It Is Written

Not Against Us

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001400A

00:08 On that first Easter Sunday morning, some women went
00:10 to the tomb of Jesus to anoint His body for burial.
00:13 An angel met them and told the women Jesus
00:16 was risen from the dead, so they hurried off
00:18 to tell the eleven remaining disciples.
00:22 Luke 24:11 reveals the disciples surprising reaction.
00:31 In their disappointment, they forgot some
00:32 of the plainest statements Jesus had made to them.
00:35 Jesus had said, "I'm going up to Jerusalem,
00:37 and I'm going to die." He said that He would
00:40 be rejected by the elders and the chief priests
00:42 and the scribes, and that He'd be killed,
00:45 and He said He would rise again -
00:47 but the disciples didn't quite get it.
00:49 And now that the women were there telling the disciples
00:51 that Jesus' prophecies had been fulfilled,
00:54 they refused to believe. Such is the power
00:57 of preconceived ideas, and such is the power
00:59 of crushing disappointment. The disciples were foolish
01:02 to refuse to believe - they had let what they saw
01:05 totally destroy their faith in what they couldn't see
01:10 Maybe we make that mistake. Because we don't see the
01:13 big picture we might jump to a wrong conclusion
01:14 that doesn't involve hope. The cross of Jesus tells us
01:17 that victory often comes out of defeat, and it reminds
01:21 us that what we see is often not the whole picture.
01:24 Trust God today, even if it seems your hopes have
01:26 been dashed, even if something just doesn't make sense.
01:29 The resurrection had taken place and yet the disciples
01:32 were all doom and gloom. That resurrection says
01:36 there's a God who is alive - and He's working
01:37 in your life right now. Have faith to know that God
01:42 isn't simply the God of what you can see, He's also the God
01:46 of what you cannot see. I'm John Bradshaw
01:50 for It is Written. Follow us on Facebook
01:52 and Twitter and let's live today by Every Word.
02:01 [bluegrass music] ["Were You There"]
03:03 It has stood the test of time.
03:08 God's book, the bible. Still relevant in
03:14 today's complex world. It Is Written sharing hope
03:21 around the globe.
03:34 [mysterious music] Kim Philby was destined to
03:47 make his mark in the world. The son of a rather brilliant
03:51 father, he was educated at the best schools in England,
03:53 including Trinity College in Cambridge.
03:56 For 30 years Philby worked for British intelligence, rising
04:00 to a very high rank in the British Secret Intelligence
04:03 Service, M.I.6: he ran its entire counterespionage
04:07 programme - that is, he was in charge of stopping spies
04:11 collecting information on Britain - and set up the
04:14 section that spied on the Soviet Union.
04:23 [Music in the background] But what nobody knew was that
04:31 while Kim Philby was in charge of an important part of Great
04:35 Britain's spy programme, he himself was in fact a DOUBLE
04:38 AGENT: while supposedly protecting Britain from spies,
04:45 Philby was a spy himself, working for the Soviet Union.
04:50 He provided a lot of information to the Soviets
04:53 that led to the deaths of a large number of agents,
04:55 and he inflicted real damage on both American
04:58 and British intelligence.
05:14 Kim Philby died in Moscow in 1988.
05:17 A brilliant man, a capable man, but a double agent.
05:22 Nobody really knew just whose side he was on.
05:28 I've wondered often just how many people know
05:33 whose side GOD is on. I'm not suggesting for a
05:36 second that God is a double agent, but that many people
05:39 aren't entirely sure just whose side He is on, as life plays
05:42 out here on Planet Earth. God gets blamed for an
05:46 enormous amount of bad things: in 2005, not long after
05:50 Hurricane Katrina, Time Magazine featured
05:53 an article titled, "Where Was God?"
05:56 It investigated the myriad responses from people about
05:59 the cause of the calamity - masses felt that it was God's
06:03 judgment for just about everything.
