Health for a Lifetime

Health At Every Age

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don Mackintosh, Neil Nedley


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000141

00:46 Hello and welcome to Health for a Lifetime
00:47 I'm your host Don Macintosh.
00:49 We're glad you've joined us today.
00:51 Today in the studio we're going to be talking with
00:53 Dr. Neil Nedley.
00:54 Dr. Nedley is a physician in internal medicine, specializing
00:58 in the organs of the body and looking a little bit deeper.
01:03 He's done some programs with us before that many
01:06 of you have enjoyed.
01:07 Today we're going to be talking with Dr. Nedley about
01:10 health at all ages, is that what we're talking about?
01:13 That's right, health at every age.
01:15 Every age.
01:16 We don't have to wait until we're older to be healthy.
01:18 We can start even before we're born, perhaps.
01:21 That's the whole point.
01:23 Many people don't worry about their health, Don, until they
01:26 start aging and then they're wanting to try to prevent
01:30 disability, premature death, and that's important, but really
01:34 how well we're functioning at every age is very important.
01:38 If the child isn't functioning well he's not going to be doing
01:42 as well academically, not going to be part of the family unit
01:46 as well, and so it gets down to children and even before
01:50 as you eluded to.
01:52 You're an author, you've written several books that
01:55 have been very well received.
01:57 One is "Proof Positive" that goes through some of the things
02:00 that we'll cover today, but you're working on some more
02:02 material that will come out in the future here.
02:04 We're excited about that.
02:05 You've also written a book on depression.
02:08 Now I want to talk about this health at every age idea.
02:12 When we talk about health at every age, you've alluded
02:16 to the fact that actually a person's health starts before
02:20 they have any decision making process involved in that before
02:24 they're even born.
02:25 Before they're even born.
02:26 Actually their health can be dependant upon their
02:29 parents' health at the time they're conceived.
02:33 Time they're conceived.
02:34 So just when, so to speak, they're a twinkle in
02:36 their dad's eye or their mom's eye.
02:38 Exactly.
02:39 People out there that are beginning to think about
02:42 starting a family or they want that to happen
02:45 especially they need to listen up to what
02:47 your about to say now.
02:48 What are you going to tell us?
02:49 The dad's health is actually just as important as the
02:53 mother's health at the time they conceive.
02:56 The dad's health!
02:57 The dad's health.
02:58 Now you wouldn't think that.
02:59 Normally a dad just thinks,
03:00 "Well, it's all her, it's the women"
03:02 That's right and it's all put on her, she's pregnant, etc.
03:06 But we have to back up from the time the woman finds out
03:09 that she's pregnant and then all of a sudden she's interested
03:12 in being healthy for the baby's sake.
03:14 We need to back up before that and she needs to be very
03:17 interested in her husband's health if they are planning on
03:20 having children and conceiving.
03:22 So what should she be saying to her husband about his health?
03:25 What kind of things does he need to be watching?
03:27 Nutrition is an important aspect.
03:30 Actually it boils down to just two large areas.
03:34 The dad's health is dependant on what the dad is putting into
03:38 his body and what the dad is doing with his body.
03:40 What he's putting into his body can have a lot of importance
03:45 in regards to how high a quality the sperm is that he is donating
03:52 to the person.
03:54 How often is sperm replaced?
03:57 How healthy does he have to be for how long before conception?
04:00 It's about a week process.
04:02 If you go back to the forerunning of a sperm
04:06 it could be even up to a month.
04:08 But actually sperm is turned over every few days.
04:13 Really if he's planning on conceiving, if he would change
04:17 his life and get much healthier for 30 days before conception
04:21 he could do a lot of good.
04:22 So slow down, don't go to those fast food restaurants,
04:25 so what kind of things are we talking about?
04:27 What kind of things does he need to be putting in
04:29 before conception?
04:32 We're trying to prevent sperm damage.
04:34 The sperm is damaged by what we call pro-oxidants.
04:39 For instance cigarette smoking has an increase risk of damaging
04:45 the sperm and if the sperm is damaged at the time of
04:48 conception that baby may end up with a childhood malignancy
04:52 such as a brain tumor or a whelms kidney tumor
04:56 or even leukemia.
