Jesus 4 Asia Now

A Visit to the Prehistoric Tribes of Mindoro

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000086S

00:01 (inspirational instrumental music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to "Jesus For Asia Now."
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, and my husband John is joining me today
00:27 for a trip into a different, exotic,
00:30 and challenging part of our world.
00:32 Hello, love.
00:34 You know, I'm excited about this journey.
00:35 Where are we going today?
00:36 - We are going to the other side of the world.
00:38 We're going to an island
00:40 in the Philippines known as Mindoro.
00:41 - Okay.
00:43 What's our history with Mindoro?
00:44 I know we've had other,
00:46 we've done other episodes about Mindoro,
00:48 but what is our history there?
00:49 - Well, way back in 2010 I met Pete Barolo.
00:53 He told me about the tribes up in the mountains of Mindoro,
00:56 and he's trying to get something started up there,
00:59 a school or something.
01:01 So I scraped together some money,
01:03 like $250 and gave it to him.
01:04 And I didn't see him for another four years.
01:07 - Uh huh.
01:08 - And then he came back with all these stories
01:09 of what they had been able to accomplish,
01:11 and they were doing this,
01:12 he was a teacher in the government school,
01:14 and he was doing this part time,
01:16 but to support the work, they were making soy milk,
01:18 and selling soy milk.
01:19 - Wow.
01:21 - And they were just super dedicated,
01:22 and the kind of work that they had accomplished,
01:24 they had not only entered into one village,
01:26 but they were in like five or six villages.
01:28 - Wow.
01:29 - And I thought, man, this is somebody
01:30 who's whole heart is into it.
01:32 - Right.
01:33 - And so when we met them again in 2016
01:36 he said that he was ready to go full time.
01:38 Quit his job as a teacher,
01:40 and so we says look, we wanna commit
01:42 to helping you guys out, because we're seeing the stories
01:45 that are coming out up there of the,
01:48 I mean, this is the village of the Bucow
01:52 - Cause some of those stories we've shared before.
01:54 - Yeah.
01:55 - And so people will be like, what are we talking about?
01:57 But they'll have to just watch the previous ones
01:59 cause we don't have time to tell the stories again.
02:02 But yeah, there are so many stories.
02:03 This is the story of the angel that appeared to the elders
02:07 and told them not to punish the children.
02:09 - Yes, and the stand that those kids,
02:12 and also Abar was part of that stand.
02:15 - Right, and Abar we're gonna meet in a video
02:18 toward the end. - [John] Of this episode.
02:20 - But yes, he was part of that whole experience.
02:23 So there's a lot of stories from the past
02:25 that we don't have time to share today.
02:27 - Right.
02:28 - But we wanna just jump right in and talk
02:30 about the children, especially in this episode.
02:32 - Yes, the children just, of course,
02:34 they just grab your heart.
02:36 - Hmm.
02:37 - The kids, when you see how they live,
02:38 and the kinds of things that they have
02:40 to deal with in their life.
02:42 And so a couple years ago, we started the feeding program.
02:44 - Right, so they get a lunch everyday.
02:47 Besides just having school,
02:48 they also have a lunch.
02:49 - Right.
02:50 And that has cut the children mortality rate
02:54 from like two or three per year,
02:56 two or three children would die per year,
02:59 to now nobody's dying.
03:01 - Right, it's amazing.
03:03 And they're not all sick all the time.
03:05 - Right, their immune system is strong.
03:07 - And they can learn. - Yes.
03:08 Yeah, they're bright, and they're not,
03:10 you know, constantly sleeping because
03:12 they're feeling all the hunger.
03:13 They can listen, they can absorb information and stuff.
03:17 So that's really cool.
03:19 - Yeah, yeah.
03:20 So we wanna start at the beginning of their lives
03:22 - [John] Yes.
03:24 - We wanna talk about how they give birth in this village.
03:26 - Yes.
03:28 So the video that we're gonna show isn't graphic.
03:29 It's not actually showing people giving birth,
03:33 but it's just people talking about how they give birth,
03:36 and that kind of ordeal.
03:39 - Which can be hard for people to listen to.
03:42 But at least they only have to listen.
03:43 - [John] Yeah. (soft chuckling)
03:45 - All right, let's watch that video now.
03:46 - Okay.
03:48 (soft instrumental music)
03:56 (soft chattering)
04:02 (woman singing in native language)
04:09 (speaking in foreign language)
04:28 (speaking in foreign language)
05:32 (speaking in foreign language)
06:04 Yeah, so, honey, how did you give birth?
