Jesus 4 Asia Now

Building Foundations In Cambodia Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000101S

00:01 (soft music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:23 I'm Jon Wood
00:25 and normally my wife is the one that's hosting this show,
00:27 but we have a special guest today
00:28 and I wanted to take the opportunity to interview him.
00:32 I'm here with Lloyd Howel and Lloyd, with his family,
00:35 has just recently been in Cambodia.
00:37 Lloyd, what inspired your family
00:39 to go as missionaries to Cambodia?
00:41 - Well, my wife and I have been interested
00:42 in missions for a while now.
00:44 A few years back we went to Compassion International
00:47 to go through the Compassion experience.
00:50 And what they do is they have a trailer that you go into
00:53 and you kinda see what the mission field is like.
00:55 - Oh, so they have like a hut set up.
00:57 From like a slum in India or something?
01:01 - Right and you wear headphones and you go through the story
01:05 of the life of somebody
01:07 that lives in one of those poverty-stricken areas.
01:11 So it was a very enlightening experience.
01:14 And as we went there, we really felt the urge to go
01:18 to one of these places and to help however we can.
01:23 That kind of fizzled out a little bit.
01:24 We didn't end up leaving anytime soon.
01:28 Then my daughter ended up going on some mission trips
01:30 to Dominican Republic and different places.
01:33 And she got interested in missions.
01:36 And then we went to Faith Camp.
01:38 And at Faith Camp, the Lord really tugged on our hearts
01:41 that missions is where he wants us to be.
01:44 And my wife decided that she really wanted to do this.
01:47 And I believe she talked to you.
01:49 - Yeah (laughs).
01:50 - And this opportunity to go to Cambodia came up
01:53 and we felt the Lord was leading us to do that.
01:56 So we went and took that step.
01:58 - Well, let me find out what your wife's credentials are.
02:02 One of our missionaries from Cambodia
02:05 had been praying for somebody like her.
02:07 And so she came over and claimed your wife.
02:10 (laughing)
02:11 She with me, you're with me,
02:12 don't talk to anybody else.
02:15 So that's--
02:16 That happened and then how long did it take
02:20 for you to get from that Faith Camp
02:22 and the decision to go to then actually going?
02:26 - It was about a year and a half.
02:30 We decided that we wanted to go,
02:32 had some loose ends to tie up,
02:35 a little fundraising, trying to get the money together.
02:38 You're talking a family of four going to a strange country.
02:41 - Yeah (laughs).
02:42 - It was interesting because as we made that decision,
02:46 there were a few other young people that we knew,
02:49 well, that decided they wanted to go also.
02:53 They wanted to experience Cambodia, see what it's like
02:56 and see if in any way, they can be helpful
02:59 to the people there.
03:00 So we ended up taking three other teenagers with us.
03:04 So that was an experience in itself.
03:06 (laughing)
03:08 - Yeah, so I remember, I know one, one young lady,
03:11 she went like last minute. - Yes.
03:14 One of them, probably two weeks before we left,
03:20 she told us she was interested
03:21 and we had not truly met her before.
03:25 I think my kids met her once or twice before.
03:28 And so we had to meet her family and talk to them
03:32 and she actually got her own money together
03:35 to pay for her tickets and she said she wanted to go.
03:38 And I said, well, if the Lord is leading,
03:40 we prayed about it and she came along with us on the trip
03:42 and she was a blessing. - Yeah.
03:45 And you guys are friends now. - We're friends now.
03:47 (laughing) - Seem like best friends now.
03:50 Before you went, we did some unique training,
03:53 especially for the young people that went.
03:56 A lot of people don't understand that in Asia,
03:58 what's the main mode of transportation?
04:00 - Yeah, so in Asia, what we found out
04:02 was everybody rides mopeds. - Yeah.
04:05 - Very few people have cars.
04:07 Very few people can afford cars.
04:08 But in Cambodia, once you reach a certain age,
04:13 I think it's 14, you're allowed to ride a moped
04:16 even without a license,
04:17 as long as it's under a certain power.
