Jesus 4 Asia Now

Praying for a Suburb

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000137S

00:00 (gentle music)
00:21 - Hello, and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood,
00:25 and my husband, Jon, is joining me today.
00:27 Hello, love. - Hi, darling.
00:29 How are you?
00:29 - I'm doing good.
00:31 I'm looking forward to sharing what we have to share today.
00:33 - We have some pretty amazing stories today.
00:35 - Yeah, and it's stories about a city
00:38 that's dear to our hearts. - [Jon] Right.
00:40 - Because so many people lived there.
00:42 - Yeah, and we spent some time there.
00:43 - [Natalie] Right. - And so
00:45 we know it more than just a city.
00:47 - Right, right. - [Jon] Yeah.
00:48 - So, which city are we talking about?
00:49 - Bangkok, Thailand.
00:51 - Okay, can you tell us a little bit
00:52 about Bangkok? - Sure.
00:53 Well, my family first went there in 1969.
00:57 - [Natalie] A few days ago.
00:58 (both laugh)
01:00 - Yes, and I remember parts of it.
01:02 I was five years old.
01:03 We were returning missionaries from New Guinea.
01:06 I don't know how many days we spent there,
01:08 but we rode on the klong, we rode an elephant,
01:11 we watched some dancers, and we went to little Thailand,
01:15 all that in the time that we were there.
01:18 And I remember it just being a really happy, fun time.
01:21 And I remember the front
01:23 of the Thailand Adventist Mission Headquarters building.
01:26 It's the same front when I went back 40 years later,
01:30 same front. - Wow.
01:31 - And then we went back to do mission work in Thailand,
01:35 and that's where we met Pastor Doug Van
01:37 in Bangkok. - Right, right.
01:38 - You were there, and we really connected with him.
01:42 I did a little video of him talking
01:44 about his passion for the city.
01:46 And I'd never met anybody that had a passion for this city.
01:49 - Right, we usually meet people with passions
01:51 for the country.
01:52 - Yeah, or passion for missions,
01:54 and then the country is where they prefer to go.
01:57 - [Natalie] Right. - But here's a person
01:59 that had a passion for the work in the city,
02:01 and it was very intriguing to me.
02:04 So, we did a whole entire television series on his work
02:08 in church planting in Bangkok.
02:10 - Right, it's called,
02:11 I Want This City. - Yes.
02:13 (gentle music)
02:19 And you can watch that on
02:21 - Right. - And in shooting that show,
02:23 I got to spend nine and a half months living in Bangkok.
02:26 And you came over there for four and a half months.
02:28 You and I and our two kids lived in two apartments.
02:31 - At the opposite ends
02:32 of the hall. - Yeah.
02:33 (both laugh)
02:34 Yeah, there were studio apartments.
02:36 - Right, one room. - So when we slept in one,
02:38 it was, we slept in one. - All of us,
02:40 all the four of us. - Yeah.
02:42 - It was quite tight. - [Jon] Yeah.
02:43 - Snugly. - So, in seeing his passion,
02:45 and spending that time in the city
02:47 and walking through the streets of the city,
02:50 my whole perspective on city ministry changed.
02:54 When I first was there, it's like I walked down the streets
02:57 and I would see man's success.
02:59 You know, the costly high-rises,
03:02 the expensive cars,
03:04 you know, everything seems to be man-made.
03:07 And so I started to feel like that was my,
03:10 like an acid bath on my faith.
03:13 I feel my faith eroding. - Yeah.
03:15 - And then after some time,
03:17 I remember one evening, I was standing out on the street,
03:21 it was at eight o'clock at night,
03:22 videotaping for the show and remember thinking,
03:25 "Wow, you know, I'm so far from God."
03:27 I didn't have very good devotions that morning.
03:30 And I felt like he was so far away.
03:31 I should just go back to my apartment,
03:33 pray, read the Bible, get back close to God.
03:36 And then I remembered something.
03:38 The Lord put a thought in my mind.
03:39 He says, "He pursued me before I pursued him."
03:43 And lo, I'm with you to the--
03:46 - Ends of the earth. - Ends of the earth.
03:48 And this feels like the end of the earth,
03:50 but, so that means he's here.
03:53 And so when I stepped on that word by faith,
03:56 it's like, he showed up.
