Heaven's Point of View

Instructions to Wives, Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley Quinn (Host), Tom Shepherd


Series Code: HPOV

Program Code: HPOV000029A

00:16 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn and this is Dr. Tom Sheperd
00:19 who is a Professor of New Testament interpretation
00:23 at Andrews University Seminary
00:24 and also the Head of the Doctoral Programs
00:28 for the Ph. D. and Theology, excuse me,
00:31 in Religion and a Ph. D. in Religion
00:34 and we're just so thrilled
00:37 to welcome you to Heaven's Point of View.
00:39 This is kind of an exciting topic
00:41 and our topic is... our series is on Love,
00:46 Marriage, Sex and Divorce,
00:47 now, he teaches this class at Seminary
00:50 and it's interesting,
00:51 they wouldn't let him use the word, "sex"
00:53 in his class description
00:55 but we decided to leave that in because
00:58 truly what the Bible has to say about that
01:02 and we are talking about it,
01:03 is that it is something holy and sanctified by God,
01:07 so we don't think it's a bad word
01:09 and today, though, we are continuing our study
01:12 that we started last time,
01:14 we were speaking of Ephesians chapter 5
01:17 and on through verse 21 through Ephesians 6 verse 9,
01:22 which was Paul's instructions on submission
01:25 and we're going to continue that today.
01:29 Last time, Tom, we were talking about mutual submission...
01:33 this idea and...
01:36 let's kind of pick up where we left off.
01:39 Okay, so what we said last time
01:42 as we were noting that Paul makes a statement in verse 21,
01:47 in Ephesians 5 verse 21, he says,
01:49 "Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ,"
01:51 we've described in previous programs
01:54 how this is actually the concluding remark that he makes
01:57 in terms of how it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
02:01 all the way through there,
02:04 he is describing that you're addressing each other in Psalms
02:08 in spiritual songs, singing, making melody,
02:11 giving thanks... this is all an expression
02:13 of being filled with God's Spirit
02:15 and then he says, "Submitting to one another"
02:18 so this concept becomes his thesis statement
02:21 for the whole discussion of the home...
02:24 description of the home...
02:25 and we said that, verse 21 and verse 22 are...
02:28 are actually linked together
02:29 because, verse 22 in Greek doesn't have its own verb.
02:33 So, it would read, in the Greek, verse 21,
02:37 "Submitting to one another in the fear of God... "
02:40 in reverence of Christ, in verse 22,
02:43 "wives as to your own husbands as to the Lord,"
02:47 so, it doesn't actually say, "wives submit"
02:51 because it is referring...
02:53 or it is... links to the previous Scripture
02:57 so "submitting" is inferred.
02:59 That's right, it's implied from verse 21 and that's how you know
03:05 that it connects in here, so this is the thesis statement,
03:08 we indicated that this thesis has to apply to everybody
03:11 in the Christian home,
03:13 otherwise it's not a thesis statement,
03:15 and he has these pairs of people we've noticed,
03:19 wives and husbands, children and parents,
03:23 slaves and masters,
03:25 three groupings within the Greco-Roman home
03:28 and he always speaks to the one who is submitting
03:34 or the one who has less authority
03:36 to the one... then he speaks secondly to the group
03:40 that has more authority
03:43 more power or that has that role in the Greco-Roman household.
03:46 So, he's speaking to wives first into submitting
03:50 and then husbands' instructions, what they are to do,
03:53 then to the children to submit to parents
03:56 and parents... how they are to interact with children
03:59 to the slaves and then to the masters
04:02 and how they are to be kind to the slaves.
04:04 Yeah, which is kind of interesting because
04:06 in the power structure of the Greco-Roman world,
04:09 you would think you would talk to the father first,
04:11 Right... Right...
04:13 and you would talk to the parents first,
04:15 and you would talk to the masters first,
04:18 but Paul flips it, he turns it around
04:20 which may be one of the indications that
04:23 he's flipping or changing or modifying the power structures
04:28 that were typical of the Greco-Roman world
04:30 in the Greco-Roman world the father was... he was in charge,
04:35 the term was "Pater familias" and he really had quite a lot of
04:40 almost absolute power in the Greco-Roman household
04:44 and Paul changes that
04:46 and limits that power
04:48 that's this idea of submitting to one another
04:53 in the fear of Christ so there's much more to say
04:58 about this before we conclude but we come then to
05:02 understand a little bit more
05:06 about how Paul works with this whole idea of submission.
