It Is Written

Blessings from Heaven

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001391A

00:06 It has stood the test of time.
00:10 God's book, the Bible.
00:15 Still relevant in today's complex world.
00:20 It Is Written.
00:23 Sharing hope around the globe.
00:35 I've come to eastern Tennessee today to speak with Ed Reid on
00:39 the subject of stewardship, Christian stewardship from
00:42 a biblical point of view. A moment ago, Ed,
00:45 we talked about tithing. That's the practice of taking a
00:47 tenth of one's income and giving it to the Lord in harmony with
00:51 what He has asked us to do in both the Old Testament
00:54 and the New Testament. But someone wanting to tithe
00:57 or thinking of tithing is going to ask the question
00:59 "Where do I put this money? To whom do I give the money?"
01:03 Where do we tithe? ER: A very good question
01:06 and it's a common question that people have.
01:08 There are three things, elements, that are involved in
01:11 an honest tithe and that is the percent, which everyone
01:14 pretty well agrees is a tenth. The second one is
01:16 the place to return it. And then the third one is
01:19 "What should it be used for?" So, the tithe is not like
01:24 an offering because it belongs to God.
01:26 And you know, Leviticus 27:30 says the tithe is holy and it
01:29 belongs to the Lord. So, God determines
01:32 what is done with it, not me. If I want to support a ministry
01:35 with my offering, I can do that but my tithe
01:37 is a different story. So, since we have Numbers 18:21
01:42 that God says he wants to support the preachers with his
01:44 tithe, he could take his tithe back to heaven if he wanted to
01:47 or he could do it like the they did to the sacrificial Lamb,
01:49 burn it up. It's his.
01:51 He could do whatever he wants to.
01:52 But he says, I've used it to@ support the ministry.
01:55 And it's a very, very interesting thing.
01:57 In the Bible, and in the Old Testament and the New Testament
02:00 there was a central storehouse to which the tithe is brought.
02:04 And it's a very interesting one and it's to show you how
02:06 important it is right over in the Book of Exodus, just two
02:10 chapters away from the Ten Commandments,
02:12 and this would be Exodus 23 and I'll point it out to you
02:17 as well so you can see it, Exodus 23:14-19, three times
02:24 every year all the males had to appear before the Lord in
02:27 Jerusalem and the real interesting thing about it,
02:30 this to me is a fascinating thing,
02:32 it's Pentecost, well, first Passover,
02:35 then Pentecost, then the Feast of the Tabernacles,
02:36 three times a year all the males, and verse 19 says the
02:40 first fruits of your land you shall bring to
02:42 the House of the Lord. In other words, part of that,
02:44 and you see it also over in Deuteronomy, the 12th chapter of
02:47 the law of the storehouse, three times a year
02:49 they brought their tithes to the storehouse.
02:52 Now this is an interesting situation because even though in
02:56 Israel, there were 48 cities given to the Levites.
02:59 So essentially, they were all over the place, including the
03:01 six cities of refuge - you know three were on
03:03 each side of the Jordan. JB: Right.
03:05 ER: Still, three times a year God asked them to come to the
03:07 central storehouse in Jerusalem to bring their tithes.
03:10 Then the Bible talks in the Book of Nehemiah and 2 Chronicles how
03:12 the Levites took it back out to their fellow Levites to pay
03:16 their salaries but there was this central storehouse,
03:18 I guess for accountability. In fact, when Jesus was 12 years
03:22 old in the temple, remember? Talking with the elders?
03:24 He was there because the Bible says it was Passover and his
03:27 family had a custom of going to Jerusalem on the Passover.
03:30 And there were lots of people. He got lost in the crowd.
03:32 They thought he was with him. You understand?
03:34 JB: That's right. ER: Because everybody came.
03:36 JB: Sure ER: This is a very important thing.
03:37 Here's a real interesting one. Three times a year-and two of
03:41 those feasts were eight days long so they're gone like a
03:45 whole month of the year, just traveling to Jerusalem
03:47 and being in those feasts. Well, you know there are
03:49 war-like tribes all around the Israelites and you would think,
03:51 well, somebody is going to take their land or come and ransack
03:53 their property, but God says in Exodus 34, when you come those
03:57 three times a year, I'm going to protect your place and nobody is
03:59 going to bother it. ER: Isn't that incredible?