03:58 It's like, you know how he can be there with you always,
04:00 but sometimes he reveals his presence to you.
04:02 It's like he showed up in such a strong way.
04:04 I was almost like, "Whoa, what are you doing here?"
04:06 (both laugh)
04:07 And he says, "I'm where the need is.
04:09 I'm where the people are.
04:10 I'm where the people
04:11 with the greatest need are." - Wow.
04:13 - And so he was there, so that changed everything.
04:16 Now, I walked down the city streets,
04:19 and I see, "Wow, there's a person.
04:20 God died for that person."
04:23 And this is what-- - God loves them.
04:25 - This is what Pastor Van had said.
04:26 I'd asked Doug, "What do you see when you're in the city?"
04:30 He says, "I see people.
04:32 You know, I look at that high-rise,
04:34 I see people in there.
04:35 God loves those people."
04:37 And even in the open of the show,
04:38 he says, "I sense God's spirit hovering over the city."
04:41 - Yeah.
04:42 - [Jon] Such a different perspective.
04:44 - Yeah. - You know,
04:45 it's walking by faith, not by sight.
04:46 - Yeah. - And since then,
04:48 it's like, both of our hearts have just been moved
04:51 by the work, the need in Bangkok.
04:55 - Yeah, definitely. - [Jon] Yeah, yeah.
04:57 - All right, so we have some video today,
05:00 and let's go ahead and share this one.
05:01 This is one from Bangkok. - Okay.
05:04 (gentle music)
05:11 When I first came here,
05:13 I was five years old and my parents were coming back
05:16 from being missionaries in New Guinea.
05:18 And I have a slide, a picture of Bangkok,
05:22 and the slide has the paper around it, you know?
05:25 And on it, in my mother's handwriting,
05:28 she says, "Wow, how in the world are
05:30 we ever gonna reach this massive city of 3 million people?"
05:34 That was 3 million people in 1969.
05:37 Now, it's 13 million people.
05:41 Same question, how are we gonna reach the city?
05:45 It needs to be done.
05:47 Are we putting it off for somebody else?
05:49 (gentle music)
05:55 If we look at the New Testament model of reaching the world
06:00 with the gospel in a short amount of time,
06:02 we see Paul going to one city after another.
06:05 As far as we can tell,
06:06 he did all of his preaching work in the cities.
06:09 I think over 50% of the world lives in cities these days.
06:15 And so, if we're gonna reach the people,
06:17 then we need to go where the people are.
06:20 And yet today, it seems like when our missionaries think
06:23 about going to reach the world,
06:26 they think about going to the country.
06:28 (gentle music)
06:31 You know, when I first started filming the show,
06:33 I want this city, it was obviously in the city.
06:37 And I would walk through the city
06:39 and feel like my faith was going through like an acid bath.
06:43 Like, I could look around
06:45 and I see the work of man and the success of man
06:48 and God seemed far away,
06:50 and I couldn't really sense his presence.
06:54 But the pastor that I was filming, Pastor Doug Van,
06:58 he would say, "You know,
07:00 I sense God's spirit hovering over the city."
07:03 And I'm like, "Wow, I don't sense that."
07:06 And one night, I was walking down the street,
07:09 and I felt really distant from God.
07:12 Like, here's these high-rise buildings
07:14 that shows the success of man
07:17 and all these expensive cars going past
07:19 that I couldn't afford.
07:20 And I was kind of feeling like I should go back
07:23 to my apartment and read my Bible
07:24 and pray and get closer to God.
07:28 As I was standing there in the street corner,
07:29 I'm like, "You know what?
07:31 According to the word of God, he says,
07:33 'Lo, I am with you always,
07:35 even until the end of the world.'"
07:37 And I felt like I was at the end of the world.
07:39 But according to that statement that Jesus made,
07:43 he's at the end of the world, so he must be here.
07:45 And so I claimed by faith and realized that by faith,
07:48 that even though I didn't feel him, he was there.
07:50 He was here, he was here in Bangkok,
07:53 in the center of all this stuff.
07:54 And from then on, I walked through the city
07:56 and I'd see people, I'd see disorder,
07:59 I would see people in poverty, I would see smog.
08:03 Whatever I saw,
08:04 you know, brokenness, whatever,
08:05 I would say, "Wow, God's here.