05:12 And he puts limits on submission does he not?
05:16 He does, he puts limits,
05:18 yeah, people really get upset about this when it says,
05:23 "Wives submit to your husbands"
05:24 because of the concept of "submission" that they have,
05:28 that submission means...
05:30 it must mean that you're inferior,
05:32 it must mean that you...
05:34 you don't have a personal relationship with God,
05:37 and you're going through your husband
05:38 or you're going through your parents or something like that,
05:41 or that you are simply a doormat
05:43 and they can do whatever they want
05:46 they have total control
05:47 and if you have that kind of concept of submission,
05:51 it's not hard to see that it's repulsive...
05:54 Shelley: Good word.
05:56 Yeah, and reprehensive, it's just not something that
06:00 makes a person want to desire that at all,
06:03 if you had that kind of idea, you would say,
06:06 "Why would I want to get married?"
06:08 "Why would I want to stay in a household like that?"
06:11 It would be like the old days of the Indians
06:14 where the Squaw had to walk behind the Buck,
06:19 and I've actually met people in some interesting
06:25 denominational churches that... where they believe
06:30 that the wife should walk behind the husband
06:32 to show submission, so,
06:33 this isn't what Paul's talking about.
06:35 No, so really, we want to take a look at different Bible verses
06:38 that help us to understand this idea of submission
06:41 and what it means and what it doesn't mean,
06:43 so the first one that I want to turn to
06:45 is in the book of Luke, chapter 2,
06:48 Luke chapter 2 verses 48 to 51
06:51 now, I love the book of Luke, it's just beautiful
06:56 the way it describes the birth of John the Baptist
06:59 and the birth of Jesus and everybody is singing
07:03 and everybody is talking,
07:04 they're being filled with God's Spirit,
07:06 it's just wonderful,
07:07 now, Jesus is in Nazareth with His parents
07:10 and every year His parents go to Jerusalem
07:13 for the Passover, and when He is 12 years old...
07:18 now, 12 year's old becomes an important time in Jewish life,
07:21 they have this thing they call the Bar Mitzvah
07:24 and it's... when a person...
07:26 the "Bar" is the Aramaic word for son
07:29 and so, Bar Mitzvah... he becomes the "son of the law "
07:35 I've been in Jerusalem and seen the
07:38 the great joy they have...
07:41 when they're going to do this Bar Mitzvah and they come...
07:44 people are... they have all this...
07:46 there's always music and there's... kind of dancing
07:49 and clapping and singing and always... there's this canopy,
07:51 and there's this young fellow and he's all dressed...
07:54 wearing the proper prayer shawl and everything
07:56 and they're bringing the Torah that he's going to read
07:59 when he goes to the...
08:01 there to the Western Wall to pray,
08:04 and he's come of age, so to speak, so...
08:08 And there's such a joy...
08:10 we've seen many when we've been to Jerusalem
08:12 it is a joyful... it's a joyful occasion
08:14 Yeah, there's joy in a relationship...
08:16 this is really celebrating what God has done
08:18 so, Jesus is 12 years old and He goes to Jerusalem
08:22 He's probably, maybe,
08:24 I don't know what they had back in the day exactly but
08:26 it's interesting, He's 12 years old when He goes,
08:29 and as you know how the story goes,
08:30 they go to the feast,
08:32 there are thousands and thousands of people in Jerusalem
08:36 and they go in groups, they come back home in groups,
08:40 Shelley: Kind of a traveling caravans...
08:41 Caravans, that's right, right, and they would be
08:43 singing, and just having a wonderful time,
08:46 this is like a wonderful vacation with your friends,
08:48 you know, and so they would come to Jerusalem,
08:50 and they spent these days in Jerusalem
08:52 and then they returned, so, Mary and Joseph
08:56 were so used to Jesus always being there,
08:59 always taking care, you know,
09:02 always... he was such a responsible young man,
09:05 that they didn't worry,
09:06 and they get a day out from Jerusalem...
09:09 Shelley: Thinking he's in the caravan...
09:12 And He's not there and they can't find Him anywhere
09:15 you read that beautiful book, "The Desire of Ages"
09:19 and Ellen White talks about how they were afraid...
