It Is Written

No Pressure! Biblical Keys to Good Health

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Bradshaw


Series Code: IIW

Program Code: IIW001483A

01:30 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:40 ♪[Theme music]♪
01:49 >>John Bradshaw: This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw.
01:52 Thanks for joining me today.
01:55 You don't have to go too terribly far,
01:57 read too many web pages or open too many newspapers
02:00 to discover that healthcare is a major issue
02:04 in these United States and all around the world.
02:07 Major healthcare challenges are affecting
02:10 millions and millions of people today.
02:13 And, remarkably,
02:14 there are often some very simple things that you can do
02:17 to minimize your risk or to get out from
02:19 under that health burden.
02:21 The Bible is a book that encourages
02:23 us to take our health seriously.
02:25 The Bible tells us that our bodies
02:26 are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
02:29 Jesus came into this world to give us life more abundantly.
02:33 Back in the Old Testament, God said,
02:35 “I am the Lord who healeth thee.”
02:38 Well, we're going to talk about a health subject
02:40 that relates to just about all of us,
02:43 and my guest today is a good friend,
02:44 Dr. David DeRose from CompassHealth Consulting.
02:48 Dr. DeRose, thanks for joining me.
02:49 >>Dr. DeRose: Great to be with you, John.
02:51 >>John: This is not our first discussion together,
02:52 but this is the first time we've discussed here
02:55 the subject of obesity.
02:57 >>Dr. DeRose: Extremely important subject.
02:59 Some three-quarters of Americans,
03:01 and many people throughout the world,
03:04 impacted by this disorder.
03:05 And what's interesting to me, though, John,
03:07 we throw out this figure, three-quarters.
03:09 I mean, that's not just obesity, medically speaking.
03:11 It's also overweight.
03:13 But the problem is something that is getting
03:15 so much attention because it's affecting our youth.
03:18 Something like, uh, one in five youth
03:22 now meeting the definitions for being significantly overweight.
03:26 >>John: So there's overweight and there's obesity.
03:29 When does overweight become obesity?
03:30 What's the threshold?
03:31 >>Dr. DeRose: Well, you know, we use numbers
03:33 based on body mass index, which is, you know,
03:35 based on kilograms per meter squared,
03:38 and a lot of people, you know, their eyes kind of glaze over.
03:41 But the simple point I like to make to people, John, is this:
03:44 you know, we're speaking from a biblical perspective.
03:46 The first thing I like people to know is, you know what?
03:49 We can come to Jesus just as we are.
03:51 >>John: That's right.
03:53 Jesus is not saying, you know, once you lose enough weight,
03:56 then you're good enough to come to me.
03:57 He says, “Whosoever will take of the water of life freely.”
04:02 And so that encourages me
04:04 as we're coming from a biblical perspective.
04:06 >>John: Now, we're going to have to talk about
04:09 some pretty obvious things.
04:11 Uh, if someone is obese, what they can do about it.
04:14 But let's talk about some of the causes for obesity.
04:16 Perhaps they're obvious.
04:17 But let's walk through some of them anyway.
04:19 >>Dr. DeRose: Well, let's talk about the ones that often
04:21 don't come onto the radar screen.
04:23 >>John: Okay.
04:24 >>Dr. DeRose: First of all, there are early life history
04:27 factors that affect our weight.
04:28 Some people in the womb were exposed to stresses
04:32 that predisposed them to high blood pressure,
04:34 or to diabetes, or to obesity.
04:36 Maybe in early life, 1, 2 years of age, your feeding practices,
04:42 not of your own choosing, were such that it primed you
04:46 with more fat cells, so it's easier for you to be obese.
04:50 Hormonal factors can affect you.
04:52 There are actually metabolic hormonal causes.
04:54 One of the classic ones is Cushing's disorder,
04:57 or Cushing's disease, or Cushing's syndrome,
04:59 that actually can cause you to put on excess weight
05:02 even if you're doing everything right.
05:03 And so here at the very beginning,
05:05 I want to tell people, you can't just look at someone and say,
05:09 oh, you, you know, you didn't listen to It Is Written,
05:11 you didn't listen to Dr. DeRose and John Bradshaw.
