IIW Sabbath School

Rebellion in a Perfect Universe

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS022131S

00:00 (inspirational theme music)
00:13 >>Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:14 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:16 We're delighted to have you with us,
00:18 as we begin a brand new quarter,
00:20 and the subject that we're looking at this quarter
00:23 is a fascinating one.
00:25 It is one about which there is
00:27 a great deal of misunderstanding.
00:30 There is some apprehension, and yet
00:32 there's also a lot of peace and encouragement.
00:35 This quarter, we're looking at the subject
00:37 of "Death, Dying, and the Future Hope."
00:40 And here on our "Sabbath School" program,
00:42 we are delighted to have the author
00:44 of this quarter's lesson, Dr. Alberto Timm.
00:47 He is an associate director of the Ellen G. White Estate.
00:52 Dr. Timm, welcome. We're delighted to have you with us.
00:55 >>I am very delighted to be with you.
00:57 It's a pleasure for me to be able to join you.
01:00 >>So this is an interesting subject, the subject of death.
01:04 A lot of people wonder about it.
01:06 A lot of people worry about it.
01:08 A lot of people feel that they've pretty well got it down
01:11 and understand it and have it all figured out and so forth,
01:15 and yet it is a subject that we wanna spend some time on
01:18 because even when we think we've got it all figured out,
01:21 there may be some things for us to learn and maybe
01:24 some things that we could share with others, as well.
01:27 So give us an idea of kind of the scope
01:30 of where we're going to be going this quarter.
01:32 We've got 13 weeks ahead of us, 13 lessons,
01:35 13 studies on this subject.
01:37 What are some things that we're going to be covering,
01:40 and why is this so important?
01:43 >>Actually, we are covering many different subjects,
01:48 especially when it comes to the theories
01:51 that are available today.
01:54 There are many different perspectives that we have,
01:58 and world religions around the globe
02:02 have proposed different approaches to it,
02:04 different understandings of what happens
02:07 when somebody dies.
02:10 But what we really want to do is to cover the Bible,
02:14 what the Bible has to say, and how the Bible explains it
02:18 within the framework of the great
02:21 cosmic historical controversy between good and evil.
02:27 And I think that this is a major topic for us to understand
02:31 due to the many different expressions
02:35 of mysticism, spiritualism, different theories that we have
02:40 since the most remote times of human history.
02:45 So I think that we need, really,
02:47 to have a clear understanding of the Bible concept
02:50 of this topic in a time where we have a huge mosaic
02:55 of philosophical and ideological
02:59 proposition expressions.
03:02 >>So we're launching into this right now,
03:04 and we're kind of studying, at least loosely,
03:07 the "Sabbath School" Adult Sabbath School
03:10 Bible Study Guide, the quarterly studies, as it were,
03:14 but this didn't just happen.
03:16 I mean, a quarterly didn't just appear one day.
03:21 It had an origin. So how far back does this lesson go?
03:25 When did it kind of start coming into being?
03:28 What was the impetus that caused it to be and so forth?
03:32 Give us a little history.
03:34 >>Well, some four years, I don't know exactly the date,
03:38 but my friend Cliff Goldstein asked me to write
03:41 a Sabbath school quarterly,
03:43 and we discussed a few possibilities,
03:46 and finally he said, "I want you to write on this topic,
03:51 the state of the dead."
03:54 And then I asked him, "But why do you want me
03:56 to do something on this matter?"
03:58 He said, "Because there is a need.
04:01 "Many people worldwidely are really having doubts,
04:05 "asking questions. They are faced with this kind of...
04:10 "even near-death experiences that are available today--
04:14 "or very much popular in our days--
04:17 "and other kinds of experiences.
04:20 "People in different places of the world
04:22 "have influences from different world religions
04:26 "that do not fit with the Bible,
04:29 "and we need a solid ground from the Bible
04:32 to understand this topic."
04:34 So that was the beginning of the whole process.
04:37 And of course, it took time, really,
04:39 to dig into it from a historical perspective
04:44 a little bit and also from the biblical,
04:47 what the Bible has to say.
04:51 >>So it's been several years in the making.
