Heaven's Point of View

1 Corinthians 7:10-16, Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Yvonne Lewis (Host), Tom Shepherd


Series Code: HPOV

Program Code: HPOV000048A

00:16 Hello and welcome to Heaven's Point of View.
00:18 My name is Dr. Yvonne Lewis
00:21 and our special host for this Series
00:24 on Love, Marriage, Sex, and Divorce
00:26 is Dr. Tom Sheperd who is a Professor at Andrews University,
00:32 he's a Professor of New Testament Interpretation
00:35 and he's the Director of their Programs:
00:38 their Ph. D. and Th. D. Religion Programs
00:41 so we are so thankful and grateful
00:43 that you have been sharing this wonderful information with us
00:47 and we're down at the very end of this Series
00:50 and it's just been so insightful because we found out
00:55 what does the Bible have to say about these various areas
01:01 on Love, Marriage and Sex and Divorce,
01:04 so last time... we were talking about
01:07 well... you were talking about...
01:10 because I wasn't here for that one,
01:12 you were talking about
01:13 the Christian that's married to the unbeliever.
01:16 Tom: Right.
01:18 Can you just recap a little bit of that?
01:19 Sure, the Christian was married to the unbeliever
01:23 who was willing to stay in the marriage.
01:26 Now, first we should notice... just reiterate that
01:30 how in the world did this situation come to pass?
01:33 Because,
01:35 nowhere in the Bible did we see
01:37 the Scriptures affirming marrying an unbeliever.
01:41 In fact, it's just the opposite, right?
01:43 Yeah, yeah, you're not to have linked up with them,
01:46 you're not to have concord with that which is apart from God.
01:49 Hmmm... hmmm...
01:51 It's sad that too many times people don't
01:54 recognize this or take it into account,
01:58 it's like they let their heart lead instead of their mind
02:01 or their faith and people should realize that
02:06 marrying an unbeliever is... putting yourself...
02:08 you'll be unequally yoked, you'll not be able to...
02:10 when... you're going in one direction
02:12 and the other person is going in another direction
02:14 and, of course, the time when this really shows up
02:16 is when children are born. Yvonne: That's right.
02:18 Because the believer want to raise their child
02:20 as a believer, of course,
02:22 and the unbeliever... does not care about that...
02:24 is not interested in it and can resist it
02:27 and it can be... it can be pretty challenging.
02:30 So, what Paul describes in 1st Corinthians 7
02:33 is actually the case of a person who became a Christian
02:40 after they were married, yeah... so...
02:43 here were two unbelievers that were married
02:46 and then one of them became a Christian.
02:49 You know that actually happened to me,
02:51 because when I married my husband,
02:54 I was out of the church and then I came back...
02:57 shortly after marrying him,
03:01 so, I guess, he was probably wondering,
03:03 "Well, who is this person?"
03:04 Because... you're a different person
03:06 from the one that you were before,
03:09 and that's a... it's a real scenario
03:11 and it's a real situation...
03:13 because you can't blame the unbeliever
03:16 because he didn't marry...
03:17 he didn't sign up for that, you know what I mean?
03:20 And then you can't blame the believer because
03:23 you are following God's leading so it is a very real situation
03:29 and... as you said... the children...
03:31 it can put the children in the middle, so...
03:34 Oh yeah, very much... and so Paul is describing here
03:37 what are Christians supposed to do?
03:41 It's really kind of three steps,
03:42 the Christians married to each other,
03:44 then the Christian married to the... willing unbeliever,
03:47 now the last one is the
03:50 Christian married to the unwilling unbeliever...
03:54 or willing unbeliever... Hmmm... hmmm...
03:57 so I know, from your background,
04:00 I wonder if you have any suggestions
04:01 about how people can cope with...
04:03 if they're married to an unbeliever
04:05 how can they... how can they make it work?
04:07 How can they help draw people to Christ
04:10 and keep things going well?