05:13 Otherwise, you wouldn't have this problem.
05:15 >>John: We're going to do our best to talk about this
05:17 respectfully and in a nonjudgmental way.
05:19 And I think, I hope, we're going to talk about this redemptively.
05:24 >>Dr. DeRose: Most definitely.
05:25 >>John: What can someone do?
05:26 We don't need to point the finger and be critical,
05:28 but we do want to help people who want to be helped,
05:31 or will help themselves, or receive
05:32 the help that comes from God.
05:34 So where do we begin with this?
05:36 >>Dr. DeRose: The premise I take, John,
05:37 is that in the very beginning, when God created us,
05:40 he knew what kind of environment,
05:43 what kind of setting we needed to be in to live for eternity.
05:46 That was God's original intention.
05:47 So although we're not going to live eternally
05:50 on our own devices, God still, in the very beginning,
05:54 gives us clues about what the ideal diet,
05:57 what the ideal activity level,
06:00 other elements in lifestyle
06:01 that can actually help us to avoid obesity,
06:05 at least to a large extent.
06:07 >>John: You mentioned a moment ago the challenge
06:09 that we're seeing with kids who are overweight.
06:12 That is on the rise, is it?
06:13 >>Dr. DeRose: Most definitely.
06:14 >>John: What do we put that down to?
06:15 >>Dr. DeRose: Well, there's a lot.
06:16 I mean, there's studies showing that the more time
06:18 we spend in front of a television, I hate to say it,
06:20 but even It Is Written.
06:22 If someone is just watching It Is Written nonstop,
06:24 they, the research actually suggests it's not just sitting
06:28 in front of the TV and not doing activity that's a problem,
06:32 but it's also the commercials and the other messages.
06:34 So It Is Written gets,
06:35 you know, the green light on that basis.
06:37 >>John: Oh, I'm glad to know. All right. All right.
06:39 >>Dr. DeRose: But we're spending
06:40 far too much time doing inactive activities.
06:43 Our kids are being pulled away from physical activity.
06:46 And that's a huge determinant of how much we weigh.
06:49 >>John: Surely it's true, I have not read the study,
06:52 I didn't write the study.
06:54 But my, I have a hunch that um,
06:57 everybody's connected to the Internet,
06:59 everybody has a device,
07:00 there's so much you can do online.
07:02 You can explore the world, connect with people,
07:04 play games, veg out.
07:07 Before to get your entertainment,
07:08 you had to run outside and play with your friends.
07:09 Now you can sit in front of a screen.
07:11 That's just true, isn't it?
07:12 >>Dr. DeRose: It just is true,
07:13 and it is something that is contributing
07:15 to the obesity epidemic.
07:16 >>John: What can we do about that?
07:18 >>Dr. DeRose: Basically, it's turning back the clock.
07:21 It's, uh, not having so much screen time.
07:23 It's parents telling their kids,
07:25 you know, here are some limits on the television,
07:27 on the electronic devices.
07:29 And helping to do activity with them.
07:32 There's nothing as powerful as what a parent models
07:35 in his or her life.
07:36 >>John: Okay, so now that we're adults,
07:40 what can we do to begin to turn this back?
07:43 Let's just start scratching the surface
07:45 and come back to this in a moment.
07:46 What can we do?
07:47 >>Dr. DeRose: Let's start with a simple one.
07:49 And I say it's simple because I've seen my own patients do it.
07:50 I've got a patient in my practice right now;
07:52 he lost 60 pounds over the course of probably six months.
07:57 I said to him, “What did you do?”
07:59 One simple change.
08:01 >>John: What was that?
08:02 He got rid of the sugar-sweetened beverages,
08:04 and he's drinking primarily water.
08:06 Now, he's a big guy.
08:07 >>John: I have a friend, I can tell you this,
08:09 who lost 130 pounds.
08:11 He was a big guy, too.
08:11 Big, tall guy.
08:13 And, uh, I asked him,
08:15 same question, what did you do?
08:16 He said, I used to carry soda with me everywhere I went.
08:20 I got rid of it.
08:21 Never realized quite how much he was drinking.