04:01 JB: And that's what God did. ER: Oh yeah.
04:03 Amazing. JB: That's remarkable.
04:04 So tithing, then, to the central storehouse.
04:07 ER: So I would just say that that's what our church practices
04:10 but I will just tell you that you bring it to the church for
04:14 the salary of the pastors. This is not to pay parking lots
04:17 or buy choir robes. This is for pastors' salaries,
04:19 those salaries of church workers,
04:21 you know, throughout the Christian denomination.
04:23 So that's what you do with your tithe.
04:25 You take it to a central storehouse.
04:27 If you belong to a Christian denomination, you would take it
04:29 to that denomination to pay their pastors.
04:32 That is the Biblical model. JB: It requires a bit of faith,
04:35 doesn't it, on the part of the person to look at his or her
04:37 paycheck and say, I'm cutting 10% out of that
04:39 and taking that to the Lord. ER: Yes.
04:41 Oh yes, indeed. And it takes even more if you
04:43 don't think the church is doing the right thing.
04:45 JB: What do you do if you don't think the church is doing the
04:46 right thing? ER: Well, remember that the
04:48 people that handle the tithe, that's their responsibility
04:51 at that point. I've just done what God
04:52 has asked me to do. And God will hold them
04:54 responsible if it is mismanaged. And by the way, you read earlier
04:58 in our presentation here Malachi the third chapter.
05:01 JB: Yes. ER: Well that was given at a
05:03 time of great apostasy. You know, the tithe legislation
05:07 is back in Leviticus, Exodus and Deuteronomy.
05:10 But here you have in Malachi, the last book of the Old
05:12 Testament, a time of great apostasy right before that great
05:15 long period of quietness and no prophets for 400 years and God
05:18 is saying come back to me but they weren't tithing because of
05:21 problems in the church. But God said,
05:24 that's not your problem. That's my problem.
05:26 I'll deal with that. You do what I ask you to do.
05:28 JB: I notice that Jesus commended the lady who brought
05:30 the two mites. Now we are not told
05:31 it was tithe. It was that plus it was
05:34 all she had. ER: Yes.
05:35 JB: He commended her because she made a gift to a church
05:40 who was planning to kill him. ER: Yes indeed.
05:42 JB: Church can't get much worse than that.
05:43 ER: That's exactly right. JB: And Jesus still said this is
05:45 the right thing to do. ER: Yes.
05:46 JB: And in fact - let's talk about this briefly because@
05:48 you're going to get the people who say, Oh, that's Jewish.
05:51 What I find is that if Christians don't want to do
05:53 something, they blame the Jews. That's a Jewish thing.
05:55 They do that about all kinds of different things.
05:56 ER: Yes. JB: How do we know that it's a
05:57 New Testament principle? ER: Well, it's really
05:59 interesting that you ask that. By the way, the Old Testament
06:03 was the only Bible that Jesus and the disciples had.
06:05 JB: Right. ER: That's where we believe in
06:07 the principles of the Old Testament.
06:09 But you have tithing clearly taught in the Old Testament.
06:11 Jesus in Matthew 23:23 talked about how detailed the leaders,
06:17 especially the Pharisees, were. You tithe the mint, the anise
06:20 and cumin... but he's not criticizing them.
06:22 He says this you ought to do but don't leave
06:24 the other things undone- justice and mercy and so on.
06:27 And then Paul, over in his writings, in Corinthians,
06:31 looks back at the Old Testament and says:
06:33 Those who preach the gospel should live of the gospel,
06:36 just like they did in the Old Testament.
06:38 JB: That's right. ER: So it's clearly there.
06:40 Plus over in Hebrews 7:10,@ where it talks about returning
06:44 tithe unto the Lord who is a priest forever
06:47 after the order of Melchizedec so it's clearly in
06:49 the New Testament as well. JB: That's right.
06:50 You have Jesus endorsing the system.
06:52 Paul endorsing the system. The writer to the Hebrews
06:55 endorsing the system. It can't get much more clearer
06:57 than that, can it? ER: That's true.
