It Is Written

Parables: The Pharisee and Tax Collector

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001380A

01:30 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:40 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:49 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
01:52 Thanks for joining me.
01:54 I was about 11 years old and spending the weekend
01:56 at my friend Robert's place.
01:57 His parents were dairy farmers,
02:00 a weekend on a farm was going to be great.
02:02 And it was great.
02:03 I remember a lot about it today, and you know,
02:05 it's been a few years since I was 11 years old.
02:08 And one thing I remember, vividly, is the electric fence.
02:14 Now, I don't know why an 11-year-old boy
02:16 would want to grab hold of an electric fence,
02:18 but I can tell you it is not something you quickly forget.
02:20 It's not the worst shock you could ever get,
02:22 but let me tell you, it makes an impression.
02:26 An electric fence on a dairy farm all those years ago
02:28 didn't look a whole lot different from any other fence.
02:31 But when you touch it,
02:33 you realize it's different!
02:34 You realize there is power running through it.
02:38 Now, I didn't generate the power in that fence.
02:41 It was coming from somewhere else.
02:42 But I experienced the power that was in the electric fence,
02:45 because I took hold of that power.
02:48 Today we're continuing “Lessons for All Time,”
02:51 a continuing series looking at the parables of Jesus.
02:55 And today we're looking together at two prayers:
02:58 two prayers and two pray-ers.
03:02 Or maybe better said, two worshipers.
03:04 The Bible records a lot of remarkable prayers
03:07 where God reveals Himself as a caring God
03:09 who listens when we call on Him
03:10 and delivers and helps us in so many ways.
03:14 In the days of King Ahab and the prophet Elijah,
03:16 it didn't rain for three and a half years.
03:19 One day on Mount Carmel,
03:20 there's a showdown between the prophets of Baal,
03:22 hundreds of them,
03:23 and Elijah, the one faithful prophet of God.
03:26 God sends fire from heaven,
03:28 revealing Himself as the true God.
03:31 But there's still no rain!
03:32 So Elijah prays.
03:34 And after praying seven times, a downpour follows,
03:38 and God's word is fulfilled.
03:40 Daniel and his friends prayed,
03:42 and God revealed Nebuchadnezzar's dream
03:44 and outlined 2500 years of human history.
03:46 Jesus prayed and people were healed.
03:49 Cornelius prayed, and an angel appeared to him with a message.
03:53 These were prayers of faith,
03:55 prayers that connected with the power of God.
03:57 And, of course, there are wonderful stories
04:00 of answered prayer in modern times.
04:03 George Mueller, the famous evangelist of the 19th century,
04:06 was on a ship crossing the Atlantic in 1877.
04:10 He was on his way to an appointment in Quebec.
04:13 The ship ran into thick fog,
04:14 and when Mueller explained to the captain
04:16 that he needed to be in Quebec by a certain time,
04:19 the captain told Mueller his appointment
04:20 would just have to wait.
04:24 So Mueller asked the captain if he could use
04:26 the ship's chartroom for prayer,
04:29 so he could ask God to lift the fog.
04:32 The captain made clear he thought that
04:33 it was a complete waste of time,
04:35 but he let Mueller use the chartroom anyway,
04:37 and Mueller knelt to pray.
04:39 Now, the captain, who was not a believer in the first place,
04:41 started praying when Mueller was finished.
04:44 Mueller interrupted him, saying no further prayer
04:46 would be necessary because his prayer had already been heard.
04:50 He had prayed a prayer of faith.
04:51 The two men went back up on deck,
04:53 and the fog had lifted,
04:57 just as Mueller had prayed it would.
05:00 Soon afterward, soon afterward,
05:02 that captain accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior.
05:06 But not all prayers are prayers of faith.
05:08 Today we listen in on two men praying,
05:10 men from very different walks of life.
05:13 One of the men is a leader in the church,
05:14 the sort of person others would tend to trust
05:17 and even look up to and admire.
