Jesus 4 Asia Now

Bangkok Center of Influence Finds Land for an Outpost Center.

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000107S

00:00 (revealing music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus For Asia Now.
00:23 Now I'm Natalie Wood and my husband John
00:25 is joining me here in the studio today, hello love.
00:28 - Hi darling, how are you today?
00:29 - I'm doing good.
00:30 - Good.
00:31 - I'm looking forward to this story
00:32 - Yeah me too - Which is update.
00:34 I guess we should say
00:35 - Expansion, milestone
00:37 - Prayer requests.
00:38 - Yes.
00:39 - All these things.
00:40 So can you share a little with us
00:41 about what we're looking at today?
00:43 - Okay, well, first of all,
00:45 I wanna introduce my involvement with the city
00:48 that we're talking about.
00:49 We're talking about Bangkok Thailand.
00:51 - Okay
00:52 - My first time I went there was in 1969.
00:55 - Oh wow.
00:56 - I was five years old
00:57 - Okay
00:58 - And my parents were returning missionaries from New Guinea
01:00 and they went through a number of countries
01:02 on the way back home.
01:03 And one of them was Thailand.
01:04 = Okay
01:05 - And I was recently going through some slides of my mother
01:09 she's passed away
01:10 and on one of the slides.
01:12 My mom had written on the paper part.
01:15 She says, "how in the world are we gonna reach
01:18 this huge city of 3 million people?"
01:21 And now there's 13 million people.
01:25 - Wow.
01:26 - And that was 1969.
01:27 And here we are
01:29 - 51 years later
01:30 - 51 years later.
01:31 And we're still asking the same question,
01:34 but we have a chance to make a difference.
01:36 When I was five, I couldn't do a lot.
01:38 - Right
01:40 - I enjoyed the elephant rides, the boat rides,
01:42 the beautiful dances that they had
01:44 and all that kind of stuff.
01:46 But I still remember a lot of those things
01:47 from when I was five,
01:48 but now we can make a difference.
01:50 We can really make an impact, and this is what I want to do.
01:54 - Okay
01:56 - And I think that a lot of our viewers,
01:57 I think we have agreement on this.
01:59 A lot of people would like to see a saving impact made
02:03 in some of these huge cities.
02:04 - Right
02:06 - But the real question is, and it's on everybody's mind,
02:07 everybody's asking this question, how do we do such a thing?
02:10 How do we make an impact on such a large city?
02:13 And I have to tell you about my friend Doug Van.
02:16 - Right?
02:17 - First time we met pastor Doug was in 2008
02:20 and he was a church planting pastor
02:22 in Bangkok sponsored by the general conference.
02:26 And his job was to plant five churches in Bangkok.
02:30 And I saw what he was doing.
02:33 And I was so excited about what his focus was
02:37 and what his mission was that I'm like,
02:40 I wanna film this.
02:42 So in 2009, we actually pitched
02:44 this to the general conference,
02:46 the Adventist Mission Department at General Conference.
02:48 And they said, yeah, we wanna see this happen.
02:51 And so in 2010,
02:52 I went over there to Bangkok
02:54 and I thought I'm gonna be here for two months,
02:57 film all 13 and then come back and edit them.
03:01 But after two months I had maybe two episodes filmed
03:05 and you and I were separated
03:10 for like three, four and a half months.
03:12 Finally, you came over.
03:13 But during that time, I got to follow him around
03:15 and see the challenges that he had in expanding the work
03:21 in an environment, in a culture, a church culture,
03:25 where there is very little support for evangelism.
03:30 There is very little support, especially foreign evangelism.
03:35 We feel like there's, here in America.
03:37 That there's very little support for evangelism in general.
03:39 But when you go overseas, you start to realize, wow,
03:43 over 92% of all Christian giving worldwide
03:47 goes to minister to the 8% that speak English.
03:53 That's like having 10 people
03:56 and you have 10 bottles of water
03:58 and you give nine bottles of water to one person
04:01 and one to the other nine.
04:04 And so I was always following pastor around.
04:07 I started to see this huge imbalanced
04:10 - Disparity
04:11 - Disparity yeah, between those that have the gospel
04:14 and those that do not.
04:15 And the majority of those that have the gospel
04:18 are hanging around others that have the gospel
04:22 and there's very little crossover.
04:23 And so I started developing a huge burden for the city.
04:28 A lot of people say,
04:29 well, you can't really live in the city,
04:31 but after being there for awhile,
04:33 I really started to sense the Holy spirit
04:36 in downtown Bangkok.
