Jesus 4 Asia Now

The Impact Part 2 of 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: JFAN

Program Code: JFAN000155S

00:00 (uplifting music)
00:22 - Hello and welcome to Jesus for Asia Now.
00:24 I'm Natalie Wood and my husband Jon is here with me today.
00:28 Hello, love.
00:28 - Hi darling, how are you?
00:30 - I'm doing well.
00:31 I'm really excited about this
00:33 because this is a continuation of the story of the church
00:37 that is sponsoring Bible workers in India.
00:39 - Right, yeah, that's really cool how they got together
00:42 and decided as a board that they wanted to sponsor
00:45 10 Bible workers in India.
00:47 And so it's the story of how a church in Tennessee
00:50 can make an impact on the other side of the planet.
00:52 - Yup.
00:53 This church decided to do this at a time
00:56 when they were gonna be building a new church facility.
01:00 - Yeah, they were meeting in a tent.
01:01 - Right, right.
01:03 We remember that well.
01:05 - Yeah, we were there.
01:06 - Yeah, because this is our home church.
01:09 - Yes, yes,
01:10 - So the church facility that was going to be built
01:13 was not cheap.
01:14 - [Jon] No.
01:16 - And so it was like a big financial hurdle coming up.
01:20 And yet, the church board voted to sponsor
01:22 Bible workers in India, 10 of them.
01:26 So that they could be helping
01:29 on the other side of the world during this time.
01:30 So it's just a interesting neat relationship
01:34 and how the church made that choice
01:37 even at a time when they knew
01:38 financial challenge was coming.
01:41 And they went by faith and started sponsoring.
01:44 - So in the last show,
01:45 we kinda left it off as they decided to do this,
01:48 we got to see some of the results.
01:50 But what happened to the church?
01:53 Were they able to build a new facility?
01:55 Did they go bankrupt?
01:56 Did God bless?
01:57 How did that work?
01:59 And that's what we're gonna be finding out this show.
02:01 - Right, but before we get to that part of the story,
02:05 let's meet some more of the Bible workers
02:06 they're sponsoring.
02:08 (gentle music)
02:16 - My mother passed away when I was doing sixth grade.
02:19 It was my father who took care of me and my three sisters.
02:23 We were very strong Hindus.
02:26 I used to worship idols.
02:29 I did not know about Jesus.
02:31 I even used to go to Palani Temple
02:33 which is a famous Hindu temple.
02:36 I used to go on pilgrimage, walking from my house to Palani.
02:42 I used to lead a group.
02:43 And that was a time my father met
02:45 with an accident and he passed away.
02:50 I was completely broken.
02:52 My father was friendly with a pastor.
02:55 His name is Meshak.
02:57 And he used to come to our house
03:00 not very often, but sometimes.
03:03 And after my father's death, he started teaching me
03:07 about Jesus Christ because I was in a big depression.
03:11 (gentle music)
03:16 This Pastor Meshak took me
03:17 to the nearby seventh three Adventist Church.
03:20 The pastor who was there took care of me
03:24 and particularly in that church, I like so much
03:26 is that every Sabbath after the lunch, they would go
03:33 for outreach, meeting people and praying for them.
03:35 They would go to new villages.
03:38 And they even encouraged me, "You also come join."
03:41 But that time, I was not baptized.
03:44 But we used to go.
03:45 I used to join with them.
03:46 And the first time when they asked me to pray,
03:49 I was hesitating because I never ever prayed before.
03:52 But the same night when I went to home, I knelt
03:55 and I prayed to the Lord,
03:56 "Lord, please teach me how to pray."
03:59 That was how I was slowly learning each and everything.
04:03 And then the next week when we went for outreach,
04:06 they asked me to pray and I started praying.
04:08 I really liked the church so much.
04:11 And in the year 2015, October 24,
04:15 I gave my life to Jesus Christ
04:17 and I took baptism in the same church.
04:24 There was one old man in my church called Nayana Desigan.
04:29 He used to take me
04:30 to wherever he goes for visiting, to do God's work.
04:34 Many places he has taken me.
04:36 And he also takes me to funerals.
04:39 He taught me how to do these things
04:41 and he taught me so many truths from the Bible.
04:45 During that time, the church was so supportive.
