Healthy Living

Meat and Intelligence

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Margot Marshall (Host), Dr. John Clark, Jenifer Skues


Series Code: HL

Program Code: HL000002A

00:15 Welcome to "Healthy Living"
00:17 I'm your host Margot Marshall.
00:18 Is it possible to boost your intelligence?
00:21 And can certain foods actually make us smarter?
00:25 Stay tuned for some compelling insights.
01:03 With us in the studio today we have Jennifer Skues,
01:06 a Health Psychologist, and Dr. John Clark.
01:09 Welcome Jennifer and welcome John.
01:11 Lovely to have you with us today for this subject. Thank you!
01:14 It's an interesting one.
01:16 Oh, it sure is... "Meat and intelligence."
01:18 There must be some mind of connection going on here.
01:21 Would you like to tell us about that John?
01:24 And maybe people are wondering,
01:25 "Well, which meat can I eat to get smarter?"
01:27 Right! Well, I'd like to know that.
01:30 I've often thought about this; some of the people
01:32 building their bodies will try to eat the muscles off of a cow.
01:37 Well, what would you eat in order to have a brighter brain?
01:39 The brain of a monkey? I mean it's like
01:42 we're supposed to be the highest intelligence,
01:44 so what else would you eat? Run out of food now...
01:48 I had a lady came to a seminar I was doing;
01:53 she was interested in health, but she didn't really
02:00 stay awake during all the meetings...
02:02 And, at one point, I was giving a talk on the brain,
02:07 and the health of the brain that had to do with
02:09 Daniel's diet in the Bible.
02:12 Now in the Bible, there's this gentleman by the name of
02:14 Daniel who ends up eating a very good diet,
02:18 and his academics excel.
02:20 He becomes, according to the tests, 10 times wiser
02:25 than all the other wise people in Babylon. Wow
02:28 And you might be interested to see what he wrote
02:30 because he wrote things that are still showing what's
02:33 happening today in our political scene.
02:35 It's in the book of Daniel in the Bible.
02:37 But during this presentation, I shared with them
02:40 that there were certain things that would affect your brain,
02:43 and so you wouldn't be able to think well...
02:46 And as I was talking about that, I was talking about oxygen on
02:49 the brain and she had a mindset,
02:52 "somebody of low oxygen on the brain - that's me!"
02:56 She identified. She identified with that.
02:59 So she was obviously awake at this point,
03:03 to be able to hear that. She got the message,
03:06 and so she decided, "I'm going to go on Daniel's diet."
03:11 She didn't tell me this and it was an area where I lived,
03:15 so I was around and 6 weeks later,
03:18 she came up to me and she says, "Oh Dr. Clark,",
03:20 and I said, "Oh Hi, how can I help you?"
03:22 And she said, "Well I'm not here to try and get some
03:23 help from you, I just want to tell you what's been going on."
03:26 I said, "Well tell me what's been going on!"
03:29 And she said, "Well I've had this issue where I fall asleep
03:34 during meetings and not very bright.
03:38 It's a common phenomenon when you run groups.
03:41 It sure is and she said, "I decided, 6 weeks ago,
03:45 to follow Daniel's diet, and in 6 weeks,
03:48 I've lost 30 pounds."
03:50 And as much as that's great and I want to continue that,
03:52 that isn't the real reason why I did it."
03:54 She said, "The real reason I did it was so I would stay awake."
03:57 She said, "Thank you for giving me back my brain."
04:01 "Now when you guys are up front talking, I'm wide awake,
04:04 and I learn and I get something out of it."
04:07 Aww, that's fantastic. That's really fantastic!
04:09 So, why do you think... maybe before I ask you that,
04:13 why you think what she did helped her,
04:17 maybe we'll just ask Jenny...
04:18 Jenny, can there be other things that give us brain fog,
04:22 other besides diet.
04:24 There are a lot of things that can interfere
04:27 with the functioning of the brain.
04:28 Certainly there are a lot of foods...