04:38 And why is that?
04:40 Because He's very clear on the fact that the Holy spirit
04:44 is where the need is.
04:45 He's where the people are.
04:46 He's where the people are that have the greatest need.
04:50 That's where He's the strongest.
04:51 And so as I walk around the city, now I see people,
04:56 I see people that need Christ.
04:58 And we actually were able to interview some people
05:00 that had never heard the name of Jesus before.
05:03 And I've got a couple of those clips here.
05:05 If you wanna show them.
05:06 - All right here we go.
05:08 (speaking in foreign language)
05:23 - They say they have never heard about Jesus
05:25 - [Man] Really?
05:26 - Yeah they have never heard
05:27 (speaking in foreign language)
05:31 - [Man] Would you like to know?
05:33 (speaking in foreign language)
05:42 - Now, pastor Doug was involved with planting churches.
05:46 And so they planted a church in a neighborhood in Bangkok.
05:51 Now Bangkok is a massive city,
05:55 13 million people, almost half a million acres.
06:00 The perimeter is like over a hundred miles
06:03 around the perimeter.
06:04 So, you know if you're a
06:06 - Is a sizable place.
06:08 - Yeah, and there's all these different districts
06:10 and the church,
06:12 we had presence in maybe 20 of the 50 districts in Bangkok.
06:16 The Adventist church has that kind of presence.
06:19 And so you might have the gospel planted
06:23 in one neighborhood, but the next neighborhood,
06:25 or just a few blocks down they've never heard it.
06:29 - This pink area, there's nothing, this green area, nothing.
06:32 And here in blue and orange and this green area, nothing.
06:39 And in this kind of pink and yellow area,
06:43 green area downtown, or if you call it downtown,
06:48 we have nothing
06:52 by the airport, we have nothing.
06:54 So yeah, we just.
06:58 - There's a story about a missionary
07:01 that went to one neighborhood and they shared the gospel
07:03 and they were so excited.
07:04 They were like, wow,
07:05 this has never been in Thailand.
07:06 This is the first time we need to tell everybody in Thailand
07:09 having no clue that it had been in Thailand before.
07:12 And so I was at a church plant with pastor Doug
07:16 and he introduced me to one of the new members there.
07:19 And I asked them,
07:21 how old was she when she first heard
07:23 the name of Jesus Christ?
07:25 I mean, we grow up.
07:26 Yeah, there's a lot of unbelievers here in America,
07:29 but almost everybody's heard of Jesus.
07:31 When you say the name Jesus,
07:32 they think, oh, somebody up there.
07:34 - Right
07:36 - They have a little understanding of that.
07:37 But here I have a clip where he's asking her,
07:40 how old were you when you first heard the name of Jesus?
07:44 - I was asking Miss. Gunn.
07:45 Who is a Buddhist that five years ago before
07:49 when the center just started
07:52 and she came here to study English.
07:55 Had you ever heard of Jesus Christ before?
07:57 And her answer to me was no,
07:59 she'd never heard the story about Jesus before.
08:02 - [Man] Had she actually ever heard the name of Jesus
08:05 (speaking in foreign language)
08:11 - So no, she had never
08:13 (speaking foreign language)
08:18 - 45
08:26 (speaking foreign language)
08:43 - So she is 40 years old.
08:45 So here's a woman that was 40 years old
08:47 before she heard the name of Jesus
08:49 for the first time in her life.
08:50 - Wow
08:51 - Amazing.
08:52 - Yeah.
08:53 - While I was there, we visited
08:54 a number different church plants.
08:56 And one of the church plants was in Rome campaign.
08:59 And this is what we saw.
09:23 We've been in this community now for what?
09:25 In March, it'll be five years.
09:28 How do you feel about that?
09:29 - Very safe
09:32 I'd love to stay here, we have so many friends
09:36 Its so sad to say goodbye to everyone.
09:44 - [Man] How many people live in this building right here?
09:47 - There's a lot of people who lives in that building.
09:49 They have like a thousand units
09:52 - [Man] This the next location for outreach.
09:54 - You know, there's a flood of stories
09:55 that are coming to my mind right now
09:58 of people meeting Jesus Christ
10:00 and having their prayers answered of a God,
10:03 a personal God who really cares that happened in this place.