04:48 And I told that to old man, "I don't have anyone."
04:52 And during that time, there was a transfer
04:54 for the pastor, Pastor Sauria.
04:56 He came as a pastor here, and he introduced me
05:00 to my wife, who was then working in the school as a teacher.
05:04 They're also looking for a nice man, godly man.
05:08 And that family is a godly family.
05:10 So they were talking about it.
05:12 It took nearly six months of time.
05:14 And then finally 2017, he married Sister Joy.
05:19 (gentle music)
05:28 - I think it's neat because the pastor was there
05:30 when he was in sorrow over his father's passing
05:33 and could share with him.
05:35 And the church just brought him in and drew him in
05:41 into helping with outreach
05:42 and he was converted as a result of the church
05:45 just working and helping him and...
05:48 - Yeah, and that he liked doing the outreach
05:51 right off the bat.
05:52 I think that's a really good example
05:55 to involve new believers with outreach
05:57 to give them a chance to share what they're learning.
06:00 - Right.
06:01 That, and it was also neat how he would say,
06:03 "Lord teach me how to pray and different things."
06:06 The Lord was teaching him everything.
06:09 - Yeah, that's really beautiful.
06:10 - Sometimes, our testimonies are just like, we live them.
06:14 So we don't say them out loud.
06:17 And so other people don't necessarily know
06:20 what our testimony is.
06:21 And sometimes, it's very simple.
06:24 But other times, it's major.
06:26 I mean, he came out of Hinduism.
06:28 He was walking back and forth to Palani, that temple
06:31 worshiping the idols there and-
06:33 - We did a show on Palani.
06:35 Yeah, we did a show in Palani back in 2004.
06:37 It's a major temple city.
06:40 - Yes.
06:40 So we have another video.
06:42 So let's watch that one next.
06:44 - Okay.
06:45 (gentle music)
06:56 (speaker speaking in foreign language)
07:00 - [Translator] I was introduced to this Kumar,
07:03 who's a Hindu priest.
07:04 He was the in charge for the whole temple.
07:07 And when they went to his house,
07:10 he invited few of the neighborhood people also for prayer.
07:14 But there were people who started questioning,
07:17 "You being the Hindu priest,
07:20 how can you have prayer in your house?
07:23 How can you entertain other religion?
07:25 And that to a Christian religion, it is not good.
07:29 But I was surprised to see this man.
07:31 He said, "It is my business.
07:33 You don't mind my business.
07:34 You mind your own business."
07:36 When he started listening to the message from the Bible,
07:39 God really touched his heart.
07:42 (uplifting music)
07:47 The Hindu priest asked us,
07:49 "Can you please pray for my brother?
07:51 I tried everything what I can
07:53 but nothing is being answered."
07:55 He was really mentally disturbed
07:58 and he was possessed by devil.
08:00 And that time, this Gopi was admitted
08:03 in rehabilitation center
08:07 so that he can recover from these mental issues.
08:10 But he was getting worse.
08:12 And when I went to visit him in the hospital,
08:15 he has so many threads tied on his fist
08:21 and on his hips, and even on his neck.
08:24 And he's having this lemon in his pocket
08:27 and some ashes and other things in his pocket.
08:31 And when we went and told Gopi to pray, read Bible
08:35 he said, "No, I don't want to do it.
08:37 I won't pray. I won't read Bible.
08:39 And you just leave me alone."
08:41 As we were talking to him in the hospital, the next patient,
08:45 she said, "Can you please pray for my son who's very sick?"
08:49 And we went and prayed for him.
08:51 When we came back, this Gopi started asking us,
08:55 "I had a lemon in my pocket, and that is missing now.
08:59 You are the one who took it.
09:01 And all the other things which I had in my pocket,
09:03 you took it, you give it to me right now.
09:05 I know you took it."
09:07 But we didn't take it.
09:09 And then even though he didn't like us to pray for him
09:12 but we prayed for him and we left a Bible
09:15 with his mother and came from that hospital that day.
09:20 And after two weeks, he was discharged
09:22 from the hospital and his mother called us.
09:25 She said, "We have brought Gopi home.
09:27 He's with us now.
09:29 Can you please come to my home
09:30 and have a fasting and prayer, especially for my son?"
09:34 So we organized a prayer and we went.
