It Is Written

Taking Back Your Life

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001210

00:07 It has stood the test of time.
00:12 God's book.
00:13 The Bible.
00:17 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:22 It is written sharing hope around the globe.
00:43 Did you know that right now, today, one out of three
00:47 people say that they're dealing with EXTREME levels
00:50 of stress?
00:52 One out of three!
00:54 And about HALF of us are lying awake at night because
00:57 we're having trouble coping with the very real problems
00:59 of modern life.
01:07 We're getting angry, nervous, exhausted, and depressed.
01:12 Well the good news is that there's something very real
01:16 that can do about it.
01:21 You know, when I was a kid, the futurists made us some
01:23 pretty incredible promises.
01:25 Technology was going to make life a whole lot easier.
01:29 We'd only be working fifteen or twenty hours a week, and
01:32 most of our household chores would disappear - because
01:36 robots and other machines would be doing the work
01:38 for us.
01:40 So here we are, thirty or forty years later, and
01:42 honestly, I feel cheated.
01:43 The work week isn't shorter - it's actually longer!
01:47 According to the National Sleep Foundation, most people
01:49 are are working FORTY SIX hours a week, and more than a
01:53 third of us are doing more than fifty.
01:56 And while it's nice to have microwaves and dishwashers,
01:58 the promise of more free time seems like a cruel joke.
02:02 Families are gulping down their meals and even eating
02:04 in the car because kids have way too many extra-curricular
02:08 activities.
02:38 They promised us virtual offices - we'd get to work at
02:42 the beach or by the pool.
02:44 But instead of liberating us, computers and cell phones
02:46 have made slaves of us.
02:48 They're virtual leashes, and now the office follows us
02:51 everywhere.
02:53 It's not at all like they promised.
02:56 We kind of thought we'd be living like the Jetsons, but
02:58 in reality, it looks a lot more like Survivor.
03:02 Some economists have noticed that we might be the first
03:05 generation in a long time that stands no chance of
03:07 living better than our parents.
03:10 The price of energy is shooting up, the cost of
03:13 quality food is rising, and health care premiums are
03:16 going through the roof.
03:17 It takes two people, working hard, to pay down a mortgage,
03:20 even after the collapse of the market.
03:23 And we have far less time for basic human activities like
03:27 sitting down for a family meal or even getting a good
03:30 night's sleep.
03:31 Between 1960 and 1986, the average American family, if
03:36 you can believe it, had ten to twelve hours a week to
03:39 spend with their kids, but not too many people have that
03:42 kind of time anymore.
03:44 Now that we're actually living in the future, many
03:47 people are finding it kind of disappointing.
03:49 And I could probably live with the disappointment,
03:51 except for the fact that the world we've built for
03:53 ourselves is actually starting to KILL people.
03:57 Some people are literally dropping dead from
04:00 unreasonable levels of stress, from a lack of sleep
04:02 or from a lousy diet.
04:03 Our evening meal far too often gets handed to us
04:07 through a little drive-up window, complete with fries
04:10 and a soda.
04:11 We're getting lifestyle diseases at rates that were
04:13 unheard of just a hundred years ago, and a lot of them
04:17 are clearly stress-related.
04:19 It's becoming obvious, to most of us, that something's
04:22 wrong.
04:23 And it's not just the physical diseases that are
04:26 destroying us.
04:27 Some of us are dying inside.
04:29 We're tired, we're way too busy, and our family lives
04:33 are crumbling or non-existent.
04:36 Too many people wonder why they even bother.
04:39 The fun of life is gone.
04:42 Now today I'm going to show you why people feel that way,
04:46 and I'm going to give some simple, practical tools that
04:50 you can use - right now - to take back your life and start
04:54 enjoying it more.
04:56 Modern life has become so busy - so demanding - that
05:01 some people just assume that huge loads of stress are
05:04 normal.
05:06 But it's not the way we're meant to live.
05:08 Take a look around you: a lot of us are getting moodier and
05:11 less happy.
05:12 We're not enjoying life.
