Jesus 4 Asia Now

A Missionary Family

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000130S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband, Jon,
00:26 is with me today as we go to Thailand
00:28 to meet the Norton family.
00:30 Hello love.
00:31 - Hi darling. How are you?
00:32 - I'm doing well.
00:34 - Awesome.
00:35 - Now, today we're gonna meet the Norton family.
00:37 - And we're gonna see kind of a behind the scenes
00:40 look at their family itself.
00:41 - Right. When we met them, they had how many children?
00:45 - They have eight children.
00:46 - [Jon] Eight children. - Of their own.
00:47 - [Jon] And when they went to Thailand,
00:48 how many children went with them?
00:50 - [Natalie] Five.
00:51 - Five of them, 'cause three of 'em were older
00:53 and had their own lives.
00:53 - College age, jobs.
00:56 - So they went to Thailand with five children.
00:58 - Right, two teenage girls and then three younger boys.
01:02 - All right, so that's a good place to then show
01:04 this next video about what it's like
01:07 to take the family into the mission field.
01:09 - [Natalie] Okay.
01:10 (gentle music)
01:21 - So when we came and God kind of allowed us
01:25 to be launched directly into ministry,
01:27 one of the fall outs of that,
01:31 due to the way that we handled it,
01:32 was we essentially lost our family, like our family unit,
01:37 because we continually were bringing more people in
01:42 and more children in that were in need.
01:44 (intense music)
01:48 There is a scripture that tells us
01:51 that God will not allow us to be tempted
01:52 beyond that which we can bear.
01:54 And one of the things that we were really convicted of,
01:56 unfortunately, almost two years into this experience,
01:59 is that that is exactly what we were doing
02:02 to our little boys.
02:03 It was much harder being that
02:05 we didn't recognize that from the beginning,
02:07 because then we had to back pedal
02:09 and transition our entire ministry
02:11 to protect them from those types of situations.
02:16 And so we've had to recreate a family unit
02:19 while not isolating the children that God had brought to us.
02:24 And it's been a difficult balance to find,
02:28 but through prayer and just having lots and lots of talk
02:35 between our family members, especially the older ones,
02:38 we've been able to assign different roles to each of us,
02:42 which has allowed us to really focus
02:46 a little bit more on the spiritual nurturing
02:49 of the kids we brought with us.
02:51 (gentle music)
02:55 I feel like God has been so merciful
02:56 to give us that opportunity
02:57 to step back and recognize again,
03:00 that while he brought us here to minister to these kids,
03:04 he didn't ask us to sacrifice the ones that we brought.
03:07 So we're seeing progress.
03:09 (gentle music)
03:12 With our teenage girls,
03:14 they were 14 and 16 when we came,
03:20 I think almost the opposite to a degree.
03:22 We felt like we needed to protect them
03:24 and we kept trying to shield them from too much.
03:27 We didn't wanna overwhelm them.
03:29 And so almost the exact opposite conviction with them.
03:34 God's saying no, allow them to find their spiritual legs.
03:39 Don't always, you know,
03:40 be over parenting them or overprotecting them.
03:43 And so them having to take on and fulfill roles,
03:47 especially now trying to refocus
03:50 on both aspects of our ministry,
03:52 our birth family and this family
03:54 that God has brought together for us,
03:56 has caused Hannah and Abby to stretch and grow
04:00 and do things that they're not really
04:01 comfortable doing, didn't wanna do,
04:03 but you can see spiritual growth as a result of that.
04:06 (gentle music)
04:10 I can see where sort of the dangers and the obstacles
04:15 that we watched ourselves walk into without recognizing it.
04:21 It would be good if you went in with your eyes open,
04:23 so you could avoid some of that or all of that,
04:26 that we've experienced
04:28 and then had to take a step back from.
04:31 The flip side of that is being too cautious and saying,
04:34 "Surely God's not calling me because I have children
04:37 and I need to get my children raised
04:39 because it wouldn't be safe to take them
04:42 because of dangers or because of influences."
04:45 And I think that if God is calling,
04:49 and he's calling each of us to something
04:50 and it's pretty much always gonna be something
04:53 beyond what we're comfortable with
04:55 because that's where we really stretch and grow.
04:57 And to recognize the fact
05:00 that no matter what situation God puts you in,
05:03 He's going to work it for your good,
05:06 if you're following his lead,
05:07 if you're seeking him in prayer for direction,
05:10 and you're not just running off with some crazy,
05:13 exciting idea that you come up with on your own.