04:58 All from cigarette smoke.
05:00 All from cigarette smoke in the dad
05:02 at the time of conception.
05:03 And is it them smoking or even second hand smoke?
05:06 Second had smoke can play a role as well but more
05:09 important is their own smoking.
05:11 So stop smoking if you're thinking about having a child?
05:13 Exactly.
05:14 All right, what else?
05:16 In addition to that, being on a high anti-oxidant diet
05:20 can help prevent that damage as well.
05:23 High anti-oxidants, you're saying that the sperm is going
05:27 to be damaged I suppose by what they call
05:29 free radicals or something?
05:30 Correct.
05:32 Explain what a free radical is.
05:33 I've always found that term very interesting.
05:36 Free radicals are present in the environment.
05:39 0-3 or ozone actually is a free radical.
05:44 It turns into an 0-2 and then a free oxygen molecule
05:48 that can produce a lot of damage as it bounces around.
05:53 So what can we do to protect us against these free radicals?
05:58 Well actually the study that was done on preventing childhood
06:02 malignancy, looking back at the father's health showed that the
06:06 amount of vitamin C he was consuming at the time of
06:10 conception was critical in preventing the damage
06:13 from the free radicals.
06:15 So you mean at the time of conception,
06:16 that would be like that month before.
06:18 Exactly.
06:19 So what, get a big supplement, get a bottle of vitamin C
06:23 and have it by your bed at all times?
06:25 That actually will protect some up to 250 mg or more
06:29 of vitamin C a day can be protective for the sperm.
06:34 But better than the antioxidant pills in the bottles are the
06:39 antioxidant fruits and vegetables.
06:42 And the fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C.
06:45 Because not only will you get the benefit of the vitamin C
06:49 but you also get the benefit of a number of other
06:52 antioxidants in those fruits and vegetables.
06:54 So let's take a look at those and see what they would be.
06:57 I think we have a graphic on that.
06:58 Yes, we have foods that are high in vitamin C and
07:01 fortunately fruit is a good source:
07:20 Broccoli, notice it says "raw" the reason why is when we cook
07:22 a vegetable or fruit it will destroy about half
07:25 of the vitamin C.
07:47 And then we get into the foods that are very high in vitamin C
08:00 Brussels sprouts is loaded with vitamin C, so much so
08:03 that even if we boil Brussels sprouts and destroy 1/2 of
08:06 the vitamin C, we're still going to end up with 98 mg
08:09 in a cup of Brussels sprouts.
08:11 Orange juice, notice if it's fresh it's 124 mg.
08:16 The ready to serve orange juice that's sitting on the shelf
08:19 in the grocery stores, the vitamin C gets destroyed
08:22 over time.
08:23 Just a couple weeks on the shelf and you'll have about 1/2
08:27 of that vitamin C.
08:28 You'll actually do better in getting the orange juice
08:31 from orange concentrate, that preserves the vitamin C.
08:35 Or if you do it yourself and actually juice it yourself.
08:47 So you can see, Don, that it wouldn't be hard if you're on
08:51 a diet particularly that has more raw fruits and vegetables
08:55 in them to be easily getting your 250 mg of vitamin C a day.
09:00 So if you're a wife and your husband just really doesn't like
09:03 healthy foods like this or he'll eat whatever you make
09:07 for him, it's a good time for the wife to take the husband
09:10 out to some kind of restaurant that has all those things
09:13 on the salad bar.
09:14 Yes, that's right or just go to the grocery store and to
09:17 the produce section.
09:18 That would be better than most restaurants.
09:21 I can just see it now, all these young couples
09:23 in the produce section, getting their red bell peppers, kiwis,
09:28 hey you know, Brussels sprouts, I got to confess,
09:30 Brussels sprouts, I really almost loath Brussels sprouts,
09:33 but now I know why they taste like that, they're just like a
09:36 vitamin C pill that's not sweet.
09:38 I don't think this is going to affect a global economy of
09:42 Brussels sprout consumption because I said this but...