10:10 You know, prayers for healing, prayers for jobs,
10:12 prayer for families, prayers for relationships,
10:16 even the desperate prayers of university students
10:20 trying to cram to get exams,
10:24 The God of this place, can you help me pass my exams.
10:28 And you know, to hear those stories of God,
10:31 even answering those kinds of prayers,
10:33 I see young people
10:35 who are committing their lives.
10:37 I see old people who are being awakened
10:41 to the fact that Jesus died for us.
10:47 Jesus died for me, not just for us.
10:50 And because of that,
10:51 that means that I have the privilege
10:55 of sharing that news with others.
10:57 And guess what Jesus is coming again.
10:59 And with that good news of Jesus coming again,
11:04 who will go and share it with the community, this community
11:10 who will live it?
11:11 who will walk with the drug abusing mother?
11:15 who will walk with the couple
11:18 who's going through a marital problems?
11:21 who will walk with these people?
11:24 But I know that love of Christ,
11:30 that joy, that assurance, that peace,
11:34 that hope is real in my heart.
11:38 And that's what I wanna share.
11:40 That's what I'm trying to share.
11:41 That's what this team is trying to share.
11:43 That's what they have done in the last five years.
11:46 Are we done?
11:48 Are we done?
11:53 I don't think so.
11:58 There's a part of a series 13 episodes
12:01 where I followed him throughout Bangkok,
12:03 as he did his work of sharing the gospel
12:06 and planting churches as much as possible.
12:08 And I followed him for nine months
12:11 and came back and edited series together.
12:14 And in 2012, we were sharing this at one of our faith camps.
12:20 And pastor Doug came to that faith camp and one young couple
12:22 that came to lead the prayer room
12:24 - Right
12:26 - They learned of this need.
12:28 - Right.
12:29 - And their hearts were touched
12:30 - Right
12:31 - And they said, we need to go where the need is greatest
12:33 because that's what Jesus says to do.
12:35 - Right.
12:36 - And so they decided we're gonna do this.
12:38 And of course, you know the story.
12:40 - Yeah, that was Brian and Jessica Atwell.
12:42 And the Lord led them to after seeing
12:44 "The I Want This City Series"
12:47 that you did with pastor Doug
12:48 to go to Bangkok
12:50 - Right.
12:51 - And to work for Bangkok.
12:52 - Right, and as they were preparing to go,
12:53 they had their first son
12:55 - Right
12:56 - And the first son had some medical needs.
12:58 - Right.
12:59 - Most people would say, well, we have to stay in America.
13:01 That's a sign from God that we shouldn't go.
13:03 - Right.
13:05 - But they said, no, God's gonna take care of the son.
13:07 If he's calling us,
13:08 he will provide what we need, and what happened?
13:11 - Oh, God provided exactly what they needed.
13:14 He, had a shunt in his head
13:16 and there's a special piece of equipment.
13:18 That's used to regulate that.
13:20 And that piece of equipment was sent to Thailand with them
13:24 by the company.
13:25 So it was a blessing from God.
13:28 - Yes, and so they stepped out by faith
13:31 and they spent the first year and a half or so
13:33 in language study and in prayer,
13:36 what they were supposed to do, what they were going to do,
13:38 what kind of ministry to do,
13:40 because in Thailand, you can't just come in
13:42 and tell people about Christ
13:44 because they don't trust you.
13:46 They don't believe you.
13:47 You have to establish a relationship with them
13:50 so that you gain their trust.
13:52 Just like Jesus.
13:54 Jesus method alone will be effective.
13:56 He mingled with men as one desiring their good
14:00 gained their confidence, and then said, follow me.
14:04 And so this is what they were trying to do.
14:06 And they did their final part of their language study up
14:11 in the North.
14:12 And then they were praying, Lord, what do you want us to do?
14:14 And they were going back and forth
14:17 between three different ministries.
14:18 - Right, a fruit smoothie shop,
14:21 or a restaurant or a climbing wall.
14:24 They were just going,
14:26 they felt very flighty going back and forth
14:27 on what they should do.
14:28 - Right.
14:30 - But then the Lord started guiding.
14:31 - Yes
14:32 - Very clearly guiding
14:33 - Yes, and the Lord led them to a building
14:36 that was way bigger than what they were expecting.
14:38 They were looking for us a little cubby hole side.
14:41 - Kind of a storefront kind of thing.
14:42 - But He led them to this 15,000 square foot
14:46 five story building.
14:47 - Right.
14:48 - We're gonna zoom in on this location.
14:50 - Okay.
14:51 - This is Thailand.