06:58 JB: No it can't. And what I'd like to do is as
07:00 we've spoken already, we're talking about tithing not
07:02 just as a well let's all pull together and pay the bills.
07:05 It's not just that. God has given this to us
07:08 as a spiritual exercise. As a step of faith and as
07:11 preparation for real challenges that are coming.
07:13 ER: You brought in the spiritual aspect of it and I am 100%
07:17 agreeable with that. But let me just tell you,
07:19 more than we think, Jesus tied our stewardship
07:22 to eternal life. Now this is amazing.
07:26 This is not a legalistic thing but it shows an attitude.
07:29 Let me give you an example. The rich young ruler
07:31 came to Jesus. And he said, "What can I do to
07:33 inherit eternal life?" Well Jesus first said,
07:35 "Keep the Commandments", and then he says
07:36 "which ones" so Jesus started quoting some of
07:38 the 10 commandments. He says I've been doing this
07:40 since I was a little kid. What do I lack yet?
07:42 And then this bombshell of the whole New Testament.
07:44 "Sell everything you have and give it to the poor.
07:47 Then you will have treasures in heaven and come and follow me.
07:49 Well, he went away sorrowful because he had great
07:51 possessions. But the interesting thing about
07:53 it when we see it because Matthew, Mark and Luke all talk
07:55 about this story. It's an amazing thing.
07:58 He was sincere when he asked, "what could I do?"
08:01 If Jesus said, "well, you know,
08:02 give a tithe, you know, or put some of you money
08:05 into an escrow account and give the interest to the
08:06 poor", he didn't say it. He asked him to give everything,
08:10 because he knew that man's problem was the money.
08:14 He doesn't you and he doesn't ask you or me to do that unless
08:16 that's our big problem. But remember his first question,
08:19 "What do I need to do to inherit eternal life?" Don't let money
08:21 get in the way, Jesus said. You come and follow me
08:23 and you'll be safe. So give everything.
08:26 But he lost eternal life over that.
08:28 JB: He let money get in the way. ER: Oh yes.
08:29 Isn't that incredible? Now another amazing one is this,
08:33 when Zacchaeus- tax collector, Jewish tax collector-
08:37 he decided he wanted to see Jesus.
08:39 Now this is amazing because when you want to see Jesus,
08:41 He wants to see you too. But when he came to the place
08:43 where Jesus was to pass, people were lined up already.
08:46 We know he was a rich man, he was a short man,
08:48 and he wanted to see Jesus. So, he ran ahead,
08:51 climbed up in a tree. Now he's an attorney or a CPA.
08:54 He's probably got a business suit on.
08:56 He climbed a tree. This is incredible.
08:58 JB: Wearing his best clothes. ER: Jesus walks under the tree,
09:00 looks up. This is incredible.
09:02 He calls him by name, though they have never met.
09:05 Now the story is he invited himself home for lunch.
09:08 And when Jesus, by the way, you can imagine what
09:11 Zacchaeus must have thought of because when you get Jesus,
09:13 you get 12 hungry disciples that don't get regular meals,
09:16 so 13 men are coming to lunch. But of course,
09:18 he's a wealthy man. At the end of the meal,
09:21 Zacchaeus stands up and says - this is after one encounter
09:24 with Jesus - "I am gonna do something now.
09:27 My life is going to be different.
09:29 Anything that I have taken from people I am going to restore it
09:31 fourfold and I am going to give half of what I have
09:33 to the poor." Jesus did not tell him
09:36 "good idea, that's a wonderful idea".
09:38 He said, "Today, salvation has come to your house.
09:42 The rich young ruler and Zachaeus both tie stewardship
09:44 to eternal life. JB: Because for very many people
09:48 their stewardship, or lack thereof,
09:50 or their stewardship practices reveal what is going on
09:52 in the heart. ER: Exactly.
09:54 Jesus' whole goal for us is to transform us from the inside out
09:58 through the Holy Spirit's power so that we can be fit to live in
10:01 the company of the holy beings in heaven.
10:03 And that's an amazing thing! No selfishness will be there.
10:08 JB: Great points. Back with more with Ed Reid and
10:11 stewardship principles in just a moment.
10:12 Don't go away.