04:53 It's a subject that has plagued humanity
04:56 with misconceptions over the years,
04:58 and misconceptions still exist today,
05:01 different mindsets, different worldviews,
05:03 different philosophies, as you mention,
05:05 and our first lesson here really kind of lays
05:10 the framework or the groundwork or the foundation
05:13 for where we're gonna be going over
05:15 the course of the next several weeks.
05:17 It's called "Rebellion in a Perfect Universe."
05:22 So God, we know, is good.
05:25 What he makes is good, good, and very good.
05:28 He knows the end from the beginning,
05:31 but yet we have this problem of sin;
05:35 we have this problem of death
05:36 that we see in existence today.
05:40 How do we explain this good and evil,
05:43 this right and wrong that we see in the world today,
05:46 sometimes even a blending of the two?
05:50 Somehow sin happened--I don't know if that's the word
05:54 that I feel completely comfortable with,
05:56 but I lack a better one at the moment.
05:58 How did this begin?
06:00 Why are we in the situation that we're in right now?
06:05 >>Some people believe that evil started
06:08 in the Garden of Eden.
06:10 But you have to remember that at the Garden of Eden,
06:13 there was, prior to the fall of Adam and Eve,
06:17 there was a serpent, and then comes the question,
06:20 "And what was the origin of the serpent
06:24 tempting Adam and Eve?"
06:26 So it brings us back into some kind of--
06:33 I don't know if we should call it a proto-history--
06:36 but prior to human history, there was something going on.
06:40 Of course, there are different theories.
06:42 For instance, some people say that evil is just an illusion.
06:48 There is no evil, as such.
06:50 Other ones say that God and evil are co-eternal,
06:57 so they did not have a beginning,
06:58 and some people even arguing this way:
07:03 If there is good,
07:05 for good to be considered as such,
07:09 to be good, it has to always exist in contrast to evil.
07:14 So evil would be co-eternal with good.
07:17 And other ones even argue that God is the source of both,
07:22 good and evil.
07:25 But if we study the Bible, and we have many passages
07:28 that deal with this, the Bible is very clear
07:31 of saying that evil is not eternal.
07:35 It had a beginning, and the beginning took place
07:39 with an angel in heaven called Lucifer,
07:43 who rebelled against God and who really was
07:48 the beginning of everything and even convinced
07:51 other angelic beings, and finally it came to this earth.
07:55 So this is just a framework for us to start our discussion.
08:00 >>You speak of Lucifer kind of being part
08:04 of the origin of evil.
08:06 Our memory verse for this week is from the book of Isaiah.
08:09 It's Isaiah, chapter 14 and verse number 12.
08:13 I'm gonna go ahead and read that here.
08:15 Isaiah 14, verse 12 says, "How you are fallen from heaven,
08:19 "O Lucifer, son of the morning!
08:21 "How you are cut down to the ground,
08:23 you who weakened the nations!"
08:26 So here's this picture of Lucifer,
08:30 a perfect being, God created a perfect being,
08:33 but then something happened.
08:37 What kind of evidence do we have in the Bible of--
08:40 or do we have evidence in the Bible of what happened
08:43 or why it happened or how it happened
08:45 or what, how did sin get in here?
08:48 How did rebellion have
08:51 an initial starting point or something along those lines?
08:58 >>When it comes to the beginning,
08:59 and you remember that neither of us was alive when it came
09:06 into existence, so we are dependent of the eyewitnesses,
09:11 and no better than God himself, who was there
09:13 when these things happened.
09:15 And actually, we have three key Bible passages
09:20 that help us to understand the origin of evil.
09:24 And one of those is Ezekiel, chapter 28.
09:30 And that chapter is a very significant one.
09:34 In there, it speaks about the earthly king of Tyre.
09:40 And that king was considered himself,
09:44 he was considering himself as a god,
09:47 somebody that really was very powerful and who really
09:53 ended up very proud of his beauty,
09:58 his power, his whatever else you want to add.
10:02 But it's very interesting, the movement in this chapter--
10:06 and you can study it later on--
10:08 I am referring to Ezekiel, chapter 28,
10:12 and this earthly king then later on
10:16 assumes as a symbol, as a type,
10:20 as a figure of an angelical being.
10:25 So, this earthly king represented an angelic being,
10:29 and that being really was very proud of himself,
10:33 of his beauty, his wisdom, and so on.
10:39 And there you see immediately
10:41 that kind of change from the earthly to the heavenly realms.