05:19 The other is a man who's looked down on;
05:22 he's something of an outcast.
05:24 And the content of the two men's prayers
05:26 gives us a chance to see what's in their hearts,
05:28 and maybe the chance to see what‘s in our own.
05:33 We start in Luke, chapter 18,
05:35 and we'll begin in Luke 18 and verse 9.
05:39 Luke 18 and verse 9, where the Bible says,
05:44 “And He [that's Christ] spoke this parable to some
05:48 who trusted in themselves that they were righteous,
05:52 and despised others.”
05:53 Jesus then tells the story.
05:55 “Two men went up to the temple to pray,
05:58 one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.
06:02 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
06:04 'God, I thank You that I am not like other men,
06:07 extortioners, unjust, adulterers,
06:10 or even as this tax collector.
06:13 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.'
06:17 And the tax collector, standing afar off,
06:19 would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven,
06:22 but beat his breast, saying,
06:24 'God be merciful to me a sinner.'
06:29 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified
06:32 rather than the other;
06:34 for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
06:37 and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
06:41 We just read all the way through to verse 14.
06:45 Interesting parable, isn't it?
06:46 Can you imagine someone praying a prayer like that?
06:49 Well, we can take it from Jesus that self-righteousness
06:52 is a big enough problem
06:54 that a parable was necessary to address it.
06:57 And not only did that man have an elevated opinion of himself,
07:00 and an inaccurate opinion,
07:02 but he despised others.
07:04 He looked down on others.
07:07 The Pharisee in Jesus' story comes to the temple to pray,
07:10 not because he sees himself as a sinner in need of pardon,
07:14 but because he is satisfied with his spiritual condition
07:18 and based on his own goodness (as he sees it),
07:21 hopes to obtain favor with heaven.
07:23 For him, his worship is an act of self-generated merit
07:27 that will recommend him to God.
07:29 This man's got a high opinion of his own character
07:31 and of his good deeds,
07:32 and he hopes that both God and those around him will notice.
07:38 His coming to the temple to pray is all about self-interest,
07:42 not about humility,
07:43 or repentance,
07:44 or need of divine strength to keep him faithful.
07:49 I wonder if there are people today who come to church
07:52 more for appearances than anything else.
07:56 They attend the right church and they sit in the right seats,
07:58 and they're glad that others notice.
08:00 They wouldn't dream of staying away from church,
08:02 but surrendering their heart to God?
08:05 Not their highest priority.
08:08 The Pharisee has fallen into a trap.
08:11 And it's a trap you don't want to fall into.
08:14 I'll tell you more about it in just a moment.
08:17 ♪[Music]♪
08:26 >>Announcer: Planning for your financial future
08:28 is a vital aspect of Christian stewardship.
08:32 For this reason, It Is Written is pleased
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08:49 Call 800-992-2219.
08:54 >>Announcer 2: Have you ever struggled to say no
08:56 to temptation?
08:57 You're not alone.
08:58 Everybody has at some point.
09:00 But there is hope.
09:02 “Taking a Stand” is a five-part series
09:04 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw that will help you
09:06 win your spiritual battles.
09:08 >>Announcer 2: To order your copy of
09:09 “Taking a Stand” on DVD,
09:11 call 1-888-664-5573.
09:15 Or download it from our webstore at
09:20 Discover powerful ways you can live
09:22 a victorious Christian life.
09:24 ♪[Music]♪
09:32 >>John: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
09:34 I'm glad you've joined me today.
09:36 Today we're looking at one of the parables Jesus taught,
09:38 as we continue our series, “Lessons for All Time.”
09:41 Two men, one a Pharisee, respected by society,
09:45 well educated, a man of influence
09:47 and a tax collector,
09:48 despised by the Jews for being an agent of the Romans,
09:52 they've come to the temple to pray.
09:54 And the Pharisee falls into a trap.
09:57 He thinks he's good, and surely by some measures he is.