10:14 ♪ [Gentle Melody] ♪ In Matthew 4:4,
10:17 the word of God says "It is written,
10:19 man shall not live by bread alone
10:21 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
10:25 Every Word is a one-minute Bible-based daily devotional
10:28 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw
10:30 and designed especially for busy people like you.
10:33 Look for Every Word on selected networks or watch it online
10:37 everyday on our website:
10:40 Receive a daily spiritual boost. Watch Every Word.
10:44 You'll be glad you did.
10:49 ♪ [Rythmic Melody] ♪
10:56 Thanks for stopping by. I read that one state lottery
10:59 had a prize of 1.2 million dollars
11:02 that went unclaimed. That means, someone had a
11:05 winning ticket - worth over a million dollars - and never came
11:07 forward to collect their prize. Now I'm not meaning to promote
11:10 gambling or endorse gambling, but I think you get my point .
11:13 Someone could have been very, very rich, except they never
11:15 came forward to get what was rightfully theirs.
11:18 You know, people lose out on much more than that
11:21 every single day. In Luke 11:13 it says that,
11:23 God will "give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him."
11:28 Having the Holy Spirit in your life would make you
11:30 a child of God, a joint-heir with Christ.
11:33 That would make you a spiritual multi-billionaire, or more.
11:37 Don't miss the spiritual riches God wants you to have.
11:40 Claim the Holy Spirit today, and God will fill you
11:43 with His presence. I'm John Bradshaw
11:45 for It Is Written. Let's live today by Every Word.
11:50 ♪ [Adventurous Theme] ♪
12:05 Time for today's Bible question.
12:07 Here it is. Are there Bible verses
12:09 about gambling at a casino? Great question.
12:13 The short answer is, No, there are not Bible verses about
12:17 gambling at a casino, and that's for pretty obvious reasons:
12:19 there were no casinos in Bible times.
12:22 But what about the principle of gambling?
12:24 Now, let's consider a few Bible verses and see if we can
12:27 find the principles that speak to the subject.
12:29 In Proverbs 3:9 the Bible says this,
12:33 "Honour the Lord with thy substance,
12:35 and with the firstfruits of all thine increase."
12:37 That means what we have been given by God is to be used
12:40 in honoring Him. Keep this in mind.
12:42 Part of the everlasting gospel message in Revelation 14
12:46 is that we "fear God and give glory to Him."
12:49 It isn't easy to see how taking the money that God has
12:51 given us and then gambling it would be honoring Him.
12:56 1 Timothy 6:9 & 10 say, "Those who desire to be rich
12:59 fall into temptation and a snare, and into many
13:02 foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction
13:06 and perdition. For the love of money is a root
13:08 of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith
13:12 in their greediness, and pierced themselves through
13:15 with many sorrows." This is a lot like
13:17 Proverbs 28:22 which says, "He that hasteth to be rich
13:21 hath an evil eye." Not only in gambling
13:24 are you throwing away what God has given you to use
13:26 in honoring Him, but with any
13:29 get-rich-quick scheme, and that's what gambling is,
13:31 there's the desire to gain, to have more,
13:34 to get, get, get. In the Ten Commandments
13:36 God spoke to this, he said, "Thou shalt not covet."
13:40 Gambling is covetousness - God wants us to
13:42 keep away from that. Hebrews 13:5 says,
13:45 "Let your conduct be without covetousness."
13:49 And let me suggest this: when it comes to casinos
13:51 and other places where there is gambling, the activity
13:53 of gambling is almost always associated with vice
13:57 and sin of all kinds. Gambling brings a person into
14:00 association with all manner of things that God doesn't
14:03 want you tied up with. The lifestyle, the association,
14:07 the wasting of money - not for a believer in Jesus.
14:11 And yet you might say, "Oh, come on.
14:13 It's so little that I spend on my lottery tickets,".
14:16 Well, if it's little, then you probably won't miss
14:20 not doing it anymore. That's money that God could use
14:23 in much more productive ways. Instead of taking your money and
14:26 depositing it in Satan's bank, it is far better
14:30 to invest it in the bank of heaven for God's glory.
14:35 If you have a Bible question, please go to our website:
14:37 and you can submit it there.
14:39 And I'll do what I can to answer your Bible question
14:42 in a future program.
