Jesus 4 Asia Now

The Miracle Funeral

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000127S

00:00 (dramatic music)
00:21 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now".
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband, John is here with me today
00:26 and we have again, our special guests,
00:28 Ramon and Shandy Tengkano.
00:30 Welcome back.
00:31 - Thank you.
00:32 - Thank you for having us.
00:33 - We're looking forward to more of the story.
00:34 Last time we were together,
00:36 we talked a little bit about your story,
00:38 coming to learn more about God
00:40 and learning more about faith and how you went to Papua.
00:43 Then you went to FaithCamp
00:45 and that's where we're gonna pick up,
00:47 is right in the FaithCamp timeframe.
00:50 - So one of our speakers
00:51 called a meeting to launch a satellite television
00:57 program networks
00:59 channel full-time, to cover all of Indonesia.
01:02 - Yeah.
01:04 - And you were part of that meeting.
01:05 - Yeah, not the first one.
01:07 I think I came in the second meeting, I think.
01:09 - Right.
01:10 - Or even third.
01:11 - We didn't know that you were that interested in it.
01:14 'Cause we were setting it up
01:16 based on some other people
01:17 that had some expressed some interest
01:19 and actually put some money into
01:22 buying some equipment for that.
01:24 - Yeah.
01:25 - And then they all left.
01:27 - Yeah.
01:28 - And you guys stayed.
01:30 - [Ramon] Yeah.
01:31 - Why did you stay in that ministry?
01:32 Because it's not a cheap ministry.
01:33 - No, but it's easy either.
01:35 - You need to tell the story like,
01:36 why you get into that room
01:39 because we just wanna go to toilet, right?
01:41 - That's why we weren't involved in the meeting
01:45 just because I thought, oh, this is just too technical.
01:50 I wasn't really sure if this is really my thing.
01:53 I thought it was like an exclusive circle of people
01:55 that had already met before and talk about it.
01:57 I don't wanna get involved.
01:59 And then I was just on the way to the restroom
02:01 where you guys were having a meeting inside the room
02:04 and then somebody called me from inside,
02:06 come can and join us.
02:07 And then the meeting kind of paused a little bit.
02:08 Hey, you have to have somebody
02:10 that needs to be involved in this meeting.
02:12 So I sat down, but I was just listening passively.
02:16 - Okay.
02:17 - You told me the prayer that is the calling.
02:19 - Yeah, well.
02:20 - You said like, "Hey, we have a new job."
02:22 - Okay, yeah. Go back a little bit.
02:23 I think it was a prayer that was challenging for me,
02:27 for me to be convinced, well, you know what?
02:28 This is what we we ask for.
02:32 This is what it takes.
02:34 I think the prayer was calling for
02:36 somebody who is willing to just sacrifice everything.
02:38 Yes.
02:39 Maybe houses, cars.
02:40 Anything God is entrusted upon them.
02:43 And then I sort of felt like, you know what?
02:47 This could be me.
02:50 For me to start experimenting God,
02:52 because this is the sort of a life that I had in mind.
02:55 I felt impressed.
02:58 I was impressed that this is it.
02:59 - [John] Right.
03:00 - And we took the work and I told my wife,
03:04 she was like, "Wow, you are really serious about this then?"
03:08 And yeah, now you prepare yourself.
03:10 Now these things I've been telling you for a few years,
03:13 these things are all gonna change.
03:14 Maybe this is it.
03:17 - [John] Wow.
03:19 - And I think she had a prayerful moment.
03:21 - When my husband telling me that,
03:23 "Hey, we have a new job."
03:24 And what is the job? I was like.
03:26 - Television.
03:27 - And he said the television.
03:28 What television is the new job?
03:29 And he said, "The prayer, the calling."
03:31 And when he told me the prayer,
03:35 I was like, "Yes, this is it."
03:35 - [John] Wow.
03:37 - So, kind of, I really, really understand
03:39 and he's really understanding this work.
03:42 Like both of us need to understand.
