Jesus 4 Asia Now

Stories from a Missionary Mom Part 1 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000112S

00:01 (triumphant music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and today, I've got two special guests
00:26 on set with me and I'd like to introduce you
00:29 to Kasey and Hannah.
00:32 Welcome to the show.
00:33 - Thank you. - Thank you.
00:35 - And we're so glad that you could finally be with us
00:37 and we could have a firsthand report
00:40 because I know we talked before you went,
00:42 and you've had some actual experience in the field now.
00:46 - Right.
00:48 - So before we go any further, where are you located?
00:51 - We are in Sukhothai, Thailand.
00:53 - And how long have you been there?
00:55 - It will be two years in August.
00:57 - And has it just been Thailand,
00:59 go to the beach kind of fun?
01:01 - Yeah, one big vacation.
01:02 (all laughing)
01:05 - Not really right? - No, no.
01:08 - So start us out, I know when we talked last,
01:10 you were looking forward to going,
01:11 you had probably expectations
01:15 that may or may not have been fulfilled,
01:17 but can you share with us what happened when you first
01:20 arrived in Thailand?
01:22 - We cried. We arrived in Thailand and we're overwhelmed,
01:26 our senses were overwhelmed.
01:27 We were just immediately struck by
01:32 what we had done and felt like we had made a mistake.
01:36 And surely what God was asking us to do was too hard.
01:42 Our plan was to be in Chiang Mai for about six months
01:44 to do language study and as soon as we got there,
01:50 I think he was eight at the time, Levi,
01:53 was struggling, his health was struggling,
01:55 and about three weeks in he ended up in the hospital.
01:59 So we
02:02 realized that it seemed very clear that God was leading us
02:06 to Sukhothai sooner rather than later.
02:08 - Okay. So within three weeks you were headed to?
02:13 - Within three weeks, we were in the hospital
02:15 and that was a five day stay, then and we had to leave
02:18 to go to Vietnam to get our visa extensions.
02:24 So right around the one month mark, we moved to Sukhothai.
02:26 - Okay. And how did that go?
02:30 You found a place easily or what happened with finding
02:34 a place to live there?
02:35 - Jonathan and Hannah Hill offered to take us to Sukhothai
02:39 to see this was- - Three days after?
02:41 - Yeah. Three days after arriving in Thailand.
02:45 And so they made about the five hour trip down there.
02:48 And on the day that we were going to come home,
02:50 Jonathan decided we would drive around and just look
02:54 to see what was available for housing and he ended up
02:58 driving down a road didn't intend to be on
03:00 and then driving down another road
03:04 cause all the houses we had seen were very dark,
03:07 shuttered, they had spirit houses all over and just
03:11 nothing seemed as though God was saying, this was the one.
03:15 Until he turned down these two roads that
03:18 he has no idea why and there was a big,
03:22 bright, happy looking house with no spirit houses
03:25 and it was very clear leading that day
03:29 and we went back and prayed, but we knew within about a day
03:32 or so that that's where God was leading us.
03:35 - Wow. So then when Levi was having trouble
03:38 and ended up in the hospital and all that,
03:40 and you realized you needed to move,
03:42 then you contacted the landlord.
03:44 - We actually contacted him about a day or so
03:48 after we got back to Chiang Mai.
03:49 So before Levi was in the hospital, we already knew
03:53 that we were moving because we had already rented the house.
03:57 - So you mentioned already the trip to Vietnam.
04:00 Can you share with us how that went because you had a child
04:02 in the hospital and then suddenly you're going to Vietnam.
04:05 How was that?
04:06 - So because we went in on tourist, no, I'm sorry,
04:09 visa exemptions, then that's only good for 30 days.
04:13 So then you are required to go to a boarding country
04:16 and apply at an embassy for visa extensions.
04:20 Well, that just so happened to line up with the time
04:23 that Levi was hospitalized.
04:26 He was in there five days, we got to about
04:28 the three or four day mark and it was clear
04:30 he wasn't going to be ready to go.
04:33 And Robbie said, "I believe we're supposed to
04:37 get on the plane. I believe we're supposed to go."
04:40 And I was like, "No way.
04:42 We're not getting him out of the hospital,
04:44 putting him on a plane, taking them around new germs.
04:48 We're not doing that."
04:49 And our friend, he called us and he said,
04:53 "I've been praying and I really believe
04:56 you're supposed to be on the plane.
04:57 I believe that there's somebody at that embassy,"
04:59 because we're kind of high risk for being denied the visas.