06:06 After the Asian tsunami, the Archbishop of Canterbury
06:08 said, "Of course, this makes us doubt
06:11 God's existence." So very often when personal
06:15 tragedy strikes, the question asked is
06:17 "Why did God allow this?" That's not always a bad
06:21 question - even Jesus cried out, My God, My God,
06:25 Why hast thou forsaken me? But all too often present in
06:29 the question is the suggestion that God is the villain.
06:34 And the question gets murky for some when we start to
06:37 wrestle with matters of personal sin - "Does God still
06:40 care for me, does God still love me, is God still with me
06:43 after what I've done?" How far does the love and patience
06:48 and acceptance of God stretch in the case
06:51 of sinners committing sin? Serious questions.
06:55 And the Bible provides us with serious answers.
06:59 You don't really have to go far in the Bible to
07:01 figure this thing out. John chapter 8 describes how
07:04 Jesus handled a broken life. We find Jesus in the temple
07:09 where you'd expect it to be very reverent, very quiet,
07:14 when something strange happens.
07:17 A group of apparently upstanding men bring to Jesus
07:20 a woman who had just been caught in an act of immorality.
07:24 Angry men, a cowering, perhaps a weeping woman, there's
07:29 tension in the air as justice is being demanded.
07:33 Here's how John describes the scene.
07:36 John Chapter eight
07:58 Well, what could He say? If she's guilty, she's guilty.
08:01 Really, that settles it. But aren't you glad that it
08:06 doesn't actually settle it in the mind of God?
08:10 Not right away. If guilt "settled it", our
08:13 collective goose would have been well and truly cooked
08:14 a long time ago. And according to the Bible,
08:17 we're all in the same situation.
08:19 Romans 3:23 says,
08:24 If our misdeeds settled it, if our sins settled it,
08:29 none of us would ever have the slightest hope
08:32 of going to heaven. We'd be done!
08:35 So how did Jesus respond? John 8, we pick it up in verse 6
08:58 Now, they were right. She was a sinful woman,
09:02 and she had done wrong. But Jesus challenges these
09:06 individuals and tells them to go right ahead and stone this
09:10 poor creature as long as they themselves were without sin.
09:16 You know, when the woman heard Jesus say that, she no doubt
09:20 thought she was dead. These holy, righteous men,
09:24 she thought. They come off as being so
09:27 holy they'll probably all be throwing rocks at me.
09:30 It'll be a blizzard! But instead, they drop their
09:33 rocks and walk away, leaving Jesus, the perfect, holy,
09:39 righteous Son of God - God in the flesh - alone with this
09:44 miserable, wicked, corrupt individual, who really did
09:49 deserve to have the book thrown at her.
09:52 Now let's see how this story ends.
09:54 John 8, again we pick it up in verse 10.
10:16 Can you imagine how she felt?! You know how good you felt
10:19 when you got pulled up for speeding and the police
10:22 officer let you off with just a warning, right?
10:24 And all you avoided was a $100 fine.
10:27 This woman escaped with her life.
10:30 Now why did Jesus do that? Because that's whose side
10:35 Jesus is on. Do you remember the famous
10:38 verse in John 3:16, but what about John 3:17? It says this:
10:53 God is in the business of SAVING people.
10:57 In fact, God gives us an incredible illustration to
11:01 help us understand just whose side He is on today.
11:04 God had Israel build Him a dwelling place, a sanctuary.
11:09 In Exodus 25:8 it says:
11:20 God wanted to spend time with His people.
11:24 The sanctuary was mobile - it traveled with the Israelites
11:28 through the wilderness. And it was magnificent -
11:31 gold plated boards set in sockets of silver,
11:35 fine linen, beautiful curtains, a golden candlestick
11:39 with seven lamps giving light day and night,
11:42 gold-plated furniture and items of pure gold.
11:54 And most magnificently, the Shekinah Glory was in there
11:59 the presence of God Himself. Of course, in time the
12:04 mobile sanctuary was superseded by the temple.
12:08 Yet you'll remember that when Jesus died the veil in that
12:12 temple was torn in two by an act of God.
12:16 God was signifying that the temple services were now
12:19 obsolete - the True Lamb had come and died.
