IIW Sabbath School

Mission to the Unreached: Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: IIWSS

Program Code: IIWSS023050S

00:01 ♪♪♪
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00:16 >>Eric Flickinger: Welcome to "Sabbath School,"
00:17 brought to you by It Is Written.
00:19 Glad that you could join us again this week.
00:21 We're getting near the very end of this quarter.
00:23 This is lesson 11 of 13, and we're looking at something very,
00:27 very significant today.
00:28 It's actually part 2 of what we looked at last week,
00:31 so we're looking at "Mission to the Unreached,"
00:34 and this is part number 2.
00:36 Let's begin today with prayer.
00:39 Father, thank You again for being with us,
00:41 and we ask that You will be with us
00:43 as we seek to reach others, especially the unreached.
00:47 We ask now that You would bless our time together,
00:49 and we thank You in Jesus' name, amen.
00:52 Well, we're blessed this week once again
00:54 to have Doug Venn back with us.
00:56 He is currently serving
00:57 as the assistant to the president
00:59 for Adventist Possibility Ministries,
01:01 but when he authored this portion of the study,
01:03 he was the director for Global Mission Urban Center.
01:07 Doug, welcome back.
01:08 >>Douglas Venn: It's great to be with you, Eric.
01:10 >>Eric: That was a lot of words to describe where you are
01:13 and where you've been, but we're grateful
01:15 for the contributions that you've made
01:16 to this quarter's lesson.
01:19 And so, this particular week, we're looking at
01:21 "Mission to the Unreached," and there's this story
01:24 that we go into here
01:26 that kind of reminds me of a little bit of a field trip.
01:29 Now, field trips are often enjoyable things.
01:32 I remember back when I lived in Germany
01:34 during my high school years,
01:35 a fun field trip that we would go to
01:38 was a science center for children, for youth.
01:43 It was called, it was called Evoluon,
01:45 in Eindhoven in the Netherlands.
01:47 So that was fun. It looked like a spaceship,
01:49 looked like a giant flying saucer, and you'd go in there
01:52 and just all kinds of fun stuff for kids.
01:54 But we're looking at a field trip
01:57 that Jesus goes on with the disciples here,
01:59 and it's not to the Netherlands,
02:02 it's not to a flying saucer-looking
02:04 spaceship thing.
02:05 He takes them to a place called Tyre and Sidon,
02:09 and when He goes there-- when they go there, there's--
02:14 What's going on?
02:15 Why are the disciples not thrilled beyond words
02:19 to be able to go to this place?
02:20 >>Doug: Well, as any master teacher,
02:23 they're wanting to look at how the students
02:28 can kind of master the material, master the lesson learned.
02:34 So what was the lesson that you learned on your field trip that,
02:37 you know, years later,
02:38 that you reflect on that science center?
02:40 >>Eric: One of the lessons that I remember now is--
02:42 I think the science center
02:44 closed in the late 1980s or '90s.
02:47 So, take advantage of things while they're there,
02:50 while the opportunity exists because you never know
02:52 when they're going to be gone.
02:54 And so, I still have fond memories
02:56 of going to Evoluon in Eindhoven.
02:58 >>Doug: Yeah, well, I think that that's the same.
03:00 Jesus was trying to take--
03:03 give His disciples insight on site.
03:06 And that's what, whether your science teacher--
03:10 I remember going to city hall, I remember meeting,
03:13 you know, other public officials on different field trips,
03:16 but one of the favorite ones for me was going to the food bank.
03:20 And there we got to help and serve and, you know,
03:24 repack, you know, rice and lentils and beans
03:27 and other legumes
03:28 and stack peanut butter jars on the shelves,
03:30 but at the end we always got doughnuts.
03:33 >>Eric: That makes it worthwhile.
03:34 >>Doug: That's why I remember; it was a sweet lesson.
03:36 But our teachers, and just like here,
03:39 Jesus, He's wanting to teach His disciples about mission.
03:44 And so, those insights on site, I think that that's--
03:48 I wanted to jump in to actually look here
03:51 of some of these lessons,
03:54 at what's going on in the background.
03:56 So, in Judges 3, verses 1 through 6,
04:00 we see that God used these ancient people,
04:03 of the Sidonians and of Tyre, to actually test Israel's faith.
04:08 Also, in 1 Kings, chapter 5, verses 1 through 12,
04:12 we can see here how Israel, working with these people groups
04:16 of the--in Tyre and Sidon, they actually had
04:19 this trade negotiation, this trade partnership.