09:23 that it was like when He was a baby
09:26 and Herod tried to kill Him,
09:27 and they started to reproach themselves
09:30 that they had not kept careful watch for Him,
09:32 they went back to Jerusalem, it took three days,
09:34 finally... and up in the Temple,
09:37 they finally end up there and here's Jesus
09:41 and He's sitting at the feet of these religious leaders,
09:45 the Rabbis and He's asking them questions and
09:49 they're asking Him questions
09:50 and He's giving answers to their questions
09:53 and there's a back and forth and everybody is like... amazed...
09:56 at what this young man is saying,
10:00 so this is where we pick up the story
10:03 and it's in Luke chapter 2 verses 48...
10:05 and we'll read through verse 52.
10:08 All right, Luke chapter 2 verse 48,
10:11 "So when they saw Him,"
10:13 and the "they" is his mother and father,
10:16 "when they saw Him, they were amazed,
10:18 and His mother said to Him,
10:20 'Son, why have You done this to us?
10:23 Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously. '
10:27 And He... Jesus... said to them, 'Why did you seek me?
10:31 Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?'
10:35 But they did not understand the statement
10:38 which He spoke to them. Then He went down with them
10:41 and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them,
10:45 but His mother kept all these things in her heart.
10:48 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature
10:52 and in favor with God and man. "
10:55 Okay, now this is an interesting conclusion to this story,
10:59 His parents see Him, they're astonished
11:02 and then His mother reprimands Him,
11:04 She says, "Why have you treated us like this?
11:07 We have been looking everywhere for you,
11:10 we've been distressed,
11:12 we were worried about you"
11:15 and His response is, "Why were you looking for me?
11:18 Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?"
11:22 Now, I want you to think for a minute, Shelley,
11:25 what would most mothers say
11:27 if their children answered that way?
11:29 What would their next words be?
11:32 I'm not even going to say what my mother would have said,
11:35 parents would think that you're being disrespectful
11:43 by saying something like this "and you mind me
11:46 and you get over here and come-with-me-now" type thing...
11:49 So they would... they might pull him by the ear
11:50 and they might say,
11:52 "You just wait until we get home," you know.
11:53 Shelly: wait till I tell your father.
11:55 Yeah, this is like being very cheeky, very disrespectful
11:59 as you said, okay,
12:00 now, Luke, recognized that this saying...
12:06 coming from the story of Jesus and... assuming...
12:09 this is his first recognition that He is the Son of God,
12:12 that you have expressed, you know, by Him,
12:16 and Luke presents that, that's important,
12:19 His Father's House, God is... this is God's house
12:22 and He is God's Son, so He's in the right place,
12:25 right, but Luke realizes that any reader... reading this
12:29 would say, "Poooof, why that...
12:31 disrespectful young man, how could He do that?"
12:34 So Luke, careful writer that he is, he says,
12:37 "And they did not understand the saying
12:38 that He had spoken to them and He went down with them
12:41 and came to Nazareth and was submissive"
12:45 our subject... "He was submissive to them"
12:49 it's the same word as was used in Ephesians 5
12:53 all right, the same word, now here's the question,
12:56 was Jesus inferior to His parents?
12:59 Absolutely not, He was the Son of God.
13:01 He was the Son of God, He was superior, if anything,
13:04 and yet He submits to His parents,
13:07 you see, submission does not mean inferiority,
13:11 it doesn't mean it, it doesn't imply it,
13:15 too many people take it that way that means that...
13:17 "No, Jesus Himself submitted to His parents"
13:20 but He was in no way inferior to them.
13:23 And this is...
13:24 even with the Master-Slave idea
13:27 and now-a-days, I guess, you would compare that to...
13:30 if you're working in the Corporate world,
13:32 or if you're working in a ministry,
13:34 it doesn't mean that an employee or staff member
13:37 is superior to... or inferior to the President,
13:40 it is that the President of that Corporation
13:44 has a certain responsibility, if you will,
13:47 and... either to stockholders or in ministry to God,
13:51 so it's something that you subject yourself to
13:56 the purposes of the Corporation,
14:00 see... all of us... all of us in life,
14:02 it doesn't matter who we are, we have to submit to somebody,
14:05 we have some relationship where somebody is over us.
14:08 Shelley: To our Government?
14:10 Yes, to our Government, to our Leaders,
14:11 to any kind of individuals
14:15 so, submission does not imply inferiority.
14:19 Now, the second one is
14:20 "Submission does not deny personal relationship with God"
14:24 and then we just go back to Ephesians 5.
