Jesus 4 Asia Now

Building Foundations In Cambodia Part 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000100S

00:00 (triumphant music)
00:22 - Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood,
00:25 and today my friend Natalie Howell is with me.
00:28 Hello, Natalie.
00:28 - Hello, how are you?
00:30 - Good, welcome to the show.
00:31 - Thank you for having me.
00:32 - Well, I'm glad you're here,
00:33 because we wanna talk about
00:35 your experiences in Cambodia recently.
00:39 Now tell me why you went to Cambodia.
00:41 - October 2018, yes, my family and I, we went to Faith Camp,
00:48 and while I was there, the need to go was great.
00:52 God told me I need to stop running.
00:54 And I remember, we were watching,
00:56 they were playing "Mission Trick" that Sabbath,
00:59 and God just said, "Look, you want your daughter
01:01 to go to the mission field,
01:02 but you're not willing to go?
01:05 And so what if, when you're ready for her to go,
01:07 she doesn't wanna go?
01:09 It'll be because of you."
01:11 And so I remember, I jumped out the seat
01:13 and i ran to John.
01:14 I was like, here I am, tell me where you want me to go.
01:17 And he introduced me to Miranda.
01:21 Yup, so that's how Cambodia.
01:23 - Cambodia came in.
01:24 Now what do you mean by running?
01:26 - Well, in 2014, He called us to go to the mission field.
01:31 And couple opportunities presented itself,
01:34 and I was like, naw (laughs),
01:37 no, I'm not ready to go.
01:38 You know, one thing after the other.
01:41 And so I realized at that moment that I was running.
01:45 And so it's our nature to run
01:47 when we have to do something different
01:50 that's outside of our comfort zone.
01:53 It's easier to run than face it.
01:56 So yes, I ran for four years (laughs).
02:00 - So when you went to Cambodia, your husband went with you,
02:03 and then your two daughters.
02:04 - Yes.
02:05 - Okay, did anyone else join you on this trip?
02:07 - Yes, three young people,
02:10 two young ladies and a young man.
02:13 And so I had five teenagers ranging from 14 to 18.
02:19 - Wow, I bet that brought up some challenges
02:22 and some interpersonal stuff.
02:25 - It did (laughs).
02:26 It was character building, yes.
02:29 But you know, I wouldn't trade it for the world.
02:31 It was a good experience.
02:33 They learned so many things:
02:36 how to deal with each other,
02:38 how to resolve conflicts.
02:40 I took the more hands-off approach,
02:43 because oftentimes teenagers and their drama
02:45 can bring you down,
02:47 so I try to let them work it out within themself,
02:50 and it was a blessing.
02:52 It was really a blessing having them with us.
02:55 - Okay, so what was the main purpose of you going?
02:58 - Well, we were going to see the project
03:00 that we were gonna be involved in.
03:02 - Okay, and what is that project?
03:05 - So we're trying to build a school in Cambodia,
03:09 in Battambong, in one of the major cities there.
03:12 And so they do not have an Adventist school in that city.
03:16 And so oftentimes, the schools there are six days a week.
03:20 And so if you're Seven Day Adventist,
03:24 then you have to make an option,
03:25 do I wanna go to church or do I wanna get an education?
03:28 - 'Cause the six days are including Saturday, not Sunday.
03:31 - Exactly, and so most make the choices to go on Saturday.
03:37 And so we wanted to provide for them an opportunity
03:40 where they actually have an option
03:42 where they can get your education
03:44 while still honoring God.
03:46 - Right, wow, that's a hard choice for them.
03:48 - Absolutely, absolutely.
03:50 I can't even comprehend,
03:53 at such a young age being faced with that choice.
03:56 - Yeah, that's hard.
03:58 Well, I know you've shared with me
04:00 some of the things that you started seeing and learning
04:03 when you got to Cambodia.
04:04 One of the things was, like, in the market.
04:07 You started seeing all these different foods
04:11 that you would never see in a market here.
04:13 - Not at all.
04:15 Snakes. - I know your favorite,
04:17 live snakes.
04:18 - I know (laughs).
04:21 Going to the market was really different.
04:24 Nothing really prepares you for it, nothing,
04:28 even all the stories you hear.
04:31 I remember our first day at the market,
04:35 your sense of smell is on overdrive.