05:04 - Because you are a large family.
05:05 We didn't say that already.
05:06 - Right. Yeah.
05:07 - How many children do you have?
05:09 - Eight natural born children. We had six in Thailand
05:11 with us at that time.
05:12 - Okay. So you were a family of eight, essentially
05:14 at that time. - Yeah. All trying to be
05:16 under one work permit and so red flags.
05:20 - Yeah.
05:24 - When he said that I knew I needed to pray.
05:26 I needed to really surrender my fears and trust
05:30 that in this experience that God took us there for.
05:36 So very quickly I was convicted that I needed
05:38 to just let Robbie lead and he was believing
05:40 that we needed to go.
05:42 So day five came and Levi was still in the hospital
05:45 on intermittent oxygen, not continuous anymore.
05:48 And we got the doctor to check them out, to discharge him
05:50 against as well, he signed off, but wasn't happy about it.
05:54 - He was like, no, it's not a good idea.
05:56 - Right. So we ran back to the apartment in Chiang Mai
06:01 that we were staying in, we made it to the airport
06:04 in just about enough time.
06:05 Levi had to be carried in, they got a wheelchair
06:08 and he just kind of fell into it, couldn't hold himself up.
06:12 We're going through the line at the checkout counter
06:13 and they were just questioning us.
06:16 What is wrong with him? What are you doing?
06:18 And I'm thinking, I don't know what we're doing,
06:20 we should not be doing this.
06:21 Please tell us we can't get on the plane.
06:23 I didn't say that, but that's what I'm thinking.
06:25 I know I can't trust myself to say, "Robbie, we can't go."
06:29 But they didn't.
06:31 And so we boarded the plane and it was absolutely miraculous
06:35 to watch what God did as we did
06:39 take that tiny little step of faith,
06:41 well, that's not tiny I guess, that's a big deal.
06:43 - No, it's a bit deal. (woman laughs)
06:46 - Levi got on the plane and he immediately
06:49 began to turn the corner.
06:53 He gained strength, he was happy
06:55 and we watched that happen the whole time
06:58 we were in Vietnam.
06:59 He continually, by the hour almost, just got better
07:02 and better and better. - Wow.
07:04 - And we quickly found out when we got to Vietnam,
07:07 we were told not to expect to be given the visas.
07:12 But we submitted our paperwork and within 24 hours,
07:15 we had all, I guess it was eight visas that we needed.
07:19 No questions, no problems.
07:20 So it was very clear that there was somebody in the embassy
07:23 that day that we needed.
07:27 - Right. Wow.
07:29 That's amazing.
07:31 So the next step, you come back from Vietnam
07:34 and then you moved to Sukhothai
07:36 and what started to happen there?
07:38 What did you start to see there because I know
07:42 now you're starting to, okay, this is going to be home
07:45 and it's like, you're almost like a deep breath.
07:48 Okay, let's look around and figure out
07:50 how the world works here because you'd been in the city
07:53 before so what was that like the first part of
07:57 figuring out how to live in Sukhothai in the new home?
08:01 - Yeah. I think we finally really began to see the people
08:07 God helped us to come out of ourselves a little bit,
08:10 catch our breaths and we saw the people around us
08:13 and you're living in a little village surrounded by,
08:18 this was a probably upper class neighborhood
08:21 and it's government workers and so these well-educated,
08:26 well-to-do people have these spirit houses
08:30 inside their gates and our neighbors directly across from us
08:34 would go out and have, I don't know what they call it.
08:38 - Ceremonies. - Yeah.
08:39 - Oh, with the Monk every morning.
08:41 - No, just with their spirit house, which is actually,
08:43 from what we understand, not even a Buddhist-
08:44 - It's Hindu. - Yeah.
08:46 It's borrowed from Hinduism.
08:50 And God placed us in a house right next to a family
08:54 that had two children, a boy the age of our little boys
08:58 and a girl, the age of Hannah and Abby,
09:01 about the same age and they both spoke fluent English.
09:03 So right away, there was no barrier.
09:06 It really, in so many ways, helped our kids to adapt
09:12 to being there.
09:14 Their family helped us to really begin to immerse
09:17 into the culture and
09:21 just in so many beautiful ways,
09:23 took us under their wing.
09:25 - Nice. Nice.
09:26 Now I know at the beginning, your landlord did a few things
09:29 that surprised you.
09:31 Can you share?