14:27 Okay and in verse 22, it says,
14:31 "Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. "
14:35 Now, the question here is, who is talking here,
14:40 who is writing this? Shelley: Paul...
14:42 Paul... and to whom is he writing?
14:44 He's writing to the Ephesians, the Church of Ephesus.
14:48 The Church of Ephesus, and in particular,
14:49 who is he writing to in this verse?
14:51 Shelley: Wives...
14:52 Wives, yeah, so Paul recognizes that they are related to God,
14:58 that they have a relationship themselves with God,
15:02 he doesn't just speak to the husbands and say,
15:04 "Now tell your wives what to do,"
15:05 he speaks to the wives themselves as moral agents,
15:10 he doesn't tell the husbands to subjugate their wives,
15:14 he tells the wives to voluntarily themselves choose
15:19 to submit to their husbands
15:21 so he recognizes that these wives
15:23 have a moral relationship,
15:25 they are moral entities that deserve respect themselves
15:29 and deserve to be appealed to,
15:31 right, so, submission does not mean inferiority,
15:35 submission does not deny personal relationship to God,
15:40 he tells the wives, actually,
15:41 that they are to relate to their husbands,
15:43 they are to submit to their husbands as to the Lord
15:46 so, the wives have a personal relationship with God themselves
15:49 the third is a very interesting idea and that is
15:52 that the submission does not imply or mean
15:56 a doormat mentality, you know,
15:59 "I'm a doormat, you can do with me whatever you want"
16:02 kind of a thing,
16:03 now, several texts that we could look at in relationship to this
16:08 our time is quickly fleeting away,
16:11 so, I want to turn over to
16:14 Matthew chapter 5 verse 38 and 39,
16:17 Mathew 5:38 and 39.
16:21 Shelley: Matthew chapter 5... Tom: Verse 38 and 39...
16:24 In the Sermon on the Mount,
16:26 Jesus is talking to all disciples,
16:28 Matthew 5 verse 38, "You have heard it said,
16:32 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. '
16:35 But I tell you not to resist an evil person.
16:38 but whoever slaps you on your right cheek,
16:41 turn the other to him also. "
16:44 Now somebody will say,
16:45 "Now, wait a minute Dr. Sheperd, wait a minute,
16:47 that sure sounds like a doormat to me.
16:49 You know, they strike you on one cheek
16:51 just turn to them,
16:52 let them hit the other cheek as well,
16:54 isn't that a doormat?"
16:55 Well, let's look at another text because it's very interesting
16:59 to see where this might lead you,
17:01 turn over to the book of Acts,
17:03 Acts chapter 16, beautiful story, Acts chapter 16
17:10 it's the story of Paul at Philippi
17:14 and when he goes to Philippi,
17:18 he ends up getting thrown in jail
17:22 you know, they freed this young lady
17:26 of a demon and then her controllers
17:30 got them thrown in jail,
17:32 they get beaten and they get thrown in jail
17:36 and they are singing at midnight even though...
17:38 This is going to be Paul turning the other cheek,
17:41 let's listen...
17:43 They're singing at midnight
17:44 and suddenly there's this great earthquake, right?
17:48 And all the doors fling open and the jailer sees this
17:52 and he thinks that all of the prisoners have escaped
17:55 he know that means he will be put to death
17:58 because he didn't keep them,
17:59 he pulls out his sword and he's about to kill himself,
18:02 might as well die by his own hand
18:04 than be tortured or killed by somebody else,
18:08 Paul says, "Wait, stop, we're all here,"
18:11 now that's a surprise in itself,
18:13 none of the other prisoners ran away,
18:16 why not? Well, probably because of the
18:18 influence of Paul and Silas and their singing,
18:20 there was something about this that just kept everybody there
18:23 and the jailer, you know, he has his famous line,
18:27 and he brings them out and he says,
18:29 "What must I do to be saved?" Shelly: Amen.
18:31 And they said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ,
18:33 you and your household, and you will be saved"
18:35 so he takes them home, he washes their wounds
18:38 he and his family hear instruction,
18:40 they're all baptized that night, it's a wonderful story
18:43 that seems like a wonderful place to end the story
18:47 but we read verse 37, well it started on verse 35,
18:51 okay, Acts 16, and start in verse 35
18:57 and read through verse 40.
18:59 All right, so we're going to see how well Paul is...