04:38 You're trying really hard not to throw up,
04:41 because the smell, you know,
04:43 you have beef, chicken, everything is there,
04:46 and it's not like here where you have things in the fridge.
04:49 Everything is in the open.
04:51 There's no ice. - Pre-packaged.
04:52 - Yeah, there's no ice there, it's just there,
04:55 and so you just go pick what you want.
04:57 And so you're smelling all these things,
04:59 and it's different from what you're accustomed to.
05:02 When you go to the grocery store,
05:03 you don't smell anything here.
05:06 And so I remember that first time we were there,
05:10 we were all struggling.
05:12 And the kids, they had their faces covered,
05:16 and they're like, "I'm gonna throw up,"
05:18 and all these different things.
05:19 And after we got back home,
05:22 I had to tell them, "We have to be careful
05:25 how we act out there.
05:26 We're trying to witness to them,
05:28 and we don't want to have our faces turned up,
05:32 and then turn around and tell them Jesus love them."
05:35 They're not gonna, you know?
05:37 So even though we're struggling,
05:38 we have to put aside our personal feelings.
05:43 And we speak a lot of,
05:45 we speak most with our face
05:47 than with the words out of our mouth.
05:49 - Especially when it's cross-cultural.
05:51 - Exactly, and so learning to not show it on your face.
05:55 I mean, I struggled there at times.
05:57 I was in the market and I saw a snake
05:59 and I jump and scream and like, "Agh!" (laughs),
06:02 and I had to take a deep breath,
06:04 'cause they stared at you (laughs).
06:07 And so, self-control (laughs).
06:11 - Yeah, huge thing. - But we worked through it.
06:13 It wasn't easy, it wasn't easy,
06:16 but every time you went, we got a little better.
06:20 I mean, even up until when we were leaving,
06:21 I still struggled.
06:23 There were times when I went in there,
06:24 and I was like, "Lord please (inhales deeply) help me."
06:29 - 'Cause it's so different from what we're used to,
06:31 and the smells and the sights and the sounds,
06:35 it can be very overwhelming.
06:37 So also want you to share a little bit about how,
06:41 you know, when we go as a missionary,
06:42 we think, okay, we're having a change of address,
06:45 we're gonna have this whole new life,
06:47 everything's gonna be great, I'm gonna be a missionary,
06:50 all this kinds of stuff.
06:51 But what's the reality?
06:53 What really happens when you change your address like that?
06:56 - All you did was change your address (laughs).
06:58 You bring your same botched-up character with you.
07:01 - You take your history, you take your baggage.
07:04 - Yeah, and so when you go over there,
07:08 it's different, because here you're in a Christian country,
07:13 we have this fakeness, we can hide stuff
07:17 and we can pretend things don't, you know?
07:20 You know how we do.
07:21 But then you're there
07:23 and you're really on Satan's territory.
07:25 And if you're not spiritually grounded here,
07:27 he gonna bust you wide open there.
07:29 And I saw myself struggling in so many areas
07:35 as I was there
07:36 and realized, and all I did was just change address.
07:38 I didn't become a new person.
07:41 Whatever temperament I had here, it was there.
07:45 I didn't come back
07:46 with these glamour stories of winning people,
07:49 I came back battered.
07:53 I think we have this expectation
07:55 that when you become a missionary,
07:57 all of a sudden, almost like you've arrived,
07:59 or you have a new status now.
08:01 - There's some sort of sainthood
08:02 or instant glorification or something (laughs).
08:06 - Absolutely, and I remembered that,
08:08 I was questioning myself, like,
08:12 does other people feel this way,
08:14 and I was kind of bitter and angry about it.
08:16 Like, am I the only one that's struggling?
08:18 'Cause you hear all these great stories,
08:21 you hear all these feel-good things,
08:24 and why am I not feeling good,
08:26 why am I struggling so much?
08:29 The culture shock, all these things
08:30 play into you being there.
08:33 You're adjusting to the culture,
08:35 you're adjusting to the climate,
08:37 you're adjusting to five teenagers in your house,
08:41 you're adjusting to the students that we have to work with.
08:45 So you find yourself, you just giving, giving, giving,
08:48 and you just feel broken,
08:52 'cause, I don't know, I just felt
08:54 drained. - You expected something
08:56 of yourself and of the experience
08:59 that wasn't reality.
09:00 - Absolutely, absolutely.
