:26 for every matter - you're FOCUSED-IN...
14:28 You know exactly what to do. I can't say that I
14:29 never feel that way, but at least I know
14:32 I know what's most important and I've been empowered
14:35 by his choice as well as my own to go for that.
14:38 So once you've prioritized some goals,
14:40 what's the next step, what do you do?
14:42 Okay the next step, Don, and this is very important,
14:44 and we'll go through several steps here quite quickly.
14:47 to then list activities that will enable you
14:51 to accomplish those goals. Okay
14:53 And we're going to go through several slides here
14:55 quite quickly now because I want to put up some goals
14:58 Just some goals I just wrote down quickly.
15:00 Landscape the yard by August.
15:02 Complete a project at work on schedule.
15:04 Vacation next fall in Florida. Let's move that up a little bit!
15:07 And you notice that each one of these goals it's very specific
15:13 and it has a time element to it so you know...
15:15 You can check off when the time comes - have you done that.
15:18 And this is personal, occupational,
15:20 and family all together. Kind of mixed them up here,
15:22 kind of mixed them up, I just wrote down some goals.
15:24 Okay, the next slide then will be prioritizing those goals
15:29 and I do it this way primarily- you notice I have on there -
15:32 "Read Romans this month," and I may say
15:35 read biography on Mother Theresa or something.
15:37 This is for a secular audience, but I don't put them
15:40 as a top goal, but I want to get it up
15:42 there and get it relatively high.
15:44 Let's say I just prioritized my goal here...
15:47 I say... "Oh, I want to complete that work project on schedule"
15:49 And I want to just work right down the goal...
15:53 Then what I do is, I take the top priority,
15:55 completing that work project on schedule,
15:57 I take a clean sheet of paper, write that down at the top,
16:00 and I say - "What are the activities I need
16:03 in order to accomplish that. "
16:04 Well, I just wrote down 3 here...
16:05 ...Get the needed equipment.
16:06 Whenever there is some equipment I need, get that.
16:08 Make sure that I have the support personnel
16:11 that I need to help me with this,
16:13 make sure they're informed,
16:14 and they are committed to helping me with this.
16:16 And then adjust my personal schedule,
16:18 so I can actually make the deadline. All right
16:20 And then I go BACK to that list again of priorities,
16:23 I pick out #2 and it's going to be family reunion at Christmas.
16:27 I take a clean sheet of paper again,
16:29 go back to that clean sheet of paper and I start writing
16:31 down the things I need to do to achieve that.
16:34 Plan details with my wife, gain consensus on meal plans;
16:38 are my wife and I going to serve all the meals
16:41 or are different members of the family going to
16:42 take responsibility for different meals.
16:44 ...The sorbet or the soufflé. Exactly!
16:47 Get the extra bedding I need and so forth.
16:49 And just basically work it through that way.
16:52 Now you not only have goals, you not only have priorities,
16:54 but you have now some activities to accomplish those
16:57 priorities written down.
16:58 Boy, it kind of overwhelms me to hear all that,
17:01 but that's the nitty-gritty isn't it?
17:03 You know, I'll tell you - The time you invest,
17:05 that may take several hours, but the time you invest in that
17:08 is going to save you enormous amounts of time later on,
17:11 and it's going to help you actually accomplish the things
17:13 that you have determined, prayerfully,
17:15 are the most important to you, to your family,
17:18 and to your occupation.
17:20 I want to ask another question,
17:21 but before I do, I'd just like to share something...
17:23 You know, sometimes I've done SOME of this,
17:25 and I have a computer program that will take the things
17:28 I haven't yet accomplished and put them on to the next day...
17:32 That can get pretty discouraging after a couple of days,
17:36 but, you know, it does help me that I know I'm a little behind
17:39 on that and then I'll take a day and I'll have to
17:40 knock out 10 things! Yeah!
17:43 Right - and you know what?
17:45 The next day you have complete freedom because if you
17:46 change your mind, you can do some other things on that day.
17:49 Sometimes I don't even GET to my schedule for that day,
17:52 but let's move on here because we're getting to that.
17:55 Once I got my priorities set and those goals,
17:57 and done what you've said... these are the activities,
17:59 what next - what do I do?
18:01 Okay, the 4th step, Don, is when we're forming our
18:05 "to do list" for the day, we make sure that on that
18:08 "to do list" are some of those activities
18:10 from our high priority items.
18:11 In order to accomplish the high priority items,
18:13 we had certain activities - we want to make sure that
18:15 some of those activities are on our "to do list"
18:18 every single day - so it's at least on the list
18:22 And if possible, to make it as
18:24 high priority on the list as we can so we're
18:26 contributing toward that;
18:27 we're doing something toward accomplishing those.
18:30 Now, I gotta tell you, Don, every step along the way here...
18:33 People that start write down some goals,
18:36 then find it's sometimes difficult to do prioritization
18:39 because it's not hard to put down #1 and 2,
18:42 but when you get down to #8, 9 and 10 on the list,
18:45 and people realize they may not be getting to those
18:47 for some time if they are really working #1 and 2...