04:23 So there was this economic benefit
04:26 for both nations happening.
04:29 But with the interaction comes also the opportunity
04:34 to be exposed to other cultures and worldview and,
04:38 just like I got to taste doughnuts there,
04:41 and I know that my mom, growing up at home,
04:44 we didn't have doughnuts a lot,
04:46 so that's why it was so special. And for you, you know,
04:50 being there in that part of Germany,
04:52 you got to have insights on site in a different cultural setting.
04:57 But King Solomon
04:58 in 1 Kings, chapter 11, verses 1 through 6,
05:01 he actually married a Sidonian princess,
05:04 but that relationship,
05:07 he was not in a missionary position.
05:10 And so, she actually invited him to worship Ashtoreth,
05:15 the goddess of the Sidonians, and so here we see that,
05:19 despite this family history between these nations,
05:22 and those are just three of the other--
05:25 if you have a chance to jump into God's Word,
05:28 you can actually see more of this background
05:30 of the mission to these regions beyond in this lesson.
05:35 But Jesus, He, years later now, He's bringing these disciples
05:42 to a place that, despite the paganism and idolatry,
05:46 Jesus wants us and His disciples to see their bias
05:52 and their bigotry, and He gives us a model
05:55 for this cross-cultural, holistic,
05:57 urban mission for us today.
06:00 >>Eric: So, in this story, we're looking at Jesus,
06:02 the example that He is giving us,
06:05 the lessons that He wants us to learn,
06:09 the observations to maybe-- to recognize our own biases,
06:13 our own challenges, perceived ideas or misperceived ideas.
06:20 We see Christ's compassion,
06:22 His heart for all kinds of people here,
06:25 including heathen, including idolaters.
06:29 What motivated Jesus to try to reach these types of cities
06:34 in His day and what's the lesson
06:36 we can pull from that for our day?
06:38 >>Doug: Yeah, so I think that Matthew 9, verses 35 and on,
06:41 we actually see how Christ was moved
06:44 with compassion when He saw the multitudes.
06:48 We also see in Luke, chapter 19, verse 41,
06:51 how when Jesus saw Jerusalem, He was moved,
06:54 and He wept over the city.
06:56 And so it is today that-- where are the people?
07:00 They live in the cities.
07:01 And so that's why we are called to also
07:05 do that cross-cultural-- it may not be comfortable,
07:09 it may not be our normal way of living,
07:13 but Christ calls us, just like He did His disciples
07:16 2,000 years ago, to care and to share.
07:21 >>Eric: So, Doug, I wanna read a passage here for you,
07:23 and this is in Matthew, chapter 4.
07:25 We're going to look at verses 23 through 25.
07:29 Matthew 4, starting in verse number 23,
07:31 it says, "And Jesus went about all Galilee,
07:34 "teaching in their synagogues,
07:36 "preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
07:37 "and healing all kinds of sickness
07:39 and all kinds of disease among the people."
07:43 So Jesus is preaching, He's teaching, and healing,
07:46 is His three-part ministry, as it were.
07:48 It says, "Then His fame went throughout all Syria;
07:51 "and they brought to Him all sick people
07:53 "who were afflicted with various diseases
07:55 "and torments, and those who were demon-possessed,
07:58 "epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them.
08:00 "Great multitudes followed Him-- from Galilee, ...from Decapolis,
08:04 Jerusalem, Judea, and beyond the Jordan."
08:08 So, where are all these people-- it says they're coming
08:13 from a wide variety of areas.
08:15 What's drawing them to Jesus? Where are they coming from?
08:18 >>Doug: Well, Jesus selected Capernaum as His base
08:22 for His ministry, and that was the crossroads
08:24 for these nations and these regions.
08:26 But then Jesus, then He stretches--because He--
08:30 if we jump to today's lesson,
08:34 it's basically based in Matthew, chapter 14.
08:38 We see here He-- John the Baptist is beheaded,
08:42 His cousin, then they take some time away,
08:45 and He goes to a quiet place in verse 13,
08:49 but then that's where the crowd follows Him,
08:51 and we see part of where that crowd is from,
08:53 and He feeds the 5,000, He walks on the sea,
08:56 and then He then jumps into this area of how defilement comes in,
09:03 in verse--chapter 15, and then He leaves that region
09:08 and goes to Tyre and Sidon.