09:32 - Yeah. We had no table because obviously you're moving
09:35 over there with your suitcases,
09:36 you can't check your furniture.
09:38 So we had all these people and one day,
09:42 Robbie and I were out getting something,
09:44 a stove or something for the house
09:46 and we came back and some of the kids were gone.
09:50 Hannah or Alex, or a couple of them,
09:52 the landlord had come in and taken them
09:55 to go haul this huge wooden table
09:58 and eight or nine chairs over.
10:02 And he said, "This is for your family. You can eat."
10:05 (all laughing)
10:08 Just the kindness and then later there was a field
10:11 next to our house and it was overgrown,
10:13 you couldn't play in it but it was the only house
10:15 in the village that had a space like that.
10:19 And he cleared it.
10:22 He paid and brought in tractors and equipment
10:27 to clear it out then he brought in dump truck load
10:29 after dump truck load of dirt and just filled it
10:32 so the grass would grow and the kids could play
10:34 and he never wanted to charge any money for it.
10:38 The day or so after that was done, it was so neat to see
10:42 the people in the village coming out into that field.
10:45 Yeah. Other people were utilizing it, playing badminton.
10:51 - So it was a blessing to the whole community.
10:52 - It really was. Yeah.
10:53 - Wow.
10:54 Well, that's neat.
10:55 So as you're going through this,
10:57 what is your focus for the mission work
11:00 that you're there to do?
11:01 Are you going to do an English language school,
11:05 what is your focus?
11:06 Is a church planting? Can you share the plans
11:10 that you had?
11:11 - We didn't have a plan.
11:12 We knew we were called to more of like
11:15 a friendship evangelism approach.
11:17 That we needed to go over,
11:20 just learning to live among the people and care about them
11:23 and just to be surrendering our lives
11:28 to God so that the Holy Spirit could work through us.
11:32 If we're praying and we're inviting the spirit in
11:34 then he can do a work that we don't even know is happening.
11:37 And so in so many ways, I think just being there bodily
11:42 and praying is what makes things happen.
11:46 We've made more mess of everything that we've tried to do
11:50 and yet we can see God working through it in spite of it.
11:54 So we had no plan and we still don't.
11:57 Every time we make one, he changes it.
12:00 - So being open to what God wants to do.
12:02 - Right. - So when you went there,
12:03 you didn't know the language yet either.
12:05 - Right.
12:07 - So you're praying and seeing what God's going to do
12:09 and you're just meeting the neighbors and the landlord
12:12 and different people
12:13 and what about the market?
12:16 I mean, everything's Thai in the market, how did that go?
12:19 - Right.
12:20 The whole thing was humbling I think.
12:24 Because we would learn a few little words
12:26 and then think that we could use them.
12:29 I remember going out to the gate, talking to our neighbor
12:31 and I thought I had this little phrase down
12:34 and she was going to understand me
12:36 and I tried it on her and she just stared at me
12:37 and she was like.
12:39 But I think what it did is it showed them vulnerability.
12:41 They realized that we needed-
12:44 - [Natalie] Help. - Yeah.
12:45 And so they saw us as,
12:49 I think almost weaker than them,
12:51 which gave them the courage because a lot of Thai people
12:54 are intimidated by Americans.
12:58 - Or just white people in general.
12:59 - Yeah. Yeah, white skinned people in general.
13:02 - Well, we tend to go over there and act
13:04 like we know everything.
13:05 - Right.
13:06 - Like there's somehow a lower, not life form,
13:09 but you know, less than us because we know everything.
13:12 - Exactly.
13:13 - But that's not true.
13:15 - They saw that we didn't and we needed them.
13:18 And so we had people that did take us to the market.
13:23 They tend to charge you more if you can't read the signs.
13:29 God, he put people in our paths that helped
13:32 and our neighbors especially, they would buy groceries
13:35 and invite me over and teach me how to make Thai dishes
13:38 and then send all that food back home with us to eat.
13:41 So yeah, God was very, very good through
13:43 the Buddhist people that were around us.
13:46 And we still, we don't live in that house anymore,
13:48 but we still- - Keep contact.
13:50 - And we still have the house because we believe
13:52 very strongly, he put us there for a purpose.
13:57 I don't know if he's sending people
13:58 that are going to live in it.
13:59 We utilize it, but nobody lives in it right now.
14:02 But the contact with those people in that village-
14:06 - [Natalie] It needs to continue.
14:07 - Yeah. It really does.