10:47 You have something similar also in Isaiah, chapter 14.
10:50 And there now is the king of Babylon, another earthy king,
10:57 and he also was a symbol of Lucifer.
11:01 Either it starts with a human being,
11:04 and then it moves to angelical being.
11:07 So that kind of transition in the chapter
11:10 is very significant and we have to take into consideration.
11:15 But then you go to chapter 12 of the book of Revelation.
11:20 In there it says that there was actually some kind
11:24 of war in heaven,
11:26 not only a clash of ideas, of ideologies,
11:30 but it was really an actual war, the chapter says.
11:33 And there was Michael fighting against
11:37 this Lucifer or dragon, the old serpent, and finally
11:42 he was expelled from heaven.
11:45 So that was basically the beginning of it.
11:48 It was in the heavenly courts that it happened,
11:51 and it then later on spread to this earth.
11:56 >>And so we're living in the middle of that right now,
11:58 and, Alberto, you made mention of Ezekiel, chapter 28.
12:01 I'm gonna read just a couple of short passages here.
12:04 They're fascinating.
12:05 In Ezekiel 28, it says in verse number 12,
12:08 "You were the seal of perfection"--the seal of perfection--
12:13 "full of wisdom and perfect in beauty."
12:16 Then drop down to verse number 14.
12:18 It says, "You were the anointed cherub who covers;
12:21 "I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God;
12:24 "you walked back and forth in the midst of the fiery stones.
12:27 "You were perfect in your ways
12:30 "from the day you were created,
12:33 till iniquity was found in you."
12:36 We're gonna come back in just a couple of minutes
12:39 and look at this concept of perfection
12:43 that God had brought into existence,
12:46 and Lucifer here was a perfect being,
12:50 and yet somehow in the midst of this perfection,
12:53 somehow imperfection reared its head,
12:57 and we're gonna dig into that when we come back
12:59 in just a moment, but before we go
13:00 to our quick break, I wanna encourage you
13:03 if you are interested or if you know someone
13:05 who is really interested in digging into this subject
13:08 more deeply, I wanna encourage you to pick up
13:11 the companion book to this quarter's Bible study guide.
13:14 It is called "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope,"
13:18 and of course the author is Dr. Alberto Timm,
13:21 who is our guest here on "Sabbath School" today.
13:24 You can pick that up at itiswritten.shop.
13:28 Again, that's itiswritten.shop.
13:30 The name of the companion book,
13:31 "On Death, Dying, and the Future Hope."
13:34 We're going to be back in just a moment
13:36 as we look more deeply into this concept
13:39 of perfection and how imperfection came from it.
13:43 We'll be right back.
13:44 (inspirational theme music)
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14:49 (inspirational theme music)
14:54 >>Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
14:55 brought to you by It Is Written.
14:57 We are continuing our study into a brand new quarter
15:01 looking at "Death, Dying, and the Future Hope,"
15:05 and we left off with this question
15:07 about if God created everything perfect,
15:09 including Lucifer, what happened?
15:13 So, how do we understand this concept
15:17 of evil in a perfect universe?
15:24 Alberto, can you help us to understand that
15:24 a little bit better?
15:27 >>I don't, can't help you to understand
15:31 for one simple reason. (chuckles)
15:34 Evil is something absolutely mysterious.
15:38 There is no way for us to explain the origin of evil.
15:43 We can, of course, say we know with whom it started.
15:48 Basically, it was in heaven,
15:52 but the evil really exists but has no way
15:57 to be explained as such.
15:59 It has a mysterious, unreasonable
16:04 understanding and beginning.
16:07 In this way, some theologians--
16:10 and I refer, for instance, to Berkouwer,
16:13 is a Dutch theologian. He even says that there is no reason,
16:18 there is no way of explaining it,
16:20 and Ellen White says, "If we would be able to find
16:24 "a reasonable way of explaining evil,
16:29 we would end up justifying the existence of evil."
16:34 So it has no reason to exist as such.
16:38 It is absolutely mysterious.
16:39 What we know is that God created human beings,
16:44 including Lucifer and the rebellious angels, with free will,
16:50 and they misused free will, but how it happened
16:56 is something that's absolutely unexplainable.