09:37 We went to his house for prayer.
09:40 And also a few church member joined us.
09:43 When we went, we gave the Bible
09:45 and asked this Gopi to read Psalms 23.
09:48 But he never read.
09:50 And the pastor understood that all the ropes
09:53 and all those things which he was having
09:56 on his fist and his hip
09:58 and on in his neck, pastor said, "We need to cut them.
10:02 Then only he will be completely delivered
10:05 from the he will perception."
10:07 So she brought the scissors and they cut everything.
10:11 And after that, Gopi was able to read the Bible
10:17 and pray with them that day.
10:18 (uplifting music)
10:22 The following week, Gopi's mother decided to take baptism.
10:29 She and her younger son, but Gopi refused to do that.
10:33 So we started singing song, we started praising God
10:37 so that the devil will leave him alone.
10:41 But still, Gopi was refusing.
10:43 Then the pastor saw they was one rope on his fist
10:48 which was still there.
10:49 So pastor said, we need to cut that,
10:52 that Satan need to flee from him.
10:54 So when they brought the scissors
10:56 and they when they cut and threw the thread from his hand,
11:02 he was touched by the Holy Spirit.
11:03 Then Gopi said, "Yes, I will take baptism."
11:07 He came inside the tank and he was baptized that day.
11:11 He accepted Jesus Christ.
11:13 He was completely cured from the devil position.
11:17 And he could not even complete his 10th grade.
11:20 But after he accepted Jesus Christ,
11:23 God helped him to do his studies well.
11:26 He passed his board exams.
11:29 And now, right now, he's studying
11:32 in a college in the IT field.
11:35 When Gopi was baptized, pastor gave him a new name.
11:41 He was called Daniel.
11:42 Now, Sister Joy requests
11:44 that you would please pray for this Daniel,
11:47 so that he will be a true Daniel
11:50 like the Daniel in the Bible.
11:51 (uplifting music)
11:59 - That seems to be a theme
12:00 in these videos where people get delivered
12:02 and they end up with a smile on their face.
12:05 - Yup, and it's beautiful.
12:06 - Yes, it is.
12:06 That's what Jesus does.
12:08 - Right, Right.
12:09 That's an amazing story.
12:10 - I know.
12:12 - All the things that that poor young man had to go through.
12:14 - And you know, that's a specialty that Satan has
12:17 in blinding the eyes of those that he likes to control.
12:21 We have a story of a man that wanted to become a Christian
12:25 and he got a Bible from a Christian
12:27 but there were no words on the pages.
12:29 They were all blank.
12:30 And so he went back
12:31 to the Christian says, "This Bible's broken.
12:33 There's no words on the page."
12:34 And the Christian says, "Oh, Satan's blinding your eyes.
12:38 Pray this prayer."
12:39 So he went home and he prayed that prayer
12:41 and then he could see all the words on the page.
12:43 This is what Satan can do.
12:45 Right, right. - Powerful.
12:47 - But God is stronger. - He is stronger.
12:50 - And he specializes in delivering captives.
12:52 - Yes.
12:53 - Well, we've got another video.
12:55 (gentle music)
13:02 (speaker speaking in foreign language)
13:05 - I'm taking care of two churches
13:07 and we don't have churches there
13:09 but these are the new areas we have entered into.
13:13 And by the grace of God,
13:14 now we have a small gathering there right now.
13:18 (speaker speaking in foreign language)
13:22 As we were praying door to door,
13:25 the people nearby, they told us
13:27 there is one more family or a Christian family,
13:30 "You please go pray for them.
13:32 They need prayer."
13:33 That is how I was led to this house.
13:36 She told me, "My sister's son, three times,
13:38 he met with accident, but somehow, two times, he's saved.
13:42 But this time again, he met with an accident
13:45 and he got hit on his head, and his head is injured.
13:50 Now he's not able to move.
13:51 He's in coma stage.
13:53 Would you please go pray for him?"
13:55 That we went, we met this Raja
13:58 and we started praying for him.
14:00 (speaker speaking in foreign language)
14:02 So this Raja, when I went
14:04 and when I saw since he had this major accident
14:08 and his skull was majorly injured, he lost his memory
14:15 and he could not even stand for a while or sit for a while.