18:52 really focused on #1 and 2, it's discouraging because
18:55 they think it's too important not to be working on those...
18:57 And so, some people bail out at that point.
19:01 They bail out because they're just overwhelmed.
19:03 Because they want to treat everything equal...
19:07 which means they're not going to accomplish near as much
19:10 toward their high priority items - what really is deepest
19:13 in their heart by treating everything equal.
19:15 You can't treat everything equal and get it all done...
19:17 And how do you know when people ask you to do things,
19:19 how do you know what to say "yes" to,
19:20 and what to say "no" to?
19:22 When you have top priority goals
19:23 that have been prayerfully established,
19:25 that empowers you - it gives you permission to say "no"
19:28 to things that don't contribute toward those
19:30 if they are really prayerfully set goals.
19:32 Now we're all going to have to make discernment during the day;
19:35 sometimes it will be 5 o'clock in the day,
19:36 and I haven't even got to one
19:37 of those high priority items on my list yet.
19:39 Boy, that sounds almost like every day for me.
19:41 Well.. and you know what, the best time management
19:44 experts in the world acknowledge that much of
19:47 their time, they don't have control over it.
19:50 The difference between those people and the people that
19:52 don't accomplish the same things as much as the experts do
19:57 is the experts keep coming back, they know...
19:59 They have that built-in sense that at 5 o'clock in the day
20:02 if they haven't even got to one of the items on their list yet,
20:05 they still hopefully get to that
20:07 and if they get to the end of the day, they carry it over.
20:10 That's right, they carry it over to the next day.
20:12 No guilt - they just carry it over to the next day
20:14 because it's always on the list and they're going to get to it.
20:17 They're going to get to it and they are going to
20:18 accomplish it and when that gets crossed off,
20:20 another item on accomplishing another one of those activities
20:23 to accomplish their high priority goals
20:24 gets moved over to that list...
20:26 And it's just always there in front of them,
20:28 and they just keep chipping away at it,
20:29 chipping away at it - sometimes only a few minutes,
20:31 sometimes they don't even get to it,
20:32 sometimes they have a block of several hours in a day
20:34 where they can work on those things.
20:36 THAT'S what it takes!
20:38 Just dogged determination, but understanding that
20:41 God is also the God of the interruption as well.
20:43 That's exactly right - that's the Lord...
20:47 I lay all my plans at Your feet to be carried out
20:51 or given up as Your providence will indicate.
20:53 That's a great prayer... Always have to be sensitive to that.
20:57 Now the next thing, I suppose, is just like you said,
21:00 Do it - getting it done - go for it!
21:03 That's exactly right.
21:05 And that's, that's again, it's not easy for people
21:09 because when they get up in the morning,
21:10 there are people calling them, wanting them to do things,
21:13 there are little urgencies that come up,
21:16 but they have to have that;
21:18 when they have those high priority activities
21:21 on their list, what they want to do is to focus
21:25 on those things and some time during the day
21:27 they're going to chip away at those things...
21:29 That's what they're trying to do and look, Don,
21:31 sometimes you get blocks of time.
21:33 You're sitting in an airport and now we're going to have,
21:35 I understand, a little bit more time at the airports;
21:39 getting checked in and sitting there waiting for the plane,
21:42 and all those kinds of things...
21:44 so what we do is - Take advantage of that time!
21:46 Exactly - take advantage of those times. Cell phone!
21:52 There are block times, you can block out times too.
21:55 When you don't answer the phone because you can always make
21:57 call-backs and have the answering machine take calls,
22:00 and work on some of these things...
22:01 There are all kinds of ways to do it,
22:03 but you have to just keep after it.
22:05 Now I know that your answering machine does work,
22:07 and that you do screen calls - I know that
22:08 I've even been screened out occasionally,
22:11 but yeah, I think that's a good principle.
22:14 I've got an answering machine though - that truly picks up
22:17 and I don't know that it picks up,
22:19 because I don't like that feeling that people might get
22:21 that - "Hey, he's listening and he has said,
22:23 I'm not going to talk to that person"
22:25 So I have this - I don't know if that ever came up with you,
22:27 but it's true - the phone when it rings is not always
22:31 a top priority.
22:33 Okay, so the next thing after "doing it"
22:37 in your seminar you talk about a story that I thought was
22:39 really good about a $25,000 system of management
22:43 Tell me a little bit about that...
22:44 Well this is a story of Charles Schwab... Don
22:47 He was the chairman of "Bethlehem Steel"
22:49 He owned Bethlehem Steel and he hit a plateau in his business
22:55 Bethlehem Steel just wasn't going anywhere.
22:57 And this is a picture of him
22:58 He didn't know what to do with it...
22:59 Well it's a picture we use in our seminar...
23:02 a cute little graphic there. All right
23:05 And so he called in a time management expert - Ivy Lee
23:09 And Ivy Lee followed him around for several days,
23:13 and then gave him a list of 3 things to do
23:15 at the end of that period of time.