06:06 - In a hospital with a doctor.
06:09 - Were you in a kneeling position?
06:10 - No I wasn't.
06:12 - And did we cut the umbilical cord with
06:14 a vine, a hardened vine?
06:16 - No we didn't.
06:17 And we didn't put charcoal,
06:19 coconut husk charcoal on the child.
06:22 And-- - It was very different,
06:24 wasn't it?
06:25 - Yeah. - Yeah.
06:26 - And she's delivered so far eight children this way.
06:29 - Amazing, amazing.
06:31 We've got more video talking about
06:33 some of the customs that they have surrounding giving birth.
06:37 - Okay.
06:39 (speaking in foreign language)
07:07 (speaking in foreign language)
08:17 (inspirational instrumental music)
08:26 - Can you imagine no anesthetic,
08:28 and not being able to scream?
08:30 - No, because, yeah,
08:31 the baby gets shy then it won't come out.
08:34 - Yeah.
08:35 - It's interesting all the explanations they have
08:38 for the different situations.
08:39 You know, if this happens, then this is their reason.
08:42 If that happens, then this is the reason.
08:44 And we can't do this because of that.
08:46 We can't do that because of that.
08:47 - Yeah.
08:49 - We have to do it this way because,
08:50 you know, it's very interesting,
08:52 and in the first video, you know,
08:54 there's no such thing as infection.
08:56 That's something the doctors just come up with to say,
08:59 and it's like they definitely are not educated people.
09:03 They're definitely from--
09:05 - Animistic beliefs. - Yeah.
09:07 - Yeah, where animistic belief is where
09:10 everything has a spirit,
09:12 and so they're afraid of everything.
09:14 You know, a lot of times it won't dig in the ground
09:17 because that'll disrupt the dragon spirit of the earth.
09:20 - Right.
09:22 - Certain parts of, like, if there's a spring in the water
09:23 they're afraid of that because
09:24 there's a spirit in the spring.
09:26 So all these kinds of things.
09:27 And so now they have in their birth procedure and beliefs
09:32 there's spirits tied to that
09:33 and you know, different things like that.
09:35 What's interesting is I asked them
09:38 is there a lot of infant mortality.
09:41 - Right.
09:42 - And they said there isn't.
09:43 - They say that up in the mountains
09:45 hardly any children die.
09:46 The mothers die, but not so much the children.
09:50 - You mean during childbirth?
09:51 - [John] Yes.
09:52 - Okay.
09:53 - Yeah, that is surprising,
09:54 because it seems like, you know,
09:56 we see situations where the baby can't come out
09:59 and they have to cesarean section,
10:02 and yet, these mothers don't have that.
10:05 - Nope.
10:06 - They don't have that at all.
10:07 - No.
10:08 - Which means the mother would die,
10:09 and the baby would die.
10:10 - Right, yeah.
10:12 So, but there's no way to really track
10:14 how many deaths there are
10:15 because it's all up in the jungle
10:17 and there's no hospitals,
10:19 nobody counting, and it's all anecdotal.
10:22 And so there's, we don't really know.
10:25 I imagine that there's quite a few deaths
10:27 of baby and mother.
10:30 But what's really sad is how they practice birth control.
10:33 - Yeah.
10:34 - Cause they don't have birth control,
10:36 and so if they get too many children,
10:38 well we're gonna find out more in a future video.
10:40 But right now we'd like to look at
10:43 when these kids are born, you know,
10:45 there's no education,
10:46 there's no learning, they don't even name their kids.
10:52 - Right.
10:53 - And if a kid's born, then if it's a boy
10:54 they'll call it boy, and if it's a girl
10:56 they'll call it girl.
10:58 And that's about it.
11:00 And in this video, Jessica Barolo
11:01 is gonna meet with a Mangian that's coming
11:04 to visit her for some food.
11:06 And then she's gonna talk about,
11:09 she's actually gonna give a child a name.
11:11 - Okay, that'll be fun.
11:12 - And the child's father,
11:13 gonna give the child's father a name.
11:15 - Okay. (soft chuckling)
11:17 (speaking in foreign language)
11:28 - It's their second time to be here.
11:31 They just here just last Christmas.
11:37 And they're asking for food
11:39 because the last time they visited us
11:42 we gave them food.
11:45 So this time they want again food.
11:48 They've been to, (speaking in foreign language)
12:01 (speaking in foreign language)
12:42 (speaking in foreign language)
14:33 - Isn't that awesome?
14:34 - Yeah, that's really neat.