14:09 - Can you share briefly, I know there was a situation
14:12 with the front gates.
14:15 So the house has a wall around it or gate fence.
14:21 So can you share with us what happened with the front gates?
14:24 - In America, you don't have that.
14:27 We always lived in the country, there were no gates.
14:29 And it felt counterintuitive
14:33 to what we had gone there to do
14:35 and to pull your gate shut, even though that's
14:39 customary for them, to us, it just didn't-
14:42 - It felt like nobody bother us.
14:44 - Right. - Yeah.
14:45 Stay away.
14:46 - So we kept it open.
14:48 And there were a few people that were concerned that
14:51 somebody was going to come in and steal our stuff or
14:56 break into our house and there were people
14:57 that would tell us you feel safe here,
15:00 but it's not actually safe.
15:04 Not only did it, I think,
15:07 show them that we were open to relationship,
15:12 but also, again, it helped
15:15 open up conversations that we wouldn't have had otherwise.
15:18 Because even somebody telling you, "Be careful,
15:20 your motorbike's going to get stolen."
15:22 It's still a conversation.
15:23 It's still a way that they can reach out to you
15:26 with something which is a gift of information or whatever.
15:33 Just leaving the gate open, I think God was able to do
15:36 a work to break down some of those walls.
15:39 - Right.
15:41 Now you had your children with you.
15:43 And I know at one point, you shared that your little ones
15:46 took a mind to prayer walk the neighborhood.
15:49 Can you share a little bit about how that happened?
15:52 - Yeah.
15:54 I don't honestly remember what made them
15:57 come up with the idea,
15:59 but they were planning to do it and on the morning,
16:02 the first time on that morning, Levi was fine
16:05 and then all of a sudden he wasn't.
16:07 He has asthma, or he did, he pretty much doesn't
16:10 have any symptoms now.
16:12 And he suddenly couldn't breathe,
16:17 we gave him a breathing treatment
16:18 and we had to give him some oxygen.
16:20 And we recognized, this came out of nowhere,
16:24 he wasn't outside running around.
16:27 We have these little boys who were eight or nine
16:29 at the time.
16:30 Zach was five maybe
16:33 and they wanted to walk in the neighborhood
16:36 and pause in front of the houses and pray
16:37 and then suddenly, we have a boy having an asthma attack.
16:40 And so we prayed over him and he was fine.
16:46 They got up and my natural mother inclination
16:52 was okay, you just had an asthma attack and it's very hot,
16:53 he can't go out there.
16:56 Robbie and God were able to help me see
16:59 this is what they need to do.
17:02 This is what the devil was trying to stop from happening.
17:05 So they did go and pray at the houses.
17:09 We have some pictures of them standing at the gate,
17:11 looking so tiny and powerful. (woman laughs)
17:14 - That's awesome.
17:15 So they knew and they embraced the,
17:19 I don't want to call it a method, but the direction
17:22 that God had been leading your family.
17:24 That we're here to pray and see what God does.
17:27 - Yeah.
17:28 - So did he get better as they went
17:30 through the neighborhood? - No problem at all.
17:32 - Wow.
17:33 So even with the heat, he was-
17:34 - Right. No problem.
17:35 - So you were there living as a family
17:38 and seeing opportunities to interact with your neighbors
17:41 and things and the Lord was slowly growing
17:44 what you were doing there, but then suddenly,
17:47 you had more children. - Yeah.
17:49 - So how did that come about?
17:51 - About two weeks after we moved to Sukhothai,
17:55 so we'd been in Thailand a month and a half,
17:57 we got a call from Josh Bauder,
17:59 actually I think it was just a message,
18:01 and he said something like,
18:02 "So when you're ready to take kids in, let me know."
18:04 And we had already talked about it,
18:07 just about a week before, we were walking through a store
18:10 and there was a thing for adopting pets or paying for
18:14 putting money toward helping pets.
18:16 And so the spontaneous conversation between Robbie and I
18:20 about needing to be open to
18:24 if God were ever to give us children to take care of.
18:28 And so we immediately responded back, "Well, we're ready."
18:32 (woman laughs)
18:34 He, I don't think, expected us to say that,
18:36 but he had two kids in mind.
18:40 - [Natalie] Okay.
18:41 So they came to live with you?
18:43 - [Kasey] Yes.
18:44 - And was this a walk in the park?
18:46 - No. (women laughing)
18:48 - Because they didn't speak English right?
18:50 - No. And we still, at that point,
18:52 spoke very, very, very little Thai.