12:24 As such, it was redundant for God's people to offer animal
12:26 sacrifices anymore. In fact, you could say it was
12:29 offensive - to have faith in a lamb sacrifice would be to
12:33 fail to recognize the True Lamb had died.
12:36 The temple had really served its purpose.
12:39 So what is the Bible talking about when it talks about
12:42 a sanctuary that is still important to us today?
12:46 In the book of Hebrews we discover a sanctuary
12:50 in heaven. And according the book of
12:53 Exodus, Moses was told to by God to build the earthly
12:56 sanctuary and pattern it after the heavenly.
13:01 Now why is that important? The simple existence of the
13:05 building itself isn't the item of most major importance.
13:09 What is most important is what is going on in that sanctuary.
13:14 What is going on there shows us where God's mind is towards
13:19 the sinners of this world. I4ll tell you in a moment
13:23 where Jesus is and what he is doing.
13:26 And the answer will bless you incredibly.
13:33 In the wilderness, the children of Israel
13:35 followed God's instructions to build a beautiful temple.
13:39 The sanctuary services represented God's plan
13:42 of salvation through Jesus. It foreshadowed wonderful things
13:45 to come, and provides for us, even today, a rich
13:48 representation of the work of Jesus on our behalf.
13:52 To see and understand the beauty of God's way, as revealed in
13:55 the sanctuary, request our FREE booklet,
13:58 "Rebuilding the Temple" All you need to do is call
14:01 (800) 253-3000 and ask for your copy of
14:05 "Rebuilding the Temple." If the line's busy,
14:07 please try again. You can write to It Is Written,
14:10 P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401.
14:15 We'll mail a free copy to you in North America.
14:18 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry and your support makes
14:22 it possible for us to share God's good news
14:24 with the world. Thank you for your continued
14:27 prayerful support. Again, that toll-free number is,
14:30 (800) 253-3000, and our website address is
14:37 After Jesus died on the cross, we know where He went.
14:40 He went to the grave. I know it says in the
14:42 Apostles' Creed - "He descended into hell, on the third day
14:45 He rose again..." - but that is true in the
14:48 Biblical sense where the word 'hell' is often used
14:50 to mean the grave. Jesus descended
14:53 into the grave. When he died, he didn4t go to
14:55 a hot place in the center of the earth.
14:57 That is just fantasy with no biblical basis at all.
15:00 The wonderful news is, though, that the grave could
15:03 not hold Jesus! He came forth triumphant.
15:06 Then where did He go? He went to heaven.
15:09 And what did He go to heaven for?
15:12 Was it just to bide His time as He waited for
15:14 the Second Coming? No, Jesus went to heaven
15:17 to do far more than that. According to the book of
15:20 Hebrews, Jesus is performing a specific role in heaven.
15:25 Hebrews 4:14 says,
15:37 Jesus went to heaven to be our High Priest.
15:40 Now let's look at Hebrews 8, verses 1 and 2.
16:01 Jesus has gone to heaven, to the heavenly sanctuary
16:05 that God made, so that He can be
16:07 our High Priest. Now think about what that
16:10 means for us. The old sanctuary service was
16:13 essentially the gospel in types and shadows.
16:17 How could God help Israel understand what the plan of
16:20 salvation was really all about? He taught them - it's like
16:24 this, He said. Sin causes death.
16:27 I want to show you how it will cause the death of my Son,
16:30 so I'll put that in the figure of
16:32 the death of a lamb. Because of your
16:34 sin the lamb dies. Here's what they'd do.
16:37 The sinner would take a lamb to this sanctuary.
16:40 He'd confess his sins over the lamb, and his sins would
16:44 be transferred - figuratively, obviously
16:47 - to the lamb. The Lamb would be killed,
16:50 and the blood would be taken inside the sanctuary,
16:54 some of the blood. In that way, the sin
16:57 was transferred into the sanctuary.
17:01 At the end of the year the entire sin record would
17:03 be dealt with, on the Day of Atonement.
17:06 The sanctuary would be cleansed, and the people would
17:09 rejoice that they stood before God absolutely pure and clean.