14:45 ♪ [Adventurous theme] ♪
14:52 ♪ [Thoughtful Theme] ♪
14:59 "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost
15:03 is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
15:06 Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the
15:10 uttermost part of the earth."
15:15 The uttermost part of the earth seems like an appropriate way to
15:19 describe Mongolia, sandwiched between China and Siberia.
15:25 About two and a half percent of Mongolians are Christians.
15:29 Or to put it another way, Mongolian is 97.5 percent
15:35 non-Christian.
15:38 Per capita there are less Christians in Mongolia today
15:43 than there are in Saudi Arabia. Official statistics say there
15:47 are more Christians in North Korea
15:49 than there are in Mongolia.
15:52 In 1989 there were four Christians in all of Mongolia.
15:58 There's simply very little knowledge of Christianity.
16:02 The church hasn't made real inroads here.
16:06 And according to the Bible, somehow or other,
16:09 Mongolians will all be given an opportunity to know Jesus.
16:15 It Is Written's Mission Mongolia is bringing the Good News of
16:19 Jesus Christ to the people@ of Mongolia.
16:22 People here must be reached, and they are being reached
16:25 with Mission Mongolia. People are having their health
16:29 needs met. Those who need clothing to
16:32 protect themselves against the brutally cold winter
16:35 are being helped also. Your support of Mission Mongolia
16:39 will make it possible for It Is Written
16:41 to send teams of missionaries to Mongolia, to share the Gospel
16:44 of Jesus Christ. Doctors, nurses
16:47 and other medical workers will minister to those needing
16:50 medical attention.
16:52 Bibles are needed in the Mongolian language.
16:55 And your help will make it possible for people to own their
16:58 very own Bible for the first time, and learn of Jesus.
17:03 Other humanitarian needs will also be met, as Mission Mongolia
17:07 provides for many people who are being left behind by a society
17:12 relentlessly rushing forward.
17:14 Don't leave Mongolians in the dark.
17:18 Your help will make it possible for Mission Mongolia
17:21 to introduce people to Jesus. Call now, 1-800-253-3000.
17:29 That's 1-800-253-3000, to support Mission Mongolia.
17:36 Or visit us online at
17:41 Or you can support this work or learn more about it by writing
17:44 to It Is Written, P O Box 6, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401.
17:53 JB: Thank you for being with me today.
17:54 Today I am speaking with Ed Reid on the subject of
17:57 Christian stewardship. Ed, we have been speaking about
18:00 tithing and as you look at tithing in the Bible, well,
18:05 there's two things here: The Word of God says
18:08 in Malachi, particularly: Tithes and offerings.
18:13 We alluded to this a moment ago but let's briefly touch on the
18:16 difference between tithing and offering and how
18:19 both are important. ER: Well, the Bible is very
18:22 clear that God is the owner of everything.
18:23 Psalms 24:10, Genesis 1:1, etc. But the real bottom line is
18:28 God says I've reserved the tithe and made it holy
18:32 and you give that for the support of ministry but
18:34 tithe is almost always mentioned in conjunction with offerings as
18:38 well, our free will offerings, as we call it, and they are
18:41 special offerings like the building of the temple,
18:43 and so on, but a thank offering,
18:45 or a special regular offering that we give.
18:48 So the Bible specifies a percentage for tithe, a tenth
18:52 and I say only a tenth because who would be fool enough not to
18:56 have the Creator of the Universe not as a partner,
18:59 a 10th partner, running your whole business
19:01 for you. I mean this is incredible.
19:02 JB: Yea, it is. ER: But the offerings are not
19:04 given a percentage because they are at our discretion,
19:08 based on as the Bible says, as God has prospered you.
19:11 So I could say, my wife and I have been tithing on what we
19:15 call 10 plus 10 for many years. We do a 10th for tithe and a
19:19 10th for offering. But as we get older and our
19:21 children are educated and our debts are paid off, we can do
19:24 more than that and there are many people in their
19:26 professional life who make significant enough income that
19:29 once their tenth of their profit or their increase or their
19:33 income is taking away as the tithe then they could give away
19:37 huge portions as offerings to advance the cause of God that
19:39 they like and so that was not a percentage, it could even be
19:42 more than a tenth, maybe lots more.