03:47 It's not just only him or just only me
03:48 because we understand that,
03:50 the blessing will come if you and me check in together
03:55 and then understand that
03:57 we need to go through this kind of crisis.
03:58 We need to go to let go everything.
04:00 If we personally understand one another,
04:03 that we need to go.
04:05 - We have the teamwork, yeah.
04:06 - Through this kind of experience,
04:08 that God will open the way and blessing to us.
04:11 - [Ramon] Yeah.
04:12 - And you were inspired by that prayer.
04:13 And then what happened after that? I mean like.
04:15 - Well, in the beginning of the ministry,
04:17 we were just housing the missionaries
04:21 that are involved already.
04:23 So I started watching them, see what they do,
04:25 because it was completely new work for us.
04:28 Like what?
04:29 These people are really living simple life.
04:31 They demand nothing much for their own selves.
04:35 Like what they have, it's just like.
04:36 - They even sleep on the floor.
04:37 - Backpack, they're sleeping on the floor, really simple.
04:40 And it kind of rubbed in on us a little bit,
04:43 we should really simple,
04:45 we're team work, but look at them and look at us.
04:48 - We have a plan also once to move to the countryside.
04:50 - Yeah, at that time we already purchased
04:52 like a small land out on the countryside,
04:56 just because something in me,
04:58 we knew we were gonna be in the countryside somehow.
05:01 From that point on,
05:03 we started operating within our capacity,
05:08 to get out of the city.
05:11 And I started letting go the work,
05:14 the secular work, the secular business that I had.
05:17 I started focusing on the work for the Lord,
05:21 and that was a prayer that I was asking for particular.
05:24 Lord, take me to a journey that I'm not familiar with.
05:28 If I really belong to You, take me fully unto You,
05:32 so You can receive me.
05:33 It was not a easy journey.
05:37 And it's like the three young men,
05:39 got taken to the fiery furnace
05:41 because their obedience,
05:42 not because they did something wrong.
05:44 They did something right.
05:46 - Right.
05:47 - That's what it felt like.
05:48 God sort of allowed me to experience this hardship.
05:51 - Yeah.
05:52 - Sometimes it's not easy to operate business
05:54 if you are not doing,
05:56 you have to bribe somebody,
05:59 you have to be competitive.
06:00 - [John] Wow.
06:01 - So you got to do everything
06:03 within your power to stay
06:06 a winner in business.
06:08 And that comes with unclean practices.
06:11 When I stopped practicing that,
06:14 I fully surrendered to the Lord.
06:15 I started losing grips on the business.
06:18 I got cheated upon
06:19 and then my partner ran away with my money
06:21 and then I got lawsuits.
06:24 And we had experiences in which God had to prove Himself
06:27 that it's no longer you here.
06:30 God had to actually strip me away
06:33 from everything that I was depending upon all my life,
06:36 only to show what kind of God He was.
06:39 - Okay, so that stripping away.
06:41 - [Ramon] Yeah.
06:43 - It wasn't just like a decision.
06:45 It was like several year process, right?
06:47 - Yeah, it went actually quicker than I anticipated.
06:54 I knew the consequences of following the Lord,
06:57 that there could be that possibility that it's gonna,
06:59 - You lose everything.
07:00 - [Ramon] Strip away.
07:01 - Okay.
07:02 - But when it was actually happening,
07:03 I started to complain.
07:04 I started complain, we started complaining.
07:06 She started to complain,
07:08 but we just stayed on course.
07:11 Trying to believe that this is part of the game,
07:13 maybe part of the process.
07:15 - And during that process,
07:16 God showed up in ways that encourage you
07:18 to continue the process you're on.
07:20 - Yes, of course, yeah.
07:21 I think that's His only purpose for us to
07:23 go through that experience for us to understand.
07:26 We had a great team in the beginning of working together,
07:31 but it came to a point where
07:33 we had to pay a satellite bill, I think.
07:35 We had $15,000 bill every month that we signed up for.
07:42 And everything was paid in the beginning,
07:43 everything is okay.
07:45 And then, I think at one point,
07:48 the company called us
07:49 because we were like few days late only.