18:55 And they were from Islam and their parents
18:57 were both in prison at the time,
18:59 so they were just basically street kids,
19:01 fending for themselves, they were rough.
19:05 - So they had all the attitudes that come with
19:09 being a street kid, but also not having regular meals.
19:14 - And they were scared because street kid or not,
19:18 you're taken out of your familiar setting and
19:21 they love their parents.
19:23 Their parents were in prison,
19:24 but being taken away from home, then you think,
19:27 when my parents get out, I'm not going to be here.
19:29 So they had a lot of hurt and pain
19:32 that they brought with them.
19:35 So yeah, it was a challenge taking them in,
19:38 but I imagine that the greater challenge was them
19:40 having to come to strange people's house
19:42 that they didn't understand what we were saying,
19:45 they didn't understand why we had rules.
19:49 - Surrounded by a bunch of white people.
19:51 - Exactly. - In totally different area.
19:54 Wow. That must've been hard for them.
19:56 - Yeah.
19:57 - In addition to the cross cultural and cross language
20:02 and all this kind of stuff, were there additional
20:04 spiritual challenges that you saw with them?
20:06 - Yeah. Sky definitely was dealing with demonic torment.
20:10 I don't want to say possession.
20:12 I don't know enough about all of that.
20:16 She was being tormented. - She was being attacked?
20:17 - Yeah.
20:19 So there was one significant
20:23 incident and it took a bit for the light bulb
20:26 to come on what we were dealing with.
20:28 But praying allowed into the room,
20:31 she didn't immediately calm.
20:34 No, she did immediately calm,
20:36 but she didn't immediately stop and it took a bit
20:38 of just holding and hugging her for her to calm down.
20:41 But she was
20:45 able to go to sleep that night.
20:46 But then over the, I think it was several months really,
20:49 that you would be talking to her and all of the sudden
20:52 her voice would just change-
20:53 - And her eyes would do something weird. I don't know.
20:56 - Yeah. Hard to explain.
20:58 And you knew it wasn't her.
21:04 Continually praying and it didn't feel good
21:06 because it felt like somehow the power is lacking.
21:10 This keeps happening.
21:12 But we were getting counsel that sometimes that's the case.
21:16 There's all sorts of different types of things
21:19 and I don't know if at some point,
21:20 we were able to get rid of something
21:22 that was giving the enemy access to her. I don't know.
21:24 But eventually, she was delivered
21:29 from it.
21:32 She's still a struggling child who's trying to learn,
21:35 but she is just a struggling child who's trying to learn now
21:38 she's free of whatever that was.
21:42 - Wow.
21:43 Wow.
21:45 That sounds like it would be a little bit intimidating.
21:46 (all laughing)
21:48 Just keep praying, keep praying, just keep praying.
21:50 - We had been warned though, before coming,
21:53 there was a man that came to church
21:55 and he told me he had a message for me from God
21:57 and he said, "You're going to encounter things when you go
22:01 that you couldn't wrap your mind around right now."
22:03 And he said, "God wants you to know
22:05 you are never to be afraid."
22:07 And he repeated that over and over again.
22:08 And so many times when this type of stuff has come up,
22:12 situations that we would normally
22:15 have been afraid of.
22:18 There was a peace, I think, knowing.
22:21 And he said, "This conversation will come back to you
22:24 when you're over there and you need it."
22:26 and it has proven true many times.
22:29 - Wow. So I understand that one of the challenges
22:31 when they came to live with you was that they had
22:34 been used to not getting enough food.
22:37 So what was it like when they first got there?
22:40 How did they deal with meal times?
22:42 Setting up the table?
22:44 - They hated the food.
22:46 We had to ease them in by utilizing street vendors.
22:52 They would just scarf their food down. Inhale it.
22:55 And it's so funny now to remember,
22:57 especially how Sky ate then,
22:59 because she just ate until- - She's our pickiest kid now.
23:03 - Yeah. She ate until she was going to pop
23:05 and we would have to stop her.
23:07 And now she eats like a bird.
23:10 So we just thought she had this huge appetite,
23:13 when really, it clearly was, she didn't know
23:16 if there was going to be more to come.
23:19 So yeah.
23:20 There was definitely food challenges and trying to learn
23:23 to cook food that they would eat.
23:25 I never accomplished that.
23:27 - Uh oh. (woman laughs)
23:28 Was there a hoarding kind of thing with the food with them?