10:01 You know, it's good to be educated,
10:03 and to have leadership abilities,
10:04 to be a person of influence.
10:06 But his good qualities have led him to believe that HE is good.
10:11 But what he's done is to compare himself
10:14 with other human beings,
10:15 rather than with the word of God.
10:17 You see, the standard of righteousness for you
10:19 and me is Jesus.
10:21 You might even BE better than the person across the street,
10:25 but that doesn't mean a thing.
10:26 Romans 3, verse 10 says,
10:28 “There is none righteous, no, not one.”
10:30 And then verse 13 says,
10:32 “There is none that does good, no not one.”
10:35 Isaiah wrote that
10:36 “our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.”
10:39 That's Isaiah 64:6.
10:42 You might be the chairman of the board,
10:43 an accomplished professional,
10:45 a teacher,
10:46 a preacher,
10:47 a lover of literature or the leader of the choir
10:49 ...and you're a sinner.
10:51 So how righteous can we congratulate ourselves
10:54 for being?
10:56 Self-righteousness is a really dangerous trap.
10:59 And it isn't hard to fall into.
11:00 You go to church.
11:02 You pray.
11:03 You're not immoral.
11:03 You give tithes and offerings.
11:05 There are certain things you don't do.
11:06 You're honest... well, actually, not too honest,
11:10 because if you were honest you'd remember
11:12 that the Bible says in Romans 3:23 that
11:14 “all have sinned”
11:16 and you'd realize that you're not so perfect after all.
11:18 Someone gets put away for some scandalous crime and you think,
11:21 “Oh, what a scoundrel.”
11:22 A religious leader gets taken down in a moral fall
11:25 and you say, “How could he do that?
11:27 What a hypocrite!”
11:28 Well, he might even be a hypocrite,
11:31 but there's a hypocrite inside all of us.
11:33 What about your “little” sins?
11:35 White lies.
11:37 Pride.
11:38 Racism that no one can see but it might lurk in your heart.
11:42 They're not such little sins at all, are they?
11:45 Lying?
11:46 There's a commandment about that.
11:48 We hardly ever talk about it,
11:49 but the Bible calls pride an “abomination.”
11:53 Racism is blind hatred.
11:55 There's a person who wouldn't actually commit adultery
11:58 but has a mind like a sewer.
12:00 How's that?
12:01 That's what this Pharisee was like.
12:03 “Look at me, Lord! I'm not as bad as those other losers.”
12:07 He talked about extortioners,
12:08 people who practiced injustice, adulterers.
12:11 That's all bad stuff.
12:12 He's thinking, “I'm not like any of them.”
12:15 And then he starts reciting his good deeds.
12:17 “I fast twice every week,
12:19 and I return tithes on everything I earn,
12:21 everything I own.”
12:23 The Pharisee is saying, in the words of the poet
12:24 not so long ago,
12:26 “Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!”
12:30 “Look how good I am, compared to all those others!”
12:34 He's practicing righteousness by works.
12:37 Self-righteousness.
12:39 He doesn't even realize that he's a million miles from God.
12:43 Self-righteousness is self-deception.
12:45 The minute you think your own goodness
12:47 somehow earns you merit in the sight of God,
12:48 or, or makes you better than someone else,
12:52 you're no longer looking to Jesus like you should be.
12:54 As Jesus said, this parable is about people
12:56 who trusted to themselves that they were righteous.
13:00 But then there's another man in the parable.
13:03 He's praying not too far from the Pharisee,
13:05 close enough to be noticed by him.
13:08 What a contrast.
13:09 Perhaps the Pharisee knew him.
13:10 Most likely, seeing as the tax collectors were hated,
13:14 because though they were Jews they acted as agents
13:16 of the Roman government.
13:18 They were revenue collectors for the enemy.
13:19 And so the Pharisee thanks God,
13:21 not only that he avoids extortion,
13:23 injustice, and adultery,
13:24 but that he's not “even as this tax collector” (verse 11).