05:14 We sleep less, we play less, and some of us are even
05:18 developing nagging problems that are a sign that your
05:20 body is breaking down under stress.
05:24 It's protesting against the modern lifestyle: too much
05:27 work, too much anxiety, too much coffee, and not enough
05:31 sleep.
05:33 But that's NOT the way life is supposed to be.
05:35 The Psalmist tells us that we are "fearfully and
05:39 wonderfully made," (Ps. 139:14).
05:43 Our bodies have been designed for a far more natural
05:46 rhythm.
05:47 For example, when it gets dark outside, your pineal
05:50 gland starts producing a substance called melatonin,
05:54 and that substance actually lowers your body temperature
05:57 and makes you feel drowsy.
05:59 It's nature's way of telling you to go to sleep.
06:02 But what do most of us do at night?
06:04 We turn on all the lights - we sit down in front of a TV
06:07 or a computer monitor - and all that light (especially
06:10 the blue light) actually slows down the production of
06:13 melatonin and prevents us from falling asleep.
06:17 So, after living in a constant state of anxiety and
06:20 high alert all day, we actually cheat our bodies of
06:23 sleep and keep ourselves from recovering.
06:27 Now let me ask you a question: does any of this
06:31 kind of ring a bell for you?
06:32 Can you remember back to a time when you just enjoyed
06:35 life more?
06:36 A time when you had more energy - more enthusiasm?
06:40 Well, I've got some great news for you.
06:42 You can have it back.
06:44 Really, you can.
06:46 In just a moment, I'm going to show you how to get
06:48 started.
06:52 In Matthew 4:4 the Word of God says "It is written 'Man
06:55 shall not live by bread alone but by every word that
06:59 proceeds out of the mouth of God'."
07:02 Every Word is a one minute Bible-based daily devotional
07:05 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw and designed
07:07 especially for busy people like you.
07:10 Look for Every Word on selected networks or watch it
07:13 on-line everyday on our website
07:17 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
07:19 Watch Every Word.
07:20 You'll be glad you did.
07:22 Here's a sample.
07:32 A short verse speaks loudly to us today.
07:35 Acts 8:8 succinctly states, "And there was great joy in
07:39 that city."
07:40 What city was that, and why was there great joy there?
07:43 The city was Samaria, and there was great joy there
07:46 because Philip went there and preached Christ.
07:48 The people gladly heard what he said, and God worked great
07:51 miracles.
07:52 How would you like to experience great joy today?
07:55 If you'll bring Christ into your environment, and gladly
07:58 hear what He says, God will work miracles in your life.
08:01 Healing?
08:02 Money?
08:03 I don't know.
08:04 But certainly the greatest miracle - a new heart and
08:07 true peace.
08:09 "And there was great joy in that city," when Jesus was
08:11 made welcome.
08:13 Welcome Jesus into your life - or through your witness,
08:15 bring Him into the lives of others - and there'll be
08:17 great joy in your city or home or life today.
08:21 Let's live today by Every Word.
08:26 If you're like most human beings caught up in the
08:28 hectic pace of the 21st century, you're probably
08:32 feeling more than a little run down.
08:34 And yet the drive to produce - the drive to be busy - to
08:37 be successful, it's almost irresistible.
08:41 When you read through the first few chapters of the
08:43 Bible, you'll find something interesting.
08:46 Listen to this: Genesis 2:15 Then the Lord God took the
08:52 man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
08:59 You might think that Adam and Eve spent their time lounging
09:01 by the pool or playing a round of golf, relaxing in
09:04 the easy life of Paradise, but you'd be wrong.
09:07 In the very beginning, God designed human beings to be
09:10 productive and busy.
09:12 Our job was to "tend and keep" the garden.
09:16 Now, what I find really interesting about that is the
09:19 way lots of people still spend their day off in the
09:22 garden, "tending and keeping" in the best of biblical
09:26 traditions.
09:28 There's just something about working outside in the fresh
09:31 air and sunlight - with your hands in the dirt - that
09:34 makes the troubles of a stressful week just melt into
09:36 the background.