19:03 how well he does at turning the other cheek,
19:05 Verse 35, "And when it was day,
19:07 the magistrates sent the officers,
19:10 saying, 'Let those men go. ' So the keeper of the prison
19:13 reported these words to Paul, saying,
19:16 'The magistrates have sent to let you go.
19:19 Now therefore depart, and go in peace. '
19:22 But Paul said to them, 'They have beaten us openly,
19:26 uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison.
19:31 And now do they put us out secretly?
19:34 No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.
19:38 And the officers told these words to the magistrates,
19:42 and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans.
19:46 Then they came and pleaded with them and brought them out,
19:49 and asked them to depart from the city.
19:51 So they went out of the prison and entered the house of Lydia:
19:56 and when they had seen the brethren,
19:58 they encouraged them and departed. "
20:00 Well, this is in the Bible too, you know,
20:03 Jesus said to turn the other cheek.
20:05 Is Paul turning the other cheek here?
20:08 I'm going to wait for you to answer that question
20:11 you're setting me up.
20:12 It doesn't quite sound like it, you know,
20:15 he's pretty... he stands up for his rights,
20:19 he said... and he makes this contrast
20:22 between the public and the private, he said,
20:25 "They beat us publicly,
20:27 we were uncondemned Roman citizens
20:30 and now, they want to send us away... secretly... "
20:35 He says, "We're not going to do that,
20:37 they can come here and escort us out of the prison"
20:40 but when the magistrates heard that these were Romans,
20:44 I tell you what... they were really worried
20:46 because you weren't supposed to do those things
20:49 and they had just listened to these other men
20:51 and had not stood up the way they should have
20:54 as good judges so they come and say,
20:55 "We're very sorry, please come out... " you know,
20:58 now, what do we gather from this?
21:01 There are limits... there are limits
21:03 to turning the other cheek, there are limits,
21:06 where the honor of the gospel is at stake,
21:08 where the honor of the gospel... that's what happened here...
21:12 this isn't just about Paul personally,
21:15 this is about the respect for the gospel,
21:17 the gospel message... and so Paul says,
21:20 "No, the gospel is honorable and it deserves honor,"
21:24 so, where the honor of the gospel is at stake,
21:27 that's where the turning of the cheek stops,
21:30 you don't do it just to prevent...
21:32 just for your own protection,
21:34 but you do it for the good of the...
21:36 for the protection of the gospel.
21:38 And this is important to hear what you're saying
21:41 as far as... that...
21:43 being submissive does not mean that you're inferior,
21:46 being submissive does not mean that you don't...
21:49 that a wife doesn't have a personal relationship
21:52 with the Lord because she's being submissive to her husband,
21:55 but most importantly, that she is not a doormat
21:57 because, there are, unfortunately,
22:01 many instances of abuse in the home
22:05 and some women think that...
22:08 they're supposed to take it and...
22:10 in fact, my own sister, her first husband,
22:12 was very abusive,
22:14 he put her in the hospital three different times,
22:17 and she developed that "battered wife syndrome"
22:20 and thought it was her own fault and it's not,
22:22 and even the church recognizes abuse as a reason for divorce.
22:27 Yeah, yeah, and it was... there are limits to authority
22:32 and you're not supposed to use your authority
22:35 to abuse or use other people,
22:37 you're supposed use it to bless people.
22:39 Even when Paul was out of prison,
22:41 I believe it was Paul or was it Peter
22:44 when he said that, they were trying to tell...
22:45 it was Peter... when they said...
22:47 "Don't go and preach again in His name,"
22:48 and he said, "To whom do we owe
22:51 our allegiance,
22:52 are we supposed to obey you or obey God?"
22:54 We must obey God rather than men.
22:56 We must obey God rather than man, so...
22:59 God doesn't call for affirmation of abuse,
23:02 abuse is wrong, it always has been,
23:04 it always will be, and so, there are those kinds of limits,
23:09 and this illustrates the story of Paul,
23:11 this funny story about him in Philippi,
23:14 illustrates that idea that for the sake of the gospel,
23:17 there's a place where you say, "No, we don't submit to that. "
23:20 Yes, so now, we've covered a lot
23:24 but let's focus in on Ephesians 5:22,
23:27 "Wives submit to your own husbands as to the Lord,"
23:31 what is Paul teaching here?
23:32 Okay, the first thing we know is there's not this verb...