09:46 So all those different things vitamin C,
09:49 that gives us protection.
09:50 Vitamin C protects the sperm from genetic damage
09:52 Anything else you want to say about the men,
09:55 these men that are thinking about having children?
09:57 You've told them they need to step up to the plate and
10:00 put the right things on the plate.
10:01 Anything else they need to know?
10:02 The other thing is even in regards to whether they have a
10:06 job or not can be important.
10:07 Well, these women watching today are going to love this!
10:12 "Get out there, get a job!"
10:13 What does this have to do with it?
10:15 Actually studies show that once a woman does conceive
10:20 and is pregnant, if the man is unemployed, she will have a
10:24 marked increase risk of pregnancy complications
10:27 then if her husband is employed in a work environment.
10:31 Wow, so you need to get a job!
10:34 Any kind of job? Wal Mart?
10:36 In the study they didn't look at the types of jobs.
10:39 They just looked at whither they had a job or not.
10:42 So get a job!
10:44 If you're thinking of having... you know that's
10:47 good sense any way, right?
10:48 Because you're going to have to support...
10:49 You're going to have to provide for your family.
10:51 Probably that increases the stress.
10:52 I mean, hey, we've got this baby coming and...
10:54 Right, the husband is unemployed.
10:56 But actually, even if they were on the state system,
10:59 the state support system, in fact the study was done in
11:02 Scandinavia where if a husband doesn't have a job, they're
11:06 pretty well supported by the more socialist countries
11:09 over there.
11:10 But even despite the financial support that comes from
11:14 unemployment, the study showed that being employed dramatically
11:18 reduced the risk of pregnancy complications in the female.
11:22 What about a person who just can't get a job?
11:24 And I should mention, to clarify, that last statement
11:26 I made; that's employment of the husband
11:29 Of the husband, not of the wife.
11:30 Not of the wife, in fact we can get into that when we cover
11:34 woman's health aspect of things.
11:36 So what if you can't get a job?
11:37 I mean you really, truly can't get a job.
11:40 All these guys out there that are doing this, their sighing...
11:42 Well, that's a good point because there are some things
11:45 that man can do as well.
11:46 Being supportive to his wife during her pregnancy, not adding
11:51 to her stress level, but actually doing what he can
11:54 to decrease the stress level will help out significantly.
11:59 Ok, well, is it... the men are really miffed at this point!
12:03 They got to get a job, they're going to have to eat all the
12:07 Brussels sprouts, you've got the broccoli, anything you can do...
12:11 Anything else about the men?
12:13 They're beaten down now but... anything else we can do
12:16 to help them?
12:17 Well, actually if they're on a general exercise program
12:19 during this time that can help them as well.
12:22 Actually, this is all good stuff for you men,
12:24 don't be feeling bad about it, this is
12:27 excellent stuff, actually.
12:28 Should be doing it anyway, right?
12:30 When you understand that your not only helping your yourself
12:33 in this process, but you are helping a little one
12:37 for the rest of their life in doing these habits it really
12:40 takes on an added responsibility and is an added motivational
12:44 factor for the husband to do what's right as he's planning
12:48 on starting a family.
12:49 The Bible says, "No one lives to themselves," I mean
12:52 what we do impacts others.
12:55 I think it's a very profound thing that you've brought to
12:58 our attention because if we thought that way more often
13:01 there would be a lot less problems of every kind.
13:03 Yes, exactly.
13:05 That's why things can be passed on to the third and fourth
13:07 generation and the Bible also talks about that.
13:10 I guess that's part of being a man though, anyway, really
13:12 a definition of being a man would be someone that's going
13:14 to take responsibility.
13:16 Correct.
13:17 We've been talking with Dr. Neal Nedley.
13:19 He's an internist from Ardmore, Oklahoma.
13:22 He's also a best selling author.
13:24 He's written several books, one called "Proof Positive" that
13:27 deals with general health of every kind.
13:29 Another one, "Depression the Way Out" and other books that
13:32 are forth coming as well.
13:34 We've talked a little bit about the dad and conception.
13:37 When we come back we're going to talk about the mom.