04:12 Well, I'm divorced,
04:14 so I don't know if I'm the one to answer that
04:17 but seriously... one thing that you can do
04:20 is... you really have to put yourself
04:22 in the position of the unbeliever...
04:25 just to kind of... understand their perspective on it
04:30 so that you're not feeling like "well... "
04:32 you're not feeling self-righteous, you're not...
04:35 you are really trying to understand their position
04:37 and, of course, you have to pray
04:40 and you have to ask God to be sensitive to the situation
04:44 and ask God for His leading and how to deal with
04:47 the situation because...
04:49 there are places you no longer will go to,
04:51 there are things you will no longer do
04:53 and so that can... Tom: It creates a tension...
04:56 It creates a tension which can pull you apart.
04:58 So, I guess the key is to really seek God
05:03 on how to be... in those specific situations
05:07 and try to understand your spouse's position
05:11 without compromising yours.
05:13 Right, it goes back a bit
05:15 to what we said in previous programs
05:17 about how the Christian is to relate to the unbeliever
05:23 and that they are... they sanctify the unbeliever,
05:28 they're helping to draw them but they're also...
05:33 God has placed His seal even over this marriage
05:37 that was entered into before the person even became a Christian.
05:41 I'm reminded of the words in 1st Peter 3,
05:45 where Peter describes a Christian woman
05:49 married to a pagan man
05:51 and in probably the same kind of circumstance
05:54 where she became a Christian after...
05:56 after their marriage... sometime after their marriage
05:58 and he talks about...
06:00 he really presents the woman as an Evangelist,
06:03 but a silent Evangelist.
06:05 Yvonne: Silent... yes...
06:06 She says... it says... "without a word... "
06:08 so, when you think about communication
06:11 and you ponder... now, which would be more powerful
06:15 to win somebody through the spoken word
06:18 or to win them without saying a word.
06:20 That's right.
06:21 And you really come to the conclusion...
06:23 it seems to me that...
06:24 without a word... is a stronger...
06:26 you know, there's more power there
06:28 and so, here's Peter presenting these women as Evangelists.
06:32 That's right, that's right.
06:34 Winning their husbands... being one...
06:36 actually is a way he describes it,
06:38 God, of course, is the one who draws them.
06:40 Yes, you know that poem that says,
06:42 "I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day... "
06:45 And I think that that's important,
06:47 the way you live your life
06:49 without compromising your values
06:52 but you live... you live as a Christian person
06:55 and I think that that can either win your spouse
06:58 or actually push them away.
07:00 I appreciated your focus and your emphasis there
07:02 on the idea of taking their perspective...
07:05 you're not suggesting that you act like a non-Christian
07:08 but you're saying, "try to understand their mindset
07:12 and where they're coming from"
07:13 and that goes along with the whole idea
07:15 of... in marriage... that you are "other-centered"
07:18 that you are seeking to fulfill their needs
07:22 and to think about their needs.
07:24 Okay, well, so I think probably now we can turn
07:27 to 1st Corinthians 7 and read the last part of the section
07:31 which is 1st Corinthians 7 verses 15 and 16.
07:35 Okay, it says, "But if the unbeliever departs,
07:39 let him depart, a brother or a sister
07:41 is not under bondage in such cases.
07:44 But God has called us to peace.
07:46 For how do you know, O wife,
07:48 whether you will save your husband?
07:50 Or how do you know, O husband,
07:52 whether you will save your wife?"
07:54 All right... so... this passage we have to understand...
07:58 sometimes this passage is called "the Pauline privilege. "
08:02 Hmmm...
08:03 It presents the counter situation
08:06 from what we described in the previous program
08:08 where the unbeliever was willing to stay in the marriage
08:11 and in that situation,
08:16 the Christian is not to try to get out of the marriage.
08:18 Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm... Tom: The Christian is to stay...
