Jesus 4 Asia Now

Ministry Opportunities In Bangladesh

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000083S

00:01 (inspirational music)
00:22 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now,
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband Jon is here with me
00:26 as we explore a little more of Bangladesh today.
00:30 Hello, love.
00:31 - Hi, darling.
00:33 - You know we wanna talk some more about Bangladesh.
00:36 And we wanna talk about opportunities.
00:38 - Yes.
00:39 - So let's start with the story.
00:41 What is the story for us today?
00:43 - [Jon] Yeah, so we're going into a new country, for us.
00:46 New methods and new approach.
00:49 - Right and you know Mrs. White says every true believer
00:52 is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary.
00:54 - Correct. - So every believer
00:56 is a missionary, no matter where they are.
00:58 Wherever God plants you,
01:00 that's where you're to be a missionary.
01:01 - Yes. - And we don't
01:02 think about it that way.
01:03 So many times we think about, as going some far distant
01:06 jungle with a pith helmet and all that stuff,
01:09 but we're to be missionaries. - We're the missionaries
01:12 and they are the converts.
01:13 - Right.
01:14 - [Jon] Often we don't
01:15 give them the identity of being missionaries also.
01:17 - [Natalie] Right.
01:18 - And, but that's very important to do.
01:20 - Right.
01:21 So, today we're gonna talk about our friends,
01:23 the Filipino missionaries,
01:25 and they went to Bangladesh.
01:26 - Yes.
01:27 We were able to sponsor them.
01:28 We saw them, they went one year and we liked what they did,
01:31 so we sent them back mainly to drill Wells for us
01:35 because we have some funding for Wells.
01:38 We had some funding for Wells and we saw such a need there
01:45 and the Wells were so inexpensive that we drilled 13 Wells.
01:47 - Right, and that's-- - while we were there
01:49 that months.
01:50 - And there was such great need for that.
01:52 - Yes.
01:53 - And so we wanted to enable them to go back,
01:55 but they didn't just go to drill Wells.
01:58 - [Jon] Right.
01:59 - They also went to do medical missionary work.
02:01 - Yeah their main focus actually was medical missionary work
02:03 because they're nurses and while they were there
02:06 the first time they discovered this opportunity
02:09 and need for Wells.
02:10 And so we said let's drill these Wells
02:13 as you do this medical missionary work in
02:15 the village that the well is being drilled in.
02:18 The main focus was the medical missionary work,
02:20 but they were able to do the ministry for the people in
02:22 the villages and then leave a gift that would last
02:25 the rest of their lives.
02:27 - Right.
02:28 Well we have a video about the medical missionary work,
02:30 so let's start there.
02:31 - Okay.
02:32 (zealous music)
02:49 - [Lyndielle] Doing cross cultural mission
02:51 has really made me grow,
02:53 and also I can see how I can be a great blessing
02:56 to those who are in need here.
02:59 - [Nell] I decided to go to foreign missions
03:01 because I wanted to know about,
03:04 how God deals with different cultures.
03:09 - [Lyndielle] This is already my third time here
03:10 in Bangladesh and we've been visiting roughly
03:14 10 to 12 villages here
03:16 and we do basic healthcare.
03:19 And we also do health education to the people
03:23 and as much as possible,
03:24 we also help in coordinating with a deep well projects.
03:29 (soft music)
03:30 - [Nell] When you went to the villages,
03:32 I saw that the people are thrilled to see our new faces
03:35 like foreigners
03:37 and I am also very thrilled of their reaction.
03:43 I saw that they were happy
03:44 seeing new people from different land.
03:47 (ambient music)
03:48 - [Lyndielle] They were really grateful about
03:51 the medical service,
03:53 about living with them
03:56 and even just playing with the children.
03:59 They were so happy.
04:01 But at the same time I can see their daily grind
04:05 and they are really in dire need of health care here.
04:10 (zealous music)
04:12 - So most of the people here,
04:13 they don't really go to the hospital
04:17 for them to have their health checked.
04:19 And for the many here,
04:22 it wasn't their first time to have
04:25 their health being attended.
04:27 So I would really invite any medical personnel from all over
04:33 the world to give their time here
04:36 and do their service to the people.
04:40 - [Nell] As a nurse, I can't really say that
04:42 I can offer a lot,
04:44 but I believe that little is much when God is in it.