05:15 And so I think either side
05:17 is almost like an extreme that we want to avoid.
05:20 Not going because we make our family an excuse
05:23 or going and just throwing our family to the wolves
05:27 for the sake of mission or ministry.
05:29 So yeah, I definitely think it's something
05:32 that we need to approach with prayer.
05:33 (gentle music)
05:49 - I think that is such a beautiful and a healthy balance
05:52 approach to bringing your family into ministry.
05:55 And that's important whether or not
05:57 you're in the mission field.
05:59 They say that a lot of what they do,
06:00 is basically just mundane things,
06:03 just like living, what they did in America,
06:06 before they went over there.
06:07 It's just around people that don't know who Jesus is,
06:10 have never been exposed to Christianity before.
06:12 - Right.
06:14 - But that balance between protecting your family
06:15 and encouraging and growing your own family
06:18 versus doing the outreach
06:19 and including others in your family.
06:22 What she didn't talk about was that,
06:24 when they first started bringing in other children,
06:27 they treated everybody as equals.
06:30 But when they brought the other kids in
06:32 that weren't their family
06:33 and brought them into their family
06:34 and treated them as equals, it didn't work out very well
06:37 and it was really hard on their own kids because...
06:39 - Because these other kids are from very rough backgrounds,
06:42 they're from slums, some of them,
06:44 some of them, abusive homes.
06:45 And so their ways of interacting with people
06:48 are not healthy. - Right.
06:49 - In fact, to some degree abusive as well.
06:51 - Absolutely. - And so they were noticing,
06:53 they were watching their own kids
06:55 being treated wrongly, being abused by these other kids.
06:59 Mainly because the other kids didn't know the love of God.
07:01 - Right, and so they had to find ways to manage,
07:05 not reject those kids from off the streets,
07:08 and yet show them how to behave,
07:11 but also protect their little kids and stuff.
07:14 And so that focus on prayer
07:16 and finding out what is God's plan
07:18 and communication between the family members
07:21 and finding a way that they could,
07:23 because God's not interested in sacrificing
07:26 his children for the sake of the gospel.
07:29 God's given us the great commission as a blessing.
07:33 Okay, that doesn't mean that we can be selfish
07:36 and just live for ourselves.
07:39 But there's that balance of, you know,
07:42 growing in Christ at the same time,
07:45 as you are witnessing to others in different places.
07:48 And we have examples throughout history
07:50 of people dying for the sake of taking the gospel
07:53 or sharing the gospel to people.
07:55 - Right, right.
07:56 - Christ himself did that sacrifice.
07:58 - But in Christ's life,
08:00 you see that he took that time to pray.
08:03 And if we go out and we don't do that,
08:05 we're not gonna have anything to give.
08:07 - You know, one of the illustrations
08:08 you could use is Christ with his disciples.
08:11 He had done everything he could to reach them.
08:14 And yet, because of their preconceived ideas or whatever,
08:18 they had these other are ways of thinking
08:20 that didn't match with what he was trying to show them
08:23 until after he died, and then they spent the time
08:27 praying together and then they figured out.
08:30 - But even after that, they weren't perfect.
08:32 - Right, right.
08:33 - So there's always room for that growth.
08:34 - [Natalie] Right.
08:36 - And seeing God, I mean.
08:38 You never get to the place in your Christian growth
08:40 where you're not in desperate need of prayer.
08:42 - Right.
08:44 - And seeing Christ more fully than you ever have before.
08:47 That is the definition of the Christian life,
08:50 is spending that time in God's presence,
08:53 taking from heaven to give to earth.
08:55 - Right, I read an illustration just this morning actually,
08:59 that said that Jesus is our prayer.
09:02 - Wow.
09:03 - It's like, because of his merits, we can pray,
09:06 so therefore he is the prayer between us and God.
09:11 It's just like.
09:11 - [Jon] He's that connection.
09:12 - I like that. It's beautiful.
09:15 He's the connection, exactly.
09:16 And that's what he's described in the Bible,
09:19 as the stairway that Jacob saw
09:21 where the angels were ascending and descending.
09:24 - He gave up everything, surrendered everything
09:26 as God, became a man,
09:28 inherited everything back as a man.