14:19 And when he asked him, "Can I pray for you?"
14:21 He said, "Yes, you can pray for me."
14:24 So he and his wife started regularly going
14:28 and praying for them.
14:29 When they are not going, they would call them
14:31 over the phone and pray with them every day.
14:35 And their main aim was to make this man a living witness
14:41 among his relatives.
14:43 So they were praying very earnestly to the Lord.
14:46 And what happened one day when they went to pray for him,
14:50 he was very sick and he told his wife
14:54 that you should get oil and keep it.
14:58 It is not the oil which is going to cure him
15:01 but it is Jesus Christ.
15:03 You should have faith on Jesus Christ.
15:06 So that lady helped her husband
15:10 in applying the oil from head to toe.
15:13 When they started doing this anointing prayer,
15:16 they could see that improvement in his health.
15:20 He was getting better.
15:23 And also, God blessed him
15:25 in such a way that when we went to his house,
15:28 he himself would stand up and he would welcome them.
15:31 "Yes, please, come inside.
15:33 After Raja started walking, doing things on his own,
15:37 when we go for prayer
15:38 he used to bring all the neighborhood people
15:41 to come and sit.
15:43 Mostly his wife, his father, and all his relatives.
15:47 It's a small house, but used to gather them all.
15:50 And he and his wife used to teach them
15:52 about Bible and pray with them.
15:55 (uplifting music)
15:58 My only aim is that that village where Raja is now,
16:04 we pray that the whole village will be saved.
16:07 The whole village will know Jesus Christ.
16:10 And now God is opening doors there
16:13 through this person called Raja.
16:16 And we are praying that God will heal him completely.
16:19 Please pray for that village and for Raja's family
16:23 so that they'll accept Jesus Christ
16:26 and take baptism very soon.
16:29 Thank you.
16:29 Thank you, bye.
16:31 (gentle music)
16:38 - Isn't that beautiful?
16:39 - Yeah.
16:41 How God can change even the worst outlook.
16:45 He was in a coma, major skull damage there.
16:49 I mean, and he was in a coma and everything
16:51 and God has shown him himself.
16:55 And now he's bringing others.
16:56 That's awesome.
16:57 - [Jon] And the circle keeps widening.
16:59 - Yes.
17:00 - So a church sponsors a Bible worker.
17:02 He goes to a village, starts to grow.
17:05 Another person accepts Jesus.
17:06 They become kind of like doing the work of a Bible worker.
17:10 A missionary.
17:11 And it keeps growing and keeps widening and keeps widening.
17:14 I think we need thousands more Bible workers.
17:18 - Yes, we do. (chuckles)
17:20 Yes we do.
17:21 Well, we have one more testimony video from that area.
17:25 (gentle music)
17:34 (wife speaking in foreign language)
17:37 - Herself and her husband, they had a wonderful job
17:41 and they were planning to develop their business.
17:45 So they bought a truck.
17:47 They started building the house
17:48 but the house was incomplete.
17:51 And all of a sudden, they lost everything.
17:53 The job went down and their money really stopped completely.
17:58 The house which they started constructing,
18:01 they could not complete the construction.
18:04 It stopped altogether.
18:06 And that was the time I was really worried.
18:09 And I started going to all the temples
18:12 because I'm a Hindu and my whole family is a Hindu believer.
18:17 We went to many temples
18:18 but none of the idols answered our prayers.
18:22 And that was a time Sister Joy
18:24 and Pastor Zechariah came and met me.
18:28 I was in a very big problem that time,
18:30 mentally, physically, and spiritually.
18:34 It was so painful because I didn't have money.
18:36 I couldn't build my house.
18:37 There were so many debts.
18:39 My husband borrowed a lot of money from others
18:42 and everyone was just pressurizing me.
18:45 That was the time I decided that I should die, kill myself.
18:50 We wanted to die together
18:52 because we could not bear this pain.
18:54 And finally, one day,
18:56 Sister Joy called her and asked her, "How are you?
18:58 It has been quite a long time.
19:01 How is your health?"
19:02 Then immediately, Sister Joy and Brother Zechariah,
19:05 they both took the bike and came here
19:08 and met them and they started praying with them.
19:10 And then she told them,
19:13 "You please, you need to pray for me.
19:14 I'm going to commit a sin.