04:48 But here I want to give all,
04:50 like teach them everything I know, especially about health.
04:54 (zealous music)
04:56 - I'm not really sure
04:57 if I made a difference here,
04:59 but I know that I have given my heart in what I do.
05:04 I have given my time, my resources,
05:06 and I know that God will take care of the results.
05:11 - [Lyndielle] Despite the economical wretchedness
05:13 of the country.
05:14 I still have so much hope for Bangladeshi people that
05:18 their concerns will be made known
05:20 and will be heard in the world.
05:22 (ambient music)
05:54 - That's really awesome.
05:56 - I know.
05:57 - [Natalie] They went and they shared,
05:58 and they were showing them how to wash their hands properly.
06:01 They looked like they were giving them gifts of soap
06:03 and things like that.
06:04 So not just going
06:05 and checking them out and physically helping what their,
06:09 you know, medical issues,
06:11 but also trying to help them to understand cleanliness
06:13 and ways to be healthier as well.
06:16 - Yes.
06:17 The training was a big part of it.
06:19 - [Natalie] Right.
06:20 - Yeah, but they were so professional.
06:22 - Right.
06:22 - In the work that they did.
06:23 - Right, and you could tell,
06:25 they cared about the people,
06:27 but not only that,
06:28 the people could tell that they were being cared for.
06:29 - Yeah, and the people really appreciate,
06:31 you could see that in their faces,
06:33 how much they appreciated the time that
06:35 they invested in the people.
06:37 - [Natalie] So while they were in the process,
06:38 they were traveling from village to village doing
06:40 the health ministry and training
06:43 and then they would do the well.
06:45 And so there was the whole combination at the same time,
06:48 but yet they discovered something about these churches
06:51 because they held some of their health trainings
06:53 at church locations.
06:55 - Yes
06:56 - And what did they discover?
06:58 - Well, I don't know how to say this,
06:59 but they found a lot of churches that
07:02 had been built 20 years ago that were no longer functioning.
07:07 They were empty.
07:09 - So it wasn't because the church was broken down
07:11 or something?
07:12 - No, the churches are in good shape.
07:13 They're well-built.
07:15 But the story is that after the churches were built,
07:18 the Bible worker pastors were funded
07:22 for a certain amount of time and then that funding,
07:25 none of that project finished.
07:27 And the local church couldn't absorb the budget
07:32 for the pastors to continue working there.
07:35 And so the churches eventually all the...
07:38 Well, you'll find out the story,
07:40 but those church members went back to no longer meeting
07:46 or meeting another other denominations.
07:49 - Right.
07:51 We've got some video talking about that coming up.
07:53 - Yeah.
07:54 - We wanna start with a church that did have people at it.
07:57 - [Jon] Right.
07:58 - And so let's watch that video now.
08:00 - [Jon] Yeah.
08:01 (soft music)
08:24 - This church is established in Chophra village.
08:28 (speaking in foreign language)
08:31 And Bangladesh.
08:33 Today we are very happy that
08:34 you have come to visit our church.
08:37 We can see the church member,
08:39 we can see the children.
08:41 And this church is started in 2000.
08:44 Nowadays there are many members
08:48 but it is matter of sorrow that
08:50 nowadays there is no any regular pastor,
08:54 we are still praying to God that
08:58 if there is one regular pastor
09:01 then he may take care of all the children,
09:04 all the community people
09:06 and hope God will listen our prayer.
09:09 We don't know when this is answer will come,
09:12 but we believe and you have seen this situation.
09:16 There are many members,
09:18 but because of,
09:19 you know they're taking care of us nowadays kindly.
09:22 Not all these people are coming in that church,
09:24 but if we believe that if one pastor come
09:27 and everyday care and everyday talk with us about
09:32 the message of God, hope that all
09:35 the members will be regular.
09:36 Now they are not regular,
09:38 they are coming sabbath day only few
09:42 because of you know that there is no any regular pastor.
09:49 - I'm very happy when I saw that most of
09:53 the community people came here to learn
09:58 about health messages as well as our religion,
10:04 as well as the gospel preaching.
10:07 They hear you eagerly.
10:11 We saw in their face they have thirsty
10:15 to learn about true God.
10:19 And I observed here that a majority community people
10:26 came here to listen and I'm very hopeful about this church.
10:33 - I am also the student of SDA church.
10:37 I have studied now I am grown up
10:38 and now I am serving to God.