09:37 I love it.
09:38 And to add to that, I think that, now this might not be
09:41 everybody's cup of tea - if you get your hands on one of
09:42 them weed wackers, or your hands on a chain saw (now I
09:45 know that may not be tending and keeping but it's
09:48 tending), to me there's something just great about
09:53 that, makes stress melt away and somehow reconnects a
09:57 person with planet earth and the things that are really
10:00 important.
10:01 And all of that ought to tell us something: maybe work was
10:03 never meant to be stressful.
10:04 Maybe we're just doing it wrong.
10:08 And maybe - if we pay attention to the details of
10:10 this ancient biblical story - maybe we could find some way
10:14 back the joy of living - the quality of life that God
10:18 originally intended.
10:21 Now, I know what someone is thinking.
10:23 "John, you've got to be kidding.
10:25 In this day and age, you want me to read the book of
10:28 Genesis to find answers for modern problems?"
10:30 I know: to a lot of people, the Bible seems like it's
10:32 kind of out of date and sort of out of touch.
10:34 But what if I told you that right now, millions of people
10:38 who are taking this book quite seriously, are not only
10:41 living better lives, they're also living longer ones!
10:45 It's true!
10:46 In fact, back in November of 2005, National Geographic
10:50 featured three groups of people who outlive everybody
10:52 else by a considerable distance, and one of those
10:56 groups has built their success by simply following
11:00 the advice given in the Bible.
11:02 And what have they discovered?
11:04 Let me point out some really interesting things found in
11:05 the story of creation that will get you started on a
11:09 better life.
11:10 First of all, take a look at what was on the menu for Adam
11:13 and Eve: Genesis 1:29 And God said, "See, I have given you
11:20 every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all
11:23 the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to
11:28 you it shall be for food.
11:31 According to the Bible, the original diet was a whole
11:34 food diet.
11:35 It wasn't loaded with preservatives or pre-cooked
11:38 and sold in the freezer section of the grocery store.
11:42 Now here's something really interesting: grab your laptop
11:45 or your iPad, and then Google the words "healthy diet," and
11:49 see what you get.
11:50 Even better, do an image search on Google - use the
11:53 words "healthy diet" and see what comes up.
11:56 It's pretty amazing, the pictures look a lot like the
12:00 description we just read from the book of Genesis.
12:04 But unfortunately, it doesn't look like the food found in
12:07 most Western refrigerators.
12:09 Health experts are starting to catch on that the
12:11 over-processed, over-refined foods we've been eating
12:16 aren't very good for us.
12:17 One of the key reasons we're not feeling good like we used
12:20 to is because we're not eating like we used to and
12:24 like what we were designed to eat.
12:25 If we could raise a historical figure from the
12:26 dead and bring him into a modern kitchen - let's say
12:29 Abraham Lincoln - I'm guessing he wouldn't
12:32 recognize half the stuff we put in our mouths, because
12:35 back in his day, those foods simply didn't exist.
12:39 And really, you wouldn't have to go back as far as Abraham
12:41 Lincoln, because I'm guessing my own grandmother wouldn't
12:44 be able to name half the stuff we eat down here in the
12:46 21st century.
12:48 I heard someone say the other day that "we are living in a
12:51 world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors
12:55 and furniture polish is made from real lemons."
12:58 And you've got to wonder: when you hear about an
13:01 obesity epidemic - and rampant cancer - and heart
13:04 disease - and rising numbers of people afflicted with Type
13:08 II diabetes - you've got to wonder if the way we're
13:12 eating doesn't have something to do with it.
13:15 According to some sources, processed food now makes up
13:17 an amazing 90 percent of our diet.
13:20 And as people get sicker, health experts are getting
13:23 more and more concerned.
13:24 They're warning us to eat more REAL food.
13:28 They're telling us to fill our plate with fruits, and
13:30 nuts, and grains, and vegetables.
13:33 And that's remarkable, because that was the original
13:37 diet in the Garden of Eden.