16:59 >>I think for dealing with something that is unexplainable,
17:03 you did an excellent job of explaining that concept.
17:06 It's something that, if we could explain it,
17:08 somehow it would cease to--it would seem like,
17:13 as you said, it would seem justifiable,
17:15 because we could say, "Okay, now I understand why."
17:18 But there is no understanding why.
17:20 It simply is, and it came into being.
17:24 But let's step back just a little bit.
17:27 We know that Lucifer rebelled.
17:28 He became Satan, he became the adversary,
17:31 he became the devil, a perfect angel God created,
17:34 and he rebelled, but then sometimes
17:39 people ask the question, "But didn't God know
17:42 "that Lucifer would rebel?
17:43 "If God knows the end from the beginning,
17:46 "if he knew what was going to happen,
17:49 "why did he create Lucifer to begin with?
17:53 "Or why did he create Lucifer with the ability
17:56 to do what he did? Why didn't God just not create him
18:01 and save us all this pain and anguish?"
18:04 How would you answer someone who asked a question like that?
18:08 >>There are several elements that we have to bring together
18:11 to understand this matter better.
18:15 One of those is the very nature of God.
18:18 God is love, and you know that love
18:22 cannot live in isolation.
18:25 Love only exists if it's expressed to somebody,
18:30 and to express it,
18:32 the person has to be receptive to love,
18:36 should respond also, and this does not happen with machines
18:42 or what--things--or if somebody would not have free will,
18:47 would not work either.
18:48 So God created beings, angelical beings in heaven,
18:53 and human beings also, capable of responding.
18:57 But granting free will to somebody always face the risk,
19:02 and that was the case of God.
19:04 But at the same time, God is love,
19:08 and he would like to face this risk.
19:12 Of course, God knows the end from the beginning,
19:16 and God was not taken by surprise.
19:19 He knew that Lucifer would rebel, but even so,
19:23 he faced the risk and created him,
19:27 because God's foreknowledge,
19:30 or his knowledge of the future,
19:33 is absolute but is not causative.
19:36 Some people say, "Well, if God knew and created,
19:39 then he's responsible for evil."
19:42 Not the case. For one reason,
19:46 because he was the one that would have to pay the price
19:51 for the rebellion of Lucifer,
19:53 and that is what he paid on the cross
19:56 through the life and death of Jesus Christ.
20:00 But remember, God knows the future.
20:03 It's something like let's suppose
20:05 that you decide to get married.
20:08 You know that sometimes marriage does not work,
20:11 but for the sake of love,
20:14 because you love somebody,
20:17 even knowing that there are possibilities,
20:19 you want to face the risk.
20:24 >>So God didn't, God's not responsible for evil.
20:27 He's not responsible for death.
20:29 He's not responsible for sin.
20:32 But Lucifer exercised his freedom to choose,
20:37 and he exercised it, we might say, poorly,
20:40 and as a result of that, we live in the world
20:43 that we live in today.
20:46 Let's take a look at evil, at sin,
20:50 at death from a slightly different perspective here.
20:54 God is eternal.
20:55 He had no beginning, and he has no end.
21:01 We live in a universe that, at least as far
21:04 as we're aware, had some sort of a beginning.
21:06 It's continuing through the time that we're in right now,
21:09 and something's going to happen to it in the future.
21:11 What about evil?
21:13 How does evil fit into this cosmic timeline
21:19 that we find ourselves in? We know that it had a beginning,
21:22 because we read about that in the Bible,
21:23 in the several passages you talked about,
21:25 in Ezekiel and Isaiah and Revelation, chapter 12.
21:28 Evil had a beginning.
21:30 Is it reasonable to hope, dare we hope,
21:34 that evil is also going to have an end at some point?
21:38 >>Definitely so,
21:41 because evil was never a part of God's plan.
21:47 Some people claim that evil is part of God's plan
21:51 through predestination because then
21:53 he could show his love, but God does not need evil
21:58 to show his love because he could really show
22:00 his love, and he did so prior to the rebellion of Lucifer,
22:05 his angels, and then later on human beings as well.
22:11 But there is one crucial point in this whole discussion.
22:16 Within this great controversy
22:18 between God and Satan, good and evil,
22:24 Satan decided to accuse God of being unjust,
22:30 that his own model of government
22:32 would be far better than God.