08:23 And that was the thing that really,
08:26 the, the primary component of him losing 130 pounds.
08:30 >>Dr. DeRose: Isn't that amazing?
08:31 >>John: That's amazing.
08:32 >>Dr. DeRose: But many,
08:33 many of my colleagues have told me the same thing.
08:35 Just that simple change:
08:36 go with the water instead of the caloric beverages.
08:39 >>John: And that is a simple change.
08:40 >>Dr. DeRose: It is.
08:41 >>John: Okay. There are other simple changes,
08:42 many of them.
08:43 We want to get at this thing, obesity.
08:45 And then we're going to turn it around and make some
08:46 spiritual parallels that will bless you in big ways.
08:50 Don't go away, we'll be right back with more.
08:55 >>Announcer: Planning for your financial future
08:57 is a vital aspect of Christian stewardship.
09:01 For this reason, It Is Written is pleased to offer
09:04 free planned giving and estate services.
09:07 For information on how we can help you,
09:09 please call 800-992-2219
09:14 Call today, or visit our website,
09:18 Call 800-992-2219
09:23 >>John: We both know that God wants the very best for us.
09:26 But at times that can be a challenge.
09:29 What do you do about obesity?
09:31 How do you get your weight to where you want it to be,
09:33 or maybe what God wants it to be,
09:34 and keep it there.
09:36 I want you to get today's free offer,
09:37 a DVD addressing this issue of obesity.
09:40 It will help you.
09:42 Call us on 800-253-3000
09:44 800-253-3000
09:47 Or visit
09:49 Or you can write to the address on your screen.
09:54 >>John: Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
09:56 I'm John Bradshaw.
09:57 My guest today is Dr. David DeRose
09:59 of CompassHealth Consulting.
10:01 Dr. DeRose, as we talk about obesity today,
10:05 I've got a question, because, I have a challenge with my belt.
10:10 >>Dr. DeRose: Hmm.
10:11 >>John: My belt.
10:12 And with a couple of pairs of pants.
10:15 They used to give me no trouble at all,
10:16 and now I find they protest more than they used to
10:19 when I put them on.
10:21 I don't think I'm doing much that's very different
10:24 to what I used to do, except, of course,
10:25 when I was a kid I was super active,
10:27 and now I'm a little less active.
10:31 How much does gaining weight
10:33 have to do with the natural aging process?
10:36 >>Dr. DeRose: In medical circles, the million-dollar word
10:38 that is sometimes discussed is called sarcopenia.
10:42 And in simple language, it means that as we get older,
10:46 we tend to lose muscle mass.
10:48 So even if a person weighs the same at 60 as they did
10:52 when they were 30, the odds are,
10:54 unless they've been very deliberate
10:56 with a fitness program, they've got less muscle mass.
10:59 And here's where the rubber meets the road
11:01 in the discussion of obesity.
11:03 It's muscle mass, lean body mass,
11:05 that drives metabolism.
11:07 So as I lose that muscle mass, my metabolism is slowing down.
11:12 So it's not just purely a function of age,
11:15 but age does tend to go along with a slowing of metabolism
11:18 and a decrease in lean body mass.
11:21 >>John: Unfortunately, I'm, uh, I'm seeing that.
11:23 And so what that means is, and most people are seeing that,
11:28 because most people weigh too much.
11:31 What that means is,
11:32 we have to be intentional about this, don't we?
11:35 >>Dr. DeRose: It's so fascinating, to me, John,
11:37 that many times we take things for granted
11:40 until they get out of hand.
11:41 It's sometimes the diagnosis of high blood pressure,
11:44 a diabetes diagnosis,
11:46 with so many of these chronic diseases
11:48 linked to gaining weight,
11:50 and it doesn't have to be a huge amount.
11:51 >>John: How much?
11:52 >>Dr. DeRose: I mean, even, even losing five percent
11:55 of one's weight can make a measurable difference
11:57 in these metabolic diseases.
12:00 >>John: Five percent.
12:01 So for a lot of people who are overweight,
12:03 that'd just be 10 pounds.
12:04 >>Dr. DeRose: That's right.