07:51 Hey, the payment didn't come,
07:54 you got to make payment.
07:55 Yeah, I know.
07:57 But I think we're running short this month.
07:59 Well, you got to make payment next week.
08:00 Otherwise, the accounting is gonna shut down the satellite.
08:05 Like, okay, let's see what God's gonna do.
08:07 And then the following week,
08:10 at the day we were supposed to pay,
08:13 we didn't have money, I think.
08:15 There's really no payment yet.
08:17 And I decided to just get in the car
08:19 and I think I wanna see them,
08:21 see what they can do in person,
08:23 maybe ask for grace period,
08:25 a longer time for us to pay.
08:27 And then, just on the way to see them in the car,
08:30 in the traffic, it was Blackberry then,
08:34 I received an email from a friend saying that,
08:38 "You know what? We got a donation from somebody in England."
08:43 Somebody who's not even probably a Christian.
08:45 Somebody is not a believer.
08:47 This person sent an email notifying that
08:50 they located us, our work through the internet.
08:55 And then the guy, his father just recently passed away
09:00 and inherited him a lot of money
09:02 and then he just had at a hunch
09:04 that he was gonna help a work somewhere in Asia
09:07 and then located our work and then he wired the money.
09:11 And then the money was actually transferred to us
09:14 a few days before that.
09:16 And then just what I was making my way to the office,
09:19 the satellite office and the money came in,
09:22 - Wow.
09:23 - [Ramon] Right on time.
09:23 - Wow.
09:25 - So it was just a miracle that kind of got us both
09:27 in the car crying, you know?
09:28 - Wow.
09:29 - Wow, God is really serious about this work.
09:32 - Wow.
09:33 - He's really, really that serious.
09:35 - That kind of situation is really like,
09:38 strike your heart to think that
09:41 no, you even worthy in the eyes of Him.
09:45 - So God would do that miracle for you.
09:47 - Yeah.
09:48 - Yeah.
09:49 God will do everything to make you understand
09:52 how precious you are.
09:54 So your heart can change, right?
09:56 It seems like impossible.
09:57 Like how come God You are willing to work
10:00 and corporate with people like us
10:03 who has like baggy background.
10:06 - Baggage.
10:07 - Baggage, right?
10:08 - [John] Yeah.
10:09 - So that's why when he have the experience,
10:12 it's really stuck.
10:13 I remember that night,
10:15 he gather are all of the workers
10:17 and we are holding hands together.
10:19 And he told the story and we are crying like, wow.
10:23 - Yeah, we were crying on the street
10:25 while I was reading that even.
10:27 - Even in the studio,
10:29 with the missionary and it just like, wow,
10:32 now we have that story.
10:34 - 'Cause you were sitting in FaithCamp saying,
10:36 "How come I don't have those stories
10:38 that those people have?"
10:39 And now God's giving you your own story.
10:41 - The exact amount that we ask for, that we needed.
10:44 - And your response to that, as soon as you saw that is,
10:47 - Praise the Lord, yeah.
10:47 - [John] God is there.
10:48 God is real.
10:49 - And He cares.
10:51 - And then what it did, it kind of diminishes our fear
10:54 by a great chunk.
10:56 - You see, I had a similar experience
10:58 because I grew up reading Matthew 6:33.
11:01 - Oh, okay.
11:02 - Seek he first the kingdom of God
11:03 and all these things will be added to you.
11:05 - [Ramon] Yeah.
11:07 - And thinking, well, I've heard that, everybody reads that,
11:08 but who really believes that?
11:11 - Yeah.
11:12 - Who really organizes their life on that principle?
11:14 And then I started seeing people
11:16 that had that kind of experience in their lives
11:19 and that we're trusting God fully
11:21 for everything and God was coming through.
11:23 I was working at 3ABN.
11:25 - [Ramon] Yes.
11:26 - My paycheck was coming from Danny Shelton's faith.
11:29 I never experienced that before.
11:31 And then the next question was, would God do that for me?
11:35 - Yeah.
11:35 - I see Him doing it for others,
11:37 would He do that for me?