19:44 JB: Which leads me to an important point.
19:46 You said some people may wish to do more.
19:49 Now some people approach tithing as (groan) What's 10 percent?
19:52 I'll get 10% and that's that. ER: Yeah.
19:56 JB: The idea of giving tithes and offerings shouldn't be
19:57 onerous to us. We should consider it
19:59 a huge blessing. ER: Look for opportunities.
20:02 JB: Yeah, opportunities. Now, what would you say to
20:04 someone who is kind of struggling with the whole
20:05 concept of tithing and maybe giving more in terms of
20:08 offering? ER: I would just say that
20:10 tithing is not an expression of gratitude or generosity.
20:13 It is a matter of simple honesty.
20:15 Once I get that part taken care of, then the gratitude comes in
20:17 with my offerings and I can just look at my life and say, "God
20:20 has blessed our family so much, I just want to say thank you."
20:23 And I want to say it on a regular basis because God
20:25 blesses me so much. That's what offerings are.
20:28 And I want to say, for example, I want to keep our church
20:31 looking nice, or paid off, whatever it is.
20:34 And I want to make contributions to that because the way our
20:36 church looks is a reflection of what I think about God.
20:40 I mean there's lots of things about that that are very
20:42 interesting and if I want to advance other ministries that
20:47 are, you know, maybe independent or supporting ministries, I can
20:49 do that with my offerings because they are discretionary.
20:52 Oh, and let me say another thing.
20:54 Since God is the owner of everything,
20:56 when I am done with it, what do I do with it?
20:59 JB: There's a good question. ER: Give it back to him.
21:01 Now once my needs are taken care of and my family's needs are
21:04 taken care of, then I return to God what I don't need and I make
21:07 provision to do that through my estate plan when I pass away.
21:11 And much of the ministry of It Is Written and other
21:13 organizations depend on estate planning and gifts of people
21:17 returning to God. Now these are considered
21:19 offerings, because I have already tithed it all along so
21:22 I have the discretion to what I do with that.
21:25 So I can give it for certain ministries that have attracted
21:28 my attention over the years. JB: So most people, they will
21:30 never have as much money to give, as they will have
21:34 when they die. ER: That's exactly right.
21:35 Sure. And I would say that if you do,
21:38 you're giving while you're living
21:39 then you're knowing where it's going.
21:40 So I would only save what I actually needed to keep, like
21:43 maybe the house I lived in but other assets I would return to
21:46 God so I am sure I can see the benefit of it, so that I can
21:49 send Godpods to Papua New Guinea,
21:51 or wherever. Do you see what I'm saying?
21:52 JB: Yeah, sure. ER: Or I can sponsor evangelism
21:55 in Las Vegas or wherever it might be.
21:57 I can see the good it will do right now, with my own eyes.
22:00 JB: Let's encourage people from the Bible.
22:02 What are the encouraging principles, thoughts, Bible
22:04 verses that will encourage people to be faithful stewards
22:08 to put God first, to have the courage to say, Lord, if belongs
22:10 to you I want to give it to you and if I've got more
22:12 I want to give it to you too. ER: Well, this is a good
22:14 question because in spite of the fact that tithes and offerings
22:17 are clearly taught in Scripture, they are almost always
22:20 accompanied with God's promised blessings.
22:23 He doesn't have to do that, I mean, it's just something we
22:25 should do. But he promises us to bless us.
22:27 I mean, you just think about it. From Malachi 3, I will open the
22:30 windows of heaven and pour out such blessings you don't have
22:32 enough room to receive it. JB: Right ER: You will have a
22:33 surplus and I love the part in verse 11 that you read:
22:36 I will rebuke the devourer for your sake.
22:38 Your old car is going to run longer.
22:40 Your tires will wear longer. You know,
22:42 things like that really happen. JB: Have you experienced that?
22:44 ER: Oh, I have indeed. JB: So have I.
22:45 ER: Yeah. This is incredible.
22:47 JB: The tires that you thought you were going to
22:49 have to replace. We were looking for something to
22:51 buy... well, let's wait a week...
22:52 Wow, look at that, we get it 75% off.
22:54 Where did that come from? I think it's a blessing
22:57 of God. ER: Yes, it is indeed.