04:30 You know, sugar which we've
04:31 sort of talked a bit about is one;
04:33 oils is another one, but when it comes to
04:36 stress and trauma, that can certainly interfere
04:39 with brain function and actually impair our intelligence.
04:43 And, particularly people who have had a lot of trauma
04:46 at a very young age and that's even pre-2,
04:49 even conception to birth up to 2 years of age.
04:52 It can really inhibit the ability
04:54 for the brain to function.
04:56 And another one particularly for children is
04:58 if a child is told by a teacher or an adult
05:01 they don't have a brain in their head, they're stupid,
05:03 you know, they won't amount to much, they take it literally.
05:06 They will stop using their intelligence.
05:08 All right, so there are multiples. There are
05:09 a few things that impact on the brain,
05:11 and this is what we want to do in this program
05:14 as you obviously know, it's not all just about
05:18 the physical and the foods and so on than the physical.
05:21 It's multifaceted.
05:23 That's right, we are mental, physical, spiritual, social.
05:26 All of that, all blended into our being, all of who we are,
05:30 and they all have a role to play, and it's really great
05:33 to have both of you here so that we can look at it
05:36 from these different angles because
05:38 it's not just one department.
05:41 Your intelligence is the director of everything.
05:43 So how we use our intelligence is important.
05:46 It's only one-third of the brain, that prefrontal cortex,
05:49 left and right brain that is the intelligence center,
05:52 and as you know, once that is damaged beyond repair,
05:55 and you're in that vegetable state, they take you off
05:57 life support if you're on that.
05:59 So this is where, when we're talking about intelligence,
06:02 like what was happening for her, it was that part of the brain
06:05 that was shutting down or not coping.
06:08 All right, perhaps we can go back to you now, John,
06:11 and you can explain a little bit more about what it is
06:14 that she was having difficulty staying awake,
06:17 and then 6 weeks later, after changing what she ate,
06:20 she wasn't having that difficulty apart from
06:23 losing some weight... that's a good thing.
06:26 That's right and it might be nice to explain a little bit
06:28 about Daniel's diet.
06:30 This gentleman is put into Babylon rather forcefully.
06:34 He's captured and he is a prisoner.
06:36 I'd call that forceful. Forceful.
06:38 And they put him on the prison diet...
06:40 Well, it wasn't the prison diet, it was actually the king's food.
06:43 Boy, you imagine what a king would eat!
06:45 You think of kings!
06:48 It could be the best and the richest.
06:51 Oh, anything he wanted... I mean rich foods,
06:54 and particularly it was pointed out the meats that he ate
06:58 and the wine which he drank.
06:59 Well wine is another one that affects brain function
07:02 and our intelligence.
07:03 I think we probably all know that.
07:07 Anyone who has ever seen someone who had
07:10 something to drink realizes it has a very big
07:13 noticeable effect.
07:14 It impacts the conscience and the will shuts it down
07:16 so you can't make a good decision which is so important,
07:20 and that's where Daniel, he didn't drink wine
07:22 so it didn't shut his intelligence down.
07:25 He was able to make good decisions,
07:26 and as far as the meat goes, studies have shown
07:30 if somebody eats what's called biblically clean meats...
07:34 You know, if you go to Leviticus, there is a list of
07:35 meats that the Bible says are clean.
07:38 Studies show that people who eat that kind of meat
07:40 it does slow the brain down. Okay
07:43 But if they eat the meats on the list that are considered
07:46 unclean, we're talking pork is a classic one
07:50 or seafood that is not fish with fins and scales,
07:54 then it slows the brain down 7 times more than what
07:58 is considered the clean meats.
08:00 Really? That is amazing. I didn't know that.
08:02 Yeah, very interesting research and they've traced it
08:06 to arachidic acid in quinine in meat that contributes
08:10 to the poor mental performance
08:12 when somebody is eating flesh foods.
08:13 And so, are they more abundant in the foods
08:16 that you are suggesting, you know, the unclean
08:18 as they are described in the Bible.
08:19 So they've got 7 times as much, is that, no,
08:22 the effect is 7 times as much, but they must have more
08:26 of those two things, is that what you're saying?
