Health for a Lifetime

Achieve And Maintain A Healthy Weight

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Don McKintosh (Host), Tim Lawton


Series Code: HFAL

Program Code: HFAL000163

00:01 The following program presents principles
00:03 designed to promote good health and is not
00:05 intended to take the place of personalized
00:07 professional care. The opinions and ideas
00:10 expressed are those of the speaker.
00:13 Viewers are encouraged to draw their own
00:14 conclusions about the information presented.
00:50 Hello and welcome to Health for a Lifetime.
00:52 We are glad that you have joined us today
00:54 I'm your host Don Mackintosh and today
00:57 we're gonna be talking about a very important
00:59 subject in fact we gonna be talking about the
01:01 number one killer in western countries and
01:04 this is cardiovascular disease not just heart
01:08 attacks which we normally think of,
01:10 but also strokes everything that has to do
01:13 with the cardiovascular system.
01:16 And joining us to talk about this important
01:19 topic is Dr. Timothy Lawton, he's a Physician
01:21 from Wichita, Kansas and he practices what's
01:25 called Lifestyle Medicine this is the best of
01:28 two world's, medicine and also looking at
01:31 lifestyle that is what you can do in the style
01:35 of life that you lead. Thanks so much for
01:37 joining us Dr. Lawton, thanks Don.
01:39 Now, you have actual center tell us a little
01:41 about what you do day to day?
01:44 When we see a patient who's got something
01:47 like heart disease we will look at all the
01:49 different factors that are lifestyle related.
01:52 We look at lifestyle factors that impact their
01:56 blood pressure, that impact your cholesterol
01:59 if they smoke we work with them to help
02:01 them stop smoking and we setup specific
02:04 achievable goals. So, they can work on at
02:06 home day by day. And the name of your
02:10 lifestyle is Vitae which means life and then
02:13 you call Vitae Lifestyle Medical Center.
02:18 So, it's bringing those two together you follow
02:20 that medically, work with their physician.
02:21 Medical plus lifestyle, alright all together.
02:25 I think this is certainly the wave of the future,
02:28 it should have been the wave of the past.
02:30 That's right, well, let's talk then now about
02:32 cardiovascular disease you were careful to say
02:35 to me before we began that, its number one it's
02:39 considered still number one if you add heart
02:42 disease and stroke together. Right, for years
02:46 simply heart disease has been the number
02:48 one killer but within the last year cancer has
02:50 overtaken heart disease as the number one
02:53 cause of death but still if you combine heart
02:56 attack and stroke that accounts for almost a
02:58 million deaths in the U.S. per year and it counts
03:01 for a quarter of all of our health care
03:04 expenditures which we know is up in the
03:07 trillions of dollars. So 350 billion or something
03:11 dollars on cardiovascular, just on, just on
03:13 diseases of the heart and the brain.
03:17 Now, another thing you mentioned to me was
03:19 that many times when we talk about
03:20 cardiovascular disease we often hear about
03:24 cholesterol and we're not gonna really talk about
03:26 that too much today, you wanna talk about
03:28 something else well, we will talk about the three
03:31 main risk factors that they will focus mostly on
03:35 blood pressure because it is such an important
03:38 risk factor. Then, I would say the number one
03:43 risk factor is really smoking, you got to quit
03:46 smoking best tip here is not start you know you
03:50 can't get addicted to something you never have
03:51 tried. Right, and with the cholesterol its becoming
03:55 more and more complicated issue the more
03:58 we learn about it, it's not just high cholesterol but
04:01 what kind of cholesterol do you have?
04:03 And homocysteine and all those other,
04:06 a lot of other things but blood pressure is
04:10 pretty clear if it's high its gonna be problem
04:13 in fact Don I think this is really astounding,
04:16 your risk for heart attack or stroke doubles with
04:19 every 20 points your blood pressure goes up.
04:23 Starting at 115 and every, every point above
04:30 that or every 20 points you double your risk.
04:32 So, you have a definition of high blood
04:34 pressure what it says here? Well, normal blood
04:36 pressure is less then 120/80 we have those
04:40 two numbers, the top number is called the
04:43 systolic pressure that's the squeezing pressure
04:45 and the other number is called diastolic blood
04:48 pressure that's your relaxing pressure when
04:50 the heart is refilling to squeeze the next beat.