08:07 God loves that person.
08:08 He's here, he's working with that person.
08:10 He's not afraid of the dirt, he's not afraid of the grime,
08:13 he's not afraid of the noise.
08:14 He can come into a situation of sin, of darkness,
08:18 and bring light into that situation
08:20 without being contaminated."
08:22 (gentle music)
08:26 You know, if we move in the strength and presence of God,
08:29 can he bring light into dark areas?
08:33 And can we live in that light instead of living
08:35 in what we see?
08:37 Can we walk in the faith of his presence and his power
08:41 into areas and bring the light of the gospel
08:43 into these areas?
08:44 You know, as it is in heaven,
08:47 you know, let it be on earth.
08:48 This is our assignment.
08:49 This is the great commission,
08:51 is to bring the reality of heaven, the spirit of heaven,
08:55 the principles of heaven into the darkest places on earth.
08:59 (gentle music)
09:08 - God is so good. - He is very good.
09:10 - And he desperately loves those people.
09:12 - Yeah, more than we can imagine.
09:15 He died for each one of them. - Yeah.
09:17 - While we were yet sinners,
09:19 they're yet sinners-- - [Natalie] Yeah.
09:20 - Christ died for them. - Yeah.
09:22 As a missionary friend,
09:23 was expressing just yesterday actually,
09:27 like they are still living the way they're living,
09:29 in the darkness that they're living in,
09:30 because we as a church, have not stepped up and done the job
09:34 that God gave us. - [Jon] Right, shame on us.
09:36 - And it's like, yeah,
09:37 it's not their fault that they're living in darkness,
09:39 that they're worshiping the way they're worshiping,
09:42 that they're living the way they're living,
09:43 it's our fault. - [Jon] Yeah.
09:44 - Because we have not told them.
09:46 - Right, right, but we still have a chance.
09:49 - [Natalie] Yeah, yeah. - You know,
09:50 the story's not over yet. - Right, right.
09:53 (indistinct) It's still not endgame.
09:55 - [Jon] No, not yet. - Probation has not closed.
09:57 - Yeah, so as many people as possible,
10:00 we need to push the message out there.
10:02 - [Natalie] Right. - Live the message.
10:04 - Right, so we have another video from Bangkok.
10:07 - Okay.
10:08 (gentle music)
10:13 You know, when I was filming Pastor Doug Van back
10:15 in 2010, 2011,
10:17 he had this project called Hope for Bangkok,
10:20 and he had church plants
10:22 where he would bring English-speaking person,
10:25 usually Filipino, and a Thai pastor,
10:29 put them together and rent a place,
10:32 like a center of influence type of place.
10:34 And they would do English lessons and different things
10:38 to try to connect and make friends with the local community.
10:41 And when Pastor Doug left and that program,
10:44 it was this GC-sponsored program,
10:46 when that program shut down,
10:48 there's a lot of places that just shut down.
10:51 And so those church plants aren't there anymore.
10:53 There's some, you know,
10:54 the local lay church member has carried it on
10:58 and done amazing.
11:00 God is really blessed.
11:01 But there's so many more here in Bangkok that it's like,
11:04 it's my dream to get that program going again.
11:08 (gentle music)
11:14 We visited the Ramkhamhaeng church plant
11:18 and we visited there when they were just shutting it down.
11:22 They had been asked to move by the owner of the building.
11:25 And they were supposed to go and find a new place
11:28 to put the church plant, but they never found another place,
11:32 and that was completely shut down.
11:35 Praise God, one of our friends from America saw that
11:41 and felt a heart burden and moved to Thailand,
11:44 and in Ramkhamhaeng, we rented a large building,
11:48 five story building.
11:50 And that is still there.
11:51 That couple had to go home to America,
11:54 but God arranged it in perfect timing
11:57 that another couple stepped in,
11:59 and now they are just now establishing
12:02 and starting to develop that ministry even farther.
12:05 And so that's one light in one community on one street.
12:10 They happen to be 400 feet from a university
12:12 with 500,000 people, so it's a pretty significant location.
12:18 But what about the other places?
12:20 Last I heard, there's 50 districts in Bangkok,
12:23 and the Adventist church is in maybe 22 of them.
12:28 So we think, how in the world could I reach
12:31 that many people?