08:27 Apparently. Oh, okay.
08:29 If you have a look at meat today, it's not just
08:31 what you're talking about with that particular problem,
08:34 meat has got a lot of diseases, the way it's prepared
08:38 or the way that it's grown, like the types of farms,
08:44 like you look at chickens and that,
08:45 so it's more than just that now.
08:48 The quality of meat is lacking, even if it's a clean meat.
08:51 Yeah, that's the truth, very true,
08:53 and the hormones they give the cattle.
08:55 I was talking to a cattleman, he said, "Well, we don't want
08:58 cows all year dropping calves at any old time,
09:01 so we give them a bunch of hormones so they all
09:03 calve at the same time.
09:04 Then we give the calves hormones so they grow much faster,
09:08 and, I mean, I don't know about here in Australia,
09:10 but in America, it's all pharmaceutically-driven.
09:14 They found it impacts children's development,
09:16 particularly they are developing earlier, hormonally,
09:19 because of all the hormones in meats, you see.
09:21 So you can see, and that affects the brain then.
09:24 Oh yeah. Interesting.
09:26 In the Bible it says sometimes to do this or not do that,
09:30 and no explanation whatsoever, but we're now finding out
09:34 that science is really catching up with that,
09:36 and the reasons are just profound and it's a shame
09:39 we have to find things out the hard way, isn't it?
09:42 And not just take... Yeah, health being impacted.
09:45 Take the word of the One who actually created us,
09:47 and says, "Look, do this and don't do that."
09:50 And we think, "Aww, can't see the problem,"
09:53 and then when we do, it's really quite an
09:54 unpleasant outcome often.
09:56 Like you know, the fats you were talking about the other day.
09:59 Yes, and that would be another factor here with meat is
10:02 the animal products generally have more fat,
10:05 and the fat is usually a thicker, harder fat,
10:08 often thick and hard at room temperature.
10:12 And so somebody eating more meat will have more fat
10:15 in the blood and the more fat in the blood, the less oxygen,
10:17 the less oxygen, the less ability to think and to reason.
10:21 And so, here's this lady who has switched from eating meat
10:25 and a high fat diet - to eating a diet like Daniel
10:29 which was vegetables and water is what he asked for.
10:33 And she reaps a benefit that she's like, "Thank you for
10:38 giving me my brain back." Yeah
10:40 When you say vegetables and water, it would have been
10:42 like fruits and vegetables and all the plant foods
10:46 would be brought on just vegetables, wouldn't it?
10:48 I would think so and we would say, from the rest of the Bible
10:52 that the diet that is recommended is
10:54 you would have your beans and your grains,
10:55 and your nuts and your seeds,
10:57 and your vegetables and your fruit.
10:58 And, you know, plant-based diet. That's right, beautiful!
11:02 And there's a lot of, oh, a lot of support for that
11:06 out there - a huge amount of support for plant-based diets.
11:10 It's a shame that it has taken us so long to catch up
11:12 with that ancient wisdom, isn't it?
11:15 One of the things you mentioned, John, was about oxygen,
11:18 and that's an interesting one because if we don't have
11:21 oxygen in the brain, the brain can decay, die,
11:25 the tissues will die.
11:26 But they found now that in our atmosphere,
11:30 that we actually have a lot lower oxygen.
11:32 So that means we're not breathing in as much,
11:34 and they're saying that people have about 20% less oxygen
11:38 in their system than they used to.
11:40 And that's some of the recent studies that I've heard about,
11:43 so that would contribute.
11:45 So really, when we look at diet and health,
11:47 we want foods that are going to really boost the brain,
11:49 and allow oxygen to function or put it into the cells
11:53 which is another reason when you look at that
11:55 mind-body connection, it's very powerful.
11:57 That's not a good thought to think that we've got
12:01 20% less oxygen than we used to,
12:03 so we really need to try and get out in the fresh air,
12:05 and do breathing and take foods that are going to lift us up,
12:09 and help that factor.
12:11 We probably don't know even how good we could feel.