04:21 So Jesus for Asia allowed us to use their motorcycles,
04:25 dirt bikes, out here
04:27 and taught us how to ride, taught the girls how to ride,
04:29 so that they would be able to function
04:32 when we got out there.
04:33 - So we had set up this program
04:34 specifically for this purpose.
04:37 Cause in Thailand especially, everybody rides motorcycles.
04:40 And we have some missionaries that when we say,
04:42 well this person's interested in coming to help you
04:44 at your mission project,
04:45 the first question is, can they ride a motorcycle?
04:48 And we have our own kids too
04:50 and it's like, I would much rather them learn
04:52 in a low-stress situation where they're on dirt or mud
04:57 rather than in the middle of a town
04:59 where there's traffic and cement and everything like that.
05:02 And so our donors have been very generous
05:05 and we've been able to buy three motorbikes,
05:08 old used motorbikes,
05:09 but we put these girls on the motorbikes
05:13 and some of them are very, very nervous.
05:16 Your girls weren't so nervous about it.
05:19 Your wife was kind of nervous.
05:20 (laughing)
05:22 But your daughters are pretty strong,
05:23 but there's a couple of girls that are like
05:25 I don't want to do it, I don't want to do it.
05:26 And then they start asking questions
05:27 and how does this work and what happens there?
05:30 So we explained it, walk them through.
05:31 Before long, they're like (hums).
05:34 (laughing)
05:34 Really having a ball.
05:36 - It was truly a blessing
05:37 because when you get out there,
05:39 if you need to ride a motorbike or go anywhere,
05:41 it's like all the school kids have bikes.
05:44 So these motorcycles are all over the road
05:47 and it's packed and it's crowded, some areas.
05:49 And the traffic rules and laws aren't the same as ours.
05:54 So it's a challenge.
05:55 And if you don't already know how to ride,
05:57 it's really nerve wracking.
05:59 So it was a real blessing that they learnt here,
06:02 before we went over there. - Yeah, very cool.
06:04 So when you got there,
06:06 what was the first thing that impressed you
06:07 about what's different in Cambodia?
06:10 - Well, one of the things that really caught my attention
06:13 was idol worship (laughs).
06:17 The statues.
06:20 When we read the Bible, we hear about idol worship
06:22 and in America, we really don't see it.
06:25 We think about, well, our cars can be an idol
06:27 or our our TV or internet.
06:31 Those all can be idols,
06:33 but we don't think about the big statue
06:36 as an idol very much.
06:37 But when you go to Asia,
06:40 they have these big statues all over the place.
06:42 They have them on the roundabouts, on the road.
06:45 Every home has a alter in it with a statue.
06:49 Every store has an altar in it with a statue
06:51 and they worship these things.
06:53 They put food out for it every day.
06:57 They put money on the tables for it every day.
07:01 I've never experienced something like that,
07:02 it's really amazing, but this is their life.
07:04 This is what they believe in.
07:07 They don't know about Christ.
07:10 They've never heard about Jesus, this is how they live.
07:13 So it was really interesting.
07:16 - Wow.
07:17 So they're aware of spirits?
07:18 - Yes.
07:19 - They believe that spirits are there?
07:21 - They truly have a deeper understanding
07:26 of the spirit world than we tend to.
07:31 A lot of people don't realize Satan is real
07:36 and there are spirits out there.
07:38 They're not the spirits of our dead ancestors,
07:40 like many of these people believe,
07:42 but they're fallen angels.
07:45 And they're out there and they do cause havoc in the world
07:48 and they do cause problems
07:50 and people can talk to them and worship them
07:53 and they will do things for these people.
07:55 But they don't understand what it truly is,
07:58 that it's not of God, it's not the right thing.
08:01 It's demonic, it's wrong.
08:04 But they're aware of it and it is there.
08:06 A lot of places have what we would call a scarecrow
08:12 in front of their homes to keep evil spirits away.
08:14 - Wow. - You know.
08:15 And this is their life, this is what they know.