13:41 So join us when we come back.
13:43 Have you found yourself wishing that you could
13:45 shed a few pounds?
13:46 Have you been on a diet for most of your life?
13:48 But not found anything that will really keep the weight off?
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13:57 Dr. Hans Diehl and Dr. Aileen Ludington
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14:07 Here's a medically sound approach successfully used
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14:17 Dr. Diehl and Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN
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14:30 Call or write today for your free copy:
14:42 Welcome back.
14:43 If you've just joined us, welcome to
14:45 Health for a Lifetime.
14:46 We've been talking with Dr. Neal Nedley.
14:47 Dr. Nedley is an internist from Ardmore, Oklahoma.
14:51 He's also a best selling author, writing books that can prevent,
14:56 stop, or even reverse disease if you have it.
14:58 One book is entitled "Proof Positive," another book
15:01 deals with depression called, "Depression the Way Out. "
15:03 But today we've been talking with Dr. Nedley about a
15:06 fascinating subject - Health at Every Age.
15:09 As we've been talking with the Dr. we've learned... well Dr.
15:12 what have we learned?
15:13 We've learned that health even begins before we're born
15:16 based on decisions our parents make, our father and mother.
15:19 And we were kind of picking on the dads to start out with
15:22 because they need to take responsibility of
15:24 eating the right things.
15:25 And they really need to stop smoking before the baby is born.
15:30 It dramatically increases the health and prevents childhood
15:34 malignancies.
15:36 You're saying at least a month before conception so that it's
15:39 not damaging the sperm.
15:40 Correct.
15:41 Ok, let's come back now... I know that we've come down hard
15:45 on the men but what about the ladies?
15:47 Do they have some things they need to think about?
15:49 Yes, they are donating half of the genetic material.
15:53 So what we've said about vitamin C can also apply to the
15:56 woman.
15:57 Also, very important is the woman's mental health during
16:03 her pregnancy.
16:05 Actually women who are more stressed out, those that are
16:13 involved in higher stress jobs have about a five-fold increase
16:17 risk in pregnancy complications compared to women who are
16:21 handling stress better and not having all these stressors
16:24 coming at them.
16:26 Well, that kind of comes back to the men again.
16:30 For the ladies themselves, it's good for them to be able to
16:34 start saying, "No, I can't do that"... it's ok to say no.
16:37 It's alright to say, "No. "
16:38 In fact, actually this is even more critical during the
16:42 first pregnancy.
16:43 There is a complication that occurs in one out of every ten
16:48 first pregnancies, called pre-eclampsia.
16:51 Pre-eclampsia... I know that's something... 'pre' means before
16:53 'eclampsia' I'm not sure.
16:54 What's this mean?
16:55 Pre-eclampsia is a condition of the placenta.
17:00 Of course that supplies the nutrients to the baby and
17:05 filters things from the mother and then supplies
17:08 them to the baby.
17:09 The placenta itself can undergo some transformation,
17:13 again caused by free radicals, that actually threaten the
17:18 health of the mother and the baby.
17:20 The mother will get high blood pressure during this time.
17:23 She will get a lot of swelling, in what we call pitting edema,
17:27 where if you press on the ankle it will leave a pit there.
17:31 A urine test will actually show that she is starting to dump
17:36 protein in her urine.
17:37 And when those three things happen,
17:39 then that's pre-eclampsia.
17:40 Meaning that if the trend continues and the trend is not
17:45 reversed, the woman will go into eclampsia.
17:48 The difference there is, the woman actually seizes.
17:51 She goes into a seizure that can be life threatening
17:54 to her and also very life threatening
17:57 for the unborn child.
17:59 And all these can be prevented by decreasing the stress
18:03 and having the kind of nutrition she needs.
18:05 Exactly.
18:06 Interestingly, women who are not working, particularly in
18:10 their second and third trimester actually do better.
18:16 Their risk is less of developing eclampsia.
18:20 And that underscores again the additional reason why it would
18:24 be beneficial for the man to work during this time.
18:27 Well, this is a big thing, I mean there are so many
18:30 single moms out there, you understand that.
18:32 What would you do if you're a single mom?