04:53 So then we got the normal which is less than
04:54 120/80 we've got this new zone called or newly
04:58 defines zone called pre- hypertension it's at the
05:01 top number its 120 to 139 and the bottom number
05:03 is 80 to 89 and then high blood pressure starts
05:07 when either number, either top number gets to
05:10 140 or the bottom number gets to 90.
05:13 So, the pre-hypertension is a wake-up call it says
05:17 you got to do something before your blood
05:18 pressure gets any higher or you're gonna be in
05:20 trouble and I imagine you see a lot of patients
05:23 with this. You know, huge numbers,
05:27 huge numbers the numbers naturally show by the
05:31 time your 50, 44 percent of us have high blood
05:36 pressure by the time you're in your 60s its 54
05:40 percent and by the time your 70 and above its
05:42 about two thirds of all Americans have high blood
05:45 pressure. Significant problems. Huge problem,
05:49 and in your practice you've seen patients what
05:52 do you say to them? Well we, we have a long
05:58 list of things they can do to start improving
06:01 their blood pressure and I think that the first
06:07 thing that we will talk about is weight loss, okay.
06:10 Because losing even 10 or 15 pounds can be
06:14 the difference between having high blood
06:15 pressure and having normal blood pressure
06:18 and its really exciting people again and again
06:20 we have seen them lose not a hundred pounds
06:22 but just a moderate amount of weight it can
06:25 either help them get off medications or be better
06:27 control. Someone told me that for every pound of
06:31 extra weight you carry that's like 200 miles of
06:33 blood vessels you have to have. Is that true
06:35 or false? Well, I think its may be more like six
06:37 miles of blood vessels but yeah there is a lot,
06:40 lot more work that heart has to do.
06:42 So, when you lose weight do you lose those
06:43 blood vessels I always wondered that I mean,
06:45 I mean put you in this thought but, I was just
06:47 a way of describing what happens with the
06:51 extra weight? As far as, as far as losing extra
06:55 weight, there is something called visceral
06:58 adipose tissue, visceral fat means the fat that's
07:01 inside your belly not the stuff containing off
07:03 the arms and on the hips. That stuff isn't as
07:06 dangerous for the heart, it's the fat that sits
07:08 around your organs inside when that fat when
07:11 you lose those 10, 15, 20 pounds that's some of
07:14 the first fat which starts to come off, you
07:16 might not notice a whole lot of difference
07:19 except maybe in your waist size and that's the
07:23 fat it's most dangerous for the heart it is the
07:24 fat around the middle. And why is that so
07:27 dangerous that stuff around your organs?
07:30 Well, it affects the blood pressure but it also
07:32 affects the cholesterol and it affects our
07:34 body's to handle blood sugar so it puts
07:37 a higher risk for diabetes as well. So, is there
07:39 is a special lifestyle or I hate to say diet
07:43 because you want it to be a lifestyle that
07:46 people go on. Is there something you, you
07:48 tell people to help them start losing weight
07:52 in terms of their diet? Well, the most studied
07:55 diet for blood pressure has been something
07:56 called the dash diet D A S H and that stands
08:00 for dietary approach to stop hypertension
08:04 and this study, this has been look that for over
08:07 10 years but some of the main components are
08:11 whole grains as oppose to refine grains and
08:16 just to spend a second on the whole grains
08:18 people who eat three or more serving of
08:21 whole grains a day as opposed to less than
08:23 one reduce their risk of heart attack by almost
08:26 half just by that one change alone.
08:29 So, white rice, no brown rice yes.
08:34 Hundred percent whole grain bread it's gonna
08:36 say hundred percent or its not completely
08:38 whole grains, whole grains, okay.
08:40 I will talk about those other things and I will
08:44 get back to some more details but fruits and
08:46 vegetables at least five serving a day are
08:48 recommended, low fat or non-fat dairy keep
08:51 it less than two serve, two or less servings.
08:56 Nuts, seeds and beans, most days of the week
08:59 are recommended if not all days, limiting
09:03 consumption of animal products like meat,
09:05 fish and poultry to no more than two serving
09:07 per day and also limiting saturated fat.