12:05 So someone who weighs in the 200,
12:06 dropping 10 pounds can make a significant difference.
12:09 >>John: Oh, no kidding. That's all?
12:10 >>Dr. DeRose: That's right.
12:11 >>John: Okay, so let's talk about that.
12:13 Someone wants to drop 10 pounds.
12:14 What should they do?
12:15 >>Dr. DeRose: In the beginning, in Genesis chapter 1,
12:18 God gave Adam and Eve a diet that was wholly plant based.
12:23 Those plant foods are loaded with fiber and water.
12:26 So eating more of those whole plant foods
12:28 is going to fill me up,
12:29 going to satisfy me with much less calories.
12:32 >>John: Okay.
12:33 So that's a simple place to start,
12:34 although for some people,
12:35 they can't imagine making those kinds of changes.
12:38 Do you have to change all at once,
12:39 or can you ease into this gradually?
12:40 How do you go about changing what you eat?
12:42 >>Dr. DeRose: The idea is just start doing something, okay?
12:46 So have one meatless day a week.
12:50 Have one meatless meal a week, if that's novel for you.
12:53 And start experimenting more with beans and whole grain.
12:56 >>John: How quickly, you mentioned someone earlier,
12:59 60 pounds in six months.
13:01 If someone gives themselves to some type of lifestyle change
13:03 and there's got to be a variance here,
13:05 how quickly is it reasonable to assume a person
13:08 can see themselves losing weight?
13:10 >>Dr. DeRose: Well, I've worked with intensive
13:11 lifestyle change programs.
13:12 We have people come in for two to three weeks
13:15 at a live-in facility,
13:16 and we would typically see weight loss in the range of
13:18 4-5 percent over that three-week time period.
13:23 So a 200-lb. person would drop 10 pounds over that,
13:26 over the course of just two or three weeks.
13:28 So, again, it's attainable with a,
13:30 and that's a very deliberate program.
13:33 And, you know, we're helping them exercise,
13:35 we're helping them eat right,
13:36 they're more active,
13:37 they're removed from their stressors.
13:38 Because stress, and those stress hormones,
13:41 actually, by the way,
13:42 they're the same hormones
13:44 that are involved in Cushing's syndrome.
13:46 That syndrome that causes obesity?
13:50 You ramp up your stress hormone levels,
13:52 and you're moving yourself closer,
13:54 I mean, I'm using a little bit of poetic license here,
13:57 but closer to a more Cushinoyd state.
13:59 >>John: So do something about what you drink.
14:01 Watch what you eat.
14:02 Certainly, you've got to get moving and start burning
14:06 some calories and being mobile.
14:08 But let me ask you this question:
14:09 is there an unhealthy way to go about losing weight?
14:15 What are some things that people should not do?
14:17 >>Dr. DeRose: I recommend that people make lifestyle changes
14:19 that they're going to stick with for life.
14:22 Don't go on these crash diets,
14:24 because they're really not sustainable.
14:26 And don't set yourself up for failure by,
14:28 by setting some kind of a goal that's totally unrealistic.
14:31 When I was running a hospital-based
14:34 weight-loss program, I would do a history.
14:36 I'd ask a person,
14:37 “Well, what did you weigh when you were, you know, 15?”
14:40 If a person told me they weighed 400 when they were 15,
14:43 and they're setting a weight loss goal of 120,
14:46 I'm thinking, you know what?
14:48 At 600 pounds, this is not really likely to be obtainable.
14:51 Set the goals too high, and even if you make a lot of progress,
14:55 you're going to throw in the towel because you think,
14:57 hey, I could never weigh 120 like my next-door neighbor.
15:00 >>John: You mentioned the fad diets.
15:02 They're not helpful, are they?
15:03 >>Dr. DeRose: They're generally not helpful at all.
15:05 Now, some people say, well, but, you know,
15:07 it motivated me to do this.
15:08 But the problem is, when you get on a diet
15:11 that causes rapid weight loss, you lose muscle mass as well,
15:14 and we already talked about how that drives metabolism.
15:17 So it makes it so easy when you go back
15:19 to eating your old way of eating.
15:21 Now your metabolism's slower,
15:23 and you actually put on more weight than you originally lost.