09:02 - And whatever was going on
09:04 in your relationships with your husband
09:06 and your own children,
09:08 they were still there when you went over there.
09:12 So many times I think we think
09:13 that there's some instant change thing
09:16 that happens to us on the plane
09:18 on the way over or something,
09:19 and suddenly we're this great, strong person,
09:23 and have the perfect spiritual walk and everything,
09:26 but we're still human.
09:28 We still need God every moment.
09:30 - Yes, and I think what didn't help
09:33 is that, from the moment we decided
09:37 to go into the field,
09:38 it was like one thing after the other,
09:40 after another started happening.
09:43 And so even up until the night we were flying out,
09:47 I was still putting out battles.
09:49 There was still things that was just popping up,
09:51 and so I went there
09:55 broken or battered or bruised.
09:59 You went there in a deficit,
10:02 and then nothing, there's no magic wand
10:06 that you just wave and you just get better.
10:09 And so it was really an eye-opening experience for me.
10:14 - So you went with certain expectations
10:16 and you found out that God is there with you.
10:20 I mean, He was there.
10:21 - He was there.
10:22 - But it was not easy.
10:23 - [Howell] It wasn't easy at all.
10:25 - Now talking about expectations,
10:27 you had seen videos,
10:28 you'd seen lots of pictures of the area.
10:31 And so you kind of had an idea of what to expect,
10:33 but then, no.
10:35 - Nothing beats reality (laughs).
10:37 - It was still totally different.
10:38 - It was totally different.
10:39 Nothing, I mean, you're overly stimulated.
10:43 You know, the crowd, the smelling, the poverty,
10:48 the trash, you know,
10:51 the seeing hopelessness all around you.
10:55 I don't know if you can really capture that in pictures.
11:00 When you look all around you and you're seeing idols.
11:05 I mean, I see those things,
11:06 you read about it in the Bible,
11:08 not realizing- - That it's real today.
11:12 - You read about Abraham,
11:14 and this is what, 4,000 years later,
11:17 and we still have the same things.
11:21 I realize that you really have to be grounded in God.
11:24 If you're not grounded here,
11:26 it's gonna be hard to be grounded there.
11:29 - Now talking about the different religion.
11:33 So here, like you said, it's a Christ country,
11:37 it's a Christian country here.
11:40 But over there, did you see a difference?
11:43 - I think what I saw was,
11:46 here, you know when the weekend comes.
11:49 You know Sunday, you see people go to church,
11:51 Sabbath, you see people going to church.
11:54 There, I probably can count on one hand
11:56 how many churches I saw
11:57 in the five months I was there.
11:59 You don't have a weekend.
12:01 There is no separation.
12:03 - They just work
12:05 every day of the week. - They just work
12:05 every day of the week.
12:08 I mean, like, the banks and some of those places,
12:09 they'll open on Sabbath.
12:11 They're closed on Sundays,
12:12 but outside of that, everything, everything.
12:16 So you can't tell the difference,
12:18 everything just continue just going.
12:20 Life just go from one day to the next.
12:22 And so you see people are tired.
12:26 The main religion over there is Buddhism,
12:29 but there's also animists, spirit worshiping.
12:32 And so that's totally out of our realm.
12:35 I mean, and here, we don't even talk about demons.
12:38 That's like a taboo.
12:40 - Well, we don't think they're real for one thing,
12:44 because we haven't seen them like they have.
12:46 - Absolutely, we just see it in different forms,
12:48 and they'll recognize that's what it is,
12:50 you know what I mean?
12:51 - We call it mental illness, or we call it-
12:53 - A variety of stuff but what it is.
12:56 - Now I know another thing you mentioned to me in the past
12:58 is that you started seeing,
13:01 like, looking for the reasons
13:03 why they did some of the things that are so different.
13:06 And one thing that really brought that to your mind
13:08 was the green fruit.
13:10 Can you share that with us?
13:11 - Absolutely, I was struggling
13:13 because you're in this tropical place,
13:16 they have endless amount of fruits.
13:18 And I grew up in the tropics,
13:20 so I'm accustomed to that,
13:22 so I was really happy.
13:23 And so you go and you see them eating green stuff.
13:27 And some of the green is like,
13:29 it's not even fully developed,
13:31 like, it's nowhere close to being ripe.
13:33 And so I sat there and I'm like,
13:36 why would someone eat something so young?
13:39 There is literally no nutritional value in that.