13:28 He says, “I'm especially not like that guy over there,”
13:33 pointing in the direction of where the tax collector stood
13:35 with his head bowed, hoping others didn't notice him.
13:39 The Pharisee wasn't aware of how dangerous his situation was.
13:42 He congratulated himself that at least he wasn't like others.
13:47 But he was forgetting that the wages of sin is death,
13:50 not just the wages of extortion and adultery.
13:55 It only took one sin for Adam and Eve to be evicted
13:58 from the Garden of Eden,
13:59 and it wasn't murder or grand larceny.
14:02 James wrote this in James, chapter 2, and this is solemn.
14:06 James 2 and verse 10:
14:09 “For whoever shall keep the whole law,
14:11 and yet stumble in one point;
14:13 he [or she, I might add] is guilty of all.”
14:18 It isn't that one person's sins aren't as bad as the next guy's.
14:22 Sin is sin,
14:24 and sin separates from God according to the prophet Isaiah.
14:27 There's nothing to be gained from thinking
14:28 you're better than someone else
14:29 and deceiving yourself about your true condition.
14:32 There's only something to be gained
14:34 from being connected to Jesus.
14:36 In a moment, someone who experienced highs and lows
14:40 in his walk with God.
14:41 The highs were high, and the lows were really low,
14:47 Who was that?
14:48 I'll be right back.
14:49 ♪[Music]♪
14:58 >>Announcer: In Matthew 4:4, the Word of God says,
15:01 “It is written,
15:02 ‘Man shall not live by bead alone,
15:04 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'”
15:08 “Every Word”
15:09 is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional
15:11 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw,
15:13 and designed especially for busy people like you.
15:16 Look for Every Word on selected networks,
15:19 or watch it online every day on our website,
15:24 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
15:26 Watch “Every Word.”
15:27 You'll be glad you did.
15:29 Here's a sample.
15:32 ♪[Theme music]♪
15:37 >>John: In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector,
15:39 Jesus opens up the subject of self-righteousness.
15:42 Luke 18:9 says,
15:43 “And he spake this parable unto certain
15:45 which trusted in themselves that they were righteous,
15:49 and despised others.”
15:50 The Pharisee, a religious man, trusted that he was righteous.
15:55 But he wasn't.
15:56 The tax collector was a deceitful scoundrel,
15:58 hated by his fellow Jews because he was an agent
16:01 for the Roman government.
16:02 But it was the tax collector who went away forgiven.
16:05 God forgives tax collectors.
16:07 He forgives sinners.
16:08 He forgives the faulty.
16:09 He forgives people at the bottom of the heap.
16:12 If you've been in a tough spot,
16:14 or if you have family in one right now,
16:16 take heart, because Jesus makes a point of saying
16:19 the tax collector was forgiven.
16:20 God forgives failures.
16:22 If you needed something today to cheer you up.
16:24 That was it right there.
16:25 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
16:27 Let's live today by every word.
16:28 ♪[Music]♪
16:39 >>John: Today on It Is Written,
16:41 two men with two very different attitudes.
16:43 One of them was self-righteous,
16:45 thanking God that he wasn't “as bad
16:47 as that publican over there.”
16:49 Now, if you want a case study
16:51 on the dangers of self-righteousness,
16:52 all you need to do is look in the Bible at Peter.
16:57 As a disciple of our Lord,
16:59 Peter considered himself to be spiritually strong,
17:01 like the Pharisee in the parable.
17:04 Earlier on the night he was arrested,
17:05 Jesus said to His disciples,
17:07 “All of you will be made to stumble
17:09 because of Me this night” (Mark 14:27).
17:11 But Peter said in verse 29,
17:14 “Even if all are made to stumble, yet I will not be.”
17:18 But Jesus told him what he'd be doing
17:20 in just a few short hours from then.