15:26 >>John: You mentioned, I think, a key thing: a lifestyle change.
15:28 >>Dr. DeRose: Huge.
15:29 >>John: Yeah, you can go on a six-week diet or a
15:31 six-month diet and make a change,
15:32 but you've got to go back to what you were before,
15:34 and what you were before got you to where you didn't want to be.
15:37 So it's really important to keep in mind,
15:39 isn't it, the long haul?
15:40 What changes can I adopt that I can stick with,
15:44 that will continue to provide benefit.
15:46 >>Dr. DeRose: It's really important.
15:47 And when I work closely with people, I say,
15:49 look at those things, if we want to just use diet as an example.
15:52 Look at the problem foods.
15:54 What things do you have trouble controlling your consumption of?
15:57 Believe it or not, the best strategy is the same strategy
16:01 we give the alcoholic or the nicotine addict.
16:03 We say, leave that food out completely.
16:06 Leave it out completely! you know they say.
16:07 It's my favorite food!
16:09 But that is the path to success if you have
16:11 an addictive relationship with a certain food.
16:14 >>John: The wonderful thing about attacking
16:16 a diet-related issue is, there's so much to eat.
16:21 And if you, if you don't, if someone tells you,
16:24 lay off the M&Ms, man,
16:25 you could eat blueberries or carrot sticks.
16:28 I know that didn't excite you, the carrot sticks.
16:29 But you could, you could find all kinds of fruit,
16:32 your favorite fruit.
16:34 You can find, anyhow,
16:36 there are lots of good alternatives aren't there?
16:37 >>Dr. DeRose: There are.
16:38 And the good news, John, is God has created us
16:42 with the ability to develop new enjoyments.
16:45 We make a clean break with those things that are harmful.
16:48 We can develop new enjoyments for
16:50 the blueberries and the carrots.
16:51 And I think it's so interesting: when God speaks,
16:54 typically, look at the Ten Commandments.
16:56 He didn't say, cut back on your stealing.
16:59 Do a little bit less in the way of extramarital relations right?
17:03 >>John: Right.
17:04 >>Dr. DeRose: Clearcut guidelines.
17:06 Those are the most powerful when it comes to behavior change.
17:09 >>John: The fact of the matter is that one's diet
17:11 or one's lack of following good health principles
17:13 ends up with obesity,
17:15 which will often just drag a person to an early grave.
17:17 >>Dr. DeRose: That's right.
17:18 >>John: So one's motivation to want to make these changes
17:20 should be really pretty high,
17:21 because the, not making the changes, disaster.
17:24 Making the changes, fantastic benefits.
17:27 Fantastic benefits.
17:28 Including a clearer mind that will more keenly
17:31 hear the voice of God and discern the will of God.
17:34 We'll discuss that more in just a moment.
17:39 ♪[Music]♪
17:40 Announcer: In Matthew 4:4, the Word of God says,
17:43 “It is written,
17:44 ‘Man shall not live by bead alone,
17:46 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
17:50 “Every Word”
17:51 is a one-minute, Bible-based daily devotional
17:53 presented by Pastor John Bradshaw,
17:55 and designed especially for busy people like you.
17:58 Look for Every Word on selected networks,
18:01 or watch it online every day on our website,
18:06 Receive a daily spiritual boost.
18:08 Watch “Every Word.”
18:09 You'll be glad you did.
18:10 Here's a sample.
18:14 ♪[Theme music]♪
18:18 >>John: The story goes that the mice had a meeting one day
18:21 to figure out what they could do about that troublesome cat.
18:24 One bright mouse suggested that what they needed
18:26 to do was attach a bell to the cat's collar.
18:29 They'd always know where the cat was, and they'd be safe.
18:32 All the mice were happy, until one mouse asked,
18:36 “But who will bell the cat?”
18:38 Hmm.
18:40 Jesus said in Matthew 28:19,
18:42 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
18:45 baptizing them in the name of the Father,
18:47 and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
18:49 We all think it's a good idea to share the good news.
18:52 But who will bell the cat?
18:54 God is looking for people who will go,
18:56 who will share,
18:57 who will speak up for Him at the right time.