23:16 And Charles Schwab looked at it, it looked simple enough,
23:19 he said, "Okay, what do I owe you?"
23:20 And Ivy Lee said, "I tell you what you do,
23:30 you try these things for the next few months,
23:36 and then send me what you think it was worth. "
23:39 And at the end of that time, this was many years ago,
23:41 when $25,000 was real money,
23:44 and Ivy Lee got a check for $25,000.
23:46 Is that right? Yeah... I tell you what,
23:49 $25,000 is not really real money...
23:51 Now, I'd take $25,000 from you if you had it! I understand...
23:55 So $25,000- he said that was so helpful...
23:57 For just doing those 3 things every day.
23:59 And so this individual helped him prioritize,
24:02 and get things going and that was just worth all the...
24:05 What that list of 3 things was - Okay, what were they?
24:09 #1- Before you go to bed at night, make a list of the
24:12 6 most important things you have to do the next day.
24:16 So, before you go to bed... is that important?
24:18 No, it's not - it's not, I do mine in the morning.
24:21 Okay... Every morning and I do it during my prayer time.
24:24 I actually formulate my "to do list"
24:26 during my prayer time, and I carry stuff over
24:29 from the day before and make it a matter of prayer...
24:32 But Ivy Lee suggested - you do this before you go to bed
24:35 And then #2- when you get up in the morning,
24:37 you start working on #1 and you work on it until it's done.
24:42 You prioritize that list of 6 things.
24:44 Sounds like something my wife has told me before...
24:46 Then you work on it until it's done... All right
24:48 And then when you're done with #1,
24:50 you start working on #2 and work on it until it's done,
24:52 and work your way through list like that -
24:54 all the way through the list that way,
24:57 and do that every single day, he said,
24:59 and it will change your business.
25:00 Well, Charles Schwab found it did.
25:04 It did what it needed to do for him,
25:06 and it was worth that much money to him,
25:08 a very valuable thing for him.
25:09 Now I find, Don, that life doesn't work that way.
25:13 I don't get started on #1 and work on it until it's done.
25:17 But I try every day to have my list of things to do,
25:20 and I try to prioritize.
25:22 The most important things on that list are at the top,
25:25 and I want to try to get to that as fast as I can
25:29 get to that and start working down that list
25:32 to get the most important things done.
25:34 And you do that every single day,
25:36 and I find that is the absolute key in this.
25:39 All right, so that's worth $25,000 to Charles Schwab
25:43 but to you and I as well because we can get that done.
25:45 You know, one of the things I was reading about
25:48 one of these early religious communities in America that
25:51 spawned so much of our current industry,
25:53 and they did say that if you could make the list at night,
25:57 their whole philosophy - I just read this recently,
25:59 was that your mind could be thinking about it all night,
26:03 even while you're asleep, so when you get up
26:05 you're ready to do #1.
26:07 Well, and I believe Stephen Covey also recommends
26:10 that in his book, "First Things First"
26:11 an excellent book on time management as well.
26:13 Well is there anything else, we are talking about
26:15 time management - we have only 1 minute left,
26:18 so we have to be careful with our time,
26:19 but is there anything else you'd like to add?
26:22 Don, I think if there was one single phrase that a person
26:26 kept in mind constantly, it would be -
26:31 Remember that the main thing is the main thing
26:34 to keep the main thing!
26:35 Okay, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!
26:39 There you go. All right
26:41 Well I think I can remember that - to keep the main thing
26:44 the main thing...
26:45 And bathe the process in prayer, ask God to guide you -
26:51 Remember that text - "This is the way, walk ye in it"
26:54 He can guide and He can let us know.
26:57 We've been talking with Dr. Skip MacCarty
26:59 We've been talking about how to cope with STRESS.
27:02 We've been talking about time management
27:05 as it relates to that and I understand your seminar
27:07 is available - "Stress Beyond Coping" - Yes it is
27:09 and we can get a hold of that.
27:11 Through the Health Connection which is a subsidiary
27:13 at the "Review and Herald" and they can call the 3ABN,
27:15 I believe, and they'll have the phone number where
27:17 they can get that seminar;
27:18 it's on videotape as well now.
27:20 So, yeah, you can get a copy of today's presentation,
27:23 what we've covered here today,
27:24 it can help you in prioritizing time.
27:26 I've got to tell you, myself, personally
27:28 that over the last 10 years, many of these concepts
27:32 have been put in place in my life as a result, really, of
27:36 Dr. MacCarty's material as we worked together before.
27:40 And once you do these things, you'll get a sense that really
27:44 your stress will diminish as you know where you're
27:46 supposed to be and what you are to be doing -
27:48 Of course there are interruptions - we know that,
27:50 but keep the main thing, the main thing,
27:52 that's the MAIN THING.
27:53 We're glad you've joined us today.
27:54 We're glad that you can, as a result,
27:57 have Health that Lasts for a Lifetime!


Revised 2014-12-17