14:52 You can see the Bay of Thailand in the bottom.
14:54 The little red dot is where we're going.
14:56 You can see how big Bangkok is,
14:58 now we're zooming into a university.
15:01 - Right?
15:03 - Okay, and this university has how many students?
15:05 - 525,000, it's the 12th largest university in the world.
15:09 - In the world, that's a lot of students.
15:11 - Yes
15:13 - Wouldn't it be amazing to put a center
15:14 right next to that university?
15:17 - Well, you know God had that same idea.
15:22 - Because just South
15:24 of one of the main entrances to that university
15:28 is the center of influence.
15:31 - Right, yeah, you can see the little circle
15:34 there over the building.
15:35 - Yeah, you can see the red building
15:37 on the lower left corner.
15:39 The face is red.
15:40 That's the center of influence.
15:42 - Right?
15:44 - Yeah, well established and to the right
15:45 you can see that is the Ramkhamhaeng university, campus,
15:48 half a million kids.
15:50 - Right, and this center is actually located
15:53 in the middle of a housing area for the university.
15:56 And yeah, one of the main entrances is 400 feet
15:59 from the center.
16:01 - Yeah, so prime location for witnessing and it's fantastic.
16:05 This is the stadium of the university.
16:07 Just to give you an idea of,
16:08 this is at for real university.
16:11 - Right, its big.
16:12 - The college I went to.
16:14 Yeah, it doesn't have one of these.
16:17 - So the climbing wall part of the center
16:19 has been operating for several years
16:21 and the bakery, they've been making baked goods
16:23 and taking them out to sell.
16:25 So it's not been like having a restaurant
16:28 or having a smoothie shop open,
16:30 but they've been working
16:32 and they've been taking, with the climbing wall,
16:35 they've been taking people out into the country
16:37 for a day trips to do climbing
16:39 in actual rock with actual nature.
16:42 - Right, and the reason for that is that,
16:44 when you get people away from their comfort zone,
16:48 they open up more,
16:49 they sit and then they'll talk more.
16:51 And then when they climb and they're hanging on a rope,
16:54 you can talk about faith and tremendous opportunities
16:56 and you spend more time with them,
16:58 when you're driving an hour and a half each way in the car
17:01 and you get a chance to talk about it.
17:02 - Spending time in nature is, is usually a quite peaceful,
17:06 relaxing type of thing.
17:08 - Yeah, and see the works of God, the handiwork of God.
17:11 - Yeah, and it gives them a chance
17:13 to challenge some of their fears maybe,
17:15 or to learn new skills.
17:17 - Right.
17:18 - So it's a very kind of bonding type of thing.
17:21 - Absolutely.
17:22 - So when they were originally discussing
17:25 what they should do,
17:27 the normal approach is to set up an outpost center
17:30 in the country and then work the city from there.
17:35 But every ministry that we know that have tried to do that
17:39 never have a real strong impact in the city
17:42 because it's so time consuming,
17:44 setting up your center in the country.
17:47 And it's so impractical and inconvenient
17:49 to drive into the city, you know,
17:52 in Allan White's day,
17:53 I think that it would take a few minutes
17:55 and you were into the city
17:56 and it was very much more densely compacted.
18:00 The people were compacted together, much worse situation.
18:03 - Right, you got into country very fast
18:06 - Right in the states.
18:07 - Whereas today it takes a long time
18:09 just to get out of the city.
18:10 - Right, if traffic's bad in Bangkok,
18:12 we've had to take us over three hours.
18:14 - Just to get across the city.
18:15 - Right
18:17 - It's just a matter.
18:18 - Or from near the center out even
18:20 it's been because traffic gets so bad, sometimes.
18:23 - It's terrible, and so what they decided to do
18:27 with our complete support is to start in the city first,
18:31 establish the work in the city.
18:33 And when that gets to a point where it is functioning
18:37 and able to move forward,
18:39 then do your outpost center in the country
18:42 where you'll have a retreat for your workers,
18:45 for yourself for the family.
18:47 And you can also have a training center
18:49 and you can choose your land
18:52 with much more intelligence.
18:54 - Right.
18:55 - With the ministry in mind
18:57 that it can then support the ministry
19:00 and not just be, cause the truth is,
19:03 and this is what I learned when I was in Bangkok
19:05 for nine months with pastor Doug
19:06 is if you're not there every day in the city,
19:10 then you're not gonna gain the trust of people.
19:13 People aren't going to know you.