12:14 That's right, but probably not until you do it, you realize.
12:17 Okay, or how we were yesterday to today and so on.
12:19 But we probably would be amazed to have that extra oxygen.
12:24 I had a client who, she had sleep apnea and sleep apnea
12:27 means you stop breathing at night for a period of time,
12:30 and it lowers the oxygen levels in the brain.
12:32 And she was waking up where she got disoriented;
12:36 she couldn't function; she couldn't remember things;
12:39 her memory was really bad, and she was in the clinic
12:42 where I was working and she ended up going and getting
12:46 one of those machines, an APAP machine
12:49 that helps the oxygen levels at night,
12:52 and the difference was remarkable.
12:54 She was told that if she didn't do that, her brain would
12:58 literally die because her oxygen levels were so low
13:01 in the morning, it would be causing permanent
13:03 like dementia-type state.
13:05 So that's how powerful, with our brain and our intelligence,
13:08 that something like that is.
13:10 And this sort of goes both ways.
13:12 We think about the diet improving the brain,
13:17 but you can use your brain to improve your diet, obviously.
13:20 That's right! That's right!
13:22 And so better choices on foods make a difference.
13:25 I was at a place out in Colorado,
13:28 where one of the gentleman there had a problem with
13:31 snoring which is usually a sign this might be
13:34 headed toward the sleep apnea.
13:36 He changed his diet to one like Daniel's diet,
13:40 and within 6 weeks, he was no longer snoring.
13:44 His wife said, his snore went away.
13:46 He slept better.
13:47 Okay well research shows it takes about 6 years off
13:50 your life if your snore, so there you go!
13:54 Yeah, that's a lot, isn't it?
13:56 I think that's scary. It is isn't it?
13:59 So if you're snoring, you need to do things,
14:03 and diet and treat it.
14:04 You need to get a grip on and that can make such a difference.
14:07 It's not even just the length of our lives,
14:10 it's the quality of our lives between now and then
14:13 because it's going to come to all of us,
14:15 but quality of life is huge.
14:18 So, you know, and that's what you were talking about
14:22 with this lady who is falling asleep and had brain fog
14:26 and everything and then you mentioned this other person.
14:29 So yeah, that's really important,
14:33 that's right here, right now.
14:35 Six weeks to be able to get rid of the snoring, great.
14:40 And another aspect to this, I mean, it got rid of snores,
14:44 the study showed somebody will switch to a total
14:46 vegetarian diet, especially one that would help you lose weight
14:49 which it usually does. Which helps...
14:51 It actually clears up psychotic symptoms.
14:54 I'm sure you found that in your profession.
14:56 It's one of the things I do and I've done some training
14:59 in nutritional medicine for mental health,
15:01 and that's one of the prime moves.
15:02 One is sugar and I get parents coming to me with their kids
15:06 who are just running amuck at home and can't focus
15:08 and their room is a mess; the first thing I do is get
15:11 them to change their diet and often that is the thing
15:14 that helps their behavior so it's no longer that
15:16 ADHD hyperactivity, they actually can settle and focus.
15:21 You talked about psychotic, that sounds terrible
15:23 to think that the way we're eating and living
15:27 and so on can do that, that's just not falling asleep,
15:32 that's a bit more serious.
15:34 Well this is where the brain is very deranged
15:36 with psychosis and it can't rationally work,
15:39 it can't function properly.
15:41 And the contributing things to that are sugar and what else
15:45 ... well more, you were talking about foods,
15:47 and we've got to remember, a lot of people are eating
15:48 foods that probably have lots of additives and things
15:51 that affect the brain and that's a contributing factor.
15:55 It's the types of foods which is what John is talking about,
15:58 but it's also what is in the foods; the sprays,
16:00 that, you know, all these things that,
16:02 you know, so this is why looking at quality of food
16:04 is vital, so trying to get organics and getting things
16:08 that aren't sprayed or at least cleaning them properly
16:10 if you can't afford that. Yes
16:13 And you think about this, our topic is
16:15 "meat and intelligence," what if I ate the food the cow ate?