22:35 God was very much into follow his own agenda,
22:39 his rules, and so on, and then Lucifer showed up
22:43 offering some better form of government.
22:47 And that was the beginning of evil,
22:51 and throughout human history, you could ask
22:54 the question, for instance, "But, okay,
22:57 "that God allowed evil to appear,
23:00 but why did he not stop it immediately
23:06 or in the past?"
23:07 Well, we don't have answers to all the questions
23:10 that we raise because we are in a mysterious topic,
23:15 and we can only study mysteries
23:18 as long as the Bible takes us.
23:21 But what we know is that God allowed evil
23:25 to continue throughout human history because evil
23:29 has to mature and show its very nature.
23:34 And I think that we are living today
23:36 in one of the most crucial moments of human history,
23:40 where our society, our world,
23:44 our political systems are really almost collapsing.
23:48 And it will come to a point where it really would be
23:52 either God intervenes in human history,
23:55 or humanity will out to destroy or self-destroy
24:00 themselves, I mean, the human race.
24:06 But, as I mentioned before, God never planned
24:09 evil to exist. He only allowed it to exist.
24:14 So, since it's not part of God's plan,
24:18 definitely he's planning to put an end on it,
24:23 and he knows exactly when,
24:25 and human history is a long process where good
24:29 and evil is struggling, and each one,
24:32 good and evil, is demonstrating their own nature,
24:36 and finally evil will be destroyed.
24:38 And this is the topic that we'll be studying
24:41 throughout this quarter.
24:44 >>So that's encouraging.
24:45 We know that evil is going to one day be destroyed.
24:48 The bad news is, if we can call it bad news--
24:50 I think it's appropriate--right now
24:52 we're living in a world that seems to be
24:55 just inundated with evil and sin.
24:58 So we've looked briefly at Lucifer's rebellion in heaven.
25:01 What lessons can we learn about Lucifer's rebellion
25:06 in heaven that we could apply to our lives to help us
25:09 not head that same direction?
25:12 >>Well, there are different explanations to why
25:15 or the way how Lucifer really started his rebellion,
25:19 but I like a thought that is that he actually lost,
25:24 in a mysterious way, as we mentioned before,
25:28 his thankfulness to God. He was no longer thankful to God.
25:34 And in other words, he considered himself more important
25:38 that God really considered him, or than he was,
25:42 so proudness was a key element in his nature.
25:48 And I tell you something, in life,
25:50 the worst thing that can happen to you and to me
25:54 is if we start considering us as more important
25:58 than we are, than we actually are.
26:01 And sometimes we believe, "Well,
26:03 "I should have more recognition,
26:05 be more recognized in my work here and there."
26:08 I always say the following:
26:11 When I was a teacher, a professor of theology,
26:15 I used to say, "Well, prepare yourself
26:19 "the more you can, to the most,
26:24 but don't expect too much and you will never be frustrated."
26:28 It does not mean that you cannot have ideals,
26:32 but remember, proudness is the worst thing
26:36 that can happen in your life and in my life.
26:41 But one thing that amazes me from all this
26:45 is that even knowing
26:48 the nature of Satan,
26:52 God decided to create him because he loves
26:56 not only his own friends but even his enemies,
27:00 and this is the pattern of love that we should have.
27:05 God loves even his enemies, and I tell you something.
27:08 You might be surprised about this.
27:10 He loves his greatest enemy, that is Satan,
27:14 and this is the pattern, as I mentioned, of love
27:17 that Christ in the sermon on the mountain mentioned,
27:20 that we should have as well.
27:23 >>Dr. Timm, I wanna thank you for joining us today
27:26 on our study through the Sabbath school lesson,
27:29 and we, of course, are going to be welcoming you back again
27:32 next week and the week after
27:34 and the week after as we continue looking
27:36 at "Death, Dying and the Future Hope."
27:39 And we also hope that you will join us week after week
27:42 as we continue to find encouragement and hope
27:46 in God's Word as we unpack it and learn more about him
27:50 and his plan for your life. God bless you.
27:52 Have a wonderful day, and we'll look forward
27:54 to seeing you again next time on "Sabbath School,"
27:57 brought to you by It is Written.
27:59 (inspirational theme music)
28:26 (music ends)


Revised 2022-09-22