08:20 Paul does not ever describe the Christian
08:23 as the person initiating separation or divorce
08:29 he's... along the lines of what Jesus said that...
08:34 "What God has joined together, let man not rend asunder. "
08:39 So, here he... in verses 15 and 16...
08:44 he doesn't mention willingness,
08:46 he doesn't even mention unwillingness.
08:49 He just describes the unbeliever...
08:51 we could say,
08:53 "the unbeliever voted with their feet,"
08:55 you know... they departed.
08:57 Yvonne: Right. Tom: The unbeliever departed.
09:00 The verb that is used here is the verb...
09:03 the Greek verb, "Chórizó" which... in the active voice
09:08 it means to divide or to separate
09:11 in the passive voice, it means to separate
09:14 and it's actually one of the common words for divorce.
09:16 To be separated... you see...
09:18 divorce from one another,
09:20 it was a common Greco-Roman term that they used for that,
09:24 in these verses it's in this,
09:26 what we'd call, middle-passive voice
09:28 where it can be that it's describing actually
09:32 a divorce that's taken place, the unbeliever has departed
09:37 it seems, the unbeliever initiated the divorce,
09:40 okay, so in such circumstances, you know,
09:45 the question would be,
09:46 "Well, how is the Christian supposed to respond?"
09:48 Right...
09:50 The way Paul calls for the Christian to respond
09:53 to this departure is stated in three phrases,
09:57 all right, the first is... he says...
10:03 "let him or her depart. "
10:05 Yvonne: Just let them go.
10:08 Tom: Let them go... Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
10:09 So with these words, Paul indicates that a Christian
10:12 is not to stand in the way of a divorce.
10:14 All right... now the Christian did not initiate the divorce,
10:19 notice, that the action is being taken
10:21 by the unbeliever, not by the believer, okay.
10:25 So, the Christian didn't initiate it
10:29 but does not have to resist it or counter it.
10:33 So that's the first thing that he says.
10:36 Let them depart... then he says,
10:40 "In such cases, the brother or sister
10:43 is not... " what does your version say,
10:46 mine says, "enslaved... "
10:47 What verse is it? Verse 15...
10:52 Verse 15... "A brother or a sister is not
10:55 under bondage in such cases... "
10:58 Is not "bound... " the verb, here, is the...
11:01 well, it's a little interesting to use it in terms of marriage
11:05 but it's "douloi" which is a common word...
11:07 for "to be a slave... "
11:09 or to serve as a slave, now, we mustn't get the idea
11:13 that necessarily Paul is saying here,
11:14 "Marriage is slavery"
11:16 That's what it's kind of sounding like here...
11:19 that... marriage... bondage... is it slavery?
11:22 There are some people who kind of get that way...
11:25 they feel that way... the verb here is,
11:28 in the passive voice... and in the perfect tense,
11:32 the brother or sister is not enslaved by such things
11:35 and then we have to kind of unpack that...
11:39 the third thing that he will say is that we're called to peace.
11:42 So, first we need to unpack this idea of not being enslaved
11:48 okay... the parallel that helps us
11:51 a lot in this, is Romans chapter 7,
11:55 verses 1 to 6, it's written by, of course,
11:58 the same man, the Apostle Paul, and so, we want to read
12:03 Romans... turn over to Romans 7. Yvonne: Okay.
12:06 Now, Romans 7 is one of the most fascinating chapters
12:10 in the book of Romans.
12:11 Now why so... why do you think so?
12:13 Oh, well, he's talking about the law.
12:14 See,
12:16 in Romans 5, 6, 7 and then on into 8,
12:19 he has three great powers that he describes:
12:22 death, sin and law.
12:24 Hmmm...
12:26 And how the Christian is set free from death...
12:29 by the death of Jesus... Jesus takes Adam's place
12:32 the Christian is set free from the "rule of sin" by baptism.
12:40 Hmmm...
12:41 A lot of people think that you have to...