09:11 This is the Dash diet, this is the dash diet,
09:13 the diet to avoid, dietary approach to stop
09:17 hypertension. Dietary approach to stop
09:20 hypertension, what they have shown is people
09:22 who are on this diet on average lower their
09:26 systolic blood pressure by a 11 points that is a
09:29 stronger factor than exercising but that's
09:34 important you lose you can lower a couple of
09:36 points but this is the most important factor.
09:38 A 11 points and lower you go under,
09:41 so 150 down to a 139 for example alright
09:46 so and, and that's you said that for every
09:49 what was it every 20 points the blood pressure
09:53 goes up that doubles the risk of heart attack
09:56 or heart disease or cardiovascular disease.
09:58 Alright, so when you go from a 115 to 135
10:02 that's doubling the risk by the time you go to
10:04 155 its up 4 fold by the time you go to 175
10:09 you've increased your risk by 8 fold for
10:11 someone with normal blood pressure.
10:13 Now, you know when I first meet or many
10:16 times when people first meet a physician or
10:18 something they have what this white coat
10:20 phenomena where their blood pressure goes up.
10:23 How do you get around that in your clinic,
10:25 do you wear a different color coat or what
10:26 you do? How do you make the diagnosis?
10:30 You know, you know I don't think it matters
10:31 what color coat I wear? Just, just the fact
10:35 you know people are often a little apprehensive
10:38 going to doctor's office, people get anxious
10:41 sometimes even when without having blood
10:42 pressure check, so we do something called
10:44 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring,
10:46 ambulatory means at home. People can get
10:50 their blood pressure when there are,
10:52 automatically use to check the blood pressure
10:54 at home, right these numbers down and then
10:56 compare to what we find in the office.
10:58 Okay, so that gets around that fact that you
11:01 could, right, right, scare them. Anything else
11:05 that you wanna tell us about in terms of
11:07 blood pressure? Well, the dash diet was
11:10 formulated based on what foods are rich in
11:14 certain vitamins and minerals and they are good
11:16 for the blood pressure and one of the things
11:19 is very has been known for 30, 40 years has
11:23 been the importance of cutting back on the
11:25 salt in the diet. We want people to low sodium
11:29 diet and we have a graphic on that but we
11:32 also want them to eat a diet that is high
11:33 potassium and the foods are in the Dash diet
11:37 are high potassium foods, but low in sodium,
11:40 and low in sodium. So, the graphic on sodium
11:42 we gonna look at that and it help us through
11:45 this means what you say? Limiting sodium
11:50 originally it was hope the people could limit
11:52 their sodium to 2400 mg a day this is salt,
11:56 but it was found if you can limit your sodium to
11:59 1500 mgs a day that is as effective as taking
12:05 one prescription drug for your, for your
12:07 blood pressure. Now, I will tell my patients if
12:10 you really want to do you got a, you got to
12:12 consider the sodium as a bank account,
12:14 you got a, you got a 1500 sodium bugs to
12:17 spend each day use them wisely to get that
12:20 chicken noodle soap it might be 900 mgs of
12:24 sodium you're blowing a lot of bucks on that.
12:27 The second thing on the graphic was the
12:29 importance of potassium even if you cut
12:31 down on the salt or sodium. If you don't eat
12:34 foods that are rich in potassium you are not
12:37 gonna have as beneficial effect on your
12:40 blood pressure so it's really the combination of
12:43 lowering sodium and increasing potassium.
12:45 Now, here some people are more salt sensitive
12:47 then others? It's thought that certain people
12:50 are more salt sensitive but really it comes down
12:53 to how much potassium you are getting.
12:56 Potassium alone can decrease the blood
12:58 pressure, do they have like salt shakers with
13:00 potassium in them. You can do that but the
13:03 best way really to do that is through the foods
13:07 and people usually think about bananas but
13:11 bananas are actually the number 20 on my list
13:13 as far as high potassium foods what's number
13:16 one? Sunflower seeds, okay that's good from
13:19 cans. I just can hear from the top?
13:21 Alright, almonds, raisins, parsley, nuts,
13:26 spinach, broccoli and these are all excellent
13:30 high potassium foods keeping the bananas,
13:33 and tomatoes. Absolutely, yeah, all good.
13:36 So, high potassium low sodium and then the other
13:42 thing is to lose weight that's alright so far.
13:45 We're talking with Dr. Timothy Lawton we are
13:47 talking about cardiovascular disease and
13:49 we've notice that one of the most important
13:52 things to consider is blood pressure and how to
13:56 make that come down a normal level.
