It Is Written

Back to the Future

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001267

00:06 It has stood the test of time.
00:11 God's Book, the Bible.
00:17 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:22 It Is Written ...
00:25 sharing hope around the globe.
00:35 "Yesterday, December 7, 1941, a day which will live in
00:48 infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and
00:55 deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the
01:01 Empire of Japan."
01:03 A day that will live in infamy, President Franklin
01:08 Roosevelt called it.
01:09 The surprise 1941 attack on the Pacific Fleet in Hawaii
01:13 left 2,400 Americans dead.
01:18 Now later, it was discovered that several opportunities
01:21 had been missed to anticipate and possibly avoid the
01:25 attack.
01:27 But basically, we never saw it coming.
01:30 Now fast forward seven years.
01:32 Journalists said at the time of the disastrous earthquake
01:35 that hit Japan in early 2011 that one positive thing was
01:40 that of all countries, Japan was probably the best
01:43 prepared to meet a disaster like that one.
01:46 Yet that devastating Tsunami still claimed thousands of
01:49 lives and caused massive damage.
01:52 Why was that?
01:54 Because nobody saw it coming.
01:57 It's impossible for us to know the future.
01:59 Now, there is no shortage of those who pretend to know the
02:04 future.
02:05 Psychics, astrologers and fortune tellers claim that
02:09 they have the ability to preview tomorrow's headlines.
02:13 But the truth is, they wear the same blindfolds as
02:17 everybody else.
02:19 So, is there anyone who really does know the future?
02:23 The answer is: Yes there is.
02:26 But only one person.
02:28 Today, we are going back to the future.
02:32 Time travel has always been popular in Hollywood movies.
02:36 The Back to the Future trilogy in the 1980's sold
02:38 almost a billion dollar's worth of tickets worldwide.
02:42 And who hasn't dreamed of being able to travel through
02:45 time?
02:46 When Ias a kid growing up, Doctor Who was big on
02:49 television.
02:50 Not that I liked it.
02:51 The story of a British Time Lord who traveled through
02:54 time and something called the "Tardis."
02:57 Funny how some things don't change.
02:59 That show is still big on television all these years
03:01 later.
03:02 But not all time travel is fantasy.
03:05 Some of it is very real.
03:08 Let's consider the night an ancient king was transported
03:11 more than 2500 years into the future where he visited not
03:16 only our time but the years ahead of us.
03:21 Previewing the future is the special province of Bible
03:24 Prophecy and what makes this form of time travel so
03:28 fascinating is that the future it brings to view is
03:31 100% accurate and that is because it's revealed by the
03:37 one person in the universe who knows exactly what the
03:42 future holds.
03:44 We are not talking about the wild guesses of tabloid
03:47 psychics or new age channelers.
03:50 Bible prophecy has never failed.
03:53 And you know, that's a problem for people who claim
03:55 that there is no God or that the Bible cannot be trusted.
04:00 What do people do about prophecies that you just
04:04 cannot argue against?
04:06 As long as we are all caught up in this long war between
04:09 good and evil, between Christ and Satan, it is helpful to
04:13 know not only what has already happened, but what is
04:16 yet to come and it is especially encouraging to
04:19 know how the war will end and when.
04:23 So today, we travel along with an ancient amnesiac
04:27 king, back to the future.
04:30 The story, as recorded in the second chapter of the Bible's
04:33 Book of Daniel begins with a King who had a vivid dream
04:38 but he could not remember what that dream was.
04:41 Let's listen to Daniel tell his story beginning in Daniel
04:44 2:1.
04:45 "Now in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign,
04:50 Nebuchadnezzar had a dream and his spirit was so
04:53 troubled that his sleep left him."
04:56 Nebuchadnezzar was the King who ruled the great
04:59 Babylonian empire from the massive walled city of
05:02 Babylon, more than 600 years before the Birth of Christ.
05:05 The City covered 500 acres on both sides of the Euphrates
05:09 river.
05:10 The river flowed under the walls and through the city.
05:14 Babylon was located in the area of the world known as
05:16 the Fertile Crescent.
05:18 It had an intricate system of canals that irrigated lush
05:21 croplands.
05:22 Nebuchadnezzar built the hanging gardens of Babylon,
05:24 one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
05:28 He built them for his wife.
05:30 At the center of great Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar built
05:34 a 300 foot shrine to the pagan God Marduk.
05:39 He plated the walls and roof of the building with gold.
05:44 The altar was solid gold, as were the throne and
05:46 footstool.
05:47 It was magnificent.
05:49 But this king is perhaps history's most famous and
05:51 significant amnesiac.
05:54 You know, amnesia can be a pretty serious thing.