11:38 And so it's exactly the same thing.
11:39 When I started seeing that He would,
11:41 I was like, "Man, we got to spread this around."
11:43 - Yeah.
11:45 - And everybody that I've seen this,
11:46 isn't just like one off or two off theory.
11:48 Everybody that I've seen that has ventured out,
11:50 like you guys did, has had the same experience.
11:54 That God is trustworthy.
11:56 - Yes, He is.
11:56 - And their faith has grown.
11:58 - [Ramon] Yeah.
11:59 - Yeah, I have the experience also,
12:01 like make me realize that.
12:04 - [Ramon] Yeah, God is alive, God is good.
12:06 - God is alive, God is there.
12:08 - [John] Right.
12:09 - Ramon has the experience through the satellite
12:10 and then I have experience my mom funeral
12:14 because we were really willing to let go everything,
12:17 even though it's like 50%,
12:19 like okay, you know?
12:21 Okay.
12:23 But yeah, just do it.
12:24 - [John] Yeah.
12:26 - And then at the moment we don't have any cash at all
12:28 because we use everything, right.
12:30 - [John] Wow.
12:31 - Yeah. And then I got a phone call from my family
12:34 that my mom is dying.
12:36 She almost died and I was like, "Lord, what should I do?"
12:38 Because in our tradition, if you are the first one,
12:41 you need to take care of the pride of the family.
12:44 - So they must have had a lot of pride
12:45 when you were really rich.
12:47 - Well, they did, yeah.
12:48 - Yeah, they did.
12:49 They just like, look at her, the pride.
12:51 - The pride of the family, yeah.
12:52 - Of the family.
12:54 - And now that you've lost,
12:55 you've given away you haven't lost it.
12:56 - Yeah.
12:57 - [John] You've actually intentionally,
12:58 - Well, we kind of did lost a lot
13:00 after following the Lord.
13:01 - But there was a result from that decision.
13:04 - Yeah.
13:05 A a result of that decision.
13:06 - And you invested a lot of what you had, into the work.
13:10 - Yeah, but God did return just in time,
13:12 everything just when we need it.
13:14 (laughing)
13:15 - So you became dependent on Him.
13:16 - As long as you were gonna use it for Him.
13:18 - [Ramon] Yeah.
13:19 - And not for yourself.
13:19 - That's right.
13:21 So at the time of your mom's funeral, you had nothing.
13:24 - I have nothing. And then the family is just,
13:26 everybody's watching like, okay, what she gonna do?
13:30 - [John] Yeah.
13:31 - And I was like, oh, and then,
13:32 of course my husband is really like very,
13:36 - Stressful, yeah.
13:37 - Stressful at the moment because
13:39 he looked at me and he said like,
13:41 "I'm sorry, I need to bring you
13:42 with this kind of situation."
13:43 - [John] Wow.
13:44 - I told him, right,
13:46 "Ramon, I'm the one who say yes too.
13:48 It means that I'm the one who really have the
13:50 deep understanding too."
13:52 - No, we agreed, yeah.
13:53 - We agreed that we gonna get through it this part together.
13:58 So, everything's gonna be okay,
14:00 I'm gonna deal with my family.
14:01 You just stand still there
14:05 and he's like, "No, I need to help you."
14:08 No, no, no.
14:09 - It was kind of embarrassing for a man.
14:11 - That's the pride of the man, right?
14:14 And then I remember, even telling him like,
14:17 "Let's watch the video, maybe we can make something,"
14:22 - Like a casket.
14:23 "From the,"
14:24 - The plywood, something.
14:26 - The plywood or something.
14:26 - DIY.
14:27 - DIY.
14:29 - I was like, "It's okay, you don't need to put your ears,
14:32 to listen what the family said.
14:35 It's all me, I'm gonna deal with them."
14:40 And then we go to the funeral store, right?
14:45 I ask this casket and everything
14:47 and of course it's expensive.
14:49 - What are you talking about? Like 5,000.
14:52 - I think I remember the casket itself
14:53 was like almost $2,000.