09:10 And so, here we see that Jesus is caring for all of these areas
09:17 which were Jewish and also Gentile.
09:20 And so it is for us, is that how today are we--
09:23 are we just talking to our own, our own tribe,
09:26 our own family of faith, or are we also, like Jesus,
09:30 being intentional about going to those who've never heard?
09:34 >>Eric: So, He's making an effort.
09:36 It's not just kind of happening. >>Doug: Yes.
09:39 >>Eric: But He's making an intentional effort
09:40 to reach out to these individuals.
09:44 >>Doug: That's correct.
09:46 >>Eric: Bring that real quick into our day.
09:49 What might these people--where might these people be around us?
09:53 You mentioned cities. >>Doug: Yeah, well, again,
09:56 the majority of the population today lives in the major cities
10:00 of the world. And that may not be where you live
10:03 or where I live, but that's where
10:06 the majority of the population lives.
10:08 And I'm reminded in the book, "The Desire of Ages," page 399,
10:12 that "after [this] encounter with the Pharisees,
10:15 "Jesus withdrew from Capernaum, and crossing Galilee,
10:18 "repaired to the hill country on the borders of Phoenicia.
10:21 "Looking westward, He could see, spread out upon the plain below,
10:26 "the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon,
10:28 "with their heathen temples, their magnificent palaces
10:30 "and marts of trade,
10:32 and [their] harbors filled with shipping."
10:34 So, we see that the people are in the same kind
10:39 of economic centers in these population centers,
10:41 and so that's where Jesus,
10:43 He didn't just stay with the Jews.
10:47 He crossed these national-- He's crossed these borders
10:50 to then actually go and care for one,
10:53 this woman and her daughter.
10:57 >>Eric: So they-- in many people's minds,
11:00 if they're in the city, as it were, if they have a home,
11:06 if they have a good job, they have a decent car,
11:09 maybe three or four decent cars, they've kind of got it made,
11:14 at least from a certain perspective.
11:16 And it might seem as if it would be difficult,
11:20 if not futile, to try to reach them
11:23 because they seem to have it together.
11:27 Or we think they perceive that they have it together.
11:31 But is it always futile to try to reach them?
11:33 I'm guessing the answer is no.
11:35 >>Doug: No, it's not.
11:36 And that's where we can look at how Jesus cared
11:39 for the wealthy in His day. If we look at in Jericho,
11:43 Jesus ministered to the emotional
11:45 and social situation that Zacchaeus found himself in.
11:50 And we could look through all of Christ's ministry
11:53 and start looking at where did He care for these people.
11:57 The Roman centurion-- and the list can go on,
12:01 so that's where we are challenged today
12:03 to follow Christ's example,
12:06 propels us into those urban areas.
12:09 >>Eric: So, there are lots of people in the urban areas,
12:11 which is kind of what, by default, makes them urban--
12:13 >>Doug: Yes, that's right.
12:15 >>Eric: ..is the concentration of people.
12:16 And with those-- the concentration of people,
12:18 there's frequently affluence; there's frequently poverty.
12:23 >>Doug: Right, you have your extremes.
12:24 >>Eric: You've got extremes there.
12:26 There's a lot of worldliness in cities,
12:29 which means that there's also a lot of need.
12:31 Now, they may or may not recognize that need,
12:34 but we can go and reach them in an effort to help them
12:39 become aware of that need.
12:41 And trust that God is going to lead and guide
12:44 and direct us in that. We're gonna be looking
12:46 more at how we can reach the unreached here
12:48 when we come back from our break.
12:50 But before we go to the break, I wanna remind you,
12:52 if you haven't yet done so--
12:54 and we're getting late in the quarter,
12:56 but it's not yet past time--
12:59 make sure you pick up the companion book
13:02 to this quarter's lesson.
13:03 It is "God's Mission My Mission" by Gary Krause.
13:07 You will find some wonderful additional resources in here,
13:11 references. You're going to find more Bible verses
13:15 that will help you to understand
13:16 how God's mission and your mission,
13:18 my mission, are exactly the same.
13:21 This will help you teach your Sabbath school class,
13:23 it will help you to contribute more
13:25 to your Sabbath school class,
13:26 and you'll be blessed if you pick it up.
13:28 We're going to come back in just a moment
13:30 as Doug and I continue looking at
13:32 the "Mission to the Unreached."
13:34 We'll be back in just one moment.