12:43 we'll give a little commercial for the book of Romans here,
12:47 but some people think that...
12:50 that you have to work towards dying to sin,
12:53 Paul actually says that happened at your baptism.
12:55 When you were baptized, you died to "sin as a master,"
12:59 and the rest of Romans 6 says,
13:02 "In order that you may fight sin... as an enemy. "
13:06 So, that's why baptism is such an important thing to do.
13:12 Oh absolutely, absolutely,
13:13 people don't understand this well enough,
13:15 baptism is so crucial that it is a change of "Masters"
13:20 you change from Master Sin to be with Master Jesus.
13:25 And it points you to a new direction.
13:27 The old goal was Satan's way, now you're going...
13:29 you're on a different team, you're going the other direction
13:31 and if you're fighting with sin,
13:33 it's really one of the illustrations
13:36 that you're a Christian because the pagan...
13:38 the person's who's not a Christian,
13:40 doesn't fight for sin, they embrace it, you see.
13:41 Right.
13:43 So the fight with sin... you don't...
13:44 Paul argues not towards death but from death,
13:47 you die to sin as "a Master"
13:49 so you can now fight "sin" as an enemy.
13:51 That's chapter 6... one of my favorite chapters.
13:52 Yvonne: Yes. Tom: Chapter 7 though...
13:54 he has to explain
13:56 what is the Christian's relationship to "Law"
13:58 and Paul's doctrine and teaching on Law
14:04 is very nuanced and very complex
14:06 and most people try to simplify it too much
14:09 but he... he has quite a few things,
14:11 he really doesn't say the Law is bad
14:14 the Law is holy, just and good. Yvonne: Right.
14:15 but the Law... promises life
14:20 but it proves death to you because you're a sinner
14:22 so the problem is actually "sin" not "Law. "
14:24 Right.
14:25 So he talks about sin being removed
14:27 and the person now living by the Spirit
14:29 fulfilling the just requirements of the Law.
14:31 But he takes like... two chapters to explain that.
14:34 One-and-a-half... something like that...
14:36 but in chapter 7 verses 1 to 6
14:39 he has this illustration from marriage.
14:41 Yeah... yeah...
14:43 And it's also confusing a little bit...
14:45 so we'll read it, read Romans 7 verses 1 to 6.
14:47 Okay, "Or do you not know, brethren...
14:49 for I speak to those who know the law,
14:51 that the law has dominion over a man as long as he lives?
14:54 For the woman who has a husband
14:57 is bound by the law to her husband as long as he lives.
14:59 But if the husband dies,
15:01 she is released from the law of her husband.
15:04 So then if, while her husband lives,
15:07 she marries another man,
15:08 she will be called an adulteress;
15:10 but if her husband dies, she is free from that law,
15:13 so that she is no adulteress,
15:16 though she has married another man.
15:18 Therefore, my brethren,
15:20 you also have become dead to the law
15:23 through the body of Christ,
15:24 that you may be married to another...
15:26 to Him who was raised from the dead,
15:28 that we should bear fruit to God.
15:31 For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions
15:34 which were aroused by the law were at work in our members
15:37 to bear fruit to death.
15:39 But now we have been delivered from the law,
15:42 having died to what we were held by,
15:44 so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit
15:47 and not in the oldness of the letter. "
15:50 Yes, of course, now this is a passage
15:53 that gets Adventists kind of... you know...
15:55 "going", because he's talking about the law
15:58 and he's talking about dying... about married to another... "
16:02 like that... Yvonne: Right...
16:03 The key that you have to understand
16:05 I'll just give a little capsule on that...
16:08 the key that you have to understand is
16:10 that when Paul talks about "death," here,
16:12 he's actually kind of linking back into chapter 6
16:15 we said that... when you die... that sin is a master
16:18 because... when people try to make this...
16:21 this is like an example or a metaphor or something
16:24 and when they try to make it walk on all fours,
16:26 it doesn't walk too good.