19:00 Are you that person?
19:01 If so, tell God, and watch Him use you in wonderful ways.
19:07 I'm John Bradshaw for It Is Written.
19:09 Let's live today by every word.
19:15 >>John: Thanks for joining me today on It Is Written.
19:17 My guest is Dr. David DeRose from CompassHealth Consulting.
19:20 Dr. DeRose, as we discuss obesity,
19:22 we're discussing, frankly, we're discussing a runaway train,
19:26 because the problem has just got out of hand
19:29 in the Western world.
19:30 That's true, isn't it?
19:31 >>Dr. DeRose: It really is.
19:32 And, you know, John as we speak about the spiritual impact
19:35 and the ministry impact, one of the sobering statistics is,
19:38 if a person is overweight and has diabetes,
19:42 that can increase their risk of dementia up to fourfold.
19:46 So we're talking about things that
19:47 not only cut our life short,
19:49 but they definitely impact our relationship
19:51 with God and with other people.
19:54 >>John: Uh, we talked about diet,
19:56 making good choices with what you eat,
19:57 what you drink.
19:59 Uh, are there any other things
20:00 that people ought to be thinking about?
20:02 >>Dr. DeRose: Well, I would say have an accountability partner.
20:05 >>John: Okay.
20:06 >>Dr. DeRose: I mean, it could be a spouse,
20:07 could be a close friend, could be a church group.
20:09 Because what we find about behaviors
20:11 is if you have a supportive environment,
20:13 it's powerful.
20:14 Fascinating study in one of the science journals.
20:16 This is a family of journals, the science family of journals.
20:19 The comment of the authors was that basically
20:22 who we keep company with is impacting our risk of obesity.
20:28 >>John: One thing that I find fascinating
20:30 is that sugar consumption is linked to obesity.
20:34 There's sugar in everything.
20:39 Do you think people know,
20:41 even when they eat health foods,
20:43 they're often eating way too much sugar?
20:45 >>Dr. DeRose: It's a sad commentary.
20:46 I tell people when they look at those carbohydrate-rich foods,
20:50 shoot for one fifth of the calories of,
20:53 from carbohydrates as being from simple sugars.
20:56 So you're picking that granola because you think it's healthy.
20:59 But that granola may have 50 percent
21:02 of its carbohydrate calories as simple sugars,
21:05 simple carbohydrates.
21:06 >>John: Now, an interesting thing:
21:07 somebody gave me a snack at Christmas,
21:09 you know, as, as you'll do around the office.
21:11 And it was a, it was a sugary snack.
21:14 And I had this sugary snack food in my hand.
21:16 I looked at the sugar content.
21:18 My wife had a granola bar in her hand.
21:21 I said, “Do something for me.
21:22 Look at the sugar content in that granola bar.”
21:25 What I had was obviously not a health food.
21:29 What she had is taken to be a health food.
21:32 It had more than double the sugar in the granola bar
21:36 than I had in the sugary snack food that somebody had given me.
21:39 >>Dr. DeRose: It is startling.
21:40 And if you don't read labels, you'll get in trouble.
21:42 And I've seen this happen with so many of the dessert options.
21:44 You know, there's a low-fat dessert.
21:46 You look at it; it's got twice the calories from sugar in it.
21:49 >>John: Umm, and calories from sugar is a real problem.
21:51 >>Dr. DeRose: It is, as are the problems from,
21:53 you know, with fat calories.
21:54 >>John: In most cases, not all, but in most cases
21:58 we are dealing with a preventable healthcare crisis.
22:01 >>Dr. DeRose: In most cases, you're exactly right.
22:03 And a person, again, doesn't have to reach some ideal number,
22:07 but if they can trim down, adopt healthier behaviors,
22:10 their weight will come down,
22:11 they'll feel better,
22:12 they'll look better,
22:12 and their ministry will be enhanced.
22:14 You know, one paraphrase of a famous New Testament text is,
22:18 “Don't let the world press you into its mold.”
22:21 And “Be not conformed to this world.”
22:24 >>John: Yeah.
22:25 >>Dr. DeRose: But, John, it's so interesting.