05:56 In just a moment, a man for whom amnesia was a matter of
06:01 life and death.
06:03 Don't go away.
06:04 I'll be right back.
06:07 In Matthew 4:4, the Word of God says: It Is Written, man
06:11 shall not live by bread alone but by ever word that
06:15 proceeds from the mouth of God.
06:17 Every Word is a one minute Bible-based daily devotional
06:20 presented by pastor John Bradshaw and designed
06:23 especially for busy people like you.
06:26 Look for Every Word on selected networks or watch it
06:31 on-line everyday on our website,
06:34 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
06:37 Watch Every Word.
06:38 You'll be glad you did.
06:41 Thanks for joining me on It Is Written.
06:43 A few years ago I heard a remarkable radio interview
06:46 with a pastor who had suffered total amnesia.
06:51 He couldn't remember anything.
06:53 He couldn't remember who he was, he couldn't remember who
06:55 his family was, he didn't remember his wife...
06:57 Even family photos didn't bring back any memories.
07:00 He had to learn everything all over again.
07:04 He had to get to know his own family.
07:06 He had to get to know his own wife again.
07:09 And he said that she even had to teach him how to kiss,
07:12 which he said wasn't too bad...
07:15 In the Bible, a powerful king woke up one morning and
07:20 couldn't remember a dream he'd had.
07:22 You've been there - waking up in the morning, knowing that
07:24 you had a dream and the harder you try to recall it
07:27 the further away from you it gets.
07:30 King Nebuchadnezzar called together a phalanx of
07:32 advisors and asked them to tell him what he had dreamed.
07:36 The story is recorded in Daniel chapter 2, and here is
07:39 how they replied: "O king, live forever!
07:44 Tell your servants the d2úam, and we will give you the
07:47 interpretation."
07:49 Daniel 2:4 NKJV They figured they could analyze the dream
07:52 and make up some sort of interpretation once they knew
07:55 what the dream was.
07:57 But interpretation wasn't yet the problem - the first thing
08:01 was to remember it!
08:03 King Nebuchadnezzar saw through what they were trying
08:06 to do, and was not happy.
08:09 "Tell me the dream," he demanded, "and then I'll know
08:12 that you can give me its interpretation."
08:14 That is, you're supposed to be able see into the future!
08:17 Prove it to me now!
08:18 Tell me what I dreamed.
08:20 But the wise men protested saying: "There is not a man
08:24 on earth who can tell the king's matter; therefore no
08:28 king, lord, or ruler has ever asked such things of any
08:33 magician, astrologer, or Chaldean.
08:35 Daniel 2:10 NKJV "No man on earth who can do what you
08:40 ask" they said.
08:41 And they were right about that.
08:43 But Nebuchadnezzar wasn't about to back off.
08:46 He knew his dream was important, and he wanted to
08:49 know what it meant.
08:50 He became so angry that he decreed that if the wise men
08:53 couldn't tell him his dream and its interpretation, then
08:57 the wise men in Babylon would be destroyed!
09:01 Now this was a problem for prophet Daniel and three of
09:04 his friends.
09:05 Shortly after they arrived captive in Babylon, they'd
09:09 been identified as gifted in wisdom, they were trained as
09:13 servants for the king and they were recognized as "wise
09:16 men."
09:17 So the death sentence fell on them too.
09:21 Now Daniel then asked Nebuchadnezzar himself for
09:23 time so that he could pray.
09:25 He had absolute confidence that God would solve the
09:29 problem.
09:30 In a night vision, God revealed the dream and its
09:34 interpretation to his servant Daniel, and Daniel went in to
09:37 see the king.
09:39 He told him this wasn't something an astrologer or
09:41 magician could help the king with, and he said to the king
09:45 this, "But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets,
09:50 and He has made known to King Nebuchadnezzar what will be
09:55 in the latter days."
09:56 Daniel 2:28 NKJV God was very clear with Daniel that the
10:00 king's dream actually foretold events that would
10:05 occur in the last days of earth's history.
10:07 The dream began in the days of Nebuchadnezzar, and it
10:10 moved forward generation after generation after
10:13 generation to the last days of earth's history.
10:17 Daniel went on to tell the king what he had dreamed:
10:22 "You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image!
10:26 This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood
10:29 before you; and its form was awesome.
10:33 "This image's head was of fine gold, its chest and arms
10:36 of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, "its legs
10:40 of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
10:45 "You watched while a stone was cut out without hands,
10:48 which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and
10:52 broke them in pieces.
10:55 "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the
10:58 gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from
11:02 the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so
11:07 that no trace of them was found.
11:09 And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain
11:13 and filled the whole earth."