08:19 And it's trying to help them to understand
08:22 that there is a God
08:23 and that God is more powerful than the devil.
08:26 And so these things that they understand,
08:28 that they're running from, they're afraid of
08:31 are things that God can protect them from.
08:33 - Wow. - And so,
08:35 teaching them about Christ and what he's able to do
08:37 and who he is, is so important.
08:41 - So then the difference
08:42 must be from the lifestyle into Chr--
08:44 And I know that you were only there for a few months.
08:47 You probably didn't see a conversion yet, right?
08:51 - I did not see the conversion while I was there.
08:53 - But it seems like it's going from that lifestyle,
08:56 that mindset, that understanding of the world,
08:59 to going to an understanding of the world
09:01 where the strongest spirit in the universe is a good spirit,
09:05 a good one that loves you would be tremendous.
09:07 - Yes.
09:08 As we worked with some of the young ladies
09:09 that we did work with,
09:11 we have some young ladies that are in college over there,
09:13 that are training to be teachers
09:15 in the school that we're trying to establish.
09:18 As we worked with them, we realized,
09:20 even though some of them have been in the church
09:22 for a long time, there's a lack of understanding
09:27 of spiritual things. - Really?
09:29 - And even though many of not just them,
09:32 but many Adventists, many Christians out there,
09:35 are starting to understand who Christ is,
09:37 they still have a strong connection with the spirit world
09:42 and the beliefs of the spirit world.
09:44 So as we start teaching them and working with them
09:48 about God and true love and what God's love is all about
09:52 and how God wants to help us and protect us,
09:55 there are little breakthroughs.
09:57 And you can see that they've been taught one thing
10:02 their whole life.
10:03 And now you're trying to show them what we know is truth.
10:08 And it's a challenge.
10:10 It's hard to understand and to truly be converted.
10:15 Only God can do that.
10:16 And so you have to just, through your lifestyle,
10:20 through your actions is what they'll really see
10:24 and say you know what, there's something different,
10:25 I wanna be more like whoever this individual is reflecting.
10:30 - Right. - Who is God.
10:31 - Yeah.
10:32 So even not just what they know,
10:34 but how they process information, how they think,
10:38 all of that is different, correct?
10:40 From what we're used to. - Yes, very different.
10:42 I say very different, but in a lot of ways,
10:45 it's just sin has done so much to us as a people,
10:49 in the world.
10:50 And pride, things like power.
10:59 There's levels in Asia of power, like lifestyle,
11:04 like you know we have the poor, the middle-class
11:06 and the rich. - Right.
11:07 - Okay, well we all in America,
11:10 we think, well it doesn't matter if you're poor.
11:11 If you struggle and you try, you can one day be rich.
11:14 You can own that, you can grow, you can be this,
11:16 but over there it's like, well, this is where I am.
11:19 I'm at this class and it's not gonna change
11:21 unless I marry rich.
11:23 (laughing)
11:24 And it's accepted that because I'm at a lower class,
11:29 that the higher class is dominant and I'm a servant to them.
11:35 Whatever they say, I do because they're above me class-wise.
11:39 And because of that, there's a real separation
11:42 between the classes over there.
11:46 I'm trying to help them to understand that in God's way,
11:50 we're all equal.
11:51 This guy is not above you.
11:53 You are not above this person because you have more money
11:56 or because I have a higher job
11:59 or because you're a different complexion.
12:01 We're all equal in God's eyes.
12:04 Trying to help them to understand that is truly a challenge
12:06 because that's not their mentality.
12:08 - Right, yeah.
12:10 Yeah.
12:11 So tell me a little bit about Cambodia.
12:13 How many people live in Cambodia?
12:15 - Okay, Cambodia,
12:17 there is over 16 million people in Cambodia.
12:21 - [John] Okay. - Okay.
12:22 And as far as Christianity goes,
12:25 as far as Seventh Day Adventists,
12:26 I think we have about 3000.
12:29 - 3000 out of? - In the country.
12:30 Out of 16 million.