19:16 I'm going to kill myself and my husband."
19:19 They both went and bought the poison from the shop
19:23 and they kept it ready.
19:24 Anytime if there is a gap,
19:26 they wanted to eat and drink and kill themself.
19:29 Then when they shared with the Bible workers,
19:32 they told them, "You please bring it.
19:35 You should not have it with you.
19:36 How did you take this decision?
19:39 You have a Jesus who's alive.
19:41 How did you take this decision?
19:43 Give it to us.
19:44 We are not going to leave you like this."
19:46 Then she told them, "If you take this,
19:49 we will buy it again."
19:51 They said, "No, please don't do."
19:53 That night, till eight o'clock in the night,
19:55 they all together, four of them knelt down
19:58 and they started praying tearfully.
20:00 They prayed that God will take the thing
20:03 out from their mind to kill themselves.
20:06 And they took the poison and they went after going home,
20:10 they called up them over the phone,
20:12 and they started praying over the phone, encouraging them
20:15 and telling them not to commit this kind of a thing.
20:19 (gentle music)
20:22 Now, God has given them the peace.
20:24 Their house, where they're staying is a mud house.
20:27 They don't have even floor.
20:28 It's a very small, tiny house with mud.
20:31 This new house is given by their father-in-law.
20:36 This was donated for him, and he has donated this house now.
20:40 As they are praying, as they're coming close to God,
20:43 God is one after the other, and answering their prayers.
20:47 And regarding their house, the man who gave loan,
20:51 he filed a case on them and their own advocate said,
20:57 "You have signed in all the papers.
20:58 If you don't pay the loan,
21:00 your house is going to be on auction."
21:03 And they came and stick the auction,
21:06 the warning paper on our house.
21:08 And we didn't know what to do.
21:10 We called Sister Joy, the JFA worker
21:13 and we told her the problem.
21:15 Again, we knelt and we prayed to God
21:17 and God answered the prayer.
21:20 When we went to the court, even our own advocate, he said
21:23 "We cannot win the case."
21:24 But when they went to the court, the judge there,
21:28 he gave gave a verdict, which was surprise,
21:31 which was an answer for our prayers.
21:33 The judge said, "No, you cannot take their land.
21:37 You cannot put the land for auction.
21:39 Where will they go live?
21:41 They have children, they have a family."
21:43 And the judge said,
21:45 "We will give five month time to pay the loan."
21:51 And judge said, "You cannot put the house on option."
21:53 So now God even saved their land from being put in auction
21:59 and we thank the Lord for that.
22:02 (gentle music)
22:09 - Isn't that beautiful how God works?
22:11 - Yes.
22:12 - It's his kindness that leads to repentance.
22:14 So God is kind to these people,
22:16 they recognize it and they follow him.
22:18 - Right, and they come to him with all of their problems.
22:21 Financial problems, family problems, health problems.
22:25 - We haven't finished with the story of the church.
22:27 What happened to the church in Tennessee.
22:28 - Right.
22:29 You wanna share that?
22:31 - Sure.
22:32 So they were in a tent and they were getting ready to build.
22:35 It was gonna be an expensive project,
22:38 but in spite of the fact that they were spending money
22:41 on the overseas foreign missions, they had pledges
22:45 and donations for the full amount
22:47 of the building before they started to build.
22:49 - Yes, so God really blessed.
22:51 - That is a miracle.
22:53 - It was very fast too.
22:55 For that large of a project, it was very quick
22:57 that all the donations and pledges came.
22:59 - Yeah.
23:00 And so now the church is standing
23:02 and it's full and there's a lot more people coming,
23:07 new people visiting every Sabbath
23:09 and it's just a beautiful thing to see.
23:12 - And they're using it for health ministry
23:14 and other types of ministry.
23:16 - A lot of community outreach.
23:18 And it's just a beautiful thing.
23:20 And it's a visual picture
23:21 of how when you put God's kingdom first,
23:24 he takes care of you.
23:25 - Right.
23:26 Many times, we think it's a competition
23:29 between the local church budget
23:31 and the foreign mission field.
23:32 But it's not intended to be that way.
23:35 God doesn't intend it to be that way.
23:37 - In fact, just the opposite.
23:39 - Right, and there's a quote from Mrs. White
23:41 that we'd like to share at this time.