13:59 We gonna talk more about what to do with
14:00 cardiovascular, cardiovascular
14:03 disease when we come back.
14:07 Have you found yourself wishing that you could
14:08 shed a few pounds have you been on a diet for
14:11 most of your life but not found anything that
14:13 will really keep your weight off, if you've
14:16 answered yes to any of these questions then
14:18 we have a solution for you that works.
14:21 Dr. Hans Diehl and Aileen Ludington have
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14:26 Obesity Naturally have you like to send it to
14:29 you free of charge here's a medically sound
14:32 approach successfully used by thousands
14:34 who are able to eat more and lose weight
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14:39 through lifestyle medicine. Dr. Diehl and
14:42 Dr. Ludington have been featured on 3ABN and
14:45 in this booklet it presented a sensible
14:47 approach to eating nutrition and lifestyle
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14:51 diseases diabetes and even cancer.
14:54 Call us right today for your free copy of
14:56 Reversing Obesity Natural and you could be
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15:01 It's absolutely free of charge,
15:03 so call us right today.
15:07 Welcome back, we are talking with
15:08 Dr. Timothy Lawton, we are talking about
15:10 cardiovascular diseases and Dr. Lawton has
15:15 told us that cardiovascular disease is
15:17 still number one in western countries
15:20 especially America. When you look at heart
15:22 diseases and stroke and add those together
15:25 many times we talk about cholesterol and
15:29 smoking and the these things are important
15:31 to avoid but Dr. Lawton is really focusing our
15:35 attention today on hypertension and
15:37 Dr. Lawton you see a lot of this in your
15:41 lifestyle medicine center there Wichita, Kansas
15:44 lot of people coming with this problem and
15:46 you have seen that really what was that you
15:48 said that really hypertension is very
15:51 important to look at? It is one of the most
15:54 significant risk factors when we look at
15:57 preventing heart diseases and stroke,
15:59 to be tell us we need to lose weight you have
16:01 given us some ideas on how to do that and you
16:03 have told us that our diet if we follow what
16:06 you called the Dash diet, it can actually decrease
16:10 our blood pressure by 11 percent is that what
16:13 you said? 11 points, 11 points on average,
16:16 11 points. You know, the exciting thing about
16:19 the Dash diet let's say you have actually gone
16:21 above and beyond the dash diet incorporate
16:25 some new additional recommendations and
16:28 the originally dash diet contains a limited
16:31 amount of diary and meat and new version
16:35 actually just released within the last couple of
16:37 weeks shows that if you substitute animal
16:41 protein for plant protein you have an
16:43 additional reduction in your blood pressure.
16:46 With how many points? A couple more points,
16:48 so in addition to the 11 and what they did I
16:51 tell you was they cut half of the animal
16:54 protein and brought broad in plant proteins
16:56 such as beans vegetables and nuts.
17:00 Okay, and than is, the third thing you mentioned
17:02 was limiting the sodium but not just limiting
17:05 sodium putting potassium in its place.
17:08 Potassium is the antidote, the anti salt sort to
17:12 speak. Salt makes the pressure go up and
17:15 potassium makes the pressure go down and
17:18 these are all the foods that you know plant
17:20 based foods but neither of them are very high
17:22 in potassium you think of bananas otherwise
17:24 sunflower seeds. Seeds, nuts, beans green
17:28 leafy vegetables all these things squash,
17:31 yams very high in the potassium. Now, you've
17:35 mentioned magnesium to me, like these you
17:39 mentioned another important factor there
17:44 are something to keep in mind certain
17:46 minerals balance each other in the body,
17:49 salt or sodium is balanced with potassium
17:53 that's why one works against the other,
17:55 calcium and magnesium work in tending,
17:59 just work opposite each other as far as
18:01 blood pressure. Calcium and magnesium
18:04 required for the squeezing of the muscle
18:06 cells in our body, one is required for the
18:09 squeezing and one is required for the
18:10 relaxation so far for someone to have an
18:14 abnormal level of either calcium or magnesium
18:16 it will affect the heart but also keep in mind
18:19 each of the blood vessels is surrounded by
18:22 a structural muscles that help us you know
18:25 let's say we would color it off and lose a
18:27 significant amount of blood where our blood
18:29 vessels would squeeze down to conserve
18:32 and increase the pressure in what we have
18:33 left. So, these muscles are very important in
18:35 each of our blood vessels. People who have
18:38 high blood pressure are sometimes prescribed
18:41 a calcium channel blocker something to blood
18:44 the calcium well, I just said calcium and
18:47 magnesium work opposite each other so
18:49 instead of blocking the calcium you can
18:51 increase the magnesium in your diet
18:55 or through supplements preferably through
18:57 diet and that, that can make a difference
19:01 with bringing down the blood pressure.