13:45 And I remember talking with one person before,
13:47 and they were saying how, during the war,
13:50 that they had to go out early.
13:52 You know that early bird catches the most worms.
13:55 So you go out there, and whatever you find,
13:56 that's what you eat.
13:58 - Foraging.
13:59 - Foraging, yes. - In the jungle.
14:00 - In the jungle.
14:01 So you grab, 'cause if you don't grab,
14:03 somebody else is gonna come and eat it.
14:05 - And if you're late going out?
14:06 - You're not gonna get nothing at all.
14:08 And so I realized that, even though the war has ended
14:14 21 years ago,
14:15 that that mentality is still there.
14:19 It's so ingrained and it's so a part of their life
14:21 that even though they don't have to do it,
14:25 they still do it.
14:27 - So when we look at that,
14:31 and we try to learn why they do what they're doing,
14:34 it makes it a lot easier for us
14:36 not to say, "Well, they're wrong."
14:38 - Exactly. - Or my way's right
14:41 or whatever.
14:42 - Oftentimes from the outside,
14:44 it's easy to look and pass judgment or condemnation
14:49 as to why people do the things they do.
14:51 And so, for me, it was eye-opening,
14:54 that in order to figure out why somebody
14:57 is doing what they're doing,
14:58 we need to understand the culture or the origins
15:02 or look beyond the surface.
15:04 - Right, the worldview.
15:05 - The worldview of what's going on,
15:08 and not just saying, "Well you know that's wrong
15:10 and you shouldn't do it."
15:12 'Cause it's easy for us to turn up our nose,
15:14 like, they're wrong and we're right.
15:16 How' bout we're both right.
15:18 - We're very black and white with stuff.
15:19 We like to be right or,
15:21 it's either right or wrong, we like it that way.
15:23 But it's not always that way with everything.
15:26 - Exactly, and one of the things I realized
15:29 is that I don't know what it's like
15:32 to grow up so impoverished.
15:35 I don't know what it's like
15:36 to grow up in a war-torn country or a zone.
15:40 And so because I don't understand that,
15:44 it's easy, when they do something,
15:46 to say, "Why did you do that?"
15:48 and realizing I need to place myself in their shoe,
15:52 what it must have been like losing families
15:57 and on the run or living in such poverty,
16:01 like, how do you even rise above that?
16:04 The mental oppression, not only physical,
16:07 but the mental oppression during that
16:10 or during that period of time.
16:12 And so once we try to understand their past,
16:16 then we'll understand their past affects the present,
16:20 and it also affects their future.
16:23 And that's where we can come in to help guide them
16:25 to have a different future
16:27 and not spend time finding faults
16:31 with why they do what they do.
16:33 And if we truly are Christians
16:36 and if we truly believe that Jesus is love
16:40 and we want to share that,
16:41 we cannot go over there with that attitude
16:44 of I'm here and you're there,
16:48 because truthfully we will not make it to heaven
16:51 if that's our attitude, if that's my attitude.
16:55 And so it's difficult
16:57 because sometimes things happen and it's frustrating.
17:01 But you have to ask God to help you.
17:04 Help me to see them the way you see me.
17:09 It's easy to say, "I don't wanna do this.
17:12 Let me go somewhere where I fit in,
17:15 where I don't stand out,"
17:17 and recognizing that we have to go where God calls us.
17:22 - So the young people that are learning
17:24 to be teachers right now,
17:25 they were all born after the war.
17:27 But the other people that were helping,
17:29 the older young people that were helping you.
17:31 - Two of the people that we were working with,
17:34 they were alive during that period of time.
17:39 I sat down and talked with one of them,
17:41 and he shared what his family went through.
17:45 He lost his mom, he lost his brother during that time.
17:49 His brother was murdered.
17:51 His mom, I think, she end up getting sick.
17:53 His family was on the run.
17:55 They owed money, and so they took him and his brother.
18:00 - The people they owed money to.
18:02 - Yeah, and so they had to work to pay off the debt.
18:05 And so they had to, you know, they were kids.
18:07 They were under 10.
18:09 And so foraging to find food
18:12 and just different things
18:13 like I cannot even begin to understand at all.
18:19 I can't even pretend I understand.
18:21 I was just sitting there just so dumbfounded.
18:24 - That people could survive something like this.