14:55 - $2,000 for a casket.
14:56 - And then, the color is white.
14:59 Because the first time I walked into that funeral store,
15:05 the one thing that I see is the casket,
15:06 like, wow, white, I know is really beautiful for my mom.
15:09 - So that's the one you wanted.
15:10 - Yeah, that's the one that I want, right?
15:13 And then I was like, yeah.
15:14 But then when I asked and the casket was so expensive,
15:16 I was like, forget it.
15:17 - Right.
15:18 - And then the people say like,
15:19 "There's the other funeral store over there.
15:21 Maybe you can go there."
15:23 I was like, "Okay, just check it out."
15:24 - [John] Okay.
15:25 - So I go to that other store
15:27 and then I walk and then the lady
15:29 is already in front of the door.
15:31 Like, "Hey."
15:32 And I was like, "I'm sorry."
15:34 This is already like 3:30 in the morning.
15:36 - 3:30 in the morning?
15:37 - Yeah, it was really.
15:38 - Yeah, it's really like that late.
15:41 - Late or early.
15:42 - 3:30 in the morning.
15:43 - You went casket shopping at 3:30.
15:44 - They opened 24 hours for that.
15:46 - Over there, that's what happens.
15:48 As soon as somebody passes
15:49 you start calling around,
15:51 who's gonna handle all the funeral.
15:54 - She was awake at 3:30.
15:55 - Yeah, she's there.
15:57 - They're always open 24 hours.
15:59 - There's no morgue with refrigeration.
16:01 - Yeah, well, we do it really quick.
16:03 - They have to do it very fast.
16:04 - Yeah, yeah.
16:05 - [John] Okay.
16:06 - And I was like, "I'm sorry,
16:07 I know this is 3:30 in the morning."
16:08 She said like, "It's okay. It's okay.
16:11 You must be Shandy and this is Ramon, right?
16:14 And then I always thought that
16:15 this is the television viewer.
16:18 - Oh yeah.
16:19 - And I was like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
16:20 Yeah, ma'am I'm Shandy and this is my husband Ramon."
16:22 - [John] Okay.
16:23 - Yeah, I know that you guys will come.
16:25 So, there's a list that I already prepare for you,
16:30 what you need.
16:31 And I was like, and of course as a human,
16:33 you have the negative thought throws this lady, right?
16:36 - Why is she pushing the sales?
16:38 - I tell like, "Yeah, I need something for my mother."
16:41 Yeah, I know. I just prepare everything for you.
16:44 - Don't worry, I'll take care of everything.
16:47 - Don't worry, I take care of everything.
16:48 And then I just want to make sure
16:50 what the casket that she will give to my mom.
16:53 - Plywood.
16:54 - Yeah, I was like, wow.
16:56 I just wanted to make sure I don't get the white casket
16:59 because I know the white casket is so expensive.
17:01 - It costs a lot of money.
17:02 - And I just like, can I see the casket?
17:05 And she just like, of course.
17:06 And she just like, that's the casket, the white one.
17:09 I was like, "Oh, see, I knew it."
17:10 I was like, "I knew it Ramon, that casket is so expensive."
17:14 I was like, I mean, this lady, really?
17:17 - She like, "Take this, take this, don't worry, take this."
17:19 - Take this, it's okay.
17:20 I was like, oh, okay.
17:21 - [Ramon] Good price.
17:22 - Maybe, Ramon, she really need to on sale.
17:27 - To make a sale, yeah.
17:28 - To make a sale. I was like, okay.
17:29 I just took everything, what you prepare for me.
17:31 - Wow.
17:33 - And then, she bring everything to my.
17:35 - Over there, they do it,
17:37 we do the funeral at home.
17:39 So they set up the tents, the chairs, all, everything.
17:44 All the flowers, whatever it's needed, all these things.
17:46 - [John] Okay
17:48 - So she comes with the whole package
17:50 delivered at our house.
17:52 - And then when my mom already get.
17:56 - Yeah, after she was buried, yeah.
17:57 - Yeah.
17:58 - So how long.
17:59 - The second, two days.