12:33 Okay, so you see how difficult that would be,
12:34 to reach the people?
12:36 Yeah, so out of the 3000,
12:39 there's actually a percentage of them
12:41 that are from other countries.
12:43 We've got missionaries, we got people coming from Thailand
12:46 or coming from the Philippines
12:49 or other places that are there in Cambodia,
12:52 trying to work with the people like we are.
12:54 So there's actually less than 3000 Adventists
12:57 that are actually Cambodian. - So the church
12:59 is actually quite small. - So the churches are small.
13:01 - Is it a poor church, is it a wealthy church?
13:03 Do they have a lot of extra tithes?
13:05 - Okay, so as far as the tithing goes and the churches go,
13:09 they're very poor in that country.
13:11 So it's a very poor country.
13:13 Probably about 34, $35 a year per person
13:17 is the tithing that's gone there.
13:20 So there's not money to evangelize,
13:22 there's not money to grow.
13:24 - And of course you're over there too.
13:27 - So we're there trying to evangelize,
13:28 trying to help the people to have a better education.
13:32 So we're trying to start a school in Cambodia at this time.
13:34 The education in Cambodia is very poor.
13:38 Cambodia was in a war in the 70s and there was a genocide.
13:44 They killed a lot of people,
13:46 mostly those that were considered educated.
13:49 So if you wore glasses and you looked educated,
13:50 they killed you.
13:52 All right, if you were a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer,
13:54 all these professions were killed off in the 70s.
13:57 Okay.
14:00 And today in Cambodia,
14:02 since all those teachers and leaders were killed off,
14:07 you had a group of young people
14:08 that grew up without a true education.
14:12 And these young people are today the teachers and leaders
14:14 that are teaching the young people today.
14:16 And so, their education is really, really behind.
14:21 And so we're trying to start a school
14:23 that's gonna help the people.
14:26 - Okay.
14:27 So it's like not even a generation.
14:29 And that repression was still there.
14:31 That civil war is there until like 20 years ago.
14:34 - Yes, lot of people don't realize it was so bad there,
14:40 the property that we recently purchased to have the school
14:42 we had to have them check it for mines, for landmines
14:45 because a lot of the places off the roads
14:48 still have landmines and anti-tank mines.
14:53 You'll meet a lot of people on the streets
14:54 that are missing a leg or missing an arm
14:57 because they've walked into a mine
14:58 and things like that has happened even today.
15:00 - Amazing.
15:01 You know, when I was there in 96,
15:03 they say that you could go to the black market
15:04 and buy an anti-personnel mine for a dollar.
15:08 - Wow.
15:09 - So if you had trouble with your neighbor, you know.
15:11 And then an anti-tank mine was only $5.
15:14 - Oh man. - And at that time,
15:15 there was more landmines in the country than people.
15:19 And so whenever I went out walking,
15:21 I never went off the road
15:23 and I always followed a local Cambodian
15:25 that had been through the killing fields.
15:27 And so how does this impact you living there,
15:30 in the middle of all this leftovers, from all this struggle
15:36 and bloodshed and everything,
15:37 how did that impact you being there
15:38 in the middle of all that?
15:40 - Yeah, so when you get there,
15:42 you realize what the country's been through
15:44 and you start seeing the poverty of the place
15:48 and you realize we're rich in America.
15:53 We struggle, lot of us struggle,
15:55 a lot of us don't have jobs right now,
15:57 but we're still rich compared to them.
16:00 And we realized like, Lord, what are we doing?
16:05 There's these people out here that don't know Jesus.
16:07 They don't know God, they don't know love,
16:10 they don't know anything.
16:12 And we're sitting at home in our houses,
16:15 driving our cars and sitting on our couch, watching our TV.
16:19 We don't even care.
16:21 And it's sad. - Wow.
16:24 - It hurts.
16:25 I'm like, we need to help.
16:27 We need to do something to reach these people,
16:29 to let them know that there is a God,
16:31 there is somebody out there that cares
16:33 for each and every one of them.
16:35 - Okay, so was it like depressing?