12:32 Or we feel this burden,
12:33 like we need to finish the work so that Jesus can come.
12:36 What if we look at it like,
12:38 here's an opportunity for me to work closely with Christ
12:44 in taking the gospel to this place?
12:46 God has preserved these people for me.
12:51 I can pray for them, I can work for them,
12:53 I can cry for them.
12:55 I can let my heart break for them, maybe I can go for them.
13:00 But maybe God has preserved these unreached peoples
13:04 for this generation.
13:06 It's worth exploring.
13:08 It's a question worth exploring and saying,
13:11 "Lord, what do you have for me?"
13:14 (gentle music)
13:24 It's definitely a question worth exploring for each of us.
13:27 It's like, Lord, what do you have for me?
13:29 - Right. - Which is talking
13:30 to my friend who is 75, retired,
13:34 just got a call for full-time ministry to Indian tribes
13:38 in Northeast Montana. - Wow.
13:41 - He came to a faith camp and he's like,
13:42 "Wow, Lord, am I not done yet?"
13:45 At 75, his wife has some health challenges,
13:50 and then immediately, it's like within a few days,
13:52 he got this call,
13:53 "Can you come be a full-time pastor for three churches?"
13:56 - Wow. - District pastor.
13:57 And he's like, "Whoa, okay, Lord."
13:59 - [Natalie] Yeah.
14:00 - But he sees the Lord working out the details,
14:02 like a place to live through the winter,
14:04 and it's beautiful.
14:07 You know, the thing that we need as people is purpose.
14:11 And this is what God has given us
14:13 in the face of the unreached. - Right.
14:16 - And so with this huge opportunity,
14:18 this huge fast field where there's really,
14:22 almost no work being started, how do we approach that?
14:25 How do we deal with that?
14:27 I mean-- - Right.
14:28 - We can't be in all places at once.
14:30 - So, that's where what we were just talking
14:32 about comes into play, asking God
14:34 where we should be. - [Jon] Yes.
14:36 - Because God knows
14:37 where each worker should be. - [Jon] Right.
14:39 - And it's more than that,
14:40 asking God what kind of work we should do.
14:43 - [Jon] Yes.
14:44 - Asking God to provide for everything.
14:47 - Yes. - Our needs,
14:48 our circumstances, our housing,
14:50 our everything. - [Jon] Right.
14:52 - And that's what the Lord has been leading us into,
14:54 or back to or however you wanna put it.
14:57 That is that he's
14:58 in charge of his work. - [Jon] Right.
15:00 - And our job is to connect
15:02 with him and ask him. - Right.
15:04 - So, do you wanna share a little bit,
15:05 I know some of our viewers are familiar
15:08 with some of the stories, but let's reiterate anyway,
15:11 because it's really good for us to remember.
15:13 - We visited a city called Sukhothai
15:16 in the Northern end of the big central plane
15:18 of Thailand in 2012. - Right.
15:20 - And this is a beautiful city.
15:22 It's the old historic city. - [Natalie] Right.
15:25 - Capital of Northern Thailand,
15:26 way back before the big unification.
15:29 And I found out there's no Adventist there.
15:32 There's no church, there's no church planter.
15:34 So I started thinking, it's like,
15:35 "Lord, what can we do for that city?"
15:37 And then when we visited--
15:38 - Yeah, the bus would stop there,
15:39 we'd hop off the bus, pray,
15:41 'cause we're claiming Joshua 1:3,
15:43 "Everywhere you put the sole of your foot
15:46 that have I already given you."
15:47 Then we'd get back on the bus and keep driving.
15:49 - And then I started thinking about that.
15:51 It's like, "Okay, what we're trying
15:53 to accomplish here is a spiritual goal, okay?"
15:57 It's, we're trying to connect people
15:59 with the heavenly Father who is unseen,
16:03 but we are trying to plan in earthly tools, okay?
16:08 A ministry, some kind of,
16:10 you know, all this,
16:12 well, what if we-- - Outreach.
16:12 What is our outreach plan?
16:14 What is our-- - Yeah.
16:15 And is it gonna be successful?
16:17 Because very few things are actually successful in Thailand.
16:22 We started thinking, "Well, if it's a spiritual goal,
16:23 shouldn't we start using spiritual tools?"