16:20 How many pounds of food does it take to make him
16:22 produce one pound of meat?
16:24 Well it's like 16 pounds of grain and probably
16:27 many more pounds of grass to produce one pound of meat,
16:30 but you know, you eat that meat.
16:32 Suppose for example, the cow was eating nice greens
16:35 that had vitamin C, guess what?
16:37 None of that vitamin C comes through the meat.
16:39 I tell people if they're going to choose meat
16:41 as a part of their diet, they have to be very careful
16:43 or they're not going to get their nutrition.
16:45 It's nutritionally poor, you want nutritionally
16:48 dense foods and that's going to be your fresh fruits,
16:51 your fresh vegetables, your nuts and seeds,
16:52 your beans, your grains...
16:54 It's not going to be what the cow ate to produce
16:56 a little bit of protein.
16:57 And when you look at the size of the land you use
17:00 for the cow if you put in a grain crop,
17:03 the density is far greater than a cow on that piece of land.
17:07 That's right and it's becoming a really big issue
17:10 with the population explosion.
17:12 That's another whole area that we might talk about
17:14 on another day.
17:15 But it is a huge issue, really worse than we
17:18 probably even realize.
17:20 But that was a good point that you made, John, about
17:25 not getting some of the nutrients that the cow,
17:29 for example, got and another one is phytochemicals.
17:32 There are thousands of them and "phyto" means plant.
17:35 They only come in plant foods.
17:38 Now, they just don't appear in any animals foods,
17:41 so it really is better to go to the primary source
17:44 of the nutrition because the cow does all right on
17:48 a vegetarian diet, doesn't it?
17:51 I was going to say, intelligence does depend on nutrition,
17:54 right? If we don't have the nutrients, the brain can't
17:57 function our intelligence is impaired.
17:59 They've done a lot of studies even here in our country,
18:02 and in other countries on children and intelligence,
18:05 and they found when you have children who are on a junk
18:08 food diet, their intelligence doesn't develop because
18:11 when we're talking about what we call "IQ,"
18:13 "intelligent quotient," which is how we mentally function
18:17 to process in time and space and do mathematics
18:20 and things like that, and that can be impaired
18:24 where their intelligence that they inherit
18:26 is actually not fulfilled.
18:29 So we can do a lot of damage, trauma will damage that as well,
18:32 but the good news is the brain is what we call, "neuroplastic,"
18:35 it grows and changes.
18:37 The cells and the neurons can actually grow in new pathways
18:41 which makes a huge difference.
18:43 So we can develop intelligence
18:45 to our maximum inherited capacity. Yes
18:48 And there's another kind of intelligence too...
18:51 Do you want to have a little word about that?
18:53 When we talk about intelligence, and this is something
18:56 that is being more noticed now, we have to look at
18:58 our emotions and what we call "emotional quotient."
19:02 We've have the intelligence quotient,
19:04 and we've got an emotional quotient.
19:05 The intelligence quotient is inherited,
19:07 but your emotional quotient is learned. Yes
19:10 So if you are born into a family where there is trauma
19:13 or some sort of problem and stress, then emotionally,
19:18 you're not developing even from
19:19 conception to birth in a healthy way.
19:22 Because the baby's brain, up until 2,
19:24 the brain functions on survival and emotion,
19:27 it doesn't have the IQ factor,
19:29 and that develops from about 2 on.
19:31 But if there is damage and that child is programming
19:34 that damage emotionally, that it impairs the ability to
19:37 use their IQ from 2 on and they go
19:40 on to either control or chaos.
19:44 So that means intelligence is impaired and emotions are,
19:48 you know, people are not coping emotionally.
19:50 You know, they have fear, anxiety,
19:52 obsessive compulsive disorders, and it all goes back
19:55 to that early childhood development in the environment
19:58 and how their emotions develop.
20:01 And look, we all want to be more intelligent. We do!