13:40 >>John Bradshaw: Among Jesus' final words
13:41 to His closest friends was a commission
13:43 to take the gospel to the world.
13:46 What would He say to His friends today?
13:49 Don't miss "To Seek and to Save."
13:52 Join me for reports and insights from around the globe
13:55 and see what God is doing to reach the lost
13:58 with the good news.
14:00 We'll visit It Is Written mission projects
14:02 around the planet,
14:03 and you'll learn how you can participate
14:05 in growing the kingdom of God.
14:07 Of the 8 billion people in the world,
14:09 almost 6 billion are not Christian,
14:12 and it's said that 3 billion people alive today
14:15 have never had the chance to hear the gospel.
14:19 It's time to seek and to save,
14:22 an inspiring look at the power of God
14:24 to change a life and the opportunities
14:27 you have to lead someone to salvation.
14:31 "To Seek and to Save,"
14:33 brought to you by It Is Written TV.
14:39 ♪♪♪
14:44 >>Man 1: What does the Bible say about astrology?
14:45 ♪♪♪
14:50 >>Man 2: Why do bad things happen to good people?
14:53 ♪♪♪
14:59 >>Girl: What color is Jesus?
15:01 >>John Bradshaw: If you have a question,
15:03 we'd love to find an answer for you from the Bible.
15:05 "Line Upon Line" from It Is Written TV.
15:09 ♪♪♪
15:13 >>Eric: Welcome back to "Sabbath School,"
15:14 brought to you by It Is Written.
15:16 We're looking at "Mission to the Unreached."
15:20 And, Doug, a moment ago we were talking about
15:22 people in the cities and how, frequently,
15:25 they're doing well or not well,
15:28 and it can be viewed as a challenge,
15:31 and it is, indeed, a challenge.
15:33 You and I have both worked in New York City;
15:35 we've both ministered in Manhattan.
15:37 It's a different world out there.
15:40 Are there any resources that are available
15:44 that would help us to reach people in urban centers?
15:49 >>Doug: Yes, one resource, as a faith family
15:53 around the world, is the initiative called
15:55 Mission to the Cities.
15:56 You can go to our website, missiontothecities.org,
16:00 and you can find resources there on how to serve and work
16:05 with the people--like we served the stockbrokers, you know,
16:10 the Zacchaeuses of today,
16:12 as well as then you can find those--and in Luke, chapter 18,
16:16 we see Bartimaeus, or the blind man--
16:19 so, those who are most vulnerable,
16:21 and there's resources available for local churches, families--
16:26 maybe you're a young professional
16:28 seeking on, you know, how can God use your creativity
16:32 and your skills to help share the three angels' messages
16:37 to those individuals on the full continuum of people
16:43 who live in the cities-- 'cause that's Jesus--
16:45 He cared for all of them, and so that example propels me
16:50 and propels us, as a Adventist family, to care.
16:53 >>Eric: And that website once again was?
16:55 >>Doug: Missiontothecities.org.
16:57 >>Eric: Very good, all right.
16:58 So, in the cities, you have the wealthy,
17:01 and we'll talk for a little bit about them.
17:03 Wealth in this world is finite. >>Doug: Yes.
17:07 >>Eric: Eventually, it comes to an end.
17:10 As somebody has once famously said,
17:13 "I've never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul."
17:15 You can't take it with you.
17:17 You can't take it with you, so, eventually, it comes to an end.
17:20 But there is a wealth that can continue.
17:24 What's the difference between the two?
17:25 >>Doug: Well, and that's where Jesus looks--
17:29 we can see from His life in ministry
17:32 that He had His eye on the eternal prize,
17:35 and that is where--to help people to see that this world
17:41 is passing, but that, in Christ,
17:43 that we can have eternal life and salvation.
17:48 And we actually jump into that here in the story in Matthew,
17:53 chapter 15, here at verse 22:
17:55 "And behold, a woman of Canaan
17:57 "came to that region and cried...to Him, saying,
18:00 "'Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David!
18:03 My daughter is severely demon-possessed.'"
18:06 And you can see here that she cuts
18:09 through that social class, and she confronts Jesus,
18:14 but notice that she has faith, because how would she know
18:20 that Jesus is the Messiah,
18:22 'cause she's using a very specific term there
18:26 that refers actually to Jesus as the anointed one.
18:32 Anyway, to me, that shows that God is working outside
18:37 of our boundaries as humans, and God is actually wanting to--
18:41 and His Spirit is working with all peoples.