17:21 He said, “Assuredly, I say to you today, even this night,
17:25 that before the rooster crows twice,
17:27 you will deny Me three times” (verse 30).
17:31 But sadly, Peter didn't know his own danger.
17:33 He was extremely self-confident, self-assured.
17:37 Physically, he could look after himself.
17:39 When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus
17:41 in the Garden of Gethsemane,
17:42 Peter came out swinging and cut off the ear
17:44 of one of the high priest's servants.
17:46 Physical warfare was something Peter found easy.
17:49 But spiritual warfare, now, that was a different matter.
17:54 When he's in the courtyard of the high priest's palace,
17:56 and he's asked whether or not he is one of Jesus' followers,
17:59 he denies it with cursing and swearing.
18:02 Before he knows what's happened,
18:04 Peter has denied Jesus three times.
18:07 He hears the rooster crowing,
18:08 and then it all comes back to him,
18:10 along with the horrifying realization
18:13 that he has denied Jesus.
18:16 Now, Jesus had warned Peter, and James and John.
18:18 He told them to “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.”
18:21 Jesus said, “The spirit indeed is willing,
18:23 but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41).
18:26 If Peter had only listened to the warning of Jesus,
18:29 and had watched and prayed with His Lord,
18:32 you can be sure he would not have failed
18:35 when the great test came.
18:37 But, you see, there was power available.
18:40 True prayer from the heart is the greatest source of power
18:44 in moments of trial and temptation.
18:45 But because Peter failed to watch and pray,
18:49 he buckled under the pressure of the moment,
18:52 and he denied His Savior and Lord.
18:54 From the time Peter denied Jesus,
18:57 his self-confidence was gone.
18:58 He was bold when it came to preaching Jesus,
19:00 but he never again boasted about how faithful to God he would be.
19:04 I doubt he ever cursed again, either.
19:06 He took hold of the power of God,
19:08 the power of the Holy Spirit in his life.
19:11 Peter started out like the Pharisee.
19:13 He thought his own strength was good enough
19:15 to resist evil and do the right thing.
19:17 But through that painful,
19:18 humiliating experience at Jesus' trial,
19:22 he was forced to confront his weakness.
19:23 That's not easy for a person who thinks he or she is strong.
19:28 Of course, at the bottom line, all of us are spiritually weak,
19:32 even if our weaknesses are different
19:35 from the weaknesses of others.
19:36 And you know something?
19:37 Let me tell you this.
19:38 It's okay to be weak.
19:40 Listen to what the Lord told Paul.
19:42 This is Second Corinthians 12 and verse 9.
19:45 “My grace is sufficient for you,
19:47 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”
19:52 Isn't that something?
19:53 It's when we recognize our weakness
19:55 that we can rely on Christ's strength.
19:58 And success in your spiritual life
20:00 comes when you lean heavily, when you lean only on Jesus.
20:04 If you can come to Jesus aware of your weakness,
20:07 you'll know that you need God in your life to keep you upright.
20:11 The tax collector in the parable recognized this.
20:14 Luke 18, verse 13.
20:17 It says, “And the tax collector,
20:20 standing afar off,
20:22 would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven,
20:25 but beat his breast, saying,
20:27 'God be merciful to me a sinner.'”
20:30 This is how David could be restored
20:32 after his colossal fall into sin.
20:34 Psalm 51, verse 2:
20:35 “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity,
20:37 and cleanse me from my sin.”
20:40 Verse 3 says,
20:41 “For I acknowledge my transgressions,
20:43 and my sin is always before me.”
20:46 When we recognize our sinfulness,
20:48 when we see ourselves as we really are,
20:51 then God can help us.
20:52 When we admit our sin, God can forgive us.
20:55 When we stop trusting in ourselves,
20:58 we can trust in Jesus.
21:00 Listen to what Jesus says.
21:02 “I tell you, this man went down to his house
21:04 justified rather than the other,
21:06 for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled,
21:10 and he who humbles himself will be exalted” (Luke 18:14).