23:44 "The home missionary work will be farther advanced
23:47 in every way when a more liberal, self-denying,
23:51 self-sacrificing spirit is manifested for the prosperity
23:55 of foreign missions, for the prosperity of the home work
23:59 depends largely under God, upon the reflex influence
24:04 of the evangelical work done in countries of far off.
24:08 It is in working actively to supply the necessities
24:12 of the cause of God that we bring our souls
24:15 in touch with the source of all power."
24:19 - Wow. - Yeah.
24:21 So foreign missions and local church budget
24:23 are not in competition.
24:25 - No, it's a cooperative combined effort.
24:28 That pushes the gospel forward in both areas.
24:30 - Right, exactly.
24:33 - Well, it's been our privilege to share these stories
24:36 in writing with the church that's sponsoring them.
24:39 But now we have video so we can share,
24:42 I'm looking forward to sharing the videos with the church.
24:45 - Yeah, and I think they're gonna be really pleased
24:48 because they've been putting the money in by faith
24:52 that the Lord would use that
24:54 and now, they can start to see the fruit.
24:56 - Right.
24:58 'Cause sometimes, when we give to foreign missions
25:00 this is one of the hardest things.
25:02 We give it, and we don't personally see
25:04 the results many times.
25:06 And so it's like we're just casting our bread
25:09 upon the waters, so to speak, as the Bible puts it.
25:12 And sometimes, we get to find out
25:15 what happens with it, and sometimes, we don't.
25:18 - It's all by faith.
25:19 Now this is a new area
25:21 that they sent these Bible workers into.
25:23 So there was no work started there.
25:25 So that takes the extra time
25:28 to find the inroads, to find the open doors.
25:31 And so it takes more time to get that going
25:33 but after a few years you can see,
25:37 "Wow, this was really worth it."
25:38 - Right.
25:39 And it's so neat, the influence
25:41 of the two together, the husband and wife,
25:45 when when he first came into the church,
25:47 he was a single man and he was like, "I'm all alone."
25:51 And then they found each other
25:53 and the Lord is using them together so powerfully.
25:57 It's just so neat.
25:59 - There's still so many towns and villages
26:01 in India that have never heard the gospel
26:04 from any denomination.
26:06 They say 400,000 towns and villages
26:11 still have not heard the gospel.
26:14 And so there's still opportunities for this generation
26:17 for us to really get involved, to really make a difference.
26:21 And I think other churches could do the same thing.
26:25 - Yup, and it's not that hard.
26:27 And it's really not that expensive.
26:30 - No.
26:31 $100 a month will supply the basic necessities
26:34 for a Bible worker.
26:35 Full-time Bible worker.
26:36 And so a church can say,
26:39 "Oh we'd like to sponsor five."
26:41 Or, "We'd like to sponsor 10."
26:42 Or, "We'd like to sponsor 20."
26:44 And we can find a special area in India
26:47 that we can say, "Okay, this is your church's area."
26:51 And send them out, send the Bible workers out into that area
26:54 and keep watering those seeds and see what happens.
26:58 - Yeah, yeah.
26:59 It's especially neat because the local church
27:01 is praying also for those workers
27:03 and for the people they're reaching out to.
27:05 So that extends the reach
27:07 and the ministry of those Bible workers even farther
27:10 because God's holy angels go with them then
27:13 as a result of all the prayers.
27:14 - And the prayers go the other way too.
27:16 Because the Bible workers pray.
27:19 - For the church. - For the church, yes.
27:21 And so it's a reciprocal
27:22 and the end result is more souls won for Christ
27:27 - Everywhere.
27:28 - Everywhere, both sides of the planet.
27:29 - Yup. - Yes.
27:31 - I would like to invite you to pray for these people
27:35 and consider whether your church would like to sponsor
27:38 Bible workers in India or other countries in Asia
27:41 or whether you'd like to personally sponsor some.
27:44 If you would like more information, you can contact us
27:47 at Jesus for Asia PO Box 1221,
27:51 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315.
27:55 Call us at (423) 413-7321
27:59 or visit our website at
28:03 May God richly bless you.
28:05 Until we see you next time on Jesus for Asia now.
28:09 (uplifting music)


Revised 2023-08-01