18:34 Well, there are some other things you can do as well.
18:36 First of all, it's important for you to design your schedule
18:40 and maybe say, "No," to decrease the amount of stress the woman
18:44 is having during the time of the first pregnancy.
18:47 But also important is her diet.
18:49 Because if she is on a diet that is high in anti-oxidants
18:53 that can prevent the free radical damage that occurs
18:56 to the placenta that sets this whole process off.
18:59 I can almost hear a court case coming up where someone says,
19:02 "Hey, you made me work too much" to their employer "and there's
19:05 all these studies that say that if I work this happens. "
19:08 "So you should have let me off work and you pay for this. "
19:10 Well...
19:12 You're not meaning to start this revolution I understand?
19:15 No, no, I'm not meaning to start this, that would get into the
19:18 politics of things, but in reality, it would be healthier
19:22 for the mom to at least not have a stressful job during the time
19:27 that she's carrying the unborn.
19:29 Anything else that moms can do?
19:31 Foods high in anti-oxidants, that's critically important.
19:36 Not only is vitamin C important but also the total anti-oxidant
19:42 burden, in fact there's several nutrients that come down
19:47 as being very favorable in preventing these
19:50 pregnancy complications.
19:51 I think vitamin C is an anti-oxidant.
19:53 Vitamin C is an anti-oxidant and that's one of
19:55 the critical nutrients.
19:56 In fact one of the studies is being done currently
20:01 is to actually even give I-V vitamin C to the woman after
20:05 she's gone into pre-eclampsia to try to prevent the eclampsia.
20:08 But the best way of doing this is before you get pre-eclamptic
20:12 to be eating those vitamin C vegetables.
20:14 But not only vitamin C, Don, but also foods high in vitamin E
20:18 Those are the two most potent anti-oxidant nutrients that we
20:21 consume is vitamin C and vitamin E.
20:24 In addition to that vitamin B-2 or riboflavin is critically
20:29 important and selenium an anti-oxidant mineral that is
20:34 present particularly in whole grain foods is critically
20:38 important in helping to prevent this pre-eclampsia.
20:41 Well, let's look a little closer at a list of those.
20:44 I think we have the top 10 anti-oxidants.
20:46 We have the vitamin C for the guy and we need that for the
20:49 gal as well, but we'll look here and see what we have in terms
20:53 of anti-oxidants:
22:11 Garlic not only helps with the anti-oxidant load but it is
22:17 an anti-bacterial agent and can prevent infections.
22:21 Is it ok for a pregnant lady to take garlic?
22:25 Oh, yes, it's actually healthy for her.
22:28 It can prevent the pre-eclampsia and other complications
22:31 we've been talking about.
22:33 Not just before conception but it's ok, even if they get a
22:36 little cold, to be taking garlic during their pregnancy?
22:39 That's right.
22:40 There are studies indicating that even garlic gargles can
22:45 help when we have a cold and things of that nature.
22:48 I can see people rushing to their sinks right now!
22:50 Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle!
22:52 Getting these foods high in anti-oxidants is good for the
22:57 mom and for the dad.
22:59 I mean I can see them all going to the super market right now
23:02 and getting all those things together.
23:04 What else can the mom do?
23:06 In addition to that, it's important for her to
23:09 avoid toxins.
23:11 She needs to also not be smoking.
23:13 Critically important, she should not be consuming any alcohol
23:18 whatsoever.
23:19 Alcohol can play with the fetal brain and can actually decrease
23:24 the brain ability of that child and that person throughout life.
23:29 How about caffeine?
23:30 Caffeine is actually is best to avoid as well.
23:33 There are a few studies indicating that the higher
23:36 the caffeine consumption the lower the birth weight
23:40 in the child and of course the lower the birth weight
23:43 the higher the complication risk for that child throughout life.
23:48 If the birth weight is lower, does that mean that their
23:50 head will be smaller and the brain will be smaller too?
23:53 Actually it does.
23:55 There are studies indicating the higher the birth weight
23:58 the higher volume of the brain and actually the larger
24:02 the brain will become.
24:03 Now that's up to a point.