18:27 - Yes, and then the beauty about him
18:30 was that, after all of that, he found God,
18:34 and now he's working full-time for Jesus.
18:37 He became a pastor.
18:39 And so you're able to see,
18:42 he's able to look at his life before,
18:45 and now see what God has done.
18:47 - Praise the Lord. - Amen.
18:49 - That's really awesome. - Absolutely.
18:51 - So when you look at them
18:52 and you look at the history that they have,
18:55 and you think about sharing Jesus with them
18:58 and sharing heaven with them,
19:00 is that a hard thing to try to share with them
19:03 what heaven is gonna be like
19:04 when they've gone through all this evil?
19:07 - You know, truthfully, I haven't tried.
19:10 - Because you don't speak the language.
19:11 - I don't speak the language.
19:13 You know, during that time, I actually realized
19:14 the importance of learning the language.
19:18 Our words that we have here,
19:21 there's not a word over there for it.
19:24 - So you're trying to explain something
19:25 that there's no-
19:27 - Explanation for.
19:28 - Wow, yeah, we saw that in Thailand.
19:31 It's like there's no word,
19:32 there's no concept for salvation
19:34 or for even the word saved.
19:36 It's like, saved from what?
19:42 They don't have that concept at all.
19:45 And so the idea of a Savior.
19:47 - Complete foreign.
19:48 - Like, what is that?
19:50 So you have to figure out how to explain it
19:53 in a language they can understand,
19:55 using words that they have and concepts that they have.
20:00 That's a challenge.
20:00 - It is. (both laugh)
20:02 But with God, all things are possible.
20:05 - That's true.
20:06 So when you went to Cambodia
20:07 and you started working with these young people,
20:10 now we're trying to build a boarding academy,
20:13 but you were working with young people already,
20:16 but we don't have a school.
20:17 So what were you doing,
20:19 what were these young people there for,
20:21 what was going on in the project
20:25 at that point in time?
20:26 - Okay, so we had some young ladies that were in college.
20:31 And so when we got there,
20:33 one of the things we started doing
20:35 was teaching them English.
20:37 We were teaching them English.
20:38 So every day we would go there
20:40 and spend a hour or a little bit more than an hour
20:42 teaching them English,
20:43 and then, in return,
20:45 they would help us to learn the language,
20:47 which is Khmer.
20:48 And so there were five of them
20:51 and there was five young people from my team,
20:53 so I paired them up.
20:54 And so they would teach them words.
20:57 So we would put papers around the house.
21:00 That's a door, that's a chair,
21:03 and stuff like that,
21:04 everyday things that they were using.
21:06 Going through the phonograms and stuff like that,
21:10 so that's what we were doing.
21:11 And then we started doing worship together.
21:15 And one evening a week, on Wednesday evening,
21:18 we started going through the book education.
21:20 And so, as we went through it,
21:22 we had somebody there that translated
21:25 to their language for them,
21:26 and we had these study guides
21:29 that we were going through with them,
21:31 just slowly making sure they understand
21:34 the importance of, not just education,
21:36 but true education.
21:38 How does God desire us to be educated
21:41 and to educate others?
21:43 - Okay, so I know that education is one thing
21:46 that really suffered because of the war,
21:49 because their goal was to kill all the intellectuals.
21:52 Everybody that had a pen,
21:53 everybody that wore glasses.
21:56 And so what have you seen
21:57 as far as their educational system?
22:00 I mean, these young ladies are in college?
22:03 What have you seen as far as the educational system?
22:06 Is it suffering?
22:07 Has it suffered, do you think,
22:08 from having the war kill off
22:10 so many of the- - Absolutely.
22:12 I see the lack, or the missing link,
22:14 in the education system.
22:16 So it's like, this is your work, memorize it,
22:21 and pass.
22:23 So they're not really, you know,
22:25 for example, it's probably better to give an example.
22:29 I was helping one of the young ladies
22:30 with some questions that she had to answer.
22:33 And so when I gave her the answer,
22:35 the teacher marked it wrong.
22:38 And so I told her, "No, he's wrong,
22:42 'cause this is what it's saying."
22:44 And so when she spoke to him and said,
22:50 "Based on the question you asked, the word meaning,
22:52 this is what it means,"
22:54 he shut her down, and that it is wrong,
22:56 and this is how it's gonna stay.
22:59 - So there are huge challenges
23:03 in the area of education still.