18:00 - Okay.
18:01 - Two days.
18:02 - All right, so two days.
18:03 - And then I asked her, "Can I ask the bill? I need to pay."
18:04 And then she came with me with the bill.
18:07 It's just only transportation cost.
18:11 - Okay, so what would the bill normally be?
18:13 - The casket.
18:14 - We're expecting to pay,
18:16 maybe in dollars to 3000,
18:18 maybe right around there.
18:20 - Oh, the caskets 2000.
18:21 - [Ramon] Yeah.
18:22 - So all the chairs and tables, all that kind of stuff.
18:24 - [Ramon] Yeah, yeah.
18:26 - Maybe 2 to 3000 on top of that.
18:27 - [Ramon] Something like that.
18:29 - So maybe around 5,000.
18:30 - Yeah, maybe.
18:31 And then when it was charged, only the transportation,
18:33 because she said you don't pay for everything.
18:35 It's just the truck doesn't belong to me.
18:37 I had to rent the truck to bring everything here.
18:40 That's it.
18:42 I think the truck was only like 50, 60, $70,
18:45 somewhere around $60, maybe in us dollars.
18:49 This is ridiculous.
18:50 It has to be more than this.
18:52 - I told her, "No, no, no, no.
18:54 I'm a business background too.
18:55 I know that you need to have money back.
18:58 But look at this,
18:59 this is just only the transportation cost."
19:02 And she said, "Yeah, I know.
19:03 You just pay for the transportation
19:05 because that is not my car.
19:06 I was like, "No, no, no, no, no.
19:07 You need to explain to me why I need to pay
19:09 just only for the transportation,
19:11 because you give me the full service."
19:13 - [John] Yeah.
19:14 - Right.
19:15 - And she said like, "No, no.
19:16 the service is on me, so you don't need to pay for that.
19:20 It's free for me."
19:21 And I was like, "No, no, no, no, no.
19:22 You are not family, you're not even my family.
19:25 How come you give that?"
19:25 - Yeah, what's in it to you?
19:27 - Free for me.
19:28 - Right.
19:29 - You need to explain to me.
19:30 And she's just like, "Listen, Sandy, everything is free."
19:31 I was like, "I know, but I just don't want to accept this."
19:35 And she just like, she holding my shoulders
19:38 and she just like, "Listen to me."
19:41 I was like, "Okay, I want to listen to you.
19:43 You need to explain, right?"
19:44 Okay, she just crying, like, listen to me.
19:47 - [John] She's crying.
19:48 - She's crying.
19:49 - [John] Okay.
19:50 She just like, shaking.
19:52 - [John] Emotional.
19:53 - Emotional, right?
19:54 - [John] Yeah, yeah.
19:56 - She looking at my eyes, she says, "Listen to me."
19:57 I was like, "Okay, I want to listen to you."
19:59 The day before you came, right?
20:01 God come on my dream.
20:04 - Yeah.
20:05 - God give me all of the list.
20:06 Even the color of the casket that you want.
20:10 So that's why I give you the white one,
20:13 because you want that, God says you want that.
20:16 And God says, "Give everything for her
20:20 because her life?"
20:23 - Her soul.
20:24 - "Her soul is really." What God said?
20:25 - Precious.
20:27 - "It's really precious to me."
20:28 - Wow.
20:29 - So you need to accept everything
20:31 because I don't want to charge you
20:33 because God don't let me to charge you.
20:36 And I was like, I just really in tears at the moment,
20:40 because I know like, wow, even the casket color.
20:44 He give the detail, right?
20:46 The detail and I was like, wow,
20:48 He's really the Alpha and Omega.
20:50 He knows that what I want and its really strike me
20:54 and from that moment I was like,
20:56 I'm telling my husband, "Now you are the leader, right?"
21:02 Because God's strike will talk to you.
21:03 Everything that He will bring me and you,
21:07 if God grace, I will be your partner.
21:10 Everything that He wants me to go with you, I will go.