19:03 So, what are some foods that are high in
19:05 magnesium I mean what are the things that I
19:08 should go out and buy? Well, number one on
19:11 the list is wheat germ, wheat germ, wheat
19:13 germ is, my mom used to always put on top
19:15 of my cereal well there you go.
19:17 Its good for a lot of different things but when
19:20 we eat the white bread the refined white flour
19:23 which makes up the major of the wheat we
19:25 consume its got that the germ taken away so
19:29 we lose that magnesium which was in there.
19:32 Other sources? Nuts like almonds and cashews
19:35 are especially high in magnesium,
19:38 buckwheat, Brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts and
19:43 rye are also good sources. So, really what
19:46 your saying you know when we're thinking
19:48 about hypertension instead of having to
19:50 remember all these list which are great list
19:52 would be just to eat foods as grown and
19:55 liberal fine adulterated unprocessed type
20:00 quantities, that makes a big difference.
20:04 Okay, what's next on our list? Well, it's the
20:09 next thing on the list is to quit smoking, okay,
20:13 because that's a very important factor and
20:16 after that consuming healthy fats,
20:19 I think a brief talk about the kinds of fats
20:23 is very important, there is a certain family
20:26 of fats that are called Omega-3 fats,
20:29 these are found in things like flake soil or
20:32 flake seeds, canola oil, walnuts as well as
20:36 fish and fish oil. Okay, these actually help to
20:39 bring down blood pressure that also helps
20:42 to fine the blood and reduce their risk of
20:43 blood clots. So, it has the healthy fats and
20:47 then on a graphic it self avoid trans fats,
20:50 what are trans fats? If you see the word
20:53 partially hydrogenated on the label that's
20:55 another word of trans fat. Partially,
20:59 partial hydrogenation is a process of taking
21:01 a liquid fat and making it a solid at room
21:04 temperature its like margarine, margarine,
21:09 French rice all this different thing and
21:12 shortening and food most of the commercial
21:14 baked goods, the pies the crackers the
21:17 cookies this are made with trans fat or
21:20 hydrogenated fat. So, trans fats how do
21:24 they increase the blood pressure they impact
21:28 well, they impact the cell membranes this
21:34 fats actually that the membranes of every
21:38 cell in our body is made up of fats and this
21:40 actually get into our cell membranes or
21:43 unnatural kind of fat that's got incorporated
21:45 into our bodies. So, they impact how like I
21:50 said that the calcium and magnesium and
21:51 these minerals interact with the cells.
21:55 I understand they stay in the body a long
21:56 time this trans fats. There well they are
21:59 incorporated into every cell in our body until
22:01 the cells die and it turn over are there.
22:04 And I you know what I see that the they are
22:07 trying to the respond to the research that
22:09 your presenting in the store, I see a lot of
22:11 things now that say no trans fats and those
22:14 are the things to look at is that what you are
22:16 suggesting. You know that's an interesting
22:18 fat that they The Institute of Medicine
22:21 says there is no safe level of trans fat they
22:24 would recommend zero. They say well lets be
22:28 practical now may be you should keep it
22:29 under 2 gms a day. Well, the trans fat
22:35 there is a little bit of labeling confusion
22:37 that's going on, right now you might pick up
22:40 a box of crackers that might say zero gms of
22:43 trans fat but you look under the ingredients
22:45 it will say bleached wheat flour, partially
22:49 hydrogenated soybean oil or some kind of oil.
22:52 Well, how can they claim zero grams if it's
22:54 got something partially hydrogenated the
22:57 labeling rule says it has to be under 0.5 gms
23:03 and they can write zero. So, if its 0.49 gms
23:06 you can still write zero on the label it is
23:07 interesting so you got to look very close to
23:09 you see you got to read the ingredients what
23:11 about exercise that, that can make quite a
23:14 few points improvement in ones blood
23:17 pressure the amount of exercise that has
23:20 been shown is a moderate amount of
23:22 activity like a brisk walk 30 to 45 minutes
23:26 at least three or four days out of the week.