10:41 But I'm praying to God always,
10:44 especially for the children so that
10:46 they can be also like me
10:48 and they can bear the witness of God among
10:53 the country among the world.
10:56 I believe that if we get one regular pastor
11:00 that everything will be changed.
11:02 (zealous music)
11:20 - So the church was full and it was full
11:22 because they were doing the medical mission that day there.
11:25 - Right.
11:26 That's how many people could come to the churches.
11:27 And in the past when they had regular services,
11:31 that's how many people used to attend.
11:33 But now the church doesn't even open on Sabbath.
11:36 - Right.
11:38 And so during this medical mission they discovered this need
11:40 and they saw how eagerly the people were listening
11:45 and all of that, so--
11:46 - [Jon] Willing to learn now what we discovered,
11:48 there are 24 of these churches and out of the 24,
11:52 only two them are functioning.
11:54 - Wow.
11:55 - [Jon] So there's 22 churches that have,
11:59 I mean, nothing's happening there.
12:00 - Right.
12:01 - [Jon] Which is, you know, that's how,
12:03 at the very beginning of Jesus for Asia,
12:05 we found churches that were closed in South India.
12:08 - Right.
12:09 And so we went down there and we were thinking,
12:11 man, it's better to revive a church,
12:13 start a church rather than having to build one.
12:16 - Right.
12:16 The building is already there.
12:17 - But it's not functioning,
12:18 so it's all locked up.
12:19 And so it just come in and do revival, plant.
12:24 And this is the secret of our success in South India
12:28 is that we not only did the revival,
12:30 but we made sure a Bible worker was at every church.
12:33 So that they continue to grow,
12:36 and now 12 years later, we go back there
12:38 and we see it just.
12:39 - Right and they have planted new churches
12:42 and they are wanting to build new churches
12:45 and stuff like that - And schools and everything.
12:46 You know, it's just a, you can see the life,
12:49 the stories that come out of that place are amazing
12:52 and we love it.
12:53 And so I'm excited about this.
12:55 I wanna get a team together of like 2020 team
12:59 evangelistic crusade and go and start something
13:02 again in this area.
13:04 I've never visited there myself, but I wanna do this.
13:07 - Yeah.
13:08 And then they discovered that their translator Biphul.
13:12 In his home village, his church was also closed
13:14 and he had a great desire to open that church.
13:17 - Yes.
13:18 - And so they asked if we would hire him as a Bible worker.
13:22 And so we've been able to do that.
13:24 And once he found out that
13:26 we would hire him as a Bible worker,
13:27 he was very joyful and he went and opened his church.
13:32 - Yeah, now this church needs a lot of work,
13:34 but at least he opened it,
13:36 and he's having regular meetings there every week.
13:39 - Right.
13:40 - [Jon] And now this guy had a good job.
13:41 He was an accountant in a school
13:44 and he was doing well supporting his family and everything,
13:47 but his heart was really into the ministry.
13:49 - Right.
13:50 (piano music)
14:14 - [Natalie] In Biphul's district there are 24 churches,
14:17 two of which were still open
14:18 because they have a pastor
14:20 or the district pastor is near the church.
14:24 15 years after it was closed,
14:26 on this Friday, Biphul with the help of a visitor
14:29 and local church member cleaned
14:31 the church in preparation for the Sabbath.
14:34 (zealous music)
14:42 After the church closed 15 years ago and their pastor left,
14:45 church attendance started decreasing
14:47 and then later on the conference just close the church,
14:51 Biphul's family started worshiping in their home
14:54 with no one to teach them,
14:55 their spiritual growth was very slow.
14:58 (soft music)
15:05 Now that Jesus for Asia hired Biphul
15:07 as a full time Bible worker,
15:09 this church will be able to grow
15:11 and the gospel will be given to the people.
15:14 This is the third church that is now open out of
15:17 the 24 churches in their district.
15:19 (soft music)
15:27 One of the most effective ways to reach
15:29 the community is by providing free education.
15:33 There is a three room school building
15:34 just beside this church.
15:37 60 students were attending this school.
15:39 Parents of the students attended church on Sabbath
15:42 and then when the church closed 15 years ago,
15:45 the school was also closed.
15:47 (ambient music)
16:01 Right now Biphul is going from house to house
16:04 to give Bible studies and invite old SDA members
16:07 to attend on Sabbath.