16:26 The most obvious spiritual tool is prayer.
16:28 - [Natalie] Right. - So we did some prayer walks.
16:31 Almost immediately, God answered by sending a family,
16:35 sold their house, moved to Thailand,
16:37 and we told them, "Your job is to connect with God."
16:41 - Right. - Stay connected with God,
16:43 anything else doesn't matter
16:45 as much as your connection with God,
16:47 because it's that spirit in them
16:49 that will make a difference.
16:51 Not their ministry, not their method,
16:54 not what they do,
16:55 it's the spirit that's in them.
16:57 And if they're a missionary,
16:59 but they have an evil spirit or a spirit of irritation--
17:02 - If they're grumbling and complaining
17:04 or arguing or whatever. - [Jon] Exactly.
17:06 - The people are very sensitive--
17:08 - Yeah. - That they're gonna see it.
17:09 - Yeah, in Thailand,
17:10 we don't need to convince people
17:11 that they're unseen spirits. - No.
17:14 - You know, here in America,
17:15 we do. - They know.
17:16 - But they know.
17:17 Some missionaries go over and they have the truth,
17:23 but they're kind of grumpy or they are not very friendly,
17:28 or they're critical. - [Natalie] Right.
17:28 - Things like that,
17:29 and it turns people off. - Right.
17:31 - So we told them,
17:32 "Your main job is
17:33 to connect with God." - [Natalie] Right.
17:35 - "Stay connected with God
17:37 and make that your main focus of your time there."
17:40 And so we saw God work in that city,
17:42 and then we saw him do the same thing
17:44 in another city. - Right.
17:45 - And we see him doing the same thing
17:47 in a third city-- - Right.
17:48 - As a result of this prayer walks.
17:50 And so we started saying,
17:51 "Where else can we go?" - Right.
17:53 - And so a missionary that lives there
17:56 from South Africa told us about a district in Bangkok
17:59 in which there's no Adventist Church,
18:01 and there may be no church of any denomination,
18:04 and it's Bang Khun Thian.
18:06 - [Natalie] Right. - Okay.
18:07 180,000 people, so not a big place.
18:10 - No, not a big place.
18:14 - And so recently, we organized a prayer walk
18:17 in that district. - Right.
18:19 So, what we've started doing with these prayer walks is
18:22 we invite people to join by video conference.
18:24 We set a time that works over there as well as over here.
18:28 And then as we have representatives
18:30 on the ground over there walking through the city,
18:32 some of them are on the video conference call.
18:36 And then the people that are
18:37 on the video conference call from over here,
18:40 can see where we're passing.
18:42 They see the people driving
18:43 by the people walking down the street,
18:45 whatever they're doing-- - Yeah.
18:46 - Wherever they are in the city,
18:48 they see those things
18:49 and then people can pray-- - [Jon] Yes.
18:51 - Along with wherever they are.
18:53 I mean, like in Nakhon Sawan when
18:56 we did the prayer walk there, we saw the giant dragon.
18:59 You know, we went through a park
19:01 and we saw person after person after person,
19:03 they're exercising and it's like,
19:04 well, you know, we don't know their circumstances.
19:06 - [Jon] Right.
19:07 - But God has known them from birth.
19:08 - Yeah. - And his delight is
19:10 for him to pour his spirit out in their lives,
19:12 for him to send the angels to touch them, you know.
19:15 This is God's delight. - Yes.
19:16 - And so people from over here really love it
19:19 because we see what
19:20 we're praying for. - [Jon] Yeah.
19:21 - It's not so disconnected.
19:23 - This prayer walk lasted a little over an hour
19:25 as we went on a course
19:27 throughout the district. - Right.
19:29 - And we saw different people
19:30 and people from America were praying.
19:33 I had the little AirPod thing in my ear.
19:35 I was listening and I was talking and I was showing,
19:38 and it was just, it was a powerful time,
19:40 really powerful time.
19:41 And we've got some video from it.
19:43 - So, let's play that now. - Okay.
19:46 Go ahead and let's begin and pray.
19:47 And let's not be afraid,
19:49 but just have faith in the word of God
19:51 and what he's gonna be doing today.
19:53 - [Man] Father God in heaven, we pray,
19:55 especially, for this is new ground,
19:57 fertile soil that has not yet been toiled,
20:00 that has not yet had seeds scattered.