11:15 Daniel 2:31-35 NKJV You can imagine the king saying,
11:20 "Yes, that's it!
11:21 That's it!
11:22 That's exactly what I saw!"
11:24 But then he'd have said, "But Daniel, what does it mean?"
11:29 Now notice how Daniel began the interpretation: "You, O
11:33 King, are a king of kings .
11:37 you are this head of gold."
11:39 Daniel 2:37, 38 NKJV History tells us the Babylonian
11:44 Empire was the dominant world power from 605 B.C.
11:48 to 539 B.C.
11:50 History also tells us that King Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom
11:54 was full of gold.
11:56 In the temple of Marduk alone there was 18 tons of gold.
12:02 There was no better way for God to describe the
12:04 Babylonian Empire than by using the symbol of gold.
12:08 Nebuchadnezzar was happy with this interpretation.
12:11 He liked being the head of gold.
12:14 He wanted the head of gold to last forever, but that wasn't
12:18 to be, as Daniel explained in verse 39: "But after you
12:22 shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours;."
12:31 Daniel 2:39 NKJV At the time Nebuchadnezzar had this
12:34 dream, he was secure as the world leader, with no reason
12:37 to suspect that that would ever change.
12:39 But Babylon was to be overthrown by a kingdom
12:41 represented in Daniel 2:32 as "the chest and arms of
12:44 silver."
12:45 Just a few pages ahead in your Bible, in Daniel 5:28,
12:48 the next world-ruling power is referred to as the Medes
12:52 and the Persians.
12:53 Again, a fitting symbol: the two arms joined at the chest
12:56 to show two kingdoms - the Medes and Persians, who ruled
13:01 the world from 539 B.C.
13:03 to 331 B.C.
13:06 Now the story of how the Babylonians were overthrown
13:08 is told in Daniel 5.
13:11 King Belshazzar, grandson of King Nebuchadnezzar, hosted a
13:15 feast for a thousand of his lords.
13:17 He called for the gold and silver vessels captured from
13:20 the temple in Jerusalem to be brought to him.
13:22 Now these were holy - they'd been used in the worship of
13:26 God - yet Belshazzar used them to drink alcohol from in
13:30 the worship of pagan gods.
13:33 In the midst of this drunken party, a mysterious,
13:37 bloodless hand appeared from out of the invisible sleeve
13:39 of darkness and wrote on the wall: MENE, MENE, TEKEL,
13:47 The interpretation of these words spelled doom for the
13:50 mighty Babylonian Empire.
13:53 Let's read from Daniel chapter 5.
13:56 "MENE: God has numbered your kingdom, and finished it;
14:00 TEKEL: You have been weighed in the balances, and found
14:04 wanting; PERES: Your kingdom has been divided, and given
14:10 to the Medes and Persians."
14:11 Daniel 5:26-28 NKJV That very night, the Medes and Persians
14:16 diverted the Euphrates River that ran under the massive
14:21 walls of Babylon.
14:22 They marched their armies straight down the dry
14:26 riverbed and came up inside the city.
14:30 Now incredibly, a hundred and fifty years before this,
14:34 Isaiah not only foretold in chapters 44 and 45 just how
14:39 Babylon would be overthrown, but he named the leader of
14:43 the army who would do it all-Cyrus, named him in the
14:46 Bible.
14:47 Babylon was conquered in one night by the Medo-Persian
14:51 army, led by Cyrus, just as the Bible predicted - just as
14:57 Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream.
15:00 The Medes and Persians ruled the world for nearly two
15:04 centuries.
15:05 But Nebuchadnezzar's dream doesn't end there, and
15:09 neither does history.
15:11 Time marches on, one kingdom replacing another kingdom,
15:15 just as God foretold in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.
15:20 Now don't miss this.
15:21 What we're seeing is that God accurately predicted the rise
15:26 and fall of two world-ruling kingdoms.
15:30 But what would happen next?
15:34 I'll tell you in just a moment.
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16:06 Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
16:09 Today, we're unraveling one of the most important
16:11 prophecies in the entire Bible.
16:14 I've often called this the Master Key to Bible Prophecy,
16:18 because if you get this foundational prophecy, you're
16:22 in a position to be able to understand later prophecies
16:25 that build upon this one.
16:27 The prophecy we're looking at today is the dream God gave
16:30 Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 2.
16:32 And I'll tell you why this is the Master Key to Bible
16:35 Prophecy.
16:37 When it comes to prophetic interpretation, there's a
16:39 principle known as "Repeat and Enlarge."
16:43 That is, God will lay something out in one part of
16:46 the Bible, then He'll repeat it later and enlarge upon it,
16:50 giving more information.