13:39 Now take a look at something else: Genesis 2:18 And the
13:46 Lord God said, "It is not good that man should be
13:50 alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."
13:56 I want you to notice that human beings were made for
13:59 companionship.
14:00 The Bible says, it's not good for us to be alone.
14:04 And yet the modern working world has made most of us
14:07 functional hermits.
14:09 By the time we're done with an exhausting day - cruising
14:12 by on not enough sleep - and living in a cubicle under
14:15 artificial light - and then fighting traffic all the way
14:17 home - and then eating yet another meal out of a box -
14:21 by the time we're done, we're too tired to spend any
14:23 quality time with friends or family.
14:27 And even if we had a little energy left, our friends and
14:29 family aren't really available, because they also
14:32 are way too busy.
15:34 You know, there might be 7 billion people living on this
15:36 planet, but some of those are some of the loneliest people
15:39 in the history of humanity.
15:41 The center of our human activity used to be the
15:43 family, but in recent decades that's all started to change.
15:48 I read the other day that back in the 1950s, only one
15:51 out of ten households had just one person living in
15:55 them, and most of those single people were widows.
15:58 But now, with all the changes we've seen, it's more like
16:01 one in three households are single people living alone.
16:04 Of course, there's nothing necessarily wrong with living
16:07 alone; some people like it that way.
16:10 But it does point out a trend: we appear to be
16:12 getting more isolated.
16:14 We don't enjoy the same number of meaningful
16:16 relationships we used to.
16:18 There are more of us crowded into every square mile than
16:22 at any time in history, but we don't actually seem to
16:24 KNOW each other.
16:26 Our "friendships" are carried out in Facebook and
16:28 Farmville.
16:29 We run home to watch Friends on TV instead of going out
16:32 and getting some real ones.
16:35 And it's kind of ironic, but as we get more "connected" on
16:38 the Internet, we seem to get more disconnected from real,
16:41 live people.
16:44 All that loneliness is starting to take a toll.
16:46 Think back to a time when you used to actually hang out
16:48 with your friends, and think about how energized you felt
16:50 when you all got together.
16:52 And then compare that feeling to the way you might feel
16:56 right now: busy, tired, and spent.
16:59 Ask yourself if the Bible wasn't right: it isn't good
17:02 for people to be alone.
17:04 Part of taking back our lives is making PEOPLE a priority,
17:09 refusing to allow technological progress to rob
17:12 us of meaningful relationships.
17:15 At the end of your life, you're not going to be glad
17:17 you spent more time working or surfing the web - what's
17:21 going to make a real difference is the people in
17:24 whom you invested your time.
17:25 In just a moment, I'm going to show you one more critical
17:30 key to getting back your balance.
17:33 Don't go channel surfing, because I'll be right back.
17:52 Here's today's Bible question.
17:54 The question is: Are there mistakes in the Bible?
17:59 Here's what we believe as Christians.
18:02 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is given by
18:05 inspiration of God."
18:07 2 Peter 1:21 says, "Holy men of God spake as they were
18:10 moved by the Holy Ghost."
18:12 Same idea.
18:13 And as you read through the Bible, you see that the Bible
18:15 writers themselves certainly believed that the Bible was
18:18 inspired by God.
18:20 Paul quoted the Old Testament Scriptures repeatedly.
18:22 As did Peter.
18:24 As did John who wrote Revelation.
18:26 And as did Jesus.
18:28 Jesus quoted from "about" every book in the Old
18:30 Testament at one time or another.
18:32 But the Bible was authored by humans.
18:35 They wrote divine ideas while expressing them in human
18:38 terms, and they brought to their task the limitations of
18:41 fallen humanity.
18:44 Now there are times when you'll find what might be
18:47 called discrepancies in the Bible- that's true.
18:49 In 2 Samuel 8 David is reported to have taken 700
18:54 horsemen, while in 1 Chronicles 8 the number is
18:56 said to be 7000.
18:58 In one place it says Solomon had 40,000 stalls for horses,
19:02 in another place it says he had 4,000 stalls.