21:15 The tax collector was justified,
21:16 that's pardoned or forgiven, because he acknowledged his sin.
21:20 Grace cannot be experienced by someone
21:22 who doesn't think they need grace.
21:25 Pride and self-sufficiency are some of the worst sins of all,
21:29 because those with that attitude feel no need.
21:32 And unless we feel our need of forgiveness and internal change,
21:37 we can't experience that change.
21:40 There's power in Jesus.
21:42 Grace is God's power at work in your life.
21:44 But the Pharisee, in a temple of all places,
21:48 doesn't experience the power of God in his life.
21:51 He comes to the temple a sinner,
21:52 and he leaves a sinner.
21:54 The power was available to him,
21:56 but he remained unaffected.
21:59 The tax collector, the “bad one” of the two
22:02 he's undeserving and a scoundrel and people look down on him.
22:04 But he grabs hold of the electric fence.
22:07 See, if you get connected to the power,
22:10 you can't help it, you must experience that power.
22:14 If you take hold of the power, the power runs through you.
22:19 You can experience the forgiving and transforming power
22:21 of God in your life.
22:23 It doesn't matter what kind of a life you've lived;
22:24 you can experience God's power simply by taking hold of it.
22:29 The tax collector did that.
22:30 The Pharisee did not.
22:32 Do you think the Pharisee
22:34 thought that he was self-righteousness?
22:35 I don't think he did.
22:37 But that's the problem with the human heart.
22:39 We can deceive ourselves.
22:41 Jeremiah said,
22:42 “The heart is deceitful above all things,
22:44 and desperately wicked.
22:45 Who can know it?”
22:46 That's Jeremiah 17:9.
22:48 In Revelation 3:17,
22:49 Jesus talks about a group of people who say,
22:52 “I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing,”
22:55 but they don't know that they're actually
22:57 “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.”
23:01 Friend, there's power on offer from God,
23:03 power to forgive you,
23:05 to cleanse you,
23:05 to transform you,
23:07 to keep you walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
23:09 If you think you're strong,
23:10 if you think you're good,
23:11 if you think you're all right...
23:15 But if you'll be honest with God about your weakness,
23:18 about your sin,
23:19 about your struggles,
23:20 honest with God about your challenges,
23:22 your failures,
23:23 and take hold of the power that God offers,
23:25 God will do a great thing.
23:27 You and I can't manufacture spiritual power,
23:30 but just like grabbing hold of an electric fence,
23:34 when you put your faith and trust in Jesus,
23:37 His power will surge through your life.
23:41 ♪[Music]♪
23:50 >>John: Fasting.
23:51 It's a very biblical concept,
23:53 but it's also very misunderstood.
23:57 Jesus fasted, we know that.
23:58 But does He want people to fast today?
24:02 And what does God intend that fasting should be?
24:04 And, how can it benefit you?
24:07 I'd like to send you a book from our Healing Insights series,
24:10 called "Fasting and Prayer."
24:12 This book is absolutely free.
24:15 Just call (800) 253-3000,
24:18 and ask for "Fasting and Prayer."
24:21 You can write to us at
24:23 It Is Written, PO Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401,
24:28 and we'll mail a free copy to your address in North America.
24:31 You can also download a free digital copy at
24:36 It Is Written exists because of the kindness of people
24:39 just like you.
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24:48 Thank you for your continued prayerful support.
24:53 >>John: A few moments ago I mentioned to you
24:55 one of history's most, really most remarkable characters,
24:58 I think, a man named George Mueller,
25:00 a German man who relocated to England
25:03 and embarked on a journey of faith
25:05 which continues to inspire people around the world.
25:09 Mueller, to begin with, was a bit of a scoundrel,
25:11 actually, got himself in a heap of trouble.
25:13 But he found faith in God, and then he found his calling.