14:36 You know, we talk about them,
14:37 or we hear about them walking two days
14:40 to come to this place where they know
14:42 that someone will give them food,
14:43 someone will help them.
14:45 And, that's kind of another story,
14:49 but we wanna make sure that we bring out
14:52 that these people are not cared for members of society.
14:56 They're looked down on by the majority tribes,
14:59 and it's just really a tough life for them.
15:02 I mean, they probably were walking
15:04 along the side of the road for some of that time, at least,
15:08 and no one would pick them up.
15:09 - Right.
15:10 - Because they don't smell good.
15:12 And if someone picks them up,
15:13 then everyone else will get out of the vehicle.
15:16 And so it's really sad to think
15:18 about the way we are as humans
15:20 and how we tend to do that to other people
15:23 that aren't as fortunate as we are.
15:24 - That's correct.
15:25 Yeah.
15:26 I love how God brings in identity.
15:29 - Right.
15:30 - And brings in value to individuals.
15:32 - Right.
15:33 - I love how he's put the burden for these people
15:35 into the Barolo's hearts.
15:37 - Yes.
15:38 - And makes such a big impact.
15:40 - Right, you can tell.
15:41 I love that they named him Daniel.
15:42 - Yeah.
15:43 - [Natalie] That's so awesome.
15:44 - Yeah, and it sounds like the father didn't have
15:46 a name either because they named him Daniel's Father.
15:48 - Yeah. (soft chuckling)
15:50 Which is fun.
15:51 - Yeah, it is, for sure.
15:54 - As we talked about earlier,
15:56 we have a Bible worker in this village.
15:58 Actually we have two Bible workers,
15:59 and they're a married couple.
16:01 - Uh huh.
16:02 - Now, and, one of them, Abar,
16:04 we had mentioned was in the video that we made before
16:07 about the angel that wore the G-string
16:10 to save the lives of the children
16:11 that stood up for God.
16:14 Actually, they got baptized and they were gonna be punished.
16:19 And so Abar, I don't know if people
16:21 will recognize him from that video,
16:23 cause he wasn't in a long part of it,
16:25 but he's in that video,
16:27 and then also people might remember his wife, Mercy,
16:29 from the video where she talked about
16:32 them only having one toothbrush,
16:34 and sharing the toothbrush among 30.
16:36 or how many ever of them it was.
16:38 - I think that was the first video that we shared.
16:41 - Student summer canvassing program,
16:45 (speaking in foreign language)
16:51 and then joined some missionary.
16:58 (speaking in foreign language)
17:11 (speaking in foreign language)
17:50 - I think that was the first video
17:51 here on the JFA now show.
17:54 - Right, right.
17:55 So the other thing is that both of these people
17:57 have health challenges,
17:58 and they talk a little bit about that
18:00 in these videos, but I just wanted to set this up
18:02 because he is actually losing his eyesight,
18:05 he's mostly blind, from what I understand,
18:08 and Mercy has some sort of heart problem,
18:10 and I know they took her to the doctor at one point,
18:13 but I'm pretty sure they didn't have the funds
18:16 to do whatever was necessary,
18:18 or nothing could be done,
18:19 I'm not sure what the answer was.
18:21 But she has some sort of heart problem.
18:23 If you watch closely, you can see her
18:25 heart beats in her throat.
18:28 - Yeah, there's a little-- - Yeah.
18:29 - Thing happening there.
18:30 - So, anyway, I just wanted to mention that
18:32 because we wanna think about the reality that they live in.
18:37 - Mhm.
18:38 - So what is this next video?
18:40 - In this video, the story kind of flows out of this
18:45 situation where the people,
18:49 they have a hard time supporting their kids,
18:50 so they can't just go down to the store and buy food,
18:52 they can't, you know, just get a better job,
18:55 or something like that, they have to work
18:57 for each person's food for that day.
19:01 And so the parents will leave at five o'clock
19:04 in the morning, so you got five year olds
19:06 taking care of two year olds all day long
19:09 while the parents are out foraging for food
19:11 so they can find a root or some kind of
19:14 vegetable, or fruit in the forest,
19:15 whatever they can find,
19:16 and they fix that for the supper that evening.
19:19 - Right.
19:21 - And so the kids basically have no breakfast or lunch,
19:23 and if the parents are successful,
19:24 so, then they can eat dinner.
19:26 But what happens is if they get too many kids
19:30 they can't support that many kids.
19:32 - Right.
19:34 - And so the solution is just to end the child's life.
19:36 And so this happens more times than we care to admit,
19:43 or, you know, I don't know how many times this happens,
19:45 but it's a pretty common practice.