20:02 And I pray that whoever you send, Father,
20:06 that you give them the armor of God,
20:08 that they have the constant hope of salvation before them.
20:10 The shield of faith, the sword of the spirit,
20:13 and above all, a breastplate of righteousness and love
20:16 in Jesus name and his blood, amen.
20:19 - [Female] Heavenly Father,
20:21 we just want to lift up these people to you
20:23 because they are yours by creation and redemption.
20:27 You shed your blood for them.
20:29 And Lord, we ask for their salvation, Lord,
20:32 that you would save them.
20:34 Lord, you have forgiven them their sins,
20:36 but they don't know it.
20:38 So, Lord, we ask that you would give them opportunities,
20:40 help them be searching,
20:42 help them to be dissatisfied with the way life is.
20:45 Help them to experience your love.
20:48 They don't know you,
20:49 and Lord, so I just ask
20:50 that you would reveal yourself to them,
20:52 and that you would work on them
20:54 so that they would not give up.
20:56 They would not stop searching
20:58 for you until they have found you.
21:00 - [Jon] Amen.
21:01 - [Female] I'm praying for this city.
21:03 I am praying for the rulers.
21:05 I'm praying for the mayors.
21:07 I am praying for the children.
21:09 I am praying for each and every one of the people
21:12 that are in this city.
21:14 Please, Lord, may you save them.
21:16 May you send someone that is willing to walk under you,
21:20 to be here, to tell them about Jesus Christ,
21:23 to tell them about your love,
21:25 to tell them that you are the creator,
21:27 to tell them that you can solve all their problems.
21:31 Please, Lord, you say,
21:33 "If we ask anything according thy will,
21:35 oh Lord, that you will do it."
21:37 Your will is that these people might be saved
21:40 in Jesus name, amen.
21:42 - [Man] Amen, amen.
21:44 Please send those who go who will be inhabited by you
21:47 and by your Holy Spirit, Father,
21:49 we ask in Jesus name. - [Female] Amen.
21:53 - [Female] Father God in heaven,
21:54 we do pray and ask that you will send laborers
21:59 into this part of the vineyard.
22:01 We ask that Father that you will equip the laborers
22:06 and fill them with the Holy Spirit
22:09 to be led by you in sharing the gospel,
22:13 and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.
22:17 Father, we pray that hearts will be open
22:21 to receive the message from the laborers that you will send,
22:28 and that they will submit and surrender their hearts
22:32 to you wholeheartedly.
22:35 Help them to resist the idols that are before them,
22:39 and that Satan will flee from them
22:42 as they continue to hear the good news of salvation.
22:47 So remember each one in a special way, Father,
22:50 please hear our cry in Jesus' name, amen.
22:55 - [Man] I claim the promise you say,
22:57 "Not by might, nor by power,
22:58 but by spirit, saith the Lord," amen.
23:03 - [Jon] Amen.
23:04 - [Man] Father, I want to lift up second Peter 3:9.
23:07 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise
23:11 as some men count slackness,
23:12 but he's long-suffering to us for not willing
23:15 that any should perish,
23:17 but that all should come to repentance."
23:19 This is you, Lord.
23:20 This is who you are.
23:22 And John 3:17, "For God sent not His Son
23:27 into the world to condemn the world."
23:29 Lord, you shed your blood,
23:31 so that the world through him might be saved.
23:34 - [Man] Yes. - [Man] In Jesus name, amen.
23:37 - [Man] Amen.
23:38 - [Both] Amen. - [Man] Amen.
23:41 - [Man] I would like to claim Joshua 1:3.
23:44 "Wherever you will step the sole of your foot,
23:49 I have already given unto you."
23:51 We've put our foot on Bang Khun Thian,
23:54 Father, we claim these people for your kingdom.
23:59 - We just finished doing a prayer walk here
24:01 in Bang Khun Thian and it was really amazing.
24:07 I could hear that people were being moved
24:08 by what they were seeing.
24:10 And that's the power of these kind of prayer walks is,
24:14 you know, it's one thing to pray
24:16 for the people on the other side of the ocean,
24:18 but when you see them, that's real life.
24:21 When we're sitting in our homes in America,
24:25 it's really hard to imagine what that's really like.