22:58 JB: Oh, question. How about the person who says
23:01 I've just found me a get rich quick scheme.
23:03 I'll tithe and expect God to make me rich?
23:05 ER: Well the real interesting thing is if it is the chicken or
23:08 the egg question. Should we tithe to get blessings
23:10 or do we tithe the blessings we already have?
23:13 God says you be faithful with the blessings I've given you and
23:15 I'll keep the channel open. There will be more blessings@
23:17 coming. JB: That's right.
23:18 I don't know that it's wise to be selfish about it.
23:21 Okay, if I do this, God is going to make me a rich man
23:23 or a rich woman. You know, that may happen
23:26 but that's really not the point, is it?
23:28 ER: Many people will lose their eternal life because of riches.
23:31 And so I will just tell you that as a young man, I told God in
23:33 prayer: You have my permission to do whatever it takes
23:35 to save me, and I really meant it.
23:38 But then I added please help me learn my lessons the easy way.
23:41 In other words, if it's not good for me to be wealthy,
23:43 I'll be happy with what you give me.
23:45 And I'll give your tenth to you, be honest and offerings as I am
23:48 able to do. JB: Biblically speaking, this is
23:50 a very important subject. ER: Oh yes.
23:52 JB: Tremendously important and God has proven time and time and
23:55 time again that he is faithful. Would you say one of the key
24:00 ideas undergirding this subject is simply ... it's a matter of
24:03 faith and trust in God. ER: Oh, it has to be.
24:06 Sure. It wouldn't make sense to a CPA
24:09 to say that you could live just as well on 90% as 10%
24:12 and when you add in offerings, say another 10% on 80%.
24:15 But some of the people who have done that, big people, like JC
24:18 Penny and La Turno, the big earth moving equipment, some of
24:21 these people lived on 10% and gave God 90% because they said,
24:25 you know, God has blessed me, it's his money and I'll use it
24:27 to advance His kingdom. JB: Friend, I want to encourage
24:30 you today to put God first and to be faithful.
24:32 Be faithful with your finances and the stewardship matters and
24:36 you can know that you can trust God.
24:39 He will never let you down. You can't outgive God.
24:42 You will never worse off because you followed biblical principles
24:45 when it comes to matters of finances and stewardship.
24:48 Ed, thank you. Thanks for joining me today.
24:50 This has been a blessing. ER: Well, we have had a good
24:52 time discussing a very fascinating topic.
24:54 JB: And an important subject. ER: Yes.
24:55 JB: I appreciate your time. Thanks you very much.
24:56 ER: Thank you. Friend, how about we pray
24:58 together and ask God to bless us as we step forward faithfully to
25:04 put the Lord first and to follow those Biblical principals he has
25:08 given us in terms of stewardship.
25:09 Ed, lets pray. ♪ [Gentle Melody] ♪
25:11 Our father in heaven, we are thankful.
25:13 You have told us that we can trust you, we can give to you,
25:16 we can be faithful stewards, confident that you will never
25:21 let us down, you will never leave us high and dry.
25:23 We are not going to be worse off.
25:25 What a joy, Lord, to know that we can do our part financially
25:28 but then participate with Jesus in being faithful in walking
25:32 side-by-side with him and allowing your will to be done
25:35 in our finances. We need your wisdom.
25:37 We need your guidance but we are confident in your blessing.
25:41 Keep us now, we pray, in Jesus' name.
25:43 Amen.
25:47 ♪ [Gentle Musical Interlude] ♪
26:00 ♪ [Thoughtful Melody] ♪
26:07 Today, we've been talking about crucial financial
26:09 issues that affect all of us. Our goal at It Is Written is to
26:12 help you live a more satisfying and God-centered life.
26:15 So this week, our free offer is a helpful book on finance called
26:20 God Will Provide. It's a practical discussion on
26:23 how a faithful God has promised to provide for the needs of his
26:26 faithful children and includes a special section prepared by
26:29 Ed Reid, on Managing Finances
26:32 in Difficult Times. Please call or write us and this
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27:45 [Majestic Theme Music] Until next time,
27:47 please remember, It is written,
27:50 man shall not live by bread alone
27:52 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
27:58 ♪ [Music Swells] ♪


Revised 2016-02-01