16:36 Did you feel the oppression there
16:39 or did you feel just this sense of burden to wanna help?
16:45 How did that affect you and your family?
16:46 - Every day is the same to them.
16:48 They don't have--
16:49 Like we have a weekend.
16:51 We have the Sabbath and we have Sunday and we take a break.
16:55 But with them, it's like every day
16:57 is the same monotonous life.
17:00 There's no church,
17:01 in America you see a church on every corner.
17:04 And you know it's Sunday
17:05 cause everybody's in church on Sunday.
17:07 You know it's Sabbath cause people go to church on Sabbath,
17:09 but over there, there isn't that.
17:12 So every day is the same.
17:14 And there's--
17:16 It's like a lack of joy in their eyes and their hearts.
17:20 One thing one of the young ladies told me,
17:22 she said I admire how you interact with your children,
17:26 with your daughters.
17:27 Our parents don't do that.
17:29 So there's not that love, that personal closeness
17:34 in the family even.
17:37 They are family oriented, don't get me wrong,
17:40 but it's different, it's not the same.
17:42 - Yeah, right.
17:43 Okay, so what's the status of the school at this point?
17:47 - Okay so,
17:48 well, the Lord us with a piece of land out in Cambodia
17:51 and it is 12 hectors, which is about 34 acres.
17:58 - Okay.
17:59 - And it was interesting when we went to look at the land
18:02 and we checked out the property and everything,
18:04 we found out that there was some issues.
18:09 The person that sold us the land,
18:11 there was a section of the land that we didn't get.
18:16 Exactly which section that was, we weren't sure.
18:18 (laughing)
18:20 So we had to get in touch
18:21 with the person that sold us the land,
18:23 get the barriers marked out and everything.
18:26 So in this picture here,
18:28 we're out there with the owner of the land,
18:32 a government official
18:33 and somebody from the town that we live in
18:36 and we're putting posts up, marking the actual borderlines
18:40 of our property
18:41 and the other piece of property that was there.
18:43 - Okay, all right.
18:44 - And so when we finally got that all figured out,
18:47 praise the Lord.
18:48 - And after the landmines work.
18:49 - And after the landmines were all cleaned out,
18:53 we had to level the whole property.
18:54 It wasn't as level as we like it to be
18:56 to start building on it.
18:58 So in these pictures, we're showing
19:01 as we're leveling the property and we finally got it.
19:04 - [Jon] You had to bring in a lot of truckloads of dirt.
19:06 - [Lloyd] We were blessed
19:08 that there was some areas in the land
19:09 that was kind of like a Creek low-level.
19:12 So we decided to take dirt from there to level the land.
19:17 So we didn't have to bring in outside dirt,
19:19 which was a blessing, saved us a lot of money.
19:21 So we were able to get all our dirt.
19:24 - [Jon] How many truckloads are we talking about?
19:26 - So it was approximately 4,000 truckloads of dirt.
19:29 - 4,000 truckloads of dirt?
19:31 - 4,000 truckloads of dirt to get it leveled up.
19:35 So, God is awesome.
19:36 Cambodia is an expense.
19:38 (laughs)
19:39 So it cost us about $14,000 to get it all leveled out
19:45 to where we can start building.
19:47 - And then of course the rainy season hit.
19:49 - Corona hit.
19:50 - Oh yeah, that too. (laughing)
19:52 - And the rainy season hit
19:53 so we weren't able to start building yet.
19:56 And we had to leave Cambodia
19:58 due to some unforeseen situations.
20:01 So we're trying, by God's grace, to get back out there
20:05 and continue the work.
20:06 - Is it hard to get back?
20:07 - Unfortunately,
20:09 Cambodia has put a lot of restrictions in place
20:11 because of COVID.
20:14 And they're requesting that each individual
20:17 has between two to $6,000 on their person
20:21 to get back into the country now.
20:23 - Wow, so a family of four.
20:24 - Yeah, so a family of four is gonna be difficult.