16:28 They say... all right... so there's a husband
16:33 and then there is a woman
16:35 and then there's a second husband
16:37 right? Yvonne: Right.
16:38 Who is the first husband and who is the...
16:40 and who is the woman and... so, first they'll say...
16:43 "Well, the first husband is the law...
16:45 and the woman is us
16:46 and then the second husband is Jesus... right?"
16:48 Yvonne: Hmmm... Tom: That's what they'll say.
16:50 But the problem is... when you get down to verse 4,
16:53 Paul says, "Likewise my brothers,
16:55 you also have died to the law through the body of Christ. "
16:59 It wasn't the law that died, it was you...
17:02 it was you who died... not the law...
17:04 Yvonne: Yes. So, he's actually kind of
17:06 linking back into chapter 6
17:07 and some people who look at this
17:09 metaphor... this example... and they'll say,
17:10 "You know... an illustration is supposed to make things clearer"
17:14 and they'd feel like...
17:17 "Ah... he didn't make it clearer, really... "
17:19 so... they kind of fault him a bit
17:22 but if you follow the way he's writing,
17:25 and you listen to what he says, clearly what he says
17:27 and you remember that those are the things he talked about
17:29 in chapter 6... it's okay...
17:31 Yvonne: It's line upon line... precept upon precept.
17:33 Yeah, it's a good illustration,
17:35 all right... but, of course, we're talking about marriage,
17:37 and so we want to notice here, that there are certain terms
17:41 he doesn't use exactly the same words
17:42 that he does in 1st Corinthians...
17:44 but he uses many terms that are quite parallel to this,
17:50 okay, so, here's the thing... he uses the term
17:54 "being bound," he uses the term "being free"
17:57 he uses the term "being enslaved" or...
18:01 you know... serving... in another marriage,
18:04 so it seems most likely, from this...
18:07 the way Paul describes things here in Romans 7 when he says,
18:12 "The law is binding on a person as long as they live,
18:15 for a married person...
18:17 the woman is bound by the law to her husband
18:19 but if her husband dies,
18:20 she is released from the law of marriage,
18:23 okay, so, he's giving this kind of example,
18:26 the terminology he uses is so parallel to what is happening
18:30 in 1st Corinthians 7 than verse 15
18:34 that when Paul says that the person is no longer bound,
18:41 he's probably indicating
18:44 that the person is no longer married
18:47 and the former unbelieving spouse,
18:50 is... you know... has left...
18:52 and therefore, the divorce has taken place
18:55 and since that...
18:57 you know, if you go back to Romans 7...
18:58 in that case,
19:00 the believing spouse who did not initiate the divorce...
19:04 the other person just left... and departed
19:07 they are now free to remarry, okay.
19:11 Now you can imagine that that kind of idea
19:15 raises a lot of questions.
19:17 Yvonne: Yes, yes...
19:18 Because Jesus said that you can marry if the other person
19:24 commits adultery,
19:25 but Paul doesn't mention adultery,
19:28 he just talks about the unbeliever leaving
19:31 okay, so that's some of the kinds of questions raised here,
19:35 is Paul opening the door to something more
19:39 and that's why they call this "the Pauline privilege"
19:43 there's the question of the unbelieving spouse
19:46 and is this a situation that Jesus had not described.
19:49 Hmmm... hmmm...
19:51 Because Jesus is describing... it seems like...
19:52 He's always talking about believers
19:54 who are married to one another, all right?
19:56 Yvonne: Yes... Tom: So Paul says...
19:57 "Well, now, what about... with the unbeliever?"
19:59 And his counsel is:
20:00 "Look, if the unbeliever wants to stay,
20:02 good... don't leave...
20:04 don't try to break up the marriage... you're the Christian
20:07 you're the one that's supposed to help solidify marriage. "
20:10 But what if you do all that you can
20:13 and this other person just deserts you?