17:14 Does this relate to our salvation today?
17:17 You bet it does. When we need cleansing
17:19 from sin, we come to Jesus. The Holy Spirit convicts us of
17:23 our sin, and then prompts us to come to God.
17:26 We come - we are drawn to Him by God Himself.
17:30 We confess our sins. Who takes our sins?
17:33 Jesus, the Lamb. He died on the cross to pay
17:36 the penalty for our sins once and for all.
17:39 So we come to Christ, we profess faith
17:42 in the sacrifice of the Lamb when Jesus died on the cross,
17:46 and God takes our sins away. Now, back in the OT time,
17:50 when the sinner confessed, there was a middle man
17:53 - a priest, or a high priest.
17:55 Today, there's a Middle Man - our High Priest, Jesus.
18:00 Look at what we read in 1 John 2:1 - The Bible says,
18:16 As our High Priest in heaven, Jesus intercedes for us.
18:20 We come to Him with our sins, repentant.
18:22 He takes our sins from us, appeals to God in our behalf,
18:27 and gives His own perfect righteousness in place
18:31 of our sins. What this tells us is that in
18:34 heaven there is a Saviour who invites us to come to Him,
18:38 just as we are, knowing that He will have mercy on us.
18:44 Remember what it said back in Hebrews 4:14?
18:58 If you're a sinner who has faith in Jesus
19:00 and you've got your struggles, the answer is not to let go!
19:05 The knowledge that a holy, righteous Jesus is your High
19:08 Priest in heaven absolutely must inspire you
19:11 to hang on tight! The Greek word that is
19:14 translated into "hold fast" means "to cling to
19:19 tenaciously." That's like a barnacle clinging
19:22 to the side of a ship. You can hardly pry
19:25 those things off! And when you know that Jesus
19:29 is on your side in heaven, that ought to give you
19:32 confidence to live on in on such a way that nothing
19:35 can pry you off. Continuing in Heb 4:16
19:51 We are to come with confidence, because Jesus is our High
19:54 Priest, and our intercessor. I spoke to someone recently
19:57 who said to me, I hope I'm good enough
20:00 to go to heaven. And you know what
20:02 I told this person? I said, You'll never
20:05 be good enough. That's why we need Jesus!
20:08 And in fact, if you're hoping to ever be good enough for God
20:10 to save you, you need to stop hoping that right now.
20:14 Now, if what you mean is that you hope to be ready,
20:17 or you hope to see Jesus, well that's fine.
20:20 But if you're hoping to be good enough to go to heaven,
20:23 you've got another thing coming.
20:25 Now this might surprise you, but I've taught my children to
20:28 never pray that God will help them to be good.
20:31 Now why would I say that? I'll tell you why in a moment.
20:38 Planning for your financial future is a vital aspect
20:42 of Christian stewardship. For this reason, It Is Written
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21:21 Our toll free number again is 1.800.992.2219 and our web
21:26 address
21:37 You know, I4ve taught my children to never
21:39 pray to be good. I remember my little boy
21:42 praying that - "Dear Jesus, help me to be good."
21:45 And I said, No, we are not going to pray that way.
21:48 Not that I want my children to pray to be bad,
21:51 you understand! But what happens
21:53 if you pray to be good? You're doomed to fail.
21:56 In Romans chapter 3, Paul is quoting the Psalms when he
22:00 writes these words:
22:08 And then verse 12 adds.
22:14 So you're going to try to be good,
22:16 or pray to be good? All you can do is FAIL!
22:20 The person who prays to be good is sooner or later going
22:22 to figure out that such an approach cannot work,
22:25 and before long one of a couple of things
22:28 is going to happen: they're either going to give
22:30 up on God, or just as bad, they're going to stay in the
22:33 church and be miserable and feel condemned.
22:36 But God didn't ever ask us to be good.
22:39 He asked us to be HOLY! And where are you going to get
22:43 holiness from? Not from yourself,
22:45 that's for sure! I've encouraged my children to
22:48 pray instead that Christ will live in their hearts; that God
22:53 would forgive them and give them new hearts.