21:13 I will teach the kids, I will teach everything
21:15 I will learn everything because you know,
21:18 that situation is really bring me,
21:21 especially the words, God says,
21:24 "Your soul is precious to Him."
21:26 I was like, wow.
21:28 Yeah, my soul is precious to Him?
21:31 And then when I'm scared in my life,
21:35 scared to believing on Him,
21:37 He's already believing on me.
21:40 - Wow.
21:41 - Yeah.
21:42 - When I don't have that faith to believing on Him,
21:44 He already have the faith of believe in me
21:47 and He said maybe like, "Hey, I know that you can do it."
21:50 - [John] Wow.
21:51 - I know that you can make it.
21:53 - [John] Wow.
21:55 - And I was like, "God, you are amazing."
21:57 And you know like people,
21:58 maybe when people looking at me like,
22:01 why you always crying when you share the testimony.
22:03 I know who I am, right?
22:05 I know I'm a sinful person,
22:08 raised from the messed up in society family.
22:12 And then how God like that want to search me in my position.
22:17 - [John] Yeah.
22:18 - And then tell that, "No, for me, you are so precious."
22:21 - [John] Wow.
22:22 - And it's really like, wow, let me work with you.
22:24 Let me do anything.
22:26 - He won your heart?
22:27 - [Shandy] Anything that you want me to do.
22:27 - So you won your heart?
22:28 - Yeah, yeah.
22:29 He won my heart.
22:30 - And then after God has proven Himself able,
22:32 to provide 1000 ways of which we know not one,
22:37 - [John] Right.
22:38 - Now we become more confident in him.
22:40 - [John] Right.
22:41 - Not in ourselves anymore.
22:42 - Not confidence like the confidence, but we have that.
22:44 - We have confidence in Him, not in us anymore.
22:46 - [John] Right.
22:47 - He is there, everything's gonna be okay.
22:49 Even if He needs to put us in the deep crisis,
22:54 not because He doesn't love us,
22:56 but He want us to understand,
22:58 to see that He never gonna let us go.
23:02 - [John] Wow.
23:03 - So you, at one time in your life,
23:05 you had a lot of faith in your money.
23:08 - Yeah.
23:09 - And now you have faith in your God,
23:11 which one's better?
23:12 - Oh, it's relying upon God,
23:14 it's actually the happiest life.
23:15 - Yeah.
23:17 - When we rely on money, yes, we trust money,
23:19 but it's just like, the worry just never stops.
23:22 That's not a happy life.
23:23 - I look at you now and you guys have this peace
23:27 and you're holding hands.
23:29 And I look at your pictures from when,
23:31 before I knew you.
23:32 - [Shandy] Yeah.
23:33 - [Ramon] Yeah.
23:34 - You have this look where it's not the same.
23:36 - Yeah.
23:37 - From our side, watching you,
23:39 'cause we met you in 2011 and for the next 10 years,
23:43 we watched you and for nine years, we really wanted to help.
23:49 But it felt like God was holding us back.
23:51 Of course we were going through
23:54 the wilderness experience also for ourselves
23:56 and God was sponging out, clearing out
24:01 our attachments to trusting in money.
24:04 I didn't have as much money as you did, but I had some.
24:08 And of course my own, oh, what's the word?
24:11 - Self-reliance.
24:12 - Self-reliance yeah, yeah.
24:13 Being the husband and all that kind of stuff.
24:14 So similar experience.
24:16 But then like 2020, it's like the switch happened.
24:20 You're to point where at the lightning had hit
24:22 your satellite and knocked out some
24:24 - Yeah, it was March 2020.
24:26 - And you were behind in paying the satellite bills.
24:29 You were telling me, he says,
24:30 "I think it's time that we shut it down."
24:33 - That's right. That's what I said, yeah.
24:35 - Yeah and I remember feeling this kind of anger
24:37 'cause righteous indignation.
24:39 It's like, okay, well, if we choose to shut it down
24:42 because God directs us to shut it down, then that's fine.
24:46 But just because of lack of money,
24:48 no, that's a defeat.
24:51 And so we prayed really hard.