18:45 >>Eric: So, this story is one that I think many of us
18:48 are very familiar with. >>Doug: Yes.
18:50 >>Eric: Sometimes the challenge comes in:
18:51 How do I now apply what's here to my life in a practical way?
18:57 I know the story, I could recite the story,
19:00 but now bringing it to my day, what does that look like for me?
19:05 >>Doug: Well, there are several ways
19:07 that we could go with this,
19:08 but I wanted to confront when I wrote this--
19:14 I was asking God's Spirit to say what do I need.
19:19 What does the Adventist family around the world--
19:22 what do we need when we look at mission?
19:24 And in this case, mission to the cities.
19:26 And I was confronted that here in Matthew,
19:30 he wrote his perspective for the Jews.
19:35 But if you look at Mark's Gospel,
19:37 he wrote his perspective for the Gentiles.
19:41 So in this case, if we were to compare Matthew's account,
19:45 comparing that in Mark 7, verses 24 through 30,
19:48 we actually can see that there's a difference
19:51 between how both were led by the Holy Spirit,
19:55 but because of their audience, they have a different angle.
20:00 And so that's where I would say that here in Matthew this woman,
20:05 you can see her foreignness in different ways,
20:10 and I say that--obviously, in verse 21,
20:14 they're in the region of Tyre and Sidon, okay?
20:17 So, they're in that area.
20:20 And verse 22-- "a woman of Canaan"--
20:22 and we went through and we already talked about,
20:26 you know, who were the Canaanites,
20:27 who are these Sidonians, who are these people from Tyre,
20:31 historically. But Mark's Gospel, he actually looks at
20:37 and shows her motherness, and so that, you know,
20:40 she also is a Gentile.
20:42 And so, here, Matthew-- you could say,
20:45 "Well, this lady's a heathen," but in Mark's Gospel,
20:48 "No, she's like us.
20:50 "She's a beloved mother who's having compassion
20:52 for her daughter."
20:54 And so, that's one thing that I wanted to,
20:57 as I wrote this lesson and moved by God to say,
21:01 you know, "How does this apply to me?
21:04 "What are my biases and stigmas against other people,
21:08 wherever they live?"
21:10 And God's Spirit is wanting to propel me to cross
21:13 those boundaries to care and to share the hope that we have,
21:17 as found and described in the three angels' messages
21:19 in Revelation 14.
21:22 There's a power quote I wanted to look--here,
21:24 in "Desire of Ages," page 400:
21:27 "Christ did not immediately reply to the woman's request.
21:31 "He received this [representation]
21:33 "of a despised race as the Jews would have done.
21:36 "In this He designed that His disciples
21:39 "should be impressed with the cold
21:41 "and heartless manner in which the Jews would treat
21:44 "such a case, as evinced by His reception of the woman,
21:49 "and [in] compassionate manner in which He would have them deal
21:53 "with such distress,
21:55 as manifested by His subsequent granting of her petition."
21:59 So, in this, Jesus is confronting my bigotry,
22:04 my biases, my, you know,
22:07 stereotypes that I have towards a daughter of God
22:13 or a son of God who His Spirit is already working,
22:17 as evidenced here in Scripture that,
22:19 wait a second, when-- if we look at other places like,
22:23 I think of immediately, of Luke, chapter 18,
22:27 where the blind man, he asked,
22:29 "Hey, what's going on?" He's reading that social media feed,
22:32 and the crowd says, "Hey, it's Jesus of Nazareth."
22:35 But wait a second, God's Spirit was already working
22:38 on this man's heart, and he said,
22:40 "No, this is Jesus, Son of David."
22:42 So, here we see this faith shining in a bright--
22:46 in a dark place that is unexpected.
22:49 And that's where I, you know,
22:51 going into this lesson, we--
22:52 at the beginning, we have a field trip.
22:55 Jesus is giving insight on site.
22:58 And so, we're seeing how that the Holy Spirit
23:02 was confronting His disciples to say,
23:05 "Wait a second." In verse 24:
23:07 "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of...Israel."
23:10 But this is where the mother says, no: "Lord, help me!"
23:14 And then there's this kind of this racial--
23:18 or this well-known at that time--illustration that,
23:24 "It's not good to take the children's bread
23:26 and throw it to the little dogs"--or the little puppies.