20:16 Are you stuck single for the rest of your life?
20:20 I would think...
20:22 Paul has presented his argument about marriage...
20:24 the married Christian in three steps,
20:26 the first step is:
20:27 two Christians who are married to each other.
20:29 He says, very much like Jesus' words... "stay together,"
20:32 you know, "if you depart...
20:34 if you separate from one another... stay single"
20:37 that's his kind of counsel... we talked about that before...
20:40 "The Christian married to the willing unbeliever... "
20:43 you're again... supposed to build the marriage
20:44 and not try to depart...
20:46 but now the Christian married to an unbeliever
20:48 who has departed or divorced them...
20:50 it's the third thing that he talks about,
20:52 it's this third or final scenario that gets our attention
20:56 in relation to the teaching of Jesus,
20:58 perhaps the phrase that Paul uses may help to explain
21:02 how these things fit together
21:04 and that's where we come to the question of these words,
21:07 "we are called to peace. " Yvonne: Hmmm...
21:10 It seems in this context that before the separation,
21:15 there was no peace,
21:16 or the peace was disrupted...
21:19 or the peace was under oppression, you know,
21:22 it was... it was... it was... it was... there was strife...
21:26 And, I think you know how some of these things can happen
21:29 in people's homes. Yvonne: Hmmm... hmmm...
21:31 It's interesting that both the terms, "enslaved and called"
21:36 the person is no longer enslaved,
21:38 we are called in peace... are both in the Perfect Tense,
21:41 now, you need to understand
21:42 the Perfect Tense in Greek a little bit,
21:44 it goes like this, the Perfect Tense has two ideas,
21:48 a past action came to completion
21:52 it actually came to completion in the past,
21:55 but there are ongoing results from that action...
21:59 that's the Perfect Tense, right... and...
22:01 actually in translating it,
22:03 you can either focus on
22:05 this past action coming to a completion,
22:07 or to the ongoing results... the consummate of "perfect"
22:11 or "insensitive perfect" if you like the terminology
22:15 so this is a... a person is no longer enslaved
22:20 they were... they were bound...
22:22 but now that's changed and there's an ongoing result,
22:27 they are no longer enslaved, they're called to peace,
22:32 and the call... now, let me put it this way...
22:35 which happened first?
22:37 The divorce or the call to peace?
22:41 That's a trick question, maybe...
22:44 but if we look at the text, okay,
22:46 let's just read the text again,
22:48 verse 15, "But if the unbelieving
22:51 partner separates, let it be so,
22:54 in such cases, the brother or sister is not enslaved,
22:57 God has called you to peace. "
23:00 Did God call you to peace before that person divorced you?
23:06 Yes, yeah, "the call to peace" preceded the divorce.
23:14 Right? the call to peace is when you became a Christian,
23:17 that's when you're called to peace.
23:19 All right, and interestingly that "call to peace"
23:22 for this unbeliever who... for whatever reason
23:26 was unwilling to accept the gospel,
23:29 that person made strife,
23:31 so the "call to peace" in their life
23:34 ended up creating strife for everybody.
23:36 Yvonne: right...
23:37 Yeah, so, when they left... when they left...
23:40 the unbelievers came back to peace,
23:43 the true brightness of peace could shine forth in their life,
23:46 okay, so this, this new state of peace
23:49 is really the proper state for the Christian,
23:51 that's the one that God called you for.
23:53 It's kind of like the default setting.
23:55 The default setting... that's right.
23:56 Now I believe that this speaks
23:58 very strongly to the question of abuse... physical abuse.
24:01 Physical abuse is breaking the peace,
24:04 the Christian is not called to stay in an abusive situation,
24:08 all right... Yvonne: I'm glad you said that.
24:10 Yeah, they're not called... and pastors, teachers,
24:12 Christian friends are actually...
24:13 have a responsibility to step in and help
24:15 so the people will not face this.