19:14 They're not going to see,
19:15 you know, it's one thing to have information
19:18 let's say here in America, a lot of people know who God is.
19:21 - Right.
19:23 - And they learn a little bit more information about him.
19:25 And then they accept that.
19:26 Whereas when you're working with people that have no idea
19:29 who God is,
19:30 we were walking down the street
19:31 and my friend asked a lady, like, if you accept God,
19:35 then you can have eternal life.
19:37 And the lady's like, "what is God?"
19:40 That's like.
19:41 - Concepts we take for granted.
19:43 - Exactly
19:44 - They don't know, they don't have.
19:45 - They've never been around a Christian.
19:48 They've never seen a Christian live their life.
19:51 And so when you have to live in the city
19:54 for people to see what a Christian looks like
19:58 and how he works and how he does his life
20:00 and how he treats his wife and his kids
20:02 and all these things.
20:03 They have to see that.
20:05 But now that they've had their ministry established,
20:07 they now know what kind of property would support
20:11 that ministry in the city
20:13 and the people that are working there
20:15 for training and for all that kind of stuff.
20:17 - So one thing they're looking for specifically
20:20 is access to climbing
20:22 because the place where they currently go,
20:24 the access is on private land.
20:26 And so someone could deny them access later.
20:28 - Right?
20:30 - They're very concerned about losing that accessibility.
20:33 - Having to start paying for it or something like that,
20:36 looking for land next to a big mountain.
20:38 - Right?
20:39 - We call them mountains there.
20:40 But it's kind of a unique land
20:43 because here you have like in America,
20:46 at least where I grew up,
20:47 you had flat plane and then rolling Hills
20:50 and then big mountains
20:52 here you have flat planes and big mountains,
20:54 flat planes, just like sticking up like teeth.
20:58 - So they have found some property
20:59 - Praise the Lord.
21:01 - And we have some video about that.
21:02 - Okay.
21:03 (soft music)
21:08 - So my family and I moved to Bangkok Thailand
21:11 just over six years ago,
21:12 with the intent of starting a health based ministry
21:15 for the people of Bangkok.
21:16 - We run the F5 Challenge Center.
21:19 It is a urban center of influence.
21:21 - We currently have a plant-based bakery
21:24 as well as a rock climbing gym.
21:26 - And the rock climbing gym has provided
21:27 a lot of opportunity to build relationships
21:30 with people very quickly.
21:32 - What we started to do is lead outdoor climbing trips,
21:35 where we take people out of the concrete jungle,
21:37 into the real jungle, get them up on the real rock.
21:41 And as we did that,
21:42 we realized the desire that people have
21:44 for being out in nature
21:45 and how easy it was to bridge conversations
21:48 into talking about God, as we were out in his creation.
21:50 - We are counseled to live outside of the cities,
21:52 but to work inside of the city.
21:54 we see so many outpost centers start,
21:56 but never get into the city.
21:59 And so we did it the other way around
22:00 our children were still very, very young when we came here,
22:03 they're infants or unborn.
22:05 And so we started the Urban Center of Influence first.
22:09 - And now, after being in that city for six years,
22:13 we're really needing,
22:14 to set up that outpost
22:16 so that we have that place
22:18 where we can be away from the city where we can recharge,
22:20 where we can refresh,
22:22 connect with God in the things that he has made.
22:24 (soft music)
22:32 - It is this beautiful piece of land.
22:34 It's absolutely perfect because right across the road
22:37 is climbing that could be developed there.
22:42 - The idea is to set up some kind of a rustic type camping.
22:45 So we would have like elevated bamboo platforms
22:47 with grass roofs to keep rain out if it rained
22:49 with tents on them,
22:51 but it will give us an opportunity to connect with people.
22:53 We would have a centralized kitchen area restaurant,
22:55 if you will,
22:56 with eating where we can sit down
22:58 and connect with the people,
23:00 share with them that we would have worships as well.
23:03 Our home would be here for our family.
23:05 - Our church and Pathfinders
23:06 and the children here right now.
23:08 They have to rent other people's camps for summer camp
23:12 and Pathfinders event.
23:13 Well, we could be that place for them to hold those events.
23:16 If we had this property.
23:18 - So we just wanna invite you to join us
23:20 in praying for this property,
23:22 that God would provide the resources we need
23:24 to purchase and develop it.
23:30 - Isn't that beautiful?
23:31 - It is a beautiful piece of land,
23:32 - Right at the base of the climbing mountain.