22:26 You're right.
22:27 It's often, we slip into these habits.
22:29 But it's being deliberate.
22:31 It's refocusing our lifestyle.
22:33 That's really where it starts.
22:34 >>John: Yeah, for sure.
22:36 Okay, now let's talk about this: you eat too much, you,
22:39 there ends up being too much of you.
22:41 What about people who consume the Bible,
22:46 read spiritual books,
22:47 attend worship services.
22:49 They, they receive, receive, receive, but don't give.
22:54 I've heard of spiritual obesity being referred to,
22:57 where you consume and consume and consume.
23:00 God wants for His children to be not just consumers
23:04 of spiritual things, but sharers, producers.
23:06 Discuss that with me as a minister of the gospel.
23:08 >>Dr. DeRose: No, it's a great analogy,
23:10 because Jesus, if you wanted to summarize
23:12 His great commission in one word,
23:13 the word is “go.”
23:15 And so it's, what we find in the obesity realm is true:
23:18 it's not just the diet, but it's the activity.
23:21 It's the going.
23:22 And it's so true in the spiritual realm,
23:23 John. You and I have seen it.
23:25 You can have this lethargy, really,
23:27 that comes over a person who just is so focused on
23:30 “what can I get out of the Bible?”
23:31 and, in fact, their spiritual life suffers.
23:34 They can be going to church meetings.
23:36 They can be watching all the It Is Written programs.
23:39 But it's not at the spiritual level where they could be
23:42 because they're not sharing.
23:43 >>John: Paul told Timothy to learn these things
23:45 and then teach them to others, so that they can teach others.
23:49 >>Dr. DeRose: That's right.
23:49 >>John: Yeah.
23:50 So what would you say to that person who maybe,
23:53 and there's a massive amount of people
23:55 who've never shared their faith.
23:58 Never.
23:59 Never opened up the pages of the Bible with somebody.
24:01 Never witnessed.
24:02 Never invited someone to a, a church or religious service.
24:05 How do we help those people to become spiritually active
24:08 rather than spiritually obese?
24:11 >>Dr. DeRose: I think it begins with recognizing
24:13 Jesus' call for each one of us.
24:15 We're all called to be disciple makers.
24:17 When we recognize that, it should change our prayer life.
24:21 Lord, how do you want me to fulfill that calling today?
24:25 Give me an opportunity.
24:26 Show me someone that I can encourage,
24:28 someone that I can share with.
24:30 >>John: I want to read that passage that you mentioned,
24:32 because it's just, it's just so important.
24:34 In Matthew, chapter 28, the great commission.
24:36 At the end of the chapter,
24:38 “Jesus came and spoke to them, saying,
24:40 ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.'”
24:43 He said, “'Go therefore.'”
24:44 Go. You can't go and be inactive.
24:47 “'And make disciples of all nations,
24:49 baptizing them in the name of the Father
24:51 and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
24:53 teaching them to observe all things
24:55 that I have commanded you.'”
24:56 And then Jesus promises us his presence with us.
24:59 God has commissioned every one of us to be a disciple maker.
25:03 >>Dr. DeRose: That's right.
25:04 >>John: And perhaps we are gifted in various ways,
25:06 and it seems to come more naturally to some
25:08 than to others.
25:09 But you can't say, oh,
25:10 sharing my faith is not my spiritual gift.
25:12 There's nothing to hide behind here.
25:14 God brings us into contact with people.
25:16 If we're prayerful and we're on the lookout,
25:18 we can find people to share our faith with.
25:21 And that's just good for us on a spiritual level.
25:24 Not just good for them, but good for us.
25:26 >>Dr. DeRose: It is.
25:27 And the way this all comes full circle is,
25:28 pray for someone who has needs like yours.
25:30 If you're trying to lose weight,
25:32 pray that God will bring you into contact
25:34 with someone else who needs to trim down,
25:37 and maybe that's a person not of your faith.
25:39 Maybe they don't know what you know spiritually.
25:41 But as you work together on your health,
25:43 it opens up doors for you to share your faith.
25:46 >>John: Doing something about de, destructive lifestyle habits
25:49 is an insurmountable problem for many people.