19:47 - Right.
19:48 - So the background of this video
19:49 is Abar was married to his first wife,
19:53 and she died in child birth,
19:56 and his father killed his baby
19:58 because the family couldn't support another child.
20:03 - Wow.
20:04 - Yeah, and this is the hard, cold reality.
20:07 You know, they can't just go out and get a job,
20:09 a better job, and get more money,
20:11 you know, there's no healthcare system.
20:15 - Right.
20:16 Now, I wanna mention, because he wouldn't
20:18 have access to baby formula.
20:20 - Right.
20:21 - To feed the child either. - Yeah.
20:23 - And, we'll notice in this video
20:25 that Mercy actually is using baby formula,
20:28 and that's because of the Barolos,
20:30 because they have access to that
20:32 and they can bring it to them in the mountains.
20:33 - That's correct.
20:35 - So let's go ahead and watch that video.
20:37 - [John] Yes.
20:42 (speaking in foreign language)
23:38 (singing in foreign language)
23:53 (speaking in foreign language)
25:04 - What a beautiful picture of the love of God.
25:06 - Oh man, yeah,
25:07 and that baby, you know, wow.
25:11 They saved a life.
25:12 But they weren't sure they'd be able to
25:14 feed it and take care of it.
25:16 - Right.
25:17 - They're still very poor.
25:18 But they think that they can find out.
25:21 - I think that God will help them.
25:22 Because it's an opening door,
25:25 I mean, we don't even think about,
25:27 they had no idea that this would cause that family
25:30 to want to be close to them because they saw them care
25:34 for someone that didn't belong to them.
25:36 I mean, it's not their child.
25:37 - [John] Right.
25:39 - But they're taking it as though it is.
25:39 - Yeah.
25:41 - That's really beautiful picture of God.
25:42 - And I love what he said at the end,
25:43 he says maybe this is the reason for our life.
25:47 And maybe that's their calling
25:49 is to be parents to many children
25:52 that would have died otherwise.
25:54 - Yeah.
25:56 - Well see what God does?
25:57 - [John] Yeah.
25:58 - He has started a beautiful story.
25:59 - Yes, he has.
26:00 - And is continuing it.
26:01 - Yeah, for sure.
26:03 That's one of the challenges that we see right now
26:05 is getting the supplies into those villages.
26:09 - Right.
26:10 I mean, it's--
26:12 - We tried, we walked to the closest village, didn't we?
26:15 - Right.
26:15 - And we almost died.
26:17 (light chuckling) - Yeah.
26:18 And we had them get a horse and try using the horse,
26:20 but the horse couldn't even make the trails.
26:22 - Yeah, yeah.
26:24 So everything has to go from the base of the mountain,
26:25 to the villages by foot.
26:27 - Right.
26:28 - Which is a lot of work for them.
26:29 - Yeah.
26:31 - But since we started the feeding program
26:32 for the children in the village,
26:33 you know, they regularly are climbing the mountain
26:36 with rice, and with vegetables,
26:38 and various things that they need.
26:40 The problem comes with getting all the food
26:43 to the base of the mountains.
26:44 - Right.
26:46 - Because the vehicle the Barolos have,
26:48 you might have seen it in the video behind Jessica,
26:51 is broken down. - Right.
26:52 - And is broken so thoroughly
26:54 that they don't think it's repairable.
26:56 And they've been told not to bother repairing.
27:00 So they need a new vehicle.
27:01 - That's correct, yeah.
27:03 They need a vehicle where they can carry people,
27:05 transport people, transport food, supplies,
27:08 everything that they need to do.
27:09 Right now they're riding bicycles.
27:11 - Hello, brother John, sister Natalie,
27:14 JFA family, we just finished today a crusade from the tribe
27:18 from a community, and another community is requesting
27:21 for evangelistic needings.
27:24 So many requests, so thank you very much brethren,
27:30 the Lord is working.
27:32 - It's hard to carry a lot on a bicycle.
27:34 - Right, yeah.
27:35 - So that's what we're praying for right now.
27:37 - Right.
27:39 I would like to invite you to pray with us
27:41 for this vehicle that they need
27:42 for this ministry to continue.
27:44 And if you would like to help Abar and Mercy
27:46 and the Bible workers like them,
27:48 you can contact us at "Jesus For Asia,"
27:51 P.O. Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee 37315.
27:57 Call us at 423-413-7321,
28:00 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:07 on "Jesus For Asia Now."
28:10 (inspirational instrumental music)


Revised 2020-06-03