19:05 Now, it isn't hard to imagine what might have happened
19:07 there, right?
19:09 Now in one place in the New Testament, Jesus is met by
19:11 two demon possessed men who had been living among the
19:14 tombs, in another place he was met by one.
19:17 Ask yourself - does it really matter?
19:21 Is this evidence that the Bible cannot be trusted?
19:24 The point isn't really how many demon-possessed men
19:26 there were.
19:27 The point was that there were demon-possessed men - one,
19:29 two...
19:30 ten?
19:31 - and Jesus was able to drive out the demons and set the
19:34 man - or the men - free.
19:37 Now try to hear this carefully.
19:38 Some people believe the Bible is verbally inspired.
19:41 That is, its like God dictated the Bible to the
19:44 writers.
19:46 You can imagine a Bible writer, "Okay, okay, I'm
19:48 listening ...
19:49 For God so áwhatá?
19:50 For God so what?
19:51 I missed that.
19:52 Come again, what do I write there?
19:54 I didn't catch that part!"
19:56 I don't think that's the way it worked, do you?
19:58 A better way at understanding this is to consider
20:01 inspiration as being thought-inspiration.
20:05 The writers were inspired, not the words themselves.
20:08 God inspired the writers, then they did their very best
20:12 to express what God impressed upon them in human terms.
20:16 And that system worked pretty well.
20:18 Sometimes there are perfectly good explanations for
20:21 apparent discrepancies in the Bible.
20:24 Our human understanding can be limited, and we need to
20:27 approach the Bible with humility.
20:29 Sometimes maybe there might have been a copyists error
20:33 years before.
20:33 Now, you don't get the copyists saying there is no
20:35 heaven or that salvation isn't by grace through faith
20:39 - anything odd is only ever very small and doesn't ever
20:41 make a bit of difference to the big picture.
20:44 Friend, you can trust the Bible.
20:46 It won't lead you astray.
20:47 If you have a question you'd like answered, go to
20:50, click on the questions tab and submit your
20:54 question.
20:55 And I hope I'll be able to answer your question.
20:57 If you have a Bible question for pastor John Bradshaw,
21:03 please write to It Is Written, Box O, Thousand
21:06 Oaks, California 91359 or visit our website
21:10 and send us your questions on-line.
21:15 If you're a regular viewer of It is Written, there's a
21:18 chance you are curious of who we are and what we do.
21:21 This ministry is dedicated to sharing the gospel around the
21:24 world.
21:26 There are many ways we try to accomplish that.
21:28 To get an inside view through written and visual reports,
21:30 photos and videos, visit our website and
21:38 while you are there you will also discover the many
21:40 inspirational resources that are available to help you in
21:42 your Christian walk.
21:43 I invite you to visit
21:46 You'll be glad you did.
21:47 Today we're talking about the way that modern life has
21:52 taken its toll on millions of people.
21:55 We're working longer these days and enjoying life less
21:58 than ever before - and in the book of Genesis, we've
22:01 discovered a number of important keys that will help
22:04 you take back your life and find some balance.
22:07 Here is another good key.
22:09 Take a look at this often overlooked passage from
22:12 Genesis chapter two, the Bible says: Genesis 2:3 Then
22:16 God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in
22:18 it He rested from all His work which God had created
22:22 and made.
22:23 It's remarkable: after creating the heavens and the
22:26 earth, the Bible says that God STOPPED and took a day
22:29 off!
22:31 Now, we know that God doesn't get tired.
22:33 So why did He do it?
22:34 Why did He take a day off?
22:36 Well, maybe He was trying to teach US something.
22:38 Maybe, as the manufacturer, He knew what the human body
22:42 needed.
22:43 Maybe He didn't design the human body to slave away
22:45 seven days a week, to the point of absolute exhaustion.
22:48 And maybe there's a rhythm to life we've forgotten about.
22:52 The Bible says that on the seventh day God rested from
22:56 all His work - and you've got to think that if God can
22:59 afford to take a day of rest, then maybe we can afford to
23:01 do it, too.