20:26 So we're looking at about $24,000
20:30 and that doesn't include the plane tickets or the visas,
20:33 just to get back into the country.
20:35 So we're praying and hoping for the Lord to make a way
20:39 that we can get back into the country to continue the work
20:41 that we started out there.
20:42 - So once you get back,
20:44 then you're gonna start working on the land
20:45 and getting the contractor there to start building.
20:49 - Well, the land, we need to start working on the land
20:51 and we need to start working on language.
20:55 As a family, we do not know the language.
20:58 And we realized the first time we went
21:00 what a hindrance that is.
21:02 And the person that we use to translate for us,
21:05 he is no longer with us,
21:06 so it's very important that we learn the language.
21:09 So that's gonna be one of our main focuses
21:10 when we first get back,
21:12 is on working on the language
21:14 and working with the people in our actual town.
21:19 Right now, unfortunately, Cambodia has had a big flood
21:23 and the area we used to live in is underwater.
21:26 So there's gonna be a lot of people
21:28 that are in need right now,
21:29 a lot of people that are gonna need help.
21:32 So we wanna get back to help these people.
21:35 - Okay, so speaking of help, after COVID hit,
21:38 our donors have provided generously for a COVID relief fund
21:44 and you guys were able to utilize and distribute some food
21:46 because of that. - Yeah.
21:48 So there was some money sent for relief
21:49 and we were able to help 36 families in Cambodia.
21:52 We got rice. - Truck full of rice.
21:56 - [Lloyd] Truck full of rice
21:57 and a lot of other provisions, sauces and things for them.
22:03 And it was very beneficial to them,
22:05 they were very happy to have get it.
22:07 A lot of them were struggling.
22:08 Families, parents not working because of COVID.
22:12 They're already a very poor nation.
22:14 You have some families that are just living in a small,
22:17 one-room building.
22:19 And you have a family with five, six children
22:21 in a one-room building.
22:23 They have nothing. - Wow.
22:25 - So it was a blessing
22:27 that we were able to help these families.
22:30 We really gotten a lot out of it.
22:32 Getting to talk to them and meet with a lot of them.
22:33 - Wow.
22:34 So now with the flooding, that's gonna--
22:36 Another opportunity. - Another opportunity is there
22:38 to help a lot of these people.
22:40 - [Jon] Yeah, we've got some pictures of the recent flooding
22:43 and here we have,
22:44 you can see why they built the houses on stilts,
22:47 but still there's a lot of suffering for a country.
22:49 - As you can see in this picture here,
22:51 that's one house.
22:53 You got a family of maybe five or six
22:54 living in a house like that.
22:56 Those big vats on the side
22:57 is where they hold all their water,
22:59 to bathe and to do everything they need to do.
23:02 - [Jon] And if they have four or five feet of water on that,
23:05 they don't have any place to. - They have nothing.
23:08 - [Jon] Amazing.
23:09 - What's interesting is
23:10 in some of these smaller communities,
23:12 they still have satellite.
23:14 And so, it's important, not only that we get out there,
23:17 but even our media, they can get media
23:21 and they can hear things on TV and stuff.
23:24 I didn't understand because these people are really,
23:28 they don't have food, but they have internet
23:30 and they have satellite.
23:32 So it's amazing that you can see why media
23:34 is also very important,
23:36 that we get our programs on media so they can see these too.
23:39 - Right, cause that's what they're watching these days.
23:41 - [Lloyd] Yeah. - Wow.
23:43 So what was the name of the school
23:44 that you're planning to open?
23:46 - Okay, so the name of the school
23:47 is Cambodia Boarding Academy, Adventist Boarding Academy.
23:51 Yeah, so we're trying to open something
23:53 for grade seven through 12.
23:56 It's gonna be more of a high school.
23:58 Not a lot, but there's a few Adventist schools there,
24:00 but they don't have high school level
24:03 that teaches in the Cambodian language.
24:05 So we're trying to do a school that teaches
24:07 in the Cambodian language.
24:08 And that's why we currently have teachers from Cambodia
24:11 going to school to get their licenses.