23:29 If you can do more better but this is a
23:32 minimum that's needed to, that's brings
23:34 down another couple of points.
23:36 Another couple of points. So, all these
23:37 things a 11 here ive there you know a
23:39 couple of here will make the difference.
23:41 Okay, alcohol? Alcohol is not recommended
23:46 for blood pressure its seems I will tell you a
23:49 story about that I had a patient who is only
23:52 on his 20s and he had high blood pressure he
23:55 was already taking I think two medications
23:59 for this blood pressure so I was just asking
24:01 him about his habits he was overweight
24:03 but he drink five drinks or so a night just a
24:06 kind of settle down that was his habit in the
24:09 evening. In a couple of weeks we're able to
24:13 cut out the alcohol and you know alcohol
24:15 is basically an empty calorie source,
24:18 so like cutting out the alcohol he lost about
24:20 10 pounds almost immediately his blood
24:23 pressure went from 160 down to 140 in a
24:26 matter of weeks despite cutting out the
24:28 alcohol and losing a couple of pounds I
24:31 think the alcohol directly raises the blood
24:33 pressure, so cutting that out can make a
24:35 big difference. Stress management what
24:37 did you do for this guy he usually used to
24:39 reduce his stress through drinking alcohol.
24:42 Well, what did you recommend to him?
24:45 What do you recommend or is there any
24:46 association between stress and blood
24:50 pressure? Huge, huge research going on
24:53 right there kind call that the mind-body
24:57 factor, there's a study out of Harvard with
25:00 man with hypertension and they found that
25:04 using stress reduction techniques things
25:08 like prayer mediation people are able to 80
25:14 percent are able to reduce the need for
25:15 medication. Is that right? Simply on any
25:18 stress management, 80 percent that's very
25:20 high. That's, yeah, yeah very impressive and
25:24 so finding something with you know within
25:27 your religious tradition looking to Godly things,
25:31 sometimes people in the religious tradition
25:33 that increases stress for them but finally what
25:36 reduces it for you. And I would like to talk
25:38 about with patients not just the concept of
25:40 relaxation but this concept of enjoyment,
25:43 even a smile or a laugh can boast the immune
25:49 system and help to reduce blood pressure.
25:50 You wanted to say something when we talked
25:52 about healthy versus non-healthy fats about
25:56 nuts. We had said earlier at the beginning
25:59 of the program that people who consume three
26:02 serving a week of whole grains cut their risk
26:05 of heart attack by almost half of the same is
26:08 true for people who consume five serving a
26:11 week of nuts they cut the risk of heart attack
26:14 almost by half, add that to your brisk walk 30
26:19 minutes, 3 times a week you cut your risk
26:22 of heart attack almost in half, so just doing
26:25 those three things nuts whole grains and a
26:29 little bit more physical activity, how does that,
26:32 how do nuts do that? How do they decrease
26:34 your risk? Well, we just look there very high
26:36 in magnesium and very high in potassium
26:39 and they are high I believe some of them are
26:42 in good fats. In fact there are two kinds of
26:45 good fats as we mentioned the omega 3
26:46 but there is another family called
26:48 monounsaturated fats and nuts are very high
26:51 in this as this olive oil, so lets just review
26:55 what we say lose weight if you need to,
26:59 go on the dash diet, right. Dash minus the
27:03 meat minus the other things its even better,
27:05 even better if you substitute plant protein,
27:07 lemon, sodium, but replace it with potassium
27:13 adequate magnesium, moderate exercise
27:18 which means 30 to 45 minutes at least three
27:21 four days a week, yes. Limit alcohol, right,
27:24 or cut it out, stress management relax
27:30 quit smoking and then have the healthy fats
27:35 avoid trans fat. Thank you so much for join us
27:39 and taking time from your, your busy
27:40 schedule there in Wichita at Vitae.
27:43 Thank you Don and thank you for joining us
27:49 today in Health for life time we hope that
27:50 today's program helps you avoid
27:51 hypertension and all the problems that go with
27:53 it and that as a result you have
27:55 health that lasts for a lifetime.


Revised 2014-12-17