23:36 it's borrowed from verse 21
23:38 and it's usually inserted there in English, which is fine,
23:42 in English, it's fine translation,
23:43 but it means that the two are interconnected
23:46 the focus of the wife's submission,
23:48 according to Paul here is to her own husband,
23:51 he's not talking about outside the home,
23:53 he's not talking about, "to another person,"
23:55 this is instruction about home life
23:58 not about life outside the home.
24:00 There are sometimes people who will say,
24:02 "Well, women shouldn't be outside the home,"
24:06 but frankly, I've found that women in service,
24:09 we have women who work in the ministry,
24:12 our new Associate Dean is a woman,
24:14 and she is good, she works very well
24:17 in positions with... when we have committees,
24:21 she makes wonderful suggestions, she helps to solve problems,
24:24 I personally have no problem with women in ministry,
24:28 women in leadership, this is not in the home setting,
24:32 this is outside the home setting,
24:33 it's not to suggest that in the home,
24:36 they are now suddenly... this little tiny person,
24:39 or something like that,
24:41 there's respect back and forth within the home,
24:44 but her submission is to her own husband
24:48 not to somebody else,
24:49 then the manner of this submission,
24:52 that Paul describes here, is, "as to the Lord,"
24:55 so the relationship to Christ, as we already have said,
24:58 is the paradigm
25:00 by which everything is measured in the home,
25:02 the paradigm by which everything is measured
25:05 and I have this wonderful little plaque
25:07 at the door of our house that says,
25:09 "Christ is the Head of this House.
25:11 He's the silent listener to every conversation
25:16 and He's at every meal, Christ is the Head of the home"
25:19 and that's really...
25:20 it helps you to keep things set in the right direction
25:24 so you stop thinking... it's some kind of human head
25:28 but that Christ is in charge of the home.
25:30 Then the center of power actually, has shifted...
25:34 it has shifted from the husband to God, to the Lord,
25:37 Paul is addressing the wives as moral agents,
25:40 they have an individual relationship with Christ
25:42 and they have an individual relationship with God,
25:45 and secondly, to their husbands.
25:48 So this is different than the Greco-Roman world
25:50 where the wife was actually supposed to worship
25:53 the gods of her husband,
25:54 just think, if you had a Christian wife,
25:57 no... she can't submit to the husband's gods,
25:59 so her submission to her husband is not total, it is different.
26:05 In the Greco-Roman world women were seen as inferior,
26:08 they were to be ruled by their husbands,
26:10 but Paul breaks out of this
26:13 by addressing the wives themselves as moral agents,
26:16 so the lesson here, that we come down to is that
26:19 submission to the Lord teaches how to submit to your husband,
26:23 it also teaches you the extent of human submission.
26:28 There is a limit to it it's... as to the Lord, so...
26:33 And you know, to point this...
26:35 just to point this out quickly, God is not a controlling God
26:39 when He asks us to submit, it is a willing surrender
26:44 because of His loving kindness, and so, this is something that
26:48 a husband should understand is that...
26:50 he cannot be a controlling husband but rather,
26:53 he needs to... out of his love, by his demonstration
26:56 of loving kindness will his wife to submission.
27:00 You see, everyone is made in the image of God
27:03 and because they have that image of God,
27:07 that image of God calls for respect.
27:10 Shelley: We are co-heirs. Tom: Yeah, co-heirs.
27:12 And so Paul will say these kinds of words
27:15 to describe this kind of concept of...
27:17 that we all have a relationship to God,
27:19 we are co-heirs with Christ, everybody has the image of God,
27:22 so everybody deserves respect,
27:25 you cannot disrespect them
27:27 and still follow what God is trying to teach us to do.
27:30 And it's really a beautiful thing and as I've said,
27:33 when it is done properly,
27:34 a wife will be happy to submit to her husband
27:37 if he is allowing Christ to be the Head of the home
27:40 and he is... as Christ has their eternal benefit in mind,
27:44 and if the husband has the wife's benefit in mind,
27:47 it makes it easy to submit to him.
27:50 Again Tom, thank you...
27:51 this time... just continues to fly from us,
27:54 we're so glad that you're tuning in
27:56 and we're hoping that this is something
27:58 God is really speaking to you
28:00 through these teachings
28:01 and now, our prayer is that God will multiply His mercy,
28:05 His love and His grace to you. Bye for now.


Revised 2016-03-23