09:30 And so we have a man, there's a man
09:33 sitting at the right hand of God on the throne
09:36 that is our advocate.
09:38 What a amazing, beautiful thought that that is.
09:42 - Anyway, so we wanna get back to our stories for today.
09:45 - [Jon] Okay.
09:46 - And the next video we have
09:47 is about the two older children that she was talking about
09:50 and how they needed to be challenged
09:53 for their spiritual growth in a different way.
09:56 - And so this is about Hannah and Abby.
09:58 - [Jon] Awesome.
10:00 (gentle music)
10:08 - So I was 16 when we came to Thailand.
10:11 The expectations weren't (chuckles) exactly met
10:15 in the way I thought they were going to be.
10:18 I think I had a hard time before we came.
10:20 So I struggled a lot with the fact that we were leaving,
10:23 'cause it wasn't something like I expected.
10:25 I had some plans lined up for the next year
10:28 and I wasn't ready, I didn't feel like I was ready to leave.
10:32 So, and then when we got here,
10:33 I pictured it more to be like the books.
10:36 Like the books you read and just how it feels
10:39 like you're living a missionary life,
10:41 whereas I think in reality it doesn't feel like that.
10:44 It just feels like you're going throughout normal life
10:47 in a foreign country,
10:48 trying to do what God is asking you to do.
10:50 (gentle music)
10:53 - I was 14 when we arrived in Thailand
10:57 and it was a cool experience.
10:59 At first I was really enjoying it.
11:01 I was enjoying trying all the new foods
11:03 and meeting new people.
11:06 But about a month and a half after we came to Thailand,
11:09 I like, I really didn't wanna be here.
11:12 I wanted to go back right.
11:13 Right around that time,
11:14 we also had gotten two new kids
11:17 and I guess it was just really hard time.
11:20 And as time went on, it got better, slowly got better.
11:24 I think just being here and getting accustomed to things
11:28 and also meeting other missionaries
11:32 and hearing their stories about different things.
11:35 I think that's the point
11:36 where I started to really love Thailand.
11:38 (gentle music)
11:43 I definitely struggled a lot with culture shock.
11:46 It was unexpected. (chuckles)
11:52 I don't think I knew the definition of culture shock
11:53 before I came and I didn't expect it to happen to me.
11:57 What helped me to get over the culture shock
11:58 was when Wind and Sky came
12:00 and also when we moved to Sukhothai.
12:02 When Wind and Sky came,
12:04 it was like having to put the focus on them
12:07 'cause they were newer than we were.
12:09 It was two weeks after we got to Sukhothai that they came.
12:12 And so they were newer than us
12:15 and we didn't speak the same language.
12:18 So it was like completely different again.
12:22 But it was a good kind of different
12:24 because it pushed me out of the slump I was in,
12:27 it pushed me out of feeling bad for myself and feeling pity.
12:31 So that was super helpful.
12:32 And I still struggled a lot with it after that
12:34 but I was able to go to God and to be like,
12:40 this is where God wants me to be.
12:41 This is what God wants me to be doing.
12:43 Because I think before I kind of turned it
12:45 into something that my parents were called to do.
12:47 And when it's like that,
12:49 it's like you don't feel like you have a purpose.
12:51 You don't feel like you're supposed to be,
12:53 that God's actually calling you to that.
12:55 But I think when you're young,
12:57 God is calling you to do kind of the same thing
12:58 that your parents are doing.
13:00 (gentle music)
13:05 - There are a lot of different reasons
13:07 like why I don't wanna go back to America.
13:10 Well, I wanna go back to visit,
13:12 but getting to watch, especially with the kids,
13:16 seeing the changes in their attitudes and how they act,
13:22 that's really rewarding to be able to see that.
13:24 And it's definitely much more rewarding
13:28 than I think what we had in America.
13:30 (gentle music)
13:34 I think the challenges of living here,
13:36 are number one, the heat.
13:37 I'm not used to so much intense heat all the time.
13:40 And the food, 'cause I like my food,
13:45 but I like American food.
13:46 And also the separation from my own culture and people
13:53 because we live in a spot where there's not a lot
13:55 of other missionaries or foreigners.
13:57 So there's not a lot of people you can kind of relate with
14:00 'cause Thai culture is very different than American culture.
14:04 And also, the kids.
14:07 I struggle a lot with that.
14:10 I think it's like a daily, constant struggle.