16:09 While waiting for the fund
16:11 for rebuilding of the school facility,
16:13 the church is beginning again.
16:15 (zealous music)
16:27 - It's so wonderful to see this church open again
16:29 and to see that young man that has such a burden
16:32 for his community to know Jesus.
16:34 - Right.
16:35 And what an exciting opportunity it is
16:38 to help in this way
16:40 and also to think about when we can reopen the school.
16:43 - Yes. - What a blessing
16:44 that will be.
16:46 - Yeah, that school is gonna be a huge opportunity
16:48 to make a difference in that
16:50 community with those kids going there.
16:52 But we need more than just an opened school.
16:55 We need to have a plan where we can bring information,
16:58 bring the knowledge of the gospel,
17:00 bringing a knowledge of Christ
17:02 and health and all the other different things that
17:04 a normal child needs
17:07 to make sure that those things are being taught in there.
17:10 - Right.
17:11 - To make a lasting impact,
17:12 not only for the church, but for the community,
17:14 for the nation.
17:15 - Right.
17:16 So we will need more work?
17:17 - Yeah.
17:19 And involvement from other countries as well.
17:23 That have the opportunities to low, you know,
17:25 the education to know.
17:27 Cause these are really poor people,
17:29 they don't have much education,
17:31 have much access to decent education.
17:34 - Right.
17:35 - So the school itself has pretty run down.
17:38 So he was giving me a list of needs
17:40 of how to get the school back together,
17:43 and one of the main first needs is a motorcycle,
17:46 so they can go to town and get provisions for the school.
17:49 They also need things like desks
17:52 need to repaint the school and fix it back up,
17:55 clean it, you know, do some repairs and things like that.
17:58 They also would like to provide a lunch
18:01 because a lot of these families are so poor,
18:03 the kids don't get enough food,
18:05 and so they struggle with learning throughout the day.
18:07 - Right.
18:08 And we've seen that in India
18:10 and we've seen it in the Philippines.
18:12 What a huge part food can play.
18:15 Malnutrition plays a huge negative detriment to education,
18:22 - Yeah, especially the kids that menorah when they,
18:24 you know, falling asleep during school just because they,
18:28 didn't get breakfast and they don't have lunch--
18:31 - And always sick and at least one child every,
18:35 dying every year.
18:36 - Yeah, it's sobering,
18:39 but it's such an opportunity to make a difference.
18:41 - Right, and we know it will make a difference.
18:43 - Absolutely.
18:45 And so we're excited about this school opening
18:47 all these things to build that church back up into
18:49 the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
18:51 And by God's grace,
18:53 soon as soon as the funds come in to do this work.
18:56 - [Natalie] Right.
18:58 Well we did see another church that is not able
19:01 to be opened yet and this one needs more repair.
19:04 - Yeah, and with this one,
19:05 we got to meet the original pastor of the church.
19:08 - Okay.
19:09 - [Jon] Yes.
19:10 (zealous music)
19:11 (water pouring)
19:34 - Somebody used this church for drying rice and others.
19:43 (speaking in foreign language)
21:14 - [Biphul] There is another church, Baptist church.
21:18 They'll go Baptist church on Sunday.
21:25 (soft music)
21:31 They have a pastor, church pastor,
21:34 his name is Abinash Debsharma.
21:38 Before, 15 years ago, the pastor worked here,
21:45 5 years work here.
21:48 (speaking foreign language)
22:18 (ambient music)
22:22 - That's really sad.
22:23 You know, it breaks my heart to think of these people that
22:26 are uneducated and they don't have a pastor
22:29 and he's now working full time trying to support his family.
22:33 And so he's not nourishing the church members.
22:35 And so they're falling away.
22:37 Some went back to their Hindu religion
22:39 and some went and became Baptist
22:41 because at least there they have a church.
22:43 And so that longing for church fellowship
22:47 is very clear.
22:50 - [Jon] Yeah.
22:51 - This is so sad for me because I did not worship regular,
22:58 I want to regular worship and continue to worship.
23:05 I want all of our village members come worship day
23:11 and we will get worship together.
23:16 My wish, I want again, to open our church.
23:23 - I think one thing that it's hard to,
23:25 for us to grasp is that in some of these countries,
23:28 the level of poverty that exists,
23:32 I know in Cambodia,
23:33 I don't know what the situation here in Bangladesh is,
23:36 but it's probably not as good as in Cambodia.