24:05 You can get too large.
24:07 Like a diabetic baby?
24:09 Right, exactly.
24:10 That's not going to be beneficial.
24:13 For babies, particularly under 10 pounds, the closer we get
24:17 to 8, 9 pounds babies actually the healthier they tend to be
24:22 throughout the rest of their life.
24:24 So decreasing the stress, not really working as much, at least
24:30 the second and third trimester, making sure they get
24:33 anti-oxidants, making sure they avoid toxins,...
24:36 anything else?
24:37 Well, one of the other toxins that many of the medical
24:40 associations are picking up is mercury.
24:42 The highest amount of mercury in the food supply is in fish
24:48 and sea food.
24:49 Many of the medical associations are telling pregnant women to
24:53 avoid fish and sea food consumption.
24:56 So say goodbye to Red Lobster?
24:58 That's right because mercury is there and the mercury can get
25:03 into the fetus, it does cross the placenta and cause problems.
25:07 What kind of problems would it cause?
25:08 It can cause anywhere from infertility before they get
25:12 pregnant to if they're already pregnant causing even a higher
25:17 risk of depression in the baby once it's born.
25:20 Oh! Ok so the people out there that are having problems with
25:23 fertility it might be good to just say "no" to the sea food
25:26 and go see some different food, that being anti-oxidants, and
25:30 maybe they'll turn that around.
25:31 Anti-oxidants and plant foods that are high in Omega 3.
25:35 You know we have this dichotomy in fish where they have Omega 3
25:40 which is beneficial, but in the industrial society in which we
25:43 are living in today, a fish is more toxin laden
25:47 than ever before.
25:48 And so the answer to that is to get the Omega 3
25:50 from plant sources.
25:52 Now do you have a book coming out that's going to have all
25:54 pre-conception recipes?
25:56 Yes, actually, we're entitling the book,
25:59 "Health at Every Age. "
26:01 You'll have that in there?
26:02 We'll have recipes for pre-conception.
26:05 Oh, really?
26:07 Yes we are!
26:08 And we are going to have recipes during pregnancy,
26:10 getting enough of the protein, enough of the iron, calcium,
26:14 some of the other nutrients we haven't mentioned here.
26:15 And then getting even to the health of the infant and child
26:20 and recipes for children.
26:21 Maybe we could call it February 14 foods.
26:23 There you go.
26:25 Valentine foods!
26:27 Oh, that's going to be excellent!
26:28 So we've talked about health at every age, we talked about
26:31 mother, we've talked about the father, what about grandparents?
26:33 Well, grandparents can play a role too, because obviously
26:37 grandparents can influence their children in eating habits and
26:42 their grandchildren.
26:43 Having a structured family were there's support on the
26:47 grandparents side of things is important.
26:49 I know I'm blessed by having my mother-in-law live near by
26:53 and that's a great blessing.
26:54 I know you're also blessed in the same way, aren't you?
26:57 Exactly, mother-in-law and father-in-law.
26:59 To be able to have multiple adults, the more the better
27:04 raising these little ones is a real help.
27:06 It is a real help.
27:07 But interestingly, Don, the mental health of the child
27:10 also has another dependant factor, and that is that they're
27:13 being raised by both biological parents.
27:16 So they need to be involved.
27:17 You don't want to have the grandparents alone
27:19 raising the children.
27:20 Unfortunately we see that more in society.
27:23 Studies show that if they're raised by both biological
27:25 parents they come out healthier.
27:27 We've been talking with Dr. Neal Nedley.
27:29 We've been talking about health at every age.
27:31 We've focused on health before the baby is even born.
27:35 There have been some pretty practical things
27:37 coming out of this program.
27:38 Those men out there need to get a job, they need to be eating
27:41 the right foods, and those ladies need to be backing away,
27:44 all the different things have been summarized here.
27:45 If you just joined us you'll want to get this program.
27:48 It's something that has a lot of real practical value.
27:50 We've been talking with Dr. Nedley.
27:52 He's a physician, he's an author, he's written some things
27:55 on many of these subjects.
27:56 We hope it will help you and have health for a lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17