24:14 - That's hard, but it's important.
24:17 - Yes it's a struggle. - Very important to have that
24:20 in the local language.
24:21 In some countries, I know that they have,
24:24 especially like a theology degree,
24:26 they have all that in English.
24:28 And so they have to learn English
24:30 and they have to get all their education in English.
24:32 And then it's hard for them to preach
24:34 in their local language
24:36 because all of their thinking, their theological
24:38 and biblical thinking is in English.
24:40 And so to have that in the local language it takes more work
24:45 because we have to bring the curriculum.
24:49 We have to bring the curriculum
24:51 and translate it into the local language.
24:53 So it's more work for us.
24:55 But the creativity then is gonna be in the local language.
24:59 It's gonna be so much more accessible to the local people.
25:02 And especially at the high school level,
25:03 you don't wanna have to teach them all English
25:05 in order for them to learn.
25:07 You want them just to be able to learn directly
25:10 in their own heart language.
25:11 - Yes, part of the issues we're having there,
25:15 when they don't learn English,
25:17 some of the Adventist high schools we do have,
25:20 they teach in English.
25:21 So we have kids that go to Adventist
25:23 at middle elementary school
25:24 that don't go to Adventist high school
25:26 cause they can't speak English.
25:28 And so they end up going to public high schools
25:30 which have schools on Sabbath
25:33 and they end up leaving the church, many of them,
25:35 because they cannot have their Sabbaths off.
25:37 So by having it in their language,
25:40 they can come to this school
25:42 and they can have their sabbaths.
25:44 And then they can be taught about God also
25:45 throughout their school.
25:47 The public schools teach Buddha.
25:50 They teach intro to Buddhism.
25:51 They teach these things of evolution
25:54 and they think all these things that are not biblical,
25:57 they're not true.
25:58 - Right and they're not really taught to reason through,
26:00 they're just taught to memorize these things, so.
26:03 - Yes, that's another challenge
26:05 we're even having with the colleges,
26:07 is they're taught by memorization.
26:09 So if you take a test and you fail the test,
26:13 you have the opportunity to retake the test
26:15 and they give you the exact same test.
26:17 And if you fail it again, you just can retake it.
26:20 Now, they charge you to retake it
26:22 so they're making a little bit of money on this
26:24 and this would be your final exam
26:25 to move from one grade to the next.
26:29 So you just have to memorize the answers
26:31 and to put them in the right place.
26:34 They don't understand what they're learning
26:37 in a lot of times.
26:38 So it's a real struggle out there
26:41 for you to get young people that are willing to truly learn
26:46 and then to teach them so that they can teach.
26:48 - And to think.
26:49 - (laughs) And to think, yes.
26:51 - Wow, that's amazing.
26:52 So when are you guys planning to go back?
26:54 - That's in God's hands (laughs).
26:55 - As soon as the door is open.
26:57 - As soon as the door is open.
26:58 As soon as we get the opportunity to go back.
27:00 If things change with the government there
27:03 and open up the gates so we can get back
27:06 or if there's a donor out there that decides hey,
27:09 we'll donate so y'all can get back, praise the Lord.
27:12 So whenever the doors open, we plan to get back.
27:14 - Praise the lord.
27:16 Well, thank you for sharing with us
27:17 what it's like to be there and what the needs are
27:19 in Cambodia.
27:20 And so, I wanna invite you to be a part,
27:24 to pray for this family that's ready to go back
27:26 and just waiting for open doors.
27:29 And a lot of times, we don't value prayer
27:30 for what it really is.
27:32 But one of my favorite authors
27:33 says that prayer is the key in the hand of faith
27:36 to unlock heaven's resources.
27:39 What a powerful concept that is,
27:41 heaven has a lot of resources.
27:43 And so if you'd like to get in touch with us,
27:45 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia PO box 1221,
27:50 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:53 You can call us at 423 413 7321
27:58 or you can go to our
28:03 Thank you for joining us on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:07 (soft music)


Revised 2021-01-08