20:04 In terms of our IQ and not impairing that, unclouding it,
20:08 and we all want that emotional intelligence too,
20:10 so what a tremendous thing that we know the kinds of
20:13 foods which are going to help us to actually function better,
20:18 and make better choices which will help us to function better
20:21 and so it goes around, yes.
20:23 I might say, on this business of meat and intelligence,
20:27 somebody eating largely a meat diet, is increasing the amount
20:32 of protein in their diet, at least to a certain extent,
20:36 but not getting much complex carbohydrates. Yes
20:40 ... Which means that the body is going to be shifted from
20:42 running the brain on glucose to running it on ketones,
20:47 a breakdown of protein and that is not the brain's favorite food
20:51 for functioning at its highest level.
20:54 What it can do is inflame the brain and that causes
20:58 irritability, so when you're looking at emotions in people,
21:01 particularly if they are eating a lot of meat,
21:02 and not really getting other nutrients,
21:04 the literature I've looked at suggests that it can
21:08 cause anger, aggression.
21:10 You know, people who are big meat-eaters
21:12 it can be more aggressive than people who are not.
21:14 So that's again the emotional quotient, isn't it? Yes
21:17 Because if aggression is not a healthy thing,
21:18 it's not an intelligent thing. No, no that's right.
21:21 I think it's tremendous, Jenny, that you are a health
21:25 psychologist because you've got a feel for both of these
21:29 things and when people come to you with problems,
21:33 you can also help them to make good food choices
21:37 to help them with what's going
21:38 on in their emotions and in their minds.
21:40 So, what a lovely combination to have both of those.
21:44 I get good results, yeah, because people are doing
21:47 the whole package, not just trying to think
21:49 their way out of things. That's right!
21:50 They are actually fine-tuning the intelligence
21:53 in the system by doing things like that
21:55 and certainly meat is one that we need to really
21:58 reconsider our options.
22:00 Yeah, tremendous connection between the mind and the body
22:02 and the body and the mind. Totally
22:04 And I don't think we half appreciate that,
22:07 and even though we might even know it, we can forget that,
22:10 but it's a really, really important thing to know.
22:13 Yes, this is why it's so important to educate people.
22:15 A lot of what I do, and the same with you, John,
22:17 I'm sure is to educate. Yes
22:19 Give people intelligent choices and help them to
22:21 understand because when they understand how the brain works,
22:24 and what's impacting it like meat,
22:26 then they're going to make better choices. Yes
22:28 I don't know how this is actually sounding
22:31 to some of the people tuning in, especially people who
22:34 ... I mean I grew up eating meat, and if I had had
22:37 my way, which I did not, I would have eaten meat
22:42 and left the vegetables, they were not my preferred thing,
22:45 but, unfortunately, I had good parents who made me
22:50 eat my vegetables, and in my teens I became a vegetarian,
22:55 not a healthy one though, but over time,
22:59 I've progressed from there and I understand the
23:01 kinds of things that you've been talking about here.
23:04 And it's just made such a difference because I actually,
23:07 honestly, apart from the odd time, we all have times
23:12 when we're not on top, but, honestly, I have more energy
23:16 now than when I was in my teens, I was not doing well.
23:18 You actually get younger when you give up meat, not older.
23:21 Because I was brought up like you the meat and 3-veg principle
23:25 and have changed my diet and the more I refine it and improve
23:28 on it and learn and that's why I find I like listening
23:31 to John because he teaches me a lot. Yes
23:33 The better my brain works and I get the tiredness,
23:35 I sleep much better, it cures a lot of mental illnesses.
23:38 A lot of things happen, a lot of things
23:40 that impact on our life, and so sleep is a huge thing.
23:44 It's really huge because if you don't get enough sleep,
23:46 you don't function.
23:48 So all these things come together,
23:51 and I was just thinking back to Daniel and the situation
23:55 he was in and it was a terrible situation,
23:57 have to be called trauma, but he drew on his
24:02 spiritual resources and that was a really big thing.
24:06 And I would just say to people tuning in,
24:09 if you haven't done that and you don't even know how,
24:12 be aware that there is a God who loves you so much
24:16 that He would rather die than live without you,
24:19 and that's a fact because that's what happened.