14:12 Like that's one of my hardest places
14:15 'cause I find like a lot of weaknesses in myself.
14:18 (gentle music)
14:23 What makes it worth it is just the purpose I feel.
14:27 I feel like I'm doing something that's worthwhile
14:30 and just knowing where the kids have come from
14:34 and what could have happened to them
14:36 had they not had a safe place to go.
14:40 I think definitely that
14:42 because I can't imagine not having one of them
14:46 and just the relationship I have with them now,
14:49 just how close we are.
14:51 And I feel like I wouldn't give that away
14:55 for anything in the world.
14:56 (gentle music)
15:04 - I love how God worked them through the challenges
15:09 and yet has given them glimpses
15:11 of the beauty and the purpose.
15:13 And he's given them rewards along the way
15:15 even though it was so hard in some ways.
15:19 - I've seen this over and over again,
15:20 this theme of, you know,
15:22 I ask the missionaries, why do you stay?
15:24 Why are you still here?
15:25 They keep coming back to, they're finding meaning.
15:28 And, you know, we are built for meaning.
15:31 And a lot of us, I think go through life safe,
15:34 but without a lot of meaning and to find that meaning,
15:37 to find a sense of meaning in your life,
15:39 sense of purpose in your life,
15:40 it fulfills something that God has placed within us
15:44 and to take care of his kids
15:46 that don't have any other option of learning about God.
15:49 - Yeah, like she expressed, where would these kids be,
15:52 if they didn't have a safe place to go?
15:55 - Exactly, so she's not just taking care of kids,
15:57 she's saving lives.
15:58 She's saving their lives.
16:00 And one of my most profound moments,
16:02 when I visited Thailand recently,
16:05 was watching her interact with those kids
16:09 when they were getting ready to go to school.
16:11 The pickup was there, it was all filled with kids.
16:13 They were just waiting for one or two more kids
16:15 and then they'd go off to school
16:17 and she just spent time with them.
16:19 She talked to them, looked at their bruised finger,
16:22 you know, hugged each one.
16:24 And it's like, wow, she just was there for them.
16:28 That to me is mission work.
16:30 That is the way God would have it done.
16:32 And it just brought tears to my eyes.
16:34 And I was so impressed.
16:35 This seemed so simple, so simple to do
16:38 and yet so profound in the effect.
16:40 - Well, sometimes we think that mission work
16:42 is some grand thing.
16:44 Some, grandiose example or some...
16:48 - Big stage. - Big thing.
16:49 - 10,000 people in the audience.
16:51 - Something like that.
16:53 But in reality, it's in the little things.
16:56 It's in the day to day. - Love it.
16:57 - It's in the moment by moment.
16:59 - Yeah.
17:01 - It's connecting with God to connect with others.
17:02 - Absolutely.
17:04 The other thing that they were talking about,
17:06 that resonated with me, was that doing this kind of work,
17:10 it exposes our own weaknesses.
17:12 And so you're all always like, do I really want to do this?
17:15 Because that means that I have to grow
17:18 and I don't really wanna grow.
17:20 And this is, I believe the value
17:22 and the reason why Christ gave us missions.
17:25 He says, "Come and learn of me."
17:28 You know, after you come to me, then learn of me.
17:31 You know, my burden, there is a burden,
17:33 it's light, but it is still a burden.
17:36 - Like she said, it was my parents' thing.
17:39 - [Jon] Right.
17:41 - My parents were going and this was my parents' thing.
17:42 - [Jon] Yes.
17:44 - But to realize that she had a part to play,
17:46 that it was her thing too.
17:48 You know, I think that's where we need
17:50 that connection with God even more.
17:53 It's another example of why we need that
17:55 because God can get us through the culture shock.
17:58 He can give us the glimpses of beauty on the way.
18:00 He can distract us from our culture shock
18:02 by sending us little children that need help.
18:05 He can, you know, those kinds of things.
18:07 And that's where our next video takes us,
18:09 is that connection with God and the growth
18:11 that God brings through the situation,
18:15 through the mission work that they've been doing.
18:17 (gentle music)
18:29 - I was raised up a missionary kid.
18:32 So the mission field is nothing new for me.
18:36 When I was a missionary kid
18:37 with my dad in the mission field,
18:39 we were in Mexico and he was a maintenance man.
18:42 We worked at his school.