23:35 - So the property could be used
23:36 as a retreat location or for a training location
23:40 for opportunity for climbing camps
23:43 or for youth meetings youth camps.
23:46 - Those kinds of things.
23:47 - Yeah, and it would be a place for them
23:50 to be able to raise their three kids now.
23:54 In contact with God's nature.
23:56 - Right.
23:57 - Right now there is they're living in the center
23:59 and the kids have no contact with nature at all there.
24:04 And so it's a little bit difficult.
24:08 Yeah, I can't imagine living in a place
24:13 that's all concrete in a building with three kids
24:16 - Right and it's been locked down.
24:18 So it's like, you can't even go to any of the parks
24:20 in the city, not that it's convenient to go to them anyway.
24:23 - Right yeah.
24:24 - And so it's been hard for them,
24:27 - Right, so there's just a lot of reasons
24:30 why this makes sense for God's kingdom, for the ministry,
24:35 for the people of Thailand.
24:37 - So the next video we have is a church member,
24:40 a Thai lady who's been instrumental in helping them
24:44 with negotiating and trying to find a property.
24:47 - Correct.
24:48 - The property that F5 is looking into buying in kayoing,
24:54 is an asset.
24:56 I believe it will be very beneficial for the ministry
25:00 it's out in nature.
25:02 And it is equipped with the climbing wall
25:05 where a lot more activities can be done outdoor,
25:09 especially for biking, climbing and other camping.
25:15 Nowadays, people are into that
25:16 and we are living in the city
25:19 and people are deprived of nature
25:21 and doing outdoor activity.
25:23 And I believe that the ministry can be expanded
25:27 because more people will be drawn to going into that place
25:33 where it's full of nature, the peace,
25:35 the difference that they can see
25:38 in not just the activity,
25:39 but the environment and the surrounding
25:42 the influence will be drawn much deeper to the people.
25:46 So I believe that it will be a very good benefit,
25:50 for this ministry as by the Lord's will,
25:55 it will be bought and purchased and be utilized
25:57 for the ministry.
25:59 - So some people may be wondering
26:01 what's the price of land in Thailand,
26:03 - Right?
26:04 - Unfortunately it's not as cheap
26:05 as some places in the world
26:07 in Thailand, as well as in other places in Asia,
26:11 there's very little land compared to the number of people.
26:14 - Right?
26:16 - And so land is expensive, a place like this,
26:18 I would have expected to be in the $1 million range,
26:24 but the Lord has blessed
26:26 and it's in the a hundred thousand dollars range.
26:28 - Wow.
26:29 - Which is still a lot of money,
26:30 but what it establishes, what it gains us
26:34 as far as a foothold in that area.
26:36 And for that purpose I have no doubt
26:40 that it's very well worth it.
26:42 - Right, right, so how big is this property?
26:45 - It's almost five acres.
26:46 - Okay.
26:47 - So it's not huge,
26:49 but it's sufficient to do what they need to do
26:51 and develop the resources there that,
26:53 and it's completely undeveloped,
26:55 - Okay
26:56 - So they barely
26:57 have a road going there - There no water, there's no
26:58 - There's no water or power.
27:00 - There's gonna be some investment
27:01 in some of that infrastructure as well.
27:03 - Right.
27:05 - So the property itself is around 110,000 right now
27:07 with the exchange rate.
27:09 - Yep.
27:10 - Okay, and so then property development
27:12 and all that would be on top of that.
27:13 - Correct, yeah.
27:14 - Okay - Yeah.
27:15 - Thank you for sharing this story with us today.
27:17 - My pleasure.
27:18 - And this opportunity
27:19 - Yes - Actually
27:20 - Absolutely.
27:21 - And if you would like to take advantage
27:22 of this opportunity,
27:23 I would invite you to pray with us
27:26 as Brian requested in the video.
27:28 Pray for this land, that if it's the right land,
27:30 the finances will come in quickly
27:33 and we'll be able to purchase it and develop it as needed.
27:36 If it's not the right property that the Lord would show us
27:38 what the right property is.
27:40 So that Brian and Jessica
27:42 can have the place that God has planned
27:44 for this ministry to be expanded.
27:46 If you would like to get in touch with us,
27:48 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia
27:50 PO box 1221,
27:52 Collegedale Tennessee, 37315
27:56 Call us at (423) 413-7321,
28:00 or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you
28:06 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:09 (soft music)


Revised 2020-12-15