24:21 And, if you're not sure even how to plug in to the source
24:24 of life itself, so-to-speak, just talk to Him like
24:28 you would to a friend about anything... anything!
24:31 Because everything that matters to you, matters to God;
24:36 the good, the bad, and the ugly,
24:38 so you can talk to Him about anything.
24:41 It might be a new thing, but I think that's such an
24:43 important thing and that got Daniel and his three friends
24:46 through life-threatening situations.
24:49 They had to face that and it's something that I don't
24:54 think some people even perhaps understand or utilize,
24:57 and it's such a big thing that will impact on us just as much
25:01 if not more, than the physical aspect of food and exercise
25:05 and so on and the thinking aspect is another strand that
25:08 we need to think about.
25:13 Well their brains were sharp, weren't they,
25:15 and they used their intelligence to make an intelligent
25:18 decision not to go with the
25:19 meat and the things at the feasts. Yes, they did.
25:22 And maybe you're thinking, "Well, if I eat vegetables,
25:24 where am I going to get my strength?"
25:26 Of course, we're talking about meat and intelligence here,
25:28 but I'll tell you a story... I had a gentleman
25:31 whose job it was to load semitrailers with wood for
25:36 wood heaters and he was filling his trailers,
25:39 and he'd would be so worn out at the end of the day...
25:41 he was in his 20s, he thought he would get strong,
25:44 but he was just always worn out and so tired;
25:45 he'd come home and go to bed and go to sleep,
25:47 and not spend time with the family.
25:49 He came to some of our meetings, decided okay,
25:52 we need to eat more vegetables.
25:53 Told his wife, "Let's eat more vegetables."
25:56 Within about 6 weeks, he was feeling strong;
26:00 he wasn't coming home all tired out and he was getting stronger.
26:03 He wasn't all worn out at the end of the day.
26:06 Vegetables give you much more strength than meat.
26:10 Well they're more dense in nutrients,
26:11 it makes sense, doesn't it?
26:13 And they've got the carbs which is the energy source
26:17 that our body really needs to function on...
26:19 And you'll find this in any of the recommendations
26:23 I think, in the various countries, plant foods dominate.
26:27 It's not what we do, but that's the recommendation,
26:31 and if we were closer to the recommendations even of
26:35 our country, we would do better.
26:38 We do not do well in Australia.
26:40 We are so far from the recommendations,
26:44 it's a little bit scary... Well, a lot of countries are like that
26:47 It's often the cultures that live more simply
26:51 that actually have better diets because they live off the land;
26:55 they grow their own foods; they don't eat as much.
26:59 And often they found, that like to eat meat,
27:01 but they often found that people that come from those
27:03 countries can come to a Western diet, start to deteriorate
27:06 and get a lot of the diseases we do. Ohh yes
27:08 That's quite well-documented in the research.
27:10 That's right, that's right. In the migrant studies
27:13 it shows again and again, doesn't it,
27:15 when people move to an area where they're eating more like
27:17 Western people or developed countries do that,
27:20 they pay dearly for that.
27:22 So that's been a little bit like a recurring theme, isn't it?
27:27 It doesn't seem to matter what we're looking at
27:29 what problems we're looking at, this seems to be
27:32 the kind of lifestyle that's going to make us
27:35 better in so many different ways.
27:37 But that's been really good, and thank you for those stories.
27:41 Thank you for the information, and Jenny, you had the other
27:44 aspects too that went on to help us have a clear brain
27:48 so that we can function better and so that we can make
27:51 better choices so that we'll have a clear brain.
27:55 So that's our program for today.
27:58 And if you would like a fact sheet of the program,
28:00 or you would like to watch our programs on demand,
28:03 just visit our website:
28:07 and click on the watch button,
28:09 and John or Jennifer are happy to answer your questions.
28:13 So if you have questions that we haven't covered
28:15 or you have a health concern, just email them at
28:19 Healthy Living at:
28:23 And join us next time on "Healthy Living"


Revised 2015-11-18