24:17 Now, we kind of running out of time here in this Series
24:20 so, I guess we'd better rush on,
24:22 could you read verse 16 for us one more time.
24:24 Sure, sure, "For how do you know O wife
24:26 whether you will save your husband
24:28 or how do you know O husband
24:29 whether you will save your wife?"
24:31 So what does that mean?
24:33 Well, there's really... kind of... two different ways
24:35 that this is taken, in some ways,
24:36 it's taken pessimistically or optimistically.
24:39 The pessimistic view is, "You are not likely to save them
24:42 you should stay away from them
24:44 and not expect them to be converted. "
24:46 All right, that's the pessimistic view.
24:47 How do you know? "There's not much hope. "
24:50 The optimistic view is "Don't give up,
24:53 how do you know? They may come back
24:56 and they may be saved. "
24:58 So, probably, the optimistic view is the more likely one here
25:03 and the New Living Translation helps to see this...
25:06 put this across, it says, "Don't you wives realize
25:08 that you're husbands might be saved because of you?
25:11 And don't you husbands realize
25:13 that your wives might be saved because of you?
25:15 How wonderful to do that. "
25:17 So, let me summarize the Pauline teaching about divorce.
25:23 First, Paul affirms marriage, he affirms marriage,
25:28 Christians are to stay together
25:29 and they are to seek reconciliation
25:33 if they have issues of fighting with one another.
25:36 Christians are to remain with a willing unbeliever
25:39 and Christians are not bound by the unbeliever
25:42 who is divorcing,
25:44 Christians are to be redemptive in their work,
25:46 this is Paul's... kind of... overall teaching...
25:49 so, we see when we put together
25:50 what Paul said and what Jesus said,
25:52 we end up with a beautiful teaching
25:55 that's makes very clear... gives clear lines about how...
25:58 how Christians are supposed to relate to this, now,
26:01 we don't have time to go into any details
26:04 but the Adventist church has taken a position
26:07 on the question of divorce, it's found in our Church Manual,
26:10 it's quite a nuanced statement
26:12 and it's in line with the teachings of Scripture.
26:15 It says that we affirm marriage and equality there
26:19 that sexual relations with someone outside of your...
26:22 other than your spouse is grounds for divorce
26:25 so are sexual perversions like incest,
26:27 child sexual abuse and homosexual practice
26:30 and abandonment of the unbelieving spouse
26:33 is also a valid reason for divorce
26:36 and the person who is unfaithful is subject to church discipline.
26:41 Divorce is such a sad and tragic perspective
26:46 that I hate to end on that note in these programs,
26:50 so I want to kind of recap briefly...
26:53 I'll start with divorce and work my way backwards.
26:56 Okay... good...
26:57 Okay, first of all, God hates divorce,
26:59 God hates divorce... the only valid reasons for that
27:03 are very few for divorce by a Christian...
27:05 and that's unfaithfulness.
27:06 Sex is only for marriage and it's a blessing there
27:11 and it's meant to enhance our relationships.
27:13 Marriage is about mutual sacrifice.
27:16 About 100 percent... 100 percent
27:19 you are sacrificing to help the other person
27:21 and love is this wonderful teaching of the Scriptures
27:25 of God's love... self-giving love...
27:28 that was just like the love of God for our world,
27:31 the love of Jesus that builds and enhances marriages today.
27:35 That's some rich stuff, that is rich.
27:40 Thank you so much for sharing
27:42 all of these wonderful insights with us,
27:45 I know that our audiences are going to be blessed
27:49 as a result of all of these teachings
27:51 and so we thank you very much.
27:52 And that's certainly my prayer.
27:54 Yes... and we want you to continue your study,
27:57 continue to study what the Word says
27:59 about these relationships
28:01 so that your relationships can reflect the character
28:05 of our wonderful loving Savior Jesus Christ.
28:08 Thank you for joining us.


Revised 2016-04-28