18:44 And so being around kids and everything was nothing new.
18:48 I played with the local kids
18:50 that were in the dormitories and stuff.
18:52 (gentle music)
18:55 - Coming to the foreign mission field
18:57 has been sort of a mixed bag.
19:01 I think spiritually I've experienced
19:03 something of a breaking.
19:06 God grows you or has grown me through the experience,
19:10 but at the same time, I see so much more of myself,
19:16 I think in a more real way and that's hard.
19:22 It's hard to come face to face with who you truly are.
19:24 And somehow, in our lives in America,
19:26 you could hide from that more.
19:29 - Learning to trust God has been very difficult for me.
19:33 It's very easy to ask God, why?
19:36 Why are I being allowed to go through
19:39 this trial or that thing,
19:42 but to see God come through time and time again
19:46 has been amazing.
19:47 (gentle music)
19:56 So, as far as my spiritual growth, I'm still learning.
20:00 (laughs)
20:02 I'm still learning to trust God.
20:04 But I am definitely getting to the point
20:06 where I know that he is all I need.
20:10 (gentle music)
20:15 - I think that whenever he gives you a ministry,
20:19 especially one that's continuously changing and expanding,
20:24 there's this tendency to feel like
20:26 everything you're doing is worship.
20:29 And while it should be,
20:31 we are to be pouring our lives out as an offering to God,
20:35 it doesn't take the place of the relationship aspect.
20:38 And so you can do all these good works,
20:41 but if you don't have this relationship
20:43 and this connection with God,
20:45 the whole spiritual experience is gonna break down.
20:48 And so we've experienced that,
20:50 where you're exhausted and tired
20:52 and you're having worship with different people
20:55 so many times during the day
20:57 and you start to lose some of what makes that meaningful.
21:04 And so fighting through that,
21:06 because I think Satan capitalizes on it.
21:08 He makes you think that, you know,
21:10 it's okay or you're doing enough,
21:12 but really recognizing that you have to put the brakes on.
21:16 You have to be connected first.
21:18 You have no ability to do outreach
21:21 if you haven't first done that in reach.
21:24 And so I think for me,
21:28 it's opened my eyes to the fact
21:30 that it's so easy to tell ourselves
21:32 that we're fine and that we are growing spiritually
21:36 because we're doing X, Y, and Z,
21:39 but where God always brings it back to the very basics
21:44 and says, "But are you connecting with me?"
21:47 Because that's where the power is.
21:50 - I'm so thankful that they are aware
21:52 of those issues and they can see that.
21:55 - Yeah.
21:56 - You know who George Muller is?
21:57 - Well, I do, but some of our viewers may not.
21:59 - Okay.
22:00 He was a man that lived in the 1800's
22:02 and he was German but he migrated to England
22:06 and he felt impressed to live by faith.
22:10 And so he gave up his salary.
22:12 In those days, they used to rent pews.
22:14 That's how they earned an income.
22:15 - Paid the Minister.
22:16 - He gave that up and he went only by faith.
22:19 And he never asked anybody for money.
22:21 He never told anybody about his needs.
22:23 He just told God.
22:25 And then God called him to set up an orphanage.
22:28 And during the course of his life,
22:30 he took care of 10,000 orphans.
22:33 And in today's money,
22:34 almost $200 million went through his hands.
22:37 And so he had a very stressful life
22:40 and he said his rule, his number one job in the morning
22:45 was to make his soul happy in the Lord.
22:48 So he would take that time to be in the Word,
22:51 to be in prayer, to connect with God,
22:54 to the point where he felt happy
22:56 and relaxed and loved in the Lord.
22:59 And then he could go out through his day
23:01 and give that happiness, give that joy to others.
23:03 - And one thing that Robbie said, you know, he's like,
23:06 we could ask why, why am I going through this trial?
23:08 But then I remember how God takes care of everything.
23:12 And that's another thing that George Muller said.
23:14 He said, "Trials are the very food of faith".
23:17 - So if we want our faith to grow, we have to be willing
23:20 to let God take us through those trials,
23:22 recognizing like Robbie is,
23:25 that he's the one with all the answers.
23:27 He's the one who's taking us through this.
23:29 He's the one who provides.
23:31 And being willing, like Kasey was talking about,
23:34 to go through, you know, whatever,
23:38 but to keep connecting with God
23:40 so that no matter how many times
23:42 you have worship in a given day,
23:44 your time with God is special.