16:52 In Daniel 2 there's an image made of various metals - and
16:55 each of those metals, each component of the statue
16:59 represents a kingdom.
17:01 In Daniel 7, the prophecy, the same prophecy is repeated
17:06 using different symbols - beasts - and the prophecy is
17:09 enlarged upon as more information is given.
17:12 This follows all the way over to the book of Revelation as
17:15 the principle continues to be used by the Bible writers.
17:19 So let's review.
17:21 In the book of Daniel, the greatest monarch of his day
17:24 had an impressive dream.
17:26 He dreamed of a huge statue made from different metals,
17:29 and discovered that the statue represented the rise
17:32 and fall of kingdoms, including his own.
17:36 It had a head of gold, representing Nebuchadnezzar's
17:39 kingdom of Babylon, and its chest & arms were made of
17:43 silver, representing the Medo-Persian kingdom.
17:47 And young Daniel, almost certainly not yet 20 years
17:50 old, came to the king to interpret the dream.
17:53 To tell him what it was, and what it meant.
17:56 Now here's what happened next.
17:58 The next kingdom is described in Daniel 2:32 as the belly
18:02 and thighs of bronze.
18:05 More than two hundred years before it appeared on the
18:07 world stage, Daniel actually names Greece - in Daniel 8:21
18:13 - as this third kingdom, which overthrew the Medes and
18:15 the Persians.
18:16 Again, the symbol is appropriate: the Greek army
18:19 was led by Alexander the Great, a young man who
18:22 marched his men 11,000 miles, conquering almost all of the
18:25 then-known world before he died from malaria at the age
18:28 of 33.
18:30 What did Alexander's men wear into battle?
18:32 Bronze breastplates, bronze helmets, bronze shields,
18:36 bronze swords.
18:38 Once again, God chose a fitting metaphor to describe
18:40 the kingdom that would rule the world from 331 B.C.
18:44 to 168 B.C.
18:46 But history doesn't end with this third kingdom.
18:51 Greece didn't rule the world forever.
18:54 There was a fourth metal after the gold of Babylon,
18:57 the silver of the Medes and Persians, the bronze of
19:00 Greece.
19:01 The next kingdom is represented by iron: "And the
19:07 fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron."
19:10 Daniel 2:40 NKJV The last kingdom to rule the entire
19:15 known world is described as iron.
19:18 In 168 B.C.
19:19 the iron monarchy of Rome overthrew the Greeks.
19:23 Just as legs form the longest part of the body, Rome had
19:27 the longest reign of any of the world powers.
19:30 Little by little, Rome rose to power, fighting many wars
19:34 and enslaving many people.
19:37 By the time Jesus was born, most of the then-known world
19:39 was under Roman rule.
19:41 You will remember that Joseph and Mary were on their way to
19:43 pay taxes to the Roman ruler, Caesar Augustus, when Jesus
19:47 was born.
19:48 For more than 500 years, Rome appeared to be invincible
19:52 -her flag waving from the British Isles to the Arabian
19:54 Gulf, from the North Sea to the Sahara Desert, from the
19:58 Atlantic to the Euphrates and beyond.
20:01 But were the Romans the last ruling empire of the world?
20:06 What did the Bible predict?
20:08 Here is what Daniel wrote: "Whereas you saw the feet and
20:11 toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, the
20:15 kingdom shall be divided."
20:17 Daniel 2:41 NKJV How did the Roman Empire break up?
20:23 The empires before it were overcome by other world
20:26 powers - but not Rome.
20:29 If this prophecy is right, it must predict what actually
20:33 happened in history -that the legs of iron would not be
20:36 succeeded by a fifth world-ruling power.
20:40 History confirms that this seemingly unconquerable Roman
20:43 Empire crumbled in two ways - from within and from without.
20:50 Wealth poured into Rome through taxes collected from
20:53 all over the world.
20:54 The simple Roman life was replaced with luxury and
20:57 ease.
20:58 The political world brewed with corruption, crime
21:01 infiltrated the streets, the work ethic was lost and
21:05 immorality was rampant.
21:07 And as the mighty Roman Empire weakened from within,
21:10 Rome was attacked from without and divided into ten
21:14 major tribes.
21:16 Ten is no coincidence.
21:18 The God of the Bible looked down through the ages of
21:20 history and foresaw this division of ten.
21:23 Therefore, this time period of history is symbolized by
21:26 the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's image.
21:30 These ten tribes were the Alamanni who settled in what
21:33 has become Germany, the Franks who settled in France,
21:37 the Anglo-Saxons in England, the Visigoths in Spain, the
21:41 Suevi in Portugal, the Lombards in Italy, and the
21:45 Burgundians in Switzerland.