24:53 Our team prayed here and the Lord gave us the inspiration,
24:58 that it's not time yet.
25:01 And so we presented it to our wonderful viewers
25:07 and the Lord just moved.
25:10 And so now you've got the satellite in a good position
25:14 and now God is fulfilling the other vision.
25:16 And you bought an airplane.
25:17 - Yeah.
25:18 - Yes.
25:19 - Through a miracle.
25:20 - Yeah.
25:21 - Absolute miracle.
25:22 And so God's opening the doors.
25:22 - Yes.
25:24 - Because He's tested us and you,
25:26 it's not about money.
25:28 - Yeah, it's not about money.
25:29 - Yeah.
25:30 - It's about our faith.
25:31 - Right, exactly.
25:32 - It's about how great He is.
25:33 - [All] Yeah.
25:34 - And how capable and trustworthy He is.
25:35 - [All] Yeah.
25:36 - God gives us money,
25:39 but so that we can use it,
25:40 but He doesn't want the money to own us.
25:44 - Right.
25:45 - Honestly, when we get to heaven,
25:46 we're all gonna be billionaires.
25:48 Trillionaires, you know?
25:48 - And then it won't matter.
25:50 - Absolutely not.
25:51 - Because He's the one who owns everything.
25:53 - Right.
25:54 And we have the same experience,
25:55 the same with you guys that, when I had a regular job,
26:00 I stressed more about money,
26:01 - [Ramon] That's right.
26:03 - Than I do now that,
26:05 when we don't have the regular job.
26:07 Because know Him.
26:08 - Yeah.
26:09 - Yeah, we know Him.
26:10 - Like right now, God puts us
26:12 in our previous
26:13 - Society.
26:14 - Society.
26:15 You just cannot understand anymore.
26:17 Like, you know?
26:19 - Why it was so important.
26:21 - [John] Now, that feels foreign.
26:21 - Yeah.
26:23 - Yeah, it's like a foreign concept already.
26:24 - It's just like, why?
26:25 - We would know how to do it anymore.
26:28 - Maybe people think like
26:29 look at her she's enjoying, no, I'm not.
26:30 Sit down there, at the same time,
26:33 you know that the money can buy people food
26:36 in the other side.
26:37 - Oh yeah.
26:39 - In this side they just only buy the drink.
26:41 - [John] Yeah.
26:42 - The drink is so expensive.
26:43 - [John] Yeah.
26:45 - And then the food is so expensive,
26:46 you know that because you've been exposed
26:47 with this kind of the other world, right?
26:49 - Right, it's so much more.
26:51 - It's just like burden.
26:53 - Fulfilling.
26:54 - Fulfilling.
26:55 So that's why, when people say,
26:56 Are you really want to come back to this?"
26:58 I don't think so.
26:59 That's very foreign for us.
27:02 - You seen the emptiness of it.
27:05 And you found where fulfillment lies.
27:07 - [Shandy] Yeah, yeah.
27:08 - Yes, and now God's adding to you
27:09 not only the satellite and the airplane,
27:11 but also the health retreat ministry.
27:14 - Yeah, we're working on it.
27:16 - God's gonna provide, right?
27:18 - Yes.
27:19 - [Shandy] Yeah.
27:20 - He always does.
27:21 - [John] Amen.
27:22 - Well, I wanna thank you so much
27:23 for being here and sharing more of your story
27:25 and I know we could keep talking for hours.
27:27 So next time you come back to America,
27:29 we'll have to talk again.
27:31 But we just really appreciate the glimpses
27:34 into what God has been teaching you in your lives
27:36 about what's really important to him.
27:38 And I would like to invite our viewers
27:40 to pray for Ramon and Shandy and their family
27:42 as they continue you to serve God
27:44 and the people of Indonesia.
27:46 And if you would like more information,
27:48 you can get ahold of us at Jesus for Asia
27:51 P.O. box 1221 College Dale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:57 Call us at (423) 413-7321
28:01 or visit our website at
28:05 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:08 on "Jesus for Asia Now."
28:10 (dramatic music)


Revised 2022-03-08