22:55 See, if you are praying to be good, it'll never work.
22:58 If you pray for Jesus to live in your heart,
23:01 it'll never fail! When Jesus comes into your
23:04 life He brings His goodness, His righteousness,
23:07 and His holiness. And that's what we need.
23:10 And we can get that - sinners like us!
23:14 We can receive Christ's holiness freely when we come
23:18 confidently to the throne of grace.
23:21 So what's the worst thing that can happen if you admit to God
23:23 that you are a sinner? Do you think God is going
23:26 to be shocked to find that out? I don't think so!
23:29 When Jesus said in Matthew 11:28,
23:36 He wasn't referring to just the holy folks!
23:38 If you are burdened, if you are weary, if you are feeling
23:42 crushed by the weight of the mess in your life, Come to
23:46 Jesus, just as you are!!! Hebrews 9:24
23:51 is a powerful text. It tells us that Jesus
23:54 has gone...
24:07 Now I'm not attempting to minimize the seriousness
24:09 of the spiritual mess we find ourselves in,
24:12 but I'm telling you it4s impossible to overstate@
24:15 the importance of the wonderful truth that Jesus is in heaven,
24:20 as our High Priest, FOR US! Not against us, but FOR us!
24:28 That means He will give you spiritual help.
24:31 He will provide emotional help.
24:33 He will not cast you off the moment you make a mess.
24:37 Hebrews 7:25 says this
24:52 Jesus lives "to make intercession" for us.
24:55 You can know where Jesus is - He4s in heaven.
24:58 You can know what He is doing - He4s acting as your
25:00 High Priest. And you can know that
25:03 He is for you, and not against you.
25:06 And that's good news. I want to thank him for
25:10 that right now. Why don't as we pray, we
25:14 commit ourselves to accepting Christ, his ministry as our
25:19 High Priest, and why don't we ask God for help to trust that
25:23 Jesus, through His ministry, will do with our lives
25:26 everything He wants to do. Let's pray together.
25:29 Our Father in heaven, we thank you today that we have a High
25:32 Priest in heaven. Jesus isn't AWOL.
25:35 He isn't missing. We know where He is - in
25:38 heaven's temple, heaven's sanctuary.
25:41 And we know what he is doing. He is not sitting around on a
25:45 fluffy cloud eating grapes, hanging out with angels,
25:48 just waiting to return to this earth. No.
25:51 He is actively engaged in our salvation, interceding for us
25:53 in Your presence and so we thank you.
25:56 We thank you for his blood, shed that we might be cleansed
26:01 from all of our sins. Lord, give us grace to have
26:04 faith in you. Give us confidence knowing
26:07 Jesus is in heaven for us and not against us!
26:13 And we pray with thanks today, in Jesus' name, amen.
26:18 [Prayer Music]
26:42 In the wilderness, the children of Israel
26:44 followed God's instructions to build a beautiful temple.
26:48 The sanctuary services represented God's plan
26:51 of salvation through Jesus. It foreshadowed wonderful things
26:54 to come, and provides for us, even today, a rich
26:57 representation of the work of Jesus on our behalf.
27:01 To see and understand the beauty of God's way, as revealed in
27:04 the sanctuary, request our FREE booklet,
27:07 "Rebuilding the Temple" All you need to do is call
27:10 (800) 253-3000 and ask for your copy of
27:13 "Rebuilding the Temple." If the line's busy,
27:16 please try again. You can write to It Is Written,
27:19 P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401.
27:24 We'll mail a free copy to you in North America.
27:28 It Is Written is a faith-based ministry.
27:30 Thank you for your continued prayerful support.
27:33 Again, that toll-free number is, (800) 253-3000,
27:37 and our website address is
27:42 Thanks for joining me today. Look forward to seeing you
27:45 next time. And until then, be sure to
27:47 remember: It Is Written: man shall not live
27:52 by bread alone, but by every word that
27:55 proceeds from the mouth of God [dramatic music]


Revised 2017-01-20