21:47 Originally the Vandals, Ostrogoths, and Heruli took
21:51 over parts of the Roman Empire, but they were
21:53 eventually destroyed.
21:55 Daniel 2:42, 43 predicted history from the time of the
21:59 downfall of the Roman Empire to the end of time.
22:02 No matter how many battles are fought around the world,
22:04 no matter how many Hitlers try to conquer the world, no
22:08 matter how many Napoleons, no matter how many Charlemagnes,
22:11 no matter how many times men try to unite the world as one
22:18 kingdom, they will not succeed.
22:20 In vain world leaders seek to conquer the world.
22:23 The Bible says that just as iron and clay will not mix
22:26 together, so the world will not unite again under one
22:30 ruler again.
22:32 So where are we living today?
22:34 In the very toenails of history!
22:37 Every part of this prophecy has come to pass except for
22:41 one.
22:43 "You watched while a stone was cut out without hands,
22:46 which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and
22:49 broke them in pieces.
22:51 "And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will
22:55 set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed;
22:59 shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
23:04 and it shall stand forever.
23:07 Daniel 2:34, 44 NKJV History has followed this prophecy
23:13 like a blueprint and will continue to do so.
23:17 The political workings of this planet aren't random.
23:21 God has been guiding and controlling all along, and
23:25 only one kingdom remains to rule the world - God's
23:29 kingdom.
23:30 That rock, cut out without hands, that is the one
23:33 kingdom, which will rule forever.
23:37 John, in Revelation speaks about this coming kingdom, he
23:40 says this: "And there were loud voices in heaven,
23:44 saying, 'The kingdoms of this world have become the
23:48 kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall
23:52 reign forever and ever."
23:55 Revelation 11:15 That's the only kingdom left to be
23:59 established.
24:00 Soon Jesus Christ, the Messiah, born in a stable in
24:05 Bethlehem 2000 years ago, is going to visit us again.
24:09 The heavens will depart as a scroll, and Christ and the
24:13 angels of heaven will descend to the earth and gather the
24:17 waiting saints of God.
24:19 And as the Bible says, "So shall we ever be with the
24:24 Lord."
24:26 today: one, the Bible can be trusted.
24:30 This prophecy is startlingly accurate, just like so many
24:33 other prophecies in the Word of God.
24:36 You can have confidence in God's Word.nd if the
24:39 prophecy is to be trusted - and we'veseen that it is -
24:41 then we can know that Jesus is coming back to this
24:44 world...
24:45 soon.
24:48 Let me ask you, friend.
24:49 Are you ready?
24:50 Ready for that great day?
24:51 Do you know Jesus Christ?
24:54 Have you made that simple decision to trust Him, to
24:57 have faith in Him, to accept Jesus as your Saviour?
25:02 If not, you can choo right now and allow Jesus to be the
25:08 centre of your life.
25:10 Let's do that right now.
25:11 Let's pray.
25:13 Our Father in heaven, what a blessing to know that your
25:16 Word is sure.
25:17 How thankful men and women around the world can be that
25:21 there is something that can be trusted and someone who
25:25 can be trusted, just as you have traced history with
25:29 unerring accuracy.
25:32 Lord, we know Jesus will soon return and set up that
25:35 kingdom that will never pass away.
25:37 We want to be part of it.
25:40 So we choose now to choose Jesus.
25:43 We invite you into our lives.
25:45 I ask you to live in us both to will and to do for your
25:49 good pleasure and let us be prepared through Jesus for
25:53 that great day when Jesus returns.
25:56 This we pray thanking you in Jesus' name, amen.
26:11 I hope you'll get the book
26:24 I'm offering you this week, it's called Revelation Today.
26:26 It adds a lot of details to the end-time scenario
26:29 presented in the Book of Revelation.
26:31 This little book is going to help you understand what the
26:34 Book of Revelation is really all about.
26:36 It untangles the end-time prophetic scenario to let you
26:38 see how the battle between good and evil ultimately
26:41 plays out.
26:42 Just call or write and I will send you Revelation Today.
26:44 There is no cost, no obligation.
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26:57 You can also request your free copy of Revelation Today
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27:08 Please note this free book is limited to the supply on
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27:13 To get it right away, you can download a free electronic
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27:20 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry made
27:23 possible by viewers like you.
27:25 Thank you for your kind support.
27:27 Your help makes it possible for us to share God's good
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27:50 Thanks for joining me today.
27:51 I look forward to seeing you next time.
27:53 Until en remember - It Is Written: man shall not live
27:58 by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the


Revised 2015-02-06