23:05 - There is, and, you know,
23:07 when you look, Buddhism is taught,
23:10 and that's a class they have to take.
23:12 They cannot escape it.
23:15 And so that's why it's important for us to teach them
23:18 what true education is,
23:21 and not only teach them,
23:22 but to show them what it looks like,
23:26 so that when the school starts,
23:28 they'll be able to transition
23:30 and lead them to God.
23:32 - Right, so the purpose of these young ladies
23:35 going through college right now
23:37 is to become teachers for this school.
23:39 - Correct.
23:40 We wanna give back to the community.
23:43 And so oftentimes as missionaries, when we go there,
23:47 we teach them the Western way,
23:49 and so when they're finished,
23:52 they will try to move on to somewhere else.
23:56 Wherein if you educate them within their environment,
23:58 within their community,
24:01 then they will wanna stay around and help others.
24:05 - That makes a lotta sense.
24:07 You've gotta reach people in their heart language.
24:09 That's the most effective sharing of anything,
24:12 especially the gospel,
24:14 is when they can hear it and they can read it
24:16 in a language that they've known since birth.
24:18 - Absolutely, that's the first angel's message,
24:21 every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
24:25 - So when you went as a missionary,
24:26 you saw that, well, you shared a quote with me,
24:30 that God didn't send you to the mission field
24:32 to save others.
24:34 He sent you to the mission field to save you.
24:37 - Yes, oh yes (laughs),
24:41 'cause you know, like we were saying earlier,
24:42 all we did is change address.
24:46 And so, for me personally while I was there,
24:50 I saw so many defectiveness in me.
24:54 - That's humbling.
24:55 - Yeah, absolutely.
24:57 And so we have this idea that I'm just gonna go over there
25:01 and I'm gonna tell them about Jesus
25:02 and I'm gonna win souls for kingdom
25:04 and all these different things,
25:06 and I had to sit back and realize, like, no.
25:11 He brought me here to show me
25:13 who I truly am,
25:17 that I am nothing and I don't know nothing,
25:22 and I am in need of Him.
25:24 - So you had to look at your purpose.
25:26 - Absolutely, absolutely,
25:28 and recognize how much I need Him,
25:32 and pray that as I'm clinging to Him,
25:36 that He will use me to save others.
25:38 But my first purpose,
25:41 His first purpose for me is to save me.
25:44 'Cause it's only as you do,
25:46 you realize that you're nothing.
25:49 And so oftentimes we are complacent here,
25:53 very complacent here.
25:56 You go there and you really realize
25:59 I don't have a church to hide behind.
26:02 I don't have friends to hide behind.
26:04 - I need Jesus.
26:05 - I need Jesus.
26:06 - Wow, well, that's powerful.
26:09 - It was eye-opening, humbling.
26:13 'Cause sometimes we like to think that
26:15 we're at a certain level.
26:19 We like to think that.
26:20 - And we look down at other people
26:22 from our high position of greatness.
26:26 - And you go to the mission field with that same attitude,
26:29 and He's like, no, you're all on the same playing field.
26:34 We're all in need of a savior.
26:37 We're all dying.
26:38 He's saying, "Look, you're dying.
26:40 "Come to me and live."
26:42 So the same message for them is for me.
26:45 It's not a separate message; it's one.
26:48 So we always talk about leading others to Christ,
26:53 and we forget ourselves,
26:56 'cause we think we already have Him (laughs).
26:59 - Wow, that's really powerful,
27:02 just to think about how much we need Him.
27:06 - Absolutely, and when you recognize that,
27:08 you're not quick to pass judgment.
27:13 You're not quick to look down on others,
27:16 because you realize we're all in the same playing field.
27:20 - We all need Him.
27:21 - We all need Him.
27:23 - Well, that's powerful and beautiful,
27:26 and I wanna thank you so much
27:27 for sharing so openly with me today
27:30 (Howell laughs) and with our viewers.
27:32 - Thank you. - It's been a privilege.
27:33 - Thank you, likewise (laughs).
27:36 - I would like to invite you to pray for the Howell family,
27:39 that they can very soon return to Cambodia
27:42 and to the project there.
27:44 If you would like more information,
27:45 please contact us at Jesus for Asia,
27:48 PO Box 1221, Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:54 Call us at 423-413-7321,
27:58 or visit our website at
28:02 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:05 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (triumphant music)


Revised 2020-12-28