23:38 The average tithe per member
23:40 per active member
23:42 in Cambodia - In Cambodia
23:43 - Is $34 a year.
23:45 - Yeah.
23:47 - And so with, I mean, that's less than $3 a month.
23:52 - Yeah, so you think about how,
23:55 why doesn't the Bangladesh mission
23:57 just support these pastors and make up the difference,
24:00 but they're probably not getting
24:02 the level of tithes that would be needed.
24:04 - Exactly.
24:05 And so this is a huge challenge.
24:07 And so this is an area that there's an opportunity
24:11 to upgrade the village by education,
24:15 by faith in God,
24:17 and teaching those really fundamental things.
24:20 A lot of people say,
24:22 why don't you just help the people?
24:25 You know, by some humanitarian kinda work.
24:28 But we found that bringing the gospel
24:31 is the best humanitarian work you can do.
24:34 - Right.
24:35 And they went there with the medical mission
24:37 and they're planning to go back
24:39 with medical mission once they can.
24:42 And we gave them Wells in many of these areas.
24:44 So we're doing the humanitarian as well,
24:47 but it's to open the doors and to help people
24:49 to remember that this is from the God that loves you.
24:53 - Right.
24:54 Because in many religions
24:55 it's the religion or misconception of God that
24:58 really holds people back from gaining an education,
25:02 from making changes in their lives
25:04 that will benefit their society and themselves
25:07 and their families.
25:08 As well as even the permission to do such a thing.
25:11 There's some religions that you cannot change.
25:14 You have to, the definition of a,
25:17 if you want to move on to the next afterlife,
25:20 you just have to accept all the suffering
25:21 that comes your way as as a good, you know, just accept it.
25:26 And so there's no permission allowance to change
25:29 and upgrade your family and your life
25:32 because it's built into the religion.
25:35 - Right.
25:36 - [Jon] So when you give somebody Jesus Christ
25:38 who values you,
25:41 and says, my dream, the dream of God,
25:44 the dream of Jesus is to see you become
25:47 the best you you can be.
25:50 That gives God joy,
25:52 that all of a sudden it's like,
25:53 Oh, you mean I can make better choices?
25:57 You mean I can-- - Different choices.
25:59 - Get an education?
26:00 I can, you know, it opens a whole world
26:03 of opportunity to people.
26:05 - Right.
26:06 So we're looking forward to giving them this opportunity.
26:08 - Yes, absolutely.
26:09 - We are praying and hoping that
26:12 the Lord will enable us to open
26:14 the rest of those churches and to be a part of that
26:17 uplifting and up building of the church in Bangladesh.
26:20 - Absolutely.
26:21 As well as opening that school again.
26:22 - Right.
26:23 - [Jon] One of the young people that's joined
26:26 JFA organization is she's getting her masters in education.
26:32 - Right.
26:33 - And so this has been a longterm prayer of ours,
26:36 over 10 years, praying for somebody with focus
26:41 and a heart for education to help build up
26:43 these small rural communities that need it.
26:48 And that's been her passion.
26:50 Actually the same time I was praying for this,
26:54 she was given a dream and moved her towards this direction.
26:58 So God's doing miracles for these people.
27:01 - Right.
27:03 Well, I'm looking forward to hearing
27:04 the results that come from these things.
27:06 - Yeah, I'm looking forward to just getting involved
27:09 and I wanna go visit there.
27:09 I wanna go meet those people.
27:11 I wanna see the churches.
27:12 I wanna see God's kingdom grow.
27:16 - Right.
27:18 A bunch of Bangladeshis in heaven would be wonderful.
27:21 (laughs)
27:23 - They'll all have to speak English though.
27:24 - No they won't,
27:26 we'll learn whatever language God wants us to learn
27:28 because He can untie our tongues.
27:30 - Yeah, that would be a miracle.
27:31 (laughs)
27:31 - [Natalie] Yes it will.
27:33 Well thank you for joining us today
27:35 to learn more about Bangladesh and it's needs
27:37 and opportunities.
27:39 Please, pray for these people,
27:41 these dear people in Bangladesh.
27:43 And also, if you would like to help financially
27:46 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia,
27:49 PO Box 1221
27:51 Collegedale, TN37315.
27:54 Call us at 423 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you,
28:04 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia Now.


Revised 2020-05-18