23:46 - Yes, and this is the beauty of sending missionaries,
23:49 is because they go on the front lines,
23:51 their faith gets tested, it gets tried,
23:53 and they can tell us where to keep the focus.
23:59 And so it makes our lives richer
24:01 by knowing missionaries that are on the front line
24:02 and being a part of them when we support them,
24:05 encouraging words, by our prayers,
24:07 by our financial gifts,
24:09 to enable them to continue to do this.
24:11 It's like we become a partner
24:13 and their experience becomes our experience
24:15 and it enriches our experience with God.
24:17 And we may never end up going into the mission field,
24:21 but their experience can help us
24:23 be missionaries where we are,
24:25 and to enrich our lives and those around us.
24:28 And so God has built this whole mission outreach,
24:32 great commission thing for our blessing.
24:38 It's not a curse.
24:40 It's not a job we have to do before Jesus comes.
24:44 It's a blessing.
24:45 And it's an opportunity for us to really test who God is.
24:51 You know, it's one thing to read,
24:52 "My God shall supply all your needs",
24:54 and to believe that theoretically.
24:57 It's a whole 'nother thing to go out there and test it
24:59 and make decisions based on, my God will come through.
25:03 We're gonna make this decision.
25:04 - Yeah, and one of the beautiful things
25:06 is that God has given Kasey a gift of writing.
25:09 And so she writes these things down,
25:11 and he's given Robbie a gift of photography and videography.
25:15 And so they are being able to share
25:17 some of the stories as they go along.
25:19 Some of these experiences.
25:21 So, we're gonna be putting on the screen how to find them.
25:25 But she does have a blog at WalkingRedeemed
25:29 and that's on Facebook as well as on the internet.
25:32 And then...
25:33 - She's also written a book.
25:34 - [Natalie] That's right.
25:35 - That's on Amazon.
25:36 - And they have a YouTube channel with some videos on it.
25:38 So, if people want more of the stories, some of the history,
25:45 that would be a great place to go and look.
25:46 - Yes, absolutely.
25:48 - We're also excited that there's another book in the works.
25:52 More the behind the scenes story,
25:55 but we're looking forward to that as well.
25:57 - Yes. Well, we're at the end of our three episodes.
26:00 We were gonna do one show
26:02 on the update of the Norton project.
26:04 And this is, and we've had to do three.
26:07 - Right, because a lot's going on.
26:09 And there's a lot of people there
26:10 whose stories need to be shared.
26:11 - Right. And so this is, to me,
26:13 such a beautiful shining example
26:15 of what God can do when we put him first.
26:19 And the main purpose of the missionary
26:22 is stated and clear that their main focus
26:25 is to put God first and then let him lead.
26:28 When he's in charge, he is much more ambitious than we are.
26:35 - That's for sure. (both chuckle)
26:35 - But he's also very balanced.
26:38 And when the 10 lepers came to Jesus and asked for healing,
26:43 he said, "Go show yourselves to the priest".
26:45 And as they were going, they were healed.
26:48 And I know a lot of times in my own life,
26:50 God calls me to do a something
26:52 that I know I'm not prepared for.
26:54 I don't have the, I don't have the skills,
26:56 the ability, even the emotional courage
27:00 to do what he's calling me to do.
27:02 But as I step out in obedience, as I go,
27:06 I sense his healing and he brings me through
27:09 and I feel myself stronger on the other side.
27:13 - Right.
27:14 Strength and courage, he provides all those things.
27:16 There's promises in the word.
27:18 - Yeah, and sometimes we don't feel
27:19 that strength and courage.
27:21 So we just have to obey.
27:23 And then as we obey, those things then start to kick in.
27:27 - Well, it is definitely an encouragement
27:29 to all of us to seek God,
27:32 to let him rule in our lives and to see what he's gonna do.
27:36 - Yes.
27:37 - 'Cause that's what the Nortons are doing
27:38 day after day after day.
27:40 - Yep, absolutely, praise the Lord.
27:42 - Yep.
27:43 Well, if you have been challenged
27:44 and you would like more information,
27:46 you can contact us at Jesus for Asia,
27:49 PO Box 1221, Collegedale Tennessee 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321,
28:00 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you,
28:05 until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia now.
28:08 (uplifting music)


Revised 2022-04-07