23:29 But in verse 27,
23:30 but, "Yes, Lord, ...even the little [puppies]"--
23:32 okay, so the Greek word there is actually, you know,
23:36 the favorite, you know,
23:38 household pet who's always there,
23:40 "eats the crumbs, which fall from their masters' table."
23:44 And so in this exchange, we lose sight or maybe,
23:47 you know, Jesus calling this lady,
23:49 you know, a dog, this can--
23:52 we may not catch all the cultural implications,
23:55 but what we can see is that verse 28,
23:58 that Jesus says to her, "Woman, great is your faith!'"
24:02 That He has this faith detector,
24:04 whether it's in Jericho with Zacchaeus,
24:06 or the blind man, or here in Tyre and Sidon,
24:09 that this woman is emitting, you know,
24:13 she's responding out of-- to the Spirit of God's work
24:16 in her heart, and thus she is showing her faith in Jesus,
24:20 in who He is. And we have the opportunity to today
24:23 in, whether it's in a subway, in a bus,
24:26 on an airplane, or at a café in a city,
24:29 that we can also bring hope and see how God is working
24:33 on these people's lives.
24:35 >>Eric: That's powerful, a beautiful picture here.
24:37 I wanna read a Bible verse to you, Doug,
24:40 and give you an opportunity to respond to it.
24:42 It's in 1 John, chapter 2 and verse 2.
24:45 Here's what it says.
24:46 It says, "And He Himself"-- of course, speaking of Jesus--
24:49 "is the propitiation for our sins,
24:52 and not for ours only but also for the whole world."
24:57 What does that verse tell us about our sameness,
25:05 our oneness, before God?
25:08 >>Doug: We are all sinners.
25:10 "For all have sinned and [fallen] short
25:12 of the glory of God." And so, that's where in this situation,
25:16 in this Bible story, we see Christ
25:20 confronting His disciple and the Jewish racism
25:26 or the bigotry,
25:28 the biases that they have in this interaction.
25:31 But you--we can't see the twinkle in Christ's eye
25:35 when He's talking, because these are words,
25:37 you know, in red letters of, from, in my Bible
25:41 of it is written of what He has said.
25:44 But what we can see is that Christ in this story
25:48 and in this lesson, He's comforting
25:51 and challenging us to say,
25:54 "Are we being people of hope to those who God's Spirit is
25:59 working on, but maybe He's nudging us
26:02 in a work relationship,
26:04 He's nudging us with a new neighbor,
26:06 or He's nudging us with someone who's helping us
26:09 at a restaurant, café, or at a grocery store, to say,
26:12 "These are my children, and I want them to know
26:17 the hope that you've had. Now will you share it?"
26:21 >>Eric: Good, good. We don't have much time left.
26:24 In fact, we have very little time,
26:25 but I wanna toss this to you and give you an opportunity
26:27 just to give a quick answer.
26:29 When we see Jesus' disciples regularly
26:31 throughout His ministry, He seem--
26:32 they seem to wanna push people
26:34 away from Him. >>Doug: Yup.
26:35 >>Eric: Jesus doesn't share that view. Help us to grasp that.
26:39 >>Doug: Well, when you-- when the mothers brought
26:41 the little children to Jesus, what did they say?
26:43 "Go away, go away." So we see it again.
26:46 That's where in--whether it's feeding the thousands
26:52 and feeding the four thousands, Jesus says,
26:54 "I didn't wanna send them away hungry," but here,
26:59 the disciples wanted to send her away because she keeps,
27:04 you know, chasing or bothering Jesus.
27:06 And I think the lesson for me is that--and for us,
27:09 as a faith family-- is that God's Spirit
27:13 is persistently working on individuals' hearts,
27:16 and I need to listen, and I need to care and share.
27:20 >>Eric: Very good. Doug, thank you again
27:21 for being with us this week.
27:23 And thank you for joining us again this week as well.
27:26 We're delighted that you could be with us
27:27 as we've looked at "Mission to the Unreached."
27:30 We looked at part 1 last week, part 2 this week.
27:33 We have just a couple of weeks left in this quarter
27:35 as we're looking at how God's mission and my mission,
27:38 your mission, are the same.
27:40 We wish you God's blessings
27:42 and look forward to seeing you again next week,
27:44 once again, on "Sabbath School," brought to you by It Is Written.
27:48 ♪♪♪
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28:26 [Captioning provided by Aberdeen Broadcast Services]


Revised 2023-12-07