24:28 But when you see it,
24:29 it puts a burden on your heart for those people
24:32 that you wouldn't have any other way.
24:34 - It just makes me think of the beautiful people over there.
24:36 - Yeah. - You know,
24:38 we've had the privilege of interacting with Adventists,
24:41 with Christians, and with Buddhists there as well as animus.
24:45 And it's like, God loves every single one of them.
24:48 - Yeah.
24:50 - And your heart just goes out and you're like,
24:51 "What will eternity be like without them there?"
24:54 I'm sorry, but I don't want that.
24:55 - [Jon] Yeah, I don't either.
24:57 - I want them to know this place where there's no sin,
25:00 there's no dirty water, there's no health problems,
25:03 there's no cancer,
25:06 there's no endless merit building,
25:09 there's no endless lives of just, you know,
25:13 you don't know what you're gonna come back as next
25:15 and you won't remember it anyway.
25:18 It's just this endless cycle of nothingness.
25:21 - Endless cycle of pain.
25:23 - I don't know how to put it
25:25 so that we really understand it,
25:26 but I just, that's too sad.
25:30 - [Jon] Yeah. - And God loves these people.
25:32 - [Jon] Yeah. - God loves them
25:33 and he gives us an opportunity
25:34 to love them too. - Yeah.
25:36 - We have a family in Sukhothai.
25:38 We have a couple in Nakhon Sawan.
25:41 We have a family preparing to go to Kantharalak,
25:43 and in Bang Khun Thian,
25:45 God is calling someone. Yes.
25:47 - And we don't know who they are yet,
25:49 maybe they don't know who they are yet,
25:50 but God is calling someone. - [Jon] Yeah.
25:52 - Maybe it's a couple, maybe it's a family,
25:55 someone God is calling
25:57 to go there. - Yeah.
25:58 - To make a difference
25:59 in that area. - Yeah.
26:00 - And I'm looking forward
26:02 to God answering our prayers. - Yeah.
26:04 Well, this is where we can all partner together,
26:07 is most of us cannot go. - Right.
26:10 - But we can definitely pray. - [Natalie] Right.
26:12 - And this is what's so beautiful is
26:14 that now we know a name,
26:16 we know a name of a place-- - Right.
26:18 - In which there is no representative
26:20 of the three angels' message. - Right.
26:22 - And we can join and pray knowing
26:24 that our prayers are the most powerful thing.
26:27 - Right, and we've seen some
26:28 of their faces. - [Jon] Yes.
26:29 - We know what some of them look like.
26:31 We don't know their names. - Yeah.
26:32 - We've seen a little glimpse
26:34 of their daily life. - [Jon] Yeah.
26:35 - You know, how they get around
26:36 or you know-- - Yep, like the little baby,
26:39 all those people kneeling in front of the priest.
26:41 - Right. - You know, those people,
26:42 Jesus knows them.
26:44 We don't know them. - The lady with the blind son
26:46 that was picking up bottles. - Yeah.
26:47 But Jesus walks with them every single day.
26:51 He knows them intimately and he's working with them.
26:53 His spirit is calling them. - Right.
26:55 - Well, I had a friend that became a Christian
26:58 in her 20s. - Right, in Thailand.
27:00 - And she said, "Man, when I got to know God,
27:05 I recognized this is the man,
27:07 this is the being, this is the one
27:09 who has been working with me since I was a child.
27:12 I recognize some force out there calling me to good,
27:16 but I didn't know who he was, and now I know who he is,
27:19 and he's filling me and he just makes me so happy.
27:22 - Yeah, yeah. - God's there working.
27:24 - Yep. - But he needs people
27:26 to be his conduits-- - [Natalie] Right.
27:27 - From heaven to earth. - Yeah.
27:30 I would like to invite you to pray for Bang Khun Thian.
27:33 this unentered area in Bangkok,
27:36 and there are many other places as well.
27:39 Please pray for the right person or people
27:42 to step forward to answer the call to these places.
27:45 And if you would like to be involved in other ways,
27:47 please contact us at Jesus for Asia, PO Box 1221,
27:53 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321,
28:00 or visit our website at
28:04 May God richly bless you until we see you next time
28:07 on Jesus for Asia Now.
28:09 (gentle music)


Revised 2023-01-10