23:32 - I believe that they-
23:34 - I think they would take the Ramen Noodles up to their room
23:37 and hide them under their beds.
23:38 - They did.
23:39 They would bring things home from school and hide them.
23:43 - Okay.
23:45 Just so that we can prepare, because we're not done
23:48 with our conversation here, we're going to have more.
23:50 We have a lot more to talk about.
23:52 So there will be another episode that people can watch.
23:55 And I'm just wanting you to share just kind of a quick
23:58 overview so that people understand there's a lot more
24:01 to talk about.
24:02 So you got Wind and Sky
24:06 and how many children do you have now?
24:08 - [Kasey] We have nine Thai children total.
24:12 - [Natalie] Okay, so you have seven more since then?
24:14 - [Kasey] Right.
24:15 - [Natalie] And each comes with its own story I'm sure.
24:16 - [Kasey] Right.
24:18 - [Natalie] His or her own story I should say.
24:19 - Yeah.
24:20 - Okay. And then you were living in that house
24:22 and then the Lord led for a church plant?
24:27 - Right. We were led to a building in the business district
24:31 of Sukhothai.
24:32 A three story building.
24:34 And we rented that in October of 2020.
24:38 That's got a small church plant.
24:41 It's got a, I want to say English school,
24:44 but COVID keeps shutting it down,
24:47 and a food ministry.
24:49 - All right. So then a church plant.
24:52 Have you been able to meet there?
24:54 I know with the ongoing pandemic, there's lock down,
24:56 there's none, there's lock down, there's not.
24:57 - Yeah. That's never impacted.
25:00 By the time we had the church plant, they had lifted
25:03 the restrictions on the meetings.
25:06 So we've been meeting in there since, I don't know,
25:08 a week or so after we got the building.
25:10 We just went in at first and sat on the floor with the kids
25:13 and had church. (woman laughing)
25:15 Very awkward.
25:17 But it has since grown a bit.
25:21 Everybody that meets with us was an existing Adventist.
25:25 So we don't have anybody yet
25:26 that's worshiping with us that wasn't,
25:29 but the more that little group of people grows,
25:34 we're in there gathering and praying for the Holy Spirit
25:37 and I know that that in itself is going to have an impact.
25:40 - Well, somewhat existing because sometimes the monk
25:43 will come home.
25:45 And sometimes, On, from downstairs who prepares our food,
25:48 also comes. - This is true.
25:50 Our monk friend has come upstairs during our church service
25:53 and stood in the back and listened
25:56 on more than one occasion.
25:57 - Okay. You mentioned also, you've tried to do
26:00 an English language school?
26:02 - Yeah.
26:03 - So because of COVID you just can't
26:05 because schools are supposed to be closed.
26:07 - Yeah. Well, we'll get it started and there'll be
26:09 a good number of students coming in and then
26:11 there'll be another, where people are either scared
26:14 or they've locked things down a bit again.
26:16 And so we just slowly,
26:19 it hasn't been so much other than maybe once
26:22 that the government has said you can't.
26:24 It's been more the people are scared of gathering indoors,
26:28 so they just stopped coming.
26:30 So that's happened three or maybe four times.
26:34 So yeah, we're beginning to just pray and
26:37 maybe God is leading in a different direction.
26:39 One of the biggest things that we see a need for right now
26:42 is people are so scared of this virus.
26:45 And so
26:47 reaching them with the health message.
26:51 Even just a portion of it, how to build the immune system
26:56 and what to do if you do get sick.
27:00 We're praying for God to direct in a different way
27:04 if English is not what we're supposed to be doing right now.
27:06 English classes. - Okay.
27:08 So then, after the church plant, what came next?
27:12 - We were led to a property
27:16 about 20 miles out of town
27:19 where we have moved and have begun the development
27:22 of a children's home and small school.
27:25 - Okay.
27:26 And just so our viewers know that there's a lot more
27:28 stories coming in the next episode.
27:30 Who's your best friend?
27:33 - A Buddhist monk. (women laughing)
27:34 - Awesome. - Yeah.
27:36 - Well, there's a lot of stories there I'm sure.
27:38 - Yeah.
27:39 - Well, I would like to invite you to join us next time
27:41 for a lot more stories from Kasey and Hannah Norton.
27:44 And if you would like to support the Norton's project,
27:47 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia.
27:50 PO box 1221,
27:52 Collegedale Tennessee,
27:53 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:06 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:08 (triumphant music)


Revised 2021-07-27