23:03 In fact, God not only recommends a day of rest; He
23:05 asks us to do it.
23:08 You'll find it right in the heart of the Ten
23:11 Commandments, Exodus 20:8.
23:13 The Bible says, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
23:18 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the
23:22 seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.
23:25 In it you shall do no work."
23:29 (Exodus 20:8-10) Take a look at the human race - the way
23:32 it is right now - and you start to get the sense that
23:34 God knew what He was talking about.
23:37 This isn't just about rules and regulations.
23:39 Peoples' jaws are clenched; their shoulders are stooped
23:41 and rounded, and their muscles are tight.
23:43 Our tempers are shorter, getting shorter by the day
23:46 and our blood pressure is rising, rising by the moment.
23:50 So, maybe that sacred time in the fourth commandment is
23:53 worth a second look.
23:54 Maybe God was doing us a favor.
23:57 Think about it: what would happen if we actually started
24:01 to live the way God designed us?
24:04 What if life was full of satisfying work, and
24:06 meaningful relationships?
24:08 What if we had some space to breathe - some time to
24:11 actually live?
24:24 What if we had a whole day - every week - for people, and
24:27 for God?
24:29 What if, instead of the artificial rhythms set by
24:31 alarm clocks and digital planners, we started to live
24:35 by the rhythms designed for us by God?
24:38 Ask yourself how much you're getting out of life.
24:42 And I think you'll agree that you were born for something
24:44 more.
24:45 The way we're living today just isn't working for many
24:48 of us, but there is a better way to live, and it's well
24:52 within your reach.
24:53 It's the plan developed by God in the beginning and I
24:56 invite you today to consider reaching back and adopting
25:00 the original lifestyle designed by the Creator.
25:04 Why don't we pray that you and me will find the balance,
25:08 the harmony and the peace of mind God meant for us to
25:11 have.
25:13 Let's pray together right now.
25:15 Father in heaven, there is no doubt that we are living in a
25:17 stress-filled world and so many of us right now are
25:21 stressed to the max.
25:24 That wasn't your plan.
25:26 I pray that you'll help us to reconnect, live that healthy,
25:29 restful lifestyle with you at the very center.
25:34 Show us, Lord, the way to optimum health and optimum
25:37 life.
25:39 And thank you that we were made for the purpose of
25:43 enjoying life in this world, for being blessed and being a
25:46 blessing to others and then enjoying life in the world to
25:49 come where there will be no stress at all.
25:54 Let that day come soon, I pray, and may we live today
25:57 in your presence, your way, by your grace.
26:00 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
26:29 If you've ever questioned whether relentless activity
26:32 is really necessary, or if something is broken in the
26:35 way we spend our time; discover some answers in a
26:38 FREE book called A MONUMENT IN TIME.
26:41 This book will help you realize that if we stopped
26:44 our endless cycle of activity for even a few moments we
26:47 would discover something amazing: the presence of God.
26:50 A MONUMENT IN TIME describes how you can achieve a more
26:55 rewarding life by following a specific plan God has
26:59 designed for you.
27:01 Right now, this practical book is available FREE from
27:03 It Is Written.
27:04 Just call 1-800-253-3000, ask for the book: A MONUMENT IN
27:10 TIME.
27:11 Or write to: It Is Written, Box O, Thousand Oaks, CA
27:15 91359, and we will mail a copy to your address in North
27:19 America.
27:20 Please note: This free book is limited to the supply on
27:23 hand.
27:24 For immediate access, you can download a FREE electronic
27:27 version of the book A MONUMENT IN TIME directly
27:30 from our website: It Is Written
27:33 is a faith-based outreach made possible by viewers like
27:36 you.
27:37 Thank you for your letters and your continued support.
27:41 Our toll-free number is: 1-800-253-3000.
27:45 And our web address: Thanks for
27:48 joining me today and look forward to seeing you again
27:51 next time.
27:52 And until then, remember- It Is Written: man shall not
27:56 live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from
28:00 the mouth of God.


Revised 2015-02-06