25:18 In a suburb of Bristol,
25:21 that city in England close to the river Severn,
25:24 where the Severn dumps into the Bristol Channel,
25:27 two hours or so west of England and near the border with Wales,
25:31 yes, that Bristol.
25:32 George Mueller established orphanages,
25:35 in fact, in a place called Ashley Downs,
25:37 on the north side of Bristol.
25:40 A number of homes were built,
25:42 and thousands of orphans were housed and cared for.
25:46 He established many schools, 117, I am told,
25:52 where tens of thousands of children,
25:54 many of them orphans,
25:55 were educated.
25:57 And here's what's so remarkable.
25:58 Not once, never, ever,
26:01 did George Mueller appeal for money.
26:05 How then, was he able to carry on this work?
26:08 His approach, not that it's the only approach,
26:10 but his approach was to pray and expect God
26:15 to provide his needs in answer to prayer.
26:18 Now, before, that incredible story
26:20 about the prayer on the boat,
26:21 there are many stories of Mueller sitting down
26:24 with the children at the orphanage, saying,
26:26 “We have no food.
26:28 And so let's now pray and ask the blessing on our food.”
26:32 And there, there, there were numerous times.
26:35 I visited the headquarters of the George Mueller ministry
26:39 today, not very many months ago.
26:41 They reiterated the story for me.
26:43 Yes, it happened.
26:44 He bowed his head to pray,
26:46 and thanked God for the food, said “Amen,”
26:50 and then there was a knock at the door.
26:53 A milk deliveryman's van had broken down.
26:56 “Would you take the milk?”
26:58 A bread van broke down.
26:59 “Would you take the bread?”
27:02 Okay, but what happens when that doesn't happen?
27:04 When you pray to be healed, and it doesn't happen?
27:06 When you pray for Grandma, and Grandma dies?
27:08 You pray for the cat; the cat doesn't come back?
27:09 You pray for a job, and...
27:13 It's important to understand that God
27:14 doesn't always give us what we want.
27:17 No amount of faith is going to convince God
27:19 to do what He doesn't want to do,
27:21 or what ultimately He knows
27:22 would not be best for you in many cases.
27:24 So here's what we learn to do:
27:27 we learn to trust God anyway.
27:31 God is God,
27:32 not only because He answered George Mueller's
27:34 prayers miraculously,
27:35 not only because He does the great things.
27:38 But God is God because God is God.
27:39 And there will be times when you will pray
27:41 and you will meet with disappointment.
27:43 What do you do then?
27:44 You trust.
27:46 You have faith.
27:48 You believe anyway.
27:49 And you claim God's promises,
27:51 because regardless of what God does,
27:54 God is still God.
27:55 ♪[Music]♪
28:06 >>John: Let's pray together, shall we?
28:07 Let's pray.
28:09 Father in heaven,
28:11 we see today two individuals,
28:12 both sinners,
28:14 one forgiven,
28:16 and one was unforgiven,
28:18 because he not only failed to see his need,
28:20 but he manifested a, a judgmental spirit,
28:24 seeing himself as better than others.
28:27 Today, Lord, I thank you that you're willing
28:28 to forgive the undeserving,
28:31 that you'll give new life to the sinful,
28:34 that you'll justify the faulty
28:36 as they recognize their weakness
28:37 and take hold of the power of the forgiveness
28:40 and grace of Jesus.
28:41 Friend, as we pray,
28:43 if you need to be honest like the tax collector,
28:46 take the opportunity now to look to Jesus and trust Him.
28:50 Can you pray that prayer,
28:50 “Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner?”
28:54 Say it with me now.
28:54 Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.
28:59 And know that God forgives you and justifies you.
29:03 Dear Father, we thank you,
29:05 and we pray in Jesus' name,
29:08 Amen.
29:10 Thank you so much for joining me.
29:12 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
29:14 Until then, remember:
29:16 It Is Written.
29:18 Man shall not live by bread alone,
29:20 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
29:24 ♪[Theme music]♪


Revised 2017-09-12