25:51 However, here's what we remember.
25:54 Jesus said, “I am with you always.”
25:56 Paul wrote,
25:57 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
26:01 And he wrote in the same chapter,
26:02 Philippians, chapter 4,
26:04 “My God shall supply all your need
26:06 according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
26:08 So we don't want to be talking about righteousness by works,
26:12 or health by works.
26:14 Everything we do,
26:15 we want to do in association and cooperation with God,
26:19 who blesses you,
26:21 who dwells in you,
26:23 and will work in you
26:24 both to will and to do for his good pleasure.
26:26 So we would encourage you today.
26:28 Take hold of the hand of God.
26:29 If you're looking at losing some pounds,
26:31 if you're looking at getting active,
26:32 if you're dealing with a lifestyle condition
26:35 that you know could be remedied or reversed,
26:38 simply by making some simple changes.
26:40 If you've never been able to make them,
26:42 you can go to God in prayer and say,
26:44 “This is what I need.
26:46 I am willing.
26:48 Work in my life.”
26:49 And Jesus says, “Ask and it shall be given.
26:53 Seek and you shall find.”
26:55 So, if you have the knowledge in your head,
26:59 Christ in your heart,
27:01 it seems to me like you've got everything you need.
27:03 >>Dr. DeRose: You do.
27:04 And, uh, all His biddings are enablings.
27:07 God will give you the power to make the changes
27:09 He impresses you to make.
27:12 >>John: We both know that God wants the very best for us.
27:15 But at times that can be a challenge.
27:18 What do you do about obesity?
27:20 How do you get your weight to where you want it to be,
27:22 or maybe what God wants it to be,
27:23 and keep it there.
27:25 I want you to get today's free offer,
27:26 a DVD addressing this issue of obesity.
27:29 It will help you.
27:30 Call us on 800-253-3000
27:33 800-253-3000
27:35 Or visit
27:37 Or you can write to the address on your screen.
27:42 Thank you for remembering that It Is Written
27:44 is a faith-based ministry,
27:46 and it's your support that makes it possible
27:48 for us to share God's good news with the entire world.
27:53 Your tax-deductible gift
27:54 can be sent to the address on your screen,
27:56 or through our website,
28:00 Thank you for your continued prayerful support.
28:03 Our toll-free number is 800-253-3000
28:06 800-253-3000
28:09 Our web address is
28:12 >>John: Dr. David DeRose, thanks for joining me today.
28:15 This has been fun.
28:15 I appreciate it.
28:16 >>Dr. DeRose: Been great to be with you, John.
28:17 >>John: I'm thankful for the practical advice
28:19 that you're giving people.
28:20 And, uh, just quickly, one or two words,
28:24 what will you say to that person
28:25 wanting to do something about obesity?
28:27 >>Dr. DeRose: Go for it.
28:28 >>John: Go for it.
28:29 Go for it.
28:30 Well, let's pray together, can we do that?
28:31 Let's pray now.
28:32 Our Father in Heaven,
28:33 we thank you that in Jesus we can go for it,
28:37 knowing that you are with us.
28:38 You haven't called us to fail.
28:39 You haven't called us to stumble.
28:41 You've called us to victory and success and deliverance.
28:46 Lord, I know that you want to dwell in us.
28:50 We are, our bodies are the temple of your Holy Spirit.
28:54 So come, Father, and bring your Holy Spirit's presence.
28:58 Uh, if we're week, seems to me that's okay,
29:01 because you told Paul that your strength
29:03 is made perfect in weakness.
29:06 Unite our frailty to your might,
29:09 our weakness to your strength,
29:11 our failure to your success.
29:13 And in Jesus allow us to be delivered
29:16 from all the things that you know are harmful
29:19 to us physically and spiritually.
29:22 We thank you today,
29:22 and we pray in Jesus' name,
29:25 Amen.
29:27 Thanks so much for joining me today.
29:28 I'm looking forward to seeing you again next time.
29:31 Until then, remember:
29:33 It Is Written.
29:34 Man shall not live by bread alone,
29:37 but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
29:41 ♪[Theme music]♪


Revised 2017-08-22